Modular JavaScript Andrew Eisenberg Tasktop Technologies 1

Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

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Page 1: Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

ModularJavaScriptAndrew Eisenberg

Tasktop Technologies


Page 2: Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

ModularJavaScriptAndrew Eisenberg

Tasktop Technologies



Page 3: Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

A story about JavaScript and modularization in 4



Page 4: Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

A story about JavaScript and modularization in 4



No Modules (ancient history)

Page 5: Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

A story about JavaScript and modularization in 4



No Modules (ancient history)

Module Pattern (industrial revolution)

Page 6: Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

A story about JavaScript and modularization in 4



No Modules (ancient history)

Module Pattern (industrial revolution)

Module loaders (today)

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A story about JavaScript and modularization in 4



No Modules (ancient history)

Module Pattern (industrial revolution)

Module loaders (today)

Harmony Modules (tomorrow)

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A story about JavaScript and modularization in 4



No Modules (ancient history)

Module Pattern (industrial revolution)

Module loaders (today)

Harmony Modules (tomorrow)

This is really the story of a language reaching maturity

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We are Java Devs. Why should we care?JavaScript is not just blinky text and popups

Massive applications being built with it on client AND server

JavaScript is useful and ubiquitous

TIOBE index #9 (March 2014)

But JavaScript is (or was) only a toy language



Page 10: Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

We are Java Devs. Why should we care?JavaScript is not just blinky text and popups

Massive applications being built with it on client AND server

JavaScript is useful and ubiquitous

TIOBE index #9 (March 2014)

But JavaScript is (or was) only a toy language


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But there is a core goodness


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But there is a core goodness


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No modules

Part I --- Ancient History (c. 1995)


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The original approach

Script tags

All code is global


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The original approach

Script tags

All code is global


<html>      <script  “foo.js”/>      <script  “bar.js”/>  </html>

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The original approach

Script tags

All code is global


<html>      <script  “foo.js”/>      <script  “bar.js”/>  </html>

//  foo.js  var  x  =  9;

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The original approach

Script tags

All code is global


<html>      <script  “foo.js”/>      <script  “bar.js”/>  </html>

//  foo.js  var  x  =  9;

//  bar.js  console.log(x);

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Name clashes

No explicit dependencies

Order is important

Just pray that all dependencies are available


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Name clashes

No explicit dependencies

Order is important

Just pray that all dependencies are available



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Module pattern

Part II --- Industrial Revolution (c. 2006)


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Module pattern

All code is still global

Each script defines its own namespace

Pattern has many variations


Page 22: Modular JavaScript - EclipseCon Europe 2019 · 2017-12-06 · The original approach Script tags! All code is global "6

Module pattern

All code is still global

Each script defines its own namespace

Pattern has many variations


<html>      <script  “foo.js”/>      <script  “bar.js”/>  </html>

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Module pattern

All code is still global

Each script defines its own namespace

Pattern has many variations


<html>      <script  “foo.js”/>      <script  “bar.js”/>  </html>//  foo.js  foo  =  foo  ||  {};  foo.x  =  9;

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Module pattern

All code is still global

Each script defines its own namespace

Pattern has many variations


<html>      <script  “foo.js”/>      <script  “bar.js”/>  </html>//  foo.js  foo  =  foo  ||  {};  foo.x  =  9;//  bar.js  (function(foo)  {    var  x  =  “Number  ”;    console.log(x  +  foo.x);  })(foo);

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Still very populare.g., jQuery fn namespace*


* jQuery 1.7 introduced AMD modules

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Still very populare.g., jQuery fn namespace*


(function(  $  )  {    $.fn.myPlugin=function(args){      //  awesome  plugin  stuff    };  })(  jQuery  );  

 $.fn.myPlugin(args);* jQuery 1.7 introduced AMD modules

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Name clashes,

but far less common

Easier to mock dependencies


Order matters

Just pray that all dependencies are available


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Name clashes,

but far less common

Easier to mock dependencies


Order matters

Just pray that all dependencies are available



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Name clashes,

but far less common

Easier to mock dependencies


Order matters

Just pray that all dependencies are available



But still ugggh!

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Module loadersPart III --- Today


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The module explosion


Idea! Use the environment to selectively load modules in order

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The module explosion


Idea! Use the environment to selectively load modules in order

Relies on a module loader outside the language specification

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The module explosionFormats




Idea! Use the environment to selectively load modules in order

Relies on a module loader outside the language specification

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The module explosionFormats




node (CJS)

requireJs (AMD)

curl (AMD)


Idea! Use the environment to selectively load modules in order

Relies on a module loader outside the language specification

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Used by node

Bad news for the web


var  modA  =  require(‘moduleA’),      modB  =  require(‘moduleB’);  !

export.aVal  =  modA.myVal;  export.bVal  =  modB.myVal;

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CJS is not web-friendly


//  main.js  if  (needSub)  {      require('./sub');  }

//  sub.js  console.log(‘here’);

Conditional loading of modules. (Yay!) But, that means synchronous loading Synchronous loading makes for horrendous web experience

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Asynchronous module definition (AMD)

Asynchronous loading of modules

Makes a happy web

Syntax more cumbersome


define(‘myModule’,      [‘moduleA’,  ‘moduleB],        function(a,  b)  {      return  {            aVal:  a.myVal,          bVal  :  b.myVal      }  });

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Require.js: a sort of deep dive

(There’s magic, but the good kind)


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Universal Module Declarations (UMD)

Attempt to unify client and server side modules

BUT not a standard

Semantics different browser vs. server


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Universal Module Declarations (UMD)

Attempt to unify client and server side modules

BUT not a standard

Semantics different browser vs. server


define(function(require,export,module){      var  modA  =  require(‘moduleA’),          modB  =  require(‘moduleB’);      export.aVal  =  modA.myVal;      export.bVal  =  modB.myVal;  });

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But UMD needs even more boilerplate


All sorts of UMD proposals here: https://github.com/umdjs/umd

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But UMD needs even more boilerplate


All sorts of UMD proposals here: https://github.com/umdjs/umd

//  Boilerplate  if  (typeof  module  ===  'object'  &&            typeof  define  !==  'function')  {      var  define  =  function  (factory)  {          module.exports  =  factory(require,exports,module);     };  }  //  Here  is  the  actual  module  define(function  (require,  exports,  module)  {      var  b  =  require('b');     return  function  ()  {};  });

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Browserify: no more boilerplate


converts CJS -> AMD

something browser compatible

Avoid AMD boilerplate

Can use some node.js libs in browser



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Browserify example


// require the core node events module!var EventEmitter = require(‘events')!! .EventEmitter;!!//create a new event emitter!var emitter = new EventEmitter;!!// set up a listener for the event!emitter.on('pizza', function(message){! console.log(message);!});!!// emit an event!emitter.emit('pizza', ‘yummy!');

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Browserify example


// require the core node events module!var EventEmitter = require(‘events')!! .EventEmitter;!!//create a new event emitter!var emitter = new EventEmitter;!!// set up a listener for the event!emitter.on('pizza', function(message){! console.log(message);!});!!// emit an event!emitter.emit('pizza', ‘yummy!');

$  browserify  index.js  >  bundle.js

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Prognosis?No more language level name clashes

Not order dependent

Dependencies explicit in module

Load and edit time checkers


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Prognosis?No more language level name clashes

Not order dependent

Dependencies explicit in module

Load and edit time checkers


Yay! We did it!

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Prognosis?No more language level name clashes

Not order dependent

Dependencies explicit in module

Load and edit time checkers


Yay! We did it!


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Prognosis?No more language level name clashes

Not order dependent

Dependencies explicit in module

Load and edit time checkers


Too many competing module systems

modules for client and server

Modules still not first class



Yay! We did it!


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Prognosis?No more language level name clashes

Not order dependent

Dependencies explicit in module

Load and edit time checkers


Too many competing module systems

modules for client and server

Modules still not first class



Yay! We did it!



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Harmony ModulesPart IV --- Tomorrow


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Real Modules

ES6 Harmony

Official JavaScript module spec

Sync and async friendly

Browser and server friendly


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ES6 Harmony


//  foo.js  module  "foo"  {          export  var  x  =  42;  }

//  bar.js  import  "foo"  as  foo;  console.log(foo.x);

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ES6 modules, today!Using the ES6 Module Transpiler*



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Prognosis ES6?Finally, modules are first class in the language!

Loaders/runtimes will implement spec differently

sync loading possible

async loading possible


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Prognosis ES6?Finally, modules are first class in the language!

Loaders/runtimes will implement spec differently

sync loading possible

async loading possible


Expected release date? 201X?

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Prognosis JavaScript?


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Prognosis JavaScript?Plagued by poor design choices early on


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Prognosis JavaScript?Plagued by poor design choices early on

JS used to be a toy language


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Prognosis JavaScript?Plagued by poor design choices early on

JS used to be a toy language

Hard, but possible to fix past mistakes.


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ResourcesES6 module transpiler

https://github.com/square/es6-module-transpiler AMD module specification (draft, never ratified):

http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Modules/AsynchronousDefinition CommonJS module specification:

http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Modules UMD modules (various proposed implementations):

https://github.com/umdjs/umd ES6 Harmony draft specification

http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:specification_drafts JavaScript Module pattern


Browserify http://browserify.org http://superbigtree.tumblr.com/post/54873453939/introduction-to-browserify (borrowed browserify example)


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Andrew Eisenberg

twitter: @werdnagreb

email: [email protected]


Story parts

No modules

Module pattern

Module loaders

Language modules