Message from the Executive Director, ONGC, Assam Asset It is said, “Success is a journey, not a desti- nation”. I congratulate DPS, ONGC, Nazira at the successful publication of the 6th issue of its biennial newslet- ter, ‘Echo’. Wishing the school success in such reverential fu- ture endeavours… Message from the Pro-Vice Chairman I express my happi- ness at the publica- tion of the 6th issue of ’Echo’ and wish the school and the editorial team all the very best. Being a stakeholder, I am equally delighted to be a part of this successful journey of the school... Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.” From the Editorial Desk DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL ONGC, NAZIRA Oct-March, 2016-17 VOLUME VI BIANNUAL NEWSLETTER SPECIAL ASSEMBLY GANDHI JAYANTI Gandhi Jayanti was cele- brated through a Special Assembly presented by the Students Council on 01.10.16. to promote non-violence and human values. RASTRIYA EKTA DIVAS Rastriya Ekta Divas was celebrated through a Special Assembly presented by the stu- dents of class IV B on 31.10.16. Speech, song and skit marked the celebration. VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK From 31 st October to 5 th November 2016, the school observed Vigilance Awareness Week along with ONGC Assam Asset as well as CBSE. Various activities like- Poster Making, Speech Competition, Slogan Writing Competi- tion, Essay Writing Competition, Street Play etc. were organized among the students. Message from the Principal +ÉÆiÉÊ®úEò >ðVÉÉÇ ¤É½ÖþiÉ EÖòUô <ºÉ ¤ÉÉiÉ {É®ú ÊxɦÉÇ®ú Eò®úiÉÒ ½èþ ÊEò +É{ÉEäò ¨É½þi´É{ÉÚhÉÇ ½þÉäxÉä EòÒ ¨É½þi´ÉÉEòÉÆIÉÉ EòÉä ÊEòiÉxÉÉ iÉÖ¹]õ ÊEòªÉÉ VÉÉiÉÉ ½èþ* +{ÉxÉÒ |ÉiªÉäEò ¨É½þi´ÉÉEòÉÆIÉÉ EòÉä ¨É½þi´É{ÉÚhÉÇ ¤ÉxÉÉxÉÉ ºÉ¨ÉZÉnùÉ®úÒ xɽþÓ ½þÉäiÉÒ ½èþ* +{ÉxÉÒ ¨É½þkÉÉ ½þ¨Éå Eò¨ÉÇ ºÉä ½þÉäxÉÒ SÉÉʽþB xÉ ÊEò nÚùºÉ®úÉä Eäò ´ÉHò´ªÉ ºÉä* +¥Éɽþ¨É ˱ÉEòxÉ <ºÉ Eò±ÉÉ Eäò ¸Éä¹`ö ÊxÉnù¶ÉÇxÉ ½èþ VÉÉä + {ÉxÉä vÉÖ®ú Ê´É®úÉäÊvɪÉÉå iÉEò EòÒ |ɶÉƺÉÉ Eò®úxÉä ºÉä xɽþÓ SÉÖEòiÉä lÉä* ´ÉɺiÉ´É ¨Éå +ɱÉÉäSÉxÉÉ ¶É¤nù EòÉ +κiÉi´É ¦ÉÒ ½þ¨ÉÉ®úÒ +ÉÆiÉÊ®úEò >ðVÉÉÇ {É®ú ½þÒ +ÉvÉÉÊ®úiÉ ½èþ* |ɺiÉÖiÉ +ÆEò <EòÉä =ºÉÒ Eòc÷Ò EòÉ BEò +ɪÉÉ¨É ½èþ* VÉÒ´ÉxÉ VÉÒxÉä Eä ò ʱÉB º´É¦ÉÉ´É ¨Éå ±ÉSÉÒ±ÉÉ{ÉxÉ ½þÉäxÉÉ Vɯû®úÒ ½èþ* ªÉ½þ ±ÉSÉÒ±ÉÉ{ÉxÉ ´ªÉÊHò EòÉä SÉÖxÉèÊiɪÉÉå Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú JÉÖnù EòÉä føÉ±É {ÉÉxÉä ¨Éå ºÉIÉ¨É ¤ÉxÉÉiÉÉ ½èþ* Ênù±É-Ênù¨ÉÉMÉ EòÉä {ÉÚ®úÒ iÉ®ú½þ iÉÉä c÷ näùxÉä ´ÉɱÉÒ ÎºlÉÊiɪÉÉå ºÉä ¦ÉÒ =¤É®úxÉä EòÉ ºÉɽþºÉ näùiÉÉ ½èþ* ´ÉèºÉä iÉÉä Eò½þÉ´ÉiÉ ½èþ-VÉÒ´ÉxÉ SɱÉxÉä EòÉ xÉÉ¨É ½èþ +Éè®ú ½þ¨Éå +ÆvÉä®úÒ MÉʱɪÉÉå ¨Éå ®úÉä¶ÉxÉÒ EòÒ ÊEò®úhÉ iɱÉɶÉxÉÒ SÉÉʽþB* ±ÉäÊEòxÉ VÉÒ´ÉxÉ EòÒ ®ú}iÉÉ®ú Eò¦ÉÒ BEò ºÉÒ xɽþÓ ½þÉäiÉÒ* Eò¦ÉÒ ºÉÖJÉ iÉÉä Eò¦ÉÒ nÖùJÉ* VÉ¤É iɨÉzÉÉBÄ {ÉÚ®úÒ xɽþÓ ½þÉäiÉÒ,VÉ¤É +ºÉ¡ò±ÉiÉÉBÄ EòSÉÉä]õxÉä ±ÉMÉiÉÒ ½èþ,iÉÉä ±ÉMÉiÉÉ ½èþ VÉèºÉä ËVÉnùMÉÒ ¦ÉÖ®ú¦ÉÖ®úÒ ®äúiÉ EòÒ iÉ®ú½þ ¨ÉÖ]Âõ`öÒ ºÉä Ê¡òºÉ±É MÉ<Ç ½þÉä* BäºÉä ºÉ¨ÉªÉ +{ÉxÉÒ +ºÉ¡ò±ÉiÉÉ+Éå Eä ò ʱÉB nÚùºÉ®úÉå EòÉä EÖ òºÉÖ®ú´ÉÉ®ú `ö½þ®úÉxÉä EòÒ ¤ÉVÉÉªÉ +{ÉxÉä +ÆiɨÉÇxÉ ¨Éå ZÉÉÄEòxÉÉ ¤Éä½þnù VÉ°ü®úÒ ½èþ* +±¤É]Çõ ÊMɱ¤É]Çõ EòÉ BEò EòlÉxÉ ½èþ-VÉ¤É ½þ¨É EòÊ`öxÉ EòɨÉÉå EòÉä SÉÖxÉÉäÊiÉ Eäò ¯û{É ¨Éå º´ÉÒEòÉ®ú Eò®úiÉä ½èþ +Éè®ú =x½äþ JÉÖ¶ÉÒ ´É =iºÉɽþ ºÉä {ÉÚ®úÉ Eò®úiÉä ½èþ, iÉÉä SɨÉiEòÉ®ú ½þÉä ºÉEòiÉä ½èþ* {É®ú +CºÉ®ú ½þ¨É +ºÉ¡ò±É ½þÉä ä {É®ú ½þ¨É xÉÉ®úÉVÉ ½þÉäiÉä ½èþ ´É JÉÖnù {É®ú MÉÖººÉÉ ÊxÉEòɱÉiÉä ½èþ* <ºÉºÉä +Eäò±ÉÉ{ÉxÉ ½þÒ ¤ÉgøiÉÉ ½èþ* VÉÒ´ÉxÉ SɱÉxÉä EòÉ xÉÉ¨É ¨ÉiÉ±É¤É ÊºÉ¡Çò ºÉc÷Eò ªÉÉ MɱÉÒ SÉÉè¤ÉÉ®úÉä iÉEò ½þÒ ºÉÒʨÉiÉ xɽþÓ ½èþ

Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.” - dpsnazira.netdpsnazira.net/admin/circular/Newsletter ECHO, Issue 6, Oct,2016-Mar,2017.pdf · mala Phukan Borthakur, Deputy Commissioner-Charaideo

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Page 1: Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.” - dpsnazira.netdpsnazira.net/admin/circular/Newsletter ECHO, Issue 6, Oct,2016-Mar,2017.pdf · mala Phukan Borthakur, Deputy Commissioner-Charaideo

Message from the Executive Director, ONGC, Assam Asset

It is said, “Success is a journey, not a desti-nation”. I congratulate DPS, ONGC, Nazira at

the successful publication of the 6th issue of its biennial newslet-ter, ‘Echo’. Wishing the school success in such reverential fu-

ture endeavours…

Message from the Pro-Vice Chairman

I express my happi-ness at the publica-tion of the 6th issue

of ’Echo’ and wish the school and the editorial team all the

very best. Being a stakeholder, I am equally delighted to be a part of this successful journey

of the school...

Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.”

From the Editorial Desk





Gandhi Jayanti was cele-brated through a Special Assembly presented by the Students Council on 01.10.16. to promote non-violence and human values.

RASTRIYA EKTA DIVAS Rastriya Ekta Divas was celebrated through a Special Assembly presented by the stu-dents of class IV B on

31.10.16. Speech, song and skit marked the celebration.


From 31st October to 5th November 2016, the school observed Vigilance Awareness Week along with ONGC Assam Asset as well as CBSE. Various activities like- Poster Making, Speech Competition, Slogan Writing Competi-tion, Essay Writing Competition, Street Play etc. were organized among the students. 

Message from the Principal

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Page 2: Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.” - dpsnazira.netdpsnazira.net/admin/circular/Newsletter ECHO, Issue 6, Oct,2016-Mar,2017.pdf · mala Phukan Borthakur, Deputy Commissioner-Charaideo

Page 2 ECHO Volume VI


National Energy Conserva t ion Day was ob-served through a Special As-sembly pre-

sented by the students of Luit House on 14.12.16. A rally with poster and placards was also a part of the cele-bration.

MATHEMATICS DAY G A N I T D I V A S WEEK was ce lebra ted from 21th to

23rd December 2016. Along with various activities, Competitions were organized for different cate-gories in the topic ‘Geometrical Shapes In Daily Life’ to develop analytical ability of the young minds.


To mark the occa-sion, the t e a c h e r s and the students of

the school presented a Special Assembly on 11.11.16. In house picnic was organized for the stu-dents of the Classes Nursery to II in the school campus.



Book Fair was organised from 5th to 10th October, in the M.P. Hall of the school, in which books from various publishers and grnre were made available. It saw an overwhelming response from students and parents as well.

CAREER COUNSELLING On 2nd November, 2016, the students of Classes XI and XII

had a motivational interactive session with Mrs Mosfiqa Be-

gum, a career counsellor. During the session, the students

were informed about various career prospects available after

Class XII.

SCIENCE EXHIBITION On 11th & 12th November 2016, the Department of Science organised the Annual Science Exhibition, in which students from Classes VI to XII ex-hibited their models which were highly appreciated by the parents. Three groups presenting Telsa, Automatic Field Irrigation and Submerged Bridge were awarded.


The XVII Annual Day ‘Tamanna’ was held in the school premises on 20th December, 2016. Shri Budhin Deuri, Ex-ecutive Director, Asset Manager, ONGC Assam Asset, Nazira, graced the occasion as the chief guest. It was followed by the cultural programme.



Annual Sports Day was celebrated with great gusto and en-thusiasm on 25th and 26th November

2016, for Primary and Secondary wing respectively. Mrs Moni-mala Phukan Borthakur, Deputy Commissioner-Charaideo and Mr. S. K. Wadhwani, GM Head, HR, ONGC Assam Asset graced the occasion as the Chief Guests The winners were fe-licitated with medals and certificate. Luit House was adjudged the Best House for sports & games for the session 2016-17.

Page 3: Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.” - dpsnazira.netdpsnazira.net/admin/circular/Newsletter ECHO, Issue 6, Oct,2016-Mar,2017.pdf · mala Phukan Borthakur, Deputy Commissioner-Charaideo


Volume VI Page 3 ECHO

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On 05.11.16, an Inter-House Football Tournament was held for the students of Classes IX to XII. Luit House bagged the 1st position whereas Dihing House was adjudged the Runners-up.


On 25.11.16, Inter-House Relay Race (boys & girls) was organised for Classes III to V. In the event, Luit House (boys’ category) bagged the 1st position whereas

Dhansiri House was adjudged the Runners-up. In the girls’ event, Luit House bagged the 1st position whereas Dihing House was the Runners – up .


On last 18.11.16, an Inter-House Kho-Kho competition (boys & girls) was organised for Classes IV & V. In the event, Dihing House (boys’ category) bagged the 1st position whereas Dhansiri House was adjudged the Run-ners-up. In girls’ event, Luit House bagged the 1st posi-tion whereas Dihing House was adjudged the Runners – up position.

INTER HOUSE BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT Inter-House Basket ball Tourna-ment was organised for the girls and boys of Classes VI to VIII on 05.11.16, in which Dihing House (girls’ category) bagged the 1st position whereas Dikhow House was adjudged the Runners-up. In the boys’ event, Luit House bagged the 1st position whereas Dihing House was adjudged the Runners – up.

INTER-HOUSE CRICKET TOURNAMENT On 17.11.16, an Inter-House Cricket Tournament was held for the students of Classes IX to XII. In the event, Dikhow House bagged the 1st position whereas Luit House was ad-judged the Runners-up.

On 19.11.16, an Inter-House Cricket Tournament was held for the students of Classes VI to VIII. In the event, Dikhow House bagged the 1st position whereas Dihing House was adjudged the Runners-up.

* Zone-4 Inter DPS Basketball Tournament Girls (Open) - 2016 was organised at DPS Ranchi  from 21st to 23rd of October 2016,where 09 students participated in the event. * CBSE Inter School Sports & Games Competition (Cluster I) Table Tennis Under 14

was  organized at Don Bosco School, Guwahati From last 21st to 23rd of October 2016, where Far-heed Wazbir Rahman (VIII) brought laurels to school by securing 3rd position in the event and Har-shit Pawan Baruah (VII A), Parth Lakhera (VI B) also participated in the competition.

In the CBSE Far East Zone Swimming Meet 2016, Antarikha Sankriti (6 B) secured Bronze Medal in 100 mt Free Style and 50mt Back Stroke in U 11 age group. Shivangi Sarma (8 B) secured 4th posi-tion in 50mt Breast Stroke, 100 mt Back and 50 mt Back Stroke, 200 mt Individual Medley in under 14.

* All Assam ONGC Cup Swimming Championship 2016, was organized at Aquatic Complex, Jorhat Swimming Society, Jorhat on 22.10.16 & 23.10.16, where students brought laurels to school by winning in different categories. Reyhan Bashir (V A) se-cured bronze medal in 50 mt free style in group IV. Sanskriti Konwar (VI B) secured

bronze medal in 200 mt individual medley in group III. * Ritvik Gupta of class I A secured 1st prize in the Badminton Competition held at ONGC Colony, Sivasagar under the aegis of the Distric Sports Association held from 23rd to 25th May 2016.


Page 4: Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.” - dpsnazira.netdpsnazira.net/admin/circular/Newsletter ECHO, Issue 6, Oct,2016-Mar,2017.pdf · mala Phukan Borthakur, Deputy Commissioner-Charaideo

Volume VI Page 4 ECHO


* Nineteen stu-dents of the school attended a work-shop on Katha

Utsav 2016, organized by CBSE, which was held on 22nd and 23rd of October at Springdales High School Cinamara,Jorhat Assam . Out of these 12 students attended the 2nd level of the workshop at Delhi from 26th to 30th December.

* The 15th SOF National Cyber Olympiad for the students of class I to XII was organised on 21th October, 2016 in which 63 students took part. * The 19th National Science Olympiad for the students of Classes I to XI was organised on 24thNovember, 2016 in which 313 students took part.

INTER-DPS INDIAN CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA FESTIVAL Inter-DPS Indian Classical Orchestra Festival 2016 was held at DPS Greater Noida, on 10.12.16. A contingent of 20 students from the school participated in the competition.



On 02.12.16, an Inter-House Choir Com-petition was held for the students of Classes III to V, where Dhansiri House won the competition bagging the first position and Dihing House bagged the second position.

SECURITY AWARENESS WEEK 3 students namely Smriti Pahwa (XA), Shruti Pahwa (XC) and Sanskriti Agar-walla (XA) got prizes

in the Slogan Competition organised by ONGC Assam Asset as part of Security Awareness Week, ‘THEME – SECURITY AND PROSPERITY’ and secured different prizes.


ALL ASSAM OPEN QUIZ COMPETITION 2106 Two students of class X, Arjav and Abhigyan Khanikar, par-ticipated in the All Assam Open Quiz Competition held at Na-zira College on 16.12.16

ACHIEVEMENTS Arijit Das(Class X I ) , A a k r i t Gogoi, Abhinov S h a r m a a n d Raghav Agarwal (Class X) partici-pated in Regional Level CBSE Sci-ence Exhibition

held at NPS International School, Guwahati from 15.12.2016 to 17.12.16 and one model namely “AUTOMATIC FISH CATCHER” made by Abhinov and Aakrit has been selected for the national level and they have participated in the NATIONAL LEVEL CBSE SCIENCE EX-HIBITION, held at Jindal Public School, Delhi.

SMTE 2016 Three students of the school Raghib Abduz Samee (IX), Syed Shaheer Tanveer (IX) and Tanaya Buragohain (IX) quali-fied in the 1st level of SMTE. In Level II, (National) held at DPS RK Puram, on 10.12.16, Raghib Abduz Samee got 53rd rank and qualified for the Aca-demic Camp organized by HRDC-DPSS, and participated in the said Academic Camp.

Master Sankalpa Jyoti Kakoty of Class VIII got merit scholarship from Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT), under the aegis of Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India in the field of performing arts in under – 14 category held at Guwa-hati.

Page 5: Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.” - dpsnazira.netdpsnazira.net/admin/circular/Newsletter ECHO, Issue 6, Oct,2016-Mar,2017.pdf · mala Phukan Borthakur, Deputy Commissioner-Charaideo

Volume VI Page 5 ECHO Teacher’s Training

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An In-house workshop was held on 26th November, 2016 by Mr. Monjit Sonar on the topic –Impact of Video Games on Children .He threw light on both the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games and how pa-rental control can be exercised without making them aware that they are being monitored.

A language workshop was held on the 19thNovember, 2016. The resource persons were Mr.Anil Sharma, Ms. Jennifer Amonge and Mr. Rakesh. The topics dealt with in the workshop were Lan-guage Development and the lessons from the Bhagvad Gita. A language workshop was conducted on 10.12.16. Four teachers of the school conducted the work-shops on different topics.

On 02.12.16 a Refresher Training by Mr. Ashok Singh of Teach Next was conducted for teachers teaching Maths. On 24.12.16 a Workshop on Application of Abacus in Maths teaching for teachers was conducted by SIP, Sivasagar.


A workshop on ‘Skill Development in Table Tennis’ was organised by the PE department in the school from 26.12.16 to 30.12.16. A group of 12 students partici-pated in the Workshop.


A Life Skill Training for school teachers under the programme “Child Protec-tion and Adolescent” was organised by District Chil-dren and Adolescent Cell, Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Sivasagar from 12.12.16 to 15.12.16. Two teachers of the school namely Binita Gogoi and Mrinal Bhattacharjee attended the programme.

Mrs. Gitanjali Sinha and Indrani Borthakur attended a workshop on, “Role of a Teacher as a Counsellor and Personality Development”, at HRDC DPSS from 23rd to 25th January, 2017.

Educational Trip for the students of Classes VII & VIII to Jor-hat Agricultural University.

Classes IV and Class V students during an educational tour

Class III students during an educational tour

Educational Trip was organized by the school for the students of Class IX. to Tocklai Tea Estate

Research Centre, Jorhat .

Class X students during an educational trip to Trip to Gibon Wildlife Sanctuary, Jorhat .

Students of Class VI visited Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat, for an educational tour.


Students of Class XII during an educational trip to Rudrasagar GGS

Page 6: Mission Statement: “Each One, Adopt One.” - dpsnazira.netdpsnazira.net/admin/circular/Newsletter ECHO, Issue 6, Oct,2016-Mar,2017.pdf · mala Phukan Borthakur, Deputy Commissioner-Charaideo

Volume VI Page 6 ECHO


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