MODULE 7 - Achieve Today · 2014-06-03 · Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path Joe Vitale’s ... you beyond the limited phenomenon into

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Module 7: Letting Go

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Letting Go


People often sabotage their own success without even realizing it. This module is designed to help you understand the causes of your feelings and to provide specific techniques for clearing built-negative feelings that exist in your life. You’ll explore this reality and discover additional specific tools for clearing yourself and staying on course.


After studying this module, you should be able to accomplish the following:

› Define your feelings and eliminate the root generators for you unwanted feelings.

› Identify at least three feelings that have been holding you back, which have kept you from an attitude of gratitude, and which stand in the way of your transformations.

› Describe ten techniques to release unwanted feelings


To assess your current level of understanding about the topics in this module, please answer the following questions. (A Success Journal is available for you to write in, at the end of module 16.)

1. What would you consider unwanted feelings to be?

2. Where do unwanted feelings come from?

3. How would you go about releasing your unwanted feelings?

Whose Feelings Are They

Do your feelings belong to your parents; to your neighbors; or, to your children or spouse? Whose feelings are they, which YOU experience? They are yours, of course. This is a very good thing. It means that if you don’t like them, you CAN do something about them.

“The meaning you g ive an

event i s very re levant .”

− Joe V i ta le

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Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path

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Why Release Feelings

Presumably, you want to be happy. You want to feel free. You want to be abundant, and be at peace. Letting go of built-up negative feelings can quiet the mind, eliminate self-sabotage programming, draw abun-dance towards you, and bring you a happiness that never leaves.

In any moment, either you are suppressing and building up your limit-ing feelings (like computer a virus); or, you are releasing and discharging them from your body-mind system—allowing the body-mind to func-tion flawlessly, like a supercomputer. In every moment, the choice is always yours.

Many illnesses and deleterious effects of age are stress-related. All lack comes from lacking and having limiting feelings in the body-mind. De- structive relationships come from negative, non-love feelings being sup-pressed and then later expressed towards our friends, family, and part-ners. So, which would you rather do? Build them up and experience more lack, illness, and disharmony; or, release them and experience more abundance, health, and love?

When Can I Release My Unwanted Feelings

There is only one moment in time when you can deal with your feel-ings: that time is NOW.

Even though your mind may jump backward and forward in time, you can access and deal with your feelings only in the present moment. In the now, you can deal with your feelings as energy. You may think to yourself, “I’ll address these feelings later;” yet, how many times does later never come? So, why not let go of your feelings now, in the moment that you feel them, instead of carrying them around with you?

Now, what about positive feelings? Why would you want to let those go? You probably wouldn’t. However, there are no positive or negative feelings. There is only emotional energy (e – motion = energy in motion) that is labeled as being positive or negative. But, for the sake of this pro-gram, let’s assume that there are positive and negative feelings.

When you release negative feelings, you are left freer, lighter, and hap-pier. When you release positive feelings, you are left freer, lighter, and happier, as those positive feelings increase. So, when you perform emo-tional releasing of both the positive and negative, the negative feelings drop, and the positive feelings increase. What is really happening is that you are simply removing the covering over your true self, which is hap-piness itself!

“Dest iny i s not a matter

o f chance, i t i s a matter o f

cho ice ; i t i s not a th ing to be

wai ted for, i t i s a th ing to be

ach ieved .”

− Winston Church i l l

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Module 7: Letting Go

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Feelings cover over our true nature and obscure it. They keep us con-stantly looking away from the perfect, whole, and complete being that we always are.

Thoughts and feelings are ever changing. They are in the realm of phenomena. They come and they go like the weather. Releasing gets you beyond the limited phenomenon into the ground-state of being, sometimes referred to as witness consciousness. This is the pure “I” of us, we refer to when we say to someone, “I am...,” when we talk about ourselves.

When it is not attached to a label or associated with other things, have you ever wondered who are you as this pure “I”? This is the pure core that is ever untouched, unchanged, undisturbed, unaltered, ever happy, ever peaceful, and ever free. It is the being that YOU ARE.

Positive feelings are actually your very own beingness, which you test when you let go of the covering (feelings) over them. When you drop your emotions, the mind quiets and the innate sense of self (happiness) becomes self-obvious to you; however, you may often attribute this to happiness.

What Do Feelings Feel Like

What do feelings feel like? It’s a funny question and one that many people have explored from time to time. As a child, we were asked how we felt. Chances are, we became frustrated when our parents and care-takers were unable to understand how we felt based upon our limited powers of description.

A friend of mine, Peter Michel, has powerful techniques for letting go of unwanted thoughts or feelings. I feel that his approach—called Emotional Freedom 101 —helps people to truly identify unwanted feel-ings and get clear. He thinks that feelings can take the form of many bodily sensations, including the following:

“The ar t i s t i s a receptac le fo r

emot ions that come f rom a l l

over the p lace : f rom the sky,

f rom the ear th , f rom a sc rap

o f paper, f rom a pass ing

shape, f rom a sp ider ’ s web.”

− Pablo P i casso

› Energy

› Heat

› Tingling

› Pressure

› Waves

› Itching

› Pain

› Yawning (moving energy)

› Tension

› Tightness/Contraction

› Clutching

› A knot

› Lightness

› Heaviness

› Numbness

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Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path

J o e V i t a l e ’ s

Eliminate the Root Generators

Now, if we don’t eliminate the root generators of our feelings, we’ll con-stantly be regenerating more and more negativity, lack, and limitations. And often, we suppress our feelings for so long and live in our heads so much that we forgot what it feels like to really feel. Thus, we are often very suppressed, at first. This is the resistance that covers over and pro-tects our other feelings.

Simply welcome any blank or numb feelings that you have. These are feelings, too. Notice them, and let go of wanting to change them. They will move on and reveal deeper feelings beneath them, which are being suppressed. Once those feelings come up, apply steps to release them (as I’ll soon describe).

Please note that this is NOT a substitute for therapy, but it can often work as a powerful adjunct to it. Please consult your therapist before doing any of the following exercises. Some of them can allow a great deal of emotional energy to come up, and this may be overwhelming if your emotional state is already challenged. If you’re on medications, ask your doctor if he or she can reduce them, as they will often sup-press the feelings, which does not help when you’re trying to allow them up, to be released, and be resolved.

Often, when you release a feeling, a deeper feeling seems to come up. Our feelings are often suppressed in layers, like an onion: often, we peel away one layer and there’s a deeper layer beneath it. Just keep going, and you’ll get lighter and lighter. A fast way to cut through all the layers is with releasing techniques (discussed in the next section). These techniques teach you how to eliminate the roots of all the layers, clearing large chunks of emotions with ease.

Release Your Feelings

There are many different ways to release unwanted thoughts or feel-ings—almost as innumerable as there are people. In the pages that fol-low, I will include ten of Peter Michel’s powerful releasing techniques (but obviously, there are many more than these).

Note: The guidance of a trained teacher is crucial for getting the most from this information; therefore, it is best to cover these exercises with your coach.

Technique One: Welcome the Feeling

Welcoming a feeling is the opposite of resisting it. Welcoming dissolves the resistance that normally keeps feelings suppressed

“Scarc i ty i s

a funct ion o f

the mind ; so

i s abundance. Human

c reat iv i ty can so lve any

prob lem and f ind ways to

prof i t a long the way.”

− Joe V i ta le

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and stuck within you. Here’s a simple step-by-step approach to welcome your feelings:

1. Lower your head and place your hand on your stomach or chest to assist you in feeling the sensation of the feeling.

2. Notice the feeling in your body.

3. Rate the feeling on a scale from 0 to 10 (with 10 being the worst).

4. Assume an attitude of welcoming the feeling, just as you would welcome a friend through the front door of your house. Just open up to the feeling and let it come in. Invite it into your awareness in a greater way, and welcome it into your consciousness, instead of looking away from it and avoiding the sensation of it.

5. As you welcome the feeling (which previously may have been unwanted), you will find that it lessens or dissolves (because you stopped resisting it).

6. Rate the feeling again on the scale from 0 to 10. Did it lessen? If so, you are heading in the right direction. Keep going until it is zero. If it is not lessening, go back through the steps or try another approach.

Technique Two: Dive Into Your Feeling

When you dive into the core of any feeling, one of two things will happen:

› If it’s a negative feeling, such as anger, grief, or fear, it will dissolve (usually instantly).

› If it’s a positive feeling, such as peace, love, or gratitude, it will increase.

The following steps are similar to the first technique, yet just a little different:

1. Lower your head and place your hand on your stomach or chest to assist you in feeling the sensation of the feeling.

2. Notice the feeling in your body.

3. Rate the feeling on a scale from 0 to 10 (with 10 being the worst).

4. While noting the sensation of the feeling in your body, allow yourself to dive into its sensation. That is, bring your awareness into its core, and see what’s there.

5. What’s in the middle of the feeling? What does it feel like?

“Once you get c lear ins ide,

you can have, do , o r be

v i r tua l ly anyth ing .”

− Joe V i ta le

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6. If you truly dove into it with feeling instead of just thinking about it, you should note that it began to lessen or evaporate (or left completely), as there is literally nothing holding the feeling together. It is held there by only one thing: resistance to it. When you look for the core of the feeling, you are making the feeling conscious, and consciousness dissolves feelings.

7. Rate the feeling again on the scale from 0 to 10. Is it less? If so, you are heading in the right direction. Keep going until it is zero. If it is not lessening, go back through the steps or try another approach.

When you are 100% nonresistant to your feelings, they pass through effortlessly, and you remain wide open and free.

Technique Three: Increase It Mentally (Double It)

Why would you want to mentally increase or double the intensity of a feeling? Because doing so helps to dissolve it. It’s the same principle as getting a cramp in your calf and squeezing it to get it to release. Here’s how to apply it to your feelings:

1. Lower your head and place your hand on your stomach or chest to assist you in feeling the sensation of the feeling.

2. Notice the feeling in your body.

3. Rate the feeling on a scale from 0 to 10 (with 10 being the worst).

4. Now, allow it to increase or double in intensity.

5. Mentally increase the sensation of the feeling more, and more, and more.

6. As you increase it, you will notice that it will lessen or dissolve.

7. Rate the feeling again on the scale from 0 to 10. Is it less? If so, you are heading in the right direction. Keep going until it is zero. If it is not lessening, go back through the steps or try another approach.

This technique works for the following two reasons:

› According to quantum physics, you cannot have two things occupying the same space at the same time. When you try to have the feelings (and more of the feelings) in the same place at the same time, they tend to cancel each other out and dissolve.

“When you s tate your

in tent ion and let i t go , you

g ive your unconsc ious mind

and the Un iverse a chance to

beg in work ing on br ing ing i t

to you”

− Joe V i ta le

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› Nonresistance dissolves. As you allow feelings to increase, you are no longer resisting them, which allows them to come up, pass through, and dissolve without effort.

Technique Four: Let Go of Wanting It to Go Away

Usually, when we don’t like a feeling or a thought, we fight with it. We resist it, and we want it to go away. This effectively allows us to hold on to it.

When you let go of wanting to change, control, or get rid of any unwanted feeling, stuck or numb sensation, or resistance, you allow it to change and dissolve—leaving greater freedom and expansive-ness. Letting go of the wanting to change energies allows any stuck or numb energies to move on. Use the following steps to apply this technique:

1. Lower your head and place your hand on your stomach or chest to assist you in feeling the sensation of the feeling.

2. Notice the feeling in your body.

3. Rate the feeling on a scale from 0 to 10 (with 10 being the worst).

4. Notice how you don’t like the feeling and how you want to get rid of it.

5. Allow yourself to let go of wanting to change it (or to get rid of it), just for now.

6. You’ll notice it will have immediately reduced in intensity or shifted completely.

7. Rate the feeling again on the scale from 0 to 10. Is it less? If so, you are heading in the right direction. Keep going until it is zero. If it is not lessening, go back through the steps or try another approach.

Technique Five: Feel Love

Love is the universal deicer that dissolves hardened, stuck, and limiting feelings, like a hot knife slicing through butter. This tech-nique will allow you to reclaim any energy you have unconsciously invested in your feelings, when you resisted or fought with them.

The four aspects of love are allowing, acceptance, approval, and appreciation. Choose one (or more) of these aspects and use it (or them) for your feelings.

Resistance is the universal icer for our feelings because it freezes them. Allowing, accepting, approving, and appreciating to melt the frozen feelings and allow them to flow and energy to move on.

“When you are

at peace wi th

what you want

to at t ract , you

wi l l a t t ract i t

(o r someth ing better ) at

l ight-n ing speed .”

− Joe V i ta le

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“ I f you want to be happy,


− Leo To l s toy

Use the following steps to apply this technique:

1. Lower your head and place your hand on your stomach or chest to assist you in feeling the sensation of the feeling.

2. Notice the feeling in your body.

3. Rate the feeling on a scale from 0 to 10 (with 10 being the worst).

4. Notice any non-love feelings you may be holding towards your feelings.

5. Make a decision to feel love for whatever you are feeling.

6. Feel love for yourself and your feeling, by doing the following:

› Say “I love you” to your feeling.

› Allow yourself to feel love for your feeling.

› Then, feel love for yourself as you note your feelings.

› Say “Yes” to (accept/approve of) the thought or feeling that arises.

7. Rate the feeling again on the scale from 0 to 10. Is it less? If so, you are heading in the right direction. Keep going until it is zero. If it is not lessening, go back through the steps or try another approach.

Technique Six: Appreciate Away Any Unwanted Feelings

Why be grateful for your feelings? That negative thought or feel-ing is there on some level because you feel it is serving you in some way—perhaps to keep you safe somehow. However, only positive feelings can keep you safe. Negative feelings pull more negativ-ity into you. So, feeling gratitude for the feeling pulls you up into positivity, and you can’t feel blessed and stressed at the same time. In other words, you can’t be in gratitude and negativity at the same time; thus, the negativity must dissolve.

This is techniques is very similar to the previous one, only the focus here is on appreciation and gratitude for the feeling. Use the following steps to apply this technique:

1. Lower your head and place your hand on your stomach or chest to assist you in feeling the sensation of the feeling.

2. Notice the feeling in your body.

3. Rate the feeling on a scale from 0 to 10 (with 10 being the worst).

4. Feel gratitude for the thought or feeling and say “Thank you” to it.

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5. Rate the feeling again on the scale from 0 to 10. Is it less? If so, you are heading in the right direction. Keep going until it is zero. If it is not lessening, go back through the steps or try another approach.

Technique Seven: Just Drop the Feeling

Feelings never hold us. We, in fact, hold them. Feelings want to flow as energy. It is we who restrict them by grasping them. So, let them flow, and let them go!

This is one of the simplest and fastest ways to release any unwanted thought or feeling. Use the following steps to apply this technique:

1. Grab a pen.

2. Clutch it in your hand.

3. Clutch it tightly and hold it to your stomach or chest or to where you usually notice you’re holding on to your emotions.

4. Feel the tension of your hand gripping and grasping the pen until it’s almost uncomfortable—that’s how we hold on to our feelings.

5. Now, still gripping the pen, extend your arm out in front of you, and turn your palm towards the floor.

6. Now, relax your fingers and allow the pen to drop. See how easy that was? That’s how easy it is to drop any unwanted thought or feeling, on the spot.

Technique Eight: Perform Conscious Comparisons

We would never knowingly hurt or limit ourselves; however, unconsciously, we hurt ourselves every single day. By making the unconscious conscious, we can discriminate and see what we’re doing. In this way, we tend to spontaneously release that which does not serve us.

It is actually discrimination that makes releasing possible. Doing conscious comparisons shows us that we are not our feelings, that our feelings are not holding us, and that we have a choice to hold on to the feelings or to let them go.

The next two pages have a series of questions you can ask your- self to open up your discriminations. This is an exercise that uses the mind to undo its limitations. After you ask each question, ask yourself which you will choose for yourself, in the moment.

“Happiness i s not someth ing

ready made. I t comes f rom

your own act ions .”

− The Da la i Lama

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Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path

J o e V i t a l e ’ s

When I think about [insert a problem or situation that is causing stress], do I feel positive or negative? (Your goal is to consciously choose to be positive.)

Am I free or bound? (which do you choose?)

Is this love or fear? (which do you choose?)

Is this doubt or faith? (which do you choose?)

Is this abundance or lack? (which do you choose?)

Is this oneness or separation? (which do you choose?)

Is this peace or disturbance (fear)? (which do you choose?)

Is this release/ease or contraction? (which do you choose?)

Am I one with this person/feeling/problem or separate? (which do you choose?)

Am I saying yes or no to abundance, myself, freedom, my goals, etc.?

(which do you choose?)

Am I welcoming or rejecting? (which do you choose?)

Am I open or closed? (which do you choose?)

Am I relaxed or contracted? (which do you choose?)

Would I rather be free or bound? (which do you choose?)

Would I rather be happy or unhappy? (which do you choose?)

Would I rather be peaceful or afraid? (which do you choose?)

“The degree o f one ’s

emot ions var ies inverse ly

wi th one ’s know- ledge o f the

facts .”

− Ber t rand Russe l l

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Would I rather be secure or insecure? (which do you choose?)

Am I pushing or grasping, or am I accepting and letting things be as they are?

(which do you choose?)

Am I giving to others and to life, or am I desiring/wanting from them?

(which do you choose?)

Am I noisy or quiet inside? (which do you choose?)

Technique Nine: Be As the Sky

Nature can remind us of our true nature. Use it, and the following steps, to remind you of your true nature:

1. Look into the sky.

2. Do you notice any clouds floating through it, or is it simply open and expansive?

3. Notice how the sky neither grabs hold of clouds (or birds, or airplanes, etc.); nor does it try to push them away. It nei-ther allows them, nor rejects anything. The sky simply is as it is—open space.

4. Feel the expansiveness and openness of the sky.

5. Notice what this openness awakens in you: a deeper, wider, more expansive state of awareness.

6. If any thoughts or feelings arise, simply watch them as they pass through like clouds. Witness them without attachment or wanting to get rid of them. Just let them pass through.

7. Keep returning to the feeling of openness within you that is the same as the openness of the sky.

You cannot see anything outside of you that is not within you. Thus, the limitlessness of sky and space should be in you as well.

Technique 10: Let It Float Away

Our minds often pull us into thought-streams, which are like rush-ing rivers. But, sometimes we forget that we don’t have to go with them. The next time you notice yourself being pulled into unwanted thoughts or feelings, try these steps:

1. In your mind’s eye, kneel beside a rushing river, safely on the dry bank.

“The t ruth i s that we can

learn to cond i t ion our minds ,

bod ies ,

and emot ions to l ink pa in

or p leasure to whatever we

choose. By chang ing what

we l ink pa in and p leasure to ,

we wi l l instant ly change our

behav iors .”

− Tony Robbins

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2. Feel the rush of your feelings within you.

3. Place those feelings into the rushing river.

4. Allow them to be quickly swept away.

5. Allow any thoughts, feelings, or concerns to rush to the ocean and dissolve, like salt into its vastness of the sea.

6. Bring your awareness back to your still, silent, self that is sitting quietly on the bank, free of disturbing emotions.

7. If there are any more emotions, keep dropping them into the rushing river, allowing them to be swept into the ocean until you are completely quiet inside.


Use the following questions to evaluate what you have learned from this module. (A Success Journal is available for you to write in, at the end of module 16.)

1. True or false: I would never want to release positive feelings—only negative ones. Why or why not?

2. True or false: Giving up is part of letting go. Why or why not?

3. What does it mean to drop your feelings?


� Review this module and write down any questions you may have for your coach.

� Complete these exercises (on the pages that follow):

� Identify Your Feelings: Identify three (or more) unwanted feelings, which have been hindering your transformation.

� Clear Your Feelings: With the help of your coach, use one (or more) of the clearing techniques outlined in this module to clear at least one of your unwanted feelings.

“At the center o f your be ing

you have the answer ; you

know who you are and you

know what you want .”

− Lao Tzu

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Brainstorm those feelings that prohibits you from making your personal transformations. What are those feelings? Where did they come from? Which are the three most powerful?

Identify Your Feelings

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With the help of your coach, use one (or more) of the clearing techniques outlined in this module to clear at least one of your most powerful feelings (identified from the previous exercise). Describe your experience and what you learned.

Clear Your Feelings

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Clear Your Feelings (cont.)

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