Rosh HaShanah 5781 Morning Service

Mo r n i n g S e r v i c e R o s h H a S h a n a h 5781€¦ · 2. Mi Chamocha Mi ch a mo ch a b a ' e i l i m Ado n a i Mi ka mo ch a n e ' da r b a ko de s h N o r a t ' h i l o

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  • Rosh HaShanah 5781Morning Service

  • ְרכוּ ֶאת יְֹהָוה ַהְמֹבָרךְ ּבָרוּךְ יְֹהָוה ַהְמֹבָרךְ ּבָ

    ְלעֹוָלם ָוֶעד

    ָרֵאל יְֹהָוה ֱאלֵֹהֽינוּ ַמע ִיׂשְ ׁשְיְֹהָוה ֶאָחד!

    ם ּכְבֹוד ַמְלכוּתֹו רוּךְ ׁשֵ ּבְָלעֹוָלם ָוֶעד!

    Bar'chu et Adonai ham'vorach!Baruch Adonai ham'vorach l'olam va'ed!

    Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!

    Baruch Shem k'vod malchuto l'olam va'ed!

    Bless the Eternal, the Blessed One.Blessed is the Eternal, the Blessed One, now and forever.

    Hear O' Israel: Adonai is our God, Adonai is One!Blessed is God's glorious majesty forever and ever!

    Sh'ma U'virchotecha - Sh'ma & Its Blessings



    Rosh HaShanah Morning 5781


  • ְוָאַהְבּתָ ֵאת יְֹהָוה ֱאלֶֹהֽיׇך ׇך ָכל֯־ְלָ֯בְבׇך וְּבָכל־נְַפׁשְ ּבְ

    ָבִרים וְּבָכל־ְמֹאֶדׇֽך: ְוָהיוּ ַהּדְׇך ְּ ר֯ ָאֹ֯נִכי ְמַצו ה ֲאׁשֶ ָהֵאּֽלֶ

    ם נַּנְּתָ ַהיֹּום ַעל֯־ְלָ֯בֶבׇֽך: ְוׁשִׇך ְבּתְ ׁשִ ם ּבְ ְרּתָ ּבָ ְלָבֶנֽיׇך ְוִדּבַ

    ֶֽרךְ ׇך ַבּדֶ ֵביֶתׇֽך וְּבֶלְכּתְ ּבְם ְרּתָ ׇך וְּבקוֶּמׇֽך: וְּקׁשַ ְכּבְ וְּבׁשְָלאֹות ַעל֯־ָיֶ֯דׇֽך ְוָהיוּ ְלֹטָטֹפת

    ם ין ֵעיֶנֽיׇך: וְּכַתְבּתָ ּבֵָעֶרֽיׇך: יֶתׇֽך וִּבׁשְ ַעל־ְמֻזזֹות ּבֵ

    יֶתם֯ ְזּכְרוּ ַוֲעׂשִ ְלַמַֽען ּתִֶא֯ת־ּכָל־ִמְצֹוָתי ִוְהִייֶתם

    ים ֵלאלֵֹהיֶכם: ֲאִני יְֹהָוה ְקדׁשִר הֹוֵצֽאִתי ֶאְתֶכם֯ ֱאלֵֹהיֶכם֯ ֲאׁ֯שֶ

    ֶאֶֽרץ ִמְצַרִֽים ִלְהיֹות ָלֶכם ּמֵֵלאלִֹהים֯ ֲאִ֯ני יְֹהָוה ֱאלֵֹהיֶכם֯:

    V'ahavta et Adonai elohecha

    b'chol-l'vav'cha uv'chol-naf'sh'cha

    uv'chol-m'odecha: V'hayu had'varim

    ha'eileh asher anochi m'tzav'cha

    hayom al-l'vavecha: V'shinan'tam

    l'vanecha v'dibar'ta bam b'shiv'techa

    b'veitecha uv'lech'te'cha vaderech

    uv'shochb'cha uv'kumecha: Uk'shartam

    l'ot al-yadecha v'hayu l'totafot

    bein einecha: Uch'tavtam

    al-m'zuzot beitecha uvi'sh'arecha:

    L'ma'an tiz'k'ru va'asitem

    et-kol-mitzvotai vi'yitem

    k'doshim leiloheichem: Ani Adonai

    Eloheichem asher hotzeiti etchem

    mei'eretz mitzrayim lihyot lachem

    leilohim ani Adonai eloheichem:

    You shall love Adonai your God with all your mind, with all your soul, andwith all your strength. Set these words, which I command you this day,

    upon your heart. Teach them faithfully to your children. Speak of them inyour home and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up.Bind them as a sign upon your hand; let them be a symbol before your

    eyes; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates.

    Be mindful of all My mitzvot, and do them; thus youwill become holy to your God.

    I, Adonai, am your God, who brought you out ofEgypt to be your God -

    I am Adonai, your God.



  • Mi ChamochaMi chamocha ba'eilim Adonai

    Mi kamocha ne'dar bakodesh

    Nora t'hilot oseh feleh:

    Shirah chadashah shib'chu g'ulim

    l'shimcha al s'fat hayam.

    Yachad kulam hodu v'himlichu, v'amru:

    Adonai yimloch l'olam va'ed

    Tzur Yisrael, kumah bezrat Yisrael.

    Ufdeih chinumecha Y'hudah v'Yisrael.

    Go-aleinu, Adonai Tz'vaot sh'mo,

    k'dosh Yisrael.

    Baruch Atah, Adonai, ga'al Yisrael.

    "Of all that is worshipped, is there another like You? Maker of wonders, who is like You - in holiness sublime, evoking awe and praise?"

    At the sea - with a new song on their lips -the redeemed praised Your name.

    Overflowing with gratitude, they proclaimed Your sovereignty.And they said, "The Eternal will reign till the end of time."

    Rock of Israel, arise and come to the help of Your people Israel.Keep Your word by redeeming Judah and Israel.

    The Eternal and Infinite One is our redeemer,our source of holiness.

    We praise You, Eternal Power, the One who redeemed Israel.

    ִמי כָמֹֽכָה ּבֵָאִלם יְֹהָוהר בַּּקֶֹֽדׁש ִמי כָּמֹֽכָה נְֶאּדָ

    ה ֶפֶֽלא: נֹוָרא ְתִהלֹּת עֹֽׂשֵבְּחוּ גְאוִּלים ה ׁשִ יָרה ֲחָדׁשָ ׁשִ

    פַת ַהיָּם. ְמךׇ ַעל ׂשְ לְׁשִיַַֽחד כֻּּלָם הֹודוּ וְִהְמִלֽיכוּ וְָאְמרוּ:

    יְֹהָוה ִיְמלֹךְ לְעֹוָלם ָוֶעד:ָרֵאל ָרֵאל קֽוָּמה בְֶּעזְַרת ִיׂשְ צוּר ִיׂשְ

    ָרֵאל, וּפְֵדה ִכנְֻאֶמֽךׇ יְהוָּדה וְִיׂשְמֹו גֲֹּאֵלֽנוּ יְֹהָוה צְָבאֹות ׁשְ

    ָרֵאל: ְקדֹושׁ ִיׂשְָרֵאל: ה יְֹהָוה גַָּאל ִיׂשְ ּבָרוּךְ ַאּתָ


  • ֶתׇֽך. ִהּלָ יד ּתְ ִּ ח וִּפי יַג ְפּתָ ָפַתי ּתִ ֲאֹדָני, ׂשְAdonai, s'fatai tiftach u'fi yagid t'hilatecha

    Adonai, open my lips, that may mouth may declare Your praise.

    HaT'filah - Standing Before God

    ה יְֹהָוה ֱאלֵֹהֽינוּ ּבָרוּךְ ַאּתֵָואלֵֹהי ֲאבֹוֵתֽינוּ ְוִאמֹוֵתינוּ,ֱאלֵֹהי ַאְבָרָהם ֱאלֵֹהי ִיְצָחקָרה, ֵואלֵֹהי יֲַעֹקב. ֱאלֵֹהי ׂשָ

    ֱאלֵֹהי ִרְבָקה, ֱאלֵֹהי ָרֵחלָּדֹול ֵוֱאלֵֹהי ֵלָאה. ָהֵאל ַהגבֹּור ְוַהנֹּוָרא ֵאל ֶעְליֹון ִּ ַהג

    גֹּוֵמל ֲחָסִדים טֹוִבים ְוקֹונֵה הֹות, ַהּכֹל ְוזֹוֵכר ַחְסֵדי ָאבֹות ְוִאּמָ

    וֵּמִביא גְֻּאּלָה ִלְבנֵי ְבנֵיֶהם מֹו ּבְַאֲהָבה. ְלַמַֽען ׁשְ

    Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu

    v'elohei avoteinu v'imoteinu,

    Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,

    v'Elohei Ya-akov. Elohei Sarah,

    Elohei Rivkah, Elohei Rachel

    v'elohei Leah. Ha-El hagadol

    hagibor v'hanora, El elyon

    Gomel chasadim tovim, v'koneih

    hakol, v'zocheir chasdei avot

    v'imahot, umeivi g'ulah

    liv'nei v'neihem,

    l'maan sh'mo b'ahavah.

    ים ֶמֶֽלךְ ָחֵפץ ִּ ָזכְֵרֽנוּ ְלַחיים ְוָכְתֵבֽנוּ ּבְֵסֶֽפר ִּ ּבַַחי

    ים. ִּ ים ְלַמַענְׇך ֱאלִֹהים ַחי ִּ ַהַחי

    Zochreinu le-chayim Melech chafetz

    ba-chayim, ve-chotveinu be-sefer

    ha-chayim le-ma'ancha Elohim chayim.

    ֽיַע וָּמֵגן. ֶמֶֽלךְ עֹוֵזר וּמֹוׁשִה יְֹהָוה, ָמֵגן רוּךְ ַאּתָ ּבָָרה. ַאְבָרָהם ְוֶעְזַרת ׂשָ

    Melech ozeir umoshia umagein.

    Baruch Atah Adonai, magein

    Avraham v'ezrat Sarah.

    You are the Source of blessing, Adonai, our God and God of our fathers and mothers: God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob;

    God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel, and God of Leah; exalted God, dynamic in power, inspiring awe, God sublime, Creator of all

    yet You offer us kindness, recall the loving deeds of our fathers and mothers and bring redemption to their children's children, acting in love for the sake of Your name. 

    Remember us for life, sovereign God who treasures life. Inscribe us in the Book of Life, for Your sake, God of life.

    Sovereign of salvation, Pillar of protection 

    Blessed are You in our lives, Adonai, Shield of Abraham, Sustainer of Sarah.

    Avot v'Imahot


    Blessings ofthe Amidah

  • 5

    G'vurotAtah gibor l'olam, Adonai, m'chayeih

    hakol atah, rav l'hoshi-a.

    M'chalkel chayim b'chesed, m'chayeih

    hakol b'rachamim rabim. Somech

    noflim, v'rofe cholim,

    umatir asurim, um'kayeim

    emunato lisheinei afar.

    Mi chamocha ba-al g'vurot, umi

    domeh lach, Melech meimit

    um'chayeh umatzmiah y'shuah?

    Mi chamocha Av harachamim?

    Zocher y'tzurav l'chayim b'rachamim.

    V'ne'eman Atah l'hachayot hakol.

    Baruch Atah Adonai, m'chayeh hakol.

    Your life-giving power is forever, Adonai - with us in life and in death. You liberate and save, cause dew to descend;

    and with mercy abundant, lovingly nurture all life. From life to death, You are the force that flows without end -

    You support the falling, heal the sick, free the imprisoned and confined; You are faithful, even to those who rest in the dust.

    Power-beyond-Power, from whom salvation springs, Sovereign over life and death - who is like You?

    Merciful God, who compares with You?With tender compassion You remember all creatures for life.

    Faithful and true, worthy of our trust - You sustain our immortal yearnings; in You we place our undying hopes.

    Wellspring of blessing, Power eternal, you are the One who gives and renews all life.

    ה ִגבֹּור לְעֹוָלם ,ֲאדֹנָי, ְמַחיֶּה ַאּתָֽיַע. ה, ַרב לְהֹוׁשִ ַהּכָל ַאּתָ

    ִּים ּבְֶחֶֽסד, ְמַחיֵּה ְמכַלְכֵּל ַחיים סֹוֵמךְ ַהכֹּל ּבְַרֲחִמים ַרּבִ

    נֹוְפִלים, ְורֹוֵפא חֹוִליםיר ֲאסוִּרים, וְּמַקיֵּם וַּמּתִ

    נֵי ָעָפר, ֱאמוּנָתֹו ִליׁשִֵמי ָכמֹֽוךׇ ּבַַֽעל גְּבוּרֹות, וִּמי

    דֹּֽוֶמה ּלָךְ, ֶמֶֽלךְ ֵמִמית וְּמַחיֶּה וַּמצְִמֽיַח יְשׁוָּעה?

    ִמי ָכמֹֽוךׇ ַאב ָהַרֲחִמים?ִּים ּבְַרֲחִמים. זֹוכֵר יְצוָּריו לְַחי

    ה לְַהֲחיֹות ַהּכָל: ְונֱֶאָמן ַאּתָה יְֹהָוה, ְמַחיֵּה ַהּכָל. ּבָרוּךְ ַאּתָ

  • 6

    ת ַהיֹּום ַ ֶקף ְקֻדׁשּ וּנְַתנֶּה ּתֹי הוּא נֹוָרא ְוָאֹים. ּכִ

    א ַמְלכוֶּתׇך, נָּׂשֵ וּבֹו ּתְִסֶאׇך: ֶחֶסד ּכִ ְוִיּכֹון ּבְב ָעָליו ּבְֱאֶמת. ְוֵתׁשֵ

    Un'taneh TokefUnetaneh tokef k'dushat hayom ki hu nora v'ayom.Uvo tinasei malchutecha, v'yikon b'chesed kisecha:v'teisheiv alav be-emet.

    The Power ofThis Day

    Let us proclaim the sacred power of this day;It is awesome and full of dread

    As the shepherd seeks out his flock, and makes the sheep pass under hisstaff, so do You muster and number and consider every soul, setting

    bounds of every creature's life, and decreeing its destiny.

    The GreatShofar

    In truth You are Judge and Arbiter, Counsel and Witness.You write and You seal, You record and recount. You remember deeds

    long forgotten. You open the book of our days, and what is written thereproclaims itself, for it bears the signature of every human being.

    Emet ki atah hu dayan,umochiach v’yodei'a va·eid,v’choteiv v’choteim, v’sofeirumoneh, v’tizkor kolanishkachot. V’tiftach et sefer hazichronot, umei·eilav yikarei — v’chotam yad kol adam bo.

    Uvshofar gadol yitaka. V’kol d’mamah dakah yishama. Umalachim yeichafeizun, v’chiluradah yocheizun, v’yomru:“Hineih yom hadin”— lifkod al tz’vamarom badin; ki lo yizku v’einechabadin. V’chol ba·ei olam yaavrunl’fanecha kivnei maron. K’vakaratro·ei edro, maavir tzono tachatshivto, kein taavir v’tisporv’timneh, v’tifkod nefesh kol chai. V’tachtoch kitzbah l’chol b’riyah; v’tichtov et g’zar dinam.

    In Truthָּן ה הוּא ַדי י ַאּתָ ֱאֶמת ּכִ

    וּמֹוִכיַח ְויֹוֵדַע ָוֵעד ְוכֹוֵתבְוחֹוֵתם ְוסֹוֵפר וּמֹוֶנה.ּכָחות, ׁשְ ְוִתְזּכֹר ּכָל ַהנִּ

    ח ֶאת ֵסֶפר ְוִתְפּתֵַרא. ְכרֹונֹות. וֵּמֵאָליו ִיּקָ ִּ ַהז

    ְוחֹוָתם יַד ּכָל ָאָדם ּבו

    ַקע. ָּדֹול ִיּתָ וְּבׁשֹוָפר גה ָמָמה ַדּקָ ְוקֹול ּדְַמע. וַּמְלָאִכים ָ ִיׁשּ

    ֵיָחֵפזוּן. ְוִחילוְּרָעָדה ֹיאֵחזוּן.

    ְוֹיאְמרוּ ִהנֵּה יֹוםין. ִלְפקד ַעל ַהּדִ

    י ין. ּכִ ּדִ ְצָבא ָמרֹום ּבַלֹא ִיְזּכוּ ְבֵעיֶניׇך

  • 7

    ָנה ִיּכֵָתבוּן, ָ ּבְֹראׁש ַהׁשּּפוּר ֵיָחֵתמוּן. וְּביֹום צֹום ּכִ

    ֵראוּן, ה ִיּבָ ה יַַעֹבְרוּן, ְוַכּמָ ּכַּמִָמי ִיְחֶיה, וִּמי ָימוּת,

    ִמי ְבִקצֹּו, וִּמי לֹא ּבְִקצֹּו, ִים, ִמי ָבֵאׁש,וִּמי ַבּמַ

    ָּה, ִמי ַבֶחֶרב, וִּמי ַבַחיָמא, ִמי ָבָרָעב, וִּמי ַבצָּ

    ֵָּפה, ג ִמי ָבַרַעׁש, וִּמי ַבּמִַקיָלה, ִמי ַבֲחִניָקה, וִּמי ַבּסְ

    ִמי ָינוַּח, וִּמי ָינוַּע, קיט, וִּמי יְֹטַרף, ִמי יַׁשְר, ֵלו, וִּמי ִיְתיַּסֵ ָ ִמי ִיׁשּיר, ִמי יֲַעִני, וִּמי יֲַעׁשִּפַל, וִּמי ָירוּם. ִמי ֻיׁשְ

    B'rosh Hashanah yikateivun;

    uv'Yom Tzom Kippur yeichateimun:

    kamah yaavorun, v'chamah yibarei-un;

    mi yichyeh, u'mi yamut;

    mi v'kitzo, u'mi lo v'kitzo;

    mi va-eish, u'mi vamayim;

    mi vacherev, u'mi vachayah;

    mi vara'av, u'mi vatzama;

    mi vara'ash, u'mi vamageifah;

    mi vachanikah, u'mi vas'kilah;

    mi yanuach, u'mi yanua;

    mi yashkit, u'mi y'toraf;

    mi yishaleiv, u'mi yityaseir;

    mi ya'ani, u'mi ya'ashir;

    mi yushpal, u'mi yarum -

    On Rosh Hashanah it is written,On Yom Kippur it is sealed:

    How many shall pass on, how many shall come to be:Who shall see ripe age and who shall not;

    Who shall perish by fire and who by water;Who by sword and who by beast;

    Who by hunger and who by thirst;Who by earthquake and who by plague;Who by strangling and who by stoning;

    Who shall be secure and who shall be driven;Who shall be tranquil and who shall be troubled;

    Who shall be poor and who shall be rich;Who shall be humbled and who exalted.

    ה, וְּצָדָקה וְּתׁשוָּבה, וְּתִפּלְֵָּזָרה. ַמֲעִביִרין ֶאת ֹרַע ַהג

    U'tshuvah, u'tfilah, ut'zdakahma'avirin et roa hag'zeirah.

    But repentance, prayer and charitytemper judgement's severe decree.

  • 8

    FromGeneration toGeneration


    ִּיד גְָּדֶלֽךׇ. לְדֹור ָודֹור נַגישׁ. ְתךׇ נְַקּדִ ָ וּלְנֵֽצַח נְָצִחים ְקֻדׁשּ

    ֽינוּ לֹא יָמוּשׁ ְבֲחךׇ, ֱאלֵֹהֽינוּ, ִמּפִ ְוׁשִלְעֹוָלם ָוֶעד,

    ה. י ֵאל ֶמֶֽלךְ גָּדֹול ְוָקדֹושׁ ָאּֽתָ ּכִדושׁ. ֶלךְ ַהּקָ ה יהוה, ַהּמֶ ּבָרוּךְ ַאּתָ

    L'dor vador nagid godlecha.

    ul'netzach netzachim k'dushatcha nak'dish.

    V'shiv'chacha, Elohainu, mipinu lo yamush

    l'olam va'ed,

    Ki El Melech gadol v'kadosh Atah.

    Baruch Atah Adonai, haMelech haKadosh.

    We will teach Your greatness l'dor vador - from generation to generation.And to the end of time we will affirm Your holiness.

    Our God, Your praise shall ever be on our lips,for Your power is boundless - sovereign and holy.

    Sim shalom tovah uv'rachah,

    chein vachesed v'rachamim,

    aleinu v'al kol Yisrael am'cha.

    לֹום טֹוָבה וְּבָרָכה, ים ׁשָ ׂשִ ֵחן ָוֶחֶֽסד ְוַרֲחִמים,

    ׇך. ָרֵאל ַעּמְ ָעֵלֽינוּ ועל ָכל ִיׂשְ

    Let there be peace,

    Grant goodness, blessing, and grace,

    constancy and compassion

    to us and all Israel, Your people.

  • 9

    ֽנוּ ָחָטֽאנוּ ְלָפֶנֽיׇך. ָאִבֽינוּ ַמְלּכֵ

    ׁש ָעֵלֽינוּ ֽנוּ ַחּדֵ ָאִבֽינוּ ַמְלּכֵָנה טֹוָבה. ׁשָ

    ה ּכָל ַצר ֽנוּ ּכַּלֵ ָאִבֽינוּ ַמְלּכִֵטין ֵמָעֵלֽינוּ. וַּמׂשְ

    ֶֽבר ְוֶחֶֽרב ה ּדֶ ֽנוּ ּכַּלֵ ָאִבֽינוּ ַמְלּכְֵוָרָעב ֵמָעֵלינוּ.

    Avinu Malkeinu, sh'ma koleinu.

    Avinu Malkeinu, chadesh aleinu

    shanah tovah.

    ַמע קֹוֵלֽנוּ. ֽנוּ ׁשְ ָאִבֽינוּ ַמְלּכֵ

    ֵסֶֽפר ְתֵבֽנוּ ּבְ ֽנוּ ּכָ ָאִבֽינוּ ַמְלּכֵים טֹוִבים. ִּ ַחי

    ֽנוּ ֲחמֹול ָעֵלֽינוּ ְוַעל ָאִבֽינוּ ַמְלּכֵֽנוּ. עֹוָלֵלֽינוּ ְוַטּפֵ

    ֽנוּ ָחנֵּֽנוּ ַוֲעֵנֽנוּ ָאִבֽינוּ ַמְלּכֵה ים ֲעׂשֵ ֽנוּ ַמֲעׂשִ י ֵאין ּבָ ּכִ

    יֵעֽנוּ. ֽנוּ ְצָדָקה ָוֶחֶֽסד ְוהֹוׁשִ ִעּמָ

    Avinu Malkeinu, choneinu va'aneinu

    ki ein banu ma'asim aseh

    imanu tzdakah vachesed v'hoshi'einu.

    Avinu Malkeinu, chatanu l'fanecha.

    Avinu Malkeinu, chamol aleinu v'al

    olaleinu v'tapeinu.

    Avinu Malkeinu, kaleh dever v'cherev

    v'ra'av me'aleinu.

    Avinu Malkeinu, kaleh kol tzar

    u'mastin mei'aleinu.

    Avinu Malkeinu, kotveinu b'sefer

    chayim tovim.

    Avinu Malkeinu, hear our voice.

    Avinu Malkeinu, we have sinned against you.

    Avinu Malkeinu, have compassion on us and our children.

    Avinu Malkeinu, make an end to sickness, war and famine.

    Avinu Malkeinu, make an end to all oppression.

    Avinu Malkeinu, inscribe us for blessing in the Book of Life.

    Avinu Malkeinu, let the new year be a good year for us.

    Avinu Malkeinu, be gracious and answer us, for we have little merit. Treat us generously and with kindness and be our help.

    Avinu Malkeinu - Almighty and MercifulAvinuMalkeinu

  • Torah Service

    ֵצא תֹוָרה יֹּון ּתֵ י ִמצִּ ּכִָלִֽם. וְּדַבר יְֹהָוה ִמירוּׁשָ

    ָרֵאל יְֹהָוה ֱאלֵֹהֽינוּ יְֹהָוה ֶאָחד! ַמע ִיׂשְ ׁשְ

    מֹו! ָּדֹול ֲאדֹוֵנֽינוּ, ָקדֹוׁש ְונֹוָרא ׁשְ ֶאָחד ֱאלֵֹהֽינוּ, ג

    Ki MiTzion tetzei Torah

    ud'var Adonai mirushalayim.

    נַָּתן ּתֹוָרה רוּךְ ׁשֶ ּבָתֹו. ָ ְקֻדׁשּ ָרֵאל ּבִ ְלַעּמֹו ִיׂשְ

    Baruch she'natan Torah

    l'amo Yisrael bik'dushato.

    Ki MiTzion

    For from out of Zion will come the Torah, and the word of Adonai from Jerusalem.

    Blessed is God who in holiness gave the Torah to the people Israel.

    Sh'ma, Yisrael: Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!

    Echad eloheinu, gadol adoneinu, kadosh v'nora sh'mo!

    Hear O' Israel: Adonai is our God, Adonai is One!One and magnificent is our God; God's name is holy, inspiring awe!



    Seder KriatHaTorah

  • 11

    Blessing Beforethe Reading ofthe Torah

    Blessing Afterthe Reading ofthe Torah

    ה יְֹהָוה ֱאלֵֹהֽינוּ רוּךְ ַאּתָ ּבָר ָנַֽתן ָלֽנוּ ֶמֶֽלךְ ָהעֹוָלםֲאׁשֶ

    ֵּי עֹוָלם ּתֹוַרת ֱאֶמת ְוַחיָנַטע ּבְתֹוֵכֽנוּ.

    ה יְֹהָוה נֹוֵתן ַהּתֹוָרה. רוּךְ ַאּתָ ּבָ

    ֹבָרךְ ְלעֹוָלם ָוֶעד. רוּךְ יְֹהָוה ַהּמְ .Baruch Adonai hamvorach l'olam va'edּבָCongregation responds:

    ה יְֹהָוה ֱאלֵֹהֽינוּ ּבָרוּךְ ַאּתָֽנוּ ִמּכָל ר ּבַָֽחר ּבָ ֶמֶֽלךְ ָהעֹוָלם ֲאׁשֶ

    ים ונַָֽתן ָלֽנוּ ֶאת ּתֹוָרתֹו. ָהַעּמִה יְֹהָוה נֹוֵתן ַהּתֹוָרה. ּבָרוּךְ ַאּתָ

    ֹבָרךְ ְלעֹוָלם ָוֶעד. רוּךְ יְֹהָוה ַהּמְ ּבָLeader:

    Baruch Adonai hamvorach l'olam va'ed.

    Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu 

    Melech ha'olam, asher bachar banu mikol

    ha'amim v'natan lanu et Torato.

    Baruch Atah Adonai, notein HaTorah.

    Leader: Bless the Eternal, the Blessed One.

    Congregation: Blessed is the Eternal, the Blessed One, now and forever.

    Leader: Blessed is the Eternal, the Blessed One, now and forever.

    Blessed are You, Eternal, our God, Supreme Power of the universe,who embraced us and gave us this Teaching,

    having chosen us to embody Torah among the peoples of the earth.Blessed are You, God of eternity, whose gift is Torah.

    Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu 

    Melech ha'olam, asher natan lanu

    Torat emet, v'chayei olam

    nata b'tocheinu.

    Baruch Atah Adonai, notein HaTorah.

    Blessed are You, Eternal, our God, Supreme Power of the universe,who gave us a teaching of truth and planted within us eternal life.

    Blessed are You, God of eternity, whose gift is Torah.

    ֹבָרךְ. ְרכוּ ֶאת יְֹהָוה ַהּמְ .Bar'chu et Adonai hamvorachּבָLeader:

  • ֨א ַאְבָרָה֧ם ָ ׂשּ ִּ ֗י ַוי ִליׁשִ ְ 4.ּבַיֹּ֣ום ַהׁשּקֹ֖ום ֵמָרֹחֽק׃ ֶאת־ֵעינָ֛יו ַויְַּ֥רא ֶאת־ַהּמָ

    ֹּ֨אֶמר ַאְבָרָה֜ם ֶאל־נְָעָר֗יו 5. ַויבוּ־ָלֶכ֥ם ּפֹה֙ ִעֽם־ַהֲחמֹ֔ור ַוֲאִנ֣י ְוַהנַַּ֔ער ׁשְ

    ֲחֶו֖ה ְונָשׁ֥וָּבה ּתַ נְֵלָכ֖ה ַעד־ּכֹ֑ה ְוִנֽׁשְֲאֵליֶכֽם׃ 

    ֨ח ַאְבָרָה֜ם ֶאת־ֲעֵצ֣י ָהֹעָל֗ה ּקַ ִּ 6. ַוי֣ח ּבְיָדֹ֔ו ּקַ ִּ ם֙ ַעל־ִיְצָח֣ק ּבְנֹ֔ו ַוי ַויָּׂ֙שֶ

    ּ ֲאֶכֶ֑לת ַויְֵּלכ֥ו ֶאת־ָהֵא֖שׁ ְוֶאת־ַהּֽמַֽו׃ נֵיֶה֖ם יְַחּדָ ׁשְ

    ֹּ֨אֶמר ִיְצָח֜ק ֶאל־ַאְבָרָה֤ם ָאִביו֙ 7. ַויֹּ֗אֶמר ֽי ְבִנ֑י ַוי ִּ ֹּ֖אֶמר ִהנֶּ֣נ ֹּ֣אֶמר ָאִב֔י ַוי ַוי

    ֖ה ְלֹעָלֽה׃ ֶ ִהנֵּ֤ה ָהֵאשׁ֙ ְוָהֵ֣עִצ֔ים ְוַאיֵּ֥ה ַהׂשֹּּ֙אֶמר֙ ַאְבָרָה֔ם ֱאלִֹה֞ים ִיְרֶאה־לֹּ֥ו 8. ַויֽו׃ נֵיֶה֖ם יְַחּדָ ֛ה ְלֹעָל֖ה ּבְִנ֑י ַויְֵּלכ֥וּ ׁשְ ֶ ַהׂשּ֣ר ָאַֽמר־לֹ֣ו קֹום֮ ֲאׁשֶ 9. ַויָֹּב֗אוּ ֶאֽל־ַהּמָ

    ֤ם ַאְבָרָהם֙ ֶ֨בן ׁשָ ִּ ָהֱאלִֹהים֒ ַויַ֔ח ַוֽיֲַּעֹר֖ךְ ֶאת־ָהֵעִצ֑ים ַוֽיֲַּעֹקד֙ ְזּבֵ ֶאת־ַהּמְִזּבֵַ֔ח ם ֹאתֹו֙ ַעל־ַהּמִ ֶאת־ִיְצָח֣ק ּבְנֹ֔ו ַויָּׂ֤שֶ

    ַ֖על ָלֵעִצֽים׃ ִמּמַ֖ח ּקַ ִּ ַל֤ח ַאְבָרָהם֙ ֶאת־יָדֹ֔ו ַוי ׁשְ ִּ 10. ַוי

    ֹח֖ט ֶאת־ּבְנֹֽו׃  ֲאֶכֶ֑לת ִלׁשְ ֶאת־ַהּֽמְַקָר֨א ֵאָל֜יו ַמְלַא֤ךְ יְהָוה֙ ִּ 11. ַוי

    ֹּ֖אֶמר ַאְבָרָה֣ם ׀ ַאְבָרָה֑ם ַמִ֔ים ַוי ָ ִמן־ַהׁשֹּּ֖אֶמר ִהנִֵּֽני׃ ַוי

    4. On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place from afar.5. Then Abraham said to his servants, "You stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go up there; we will worshipand we will return to you"6. Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on his son Isaac. he himself took the firestone and theknife; and the two walked off together. 7. Then Isaac said to his father Abraham, "Father!" And he answered, "Yes, my son." And he said, "Here are the firestone and the wood; but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?" 8. And Abraham said, "God will see to the sheep for God's burnt offering, my son." And the two of them walked on together. 9. They arrived at the place of which God had told him. Abraham built an altar there; he laid out the wood; he bound his son Isaac; he laid him on the altar, on top of the wood.10. And Abraham picked up the knife to slay his son. 11. Then an angel of God called to him from heaven: "Abraham! Abraham!" And he answered, "Here I am."

    Genesis 22:4-11


    Torah Reading

  • 13

    Prayer forthose in Needof Healing

    Mi shebeirach avoteinuM'kor hab'rachah l'imoteinu

    Mi shebeirach imoteinuM'kor hab'rachah l'avoteinnu 

    ּ ַרךְ ֲאבֹוֵתינו ּבֵ ִמי ׁשֶָרָכה ְלִאמֹוֵתינוּ ְמקֹור ַהּבְ

    ַרךְ ִאמֹוֵתינוּ, ּבֵ ִמי ׁשֶָרָכה ַלֲאבֹוֵתינוּ ְמקֹור ַהּבְ

    May the Source of strength who blessed the ones before ushelp us find the courage to make our lives a blessing.

    And let us say: Amen

    Bless those in need of healing with R'fuah Shleimah,The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit.

    And let us say: Amen.

    Prayer for HealthcareWorkers

    Prayer forthose WhoHaveRecoveredfrom Illness

    Rofeh HaCholim, Healer of the Sick, we think of those who are in pain and inneed of healing. Those who struggle with COVID-19 and its aftereffects, those

    who suffer from chronic illness, and the many ways our mortal bodies canexperience illness and pain. For all those who are ill, we pray for their healing, of body, mind, and spirit.

    Though we are apart, we share in our prayer together. May they be granted a R'fuah Shleimah, a complete healing,

    as together we say: amen. 

    Mi Sh’berach avoteinu v’imoteinu, May the One we call the Healer of the Sick

    bless those who heal the sick every day. God, please bless and protect ourdoctors, nurses, and health care workers, all those who help in every way tolovingly care for their patients. Though we are always grateful for their care,these last six months have manifested their miraculous role in the health and

    well-being of our world. We thank you for their selfless actions that have saved somany lives and continue to do so every day; For the bravery of the many who rantoward the virus instead of away from it, we are eternally thankful. We pray thatyou continue to keep them safe and healthy as they do the same for us: Amen.  

    Finally, dear God, we express a prayer of gratitude for those who have recovered from illness.

    So many of us know the fragility of life and the uncertainty illness can cause. For those who have indeed recovered, we are filled with an even greater sense of

    peace and relief. In honor of those who have been ill and have been healed, weinvite you, if you are so inclined, to rise or to place your hands on your heart as

    we recite this blessing.

    Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, ha-gomel l’chayavim tovot she-g’malanu kol tov.

    Blessed are You, Adonai our God, ruler of the world, who rewards those of uswho have been ill with goodness, and who has rewarded us with health. 

    ְָּמַלנוּ ּכָל טֹוב ג ִָּבים טֹובֹות ׁשֶ ה יהוה ֱאלֵֹהינוּ ֶמֶלךְ ָהעֹוָלם ַהגֹּוֵמל ְלַחי רוּךְ ַאּתָ ּבָ

  • Prayers for our Community

    We pray for our community:We pray for the health and well-being of our B’nai Jeshurun community.

    Founded 173 years ago by German Jewish immigrants, we stand on theshoulders of the generations who came together in Newark to build a

    congregation from the ground up.

    We pray for every member of our congregation recognizing that we are madestronger by the diversity of our community. Those who grew up here, thosewho have made their home here, and those who are new to our community.We are family, no matter how long we have known each other. Together we

    are stronger than we are individually. Though we live in different towns,work in different fields, have different family configurations and different

    ways of seeing the world, we are part of one sacred community.

    Though it has been many months since we have been able to gather inperson, our connection remains strong, our chain of tradition, unbroken.

    We continue to see each other’s faces, though over screens and masked, wehave found creative and innovative ways to ensure that our community

    flourishes. We have named new babies and called young people to the Torahas B’nai Mitzvah; we have celebrated with wedding couples and supported

    those who have experienced loss. No virus could prevent us from being present in the moments that matter

    the most.

    As we enter this new year and continue to weather uncharted waters, we doso knowing that we are never alone. In choosing community, we experience

    the joys and challenges of life together. Dear God, please bless and protectour beautiful and historic community. Help us to get to the other side,knowing that we will do so together, with the guidance of our timeless

    values: mutual respect, love for our neighbors, learning, tikkun olam, and for this sacred institution as home.


    Prayer forOurCongregation


  • And we pray for the State of Israel:

    One hundred years after the founding of our congregation, the modern

    State of Israel came to be, bringing the 2000-year old homeward longing of

    our people to fruition. A miracle that seemed all but impossible; but a

    dream actually that came true. And so we pray for our sacred homeland, a

    land both strong and fragile. We pray that the Source of Peace will spread a

    shelter of peace over the Land of Israel and defend her borders.

    We pray for the government of the State of Israel that her leaders may rule

    with a desire for peace firmly rooted in their actions. May the judges,

    government officials, and members of the Knesset seek to protect our

    brothers and sister with every once of their beings, And, with that same

    energy, may they fight to make peace in every place possible. May Jews,

    Muslims and Christians, Palestinians and Israelis, religious and secular and

    people of all stripes -

    may all live in safety and peace.

    May our American leaders help Israel continue to flourish. May we ensure

    that Israel’s existence, safety, and growth, are never taken for granted.

    May we never forget that the world Jewish community is inextricably linked

    to the Promised Land.

    May we always remember that we Jews must be one.

    May we remain hopeful, for hope is Israel’s eternal spring. In the words of

    Hatikvah, her National Anthem: our hope is not yet lost, the two-thousand-

    year-old hope,

    to be a free nation in our land,

    the land of Zion and Jerusalem. Amen.

    Prayer for theState of Israel


  • And finally, we pray for our Country:

    Dear God, bless and protect the United States of America.

    Our country is experiencing challenge and strife unique to this era.

    We feel the weight of so many lives lost and the unbearable toll that illness and

    death, isolation and uncertainty have taken on us all.

    As we pray for a cure for the virus, we simultaneously pray to be inoculated

    against our country’s societal woes. We pray that Anti-Semitism, Racism,

    Homophobia and violence against all people be eradicated. God, grant us the

    courage to swim upstream. When every force seeks to divide us let us come

    together in radical unity.

    May we see each person, especially those with whom we might disagree, as

    human, made in Your image.

    May our President, Congressional Leaders, Judges, and all those who work for

    our government, be guided by the best of ethics and values. Bless and protect all

    who serve our country, our troops stationed all over the world, first responders,

    working around the clock, and all who ensure our safety and well-being.

    Despite all that stands in our way, may we find a way to come together. To not

    argue for arguments sake. To believe in a better tomorrow and to tend to the

    well-being of every one of our fellow Americans. May we be willing to try and

    see an opposite point of view.

    May we stand up for every important cause without getting caught in the

    unending barrage of news.

    Prayer for OurCountry

    ה ִלפְנֵי ם מׁשֶ ר ׂשָ וְזֹאת ַהּתֹוָרה ֲאׁשֶה. י יְֹהָוה בְּיַד מׁשֶ ָרֵאל ַעל ּפִ בְּנֵי ִיׂשְ

    V'zot Hatorah asher sam Moshe lif'nei

    b'nei Yisrael, al pi Adonai b'yad Moshe.

    This is the Torah, which Moses placed before the children of Israelat God's command by the hand of Moses.

    Lifting andDressing theTorah


  • ִקיָעה! רוָּעה! ּתְ ָבִרים ּתְ ִקיָעה! ׁשְ ּתְ

    ִקיָעה! ָבִרים! ּתְ ִקיָעה! ׁשְ ּתְ

    ִקיָעה! רוָּעה! ּתְ ִקיָעה! ּתְ ּתְ

    T'kiah! Sh'varim t'ruah! T'kiah!

    T'kiah! Sh'varim! T'kiah!

    ִקיָעה ְגדֹוָלה! רוָּעה! ּתְ ִקיָעה! ּתְ ּתְ

    T'kiah! T'ruah! T'kiah!

    T'kiah! T'ruah! T'kiah G'dolah!

    Sounding of the Shofar


  • Mourner'sKaddish

    ֵמּה ַרּבָא שׁ ׁשְ ל וְִיְתַקּדַ ִיְתגַּּדַי בְָרא ִכְרעוֵּתּה בְָּעלְָמא ּדִ

    וְיְַמִליךְ ַמלְכוֵּתּה בְַּחיֵּיכֹוןוּבְיֹוֵמיכֹון וּבְַחיֵּי ְדכָל ּבֵית

    ָרֵאל, בֲַּעגָָלא וִּבְזַמן ָקִריב ִיׂשְוְִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן:

    ֵמּה ַרּבָא ְמָבַרךְ לְָעלַם יְֵהא ׁשְוּלְָעלְֵמי ָעלְַמיָּא:

    בַּח וְִיְתּפַָאר ּתַ ִיְתּבַָרךְ וְִיׁשְר א וְִיְתַהּדָ ֵ וְִיְתרֹוַמם וְִיְתנַׂשּ

    ֵמּה וְִיְתַעּלֶה וְִיְתַהּלָל ׁשְא, בְִּריךְ הוּא לְֵעּֽלָא וּלְֵעּֽלָא ְדקוְּדׁשָ

    יָרָתא, ְרכָָתא וְׁשִ ִמן כָּל ּבֲִאִמיָרן בְָּחָתא וְנֱֶחָמָתא, ּדַ ׁשְ ּתֻ

    בְָּעלְָמא, וְִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן:ַמיָּא ָלָמא ַרּבָא ִמן ׁשְ יְֵהא ׁשְ

    ָרֵאל ִּים ָעֵלֽינוּ וְַעל כָּל ִיׂשְ וְַחיוְִאְמרוּ ָאֵמן:

    ְמרֹוָמיו לֹום ּבִ ָ ה ַהׁשּ עֹוׂשֶלֹום ָעֵלינוּ ה ׁשָ הוּא יֲַעׂשֶ

    ָרֵאל וְִאְמרוּ: ָאֵמן וְַעל כָּל ִיׂשְ

    Yitgadal v'yit'kadash sh'meih raba.

    B'alma di-v'ra chire'uteih,

    v'yamlich mal'chuteih b'chayeichon

    uv'yomeichonuv'chayei d'chol beit

    Yisrael, ba-agala uviz'man kariv,

    v'im'ru: Amen.

    Y'hei sh'meih raba m'vorach l'alam

    ul'almei almaya.

    Yit'barach v'yish'tabach v'yit'pa-ar

    v'yit'romam v'yitnasei v'yit'hadar

    v'yit'aleh v'yit'halal sh'meih

    d'kud'sha, b'rich hu.

    L'eila u'l'eila min-kol-bir'chata v'shirata

    tush b'chata v'nechemata da-amiran

    b'alma: v'imru: Amen.

    Y'hei sh'lama raba min-sh'maya

    v'chayim aleinu v'al-kol-Yisrael,

    v'im'ru: Amen.

    Oseh shalom bim'romav,

    hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu

    v'al-kol-Yisrael, v'imru: Amen.

    May God's great name come to be magnified and sanctified in the world God broughtinto being.  May God's majestic reign prevail soon in your lives,

    in your days, and in the life of the whole House of Israel; and let us say: Amen.May God's great name be blessed to the end of time.

    May God's holy name come to be blessed, acclaimed, and glorified; revered, raised, andbeautified; honored and praised. Blessed is the One who is entirely beyond all the

    blessings and hymns, all the praises and words of comfort that we speak in the world;and let us say: Amen.

    Let perfect peace abound; let there be abundant life for us and for all Israel. May theOne who makes peace in the high heavens make peace for us, all Israel,

    and all who dwell on earth; and let us say: Amen. May the Source of peace bestow peace on all who mourn,

    and may we be a source of comfort to all who are bereaved. Amen.


  • 18

    L'shana tovah tikateivu - v'techateimu!

    May you be inscribed - and sealed - for a good year!

    ּכֵָתבוּ – ְוֵתָחֵתמוּ! ָנה טֹוָבה ּתִ ְלׁשָ

  • Rosh Hashana Morning Service. All translations are taken from

    Mishkan HaNefesh: Rosh Hashana: Machzor for the Days of Awe. CCAR Press. Kindle Edition.