Modeling and Experimenting with Vehicular Congestion for Distributed Advanced Traveler Information Systems Marco Roccetti and Gustavo Marfia Computer Science Department, University of Bologna Mura Anteo Zamboni 7, 40126 Bologna, Italy {roccetti,marfia}@cs.unibo.it http://www.cs.unibo.it/ Abstract. Advanced Traveler Information Systems, which have for long been regarded as one of the most promising future applications of wireless vehicular networks for use in the field of Intelligent Transportation Sys- tems (ITS), are effectively becoming part of today’s reality. Many drivers already access the information provided by such systems, for example checking for the state of the streets along a given route or reading traffic jam alerts on the displays of smart-phones or Personal Navigation De- vices (PNDs). Based on such information, drivers, or their PNDs, select the best paths to reach their destinations. Clearly, in order to be effec- tive, such systems are required to reliably estimate and forecast vehicular congestion states. Moreover, they should also be capable of efficiently uti- lizing the wireless channel resources, as the amount of information that may be exchanged by such systems in dense urban areas grows with the number of services supported by the onboard devices and the amount of vehicles that install them. To answer these challenges, we here discuss how a distributed ATIS can: a) implement an effective vehicular con- gestion detection and forecasting model, and, b) efficiently disseminate traffic information. The advantage of distributing an ATIS is that each vehicle can compute and redistribute accurate vehicular congestion in- formation very rapidly, with little overhead and without resorting to a central entity. In order to validate our approach, we present the outcomes of a real world experimentation, as well as of multiple simulations. 1 Introduction Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATISs) are becoming established as an important part of all surface street transportation services that supplies urban areas. Just as those travelers who check the weather forecast before leaving for a journey, it is nowadays common for many drivers to consult vehicular traffic congestion information before and while moving through traffic. In fact, ATISs This work was partially supported by the Italian FIRB DAMASCO project and by a grant of the Computer Science Department, University of Bologna. A. Aldini et al. (Eds.): EPEW 2010, LNCS 6342, pp. 1–16, 2010. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

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Modeling and Experimenting with Vehicular

Congestion for Distributed Advanced TravelerInformation Systems

Marco Roccetti� and Gustavo Marfia

Computer Science Department, University of BolognaMura Anteo Zamboni 7, 40126 Bologna, Italy



Abstract. Advanced Traveler Information Systems, which have for longbeen regarded as one of the most promising future applications of wirelessvehicular networks for use in the field of Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems (ITS), are effectively becoming part of today’s reality. Many driversalready access the information provided by such systems, for examplechecking for the state of the streets along a given route or reading trafficjam alerts on the displays of smart-phones or Personal Navigation De-vices (PNDs). Based on such information, drivers, or their PNDs, selectthe best paths to reach their destinations. Clearly, in order to be effec-tive, such systems are required to reliably estimate and forecast vehicularcongestion states. Moreover, they should also be capable of efficiently uti-lizing the wireless channel resources, as the amount of information thatmay be exchanged by such systems in dense urban areas grows with thenumber of services supported by the onboard devices and the amount ofvehicles that install them. To answer these challenges, we here discusshow a distributed ATIS can: a) implement an effective vehicular con-gestion detection and forecasting model, and, b) efficiently disseminatetraffic information. The advantage of distributing an ATIS is that eachvehicle can compute and redistribute accurate vehicular congestion in-formation very rapidly, with little overhead and without resorting to acentral entity. In order to validate our approach, we present the outcomesof a real world experimentation, as well as of multiple simulations.

1 Introduction

Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATISs) are becoming established as animportant part of all surface street transportation services that supplies urbanareas. Just as those travelers who check the weather forecast before leaving fora journey, it is nowadays common for many drivers to consult vehicular trafficcongestion information before and while moving through traffic. In fact, ATISs

� This work was partially supported by the Italian FIRB DAMASCO project and bya grant of the Computer Science Department, University of Bologna.

A. Aldini et al. (Eds.): EPEW 2010, LNCS 6342, pp. 1–16, 2010.c© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

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2 M. Roccetti and G. Marfia

information can be browsed online, as well as processed by the most advancedPersonal Navigation Devices (PNDs), and used to decide when and how to reacha destination [1], [2].

However, a lack of sufficient traffic information has for long jeopardized theaccuracy and reliability of ATISs. In fact, even today no more than the 1% ofroads is monitored using induction loops or video cameras [3]. Although, whathas changed compared to the past, is the availability of vehicles that mounta GPS, a digital map and a two-way communication interface. Such vehiclesare able to play the role of real-time traffic probes. In Italy, for example, every15 to 60 seconds 700,000 vehicles send to a centralized entity, using a cellularconnection, a sample containing a timestamp and local traffic related information(i.e., GPS coordinates, speed and distance from the position where the previousprobe was recorded), totalizing over 32,000,000 collected daily probes [4].

In Europe alone, in the near future, 300,000,000 vehicles could potentiallybe used to probe traffic conditions. Such huge amount of vehicles and the pos-sibility that soon a number of different services (e.g., pollution management,entertainment, etc.) may rely on Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), as well as on,Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) channels, demand for the design of jointly efficient con-gestion detection and communication schemes. In order to limit the consumptionof wireless channels, we designed a system where vehicles advertise congestionevents in a distributed fashion, sending probes only when congestion is effectivelydetected [5].

Clearly, the advantages that may derive from a distributed ATIS come ata cost. First, they require the design of effective distributed congestion detec-tion and short-term forecasting algorithms, as false positive or false negativeevents could potentially harm the flow of traffic. Especially in metropolitan ar-eas, tracking the trend of traffic flows is hard, since traffic jams can quickly buildup. Second, they depend on the performance of distributed communication pro-tocols that should preserve the consistency of the information and be efficient,minimizing the use of wireless resources, while expediting the spreading of trafficinformation.

At this point, the devise of a distributed ATIS walks through the design of anoperative definition, which may be implemented at every vehicle, of what trafficcongestion is. Although many of such definitions are available in literature, wewere unable to find a one that was self-contained, which did not require anyprior knowledge, nor an estimate of any road parameter [6], [7]. We thereforeproposed a new definition, which derives from the observation that if two carstraverse the same street within some limited amount of time one from the other(e.g., say within a time span S), they will probably experience the same trafficconditions. This follows from the observation that if a first car travels acrossa street while this is jammed, a second car will probably experience the samesituation assuming that it entered the street not too far away in time from thefirst car. Such phenomenon is due to the inertia of vehicular queues, which causesa street to be seen as congested also by those vehicles that later enter it. Thisconsideration allowed us to define congestion as a state that lasts for at least

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S units of time and during which travel times or delays exceed the time T ∗

normally incurred under light or free-flow travel conditions.But this addresses only part of the problem of designing a distributed ATIS.

We also need a communication protocol that efficiently distributes traffic in-formation throughout a platoon of vehicles in a realistic wireless propagationsetting. An algorithm that fits such requirements exists and works as follows [8].Traffic congestion alerts are broadcast throughout a vehicular network asking,at each hop, to the farthest spanning relay, the relay that can reach the farthestvehicle in a given direction, to retransmit it. This strategy has been proven tobe optimal, as it minimizes the number of hops required to disseminate a mes-sage in a vehicular network, even when wireless channels are asymmetric andtransmission ranges vary in time.

The scope of this paper is to present a novel distributed ATISs architecture,which is able to to efficiently and pervasively disseminate traffic informationthroughout a vehicular network and effectively detect vehicular congestion situ-ations, as well as their duration, within every vehicle. The novelty of our archi-tecture is that it works in a distributed fashion, with no central point of failure,for any type of road and without any prior knowledge, while it is able to performshort-term congestion forecasting by simply analyzing the information gatheredby probing vehicles.

Between 2008 and 2009 we carried out over 450 miles of road experiments,in Los Angeles (CA) and Pisa (Italy), to validate our approach. In Los Angeleswe were also able to compare our congestion detection algorithm to the resultsprovided by Google Traffic.

The rest of our paper is organized as follows. In Section II we provide a succinctreview of the state of the art on ATISs. In Section III we sketch the architectureof our system. We provide results on our congestion detection algorithm SectionIV. We finally conclude with Section VI.

2 Related Work

Although a wealth of work has been performed in the area of ATISs, we herefocus on describing the approaches that fall closest to the aim of this paper.

The idea of implementing a distributed ATIS has been studied for long. Mostof the approaches we are aware of, however, study how to plainly disseminateroad section travel time information within a vehicular network using knownbroadcast and aggregation schemes [9]. While such strategies can be beneficialto enable the routing module of each vehicle compute the fastest path froman origin to a destination, on a large scale such approaches can be bandwidthconsuming and cost inefficient, as travel time information is sent for each roadsection. Only relevant traffic information, concerning traffic jams or car accidentsfor example, should be broadcast, thus requiring each vehicle to distinguish acongested from a non-congested road section.

Seeking now for a congestion detection scheme that may be utilized in theimplementation of a distributed ATIS, we found that the authors of [10] proposed

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a scheme that permits a centralized entity to identify congestion on traffic lightcontrolled streets. In brief, by processing the GPS traces sent by the vehiclesthat traverse a road section, a centralized entity classifies the given section ascongested if one of the two following situations occurs: vehicles waste their timeby repeatedly moving in a stop and go pattern, or by stepping in queue for atleast one full red light cycle. Although this approach provides a road sectiontraffic state classification method, it is limited to traffic light controlled streets.

The state of the art of ATISs is represented by systems such as Google Traf-ficView, which can be accessed from both a web interface and from a cell phone[2]. Such type of systems displays the map of a given area with streets thatare colored depending on their congestion situation. For example, a street thatis drawn with an intermittently black and red color means that it is highlycongested, red that it is congested, yellow lightly congested, while green non-congested. The main drawback of such systems is that if accessed while driving,they come at a cost, since their information is received using a cellular networkinfrastructure. Moreover, how they classify the state of a street should be clar-ified, since with our experiments on two different road sections in Los Angeleswe found many discrepancies between the traffic states they advertised and thetravel time we experienced.

Summarizing, we believe that our proposed distributed ATIS architecture,which can sense when a given road section is congested or not and spread acongestion alert when congestion is found, can overcome all the main issues wehere highlighted for previously proposed systems that aim at performing similarfunctionalities.

3 Issues of a Distributed ATIS: Congestion Detectionand Information Spreading

We begin by recalling how a centralized ATIS works. Simply said, on traversinga given road R a vehicle sends its traversal time sample to a centralized en-tity, which in turn saves such information into an internal data structure, untila sufficient number of observations have been collected. Once the entity stopsharvesting data, it builds a picture of the congestion states characterizing thatgiven street (typically based on the computation of a congestion threshold T ∗).This activity may usually last a day or for the time necessary to collect a fewhundreds of observations. If any time later a vehicle traverses R and sends itstraversal time to the centralized entity, this can recognize whether R is con-gested by comparing this value to the threshold T ∗. Further, it can exploit thisinformation to, for example, alert all the vehicles that are moving in that area.

To describe how a distributed ATIS architecture could implement similar func-tionalities, we resort to Figure 1 which depicts a platoon of vehicles traversing agiven road and a few cars approaching it. In particular, vehicle A ends travers-ing the given street and broadcasts a message containing its traversal time to allthe cars that are in range. On receiving such message, vehicle B performs thesame actions a centralized entity would (i.e., data harvesting and, eventually,

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detecting congestion states), and retransmits it, based on a given informationspreading algorithm. Hop by hop, from one vehicle to another, this messagepropagates until all the vehicles connected within a certain distance from theoriginating point (vehicle A) receive it. At a cost of this message exchange, eachvehicle is now in the condition of detecting possible congestion states regardingroads belonging to its potential route. Hence, each vehicle can take informeddecisions on the route to follow based on the information other vehicles haveprovided it with. Contrary to the centralized approach, this happens withoutthe need of maintaining a central entity, as each vehicle is made able to com-pute the traffic congestion situation pertaining it on the basis of the receivedinformation.

Fig. 1. Distributed ATIS application scenario

The cited scenario can be implemented with the architecture shown inFigure 2. In particular, the rightmost software architecture displays an advancedPND where the routing module discovers the fastest driving path to destinationby relying on a digital map and on traffic information processed by a distributedATIS. The distributed ATIS, instead, relies on a congestion detection and fore-casting algorithm to analyze all the traffic data received from other vehiclesand on an information spreading service to disseminate traversal time sam-ples. All this requires, at the lowest stack layer, that each vehicle mounts aGPS and a V2V communication interface (e.g., DSRC, WiFi), as shown in theFigure.

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Fig. 2. An advanced PND-distributed ATIS stack

Summarizing, it is possible to implement a distributed ATIS relying on twomain building blocks: a vehicular congestion detection and forecasting algorithmand an efficient information spreading scheme. We proceed describing the detailsof the former in Section 4 and then sketching the idea of one possible candidatefor the latter in Section 5.

4 Congestion Detection and Forecasting: A Model withIts Algorithm

Let us begin with the congestion definition we have devised. That is we de-fine congestion as a state that lasts for at least S units of time and duringwhich travel times or delays exceed the time T ∗ normally incurred under lightor free-flow travel conditions. Based on this definition, we present a model withwhich e can now compute the congestion threshold T ∗ and the minimum timespan S for which a given state of congestion or non-congestion lasts on a roadsection. The model can be summarized as follows. A road R is congested if avalue of T ∗ exists for which, when a vehicle traverses R requiring more than T ∗

units of time, the majority of cars (e.g., 80%) that follow, later entering R (saywithin a time span S ), still require more than T ∗ units of time to traverse it.If, alternatively, only a small percentage of subsequent cars (e.g., much below80%) took more than T ∗ units of time to traverse R, R would clearly be leav-ing a state of congestion. In a similar manner, R is non-congested if a vehicletraverses it in less than T ∗ units of time and the majority of the vehicles thatfollow (e.g., 80%) still require less than that time. In the case, instead, thata low percentage (e.g., much below 80%) of the vehicles that followed experi-enced a traversal time below T ∗, this would indicate R was transitioning into

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a congested state. At the basis of this model lies a very intuitive considerationwhich is as follows. Consider now two cars traversing the same street withinsome limited amount of time one from the other (e.g., say within a time spanS), they will probably experience the same traffic conditions. This follows fromthe observation that if a first car travels across a street while this is jammed,a second car will probably experience the same situation assuming that it en-tered the street not too far away in time from the first car. Such phenomenonis due to the inertia of vehicular queues, which causes a street to be seen ascongested also by those vehicles that later enter it. Extending to many doesnot modify this intuition.

Based on the above, we are able to informally define the following sets of pairsof vehicles which enter a given road R within a time span S. HCT∗

1includes all

those pairs whose traversal times are both above T ∗1 (high congestion), whereas


identifies those pairs of vehicles where only the first that enters R experi-ences a traversal time above T ∗

1 (leaving congestion). Similarly, NCT∗2

containsall those pairs whose traversal time are both below T ∗

2 (low congestion), andN1T∗

1those pairs where only the first vehicle traverses R in less than T ∗

2 unitsof time. Accordingly, it is possible to test the membership of a given pair of ve-hicles (i, j) defining the indicator functions IHCT∗

1(i, j), IN1T∗

1(i, j), INCT∗

2(i, j)

and IN2T∗2(i, j) on each of the defined sets, respectively.

Given the aforementioned sets and their respective indicator functions, we cannow provide the propositions that verify if, within a platoon P , the percentageof cars that experience congestion or not is above or below the 80% threshold.Please remind 80% is a representative value that can be modified based on thedegree of congestion one wants to detect.

Proposition 1. (Congestion). A given road segment R is congested during aperiod S if the following holds:

∑(i,j)∈P×P IHCT∗

1(i, j)

∑(i,j)∈P×P IHCT∗

1(i, j) +

∑(i,j)∈P×P IN1T∗

1(i, j)

× 100% ≥ 80%. (1)

The same can be drawn for a non-congested state, as follows:

Proposition 2. (No Congestion). A given road segment R is not congestedduring a period S if the following holds:

∑(i,j)∈P×P INCT∗

2(i, j)

∑(i,j)∈P×P INCT∗

2(i, j) +

∑(i,j)∈P×P IN2T∗

2(i, j)

× 100% ≥ 80%. (2)

Now, an efficient way to determine the values of T ∗1 and T ∗

2 is to search for thepair (T ∗

1 , T ∗2 ) which maximizes the size of the HC(T ∗

1 ) and NC(T ∗2 ) sets and, at

the same time, minimizes the size of the N1(T ∗1 ) and N2(T ∗

2 ) sets.

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Proposition 3. A congestion threshold T ∗1 and a non-congestion threshold T ∗

2 ,for a given road section R observed during both congested and non-congestedstates, can be obtained as:

(T ∗1 , T ∗

2 ) = (T1, T2) s.t.

{ maxT1,T2


IHCT1(i, j) +

+ INCT2(i, j) +

− IN1T1(i, j) +

− IN2T2(i, j)}. (3)

Obtained T ∗1 and T ∗

2 , their values should be checked to verify that the inequalitiesexpressed in Propositions 1 and 2 are satisfied.

4.1 Implementation

Our distributed ATIS embodies a congestion detection and forecasting algo-rithm, which processes the traversal times observed on a given street by probingvehicles (Table 1) and finds a congestion threshold T ∗ and a minimum time spanS for which a congestion event is expected to last (Table 2).

Table 1 shows the pseudo-code of the ATIS() function that processes an in-coming message. In particular, a message could contain more than one traver-sal time for more than one road (e.g., all the information cache of a vehicle),therefore two nested loops (lines 1 and 2) iterate through all the roads and theircorresponding traversal times. However, before adding a new traversal time sam-ple to an internal data structure, a check is carried out to verify whether moredata for the given road is required (line 3). Once a sufficient number of samplesare collected, the ATIS can stop gathering more information for this road (lines5 and 6) and S, T ∗

1 and T ∗2 can be computed resorting to the CDF() function

(line 7).The details of how the CDF() function works are shown in Table 2. In brief, it

basically implements the mechanism proposed in Proposition 3, searching for thevalues of T1 and T2 that maximize the size of the congested and non-congestedsets (HCT1 and NCT2), while minimizing the number of pairs contained in theothers (N1T1 and N2T2) (lines 2 and 5). Once the values of T ∗

1 and T ∗2 have been

computed, a check is performed to verify if the conditions expressed by Proposi-tions 1 and 2 are satisfied (lines 3 and 7). If the positive case, the function endsreturning the values of S and T ∗

1 . As our experiments show that T ∗1 and T ∗

2 arealways confined within a 3% difference, we chose to return a unique congestionthreshold value T ∗ = T ∗

1 . Nevertheless, the checks could fail. A motivation forthis to happen could be the selection of a too large duration S for the state ofcongestion of interest, as the congested (or non congested) state a first vehicleincurs in does not last in time, as a second vehicle does not find the same stateany longer. However, this could be a problem simply concerned with the dura-tion of the S we have chosen, while a smaller value for S could exist for whichall subsequent cars incur in the same state of congestion. The idea is then to

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Table 1. Distributed ATIS Algorithm: Processing Traversal Time Information

input: Message containing road traversal times, including R and T information.output: Road congestion characterization (S, T ∗

1 , T ∗2 ).

0: void ATIS()

1: foreach road R do2: foreach traversal time T do3: if collectingData == true then4: traversalTimes.Add(T);5: if R.observationTime > 12 h and traversalTimes.Length > 100 then6: collectingData = false;7: (S, T ∗

1 , T ∗2 )← CDF(traversalTimes);

8: end9: end10: end11: end

Table 2. Congestion Threshold Detection and Forecasting Function

input: A list of traversal times.output: S and T ∗.0: void CDF()

1: S ← Δmax;2: (T ∗

1 , T ∗2 )← (T1, T2) s.t. Max(T1, T2);

3: while ¬Check1(T ∗1 ) ∧ ¬Check2(T ∗

2 ) ∧ S > Δmin do4: S ← S − δ;5: (T ∗

1 , T ∗2 )← (T1, T2) s.t. Max (T ∗

1 , T ∗2 );

6: end7: if ¬Check1(T ∗

1 ) ∧ ¬Check2(T ∗2 ) then

8: return null;9: else10: return (S, T ∗

1 );11: end

seek for such value, by reducing S until a situation is captured where both thesubsequent vehicles of the pair experience a similar state of congestion (or nocongestion). This motivates the iterative structure of the CDF() function (lines3 through 6).

4.2 Evalutation and Comparison

We carried out a number of experiments with a fleet of probing vehicles in 2008and 2009 in Los Angeles, CA, and in Pisa, Italy. For obvious reasons, we were notable to implement the full distributed ATIS architecture producing a scenarioas the one shown in Figure 1, however we were still able to test the validityof our congestion detection and forecasting algorithm. In our experiments, eachparticipating vehicle carried an onboard system consisting of a laptop, a GPSreceiver and an EVDO interface and shared its traversal time samples with the

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Table 3. Experiment information: location, road section, road length, free flow traver-sal time (FFTT), traffic light cycle time (CT) and green time (GT)

Road Section Length [m] TF F TT [s] CT [s] GT [s]

1 Via B. Croce Guerrazzi-Queirolo, left 380 34 85 55

2 S. Monica Blvd Veteran-Sepulveda, left 380 61 120 15

3 S. Monica Blvd Wilshire-Roxbury, straight 280 17 90 54

4 S. Monica Blvd Wilshire-Bedford, right 390 30 90 54

5 Lincoln Blvd Fiji-Venice, back 2300 205 120 60

6 Wilshire Blvd Midvale-Westwood, right 130 7 150 80

7 S. Monica Blvd Roxbury-Bedford, right 100 7 90 54

8 Wilshire Blvd Veteran-Westwood, right 340 33 150 80

9 S. Monica Blvd Westwood-Sepulveda, right 680 75 120 50

Table 4. Road data: number of loops, T ∗, S, N and H

Road Section # of loops T ∗ [s] S [s] N H T̂ [s]

1 Via B. Croce Guerrazzi-Queirolo, left 111 93 362 92% 84% 64

2 S. Monica Blvd Veteran-Sepulveda, left 134 175 608 80% 87% 166

3 S. Monica Blvd Wilshire-Roxbury, straight 77 62 987 94% 99% 53

4 S. Monica Blvd Wilshire-Bedford, right 77 82 987 92% 99% 63

5 Lincoln Blvd Fiji-Venice, back 30 354 900 100% 97% 265

6 Wilshire Blvd Midvale-Westwood, right 71 36 454 39% 98% 77

7 S. Monica Blvd Roxbury-Bedford, right 77 42 987 46% 83% 43

8 Wilshire Blvd Veteran-Westwood, right 71 74 454 37% 100% 103

9 S. Monica Blvd Westwood-Sepulveda, right 67 121 493 90% 54% 145

rest of the fleet. The details regarding the roads observed during the experimentsare listed in Table 3 (name, section, length, free flow traversal time, full and greentraffic light cycles).

The results of our congestion detection and forecasting algorithm are providedin Table 4 which gives for each street: the number of times it was traversed, itscongestion threshold T ∗, its congestion time span S and the values of N andH (specifically, the ratio of vehicles that experienced stably congested and non-congested conditions, in the mentioned order). In such table we compare T ∗ tothe time a vehicle would wait when traversing a street and being in queue for afull red light, T̂ , supposing this an acceptable traversal time with no congestion.The results shown in Table 4 let us state that streets 1 through 5 all experiencedsuccessive situations of congestion and non-congestion. The N and H values bothconfirm this, both exceeding the 80% threshold. Moreover, we also observe thatin each of these experiments the value of T ∗ surpasses T̂ , which means that thevehicles that traverse these streets exceeding T ∗ really experience congestion andqueuing. Streets 6 through 8, instead, are known to be only seldom congested.Our results confirm such knowledge, since T ∗ < T̂ (cars almost always enjoya smooth drive) and N is small (no stable congestion was visible over thosestreets). Finally, street # 9 behaves in a different manner. A high value of N

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and a small value of H seem to reveal a stable high congestion state, however,surprisingly, T̂ is greater than T ∗. This phenomenon can be explained observingthat the traffic light on Sepulveda Blvd. allows right turns on red, thus cars notvery often waited for a full red light time. A more extensive set of experimentsand results may be found in [11].

As a further term of comparison, we also contrast our results to those producedby Google TrafficView on street # 3 (Figures 3 and 4). Each circle in Figures 3and 4 represents the traversal time experienced by one of our vehicles at the timeindicated on the x-axis, while the background colors reproduce those reported onthe http://maps.google.com/ website at the time of our experiments. A redbackground represents congestion, yellow corresponds to mild congestion andgreen to no congestion. Reminding we found T ∗ = 62 and S = 987) for street #3, we discover there are many points for which the two methods do not agree onwhen the road is congested or not. In addition, interestingly, we also find thatGoogle TrafficView can contradict itself, as in Figure 3 green and yellow areascorrespond to traversal time samples that exceed 100 seconds, while in Figure 4a red area corresponds to traversal time samples well below 70 seconds.

In conclusion, we believe our congestion detection and forecasting algorithmis able to meet our expectations, it provides clear results and it is very easy toimplement. For this reason, we believe it is the ideal candidate to be integratedin an advanced distributed ATISs.

Fig. 3. Comparison between Google TrafficView and traffic samples on S. MonicaBoulevard between Wilshire Boulevard and Roxbury Avenue on the 3rd of April 2009

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Fig. 4. Comparison between Google TrafficView and traffic samples on S. MonicaBoulevard between Wilshire Boulevard and Roxbury Avenue on the 26th of April 2009.

5 Efficient Information Spreading: A Broadcast Approach

Many different strategies can be adopted to implement a distributed ATIS (e.g.,multicast, peer-to-peer, etc.), however, a broadcasting scheme appears as theideal solution to rapidly convey traffic information to all the vehicles that aremoving in a given area.

Table 5 shows the functionalities a broadcasting scheme should implementto rapidly spread traffic information as far as possible. This is a complex issuewhich can be summarized as follows [12]-[20]. Every time a given vehicle receives

Table 5. Distributed ATIS Algorithm: Receiving a message

input: Traversal time message with R and T .output: Deliver information to the ATIS application andretransmit the message if a relay.0: void BroadcastService()

1: ATIS(traversalTime);2: if this.vehicle == message.currentRelay then3: nextRelay = informationService.NextRelay;4: SendMessage(message, nextRelay);5: end

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a message, this is delivered to the ATIS application which will permit to thatvehicle to construct a picture of the traffic situation concerning the roads sur-rounding it (line 1). Once this step is performed, the vehicle should in some waydiscover whether it should relay the message or not. For the sake of brevity, weassume that such information is contained in the message (line 2), which meansthat each current relay elects the next relay at each transmission round. In casethe given vehicle has been chosen as a relay, it finds the next relay (line 3) andretransmits the message (line 4), otherwise nothing more should be done.

The problem at this point is how the next relay can be identified at eachtransmission round which is able to span as far as possible. The good news isthat this problem has been solved, as the best relay has been recognized to be thefarthest spanning relay (i.e., the possible relay that spans farthest in the desireddirection among all) and a distributed mechanism has been devised to unveil it

Fig. 5. End-to-end delay

Fig. 6. Percentage of vehicles whose position is identified with an error of [x, y] meters

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Fig. 7. Percentage of vehicles whose transmission range is estimated with an error of[x, y] meters

at each hop. Again, to be concise we do not provide here additional details onthis subject. The interested reader can refer to the following paper [8]. Rather, itis more interesting to report here that such kind of broadcast mechanism may bevery effective in spreading traffic information at a high speed. This is confirmedby the simulation results reported in Figure 5 which show that, selecting thefarthest spanning relay at each hop, a message can reach all the vehicles in aneight kilometers long platoon within 150 milliseconds at most. In particular,in Figure 5 the chosen performance parameter (i.e., the end-to-end delay) hasbeen measured with the combination of two broadcasting policies. Specifically,L stands for Lazy, which means each traffic message is sent at the rate of 1 Hz.I, instead, means Intensive, that is each message is sent with a frequency of 2Hz. S and F stand, respectively, instead, for Slim and Fat which, in turn, meanthat each message is long either 1 KB or 2 KB.

To conclude this section, we provide information concerning the degree of pre-cision with which this mechanism is able to identify the best relay. In particular,Figures 5 and 6 demonstrate that in the 90% and 70% of cases respectively,the positions and the transmission ranges of all the vehicles in the platoon areaccurately identified.

6 Conclusion

We here discussed how a distributed ATIS can implement an effective vehicularcongestion detection and forecasting model, and, efficiently disseminate trafficinformation. The advantage of distributing an ATIS is that each vehicle cancompute and redistribute accurate vehicular congestion information very rapidly,with little overhead and without resorting to a central entity. In order to validateour approach, we present the outcomes of a real world experimentation, as wellas of multiple simulations.

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