-eplted ~ h e state. *•** « SNOWS/ i* year JOB. MJBEICAN MV. No. 122. _X. Survivors of JEWiSHra jmed Army isport Saved PRICf: FIVE CENTS . . JS.- - •-_• ~.. "J~O " JERU3A1LEM <#) _ Against a background of virtual civil .war the Jews of the (Holy Land went forward yesterday with Oieir ,|flaas for k provisional government for the sep- arate Jewish state totoeesfcablishga I n i i i in accordance with ttie Pffil SHIP tfl KOUie TO j the United Nations. i\ i mmrl hi/ PirP I Tn6Ee •"** ^ «w»aaB»*wn fOti Jpe l/eSirOyPu Uy IHC { g Un fir e -which has sounded.d&y fa North Atlantic n * ht *" «» **• * deciston <" TORK ' )rB which .^-• 'Vrmv tne United <W«*ions. New J boosted the unofficial death to 694 Jor that period. -i.ipi. gale- | ifu-ee Jjsfibs (were Idlled sad-s^v- -pscue , gjj grjtjsi! sojQieEs Tpotmded j 46 me:: :.>rrec to | battle ta Bglt g^^ ^ tew the VS I ship.' * e blazing j V Con- burnec fiercely north Atlanti, .->me 900 .. o f Mew York Uy's survivors 45 crew- I one passenger have shiv- hcun. lti lifeboats "br ^3 h sea "' : be!or<J Lhey ieD ' aboard the rescue ship Calhit. ana the from the Ger. Callan last night a: the New jj^ibaJK;i!'"»- -'"•rne 16 an engine-room fire aboard the Connolly send- and lene passenger In a northeast gale suburb, an official atijioimeetnent said. The per fire at an fighting afclazein a&Mosr ^0ii of in School irvituti *"• f snrvivois." Cailans Sili anri injuries sa^e said Level' in uropwaa to in- intro- & 50 feet.' ami that an *H»^ «» l i g a t u r e last ^iight mn p-- >-n"tp to thp ^? tiiro ^utjistate tSitpuullcariS. tag er ! paid tbf burning ship come 1 urns The sneaBure, sponsored *y Sen- ator $$fi|; J|| Yflung of l&wTlite «sd A s ^ m t ^ ^ %fheeler Sffimoe of J CJasssfesta, iwsdiiih i c -i saU Qie ! to fire aboard the OOH- 1 Had sot been determined '•, A &alv&gr .-& anoiij vim ^e^-:.litc. as & said T> o'. ihe roes tjioartl ihf Union Vic- J3 fijgjard the Gen- R E.' ^lar Army transport, t<2&$£ -He. haa ti&st' the Geacra ; £oif ;.' Vne "tearcl ;iir boat£ anc ali sur 33 pil^Ed UP ss surnvms on ftu srsrt baJiei'eci seri' , the Coast Guard said, j then names, or liis i i%Ssasal Caiiar. and lise er? touiiij lor Eu- thf rewutt. 6ui were tljf Coa-v: Gourd to &^rj>- fee local *2.# to 15 fit isSfiiisi. i l -theet»t« iroves 5>) The Senate last! yflght tmanimousiy approved ,psy%^ «rnor ©eweyfe -Request for «, deflci- appropriation ot *26i217j90& to finable make fthe fiscal H2ie *sseiably is prove'the MIL today. t 33ewgy said last tfeek ^he appro- priation ~waS iiecessitated hy soaring 'costs, vchiefly an the Social ^W*l£are Depsffiment -SenatbriSfijier P. Quinn, ininorlty leader, in jjamounoing Uemoeratc *«e»e «apporfing -the bttl t saia he ""hojjed" the Xte^ey admififettation *oifld 1'remetnber"titjafc•0»"St»te4i «ot the otils^ tadit ©f government sutfeting from inflation. 3 resolution requestsng tobtigr«ss to *dtteadthe cemmfiniiy ^rajjerty per- wnsa inconsfc :ts* law to'all *tate«. "the Pleasure is expected to i » ap- P?oye4 .In the ««9«ably. y Other devdopmenta Included. 1 Dlsdousure that Ptfth Crap ^, 3. fliat action an In- 'salaries of legislatora 4wea put «lf -ior ?' 4 dmi&d for i««i»lative !»*<*• cX - the State Fpwcr Aa- thorlty*s aciMtiCD Insapport of fhc ^wposea St Icwrenee ceftieay proj- " i ^i Iteptjblicim. Intro- . a; proper dwrge'ssalnSt a state as noli 4* fcorne tswn dr toiros Is' ff, w iouls Bgcft* 3»onx ftteCoar:. ' It saic i.-it its MC- .:.--„ ^ru.LefJ , a i Dsmociat, sabmltted •io s-cpeai lisJjsrltewsandtQ" &&d •d^xsox ef the Kb»! pay' en^ifta Msr«h 31. '. tZ^ omnbm; bill vhiih vUl rir- cf far: (ff>) Secretaty : ttf Agrictilinjr* Aiidersdri^agfeed <36n-i gress yesterday for power to clamp; wholesale price ceilings <Jh meat,' and added:— "Weriwill want ! hot;h price control|< nEttiiJ ^^iii&xiiiiff ^o>tx '"5tlfest itttG' *^S?6 Xvill' ^watit them toefor« *his S&J?hig is? o*er." ; - '• Artdersbn, appearing tietore the however, lie .aifltti't '^Sliik \ithere- wStiia he a tieel for teCail pSice' t supported a 'billfeySen- ator Walters-;{ : > *o *e i ihariay, : «11tihorMn|r the -agri*- S t 'to jgefc teaflj uia. : *ifee to orSer.-, State Unwersify Fall Four Year Colleges and Two-Year Junior Colleges • < Are Envisioned atte Wftr srjwols "rtlrowrtviot the 3tat**'-if«Tiwotnm«naed iw* tiicM hj^ left the Yottng CJommUsfon, mm'm •«r l# '.--r r.vr- .•^•'4=5 1 Planis Vandenberg Dotes Many D!feeB(«s In Esti- mates Prepared WASHtNGTON, {fl^> Chaimiaa (B-Mich) hintea yesterday that the Senate, ^ r e i g n R«l^tions Committee idljt not be bound by the $6 I 80O,OO0,t»& fisure. «uDQ^ted by ihe-3Turrian adminietrallon -as She Initial cost of the "JUCarslu* plan,". Noting feat there arc monj? diff- erence* in estimate* prepared by the State 3Jep«*aient arid ihcae made by ihe Sarriinan coaamittee which Jnvpstigated this country*4. ability lo supply Europe's needs, Tanaenberjf saldJ— 'Docs not the nehole comparison clearly SsStotte that there Is noth- Iflg «acto»nct about the «fiuw et *3dea ilat tUe unaa «3i)«s 3x? lucre or tnight be 1«s§ lay SIShiwS " i^ • •. T: Revenues Anticipated at $44,47! Year-$11 Billions for National Defense » fain .-« •'.•?: - The President Spend # For.* Receive f Spend ftcryfe i "trim ffee <By flie Associated. Press) ffifeil for tfte yew mHUng Jung 30, 1948 tte? , Uqcie buc soli It is t&- i. f& mw #i' f t ) >«eod off' '• I rorce" for ;B.CORNfeLL TOl^^ in «Rtt. He also forecast wcord-breaking surpluses if Congress does not ,c«t 05©nftt«jn* < kpn| Simtor £&rgm>n <H%tch) . frumln ol with the President, caHing Ifte estimate reasonabJe at a fs-l Tscltout |1^pl!yO6O,OOO forinteipotljbrtal ^rogmm% * '* *" * ^ **13»e pliin fact is that our fcifl- Kan defense, :^t inutt remain *arote to Mr.Traman message to ctjtmnss, can set "a - far the caa A realutiaji of to an sUt<» Aswsnbljtrun Harold C. , Attiea itftt«iblls«n ? 40x3 lican SWRtor Koyd H An food* York ff, # t c tte oM. . ,. 'tS| picii- i ta* V3 a -i harr.; rates in* local siShool = j^c^j ' pi"esent le^3L** Ult .. The messim «eiffi u 1{ . . distticSs "flKitb f'&PH adult education *n4 *p*eial c^n mm set ttaaspii mjumrwes * conform to pssBSJfc $S$ Ittfe?* J lor thsse special ^Kcliit4ae ftOlM t-steodedtoall 5Cf !i< ttler * —• I Whc: p mcmise of "Suhst«ltia rhiefjy to He also ha der aid to dude any tad resulting tion into tiie smergeaey aM Rphaible sources however, the div- pd '^^^I^^^^^F JI^^J^^^"^TV u « y ^ If le^Mom *ettd:*<«*i* lor flM&b T&6 Itifefcl |Ml corwtitotional to >trikin« J -fl \r- V of increased sdhsol old t«f of the SSew ¥ u<mal Ooafereoae Fd ara-tion Association of i cu> aad t&e ®a ilatlOB Tht- $2OO-$2flO ptoirrmm thrt-t- or xaare' :.>• !at> teasiier .. hrr plus. $1©per papfl to! a p y oemts muit * »5,O» IJfcslar.. m waiMWfr mmrnm pt* m pared the K*slu«onta01l»s for «»-. t i<»caJ the tiiousaBd yeaS districts are fifx. per ..: S4 pe .ii.-tr.t-t!, ** tfl0 Jl Joint re^utioc »» 3«U W mk #** m mm? It <*.* i ^*''V^^^^§F w^A#*^v^a «^^%* ^^H^^p^^^ffK^^s^M^* long jranfe to pleted ** rapidly « j»o*aiWe." Ho tSi the *nUrp project JUia* ywrtasiaf'* DMwteiitlie said that if th* pfopie brtirre th» ,™W?^v <^PW*- #at«nciil said effort" should lie «wcted "«tat«" achook. and rwe«rebcen- *^* wmflfl^i^w'iM* i f 4tQH!lS«a<fc.* or prof« m Qye m y to oeritin private the Oommj^sian h(«! CJommisslon nt discui.aed," Aithoueli 6 i ir^^^frW^'fl?*'' ^ m S f t n jouSHsW n f g ^ | & Slate 4oien to the tn*iK tatte OflftlXR "ft* *4 Tnsnan pat B «Stt IS- SJKB ta Ms taQy ^tsiga. * to tctalitjbriajj rule. ^ii cc iroald far «t««l the carts of the ?rf«id«rt aaid. 3-S«rftary of State tdld the^Homeftirtigo ayCCalot Gom- his proposal that to »* wercc KawteHBf -fesa^j **. tiC the wtitonpUfe-d tw be J(PW^j*A*.ff**W™* •»• for State iriih Colifse, Columbi* Turhiiiy U> the «ep«t«i surpktses,| spending tttimate ever luted in a be decUred the Treatvri' should be in tie Wac* ijy *7^00.000.000 on June » this year and Sjy an addi- Ul U«»0 Uon*l on Juiw 30 figure . *h»>lar4r«t surplus for «wy ^•ear ; |#t«F «nd more thsn the 'p»«»AMai£ i^i^ in aj^f of its first thte T*^^fe i^'W'pk Wf^^R^wi ahead wit* plans "While CO*. « ere a»toand«i «t id« «* * the bod»et-*»J «aM it ««uWteeut- Uiere wa* litti. .rttician of foe »at»o»l ttrfenw. CSallia« thte « t u » "realistic'- Chairman Bridges (ft^H) of the mid of Mr. Tmpan'j . ^ has But no j . *««t the iMs^ taatiacaa increased * «il naitou to the House: dflr*rtoental itan JI anyone am 1H0» «Ck ti JBfift«i» * bud- iJfe, hi d»neerou«««i*le>riUiour heayr outlay formiUtaJy-*aa n*rtl il scononented €ena«of peacetime budget message. Bat ft tpooia not be the largest amount actually spent to a peacetime year Actual expenditures fcir the year mmm &ttk m mam, * $m*-- time record of »«M<J5,O0O^0O, al- m^ 4 fclxidtet estJfcate % mtjow. The President is counting federal reroaues neit year of »«,477,doo^(». He estimated ^wy shdold reach that total provided business, incomes, •empJftyiBent WHJ prices stay about *hn* tbfy are and Cftigwss sop- pHes "an ettective anti-inflatlbn FOJP this year he estimated re- ceipts*i(»bia hit k peacetime record 3 tfee of the surpluses this year and ti do«m to t*xp»yer and dependent/Mr. rstKi congress TO taxes by'^$3^00,- O0O.MO. Tfais the Sunodht He esti- mated m W0 cut »oukl wet. ; taUnng of chop- lie •a si»E»hte payment on'the'd ^ c u t taxe$ at the satne time Although the new budget is J2.0OO- 000,000 aBtive Qiis year's, S». Tru- man said in a Itat«nent-<hit it^Js "evfaa.more realistic and -JbardbGii- ed. STesaid .it was designed to achieve "maximum ecoisxny," tlrat it irDuld have aeen o d y moob.OOO,- Ott "if no new 3 <^«t" ... He-said, it Is cwise re- '•'% - fie feporfeed % It lit^ = the State oY *he Uhkm. A»d the than lic work* proaTam priortott»i*t. Itae total £ar that is « J l»,WO,QO0t and *748,»0,000 increase orer this toe Items in tbe^iget foe TiaiJversa! tminiog, health iik g, , greater help for schbefls a ioog- raiige housing program, eflltoge- merit of Stdnitc pjlants, p»l int- v provement* in "strategic" Alaska. A newsee-fttr] c*riai tohoc* up the Atlantic and l^cific is listed for:^u- ture attrition. ' Mr. Truman suggests expansion of tire Social Security prderam to protect everybody Igainst i " t the ^a. jor economic-hajards of our spde- tyr and the *U5,OQO,000 s Farm and *lf-<niployed ^ would be brought into the old-age $Htf irisuranee .jitocam. ' coterage *ould be financed thrttigii payroll I ^ Kat ThePreiitierit *sked for increaMe yrL* ^SJtJL «-r-|\fii.ft'tj..- A'^'-*.I i*^.* **»*» ••a'i^S^l #O "ifI*T/ TKwviRiLr^BMHT %iTiftv I*IBP SMBXI^ tTttim ^Wiw^nfe^"JH Q$kTfify&r StlM^&t to payroirtaies be raised. The limit now is $3J0OO. I ISo pay Tor a publictie&lth)&d medical program t gested one Many of haHof nt««MW fMMS.* e from the .„ %tetie'ilnaiae'the chances kx* dnk -that so«ne of them will IK adopted as long as the GOP rohs things lit l i f e "cap'ltbi. The 139.6«0 > «»i(»0ih tHe budget * l > wpuia be split the»e briad Natiorml defense ^ljOas.QOOjOQO, an tocrease of i2TO,00£K00O over #e present year; International affairs, including ke Marshall plan > ^7,Q6i,- 000,000, a I14W5W0OOO iocrease; vefefahs' care artd'beneftts *«,10«i,- OO^dfoo, a decrease of ^ISW^.OpO; Socaal-Securlty, herith jmd/welfare $2,Q2$OOQQ6O, up M ; education and general research 1*57,000,000, an o t $310,000,000; aertculture agricultural resource* $80C>000,- 000. up *m000,000; natural re- l.ffiS.OOO.OOO, a boost of 0; transportation arid 4P MhspciJtation eemmimiefttion ll.WS.OOO.OOO. tip •$i9o,ooo,wo, down tm,- ' *il6,0OOWO. a «$,. (Ca»tiH»e4 « Tajre Three) m ,*r I": L 1 *' f*«f«* v 1 T ti 4f i ; « li' t f- -:J.- l»^ • *

MJBEICAN - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031356/1948-01-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · *hn* tbfy are and Cftigwss sop-pHes "an ettective anti-inflatlbn FOJP this year

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Page 1: MJBEICAN - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031356/1948-01-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · *hn* tbfy are and Cftigwss sop-pHes "an ettective anti-inflatlbn FOJP this year

-eplted ~h e state. *•**




MJBEICANMV. No. 122. _X.

Survivors o f J E W i S H r a

jmed Armyisport Saved

PRICf: FIVE CENTS. . JS.- - •-_• ~.. " J~O "

JERU3A1LEM <#) _ Against abackground of virtual civil .war theJews of the (Holy Land went forwardyesterday with Oieir ,|flaas for kprovisional government for the sep-arate Jewish state to toe esfcablishga

I n i i i i n accordance with ttiePffil SHIP tfl KOUie TO j the United Nations.

i\ i mmrl hi/ PirP I T n 6 E e •"** « w » a a B » * w n fOtiJpe l/eSirOyPu Uy IHC { gU nf ir e -which has sounded.d&y &®

fa North Atlantic n*ht *" « » **• *deciston <"TORK '

) r B which . ^ - •


tne United <W«*ions. New Jboosted the unofficial deathto 694 Jor that period.

-i.ipi. gale- | ifu-ee Jjsfibs (were Idlled sad-s^v--pscue , gjj grjtjsi! sojQieEs Tpotmded

j 46 me:: :.>rrec to | b a t t l e ta B g l t g ^ ^ ^tewthe VS

I ship.' * e

blazing jV Con-

burnec fiercelynorth Atlanti, .->me 900.. of Mew York

Uy's survivors 45 crew-I one passenger have shiv-

hcun. lti lifeboats

"br ^ 3 h sea"': b e ! o r < J L h e y

ieD' aboard the rescue shipCalhit. ana the

from the Ger. Callanlast night a: the New

• jj^ibaJK;i!'"»- -'"•rne 16

an engine-room fireaboard the Connolly send-

and lene passengerIn a northeast gale

suburb, an official atijioimeetnentsaid. Theper fire at anfighting a fclaze in a&Mosr 0ii

ofin School

irvituti *"•

f snrvivois."Cailans


anri injuries

sa^e said

Level' inuropwaa to in-

intro-& 50 feet.' ami that an *H»^ *» « » l i g a t u r e last iight

mn p-- >-n"tp to thp ^? tiiro utjistate tSitpuullcariS.tag er! paid tbf burning ship

c o m e

1 urns

The sneaBure, sponsored *y Sen-ator $$fi|; J | | Yflung of l&wTlite «sdA s ^ m t ^ ^ %fheeler Sffimoe of

J CJasssfesta, iwsdiiihic-i saU Qie

! to fire aboard the OOH-1 Had sot been determined '•,

A &alv&gr .-&anoiij vim e^-:.litc. as &

said T> o'. ihe roestjioartl ihf Union Vic-

J3 fijgjard the Gen- R E.'^lar Army transport,

t<2&$£ -He. haa ti&st'the Geacra

; £oif ;.' Vne "tearcl;iir boat£ anc ali sur33 pil^Ed UP

ss surnvms on ftusrsrt baJiei'eci seri'

, the Coast Guard said, j• then names, or liis i

i%Ssasal Caiiar. and liseer? touiiij lor Eu-

thf rewutt. 6ui weretljf Coa-v: Gourd to

& rj>- fee local*2.# to 15 fit isSfiiisi.i l-the et»t«


5>) — The Senate last!yflght tmanimousiy approved ,psy%^«rnor ©eweyfe -Request for «, deflci-

appropriation ot *26i217j90& tofinable make

fthe fiscal

H2ie *sseiably isprove'the MIL today. t

33ewgy said last tfeek ^he appro-priation ~waS iiecessitated hy soaring'costs, vchiefly an the Social W*l£areDepsffiment-SenatbriSfijier P. Quinn, ininorlty

leader, in jjamounoing Uemoeratc*«e»e «apporfing -the bttlt saia he""hojjed" the Xte^ey admififettation*oifld 1'remetnber" titjafc •0»"St»te4i«ot the otils^ tadit ©f governmentsutfeting from inflation.

3 resolution requestsng tobtigr«ss to*dtteadthe cemmfiniiy ^rajjerty per-wnsa inconsfc :ts* law to'all *tate«."the Pleasure is expected to i » ap-P?oye4 .In the ««9«ably.y

Other devdopmenta Included.1 Dlsdousure that Ptfth Crap ,3. fliat action an In-

'salaries of legislatora4wea put «lf -ior ?'

4 dmi&d for i««i»lative !»*<*•cX - the State Fpwcr Aa-

thorlty*s aciMtiCD In sapport of fhc^wposea St Icwrenee ceftieay proj-

" i i

Iteptjblicim. Intro-. a;

proper dwrge'ssalnSta

state asnoli 4 * fcorne

tswn dr toiros Is'ff,w

i ou l s Bgcft* 3»onx

ftteCoar:.' It saic i.-it

its MC- „

. : . - -„ ^ru.LefJ ,

a i

Dsmociat, sabmltted•io s-cpeai


&&d •d^xsox

ef the Kb»! pay' en ifta Msr«h 31. '.t Z ^ omnbm; bill vhiih vUl rir-



(ff>) — Secretaty :

ttf Agrictilinjr* Aiidersdri^agfeed <36n-igress yesterday for power to clamp;wholesale price ceilings <Jh meat, 'a n d added:—

"Weriwill want !hot;h price control|<nEttiiJ ^^iii&xiiiiff ^o>tx '"5tlfest itttG' * S?6 Xvill'

^watit them toefor« *his S&J?hig is?o*er."; - '•

Artdersbn, appearing tietore the

however, lie .aifltti't ' Sliik \ithere-wStiia he a tieel for teCail pSice'

t supported a 'bill fey Sen-ator Walters-;{

:> *o *e i

ihariay,:«11tihorMn|r the -agri*-S t 'to jgefc teaflj

uia.:*ifeeto orSer.-,

State Unwersify

Fall Four Year Colleges andTwo-Year Junior Colleges• < Are Envisioned

a t t e W f t rsrjwols "rtlrowrtviot the

3tat**'-if«Tiwotnm«naed iw* tiicMh j ^

leftthe Yottng CJommUsfon,





1Plan is

Vandenberg Dotes ManyD!feeB(«s In Esti-

mates PreparedWASHtNGTON, {fl > — Chaimiaa

(B-Mich) hinteayesterday that the Senate,

^re ign R«l^tions Committee idljtnot be bound by the $6I80O,OO0,t»&fisure. «uDQ^ted by ihe-3Turrianadminietrallon -as She Initial cost ofthe "JUCarslu* plan,".

Noting feat there arc monj? diff-erence* i n estimate* prepared bythe State 3Jep«*aient arid ihcaemade by ihe Sarriinan coaamitteewhich Jnvpstigated this country*4.ability lo supply Europe's needs,Tanaenberjf saldJ—

'Docs not the nehole comparisonclearly SsStotte that there Is noth-Iflg «acto»nct about the «fiuw et

*3dea ilat tUe unaa «3i)«s3x? lucre or tnight be 1«s§

lay SIShiwS "i ^

• •. T:

Revenues Anticipated at $44,47!Year-$11 Billions for National Defense


fain. -« •'.•?: -

The President


For.*Receive fSpendftcryfe i

"trim ffee

<By flie Associated. Press)

ffifeil for tfte yew mHUng Jung 30, 1948 tte?

, Uqcie


soli It is


i. f& mw #i'

f t ) >«eod o f f ' '•I rorce" for


TOl^^ in «Rtt.

He also forecast wcord-breaking surpluses if Congress does not ,c«t 05© nftt«jn* <

kpn|Simtor £&rgm>n <H%tch) . frumln olwith the President, caHing Ifte estimate reasonabJe at a •

• f s - l


|1^pl!yO6O,OOO forinteipotljbrtal rogmm% * '* *" * **13»e pliin fact is that our fcifl-


:^t inutt remain*arote to

Mr.Tramanmessage to ctjtmnss,

can set"a

- far thecaa

A realutiaji


to an sUt<»Aswsnbljtrun Harold C., Attiea itftt«iblls«n? 40x3lican SWRtor Koyd H An

food* Yorkff, #


c t t e oM . . ,. 'tS| •picii- i t a* V 3

a -i


rates in* local siShool =j c j ' pi"esent le^3L**

U l t . . The messim «eiffi

u1{. . distticSs "flKitb f'&PH

adult education *n4 *p*eial c^nmm set ttaaspii mjumrwes *conform to pssBSJfc $S$ Ittfe?* Jlor thsse special ^Kcliit4ae ftOlMt-steoded to all

5Cf !i<


* — •

I Whc:

pmcmise of "Suhst«ltiarhiefjy toHe also hader aid todude anytad resultingtion into tiiesmergeaey aM

Rphaible sourceshowever, the


pd' ^^^ I^^^^^F JI^^J^^^"^TV

u « y ^If le^Mom *ettd:*<«*i* lor flM&b

T&6 Itifefcl |Mlcorwtitotional to >trikin«

J-fl \r-V

of increased sdhsol old

t«f of the SSew ¥u<mal OoafereoaeFd ara-tion Association of icu> aad t&e ®ailatlOB •

Tht- $2OO-$2flO ptoirrmm

thrt-t- or xaare '

:.>• !at> teasiier

• .. hrr plus. $1©per papfl to!

a p yoemts muit * »5,O»


m waiMWfr mmrnm pt*m

pared the K*slu«onta01l»s for «»-.t

i<»caJ thetiiousaBd yeaSdistricts are

fifx. per..: S4 pe


**tfl0 J lJoint re^utioc » » 3«UW

mk #** m



< * . *

i^*''V^^^^§F w^A#*^v^a «^^%* ^^H^^p^^^ffK^^s^M^*

long jranfe t o

pleted ** rapidly « j»o*aiWe." HotSi the *nUrp project

JUia* ywrtasiaf'* DMwteiitlie saidthat if th* pfopie brtirre th»

,™W?^v < PW*-

#at«nciil saideffort" should lie «wcted

" «tat«" achook.

and rwe«reb cen-

*^* wmflfl^i^w'iM* i


or prof«

m Qye my

to oeritin private

the Oomm j^sian h(«!



discui.aed," Aithoueli 6



^ m S f t n j o u S H s W n f g ^

| &


4oien to the tn*iK tatte

OflftlXR "ft*


Tnsnan patB «Stt IS- SJKBta Ms taQy

^tsiga. *to tctalitjbriajj rule.^ii cc

iroald far «t««l the carts of the

?rf«id«rt aaid.3-S«rftary of State

tdld the^Homeftirtigo ayCCalot Gom-

his proposal that

to »*

wercc KawteHBf -fesa^j **.tiC the wtitonpUfe-d t w






Colifse, Columbi*

Turhiiiy U> the «ep«t«i surpktses,| spending tttimate ever luted in abe decUred the Treatvri' should bein t i e Wac* ijy *7^00.000.000 onJune » this year and Sjy an addi-U l U«»0Uon*l on Juiw 30

figure. *h»>lar4r«t surplus for «wy

^•ear 3» ; | # t « F «nd more thsn the'p»«»AMai£ i ^ i ^ in aj^f of its first


T*^^fe i^'W'pk Wf^^R^wi

ahead wit* plans

"While CO* . «ere a»toand«i «t id« « * * the

bod»et-*»J «aM it ««uW te e u t -Uiere wa* litti. .rttician of

foe »at»o»l ttrfenw.CSallia« thte « t u » "realistic'-

Chairman Bridges (ft^H) of the

mid of Mr. Tmpan'j. ^ has

But no j. *««t the iMs

taatiacaa increased* «il


to the House:dflr*rtoental itan JI

anyone am1H0» «Ck

ti JBfift«i»

* bud-



heayr outlay formiUtaJy-*aa n*rtlil scononented €ena«of

peacetime budget message. Bat fttpooia not be the largest amountactually spent to a peacetime year

Actual expenditures fcir the yearmmm &ttk m mam, * $m*--time record of »«M<J5,O0O^0O, al-m^ 4fclxidtet estJfcate %mtjow.

The President is counting federalreroaues neit year of »«,477,doo^(».He estimated ^wy shdold reach thattotal provided business, incomes,•empJftyiBent WHJ prices stay about*hn* tbfy are and Cftigwss sop-pHes "an ettective anti-inflatlbn

FOJP this year he estimated re-ceipts*i(»bia hit k peacetime record3

tfee of the surpluses this year and

ti do«m to

t*xp»yer and dependent/Mr.rstKi congress TOtaxes by'^$3^00,-

O0O.MO. Tfais i£ the Sunodht He esti-mated m W0 cut »oukl wet.

; taUnng of chop-

lie•a si»E»hte payment on'the'd

^ c u t taxe$ at the satne time

Although the new budget is J2.0OO-000,000 aBtive Qiis year's, S». Tru-man said in a Itat«nent-<hit it^Js"evfaa.more realistic and -JbardbGii-ed. STe said .it was designed toachieve "maximum ecoisxny," tlratit irDuld have aeen o d y moob.OOO,-Ott "if no new 3

< ^ « t " . . .He-said, it Is



'•'% -

fie feporfeed % It lit^ =the State oY *he Uhkm. A»d the

thanlic work* proaTam prior to tt» i*t.Itae total £ar that i s «Jl»,WO,QO0tand *748,»0,000 increase orer this

toe Items in tbe^iget foeTiaiJversa! tminiog, health iikg, ,greater help for schbefls a ioog-raiige housing program, eflltoge-merit of Stdnitc pjlants, p » l int-v

provement* in "strategic" Alaska.A new see-fttr] c*riai tohoc* up theAtlantic and l^cific is listed for:^u-ture attrition.' Mr. Truman suggests expansionof tire Social Security prderam toprotect everybody Igainst i"tthe ^ a .jor economic-hajards of our spde-tyr and the*U5,OQO,000 s

Farm and*lf-<niployed ^would be brought into the old-age

$Htf irisuranee .jitocam.' coterage *ould be

financed thrttigii payroll I ^ K at

ThePreiitierit *sked for increaMeyrL* ^SJtJL «- r-|\fii.ft'tj..- A ' ^ ' - * . I i * ^ . * **»*» ••a'i^S^l

#O "ifI*T/ TKwviRiLr^BMHT %iTiftv I*IBP S M B X I ^

tTttim ^Wiw^nfe^"JH Q$kTfify&r StlM^&tto payroirtaies be raised. The limitnow is $3J0OO. I

ISo pay Tor a public tie&lth )&dmedical programt5§gested

oneMany of


n t « « M W fMMS.*

e from the

.„ % tetie'ilnaiae' the chances kx*dnk -that so«ne of them will IKadopted as long as the GOP rohsthings lit life "cap'ltbi.

The 139.6«0>«»i(»0ih tHe budget* l >

wpuia be split the»e briad

Natiorml defense ljOas.QOOjOQO,an tocrease of i2TO,00£K00O over # epresent year; International affairs,including k e Marshall plan>^7,Q6i,-000,000, a I14W5W0OOO iocrease;vefefahs' care artd'beneftts *«,10«i,-OO dfoo, a decrease of ISW^.OpO;Socaal-Securlty, herith jmd/welfare$2,Q2$OOQQ6O, u p

M; education

and general research 1*57,000,000, anot $310,000,000; aertculture

agricultural resource* $80C>000,-000. up *m000,000; natural re-

l.ffiS.OOO.OOO, a boost of0; transportation arid


eemmimiefttion ll.WS.OOO.OOO. tip

•$i9o,ooo,wo, down tm,-' *il6,0OOWO. a « $ , .

(Ca»tiH»e4 « Tajre Three)

m ,*r



1 *'






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