MONDAY EVENING, SXBRffiBURG WPH Tmy.WTffH NOVEMBER 17, 1919. Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania SAYSLEMOYNE NEEDS AN OFFICER Man Accused of Theft Breaks Out of Lockup Slxippensburg, Pa., Nov. 17. ? Harry Kunkle, alias Lightner, who claims El Paso, Texas, as his home, broke out of jail here last evening and made his escape. He had been arrested for the larceny of a type- writer from the office of Dr. S. G. A. Brown. The theft was committed last September. Kunkle, who is addicted to the use of narcotics, went into the office of Dr. Brown on Saturday and was recognized by the physician. The police were noti- fied and it was learned that Kureklo had sold the typewriter to J. R. Hay, a Chambersburg man, for sl2. Hay canie here and identified Kunkle and his arrest followed. He was to have been given a hearing this after- noon. State President May Speak at Camp Hill Camp Hill. Pa., Nov. 17.?"The Future Possibilities of Our Schools" was the subject of an address by Dr. Staley, of Camp Hill, before the Parent-Teachers' Association. Other features of the program was an ad- dress by Prof. Bowers, principal of the school and music by a group of girls. It was decided at the meet- ing to extend to Mrs. Keirnmn, of Somerset, president of the State As- sociation, are invitation to address the local organization. It is likely Mrs. Kierman will make her first ad- dress at a special meeting of the j organization in the High School room tomorrow evening, at 8 o'clock. Airs. Davis, of Harrisburg, wil lalso speak. Woman Fills Pulpit Late Husband Occupied Hazelton, Pa., Nov. 17. Mrs. Anna Kindt, secretary of the Young Alen's Christian Association, was in the pulpit of Salem Evangelical Church last evening. She is preach- ing for the congregation during the month of November, she having preached beforei Her husband was pastor of this congregation until his death in the summer. Airs. Kindt was asked to take the vacancy until the meeting of the conference next February, but did not feel able to accept. She has since been made secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association. Mrs. Kindt is regarded as a fine preacher and while her husband was still alive often took his place when he' was absent. Memorial Service Held For Lititz War Heroes Alarictta, Pa., Nov. 17. A me- morial service ire honor of the young men of Lititz, who died in the world war was held on Sunday af- ternoon In the Lititz Lutheran Church. The edifice was crowded to the doors. Post 56, American Le- gion, had charge. It was a union service. All the clergymen of that section took part. Members of the Legion, soldiers, sailors, marines, nurses met in the Council Chamber ared marched to the church. There were present relatives and friends of the deceased men, occupying front seats. Patriotic hymns were sung and five addresses delivereed. Ashes of Samuel B. Collins Buried in Lewistown Grave Burgess Dietz Will Urge Council to Employ a Patrolman Lemoyne, Pa., Nov. 17. ?Declar- ing this borough Is open to unli- \u25a0 censed salesmen and that rowdyism 1 Is reigning supreme because of the : lack of police protection. Burgess I Dr. Walter L<. Dietz to-day said he will go before the new council to urge the employment of an officer to patrol the borough. , The burgess said many complaints \u25a0 had been made during the past year ; from residents who said they havo been "short measured" by hucksters and salesmen and that their win- dows were broken by children throwing stones. There were re- ports of other misconduct. S Burgess Dietz said: "The chil- dren of tho borough carry on this * rowdyism continually without being molested. I have been having many complaints from residents who say ' that children coming home from school throw stones at each other and sometimes residents complain of window panes broken by children. Furthermore, motorists take advan- tage of the lax laws here and use ' the main thoroughfares as a speed- j way, caring little whether they * drive on the right or left side of i the street. Complaints come to me occasonally about boys using the pavements for bicycles, endangering \u25a0 pedestrians. The air rifle is causing ' quiet a little trouble also. Many housewives are compaining about f being short measured from wagons 1 on the street, many of these sales- men are going about town without licenses, but I am helpless to put an end to it because I have no one to look up these conditions. "X went before council when as- suming my duties as burgess, but they said that with these conditions growing worse daily the demand is greater and should be met in some way by the council. I feel that if a policeman would be employed to patrol the streets of the borough between the hours of 4 and 11 p. m. we could assure residents proper pro- tection. Some businesi men are backing me in a mere for protec- tion and I am going to urge council to provide it." Enola Justice Gives Party For His Wife Enola, Pa., Nov. 17.?Justice of the Peace George H. Horning en- tertained at his home here in honor of his wife's birthday. Purple and yellow formed the color scheme for the decorations. Included in the entertainment activities of the eve- ning were a solo by Charles B. . Bretz, brother of Mrs. Horning and i quartet by George H. Wilmer, Os- car Vogelsong, James V. Horning w ind Charles E. Bretz. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bretz, of Chicago, 111.: Mrs. 4arah Martin, Miss Ella Bretz, ''Miss Ella Horning, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Horning, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Marth Hoopy, Miss Maggie Bretz, of Oysters Point; Mrs. James Roddy, >f Cleveland, O.: Mrs. Geo. Hoover * ind daughter, Clara; Mr. and Mrs. , Oscar Vogelsong and son, Donald, , >f Syracuse, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. ' lean Fager, of Philadelphia. Pa.; ' Mrs. Harriet Addams, Mrs. Harry Saker, of Lemoyne; Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, and daughter, Mabel, Canton, ; Ohio; Mrs. Jacob Smith, of Pitts- ' turgh, Pa.; Mrs. Thomas Gleasner, . if "West Fairview; Mr. and Mrs. < Jeorge H. Wlllem, of Buffalo, N. I T.; Mrs. Margaret Fetterman, of j 3altimore, Md. j Personal and Social News of Towns on West Shore Mr .and Mrs. Elmer E. Abbott, of , Harrisburg, were recent guests at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Starr at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Kunkle. of Jsburn, were entertained at dinner , Saturday at the home of Mr. and * Mrs. Raymon E. Eberly at Shire- ' nanstown. Mrs. D. C. Faust, of Shiremans- / own, was a Harrisburg visitor on i Friday. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Rupp has re- ' urned to her home nt Shiremans- , own after visiting relatives in Car- isle. Mrs. Thomas J. Fisher, of Balti- ' nore, is being entertained by Mr. ' ind Airs. C. A. Gribble and Air. and . Mrs. Laurence Gribble, at Shire- , nanstown. Miss Blanche Fisher, of Shire- nanstown, was a weekend visitor on , Saturday. * Miss Ruth Erb, of Erb's Bridge, i was the guest of her aunt. Airs. \ Tenjamin Erb, at Shiremanstown, on J Saturday. * Relieve Strikers' Fines and Costs Will Be Paid j Chambersburg, Pa., Nov. 17.?The i i >4 Waynesboro strikers confined in he Franklin county prison will go * 'ree to-morrow. At least this is the , lelief expressed here and in Way- , lesboro to-day. Tho fine and costs * vtll be paid by those of the men who \u25a0 ire able .each man who can paying t , irorata share. The remainder of the f <2.461.64 will be paid with funds * -alsed by the union. The strikers i ace a further imprisonment of 90 j lays each if the money is not paid I nto the office of the clerk of the * :ourts during to-day. ' i?? \u25a0 i i iSwert-with a natural sweetness delicious-with. a rich nut-like flavor ' nourish]ng -with the building value of whole wheat and malted barley j Grape Nuts at Grocers. l'_, . . : a Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17. ?The ashes of Samuel B. Collins, aged 75 years, who died at his home in Philadelphia, were brought here for interment. The funeral party in- cluded the widow and her sister Louemma Hale Alatter and her two brothers, Robert Alatter, of Phila- delphia, and Harry Matter, of Har- risburg. They were conveyed to St. Alark's cemetery, Lewistown, and buried in a chestnut wood case which sur- rounded the urn. A grave three feet deep was prepared for the reception of the cremated body. The Rev. William Heakes was the officiating clergyman. Forester Discovers New Trees in County Chambersburg, Pa., Nov. 17.?1n order to complete a survey of the woody plants of Franklin county. Prof. J. S. Ulick, until recently act- ing director of the Forestry Academy at Alont Alto, spent two days In Path Valley and one day in the extreme I southwestern portion of the county about Little Cove and" Licking Creeks. While making this survey he found interesting and unusual occurrences of trees known to be native to the county, and discovered two special trees never before re- ported native to Franklin county. The two trees are laurel oak and red or river birch. Celery Grower Captures Prizes at Lewistown Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17.?Thomas Davis, of this place, who had 7,000 stalks of celery out this season, was awarded the following prizes at the exhibit of the Horticultural ared Ag- ricultural Association in this place: First, for best celery display; First, for White Plume celery; Second, for White Plume celery, and first and second prizes for easy blanching. Last year ho carried off first prize. Next year he will put out from 15,- 000 to 20,000 plants. Johnstown District Miners to Resume Work Today Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 17. Coal operators of the Somerset-Cambria- -1 Clearfield district have been notified i by union officials that the miners : would resume work to-day. The j mines have been cleaned up, it was . stated, in anticipation of resump- | tion. NAMED RAIL SURGEON Sunbury, Pa.. Nov. 17. ?Dr. George I of this city, has been appointed company surgeon by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad for Sunbury and vicinity, succeeding the late Dr. Will L. Shindel. \u25a0 REPAIRING ROAD Lemoyne, Pa.. Nov. 17.?State em- ' ployes are making repairs to the j stretch of road from this borough to Camp Hi!l. The road has been In poor condition all summer FULTON COUNTY CAPITAL ALIVE McConnellsburg Will Have Memorial to Its Men in Service Residents of McConnellsburg and Fulton county generally are plan- ning a lasting memorial to hojior the boys who went forwnrd to fight for freedom. , An open air Memorial Forum. ! uniquo In Pennsylvania munictpall- j ties, will be laid out on the plot of J ground adjoining the Fulton county court house in McConnellsburg, In accordance with the preliminary plans drawn by the Bureau of Mu- nicipalities of the Pennsylvania De-' partment of Internal Affairs and ap- proved by tho committee in charge lof the selection of a memorial. Afembers of the committee ap- i pealed to James F. Woodward, secretary of internal affairs, and J. Herman Knisely, chief of the Bu- reau of Alunicipalities, for assistance in making plans for the memorial and Karl B. Lohmann, landscape designer in the bureau, was assigned to the task. Air. Lohmann went to AlcCon- nellsburg, met the committee and visited the section in which devel- opment was planned. Mr. Lohmann, following a study of the area, de- vised the idea of an open air Me- morial Forum and when he returned to McConnellsburg a few days ago with the idea worked out in draw- ings, the committee lost no tinro In giving its approval and committee- men asserted that they will see to it that the actual work is pushed along so that the forum can be dedi- cated on Alemorial Day next year. The plot of ground adjoining the court house has a natural slope and will make an ideal place for union church services, concerts, lectures and entertainments of varied char- acter during the summer months. At the bottom of the slope it is pro- posed to erect a platform walled up with native stone. The space be- tween tho walls would be filled with earth and sown with grass seed. Bits of shrubbery around the back of the platform and on the sides would furnish natural scenery. Shrubbery on either side of the platform would also be planted in such way as to form places where speakers could remain until ready to go on the plat- form. The edges of the entire plot of ground would also be covered with shrubbery and trees and at other points would be placed in or- der low bushes or shrubs. The en- trance to the forum would be at the corner closest the front of the court house and at that point Air. Loh- mann proposes a huge boulder taken from the mountains of Fulton county be placed. On It would be a tablet stating that the Alemorial Forum is an evidence of the esteem with which the people of McCon- nellsburg and the county hold the soldiers of Fulton county and ex- plaining that the forum is a gift of the people to the world war heroes, and heroes of the Civil War are also to be remembered In the construc- tion of the memorial. While the memorial idea was planned with the Idea of honoring world war heroes, it was proposed that honor be also paid other war men and accordingly the forum will be dedicated to the soldiers of all wars from the Civil War to the present time. The square in AlcConnellsburg on which the court house fronts will also be improved in accordance with plans drawn by Mr. Lohmann. It is proposed that a grass plot on which w, ' l . b< ' Planted a few trees be laid out in the form of a square and that plot W ° around the grass Members of the committee at McConnellsburg suggested, too, that the names of all soldiers in the county be Inscribed on bronze plates house fr °nt ° f the court The Memorial Forum and the de- velopment in the square win be paid for largely by public subscriptions and already the committee has re- ceived contributions from persons Interested. It is proposed to solicit the ent re county so that every per- v°" Ü be given an opportunity of county" soldiers of Sulton Members of the committee ar- ranging the memorial are the Rev. William J. Lowe, John B. Runvan the Rev. Edward Jackson. John P Wilson V R A V C " S " JaPohs ' the Rev! Wilson V. Grove, D. H. r>. M. Kendall. Dr. J. W. Mosw? J G. Reisner, William Hull, and J ' R' Jackson. Fire Destroys Air Mail Buildings and Planes Belief onto, Pa., Nov. 17.? pj re de _ stroyed the buildings on the Gov- ernment Aero Mail Field here, as well as four De Ilavilands and one Curtiss plane, used in transporting mail on the New York to ChicagS route on Saturday evening. Only the watchman was on the field, and when he discovered the flames they had made so much headwpy thev could not be extinguished. Departing Foreman Is Presented With Gift Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 17.?James Hamilton, one of the foremen in the Frick Company machine shop. 011 Saturday severed his relation there and left for Baltimore. Employes presented him with a pair of gold I cuff buttons and a substantial sum of money. NAME HOSPITAL DAY, Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17.?Next 1 Thursday has been fixed as hospital donation day, at which time every- thing except rice and corn starch will be acceptable. The institution has done a most excellent work during the pa3t year and has rather been neglected In favor of other charities. RETIRED MILLER DIES Afnrictta, Pa.. Nov. 17.?James J. McCreary, of Provldenc etownshlp, Lancaster county. 70 years old, a retired miller and feed salesman, died from the Infirmities of ago. He was a lifelong member of the Men- nonlte Church, His widow, a son and a sister survive. VETERAN MANAGER QUITS SnnlMiry, Pa., Nov, 17: Martin | Wlthlngton, for twenty years local | manager for the United Telephone i and Telegraph Co., has resigned to accept a position with the Sunbury I Converting Works. Sunbury ?John J. Roach, who was chosen one of the Northumber- land County Commissioners, spent $728 in his campaign, according to his expense account filed on Satur- day - Sunbury ?Sunbury's water coal miners, who operate in Shamokin Creek, are shipping much coal to city markets. The shipments are part of 150,000 tons reclaimed last summer, for which then there was no sale. York?The plant of the Keystone Farm Machine Company was sold at receiver's sale for $109,000 to H. B. Hess, of Lancaster, and George A. Barntiz, Casper Oerman and Abram Tratner. of this city. Lewistown ?W. H. Ingram, who was elected Associate Judge, for many years sold farm machinery. Sunbury ?The first annual farm products show for Northumberland county is to begin here to-morrow for three days. Liverpool?The Rev. Harry Rel- yea, of Philadelphia .who is here for his health filled the Methodist pulpit during his visit. Clinmbershurg?Postmaster Wil- liam Alexander is quite ill at his home at Norland, in the northern section of this town. Carlisle?A marriage license was issued here to Howard B. McAfee, of West Fairview, and Aliss Edna Al. Hoover, New Cumberland. Newvillc ?The Rev. John T. Jenk- ins, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, will preach the Thanksgiv- ing Day sermon at a union service to be held in the United Presbyter- ian Church, here. Gettysburg?Mrs. Donald P. Mc- Pherson and Mrs. William Arch Mc- Clean, of this place, have been ap- pointed members of the Adams County Advisory Board to represent the State Children's Aid Society here. Lebanon?The Pennsylvania Rail- road Glee Club will give a concert in the chapel of Zion Lutheran Church at this place on Tuesday evening, November 25. Lebanon?Jail Warden Samuel Trafford, who is 80 years o<y. went hunting in the Colebrook region nnd got ten rabbits and two pheasants. Lebanon?Mayor-elect AI. L. Case has gone on record as favoring the | curfew law. so expressing himself lat his first conference with the 1 rnembors-elect of the new city coun- I oil. LITTLE LINES FROM NEARBY Shamokin John Marcavage, charged with being an army de- serter, was arrested here and taken to Baltimore, to be sent to Camp Devens, Mass., to face a court mar- tial. Johnson City? A stove exploded in the store of Lewis Alintzer, wrecking the place and throwing parts of the stove through windows into the street. Lewistown?The ibuilding of an incineration plant will be one of the duties of the new council of this borough, elected at the polls this month. Altoona?The Rev. George N. Lauffer, formerly Lutheran pastor at Steelton, installed pastor of Second Lutheran Church yesterday, with the Rev. Dr. Herbert C. Alle- man, of Gettysburg Theological Seminary, in charge. Mount Union?Dale Seehirst, of Mifflin and Miss Alary Welch, of this place, were married in Balti- more, by the Rev. W. T. Way, Alethodist clergyman. Mount Union?Survived -.by her hiißbniul nnd eight children, Airs. Jennie M. Bollinger died at her home, a few miles distant from this place, aged 68 years. Altoona?Altoona's new hotel, to be constructed by the Blair Hotel Company, likely will be named Penn-Alto, combination derived from Pennsylvania and Altoona. Altoona?The Western Hospital for the Insane at Blnirsvllle Inter- section Is formally to he opened on Tuesday afternoon N.ovember 26. Hftgersfowii?Word was received here yesterday that Edward Pome- roy, of this city, who had been In- jured In a saw mill accident nt Ar- colo, N. C.. had died of his hurts. Columbln?While gunning in York county Perry Allies, of this place, shot a large rod fox, said to be a fine specimen. Columbia?Susquehanna firemen gnve their returned soldier members hearty welcome on Saturday night., a banquet being served by the Ladles' Auxiliary. Columbln?A wild duck has join- ed E. H. Knuffman's flock of tame ones In Central Manor nnd seems well contented. Davlilshurg?Nino members of the family of C. M. Baublltz are In bed' with typhoid fever in this York J county town. The disease broke i out three weeks ugo and has spread Ito two other families. YORK COUPLE TO BE TRIED DEC. 15 "Sneaks" Baker and Woman He Claims as Wife to Face Murder Jury York, Pa., Nov., 17. On Decem- ber 15 "Sneaks" Baker and his sweetheart, "Baby-Doll" Baker, the York couple arrested in Portland for the murder of Dwight Chapman, at Westboro, Mass., lost June, will go on trial for the crime at Worcester, Alass. The couple after the crime was committed ire Massachusetts fled the state and were chased by detectives in many different sections of New England and in Canada. It also was thought they had returned to their former haunts in Pennsylvania and the police sought them in this sec- tion of the country. After their cap- ture both were iredlcted for the mur- der of Chapman. Chapman was a recluse and the Bakers after a few days' stay as workmen in his home suddenly van- ished. At about the same time the mutilated body of the man was found. "Baby-Doll's" real name is Elea- nor Baker, while "Sneaks" Baker, with whom she lived and to whom she claimed to be married is Harry Baker. He was called "Sneaks' by those who knew him because he al- ways wore a pair of sneakers. The date of the trial was originally set for December 8, but Judge J. Aiken has changed It to December 15. MISS CONRAD IS TO GIVE RECITAL Messiah Lutheran Choir Solo- ist Will Assist in Concert at Hummelstown Hununclstown, Pa., Novx. 17. On Wednesday evening at 8.15 o'clock Aliss Katharine Conrad will give an organ recital in Zion Luth- eran Church. She will be assisted by Mrs. Ernest Keys, contralto solo- ist of Messiah Lutheran Church, of Harrisburg. A silver offering will be received. C. H. Aliller is representing the Lutheran congregation at the Har- risburg Conference of the East Penn- sylvania Synod which is being held in the East Petersburg Lutheran Church. The Rev. Herbert S. Gaines preached to the members of Swa- tara Post of the American Legion last evening. Mrs. Scott R. Wagner and daugh- ter, of Reading, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Wagner's parents, Air. and Airs. William R. Fox. Mr. an dMrs. Frank Strickler re- turned home yesterday, after a week's visit at Scranton. Air. and Airs. David H. Jacks and children, of Allentown, spent yes- terday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacks. Mrs. Kidder, of Lebonan, spent yesterday with the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur King. Harry R. Laucks, former State lecturer of the Modern Woodmen of America, will deliver a lecture at the booster meeting at Penbrook this evening. Miss Ruth AXoycr, of Reading, is visiting Miss Minnie Bason. Air. and Airs. George Oakum and Air. and Airs. Zeigler, of Palmyra, visited Air. and Airs. Elmer Oakum, yesterday. Aliss Freda Kindley, of Harris- burg, spent yesterday among rel- atives in town. ' AI/TOON A TEAM WINS Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17.?The Army football team of Altoona de- feated the Lewistown team on the Boy Scout Field here on Saturday, 13 to 2. WIN OFFICES BY NARROW MARGINS Official Count Shows Candi- date For Sheriff Had But 12 Vote Lead York, Pa., Nov. 17.?The official count of the recent election in York county has been completed and has cleared up doubt as to the ultimate outcome in several closely contests for offices. Small pluralities ac- corded winners constitute the out- standing feature of the election. Never in the history of the county has a candidate for the office of sheriff won over his opponent by the small margin of a dozen votes, this feat being accomplished by Jonathan B. Gross, Democrat, an old candidate in the field, who had as his oppo- nent a newcomer, D. Guy Hollinger, Republican, of Hanover, the latter making a record run on his advent into politics. The count shows John H. Lenius, Democrat, to be the minority mem- ber of the board of poor directors, having a lead of 73 over Charles E. Frey. W. H. Snyder, Republican, prothonotary-elect, earned a plural- ity of 57 over Warren J. Raffensber- ger, Democrat. Lewis C. Elliott, Re- publican, became city treasurer, by the narrow margin of 128 votes over Dr. S. K. Pfaltzgraff. E. S. Ilugen- tugler, Republican, mayor-elect, and George T. Eckert, Republican and returned soldier, were accorded re- markable votes, having pluralities of 2,188 and 2,536, respetively, over their opponents. BUS ROLLS OVER BIG EMBANKMENT Vehicle Loaded With Work- men Gets Beyond Control of Man at Wheel Waynesboro. Pa., Nov. 17. ?An auto bus loaded with Leitcrsburg men on tlicir way to Waynesboro shops met at Rock Forge, four miles south of this city, rolled down a high embankment, wrecking the machine and injuring all of the men to a greater or less degree. When the buy reached the flat at the Forge, it bumped into a deep chuck hole, knocking the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver, William Hebb. The machine, for an instant out of control, ran over the bank and rolled over twice before it stopped ten or more feet below. The top of the jitney was broken off at the first turn over. Then it rolled over on the top, doubtless averting a worse accident to the occupants. Even at that. Christian Hollinger, one of the owners of the jitney, had a couple of ribs broken, another man i had his kneo badly sprained, while the others sustained minor cuts and bruises. After the accident some of the men returned home, some walked to town, while others waited for another bus to bring them here for shop pay day. Birthday Surprise Party at Drawbaugh Residence Shiremanstown, Pa., Nov. 17. ?A birthday surprise party was given Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Airs. Samuel Drawbaugh by their daughter, Aliss Thelma, at their resi- dence in Green street. Vocal and instrumental music, dancing and various games were on the evening program. Refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alusselman, Mr. and Airs. Clyde Musselman and son, Russell Muselman, of near Lis- burn; Mrs. Mary Zimmerman, daughter Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Drawbaugh, Air. and Mrs. Gil- bert Starr, sons Donald and Ken- neth, Air. and Airs. John Nester, son John, of Shiremanstown; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Abbott, Aliss Clara Sheaffer, Messrs. Earnest Lehmer, John Endress, Robert Schlosser, of Harrisburg; Clarence Zimmerman, Miss Ruth Starr, Miss Hqzel Deck- man, Aliss Gertrude Eshenbaugh, Miss Rhoda Beamer. Aliss Ruth Zimmerman and Miss Thelma Draw- baugh, all of Shiremanstown. Wormleysburg Pupils Given Thrift Lessons Wormleysburg, Pa., Nov. 17. Thrift is beireg taught pupils of the Wormleysburg schools by a system of elementary banking. Pupils de- posit in the bank every Friday the amount of ntoney they wish to save for the week. The deposit is made on slips similar to those used in banks. The savings of the pupils will be invested in Thrift Stamps. The drive not only teaches the chil- dren to save money but also a sys- tem of banking. Master Thief to Serve Nineteen Years in Prison Lancaster. Pa., Nov. 17.?Pleading guilty on 28 indictments for felon- ious entry and larceny, William Brown, recently arrested after ter- rorizing a greater part of Lancaster courely, was sentenced here from six to eight months on each indictment. In addition he will nlso have to serve five years and four months of a previous sentence imposed for simi- lar crimes, making an aggregate of not less than 19 years and four -months. Child Dies After Eating Grip Pills Near Lebanon Lel>anon, Pa., Nov. 17.?Three- year-old Calvin Althouse, twin son Wilson Althouse. of Avon, ate the contents of a bottle of grip pills and died before medical assistance could be summoned. The child, shortly after eating the medicine, was seen to gasp several times in agony, and then fell to the floor in convulsions. The boy was a member of a large family in the Althouse household, and the parents and other children are overwhelmed with grief. Mother Follows Son as Typhoid Victim Marietta, Pa., Bomberger, wife, of Israel Bomber- ger, of near Zartman's Mill, Lan- | caster county, died on Saturday night of typhoid fover, following her son, George, who was a victim of the same disease. Both were members of the Penryn Lutheran Church. Her husband and four children sur- vive. Two brothers also survive. UNCONSCIOUS FOR 108 HOURS Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17. Mrs. Elsie Fleming, who has been un- conscious for 108 hours at the Lew- istown hospital recovered sufficiently | on Saturday from her unconscious- 1 1 ness to ask for water. She relapsed 1 | however, tnto her unconscious state, j She was injured when she stepped j from a trolley car here. LAFF With False Teeth? SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder KMM tH.no firm. Prevent* *ore sum*. White. Flavor Ml. Antimptic. If your dental plate is loose or drops, to get inctant relief use Dr. Wernet's Powder regularly. You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co., 116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 5Dc, A SI.OO. ,At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse i imitations. Thit is the ortfinai powder. j MAN WHO JUMPS ONLY ONE HURT Driver of Automobile Turns Machine in Race With Western Md. Train Spring Grove, Pa., Nov. 17. ?The presence of mind of Graysore Dear- dorff, Hanover, who turned his au- tomobile parallel with the railroad track to avoid being run down by a Western Alaryland Railroad loco- motive at a grade crossing, a mile west of town, saved his life and those of four companions. The machine raced with the train until it struck a concrete culvert, where it was wrecked. The occu- pants of the automobile were Thomas Quiren, Ross Patterson, Rob- ert Scouley and Grayson Deardorff, of Hanover, and John S. Alailan, of the Sixty-first Infantry, a guest of Patterson's. Deardorff did not see the train un- til too late. Believing that a colli- sion Inevitable should he attempt to cross the tracks, he turned the ma- chine parallel with the tracks. The automobile traveled 90 yards until it struck the culvert. Quinn was the orely person injured. He sus- tained a broken nose, dislocation of shoulder and badly lacerated ear when he jumped from the auto against the moving train. Valuable Horse Bleeds to Death Near Lewistown Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17?Ahorse belonging to George Sheehan was mortally wounded at Ellen Chapel when a shaft penetrated its breast. The animal bled to death. There was an educational meeting at the Chapel and James Sheehan discov- ered some one had tampered with the light on his buggy, it was while looking after them his brother rode out in front. The gray, one of the most valuable horses in the county plunged head-on into the other animal. The shaft pepetrated its breast severing a large artery. Man Who Married Three Times Dies of Pneumonia Lewistown, PH., NOV. 17. ?George W. Gates, aged 77 years, died of pneumonia at the home of his son, W. D. Gates, on the James O'Meara farm. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Pine Grove Mills, Center county. He was married three times. His first wife WHS Lizzie Drake before her marriage. His second wife's maiden name was Lizzie Barr and his third wife was Alaggie Hearn be- fore she was married. All three are dead. He leaves two sons. John C. Gates, of Alill Creek, and Daniel W. Gates, of Lewistown. Mr. Gates came here with his son Daniel from near Alexandria, Hunt- ingdon count. Pa., about two years i ago. He was a farmer and a car- penter by occupation, j Funeral services were held at I the home of his son this afternoon at two o'clock. Chaplain Feldman Is One of Welcome Home Speakers Jefferson, Pa., Nov. 17.?Citizens of this place turned out in great numbers on Saturday for the wel- come home reception tendered their war heroes and for the unveiling of the monument erected in Center Square in their honor. Five bands and fully 700 march- ers participated in tho street dem- onstration. The speakers were ex- Congressman A. R. Brodbeck and the Rev. W. H. Feldman, chaplain to the House of Representatives at Harrisburg. The Rev. W. H. Ehr- hart and the Rev. I. S. "Ditzler also participated in the exercises. Thou- sands of visitors were attracted to the borough from various parks of York county. The exercises were held under a canopy of American flags, bunting and other decorations. Mifflin County Valleys Alive With Turkey Hunters FIREMEN GREET THEIR SOLDIERS Lewistown. Pa., Nov. 17. ?Until noon Saturday 3,607 hunting licenses had been issued by AI. Luther Atc- Cljatic, County Treasurer of Mif- flin county. The woods were swarmed with hunters ire search of wild turkey. The places most fre- quented by hunters were Blacklog, Licking Creek, Shade Mountain, Treaster and Havice Valleys. Quite a few Mifflincounty hunters went to Juniata county. Among the success- ful nimrods were Steve Hassett, who got a big turkey up at Blacklog; Frank Carolus, who shot a 14-pound turkey hen; "Bud" Yingst, who went to Juniata county for a week's hunt, a big wild turkey; Milton Derr, a turkey, and John Brannon, a 15- pound turkey hen. Lewisburg Clergyman Is Preacher Near Marietta Alarictta, Pa., Nov. 17.?The Kin- derhook United Evangelical Church held services in their church yester- day with morning, afternoon and evening sessions. The pastor, the Rev. Norman N. Lower, was in charge. The Rev. A. A. Winters, of Lewisburg, was the preacher. At the afternoon and evening services a special musical program was ren- dered, which included solos, ducts, etc., by talent from Millersville, Marietta, Mount Joy, Columbia and Lancaster. A large offering was lifted towards defraying expenses of the new church edifice. The struc- ture is of the latest architecture. Farmer Attacked by Bull Has Four Broken Ribs East, Berlin, Nov. 17. Abraham Ream, aged 60, a farmer, was ren- dered unconscious and severely in- jured when attacked by an infuri- ated bull in the barn ore the Ream farm, in Paradise township. The fact that the animal was dehorned probably saved the farmer from be- ing killed. Ream escaped from the bull by crawling out of the stable through the trough. He is suffering from four broken ribs and severe contusions about the body. BAND TO REHEARSE Lemoyne, Pa., Nov. 17. The weekly rehearsal of the local bared will be held in the fire house to- morrow evening at 7.45 o'clock. Officers request every member to be present. SHIRT FACTORY STARTS The Lebanon Shirt Company, this city, opened for business this morn- ing in the Kamer section of the Hotel Stratford building. Girls have been secured to operate 80 ma- chines. Burn Mortgage at Columbia and Sit Around Banquet Board in Engine House t Columbia, Pa., Nov. 17.?Ncarlv 300 members of Susquehanna Fire Company, including: more than 50 service men, participated in a pa- rade and banquet on Saturday night in honor of the returned soldiers. Interest was added to the event by the burning of the mortgage on the engine house. The trustees con- ducted the mortgage burning, and after the document was reduced to ashes they sold the plate on which tt was consumed at auction. Wil- , liam H. Lucas, president or the Mer- I chants and Manufacturers' Associa- tion, of Columbia, and a pioneer member of the tire company, was the purchaser for $6.25. Albert A. Snavely presided as , toastmaster and also as master of I ceremonies. Mr. Lucas delivered the address of welcome to the soldiers. | Toasts were responded to by Gen E C. Shannon, Lieut. Col. C. N. Bern- theizel, Chief Burgess W. M. D Mil- ler. Public Safety Director J. W. Houk, Councilman DeWitt C. Den- ney and for the press by R. H. Ful- weiler and Henry B. Clepper. The ladies' auxiliary served the banquet in the auditorium in the engine house. GO TO MAINE FOR GAME 1-cwistown, Pa? Nov. 17.?Chris- tian Hoffman has left for Maine, where he will hunt deer and other big game. His wife accompanied him on the trip. They will be gone for several weeks. Sure Relief BELL-ANS li?^water I Sure Relief RE LL-ANS fc#FOR INDIGESTION r \ MANHATTAN SHIRTS PA RRY'6 Penn-Harrls 1 1 O, Hotel Hide. OPES EVENING 4 V Get More Miles Out of Those \ old i Tires Jlffi I | YOU may think those old I tires are beyond redemp- | tion, but let US be the 1 judge. Instead of throw- I ing them away, let us put | more miles into their life ! by the famous Haywood | process. Tubes and Tires made to deliver additional | miles at a trifling cost, | througli retreading and | vulcanizing properly done. A phone call will bring our service to your dooi. Penn Harris Vulcanizing Co. 310 Strawberry St. "The House of Diamonds" Diamonds are unquestionably the most desired of any gift you can buy from a jeweler. Quality makes a diamond, but there are many, many ways in which you can be deceived in making your se- lection. There is, however, one store in Har- risburg where a diamond sold is never in any way misrepresented. In our seventy years of business we have never yet had any customer to say, "this diamond is not as you represented it." Surely an envi- able record. And one which comes only from having dealt fairly with every customer. And what is true of diamonds is true of every piece of merchandise we offer for your selection and purchase. Let your next jewelry or precious stone purchase be made from "The House of Diamonds." Our Stocks for Christmas Are Complete. C. Ross Boas Since 1850 Ilarrlsburg'N Foremost Jewelry Store. 28 N. Second St. Harrisburg Penna. 2

MONDAY EVENING, WPH Happenings Day in Central · 2017-12-17 · MONDAY EVENING, SXBRffiBURG WPH Tmy.WTffH NOVEMBER 17, 1919. Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania SAYSLEMOYNE

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Page 1: MONDAY EVENING, WPH Happenings Day in Central · 2017-12-17 · MONDAY EVENING, SXBRffiBURG WPH Tmy.WTffH NOVEMBER 17, 1919. Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania SAYSLEMOYNE


Happenings of a Day in Central PennsylvaniaSAYSLEMOYNENEEDS AN OFFICER

Man Accused of TheftBreaks Out of Lockup

Slxippensburg, Pa., Nov. 17.?Harry Kunkle, alias Lightner, who

claims El Paso, Texas, as his home,broke out of jail here last eveningand made his escape. He had beenarrested for the larceny of a type-writer from the office of Dr. S. G.A. Brown. The theft was committedlast September. Kunkle, who isaddicted to the use of narcotics,went into the office of Dr. Brown onSaturday and was recognized by thephysician. The police were noti-fied and it was learned that Kureklohad sold the typewriter to J. R. Hay,a Chambersburg man, for sl2. Haycanie here and identified Kunkleand his arrest followed. He was tohave been given a hearing this after-noon.

State President MaySpeak at Camp Hill

Camp Hill. Pa., Nov. 17.?"TheFuture Possibilities of Our Schools"was the subject of an address byDr. Staley, of Camp Hill,before theParent-Teachers' Association. Otherfeatures of the program was an ad-dress by Prof. Bowers, principal ofthe school and music by a group ofgirls. It was decided at the meet-ing to extend to Mrs. Keirnmn, ofSomerset, president of the State As-sociation, are invitation to addressthe local organization. It is likelyMrs. Kierman will make her first ad-dress at a special meeting of the jorganization in the High Schoolroom tomorrow evening, at 8 o'clock.Airs. Davis, of Harrisburg, wil lalsospeak.

Woman Fills PulpitLate Husband Occupied

Hazelton, Pa., Nov. 17. Mrs.Anna Kindt, secretary of the YoungAlen's Christian Association, was inthe pulpit of Salem EvangelicalChurch last evening. She is preach-ing for the congregation during themonth of November, she havingpreached beforei Her husband waspastor of this congregation until hisdeath in the summer.

Airs. Kindt was asked to take thevacancy until the meeting of theconference next February, but didnot feel able to accept. She hassince been made secretary of theYoung Men's Christian Association.Mrs. Kindt is regarded as a finepreacher and while her husband wasstill alive often took his place whenhe' was absent.

Memorial Service HeldFor Lititz War Heroes

Alarictta, Pa., Nov. 17. A me-morial service ire honor of theyoung men of Lititz, who died in the

world war was held on Sunday af-ternoon In the Lititz LutheranChurch. The edifice was crowded tothe doors. Post 56, American Le-gion, had charge. It was a unionservice. All the clergymen of thatsection took part. Members of theLegion, soldiers, sailors, marines,nurses met in the Council Chamberared marched to the church. Therewere present relatives and friendsof the deceased men, occupying

front seats. Patriotic hymns weresung and five addresses delivereed.

Ashes of Samuel B. CollinsBuried in Lewistown Grave

Burgess Dietz Will UrgeCouncil to Employ a


Lemoyne, Pa., Nov. 17.?Declar-ing this borough Is open to unli-

\u25a0 censed salesmen and that rowdyism

1 Is reigning supreme because of the

: lack of police protection. BurgessI Dr. Walter L<. Dietz to-day said he

will go before the new council tourge the employment of an officerto patrol the borough.

, The burgess said many complaints\u25a0 had been made during the past year; from residents who said they havo

been "short measured" by huckstersand salesmen and that their win-dows were broken by childrenthrowing stones. There were re-ports of other misconduct.

S Burgess Dietz said: "The chil-dren of tho borough carry on this

* rowdyism continually without beingmolested. I have been having manycomplaints from residents who say

' that children coming home fromschool throw stones at each otherand sometimes residents complain ofwindow panes broken by children.Furthermore, motorists take advan-tage of the lax laws here and use

' the main thoroughfares as a speed-j way, caring little whether they

* drive on the right or left side ofi the street. Complaints come to me

occasonally about boys using thepavements for bicycles, endangering

\u25a0 pedestrians. The air rifle is causing' quiet a little trouble also. Many

housewives are compaining aboutf being short measured from wagons1 on the street, many of these sales-

men are going about town withoutlicenses, but I am helpless to putan end to it because I have no oneto look up these conditions.

"X went before council when as-suming my duties as burgess, butthey said that with these conditionsgrowing worse daily the demand isgreater and should be met in someway by the council. I feel that ifa policeman would be employed topatrol the streets of the boroughbetween the hours of 4 and 11 p. m.we could assure residents proper pro-tection. Some businesi men arebacking me in a mere for protec-

tion and I am going to urge councilto provide it."

Enola Justice GivesParty For His Wife

Enola, Pa., Nov. 17.?Justice ofthe Peace George H. Horning en-tertained at his home here in honorof his wife's birthday. Purple andyellow formed the color scheme forthe decorations. Included in theentertainment activities of the eve-ning were a solo by Charles B.

. Bretz, brother of Mrs. Horning andi quartet by George H. Wilmer, Os-car Vogelsong, James V. Horning

w ind Charles E. Bretz. Among theguests were: Mr. and Mrs. CharlesE. Bretz, of Chicago, 111.: Mrs.4arah Martin, Miss Ella Bretz, ''MissElla Horning, Mr. and Mrs. JamesP. Horning, of Harrisburg; Mrs.Marth Hoopy, Miss Maggie Bretz, ofOysters Point; Mrs. James Roddy,>f Cleveland, O.: Mrs. Geo. Hoover

* ind daughter, Clara; Mr. and Mrs., Oscar Vogelsong and son, Donald,, >f Syracuse, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs.' lean Fager, of Philadelphia. Pa.;' Mrs. Harriet Addams, Mrs. Harry

Saker, of Lemoyne; Mrs. ElizabethMiller,and daughter, Mabel, Canton,; Ohio; Mrs. Jacob Smith, of Pitts-' turgh, Pa.; Mrs. Thomas Gleasner,.

if "West Fairview; Mr. and Mrs.< Jeorge H. Wlllem, of Buffalo, N.I T.; Mrs. Margaret Fetterman, ofj 3altimore, Md.

j Personal and Social Newsof Towns on West Shore

Mr .and Mrs. Elmer E. Abbott, of, Harrisburg, were recent guests athe home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert

Starr at Shiremanstown.Mr. and Mrs. Allison Kunkle. ofJsburn, were entertained at dinner

, Saturday at the home of Mr. and* Mrs. Raymon E. Eberly at Shire-' nanstown.

Mrs. D. C. Faust, of Shiremans-/ own, was a Harrisburg visitor oni Friday.' Mrs. Elizabeth Rupp has re-' urned to her home nt Shiremans-, own after visiting relatives in Car-

isle.Mrs. Thomas J. Fisher, of Balti-

' nore, is being entertained by Mr.' ind Airs. C. A. Gribble and Air. and. Mrs. Laurence Gribble, at Shire-, nanstown.

Miss Blanche Fisher, of Shire-nanstown, was a weekend visitor on

, Saturday.* Miss Ruth Erb, of Erb's Bridge,i was the guest of her aunt. Airs.\ Tenjamin Erb, at Shiremanstown, on

J Saturday.

* Relieve Strikers' Finesand Costs Will Be Paid

j Chambersburg, Pa., Nov. 17.?The ii >4 Waynesboro strikers confined inhe Franklin county prison will go

* 'ree to-morrow. At least this is the, lelief expressed here and in Way-, lesboro to-day. Tho fine and costs* vtll be paid by those of the men who

\u25a0 ire able .each man who can payingt , irorata share. The remainder of thef <2.461.64 will be paid with funds* -alsed by the union. The strikersi ace a further imprisonment of 90j lays each if the money is not paidI nto the office of the clerk of the* :ourts during to-day.

' i?? \u25a0

i iiSwert-with anatural sweetness

delicious-with. arich nut-likeflavor


nourish]ng -withthe building valueofwhole wheatand malted barley

j Grape Nutsat Grocers.

l'_, . .: a

Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17.?Theashes of Samuel B. Collins, aged 75years, who died at his home inPhiladelphia, were brought here forinterment. The funeral party in-

cluded the widow and her sisterLouemma Hale Alatter and her twobrothers, Robert Alatter, of Phila-delphia, and Harry Matter, of Har-risburg.

They were conveyed to St. Alark'scemetery, Lewistown, and buried ina chestnut wood case which sur-rounded the urn. A grave three feetdeep was prepared for the receptionof the cremated body. The Rev.William Heakes was the officiatingclergyman.

Forester DiscoversNew Trees in County

Chambersburg, Pa., Nov. 17.?1norder to complete a survey of thewoody plants of Franklin county.Prof. J. S. Ulick, until recently act-ing director of the Forestry Academyat Alont Alto, spent two days In PathValley and one day in the extreme Isouthwestern portion of the countyabout Little Cove and" LickingCreeks. While making this surveyhe found interesting and unusualoccurrences of trees known to benative to the county, and discoveredtwo special trees never before re-ported native to Franklin county.The two trees are laurel oak andred or river birch.

Celery Grower CapturesPrizes at Lewistown

Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17.?ThomasDavis, of this place, who had 7,000stalks of celery out this season, wasawarded the following prizes at theexhibit of the Horticultural ared Ag-ricultural Association in this place:First, for best celery display; First,for White Plume celery; Second, forWhite Plume celery, and first andsecond prizes for easy blanching.Last year ho carried off first prize.Next year he will put out from 15,-000 to 20,000 plants.

Johnstown District Minersto Resume Work Today

Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 17. Coaloperators of the Somerset-Cambria-

-1 Clearfield district have been notifiedi by union officials that the miners

: would resume work to-day. Thej mines have been cleaned up, it was

. stated, in anticipation of resump-| tion.

NAMED RAIL SURGEONSunbury, Pa.. Nov. 17. ?Dr. George

I of this city, has beenappointed company surgeon by thePhiladelphia and Reading Railroadfor Sunbury and vicinity, succeedingthe late Dr. Will L. Shindel.


REPAIRING ROADLemoyne, Pa.. Nov. 17.?State em-

' ployes are making repairs to thej stretch of road from this borough toCamp Hi!l. The road has been Inpoor condition all summer


McConnellsburg Will Have

Memorial to Its Menin Service

Residents of McConnellsburg andFulton county generally are plan-

ning a lasting memorial to hojior

the boys who went forwnrd to fight

for freedom., An open air Memorial Forum.

! uniquo In Pennsylvania munictpall-j ties, will be laid out on the plot of

Jground adjoining the Fulton county

court house in McConnellsburg, Inaccordance with the preliminaryplans drawn by the Bureau of Mu-nicipalities of the Pennsylvania De-'partment of Internal Affairs and ap-proved by tho committee in charge

lof the selection of a memorial.Afembers of the committee ap-

i pealed to James F. Woodward,secretary of internal affairs, and J.Herman Knisely, chief of the Bu-reau of Alunicipalities, for assistancein making plans for the memorialand Karl B. Lohmann, landscapedesigner in the bureau, was assignedto the task.

Air. Lohmann went to AlcCon-nellsburg, met the committee andvisited the section in which devel-opment was planned. Mr. Lohmann,following a study of the area, de-vised the idea of an open air Me-morial Forum and when he returnedto McConnellsburg a few days agowith the idea worked out in draw-ings, the committee lost no tinro Ingiving its approval and committee-men asserted that they will see toit that the actual work is pushedalong so that the forum can be dedi-cated on Alemorial Day next year.

The plot of ground adjoining thecourt house has a natural slope andwill make an ideal place for unionchurch services, concerts, lecturesand entertainments of varied char-acter during the summer months.At the bottom of the slope it is pro-posed to erect a platform walled upwith native stone. The space be-tween tho walls would be filled withearth and sown with grass seed. Bitsof shrubbery around the back ofthe platform and on the sides wouldfurnish natural scenery. Shrubberyon either side of the platform wouldalso be planted in such way as toform places where speakers couldremain until ready to go on the plat-form. The edges of the entire plotof ground would also be coveredwith shrubbery and trees and atother points would be placed in or-der low bushes or shrubs. The en-trance to the forum would be at thecorner closest the front of the courthouse and at that point Air. Loh-mann proposes a huge bouldertaken from the mountains of Fultoncounty be placed. On It would be atablet stating that the AlemorialForum is an evidence of the esteemwith which the people of McCon-nellsburg and the county hold thesoldiers of Fulton county and ex-plaining that the forum is a gift ofthe people to the world war heroes,and heroes of the Civil War are alsoto be remembered In the construc-tion of the memorial. While thememorial idea was planned with theIdea of honoring world war heroes,it was proposed that honor be alsopaid other war men and accordinglythe forum will be dedicated to thesoldiers of all wars from the CivilWar to the present time.

The square in AlcConnellsburg onwhich the court house fronts willalso be improved in accordance withplans drawn by Mr. Lohmann. It isproposed that a grass plot on whichw, ' l . b< ' Planted a few trees be laidout in the form of a square and thatplot

W ° around the grass

Members of the committee atMcConnellsburg suggested, too, thatthe names of all soldiers in thecounty be Inscribed on bronze plates

housefr °nt ° f the court

The Memorial Forum and the de-velopment in the square win be paidfor largely by public subscriptionsand already the committee has re-ceived contributions from personsInterested. It is proposed to solicitthe ent re county so that every per-

v°" Übe given an opportunity ofcounty" soldiers of Sulton

Members of the committee ar-ranging the memorial are the Rev.William J. Lowe, John B. Runvanthe Rev. Edward Jackson. John P

Wilson VRA V C " S " JaPohs ' the Rev!Wilson V. Grove, D. H.

r>. M. Kendall. Dr. J. W. Mosw? JG. Reisner, William Hull, and J ' R'Jackson.

Fire Destroys Air MailBuildings and Planes

Beliefonto, Pa., Nov. 17.? pjre de _

stroyed the buildings on the Gov-ernment Aero Mail Field here, aswell as four De Ilavilands and oneCurtiss plane, used in transportingmail on the New York to ChicagSroute on Saturday evening. Only thewatchman was on the field, andwhen he discovered the flames theyhad made so much headwpy thevcould not be extinguished.

Departing Foreman IsPresented With Gift

Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 17.?JamesHamilton, one of the foremen in theFrick Company machine shop. 011Saturday severed his relation thereand left for Baltimore. Employespresented him with a pair of gold

I cuff buttons and a substantial sumof money.

NAME HOSPITAL DAY,Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17.?Next

1Thursday has been fixed as hospitaldonation day, at which time every-thing except rice and corn starchwill be acceptable. The institutionhas done a most excellent workduring the pa3t year and has ratherbeen neglected In favor of othercharities.

RETIRED MILLER DIESAfnrictta, Pa.. Nov. 17.?James J.

McCreary, of Provldenc etownshlp,Lancaster county. 70 years old, aretired miller and feed salesman,died from the Infirmities of ago. Hewas a lifelong member of the Men-nonlte Church, His widow, a sonand a sister survive.

VETERAN MANAGER QUITSSnnlMiry, Pa., Nov, 17: Martin

| Wlthlngton, for twenty years local| manager for the United Telephonei and Telegraph Co., has resigned toaccept a position with the Sunbury

I Converting Works.

Sunbury ?John J. Roach, who

was chosen one of the Northumber-land County Commissioners, spent

$728 in his campaign, according tohis expense account filed on Satur-day -

Sunbury?Sunbury's water coalminers, who operate in ShamokinCreek, are shipping much coal tocity markets. The shipments arepart of 150,000 tons reclaimed lastsummer, for which then there wasno sale.

York?The plant of the KeystoneFarm Machine Company was soldat receiver's sale for $109,000 to H.B. Hess, of Lancaster, and GeorgeA. Barntiz, Casper Oerman and

Abram Tratner. of this city.Lewistown ?W. H. Ingram, who

was elected Associate Judge, formany years sold farm machinery.

Sunbury ?The first annual farmproducts show for Northumberlandcounty is to begin here to-morrowfor three days.

Liverpool?The Rev. Harry Rel-yea, of Philadelphia .who is herefor his health filled the Methodistpulpit during his visit.

Clinmbershurg?Postmaster Wil-liam Alexander is quite ill at hishome at Norland, in the northernsection of this town.

Carlisle?A marriage license wasissued here to Howard B. McAfee, ofWest Fairview, and Aliss Edna Al.Hoover, New Cumberland.

Newvillc?The Rev. John T. Jenk-ins, pastor of Zion LutheranChurch, will preach the Thanksgiv-ing Day sermon at a union serviceto be held in the United Presbyter-ian Church, here.

Gettysburg?Mrs. Donald P. Mc-Pherson and Mrs. William Arch Mc-Clean, of this place, have been ap-pointed members of the AdamsCounty Advisory Board to representthe State Children's Aid Societyhere.

Lebanon?The Pennsylvania Rail-road Glee Club will give a concertin the chapel of Zion LutheranChurch at this place on Tuesdayevening, November 25.

Lebanon?Jail Warden SamuelTrafford, who is 80 years o<y. wenthunting in the Colebrook region nndgot ten rabbits and two pheasants.

Lebanon?Mayor-elect AI. L. Casehas gone on record as favoring the

| curfew law. so expressing himselflat his first conference with the

1 rnembors-elect of the new city coun-I oil.

LITTLE LINES FROM NEARBYShamokin John Marcavage,

charged with being an army de-serter, was arrested here and takento Baltimore, to be sent to CampDevens, Mass., to face a court mar-tial.

Johnson City? A stove explodedin the store of Lewis Alintzer,wrecking the place and throwingparts of the stove through windowsinto the street.

Lewistown?The ibuilding of anincineration plant will be one of theduties of the new council of thisborough, elected at the polls thismonth.

Altoona?The Rev. George N.Lauffer, formerly Lutheran pastorat Steelton, installed pastor ofSecond Lutheran Church yesterday,with the Rev. Dr. Herbert C. Alle-man, of Gettysburg TheologicalSeminary, in charge.

Mount Union?Dale Seehirst, ofMifflin and Miss Alary Welch, ofthis place, were married in Balti-more, by the Rev. W. T. Way,Alethodist clergyman.

Mount Union?Survived -.by herhiißbniul nnd eight children, Airs.Jennie M. Bollinger died at herhome, a few miles distant from thisplace, aged 68 years.

Altoona?Altoona's new hotel, tobe constructed by the Blair HotelCompany, likely will be namedPenn-Alto, combination derivedfrom Pennsylvania and Altoona.

Altoona?The Western Hospitalfor the Insane at Blnirsvllle Inter-section Is formally to he opened onTuesday afternoon N.ovember 26.

Hftgersfowii?Word was receivedhere yesterday that Edward Pome-roy, of this city, who had been In-jured In a saw mill accident nt Ar-colo, N. C.. had died of his hurts.

Columbln?While gunning inYork county Perry Allies, of thisplace, shot a large rod fox, said tobe a fine specimen.

Columbia?Susquehanna firemengnve their returned soldier membershearty welcome on Saturday night.,a banquet being served by theLadles' Auxiliary.

Columbln?A wild duck has join-ed E. H. Knuffman's flock of tameones In Central Manor nnd seemswell contented.

Davlilshurg?Nino members ofthe family of C. M. Baublltz are Inbed' with typhoid fever in this York

J county town. The disease brokei out three weeks ugo and has spreadIto two other families.


"Sneaks" Baker and WomanHe Claims as Wife to

Face Murder Jury

York, Pa., Nov., 17. On Decem-ber 15 "Sneaks" Baker and hissweetheart, "Baby-Doll" Baker, theYork couple arrested in Portland forthe murder of Dwight Chapman, atWestboro, Mass., lost June, will goon trial for the crime at Worcester,Alass.

The couple after the crime wascommitted ire Massachusetts fled thestate and were chased by detectivesin many different sections of NewEngland and in Canada. It also wasthought they had returned to theirformer haunts in Pennsylvania andthe police sought them in this sec-tion of the country. After their cap-ture both were iredlcted for the mur-der of Chapman.

Chapman was a recluse and theBakers after a few days' stay asworkmen in his home suddenly van-ished. At about the same time themutilated body of the man wasfound.

"Baby-Doll's" real name is Elea-nor Baker, while "Sneaks" Baker,with whom she lived and to whomshe claimed to be married is HarryBaker. He was called "Sneaks' bythose who knew him because he al-ways wore a pair of sneakers. Thedate of the trial was originally setfor December 8, but Judge J. Aikenhas changed It to December 15.


Messiah Lutheran Choir Solo-

ist Will Assist in Concert

at Hummelstown

Hununclstown, Pa., Novx. 17.On Wednesday evening at 8.15o'clock Aliss Katharine Conrad willgive an organ recital in Zion Luth-eran Church. She will be assistedby Mrs. Ernest Keys, contralto solo-ist of Messiah Lutheran Church, ofHarrisburg. A silver offering will bereceived.

C. H. Aliller is representing theLutheran congregation at the Har-risburg Conference of the East Penn-sylvania Synod which is being heldin the East Petersburg LutheranChurch.

The Rev. Herbert S. Gainespreached to the members of Swa-tara Post of the American Legionlast evening.

Mrs. Scott R. Wagner and daugh-ter, of Reading, are visiting at thehome of Mrs. Wagner's parents, Air.and Airs. William R. Fox.

Mr. an dMrs. Frank Strickler re-

turned home yesterday, after aweek's visit at Scranton.

Air. and Airs. David H. Jacks andchildren, of Allentown, spent yes-terday with the former's parents,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacks.

Mrs. Kidder, of Lebonan, spentyesterday with the Rev. and Mrs.Arthur King.

Harry R. Laucks, former Statelecturer of the Modern Woodmenof America, will deliver a lectureat the booster meeting at Penbrookthis evening.

Miss Ruth AXoycr, of Reading, isvisiting Miss Minnie Bason.

Air. and Airs. George Oakum andAir. and Airs. Zeigler, of Palmyra,visited Air. and Airs. Elmer Oakum,yesterday.

Aliss Freda Kindley, of Harris-burg, spent yesterday among rel-atives in town.

' AI/TOONA TEAM WINSLewistown, Pa., Nov. 17.?The

Army football team of Altoona de-feated the Lewistown team on theBoy Scout Field here on Saturday,13 to 2.


Official Count Shows Candi-date For Sheriff Had But

12 Vote Lead

York, Pa., Nov. 17.?The officialcount of the recent election in York

county has been completed and has

cleared up doubt as to the ultimateoutcome in several closely contestsfor offices. Small pluralities ac-corded winners constitute the out-standing feature of the election.

Never in the history of the countyhas a candidate for the office ofsheriff won over his opponent by thesmall margin of a dozen votes, thisfeat being accomplished by JonathanB. Gross, Democrat, an old candidatein the field, who had as his oppo-nent a newcomer, D. Guy Hollinger,Republican, of Hanover, the lattermaking a record run on his adventinto politics.

The count shows John H. Lenius,Democrat, to be the minority mem-ber of the board of poor directors,

having a lead of 73 over Charles E.Frey. W. H. Snyder, Republican,prothonotary-elect, earned a plural-ity of 57 over Warren J. Raffensber-ger, Democrat. Lewis C. Elliott, Re-publican, became city treasurer, bythe narrow margin of 128 votes overDr. S. K. Pfaltzgraff. E. S. Ilugen-tugler, Republican, mayor-elect, and

George T. Eckert, Republican andreturned soldier, were accorded re-markable votes, having pluralities

of 2,188 and 2,536, respetively, overtheir opponents.


Vehicle Loaded With Work-men Gets Beyond Control

of Man at Wheel

Waynesboro. Pa., Nov. 17.?Anauto bus loaded with Leitcrsburgmen on tlicir way to Waynesboroshops met at Rock Forge, four milessouth of this city, rolled down ahigh embankment, wrecking the

machine and injuring all of the mento a greater or less degree.

When the buy reached the flat atthe Forge, it bumped into a deepchuck hole, knocking the steeringwheel out of the hands of thedriver, William Hebb. The machine,for an instant out of control, ranover the bank and rolled over twicebefore it stopped ten or more feetbelow. The top of the jitney wasbroken off at the first turn over.Then it rolled over on the top,doubtless averting a worse accidentto the occupants.

Even at that. Christian Hollinger,one of the owners of the jitney, hada couple of ribs broken, another man ihad his kneo badly sprained, whilethe others sustained minor cuts andbruises.

After the accident some of themen returned home, some walkedto town, while others waited foranother bus to bring them here forshop pay day.

Birthday Surprise Partyat Drawbaugh Residence

Shiremanstown, Pa., Nov. 17. ?Abirthday surprise party was givenThursday evening in honor of Mr.and Airs. Samuel Drawbaugh by theirdaughter, Aliss Thelma, at their resi-dence in Green street. Vocal andinstrumental music, dancing andvarious games were on the eveningprogram. Refreshments were servedto Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alusselman,Mr. and Airs. Clyde Musselman andson, Russell Muselman, of near Lis-burn; Mrs. Mary Zimmerman,daughter Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. Sam-uel Drawbaugh, Air. and Mrs. Gil-bert Starr, sons Donald and Ken-neth, Air. and Airs. John Nester, sonJohn, of Shiremanstown; Mr. andMrs. Elmer E. Abbott, Aliss ClaraSheaffer, Messrs. Earnest Lehmer,John Endress, Robert Schlosser, ofHarrisburg; Clarence Zimmerman,Miss Ruth Starr, Miss Hqzel Deck-man, Aliss Gertrude Eshenbaugh,Miss Rhoda Beamer. Aliss RuthZimmerman and Miss Thelma Draw-baugh, all of Shiremanstown.

Wormleysburg PupilsGiven Thrift Lessons

Wormleysburg, Pa., Nov. 17.Thrift is beireg taught pupils of theWormleysburg schools by a systemof elementary banking. Pupils de-posit in the bank every Friday theamount of ntoney they wish to savefor the week. The deposit is madeon slips similar to those used inbanks. The savings of the pupilswill be invested in Thrift Stamps.The drive not only teaches the chil-dren to save money but also a sys-tem of banking.

Master Thief to ServeNineteen Years in Prison

Lancaster. Pa., Nov. 17.?Pleadingguilty on 28 indictments for felon-ious entry and larceny, WilliamBrown, recently arrested after ter-rorizing a greater part of Lancastercourely, was sentenced here from sixto eight months on each indictment.In addition he will nlso have to servefive years and four months of aprevious sentence imposed for simi-lar crimes, making an aggregate ofnot less than 19 years and four


Child Dies After EatingGrip Pills Near Lebanon

Lel>anon, Pa., Nov. 17.?Three-year-old Calvin Althouse, twin sonWilson Althouse. of Avon, ate thecontents of a bottle of grip pills anddied before medical assistance couldbe summoned. The child, shortlyafter eating the medicine, was seento gasp several times in agony, andthen fell to the floor in convulsions.The boy was a member of a largefamily in the Althouse household,and the parents and other childrenare overwhelmed with grief.

Mother Follows Sonas Typhoid Victim

Marietta, Pa.,Bomberger, wife, of Israel Bomber-ger, of near Zartman's Mill, Lan-

| caster county, died on Saturday nightof typhoid fover, following her son,George, who was a victim of thesame disease. Both were membersof the Penryn Lutheran Church.Her husband and four children sur-vive. Two brothers also survive.

UNCONSCIOUS FOR 108 HOURSLewistown, Pa., Nov. 17. Mrs.

Elsie Fleming, who has been un-conscious for 108 hours at the Lew-istown hospital recovered sufficiently

| on Saturday from her unconscious- 11 ness to ask for water. She relapsed 1| however, tnto her unconscious state,

jShe was injured when she stepped

jfrom a trolley car here.

LAFFWith False Teeth?


Dr. Wernet'sPowder

KMM tH.no firm. Prevent* *ore sum*.White. Flavor Ml. Antimptic.

If your dental plate is loose ordrops, to get inctant relief useDr. Wernet's Powder regularly.You can eat, laugh, talk with ease.Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co.,116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 5Dc, A SI.OO.

,At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse

i imitations. Thit is the ortfinai powder. j


Driver of Automobile Turns

Machine in Race WithWestern Md. Train

Spring Grove, Pa., Nov. 17. ?Thepresence of mind of Graysore Dear-

dorff, Hanover, who turned his au-

tomobile parallel with the railroadtrack to avoid being run down by

a Western Alaryland Railroad loco-

motive at a grade crossing, a mile

west of town, saved his life andthose of four companions.

The machine raced with the trainuntil it struck a concrete culvert,where it was wrecked. The occu-pants of the automobile wereThomas Quiren, Ross Patterson, Rob-

ert Scouley and Grayson Deardorff,of Hanover, and John S. Alailan, ofthe Sixty-first Infantry, a guest ofPatterson's.

Deardorff did not see the train un-

til too late. Believing that a colli-sion Inevitable should he attempt tocross the tracks, he turned the ma-chine parallel with the tracks. Theautomobile traveled 90 yards until

it struck the culvert. Quinn was

the orely person injured. He sus-

tained a broken nose, dislocation of

shoulder and badly lacerated ear

when he jumped from the autoagainst the moving train.

Valuable Horse Bleedsto Death Near Lewistown

Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 17?Ahorsebelonging to George Sheehan wasmortally wounded at Ellen Chapel

when a shaft penetrated its breast.

The animal bled to death. Therewas an educational meeting at theChapel and James Sheehan discov-ered some one had tampered withthe light on his buggy, it waswhile looking after them his brotherrode out in front. The gray, one ofthe most valuable horses in thecounty plunged head-on into theother animal. The shaft pepetratedits breast severing a large artery.

Man Who Married ThreeTimes Dies of Pneumonia

Lewistown, PH., NOV. 17. ?GeorgeW. Gates, aged 77 years, died of

pneumonia at the home of his son,W. D. Gates, on the James O'Mearafarm. He was a member of thePresbyterian Church at Pine GroveMills, Center county.

He was married three times. Hisfirst wife WHS Lizzie Drake beforeher marriage. His second wife'smaiden name was Lizzie Barr andhis third wife was Alaggie Hearn be-fore she was married. All three aredead. He leaves two sons. John C.Gates, of Alill Creek, and Daniel W.Gates, of Lewistown.

Mr. Gates came here with his sonDaniel from near Alexandria, Hunt-ingdon count. Pa., about two years

i ago. He was a farmer and a car-penter by occupation,

j Funeral services were held atI the home of his son this afternoonat two o'clock.

Chaplain Feldman Is Oneof Welcome Home Speakers

Jefferson, Pa., Nov. 17.?Citizensof this place turned out in greatnumbers on Saturday for the wel-come home reception tendered theirwar heroes and for the unveiling ofthe monument erected in CenterSquare in their honor.

Five bands and fully 700 march-ers participated in tho street dem-onstration. The speakers were ex-Congressman A. R. Brodbeck andthe Rev. W. H. Feldman, chaplainto the House of Representatives atHarrisburg. The Rev. W. H. Ehr-hart and the Rev. I. S. "Ditzler alsoparticipated in the exercises. Thou-sands of visitors were attracted tothe borough from various parks ofYork county. The exercises wereheld under a canopy of Americanflags, bunting and other decorations.

Mifflin County ValleysAlive With Turkey Hunters


Lewistown. Pa., Nov. 17. ?Untilnoon Saturday 3,607 hunting licenseshad been issued by AI. Luther Atc-Cljatic, County Treasurer of Mif-flin county. The woods wereswarmed with hunters ire search ofwild turkey. The places most fre-quented by hunters were Blacklog,Licking Creek, Shade Mountain,Treaster and Havice Valleys. Quitea few Mifflincounty hunters went toJuniata county. Among the success-ful nimrods were Steve Hassett, whogot a big turkey up at Blacklog;Frank Carolus, who shot a 14-poundturkey hen; "Bud" Yingst, who wentto Juniata county for a week's hunt,a big wild turkey; Milton Derr, aturkey, and John Brannon, a 15-pound turkey hen.

Lewisburg Clergyman IsPreacher Near Marietta

Alarictta, Pa., Nov. 17.?The Kin-derhook United Evangelical Churchheld services in their church yester-day with morning, afternoon andevening sessions. The pastor, theRev. Norman N. Lower, was incharge. The Rev. A. A. Winters, ofLewisburg, was the preacher. Atthe afternoon and evening servicesa special musical program was ren-dered, which included solos, ducts,etc., by talent from Millersville,Marietta, Mount Joy, Columbia andLancaster. A large offering waslifted towards defraying expenses ofthe new church edifice. The struc-ture is of the latest architecture.

Farmer Attacked by BullHas Four Broken Ribs

East, Berlin, Nov. 17. AbrahamReam, aged 60, a farmer, was ren-dered unconscious and severely in-jured when attacked by an infuri-ated bull in the barn ore the Reamfarm, in Paradise township. Thefact that the animal was dehornedprobably saved the farmer from be-ing killed. Ream escaped from thebull by crawling out of the stablethrough the trough. He is sufferingfrom four broken ribs and severecontusions about the body.

BAND TO REHEARSELemoyne, Pa., Nov. 17. The

weekly rehearsal of the local baredwill be held in the fire house to-morrow evening at 7.45 o'clock.Officers request every member tobe present.

SHIRT FACTORY STARTSThe Lebanon Shirt Company, this

city, opened for business this morn-ing in the Kamer section of theHotel Stratford building. Girls havebeen secured to operate 80 ma-chines.

Burn Mortgage at Columbiaand Sit Around BanquetBoard in Engine House t

Columbia, Pa., Nov. 17.?Ncarlv300 members of Susquehanna FireCompany, including: more than 50service men, participated in a pa-rade and banquet on Saturday nightin honor of the returned soldiers.

Interest was added to the event bythe burning of the mortgage on theengine house. The trustees con-ducted the mortgage burning, andafter the document was reduced toashes they sold the plate on whichtt was consumed at auction. Wil-

, liam H. Lucas, president or the Mer-I chants and Manufacturers' Associa-tion, of Columbia, and a pioneermember of the tire company, was thepurchaser for $6.25.

Albert A. Snavely presided as, toastmaster and also as master ofI ceremonies. Mr. Lucas delivered theaddress of welcome to the soldiers.| Toasts were responded to by Gen EC. Shannon, Lieut. Col. C. N. Bern-theizel, Chief Burgess W. M. D Mil-ler. Public Safety Director J. W.Houk, Councilman DeWitt C. Den-ney and for the press by R. H. Ful-weiler and Henry B. Clepper. Theladies' auxiliary served the banquetin the auditorium in the enginehouse.

GO TO MAINE FOR GAME1-cwistown, Pa? Nov. 17.?Chris-

tian Hoffman has left for Maine,where he will hunt deer and otherbig game. His wife accompaniedhim on the trip. They will be gonefor several weeks.



I Sure Relief



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| vulcanizing properlydone. A phone call willbring our service to yourdooi.

Penn HarrisVulcanizing Co.

310 Strawberry St.

"The House of Diamonds"

Diamondsare unquestionably the most desired of anygift you can buy from a jeweler.

Quality makes a diamond, but thereare many, many ways in which youcan be deceived in making your se-lection.There is, however, one store in Har-risburg where a diamond sold isnever in any way misrepresented. Inour seventy years of business wehave never yet had any customerto say, "this diamond is not asyou represented it." Surely an envi-able record. And one which comesonly from having dealt fairly withevery customer. And what is trueof diamonds is true of every pieceof merchandise we offer for yourselection and purchase.

Let your next jewelry or precious stone purchasebe made from "The House of Diamonds."

Our Stocks for Christmas Are Complete.

C. Ross BoasSince 1850 Ilarrlsburg'N Foremost Jewelry Store.

28 N. Second St.Harrisburg Penna.