Modern Philosophy PART ONE

Modern Philosophy

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Modern Philosophy. Part One. Historical & Conceptual Background of the Modern Era. Renaissance Humanism Renaissance Humanism Rebirth of Interest in Greek & Roman Literature Technology Other Trends Protestant Reformation The Church Martin Luther (1483-1546) Social & Political Changes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Modern Philosophy

Modern PhilosophyPART ONE

Page 2: Modern Philosophy

Historical & Conceptual Background of the Modern Era

Renaissance Humanism Renaissance Humanism Rebirth of Interest in Greek & Roman Literature Technology Other Trends

Protestant Reformation The Church Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Social & Political Changes Religion Commerce

Page 3: Modern Philosophy


The Rise of Modern Science Background Copernican Revolution

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) Galileo (1564-1642)

Implications of the New Science Galileo

Primary Qualities Secondary Qualities

Mechanical Explanations Replace Teleological Explanations

Elimination of Final Causes & Good

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A New Approach to Philosophy Sweeping Away the Past The Search for a Perfect Philosophical Method Rationalism Empiricism

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Argument Basics

Argument Concepts Defined General Assessment: Reasoning General Assessment: Are the Premises True?

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Deductive Arguments

Introduction to Deductive Arguments Defined Use Assessment Valid/Invalid, Sound/Unsound

Some Common Valid Deductive Arguments Reductio Ad Adsurdum

Defined Form #1/Form #2 Example

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Inductive Arguments

Introduction to Inductive Arguments Defined Assessment Strong & Weak Arguments

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Analogical Argument

Introduction Definition Uses

Form Informal Strict Form

Premise 1: X has properties P, Q, and R. Premise 2: Y has properties P, Q, and R. Premise 3: X has property Z as well. Conclusion: Y has property Z.

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Analogical Argument

Assessment The strength of the argument depends on

The number of properties X & Y have in common. The relevance of the shared properties to Z. Whether X & Y have relevant dissimilarities.


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Argument from/by Example

Introduction Defined

Form Informal Form

Premise 1: Example 1 is an example that supports claim P.Premise 2: Example 2 is an example that supports claim P.Premise n: Example n is an example that supports claim C.Conclusion: Claim P is true.

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Argument from/by Example

Standards of Assessment Standards

The more examples, the stronger the argument. The examples must be relevant. The examples must be specific & clearly identified. Counter-examples must be considered.

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Argument from Authority

Introduction Defined Use

Form Premise 1: Person A is an authority on subject S. Premises 2: Person A makes claim C about subject

S. Premises 3: Therefore, C is true.

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Argument from Authority

Assessment Standards

The person has sufficient expertise in the subject. The claim is within the expert’s area of expertise. There is an adequate degree of agreement among

experts. The expert is not significantly biased. The area of expertise is a legitimate area or

discipline. The authority must be properly cited.

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Thomas hobbes (1588-1679)background

Background Personal Information Influence: Galileo’s Works Influence: Euclidean Geometry Influence: English Civil War The Leviathan (1651)

Physics & Philosophy Goal & Method Empiricism Metaphysical Materialism God Ontology

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Thomas hobbesphysics & Philosophy

Types of Philosophy First Philosophy Special Sciences Political Science

Epistemology & Psychology Thoughts Sensations Imagination & Memory Association

Language Humans Nominalism & Reasoning

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Thomas hobbes

Metaphysics Determinism Human Behavior Voluntary Motions Hobbes account of Deliberation

Ethics Morality & Materialism

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Thomas Hobbesphysics & politics

View of Politics Experience Conclusions Drawn From Experience Method

The State of Nature State of Nature Egoism

Natural Laws Natural Laws The Laws The Sovereign

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Thomas hobbesPhysics & politics

Social Contract The Contract The Sovereign Rights & Morality Reaction

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Thomas hobbesimpact & problems

Impact Impact

Problems Perception Consciousness Freedom, Purpose & Values

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Rene Descartes (1596-1650)background

Life & Works Life Works

Agenda Motivation Travel Inward Focus Goals

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Rene descartesmethod

Methodology Mathematics Intuition Deduction The Meditations on First Philosophy

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Rene descartesFirst Meditation

First Part Start & Goal Method

Doubting the Senses Senses Dream Problem Painter Analogy Math: Skeptical Pause

God & The Demon God The Demon

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Rene DescartesSecond Meditation

Skepticism & Certainty Method Skepticism The Foundation of Certainty: I am, I exist

The Self Goal Rejected: The Body as Self A Thing That Thinks Rejected

Human Body Air, Wind, Fire, Vapor, or Breath

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Rene DescartesSecond Meditation

Knowledge of His Existence is not via the Imagination

Certainty The Wax Example

The Wax How the Wax is Known Language & Errors Perception & Inference The Wax Proves He Exists Conclusion

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Rene Descartesthird meditation

Truth & God Standard of Truth: Clear & Distinct External Things God & Deception

Does God Exist? Is God a Deceiver?

Ideas Division of Thoughts Ideas& Truth Source of Ideas Ideas of External Objects

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Rene Descartesthird meditation

External Objects: Instructed by Nature External Objects: Ideas do not Depend on His Will External Objects: Resemblance

Ideas, Reality & Causes Ideas & Reality

Objective Reality Principle: The cause must contain at least as much

reality as the effect. Formal Reality Eminent Containment

Causes of Ideas Regress Argument for Archetypes

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Rene Descartesthird meditation

Method: Trying to find an idea he cannot be the cause of.

He could be the cause of his ideas of secondary qualities.

He could be the cause of his ideas of primary qualities.

God God Substance & Infinity Argument Infinity, God and Comprehension Descartes considers he might be the cause. Why Descartes cannot be the cause.

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Rene Descartesthird meditation

More on God Goal He is lacking, so he cannot be the author of his

own being. Infinite Parts Argument Regress Argument Several Causes Parents Idea of God God is not a deceiver/

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Rene DescartesFourth meditation

God & Reason God is not a deceiver. Reason The Cartesian Circle The Possibility of Error Points of Certainty

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Rene DescartesFifth meditation

Third Proof of God The Proof Unique to God

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Rene DescartesSixth meditation

The External World The Problem Descartes as the cause. God as the cause. External objects cause the ideas. Illusions Nature of Objects

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Rene DescartesCartesian dualism

Dualism Substance Two Substances: Mental & Physical Meditations: Doubt Meditations: Different Humans & Animals Dualism

The Cartesian Compromise Reconciliation The Dualist Solution: The Body The Dualist Solution: The Mind

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Rene DescartesCartesian dualism

Interactionism Mind-Body Problem Ship & Pilot Analogy The Pineal Gland

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Rene DescartesProblems & Impact

Problems Natural Light Principle & Doubt Infinity Contamination Problem Interactionism: Arnold Geulincx (1624-1669)

Parallelism Interactionism: Nicolas Malebranche (1623-1662)

Occasionalism Blaise Pascal

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Rene DescartesProblems & Impact

Impact Certainty Universal Science Reconciling Science & Religion Artificial Intelligence