PBkV*; 3 Church is,!**. HwmL |W Bde«»«K a^aawaapsjargaS^^ A wiUt a* /^^^rasgjt is once.: f «tete%«nl^&i£n^lS rotter* ar ;to,^iuIscass.«ie,fotIowjn, "$#«3 ^ 543. *enetjv__ ^thertr ie» ijj> *te**ty & jind «o«i jam * L On ifaft«itae ; itferbid tfcef*t* ^ ZKth HOC MMM » JUfakifti bj-the ©tber,_ «at > OoeJeniaeM u IWj tlenv* a th*. mote if* £* mfeteBetv SEwi iir eottjfc*ed~1bi! -. i«rihen»€inHftfc. eoperof l^e Snh^ OfeferSMfA^ ]»& r nfirtie*** '••Jong - ngr » ' o a aHinie* ins.~l?t«. Jforr. SMaB... v ig aguJMurfs«l*a -g irother of Eior lev JfcaaSi torn. * Feriffinlnct ahnv t tB^ter^fsabjelfcf ee_years 6Tf£sfijl to the Tlirone.-— ^ defeated after * Fraacei^ J Bp| A inv Ever sine** * liooal ie*o}tsV"*t*t iperteip, Narrses fHy npheld th* ^gtp^aaftSgss^e^ijiig^a^^t^BfeJp."gagas for tweat]NH»r«B. | i their tiraelbr^» ;s ^ «*r-s3* e &**" partoflbtrATiy oJotioti«^-moT«- r,itraay«ee«6ck res QUAMBL.-— iponoent ofcLtJwi the following^**- fetter oflfK^b** tEniiiitritnaStB- * ace of th* cbati which «nim«ttiif eco&d, JCoI. I*afe '- emu; Mr. potter 'profb&Bd^^htMh- *- o£Jit$ing*$p«* * s in the last «PK- -_ ^in the course of ^ 'ryortookofieas* f insulKto the 1st* |, ,d feelintUJIr. >• tbeStiFfed p .r witfioot Wr- Itnttionrlw-ww d»rn«i«^-th*t d*y« p^&feSfie . csome tfmeaSer,«-. t free sgeeeh ta ^ (pwujart, iftlie prevent a bloady 4 e war zeaijP to onless •««» one | t »ctio&-of- ti* J s^axid?tiK whole !Stft ie> wire*. TH* ijf«i(-efl}«g(*C leveS Jitm ir" iiro,beco»e B*.»- JWIW^^>»^^'W"^ « I0d MCM*d, shjiiHtftiwi erP««err h «*» raited i»l rtfc -at-iltfta sf» ^^^^&i^U^^iMum^M»m>ia tot Ota order^|^.-.e-|f5g4-^>'«^^vti ii .: s ^^ |CI*S AND StIBGGOK, .- ; W W ^ « « T i o e in i l l branches of hjtprofession.^it his. 3yDoCT.1«SH»i^tiKe , OTjy'PhyslcIah : icithe-tJh!teiJ ^ .to»tLc»n-(;areConjampaod.is slopping at the. Miller Hoti -i^niiin*»t remedleinsed hr»totPari3 Academ.TiifMe. cine^InhjUiaoij^xoinhineitnrithJtie Phosphates o M t o e w WdtJEBqeMjiSeBBSsSotssi-iSJtPlJaJa ilUeasa-Qf the tye, *«-.trc»Je(twJlhBnirer3»raacc«9. s v.- -' ;i» JPe,Wmlftj'»I»e»»B»»?^Di3mrnorft»be»^ Lucorrhoi ProUp««;Dltti,--PjrofQse Discharges, suiil Suppreakms. ?, e«agsis^t-»i* •'- - •'• ' *-- <EM?ENp«u.-lith:lS89. ^*3«CftlC^rii!Iii^to«Th»s«naMa-t<^rtipi«ro*tipoisat _U«^ftoB|,»««kii'e«ei: mndjinjE-saae: waiprononnctdr,* hope| lwc»«ofCori3ump{!iin.byuiy phssirfaa. I «ras induced to" ^._.„._,.„ ,...-_ - jeaicinil . ydj^nr rotes to date, and am ahle to.do iqjF^orlcl- iriareelaswelliij I ever did, and think I am Treefromthe! .".'I DR. H-O, PARKER, •^'^^ t| J^Kf4*fe% ^ Jl^|gS; -^' w >t*- ffoiifaiifei M**MMS1P^ : ^eri%e^W^tMW«WS*«««fi!ft,rth«i)iaattK*, before •oiiV^ > BWSfe%e^|^^AW-«i*t»t«>«tawat; : ffjJ^* >*«^*Mr3ni*«4fe&' { . »*.< t-ifi! 't / *<r <s*>H£-^usfenW «»»iS-sS ^t»8i'Ssit*^ aO«IM3KSClS*, '! BOOTS* SttOSS. CBOOEBIK9.; i CBO«3KiEi«¥.' - ' • ewr^oe-to^ll D«.Pji«it«bn pnr.wtJie«rrt«mof CLOTHIHG STORE! *#-< rV/Ttf ft. TS X- * * id SLV& mm£± "gseauBB!©^ •** r * * '^i|iiici:.5miiriii>a :.,<• ft 4. w di(ejuer«ndTiermItwd, thronshHie'assist»nceor6arGre»t Itoertom^eoneVsthe/soiilxclrclefdryearstocome. • , 5 tire "MfJSiE. STAStEy. •fp.f, T i g,,?' ,fc ,,gj-. ,5 PfcysTcian and Snraeoh. __ Iais of CTereiand, Ohrpvb^reqnrat.-hWlocatedit-the vil U g e b f C b i a U b l e i f r . C o n s t a b l e G o r a e r s , wlieri? be odio»hl»profc»Jvra»]3eiTlces4otbc public generally, both ofthSfTdwn and Catinty: ^- «- -. :• . - iJh^SMXGUB Is extensively,fcmoxnelsewhere,.** Surgeon «nd Ocnlist, «nd is sach most respectfollyi tenders Kb ser- Tices.lntSe»e depirtrnnuaor his prof eaBion, to the dtlien* otlhtjM^j^^pib^ir^OTrleai ., a iteneral SnrgerytadO CI are 4- Oper«torTa itenBH(I"Snwe>y-"Sn9 Ophthnlmic d o . , » f o 3 . r*»^-'j^:^Pie3t*rxcti.Pi«yirln!D,r£ctropinmv'StsphTlomii, •nditoppSf^oftheLidiryiiialDact. Ilraayneailbfactory tothbseeoncfrned, tottlowsthntbr. SpagneliiisjnadetbUi br»oeh:«ipeclsiity thelistitwelre.years, and the.general laeeocrKtblcb has sttendedihteopeniHonsand treatoentor M«^thoasaod<a»es.i,mwibeia»niEdeiibgaaranty toJhose affieMiidtB aSeased/exeSi *Ihe psiroMt«.ori«ie,conanu- tl^lieiMiiecanar^olipea: - • • -» • iE:«. 8PKAGOE. .*5tf I t ; ifAita. ; . c PAINTS. , ''<f • { • . > OIIA reerwHonv ^tteremstoniMtUoa Qf ^ 5 week. ^* ^ " |roDi ; tfcfc,SRe»toof«i6fioiBoof Aawmhly, ofO»n«d»: Moek^of '••••a 4M_ ^^ku ^»i !• 11 1 MII •mil 11 imZZL I ^»-»**"- »"JK y * ' 4'-' ^feeteVfro*"tteiiriekiile1^^ 01E PRICE CASH 8Y8TEPH! m«t^»b,B>»W<«|to*ll t .th^twe:|fe^*»T^n r In^ r -< •'*• *»'-5i is*•*' ^ - ?3rrii*#iT v»" _ i ; * »K\». •r, * .m York and Boetoo, sack as 1 »mE,«TPFBk < aenedUfffcayeiij. * • < c ^HCBBABp- rr-9 / O a a t a b l f e A M B ^ ISKfes *f-'Srt-H. jw .^TT?-. SIR JAHIS CfcABlTS- ,..--«;«: • . ^ T*SlntifBS>i!e,TOeilii:ine Is nnfallng tnrtb*e%ure ofaB these .jB.«»^->a«!s.—onsfafceases'inciden^etfie tenile eppan- > , . ,. j. ... litemoTesallobstenetions,from wbs^ lf»V eaoieiand'hrituea oa the monthly period with regnjaritr. «antiSnrfn^m FIRST THREE IIOSTTOS. f they an ****-IWKBWEO^JI8ftS»mijB» ••hittiit ii*»y oVitf tints and inevi»fat\trcasitJtevare.pe'fecaytafe. 5 "~Ei«lt1>Me»WXerT8braria"SpInal'Atfeetlbn'Sj ralntotlie Bscli aSa?l3§l>S*!e*Yiiiess. *attgie; nn slight exeVtton., P*l- pttafidB^Jb*H'e^rt»'%woeBa ! oYsnWts,^ystei?«;S!c1i Head ache, WateS»'and-»l!-the palnfol diseases occasioned hya, a&oiaeri6t"ivalSiyaese^ai^Fitt effect* core wjietfaU other B«»rj»b«T*failed.^aert's" *»••' r •-. . . ** , ; - IfiB ttrWflSns In 'p;«rnphlet aroand each psciigeJ which iho^itJear^BBr^eWeaii,- «^.-- -• : T .-™., They canbe sentln » bottle, containing 50 pills, post free, Jar«^o]^«Swi4^!8M»ebi " AjeSfa-torMalooeyf.' -EH«5l IdSeTdei^Hi. - ^, * TSSS^a-cb . .KeUerlu Ten Wtlantc*. >»V'l^.»*yfe|TOHfc3S^Ct'lKja^a«:. 1asj»;a».-». , Weispjft^rtaii»«S«apjBe^|re^iweVer aiscq«rered for all JM^, 0i«es^.6f^fie^'e»Maiong3,.Cough3^Cold3, Asthma, CpnWinpaoni: Bronchitis Inflnenzn, Hoarseness, -^•^•^ i W»^!rBreitnlngr'SrtreT*roat-|ftc„4e; . Sliei«t^«^^l4^|h^iprt»nstaijt^i«iis and perfect re- lief; andwhen persercre'iTwith'accoTdihgft directions, never «»ttW^i^»'rapl*andda5iin!f cnre./..Thoo^iuldibave beei restored,to perfect health Kho havgtried other means In vain. ToallefaiseaahitaTleorilHfetronstheyaraequallyi'blejsinjf ands^aiei'nopifoeed/fleip'air^iio nj»tterllo«r;lobg*the^B. ease a^wJi«Te existed; OThoKerersev^it may be^prpvid- etfth^'or^fe»^rwi^re:^tbe^ e»»arl3K»^bja*?>hfcy will iffone day remove the mestse- ridM4»eea»l6BitW»TS«iesV;-andtheir-regnIar use for * rev *yi 1 w«;^Jaa¥SiB«« aneroaie thepoweriaiirt OexiWlitjrpf the.ToJoe;sf^tly,injpwving its'tone;-compass bud clearness, Jer»ns»eh>p^e^;iheya«--re«.d4rlr,aie^d*y raanyprofes- »1e«»aN*Bafi*^i^*)!R.MOSKv5ol^^ f . s.. -T&^mmp&^&Fi^z- -••• -*^R6c»ester^ f 'V: : >T!c*^B;i6enat:per'.box Edrsaleby F.,T; HeathvlR.'K. Stealie^.Maldne-, 3, Jfall, Gh«|eaagay v 3oM Con^don, f o r t CoTta»ob^d-aHHedirih&deili;ra. T - ' 1235^nf-clt u< r«m^iefi>M&«i^t ^pt^w^&c^n"^ was arrestee! in "*i can. heear- ilnabor- $q&il&qB' tan a riackage of theaBoverj^return 01 ui*u. -—*-™-r~-.—,"-"»«*«=- -™,teJ!P«HBi.*o4!>*4P«K to *«Orfl^GPi v rotmvarjMfTtOXorJinr form of Zswtff ^^if^e^rtliW^Mr^^»S<cip|mWB»id^n«?- tu b**»;^ra*i«ia|;.a!^;(oDlc;^a»B^j»«eJh«f« ftnnin in •**WBajrtaa)ia£#,SS&««. >• s V»iC g*g.!BWA.i1i'.y? ! i%fe^*^»«ttteifear the#--*»*#*t •1 •»• aw. esBIUttt phyllcliiot. as wells* iill clsWea-rj*^ l » 4 * . « t o « nhyiicMos.a* weU«» -allclMtea .-^..-—^ »—'• i»eRr2ke r i'*ffiJfetii&?*.tirt the SBSiM^l^-^f^wft^rfMifcs^WtoM ?4tt « _ aCtntttitas.- ftit* jbS ai»Kiacfera« trrar 11^arUlta»^t'i3bloo1.coa>IIi«flon,dyi Pepi J,**,. - Wfte tUt» early *fi.rprereDtfer«rs Mh* **JiUIroslsValeJ, «t%«BV»»ttJ»W ~* fwaal* «ve.-ywhere. > ~ . .*' -'^ISSSr '• • " ' . " " ;-•.'-;-.';-;-. , :i • r & M I L L I N E R Y G O O D S ' r M.iA. 0ARUl»fem ,; Jfo. 8 Mosea' Brpek, Opposite tSeiPeople,$8tbr<sr ' tSS to, A; ||AJai|.ISfOjiT0iild,respeQtfullyrai!. :^ir t ? anc f& a> %Pi^ s ?fJ^J ,klia Conntjr that the ba» J,tist returned from New York Oty with her Spiin* and Siimiii^r^^lu^lliiftr ; andaJargeand varied assortment of gooods, comustlDgof Bonnets of alL-the newest styles. Dress Caps for old and mid- dle aged ladies. Bonnets and Hats for, Children and Jllssea -Head-dresse*, Imaitt'* H6odti: Bigolets, ArHflclal riowers. Feathers, Baches, Joined Blonde, Broad and narrow •^eeta Btonae,SIk fcaee. Lace VeJli, SewtaajSllk, Bonnet lilts and> Velvet*, a^splendid assortnient of eillc and Velvet ~ ibOM.Cloalr abd,Dres»Trimmlngs, and every other^rtlcle -"ykept In* flrsi class I«lBnery«orevwolcljab»siBlitIl tewiers thank*tobee former Menda and »atrons for Betr m ^ p ^ n a g e t h e - n a H SdBgmfr ^rkee^nK. Wegoodsand ( g ^ ( _ . . . 1^ Smpto^rinynonwbritBxpeHericea MUftliift s||elope!gusa esTec^a Wner» a WtlnnanceortbetrlaTOrr Heafa called see for yomaelvei.-rMalone, April S8,18«ft* NOW 03PE3STED! •' A LARO* AND DBrRABLI STOCK OF . wruinG'jLrin'avamku ' M I L L I N E R Y G O O D S ! fpf*^ **1'?f , , !Ut " r ««rf»ed a large andex- Thankful for past ravara, abemUdta the attention or all to Jeratock, confldent that It wiU please, In a<rle, qnalUr and ElalbIWIalei^-S««asiptB«; attended to a» heretofore. aiewe «>U aug^d R y i » e the OvvMa. .$P£W GOODS! BTe - u_'-oroM-v f'aslili >xxmt (•SAW M t t t 1 *• rith 64:0 Acres pf Land] .^r^^c»s^!»Bjia«wac»afc<-'' - ^ .OJT78 IN BEEtJSONTi containingOjlOtrVei I of timbered: land, anda good S a w m i l , ° i a blfcred at asJWJjw * Th * Pto^iertrtetapwtfar (< B|HiF« aift.» a^baitaatedon%s?w*atreBmofsrat«r,4n«i^w^oqt. j|t of Ingraham PonnV and aflbrda fclargeamountorejceel laitSprace, Blreh-and Hemlock timber for satina- purposes. TJiere are about thirty acres under cullivatlon. ,Th«re Is a d block house and other suitable buildings .on"-the place. JL-. A fe3MW .*99 L ^* ia **« to od conaiUoiaaMinsIneaa, This property bsltna^d about teaiidlessodthe»«b-fMaIone, vflienc^tlietlumber Is conveyed; over good readsj^nrasarket. Salone, April 41th, 1S60. . CHAKtlsaiNO, , " -r 'qa'ffi%Prt@aei,lror 9EO. a •jjBSuuij*, _^M Of l>lf»t|«|I-»f1 91 J|*f|»| r , ^fe!* 8en ^ he ""' *raptoi r n^WttthewS?BainfeS or WlUD A^IDBBABD, Is tl lis day by^otusl a**ea*nt«ssoJvedfas .tQ.'^futnrebnstn ^janifceiceptfor;cli)4teriiwth«:«Jdbnsl- %lt»~««rAtt,*%Bro IsfuByautfiarKed W settie anWiMJust the --~e,and.rtrelveJ)«jauent«thei*for: - '• L. UCBBAfil ha»pni0hased,«hej6f0ck of.JCood^ belong- ,%^ w ,,a ben^tflttheWdafiiM^-JJaieS&alofie, 128d,l860. BAMPKfc M. WBA1\? .,..^^'J|tJjgB|«WKgf-f XPBEJOtE COUBT*—John-G. Forbes and othsw, rrnstees. aggt. The Lake Ontario, and Hudson Blver Katt- l Company an< otherav^-." " ' " '" Company an< «therav^.-.'?v»lv<*^v ^1 pursuance an | 6 y i S b ^ p 4 , f f i W 4 l n t oflrorecloiure. sale made In tl as action oBtbe^day/of Febroary, I6«)S gsale t ^ enrolled hi A^i^%t]s^s^Csa^^biDmont%eSSaT bfjebrnary, 1 m i ^ w W ^ U w ^ e r i l p i e d Is appointed ! ^? n °, ai ™£ ! 3 s f l g < i i P w » * « p » * B theprantaea nafterdescrib :daip«pea«e*la*toth* county of Frank- do hereby riiftpo^s^^i^enfaeteenthday fe&the^wfof. aaMspwA* ;<**^»^ Ixabkllh, I ihaU selgat pupcancfli ID, tithe hlg*«s* Hdder,an the real prop- oyheaatd Thi6ik«^Ontariaaad Tjodaon Riwr Railroad pany.legal oreo,nltable.<)f, Uu or to, the. JJarehlfcMStV.- mmmsm?. ^%ct»-5toft^i MHONE WATER 1 r ,,jMHfeAt-MBarriIf»>:»f^ T »*^rtd€ri. •JCpiHll-,|Mfc,.-"f- .---• .««arttarj-aadTrsawlr, • • ^ •;• :> 4 *r* aS^r-il fiAUAXIC BATTERY WAMTEB. f 1 j"-i'j.jm i.i'Mi'um.Ni "M'*">* JI S ( ..fSBBWIIXi«B*«tiejlhUattUt^'«f^ Miss ISABEL MCHUGH, ' (SoboeaaortoJCra.LBofart) NO. 8, VNIOltBLflkiK,BtAl.O!*B, If. T., MILLINERY GOODS! Incla at'i Lieu Flow D8UMMEI1TR.DE, Which will be Opened Friday, April 13- The lAdiai areretp«fraTly tovItrtttfeaDahdaiaiilnaUie Goods for themselves, aa she feels confldent they will give satisfaction, both In'qnaltty atid price. Mllilners supplied with <3o6da at tsaall advance from NewYork'BHce*. t AprB 11th, I860. iVotice. _. fJ*» KCDBBTEO to the underalintd »U1 Jfe »Pj!?*l?.ffl»!! ** lietitornier place of buslneas, Ho S.rjajoa , 4priui,i6*o. ;= . _ , v j«ravj..j*o«AB«. TXTr ,Just received at ? ? *- f JJ to '.^s: ** ,j j*- .^*j'. f. DICKlNSON'a , ' W J ^ t f c W A . 1 I B , BouMe 8oIed, Coarse .irrfe:<!.ijji.' i r-..j.|_..- ...-. . i; Vifi i '.\ij\-'r "i BIJCHANAN'S JAMES Admto^ttod, IfiOie course ofpOliUealerents^ must eone :, to an end;'but we are a permanent rnstitotlon. - •' C. FAIT win continue bis buslneas aa usual, making CO A' > '''stto^iawttcl XMUNktolet and even our lowest priced garments are made In such a manner aa to be waa^aMtssnlabftd irnaa. the "slop " work that Is so generaUy. •'h4wkedJr«boutthe'coantr>- for sale. We woald can iarfteuUtr attention to the- workmanship displayed In getting op our - r Finer ana ln^«i dostly aPtyiaisrrssmsra-' GOODS I Black Silk Cravats, Salic and l.lnen Pocket flandker- ,<ehle«i. Hosiery, moves, Coisred and Black Kid ""• . moves. Suspender*. Collars—Bvron, Polka,- Op- era, and other styles, Uedand Blue Flannel - Shirts, *c^ Ac., PBINC 9TI an*s Style. HUddli ore advanced In ] Fit »HiV»l flats of «U Qaalltlcsl BlacK Browr^anaSciareio^ra^Hafi^ust the thing for Spring, i • • «iCaV«n#.e^pW?«h^ *c in woul'f fyf& attentKnfoif^life^Sbuc to duV 3 ' i 8T0CK OFKIP AND CALF BOOTS! •'lid.£.' ' . >.'.!rf'»• • Brogaaa, Oxford Tksv Pumps, Cloth Gaiters, and a variety of style* of Congress Boots—Van and Boys'. 8PBING STsTaVBS—Three patterns: The Young Man's Style, Middle Aged.Man's Style, iand * style for men more advanced In years. * f ^- . *• This Stock of Goods U) ited. Tlilcb we otter for *afe at ttt L O W E S T f U «*U P .S ICES : 5 .. • i faavlag coma kera with Unvlesr of esUbllshlng a P^UlHAtrWttif 1B1T01NI.SS elotersat* of onrcaalonHra, as wen as 01 w»ahalUook.fe» iSBrt»>ani|a|»Jt* —, who favor oa ww their trade.,,, H#o4t*HmlLiB,l&0,' JASICSH.PALUIH. . is well as our IT0T39 tnafcttt roCthe ladTantajfe of all « . D. MOMHOU8K. SOMETHING NEW! /• . . . i Gi ooeries auii Provisions! .1 M .ri" fl-t.'. tl i'i .A . ; / • aONESsfe HARWOODrs finAIRBthls opportunity of Informing "their friends and ^-.B«Ki>><B1a4k,.appo(lt«. th* Millar Hue!, ' D M T O O O B S , I SII.K GOODS, ' • ' ' '" BfiABr-BIABB CI.OTHING. ' <i - - , Cha^^jllSS^.^I^."'-'''^! •• ««-.<aA&JH. .* * * . . . ... ... *. . . A GREAT SUCCESS ! THE lAOIBS IN BOSTASIB3 ! DIC^^OH- TBIUMPHAWT ! Olcklnson's Ner Goods hare Come' And the Ladles say be has beat himself In the selection, for . , they are HAH980M2R THAN EVER BEFORE! and every one says they are VEBY CHEAP '. D lfHtsTTS'Wr haae-rt-Mie prettiest Delaines, thphmt' qnaptj of Prints, n lanre annrtment of Dress Plald». bo'h Cotton ijnd;WoolTt|e«ntiriil'MohaIni "and VRleniias. One ^ferinnra of all cMors, all colors of plain Wool Delaines, also good Ginghams. -xHtt , sT-'9»^8 c W*iflWw *&?*%M \": " iv^i; 9*^mtom%r ti *-- ., .., CHOICE FAfsL GOODS ! Oroeen«;KsM#*^«Br(Cn>ekery^ ~ of every kind, »t no.«, rsmoa Btoojc, MAXONB, H. 7. A«eni[«ielrBtobkin,ay6tCoBnd : . Campnine and huia : ' Glass and Putty, Nail*, T^ea'Dreas Goods, Hardware, Orocie^feSj 8mcj,"8atlns and Ribbons, Staple A Fancy Dry Goods, MillineryGoods, Bonnets, flowers, Ac, "' Hais'an'dOaps, * •ootaandShoesi Yankee potions, ; . <Ml»f 4*e *J>P»Stt"?|h many other artlclea^oonBmeroas to taenttea, we pledge ourselves to sell ., , 4'0 . ^.; At at SmaU Adwaillee-rr«rt|-Co«t, for J . - . i t . Trusting sre shall merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage, we shall always keep a'^qod Stock, and sell as Cheap aa the same quality of floods can be had In iJorthern I!ew-York. v \ .„ j.' A I . 1 V a i t ! V 0 S O F - F A B a i E B S ' FBOBUCB, For whlch.the highest prices win be paid, takenln exchange ft* Goods. - " ' t h e public art Invited to call and examine our Stock and ssrleea. e<L At$1 ^5 Perfettfoij* "^ ! - - -*. - B< IfcSiRPIf^Sf? ! I ilajie, March*pth; 1859., . ^ _ _ .:.,! ' "^ CHERRIER &. ALLEN, H AVB*-turned from New York, with another large and splendid assortment of CLOTH8&CLOTHING! and \ IffOVG the-ne*~*rnod» at rtlckira>ftn> sneto b-tnnnd rV a rerv largclot of Printei Merinos end Flgnred Wool Delain-s. ->f whlcb'tbe ladies sieak In the hiebest terms.— rhose 7 wanting such cannot call too early for they are golftg very fasi J • D IOKrVSON has nb<n a cnod assortment or Black and Fancy Dress Silks, which are to be sold very cheap. O I O K K f SOW has added a new feature to his business. an1 h i s bronght this rail a large assortment of Read v Made-I,m«U«a) ClostkS), or elegant dnish and fashionable •tyiesSiwAjries .• ..**• . D ICKrVSOTt'nis'alsoalarge stock of Ladles Cloths, real Lvons YelfrfSkaod all the triram'nf peceuarv to make *.^y>ds<iine Cloak, and to which he invites the af- tenttonof Ms lady customers. B BVCTIFUI. Sn.tnFS. "ubtas. Broche an^ Stella 8hawls, Hoods. Worsted 8a-ks, Ladles' Merino Jujka, Shetlan* Wool, Worsted for knitting, and all kinds o> WorsteoTGooas, at DlCHlSSOJfS. 1^0B.JUdJ«a,TTareUnjtBag», PortfoUna, Betlculea, Port I! MonMTCs^ t^^lrorVted Needles, - Wdy Keedles Vepkln Rtnr< Head DtessrVfeatter Dusters, and all those nice things which you go every where for and cannot find, goto - DtCKINSOS'S. B MmVti , . . and Piano Cover.. Table Cloths, Napkins, Doylies, ^IIt.,aridsJm«at kn^ihlni $ thr"f^^ - Dry i Joods, csSfbe found at i»S of aD kinds, Vautasks. Table Napkins, Doylies, of House K.eplnr BICKINSON'8, T ADXBSji Misses. Children, Men and . Li kinds of Boots, Shoes and Kubbers, at aSywhwe ^ « t J ^ j ; - ^ " _ \ _ sPI B O O E B I E S soid.verycheap, at A D X E S ^ Misses. Children, Men and Boys can and all lower prices than DICKINSON'S.' urns DICKINSON'S. l^IJPUlrlSOShas got ia t t r e a t J * » k o f Goods and *~* tlsew mttat Be <sold for CASvL as soon as roiugej,, f , W*tritead>liew,IneTerTJr«»^ect,» J J •• ..:j?f.'.*i. ..A fagreai;t»rlety.* A'rare-aiaic%«iV^M^t^.o»«rfl«^ Reaaa&Mtte plact^atAOW WMlff,'^'''"' %*m ! ne,Ji |0narjrfjjl, ; »^. PPt., _ 40HHW. BAILEY 1 30M, •eaes, Hedge f**hj#Ja,|twP'prlt, Flour. 33X7 inpSlTX,' .• Spices, Teas and Coffee, '"' bBIEO FBrJlTSt r", "' _'/' in^'^'ebeal'sfockof 1 ' bdNrSCTIOrvERY AND ClQARt! _ ._ ; w - -. .).-- And rare articles In the Grocery line to be found th ttrlssec- ''*->^'tBhVfortaJe%Jr ; , ' •'- .^ov.iOth, 1659. , ' OEO.;p;AW«P»S. mwo.tt'M i 'For sale stpriceslesatian the common barrel Salt, by rToT.Hth;18o». -GEO. HAWKINS. CE\TS FrR.\f8UI\G GOODS, And It is not too much to say, since all affirm Its truth,<&at they do keep the best of goods, and do thelr Tailoritg in the bast Passible Manser, and at prices that cannot fall to satisfy all lovers of durable and stylish Clothlnj. We have a large stock of RATS AND CAPS, VERY CHEAP. We hare a large stock of ' Fanoy Cissimeres and Heary Cloths, Which we will sell by the yard or manufacture, as customer' may desire. We would call particular attention to our STOCK OF OVEKC >%TS, . Which we think Is the . 3E3T EVER OFFERED IN THI3 MARKET. A splendid assortment of - FJsasleissSsatrta, Drawer*, Gloves <V Hoalery. A splendid stock of SIXBf AND VBI.TBT VESTaTsGS, CHEAP. 8H1BT8 A COLL A113 ME03EILLE3 A LINEN B0SO3IS, AB of the above, with many other goods, we keep, and our customers win find that we are prepared to give them BETTEE G30D3 & BETTER BABGAMi'S. - I; than eyjr before. Give us a call, and Ifyou'db not purchase yon can bare the aatbTaetlon of looking at and, trying on nice clothing. Hew Fall and WiaterGoodm - • * /'•• W. ^vV. & H . E . KING HAVE JCBT RECEIVED A I LABOB AND OOMPIsES-B STOCK ..or.. GBOOEBIBS, ;. jr^jj ^ CBOOKBBT, ""' .GI.ASS-WABB, KARD-WABB; BOOTS AMD SHOE&, , Wfalsh they offer at the ., ..a»..4' Opo«It« the Fral*II^ ! ttotcl. 1 EUbe Faints, Gilt A fipshltrood ISqvmag, filBtBS, OP AIX STSXBS, AT 30$T, i ^wmMm^ce or public patronage Is- respectjojly rolieit- . -Malone, May 2,1S59. , ' . . " • if- :»'••• rml' > i.siIgsfe -suet a *m «< ^ -. > S E V E B B , C A S E OF 4 S E I . AOTOTATt»B Y Bheuoiauaiu cured by the use or Dr. llnkct's fain Pin- at!*ay*. - • - ' -..••>.. a l«> fh i> I > L BAEBa—Sir: For the hist three years Miave been, af- ^Itfc'd'wlth severe Inflammatory. Rheumatism, and - hive bei I at tlmes-In the greatest agnny, pjssible,, even'so jtrea: the t linearly overpotvered my reason. My limH| a'vrii&l a. titr e i to an enormous uise, so that I coull not n-alk. l'tr«;%l tht skill of several physicians, an i also numerous" I'-al-eot Med clnes, wltii but little or no lienetii, as n.ine of t ieg'i tl- U ;x A a perm went cure, aud, in faoi, gave bllCs'iUM relief. I a sk nnaily reconimeude.1 by Mr- cpwtt ut irj- * vur^. iu Pa iaueal He said ne ha I' tried iv, and *NIS »ure- at'n.-a-t ,t no35relievj the pain. 1 accordingly |>ui-clnsel o ehdi .to: eb of your small sized bottles, an i surpri>ii.g' tb iHt A na.i nol qsed the whole of the Sxst b.*ttle i>ef<ire ( wa^ rell.-v«d of .by pain, and before I htfd ! uaed~ Che bait dozen tile' sOttHm^ iw llisappeared, apl I may say Ii«i/«euti fUj ctt.-eo', ,yi3 'ai 4 not fuut any tndiiiution*'q/ Bhtamathm- roiuy sys- euibiDce. I would nay to those unlisted, try Uiti-Vnluu<1e ui'ltertdnPafu A n i i t l i f l a t o r and you will no I ut'er •at '& with pala You are.a»jliperys)io.u»e thi^as^ qu See inner. ' ' Yourmbatdbedknt, -" \ . ... GKJdG.E IIKATON. I esldence cor.18th and Main sts., Guiciui.ati,.-ept. 10. ts.V.'. J uLBaker's Pain Panacea is lot &ale I y- K T. -tieatb anu 3. ff Stephens, Malone; J. Co.gdon and J. S. Parker Fott Ooflpgton. • - . , -. . oice from oli Koutu ky—' tiU it CuTa! { TURKS MILE H»ct»!, Lictlsc, Dec. 3, lkSV. Jti. A. L. ScoyiLX—Dr. Hall's Kalsam lor the.Luugs is one iftliz grehtest ioedlcbies'irt the world; La»t tnirug'l a as lot-ii with disease of the Lungs, and Dr. ttfce, jot CovHi^roti, itt< r ded' on meSforia longtime,- and then lold'my fielghbor ha I nerer could gtt wtll, and ih^t I miglit^refwoitfrl* ! fseiUandgot two bottles of Dr. Hall's BaKim; and when I Hat ise one bottle and a third 1 was well, and am A^w.-btt- t *1' jtlsats«V4*ir. I gave tiarinfa bottle to a uiViitl of uluVfolio had a sore throat for a long time, and It curedhim. JOUS COLE. .NEWPORT, Kf., June -2. ltSO. SI it A. L. SCOTILL—Dr. Hall's Ualaini for the TLuugs'isa nei 1 rine that really performs all that it purports (o <lo and •o i a stake!. For Hve years I had the Consumption,. w-l»« h 2ra* [i tally Wore upon me till I was confined to^my bed, whica . m is off and oo compelled to keep for the last nin^itpnt^fi. it t li t» time AH raid I could not live inore Mm, ii week longer, /ul artbenseof a few buttles jot Ur. fall's Baisaui.l.bj^e tee: t restored to health, bo that I can attend to buslieik as IA'U: 1 I feel that so valuable a medicine ^iould be known. '' " WM. WHITK. Tllib Is to certify that I am well acquainted,with Jl r - ^ bite ud tk hia cese-, and tliat^tlie above's.tarelhl'nl is stjictly. ftViS.. CHAKI,.fc«i C L p M t . Ri s3 letlce of hoth the above Is the corner qf srayo and «riitJgaitreets,>ewport,*y. , , " c , .fcj. C6VJS01OS, J a n e 4, 1SIS^ •-- "-ilo- M ii A. L. Scovtlt D'-ar ?lr: Air«.w me to'adfl^j-^Hufo- •y t titltat of many- others l& retpeit to the efficacy oh Dr. J Jl a Balsam. -For one year Miad what was called r*onc|.i- t.s a Hi Consumption of toe Lungs, and was reduced so Irlw Mtat 1 was confined to my ben iorabputdireeibontlt^',<aiid or l hiyr-iclm pronounced my rig il lung ulcerated, and ar?iib- <S5 fdrtued. I had a very dlstnsstag coiiglf/anSl^a 'fH'«ie ,*»iu in my fide and chest, and my u-l.-ufi? thought-1 tvould i -•verlget well Twas* Bnailj' recomnienrte<l W.use "D'r". HaQ's . which entirely ccroj> mr cough. I* also -used? jftmr .: i-.PAKACEA, both externally anu h^teruUy, audit w on 4d me of my |>dn, and made me quitejComfortjililt-; [pegau rapidly.tolmprove and gWtijBtreng)hsand I im *ile td attend to my business-as usual, and; I tnii Id all who are afflicted with diseased IntigS to givi; uahl;medi-jneu trial . i '. ?. r -.._ .„„. enci, Bank Lick St., sonlh of Hobin sL, Cf.viMgtbn. I -• tioraiJ.osiAH HBiffiEBt,itBs: Foi-pale by F. T. Heath abd R. B. v Stephens, Malone ; J. .'ongUpn and J. S. Parker, Fort Covington; v * ' ' ., , -.•'• ., M.,- -V, -A f v ,M..... aofltv F x t z o x i j For Oaab or Beaay Par. They have a full and varied assortment of BUST BROADCLOTliS, - *f . \ PLAIN AND FANCY 0ASS1MERE3, itheum STBIKBI * It saw. Uhaif weeks, of It at clrculi Reta'trona^ _• - ' i.- -•- i ••- \ft 'i ^r^Wr»'»w«r§'• ji j OAHLfA*r %•• ••- Lr-F^~£ f 'prsaanra,; -4*- **i'fp 'J.jl^™*! 1 !*'}Af".,<\\'!.0 .___sstBAil CAMMmCJiVri 'The TH«M *hau^ a.eJa« U « AaUlAatc SUMwOa*. : *hsir«*» P«tat« CortHmg Mmthln:;. \ fJkerott^hHrrate.; Wsttr CvatOltsa*,* OWM* - Kata-.AnriiAi.lAAo, » M « « « ^ * 1*MU|*. ^jasssiissssaais_j ai, p|sasa.aas saia^«asssasas>a,^ ^AJPtfJ|| . ,. BtTIxixEHS! : «streil 4?ewiar «ni«fiai«, "sa^if^^^wsBSBBssaa * *i atteatfoit, .. , ' "Satan e a W <«•> tfitl'if uas^8t^wr«ew^ut*e»! lwWat,aadtrtUrf«StIrt)Mrtsuft S^ 'l*wi Hike Far* MB^j»Ubrth«;i«n of'Msreh nex^ltwlll 1 ". , •ff^^!^ff" , , SJijI-fv ''-.-i-."--,'-T-.*-.;' 91/ OCO. UAWXIN8. ' JSojrtl9th>i88«.t .s,sjh ,.. . ..— .;-•• ^ . •.'- SB? ' " fori ii.nw irfVfiiiin.iii^'j ji.-v.t f'."!" '^,' >; f ';V- ^^''^Cipit' 1 s*att|^Jt%a* •>'^T: j*wioiw*-s^^i^afcBS : r;- ; r%aiwi^ii^rto^^ , vuuMUdwaa, asal MM s«asss>sd *—Tanltia Sssknln Kv<s W4T9& WHBBLS.7 ; Wt Wrtci 4fUa»* t*s« Water Iflrel iBtVITKBEB at Bangor, BOMV* Mills and Moira '-Depots. ForparUeniara c*ll nposr Jo!m. On»y of Ba*« ' ""I*- -i'TK ?ff' ®. , ^i ; *§i:-i-,9c "<- •f - •'••>»».tt*«s l 4:ai|w4»|fe«irw^i». •'•'•• Of fot awr'pwposa w&sr* glaa I t i W t W iiorji, P1«WJ <md Hollo , HFJfc " 'sripwwini.''''' ^' : »«f ,: T5*J!SH? ,,,1,,r i? todl *** l,rt ' *Vaj,klls rwanly i. tMAasta/itmaWaramsruow-l^ssyasanttfactari •W- c - c *?-,-- o. et inD^nsRupsf.' " ' *TB AW ODTTBBV t.ssst Straw ar Hay QaatasaIs*. Basra** a , «» 'aerarad ... yrnmm,! l|^S»s.ffsssissSsJ>l CADET BBST Gloves, Gauntlets. Hotsery, English .Cotton Flannel, Sati ncU and Union Cloth, Blanketa. '«THetiPStockof tfrwel'ilooiHi.irs feotnpletC'froAffie^e'Bie*' Print ^theeoatj^Suk.'cflnslstfesrpf r - .-. , i , :•'/-'„ ,.CA*HJ.IjAgi- . -. ".•- ---":- '„• - --1: •'::•: «)IIit»K CratPltF*; .-•* - ; - ff ;., —-.J". ' -. .*.• v -: >. CA8HMERE PLAIBF. PLAIN THIBKT8, .-',-.. .-.,': . . . , . - : -. vaimm£ -..i:. v t .• COBURGP, ,^., .-,->-- .-; CA8IIMEKE SCA^F?. , . « - , - - - - . ^ i . l i . --U- ..-'08aTAKKSITJ!iiaN9,-'r-'--.V.- .: - ?.-«' *. •:•- -.--*• PMNTS.greirtvarlelt. . Purcoast^i wtolnirii^il^atipitnf and the best quitiityV floods,wUItTdjrejlft*-give u»l»$v 1,-a*: w^fceeprour8fort EhaySfisetfDri Henry's OlntmBBt foBiScra^esisndjiFalt ores Tery often, without a single faUnre.—HraiitY ;Proprietor PitBliemuHe.IIWwUt, t&J-} i tried and not found! *atotib)pim. Am**& '., py hand ifltliDr: sienri^'DeBf.^.— ^. - ettthe'physlcans,«al.d I won|d.bei^pg»ont^ S&a^ ifYn'iwo nse rith ^ow» troubled»sItb sorbitetfS* -. Ifyou-.wjil api>Iy ry'si mect'ric-Of«li^5p»y afnrga; I fill m well uvthe morning; ManfflStufta bj!. '5 A. *. i$qasMM&£& sston, Shad. 0." Goodwin «VCo.; 'tib^X LjTnojSpgn A waRsi&t f STEEL-MIXED AVD BLACjCDdESKINS^ 1 ^;' T. 1 iATH,' Agent,.italbne.- "feold' oy one ormore Ibje EST'KNGLISli BEAVER CLOTH. l«ry«IIlaS ' 1 -.^ Sl.33{&r;S9 IBS si-ss*. >.-•. . sardeK Solicited by, the trade.; , , . .,„ ,,. 12c5y it*: IfnlsKrv. EBriIsh.Cottonr1anneI.Saa- - T> - - - . r • a. - - . -*. *-iS -fc^».-..-* fsll, «^ shall sellat the lowest llvin; prices.- <-.:. the best article In town, for isle i .- ,„.--- >_i«^ (i^'-J', jr .•.RINGS'- •• f lOBJI^'-'ofextM^uautii^ ^,..:•-' '~'J 'jglsf*^Vs%o^-i^ ' " - .t*^«he*«®t".ndat4;lo#;raW..aJ . - •'. KINflS*;, y ike barrel, M »ld at a sm»1 Wla«j f *4* trjBt*«S.*-A spltadld lot of Boots and Shoe ^.aK^aa>Aa^^a^s*BBBSB^^alkavav^sBaaa*Br Bs^sa*Bfs> ^^- -*— ^- | *^. < f -^ '*-^^-.-*Mfcfc^j.^u^i. J. •3SyPJ*sy»wassj*Ms»*»a*w.s^ss»>s|^ •- '>l^l in .I", •^•I'l'W.'l"^!'.!-!!!. ,II> i, 1,,, i f ',,, ,!,,,. .inm.^rii. g t t » * *?•*!."•»' ^ t » * last* atj^at, s « ssi«*aMr«t _. : ^_ lfw*lW^#«»ssWlfwW^ r sMlW aMralas^at ...: • • —- - KHfOr , $> etaw *««$» £}&3&'E3tti S£^ta«T*aufc 'f*. J* OS liki-tKwiieia.ftiuIt^ li^io^^. 1 fTI H? i 9^1 M J?t T lH-i ipi m m -•si- 1lllj§l K^ "I fBffc £«Vf it ft' li J! vta

mm£±nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1860-04-26/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · BOOTS* SttOSS. CBOOEBIK9.; i CBO«3KiEi«¥.' ... ^«Swi4^!8M»ebi " AjeSfa-torMalooeyf.' -EH«5l IdSeTdei^Hi

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- i^niiin*»t remedleinsed hr»totPari3 Academ.TiifMe. cine^InhjUiaoij^xoinhineitnrithJtie Phosphates o M t o e w

WdtJEBqeMjiSeBBSsSotssi-iSJtPlJaJa ilUeasa-Qf the tye, *«-.trc»Je(twJlhBnirer3»raacc«9. s v.- -' ;i»

JPe,Wmlftj'»I»e»»B»»?^Di3mrnorft»be»^ Lucorrhoi ProUp««;Dltti,--PjrofQse Discharges, suiil Suppreakms. ? , e«ags i s^t -» i* •'- - •'• ' *-- <EM?ENp«u.-lith:lS89.

^*3«CftlC^rii!Iii^to«Th»s«naMa-t<^rtipi«ro*tipoisat _U«^ftoB|,»««kii'e«ei: mndjinjE-saae: waiprononnctdr,* hope| lwc»«ofCori3ump{!iin.byuiy phssirfaa. I «ras induced to"

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iriareelaswelliij I ever did, and think I am Tree from the!



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tire "MfJSiE. STAStEy. •fp.f, Ti g,,?' ,fc ,,gj-.

,5 P f c y s T c i a n a n d S n r a e o h . __ I a i s of CTereiand, Ohrpvb^reqnrat.-hWlocatedit-the vil U g e b f CbiaUbleif r . C o n s t a b l e G o r a e r s , wlieri? be odio»hl»profc»Jvra»]3eiTlces4otbc public generally, both ofthSfTdwn and Catinty: ^ - « - • • • -. :• . -iJh^SMXGUB Is extensively, fcmoxn elsewhere,.** Surgeon

«nd Ocnlist, «nd i s sach most respectfollyi tenders Kb ser-Tices.lntSe»e depirtrnnuaor his prof eaBion, to the dtlien* o t l h t j M ^ j ^ ^ p i b ^ i r ^ O T r l e a i ., •

a iteneral Snrgery tad O

CI are 4 -

Oper«torTa itenBH(I"Snwe>y-"Sn9 Ophthnlmic do . , » fo3 . r*»^-'j^:^Pie3t*rxcti.Pi«yirln!D,r£ctropinmv'StsphTlomii, •nditoppSf^oftheLidiryiiialDact. Ilraayneailbfactory tothbseeoncfrned, tottlowsthntbr. SpagneliiisjnadetbUi br»oeh:«ipeclsiity thelistitwelre.years, and the.general laeeocrKtblcb has sttendedihteopeniHonsand treatoentor M«^thoasaod<a»es.i,mwibeia»niEdeiibgaaranty toJhose affieMiidtB aSeased/exeSi *Ihe psiroMt«.ori«ie,conanu-tl^lieiMiiecanar^olipea: - • • -» • iE:«. 8PKAGOE.


I t

• ; ifAita.; .c

PAINTS. , ' ' < f • { • . >



^ t t e r e m s t o n i M t U o a Qf ^ 5 week. ^ * ^ " |roDi;tfcfc,SRe»toof«i6fioiBoof Aawmhly, ofO»n«d»:


' • • • • a 4 M _ ^ k u ^ » i ! • 11 1 MII • m i l 11 imZZL I » -»**"- » " J K y * '

4'-' ^ f e e t e V f r o * " t t e i i r i e k i i l e 1 ^ ^

01E PRICE CASH 8Y8TEPH! m«t^»b,B>»W<«| to* l l t . th^twe: | fe^*»T^n r In^

r-< T» •'*• *»'-5i is*•*' ^ -

?3rrii*#iT v»"_i;* »K\».

• r , * •

.m York and Boetoo, sack as

1 »mE,«TPFBk

< aenedUfffcayeiij. * • • • < c^HCBBABp-

rr-9 /

Oaatab l feAMB^ ISKfes *f-'Srt-H.

jw . ^ T T ? - . S I R JAHIS CfcABlTS- ,..--«;«: • .

^ T*SlntifBS>i!e,TOeilii:ine Is nnfallng tnrtb*e%ure ofaB these .jB.«»^->a«!s.—onsfafceases'inciden^etfie tenile eppan-

> , . ,. j. ... litemoTesallobstenetions,from wbs^ lf»V eaoieiand'hrituea oa the monthly period with regnjaritr.

«antiSnrfn^m FIRST THREE IIOSTTOS. f they an ****-IWKBWEO^JI8ftS»mijB» ••hittiit ii*»y oVitf tints and inevi»fat\trcasitJtevare.pe'fecaytafe. 5 "~Ei«lt1>Me»WXerT8braria"SpInal'Atfeetlbn'Sj ralntotlie Bscli aSa?l3§l>S*!e*Yiiiess. *attgie; nn slight exeVtton., P*l-pttafidB^Jb*H'e^rt»'%woeBa!oYsnWts,^ystei?«;S!c1i Head ache, WateS»'and-»l!-the palnfol diseases occasioned hya, a&oiaeri6t"ivalSiyaese^ai^Fitt effect* core wjietfaU other B«»rj»b«T*failed.^aert's" *»••' r • - . . . ** , ;

- IfiB ttrWflSns In 'p;«rnphlet aroand each psciigeJ which i h o ^ i t J e a r ^ B B r ^ e W e a i i , - «^.-- -• : T .-™., •

They canbe sentln » bottle, containing 50 pills, post free, J a r « ^ o ] ^ « S w i 4 ^ ! 8 M » e b i "

AjeSfa-torMalooeyf.' -EH«5l

IdSeTdei^Hi. - ^ , * TSSS^a-cb

. .KeUerlu Ten Wtlantc*. >»V'l^.»*yfe|TOHfc3S^Ct'lKja^a«:.1asj»;a».-». , Weispjft^rtaii»«S«apjBe^|re^iweVer aiscq«rered for all

J M ^ , 0i«es^.6f^fie^'e»Maiong3,.Cough3^Cold3, Asthma,

CpnWinpaoni: Bronchitis Inflnenzn, Hoarseness, -^•^•^ iW»^!rBreitnlngr'SrtreT*roat-|ftc„4e; . S l ie i«t^«^^l4^|h^iprt»nstai j t^i« i i s and perfect re-

lief; andwhen persercre'iTwith'accoTdihgft directions, never «»ttW^i^»'rapl*andda5iin!f cnre./..Thoo^iuldibave beei restored, to perfect health Kho havgtried other means In vain. ToallefaiseaahitaTleorilHfetronstheyaraequallyi'blejsinjf ands^aiei'nopifoeed/fleip'air^iio nj»tterllo«r;lobg*the^B. ease a^wJi«Te existed; OThoKerersev^it may be^prpvid-e t f th^'or^fe»^rwi^re:^tbe^

e»»arl3K»^bja*?>hfcy will iffone day remove the mestse-ridM4»eea»l6BitW»TS«iesV;-andtheir-regnIar use for * rev *yi 1w«;^Jaa¥SiB«« aneroaie thepoweriaiirt OexiWlitjrpf the.ToJoe;sf^tly,injpwving its'tone;-compass bud clearness, Jer»ns»eh>p^e^;iheya«--re«.d4rlr,aie^d*y raanyprofes-»1e«»aN*Baf i*^ i^* ) !R .MOSKv5o l^^ f . s . . -T&^mmp&^&Fi^z- -••• -*^R6c»ester f'V: :

>T!c*^B;i6enat:per'.box Edrsaleby F.,T; HeathvlR.'K. Stealie^.Maldne-, 3, Jfall, Gh«|eaagay v 3oM Con^don, fort CoTta»ob^d-aHHedirih&deili;ra.T- ' 1235^nf-clt

u<r«m^iefi>M&«i^t pt w &c n" • was arrestee! i n

" * i can. heear-


$q&il&qB' tan a riackage of theaBoverj^return 01 ui*u.

-—*-™-r~-.—,"-"»«*«=- -™,teJ!P«HBi.*o4!>*4P«K to

* « O r f l ^ G P i v r o t m v a r j M f T t O X o r J i n r form of Zswtff ^ ^ i f ^ e ^ r t l i W ^ M r ^ ^ » S < c i p | m W B » i d ^ n « ? - tu b**»;^ra*i«ia|;.a!^;(oDlc;^a»B^j»«eJh«f«

ftnnin in • * * W B a j r t a a ) i a £ # , S S & « « . >• s V » i C

g*g . !BWA.i1 i ' .y? ! i%fe^*^»«t t te i fear the#--*»*#*t

•1 •»• a w . esBIUttt phyllcliiot. as wells* iill clsWea-rj*^ l » 4 * . « t o « nhyiicMos.a* weU«» -allclMtea

.-^..-—^ »—'• i»eRr2keri'*ffiJfetii&?*.tirt the




_ aCtntttitas.- ftit* jbS a i»Kiac fera« trrar 11^arUlta»^t'i3bloo1.coa>IIi«flon,dyiPepi

J,**,. - Wf te t U t » early *fi.rprereDtfer«rs M h * **JiUIros lsValeJ , «t%«BV»»ttJ»W ~* fwaal* «ve.-ywhere. > ~ . .*' - ' ^ I S S S r

'• • " ' . " " ; - • . ' - ; - . ' ; - ; - . , : i • r


M I L L I N E R Y G O O D S '

r M.iA. 0ARUl»fem , ;

Jfo. 8 Mosea' Brpek, Opposite tSeiPeople,$8tbr<sr ' ™ tSS to, A ; ||AJai|.ISfOjiT0iild,respeQtfullyrai!.

:^irt?ancf&a>%Pi^s?fJ^J,klia Conntjr that the ba» J,tist returned from New York Oty with her •

S p i i n * and Siimiii^r^^lu^lliiftr ;andaJargeand varied assortment of gooods, comustlDgof Bonnets of alL-the newest styles. Dress Caps for old and mid­dle aged ladies. Bonnets and Hats for, Children and Jllssea -Head-dresse*, Imaitt'* H6odti: Bigolets, ArHflclal riowers. Feathers, Baches, Joined Blonde, Broad and narrow •^eeta Btonae,SIk fcaee. Lace VeJli, SewtaajSllk, Bonnet

lilts and> Velvet*, a^splendid assortnient of eillc and Velvet ~ ibOM.Cloalr abd,Dres»Trimmlngs, and every other^rtlcle

-"ykept I n * flrsi class I«lBnery«orevwolcljab»siBlitIl

tewiers thank* to bee former Menda and »atrons for Betr m ^ p ^ n a g e t h e - n a H SdBgmfr ^ r k e e ^ n K . Wegoodsand ( g ^ • ( _ . . . 1

Smpto^rinynonwbritBxpeHericea MUftliift

s||elope!gusa esTec^a W n e r » a WtlnnanceortbetrlaTOrr Heafa c a l l e d see for yomaelvei.-rMalone, April S8,18«ft*


. wruinG'jLrin'avamku ' M I L L I N E R Y G O O D S !

f p f * ^ **1'?f , , !Ut "r««rf»ed a large andex-

Thankful for past ravara, abemUdta the attention or all to Jeratock, confldent that It wiU please, In a<rle, qnalUr and

ElalbIWIalei^-S««asiptB«; attended to a» heretofore. a i e w e « > U aug^d R y i » e t h e OvvMa.

.$P£W G O O D S ! B T e

- u_'-oroM-v f ' a s l i l i >xxmt

(•SAW M t t t 1 *• rith 64:0 Acres pf Land] . r c»s !»Bjia«wac»afc<-'' - ^

.OJT78 I N B E E t J S O N T i containingOjlOtrVei I of timbered: land, anda good S a w m i l , ° i a blfcred at

asJWJjw *Th* Pto^iertrtetapwtfar ( < B | H i F « a i f t . » a^baitaatedon%s?w*atreBmofsrat«r ,4n«i^w^oqt . j | t of Ingraham PonnV and aflbrda fclargeamountorejceel laitSprace, Blreh-and Hemlock timber for satina- purposes. TJiere are about thirty acres under cullivatlon. ,Th«re Is a d block house and other suitable buildings .on"-the place. JL-.A fe3MW .*99L^* i a **« to K°o d conaiUoiaaMinsIneaa, This property bsltna^d about teaiidlessodthe»«b-fMaIone, vflienc^tlietlumber Is conveyed; over good readsj^nrasarket.

Salone, April 41th, 1S60.

. CHAKtlsa iNO, , " -r 'qa'ffi%Prt@aei,lror

9 E O . a •jjBSuuij*,

_ ^ M Of l>lf»t|«|I-»f1 91 J | * f | » | r ,

^ f e ! * 8 e n ^ h e ""' *raptoirn^WttthewS?BainfeS or WlUD A^IDBBABD, Is tl lis day by^otusl a**ea*nt«ssoJvedfas .tQ.'^futnrebnstn ^janifceiceptfor;cli)4teriiwth«:«Jdbnsl-

%lt»~««rAtt,*%Bro IsfuByautfiarKed W settie anWiMJust the --~e,and.rtrelveJ)«jauent«thei*for: - '•

L. UCBBAfil ha»pni0hased,«hej6f0ck of.JCood^ belong-

, % ^ w U £ , , a ben^tflttheWdafiiM^-JJaieS&alofie, 128d,l860. BAMPKfc M. WBA1\?


XPBEJOtE COUBT*—John-G. Forbes and othsw, rrnstees. aggt. The Lake Ontario, and Hudson Blver Katt-l Company an< otherav^-." " ' " '" Company an< «therav^.-.'?v»lv<*^v ^1 pursuance an | 6 y i S b ^ p 4 , f f i W 4 l n t oflrorecloiure. sale made In tl as action oBtbe^day/of Febroary, I6«)S gsale t ^ enrolled hi A^i^%t]s^s^Csa^^biDmont%eSSaT

bfjebrnary, 1 m i ^ w W ^ U w ^ e r i l p i e d Is appointed ! ^ ? n ° , a i ™ £ ! 3 s f l g < i i P w » * « p » * B theprantaea nafterdescrib :daip«pea«e*la* to th* county of Frank-do hereby riiftpo^s^^i^enfaeteenthday

f e & t h e ^ w f o f . a a M s p w A * ;<**^»^ Ixabkllh, I ihaU selgat pupcancfli ID, t i t h e hlg*«s* Hdder,an the real prop-

oyheaatd Thi6ik«^Ontariaaad Tjodaon Riwr Railroad

pany.legal oreo,nltable.<)f, Uu or to, the.


mmmsm?. ^%ct»-5toft^i

MHONE WATER 1 r,,jMHfeAt-MBarriIf»>:»f^T»*^rtd€ri.

•JCpiHll-,|Mfc,.-"f- .---• .««arttarj-aadTrsawlr, • • ^ • ; • : > 4 * r * aS^r-il fiAUAXIC BATTERY WAMTEB.

f 1 j " - i ' j . jm i.i'Mi'um.Ni "M'*">*JIS


Miss ISABEL MCHUGH, ' (SoboeaaortoJCra.LBofart)

NO. 8, VNIOltBLflkiK,BtAl.O!*B, If. T. ,


at'i Lieu Flow

S» D8UMMEI1TR.DE, Which will be Opened Friday, April 13-The lAdiai areretp«fraTly tovItrtttfeaDahdaiaiilnaUie

Goods for themselves, aa she feels confldent they will give satisfaction, both In'qnaltty atid price.

Mllilners supplied with <3o6da a t • tsaall advance from NewYork'BHce*. t

AprB 11th, I860.

iVotice. _ . fJ*» K C D B B T E O to the underalintd »U1

Jfe »Pj!?*l?.ffl»!! ** lietitornier place of buslneas, H o S.rjajoa

, 4priui,i6*o. ;= ._ ,v j«ravj..j*o«AB«.

TXTr , Just received at

? ? *- f J J t o ' . ^ s : ** , j j * - . ^ * j ' . f. DICKlNSON'a

, ' W J ^ t f c W A . 1 I B , BouMe 8oIed, Coarse

.irrfe:<!.ijji.' i r-..j.|_..- ...-. . i; • Vifi • i'.\ij\-'r "i

BIJCHANAN'S JAMES Admto^t tod , IfiOie course ofpOliUealerents^ must eone • • :, t o an end;'but we are a permanent rnstitotlon. - •'

C . B « F A I T win continue bis buslneas aa usual, making



> '''stto^iawttcl XMUNktolet

and even our lowest priced garments are made In such a manner aa to be waa^aMtssnlabftd irnaa. the "slop " work that Is so generaUy. •'h4wkedJr«boutthe'coantr>- for sale.

We woald can iarfteuUtr attention to the- workmanship displayed In getting op our

- rFiner ana ln^«i dostly

• a P t y i a i s r r s s m s r a - ' G O O D S I Black Silk Cravats, Salic and l.lnen Pocket flandker-,<ehle«i. Hosiery, moves, Coisred and Black Kid ""• . moves. Suspender*. Collars—Bvron, Polka,- Op­

era, and other styles, Uedand Blue Flannel - Shirts, *c^ Ac.,

P B I N C 9 T I an*s Style. HUddli ore advanced In ]

F i t » H i V » l flats o f «U Qaalltlcsl

BlacK Browr^anaSciareio^ra^Hafi^ust the thing for Spring, i • •

« i C a V « n # . e ^ p W ? « h ^ * c

in woul'ffyf& attentKnfoif^life^Sbuc to duV3' i

8T0CK OFKIP AND CALF BOOTS! • ' l i d . £ . ' ' . >.'.! rf'» • •

Brogaaa, Oxford Tksv Pumps, Cloth Gaiters, and a variety of style* of Congress Boots—Van and Boys'.

8 P B I N G STsTaVBS—Three patterns: The Young Man's Style, Middle Aged.Man's Style, iand * style for men more advanced In years. *

f ^ - . *•

This Stock of Goods U)

i t e d .

Tlilcb we otter for *afe at t t t

L O W E S T f U «*U P .S I C E S : 5 .. • i

faavlag coma kera with Unvlesr of esUbllshlng a

P^UlHAtrWttif 1B1T01NI.SS elotersat* of onrcaalonHra, as wen as 01 w»ahalUook.fe»

iSBrt»>ani|a|»Jt* „ — , who favor oa w w their trade.,,, „

H#o4t*HmlLiB,l&0,' „ JASICSH.PALUIH.

. is well as our IT0T39 tnafcttt roCthe ladTantajfe of all

« . D. MOMHOU8K.

S O M E T H I N G N E W ! /• . . . i

Gi ooeries auii Provisions! .1 M . r i " f l - t . ' . t l i ' i . A . ; / •

aONESsfe H A R W O O D r s

f inAIRBth l s opportunity of Informing "their friends and

^-.B«Ki>><B1a4k,.appo(lt«. th* Millar Hue!,

' D M T O O O B S ,


S I I . K G O O D S , ' • ' '

' " B f i A B r - B I A B B C I . O T H I N G .

' <i - - ,

Cha^^jllSS^.^I^."'-'''^! •• ««-.<aA&JH. .* * * . . . ... ... *. . . A G R E A T SUCCESS !



Olcklnson's Ner Goods hare Come'

And the Ladles say be has beat himself In the selection, for . , they are


and every one says they are

V E B Y C H E A P '.

DlfHtsTTS'Wr haae-rt-Mie prettiest Delaines, thphmt' qnaptj of Prints, n lanre annrtment of Dress Plald».

bo'h Cotton ijnd;WoolTt|e«ntiriil'MohaIni "and VRleniias. One ^ferinnra of all cMors, all colors of plain Wool Delaines, also good Ginghams.


, s T - ' 9 » ^ 8 c W * i f l W w * & ? * % M \": " • iv^i; 9*^mtom%rti *-- ., ..,

C H O I C E F A f s L G O O D S !

Oroeen«;KsM#*^«Br(Cn>ekery^ ~

of every kind, »t

n o . « , rsmoa Btoojc , M A X O N B , H . 7.

A«eni[«ielrBtobkin,ay6tCoBnd : .

Campnine and huia:' Glass and Putty, Nail*,

T^ea'Dreas Goods,



8mcj,"8atlns and Ribbons,

Staple A Fancy Dry Goods,

Millinery Goods,

Bonnets, flowers, A c ,

"' Hais'an'dOaps, *


Yankee potions, ;

. <Ml»f 4*e *J>P»Stt"?|h many other artlclea^oonBmeroas to

taenttea, we pledge ourselves to sell ., , 4'0 . .;

A t at S m a U Adwai l l ee -rr«r t | -Co«t , f o r J

. - . i t . Trusting sre shall merit and receive a liberal share of

public patronage, we shall always keep a'^qod Stock, and

sell as Cheap aa the same quality of floods can be had In iJorthern I!ew-York. v \ .„ j.'

AI.1V a i t ! V 0 S O F - F A B a i E B S ' F B O B U C B ,

For whlch.the highest prices win be paid, takenln exchange

ft* Goods. - " '

t h e public art Invited to call and examine our Stock and ssrleea.


A t $ 1 ^ 5 P e r f e t t f o i j * " ^ ! - - • -*. • - B< IfcSiRPIf^Sf?

! I ilajie, March*pth; 1859., . ^ _ _ .:.,! ' "^


HAVB*-turned from New York, with another large and splendid assortment of



• \ IffOVG the-ne*~*rnod» at rtlckira>ftn> sneto b-tnnnd rV a rerv largclot of Printei Merinos end Flgnred Wool Delain-s. ->f whlcb'tbe ladies sieak In the hiebest terms.— rhose7 wanting such cannot call too early for they are golftg very fasi J •

DI O K r V S O N has nb<n a cnod assortment or Black and Fancy Dress Silks, which are to be sold very cheap.

OI O K K f SOW has added a new feature to his business. an1 h i s bronght this rail a large assortment of Read v

Made-I,m«U«a) ClostkS), or elegant dnish and fashionable

•tyiesSiwAjries .• ..**• .

DICKrVSOTt'nis'alsoalarge stock of Ladles Cloths, real Lvons YelfrfSkaod all the triram'nf peceuarv

to make *.^y>ds<iine Cloak, and to which he invites the af-tenttonof Ms lady customers.

BB V C T I F U I . S n . t n F S . "ubtas. Broche an^ Stella 8hawls, Hoods. Worsted 8a-ks, Ladles' Merino

Jujka, Shetlan* Wool, Worsted for knitting, and all kinds o> WorsteoTGooas, at DlCHlSSOJfS.

1^0B.JUdJ«a,TTareUnjtBag», PortfoUna, Betlculea, Port I ! MonMTCs^ t ^ ^ l r o r V t e d Needles,- Wdy Keedles

Vepkln Rtnr< Head DtessrVfeatter Dusters, and all those nice things which you go every where for and cannot find, goto - DtCKINSOS'S.

BMmVti , . . and Piano Cover.. Table Cloths, Napkins, Doylies,

^IIt.,aridsJm«at kn^ihlni $ thr"f^^ — - • Dry i Joods, csSfbe found at

i » S of aD kinds, Vautasks. Table Napkins, Doylies,

o f House K.eplnr BICKINSON'8,

T ADXBSji Misses. Children, Men and . L i kinds of Boots, Shoes and Kubbers, at aSywhwe ^ « t J ^ j ; - ^ " _ \ _

sPI B O O E B I E S soid.verycheap, at

A D X E S ^ Misses. Children, Men and Boys can and all lower prices than DICKINSON'S.'


l ^ I J P U l r l S O S h a s got ia t t r e a t J * » k o f Goods and *~* t l s ew m t t a t Be <sold f o r CASvL as soon as

roiugej,, f , W*tritead>liew,IneTerTJr«»^ect,» J

J •• ..:j?f.'.*i. . . A fagreai;t»rlety.* A'rare-aiaic%«iV^M^t^.o»«rfl«^

Reaaa&Mtte plact^atAOW WMlff,'^'''"'

%*m !ne,Ji |0narjrfjjl,;»^.

PPt., _ 40HHW. BAILEY 1 30M,

•eaes, Hedge

f* *hj#Ja,|twP'prlt, Flour. 33X7 inpSlTX,'

.• S p i c e s , T e a s a n d C o f f e e ,

'"' b B I E O F B r J l T S t

r", "' _'/' in^'^'ebeal'sfockof 1 '

bdNrSCTIOrvERY AND C l Q A R t ! _ ._ ; w - -. . ) . - -

And rare articles In the Grocery line to be found th ttrlssec-''*->^'tBhVfortaJe%Jr;•,' •'-

.^ov.iOth, 1659. , ' O E O . ; p ; A W « P » S .

mwo.tt'M i 'For sale stpriceslesatian the common barrel Salt, by

rToT.Hth;18o». -GEO. HAWKINS.


And It is not too much to say, since all affirm Its truth,<&at

they do keep the best of goods, and do thelr

Tailoritg in the bast Passible Manser,

and at prices that cannot fall to satisfy all lovers of durable

and stylish Clothlnj. We have a large stock of


We hare a large stock of '

Fanoy Cissimeres and Heary Cloths,

Which we will sell by the yard or manufacture, as customer'

may desire. We would call particular attention to our


. Which we think Is the .


A splendid assortment of -

FJsasleissSsatrta, Drawer*, Gloves <V Hoalery.

A splendid stock of

S I X B f A N D V B I . T B T V E S T a T s G S , C H E A P .


AB of the above, with many other goods, we keep, and our

customers win find that we are prepared to give them


- I; than eyjr before. Give us a call, and If you'db not purchase

yon can bare the aatbTaetlon of looking at and, trying on

nice clothing.

Hew Fall and WiaterGoodm - • * / ' • •

W . ^vV. & H . E . K I N G


L A B O B A N D O O M P I s E S - B S T O C K


G B O O E B I B S , ;. jr jj ^

C B O O K B B T , ""' . G I . A S S - W A B B ,


, Wfalsh they offer at the .,


Opo«It« the Fral*II^! ttotcl.

1 EUbe Faints, Gilt A fipshltrood ISqvmag,

filBtBS, OP AIX STSXBS, AT 30$T, i ^wmMm^ce or public patronage Is- respectjojly rolieit-. -Malone, May 2,1S59. , ' . . "

• if- :»'••• rml' > i.siIgsfe -suet a *m « < ^ -. >

S E V E B B , C A S E O F 4 S E I . AOTOTATt»B Y Bheuoiauaiu cured by the use or Dr. llnkct's fain Pin-

at!*ay*. - • • - ' - . . • • > . . a l«> fh • i> I > L BAEBa—Sir: For the hist three years Miave been, af-

^Itfc'd'wlth severe Inflammatory. Rheumatism, and -hive bei I at tlmes-In the greatest agnny, p jssible,, even'so jtrea: the t linearly overpotvered my reason. My limH| a'vrii&l a. titr e i to an enormous uise, so that I coull not n-alk. l'tr«;%l tht skill of several physicians, an i also numerous" I'-al-eot Med clnes, wltii but little or no lienetii, as n.ine of t ieg'i tl-U ;x A a perm went cure, aud, in faoi, gave bllCs'iUM relief. I a sk nnaily reconimeude.1 by Mr- cpwtt ut irj- * vur^. iu Pa iaueal He said ne ha I' tried iv, and *NIS »ure- at'n.-a-t ,t no35relievj the pain. 1 accordingly |>ui-clnsel o e h d i .to: eb of your small sized bottles, an i surpri>ii.g' tb iHt A na.i nol qsed the whole of the Sxst b.*ttle i>ef<ire ( wa^ rell.-v«d of .by pain, and before I htfd!uaed~ Che bait dozen tile' sOttHm^ iw llisappeared, apl I may say Ii«i/«euti fUj ctt.-eo', ,yi3 'ai 4 not fuut any tndiiiution*'q/ Bhtamathm- roiuy sys-euibiDce. I would nay to those unlisted, try Uiti-Vnluu<1e u i ' l t e r t d n P a f u A n i i t l i f l a t o r and you will no I ut'er •at '& with pala You are.a»jliperys)io.u»e thi^as^ qu See inner. ' ' Yourmbatdbedknt, - "

\ . . . . GKJdG.E IIKATON. I esldence cor.18th and Main sts., Guiciui.ati,.-ept. 10. ts.V.'. J uLBaker's Pain Panacea is lot &ale I y- K T. -tieatb anu

3. ff Stephens, Malone; J. Co.gdon and J. S. Parker Fott Ooflpgton. • - . , -. .

o i c e from o l i K o u t u k y — ' t iU i t C u T a ! { TURKS MILE H»ct»!, Lictlsc, Dec. 3, lkSV.

Jti. A. L. ScoyiLX—Dr. Hall's Kalsam lor the.Luugs is one iftliz grehtest ioedlcbies'irt the world; La»t tnirug'l a as lot-ii with disease of the Lungs, and Dr. ttfce, jot CovHi^roti, itt< r ded' on meSforia longtime,- and then lold'my fielghbor ha I nerer could gtt wtll, and ih^t I miglit^refwoitfrl* !

fseiUandgot two bottles of Dr. Hall's BaKim; and when I Hat ise one bottle and a third 1 was well, and am A^w.-btt-t *1' j t l sa t s«V4* ir . I gave t i a r i n f a bott le to a uiViitl of uluVfolio had a sore throat for a long time, and It curedhim.

• JOUS COLE. .NEWPORT, Kf., June -2. ltSO.

SI it A. L. SCOTILL—Dr. Hall's Ualaini for the TLuugs'isa nei 1 rine that really performs all that it purports (o <lo and •o i a stake!. For Hve years I had the Consumption,. w-l»« h

2ra* [i tally Wore upon me till I was confined to^my bed, whica . m is off and oo compelled to keep for the last nin^itpnt^fi. it t li t» time AH raid I could not live inore Mm, ii week longer, /ul artbenseof a few buttles jot Ur. fall's Baisaui.l.bj^e tee: t restored to health, bo that I can attend to buslieik as IA'U: 1 I feel that so valuable a medicine ^iould be known.

'' " WM. WHITK. Tllib Is to certify that I am well acquainted,with Jlr- ^ bite

ud tk hia cese-, and tliat^tlie above's.tarelhl'nl is stjictly. ftViS.. CHAKI,.fc«i CLpMt.

Ri s3 letlce of hoth the above Is the corner qf srayo and «riitJgaitreets,>ewport,*y. , , • • " c , .fcj.

C6VJS01OS, Jane 4,1SIS^ • - - • " - i l o -M ii A. L. Scovtlt — D'-ar ?lr: Air«.w me to'adfl^j-^Hufo-

•y t titltat of many- others l& retpeit to the efficacy oh Dr. J Jl a Balsam. -For one year Miad what was called r*onc|.i-t.s a Hi Consumption of toe Lungs, and was reduced so Irlw Mtat 1 was confined to my ben iorabputdireeibontlt^',<aiid or l hiyr-iclm pronounced my rig il lung ulcerated, and ar?iib-<S5 fdrtued. I had a very dlstnsstag coiiglf/anSl^a 'fH'«ie

,*»iu in my fide and chest, and my u-l.-ufi? thought-1 tvould i -•verlget well Twas* Bnailj' recomnienrte<l W.use "D'r". HaQ's

. which entirely ccroj> mr cough. I* also -used? jftmr .: i-.PAKACEA, both externally anu h^teruUy, audit w on • 4d me of my |>dn, and made me quitejComfortjililt-;

[pegau rapidly.tolmprove and gWtijBtreng)hsand I im *ile td attend to my business-as usual, and; I tnii Id

all who are afflicted with diseased IntigS to givi; uahl;medi-jneu trial . i ' . ?.r -.._ . „ „ . enci, Bank Lick St., sonlh of Hobin sL, Cf.viMgtbn.

I -• tioraiJ.osiAH HBiffiEBt,itBs: Foi-pale by F. T. Heath abd R. B.v Stephens, Malone ; J.

.'ongUpn and J. S. Parker, Fort Covington; v • * ' ' ., , -.•'• ., M . , - - V , -A • f v ,M.....

aofltv F x t z o x i j F o r O a a b o r B e a a y P a r .

They have a full and varied assortment of


itheum STBIKBI * It saw.


weeks, of It at clrculi

Reta'trona^ _• - ' i.- -•- i ••- \ft ' i ^r^Wr»'»w«r§'• ji j OAHLfA*r %•• ••- Lr-F^~£ f



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* h a u ^ a . e J a « U « AaUlAatc SUMwOa*. : *hsir«*» P«tat« CortHmg Mmthln:;. \

fJkerott^hHrrate.; W s t t r CvatOltsa*,* OWM* -

Kata-.AnriiAi.lAAo, » M « « « ^ * 1 * M U | * . ^jasssiissssaais_j ai, p|sasa.aas saia^«asssasas>a,^ ^ A J P t f J | | . , .


: «streil 4?ewiar «ni«fiai«,

"sa if ^^wsBSBBssaa * *i

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'l*wi Hike Far* M B ^ j » U b r t h « ; i « n of'Msreh nex^ltwlll1

".,•ff^^!^ff",, S J i j I - f v ''-.-i-."--,'-T-.*-.;'

91/ OCO. UAWXIN8. ' JSojrtl9th>i88«.t .s,sjh ,.. . . .— .;-•• ^. •.'-

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fori ii.nw irfVfiiiin.iii^'j • ji.-v.t f'."!" ' ,' >;f';V-

^^''^Cipit'1 s*att| Jt%a* • > ' ^ T :

j*wioiw*-s^^i^afcBS • : r ; - ; r % a i w i ^ i i ^ r t o ^ ^ ,

vuuMUdwaa, asal M M s«asss>sd *—Tanltia Sssknln Kv<s

W4T9& WHBBLS.7 ; W t Wrtci 4fUa»* t * s « Water I f lre l

i B t V I T K B E B at Bangor, BOMV* Mills and Moira '-Depots. ForparUeniara c*ll nposr Jo!m. On»y of Ba*«

' ""I*- -i'TK ?ff' ®.,^i;*§i:-i-,9c "<-

• f - •'••>»».tt*«s l4:ai|w4»|fe«irw^i». • ' • ' • • Of fot awr'pwposa w&sr* glaa I t i W t W

i i o r j i , P1«WJ <md Hol lo , HFJfc " 'sripwwini.''''' ^' : »«f,:

T 5 * J ! S H ? , , , 1 , , r i ? t o d l * * * l , r t ' *Vaj,klls rwanly i . tMAasta/itmaWaramsruow-l^ssyasanttfactari

•W- c - c *?-,-- o. et inD nsRupsf.' " ' *TB AW ODTTBBV

t.ssst Straw ar Hay QaatasaIs*. Basra** a

, «» 'aerarad

... yrnmm,!

l | ^ S » s . f f s s s i s s S s J > l


Gloves, Gauntlets. Hotsery, English .Cotton Flannel, Sati ncU and Union Cloth, Blanketa.

'«THetiPStockof tfrwel'ilooiHi.irs feotnpletC'froAffie^e'Bie*' Print ^theeoatj^Suk.'cflnslstfesrpf r -

.-. , i , :•'/-'„ ,.CA*HJ.IjAgi- . • - . ".•- ---":- '„• - --1: •'::•: «)IIit»K CratPltF*; . - •* •

- ;-ff ; . , —-.J". ' -. .*.• v -: >... CA8HMERE PLAIBF. PLAIN THIBKT8, .-',-.. .-.,': . . . , . - :

-. vaimm£ -..i:.vt .• COBURGP, , ^ . , . - , - > - - .-;

CA8IIMEKE SCA^F?. , . « - , - - - - . ^ i . l i . --U- ..-'08aTAKKSITJ!iiaN9,-'r-'--.V.- .: -?.-«' *. • •:•- -.--*• PMNTS.greirtvarlelt.

. Purcoast^i wtolnirii^il^atipitnf and the best quitiityV floods,wUItTdjrejlft*-give u»l»$v 1,-a*: w^fceeprour8fort

EhaySfisetfDri Henry's OlntmBBt foBiScra^esisndjiFalt ores Tery often, without a single faUnre.—HraiitY

;Proprietor PitBliemuHe.IIWwUt, t&J-}

i tried and not found! *atotib)pim. Am**& '.,

py hand ifltliDr: sienri^'DeBf.^.— ^. -ettthe'physlcans,«al.d I won|d.bei^pg»ont^

S & a ^

ifYn'iwo nse rith

^ow» troubled»sItb sorbitetfS* -. Ifyou-.wjil api>Iy ry'si m e c t ' r i c - O f « l i ^ 5 p » y afnrga; I fill m well uvthe morning; ManfflStufta bj!. '5

A . * . i$qasMM&£& sston, Shad. 0." Goodwin «VCo.; 'tib^X LjTnojSpgn A


f STEEL-MIXED AVD BLACjCDdESKINS^ 1 ^;'T. 1 iATH,' Agent,.italbne.- "feold' oy one ormore Ibje EST'KNGLISli BEAVER CLOTH. l « r y « I I l a S ' 1 - . ^ Sl.33{&r;S9 I B S

• s i - s s* . >.-•. . sardeK Solicited by, the trade.; , , . . , „ , , . 12c5y it*: IfnlsKrv. EBriIsh.Cottonr1anneI.Saa- - T> - - - . r • a. - - . -*. *-iS -fc^».-..-*

fsll, « ^ shall sellat the lowest llvin; prices.- <-.:.

the best article In town, for isle i .- ,„.--- > _ i « ^ ( i ^ ' - J ' , jr .•.RINGS'- ••

f lOBJI^'- 'ofextM^uauti i^ ^,..:•-' '~'J

' j g l s f * ^ V s % o ^ - i ^ '"

- . t*^«he*«®t".ndat4; lo#;raW. .aJ . - •'. KINflS*;,

y ike barrel, M » l d at a sm»1

W l a « j f * 4 * trjBt*«S.*-A spltadld lot of Boots and Shoe ^.aK^aa>Aa^^a^s*BBBSB^^alkavav^sBaaa*Br Bs sa*Bfs> ^^- -*— ^ - | * ^ . <f-^ ' * - ^ ^ - . - * M f c f c ^ j . ^ u ^ i . J .

•3SyPJ*sy»wassj*Ms»*»a*w.s^ss»>s|^ •-'>l^l in . I " , •^•I ' l 'W.' l"^!' . ! - ! ! ! . , I I > i , 1,, , i f ' , , , ,!,, , . . i n m . ^ r i i .

g t t » * *?•*!."•»' ^ t » * last* atj^at, s « ssi«*aMr«t

_. : ^_ lfw*lW^#«»ssWlfwW^rsMlW aMralas^at ...: • • —- - KHfOr

,$> etaw *««$»


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