THE LAW OF ENERGIES Lecture 11, to the Youth Occult Class Given by the Master Beinsa Douno May 10, 1922 – Wednesday, 19.00 local time Sofia - Secret Prayer, for attendees only (It is translated “secret prayer” by David L too, it means that everyone of the attendees goes to their secret rooms to pray in silence) Matthew 6:6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. - Presentation of the work accomplished on the topic “Karmic Applications in Life” - Comment by Master Beinsa Douno that the work presented the theoretical issues of karma Much is often said about the physical life and the physical body of the human being. What does the physical body represent? It represents a conductor, a great installation for the forces existing in Nature. Two types of natural forces pass through this installation: positive and negative electricity as well as positive and negative magnetism. At present, your bodies are not physically tuned. Some are positive, others are negative; some have more positive electricity in them, others have 1

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Lecture 11, to the Youth Occult Class

Given by the Master Beinsa Douno

May 10, 1922 Wednesday, 19.00 local time


- Secret Prayer, for attendees only (It is translated secret prayer by David L too, it means that everyone of the attendees goes to their secret rooms to pray in silence)Matthew 6:6But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.- Presentation of the work accomplished on the topic Karmic Applications in Life

- Comment by Master Beinsa Douno that the work presented the theoretical issues of karmaMuch is often said about the physical life and the physical body of the human being. What does the physical body represent? It represents a conductor, a great installation for the forces existing in Nature. Two types of natural forces pass through this installation: positive and negative electricity as well as positive and negative magnetism. At present, your bodies are not physically tuned. Some are positive, others are negative; some have more positive electricity in them, others have more negative electricity. If two individuals of positive electric charge remain together at the same place, they will surely repel one another. If they begin a conversation, directly after their parting they will feel aversion and dissatisfaction. If neither can transform the other's positive electricity into negative electricity, it is better for them to part on good will, at least for a while, and look for a friend of opposite electric charge. Otherwise, they will create a hostile attitude towards one another, and will act out of their hostility. Rude behavior will result as a consequence. Never mind whether male or female, people become rude, because the electricity in them flows in short lines. And rudeness is manifested in the shortest lines.If two negatively charged individuals meet and remain at the same place, they will also repel one another. A certain discontent, doubt or fear will become apparent. They will be afraid of one another. Therefore, when two positively charged persons meet, they will become active and will fight or duel one another, and when two persons of negative electric charge meet, they will not fight for reasons of safety, rather, hypocrisy and deceit will enter into their relationship. One of them will look for a roundabout means of deceiving the other and this fraudulent behavior will put the other in such a situation that he has no choice but to avenge him.So if you want to duel with someone, you should know that the electricity in both of you is positive. And if you feel fear, doubt or hypocrisy when you meet someone, you should know that the electricity in both of you is negative. If you meet someone whose electricity is the opposite of yours, you will love one another. The relationship of two persons with uniform electricity in their organisms is the same as the relationship one has to one's self alone, when both hemispheres of the brain are charged with the same or the opposite type of electricity. The hemispheres of the brain should have various charges of electricity, so that one can feel well and be in harmony. At this point, harmonic or disharmonic relationships emerge at the meeting of two persons whose brains are of homogeneous or heterogeneous electric charges. For example, if the electricity in the right hemisphere is positive in both individuals, they will be rude to each other; if they both have accumulations of negative electricity in the left hemisphere, they will be suspicious of one another. Many are worried about what to do with their negative electricity, if they cannot put it to work.I will take an example from life, so that you can see how to apply the law of assimilation to your excess energy. Suppose that one of the women in class, who is stronger in character, attracts two other women. But she likes one of them more than the other, and with her she is a closer friend. She often talks with her, while the third woman stands aside. These two friends who love one another mutually assimilate their electric charges, but the third woman, who is not as well loved, has surplus energy that has accumulated either in the right or the left side of her body. If the energy remains in the right side of her body, the woman will become rude; if it remains in the left side, she will be dissatisfied and suspicious, both to herself and to her neighbours. What should she do to emerge from this situation? She should find another friend who will love her directly. Only in this way will the surplus energy in her organism be assimilated.Now, knowing this law, you should be very careful not to misuse it. Whoever misuses this law will be strictly punished, as never before in his life. Knowing this law, you are expected to use it only for good. Everyone should remind themselves not to misuse this law under any circumstances. What does it mean to misuse this law? One misuses this law if he consciously directs his positive electricity towards another person. Thus, he will increase the amount of positive electricity in the other person, he will increase his rudeness and lead him to aggression and rancour. When an individual's right side is positively charged he should find a friend whose right side has the opposite electricity, so that the two opposite types of electricity might be neutralized. How can this neutralization occur? One of them can put his left hand on the right side of his friends head, and the friend can put his right hand on the left side of the other's head. Thus, imperceptibly, they will begin to feel better. Neutralization can be also achieved just by holding hands. The aim is the transformation of energies in both of them. You may carry out this experiment in order to see the above law in action. It is best to carry it out when you are not feeling well. Moreover, you should undertake the experiment in pairs two women or two sisters as well as two men or two brothers. When I say that you should hold hands, sisters with sisters and brothers with brothers, I have in mind the different principles operating in Nature: Love with Love and Wisdom with Wisdom. Looking at the way you are sitting next to one another in class, I find that you have not observed this law. Students at school should take seats in an order that will promote full harmony amongst them.

Because you are disciples of a spiritual school, you should know the law of energy transformation in order to apply it properly. If you meet someone who is violating your inner peace with his opposite energies, stay away from him. If you cannot distance yourself from him physically, do so mentally. How? Imagine that a certain distance exists between you. Therefore, when you take a seat or when you meet with others to talk and communicate, always observe the law of liking! If two people like one another, there will be full harmony between them; whenever one of them thinks, the other will think as well. But if they are not fond of each other, whenever the one thinks, the other will feel. Such disagreement of forces will create a number of disharmonious situations between them. Two persons should think, feel and act simultaneously in order to maintain harmony between themselves. Moreover, if one of them thinks, feels or acts positively, at the same time the energies of the other should be negative.

So, undertake this experiment for controlling the forces of your body. If you succeed, I will give you other experiments.

What indicates the availability of surplus electricity in the left side or in the right side of the brain? When a person is inclined to quarrel with everyone he meets on his path, it shows the existence of surplus electricity in the right side of his brain. When a person is in bad spirits, when he is pessimistic or unhappy, it shows the existence of surplus electricity in the left side of his brain. This relates to the energies of the physical body. The same can also be said about the energies existing in the Astral and the Spiritual worlds. You should make efforts to control these energies, and you will observe the results. However, you should not expect success with the first attempt. You may undergo a hundred trials, yet barely achieve one microscopic result. These experiments aim at the development of your awareness and of your will.

When I say that electricity has accumulated in the right or in the left hemisphere of the brain, I have generality in mind. The electricity could have accumulated in certain specific centres of the brain, yet it is still in the left or in the right hemisphere.

When you are not feeling well, you should realize that you have surplus electricity and you should put this realization to work. How? You can find a friend at about the same level of development as your own - not just from the class, but from anywhere - and conduct the experiment with her. When you do the experiment together you will have a double gain. On the one hand you will get rid of your excess electricity, and on the other hand you will help your friend move onto the right path, the path that you are following. However, if you conduct this experiment with a person who is moving in a direction opposite to yours, you will link with this person and will experience a contradiction.

Now, as disciples, you are supposed to engage in this experiment frequently, because if you do not observe these laws properly, you will accumulate surplus electricity in your brains. You must cope with it regardless, but in a reasonable way. This surplus energy is an excess from the past. Similarly, rich people leave a surplus when they cook a lot of food but eat only part of it. If a dish remains uneaten, after some time it begins to spoil and the servants are forced to remove it. The same process developes in the entire human organism as a result of the accumulation of surplus electricity in the brain. Here and there in the organism processes of souring and decay develop, leading always to destruction. However, whenever you feel an accumulation of electricity in one or the other hemispheres of your brain, you can help yourself. For example, if the accumulation of electricity is in the right hemisphere, you may stroke the right part of your head with your left hand - not with your right hand, because then you will increase the accumulated electricity. In the opposite sense, if the surplus energy is in the left side of your head, you may stroke it with your right hand. Having accomplished this, you will become calm and your mood will improve. In the summertime, when the Sun shines strongly over your head, you can stroke your hair with both hands. Using your hands thus, you will remove excess electricity from your brain and thereby avoid a sun stroke. Apply this procedure even at the slightest symptoms and you will see and feel the results.There are many schools in the world that use these rules and methods for magnetizing and tuning, but through incorrect application of the laws of Intelligent Nature, they cause great harm to their disciples. Disciples should not allow themselves to be hypnotized. Those who want to give you money should not demand a bill from you. If they want to do you a favour they should give you the money on trust. If they want a bill, accept no money from them! It is better to stay hungry than sign any bill whatsoever! The Spiritual school recommends this to its disciples: if someone gives you a loan without a draft or a bill, then accept this money; use it and pay it off on time!

Now, I require this of you: be sincere to yourself, be honest to your soul! Within two weeks, right after you get up in the morning, ask yourself: Am I sincere to my soul? Am I ready to do what my soul whispers to me, what my soul prompts me to do all day long? And if I fail in something, am I ready - without justifying to myself, without asking my soul for an excuse - to tell the Truth as it is in reality? Therefore, when you make a mistake, do not diminish or exaggerate it, but state it before your soul as it is, as Nature has also stated it. Honesty to the soul is a requisite for the development and awakening of your awareness, so that you can perceive things correctly, without any exaggeration or dimishment. Under the word soul I understand the Divine source in the human being, its highest manifestation in the physical world.

When I give you these experiments, I direct your attention to honesty so that misuse need not be admitted. Why must you not misuse the experiments? Because all of the experiments in the School should be conducted in awareness and with free will. For example, when you put your hand on someones head, you should be aware whether you are giving something to him or receiving something from him. If you receive, you should know if you can use what you receive. If you give, you should know whether the receiver has benefitted. If what you give does not benefit the other, and what you receive does not benefit yourself, both processes of taking and receiving are useless. One should think in order to comprehend and to use these processes properly. The energy flowing through the person who is giving and the person who is receiving is Divine. Accounts of it are kept. The Divine energy cannot be spent in vain, it should never be in vain. Nature has at Her disposal precise instruments for measuring and for reading how much energy is used and for whom. Moreover, Nature also watches the amount of energy going out of ones brain, out of ones hands, etc. Nature represents a great installation of energies and She renders a precise account of all that is spent. She also observes the results that are obtained by expenditure of this energy. The latter is especially needed, because these very results allow energy to get into resonance with the universal existence. Therefore, it is enough merely to put your hand on the other's head. The exact result of your activity will be immediately known and you will be held responsible for it. I do not say this to frighten you, but to warn you that an account is kept of any work that you do, so you should be careful. You should work principally out of thought, not out of fear. The impulse of your soul should be in tune and in harmony with God, with the Great in the world. This means conscious work.

Some points may be obscure to you now, but you should know that, through the experiments, you will bring them to clarity. If the explanations of the experiments are too long, that can also be a burden for you. What is obscure for you today will become bright and clear tomorrow, when the Sun rises.

Without fear in the Boundless Love!

So, when an issue is obscure to you, ask for an explanation. If you do not ask, you may delude yourself, because you will be simultaneously visited by the disciples of both Brotherhoods: of Light and of darkness. Whatever may happen to you, whoever may visit you, do not be afraid, do not be afraid of the darkness. It has its own laws and you will study them in a reverse way, going from Light to darkness and from darkness to Light.

Secret Prayer(It might be explained in a footnote the first time it emerges as a notion)PAGE 7