3-01 Focus: Toshikazu Chiba The harbors, which had been run primarily by machinery at night, were showing signs of movement. The next morning, Chiba and his subordinate Inagaki are running to different areas of the pier. Jumping over a crowd of people, Chiba pulls out a cane-sword as people are firing at him. After taking care of them, he is ordered to attack their ship. Inagaki uses his magic to increase the accuracy and penetration power of his bullet, shooting at the ship's gears to prevent the ship from moving. Chiba moves onto the boat and attacks it only to find that everyone had escaped by the time he arrived. Focus: Tatsuya Tatsuya is eating lunch with Erika, Mizuki, Leo, and Mikihiko when Miyuki, Shizuku, and Honoka arrive. Honoka and Shizuku had been looking for something in the Student Council office and so hadn't been able to go to lunch until Miyuki appeared and found the documents in question. As they're all eating lunch, Tatsuya remembers back a week ago when the Committee Elections were being held. The new student council consisted of President Nakajou Azusa, Vice-President Shiba Miyuki, Secretary Mitsui Honoka, and Treasurer Isora Kei. The new Public Morals committee chairman was Chiyoda Kanon. Azusa and Kanon were arguing over where Tatsuya would go without bothering to ask his opinion. Eventually they come to a concession. He would stay with the Public Morals Committee for the remainder of the semester, but then he would transfer to the student council once the new semester began. Once he returns to his classroom, he finds out one of the teachers (Tsuzura) had called out for him. Not knowing the reason why, he checks his mail to see if there was ever a message, since it was unusual for a teacher to call a student out (due to gossip and rumors). Not finding one, he asks Mikihiko who knows the teacher and describes him as a good teacher who can get lost in his own thoughts. After classes, he meets the teacher there, who talks to Tatsuya about participating in a Magic Thesis competition sponsored by the Japanese Magic Association. The competition required a thesis be written and a 30 minute presentation be prepared. Without giving much time to respond, he introduces Tatsuya's two other teammates, Isora and Suzune. Tatsuya was asked to join because the last person, Hirakawa, had to drop the project. Hirakawa was mentally unfit to perform this task as he was the engineer who tuned the CAD of the girl who fell during the Mirage Bat competition. Suzune picked Tatsuya to replace him not because he was knowledgable, but because she heard that he wanted to study the topic as well. Her thesis dealt with the use of Gravity Magic to control a Thermo-nuclear Fusion reactor.

MKnR Web Arc 3 Spoilers - Yokohama War (EnigmaticAxiom)

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Mahouka_Koukou_no_Rettousei summary

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Page 1: MKnR Web Arc 3 Spoilers - Yokohama War (EnigmaticAxiom)

3-01Focus: Toshikazu ChibaThe harbors, which had been run primarily by machinery at night, were showing signs of movement. The next morning, Chiba and his subordinate Inagaki are running to different areas of the pier. Jumping over a crowd of people, Chiba pulls out a cane-sword as people are firing at him. After taking care of them, he is ordered to attack their ship. Inagaki uses his magic to increase the accuracy and penetration power of his bullet, shooting at the ship's gears to prevent the ship from moving. Chiba moves onto the boat and attacks it only to find that everyone had escaped by the time he arrived.

Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya is eating lunch with Erika, Mizuki, Leo, and Mikihiko when Miyuki, Shizuku, and Honoka arrive. Honoka and Shizuku had been looking for something in the Student Council office and so hadn't been able to go to lunch until Miyuki appeared and found the documents in question. As they're all eating lunch, Tatsuya remembers back a week ago when the Committee Elections were being held.

The new student council consisted of President Nakajou Azusa, Vice-President Shiba Miyuki, Secretary Mitsui Honoka, and Treasurer Isora Kei. The new Public Morals committee chairman was Chiyoda Kanon. Azusa and Kanon were arguing over where Tatsuya would go without bothering to ask his opinion. Eventually they come to a concession. He would stay with the Public Morals Committee for the remainder of the semester, but then he would transfer to the student council once the new semester began.

Once he returns to his classroom, he finds out one of the teachers (Tsuzura) had called out for him. Not knowing the reason why, he checks his mail to see if there was ever a message, since it was unusual for a teacher to call a student out (due to gossip and rumors). Not finding one, he asks Mikihiko who knows the teacher and describes him as a good teacher who can get lost in his own thoughts.

After classes, he meets the teacher there, who talks to Tatsuya about participating in a Magic Thesis competition sponsored by the Japanese Magic Association. The competition required a thesis be written and a 30 minute presentation be prepared. Without giving much time to respond, he introduces Tatsuya's two other teammates, Isora and Suzune.

Tatsuya was asked to join because the last person, Hirakawa, had to drop the project. Hirakawa was mentally unfit to perform this task as he was the engineer who tuned the CAD of the girl who fell during the Mirage Bat competition. Suzune picked Tatsuya to replace him not because he was knowledgable, but because she heard that he wanted to study the topic as well. Her thesis dealt with the use of Gravity Magic to control a Thermo-nuclear Fusion reactor.

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3-02Focus: TatsuyaAs the group of 8 are returning home, they talk about Tatsuya being a part of the Thesis competition. As Miyuki and Tatsuya reach their house, they see a pair of famliar shoes at their front door. Miyuki freezes as she knows who they belong to. Tatsuya holds her shoulder as the person in question appears. It is their step-mother, Sayuri, who came to visit them. Like Tatsuya, she is an employee of FLT, and she lives in a condo near the company, rarely visiting the two of them. Being annoyed, Miyuki begins to act like a newlywed with Tatsuya and ignores Sayuri altogether. Tatsuya tells her to go up and change and heads to the living room to talk to Sayuri.

Brief Explanation: Sayuri is Tatsuya and Miyuki's step-mother. She was the mistress of Tatsuya's father and married him 6 months after the siblings' real mother died. There's tension between Tatsuya and Sayuri because, like everyone else, she treats him more as a tool than as family. Miyuki dislikes her because she married their father quickly after their mother died. Sayuri dislikes the both of them mostly because they were the children of her love rival. She especially dislikes Tatsuya because of his intelligence and the fact that she can never read his emotions.

As soon as he sits down, he attempts to get straight to the point. After a little chatter regarding the relatinoship between the family, she requests that Tatsuya quit school and help out at FLT, saying that they can find another Guardian to protect Miyuki while she is in high school and university. He immediately rejects, stating that there is no one that could properly fill his role, and with the contributions he's made so far in the past few months, the company's profits are already approaching their profits from the year before. Not being able to persuade him, she asks him to help analyze a relic. She pulls out a box with a Magatama inside (A stone, shaped somewhat like a comma). He refuses once again, causing Sayuri to lose her temper and leave.

Brief Explanation: A Relic, or Oopart (Out-of-place Artifact) is an object which cannot be synthesized using current levels of technology. The research done so far has shown that the relic she held has a magic formula stored inside. Since there have not been any known methods of storing magic, the military requested that FLT reproduce the relic. Since magicians are a small part of the population and the market for Magic-related technologies, FLT, like any other magic-product manufacturer, could not refuse requests from the state, which funds many of their projects. The military wanted to have the relic reproduced because having the ability to store magic in items would lead to a revolution in the magic industry (i.e. magic, which normally is temporary, could be made semi-permanent. A magic which causes alters movement could be stored to form something like a perpetual motion engine).

Once Sayuri leaves, Tatsuya calls Miyuki down and scolds and teases her for being so childish. He then heads out on his motorcycle because he believes she's in danger.

As he reachers her commuter (A sort of public transportation vehicle), which has stopped due to outside interference, he notices a car driving towards it. Normally, the car would automatically stop to prevent an accident, but instead, it drives into the commuter. Two men then step out and attempt to break into the commuter.

Once he reaches them, Tatsuya dismounts his bike and prepares to fight the two. One is holding a gun and the other is wearing a ring. The man wearing the ring casts “Cast Jamming” to remove any magical defenses and prevent any magic, and the man with the gun is supposed to shoot, however Tatsuya uses “Mist Dispersion” and takes the two down. As he is approaching the commuter, he senses murderous intent from an unknown direction. He takes evasive action but still is hit through the heart.

Brief Explanation: Mist Dispersion is a spell which decomposes the human body, the skin, the muscle, the bone, the blood vessels, and even the nervous system.

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3-03Focus: TatsuyaAs soon as the bullet had pierced through him, Tatsuya's regeneration had kicked in. The wound was completely gone, but he was still left with the Phantom Pain, so he jumped behind the commuter to take cover. The two men he had previously knocked up get up and drive away in the car. Tatsuya decides it's more important to take care of the sniper since the two in the car wouldn't be a big deal for him to deal with. Reading the Eidos history of the bullet, and using the trajectory the bullet took through his body, Tatsuya determines that the man that shot him not only didn't use magic, he shot him from 1 km away with just an optical scope under poor lighting conditions (It's currently dusk, aproaching night fall). Knowing that, he pulls the trigger of his CAD.

After a few minutes, Tatsuya checks up on Sayuri, who had fainted due to the psychological impact, then returns home after escorting her to the station. On the phone, Tatsuya is talking to Kazama, asking him to remove his image from the security cameras (as he is supposed to remain a secret in general), as well as look for the people who had driven away. Once he's done, he eats dinner with Miyuki.

During dinner, he notices she was wearing a different apron, which was different from her usual style. The apron she was wearing was more of a mini-skirt apron with a short skirt, large bow in back, and frills around the shoulder. After making a bizzare comment, he continues to eat. Afterwards, Miyuki asks what Sayuri wanted Tatsuya to do. He shows her the relic, since it was entrusted to him to prevent any possibility of robbery.

After dinner, Miyuki does her homework. Getting stuck on her math homework (which she does by hand, since Tatsuya says mathematical logic is important when coming up with new magic), she ponders whether she should ask Tatsuya to help, but stops when she thinks about his position and her own.

Brief Explanation: Tatsuya's role as Guardian is more or less that of a Body Guard. The Yotsbua family, however, uses that title to distinguish between a Body Guard, which can be hired, and the Protector of the Yotsuba Heir/Head, a duty he will hold until he dies or until he is dismissed from duty. Miyuki feels bad because she is restraining his freedom by having him be her Guardian. While he can be separated from her (since magic is not affected by distance), but since it's easier to handle things when he's nearby, he is always by her side. He could also go to the Magic University without bothering to go to high school, but he must go because she is there. They are also always connected, even when he is asleep to some extent. But more than her guilty feelings for those restrictions, she still wants him by her side for selfish reasons. And since the role of Guardian takes precedence in the family, he cannot be asked to do anything as long as he plays that role.

After school the next day, Tatsuya headed towards the library to do research for the thesis. There, he runs into Mayumi who is studying in the library. He is surprised because he thought she had a recommendation to go to the Magical University. She responds by saying it's a tradition for all members of the Student Council to reject the recommendation, since the Magic Univerisity only offers 10 to each school, so that worse students can attend. As members of the Student Council, they have the highest chance of passing the exams, so they offer their spots to those less likely to make it. She then invites him to the booth she's studying at since they were standing in the middle of the hallway.

The booth is tight, so the two of them are sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, with Tatsuya using the terminal and Mayumi studying next to him. She begins to talks about Suzune and her Thesis, mentioning that her thesis is the first step in Suzune's dream. If the Thesis is successful, Magicians could be used more in the public sectors (as the Fusion reactor could be used as a source of energy) instead of just the military. Tatsuya is surprised that Suzune had a goal similar to his. Mayumi appears to get jealous that he and Suzune have similar aims in mind and then says she's “sorry for having such a childish body.” Tatsuya, unsure of how the conversation had lead to that, nor of what she was talking about, says he's not willing to do anything “in front of a camera.” With another ill-thought out comment, Mayumi blushes and moves away in surprise. She then sits back down next to him instead of leaving.

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3-04Focus: TatsuyaA few nights before the thesis presentation is to be submitted, Tatsuya's home network comes under attack by a computer cracker. He runs a tracing program but fails to find out the identity. The next day at lunch, Tatsuya visits Haruka and mentions what happened. He then asks her for information on companies buying and selling confidential information related to magic. Despite her desire not to tell him, she gives him information and suggests he turns the project and thesis in by hand on a disk instead of through the network.

After school, Tatsuya tells Isora of the hacking attempt. They decide to tell Suzune when Mari and Kanon enter. Mari came to tell Tatsuya and Kanon that they would, as members of the Public Morals Committee, be acting as security during the competition. Tatsuya thinks it odd that students should play that role, but it's been standard for the committee to guard against potential sabotage and to ensure the students' safety. As such, every member of the thesis competition is to have a bodyguard. Kanon volunteers to protect Isora (her boyfriend), Hattori and Kirihara are guarding Suzune, and Tatsuya refuses a bodyguard at all. Mari concedes, since she knows anyone following Tatsuya would just be a burden.

After the discussion, Tatsuya is out with Isora and Kanon shopping for supplies. Once Tatsuya finishes his supplies and is waiting for Isora and Kanon to finish up their shopping, he notices someone watching him. At that moment, Isora and Kanon walk out of the store. Tatsuya mentions it and Kanon yells out that they're being watched to surprise the observer. The perpetrator, a young girl going to their school, runs away. Kanon (who can run very quickly) runs after her, and after catching up to her, is blinded by a flash bomb (or some such similar magic). The perpetrator then mounts a scooter and drives off. Kanon attempts to stop her with magic, but is stopped by Isora and Tatsuya. The two had finally caught up to her. Isora uses his magic “Ground Maze” to stop the scooter, and Tatsuya shot a Psion bullet to cancel Kanon's magic.

Brief Explanation: Ground Maze is a magic which modifies forces. Isora uses it on the scooter to reduce the friction between the scooter tires and the ground to zero so that it can't move. He also uses it to strengthen the gyroscopic forces of the wheel so that the scooter doesn't fall over.

Being unable to escape, the girl on the scooter presses a button. As soon as she presses it, the back of her scooter blows off and 2 rockets underneath her seat begin to fire. Since Isora's magic wasn't affecting those at all, she is propelled forward and eventually escapes. Since no one had expected it (including the girl), Tatsuya and the other two could only think they were lucky it didn't go off like a bomb.

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3-05Focus: TatsuyaSuzune, Isora, and Tatsuya are checking over their presentation before they submit it while they discuss the event that happened the previous day. Afterwards, Tatsuya returns to his classroom where he meets Erika, Mizuki, Leo, and Mikihiko. Mizuki, though unsure of herself, states she feels like someone has been watching not just her (that is, not a stalker), but a larger group, possibly their circle of friends or even school. Mikihiko backs her up, saying the spirits in the school are acting strangely. He believes it is of a system not native to the country.

Focus: Inspector ChibaNot getting anywhere with his work at the pier, he decides to investigate in a different method. Taking an unmarked police car, he drives to a cafe where he meets Fujibayashi.

Focus: TatsuyaThe eight people are going home from school. Tatsuya notices someone in their surroundings watching them and decides to invite the others to coffee so he can observe in return. As they enter a coffee shop, they catch up with the owner, who they haven't seen in a while, while drinking coffee. Eventually, Leo and Erika stand, make up an excuse, and leave the building.

Focus: Erika/LeoIn the alley behind the cafe, Leo and Erika confront a man who was watching them. Though the man is confident in his ability to fight the two, he screams out for help since he feels it would be a problem if he were to fight. However, Leo and Erika placed a barrier which made it difficult to perceive them in the alleyway. Seeing no other way to deal with it, the man prepares to fight the two.

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3-06Focus: Leo/ErikaThe man surprises them by punching Leo while his guard is down. He then throws a knife while turning around to create an opening and then he attacks Erika in the same way. While he's fighting Erika, though, Leo recovers and tackles him. Finally stopping him, they interrogate him. They find out he's acting as a spy, though not for a specific country. He talks about how, despite the peace, every nation is still fighting in the shadows. As he's talking, he recovers enough, and once they finish the conversation, he pulls out a gun so that he might be able to escape. The next day, Erika is still complaining about the events of the previous day during lunchtime.

Focus: Erika/SayakaThe school is finishing preparing for the Thesis competition, trying a trial run of the Fusion Reactor. Isora signals for the experiment to begin, Tatsuya is keeping an eye on the large-scale CAD which works for more complex magic formulas. Suzune is using her Psions to run the experiment. It successfully runs for 10 seconds before they decide to stop and continue working on the reactor. As soon as the experiment ends, Sayaka notices a girl running away. She, Kirihara, Erika, and Leo chase after her.

Sayaka and Kirihara catch up to her first. The girl is a first year, Chiaki Hirakawa, and she was carrying a “Password Breaker” device, an illegal tool which, despite its name, can break through any type of security system (Not that it can break through every system, but that it's made in such a way that it can work on every type of system). After being confronted, she states that she isn't cooperating for a reward, but for something else. Despite Sayaka's continued attempts to help her (as she had been in a similar situation in Arc 1), Chiaki continues to reject her.

Deciding words wouldn't be any good, Sayaka and Kirihara decide to restrain her. Before they reach her, though, she uses a flash bomb to blind them and then attempts to shoot Sayaka with a dart. Erika, who had managed to cover her eyes in time, hits the dart away with a tree branch. The dart cracks and a smoke (A mild Nerve Gas) spills out. Erika pushes Sayaka aside and covers her mouth with her jacket. Kirihara inhales some of the gas and falls over. Leo, who had stayed back at Erika's suggestion, tackles Chiaki and she falls unconscious when she hits her head.

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3-07Focus: Kanon/ErikaIn the infirmary, Kanon is scolding Kirihara and Sayaka for using too much force. Erika interrupts saying the four of them were well justified since Chiaki was using hidden weapons, but Kanon still felt what they did was too much and that it should be up to the Public Morals Committee to mete out punishment. Before things get worse, Leo breaks things apart and leaves the room with Erika.

Kanon returns to the area where the project is being worked on only to find another problem. Sekimoto, a third year on the Public Morals Committee is having a quarrel with Erika. Kanon separates them and soon afterwards ,Erika and Leo leave school together. Kanon receives a message that Chiaki has woken up and heads to the infirmary. Isora runs after her quickly.

Focus: Leo/ErikaLeo and Erika are walking towards the station together but they do not talk to each other. Erika then turns around and asks Leo to accompany her.

Focus: Kanon/ChiakiWhen Kanon reaches the infirmary, she begins questioning Chiaki. She loses control of herself and says that she didn't intend to sabotage the experiment, she just wanted to change the programming a little bit so that Tatsuya would have a problem and he would be embarrassed, but while she was altering the program, he was fixing it up. She panicked and ran away. The reason she was doing this was because her older sister was the engineer in charge of Kobayakawa's CAD (the girl who fell during the Mirage Bat competition). She felt that no one had known the CAD was sabotaged, but Tatsuya somehow knew beforehand and didn't do anything to fix them until his sister's turn came up. She also felt that he had falsified his exam results so he would get put into the course 2, all so he could show the Course 1 students and step on their pride. Before she can go any further, the doctor stops her and tells everyone to continue another day.

Focus: Leo/ErikaThe two are sitting in a commuter, but still the environment is poor. Eventually, Erika mentions that, even if Leo would be more useful in a fight, he is currently lacking some kind of finishing attack or attack to ward others away in a fight. After a little discussion, she decides to teach him how to fight.

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3-08Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya is having lunch with Miyuki, Mikihiko, Mizuki, Shizuku, and Honoka. Through the lunch, they discuss where Erika and Leo are, wondering if something happened between them.

Focus: Erika/LeoErika and Leo are training. Since they've been training for a while, they finally take a break. Erika mentions that Leo had used a magic similar to the one she was trying to teach him during the Nine-Schools Competition and he was doing well with it. She thinks it may have been the situation that allowed it and considers having Tatsuya incorporate a CAD into Leo's weapon to help stabilize the spell, but Leo refuses since he wants to do it on his own.

Focus: Tatsuya/MiyukiThe two head to the Yakumo temple before they head to school. The temple was remodeled and now has a shooting facility. There, Miyuki and Tatsuya practice. The facility is set up to so that targets appear on the three walls and ceiling in front of the person practicing, with the number and speed increasing as time goes on. For everyone target missed, a shot is fired back. Miyuki practices first but eventually has trouble handling both offense and defense. Tatsuya steps up after her and completes the course perfectly, attacking 36 targets all at once by the end of the training.

Focus: MikihikoMikihiko and 9 upperclassmen are training in an forest training area. Half an hour into it, 7 of the 10 people have dropped out. Mikihiko is hiding but is heard by Juumonji. As Juumonji is approaching him, Mikihiko uses a spell that buries the target underneath by quickly digging a hole and causing the earth to disperse. Though he didn't think it would work, he managed to blind Juumonji temporarily with the dirt, allowing him to escape. On the monitor, Mari and Mayumi are watching the battle, impressed with Mikihiko's skill as well as his growth since the competition, They then look back at the monitor to see Mikihiko cornered.

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3-09Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya and Miyuki are driving towards FLT labs.Tatsuya notices they're being followed by a crow familiar made by magic. He stops by a cafe and they talk about the crow following them. Because they're whispering about it, they're leaning over the table, talking very closely to each other, making the waitress (and I believe most of the other customers present) think they're flirting in a pretty outrageous manner. He grabs her hand, and after she destroys the crow, they head to the lab.

Brief Explanation: Tatsuya explains that normally when performing magic, some kind of image is formed in the magician's mind, which is then sent to the object (the image itself acts as a variable of sorts, I believe). Normally it's impossible to share the image, but since Miyuki and Tatsuya have a special Yotsuba technique placed on them, they can share the image by touching the other person's body (hence why he grabs her hand in the cafe).

Once they reach FLT labs, they find it in an uproar as they're getting hacked. The attacks are coming from completely random directions and with random methodologies, so Tatsuya thinks it's an organization is hiring many different people who are hacking FLT labs. The attacks end on their own, but Tatsuya can't help but think it's somehow related to the recent events.

After all this, they head to change into their school clothes. Tatsuya has a message from Hirakawa. He replies and they talk about Hirakawa's little sister and how she's been harassing Tatsuya in various ways. Tatsuya, not caring about an apology (he finds it annoying that she keeps bringing it up and is wasting his time, though he keeps that to himself), tries to leave. After being delayed due to the phone conversation, Hirakawa Koharu (The older sister he was talking to) entrusts him with her sister's phone logs, since they would help Tatsuya locate the criminals.

Tatsuya and Miyuki head to the school. Miyuki heads to the student council room while Tatsuya heads to a robotcs lab so he can work on the demo machine. After an hour, he notices he's feeling sluggish. Trying to move, he notices his body is sluggish. He uses a magic on himself to restore his body to normal condition. Once he's back to normal condition, he decides it must have been a poisonous gas (which he confirms with his “vision”), since he didn't have anything to eat or drink. He could decompose the gas, but since he's on school grounds, he decides against it since he doesn't want to use his magic if possible. He decides instead to escape from the room but finds a small girl in front of the door.

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3-10Focus: TatsuyaAs he turns around, Tatsuya sees P94, a House Hold Helper (Maid Robot) reach forward and offer him a basic gas mask. P94 sensed an oddity in the air ventilation systems, offered Tatsuya a mask, and restarted the ventilation fans and filters. The robot tells him to close his eyes in case the gas is corrosive. Despite knowing it isn't, he goes to a couch, sits down, and closes his eyes.

Someone came into the room and asked if Tatsuya was awake, but he didn't answer. The person, Sekimoto, then went to the computer and takes out a hacking tool. Kanon then enters and corners him. He tries to to trick his way out since she's alone, but then she points out Tatsuya is awake, which surprises him since he thought the sleeping gas had taken effect. Sekimoto attempts to attack, but Kanon, whose magic was already prepared, stops him. After all is said and done, Tatsuya goes to the P94 robot and obtains a copy of the recording he had just made of Sekimoto.

Tatsuya returns home and calls Fujibayashi and hands her the data on Sekimoto.

Focus: Chiba/FujibayashiAfter Fujibayashy finishes up her phone call, she invites Chiba back inside her car (They were talking in the car about private/police stuff before she received the call. She then shows him the data on Sekimoto and asks him to find the contact point between Sekimoto and the criminal organization, searching 32 locations over the past month. Chiba is surprised they narrowed it down so much, and Fujibayashi says they had another criminal corroborator (Chiaki) but she didn't give him the information because she believes the man should take the responsibility and protect the girl.

Focus: TatsuyaAs Tatsuya and Miyuki are getting out of their commuter, they see Erika and Leo getting out, 1 hour before they would usually be there. On their way to school, Tatsuya and Miyuki tease them a little. Erika tries to hide the fact that they came together, but Leo ends up ruining her story by saying “we didn't know you would be here this early.” Later, before classes are starting, Tatsuya tries to cheer Erika up by saying she was likely teaching Leo a Chiba-family technique. She is more surprised than anything. He explains he knows it because Leo was exhausted and because he had shown signs of invoking a new magic.

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3-11Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya is talking to Fujibayashi on the phone about the recent events. Tatsuya learns that there were likely multiple criminals hired, since the hackings were occurring at random targets using random methods, both magic and non-magic so as to hide the culprit, but while most places didn't lose much information, the military had let information on their expenditures and research institutions be found. Tatsuya immediately thinks it might be related to the relic FLT is in possession of, but doesn't think much further as the conversation ends. Tatsuya then explains what he learned to Miyuki, who comes in when he's done talking.

The day before the competition arrives and the whole school is on “self study” to help with the preparations. Tatsuya, had all his work completed and is instead working on something else. Leo and Erika come to him and ask if they can help with security. Mikihiko joins in the conversation and asks as well.

Focus: Suzune/ChiakiSuzune is visiting Chiaki w/ Chiaki's older sister. After bringing about Chiaki's anger, Suzune talks about Tatsuya. She says that Tatsuya is the kind of person who thinks little of everything. He doesn't do things if he finds them a bother and doesn't bother with people if he doesn't care about them. She also says that Chiaki will have trouble getting the best of him. His scores were highest in all subjects at the previous term exam. However, in Magic Engineering, Chiaki had managed to get close to his score. Suzune also mentions that he is not that skilled with hardware compared to software. While his abilities are still well above a high schooler's, they're not so absurd as everything else. Suzune also points out that Chiaki's strength lies in hardware repair and tuning, and that this becomes much more important during the second year than first year. Chiaki sees this as a possible chance of passing him by, giving her a new goal. Suzune then leaves and is ridiculing herself because she helped Chiaki not for her own sake but for her older sister's sake as well as the fact that the first years (aside from Miyuki and Tatsuya) are lacking in talent.

Focus: KichijoujiKichijouji is reading an article when Masaki calls him. He regrets not being able to read anything while they're traveling to the competition venue. Kichijouji then thinks he'll be able to meet Tatsuya and that he'll be able to pass time on the trip teasing Masaki who is looking forward to seeing Miyuki.

Focus: Fujibayashi/ChibaThey're drinking wine in Yokohama. Chiba tries to find out more about Fujibayashi but stops because it goes against their agreement of not digging any further into each others' lives. Fujibayashi then asks if the dinner was just a “Thank you” and then asks if she could spend time with him tomorrow. He consents readily, and then she asks him to meet up with her so they can attend the thesis competition. He also tells him to invite his subordinates and that they should all prepare firearms and CADs just in case.

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3-12Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya and Miyuki arrive at the venue on the day of competition. Even though they were on time, they were the last to arrive (other than Suzune who was going to arrive before their presentation, which was in the afternoon). When they arrive, they see Erika and Kanon staring at each other. Tatsuya steps in between them and says he'll take care of the problem. He talks to Erika and scolds her

Focus: HarukaHaruka is at the competition to observe the various technologies as well as investigate Tatsuya. Since the terrorist arc, Haruka's organization has been interested in his identity but was stopped every time. While she's looking around the lobby, she sees Fujibayashi, who she recognizes as her upperclassman from when she was a high schooler, and identifies her as the Electron Sorceress. She decides to continue observing her because she believes Fujibayashi is related to Tatsuya.

Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya and Miyuki are in 1st School's waiting room. Fujibayashi enters and talks to the two of them bringing good and bad news. The good news is that Sanada has completed the “Mobile Suit” while the bad news is that the criminals aren't as easy to deal with as they thought they were. She tells the two that they should expect something to happen to prepare for the worse.

As they head to their seats in the audience (1st School's presentation is second from last), they meet Masaki who is patrolling the grounds. Miyuki sees that Masaki is getting flustered and decides to compliment him to stimulate him. When they reach their chairs, they meet Erika. Tatsuya asks where Leo was, which Erika misinterprets as him teasing her.

Focus: HarukaHaruka is bored and doesn't feel lieke watching the presentations. She decides to walk around and she meets with Chiaki being escorted by Tsuzura. After having a quick chat with them, Haruka heads for a coffee shop. While she's drinking coffee, Fujibayashi sits down and drinks with her. When she finally talks, she identifies Haruka as “Water Phantom” (Mizu Phantom, could also be read as Miss Phantom). Fujibayashi then continues talking, and asks Haruka to help deal with the criminal activities, not really leaving any room for Haruka to reject the offer.

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3-13Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya and Miyuki head to their waiting room where they meet Suzune, Mayumi, and Mari. Suzune is rehearsing for the presentation, so Mayumi and Mari are the ones to greet him. Mayumi and Mari were there earlier than expected because they had finally finished Sekimoto's inquiry. Tatsuya is surprised since he didn't expect it for at least another day, but Mayumi and Mari pulled some strings in the background to make Sekimoto's probation officer (Juvenile Magic Criminals are always handled by Probation officers for minor crimes and members of the 10 families for more severe crimes). Tatsuya was also surprised that they decided to do that, since it would be more useful to ensure Suzune was ready for the presentation than to obtain information that wouldn't be useful (because even if they obtained information, since the day of the attack was likely to be this day, they couldn't prepare for it).

They tell him that there were signs that Sekimoto was under the effects of mental control magic, which they question, because they would have caught it on the mandatory monthly mental checks. Tatsuya then talks about a magic spell called “Evil Eye” which has the possibility of passing by the mental checks.. Armed with this information, Mayumi gives new orders to Hattori who is patrolling the grounds. He proceeds to tell Katsuto who then tells the other students on security duty to wear bulletproof vests and gives them new commands based on his updated information.

Brief Explanation: There are monthly mental checks because Sayaka was manipulated by such a magic in the first web arc (LN Volume 2).

Brief Explanation: Evil Eye is an Outer-System type Congenital (Inherited) Magic. Tatsuya describes it as a magic which imprints itself deep inside a person's decision-making hierarchy. In a sense, someone sufficiently strong enough in this magic could potentially rewrite a person's entire personality. He states, however, that it works like hypnotism so it must have some pre-existing basis. The only reason Sekimoto could be made to try and copy/sabotage their project was because he already had some prejudice to it in the first place.

Before lunch, The three presenters are going over the final checks with Miyuki, Mari, Mayumi, and Kanon in the room. Azusa suddenly enters the room so she could come check on them. She was chosen to be a judge for the competition and finally had a little free time to visit them (Each school has 1 judge, Each presentation is judged by the 8 schools not involved with the presentation). Meanwhile, Erika's group are in the audience keeping an eye out on the surroundings and trying to sense for disturbances.

Focus: Haruka/TsuzuraHaruka is out in the lobby keeping an eye on the flow of people when Tsuzura sees her. He talks about how he has a bad feeling something happen, which Haruka believes he is an accurate feeling, since he is is the authority on Polyhedral Theory, which allows him some degree of insight akin to prediction.

Brief Explanation: Polyhedral Theory is a magic theory that was developed to aid in making modern magic more precise (Magicians still have trouble focusing a spell on a single part rather than the whole). This theory divides a large object into many smaller objects with simple shapes (such as prisms and pyramids). By reading information on each individual piece, information on the whole object can be grasped (i.e. A truck is traveling in east. Instead of reading the information that the truck is travling is traveling east, he can read information that a wheel is traveling east, and from that, infer that a vehicle is traveling east.). This theory aids in magic precision because when invoking a spell, instead of focusing the spell on the large object, it focuses the spell on the smaller object, which is technically a piece of the large object. Haruka also calls this magic a type of “Premonition Magic” since when Tsuzura uses it, he studies small objects to see how the larger object will act. His Predictions are known to be fairly accurate.

Focus: Suzune/TatsuyaThey are doing their presentation, which meets with great applause at the end. As they're cleaning up the stage, Kichijouji greets Tatsuya and talks about their presentation a little bit. When Tatsuya is leaving, Kichijouji throws out a challenge, saying he won't lose. Tatsuya turns around when he feels a vibration affecting the building.

Brief Explanation: Their Gravity-Controlled Fusion Reactor is mainly controlled by a few different types of magic. Molecular bonds are broken intitially to start the conversion of Deuterium gas into plasma using a new magic system they devised (Magical Dispersal System). The problem that has occurred in the past is that the electrons released as the gas turns into plasma escaped. To counter this, non-magical techniques involved using pressure to force the electrons back into the, but nothing could ever handle the pressure released when the gas was converted to plasma. To control this magically, they used Coulomb-Force Controlling Magic to reduce the stress on the container (Coulomb's Law states that the repulsive force is inversely related to the square of the distance between the forces – the closer the forces are together, the larger the force that pushes them away. This is why the numerous number of electrons released during the gas → plasma reaction creates a force large enough that no barrier can typically contain the reaction). Gravity-Control magic is focused in the center of the whole

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reaction to pull those released electrons back into the center of the reaction to aid in continuing/fueling the reaction. The reaction will then continue as long as fuel is delivered into the system and a magician maintains the Gravity/Coulomb Force Control. When the reaction is stopped, the deuterium returns from plasma to gas state, and using magic from the vibration-system, the gas can be cooled to the limit the container can handle. The energy collected as the system cools down can then be used .

Short of it: 1) Gas is converted to Plasma (Magic Discharge System)2) The force of the electrons released in step 1 is weakened (Coulombic-Force-Control) to reduce the strain on the reaction container3) The electrons are pulled back into the reaction (Gravity-Control) to help fuel the reaction4) The system is cooled to the maximum temperature the container can safely hold (Vibration-System Magic)5) The energy released by the cooling gas is collected and utilized

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3-14Focus: Inspector ChibaFujiybayashi and Inspector Toshikazu Chiba are chatting on the roof when the receive a report. Inspector Chiba leaves Fujibayashi behind and drives towards the conference hall. He receives a report that a large truck was driven into the wall of the conference hall building, but no one has yet died. A ship of unknown nationality camouflaged as a cargo ship has also launched an attack

Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya hears explosions and feels the building vibrating. Stopping what he does, he runs to Miyuki, who asks what's going on. He tells her a grenade exploded near the entrance and explains that if it's on the level of a normal criminal organization, the security forces should be able to take care of it; however, he has a bad feeling which soon afterwards comes true. Guerrilla soldiers with high-powered rifles came into the conference hall where the students were.

Brief Explanation: Magic can be used to block gunfire in a variety of ways such as altering its trajectory, decreasing its force, or decreasing its speed. However, magic can be overcome with overwhelming force. High-powered rifles were designed such that the rotational force of the bullets and the force they produce are difficult to overcome by most magical methods. The enemy forces were equipped with these, so for the most part, the students were vulnerable to gunfire like any other normal person.

The quickest to react in the hall are the students from 3rd School (which specializes in combat magic). But for how quick they are, the guerrilla fighters already have their guns at the ready. Because of this, all the 3rd School students put their CADs down, including Kichijouji (Cardinal) who is known for his ability to cast magic quickly with his “Basic Code.”

One of the soldiers notice Tatsuya and Miyuki and tells them to put down their CAD. Tatsuya does not move and simply observes the soldier, who approaches them with his gun at the ready. The soldier gets nervous and shoots Tatsuya at a distance of approximately 3 m. Using his decomposition magic around his hand, Tatsuya catches the bullets. He flicks them at the soldier who shot him and charges in. The soldier, realizing that using a gun is useless, throws it aside and pulls out his knife, but Tatsuya grabs his knife arm with one hand and uses his right hand to cut through the soldier's arm, using his decomposition magic to make it easier to tear the flesh apart. He then quietly jumps back to Miyuki's side.

Everyone is shocked and there is silence in the room, except for Miyuki, who tells him not to be so violent. At her words, the remaining soldiers get ready to attack, but the students from 3rd School manage to fire their spells before the soldiers can retaliate.

Miyuki uses magic to clean Tatsuya up while Erika and Leo run up to check on his safety. After confirming that he is fine, he tells Mayumi and Azusa that they should evacuate, and then he leaves the hall.

Focus: Azusa/MayumiAzusa doesn't quite understand what's going on and just sits in a daze. The other students are panicing. Mayumi, standing in front of Azusa, calls her by her name (Azusa, instead of a nickname like A-chan) and tells her to use her magic to calm the students down. They talk shortly about how it's forbidden for her to use it, but Mayumi says it's times like these that she needs to use it and says she will take responsibility for it. Azusa uses her magic, Azusayumi, to calm the students down.

Brief Explanation: Azusayumi is something of an auditory hallucination magic. It uses Pushions, not the typical Psions, to make a clear sound within everyone's head. They hear it and focus on it, which allows them to clear their minds so they can properly listen to instructions.

Mayumi reveals that Guerrilla fighters have attacked the convention center and that they should head for an underground shelter for protection. She then calls the representatives for each school to take care of their own students, since, being an emergency situation, no attention could be spared for others. Pushing the leader role onto Azusa, Mayumi heads out to meet up with Suzune.

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3-15Focus: TatsuyaThe group has reached the front entrance to see a firefight occurring. The guerrillas outnumber the magicians doing battle there. Tatsuya asks Miyuki to “Silence the Gunfire,” which she seems somewhat embarassed to do. She held his left hand with her right and activates her magic in the directions that Tatsuya points out from behind a wall. As soon as she activates her magic, “Frozen Flame,” he jumps out and dismembers 5 people with his bare hand while Erika takes a few out with her short sword. Mikihiko uses a wind magic to take care of the rest.

Brief Explanation: Frozen Flame is a magic which suppresses any heat above a certain level. In this fight, not only are the fires in the surrounding area frozen, the weapons too are disabled. It's not that they're frozen, it's that the heat required to start a combustion reaction (which is necessary to propel the bullet), is also suppressed.

After fighting the soldiers, they decide they need more information. Since Tatsuya can't leave the convention center with Miyuki there, they need to stay on site. Shizuku mentions that she has access to the VIP conference room, since her father dotes on her. Deciding on going there, they have Shizuku lead the way. Once they reach the VIP room, Tatsuya uses an access code given to the numbers family (In his case, he was given this code as a member of the Yotsuba family) and learns more about the war going on. They discuss their options and decide against going to the underground passage, since they would be cornered if they were attacked. Before moving out, however, they decide to make a detour to destroy the Demo Machines, a possible target for the invaders.

On their way back to the conference hall, they meet up with Juumonji, Hattori, and Midori. They mention it's not a safe decision to head to the underground passage because there aren't many places to escape if they were attacked. Hattori and Midori head off to help Azusa and the other students while Katsuto decides to help Tatsuya destroy the machines.

When they reach the hallway, the see that Mayumi, Mari, Suzune, Sayaka, Kirihara, Kanon, and Isora are still there. Katsuto and Kirihara leave to see if everyone has evacuated while Tatsuya and his group destroy the data in the demo machines for all the schools. Once all is said and done, they discuss their plan of action. Mari says it's best to head to the shelter, since the ship coming for evacuees may not have enough room. The second years agree, and the first years look to Tatsuya who was pointing his CAD at the wall.

Behind the wall, he sensed that someone was driving a large object towards the conference hall. He shot it with his disintegration magic, destroying it before it can hit the wall. At that time, they notice a missile is heading towards the conference hall. The missile detonates before it hits the wall and Fujibayashi enters the hallway, greeting Mayumi.

Focus: Katsuto (Shortly in the past)Katsuto had noticed a large object approaching the conference hall (the truck Tatsuya destroyed), something big enough that he wouldn't be able to use magic on it, but then he notices it disappears. Because he's curious as to what happened, he heads over to where the object disappeared and notices missiles heading towards the conference hall. He quickly forms a barrier which does not allow gas to pass through and can withstand a temperature of up to 20000 degrees. He meets Fujibayashi and Sanada in front of the conference hall and they enter it.

Focus: TatsuyaFujibayashi enters the hallway with Sanada, Kazama, and Katsuto. Kazama stands in front of Tatsuya who is looking confused and states that the information control has been released and that he is to attend to his duties in the military. Only Miyuki is not surprised. Tatsuya assumes the appropriate posture and salutes Kazama. Before leaving, Kazama asks the students not to mention anything regarding Tatsuya's military post/rank as it is a state secret used for his protection. Before heading off, Miyuki stops Tatsuya. He kneels before her and she kisses him, releasing the seal on his powers in a storm of Psions.

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3-16Focus: AzusaThe students have met with the enemy and are fighting back. Hattori and Sawaki had caught up with them and were helping. Azusa, despite being afraid, continues to watch as Hattori and Sawaki drive the forces back.

Focus: KatsutoFujibayashi remained behind to escort the students (currently Mayumi, Mari, Sayaka, Kirihara, Mari, Suzune, Katsuto, Isora, Kanon, Miyuki, Erika, Mikihiko, Leo, Honoka, Shizuku, and Mizuki) to safety. Katsuto requests a vehicle from her so that he may head to the battle front to fulfil his duties as a member of the numbers clan. She consents and he heads off with two of her subordinates.

Focus: Masaki3rd School had escaped to the car park where their bus was parked. By the time they reached it, a rocket had ended up ruining the vehicle. It was able to withstand the impact, but the wheels were destroyed. Kichijouji decides to let the restless Masaki go fight while the rest of the students try and replace the tires.

Focus: AzusaThe students had reached the shelter, but it was locked from the inside since other people were already there. The reason 1 st School was so slow compared to others was because they had such a large group of people while all the other groups (Students from other schools or groups of civilians) came in smaller groups. As soon as it's open, the ceiling of the underground passage begins to collapse. However, due to the teacher's use of “Polyhedron Handle,” enough time is bought for all the students to get into the shelter.

Brief Explanation: Polyhedron Handle is a magic that analyzes and alters a structure. The teacher had noticed the ceiling would collapse and used Polyhedron Handle to alter how certain pieces of debris fell. He made the debris fall in such a way that it would form a makeshift roof while the ceiling continued to collapse. It bought them a few seconds of time, allowing for everyone to get into the shelter, before it too collapsed.

Focus: MayumiAs they reach where the shelter is, they notice the ceiling has collapsed. After confirming that everyone is safe (via a communication device), the remaining students decide to stay and help the citizens evacuate by using Mayumi's and Shizuku's family's powers to call in helicopters. At this point, Erika's brother appears, telling Fujibayashi to leave the children to him so she can go perform her military duties.

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3-17Focus: ErikaErika is arguing with her brother, asking why he was there in the first place. He had come to help the students out and he brought a weapon for Erika. It's a sword with 140 cm blade (longer than she is tall), which is a special blade forged by the Chiba family named “Orochimaru”

Focus: MariMari, Suzune, and Honoka are looking at the surrounding areas using Honoka's light magic to form a map (She's refracting light in such a way that she can get have a viewpoint of a low-altitude surveillance aircraft) so that they can come up with a plan. The upperclassmen praise her, since it's extremely unusual for someone to have the fine control she has with light magic.

Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya is given a Mobile Suit to wear which incorporates bullet-resistance, fire-resistance, the flight CAD, and a communication device. Following his orders, Tatsuya flies to meet up with Yanagi.

Focus: YanagiYanagi is fighting a number of soldiers and armored vehicles. He mainly uses his ancient-type magic, “Sen Tatami Kae (1000 Tatami Flip) to throw the enemy into confusion while the remainder of his troops are shooting the enemy from above. By the time Tatsuya meets up with him, the fight is over.

Brief Explanation: Sen Tatami Kae is a gravity manipulation magic. Using it, Yanagi blocks the Gravity acting on the vehicles, primarily in the North-South direction. Since the Earth is rotating, it exerts a force on the car in the East-West direction, causing it to flip over. The magic itself doesn't injure anything, but it causes a lot of disorientation and leaves the enemy open to attack.

Focus: MiyukiLooking at the map, the notice areas which are potentially weak along the paths that civilians would use as an escape route. They decide to help guard those areas.

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3-18Focus: Miyuki/Erika/Leo/MikihikoThe enemy troops are approaching. Mikihiko is using his magic to get an idea of their location. He notices an oddly shaped mobile tank shaped like a human. It's got small legs with caterpillar tracks, a large armored torso region, chainsaw arms, and shoulder-mounted Howitzer cannons. As soon as one appears before them, Miyuki instantly freezes its movements and weaponry. Leo jumps out and slices it apart with the “Dragonfly Wing Blade,” a Chiba-family created weapon/magic. Erika in the meanwhile is using Orochimaru and “Yamatsunami” to dispatch of the armored vehicles.

Brief Explanation: Dragonfly Wing Blade is a blade made of carbon nanotubes. The nanotubes can form a blade of up to 20 m in length, but since it requires magic to remain hardened in its position, Leo can handle a 10 m blade at the most.

Brief Explanation: Yamatsunami is an inertia control magic. Yamatsunami is active on Erika's blade. As it passes through matter, it picks up the inertia of those objects, that is to say, the longer her swing, the more the effective mass of the blade. The blade, originally 10 kg in weight, passes through the air as she runs and cuts. By the time it reaches its target, it attacks with the inertia of an object much heavier (like attacking with a heavier weapon). At its most powerful form, it is described as being as destructive as a 10 ton guillotine.

Focus: Isora/Kanon/Inspector Chiba/Kirihara/SayakaThe tanks were attacking the other group of students. Kanon uses her magic, “Minefield” to trap the enemies, and Inspector Shiba uses his “Iron Sword” technique to destroy them. Kirihara is using Sonic Blade and Sayaka is backing him up by throwing magic-enhanced Kodachi.

Brief Explanation: Minefield is a vibration type magic. Kanon uses it to cause the sand in the roads and the ground to vibrate. The water seeps through, loosening up all the particles on the road surface (i.e. liquefaction). Being like a swamp, the vehicles sink. Upon stopping the vibration of the earth, she quickly vibrates the water molecules to make them evaporate. This solidifies the early, trapping the machines submerged into the dirt.

Brief Explanation: “Iron Sword” is a movement type magic which encompasses not just the body like most movement type magics, but his sword as well. This spell makes the weapon virtually indestructible (It does not bend or chip or dent), which allows him to use high-speed destructive skills in succession.. However, because it increases his speed so much, he is limited to techniques that his body knows (i.e., movements that he's practiced repeatedly).

Focus: MasakiThe students from 3rd School have finally finished fixing the bus. Masaki says for everyone to escape and, due to his obligation as a member of the 10 clans, heads to the front lines.

Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya is searching through the vehicles Yanagi destroyed and finds a small box which is identified as the “Sorcery Booster” He and Yanagi then joke about sinking their ship, but is met with a serious answer, saying destroying it would cause too much damage to the surroundings. Tatsuya also learns of civilian helicopters approaching at the request of Mayumi and Shizuku. Once the troops are relieved, they were to go and protect the helicopters to ensure the civilians escape.

Focus: MikihikoAfter destroying many machines, Mikihiko mentions that they aren't entirely mechanical and might be controlled by a magic. He believes it's based on an ancient Chinese magic. However, he's having trouble locating the enemies quickly since since this magic is different from his own Ancient magic. He calls Mizuki, who is with Mayumi's group, and asks for her assistance in alerting them to the enemy presences.

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3-19Focus: Mayumi/Kanon/Isora,/MariThe first helicopter arrived, allowing the children and women to be evacuated. Mayumi was annoyed, since not being able to evacuate them all at the same time would lead to increased tension amongst those that remained behind. Meanwhile, Kanon and Isora are using their magic to destroy the vehicles. Kanon uses her vibration magic to vibrate the vehicles, which doesn't destroy them but knocks the driverse unconscious. Suddenly, two soldiers attack with a machine gun mounted on one of the vehicles they had stopped earlier. Mari uses oxygen-manipulation magic to concentrate oxygen around the machine gun. This causes it to explode. Kirihara finishes it off.

Focus: MiyukiMiyuki and the others are continuing with their method for destroying the machine, with Miyuki stopping everything and Leo and Erika destroying them. Hearing that the upperclassmen are also fighting a lot, Miyuki wonders if they're trying to trap them there

Focus: Shizuku/Tatsuya/Mayumi/SuzuneThe second helicopter is landing down but are being attacked by swarms of locusts. While not destructive, they could mean trouble if they clogged the engine ventilation. Shizuku uses her Silvers-series CAD (which she bought after the 9-Schools competition) and attacks the Locusts with Phonon Maze. Every time she shoots, though, they re-swarm. Suddenly, they begin to disappear. Mayumi, Shizuku, Honoka, and Suzune notice a figure clad in black holding a silver CAD floating in the air.

Brief Explanation: Phonon Maze is a microwave based magic that Tatsuya installed into Shizuku's CAD during the 9-schools competition. Since it uses Microwaves, it had no effect on the plane. No explanation was provided for this magic.

Tatsuya had managed to decompose a chemical in the locusts, causing a chemical reaction which forced them to essentially burn. Since the Locusts were guided by magic, he read the Psions and chased after the magician who cast the magic. Meanwhile, the other soldiers stay flying in the air ensuring the civilian helicopter, as well as a combat copter they brought with them, lands safely.

As the civilians are boarding the helicopter, one of them brandishing a knife and a grenade takes Suzune hostage. Suzune guesses his plans and starts talking to him. Being an idiot, he lets loose the fact that the guerrillas used the main battle as a diversion. The defenses would thin where the civilians would be, which would allow the guerrillas to sneak in and get a hostage for their own benefit. They chose Suzune because using Mayumi as a hostage would result in the Saegusa household getting involved, but by taking one of Mayumi's friends, they could make similar demands without worrying as much about the possible repercussions. After he's said all this, he notices he is paralyzed, which allows Suzune to escape.

Brief Explanation. The magic Suzune uses in unnamed. It is one of the highest forms of body manipulation magic, directly affecting the nervous system. She explains that by its very nature, it is a form of human experimentation and was banned due to its serious effects. It is later explained by Tatsuya that it is also an ability that is limited to the Ichihana bloodline, which is a family that fell out of favor with its clan.

Focus: KatsutoSeeing the battle turning for the worse, he decides to head out himself.

Focus: MasakiMasaki is caught near Chinatown fighting illusionary magic. Since the enemies he's fighting don't truly exist, they hold no liquid which he can use to cast Explosion. With his magic starting to wear down, he escapes and decides to look for the magician casting the magic.

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3-20Focus: KatsutoThe enemies are no longer hiding their nationality and are using ancient-type magic from China. The enemy is using Wazawaito and Hitzukata to destroy the much faster, but much weaker, modern magic used by the Volunteer Army. As the volunteer army are about to retreat, Katsuto yells out loudly not to run away and quickly destroys many of the tanks and ancient magic that were giving them trouble. Using his Phalanx magic, he dominates the enemy and protects his allies.

Brief Explanation: Wazawaito is an ancient-type magic which manipulates flames into the form of a large fire-breathing dog. Hitzukata is a similar type of magic which uses chemicals to form bird-like shapes

Brief Explanation: Phalanx is a magic exclusive to the Juumonji clan. It is a magic which constantly forms barriers. As soon as one barrier is destroyed, the barrier behind it takes its place and a new barrier is formed at the tail end. When using it defensively, Katsuto can extend the barrier to form a wall. When he uses it to attack, he can make it so the barriers move forward constantly. By focusing the barrier into a smaller area, he also increases their destructive capabilities.

Focus: MasakiMasaki is running around Chinatown looking for the magicians. He eventually finds them in a building full of other people. Since his magic is so powerful, he can't use Explosion. Instead, he uses Kyokan Jigoku to drive everyone out, isolating the magicians. When they try to escape, he uses his red-gun CAD to cast Explosion and kill them.

Brief Explanation: Kyokan Jigoku is similar to Masaki's Explosion magic. Instead of causing liquid to vaporize immediately, the phenomenon occurs over a longer period of time, approximately a minute and a half. What Masaki does is cast this spell on the building the magicians are located in. Since it requires changing the Eidos of the body, it doesn't work as well on magician's bodies, which are typically covered in an “Information Strengthening” type barrier. By casting Kyokan Jigoku on the building, all the other people become to hot and leave, leaving the magicians to be the last in the building. When they discover this, they run away, allowing him to attack them.

Focus: MiyukiMayumi called and let Miyuki, Erika, Leo, Mizuki, and Mikihiko know that the helicopter is coming to pick them up. The helicopter, however, passes over them. This is because the area is too small for them to land, and landing would expose them all to enemy fire. Instead, Honoka uses her light magic to camouflage the helicopter and they drop down ropes to rescue Miyuki and the rest.

Brief Explanation: Honoka refracted light coming from the sky in a hemispherical pattern beneath the helicopter. This way, the helicopter would look like the sky from any angle below it. She also used optical camouflage to hide the ropes they drop down for Miyuki's group. As a side note, I believe Isora or Kanon are using vibration-based magic to block the sound, though I don't believe it's ever expressly stated.

As they approach Mari's group, they find them having trouble with enemy fire. Since they were in the camouflaged helicoptor, Mayumi decides to eliminate the enemies with her magic, “Marskman.” Once Mayumi took care of the enemies, Mari calls for Kirihara, Sayaka, Isora, and Kanon. Seeing the helicopter and the destruction wreaked by Mayumi, they let their guard down. As they come out to the open, a guerrilla soldier, still alive, jumps out and throws a grenade and begins shooting his rifle. Mari pushed Sayaka out of the line of fire and Kirihara manages to activate his magic, protecting his chest. However, in doing so, he deflects the bullet into his leg, resulting in it being blown off. Meanwhile, Isora had jumped and covered Kanon, getting injured by shrapnel in the process. Seeing this, Miyuki loses her temper and jumps down.

Brief Explanation: Mayumi's magic, Marksman propels dry ice (I believe cooled from the CO2 in the atmosphere), and uses them as bullets. When she uses the spell, she attacks from multiple directions, confusing the enemies and eliminating them at the same time.

With her magic powers unsealed, Miyuki jumps down from the helicopter to the ground, completely ignoring the effects of gravity. She then used her strongest magic, Cocytus, to freeze only the remaining soldiers. She then looks to the sky and calls for Tatsuya.

Brief Explanation: The magic that runs in the Miyuki's mother and aunt is a mind/body manipulation magic. Since magic is often inherited, she also has access to mind/body manipulation magic. Cocytus is something along the lines of a physical manifestation of that ability. Cocytus does not freeze the body, but rather the mind and soul. The soldiers she froze essentially became statues. They could not move, their bodies would never decay, and they didn't have time to realize what happened to them. It is stated that it is impossible to reverse.

Brief Explanation: The reason Miyuki is so powerful now is because she is no longer sealing Tatsuya's power. Approximately

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half of her magic is used to suppress Tatsuya's power. She is suppressing his power with her mind/body manipulation magic, and not countering his magic power with her own. Also, the reason her magic goes out of control when she is emotional is because her magic becomes unstable when she's not suppressing his powers properly.

Focus: TatsuyaTatsuya flies down and removes his mask. At Miyuki's request, he moves to Isora. Aiming his CAD and pulling his trigger, uses “Regrowth” to heal Isora and then does the same to Kirihara. He then whispers “Good Job” to Miyuki and flies off.

Brief Explanation: “Regrowth” is a magic used exclusively by Tatsuya. He reads the history of the Eidos and rewrites the modern Eidos with one from the past. Unlike healing magic, which is temporary, Regrowth is a permanent restoration magic. It acts, essentially like a system restore for a computer, where Tatsuya can restore a person or object's state to up to 24 hours ago.

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3-21Focus: Invading TroopsThe invading troops are being attacked by the Japanese National Defense troops. However, whenever a soldier is injured, a black figure with a silver CAD stops by the body and heals the injured with his left hand. He then takes his right hand and causes the tank to disappear. The soldiers call him the “Makeishura” before they are eliminated.

Brief Explanation: Makeishura is a term used by the Chinese forces to refer to Tatsuya. 3 years prior to the story, a terror (not well described by the novel), arrived on the battlefield and was the main reason for their defeat at that time. Due to the Chinese forces wanting to deny his existence, it was considered taboo to speak of him. The moment the Chinese base heard of his returned, they had all but resigned themselves to their fate.

Focus: KatsutoThanks to the Independent Magic Battalion's efforts, the enemy on the main warfront were forced to withdraw. It was a minor change in the battle, but Katsuto noticed it. Katsuto ordered everyone in the volunteer army to pull back so they could reorganize the line, knowing that if he had not done that, they would have scattered and greatly weakened their forces. Once everyone regrouped, he lead the way using Phalanx to destroy the remaining troops.

Focus: MiyukiIn the helicopter, everyone is confused on what Tatsuya did. They ask Miyuki how long the healing will last, since healing magic is temporary. She responds that it is permanent. Not believing her, they ask that she explain further. After swearing everyone to secrecy, she tells them more about his magic, Regrowth, and the price he pays to use it, hardly able to contain her anger throughout the conversation.

Brief Explanation: Here, Regrowth is explored in more detail. Normal Healing Magic works by rewriting the Eidos in such a manner that it decreases symptoms. The reason it is temporary is because Eidos is always trying to return to its natural state. Magicians which alter Eidos alter it in an unnatural way, which is subsequently fixed by the Eidos itself. What Tatsuya's Regrowth does, however is different. He reads the history of the Eidos up to 24 hours before. He then essentially copies the Eidos from the time he chooses into the present. Since the new Eidos is an exact copy of the old Eidos, the object doesn't recognize that it has changed at all (since there were no unnatural changes). Because of this, the Eidos doesn't change any further. All this happens in a time span of approximately 0.2 seconds. The reason Miyuki is so angry is because upon hearing this, everyone things it's a wonderful ability which could be used to save thousands of lives. However, Miyuki explains further that Tatsuya must pay the price for using it. Essentially, when he reads the history of the Eidos, he reads it with his body, including the pain. The pain is then compressed into the instant he uses it. For the 30 seconds Isora was injured, the pain was compressed into 0.2 seconds, resulting in a pain approximately 150 times what Isora felt in an instant. Hearing this, all the other students stay silent.

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3-22Focus: TatsuyaAs the enemies are retreating, Tatsuya and Yanagi are told to stand by. They are not to sink the enemy ship since it is power by a Hydrazine Fuel Cell. It's destruction would damage the harbor too much. Instead, they meet up with Kazama, Sanada, and Fujibayashi.

Just before night falls, they release the seal on the Third Eye, a CAD which will allow Tatsuya to use his strongest magic, Material Burst. Tatsuya wears the Third Eye, which provides him with information from a surveillance camera in the stratosphere. Using this information, he uses his magic on the retreating fleet and completely annihilates them.

Brief Explanation: Material Burst is a magic exclusive to Tatsuya which decomposes matter into energy. In accordance to Einstein's law, a minute amount of matter contains a massive amount of energy. The magic itself encompasses a very small point, but the energy released is extremely large. What the Third Eye CAD allows Tatsuya to do is to give him the precision he needs to use his ability from a safe distance. As a reference, Tatsuya aimed his magic at a water droplet (approximately 50 mg) on the enemy ship from 80 km away, releasing the energy approximately equivalent to 1 kTon of TNT.

Focus: MiyukiMiyuki is home alone, something she is accustomed to since Tatsuya is often out for his duties to the military. She was happily thinking of him when she received a call from the head of the Yotsuba family, Yotsuba Mayo. Mayo had called Miyuki to invite her and Tatsuya to the main house, most likely because Miyuki released her own and Tatsuya's powers without the permission of the family head. She then ends the conversation leaving Miyuki feeling very alone, wishing to be with her brother.

Focus: TatsuyaThe Independent Magic Battallion is were at Tsushima Fortress being briefed on the war situation. While the invaders had attempted to retreat, it was not the entirety of their force. The Chinese army were already prepared and could mobilize their full forces within 2 hours of the meeting starting. The Japanese forces had only started preparing the day prior, so it would be impossible for them to be ready in time. Instead, Tatsuya has been given permission to use Material Burst again to annihilate the enemy fleet.

Tatsuya once again prepares to use Material Burst. This time, however, he targets the flag of the Chinese fleet's flagship. Upon receiving the report of the destruction of the Chinese fleet, everyone in the room (save for the Independent Magic Battallion) is pale and sick. Tatsuya removes his helmet and shows no signs of being upset

Brief Explanation: This time, his target was the map, approximately 1 kg in weight, which ended up releasing the energy equivalent to approximately 20 Mton of TNT. The explosion vaporizes the entire fleet, boils the ocean, burns nearby cities, and the shockwaves manage to damage the other surrounding military bases. A tsunami is formed as well, but it doesn't have any effect on Japanese shores because it was formed on the opposite side of the island where the Chinese Base was located. This allowed the islannd housing the Chinese military to act as a dam, reducing the force reaching Japan.