A summary of Modeling and Simulation Text-book: Modeling of dynamic systems systems – Lennart Ljung and Torkel Glad

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A summary of Modeling and Simulation

Text-book: Modeling of dynamic systemssystems

– Lennart Ljung and Torkel Glad

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• What’re Models for systems and signals?– Basic concepts– Types of modelsTypes of models

• How to build a model for a given system?– Physical modeling

Experimental modeling– Experimental modeling • How to simulate a system? y

– Matlab/Simulink toolsC t di• Case studies

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S stems and modelsSystems and models

• Part one – Models, p13-78 S t i d fi d bj t ll ti f• System is defined as an object or a collection of objects whose properties we want to study

• A model of a system is a tool we use to answer questions about the system without having to doquestions about the system without having to do an experiment

M t l d l– Mental model – Verbal model – Physical model – Mathematical model

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H t b ild d lid t d lHow to build and validate models

• Physical modeling: laws of nature • Experimental modeling: Identification

• Any models have a limited domain of yvalidation

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T pes of mathematical modelsTypes of mathematical models

• Deterministic & stochastic • Dynamic & static • Continuous time & discrete time• Continuous time & discrete time • Lumped & distributed p• Change oriented & discrete event driven

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Models for systems and signalsy g(Chapter 3)

• Block diagram models: logical decomposition of the functions of thedecomposition of the functions of the system and show how the different yparts(blocks) influence each other



u(t)Tank model (1) h(t)



Bernoulli’s law: v(t)=sqrt(2gh(t))

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E ample of Flo d namicExample of Flow dynamic ( ) 2 1( ) ( )dh t a h h t u t

dt A A= − +u(t)

( ) 2 ( )dt A A

q t a gh t=h(t)q(t)q(t)

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Parameters & SignalsParameters & Signals

• Parameters: system parameters & design tparameters

• Signals (variables): – external signals: input and disturbance

Output signals– Output signals – Internal variables

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Description of s stemsDescription of systems

• Differential/difference equations – High-order DE Transfer functions

• Linearization – equilibrium point (stationary), q p ( y),Taylor expansion

• Laplace transform/Z-transformLaplace transform/Z transform – First-order DE (define internal variables)

state space modelsstate space models • Linearization – equilibrium point, Taylor expansion• State variables

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Si l d i ti Ti d iSignal descriptions: Time-domain

• Deterministic & analytic: u(t)=sin(200t)• Deterministic & sampled: {u(n)}• Non deterministic & analytic: u(t)=• Non-deterministic & analytic: u(t)=

sin(2t)+w(t)• Non-deterministic & sampled: {u(n)} of

random variable u(t) stochasticrandom variable u(t) – stochastic processes (DE sem6)p ( )

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Si l d i ti F d iSignal descriptions: Frequency domain

• Concept of frequency – harmonic signals• High freq. & low freq. Signals • Fourier transform• Fourier transform • Amplitude spectrump p• Power Spectrum of a signal is the sqaure

of the absolute value of its Fourier transformtransform

• FFT algorithms (DE 6sem)

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S t d i ti Ti d iSystem descriptions: Time-domain

Deffierential/differenece equations • ODE (lumped) & PDE (distributed)• Linear & nonlinear• Linear & nonlinear

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Effects of system to input signalEffects of system to input signaly p gy p g

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S t d i ti f d iSystem descriptions: frequency domain

• Laplace transform/Z-transformT f f ti f li l d ODE• Transfer functions for linear lumped ODE

• Bode plot/Nyquist plotBode plot/Nyquist plot

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Link between time and frequency q ydomain – systems

• Response to input – Bode plot• Stability – pole locations• Performance (overshoot settling time• Performance (overshoot, settling time,

resonance freq.) – pole locations• Bandwidth • robustness

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Example Effects of Group DelayExample Effects of Group Delayp p yp p y

The filter has considerable attenuation at ω=0 85π The group delay at ω=0 25πat ω=0.85π. The group delay at ω=0.25πis about 200 steps, while at ω=0.5π, the group delay is about 50 steps

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C ti f t d i lConnection of systems and signals

• Time-domain: ODE( ) 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )y t y t y t u t u t+ + = +&& & &( ) 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( 1) 2 ( 2) ( ) ( 1)

( ) ( 1) ( 1)( ) ( ) ( )

y t y t y t u t u ty k y k y k u k u k

X k AX k BU kX t AX t BU t

+ + = +− − + − = − −

= − + −⎧ = + ⎧& ( ) ( 1) ( 1)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )

X k AX k BU kX t AX t BU tY k CX kY t CX t

= +⎧ = + ⎧⎨ ⎨ == ⎩⎩

• Frequency domain: ( ) 1Y s s +q yTF 2


( ) 1( )( ) 2 1( ) 1( )

Y s sG sU s s sY z zG z

+= =

+ +

−= = 1 2


( )( ) 1 2

( ) ( )

G zU z z z

G s C sII A B

− −

− +

= −G(s)U(s) Y(s)

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Link betwen continuous time and discrete time models

• Sampling mechanism • Aliasing problem • See more from Digital control course• See more from Digital control course….

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• What’re Models for systems and signals?– Basic concepts– Types of modelsTypes of models

• How to build a model for a given system?– Physical modeling

Experimental modeling– Experimental modeling• How to simulate a system? y

– Matlab/Simulink toolsC t di• Case studies

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Physical modelingPhysical modeling

Part II in textbook pp.79-121

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Principle and PhasesPrinciple and Phases• Use the knowledge of physics that is relevant to

the considered systemthe considered system

Ph 1 t t th bl d iti• Phase 1: structure the problem: decomposition (cause and effect, variables) block diagram

• Phase 2: formulate subsystems • Phase 3: get system model via simplificationPhase 3: get system model via simplification

E l d li th h d b f• Example: modeling the head box of a paper machine (pp.85-95)

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F l ti f h i l d liFormulation of physical modeling

• Conservation laws – Mass balance– Energy balanceEnergy balance – Electronics (Kirchhoff’s laws)

• Constitutive relationships

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Simplification of modelingSimplification of modeling

Principles• Neglect small effects (approximation)• Separate time constants• Separate time constants

(T_max/T_min<=10~100, stiffness problem)• Aggerate state variables: to merge several

similar variables into one variable whichsimilar variables into one variable, which often plays the role of average or total value p y g

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Some relationships in ph sicsSome relationships in physics

• Electrical circuits • Mechanical translation• Mechanical rotation• Mechanical rotation• Flow systemsy• Thermal systems• Lagrange modeling method

F BRP’ l t• For more, see BRP’s lectures….

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Newton’s 2 lawNewton s 2 law

m a = ∑ F∑


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Newton’s 2 law for RotationNewton s 2 law for Rotation

J dω/dt = ∑ τ∑

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DC motor with Permanent MagnetDC motor with Permanent Magnet


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Electro-Mechanical Energy ConversionElectro Mechanical Energy Conversion

F = Bl I (ved fastholdt svingspole) F: Kraften på membranen

Force produced by current: Surround

Chassis or basketF: Kraften på membranen B: magnetfelt L: svingspolens trådelængde I: strømmenCone

Voice coil

Electro Magnetic force (EMF) and

I: strømmenS N



D t Electro Magnetic force (EMF) and back EMF


Input Dust cap

Current produced by membrane velocity:



emf = Bl vemf: modelektromotorisk kraft


v: membranens hastighed

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Block Diagram: LoudspeakerBlock Diagram: Loudspeaker

Uin(t) + ∫1/Le

i(t) F(t) x(t)+ ∫ ∫1/mm

a(t) v(t)Bl

- ∫Re+

- ∫ ∫rm+e

+ +

v(t) 1/cm

m+ +


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• Thermal systems, Head flow, modelling of y , , ggeometric problems (for DE5); mm4 2007 DE5 pptDE5.ppt

• Time and Frequency Response of 1.Time and Frequency Response of 1. and 2. order systems (for M5); mm4 2007 M5 tM5.ppt

• Linearization; mm5 2006 pptLinearization; mm5 2006.ppt• Linearization: solution of exercise; mm5


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Lagrange modeling methodLagrange modeling method

• Generalized coordinate• Kinetic energy T• Potential energy V• Potential energy V• External forces along gerneralized g g

coordinator Q

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Experimental modelingExperimental modeling (nonparametric identification)(nonparametric identification)

Part III in textbook pp.189-223•Estimation of transient response •Estimation of transfer function•Estimation of transfer function

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Estimation of transient responsep(direct method)

• Transient responses: impulse response, step response• Arrange experiment (input signal)• Arrange experiment (input signal) • Curve fitting, range scaling, time constant g, g g,• Transient analysis is easy and most widely

used • Potential problem: poor accuracy due to• Potential problem: poor accuracy due to

disturbances and measurement errors etc.

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Estimation of transient responsep(Correlation analysis)

• Need knowledge of stochastic processes(SEM6)• Procedure:• Procedure:

– Collect data y(k), u(k), k=1,2,….,NSubstract sample means from each signal:

0( ) ( ) ( )k

ky t g u t k v t


= − +∑– Substract sample means from each signal:

1 1

1 1( ) ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) ( ),N N

t t

y k y k y t u k u k u tN N= =

= − = −∑ ∑

– Form signal via whitening filter L(q) (polynomial, lease square): 1 1t t

– Impulse response:

( ) ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) ( )F Fy k L q y k u k L q u k= =

p p

2ˆ ( ) 1 1ˆˆˆ ( ) ( ) ( ), ( )ˆ



N N Ny uN N

y u F F N F

Rg where R y t u t u t

N Nτ

ττ τ λ= = − =∑ ∑

1 1

( ) ( ) ( ), ( )F Fy u F F N F

t tN

g yN Nτ λ = =∑ ∑

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Estimation of transient responsep(Correlation analysis)

Basic properties: • Quick insight into time constants and time delays • Mo special inputs are required• Mo special inputs are required. • Poor SNR can be compensated by longer dtata

recordes• Limitation: input u(t) is uncorrelated withLimitation: input u(t) is uncorrelated with

disturbance v(t). This method won’t work properly when the dtata are collected from a system underwhen the dtata are collected from a system under output feedback ( ) ( ) ( )ky t g u t k v t

= − +∑0

( ) ( ) ( )kk

y g=∑

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Estimation of transfer functions(frequency analysis -1)

• Direct frequency analysis (Bode plot)

H(ejω) = |H(ejω)| e<H(ejω)Input x(n) and output y(n) relationship|Y(ejω)| = |H(ejω)| |X(ejω)|<Y(ejω) = <H(ejω) + <X(ejω)

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Estimation of transfer functions(frequency analysis -2)

• AdvantagesEasy to use and requires no complicated data– Easy to use and requires no complicated data processingR i t t l ti th th it– Requires no strustural assumptions other than it being linear

– Easy to concentrate on freq. Ranges of special interest

• Disadvantages– Graphic result (Bode plot)Graphic result (Bode plot) – Need long time of experimentation

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Estimation of transfer functions(Fourier analysis -1)

• Principle: ( )( )( )

Y jG jU j

ΩΩ =


0 0

( )

( ) ( ) , ( ) ( )

( )ˆ

T Tj t j tT T

U j

Y j y t e dt U j u t e dt

Y j

− Ω − Ω


Ω = Ω =

Ω∫ ∫

1 1( ) ( ) , ( ) ( )

( )

N Nj kT j kT

T Tk k

Y j T y kT e U j T u kT e

Y j

ω ωω ω− −

= =

= =∑ ∑( )ˆ ( )( )



Y jG jU j

ΩΩ =

Ω( )( )( )



Y jG jU j



2 | ( ) |c c V jω

• Evaluation: 2 | ( ) || ( ) ( ) | ,

| ( ) | | ( ) |u g N


c c V jG j G jU j U j


ωω ωω ω

− ≤ +

0( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

lim : | ( ) | u

system y t g u t d v t

input itation u t c

τ τ τ∞

= − +


0: | ( ) | gsystem property g d cτ τ τ


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Estimation of transfer functions(Fourier analysis -2)

• Advantages: – Easy and efficient to use (FFT) – Good estimation of G(jw) at frequenciesGood estimation of G(jw) at frequencies

where the input has pure sinusoids Di d t• Disadvantages: – The estimation is wildly fluctuating graph,The estimation is wildly fluctuating graph,

which only gives a rough picture of the true frequency domain (see Fig8 13 pp 209)frequency domain (see Fig8.13, pp.209)

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Estimation of transfer functions(Spectra analysis -1)

• Principle: 2

( ) ( )* ( ) ( ) ( )* ( )* ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) | ( ) | ( ) ( )yu uu yy uu

yu uu yy uu vv

R k g k R k R k g k g k R k

G Gω ω ω ω ω ω ω

= = −

Φ = Φ Φ = Φ +Φ

• Spectra estimation (Black-Tukey’s spectral

yu uu yy uu vv

p ( y pestimate) - Window function

1 NN ∑

1( ) ( ) ( )N

NR k k∑1

1( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )



N j k

R k u t k u tN

k R kγ

γ ω


= +


1( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )



N j k

R k y t k u tN

w k R k eγ

γ ωω


= +

Φ =

• Estimation: ( ) ( ) ( )N j k

uu uuk

w k R k eγ ωγ



Φ = ∑( ) ( ) ( )yu yuk

w k R k eγγ


Φ = ∑

2( ) | ( ) |ˆ ( ) ( )( ) ( )

yu yuN vv yyG j

γ γγ γ

γ γ

ω ωω ω

ω ωΦ Φ

= Φ = Φ −Φ Φ( ) ( )uu uuω ωΦ Φ

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Estimation of transfer functions(Spectra analysis -2)

• Advantages: Common method for signals and systems– Common method for signals and systems

– Only assume system is linear, and requires no ifi i tspecific input

– Adjusting the window size usually leads to a good picture

• Disadvantages:g– Graphic result (Bode plot)

This method won’t work properly when the dtata are– This method won t work properly when the dtata are collected from a system under output feedback

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Experimental modelingExperimental modeling (parametric identification)(parametric identification)

Chapter 9 in textbook pp.227-257• Estimation of Tailor-made model• Estimation of ready made model• Estimation of ready-made model

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Parametric modelsParametric models

• Tailor-made model: constructed from basic h i l i i l U k tphysical principles. Unknown parameters

have physical interpretation (grey-box)p y p (g y )• Ready-made model: describe the

ti f th i t t t l ti hiproperties of the input-output relationships without any physical interpretation (black-without any physical interpretation (blackbox)

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Tailor made model identificationTailor-made model identification

• Can be done by conventional physical i t ti d texperimentation and measurement

methods, e.g., , g ,• Estimate the time constant using step

response• Esitmate the DC-gain usinf steady• Esitmate the DC-gain usinf steady


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Read made modelsReady-made models

• Box-Jenkins (BJ) modelC(q)/D(q)

Output error (OE) model


• Output error (OE) model B(q)/F(q)

• ARMAX model C(q)

ARX d lB(q) 1/A(q)

• ARX model

B(q) 1/A(q)

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Ready-made model yidentification

• System identification (IRS7) P.236-252• Summary on p.252-253

• Chapt 10 system identification as a tool for p ymodel building...

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• What’re Models for systems and signals?– Basic concepts– Types of modelsTypes of models

• How to build a model for a given system?– Physical modeling

Experimental modeling– Experimental modeling • How to simulate a system? y

– Matlab/Simulink toolsC t di• Case studies

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P t IV Si l ti d d lPart IV Simulation and model use

• Simulation Matlab/Simulink, Labview

• Block diagram• Block diagram • Numerical methods (DE 6sem), p.318-327( ), p• Model validation and use

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ContentContentWh t’ M d l f t d i l ?• What’re Models for systems and signals?– Basic conceptsBasic concepts– Types of models

• How to build a model for a given system?Physical modeling– Physical modeling

– Experimental modeling • How to simulate a system?

M tl b/Si li k t l– Matlab/Simulink tools• Case studies – BeoSound 9000 sledgeCase studies BeoSound 9000 sledge
