MONEY MINDSET MASTERY PART 1: Uncovering the Money Story That’s Keeping You Broke (and what to do about it) I HEART MY LIFE

MONEY MINDSET MASTERY PART 1 - Amazon S3 · 2017-05-13 · today, and neither of us wants that. You and I both know what you’re capable of and now it’s time to show the world!

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Page 1: MONEY MINDSET MASTERY PART 1 - Amazon S3 · 2017-05-13 · today, and neither of us wants that. You and I both know what you’re capable of and now it’s time to show the world!


Uncovering the Money Story That’s Keeping You Broke (and what to do about it)


Page 2: MONEY MINDSET MASTERY PART 1 - Amazon S3 · 2017-05-13 · today, and neither of us wants that. You and I both know what you’re capable of and now it’s time to show the world!

2Copyright I Heart My Life 2017

Hi, I’m Emily Williams, founder of I Heart My Life and 7-figure Success Coach for female entrepreneurs.

I’m so excited to welcome you to the I Heart My Life movement of thousands of women all around the world who are following their dreams and living the life they’ve always wanted.

My mission is to support driven female entrepreneurs to create their dream online business, a life they’re totally excited about and, of course, help them make a lot of money.

(And if they accumulate a few shoes, take a few 5-star trips and move out of their closet-sized apartment into something much more exciting, then that’s even better!)

THE PEOPLE I WORK WITH BELIEVE THAT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. And just because their current reality is what they see in front of them, that doesn’t mean it’s always going to be their reality. They believe that change is possible and essential to get the success they want. But we’ll get into that in a second. This workbook will serve as an incredible resource for you to approach business and life in a new and far more exciting way…

After coaching hundreds of women around the world over the past few years and watching thousands go through my self-study courses, I’ve learned a lot about what makes someone financially successful. And I’ve built my business from $442 a month to 7-figures in my first 18 months.



Page 3: MONEY MINDSET MASTERY PART 1 - Amazon S3 · 2017-05-13 · today, and neither of us wants that. You and I both know what you’re capable of and now it’s time to show the world!

3Copyright I Heart My Life 2017

Maybe you’ve never thought about the foundation you need -- I didn’t either, but more on my story later on...

But if you think about it, the builder and architect couldn’t possibly do their jobs unless the foundation the building was built on was stable and supportive.

It’s the same with your business and life, and that’s what I’m going to teach you today.

Over the past few years, I’ve seen what’s worked with myself and my clients when it comes to making more money and transforming your financial blueprint. I’ve helped my clients go from nothing to over $500k in sales in their first year in business.

There are women in the I Heart My Life community celebrating $30k or more months consistently. They are doing multiple 6-figure launches — early on in their business. So if you’re out there marketing, doing the work, and hustling, but you aren’t attracting enough clients to create the life you want and “abundance” isn’t exactly an adjective you’d use to describe your current state —stick with me.

Or if you’re thinking about getting a new business off the ground but don’t know if you’ll ever make money, I’ve got you covered.


Before we really go for it, I want to warn you about something.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but if you don’t pay attention to what I’m about to teach you, there’s a strong chance that you’ll continue that pattern of never having enough money in your bank account, of continuing to struggle when you know you’re capable of so much more and of riding the cash flow rollercoaster like it’s your job.

Most importantly, you won’t make as big of an impact on the world or on the lives of your friends and family.

I know, harsh, right?

It’s crucial that you learn what I have to teach you right now, otherwise that financial foundation is not going to be in place and although you may see some level of success, when the tide rolls in or the wind gets too strong, things may get ugly.

You need this information in order to start your business, grow and go to the next level, otherwise you may never reach your full potential and we definitely don’t want that to happen!

Anything is possible

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This stuff is seriously important —

ONCE YOU GET IT, YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. Not paying attention to this will guarantee that you stay in the same place you are today, and neither of us wants that. You and I both know what you’re capable of and now it’s time to show the world!

And please know, this is not a quick fix -- we both know those don’t work.

No quick fixes here.

This is your life we’re talking about. This is your family’s life. No more messing around or dabbling or saying you’ll make a change next year.

You don’t need to learn about another sales funnel, set up another Facebook ad, or be featured on another podcast to attract your ideal client and make money. I created this workbook because I want to show you another way.

I’ve been where you are and know what works.

Most of my clients come to me with some form of money “stuff” that needs sorting out -- whether it’s massive debt from student loans, fear of sales, undercharging for their services, or anxiety over money -- so if you’re in any of those camps, you’re in great company.

But, the good news is,


This training will make all the difference.

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I’m going to share what’s worked for me in my 7-figure business and what’s currently working with my clients in their own successful business. I won’t hold back, I want you to have this seriously life-changing information so you can start living the life of your dreams and creating that thriving business you’re craving.


In other words, how you view money, what you think about money, your opinion of wealthy people and your overall relationship with money.

Look at it this way -- if you’re constantly thinking about money as a negative thing or as a burden or just attaching really negative energy to it, then of course it’s always going to be not exactly what you want or not appealing to you.

So it’s important to look at the thoughts that you think about money, the words you use to describe money, what you’ve been taught about money, your fears around money, and your overall money story.

That’s what we’re going to go into today.


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One of my favorite books on this subject -- How Rich People Think by Steve Siebold says: “Your current financial status will give you an idea of your past thinking.”

So today, if you’re unhappy with the number in your bank account (or lack thereof), let’s see what’s been holding you back from making the money you desire…

(And if you don’t think you have a Money Mindset or an issue with money, trust me, there’s always something there that we can uncover to ensure you go to the next level and hit your financial milestones.)

Please note, this isn’t about making yourself wrong.

Most of us can’t help how we’ve been living or thinking because we haven’t known any better!


Before we dive in, you might be wondering how I got into all of this and became so passionate about this work...

Let me tell you so you can understand how I, just a girl from Ohio, turned into a 7-figure entrepreneur living in London.

MY MONEY BELIEFS AND ALMOST GIVING UPAlthough I grew up with a successful entrepreneur (my father) in my life, my parents’ and grandparents’ beliefs about money were passed down to me, and they weren’t all healthy or useful.

I also learned about money through society and what my culture in Columbus, Ohio taught me.

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(Let alone successful female entrepreneurs).

I personally grew up with the following beliefs about money:

• Money doesn’t grow on trees.• Always live within your means.• God doesn’t want us to be wealthy.• It takes a lot of work (and 4am wake-up

calls) to make a lot of money.• I have expensive taste so I better marry

a man who makes a lot of money. (This came from one of my uncles.)

• Credit card debt is wrong. (This didn’t come from my parents though - it was so-ciety.)

Fast forward to 2008 -- I was all set to get my Master’s in Counseling Psychology at North-western University. In fact, I was driving there, and turned the car around when I realized something wasn’t right. I knew this wasn’t my path.

The only problem was I didn’t know what my path was and that turned into a full-blown quarter-life crisis -- me working at Starbucks, being depressed and wondering how in the world everything went so wrong.

Eventually, I started to listen to my intuition (you know, that little voice calling you to do something) and moved to London to get a degree in Non-Fiction Writing.

All you need to know is that I moved to London in 2010 with four suitcases and a dream --- but no money.

In fact, I scraped by until my student loan money came in and that pattern continued for the next few years.

I had a few jobs -- as a nanny, Assistant and even matchmaker. But none of those paid very much and London is a pricey part of the world, so my credit card debt accumulated.

And I was still depressed.


Yes, I was excited to be in London, but I was unfulfilled until one day when everything changed course for me and I discovered coaching in 2013. I knew I was destined to be a coach and was thrilled to have discovered my “something big”.

But did I know how to start a business?No.

Did I know how to do sales calls?No.

Was I sure I’d actually make money?Well, maybe about 50% sure.

My money story

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Over the next year, I worked my booty off -- setting up my business, my husband helped me build my website, I learned what a “list” was, got clarity on my ideal client (sort of) and had my first professional photoshoot (I cried for hours after), and in July 2014, I got my first client and things progressed from there.

A few months later, although I was proud of starting my business, and I loved getting to work with my three or four clients, like a lot of driven entrepreneurs, things didn’t seem to be happening fast enough.

In fact, there was a time when nothing seemed to be happening and I had a period of 54 no’s in a row.

I had a problem.

I didn’t know how to attract and enroll cli-ents and I was still $30k in credit card debt (and had student loan debt on top of that -- we’re talking $90k!). What happened to launching my website and everyone flocking to me?!

I knew it would take time, but I wasn’t willing to wait. That’s the honest truth. I was ready to leave my 9-5 job, I wanted to move out of the closet-sized apartment and I was over hearing “I’d love to but I can’t afford it” on the phone (and saying that myself). But I didn’t know what to try next.

Now the sad thing is that this is the point where most people give up -- and I almost did too.

Before a session with one of my coaches in the beginning of building my business, I filled out the questionnaire before our call. It went a little like this…

What did you implement from our session last week? Nothing.

What happened since last week’s session? Nothing.

What’s exciting you about your business right now? Nothing.

What are you most looking forward to in your life and business right now? Nothing!

Although I felt bad for showing up in that state of mind that day, now, I’m grateful I did because after our call, everything shifted. My coach said something really powerful to me on that call.


I knew I wasn’t going to be one of them.

I was meant to do this.

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I knew some people go unnoticed, some people never hit the big financial milestones, some people never get their business off the ground -- and I don’t blame them.

Running a business is hard and sometimes it’s tricky to know what they real problem actually is.

People think they’ve chosen the wrong path, they’re just not meant for success, they’re not pretty enough, smart enough, qualified enough. Trust me, I hear every excuse in the book.

But luckily, during that period of time when I could have given up, I had support and people around me cheering me on. They believed in me and told me I was like that pot on the stove about to boil -- you couldn’t see the bubbles yet, but I was heating up.

Part of me heating up was learning more about my own foundation.

At the time, I was in a group program for new coaches and part of our curriculum was to discover what our money story was.

At first I thought it was weird -- I didn’t know I had a money story and wasn’t super woo-woo back then, but I was willing to give anything and everything a try if it meant getting out of debt and having consistent money rolling in so I could leave my job.

So I filled out the workbooks and read the books, and I can honestly say it changed my life. What I learned through my own training was that everyone has a Money Mindset (you do too!) so this guide is all about figuring out what yours actually is.


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WHY YOU’RE STRUGGLINGHear me out: the reason why you’ve been struggling so far is because you don’t have a healthy Money Mindset.

However, once you change your Money Mindset, everything can transform -- your entire life and business can look different.

• You can have clients consistently com-ing through the door.

• You can drop your debt shame and for-give yourself for those student loans.

• You can stop waking up anxious abouthow you’re going to pay the bills.

• You can start to invest in your dreamsby working with a coach, joining a mas-termind, building a team or investing ina website.

• You can have the confidence to putyourself out there and have a greaterimpact on the world.

• You can have the life that you want --one full of travel, freedom and joy

• You can support your family in a way that they deserve


I have a three-part system for transforming your Money Mindset.




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YOUR MONEY STORYWe need to know what beliefs that foundation is built on in order to figure out where you may be blocking money. We’re going to uncover that, but first, I want to share a little more information with you on Money Mindset and money story and use my own money transformation as an example of what’s possible when you do take these (simple) steps.


Most likely, your money story was set when you were a child based on what your parents, family, and society taught you.

So often, when we bring that money story into our adult life, it doesn’t serve us. It’s like we’re using an old operating system or listening to the same playlist over and over again -- one that never has anything nice to say.

It’s been said that humans have between 12,000 and 95,000 thoughts per day.

The actual number doesn’t matter, but it’s important to recognize that most of to-day’s thoughts are the same ones you had yesterday, and most of the time they aren’t too hot.

The reason why this is so important is be-cause our thoughts create our reality. (An-other thing I learned during that time.)

Now I wish I could tell you that I said “abra-cadabra” and everything changed, but it didn’t happen overnight.

It’s like losing weight — we all know the benefits, but that dress doesn’t fit the day after we start working out. It takes a bit of time. It was the same with this work.

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Within the first few weeks, things did start to happen for me. They started off small -- the yoga studio I went to gave me an unexpected discount, refunds came my way, I got upgrades on flights.

Then I got even more serious about this and I got clear on my financial goals and came up with a plan to make that happen -- 10 clients at $1500 each. (My coach told me that I wasn’t allowed to think, speak or promote anything else until that happened.)

I also got clear on what the money was for (money likes to have a purpose!) and knew the exact amount I desired to bring in.

I also focused on my relationship with money and my bank account. I listened to money affirmations in the shower, journaled every day and focused on the Post-It’s on the fridge that said “I always have enough money for all of my desires”. And I believed that statement even though my bank account said something different.

Just like working out, it takes a little bit of time to start to see the results, but I believed that the success I wanted was possible for me and right around the corner. And it was.

7-FIGURESGrowing up, my main goal was to hit 6-figures before my 30th birthday. Well, after diving deep with my own money story and creating a new relationship with money during that period of time, things started to take off.

Here’s a breakdown of the money I made during that time in my business which started with me working on my own Money Mindset…

As you can see, I ended up hitting 6-figures in my first six months in business -- ten months before my 30th birthday. In my first year, I hit $500k and onward to 7-figures in my first 18 months.

$442 - July 2014$2,057 - August 2014$6,055 - September 2014$5,933 - October 2014

$19,187 - November 2014$32,681 - December 2014$83,774 -January 2015

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At this point, our business has brought in mul-tiple 7-figures -- and we’re just getting started.

I’ve experienced the highs and the lows in business -- of course with the good there’s also the bad -- but it’s been an incredible journey. And the truth is, I couldn’t have done any of this without the money work I’m sharing with you today.

If I didn’t have that foundation, every “no” would have turned into a moment of self-doubt and wondering if I could do it, every new bill would have been enough for me to put on the brakes. I’d still be a one-woman

show because I’d be scared to hire a team. I’d be plagued by fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs instead of enjoying the ride. I’d still be aiming for that 6-figures...

Is that where you are today? Do you sometimes feel that way? Like you know you’re capable of much more, but you’re just not sure how to get there?

I know I felt like that during my period of 54 no’s. Thank goodness for the work I’m about to teach you about…


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I didn’t give up and I kept choosing to be-lieve in myself and my vision. I kept investing in the best support and mentoring I could find. I kept growing.

And gradually, I developed a program to teach other entrepreneurs about this work too.


I used to struggle to find clients (remember that period of 54 no’s in a row I told you about?!), but now my coaching and training programs sell out every time I open enroll-ment, and my high-level programs sell for anywhere from $5000 - $50,000.

I also have self-study programs and passive income coming in every month through products and memberships.

Tons of the people I admired from afar (read: girlcrush) are now my friends and col-laborators.

I get to host beautiful events in places like California, London, Paris and New York to support my clients and their growth.

I no longer live in an apartment the side of a closet or work from my kitchen table -- I have a gorgeous 6-bedroom house and a office that I love complete with a totally beautiful gold vision board.

(Oprah is on there quite a few times!)

I don’t worry about going out to dinner or shopping -- “I’d love to but I can’t afford it” is not the sentence I use every day -- and trust me, that feels so good.

I have the funds to invest in growing my busi-ness and getting help when I need it (our team rocks!). I work with the world’s best mentors on a variety of different subjects -- Brendon Burchard, Selena Soo to name a few.

Yes, there was a period of major hustle where I was working A LOT, but I loved what I was doing. Now, with more financial freedom, I make my own hours.

I can run my business from anywhere in the world, and since my husband and I love totravel -- you’ll often find me at 5-star hotels in places like Paris, LA, and Italy.


And I can give back and do to one of my favorite charity She’s the First.

I’ve generated many millions of dollars doing work that I love that’s in service to clients all over the world and they’re making money too! (One of the most satisfying elements of my work is seeing the success of my clients!)

And perhaps most importantly, I don’t wor-ry about the same things any more and all of this was possible by transforming my Money Mindset.

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“The universe is programmed to support your happi-ness, and one of the ways it does this is by arranging events so that you won’t have to worry about money. Why? Because you have more important things to do! That is the correct motivation for making money: so you simply don’t have to think about it except as a

tool for the betterment of all things.”

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The truth is, you’re meant to be wealthy.

You’re meant to have financial freedom -- not just to buy the gorgeous red-soled shoes you have your eye on, but so that you can live your dreams and share your talents with the world instead of being bogged down by financial worries.

This is your chance.Your chance to break free of the financial burdens that are causing you stress, worry, and essentially costing you your life and your dreams.


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PART 1: YOUR MONEY STORYEarlier in this workbook, I mentioned my own money stories that I grew up believing. Maybe you resonated with some of them. And if you didn’t, that’s okay too.

But the truth is that everyone has a money story, and in order to help you make more money, we have to know what’s holding you back from that financial success. Again, it’s just like weight loss -- do you have a major sugar craving? Maybe bread is your weakness (it’s mine!). We have to know what we’re dealing with here…

Here are a few common negative money stories; avoid adopting them as your own today – just see if any of them resonate with you. Put a check next to each of the statements that resonate with you.

I’m bad with money.

I can’t save.

I never have enough.

I can’t make enough.

I feel guilty and ashamed for my debt.

Making money means that I’m taking it from someone.

Real success is hard to achieve.

I’m bad at paying off debt.

Saving money is a struggle.

You always have to evaluate every purchase.

You can always get it cheaper.

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

Living within your means is the best way to live.

Wealthy people are evil.

God doesn’t want us to have money.

Only skinny people can be rich.

You shouldn’t make a lot of money by helping people.

I never have enough money for what I want.

Life is too expensive.

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Did any of the money stories above resonate with you? How does that make you feel?

Describe your current relationship with money.

When I say the word “money” what words or emotions come to mind?

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What did you learn about money by watching your mother and father?

What did your mother and father actually tell you about money? (Sometimes not talking about money also tells us something.)

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PART 2: FEAR AROUND MONEYI once had a coach tell me that unless someone is about to break into my house or there’s a tiger about to attack me, I’m not allowed to be scared. That really stuck with me because there have been times where I’ve definitely allowed fear to get the best of me — especially around money and finances.

Now, one of my favorite personal phrases is “you can either be scared or rich”. I remember being so scared that I’d never be able to pay off my credit card debt. I thought it was going to haunt me forever! But it didn’t. I’m still alive and have been able to pay it off, and you can too if you find yourself in that place today.

Most fears truly are “False Evidence Appearing Real”. They don’t normally actually happen, yet, we spend so much time and energy on them. It’s the same thing with worries! How many of your worries actually happen compared to the amount of time you spend focused on them? Think about what you could get done if you put that energy into what you do want to happen instead.

Let’s explore your money fears and worries now.

What are your core fears about money?

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When did you start having those fears?

How have those fears affected your life?

What would your life look like without those fears?

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PART 3: BELIEFS ABOUT WEALTHThis week, pay attention to what you hear about money from society or even see on TV or movies. My prediction is that you’ll be able to see a money pattern. You’ll notice just how often the evil, selfish, manipulative character is wealthy and the poor person is righteous and kind. There seems to be no middle ground — it’s either rich = mean or poor = kind. See what you discover!

The truth is, you aren’t going to make more money if you believe having money is wrong -- it doesn’t work like that. So we need to get to your core beliefs about wealthy people.

What do you believe about people with a lot of money?

Where did that belief come from?

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PART 4: BELIEFS ABOUT SUCCESSRegardless of whether you planned to start a business from a young age or find yourself an accidental entrepreneur, you probably have some deep beliefs about success -- again rooted there from the time you were young.

These beliefs need to be brought to the surface and transformed (if they aren’t serving you) in order for you to hit your financial milestones and reach your potential in life and business. Believing in yourself and your ability to be wealthy is the first step to getting there.

What do you believe about your ability to be wealthy?

Do you believe you have the potential to earn as much money as you want?

Do you believe that serving others means you shouldn’t make a lot of money?

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When you know what your money story is and have an awareness of your relationship with money, everything is going to start to shift.

It’s like the moment you recognize that a relationship isn’t working and you seek support. Maybe you spend more time together, nurture the relationship, plan date night -- etc.

Without this information, you may be successful, but you won’t hit the level of success both you and I know you’re capable of.


• Being able to take the trips you’ve been dreaming of now (instead of waiting for retirement)

• Paying off your debt and student loans• Selling out your group program• Making 5-figure months• Celebrating 6-figure launches• Being about to spoil your friends and family at Christmas and birthdays• Enabling your husband or partner to leave their job and pursue their dreams• Having the freedom to spend more time with your kids• Leaving your 9-5 jobs and making money on behalf of your dreams -- not some-

one else’s• Being able to hire a team to do so you can focus on what truly lights you up

in your business

This is about you living the life you were born to live and growing your business in a way that you’ve only ever dreamed of. I want you to experience ultimate fulfillment in your life and business, and that starts with you being financially supported.

It’s possible for you. Just imagine for a minute, how amazing your life would be if you didn’t have to worry about money... Just imagine how deeply satisfied you would feel.


Page 25: MONEY MINDSET MASTERY PART 1 - Amazon S3 · 2017-05-13 · today, and neither of us wants that. You and I both know what you’re capable of and now it’s time to show the world!

25Copyright I Heart My Life 2017

WHAT’S NEXT?MONEY MINDSET MASTERY PART 2: How to Transform Your Money Mindset to Make Millions.

In the next workbook I’m going to teach you all about transforming your money story now that you know what it is.

This is so huge and a game-changer in terms of wealth. I cannot wait to share it with you.

I guarantee that if you do this work, you’ll start to see financial shifts. The most important message I want to leave you with today is this…


You don’t have to settle for anything less than the life and business of your dreams. There has never been a better time in history to be an entrepreneur ready to impact the world. The power of the internet means your possibilities are endless...

I believe in you, and I’ve been where you are and know what’s possible. I’ve seen what my clients can do with this information and what transforming their relationship with money has done to change their life and business.

In the next PDF and video, you’re going to do a deep drive and learn what’s keeping you broke and how to shift it — today.

One of my favorite things that I often hear my clients say is “I don’t even recog-nize my own life” — that’s my intention for you with this training. That you’ll look back on your business and life barely be able to recognize it.

I look forward to “seeing” you in our next training, Lovely.

Emily xx