Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Navhr jfcmh iyMjavcooj Pjotarj dar Fhrzcrja

Mjavcooj Pjotarj 7

Weh ]coghrjom Njty - Nakaurjom Iaal 4

^lhtne Wejol Grcw Mjconcrka Jkjprcogj 5


Hkja Djarunnj 30

Weh Ghtaur Iaal (Ohw Hgjtjao) 39



Bcfhs ^tjrkjom 37

Gcojhk Kjihsljog 38

Weh Fakhsljoh oathiaal js teh ehjrcog sunnhssar ta teh khmhogcryoathiaals ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

Draf oathiaals ta iaals teh baurohynaotjouhs jovhstjmctjom nrhctjvjtycs c weakh honafpcssjom suibhnts sunecs crnejthnturh ghsjmo mrcpejn ghsjmocog fcoy farh ta nafhFakhsljoh iaals hxpkarh rhvhckcog prhshrvh teh nrhctjvh pranhsshsad tagcysbquos khcgjom jogustry ffimurhs

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Iaro jo ^crgjojc Mjavcooj Pjotarj (339-3) wcs hfpkayhg iy Akjvhttj jo 3gtwehrh eh ghffiohg teh jfcmh gurjom tehnafpcoysbquos fcxjfuf hxpcosjao cs cgjrhnt hxprhssjao ad teh utapjco prabhntad Cgrjcoa Akjvhttj2 co cgvhrtjsjomkcomucmh ncpcikh ad rhprhshotjom tehpragunt teraume drhh cssanjctjaos cogckkhmarjhs ta quckjdy cs c rhck mrcpejn

vanciukcry cistrcnt cog syfiakjnWeaume teh fcbarjty ad ejs warl naosjstsao teh praguntjao ad Pjotarj dar Akjvhttjtejs faoamrcpe prhshots dar teh ffirst tjfhta co jothroctjaock cugjhonh teh vcstpraguntjao ad teh Jtckjco mrcpejn ghsjmohrejmekjmetjom teh avhrckk naosjsthony cogseawjom ejs nrhctjvh pranhss teraumeslhtnehs cog pcjotjoms

Cfaomst teh fcoy hxejijtjao wehrhejs warl ecs ihho gjspkcyhg teh fastoatcikh aoh js teh ‛Akjvhttj2 GhsjmoJogustry hxejijtjao armcojzhg iy FaFCjo 389 jo wejne ejs warl js hxthosjvhkyrhprhshothg Wagcy pcrt ad teh phrfcohotnakkhntjao ad teh ^D FAFC tehpasthrs ecvh ihho wjghky puikjsehgcog jfjtcthg




x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothg

ao Dhgrjmaoj Crnaprjot Hxtrc]ejth 370 msf Pcphricnlwjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =40 =

= 55 54= gt 9= 40 =

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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Fcoy conjhot tckhs thkk ad c khmhogcry njtycpphcrjom cog gjscpphcrjom jo vcrjausrhmjaos ad teh warkg cog ct gjffhrhot tjfhsjo ejstary Jt js loawo cs teh ]coghrjomNjty cog ecs ihho sjmethg jo teh OartePakh jo teh Ncrjiihco jo teh fjggkhad teh Cfczao darhst jo teh Maij Ghshrtjo Huraph dcr cog wjghWeh spjrjt ad teh njty js jouhonhg iy teh

crnejthntaojn stykhs ad teh gjffhrhotnukturhs jt vjsjts cog iy teh kjmet ad tehfcoy gjffhrhot sljhsJosjgh tejs nakaurjom iaal gjsnavhr tehwaoghrs ad teh ]coghrjom Njty Jffhrshyaurshkd jo teh njtysncphs ghsjmohg wjtewejth cog ikcnl joly autkjohs cog fclhtehf sejoh wjte teh kjmet ad teh gjffhrhotshcsaos cog rhmjaos2 nakg-ikuh oartehro

ouconhs wht cog wcthry anhcojntaohs eat sautehro nakaurs cog farhPkcy wjte teh wejfsjnck phrsphntjvhsikhog jo teh pcrls cog squcrhs ghnarcthteh jotrjncth dhcturhs cog gjsnavhr ejgghohkhfhots jo teh cfczjom fhtrapakjstect hfiagjhs ckk teh crnejthnturck stykhscog kcogsncphs ad teh warkg

5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff

4 pcmhs ao 370 msf affshtpcphr Pcphricnl wjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =44

= 55 54= gt 9= 44



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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Navhr jfcmh iyMjavcooj Pjotarj dar Fhrzcrja

Mjavcooj Pjotarj 7

Weh ]coghrjom Njty - Nakaurjom Iaal 4

^lhtne Wejol Grcw Mjconcrka Jkjprcogj 5


Hkja Djarunnj 30

Weh Ghtaur Iaal (Ohw Hgjtjao) 39



Bcfhs ^tjrkjom 37

Gcojhk Kjihsljog 38

Weh Fakhsljoh oathiaal js teh ehjrcog sunnhssar ta teh khmhogcryoathiaals ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

Draf oathiaals ta iaals teh baurohynaotjouhs jovhstjmctjom nrhctjvjtycs c weakh honafpcssjom suibhnts sunecs crnejthnturh ghsjmo mrcpejn ghsjmocog fcoy farh ta nafhFakhsljoh iaals hxpkarh rhvhckcog prhshrvh teh nrhctjvh pranhsshsad tagcysbquos khcgjom jogustry ffimurhs

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Iaro jo ^crgjojc Mjavcooj Pjotarj (339-3) wcs hfpkayhg iy Akjvhttj jo 3gtwehrh eh ghffiohg teh jfcmh gurjom tehnafpcoysbquos fcxjfuf hxpcosjao cs cgjrhnt hxprhssjao ad teh utapjco prabhntad Cgrjcoa Akjvhttj2 co cgvhrtjsjomkcomucmh ncpcikh ad rhprhshotjom tehpragunt teraume drhh cssanjctjaos cogckkhmarjhs ta quckjdy cs c rhck mrcpejn

vanciukcry cistrcnt cog syfiakjnWeaume teh fcbarjty ad ejs warl naosjstsao teh praguntjao ad Pjotarj dar Akjvhttjtejs faoamrcpe prhshots dar teh ffirst tjfhta co jothroctjaock cugjhonh teh vcstpraguntjao ad teh Jtckjco mrcpejn ghsjmohrejmekjmetjom teh avhrckk naosjsthony cogseawjom ejs nrhctjvh pranhss teraumeslhtnehs cog pcjotjoms

Cfaomst teh fcoy hxejijtjao wehrhejs warl ecs ihho gjspkcyhg teh fastoatcikh aoh js teh ‛Akjvhttj2 GhsjmoJogustry hxejijtjao armcojzhg iy FaFCjo 389 jo wejne ejs warl js hxthosjvhkyrhprhshothg Wagcy pcrt ad teh phrfcohotnakkhntjao ad teh ^D FAFC tehpasthrs ecvh ihho wjghky puikjsehgcog jfjtcthg




x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothg

ao Dhgrjmaoj Crnaprjot Hxtrc]ejth 370 msf Pcphricnlwjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =40 =

= 55 54= gt 9= 40 =

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Fcoy conjhot tckhs thkk ad c khmhogcry njtycpphcrjom cog gjscpphcrjom jo vcrjausrhmjaos ad teh warkg cog ct gjffhrhot tjfhsjo ejstary Jt js loawo cs teh ]coghrjomNjty cog ecs ihho sjmethg jo teh OartePakh jo teh Ncrjiihco jo teh fjggkhad teh Cfczao darhst jo teh Maij Ghshrtjo Huraph dcr cog wjghWeh spjrjt ad teh njty js jouhonhg iy teh

crnejthntaojn stykhs ad teh gjffhrhotnukturhs jt vjsjts cog iy teh kjmet ad tehfcoy gjffhrhot sljhsJosjgh tejs nakaurjom iaal gjsnavhr tehwaoghrs ad teh ]coghrjom Njty Jffhrshyaurshkd jo teh njtysncphs ghsjmohg wjtewejth cog ikcnl joly autkjohs cog fclhtehf sejoh wjte teh kjmet ad teh gjffhrhotshcsaos cog rhmjaos2 nakg-ikuh oartehro

ouconhs wht cog wcthry anhcojntaohs eat sautehro nakaurs cog farhPkcy wjte teh wejfsjnck phrsphntjvhsikhog jo teh pcrls cog squcrhs ghnarcthteh jotrjncth dhcturhs cog gjsnavhr ejgghohkhfhots jo teh cfczjom fhtrapakjstect hfiagjhs ckk teh crnejthnturck stykhscog kcogsncphs ad teh warkg

5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff

4 pcmhs ao 370 msf affshtpcphr Pcphricnl wjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =44

= 55 54= gt 9= 44



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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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Navhr jfcmh iyMjavcooj Pjotarj dar Fhrzcrja

Mjavcooj Pjotarj 7

Weh ]coghrjom Njty - Nakaurjom Iaal 4

^lhtne Wejol Grcw Mjconcrka Jkjprcogj 5


Hkja Djarunnj 30

Weh Ghtaur Iaal (Ohw Hgjtjao) 39



Bcfhs ^tjrkjom 37

Gcojhk Kjihsljog 38

Weh Fakhsljoh oathiaal js teh ehjrcog sunnhssar ta teh khmhogcryoathiaals ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

Draf oathiaals ta iaals teh baurohynaotjouhs jovhstjmctjom nrhctjvjtycs c weakh honafpcssjom suibhnts sunecs crnejthnturh ghsjmo mrcpejn ghsjmocog fcoy farh ta nafhFakhsljoh iaals hxpkarh rhvhckcog prhshrvh teh nrhctjvh pranhsshsad tagcysbquos khcgjom jogustry ffimurhs

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Iaro jo ^crgjojc Mjavcooj Pjotarj (339-3) wcs hfpkayhg iy Akjvhttj jo 3gtwehrh eh ghffiohg teh jfcmh gurjom tehnafpcoysbquos fcxjfuf hxpcosjao cs cgjrhnt hxprhssjao ad teh utapjco prabhntad Cgrjcoa Akjvhttj2 co cgvhrtjsjomkcomucmh ncpcikh ad rhprhshotjom tehpragunt teraume drhh cssanjctjaos cogckkhmarjhs ta quckjdy cs c rhck mrcpejn

vanciukcry cistrcnt cog syfiakjnWeaume teh fcbarjty ad ejs warl naosjstsao teh praguntjao ad Pjotarj dar Akjvhttjtejs faoamrcpe prhshots dar teh ffirst tjfhta co jothroctjaock cugjhonh teh vcstpraguntjao ad teh Jtckjco mrcpejn ghsjmohrejmekjmetjom teh avhrckk naosjsthony cogseawjom ejs nrhctjvh pranhss teraumeslhtnehs cog pcjotjoms

Cfaomst teh fcoy hxejijtjao wehrhejs warl ecs ihho gjspkcyhg teh fastoatcikh aoh js teh ‛Akjvhttj2 GhsjmoJogustry hxejijtjao armcojzhg iy FaFCjo 389 jo wejne ejs warl js hxthosjvhkyrhprhshothg Wagcy pcrt ad teh phrfcohotnakkhntjao ad teh ^D FAFC tehpasthrs ecvh ihho wjghky puikjsehgcog jfjtcthg




x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothg

ao Dhgrjmaoj Crnaprjot Hxtrc]ejth 370 msf Pcphricnlwjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =40 =

= 55 54= gt 9= 40 =

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Fcoy conjhot tckhs thkk ad c khmhogcry njtycpphcrjom cog gjscpphcrjom jo vcrjausrhmjaos ad teh warkg cog ct gjffhrhot tjfhsjo ejstary Jt js loawo cs teh ]coghrjomNjty cog ecs ihho sjmethg jo teh OartePakh jo teh Ncrjiihco jo teh fjggkhad teh Cfczao darhst jo teh Maij Ghshrtjo Huraph dcr cog wjghWeh spjrjt ad teh njty js jouhonhg iy teh

crnejthntaojn stykhs ad teh gjffhrhotnukturhs jt vjsjts cog iy teh kjmet ad tehfcoy gjffhrhot sljhsJosjgh tejs nakaurjom iaal gjsnavhr tehwaoghrs ad teh ]coghrjom Njty Jffhrshyaurshkd jo teh njtysncphs ghsjmohg wjtewejth cog ikcnl joly autkjohs cog fclhtehf sejoh wjte teh kjmet ad teh gjffhrhotshcsaos cog rhmjaos2 nakg-ikuh oartehro

ouconhs wht cog wcthry anhcojntaohs eat sautehro nakaurs cog farhPkcy wjte teh wejfsjnck phrsphntjvhsikhog jo teh pcrls cog squcrhs ghnarcthteh jotrjncth dhcturhs cog gjsnavhr ejgghohkhfhots jo teh cfczjom fhtrapakjstect hfiagjhs ckk teh crnejthnturck stykhscog kcogsncphs ad teh warkg

5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff

4 pcmhs ao 370 msf affshtpcphr Pcphricnl wjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =44

= 55 54= gt 9= 44



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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

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= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

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= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

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= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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Iaro jo ^crgjojc Mjavcooj Pjotarj (339-3) wcs hfpkayhg iy Akjvhttj jo 3gtwehrh eh ghffiohg teh jfcmh gurjom tehnafpcoysbquos fcxjfuf hxpcosjao cs cgjrhnt hxprhssjao ad teh utapjco prabhntad Cgrjcoa Akjvhttj2 co cgvhrtjsjomkcomucmh ncpcikh ad rhprhshotjom tehpragunt teraume drhh cssanjctjaos cogckkhmarjhs ta quckjdy cs c rhck mrcpejn

vanciukcry cistrcnt cog syfiakjnWeaume teh fcbarjty ad ejs warl naosjstsao teh praguntjao ad Pjotarj dar Akjvhttjtejs faoamrcpe prhshots dar teh ffirst tjfhta co jothroctjaock cugjhonh teh vcstpraguntjao ad teh Jtckjco mrcpejn ghsjmohrejmekjmetjom teh avhrckk naosjsthony cogseawjom ejs nrhctjvh pranhss teraumeslhtnehs cog pcjotjoms

Cfaomst teh fcoy hxejijtjao wehrhejs warl ecs ihho gjspkcyhg teh fastoatcikh aoh js teh ‛Akjvhttj2 GhsjmoJogustry hxejijtjao armcojzhg iy FaFCjo 389 jo wejne ejs warl js hxthosjvhkyrhprhshothg Wagcy pcrt ad teh phrfcohotnakkhntjao ad teh ^D FAFC tehpasthrs ecvh ihho wjghky puikjsehgcog jfjtcthg




x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothg

ao Dhgrjmaoj Crnaprjot Hxtrc]ejth 370 msf Pcphricnlwjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =40 =

= 55 54= gt 9= 40 =

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Fcoy conjhot tckhs thkk ad c khmhogcry njtycpphcrjom cog gjscpphcrjom jo vcrjausrhmjaos ad teh warkg cog ct gjffhrhot tjfhsjo ejstary Jt js loawo cs teh ]coghrjomNjty cog ecs ihho sjmethg jo teh OartePakh jo teh Ncrjiihco jo teh fjggkhad teh Cfczao darhst jo teh Maij Ghshrtjo Huraph dcr cog wjghWeh spjrjt ad teh njty js jouhonhg iy teh

crnejthntaojn stykhs ad teh gjffhrhotnukturhs jt vjsjts cog iy teh kjmet ad tehfcoy gjffhrhot sljhsJosjgh tejs nakaurjom iaal gjsnavhr tehwaoghrs ad teh ]coghrjom Njty Jffhrshyaurshkd jo teh njtysncphs ghsjmohg wjtewejth cog ikcnl joly autkjohs cog fclhtehf sejoh wjte teh kjmet ad teh gjffhrhotshcsaos cog rhmjaos2 nakg-ikuh oartehro

ouconhs wht cog wcthry anhcojntaohs eat sautehro nakaurs cog farhPkcy wjte teh wejfsjnck phrsphntjvhsikhog jo teh pcrls cog squcrhs ghnarcthteh jotrjncth dhcturhs cog gjsnavhr ejgghohkhfhots jo teh cfczjom fhtrapakjstect hfiagjhs ckk teh crnejthnturck stykhscog kcogsncphs ad teh warkg

5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff

4 pcmhs ao 370 msf affshtpcphr Pcphricnl wjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =44

= 55 54= gt 9= 44



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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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Fcoy conjhot tckhs thkk ad c khmhogcry njtycpphcrjom cog gjscpphcrjom jo vcrjausrhmjaos ad teh warkg cog ct gjffhrhot tjfhsjo ejstary Jt js loawo cs teh ]coghrjomNjty cog ecs ihho sjmethg jo teh OartePakh jo teh Ncrjiihco jo teh fjggkhad teh Cfczao darhst jo teh Maij Ghshrtjo Huraph dcr cog wjghWeh spjrjt ad teh njty js jouhonhg iy teh

crnejthntaojn stykhs ad teh gjffhrhotnukturhs jt vjsjts cog iy teh kjmet ad tehfcoy gjffhrhot sljhsJosjgh tejs nakaurjom iaal gjsnavhr tehwaoghrs ad teh ]coghrjom Njty Jffhrshyaurshkd jo teh njtysncphs ghsjmohg wjtewejth cog ikcnl joly autkjohs cog fclhtehf sejoh wjte teh kjmet ad teh gjffhrhotshcsaos cog rhmjaos2 nakg-ikuh oartehro

ouconhs wht cog wcthry anhcojntaohs eat sautehro nakaurs cog farhPkcy wjte teh wejfsjnck phrsphntjvhsikhog jo teh pcrls cog squcrhs ghnarcthteh jotrjncth dhcturhs cog gjsnavhr ejgghohkhfhots jo teh cfczjom fhtrapakjstect hfiagjhs ckk teh crnejthnturck stykhscog kcogsncphs ad teh warkg

5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff

4 pcmhs ao 370 msf affshtpcphr Pcphricnl wjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =44

= 55 54= gt 9= 44



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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

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= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

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= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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Fcoy conjhot tckhs thkk ad c khmhogcry njtycpphcrjom cog gjscpphcrjom jo vcrjausrhmjaos ad teh warkg cog ct gjffhrhot tjfhsjo ejstary Jt js loawo cs teh ]coghrjomNjty cog ecs ihho sjmethg jo teh OartePakh jo teh Ncrjiihco jo teh fjggkhad teh Cfczao darhst jo teh Maij Ghshrtjo Huraph dcr cog wjghWeh spjrjt ad teh njty js jouhonhg iy teh

crnejthntaojn stykhs ad teh gjffhrhotnukturhs jt vjsjts cog iy teh kjmet ad tehfcoy gjffhrhot sljhsJosjgh tejs nakaurjom iaal gjsnavhr tehwaoghrs ad teh ]coghrjom Njty Jffhrshyaurshkd jo teh njtysncphs ghsjmohg wjtewejth cog ikcnl joly autkjohs cog fclhtehf sejoh wjte teh kjmet ad teh gjffhrhotshcsaos cog rhmjaos2 nakg-ikuh oartehro

ouconhs wht cog wcthry anhcojntaohs eat sautehro nakaurs cog farhPkcy wjte teh wejfsjnck phrsphntjvhsikhog jo teh pcrls cog squcrhs ghnarcthteh jotrjncth dhcturhs cog gjsnavhr ejgghohkhfhots jo teh cfczjom fhtrapakjstect hfiagjhs ckk teh crnejthnturck stykhscog kcogsncphs ad teh warkg

5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff

4 pcmhs ao 370 msf affshtpcphr Pcphricnl wjte cps

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =44

= 55 54= gt 9= 44



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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

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= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

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= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

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8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


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= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

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= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

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= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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C nakkhntjao ad iaals wejne rhvhckteh nrhctjvh pranhss ad khcgjomjothroctjaock ffimurhs jo dcsejaoghsjmo ‛Dcsejao Xodakgs mjvhsco jotjfcth kaal jota teh shnrht

fuktjdcnhthg cog dcsnjoctjomwarkg ad pcst cog naothfparcrydcsejao ghsjmohrs kjlh prhnjausaibhnts tect rhhnt hcne ghsjmohrpejkasapey


Hkja Djarunnj js oat sjfpky c stykjst iutrctehr co hotjrh warkg bdquo co aptjfjstjncgvhoturaus shxy eyphr-nakaurduk warkgbdquo tect ehkphg upsht teh vhry jghc addcsejao pusejom jts kjfjts jotaehthramhohaus naothxts Eh js c mhotkhrhvakutjaocry c uojquh fjxturh ad ]cktGjsohy cog Fcrna Paka ncpcikh adcotjnjpctjom trhogs rhcgy ta stcnl teh

sehkvhs ad ejs nukt starhs wjte teh spjrjtad teh tjfh jo co jraojn cog snjotjkkctjomfcoohr Draf teh kcth 340s aowcrgseh ecs naostcotky dauog ejfshkd ct tehehcrt ad nurrhot trhogs draf teh ejppjhdakl stykh ta gjsna mkcf draf ejp eapmrctj ta hovjraofhotckjst vjotcmhWeraume ejs nrhctjaos tejs iaal ejmekjmetsteh naffuojnctjvh csphnt ad ejs wcy

ad fcljom dcsejao Weh cstaojsejom kjstad ejs nakkciarctjaos jonkughs ocfhssune cs Bhco-Pcuk Mcuktjhr Tjvjhooh]hstwaag Fcgaooc Cogy ]creak

Bhco-Fjnehk Icsqujct Akjvjhra WasncojCotaoja Kaphz Lhjte Ecrjom Httarh^attscss Crnejzaaf cog Baeo Ncmh


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff

39 pcmhs dukk nakaur prjothgao uonacthg 395 msf pcphrPcphricnl navhr jo lrcdtncrgiacrg wjte wrcppjom cp

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 7800

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 484 gt

= 55 54= gt 94 84 gt



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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1720


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1820

X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


Page 11: Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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3Cs whkk cs euogrhgs ad jfcmhshcne iaal jonkughs uopuikjsehgjothrvjhws cog hsscys iy tehjogustrysbquos khcgjom baurockjstsWehsh iaals rhvhck teh pahtry

ad pranhsshs cog prhnjsjao tectecvh khg ta teh fast uohxphnthgnrhctjvjty Wehy crh fcthrjcksdar stugy pravjgjom jospjrctjaocog cwh

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1520

3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1720


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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Nhkhirctjom teh hpaoyfaus Fakhsljohtrcvhkkjom hxejijtjao wejne sjonh 9004ecs seawncshg jo vcrjaus njtjhs crauogteh warkg c uojquh nakkhntjao ad farhteco 980 Fakhsljoh oathiaals tectecvh ihho ghnarcthg ecnlhg cogslhtnehg ghkjvhrjom co jotjfcth josjmetjota teh cutearssbquo nrhctjvh pranhss cogseawjom teh hogkhss passjijkjtjhs tect crjshdraf usjom pcphr Jt jonkughs warls iy

Yao Crcg Fcrteuml Mujxecirc Yass KavhmravhLcrjf Ycsejg Recom Zuco Jtcka YatcWaya Jta cog fcoy farhHgjthg iy Ycffchkkc Mujgaiaoa

Prhshothg tagcy jo c kjmethr darfctwjte upgcthg jodarfctjao cog c weakhohw shntjaoWeh kcrmhst shkhntjao ad ghnarcthgFakhsljoh oathiaals hvhr puikjsehg


=0 para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ff

gt89 pcmhs ao Mcrgc Fctt 338msf pcphr Pcphricnl rauognarohrs

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ gt8

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 757 9

= 55 54= gt 97 57 9



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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

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5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

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8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


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= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1520

3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1720


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 2020

Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


Page 14: Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1420

Grcwjom ao arjmjock ganufhotctjao -slhtnehs peatamrcpes cog teh jnaojncxaoafhtrjns - teh iaal hxpkarhs tehnrhctjvh pranhss ad Bcfhs ^tjrkjom2draf teh hcrky jospjrctjaos ad Kjvhrpaaksbquosganls ta ejs ghvatjao ta Kh Nariusjhr

cnloawkhgmjom teh duogcfhotck rakh adteh pcrtohrsejps wjte Bcfhs Mawco cogFjnechk ]jkdarg Ghsnrjihg iy ejs fhotarNakjo Yawh cs co crnejthnturcknaooajsshur tjrkjom cockyshs teh pcstteraume rhkhotkhss aishrvctjaock sljkks cog

hkciarcths jt cs c saurnh ad nrhctjvjtycog cs c naothxt ta rhsphnt Weh fasthnnhotrjn Irjtjse crnejthnt khcvhs c khmcnytect js oat naoffiohg ta ejstary ckaohiut jt naotjouhs ta ih pcrcgjmfctjn darmhohrctjaos ad crnejthnts ta nafh

C shrjhs ad faoamrcpesao lhy ffimurhs jo faghro cognaothfparcry crnejthnturh

Jt affhrs c rhcgjom ad teh prcntjnhad ghsjmo wejne hfpecsjshsteh vckuh ad drhhecog grcwjomcs pcrt ad teh nrhctjvh pranhssHcne vakufh pravjghs c gjffhrhot





8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7=5 3

= 55 54= gt 97 =5 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1520

3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1720


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1820

X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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3phrsphntjvh rhvhckjom shnrhtscog josjmets cog seawjom tehvcrjaus aishrvctjao thneojquhscog kcomucmhs necrcnthrs darfscog fhcos ad naffuojnctjao




8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff

377 pcmhs dukk nakaurs prjothgao McrgcPct 3gt Lkcssjlc 300msf fctt pcphr Farh teco 300nakaur jkkustrctjao Pcphricnl

kcomucmh2 Homkjse

rhkhcsh gcth2 Bcoucry 9034

$ 38

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7= 5

= 55 54= gt 97 = 5

Jouhonhg iy c ghhp naffjtfhotta fusjn pejkasapey cog kjthrcturhteh warkg-rhoawohg crnejthnt GcojhkKjihsljog neaashs grcwjom ta put ejs jghcscog teaumets jota prcntjnh stctjom tectcrnejthnturck grcwjom js jo jtshkd c nrhctjvh

warl Grcwjoms wejne naostjtuth‛crnejthnturck hxpkarctjaos bdquo drafFjnrafhmcs ta Necfihr ]arls cog ^aoohts jo Iciykao bdquo crh prhshothgjo tejs iaal ckaom wjte teash ao ‛rhckcrnejthnturh ganufhotjom teh nrhctjvh

pranhss ad prhstjmjaus prabhnts sunecs teh Bhwjse Fushuf jo Ihrkjo cogteh ]arkg Wrcgh Nhothr rhghvhkapfhotjo Ohw Zarl

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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

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X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff970 pcmhs$ 4000

J^IO =5 55 443gt 5= 4


= para x iquest jonehs30 x 980 ffgt89 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 443gt 004 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 49gt 9gtgt 9


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ffgt47 pcmhs$ 400

J^IO =5 55 49gt 8gt3


5 raquo x 33 iquest jonehs930 x 9= ff9=9 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 443gt 000 0


x 33 para jonehs99= x 97 ff955 pcmhs$ 4700

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 34 7


4para x para jonehs3=0 x 970 ffgt57 pcmhs$ gt00

J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =47 8

3gt5=4 = 55 54 4 = 55 54 = gt 9 3 47

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 04 9

= 55 54 9 gt9 gt gt9 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 0 00 = 55 54 9 gt8 gt 3


5 raquo x iquest jonehs930 x 980 ff339 pcmhs$ 90

= 55 54 = gt 9= 47 8


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 =8 3

= 55 54 = gt 9= 8 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1720


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1820

X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 2020

Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


Page 17: Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1720


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 439


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 43gt 4


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 480 3


= raquo x 33 jonehs358 x 950 ff39 pcmhs$ 700

= 55 54 = gt 94 9 3

= 55 54 = gt 94 gt 5


J^IO =5554=gt9493


J^IO =5554=gt94gt5

8 x 5 raquo jonehs3gt0 x 930 ff377 pcmhs$ gt00


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 7gt 7


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 77 3


J^IO =5 55 4=gt9 4gt4 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=gt 9


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=9 8


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=3 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 007 5


J^IO =5 55 443gt 009 7


J^IO =5 55 443gt 003 =


J^IO =5 55 443gt 00gt 3


J^IO =5 55 443gt 7=0 3


= 55 54= gt 94 39

= 55 54 = gt 94 3gt 4

= 55 54 = gt 94 80 3

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 gt 7

= 55 5 4= gt 94 gt4 8

= 55 54 = gt 9 7 7 3

= 55 5 44 3 gt 7= gt 9 = 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 98

= 55 54 4 3 gt 7= 0 3 = 55 54 4 3 gt7 =3 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 09 7 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 07 5 = 55 54 4 3 gt0 03 =

= 55 54 4 3 gt0 0gt 3

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1820

X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 2020

Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


Page 18: Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmoleskine-books-spring-2016-catalog 1820

X^CNeraojnkh Iaals450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=738-8gt=-7900wwwneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Nustafhr shrvjnh rhsaurnhs

Nckk Wakk Drhh23-500-=8-030

52gt0 cf - 82gt0 pf hst

Dcx Wakk Drhh23-500-954-7=3


rhmcrgjom hxjstjom arghrs2nustafhrshrvjnheimuscnaf

ta pkcnh ohw arghrs2arghrghsleimuscnaf

Cggjtjaock jodarfctjao

Wrcgh ckhs2Kcurc Eawcrg738-8gt=-7987

Ycnehk Mhjmhr738-8gt=-79gt5

^phnjck ^ckhs2Kjsc Icne738-8gt=-7945

Ma Aokjoh2

Neraojnkh Iaals js pkhcshgta affhr twa neajnhsdar aokjoh nustafhr shrvjnh2

NeraojnkhIaalsJodawwwneraojnkhiaalsjoda ta nehnl rhtcjkprjnh cog cvcjkcijkjty mht kjsts ad APtjtkhs ar ta gawokacg c ohw cnnauotpcnlht Ckk ad tejs cog farh js cvcjkcikhta yau drhh ad necrmh 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl

PuiHcsyettp2puihcsyiaalseimuscnafpks puihcsypuihcsyjotraQpcmh ta nehnlprjnh cvcjkcijkjty arghr stctusar ta pkcnh arghrs 97 eaurs c gcy= gcys c whhl Drhh ta bajo PuiHcsy jsyaur awo dukk shrvjnh nustafhrshkd-shrvjnh nhothr


Oartehro NckjdarojcCooc-Kjsc cogstruf (30gt9 9gt94)450 hnaog trhht^co Drconjsna NC 730=Peaoh2 738-8gt=-79Nhkk2 738-739-5477coockjscQscogstrufneraojnkhiaalsnaf

^autehro Nckjdarojc CR OF lhycnnts WUGcvh Herkjne (307gt)577 para Eyphrjao CvhKas Comhkhs NC 009Peaoh2 gt9gt-gt74-=75Dcx2 (gt9gt) =5-8745GcvhQherkjneneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Pcn Oartewhst lhy cnnts NA ]CAY XW CLNaurtohy Pcyoh 2 (333=)93305 Nyprhss ]cyKyoowaag ]C 50gt4Peaoh2 904-70-5884

Dcx2 904-=9gt-gt84naurtohyQpcyohneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Zarl Fhtra Crhc shkhnt GN PCFhkjssc Mrhnna (9009)Fhkjssc Mrhnnagt9 Hkkjat GrjvhEjnlsvjkkh OZ 33503Peaoh2 834-59=-gt90Dcx2 gt7=-893-gt3gtfhkjsscQmrhnnaneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Kcurc Eawcrg (30gtgt)^hojar ^ckhs Fcocmhr (Fcocmhs Eauscog Naffjsjao rhps)

Peaoh2 738-8gt=-7987YcnehkQmhjmhrneraojnkhiaalsnaf

Ohw Homkcoglt FC NW FH TWOE YJOconj FnNrcnljo (303)3gt5 ]jogy YawPhthriaraume OE 0gt785Peaoh2 40gt-97-5=44Dcx2 40gt-97-004Fniaalscaknaf

CIYCECF C^^ANJCWH^ (9004)Xpphr Fjgwhst^tu Circecf (safh ]Jamp FO L^

OH OG ^G)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90Nhkk2 439-4gt-898Dcx2 89-9=-505stucircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf



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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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Baeo Fhsbcl (JK FA ]J JC)80 Hgwcrg ^t^yncfarh JK 403=5Peaoh2 538-5-00=Dcx2 578-gt80-=339 baeocircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Yay ^neaodhkg (FJ AE JO LZ)9057 Fjrjfcr Ikvg^ Hunkjg AE 77393pe934-93-gt8gt5


Whg ^hylarc (safh FO anh fmr)8390c Nhgcr Kclh Yg^t Kaujs Pcrl FO 88734Peaoh2 (89) 9=-=90thgcircecfcssanjcthsjonnaf

Hfjky Baeosao8390-C Nhgcr Kclh YgFjoohcpakjs FO 88734Peaoh2 89-9=-=90hfjkycciaalrhpsnaf

NEJNLFCO C^^ANJCWH^ (9gt00)Fauotcjos amp Pkcjos2 Bcfjk Rcjgj (JG FW ]Z)5973 ^H gt0te ^tFhrnhr Jskcog ]C 5070Peaoh2 798-58-848= bcfjkbcfjkzcjgjnaf

Mrhm Nejnlfco (Prhsjghot) (NA)980 Ljkkghhr NaurtDasthr Njty NC 7707Peaoh2 480-479-940nejnlfcojsnafncstoht

Bhff Nejnlfco (XW)5849 Lhksa Grjvh

Euotjomtao Ihcne NC 9474Peaoh2 =37-gt7gt-354gt bhffnejnlfcoyceaanaf

Lho Hvhkhjme (Josjgh ckhs ckk stcths)Peaoh2 gt0gt-=gt-70gt3lhohpuirhpnafncstoht

^AXWEHYO WHYYJWAYZC^^ANJCWH^ (3097)^autehcst Bugy ^thvhosao (Fcjo Anh Naotcnt)7805 47te trhhtKuiianl WU =737Peaoh2 504-=-=

Dcx2 504-=-===stc==sugghokjoloht

DK (hxnhpt pcoecogkh) ^aute MCfcbar ^] cnnauots2Mhaff Yjzza3gtgt ^H Khmcny Navh Njr^tucrt DK gt7=Peaoh2 ==9-99gt-===4Dcx2 ==9-99gt-=3gt3rjzzastcihkksauteoht

Ocsevjkkh (WO) crhc2 Bcoht Dcjrnejkggt9 cgkhrsvjkkh YacgCgcfs WO gt=030Peaoh2 gt3-gt85-774 bedstccaknaf

ON TC ^N Loaxvjkkh (WO) crhc2Comjh fjts=04 Fcmoakjc trhhtMrhhosiara ON 9=703

Peaoh2 gtgt4-8=7-35=ecsfjtscaknaf

WU (jonkugjom Eaustao) AL2Ycyohr Lrcushgt439 Kaomiaw KcohPkcoa WU =809gtPeaoh2 =9-435-337lorlrcushcaknaf

MC Necttcoaamc (WO) DK Pcoecogkh2Whrhsc Yakdh Lrcvtjo390 Yhg Acl WrcjkKc Mrcomh MC gt0970Peaoh2 =04-559-037trlrcvtjonecrthroht

CY KC F^ CK WO (Fhfpejs aoky)Waf NckgwhkkPFI 794993 Nkcjiaroh CvhouhOhw Arkhcos KC =0398Peaoh2 ==gt-780-948Wafnckgwhkk=mfcjknaf

Fjg-Ctkcotjn GN ]T FG GH PCNEH^CPHCLH amp EXG^AO (300=)Yaijo Ihkk (Aphrctjaos Fcocmhr pajot phrsao)Whg ]hghkIjkk EacrFjnechk Maurkhy

^thvh ^trcw^ckky Kjogscy Bcojoh Bhosho338 ] Patafcn ^trhhtIruoswjnl FG 93=34Peaoh2 (500) 9gt3-774Dcx2 (500) gt0=-834gtanhnehseugnaf Bhoojdhr Ecwljoihrry(oat c rhplt fcthrjcks sphnjcks)


]hst Nacst cog autewhst

NC OT EJ CR NA OF XW ]Z^thpeho Zauom amp CssanjcthsKas Comhkhs NC^eawraafPeaoh2 500-959-854gtDcx2 555-=75-858jodasthpehoyauomoht

Pcnjffi n OartewhstJG AY FW ]C CLIhtthonaurt^hcttkh ]C ^eawraafPeaoh2 500-749-40Dcx2 904-=49-978=jodaihtthonaurtmraupnaf

FjgwhstFO OG ^G ]J^qucrh AohFjoohcpakjs FO^eawraafPeaoh2 500-989-37=7Dcx2 89-05-gt997jodasqucrhaohrhpsnaf

FjgwhstJK JO LZ FJ AELhkkhy amp Lrhw JonNejncma JKPeaoh2 500-gt=gt-3=39Nhkk2 ==9-97-gt909Dcx2 ==gt-779-0530lrhwrhpsmfcjknaf

^aute cog Fjgwhst

CY JC L^ KC FA OH AL WUCooh FnMjkvrcyamp NafpcoyGckkcs WU eawraafPeaoh2 500-89=-3749Dcx2 937-4gt5-78gt8jodacoohfnmjkvrcynaf

^autehcstCK DK MC F^ ON ^N WOWeh jfikjst MraupCtkcotc MC eawraafPeaoh2 500-897-3493Dcx2 707-897-503jodasjfikjstmraupnaf

]hst Tjrmjojccog ]hsthro PCPcfhkc FjkkhrPGF HothrprjshsPeaoh2 739-553-=0gtgtDcx2 739-553-=0gtgtrhprhd9gtcaknaf

Fjg-CtkcotjnGN GH FG Hcsthro PC TCKjohs iy Ckco MrhhoPeaoh2 gt03-gtgt-504Dcx2 544-955-55gt5jodakjohsiyckcomrhhonaf

Ohw Homkcog cog Ohw ZarlOhw BhrshyNW FC FH OE OB OZ YJ TWXpstcth Ohw ZarlEcrphr MraupPeaoh2 555-477-3=07Dcx2 555-477-399sckhsecrphrmraupnaf

8202019 Moleskine Books Spring 2016 Catalog

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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky


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Fakhsljohreg wcs nrhcthg cs c ircog jo3= irjomjom icnl ta kjdh teh khmhogcryoathiaal ushg iy crtjsts cog tejolhrsavhr teh pcst twa nhoturjhs

^jonh 900= Fakhsljoh js teh ocfhad teh nafpcoy tect awos teh warkgwjghtrcghfcrl rjmets dar teh ircog c sfckkcog nrhctjvh nafpcoy hobayjom naotjoujommrawte Jts ehcg anh js jo Fjkco JtckyJts ckjcths crh Fakhsljoh Cfhrjnc Jonwjte anhs jo Ohw Zarl cog FakhsljohCsjc Ktg wjte anhs jo Eaom Laom

Jfcmhs crh dar vjsuck rhprhshotctjao aokyF k lj reg te j et t e

Fakhsljoh ^pCTjckh ^thkvja 449038 Fjkcoa - Jtcky
