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IntroductionForests cover 31% of the land area in our planet. They produce vital oxygen and provide homes for people and wildlife. Many of the worlds most threatened and 1.6 billion people rely on benefits forests offer, including food, fresh water, clothing, tradition, medicine and shelter. In Bangladesh there is 16% forest of the total land. But most forests around the world are under threat from deforestation. Deforestation comes in many forms, including fires, clear cutting for agriculture, ranching and development, unsustainable logging for timberland degradation due to climate change. This impacts peoples livelihood and threatens and a wide range of plant and animal species. Some 46-58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year-equivalent to 36 football fields every minute.

Forest play a critical role in mitigating climate change because they act as a carbon sink-soaking up carbon dioxide that would otherwise be free in the atmosphere and contribute to ongoing changes in climate patterns. Deforestation undermines this important carbon sink function. It is estimated that 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions are the result of deforestation.

Deforestation is a particular concern because these forests are home to much of the worlds biodiversity. For example, in the Amazon around 17% of the forest has been lost in last 50 years, mostly due to forest conversation for cattle ranching. According to the ecologists, for live able environment there should be forest on the 25% land of the total area.

Objectives of Study

The main objectives of the study is

To find the causes of deforestation.

To find the effect of deforestation.

To find the probable solution of deforestation.

Causes of DeforestationThe deforestation causes include many factors. The destruction of the forests is occurring due to various reasons, one of the main reasons being the short-term economic benefits. Natural disaster, industrialization, salinity and sedimentation, mining, and urban construction are some of the common causes.Natural disaster A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from deforestation including floods, volcanic, earthquakes, tsunamis and other geologic process. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or property damage, and typically leaves some economic damage in its wake, the severity of which depends on the affected populations resilience or ability to recover.

Urban construction

Forests are cleared to make way for the expansion of urban areas. Trees are cut down for lumber that is used for building materials, furniture, and paper products which creates a major impact on forest life. This result in loss of forest area and massive deforestation.


Deforestation can also be caused by clearing forests for oil and mining explosions, making highways and roads, slash and burn farming techniques, wildfires and acid rain. Forest fires can occur naturally or in most cases are deliberate attempts by man to clear huge forests. These forests can still recover, but usually the cleared land is used for construction and agriculture purpose. This leads to loss of habitat for the local wildlife.

Salinity & Sedimentation

While water is one of the most essential ingredients that is required that is required for the normal growth of crops, the use of water with a high salinity, that is, water that contains higher amounts of salt, adversely affects the soil as well as crop growth. The salt present in the water accumulate in the heater accumulate in the top layer of the soil, resulting in decreased yields, and ultimately making the soil and the land unfit for crop yielding and other agricultural practices.

Sedimentation is the tendency for particles in suspension to settle out of the fluid in which they are entertained ,and come to rest against barrier day by day it is increasing and it effect on deforestation.


Trees are cut down to be used as firewood or turned into charcoal, which are used for cooking and heating purpose.

Fuelwood gathering is often concentrated in tropical dry forests and degraded forest areas (Repetto, 1988; 1990; Rowe et al., 1992; Anon., 1994a). Fuelwood is not usually the major cause of deforestation in the humid tropics although it can be in some populated regions with reduced forest area such as in the Philippines, Thailand and parts of Central America. Fuelwood gathering was considered to be the main cause of deforestation and forest degradation in El Salvador (Repetto, 1990). In the drier areas of tropics, Fuelwood gathering can be a major cause of deforestation and degradation.Mining

Mining causes deforestation in many ways. First of all, the process of mining releases many chemicals into the water ways of the rainforest cyanide and mercury can, and are often released into tributaries of the rainforest, killing the animals that line in of the water. The mining process also involves many explosions, which clear out land that is home to plant and animal species. The already poor soil is blown away, ending all planet life that can ever thrive there. As miners enter a rainforest, they create massive roadways that are needed to take all the materials into the rainforest. These roadways result in the cutting down of trees, and killing of wildlife that could possibly threaten the well-being of the workers. And lastly, the miners bring in diseases to the rainforest when they come. And often time these disease kill of whole indigenous tribes. The mining process kills nations, animals and wildlife. And it spreads deadly chemicals into the pure ecosystem.

Effects of DeforestationThere are numbers of adverse effect of deforestation that include environmental and economical. Some of these are listed below.Destroying ecological balance

Deforestation is the cause of destroying ecological balance. Deforestation causes extinction, changes to climatic conditions, deforestation and displacement of populations as observed by current conditions, desertification and displacement of populations as observed by current conditions and in the past through the fossil record. Deforestation is a contributor to global warming. Tropical deforestation is a responsible for approximately 20% of world greenhouse gas emissions.

The drinking water cycle is also affected by deforestation. Plants and plants sketch out ground water through their roots and release it into the atmosphere. Deforestation reduces the content of drinking water in the earth. Deforestation reduces floor communication, so that loss rising and landslides happen. Deforestation on a human range results in decrease in bio-diversity.

Extinction of endangered species

Deforestation has caused habitat loss to many animal species. Species that are native to jungles and tropical rain forest, such orangutans and tigers, are endangered by habitat loss. Mined three-toed sloths and the slender Loris are endangered solely because of deforestation. Asian elephant, giant others and mountain zebras are all threatened by habitat loss.

Soil erosion

When the soil is exposed to the sun upon deforestation, it becomes very dry and infertile due to loss of nutrients. When there is rainfall, it washes away the rest of the nutrients, which flow with the rainwater into eater ways. Replanting trees may not help to solving the problems caused by deforestation. By the time the trees mature, the soil will be totally devoid of essential nutrients. As a result, the land will not be suitable for cultivation and will become useless large tracts of land will be rendered permanently improvers due to soil erosion.

Climate change

It is well-known that global warming is being caused largely due to emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, what is not known quite as well is that deforestation has a direction association with carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Trees act as a major storage depot for carbon. Since they absorb carbon-dioxide from atmosphere, which is then used to produce carbohydrates, fats and proteins that make up trees are burnt or they are allowed to rot, which results in them as carbon dioxide. This in turn, leads to greater concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Bad impact on world economy

Deforestation and its effects can change the living standards of the people .Human societies utilize timber and wood from forest building houses and making paper. On an average it is estimated that three million people depend on wood for cooking and other purposes. Rapid increase in economic growth also has the impact on forests. As population increases, there is demand for new homes and empty spaces. Roads are laid to expand cities and results in the reduction of forest cover.

Solution of DeforestationDeforestation doesnt just threaten our climate; it threatens the livelihoods of 1.6 billion people that rely on forests for food and economic activity. Forests also serve as habitats to rare and undiscovered animal and plant species and play a key role in providing water and preventing flooding and erosion. It is our foremost duty to stop deforestation. Tree plantation

Trees should be regularly planted to save the mankind and the animal world. We can get much pleasure in planting trees and in taking care of them. Without oxygen, the animal world will die away. So, we should plant trees near our villages for a forestation with a view to raising new forests.

Planned urbanization

Refers to the increasing number of people that line in urban areas planned urbanization is needed for all living things. To reduce deforestation problem urbanization should be properly planned. Planned urbanization, strict good rules and laws, conscious people are responsible governor are perquisites to live in beautiful city.

Making alternatives to fueling

Alternative fuels are derived from resources other than petroleum. Some are produced domestically, reducing our dependence on imported oil, and some are derived from renewable sources often, they produce less pollution than gasoline or diesel.

Ethanol: Ethanol produced domestically from corn and other crops and produces less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional fuels.

Natural gas

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that generates less air pollutants and greenhouse gases.


Biodiesel is derived from vegetable produces less air pollutants than petroleum based diesel.

Effective campaign for public alertness

There have been many campaigns against deforestation across the globe that has played a huge role in making more people aware of the situation and the repercussions that will result from it. The World Wide Fund have been one of the most original when it comes to their campaigning against it and have created very alarming advertisements that leave a dent in those that witness the adverts mind.

Greenpeace created a campaign against deforestation from a different angle and instead of scaring the public; they decide to make their campaign humorous to gain more attention. Greenpeace is campaigning for zero deforestation, globally, by 2020.

The UN has created the REDD program to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. The strategies in REDD place a value on the carbon stored in trees, and once assessed, developed countries then pay developing countries carbon offsets for the standing trees.

Like other countries Bangladesh has also started different campaigning programs. Creative Bangladesh tries to increase awareness among people against deforestation and unplanned urbanization.

Enacting new laws for land and forest

Forest law enforcement has long been considered as the most useful approach to prevent illegal logging and widely practiced across the countries. However their efficacy and role to prevent illegal logging has questioned very often, particularly in the tropics, where there exists a complex socio-political context favored by chronic poverty and unemployment. In Bangladesh till now enforcement of customary forest law has considered as the only way to control illegal logging, which is in accordance with the Forest Act 1927 formulated during the British colonial period with little amendments on it by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) in 1994. Some important features of the Act are: (i) Under the purview of the Forest Act, all rights or claims over forestlands have been settled at the time of the reservation. The Act prohibits the grant of any new rights of any kind to individuals or communities; (ii) Any activity within the forest reserves is prohibited, unless permitted by the Forest Department; (iii) Most of the violations may result in court cases where the minimum fine is Taka 2,000 and/or two month's rigorous imprisonment; and (iv) The Act empowers the Forest Department to regulate the use of water-courses within Reserve Forests. Enforcement of customary forest law has no or very little impact on overall situation; even in some cases it has further worsened the condition as some illegal loggers continued their activity just to manage the fees of their court and lawyer.

Bangladesh Government has to impose new strong laws like other develop country such as US & Paraguayan. The Paraguayan government has extended the Zero Deforestation Law for a further five years, resulting in an important conservation win for this highly threatened eco-region. The Land Conversion Moratorium for the Atlantic Forest of Paraguay, also known as the Zero Deforestation Law was enacted in 2004 and dramatically slowed the countrys deforestation rate by prohibiting the transformation and conversion of forested areas in Paraguay's eastern region.

Substitute place for friendly firing of military

Militarization has also responsible to cause deforestation and forest degradation in Bangladesh through heartening the military establishment in hill forest areas. Bengali expansionism is another countenance of militarization in hill forest areas.

This phenomenon is present in Chittagong hill forest areas. The militarization in the hill tracts is also responsible for the deforestation of those areas. Participants from FGDs and interviews reported that, huge amount of forest had been cleared by the military for making of their camp, training centre and infrastructural development. It is found from the field that, firing range which is built by the military is another reason for deforestation.

Government and military of Bangladesh has to think regarding this matter and they have to find out another substitute place for making camp, training center and firing range.

Conclusion Deforestation is a vital issue that has to be solved. It has adverse effects on each living beings life. Deforestation has become a huge concern in todays life as there has been a rise in the decline of forest. If major steps towards afforestation are not taken, then even the great adaptability of human beings may not be enough to cope up with the harsh climate future. Deforestation does have solutions. Its just that the people must step forward. The safe keeping of our precious planet lies with each and every member of its human population. We are the ones accountable for our action even though it is ourselves, we are accountable too.