MODULE 2: Making More Money

MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

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Page 1: MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

MODULE 2: Making More Money

Page 2: MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

Review & RemindersMoney Love Story (You’re doing it perfectly.)

Bank account checking and gratitude

Cash Clarity Checklist

Tracking systems (Do what works for you)

Money Love Quiz

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•Why have things gotten worse all of a sudden?


• Practicing non-resistance

• The tendency to self-sabotage when we begin to make positive change

chemicalization and upper Limit Problems

Page 4: MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

• Why focusing on making more rather than spending less will yield better results than vice versa

• The Money Magnetization Method - 10 ways to bring in the bucks

• A surprising strategy for making more money that involves doing something you would never think would work, but is actually incredibly effective

• How to increase your rates in a way that will make you and your customers feel amazing

• A simple, 3-step plan for making the big ask for more: how to prepare, what to say, and how to say it

here’s what we’ll cover:

Page 5: MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

• How much is enough? How much is too much? Guidelines for answering these, and other, tricky money questions

• Why doing what you love is NOT the path to prosperity...and what IS

here’s what we’ll cover:

Page 6: MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

• Expansion vs. contraction

•Cultivating an abundance mindset has to be about abundance, not limitation.

• It just plain feels better.

•When we do eventually focus on spending less and paying off debt, these experiences feel more luxurious.

Why focus on making more before spending less or paying off debt?

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the money magnetization


Page 8: MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

1. Value Yourself

2. Spend time with people who are also focused on prosperity

3. Notice what comes in and celebrate it

4. Take exquisite care of what you already have

5. Remove thoughts and words of lack and replace them with Money Mantras

6. Let go (of clutter, Prince Charming, what no longer serves you)

7. Have financial freedom dates with yourself and/or your significant other

8. Excuse yourself from lack conversations or change the subject or the vibration

9. Become a better receiver - notice, write thank you cards, take it in, say thank you, don’t down-play or deflect

10. Reading list: Florence Scovel Shinn, Think and Grow Rich, Catherine Ponder

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The surest way to make more money is to add more value.

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• Do this in your MLJ this week

• Make a list of every possible way you could add value

• Be creative and ridiculous

• Include any way you could add value even if you can’t imagine getting paid for it

• Go back in time and think of all the things you’ve ever learned how to do

• Ask your friends how you add value to their lives to get ideas

• Circle the ones that you could make money with the quickest

• Star the ones that sound like the most fun

• Commit to an action step for each circled and starred item

value booster brainstorm

Page 11: MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

• Raise your rates/prices of existing products/services

• Add a new product/services

• Ask for a raise

• Start a side hustle - as big or as small as you want

• Follow up with existing customers/prospects

• Sell things you no longer want/use

• Rent your place on Airbnb

• Invest money you already have

• Find someone who needs something and offer to do it for them

ways to increase your income

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Making the big ask1. Know your value

• List what you know to be truly valuable about YOU (can be unrelated to your work)

• List how you add value to the client/organization/company

• Sell yourself on your value first

2. Write a script or bullets and practice with a friend who you respect and trust

3. Visualize and feel success ahead of time

4. Feel and look your best: hydrate, wear sexy underwear, have a snack, listen to great music, raise your vibration before the meeting

5. Make your ask! Keep it bulleted and benefit-driven

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• Those who don’t ask don’t get

• People won’t give you more money unless you ask

• People who charge what they’re worth are valued higher by their clients and their clients get more value from the work

• People won’t know what your work is worth unless you tell them

• It’s not okay to complain about the wage gap and not do anything about it

• This is our duty as women (and men) to change the world

and remember...

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people

permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

~Marianne Williamson

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But how much is enough?

And how much is too much?

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3 signs that you’re charging the right amount

1. It feels like a bit of a stretch/makes you slightly uncomfortable

2. You feel as though you’re valuing yourself and you’re being valued

3. When you finish the work and get the check the energy/time expended and your compensation match up

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Get a little scared. Take the leap.

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From Rich Dad, Inc.

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The “Do What You Love and theMoney Will Follow” Myth


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Love what you do and the money will follow...

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• Write down 3 things you value about yourself in your MLJ daily (different and specific).

• Download and complete the Value Booster Brainstorm worksheet.

• Use it or lose it: Deposit all checks. Use all gift certificates. Send all invoices.

• Track all the money that you receive this week AND write down all the non-monetary things you receive this week.

• Find ways to love what you do every day.


Page 22: MODULE 2: Making More Money - Cloud Object …2+-+Making+More+Mo… · MODULE 2: Making More Money. Review & Reminders ... • A surprising strategy for making more money that involves

• Gathering and organizing the items from the Cash Clarity Checklist

• Paying attention to your words and thoughts around money

• Using and sharing your Money Mantra(s)


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report your progress and ask questions on the facebook group!