FIII THE PENSACOLA TOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 17 1909 rHE MISSION FESTIVAL ENDS SERIES OF ENTERTAINMENTS EX TENDED OVER A PERIOD OF FIVE DAYS ENDING IN DE LIGHTFUL PROGRAM SATUR- DAY ¬ r The five days of the festival it closed not to be started again for a year and the verdict of those who at ¬ tended is that It was the best series of entertainments that has ever been put up in the city especially the pro gram of Saturday A large audience greeted the nav yard orchestra conducted by P P Ehlers yesterday afternoon and from the first to the last number a highlj appreciative audience was entertained- with the sweet music and nothing would satisfy the audience by encores to nearly every piece The evening concert was magnifi ¬ cent Just ask those who were there starting out with a piano solo by Miss Ruth Coons and songs by Margaret Hansen Miss Margaret Maclay and Ernest Pourtless Mrs Gibson gave some of her inimitable recitations encored time and time again anti then a request that she give another- in the second part of the program Intermission was enjoyed by view- ing ¬ the Mission house and grounds and joining in the several outside en ¬ tertainments The second part of the program consisted of a piano solo by iMlste Friedman song by Mrs Reese recitation by cute pretty little Miss Gibson and the wind up from Mr Brown in coon songs made up and dressed in a magnificent silk costume This was encored over and over again until the signal was given for the Mission chorus to sing America- and so ended the series of concerts The public may want to know If the festival has been a success The answer is yes and no It has not been patronized as it ought to have been apart from the charitable and worthy object it had in view the con- certs ¬ given and a view of the grounds- and work was worth more than the ten cents charged for admittance and it is a pity that so few comparatively of the citizens and their families have- n t taken advantage of the oppor- tunity ¬ offered to visit what promises- to be one of the most important In- stitutions ¬ of the city To those who have attended nothing but enthusiasm- and surprise has been expressed at the wonderful changes made and one of the prettiest sights ever seen was the evening illumination This park is purposed as a resort for play and amusement and already the boys and girls are taking advantage of it and one night during this last week peo- ple in the neighborhood could hear the shouts and laughter of the boys and girls who were playing the bovs on one side of the central board walk and the girls on the other It will now be leveled and Mr Campbell of the Plaza who has taken great in- terest ¬ In It and will assist in making this the greenest of all parks thp Plaza not excepted This Is one of the methods used by the Mission to keep the boys and girls off the streets and when too cold or wet to play there are amusements In the reading and writing rooms and other games are allowed Night schobl commences Mondav All wishing to Join be on band at 730 and be registered Sunday will have the regular ser ¬ vices at 315 Bible school good pro ¬ gramme Is offered and in the evening Rev R W Simpson will preach as usual- If you want ° to hear an informal Mission service with good singing visit the Mission at 730 141 LOVE TO STEAL Ocala Banner- An amusing incident occurred at one of our downeast churches some years ago The clergyman gave out on a pleasant Sabbath afternoon in July I love to steal a while away From every cumbering care And spend the hour of setting day In humble grateful prayer The regular chorister being absent the duty devolved upon the good old deacon M who commenced I love to steal and then bagged downand raising his voice to a still higher pitcher lie sung I love to steal and as before he concluded he had got the wrong pitch and ° deploring- that he had not his pltchtuner he determined to succeed If he died in the attempt- By this time all the old ladies were tittering behind their fans while the faces of the young uns were all m a broad grin At length after a des ¬ perate cough he made a final demon ¬ stration and roared out- I love to steal This effort was too much every other but the godly and eccentric par ¬ son Tvaslaughing who arose and with the utmost coolness said Seeing our brothers propensities let us pray It Is needless to say that but few of that congregation heard the prayer REMAINS OF CAPT NUNEZ TO BE BURIED Remains of Pilot George Nunez wil be Interred thts ° afternoon at 3 oclock All PhysiciansM- ust prescribe some of the In- gredients ¬ that are contained In Hoods Sarsaparilla all trou ¬ bles of the blood stomach kid ¬ neys and liver They include sarsaparilla stillingia yellow dock gentian wild cherry bark mandrake dandelion juniper berries pi aissewa etc The combination and proportions art our own formula and give power to curt beyond the reach of any other prescrip ¬ tion or substitute Thats why it is wiDe to get Hoods and only Hoods 1 BLated And Sour StomachN- eed No Longer Be Endured By Suf ¬ ferers from Dyspepsia The stomach and intestines always contain even In health a smal uuount of gases They seem botl from a chemical and mechanical point of view to be essential to some ex ¬ tent at least to good digestion A great deal of common air Is swal ¬ lowed with the food and the remark ¬ able facility with which air bubbles- are formed in the saliva is referrable to this special purpose- It follows that oxygen and nitrogen- are natural to the stomach and It has been ascertained that nitrogen is greatly in excess of oxygen showing that even in the stomach this gas i ome way employed in the vital pro cesses But as gases are easily evolved by fermentation and decom- position of food in the stomach and intestines and as saccharine and other fermentable matters dissolved in liquids are present in the gastro- intestinal tube it results that its aeroform contents are much more complex than Is generally supposed When digestion Is perfectly healthy there can be no fermentation and flatulence but as soon as indigestion occurs carbonic acid gas and various other gases are freely formed in the stomach and bowels causing much discomfort- The remedies employed for the cure of flatulence may be classified as fol ¬ lows Those which prevent fermenta ¬ tion those which favor the expulsion- of gas and those which oxidize and absorb gases Of the remedies which possess the above properties char ¬ coal is the only one which has the power of preventing fermentation and decomposition of food and at the same time absorbing all excess gases- in the alimentary channel Medicines which expel gases from the stomach known as carminatives- are not to be compared with a remedy which absorbs the gases and prevents eructations or belching STUARTS CHARCOAL LOZENGES are now used by thousands of people who were formerly subject to fermenta- tion ¬ decomposition belching bad breath and rumbling noises in the in ¬ testinal system and from which dis ¬ agreeable symptoms through the use of these powerful absorbent lozenges complete relief has been obtained They are made of the finest willow wood treated by a special exclusive carbonizing process and when sweet ened with pure honey a medicinal product is obtained which is at once palatable and wonderfully effective in curing these complaints Purchase a box from your druggist at once for 50 cents and give them a fair trial the result will more than please you Send us your name and address and a free sample will be forwarded to you by return mail Address F A Stu art Co 200 Stuart Bldg Marshall1- Mich r i A Single Trial j by housewives of Pensacola- has proven to many of them I that The Empire Way is far better than the old fashioned washerwoman way Mon ¬ days wash dayphone 322 and let the Empire do the rest Empire LaundryWh- ere Linen Lasts W C MACKEY MgrP- hone 322 f8 t- at j St Johns cemetery Pallbearers were not selected at a late hour last night In respect to his memory fla s along the water front generally flut- tered ¬ at halfmast all day yesterday Capt Nunez was wellknown anI highly esteemed in Pensacola and Warrington He had been a pilot for the past twentysix years and his record in the association was excel ¬ lent He was a member of the Knights of Honor He was born at Monterey Calif fiftyeight years and nine months ago but had been a resi- dent ¬ of Pensacola for manv years He is survived by a wife three daughters and five sons DANCEe- very Monday night C K of A Hall Gents 35 cents ladies free O U Patent Leather Hats On sale tomorrow at Miss Herrimans for 98c Sexton Verger Sacristan lt is the same thing under differ ¬ ent names said Dr Harvey to Wi ¬ ley the governments food expert of some new food preservatives The same thing under different names Dr Wiley repeated qt re- minds ¬ me oCj the old caretaker of an Episcopal church This caretaker as he sat smoking- his pipe on a tomb in the cemetery dismissed as trivial certain changes- in the ritual toThe good old creed keeps the same for all said he Look at me here 1 used to be the janitor The new parson called me the sextant Dr Thirdly Rave me the name of vir- gin ¬ And the young man weve got now says Im the sacrilege Wash ¬ ington Post A lot of old newspapers tied up in neat bundles for sale 5c a bundle at The Jour- nal l office t tHANKS FROM- MAYORFOGARTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE STRICKEN CITY OF KEY WEST WIRES HIS THANKS FOR CON ¬ TRIBUTION OF 500 Mayor Reilly yesterday received tin following telegram in answer to the one sent notifying the mayor of Key West of the donation of 500 Key West Fla Oct 15 1909 Hon Frank Reilly Mayor Pensacola FlaAccept heartfelt thanks from on citizens your liberal and prompt re ¬ lief J X FOGARTY Mayor Can be depended upon is an ex- pression ¬ we all like to hear and when it is used In connection with Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails to cure diarrhoea dysentery or bow- el complaints It is pleasant to take land equally valuable for children and adults OLIVES- pecial to the Journal Olive Oct 16Miss Ola Majors of Pensacola spent Saturday night and Sunday with her mother Mrs A W Majors Miss Evie Adkinson of Pine Bar ¬ ren who is visiting here spent Mon- day ¬ with her aunt Mrs A W Majors- Mr and Mrs James Harrison and children of Goulding were among those who visited here Sunday Mrs Willie Johnson and Mrs Lizzie Creighton were the guests of Mrs Hattie Majors Tuesday last- J F Rhodes spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here Mr and Mrs R M Merritt of Pensacola visited friends and rela- tives ¬ Sunday Xeill Gentry of Bohemia was a business here Monday I Mrs Jennie Creighton spent Satur ¬ day evening pleasantly with Mrs Thomas Majors Rev A S J Countryman of Canoe delivered several able sermons at the Baptist church during our protracted meeting which closed one night this week Air Countryman was accom- panied ¬ here by his wife Mrs Taylor Majors spent the I evening very pleasantly with Mrs Will Rutherford Tuesday- Mrs I Shelby Gates and children spent Monday with her sisterinlaw I Mrs Jno Gates of Ferry Pass Miss Gladys Creighton was a visitor- at KL Joness Sunday evening Mrs A W Majors called on Mrs Herman Petersen Sunday evening Mrs J M Harper and children of Pensacola visited friends and rela- tives ¬ here Sunday A number of children are now ab ¬ sent from Perr Pass school on ac- count of sore eyes W S Ward of Wardville Fla passed through our little city Sunday with a nice chance of sweet potatoes Mrs Hattie Majors returned home Thursday from a two months stay in Chattahooche for the benefit- of her health and she seems to be greatly Improved She says that words cannot express her apprecia- tion ¬ to both physicians and nurses Herman Petersen spent a pleasant da wu Richard Merritt Sunday Mrs George Harper and daughter Mozelle visited Mrs Harpers sister Mrs Waters Monday James Majors of Pensacola spent Saturday night and Sunday with home folk here Misses Maggie Ray Edna Smith and Maggie Robertson the three t teachers of Ferry Pass school attend- ed ¬ preaching at the Baptist church Friday night- W T and A T Majors made a business trip to Pensacola one day this week Mr and Mrs Roberts of Pensacola sppit Thursday with Mr and Mrs R O Connell and family- S T Tiller of Pensacola visited Mrs Thomas and family Thursday- last I Mr and Mrs R O Connell and daughter spent Tuesday night with their daughter Mrs Harrison of Goulding and Mrs Harrison and Mr Majors made a business trip to Pen PPoia Wednesday Master Ralph Hoyt made a flying trip to Pensacola Thursday evening And what Is the trouble with the automobiles now We seldom see one on the Ferry Pass road Think they must all be in the shop Worthy of Confidence- An Offer Backed by One of Our Most Reputable Concerns- We pay for all the medicine used during the trial if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipa- tion ¬ We take all the risk You are not obligated to us in any way what- ever if you accept our offer Thats- a mighty broad statement but we mean every word of It Could any ¬ thing be more fair for you A most scientific commonsense treatment is Rexall Orderlies which are eaten like candy Their active principle is a recent scientific discov- ery ¬ that is odorless colorless and tasteless very pronounced gentle and pleasant in action and particu- larly ¬ agreeable in every way This Ingredient does not cause diarrhoea nausea flatulence griping or any in ¬ convenience whatever Rexall Or ¬ derlies are particularly good for chil ¬ dren aged and delicate persons If ou suffer from chronic or ha- bltuai ¬ constipation or the associate or dependent chronic ailments we urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk Remember you can get them in Pensacola only at our store 12 tab ¬ lets 10 cents 36 tablets 25 cents The Rexall Store The Crystal Phar ¬ macy 1 nOW to Make the i Skin Beautiful A Skin Beautifier and a Skin RemedY All In One Acts Safely and Quickly Every woman and many men know tiresome and exasperating it is to be using lotions and cosmetics for many many months in a desperate effort to beautify the complexion and at the end of that time experience little if any result Dr Hebras VIOLA CREAM ha done so many remarkable things with the complexion that It is now used by thousands ot women all over the coun tryDr Hebras VIOLA CREAM makes wrinkles disappear by nourishing the skin and makes it youthfully plump It makes pimples blotches freckles- red spots liver moles blackheads and other blemishes sunburn and chap dis- appear ¬ Dr Hebras VIOLA CREAM is safe and certain In its results and will not grow hair on the face VIOLA CREAM gives the skin a healthy glow and transparent tint a rosy hue and soft- ness ¬ cleanliness and purity which is almost indescribable It also clears the akinpores of all impurities Viola Cream is sold at all reliable drug stores for 60 cents a Jar or will be sent charges prepaid on receipt of price provided you mention the name of the druggist who could not supply youA trial package of Viola Cream and Guide to Beauty will be mailed by the G C BIttner Co Toledo Ohio for 10 cents to cover postage packing- etc Because of the great amount of al ¬ kali in cheap soaps they do enormous I damage to the skin Wash your face with VIOLA SKIN SOAP while using VIOLA CREAM This soap together- with the VIOLA CREAM Is a combina ¬ tion which has produced astonishing results VIOLA SKIN SOAP is sold at 25c a cake by all druggists or sent pre ¬ paid on receipt of price The Q C BIttner Co Toledo Ohio For sale In Pensacola Dy W A DAlem berte Druggist and Apothecary 121 S Palafox Stre- etUNCALLED FOR LETTERS AT P O e LIST OF LETTER REMAINING AT POSTOFFICE DUFUNGTHE PAST WEEK When asking for letters please say Advertised GENTLEMEN Anderson Arthur L LivirlgstonR M Bagley T B Lowry W T Baker James McDuffle N T Bennett Mr and Mack JImmie Mrs L J Maher Jocko Biskln nay Oyster Malnes Davie Packing Co Martin Corbett Blacksheli CharlIe Martin Dave 2 1 Martin J R Breedlove J ckji Martin H L Brooks J H i Massey James brown Simon 1 Matters Mal Bryson Ford Maxie Albert Burlinson J aSjIt1 Miller H L Cameron WllHamTsMorgan Calvin Campbell Grant Morgan J P Carley B L Mose Green Carroll Mr and Murphy H N Mrs R C Parker H G Carter Mr and Parker Tom Mrs JW Parrigan F S Chamberlain HSriy Eeter Athanasc Cheratler O Jftt Pobls Manolls Clark F C2 > e Poole T M Colburn L J Powell L S Cook Jim Rogers E B C rbin M R Rice Elbert Covert R C RIggs D W Cowtrell James Rich L- Robblns Cumble James Andrew Ceiker Ha Ins Rogers J P Custoker Mr Rye Geo W Danll Sam Dixon St Anthony Hos Thomas pital Supt Duckln W F Sanford L A Foster Mr BoHy John H Fowler Carroll C Shelby Paul Furse L C Shotas Horton Gamble Tommy Simmons D W Galway Louis Simmons Jessie Garrett J L Stethan James Gay Johnnie Smith Chester Gilbert Frank J Spencer Thomas Giovan- lGattoronchlerl Springs Jack Stanley W H Glover Nelson Swan Thomas Golsten Joo Tale E M Grady Jack o Thasan C L Geen Sam Tiller Mervln C Griffln Levi Turner J D Hale Guyton Van Lion L E Hammer Albert Volbach Gustav Hayner V Co- Head Walker Ed C D Walthers J W Johnson F P Williams Bennle Jones E Z Williams Harry Jones R H Williams Jyear Kelsler Philip Williams Tom Knockem Tomas Wines Aaron Kickmsn Mulhoni Winslow T D Krapman R Wooloy J H Lamb H W 2 Warker Jeff Lawrence J D Wynn Tom J Lewis Calvin Yasul T LADIES Adams Mary McDougall Mrs Adams NUle W L Aires Katie- Alexander McKey Mrs- Louvenla Jessie Armstrong Mrs Mackenzie Mrs 51 Alex McNair Mrs- Josephine Bankes Mrs Eliza 2 Banks Ida McSwaln Mollie Berry Bernice Manning Mrs- Bess Ret ha Frances Blount Mrs Matthews Mabe Josephine Mayfield Lena Blount Mary May Mrs Minnie Brxkes Mrs N M rrltt Mrs Marcia Cook Miller Mrs Ed Rollon E Elizabeth Miller Mrs Evard Rndg JT e M L Miller Vale Bonner Mrs It Mires Eva Bovett Mrs Ella J Morgan Alabama Branch Mrs Grover Morgan Mrp L H Brown Mrs Daisy Moore Mr Josie Buskey Mrs Annie Morrison Mrs Flora Butler Josephine CM nout Katie Caraw Ada Nobles Mrs Ida Case Caroline Obep Mrs B W Clark Bessie Oliver Mr Paralee Collins Alma Pholffer Mrs G- Oldsmobiles i Oaklaridsc- am Brusho is Motor Car Co + East Garden Street 1- t a OUR THREE DAYS SPECIALSALE BBSI INCLUDES MONDAY AND TUESDAY This means hard r1V- b earned dollars for you I I or the man of the house Come see for yourself 25 and SOe for Your Old Straw Hate With every 200 Hat purchased we give you 25c in cash for your old straw hat with every 300 hat purchased we will give you 50c in cash for your old straw hat I 10 yards Ginghams 49c Childrens Union Suits 22c Boys Fleece Lined Undersuits 45c Mens Work Pants all wool all colors 149 Small Childrens Shoes Hand Turn 49 cents Pair 125 Double Comforts with White Cotton 99c 200 Heatherbloom and Moire Ladies Black Underskirt 14- 9Dont Forget Place and Date Brswner Rier Co J PALAFOX AND ROMAN Cullen Mrs Prim Katie Garden St Pruett Mrs Mary Cunningham Lillie Ransom Mrs Elzena Dawson Mrs Queen Reese Mrs Emma Bode Mrs Viola Rivers Mrs Beulah Dorsey Sirs Cora Robertson Mrs Dosan Mrs Mandy Rubble Fanes Mrs Anna Robinson Nettle Glllimum Julie Robinson Mrs Susie Gilmore Irene Rowley Ellie Gilniore Mrs Iamle anders Annie 801 E Belmont Schools Edna Godwin Mrs Lottie Sheftall Mrs D Gosha Eliza Sheppard Mrs Graham Mrs Ross Martha 2 Sheppard Martha Hall Ruth Ann Hanes Nora Smith Miss N Harris Pettle Smith Pernesea Harris Rachel Smith Willie 2 Haynes Cornelia Seir Carrie Henderson Hallle Spratt Mrs Sicly Herron Mrs Mamie Stanley Mable C Kinsley Ethel 2 Taylor Kelda Hoffman Mrs T LToler Candy Hughes Alma Touart Hilda Hunt Mrs > IL ValthalI Miss Fank Hunter Hazel Walton T C Ivory Anna Weatherspoon Mary James Janie Welton Mrs L A Jones Elizabeth Williams Jones Mrs H R Clemenllne Jones Mrs Nellie WBlMams Mrs L H Tones Mrs R E Williams Mrs JCedi Minnie Lillian Jordan GInster Williams Mrs Sadie Lizzia Kelly Mrs S E Williams Mrs Lau hton Anna Mamie Lindsay Mrs RobertWiiJs Blanche McCann Mrs Wilson Miwj C Rachel Wilson Lillian McCartha Mrs Young Mrs Minnie La von la Each Had a Spoon- A wealthy clubman of Philadelphia while hunting in the West Virginia woods met a boy a veritable product- of the woods in whom he became In ¬ terested so much that he brought the youngster to this city to educate him says the Philadelphia Times On his arrival here the boy was taken to the clubmans home until ac ¬ commodations could be found for him elsewhere He was plainly frightened by the new evidences of civilization which he encountered most oT all em ¬ barrassed when taken to the dining room The rest of the family had dined and only the boys place made up By his dish he found several spoons He contemplated them in silence for a moment and then turning to his benefactor said UBy cracky youse must all have a spoon apiece Like the Morning Dew- Our f i Messenger Service Covers the City- The busy drug store where system must be main ¬ tained is always the reliable DRUG STORE In every department we employ men of ability and for their knowledge of the business Consequently our service Is prompt and reliableOur Drugs Always Fresh and Pure The Crystal PharmacyB- rent Building 1L Use and Ornament- Mr Xewrlch the Pittsburg multi- millionaire ¬ was furnishing the library- of his magnificent mansion Let me see he mused Youve got the order for that 85000 edition- de luxe of Dickens bound in levant Yes sir replied the bookseller And the 10000 set of Shakes- peare ¬ Yes sir And the standard authors bound- in calfThackeray Scott Washing ¬ ton Irving Cooper and all of them there other fellows Yes sir I have a memorandum or the entire list Well then thats off my mind said Mr N ° wrich of Pittsburg with a sigh of relief Now what I want Is something to rend Say have you got- a complete set of Old SleuthNewY- ork Times Read The Journals Want Ad d profit thereby I Buggy and Wagon Harness at lowest prices Run ¬ abouts and Top Buggies f WM JOHNSON SON u< i T Sf i r > + fitvndSv RAILS METALS SCRAP mON J y tj irF YOU ARE BETTERING YOUR LOGGING ROAD with S3 B new material consult with us or if you have any old r 4 3 t r 7 rails scrap Iron or metal which you desire to dispos- ejf jf advise with us we buy and sell outright and If inter ¬ = ested will have our representative call on you a O tr Metzger Brothers Mobile Ala v PHONE 8206 H156 P 0 BOX In 0 1 I z 1

MISSION BLated And tHANKS Sour FESTIVAL ENDS …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00328/0144.pdf · FIII THE PENSACOLA TOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 17 1909 rHE MISSION FESTIVAL

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Page 1: MISSION BLated And tHANKS Sour FESTIVAL ENDS …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00328/0144.pdf · FIII THE PENSACOLA TOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 17 1909 rHE MISSION FESTIVAL











The five days of the festival itclosed not to be started again for ayear and the verdict of those who at ¬

tended is that It was the best seriesof entertainments that has ever beenput up in the city especially the program of Saturday

A large audience greeted the navyard orchestra conducted by P PEhlers yesterday afternoon and fromthe first to the last number a highljappreciative audience was entertained-with the sweet music and nothingwould satisfy the audience by encoresto nearly every piece

The evening concert was magnifi ¬

cent Just ask those who were therestarting out with a piano solo by MissRuth Coons and songs by MargaretHansen Miss Margaret Maclay andErnest Pourtless Mrs Gibson gavesome of her inimitable recitationsencored time and time again antithen a request that she give another-in the second part of the program

Intermission was enjoyed by view-ing


the Mission house and groundsand joining in the several outside en ¬

tertainments The second part of theprogram consisted of a piano solo byiMlste Friedman song by Mrs Reeserecitation by cute pretty little MissGibson and the wind up from MrBrown in coon songs made up anddressed in a magnificent silk costumeThis was encored over and overagain until the signal was given forthe Mission chorus to sing America-and so ended the series of concerts

The public may want to know If thefestival has been a success Theanswer is yes and no It has notbeen patronized as it ought to havebeen apart from the charitable andworthy object it had in view the con-certs


given and a view of the grounds-and work was worth more than theten cents charged for admittance andit is a pity that so few comparativelyof the citizens and their families have-n t taken advantage of the oppor-tunity


offered to visit what promises-to be one of the most important In-


of the city To those whohave attended nothing but enthusiasm-and surprise has been expressed atthe wonderful changes made and oneof the prettiest sights ever seen wasthe evening illumination This parkis purposed as a resort for play andamusement and already the boys andgirls are taking advantage of it andone night during this last week peo-ple in the neighborhood could hearthe shouts and laughter of the boysand girls who were playing the bovson one side of the central board walkand the girls on the other It willnow be leveled and Mr Campbell ofthe Plaza who has taken great in-terest

¬In It and will assist in making

this the greenest of all parks thpPlaza not excepted This Is one ofthe methods used by the Mission tokeep the boys and girls off thestreets and when too cold or wet toplay there are amusements In thereading and writing rooms and othergames are allowed

Night schobl commences MondavAll wishing to Join be on band at 730and be registered

Sunday will have the regular ser¬

vices at 315 Bible school good pro ¬

gramme Is offered and in the eveningRev R W Simpson will preach asusual-

If you want ° to hear an informalMission service with good singingvisit the Mission at 730

141 LOVE TO STEALOcala Banner-

An amusing incident occurred atone of our downeast churches someyears ago The clergyman gave outon a pleasant Sabbath afternoon inJulyI love to steal a while awayFrom every cumbering care

And spend the hour of setting dayIn humble grateful prayerThe regular chorister being absent

the duty devolved upon the good olddeacon M who commenced

I love to stealand then bagged downand raisinghis voice to a still higher pitcher liesung

I love to stealand as before he concluded he hadgot the wrong pitch and ° deploring-that he had not his pltchtuner hedetermined to succeed If he died inthe attempt-

By this time all the old ladies weretittering behind their fans while thefaces of the young uns were all ma broad grin At length after a des¬

perate cough he made a final demon ¬

stration and roared out-I love to steal

This effort was too much everyother but the godly and eccentric par¬

son Tvaslaughing who arose and withthe utmost coolness said

Seeing our brothers propensitieslet us pray

It Is needless to say that but fewof that congregation heard the prayer


Remains of Pilot George Nunez wilbe Interred thts ° afternoon at 3 oclock

All PhysiciansM-

ust prescribe some of the In-gredients


that are contained InHoods Sarsaparilla all trou¬

bles of the blood stomach kid ¬

neys and liverThey include sarsaparilla stillingia

yellow dock gentian wild cherry barkmandrake dandelion juniper berriespi aissewa etc

The combination and proportions artour own formula and give power to curtbeyond the reach of any other prescrip ¬

tion or substitute Thats why it iswiDe to get Hoods and only Hoods


BLated And

Sour StomachN-

eed No Longer Be Endured By Suf ¬

ferers from DyspepsiaThe stomach and intestines always

contain even In health a smaluuount of gases They seem botlfrom a chemical and mechanical pointof view to be essential to some ex¬

tent at least to good digestion Agreat deal of common air Is swal ¬

lowed with the food and the remark ¬

able facility with which air bubbles-are formed in the saliva is referrableto this special purpose-

It follows that oxygen and nitrogen-are natural to the stomach and It hasbeen ascertained that nitrogen isgreatly in excess of oxygen showingthat even in the stomach this gas iome way employed in the vital processes But as gases are easilyevolved by fermentation and decom-position of food in the stomach andintestines and as saccharine andother fermentable matters dissolvedin liquids are present in the gastro-intestinal tube it results that itsaeroform contents are much morecomplex than Is generally supposed

When digestion Is perfectly healthythere can be no fermentation andflatulence but as soon as indigestionoccurs carbonic acid gas and variousother gases are freely formed in thestomach and bowels causing muchdiscomfort-

The remedies employed for the cureof flatulence may be classified as fol ¬

lows Those which prevent fermenta ¬

tion those which favor the expulsion-of gas and those which oxidize andabsorb gases Of the remedies whichpossess the above properties char ¬

coal is the only one which has thepower of preventing fermentation anddecomposition of food and at thesame time absorbing all excess gases-in the alimentary channel

Medicines which expel gases fromthe stomach known as carminatives-are not to be compared with a remedywhich absorbs the gases and preventseructations or belching STUARTSCHARCOAL LOZENGES are nowused by thousands of people whowere formerly subject to fermenta-tion


decomposition belching badbreath and rumbling noises in the in ¬

testinal system and from which dis ¬

agreeable symptoms through the useof these powerful absorbent lozengescomplete relief has been obtained

They are made of the finest willowwood treated by a special exclusivecarbonizing process and when sweetened with pure honey a medicinalproduct is obtained which is at oncepalatable and wonderfully effective incuring these complaints Purchase abox from your druggist at once for50 cents and give them a fair trialthe result will more than please youSend us your name and address and afree sample will be forwarded to youby return mail Address F A Stuart Co 200 Stuart Bldg Marshall1-Mich



A Single Trial j

by housewives of Pensacola-has proven to many of them

I that The Empire Way is farbetter than the old fashionedwasherwoman way Mon¬

days wash dayphone 322and let the Empire do therest

Empire LaundryWh-

ere Linen Lasts


hone 322

f8 t-



St Johns cemetery Pallbearerswere not selected at a late hour lastnight In respect to his memory fla s

along the water front generally flut-tered


at halfmast all day yesterdayCapt Nunez was wellknown anI

highly esteemed in Pensacola andWarrington He had been a pilot forthe past twentysix years and hisrecord in the association was excel ¬

lent He was a member of theKnights of Honor He was born atMonterey Calif fiftyeight years andnine months ago but had been a resi-dent


of Pensacola for manv yearsHe is survived by a wife threedaughters and five sons

DANCEe-very Monday night C K of A HallGents 35 cents ladies free

O U Patent Leather HatsOn sale tomorrow at MissHerrimans for 98c

Sexton Verger Sacristanlt is the same thing under differ¬

ent names said Dr Harvey to Wi ¬

ley the governments food expert ofsome new food preservatives

The same thing under differentnames Dr Wiley repeated qt re-minds


me oCj the old caretaker of anEpiscopal church

This caretaker as he sat smoking-his pipe on a tomb in the cemeterydismissed as trivial certain changes-in the ritual

toThe good old creed keeps thesame for all said he Look at mehere 1 used to be the janitor Thenew parson called me the sextantDr Thirdly Rave me the name of vir-gin


And the young man weve gotnow says Im the sacrilege Wash ¬

ington Post

A lot of old newspaperstied up in neat bundles forsale 5c a bundle at The Jour-nall office






Mayor Reilly yesterday received tinfollowing telegram in answer to theone sent notifying the mayor of KeyWest of the donation of 500

Key West Fla Oct 15 1909Hon Frank Reilly Mayor Pensacola

FlaAccept heartfelt thanks from oncitizens your liberal and prompt re ¬


MayorCan be depended upon is an ex-


we all like to hear and whenit is used In connection with Chamberlains Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy it means that it never failsto cure diarrhoea dysentery or bow-el complaints It is pleasant to take

land equally valuable for children andadults

OLIVES-pecial to the Journal

Olive Oct 16Miss Ola Majors ofPensacola spent Saturday night andSunday with her mother Mrs A WMajors

Miss Evie Adkinson of Pine Bar¬

ren who is visiting here spent Mon-day


with her aunt Mrs A W Majors-Mr and Mrs James Harrison and

children of Goulding were amongthose who visited here Sunday

Mrs Willie Johnson and Mrs LizzieCreighton were the guests of MrsHattie Majors Tuesday last-

J F Rhodes spent Saturday nightand Sunday with relatives here

Mr and Mrs R M Merritt ofPensacola visited friends and rela-tives


SundayXeill Gentry of Bohemia was a

business here MondayI Mrs Jennie Creighton spent Satur¬

day evening pleasantly with MrsThomas Majors

Rev A S J Countryman of Canoedelivered several able sermons at theBaptist church during our protractedmeeting which closed one night thisweek Air Countryman was accom-panied


here by his wifeMrs Taylor Majors spent the


evening very pleasantly with MrsWill Rutherford Tuesday-

MrsI Shelby Gates and childrenspent Monday with her sisterinlaw

I Mrs Jno Gates of Ferry PassMiss Gladys Creighton was a visitor-

at K L Joness Sunday eveningMrs A W Majors called on Mrs

Herman Petersen Sunday eveningMrs J M Harper and children of

Pensacola visited friends and rela-tives


here SundayA number of children are now ab¬

sent from Perr Pass school on ac-count of sore eyes

W S Ward of Wardville Flapassed through our little city Sundaywith a nice chance of sweet potatoes

Mrs Hattie Majors returnedhome Thursday from a two monthsstay in Chattahooche for the benefit-of her health and she seems to begreatly Improved She says thatwords cannot express her apprecia-tion


to both physicians and nursesHerman Petersen spent a pleasant

da wu Richard Merritt SundayMrs George Harper and daughter

Mozelle visited Mrs Harpers sisterMrs Waters Monday

James Majors of Pensacola spentSaturday night and Sunday with homefolk here

Misses Maggie Ray Edna Smithand Maggie Robertson the three t

teachers of Ferry Pass school attend-ed


preaching at the Baptist churchFriday night-

W T and A T Majors made abusiness trip to Pensacola one daythis week

Mr and Mrs Roberts of Pensacolasppit Thursday with Mr and Mrs RO Connell and family-

S T Tiller of Pensacola visitedMrs Thomas and family Thursday-last


Mr and Mrs R O Connell anddaughter spent Tuesday night withtheir daughter Mrs Harrison ofGoulding and Mrs Harrison and MrMajors made a business trip to PenPPoia Wednesday

Master Ralph Hoyt made a flyingtrip to Pensacola Thursday evening

And what Is the trouble with theautomobiles now We seldom seeone on the Ferry Pass road Thinkthey must all be in the shop

Worthy ofConfidence-

An Offer Backed by One ofOur Most Reputable

Concerns-We pay for all the medicine used

during the trial if our remedy failsto completely relieve you of constipa-tion


We take all the risk You arenot obligated to us in any way what-ever if you accept our offer Thats-a mighty broad statement but wemean every word of It Could any ¬

thing be more fair for youA most scientific commonsense

treatment is Rexall Orderlies whichare eaten like candy Their activeprinciple is a recent scientific discov-ery


that is odorless colorless andtasteless very pronounced gentleand pleasant in action and particu-larly


agreeable in every way ThisIngredient does not cause diarrhoeanausea flatulence griping or any in ¬

convenience whatever Rexall Or ¬

derlies are particularly good for chil ¬

dren aged and delicate personsIf ou suffer from chronic or ha-


constipation or the associate ordependent chronic ailments we urgeyou to try Rexall Orderlies at ourrisk Remember you can get them inPensacola only at our store 12 tab ¬

lets 10 cents 36 tablets 25 centsThe Rexall Store The Crystal Phar¬



nOW to Make the i

Skin BeautifulA Skin Beautifier and a Skin RemedY

All In One

Acts Safely and QuicklyEvery woman and many men know

tiresome and exasperating it is tobe using lotions and cosmetics formany many months in a desperateeffort to beautify the complexion andat the end of that time experiencelittle if any resultDr Hebras VIOLA CREAM ha doneso many remarkable things with thecomplexion that It is now used bythousands ot women all over the countryDr Hebras VIOLA CREAM makeswrinkles disappear by nourishing theskin and makes it youthfully plumpIt makes pimples blotches freckles-red spots liver moles blackheads andother blemishes sunburn and chap dis-appear


Dr Hebras VIOLA CREAM is safeand certain In its results and will notgrow hair on the face VIOLA CREAMgives the skin a healthy glow andtransparent tint a rosy hue and soft-ness


cleanliness and purity which isalmost indescribable It also clears theakinpores of all impuritiesViola Cream is sold at all reliabledrug stores for 60 cents a Jar or will

be sent charges prepaid on receipt ofprice provided you mention the nameof the druggist who could not supplyyouA trial package of Viola Creamand Guide to Beauty will be mailedby the G C BIttner Co Toledo Ohiofor 10 cents to cover postage packing-etc

Because of the great amount of al ¬kali in cheap soaps they do enormous

Idamage to the skin Wash your facewith VIOLA SKIN SOAP while usingVIOLA CREAM This soap together-with the VIOLA CREAM Is a combina ¬

tion which has produced astonishingresults VIOLA SKIN SOAP is sold at25c a cake by all druggists or sent pre ¬paid on receipt of price The Q CBIttner Co Toledo Ohio

For sale In Pensacola Dy W A DAlemberte Druggist and Apothecary 121 SPalafox Stre-




When asking for letters please sayAdvertised

GENTLEMENAnderson Arthur L LivirlgstonR MBagley T B Lowry W TBaker James McDuffle N TBennett Mr and Mack JImmie

Mrs L J Maher JockoBiskln nay Oyster Malnes Davie

Packing Co Martin CorbettBlacksheli CharlIe Martin Dave

2 1 Martin J RBreedlove J ckji Martin H LBrooks J H i Massey Jamesbrown Simon 1 Matters MalBryson Ford Maxie AlbertBurlinson J aSjIt1 Miller H LCameron WllHamTsMorgan CalvinCampbell Grant Morgan J PCarley B L Mose GreenCarroll Mr and Murphy H N

Mrs R C Parker H GCarter Mr and Parker Tom

Mrs JW Parrigan F SChamberlain HSriy Eeter AthanascCheratler O Jftt Pobls ManollsClark F C2 > e Poole T MColburn L J Powell L SCook Jim Rogers E BC rbin M R Rice ElbertCovert R C RIggs D WCowtrell James Rich L-

RobblnsCumble James AndrewCeiker Ha Ins Rogers J PCustoker Mr Rye Geo WDanll Sam Dixon St Anthony Hos

Thomas pital SuptDuckln W F Sanford L AFoster Mr BoHy John HFowler Carroll C Shelby PaulFurse L C Shotas HortonGamble Tommy Simmons D WGalway Louis Simmons JessieGarrett J L Stethan JamesGay Johnnie Smith ChesterGilbert Frank J Spencer ThomasGiovan-

lGattoronchlerlSprings JackStanley W H

Glover Nelson Swan ThomasGolsten Joo Tale E MGrady Jack o Thasan C LGeen Sam Tiller Mervln CGriffln Levi Turner J DHale Guyton Van Lion L EHammer Albert Volbach GustavHayner V Co-Head

Walker EdC D Walthers J W

Johnson F P Williams BennleJones E Z Williams HarryJones R H Williams JyearKelsler Philip Williams TomKnockem Tomas Wines AaronKickmsn Mulhoni Winslow T DKrapman R Wooloy J HLamb H W 2 Warker JeffLawrence J D Wynn Tom JLewis Calvin Yasul T

LADIESAdams Mary McDougall MrsAdams NUle W LAires Katie-Alexander

McKey Mrs-LouvenlaJessie

Armstrong Mrs Mackenzie Mrs 51Alex McNair Mrs-

JosephineBankes Mrs Eliza 2

Banks Ida McSwaln MollieBerry Bernice Manning Mrs-Bess Ret ha FrancesBlount Mrs Matthews Mabe

Josephine Mayfield LenaBlount Mary May Mrs MinnieBrxkes Mrs N M rrltt Mrs Marcia

Cook Miller Mrs EdRollon E Elizabeth Miller Mrs EvardRndg JT e M L Miller ValeBonner Mrs It Mires EvaBovett Mrs Ella J Morgan AlabamaBranch Mrs Grover Morgan Mrp L HBrown Mrs Daisy Moore Mr JosieBuskey Mrs Annie Morrison Mrs FloraButler Josephine CM nout KatieCaraw Ada Nobles Mrs IdaCase Caroline Obep Mrs B WClark Bessie Oliver Mr ParaleeCollins Alma Pholffer Mrs G-

Oldsmobiles i



Brushois Motor

Car Co +

East Garden Street


t a




This means hardr1V-

b earned dollars for youI

I or the man of the house

Come see for yourself

25 and SOe for Your Old Straw HateWith every 200 Hat purchased we give you 25c in cash for your old

straw hat with every 300 hat purchased we will give you 50c in cash foryour old straw hat I

10 yards Ginghams 49c Childrens Union Suits 22c Boys Fleece LinedUndersuits 45c Mens Work Pants all wool all colors 149

Small Childrens Shoes Hand Turn 49 cents Pair125 Double Comforts with White Cotton 99c200 Heatherbloom and Moire Ladies Black Underskirt 14-

9Dont Forget Place and DateBrswner Rier Co J


Cullen Mrs Prim KatieGarden St Pruett Mrs Mary

Cunningham Lillie Ransom Mrs ElzenaDawson Mrs Queen Reese Mrs EmmaBode Mrs Viola Rivers Mrs BeulahDorsey Sirs Cora Robertson MrsDosan Mrs Mandy RubbleFanes Mrs Anna Robinson NettleGlllimum Julie Robinson Mrs SusieGilmore Irene Rowley EllieGilniore Mrs Iamle anders Annie

801 E Belmont Schools EdnaGodwin Mrs Lottie Sheftall Mrs DGosha Eliza Sheppard MrsGraham Mrs Ross Martha

2 Sheppard MarthaHall Ruth AnnHanes Nora Smith Miss NHarris Pettle Smith PerneseaHarris Rachel Smith Willie 2Haynes Cornelia Seir CarrieHenderson Hallle Spratt Mrs SiclyHerron Mrs Mamie Stanley Mable CKinsley Ethel 2 Taylor KeldaHoffman Mrs T LToler CandyHughes Alma Touart HildaHunt Mrs >IL ValthalI Miss FankHunter Hazel Walton T CIvory Anna Weatherspoon MaryJames Janie Welton Mrs L AJones Elizabeth WilliamsJones Mrs H R ClemenllneJones Mrs Nellie WBlMams Mrs L HTones Mrs R E Williams MrsJCedi Minnie LillianJordan GInster Williams MrsSadie LizziaKelly Mrs S E Williams MrsLau hton Anna MamieLindsay Mrs RobertWiiJs BlancheMcCann Mrs Wilson Miwj CRachel Wilson LillianMcCartha Mrs Young Mrs MinnieLavon la

Each Had a Spoon-A wealthy clubman of Philadelphia

while hunting in the West Virginiawoods met a boy a veritable product-of the woods in whom he became In ¬

terested so much that he brought theyoungster to this city to educate himsays the Philadelphia Times

On his arrival here the boy wastaken to the clubmans home until ac ¬

commodations could be found for himelsewhere He was plainly frightenedby the new evidences of civilizationwhich he encountered most oT all em ¬

barrassed when taken to the diningroom

The rest of the family had dinedand only the boys place made upBy his dish he found several spoons

He contemplated them in silencefor a moment and then turning to hisbenefactor said

UBy cracky youse must all have aspoon apiece

Like the Morning Dew-Our

f i

Messenger Service Covers the City-

The busy drug store where system must be main¬

tained is always the reliable DRUG STORE Inevery department we employ men of ability and fortheir knowledge of the business Consequently ourservice Is prompt and reliableOur Drugs AlwaysFresh and Pure

The Crystal PharmacyB-rent Building


Use and Ornament-Mr Xewrlch the Pittsburg multi-


was furnishing the library-of his magnificent mansion

Let me see he mused Youvegot the order for that 85000 edition-de luxe of Dickens bound in levant

Yes sir replied the booksellerAnd the 10000 set of Shakes-peare


Yes sirAnd the standard authors bound-

in calfThackeray Scott Washing ¬

ton Irving Cooper and all of themthere other fellows

Yes sir I have a memorandum orthe entire list

Well then thats off my mindsaid Mr N°wrich of Pittsburg with asigh of relief Now what I want Issomething to rend Say have you got-a complete set of Old SleuthNewY-ork Times

Read The Journals WantAd d profit thereby

I Buggy and Wagon Harness at lowest prices Run ¬

abouts and Top Buggies fWM JOHNSON SON

u <

i T Sfi r > + fitvndSv RAILS METALS SCRAP mON J


tj irF YOU ARE BETTERING YOUR LOGGING ROAD withS3 B new material consult with us or if you have any oldr4 3 t r7 rails scrap Iron or metal which you desire to dispos-ejf jf advise with us we buy and sell outright and If inter ¬= ested will have our representative call on youa

O trMetzger Brothers Mobile Ala

v PHONE 8206 H156 P 0 BOX In


1 Iz 1