Mixed-mode instability of a miscible interface due to coupling between Rayleigh-Taylor and double-diffusive convective modes J. Carballido-Landeira, P. M. J. Trevelyan, C. Almarcha, and A. De Wit Citation: Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4790192 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4790192 View Table of Contents: http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/PHFLE6/v25/i2 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Crucial flow stabilization and multiple instability branches of gravity-driven films over topography Phys. Fluids 25, 024103 (2013) Longitudinal instability of a liquid rim Phys. Fluids 25, 022103 (2013) Asymmetric Rayleigh-Taylor and double-diffusive fingers in reactive systems Phys. Fluids 25, 014103 (2013) Statistical measurements of scaling and anisotropy of turbulent flows induced by Rayleigh-Taylor instability Phys. Fluids 25, 015107 (2013) Detailed analysis of the vibration induced instability of a liquid film flow Phys. Fluids 25, 014101 (2013) Additional information on Phys. Fluids Journal Homepage: http://pof.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://pof.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://pof.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://pof.aip.org/authors

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Mixed-mode instability of a miscible interface due to coupling betweenRayleigh-Taylor and double-diffusive convective modesJ. Carballido-Landeira, P. M. J. Trevelyan, C. Almarcha, and A. De Wit Citation: Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4790192 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4790192 View Table of Contents: http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/PHFLE6/v25/i2 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related ArticlesCrucial flow stabilization and multiple instability branches of gravity-driven films over topography Phys. Fluids 25, 024103 (2013) Longitudinal instability of a liquid rim Phys. Fluids 25, 022103 (2013) Asymmetric Rayleigh-Taylor and double-diffusive fingers in reactive systems Phys. Fluids 25, 014103 (2013) Statistical measurements of scaling and anisotropy of turbulent flows induced by Rayleigh-Taylor instability Phys. Fluids 25, 015107 (2013) Detailed analysis of the vibration induced instability of a liquid film flow Phys. Fluids 25, 014101 (2013) Additional information on Phys. FluidsJournal Homepage: http://pof.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://pof.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://pof.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://pof.aip.org/authors

PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 25, 024107 (2013)

Mixed-mode instability of a miscible interface due tocoupling between Rayleigh-Taylor and double-diffusiveconvective modes

J. Carballido-Landeira,1,2 P. M. J. Trevelyan,1,3 C. Almarcha,1,4

and A. De Wit11Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit, Service de Chimie Physique et Biologie Theorique,Faculte des Sciences, Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), CP231, 1050 Brussels, Belgium2University of Santiago de Compostela, Grupo Nonlinear Physics, E-15782 Santiago DeCompostela, Spain3Division of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, CF37 1DL,United Kingdom4IRPHE, UMR 7342, 49, rue F. Joliot Curie, 13013 Marseille, France

(Received 6 September 2012; accepted 6 December 2012;published online 28 February 2013)

In a gravitational field, a horizontal interface between two miscible fluids can be buoy-antly unstable because of double diffusive effects or because of a Rayleigh-Taylorinstability arising when a denser fluid lies on top of a less dense one. We show hereboth experimentally and theoretically that, besides such classical buoyancy-driveninstabilities, a new mixed mode dynamics exists when these two instabilities actcooperatively. This is the case when the upper denser solution contains a solute A,which diffuses sufficiently faster than a solute B initially in the lower layer to yieldnon-monotonic density profiles after contact of the two solutions. We derive analyt-ically the conditions for existence of this mixed mode in the (R, δ) parameter plane,where R is the buoyancy ratio between the two solutions and δ is the ratio of diffusioncoefficient of the solutes. We find an excellent agreement of these theoretical predic-tions with experiments performed in Hele-Shaw cells and with numerical simulations.C© 2013 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4790192]


Studies on the mixing of fluids due to buoyancy-driven convective instabilities are of genericinterest because of the tantamount importance of such convective processes in technological andenvironmental problems. As an example of such instabilities, the well-known Rayleigh-Taylor (RT)instability occurs when a denser solution lies on top of a less dense one in the gravity field leadingto interpenetrating fingers and vivid convective motions (Fig. 1(a)).1, 2 RT convection is observed inapplications as diverse as CO2 sequestration,3, 4 stellar, and planetary interior dynamics,5 granularsystems,6 or sediment and contamination transport in soils7 as well as in the atmosphere or oceans forinstance. Other much studied buoyancy-driven instabilities are double diffusive instabilities observedin the presence of two adverse density gradients due to two different variables diffusing at differentrates.8–10 Such differential diffusion phenomena are for instance at the origin of thermohalineconvective motions in the oceans due to differential diffusivities of salt and heat11 and are alsoobserved in magma crystallization phenomena12 or in stellar dynamics for instance. They can alsooccur as soon as two solutes with different diffusion coefficients (such as salt and sugar, for instance,see Figs. 1(b) and 1(c) participate in density gradients starting from an initially stable densitystratification.13–17 Because of the large range of spatial scales involved in applications of RT anddouble diffusive instabilities, theoretical modeling backed up by laboratory-scale experiments havebeen developed to analyze their dynamics. Up to now, these classical buoyancy-driven instabilitieshave been characterized individually, but the dynamics resulting from the interaction between themhas not yet been considered, in contrast to numerous other pattern-forming systems.

1070-6631/2013/25(2)/024107/10/$30.00 C©2013 American Institute of Physics25, 024107-1

024107-2 Carballido-Landeira et al. Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013)

FIG. 1. Buoyancy-driven instabilities in a vertical Hele-Shaw cell at the miscible interface between two fluids: (a) Rayleigh-Taylor (R, δ) = (0.82, 0.51) at t = 20 s, (b) double-diffusion (R, δ) = (2, 1.96) at t = 600 s, (c) diffusive layer convection(R, δ) = (1.25, 0.27) at t = 300 s, (d)−(f) three consecutive snapshots of the mixed mode dynamics at (R, δ) = (0.89, 0.27)taken at 40, 50, 60 s after contact. Frames size: (a)−(c) 15 mm × 9 mm, (d)−(f) 11 mm × 9 mm.

In this context, we propose a unifying classification of all such buoyancy-driven instabilitiesof a two-layer miscible system. We furthermore demonstrate both theoretically and experimentallythe existence of a hitherto unexplored mixed mode (MM) of instability resulting from the couplingbetween RT and differential diffusion convective modes (Figs. 1(d)–1(f)). This mixed mode regimeis observed in a stratification of a denser solution of a solute A on top of a less dense solution ofanother solute B provided A diffuses sufficiently faster than B. It is characterized by both a saturationof the deformation of the initial contact line in time and “Y” shaped antennas growing on both sidesof it. We derive analytically the existence zone of this MM in the parameter space spanned by abuoyancy ratio R and a diffusion coefficient ratio δ. Excellent agreement between these predictions,experimental data, and numerical simulations of the relevant model are obtained.


We consider a two-dimensional vertical stratification of a solution of A at a concentration A0

and density ρA overlying a miscible solution of B at concentration B0 and density ρB with thegravity field pointing downwards along the x direction. The initial condition for the dimension-less concentrations a = A/A0, b = B/B0 is taken as a = H(−x) and b = H(x), where H is theHeaviside function and x = 0 is the initial position of the horizontal contact line. The dimensionaldensity ρd of the solution is assumed to vary linearly with the concentrations as ρd = ρ0(1 + αAA+ αBB) where the solutal expansion coefficients are αA = 1



∂ A and αB = 1ρ0


∂ B and ρ0 is the densityof the pure solvent.

Classically, the convective instabilities affecting such a stratification of a fluid A on top of amiscible fluid B in the gravity field are classified in three regimes.10 The RT instability occurs whenthe density ρA = ρ0(1 + αAA0) of the upper solution of A is larger than the density ρB = ρ0(1+ αBB0) of the lower solution of B. The interface deforms in “fingers” of the less dense fluid risingbetween the denser sinking ones hence also the name “density fingering” for this instability, whichhas been much studied both theoretically and experimentally.1, 2 Fig. 1(a) shows an example of a RTdynamics when a denser solution of glycerol is put on top of a less dense solution of sucrose in aHele-Shaw cell, i.e., two glass plates separated here by a gap of 0.25 mm and oriented vertically inthe gravity field.18

If ρA < ρB, i.e., if we start from an initially statically stable stratification of a less dense fluidon top of a denser one, instabilities can nevertheless occur because of differential diffusion effects.

024107-3 Carballido-Landeira et al. Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013)

0.8 0.9 1 1.10.2






δ x







δ=R2 δ=Rc

FIG. 2. Classification of the various density profiles in the (R, δ) parameter plane for δ < 1. Dynamics characteristic of RT,MM, and DLC are obtained experimentally for the points above the full line (red online) and those shown by diamonds (redonline) and black squares, respectively. The filled circle (green online) and diamond (red online) are those corresponding tothe images of Figs. 1(a) and 1(d)–1(f), respectively. The sketches represent the typical density profiles in each region.

These can take place if DA and DB, the diffusion coefficients of A and B are sufficiently different,i.e., if their ratio δ = DB/DA �= 1.

If δ > 1, the so-called double-diffusive (DD) instability (also commonly named “salt fingering”because of its general applicability in ocean dynamics8) can be observed. The DD modes also produceascending and descending fingers across the initial contact line10, 13, 14 as seen on Fig. 1(b), where aless dense solution of slow diffusing sucrose overlies a denser solution of faster diffusing glycerol.

Eventually, if ρA < ρB but δ < 1, diffusive layer convection (DLC) modes develop convectivevortices at symmetric distances above and below the unperturbed interface as seen on Fig. 1(c) fora solution of the faster diffusing KCl above a denser solution of sucrose.10, 16 DLC is due to the factthat DA > DB and hence, the component A in the less dense upper solution diffuses faster downwardsthan the component B of the denser lower solution diffuses upwards. This leads to both a depletionand accumulation zone developing, respectively, above and below the interface, and in which locallyadverse density gradients trigger convection.10, 15 The initial contact line remains unperturbed asseen on Fig. 1(c) as the DLC pattern develops symmetrically around it.

To unify the description of these various modes of convection, we non-dimensionalize theproblem and classify the various convective regimes in a suitable parameter plane. In the absenceof convection, the two solutions of A and B mix by diffusion and the base state of the problemis a = 1

2 erfc(η) and b = 12 erfc(−η/

√δ), where the self-similarity variable η = x/

√4t with x and

t the dimensionless space and time.10 The corresponding dimensionless base state density profileis ρ = a + Rb where ρ = (ρd − ρ0)/ρ0αAA0. The buoyancy ratio R = αBB0/(αAA0), which isalso equal to R = (ρB − ρ0)/(ρA − ρ0), expresses the relative contribution of species B and Ato the dimensional density profile. In dimensionless units, the density ρa of the upper solution isρa = a = 1 while that of the lower solution of B is ρb = R.

In the parameter space (R, δ), the RT instability occurs when ρa > ρb, i.e., in the half planeR < 1 (Fig. 2).10 The DD and DLC modes can exist in the reverse situation R > 1 in the δ > 1 andδ < 1 regions, respectively. Stability regions and dynamical properties of these three RT, DD, andDLC regimes have already been described previously10 and we focus here only on the lower halfplane δ < 1.

To further investigate the influence of differential diffusive effects on the dynamics when δ �= 1,we note that the density profile features non-monotonic behavior19–21 for δ > max(1, R2) (not shownhere but detailed in Ref. 10) or δ < min(1, R2). In particular, if δ < R2 < 1 (Fig. 2), a maximum ρmax

and minimum ρmin in density develop locally at η = ±ηm where ηm = √δ/(1 − δ)



024107-4 Carballido-Landeira et al. Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013)

FIG. 3. Density profiles (a) on the full curve (red online) δ = Rc of Fig. 2 for R = 0.84 and (b) in the MM zone for δ = 0.3and R = 0.9. (c) Summarizes the zone of existence of RT, MM, and DLC modes depending on the relative value of �ρ0 and�ρ′ for δ = 0.3.

As seen on the sketches of Figs. 2 and 3, at fixed δ < R2 < 1, increasing R simultaneouslydecreases the density difference �ρ0 = ρa − ρb = 1 − R between the two pure solutions andincreases �ρ ′ = ρmax − ρmin, the density difference between the two extrema. Let Rc denote thecritical value of R when �ρ0 = �ρ ′. Fig. 3(a) shows that the local maximum in the base state densityprofile has then a peak equal to 1 and a local minimum equal to R, the blue dashed line representingthe initial density profile. The location ηm at which ρmax(ηm) = 1 or also a + Rb = 1 amounts tosolve the equation 2 = erfc(ηm) + R erfc(−ηm/

√δ). Although this must be solved numerically we

notice that Rc → 0.5 when δ → 0 while Rc → 1 as δ → 1. An expansion about δ = 1 by writingRc = 1 − ε and δ = 1 − εn and letting ε tend to zero, yields, to first order in ε, an equation for n. Bywriting n = 2/(1 − 2m2), we obtain to leading order the equation


erfc(−m)(1 − 2m2) = 2m,which reveals that n ≈ 6.8. One notes that the equation δ = Rn is consistent with this expansionnear R = δ = 1. Fig. 2 delimits the regions in the (R, δ) parameter plane where the various types ofdensity profiles are obtained for δ < 1.


To link the above theoretical density profiles to experimental observations and test the importanceof the non-monotonic character of the density profile on the nonlinear dynamics, we have performedexperiments in Hele-Shaw cells scanning various values of δ and R (Figs. 1 and 2). To analyze thedynamics at different values of δ, we use KCl above sucrose (δ = 0.27), NaCl on top of sucrose(δ = 0.34), KCl above glycerol (δ = 0.53), and glycerol overlying sucrose (δ = 0.51). The diffusioncoefficient and solutal expansion coefficient of the solutes used in the experiments are summarizedin Table I. To vary R for one specific pair of solutes (fixed δ), we use initial concentrations A0 andB0 in the order of 10−2 mol/l. The dimensional density ρA,B of these solutions is measured usingan Anton-Paar densimeter. One of the two solutions is then progressively diluted and its densitymeasured to vary R according to the formula R = (ρB − ρ0)/(ρA − ρ0) where ρ0 is the density ofwater. This procedure ensures reproducible experiments independently of slight changes of densitywith temperature and pressure.

As color indicator or dyes can perturb the dynamics,25, 26 visualization is made by a Schlierentechnique27 tracking changes in the index of refraction induced by the dynamics. In effect, theexperimental images (Fig. 1) show changes in the gradient of the refraction index in a grey scaleranging from white to black between the absolute minimum and maximum values reached duringthe dynamics respectively. Initially, the contact line corresponds to the maximum black value in thisscale as it is the location of the largest gradient. We follow the dynamics of this “contact line” atlater time by following the evolution of this maximum.

024107-5 Carballido-Landeira et al. Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013)

TABLE I. Expansion coefficients α, diffusion coefficients D of the solutes used in experiments.

Solute α [10−2 l/mol] D [10−5 cm2/s] Ref.

NaCl 4.0 1.54 22KCl 4.8 1.91 22Sucrose 12.2 0.52 23Glycerol 2.3 1.02 24

In the DLC regime, i.e. if R > 1 for δ < 1 (black squares in Fig. 2), the local minimum aboveand local maximum below the contact line for an initially stable density stratification (�ρ0 < 0)lead to the dynamics of Fig. 1(c). The contact line is initially non-deformed and convection developsat symmetric distances above and below it in the zones of the locally statically unstable densitygradients.

In the RT zone for R < 1, the dynamics depends on the value of δ. For δ > R2, the density profileρ is monotonically decreasing along gravity (Fig. 2), and a classical RT dynamics is observed,with regular smooth fingers and a sinusoıdal deformation of the initial contact line at the onsetof the instability such as in the case of a denser solution of A on top of the pure solvent studiedexperimentally by Fernandez et al. in a Hele-Shaw for instance.2

If δ < R2, the density profile becomes non-monotonic (Fig. 2) and differential diffusion effectsstart to impact the RT instability. As long as Rc < δ < R2, then �ρ0 > �ρ ′, i.e., the unfavorabledensity difference between the two pure solutions of A and B is larger then the locally stable zonein the middle. Hence, the RT mode dominates and strongly deforms the contact line. Differentialdiffusion effects manifest themselves only by deforming the upward moving caps of the fingers in amushroom way (see Fig. 1(a)). This is reminiscent of what is observed in nonlinear simulations ofRT instabilities with a fast diffusing upper component performed by Trevelyan et al.10 even thoughthe refractive index images of Fig. 1 cannot directly be compared to their numerical concentrationmaps. In this regime, the mixing length defined as the distance between the furthest upward anddownward location of the interface deformation grows continuously in time (Fig. 4).

If δ < Rc, then �ρ0 < �ρ ′ such that the values of the extrema of the non-monotonic densityprofile are outside the range of the end-point values of densities for the pure fluids (see Fig. 3(b)).The dynamics features then a combination of RT and DLC trends giving rise to the mixed mode. TheDLC characteristic leads to little “Y shaped” convective structures developing around the interfaceat the locations of the local adverse density gradients between the end-point values and the extrema(Figs. 1(d)–1(e)). These “antennas,” which keep on growing in time resulting in a steadily increasingmixing length (Fig. 4(b)), alternate on average upwards and downwards out of the interface, whichinitially remains almost unperturbed. Later on, the RT mode comes into play as well due to thefact that ρa > ρb and the interface itself starts to be modulated (Fig. 1(f)). However, the amplitudeof this modulation saturates after a given time as seen on Fig. 4(c). This saturation is differentfrom the continuous growth characteristic of the dominance of the RT mode for the cases whereδ > Rc.10 The red diamonds in Fig. 2 represent the experimentally determined MM regimes wherethe DLC contribution to the dynamics begins to dominate over the RT instability leading to asaturation of the amplitude of the interface deformation after a given transient. At a fixed δ < 1, thecontribution of the RT mode on the dynamics decreases as R increases and δ decreases. The relatedsmooth decrease in the mixing length from RT to the DLC mode agrees with the numerical trendscomputed numerically in Trevelyan et al.10 (see Figure 18(b) in Ref. 10). This is also the case forthe saturated amplitude of the interface modulation, which decreases when R increases as seen onFig. 4(c).

The wavelength of the mixed mode, measured as the distance on a horizontal line betweentwo consecutive upside (or downside) “Y antennas” does not remain constant in time mainly dueto the waving of the interface, which induces a motion and sometimes even a possible collision ofthe plumes. The wavelength depends on the (R, δ) values and is roughly equal to 1.3 mm for theexperiment shown in Figs. 1(d)–1(f). For a given couple of solutes, i.e., for a given value of δ, theexperimental wavelength slightly increases upon increasing R.

024107-6 Carballido-Landeira et al. Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013)

0 50 100 1500








Time (sec)




th (



0 50 100 1500







Time (sec)



de (




FIG. 4. (a) Sketch showing how the mixing length is measured as the distance between the two black horizontal lines passingby the furthest upmost and downmost points of the fingering zone while the amplitude of the deformation of the contact lineis the distance between the two dashed (red online) horizontal lines passing by the furthest upmost and downmost pointsof the deformed interface. The temporal evolution of the mixing length and of the amplitude of the interface modulationare given on panels (b) and (c) for δ = 0.27 and R = 0.8 (RT, crosses), 0.85 (MM, dotted line), 0.89 (MM, dashed line),0.96 (MM, solid line), and 1.01 (DLC, squares). The mixing length continuously increases in time for all values of R but itsintensity decreases as R increases. (c) The amplitude of the contact line modulation is equal to the mixing length in the RTmode, saturates to a constant value in the MM dynamics and vanishes in the DLC regime.

In short, differential diffusion effects can deform RT dynamics when R < 1. As long as theextrema of the non-monotonic density profiles are not larger than the end-point densities of thepure solutions (Rc < δ < R2, green circles of Fig. 2), the RT mode remains dominant, the interfacestrongly deforms and the mixing length nearly equals the amplitude of the interface modulationand both keep growing in time. In the MM regime (δ < Rc, red diamonds of Fig. 2), these extremaare outside the end-point values and the local intermediate stabilizing zone stops the continuousgrowth of the interface. This induces a saturation of the growth of the interface modulation withDLC antennas growing on both sides where the local adverse gradients operate, leading to a mixinglength still increasing but at a rate decreasing when δ decreases or R increases.


Signatures of the non-monotonic density profile and of the MM mode can been obtained innonlinear simulations of a diffusion-convection model of the problem as well. In the modeling,

024107-7 Carballido-Landeira et al. Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013)

we assume that the solutions are dilute so that the Boussinesq approximation can be made andthe fluid can be treated as incompressible. The evolution equations are the continuity equation, anevolution equation for the flow velocity u, and transport equations for the concentrations a, b of thesolutes A and B. To simulate the above experiments performed in Hele-Shaw cells, we use two-dimensional Darcy’s law for the flow equation but a generalization to the Navier-Stokes equationcould be done along the same line. In the absence of a given physical length scale, the problem isnon-dimensionalized using the characteristic velocity uc = gKαAAo/ν, where g is the magnitude ofthe gravitational acceleration, K the permeability, and ν the kinematic viscosity defined as μ/ρ0 withμ being the dynamic viscosity. Then the characteristic length, lc, and time, tc, are given by DA/uc

and DA/u2c , respectively. The dimensionless system of equations is10

∇ p = −u + (a + Rb)i, (1a)

∇ · u = 0, (1b)

at + u · ∇a = ∇2a, (1c)

bt + u · ∇b = δ∇2b. (1d)

The nonlinear simulations of model (1) are performed using a pseudo-spectral scheme.28 In thenumerics, the DLC mode has a clear signature: the stream function features two rows of alternatingvortices around the initial contact line instead of one single roll structure across the interfacecharacteristics of the RT instability.10 The transition from a dominant RT instability to MM is shownon Figure 5 with the concentration map of species B for R = 0.85 and δ = 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2

FIG. 5. Numerical concentration maps of species B for R = 0.85 and in each column: δ = 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2 on a widthW=16384, 16384, 8192, 8192 (aspect ratio constant) from left to right. Times of the first row are, respectively, from left toright: t = 2 × 105, 2 × 105, 1.4 × 105, and 5 × 104; for the second row, we have t= 1.1 × 106, 1.1 × 106, 5.8 × 105, and4 × 105.

024107-8 Carballido-Landeira et al. Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013)

FIG. 6. Reconstructed numerical density maps ρ = a − Rb for R = 0.85 and δ = 0.2 in a system of width 8192 (aspect ratiopreserved) on a grey scale ranging from the less dense in white and the denser in black. (top left) Initially, at t = 0, a littlesinusoıdal perturbation is added on the contact line between the denser solution of A on top of the less dense solution of B;(bottom left, t = 30 000) As A diffuses faster than B, it creates a denser accumulation zone (black line) beneath the miscibleinterface while a less dense depletion zone (white line) appears above it. This effect is weakened at the tip of the protrusionsbecause of curvature effects; (right, t = 70 000) Across the lateral sides of the minima, A diffuses faster out than B enterscreating denser sinking sides. At the tip of the minima, the concentrated inward flux of B and diluted outward flux of Alead to a mixed zone of intermediate density, which rises between the sinking denser sides. As a result, “Y” shaped sinkingantennas are observed. A symmetric argument can be developed for the rising maxima.

from left to right, respectively. The colormap has been chosen in order to track the isoconcentration0.5 as a marker of the evolution of the initial interface. For δ = 0.8, i.e., δ > R2, the density profileis monotonic decreasing along the gravity field and a RT mode strongly deforms the interface rightfrom the beginning. For δ = 0.6 and 0.4 (green circles on Fig. 2), the coupling between RT andDLC modes provides rising plumes and sinking fingers developing around a saturated interfacedeformation, the amplitude of which decreases with δ. The last panel for δ = 0.2 (in the MM reddiamonds zone below Rc on Fig. 2) shows the mixed mode dynamics with a small RT deformationof the interface of asymptotic constant amplitude and DLC convective motions developing aroundit where the two extrema of the non-monotonic density profile are located. The evolution of themixing lengths (computed in Ref. 10) and of the deformation of the interface for a constant δ andincreasing R is similar to those obtained in experiments. In Fig. 5, the widths and times of imageshave been chosen to highlight the scales on which the patterns have similar longitudinal extensions.This shows that, when the RT modes largely dominate the dynamics (δ = 0.8 and 0.6), the patternsgrow on similar time and space scales. On the contrary, when the DLC mode starts to dominate(δ = 0.4 and 0.2), the wavelength of the pattern decreases and a similar extension is reached quicker,in other words the system is more unstable when δ decreases.

Note that the existence of the “Y” antennas is more easily obtained in reconstructed density pro-files (Fig. 6) than in concentrations maps. To understand the origin of these “Y” shaped protrusions,consider an interface perturbed by some sinusoıdal perturbation. The faster diffusion of denser Adownwards is not compensated fast enough by the slower diffusion of the less dense B upwards,which creates denser minima below the interface and less dense maxima above it (Fig. 6 (top left)).Within the minima, A keeps diffusing out perpendicularly to the surface of the protrusion quickerthan B can fill it, which progressively dilutes the inner part of the minimum, accumulating A on

024107-9 Carballido-Landeira et al. Phys. Fluids 25, 024107 (2013)

the outer rim of the interface (Fig. 6 (bottom left)). However, at the tip of the minimum, becauseof curvature effects, the inflow of B is larger and the outflow of A is smaller than at the sides suchthat an averaged density is obtained there. As a consequence, the denser lateral zones sink on thesides of the less dense rising middle zone, which gives the characteristic “Y” shape (Fig. 6 (right)).A symmetrical argument can be applied to the upper growing maxima.


We have provided experimental evidences of the influence of differential diffusion effects onthe RT instability when a denser solution of a fast diffusing species A is put above a less densesolution of a slower diffusing component B. If Rc < δ < R2 < 1, the RT fingers feature mushroomcaps while if δ < Rc < 1, a mixed-mode instability combining properties of the RT and DLC modesis observed. The MM dynamics features “Y shaped” convective structures characteristic of theDLC mode growing both above and below the initial contact line modulated with a finite saturatedamplitude. In the nonlinear dynamics, the mixing length giving the total extent of the fingered zoneincreases in both RT, MM, and DLC regimes with a slope decreasing as R increases. The amplitudeof the contact line deformation on the other hand increases in the RT mode, saturates to a constantvalue in the MM regime while is vanishing in the DLC mode. These characteristics are recovered innumerical simulations as well.

The discovery and experimental characterization in 2D Hele-Shaw cells of the new mixed modebuoyancy-driven instability calls for future studies including simulations of the MM dynamics using2D and 3D Navier-Stokes equation and experimental studies of it in 3D tanks. Search for analogousmixed modes in dynamics of reactive systems15, 29 or in other hydrodynamic instabilities30 wheredifferential diffusion effects have been evidenced would also be of particular interest.

Eventually our classification of all possible buoyancy-driven instabilities of a two-layer systemin a simple (R, δ) parameter plane paves the way for a unification of future comparisons betweenexperiments and simulations even in systems with very different length and time scales.


A.D. acknowledges Prodex, the “Actions de Recherches Concertees CONVINCE” programmeand FRS-FNRS for financial support. J.C.-L. thanks MICINN for funding through research (ProjectNo. FIS2010-21023) and the FPI grant associated to FIS2007-64698.

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