MODULE #7 - Lesson 3 · Module 7 - Lesson 3 All right, welcome to Module 7, Lesson 3. We are going to be looking at cutting-edge cancer protocols in this lesson. I guarantee you’re

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Cutting Edge Cancer Protocols

MODULE #7 - Lesson 3

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Cutting Edge Cancer Protocols

Module 7 - Lesson 3

All right, welcome to Module 7, Lesson 3. We are going to be looking at cutting-edge cancer protocols in this lesson. I guarantee you’re going to learn some stuff this lesson that’s going to really open your eyes and blow your mind not just from the protocols of what we’ll be talking about, but kind of thinking differently about cancer and disease, for that matter.

What We’ll Be Covering TodaySo, let’s look at what we’ll be covering today. We’ll be talking about what cancer is and how it develops, where we are today with cancer, traditional approaches to treating cancer, and alternative/integrative approaches to treating cancer.

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What is Cancer?

Let’s start off by answering the question: What is cancer? Cancer is the term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues in some cases. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Throughout life we accumulate mutations in the genetic material of our stem cells—these are the cells that retain the capacity to divide. This DNA, this genetic material, can be damaged by carcinogens derived from the environment—for instance, food, toxins, X-rays as examples—or by oxygen chemicals produced as natural part of cellular metabolism.

Cancer is not just one disease, but many diseases. It’s kind of a complex thing. There are more than a hundred different types of cancer, as you probably know. What’s interesting is that tumors, cancer tumors release the exact same chemicals—interleukins, different cytokines, those chemical messengers that we looked at in the immune module. These tumors release the same chemicals as areas that are undergoing wound healing.

What’s cool is that a lot of the stuff I’m going to show you in this presentation, a lot of the research has shown that if you can undertake the same protocols, kind of do the same thing you do to help heal a wound or help heal other disease, you inevitably help heal tumors and cancer, so that’s why I continually use the phrase “How you heal anything is how you heal everything.”

Types of Cancer?There are different types of cancers. I’m not going to give you every single one, breast cancer, lung cancer, all that stuff, but we’ll be looking at categories instead. We have carcinoma. So, if you ever hear these terms in the news or in the media—hopefully, you don’t watch too much of that anyways—but if these terms come up at some point in your life, you’ll know what they mean. Carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs.

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A sarcoma is cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or their connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia is cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter into the blood. That’s why leukemia is a very, very tough disease to overcome and treat, because it’s so pervasive in the body.

Lymphoma and myeloma, these are cancers that begin in cells in the immune system. Obviously, that’s a very tough one to deal with as well. Central nervous system cancers are cancers that obviously begin in the brain and spinal cord.

And it’s important to remember that not all tumors are cancerous. Tumors can be benign or malignant. As you’re watching this, even if you don’t have cancer, you have cancer. I probably have cancer, everyone who’s watching this; everyone who’s walking on the streets has some degree of cancer. Now, whether that growth, that tumor or those multiplying cells are dangerous, i.e. malignant, is going to be determined by a number of factors over time.

We have tens of thousands of cells, in a lot of cases, that are reproducing themselves in an uncontrollable fashion in our body, and our body’s goal is to slow that down, stop them, and basically get rid of them. Some tumors can be benign, no big deal; others are obviously malignant or dangerous. At the same time, some cancers do not even form tumors, such as leukemia because it’s cancer of the bone marrow, and it kind of starts right in the blood, so there’s really no tumor in those cases.

How it DevelopsHere’s how it develops. Under normal conditions, your body has trillions of cells. We have about a hundred trillion cells grow and divide in a controlled way to produce more cells as they’re needed to keep the body healthy; that’s cellular division. When cells become old or damaged, they die through a process called apoptosis; this is kind of like a programmed cell death, if you wanted to see it that way. These are replaced with new cells.

We have this constant turnover of cells within our body. However, sometimes this process goes wrong. The genetic material or DNA can become damaged or changed, producing mutations that affect normal cell growth and division.

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When this happens, the cells do not die when they should, and new cells form when the body does not need them. So, these extra cells may form a massive tissue called a tumor.

As an example, let’s say we have—I’m just going to totally arbitrarily use a number here—let’s say you have a hundred trillion cells and that in a healthy state, you’re constantly cycling through a hundred trillion cells. Ones are dying off; new ones are being produced, and it’s always at a hundred trillion. But for whatever reason, let’s say at some point, something goes wrong, there’s a mutation that occurs, and now there’s an additional one million cells that cannot die off. So, now you have one trillion and one million additional cells. That’s a theoretical example here, but these extra million cells are not able, they’re not dying off as they should, so they’re able to multiply and multiply and multiply, and, obviously, they grow into a tumor.

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Cancers are unique; each cell has about ten thousand or more genes. Each of these genes can be altered in literally hundreds of ways. There’re a lot of different combinations, and since cancers tend to acquire mutations more rapidly than healthy cells, they’re constantly evolving. That’s why with cancer, it’s really important, one of the reasons we’ve become—I’m not going to say a long way, but we’ve made a little bit of progress the last couple years specifically is because of better screening practices, earlier detection. The key with cancer is early detection. If you can get it in stage one versus stage four, you’ll have a much better time getting rid of it and a much better survival rate.

This is just a graphical representation of what I just mentioned here. At the top here, we have normal cell division. One cells divides into two; another one divides into two again. There’s cell damage there; that cell is programmed to die and it’s killed off, but in a cancer cell, the mutation does not lead to apoptosis. It does need lead to programmed cell death, so these mutations just keep multiplying. Each new multiplication transfers that mutated DNA to the next cell and to the next cell and so forth, and we have this uncontrollable growth.

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What Causes Cancer?

What causes cancer? Well, to many people’s surprise, it’s about 90 to 95 percent environment, and this is coming directly from Dr. William Lee, who is a professor in California, and I can’t remember the exact that he’s at, but he gave an amazing TED talk, which I will include. We’re going to actually talk a little bit about it later in this presentation, but I’m also going to include some videos underneath this videos. You can take your time to watch these; they’re really, really empowering, really powerful to understand this whole concept of cancer.

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Here’s the thing: People talk about, the thing I don’t like about the medical profession is that you go to your doctor, and a lot of it is based upon things that are out your control. They ask if you have a family history of disease, of this cancer, this cancer, this cancer. It almost seems that if you have a family history of diabetes or specific cancers, that you’re doomed. The reality is that cancer is only about 5 to 10 percent genetic, and even at that, it’s debatable, as we’ll look at in a second; 90 to 95 percent of cancer is environmental. That’s what you need to realize. What that basically means is that the power is in your hands; you are responsible for your health or your ill health.

So, within the environment category, 30 to 35 percent is diet-related, as we see down here; 25 to 30 percent is tobacco. If you smoke, that’s a huge risk factor for a number of different cancers, not just lung cancer; infections, some infectious disease, obviously a compromised immune system. Again, if you have a healthy immune system, a lot of that is kept at bay.

Obesity is a growing concern, not just because of, obviously, the way you look and the fact that you’re overweight and its relation to diabetes and everything else, but obesity is a big risk factor for cancer.

Alcohol, 4 to 6 percent and then there’s obviously some other factors like X-rays, going through those body scanners in the airport, different ways that can bombard your cells with exogenous carcinogens that can cause mutations.

When I go to the airport—not so much in Canada, but in the U.S. they have those body scanners all over the place. I opt out of those, and I get a full-body pat down instead because those body scanners, they’re emitting radiation. Just like when you go to your dentist and they’re instigating or insisting that you need X-rays done every six months, well, no way. There’s no way you need X-rays done every six months, because every time you do that, you’re predisposing your body to higher amount of X-rays, which are essentially radiation, which can lead, again, it’s like a laser beam being shot into your body, and if it just happens to hit one of your cells and mutate DNA in there, well, that’s the beginning of the end, so you really want to avoid this stuff as much as you can.

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The Truth About GeneticsLet’s talk about the truth about genetics. As we just saw, genetics has very little to do with cancer development, no matter what your doctors say and no matter what the research says. I’m of the belief that we need to take more control of our health and by saying, “Well, I’ve got genes that are going to lead to breast cancer” or whatever, it really disempowers you.

The reality is that the only real genetic tendency is with familial polyposis, which are polyps in the colon. My dad had polyps in his colon, and he developed colorectal cancer. There’s no way that I’m going to develop colorectal cancer, but I might have a tendency to develop polyps, so I would get that tested out by the time I’m 35 and get a regular screening every couple of years. That’s really the only real genetic tendency.

The other big, I believe it’s a controversy, is breast cancer. The discovery of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which were discovered in 1994, what these genes basically did was, they said, “Hey, if you have these genes, then you have an increased risk of breast cancer.” The problem, though, is that a lot of women were told, “If you have these genes, your likelihood of getting breast cancer increases from twelve percent to sixty percent.”

But even if you go to any of the cancer institute Web sites, you’ll see in bold in a lot of cases that these genes are only risk factors; they do not determine with absolute certainty that you will develop breast cancer. A lot of these women who are being told they have these genes based on genetic testing were then having full-out mastectomies. They’re having their breasts removed without even having developed breast cancer; just as a precaution.

Here’s where things get really interesting. There was a study done a couple years that followed women with these specific genes for 15 years, and they found that women who had changed their diet and lifestyle had no breast cancer, whereas 67 percent of women who did not change their diet and lifestyle presented with breast cancer.

What this shows is that we are in control. What we put into our bodies, how we go about our lives is the most important factor with respect to developing or not developing cancer and any other disease for that matter.

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Here’s another interesting fact coming out of the work with Dr. Francisco Contreras, whose—I’m going to show you some of his work in a little bit. Amazing stuff. Some of the results they’re getting with breast cancer and all other sorts of cancer is absolutely mind-blowing. Their research has found that 95 percent of women with breast cancer in America do not have BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, according to his research. Whether that’s supported scientifically with the other empirical evidence I’m not too sure.

A Holistic PerspectiveI want to look at cancer a little bit differently. I want you to think about cancer and, really, when I talk about cancer, I’m talking about disease in general. It’s the same thing pretty much; it’s just a different physical manifestation. Cancer is the physical manifestation of unresolved emotional trauma or emotional issues. Any disease of the body is the physical buildup of emotion junk. When we understand that…actually, it’s very important to understand that because when you think of the disease that we have created in the modern world that didn’t exist two hundred years ago or from the beginning of time, you have to look at the lifestyle we lead.

Looking at the fact that we are so disconnected from Earth, so disconnected from other human beings, even though we’re more connected electronically than ever, there’s a lot of emotional things, a lot of things that are keeping people depressed and unhappy. Whether it’s parental things or different traumas in your life, you need to resolve these. Very important.

Obviously, there’s a mind and body connection, but if you think about it, a really kind of visceral example—no pun intended—when you feel stressed and anxious, where do you feel that? You feel that in your stomach, right? I’m going to show you some really alarming stats in a second, which you’ll hopefully make some sense out of. Just think about that: emotional stress mentally leads to digestive uneasiness. We’ve seen that it leads to IBS, different bowel problems. We’ll see how this kind of relates to cancer in a moment.

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There’s a doctor in Germany, Dr. Hamer, just some really, really incredible stuff. I’ve read some of his stuff, and it’s almost too complex for me to understand, so I’m going to try to make it as simple as possible for you. His experience has basically shown that all cancer patients experienced some life trauma in the previous decade, before developing cancer.

Physiologically, cancer can only grow in an immune-compromised body that is overly acidic and overly toxic. So, between what’s happening in our mind and what’s happening inside our body, that’s how disease grows. We’re going to look at how to prevent that and how to treat it; really, it’s not as hard as you might think.

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The Stages of Cancer

The stages of cancer. Staging describes the severity of a person’s cancer based on the extent of the original primary tumor and whether or not cancer has spread in the body. It considers the following elements: the sight of the primary tumor; the tumor size and the number of tumors; whether there’s a lymph node involvement—for instance, if the cancer’s spread into the lymph; cell type and tumor grade; and the presence or absence of metastasis, which is basically, has it spread to other organs.

TNM SystemMedically, they use the TNM system, which basically represents the following. It’s the most widely used system in classifying cancers. It’s based on the extent of the tumor, which is the T; the extent of spread to the lymph nodes, which is N; and the presence of distance metastasis, whether it’s spread to other areas of the body—that’s the M.

Again, scientifically, a number is added to each letter to indicate the size or extent of the primary tumor and the extent of cancer spread. These generally correlate to the stage number of the cancer, so I’ll make this really clear in a second. Examples, breast cancer classified as T3, N2, M0 equals a large tumor, because the T indicates the extent or the size of the tumor that has spread outside the breast to nearby lymph nodes. So, N represents the extent of the spread to lymph nodes—we have the number 2 associated with that—but not to other parts of the body, so we have a 0 with respect to metastasis. Prostate cancer T2N0M0 means that the tumor’s located only in the prostate and has not spread to the lymph nodes or any other part of the body. That one’s pretty straightforward.

You’ve probably never heard of that before, but you’ve probably heard of the stages of cancer, which are the following. You have stage 0, which is carcinoma in situ, which is very localized, as this picture shows. Really in the base of, it’s kind of really contained within its original location. That’s stage 0. If you find stuff at that point, you can really get rid of it no problem.

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Stages 1, 2, and 3, as we progressively get higher numbers there, they indicate more extensive disease. So, larger tumor size and the spread of the cancer beyond the organ in which it first developed to nearby lymph nodes and/or organs adjacent to the location of the primary tumor. Obviously, stage 3 is worse than stage one, so the idea with prevention and treatment and prescreening is, you want to catch things in stage 1 or stage 2 or really as early as possible, before it gets to, for instance, stage 4, which basically means the cancer has spread to other organs, and that’s not easy to take care of because, medically—well, we’ll see in a second—it’s a very tough thing to do.

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Where We Are Today

Let’s look at where we are today. Here’s where, I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever donated money to any cancer society, and the reason for that—and statistics have shown this—the American Cancer Society, the Canadian Cancer Society are some of the least efficient nonprofit organizations in the world of nonprofits. The money you devote, the money you spend, or the money you donate to these organizations is very rarely or a very, very, very, very small portion of it ever goes to the actual cause, the actual “let’s find a cure.” The reality is that, you know, there’s this whole conspiracy theory about this type of stuff, but these organizations are out there to keep us… You have to think about it; the progress we’ve made in the last 50 years with cancer is almost minimal, and I’m going to show you a graph in a second.

Here’s where we are today. One in two men and one in 2.7 women will develop cancer in their lifetime. Well, that’s not very promising, is it? We’ve spent I don’t even know how many trillions of dollars donating to these find-a-cure ridiculous nonsense, run-for-the-cure types of events. I’m sorry if I come across a little harsh here, but this is the way I feel about this because, as you’re going to see in this presentation, when you understand how much control you have as an individual and over your family in terms of lifestyle and what you can do to prevent this and treat it, it’s almost laughable the stuff we’re doing at organizational levels to try to figure out a cure.

These organizations are working with pharmaceutical companies, and they’re obviously trying to find a cure, which basically means a specific compound which can be patented into a drug, which these pharmaceutical companies can then market to you. In the case of, for instance, Herceptin, which is a breast cancer drug, the cost of Herceptin is about $4000 a month. Whether you’re paying that or the government’s paying that, that’s a lot of money. There’re cheaper, more effective ways.

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Statistically, here’s where we are. Since 1975—this is coming out of the journal Cancer—1975 to 2008, well, we haven’t really progressed much at all. On the Y axis we have the deaths per 100,000 people. Between 1975 and 1990 we had an increase in the number of death. Actually, if this graph were to go back to the 1950s, we would actually see a slight increasing trend from the 1950s all the way to 1990 with the number of people dying from cancer. We’re spending all this money into research, yet more people are dying from cancer. It doesn’t make sense.

Well, something happened in the early 1990s; I’m not too sure what it was. Medically, probably it was a screening that a lot of doctors will talk about, “Why have we cut down on all these cancer deaths?” Well, a lot of it is early detection, so that’s a big thing, and that really started about 15 years ago, so we see this slight decrease in the number of deaths. Again, we’re moving from 260, for instance, deaths per 100,000 people to just over 220 and that’s for males. Females, it’s leveled off; really, we haven’t seen much of anything. We haven’t made very much progress.

From a business perspective—and obviously running my own business—if I were to spend billions of dollars into doing something and over a 50-year period, I saw very little progress in what I was doing, well I might sit down with my team and say, “Hey, you know what? Maybe we should change our

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approach.” Unfortunately, I don’t believe the scientific community has done that.

Here are some stats that were really kind of nicely put together by Edward Tufte, who’s an amazing individual engineer—I don’t even know how to describe him. His Web site’s edwardtufte.com; just a really amazing way of putting statistics into visual representations and graphs and stuff.

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Anyways, here we have some encouraging notes. We have some encouraging survival rates for 5-year, 10-year, 15- to 20-year periods for the various prostate, thyroid, testes, melanomas, breast cancer, and so forth. Prostate is looking pretty good. Five-year survival rate’s pretty good; 20-year survival rate’s pretty good. Thyroid, pretty straightforward; that’s really good stuff. All of these we’ve made some really good headway on.

However, stomach, lung, esophagus, liver, bile duct, and pancreas. Aside from the lung, all of these are digestive-related. The only one digestively that’s outside of this is the colon. Colon is obviously, it’s a little bit better off. Pancreas cancer, if you have pancreatic cancer, that’s like you’re doomed, you’re done. I’m not going to say you’re done, but the chances of surviving that are, traditionally with chemotherapy and whatnot, are very, very slim.

Liver, bile duct, esophagus, stomach. Earlier I mentioned emotional stress, what’s happening in your mind, and what you feel in your gut, the butterflies that are kind of churning around, all that stuff that’s going on there. You don’t feel good, end up having loose stools. Here’s my theory; this is obviously, by no means, proven. If you experience a huge amount of emotional stress, emotional trauma, and we know that the second largest amount of neurotransmitters in our body is in our gut after our brain—and there’s a huge connection between the brain and gut—do you think that emotional stress might be directly impacting these very tough-to-cure cancers? Stomach cancer, esophagus, liver, pancreas.

We need to resolve the emotional stuff. Understand? Very important. These digestive cancers are very…the outcomes are not very encouraging, but I’m going to show you some statistics that are much, much more encouraging than these ones. These are based on traditional means of treating cancer.

Cancer survival rates. So, up here we have metastatic kidney, which is kidney disease that’s kind of spread across the body a little bit; multiple myeloma, metastatic colorectal; gastrointestinal stromal tumor. The purple bars here represent what’s been done traditionally medically. So, traditionally like chemotherapy radiation. We’re going to talk about antiangiogenic therapy once we get into the alternative therapies in a second, but look at the difference here. Traditional metastatic kidney was a survival rate of about three years.

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Once they started looking into adding on antiangiogenic therapies, they extended that, they doubled the life expectancy of those patients. Ninety-two percent increase, 70 percent increase, 92 percent, 106 percent increase in GI tumors. These ones—the liver, lung, breast—these ones here, the survival rates maybe, based on these statistics here, they didn’t get to them early enough, so maybe they were too advance. Some encouraging news because what this basically shows us is that there’s not one single approach to beating cancer or preventing it; it’s really a combination of a couple of different things.

Antiangiogenic therapy was added in these cases. This was probably added in about less than a decade ago. Based on this new type of approach and understanding of cancer, they started doing this kind of stuff, and they were seeing a huge increase in survival rates from cancer.

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The Problem With Convention

Here’s the problem with convention. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which are the two main therapies aside from surgery in terms of getting rid of cancer if you have cancer already, here’s what they do: They destroy healthy cells along with cancer cells. This is a side effect that often leads to accelerated death, not healing. A lot of cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, they go through horrid, horrid accounts. Nausea, hair loss.

I’ve included this picture of an atomic bomb because that’s pretty much what these therapies are doing. They’re, in fact, using chemicals that were used in World War II in these compounds, and they’re being put inside your body. The problem is that they’re not localized; they’re general. You take a pill and good luck if that pill’s going to be localized. It’s having a general effect on your entire body. It’s killing your immune system. It’s killing everything. It’s like antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your body; well, chemotherapy and radiation kill everything in your body as well, good and bad.

The Broken Medical ModelAnd they also may encourage the growth of treatment-resistant cells within tumors. It can make the cancer more deadly because these cancer cells, because they evolve so quickly and they change, they can become, they can adapt to this stuff. We have a broken medical model, and I firmly believe this and I hope you do as well. If you’re part of Super Nutrition Academy, you probably understand that there’s something wrong with the medical system. I would be hard-pressed to find anyone who didn’t agree with that because if our medical system was good, we wouldn’t see all the issues that we currently see.

So, for the most part, medical cancer treatments don’t work; for the most part. They are based on toxic chemicals that attempt to kill the cancer. Kill. They use these words like kill, beat, battle; this war thing. That attempt to kill the cancer without attending to the health of the individual. You go to the doctor;

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they tell you you’ve got liver cancer. Let’s kill the liver cancer; let’s get that liver cancer.

They don’t really talk to you about you as an individual, healing your whole self, none of that. It’s about really focused localized attention to the liver. Sometimes, as we mentioned before, nothing happens in isolation in the body. Everything has some type of impact in your body. Nothing is independent; it’s all interdependent.

Another thing you won’t hear from your doctor is that only the body can heal itself, and we must look at boosting our health to provide an ideal environment to allow our body to work its magic. The medical model, as we’ll see in a moment, is this. The medical mind-set is that there’s an external locus of control. You have a problem, let’s take a drug. There’s a germ that caused it; rely on your doctor for the solution. That’s the mind-set of our medical health care system. It’s not about what we can do ourselves.

The holistic mind-set is one of an internal locus of control, which means that you are responsible for your healing. Only your body can heal itself, given the right environment. That’s it. There’s this huge, this spectrum where we have the medical on one side, the holistic on the other. For whatever reason, the medical community thinks everything holistic is bogus because it’s not backed by scientific studies. Whatever, right? We’re going to have to get over that at some point. I prefer the holistic mind-set because it deals with the whole person; it doesn’t just deal with disease. It puts the control in your hands and helps you realize that you can heal yourself.

A New DawnI’m going to give you some things to think about here. The extremes inform the mean. I was recently listening to a talk by Tim Ferriss, and he was the author of The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Workweek. He mentioned something really interesting. When you study the extremes and what they’re doing at the—for instance, high-performance athletes, cancer patients, people that are at extreme ends of the spectrum—you look at what they’re doing, you can take those elements and bring it back to the average kind of the mean population and get incredible results. That’s what I want you to get out of this

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presentation: The stuff that’s happening in alternative cancer therapy is kind of the extremes, and those therapies can inform the mean. They can inform us, the average individual, about things we can do to prevent those things from happening, to prevent developing cancer in the first place.

What can we learn from natural cancer remedies and apply today? If you think about it, cancer’s pretty much the extreme, and some of the therapies we’re going to be looking at are of the extreme as well. Another concept is that we need to remove the impediments and allow the body to heal itself. It’s like you’re driving on the highway and you have your foot on the gas pedal and your foot on the brake at the same time. You’re not going to be getting very far.

We need to do things that are going to get our foot off the brake to allow our car—our body in this case—to move forward without any resistance. The body will heal itself; we just have to get rid of the stuff standing in its way. How you heal anything is how you heal everything. Whether we’re talking about weight loss, cancer, having more energy, diabetes, heart disease, it’s all the same thing.

Here’s a great quote from Max Planck, who’s a well-known German physicist. “Science progressed not because scientists changed their minds, but rather because scientists attached to erroneous views die and are replaced.”

Alternative/Integrative Cancer TherapiesBefore we get into the alternative and integrative cancer therapies, I just want to mention one thing. I do my best to present very objective science-based information throughout these modules, and I think I’ve done a really good job at that, but at the same time, as you probably can tell, I’m kind of slightly skewed toward the holistic healing model, and that’s simply because I believe

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that’s the way human beings have evolved and will continue to evolve as our medical system continues to be broken down.

I’m not here to debate with people. I’m not here to get into arguments about where the science is behind all this stuff. I’m going to present to you stuff that’s working in the real world that, unfortunately, is not covered in the scientific literature, because, realistically, a lot of the studies, anyways, are heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies and different parties that have interest in certain results. I don’t really care so much about what science says; I care about what works, and I hope you do too.

DisclaimerBefore we get into this, I need to say that the following therapies are only meant to open your eyes to the amazing possibilities outside of the traditional medical approaches to killing cancer, namely radiation and chemotherapy. Please consult your doctor for specific guidance with cancer. I’m just going to put that out there. None of this is meant to treat or cure disease; I’m simply giving you the information.

AcknowledgementsI need to make some acknowledgments as well. Much of the following information is founded on the groundbreaking cancer treatments by the following people: Dr. Thomas Lodi out of Germany; David Getoff; Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez; Charlotte Gerson; and Dr. Francisco Contreras. Now, just to show you that what I’m about to show you is not a bunch of fluff, this is work by Dr. Francisco Contreras, and his Web site is oasisofhope.com if you want to look at some of the stuff they’re doing. It’s absolutely mind-blowing.

These are two graphs that show their success rate based on what they do versus traditional chemo and radiation. Here we have on the left stage 4 breast cancer survival rates; we know that stage 4 cancer’s very advanced. We’re looking at the Oasis of Hope, Francisco Contreras’s protocol, versus the National Cancer Institute’s posted survival rates with traditional medical approaches. One-year survival rate, 65 percent. Their approach, 100 percent.

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Let’s go down to the five-year survival rate for stage 4 breast cancer: 20 percent based on chemotherapy and traditional medical approaches. The Oasis of Hope Center, what they’re doing alternatively—and I should say integratively because they incorporate a little bit of both—75 percent survival rate after five years of stage 4 cancer. That’s huge. So, breast cancer survival rate at Oasis is three times higher than the U.S. national average.

How about stage 4 lung cancer, which we’ve seen as one of the worst types of cancer in terms of survival rate? Let’s start at the one-year: 20 percent survival rate traditionally with medical approaches; 82 percent survival rate with this alternative-integrative approach.

Let’s go down to five-year survival rate. Obviously, we know that lung cancer, five years is really not that encouraging. Two percent survival rate versus the Oasis of Hope, 9 percent survival rate. So, we’re seeing about a five-time higher, on average, survival rate versus the U.S. national average based on traditional medical approaches. These are both stage 4, very, very advanced cases of cancer.

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What I’m about to share with you is based on some of the stuff that they’re doing at the Oasis of Hope and what a number of alternative/integrative practitioners are doing in their own practices. A lot of this stuff, unfortunately, I’m not going to say that it’s underground, but it’s not put on the front page of the newspaper.

The Common ApproachThe common approach across everything I’m about to share with you in the alternative cancer space is really based around three things. First of all, teaching the body to stop making cancer; targeting and removing the cancer; and stimulating and rebalancing the immune system. That’s pretty much what it comes down to.

DetoxificationOne of the first protocols that is probably common with every single alternative therapy out there is detoxification. We have general detoxification, which is really important because you much clean the cells of your body to improve your health and to support your immune system. It’s very simple. You have a hundred trillion cells in your body. If a hundred trillion cells are sick, they have poor cell membranes, very easy to penetrate and very easy to damage the DNA inside.

Think about this, think about the Medieval times, when we had these fortresses with these massive walls around them, and inside we had this princess in her tower. The princess in her tower is like the DNA, and the walls around the fortress is the cell membranes. Now, if the walls of the fortress are broken down by cannonballs and different wars, well then, it’s very easy for the invaders, the bad guys, to come into the fortress, run up the tower, and grab the princess. Very same thing happens in your body. If your cells are sick, it’s very easy for different carcinogens and toxins to get inside the cell and get right to the DNA to cause mutations. So, detoxification is probably one of the most fundamental things across all alternative therapies.

Then we get into more specifics, like a liver and gallbladder flush, which is a more precise protocol. It’s usually about a five-day protocol. It’s pretty intense; it’s not very fun to do, but if you’ve got cancer, this is something you pretty

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much need to do. So, if you have a disease, it means that you’re liver is toxic, because if you’re diseased, you’re toxic as an individual. And because the liver processes all toxins, well then, as a result, it’s toxic. So, you must cleanse with a liver cleanse. By definition, all detoxification—whether it’s a full-body detoxification, colon detoxification—is in and of itself a liver cleanse because all of that stuff has to go through the liver anyways.

Coffee enemas, surprisingly, very, very common in cancer treatment. Coffee enemas are essentially, they use organic coffee—very, very important to use organic coffee because you don’t want to be taking pesticides and chemicals in. what they do here is, they essentially insert it, obviously, in the anus, and what the coffee enema does—and it needs to be caffeinated coffee—it goes right into the hemorrhoidal vein. It literally bypasses the digestive system, and this coffee, this caffeinated coffee goes right to the liver and stimulates gallbladder and liver contractions and cleansing of those two organs. I’ve actually never had a coffee enema, but a lot of these clinics are using it.

Detoxification is one of the most fundamental things across all alternative cancer therapies. That’s probably one of the most fundamental things from a health perspective. What can we learn from this? Don’t wait ’til you have cancer. Start detoxifying now. If you’ve done our Total Wellness Cleanse, then you know what we’re talking about. If you haven’t done our Total Wellness Cleanse, give it a shot. Totalwellnesscleanse.com and we’ll show you how to detox properly through food, not through crazy stuff.

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Insulin Potentiated Therapy

Here’s another really, really cool and exciting new therapy. Again, very poorly researched, very poorly cited in the scientific research, but it’s being used very, very commonly in alternative medicine. Insulin-potentiated therapy. This is low-dose, highly targeted chemo. So, instead of general, atomic bomb, let’s just kill the body with chemo, this is, “Okay, we know the cancer is in the liver. We’re going to target the liver with low-dose, highly targeted chemo.”

This is how it works. With cancer, we know that cells become anaerobic before becoming cancerous, which means that they don’t use oxygen anymore, so they produce energy via fermentation or a process called glycolysis—if you remember that from biology—and this process is about 19 times less efficient than a healthy, aerobic cell.

This just goes back to exercise for a second. If you are going for a run—a nice, easy pace—you can do that for a lot longer than sprinting all out, because you can only sprint all out for maybe 10 to 20 seconds, and that’s because your body is using a glycolysis to produce ATP, so you can only do that for so long before you fatigue. That’s why aerobic metabolism is much more effective.

In the case of cancer cells, they’re very inefficient at producing energy. The produce only 2 molecules of ATP versus 38 molecules of ATP in a healthy aerobic cell. So, to survive, cancer cells require 19 times more glucose, which means that they increase the number of surface insulin receptors on their cancer cells. This equates to a 60 percent higher affinity for insulin, because we know insulin is what’s needed to take the sugar inside the cell.

Cancer cells have about 89 sugar/insulin receptors. Healthy cells have only two. What does that tell us? Well, sugar might feed cancer. This has been shown by Otto Warburg and a lot of other scientists. Let’s continue.

Once insulin binds to receptors, the cells become more permeable due to actions of an enzyme called delta 6 desaturates. This is one of the actions of insulin; it makes the cell more permeable not only to sugar but to other things, and this is where the IPT—insulin-potentiated therapy—comes in. IPT

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takes advantage of this by injecting insulin to produce hypoglycemia—a drop in blood sugar—followed by glucose, plus a chemo agent. The insulin primes the cells, the cancer cells, and then injects the body with glucose and a chemo agent, which is then more readily taken up by the cancer cells. Because the cancer cells are the first to respond to insulin, because they have so many insulin receptors, they gobble it all up, along with the glucose and the cytotoxic chemical. This is really fascinating stuff.

So, the benefit of this is that it’s targeted and it has limited destruction of healthy cells. Once again, the idea here is that because cancer cells have so many receptors for insulin and sugar, when you do this protocol, those cells gobble everything up before the healthy cells even are exposed to this. This is something you’re probably going to hear a lot more about in the coming years.

High Dose Vitamin CHigh-dose vitamin C. we know that vitamin C is a very important antioxidant. It neutralizes free radicals within the body, but its role in cancer’s pretty amazing. Specifically with cancer, vitamin C seems to inhibit HIF1, which is known as hypoxia-induced factor. This is a protein which is abundant in untreated cancer cells, and it helps the cancer cells survive without oxygen.

We just saw that cancer cells don’t use oxygen to produce energy; they rely on fermentation and glycolysis. This is one of the proteins that help that whole process. But HIF1 can only survive in the presence of free radicals, so, therefore, many alternative-integrative practitioners often use very high doses of vitamin C orally and intravenously to get rid of the free radicals—because that’s what an antioxidant does—and, therefore, literally just kind of shuts off the HIF1 protein, which means that the cancer cells can no longer produce energy.

Amazing stuff, right? This has been cited in a number of journals, including the journal Cancer Research, specifically in the journal in 2010. There’re a lot of others that have shown similar stuff.

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Vitamin DVitamin D. This is probably one of the most important vitamins that you can possibly think about with respect to cancer and all disease prevention. Vitamin D prevents and treats cancer in many ways, including increasing the self-destruction of mutated cells. Remember that kind of programmed-cell death? Well, vitamin D helps with that. Reducing the spread and reproduction of cancer cells; that’s really important. Causing the cells to become differentiated, because cancer cells often lack the ability to kind of differentiate. And reducing the growth of new blood vessels, called angiogenesis. Four very important roles that vitamin D plays.

There have been over eight hundred scientific studies showing the positive impact of vitamin D on cancer prevention and/or treatment, with many stating that adequate vitamin D could reduce cancers by 60 to 70 percent. Imagine that. Imagine if you just got enough vitamin D, you could reduce your cancers by 60 to 70 percent.

One study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that—it was a randomized placebo-controlled study on vitamin D and cancer—showed that vitamin D can cut overall cancer by as much as 60 percent. What they did here was, they had 1400 to 1500 mg of supplemental calcium per day alone versus supplemental calcium, plus about 1100 IUs of vitamin D3 per day. They found that the supplemental calcium, plus the vitamin D3 per day group did a lot better. As a result, the Canadian Cancer Society has actually begun endorsing vitamin D as a cancer-prevention therapy.

Again, as we talked about in Module 4, the best way to get vitamin D is to spend more time unprotected, fully exposed in the sun. If you’re a white Caucasian, you only need about 15 minutes three to four times a week. You want to get your legs, arms, really as much skin exposed as possible to the sun. The UVB rays from the sun are what is going to do the good stuff for you. After 15 to 20 minutes, cover up, put some sunscreen on.

If you’re darker-skinned, you’re going to need to spend more time in the sun. If you live farther away from the Equator, you’re going to need to spend more time in the sun. But spending more time in the sun, we were not meant to sit inside office buildings. We were, as a species, we lived outside for who knows

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how long. As of the last couple hundred years, we’ve migrated indoors. The amount of time we spend outside now is minimal. We need to get outdoors, we need to get some more sunlight, and it’s just massively important for preventing cancer.

Many alternative practitioners prescribe upward of 10,000 IUs per day for preventing and treating cancer. Once again, I highly recommend getting that through sunlight; you can easily get that through sunlight. You don’t want to start supplementing with vitamin D unless you’re supervised by your doctor because you can overdose on the stuff and it becomes lethal, so be careful. Sunlight it much better.

Proteolytic EnzymesProteolytic enzymes. Here’s another amazing thing that’s happening in the cancer world. These are enzymes that digest protein; for instance, proteases like trypsin. These are speculated to eat proteins on cancer cells, rendering them useless and killing them off. All cells have protein receptor sites and kind of messengers and different structures on top of the cells. These enzymes just eat those, digest them, and the cell becomes useless.

The clinics that use this type of stuff in high doses—we’re talking about 100 to 120 capsules per day, which is really excessive, but if you have advanced cancer, you have to do whatever you can. The benefits to this is that, as we’ve seen before with the immune system stuff is that if you consume enzymes—I’m not saying you have to do this on a daily basis if you’re relatively healthy, but even consuming a couple enzymes on an empty stomach throughout the day helps to break down these infected cells in your body. This is an example of an extreme, where they’re doing this with cancer patients and getting amazing results.

Green Juices/Raw FoodsNow, green juices and raw foods. If you read my Eating for Energy program, you’ll know how powerful this is. This is perhaps the most common practice aside from detoxification—and this actually goes hand in hand with detoxification because if you’re drinking green juices, you are detoxifying your body. The

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most common practice across all alternative cancer clinics. Why? It’s very simple. Because cancer and disease cannot grow in an oxygenated, alkaline environment; only in one that is acidic and anaerobic.

This was first discovered by Dr. Otto Warburg, who is a Nobel Prize winner in 1931 and 1944. He was the first one to show that cancer cells require sugar at a higher amount than healthy cells because they can’t produce energy aerobically. They get into that whole glycolysis, anaerobic energy production system, and, therefore, they need a lot more sugar, which is acidic, to produce and proliferate.

Green juices and greens and raw foods are the complete opposite of acidic. Especially—we’ve mentioned this before—green vegetables are the highest source of alkaline minerals, potassium, sodium, magnesium, et cetera, and they offset the acidic ash that’s left by sugar, animal proteins, grains, stuff like that. You go to any kind of person who has developed cancer, and if they’ve gone through alternative means, one of the most fundamental things they’re doing is juicing on a daily basis with green vegetables.

There are some other practices, like Gerson Therapy. You may have heard of this. I was really surprised to learn about this. They use extensive use of fresh-pressed juices—about eight glasses per day—and they use a lot of raw foods, salads and stuff like that. What’s interesting is, with them, what they’re doing is really surprising because they use a lot of apple and carrot juice. So, you’re thinking, Okay, well, how does that make sense? They’re using apple and carrot juice, which is a huge surge of sugar coming into the body, and we know that cancer thrives on sugar; yet the people following Gerson Therapy are feeling better than ever, are literally overcoming their cancer, so this is really interesting stuff. There might be something going on that we don’t even know about with these kind of higher-sugar foods that are being juiced.

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that—not that I’m a cancer specialist—but I would definitely focus more on the greens. Green vegetables, juice those babies, eat more green salads, green smoothies, anything that’s green. Get more raw foods in; you’re going to be getting a lot of enzymes, which will help break down your foods better, which will help your body function better. You’re getting a ton more alkalinity in, and because you’re getting more alkalinity,

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you’re getting more oxygen in, you’re getting more water because these foods are water-rich, and you’re getting incredible overall nutrition.

If there’s one thing… My dad had colorectal cancer about ten years ago. One of the first things that—again, I was in my late teens at the time, so I wasn’t even at the level of knowledge that I’m at now—one of the first things that he did, my uncle is very much into alternative remedies and stuff. He got him on wheatgrass juice right away. Wheatgrass juice and sprouting. He was doing that and it made a massive difference. He overcame colorectal cancer. Obviously, he was doing chemo and stuff as well, but you can’t underestimate the power of greens.

Everything on this planet comes from plants. Plants take nitrogen from the air and through nitrification in the soil, they turn nitrogen into protein. Animals eat the plants for protein; we eat the animals in some cases or just the plants from protein. Everything comes from plants. We need to go back to the source and eat more of them, especially if you’ve got cancer. And even if you don’t.

And with the Gerson Therapy, they’re very strict about keeping everything organic because they are obviously adamant about reducing toxic load, so juicing, all that stuff, organic as much as possible.

Now, you may have heard of Kris Carr; she was on Oprah several years ago. She’s been on Dr. Oz as well, telling her story about how she was a model-photographer. She developed cancer because she led a very unhealthy lifestyle. She developed a documentary called Crazy, Sexy Cancer. If you have not seen this, I highly recommend you watch it. She has a book The Crazy, Sexy Diet. She had noncurable stage 4 cancer and fully recovered.

What did she do? Her lessons were basically, and I quote from her Web site: “I learned that a nutrient-dense, plant-based diet rules; the standard American diet kills; stress sucks all life force; exercise is nonnegotiable; joy is utterly contagious; and having fun must be taken seriously.” Some pretty simple things to follow, right?

Once again, if you want to check that stuff out, I highly recommend it. It’s very, very encouraging; very inspiring as well. One of the things that she does—I remember watching her on Dr. Oz—she juices every single morning; green juice every single morning.

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Medicinal MushroomsMedicinal mushrooms, these could be one of the most underrated super powers in the plant kingdom, in the food kingdom. Mushrooms are high in beta-glucans, which are powerful immune modulators, and with respect to cancer, it’s really important because it helps modulate the immune system so that it’s not too hyperreactive or underreactive. We’re talking about all mushrooms, maitake—I don’t even know how to pronounce these—shitake, Portobello, just awesome stuff. Now, whether they’re in whole-food format would be, I guess, ideal. A lot of practitioners use extracts because they’re a little more powerful. It’s up to you; you can check ’em out.

Here’s another cool thing: Mushrooms exposed to UV light—for instance, grown outdoors—produce very large amounts of vitamin D. In some cases, larger amounts than a lot of other sources. So, these could be one of your best sources of vitamin D if you’re not getting enough sunlight.

Mushrooms are like sponges. At the same time, if they’re grown in toxic soils, they will become very toxic. If you’ve ever used a mushroom, it’s like a sponge; if you put it in water, it just soaks it all up. The medicinal mushrooms have so many healing properties: antihyperglycemic, so blood sugar regulation; antiinflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial activities. There are so many benefits to mushrooms, and a lot of these clinics are using mushroom extracts to help rebalance and stimulate the immune system to help the body heal itself.

Avoiding FructoseAvoiding fructose; this is very important. Fructose, as we’ve seen, leads to an increase in uric acid, which leads to heart disease and everything else, but it also leads to proliferation of cancer cells, especially pancreatic cells, as was shown in The Journal of Cancer Research in 2010. We need to avoid refined fructose; it’s a must. At the same time—and, again, it depends on who you talk to here—fruit should also be limited in treating cancer. So, the Gerson Therapy, they tend to juice quite a bit of fruit, specifically apples, which tend to be higher on the fructose side, yet they get amazing results.

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Nonetheless, fructose is big fuel for cancer cells. If you are cancerous, if you have cancer, my personal recommendation would be that you focus more on greens, more on the vegetables, and less on the fruit. You want to aim for a total of about 15 grams per day or less in fructose from fruit, and I’ll show you what that means. Ideally, fruit should be kept in its whole form, so not juiced but that kind of goes against what the Gerson Therapy is doing.

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I would personally recommend smoothies if you’re going to use fruit, but I would recommend that you kind of keep the fruit to a minimum anyways if you have cancer. If you don’t have cancer, you still want to avoid fructose, especially the high-fructose corn syrup and all that garbage that’s added to processed foods. But, again, we can learn from the extremes, bring it back to the means, back to the average, and take advantage of that.

We don’t want to go crazy with fruit. People who are eating 30 bananas a day, that’s a recipe for disaster. Focus more on the vegetables, and there are certain fruits that are better than others. For instance, here is a table that shows you what 15 grams of fructose basically equals. I just made some examples here for you. So, 15 grams of fructose is one entire cantaloupe, five dates. It’s not and; it’s or. So, it’s one cantaloupe or five dates or four to five cups of berries—really, any berries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries—or a quarter of a pineapple or one apple. Apple tends to be on the higher side of fructose, as we’ve seen.

With that said, you just want to keep that in mind. But, generally, fruit is really not the problem. The problem is all the sugar and the garbage that’s added to our juices, to our packaged foods. The idea is, you want to avoid packaged and processed foods; you avoid the fructose.

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Anti-Angiogenesis Therapy

Here is something that is absolutely mind-blowing: antiangiogenesis therapy. I was mentioning Dr. Lee before and his amazing presentation at TED talks…awesome stuff. Angiogenesis is the process your body uses to build new blood vessels, so that’s what that term means: it’s the building of new blood vessels. Cancer cells cannot grow into noticeable tumors without sufficient amounts of capillaries feeding them oxygen and nutrient-rich blood. Therefore, in order for the cancer to grow, it needs new blood vessels. Antiangiogenetic therapy is the method of cutting off blood supply to the cancer. Kill off the supply, you kill off the cancer. You’re basically starving the cancer.

Here’s what Dr. Lee said: “Your body has the ability to regulate the amount of blood vessels it needs at any given time, and it does this through an elaborate system of stimulators and inhibitors. But for a number of diseases, there are defects in this system, cancer being one of them.” In cancer, with cancer growth, we get this kind of proliferation of new blood vessels.

Too Much or Too Little?If you have too little angiogenesis in the body, here’re a couple things that can happen on the left side of this chart. We get chronic wounds that don’t heal; we can develop heart disease, stroke, neuropathy, erectile dysfunction. If there’s excessive angiogenesis, excessive new blood vessels being built, we get cancer, blindness, arthritis, obesity, multiple sclerosis, as examples. There are currently 12 FDA-approved antiangiogenetic drugs on the market, but there are even more foods that can do the same thing or better. This is really cool.

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According to the research by Dr. Lee and his incredible team of researchers that specialize in this area, they’ve identified a lot of different foods that are antiangiogenetic. The top ten are: soy extract, artichoke, parsley, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries—notice the trend there? A lot of berries—soybeans, garlic, red grapes. In descending order of potency. Just take that in.

Here’s a graph from his presentation. This is really cool. On the X axis up top here, they have angiogenesis, and basically on the right side, we have more blood vessels and on the left side, we have less blood vessels. We want to look at foods that are toward the left side of this chart. The yellow are common drugs. The blue are specific cancer drugs.

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We have a number of different—yellow, this is a drug, drug, drug, drug, and drug. But let’s look at from below these two yellow bars and down. Citrus fruit, brassica vegetables—so, like broccoli, cauliflower, that kind of stuff—red grapes, garlic, soy, berries, parsley, artichoke, and soy extract. These are a number of foods that are better than the majority of the drugs on the markets that are dealing with cancer. More powerful at reducing new blood vessel development.

If we go a little higher, lavender, green tea, glucosamine, turmeric. These are still even better than some of the more popular drugs that are targeting specifically angiogenesis. What does this tell us? We can heal ourselves through food and we know that.

Here’s a Harvard study of 79,000 men, and the results were men who consume two to three servings of cooked tomatoes per week have a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer by 40 to 50 percent. The same study, here’s just a different graph showing it, looking at tomato sauce intake per month. So, the more tomato sauce, the less vessel abnormalities and the less tumor vessel area there was.

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Sauna Therapy and Lymph Drainage

Another technique that is very alternative and obviously not talked about in the scientific literature is sauna therapy and lymph drainage. This is stuff that, again, it doesn’t matter if it’s not shown in medical journals to work. It’s not invasive; these are things you can do anyways. And from an overall health perspective, they just make sense.

Sweating rids the body of toxins. We know that a toxic body is a body that’s going to be disease-ridden. We want to do things that are going to rid of those toxins, so sweating—i.e. in a sauna—is a great thing to do; just make sure you’re hydrating with water. We don’t do saunas to lose weight; it’s very important to make that distinction. Don’t go in a sauna with a sweat suit on or a garbage bag over top of you; that’s ridiculous. We need to sweat, get rid of the toxins, but we need to replenish with good water.

Localized hyperthermia, this is a technique used in Germany, where they’re inducing feverish temperatures in certain areas of the body to kill off cancer cells.

Rebounding, if you have a small trampoline, bouncing up and down, this stimulates lymph drainage. The lymph is like the sewer system in your body; you want to get that stuff moving out, so rebounding—jumping up and down on this trampoline—is something I do on a daily basis for a couple minutes. It’s something so easy to do; it couldn’t be more convenient.

Dry brushing, as this picture shows here, it’s another process of stimulating the lymph to move out of certain areas. Some people claim that dry brushing reduces cellulite. I don’t necessarily know that it does, but it definitely helps with lymph drainage. You’d be dry brushing, you’d be brushing an area from the area, back toward your heart.

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And exercise. How many times can I mention the importance of exercise? If you’re not using the Super Nutrition Academy workouts, you should use them; they’re awesome. One of the benefits, aside from losing more fat and getting stronger, is that exercise helps you sweat more, and when you sweat more, you get rid of toxins. Awesome stuff, right?

These are some alternative therapies that are very simple things you can do on a daily basis starting now. You don’t have to have cancer to do this, right?

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Emotional Conflicts/Meditation/Visualization

Here’s something really important. Emotional conflicts, meditation, and visualization. Dr. Hamer, as I mentioned earlier, he has a company called German New Medicine, has proven time and time again that emotional trauma lowers the immune system, causing disease. Even the Centers for Disease Control state that 85 percent of disease is caused by emotions. We need to get that stuff taken care of. Emotional conflicts must be resolved. Forgiveness, gratitude, whatever it takes. One of the simplest strategies for forgiveness, holding on to resentment…if you’re mad at someone and you resent someone and there’s anger. There’s a famous quote; I can’t remember exactly how it goes or who said it, but it’s: Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.

You need to forgive people; you need to forgive. You can do things like writing a letter—for yourself; it doesn’t really matter for the other person—you write a letter forgiving the person and then burn it. Just write the letter, get it out of your system, really fully forgive and just allow those emotions, don’t hold on to things. Just let it go. What is it serving you? How is it serving you to hold on to stuff? You need to let that stuff go, because if you think about it, everything’s energy.

Our thoughts are energy, our physical body is energy, and our physical body is simply energy in physical form. If you want to get rid of disease, if you want to get rid of negative thoughts, all these things that are floating in the ethers, we need to just kind of let them go, because over time they can manifest themselves physically.

The power of the mind is our greatest asset or our foe, depending on how you use it. If you think positively, if you talk positively to yourself, those are really important markers of overall happiness, well-being. If you tell yourself you’re stupid, you can’t do things, you’re sick and tired all the time, that you’re going to develop disease, if you believe that stuff, that will happen. I can almost guarantee that. You need to be using positive self-talk. Things like meditation, very, very powerful. Studies have actually shown that meditation can increase

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your levels of melatonin, which are beneficial for preventing and treating various cancers, and this was shown in the journal Medical Hypotheses amongst many others.

So, meditation, breathing exercises, because we know that bringing oxygen into your body is one of the surefire ways to stay healthy. Exercise is another great way to do that, because the more you exercise, the more you huff and puff, the more oxygen you bring into the system. Visualization are all, these things are very, very important. Visualization, if you visualize some of the things we’ve done in our habit-conditioning audios, if you visualize your body internally, if you can visualize your white blood cells going through your bloodstream and attacking foreign invaders and breaking down cancerous cells, if you can visualize that in your mind, guess what’s going to happen? Your body is going to start to produce those actions.

Everything in your external world starts in your internal world. Whether you want to manifest a million dollars, a beautiful body, or a healthy internal body, it all starts in your mind. That’s why things like meditation and visualization…I’m so adamant about this stuff. Yes, it’s a little bit theorial, it’s not as concrete, it’s not as tangible, but remember, think about this: In the world, what is more powerful, the intangible or the tangible? You can’t touch electricity, but is it pretty powerful? Absolutely.

If you think about every single creation, every single patent, every single invention in the world, the airplane, the spaceship, the lightbulb, everything, it started with the intangible thought. It started in the mind, and then from there, the creative process led to its physical manifestation. The same thing happens with our health. We need to visualize and see ourselves as we’d like to be.

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10-Point Anti-Cancer ChecklistSo, with all this said, again, these are really cutting-edge cancer protocols. These are therapies being used across the planet with millions of people, and, unfortunately, the majority of people don’t even know about this stuff because these cancer societies have a vested interest to keep us sick. I firmly believe that.

With that said, those are things you can start implementing, most of them you can actually start implementing now. Not necessarily very, very high doses of vitamin C, but you can start increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables so you get more natural vitamin C. You can get more sunlight so you get more vitamin D. You don’t necessarily need to do insulin-potentiated chemotherapy on yourself; I wouldn’t recommend that. You can start exercising; you can rebound; you can eat a healthier diet; you can stop smoking. These are all things you can do right now to prevent cancer. You can eat more raw foods; you can add more green juices into your body. These are simple things we can do every single day to live incredibly.

I want to give you a ten-point anticancer checklist. This is really as simple as it is. What’s amazing is that these things are not going to be very much different than what we looked at for preventing heart disease or any other disease that we’ve talked about.

First of all, we want to reduce and eliminate processed food, sugar, and grain carbohydrates, other than the fact that they’re really not good for us, to help control fasting insulin and leptin levels, because we know that both insulin and leptin are correlated with cancer development as well.

We want to normalize our ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids by taking high-quality fish or flax oil or krill oil and reducing your intake of processed vegetable oils. We haven’t even talked about omega-3s in this presentation, but it should be understood as a fundamental nutrition law that you need to be taking omega-3s in because they help build healthy cell membranes and are antiinflammatory.

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Get regular exercise. I’m not going to keep mentioning this but it’s so important. Maybe I will keep mentioning it. Get more vitamin D by getting plenty of sunlight exposure. Get regular, good sleep. We haven’t talked a lot about sleep, but sleep is very important. It’s where your body repairs itself; it’s very important for immune function.

Eat a whole-foods diet, more of it from fresh, raw foods, and add one to two green juices or smoothies into your day. Simple stuff; powerful results.

Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners, and air pollution. Any kind of toxic load coming into the body will eventually cause problems. Not tomorrow; maybe in a decade.

Limit your exposure and provide protection for yourself from radiation produced by cell phones, cell phone towers, bay stations, Wi-Fi stations. Unfortunately, in my office setup, I have a Wi-Fi router a foot from my desk. I don’t like this setup at all, and that’s one of the things I’ll be looking to change pretty rapidly. Also, X-rays, the body scanners, stuff like that, you want to minimize that; really, really avoid them as much as you can.

Avoid frying or charbroiling your food. If you’re barbecuing stuff and you get that black, charbroiled residue on a steak or any kind of meat, that’s carcinogenic; that’s what causes cancer in your body. If you’re going to barbecue, barbecue on a low heat so you’re not charbroiling your meat, or with other stuff, boil, poach, or steam your foods instead if you need to cook them.

And tenth, use meditation, visualization, EFT, which is emotional freedom technique, which we haven’t talked a lot about, but if you’ve ever following tapping, which is a method whereby you can tap certain * (1:14:56—unclear) on your body to help reduce emotional stress and stuff. You can look into that if you want. You want to use these techniques to permanently reprogram the neurological short-circuiting that can activate cancer genes because, remember, we all have genes. All of us have these genes; whether they’re activated or not really kind of determines whether or not we’re going to manifest these diseases, so we can use these mental amazing conditioning processes to help us stay healthy.

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In SumLet’s sum this all up. No single treatment or therapy is a cure-all; a combination is best. If you have cancer, you’re not just going to do vitamin C in high doses. You’re going to want to do vitamin C and everything else.

In many cases alternative or traditional plus alternative—known as integrative remedies—can completely reverse cancer, but adherence is a must. The key is, like, some of the stuff is not easy to do all the time. Unfortunately, as human beings, we need a disease to kind of kick us in the ass—pardon my French—to make us do this stuff. Unfortunately, a lot of times when people, cancer patients, go to these clinics for a couple weeks, they make great progress, they go back home, and they fall back into their old routines, they regress. Adherence is really important for this stuff.

And we can learn, as healthy individuals, how to stay healthy by understanding how cancer’s treated. Again, these are the leading protocols and strategies in cancer treatments. We can learn from this and say, “Well, if this is what they’re doing at the extreme, we can start doing this at a smaller level to prevent cancer from even happening.”

And remember this: Only your body can heal itself, and only you can help it do so by providing it with the right nutrients, by providing it with the right lifestyle, by reducing and minimizing your stress.

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Coming in Lesson 4I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson. This is life-saving information. Coming in Lesson 4, we’re going to be talking about the fascinating connection between adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism, two very common issues nowadays. If you’ve gone through the Lesson 1 health assessments and you’ve noticed that you probably have higher scores on both of these, this lesson’s going to make a lot of sense for you. And we’re going to look at how to prevent and reverse both.

So, thanks again for joining me for this lesson. I hope you’ve learned a lot. I had a great time putting this information together for you. I hope it’s going to save your life or someone else you care about, and I look forward to seeing you in Lesson 4.