Mobile Phones in the Classroom Caitlin Bedford

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Mobile Phones in the Classroom

Caitlin Bedford

Table of Contents: Overview Benefits of using cell phones in the classroom Challenges of using cell phones in the classroom 5 Apps useful for language learners Resources

Nowadays, just about every time you turn around there's a student with their phone out. In a school that is not mobile phone education friendly, these phones can be spotted underneath desks, inside backpacks or in the crooks of students arms.

What if you were able to take those continuously interrupting phones and USE them for educational purposes?

- Availability: Not every student has the access to a laptop to bring to class or at home. However, practically every student has a cell phone. - Save paper: The assignment can be completed, saved and emailed all from a mobile device.

- Share information: Students were easily able to share information through texting, e-mailing, etc.

- Solve Problems: Easy access to full text items without taking a lot of time. - Aren’t required to be plugged

- Distraction students use phones to talk to others outside the classroom

- Interruption ringing or text message beeps interrupt class

- Misused Cell phones offer limited access, an access that can be easily overused.

- Schools don’t have the necessary technology to open up mobile learning to everyone on a continual basis.

1. Word reference (vocabulary) 2. Grammar Up (Grammar) 3. The Phrasal Verb Machine (ELA Content) 4. What’s app (worthwhile) 5. Mentimeter (worthwhile)


Word Reference

This app allows students to translate single words from French, Italian and Spanish into English. It is a great, quick reference guide without the pitfalls of google translate. This reference also provides multiple connotations for the same word.


Grammar Up This app is perfect for high-school/adult learners of English. It has practice sections as well as tests for ELL’s and is designed for those taking the TOEIC English Proficiency test.


The Phrasal Verb Machine This app allows ELL’s to practice phrasal verbs, a major content area in English Language Arts. It has a wide array of aides for ELL’s including definitions (in a variety of languages) and animations. The students can then practice using these verbs.


What’s app This app allows users of all different phones to be able to be in contact with each other without using data and/or messaging rates. It is especially beneficial for students to be able to confer, communicate and answer questions if in different places whether on group projects, homework or other school related items of importance.


Mentimeter This app allows teachers to create surveys and polls. Each survey is given an ID and each student then puts in that voter ID to vote for their choice. Great to use to introduce comparisons between countries (What sport is played the most? Where do you vacation?, etc.) and to use the data for open table discussion.

There are pros and cons to using mobile phones in a classroom setting. While they are second nature to the 21st century learner, teachers may also feel uncomfortable allowing them a presence in their classroom. However cell phones are found in the classroom one thing is certain: there MUST be teachers who are prepared to learn positive ways to incorporate them and use them appropriately.

Sources: Higgins, J. (2013). More schools using cellphones as learning tools. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/personal/2013/08/07/views-shift- on-cell-phones-in-schools/2607381/ Jones, R. (2011). Cellphones in the classroom? South Shore Journal. 4. Retrieved from http://www.southshorejournal.org/index.php/issues/volume-4- 2011/79-cellphones-in-the-classroom