OHLONE COLLEGE M O NITOR APRIL 9, 2015 Vol. XLIX No. 7 FREMONT, CA OHLONEMONITOR.COM THURSDAY Forget everything you thought you knew about chickens. Turn to Page 4. ASOC to hold elections next week MITCHELL WALTHER Editor-in-chief Four candidates are running unopposed for the Associated Students of Ohlone College’s execu- tive officer positions in an election next week. The positions are presi- dent, vice president, sec- retary and legislative rep- resentative. No student has filed a petition to run for trea- surer. Meanwhile, five candidates are vying to be the student member to the Board of Trustees. The voting process will take place on April 14 and 15. Students can vote at the voting stations, located at the student lounge on the Fremont campus or in the first-floor lobby of the Newark campus, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m.They can also vote online from 12:01a.m. Tuesday to 5 p.m. Wednes- day. March 17 was the dead- line to file a petition to run for the positions, and now the candidates’ names have been released. Still, this does not mean students are locked out of the election process. Besides being able to vote for the current list of candidates, students can also do write-in ballots. Students can write in the name of any qualified candidate they believe is suitable for any of the ex- ecutive officer positions. There are requirements for a write-in candidate to qualify to run. To be eligible, the student must: Maintain enrollment in at least five units at Ohlone College. Have and maintain a minimum of a 2.00 GPA, or be a first-semester stu- dent. Obtain or update their student ID card each se- mester. While the position of president, vice president, secretary, and legislative representative only have one candidate each, the student member of the Board of Trustees has five previously approved can- didates. If you have any ques- tions about the elections, election process, or candi- dates, feel free to contact Renee Gonzales, Student Activities Coordinator at [email protected] or 510-659-7311. Read statements from candidates for the execuve officer posions on Page 3. Read statements from candidates for the student member to the Board of Trustees on Page 6. LAURA GONSALVES / MONITOR A student is interviewed by a reporter from Ohlone TV on Wednesday afternoon during the “Day of Dialogue” on the Newark campus. LAURA GONSALVES / MONITOR Counselor Maria Ramirez poses for photos at Wednesday’s event. ‘Day of Dialogue’ raises awareness about mental health ALBERT REBOSURA Sports editor Ohlone students took part in a “Day of Dialogue” on Wednesday, part of an ongoing effort to raise aware- ness about mental health on campus. The Day of Dialogue “real- ly was started with President (Barack) Obama,” said Rose- mary O’Neill, life coach at the Student Health Center. “After Career Expo in Newark May 1 MONITOR STAFF Up to 70 employers are expected to turn out for the Ohlone College and Tri-Cities One-Stop Career Center Annual Spring Career Expo on May 1. The event, open to Ohlone students and the general public, will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Newark campus. Employers from a va- riety of industries, in- cluding manufacturing, biotech, retail, health care and logistics, will seek to fill both full- time and part-time po- sitions at the fair. The Career Center recommends students dress in business-casual attire, and bring plenty of resumes. Students who’d like to get their resumes re- viewed and submitted to employers before the expo can visit the Career Center in Room 1211 at the Newark campus. Career Fair prepara- tion workshops also are available. There will be professionals available to assist those looking for advice. For more information, go to http://tricitieson- estop.com or call 510- 742-2323. Continued on Page 2 the Sandy Hook (shooting) incident, he really wanted to start a national campaign to get people talking.” The event was held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the first-floor lobby at the Newark campus. “Last year it was at the Fremont campus, but I think this arena, this venue is very good because it’s so open,”

Monitor 2015-4-9

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Vol. XLIX No. 7



Forget everything you thought you knew about chickens.Turn to Page 4.

ASOC to hold elections next weekMITCHELL WALTHEREditor-in-chief

Four candidates are running unopposed for the Associated Students of Ohlone College’s execu-tive officer positions in an election next week.

The positions are presi-dent, vice president, sec-retary and legislative rep-resentative.

No student has filed a petition to run for trea-surer. Meanwhile, five candidates are vying to be the student member to the Board of Trustees.

The voting process will take place on April 14 and 15.

Students can vote at the voting stations, located at the student lounge on the Fremont campus or in the first-floor lobby of the Newark campus, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m.They can also vote online from 12:01a.m. Tuesday to 5 p.m. Wednes-day.

March 17 was the dead-line to file a petition to run for the positions, and now the candidates’ names have been released.

Still, this does not mean students are locked out of the election process.

Besides being able to vote for the current list of candidates, students can

also do write-in ballots.Students can write in

the name of any qualified candidate they believe is suitable for any of the ex-ecutive officer positions.

There are requirements for a write-in candidate t o q u a l i f y t o r u n . To be eligible, the student must:

Maintain enrollment in at least five units at Ohlone College.

Have and maintain a minimum of a 2.00 GPA, or be a first-semester stu-dent.

Obtain or update their student ID card each se-mester.

While the position of

president, vice president, secretary, and legislative representative only have one candidate each, the student member of the Board of Trustees has five previously approved can-didates.

If you have any ques-tions about the elections, election process, or candi-dates, feel free to contact Renee Gonzales, Student Activities Coordinator at [email protected] or 510-659-7311.

Read statements from candidates for the executive officer positions on Page 3.

Read statements from candidates for the student member to the Board of Trustees on Page 6.


A student is interviewed by a reporter from Ohlone TV on Wednesday afternoon during the “Day of Dialogue” on the Newark campus.


Counselor Maria Ramirez poses for photos at Wednesday’s event.

‘Day of Dialogue’ raises awareness about mental healthALBERT REBOSURASports editor

Ohlone students took part in a “Day of Dialogue” on Wednesday, part of an ongoing effort to raise aware-ness about mental health on campus.

The Day of Dialogue “real-ly was started with President (Barack) Obama,” said Rose-mary O’Neill, life coach at the Student Health Center. “After

Career Expo in Newark May 1MONITOR STAFF

Up to 70 employers are expected to turn out for the Ohlone College and Tri-Cities One-Stop Career Center Annual Spring Career Expo on May 1.

The event, open to Ohlone students and the general public, will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Newark campus.

Employers from a va-riety of industries, in-cluding manufacturing, biotech, retail, health care and logistics, will seek to fill both full-time and part-time po-sitions at the fair.

The Career Center recommends students dress in business-casual attire, and bring plenty of resumes.

Students who’d like to get their resumes re-viewed and submitted to employers before the expo can visit the Career Center in Room 1211 at the Newark campus.

Career Fair prepara-tion workshops also are available. There will be professionals available to assist those looking for advice.

For more information, go to http://tricitieson-estop.com or call 510-742-2323.Continued on Page 2

the Sandy Hook (shooting) incident, he really wanted to start a national campaign to get people talking.”

The event was held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the first-floor lobby at the Newark campus.

“Last year it was at the Fremont campus, but I think this arena, this venue is very good because it’s so open,”

M O N I T O R NEWSAPRIL 9, 20152NEWS BITESStaff training to prevent suicideSTEP Up Ohlone and

the Human Resources Department are spon-soring a training semi-nar for faculty and staff about suicide prevention on April 20.

The event, held in part-nership with Crisis Sup-port Services of Alameda County, will discuss the early identification and referral of students at risk for suicide.

The training will be from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 7101 on the Fre-mont campus.

To RSVP, go to www.s u r v e y m o n k e y. c o m /s/7QH3FJY.

Faculty will receive flex credit and staff members will be granted release time for attending the training. Refreshments will be provided.

Officials solicit input on plan

College officials will hold the Strategic Plan-ning Summit from 9 a.m. to noon Friday in the gym on the Fremont campus.

The purpose of the sum-mit is to solicit input on Ohlone’s five-year plan. All students, faculty, staff and administrators can partici-pate.

The summit will include a broad range of goal top-ics and objectives, includ-ing student learning and achievement, employ-ment preparation, diver-sity and equity.

The information gath-ered at the summit will be used to help finalize the college’s 2015-20 Stra-tegic Plan, which will be presented to the Board of Trustees in June.

– Compiled by Monitor staff

Event to inspire high-schoolersThe Tri-Cities One-Stop

Career Center is organizing an event April 24 to expose high school students to the Ohlone campus and pro-grams.

The goal is to inspire students to apply for com-munity college and get support for submitting ap-plications and completing the placement assessment.

The event will be from 10 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. in Rooms 2200 and 2201 at the New-ark campus. Conley-Cara-ballo High School in Union City and Robertson and Bridgepoint high schools in Fremont are scheduled to attend. Keep learning at nu.edu/transfer

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Dreamt is the only word that ends in a-m-t.


Ohlone’s Theatre and Dance department is hold-ing auditions for “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” the classic play by Dale Wasserman, adapted from the novel by Ken Kesey.

Auditions will be from 6 to 10 p.m. May 13 at the Num-mi Theatre in the Smith Cen-ter on the Fremont campus, with callbacks held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 16. Email [email protected] to make an appointment; drop-ins also are welcome.

Participants should pre-pare a 90-second mono-logue of their choice.

Rehearsals will begin Sept. 8, and performanc-es will be Nov. 6 to 21.

All actors cast in the pro-duction must enroll in TD-124 Rehearsal and Per-formance class (4 units).

For more information, go to www.ohlone.edu/instr/theatredance/20142015/cuckoosnestauditions.html.

Auditions slated for ‘Cuckoo’s Nest’

Continued from Page 1


Ohlone will celebrate Earth Day on April 24 with a discussion about the environment and how to make a difference. The event will be from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in Room 7101 on the Fremont campus.


Walk to raise awareness

O’Neill said. “It’s very condu-cive for students just wan-dering by and saying, `Hey, what’s up?’”

The event included emo-tional wellness bingo, infor-mation tables and depression screenings.

“We did 38 screenings, which we think is very suc-cessful,” O’Neill said. “So we are very happy with how it went today.”

The event was organized by STEP Up Ohlone, the college’s campaign to promote stu-dent mental health, prevent suicide, and reduce stigma and discrimination over these issues.

On Wednesday, STEP Up Ohlone is organizing the annual Out of the Darkness Walk, held to raise money and awareness for suicide prevention.

This year, walkers will make their way around the Newark campus. Registration is at 11 a.m. and the walk begins at noon. Last year’s walk raised $2,715, drawing a total of 63 walkers and 10 volunteers.

For more information or to view a map of this year’s route, go to http://stepu-pohlone.org/campusev-ents/community-events or contact Student Health Cen-ter Director Sally Bratton at 510-659-6258 or [email protected].

NEWS M O N I T O RAPRIL 9, 20153



Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the re-spective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College.


Editor-in-Chief: Mitchell Walther

Sports editor: Albert Rebosura Photo editor:Laura Gonsalves

Online editor: Ivan Vargas

Staff writers: Maria Garcia-HernandezMartha NunezOden, D.Charles Tuttle

Ad manager: Ryan Parcher

Ad staff: Ricky Cardenas

Adviser: Rob Dennis

Printer: FP Press


Offices: Room 5310 Call: 510.659.6075 E-mail: [email protected]: www.ohlonemon-itor.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/OhloneCollegeMoni-torTwitter: @OhloneMonitor

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Meet the ASOC candidatesBubba ManzoPresident

“Serving on the ASOC council for the past year as the Newark represen-tative has been an exhila-rating experience.

It has allowed me to serve and represent stu-dents in the best way

possible. Also serving as the Vice

President to the MEChA Club and the Student Sustainability Club has h e l p e d m e b e c o m e a better leader in many aspects.

I have gained the knowl-edge and experience to chair the ASOC council and plan on representing the student body to the best of my ability.”

[email protected]

Kimberly QuintoVice President

“Salutations everyone! My name is Kimberly

Quinto, and I am running for the office of ASOC vice president.

If elected as vice presi-dent, I would serve as the chair of the Ohlone Col-lege Inter-Club Council and report regularly on

club activities to the Gen-eral Council.

As you all know, ASOC has lots of resources that people on campus are not aware of.

Because I believe that all clubs should be able to succeed in whatever plans they may have,

I would do my best to encourage all clubs to use ASOC as their main resource.”

[email protected]

Jack SmithSecretary

“Hello! I’m Jack, and I am running for the posi-tion of ASOC secretary, because I care about our college, and for some strange reason, I also enjoy organization.

I am currently the sec-retary for Ohlone’s In-ter-Club Council (ICC),

w h e r e I h a v e g a i n e d experience in committee organization, inter-club p l a n n i n g , a n d p a p e r-work management.

A little about myself: I like long walks on the beach, gett ing caught in the rain. I t idy my ro o m e ve r y we e k e n d ,

and I make sure I do my homework before seeing friends.

I care about Ohlone and the students here, and if elected I will try to give each student a reason to care too.”

[email protected]

Harmeet KaurLegislative Representative

“He l l o, m y n a m e i s Harmeet Kaur.

I want you to vote for me as legislative repre-sentative for the ASOC student government.

Why? I am a responsi-ble, passionate, and car-ing person who is willing

to go the distance. I’m already involved in

student government as an ASOC senator and I’ve experienced first-hand how things run.

If you have any com-ments, questions or con-cerns and if you want

your voice to be heard, vote Harmeet Kaur for legislative representa-tive!”

[email protected]

No candidateTreasurer

No candidate has ap-plied to run for the posi-tion of treasurer. However, students may write-in a candidate for the office on the ballot.

On the days of the elec-tion – Tuesday, April 14 and Wednesday, Apr i l

15 – students may write in the name of a student that they think deserves the job of treasurer.

To be eligible, the stu-dent must:

Maintain enrollment in at least five units at Ohlone College.

Have and maintain a minimum of a 2.00 GPA, or be a f irst-semester student.

Obtain 50 student sig-natures on the petition.

Obtain/update their student ID card each se-mester.




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A gig is a gigThere is this growing

opinion that to enjoy your job it has to be problem-free and you need to enjoy every sec-ond of it.

This of course is the rebuttal to the opinion that jobs are grinds you just need to do because that’s what you do.

Learn. Work. Suffer. Die. T h e s e a r e b o t h

bullshit. Jobs are hard, but should be fulfilling. It’s not about what you do, but how you do it. Finding little treasure chests throughout your shift, day or however long you’re doing what you do.

Making people laugh, changing the course of a day, making the job easier for your cowork-er. You find the goals throughout the day that will keep you focused on the positives, and brighten people’s days.

These aren’t altruistic, selfless acts. These are the actions that keep you happy and save you from insanity.

Your career is a job you can enjoy a bad day at and still look forward to the next. Your day job is a place you remind yourself of your goals and dreams daily, and then break your shift into golden moments.

Some people think they are one and the same, and end up doing something they hate for a living.

Others see these two kinds of jobs as com-plete opposites and can’t concieve being unhappy in their career. The problem is that you have bad days wherever you are.

It’s not about suffering throughout your day. And it’s definitely not about hating every job for its problems until you find your dream gig.

Do that, and when hard days come at your career, you’ll doubt your dreams, and that will be the end of them.

And that can be the end of your passion.

The devil is in the details, and the angels are in the tiny treasure chests.

withMitchell Walther

Add me to your myspace Top 8@OTRwithMitchell


Continued on Page 6

They don’t make chickens like they used toNADJA ADOLFContributing writer

In the early 20th century it is unlikely that passengers on a train would have been surprised by the sight of fluffy white Leghorn hens perched in the trees of plum, peach and other orchards; city dwellers were used to seeing poultry, and even dairy cattle, living in urban yards. Their modern de-scendants have been known to see chickens roosting in a tree, and then ask poultry keepers if chickens – and eggs – grow on trees.

Before the creation of the Federal Housing Adminis-tration during the Roosevelt years, it was very common for people to keep urban livestock and the practice was far from discouraged. In the early 20th century, there was an annual con-test in Portland, Ore., for youth urban poultry yards that offered a first prize of $100 and a second prize of $50. To understand the incentives offered to the participating children, one should remember that in 1910 the average U.S. wage was 22 cents an hour, with the average U.S. worker earning between $200 and $400 a year.

Pigs, poultry, meat rab-bits, goats and dairy cattle were not unusual in many urban areas before the Great Depression and the advent of the Federal Housing Ad-ministration.

The FHA insisted that homeowners in the loan program agree not to raise livestock; this was in part an insistence by elites that the

“working classes” adopt a way of life that progressives considered more acceptable – but it was also a means of social control that deliber-ately cultivated dependence on government assistance while creating additional markets for commercial agriculture.

One hundred years later the locavore movement, heavily powered by roman-tic idealists with no practical knowledge of agriculture, let alone the specifics of animal husbandry, has encouraged people to adopt backyard chickens and this lack of knowledge has led to a great deal of unintentional animal cruelty.

Romantics hearken back to “grandma’s day” or even “great-great-grandma’s day” and aspire to free-range poultry in a manicured back yard, and at best offer only grains as a supplemental feed. They fantasize about Grandma in her fluffy white apron running into the yard and tossing a handful or two of corn to her flock of hens before entering the coop and returning with an abundance of eggs, as every hen had, as a matter of routine, laid an egg that day. The reality was some-thing quite different, and the failure to understand these differences leads to Biddy dying a horrible, slow death.

Biddy cannot survive on a few bits of corn and the grass in a back yard because Biddy is not an herbivore. Biddy requires a diet that is generous in calcium and phosphorous, and contains at least 16 percent good quality protein to be healthy

and lay eggs. Back in “grandma’s day,”

Biddy lived on the kitchen garbage, and there were like-ly to be abundant maggots in the backyard trash heap or parasites in the manure of the other backyard livestock. When the maggots thinned, she had a reasonable chance of finding mice, baby rats, young squirrels and even small, wild birds to supple-ment her diet. Anyone who has kept chickens for any length of time does not tend

to question the zoological assertion that Biddy is the closest living relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex, espe-cially after one has seen an incident of “food running” where the hens tear apart some hapless mouse or bird they have caught.

Making our sterile subur-ban back yard and scratch diet even more dangerous is the reality that the Biddy of today is not at all the

Seminar to discuss `The Imitation Game’CHARLES TUTTLEStaff writer

You like movies? You like science and math? You like extra credit? You like seminars?

If you answered yes to any of these ques-tions, then Professor Jeff O’Connell has just the thing for you.

On Friday, O’Connell w i l l h o s t a s e m i n a r about the life and ac-c o m p l i s h m e n t s o f B r i t i s h m a t h e m a t i -cian Alan Turing, dis-

cussing Turing’s work with mathematics and his use of the subject to crack the German Enigma machine.

The seminar also will discuss how the recent feature film about Tur-i n g , “ T h e I m i t a t i o n Game,” got its name.

The free seminar will be from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Room 3201 on the Fremont campus. Sign-in sheets will be available for students a t t e n d i n g f o r e x t r a credit.

College club screens censorship documentary CHARLES TUTTLEStaff writer

Censored stuff is cen-sored for a reason. There are many issues taken into account for censor-ship.

Thankful ly, “Project Ce n s o re d T h e Mov i e : Ending the Reign of Junk Food News” is here to shed light on the subject of said censorship.

The Ohlone Col lege Project Censored Club will provide a free screen-ing of the film later this month, including a ques-tion-and-answer session with Project Censored in-terns and Ohlone history instructor Nolan Higdon, the Project Censored fac-ulty affiliate.

Carl Jensen, a professor in communications stud-

ies at Sonoma State Uni-versity, founded Project Censored in 1976.

Each year, the project compiles a list of the 25 most censored and un-der-reported news stories in the United States.

The film, a 2013 docu-mentary about the news m e d i a i n t h e Un i t e d States based on the work of Project Censored, was written and directed by Christopher Oscar and Doug Hecker.

The goal of the Ohlone s c re e n i n g i s t o o p e n wide the topics of media censorship and media literacy to students, out-lining the importance of true self-government and free press.

In addition to being an extra-credit opportunity, students will be able to

participate in decon-structing media nar-ratives and creating alternative ones.

The screening will be at 6 p.m. April 23 in FP-2 on the Fremont campus.

For more informa-tion, go to www.pro-jectcensoredthemov-ie.com.


Ohlone alum ‘rigs’ Wrestlemania at Levi’s Stadium


Above-left: One of the many jumbotrons at Levi’s Stadium, the location of Wrestlemania 31. Right: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Ronda Rousy make a surprise appearance.


Wrestlemania 31 – the Super Bowl of professional wrestling – was hosted at Levi’s Stadium on March 28.

I was among the 75,000 in attendance, and it was a dream come true.

The whole event was amazing. It was the best Wrestlemania I’ve ever watched – and I’m not just saying this because it was the first one I watched live.

It’s hard to imagine how many people were involved to make such an event pos-sible. Not just the wrestlers, but all the people behind the scenes.

Among those people was former Ohlone student and Monitor photographer Remy Jacque Orvis.

Here’s a Q&A that I did with her about her experi-ences:

Q: How did you get the job at Wrestlemania and what did that job entail?

A: I work for the Interna-tional Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 134 union in San Jose. I am a stagehand and hired under specific skills for roles such as hand (to help roadies), pusher (loading gig cases to trucks), lighting (hand to lighting roadie), video hand, climber-scaffolding rigger, carpenter, etc.

Local 134 was contracted to assemble the gear for the show, i.e. lighting, sound, video, stage and structure equipment. I was assigned to the lighting crew, so for the entirety of the load-in, I assisted the lighting com-pany UpStaging, installing and fixing their equipment for the show. At load-out, I unplugged and dismounted lights and their equipment from mounts after the rig-gers dismantled it from the truss.

The union is contracted for live entertainment (e.g. stage and arena) shows at the SAP Center, McEn-ery, Levi’s Stadium, San Jose State University Event Center, Children’s Musical Theatre, California Theatre, Center for Performing Arts,

and other San Jose local venues.

I got the job with Local 134 through a climbing friend that I met while working the front desk at Studio Climbing in San Jose. I was first hired by the union as a hand for the Apple event last summer at the Flint Center. My first job was with light-ing, but I have had work with the union handling audio and video as well, to name a couple. My bosses were impressed with my level of expertise and workmanship, so they kept giving me work with other shows, and then eventually hired me for the Wrestlemania gig.

Q: I imagine that there is a lot of preparation and rehearsals leading up to the show. What was that like?

A: I was not there for actual show preparations. Rather, I set up the show and then tore it down. I did get to see a lot of little things behind

the scenes, but not much. Unfortunately, I was on another call in downtown San Jose during the Wrestle-mania show call (the crew call immediately following the actual show, that is), so I missed all the real action.

I spent a week installing lights on the way tippy top of the stadium. I tell you, that place is magnificent from up there ... and scary. It took me a day or two to adjust to the heights above the stadium seats. The hardest part was lugging 10-pound lights up the stairs. What a workout!

While seeing those lights in the background of the show was pretty cool, it’s even cooler to see the ones above the stage dance dur-ing the show. It’s not much, but I like seeing my lights in action, even if all I did for those was hoist them up the riggers.

I also installed lights above the main stage, ones that I ac-

tually plugged in and secured onto poles and then hoisted up to riggers who fastened the poles onto truss.

Q: Did you have a “Wres-tlemania moment?”

A: There were a few mo-ments, such as handling the gig cases for wrestlers and seeing certain props, that made it a “real” experi-ence for me. A few nights before the show, I took a small break during light/sound/vid check to soak in the magnificence of it all from the field. Levi’s is quite spectacular, actually. But it was superb to stand next to the ring, run my hand over the ropes, and peer upward at the big “Wrestlemania” video letters and video walls. Nothing like it. It took days and lots of men and lots of patience and attention to assemble the stage, the vid-eos and lighting and such. I rarely get to see the finished product, so this one was a

real treat.Q: How much of the show

were you able to watch?A: I haven’t seen it yet! I

know... I have plans to buy it to watch at home on the big screen. Actually, I’ve seen little bits online.

Q: What was your favor-ite moment during your Wrestlemania experience?

A: I liked seeing the Rus-sian tank that Rusev rode in on. I also enjoyed working next to the ring. The light/sound/vid check I men-tioned earlier was pretty fantastic.

I’m not a football fan, but Levi’s is definitely one of my favorite places now. You might not know it, but the place seems way smaller from the field. The fans are right there, in the players’ faces; you can see the faces of your fans, you know? I can imagine that to be somewhat intense for some players and performers.



Wrestlemania 31 culminates in a fireworks show after the heavyweight championship title match. Seth Rollins won the title in epic fashion.


CAMPUS COMMENT What was your worst cooking disaster?ALEX GONZALESAnthropology

“Popcorn in the microwave, accidentally pushed 30 minutes and set it on fire.”


“Put milk into a coffee maker and you’re supposed to put water so it ended up breaking.


“Boiled rice, I left it on for two hours and it just liter-ally just burned up.”


“I was in culinary art school and then the towel got on fire.”

JOSE PELCASTREComputer Science

“One time when I was about 5 years old I was cooking instant noodles and what happened was that I ended up forgetting to put the water in. ‘Snap, it’s on fire.’ So I get on top of the counter and I accidentally step in it. I fall off and my sock had burned onto my skin and I had to get sent to the hospital, where the doctor had to remove it surgically.”

Candidates for student member of the Board of TrusteesRahul Patel Luis Lujan Irma CastenedaDaniel Ayers Ameila Angdjaja

“To me, “student trust-ee” means trusted stu-d e n t : s o m e o n e w h o i s dependable, diligent and believes in what Ohlone can be for all of us.

Yes, we’re all here to ultimately transfer, but for the time ahead, I want to build a sense of a com-munity. As ASOC senator I assisted students with a variety of issues and dilemmas – I loved it.

I want to work with all of you and make a differ-ence here.

As your devoted stu-dent trustee, I want to serve as your voice, your representative and your friend.

So vote me, Rahul Patel, for your 2015-16 student trustee!”

“Being an older student, I have better insight into the needs of the student population.

As a husband and father of four children, I have in-sight into what hardships and sacrifices parents are forced to make to further their education as they balance school and family.

Being a veteran, hav-ing served 13 years in the military, I learned valu-able leadership skills and in turn, became a great leader.

Currently I serve as the Ohlone Veteran’s Club as secretary. The cost of edu-cation is increasing, bur-dening the student. I plan to voice my opposition to any further unnecessary increases.”

“As your student mem-ber of the Board of Trust-ees, I will work to repre-sent YOU! To be an advo-cate to YOUR needs, as a student. And support any actions that will enhance YOUR experiences as an Ohlone student.

I believe that we must str ive to continuously learn, grow and lead in a n e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t promotes cooperation, respect for one another, creativity and innovation, and pursuit of excellence.

By receiving your vote today, I pledge to serve and represent YOU! I’m a humble public servant who desires to continue l e a r n i n g a n d h e l p i n g o t h e r s t o re a c h t h e i r goals.”

“I want to be the voice for all of the students at Ohlone College.

I want to make a dif-ference in the world and this position as student member of the Board of Trustees would be a great opportunity for a future career in city planning and to make a bigger difference in the world.

I have become more and more involved in my community through volunteering, and this will be an amazing new way to help.”

“I have been an interna-tional student in Singapore, Australia and Taiwan.

I enjoy being involved with organization, making a contribution to society, sup-porting other students and spreading positive energy to make life better.

I have previous experience working with a students’ organization in Australia and youth in temple. I value education and understand students’ struggles.

I had managed a family business and worked for oth-er people, thus I can under-stand both sides’ interests. I focus on problem solving and good in contemplating possibilities of solutions for problems.

I enjoy being part of a team and helping it succeed.”

same Biddy as great-great-grandma’s Biddy. Today’s locavore expects poor Biddy to produce at least four to five eggs a week year round; if today’s locavore traveled back in time and told great-great-grandma that suburban chickens laid four to five eggs a week, Grandma would con-sider said locavore insane – not for the time travel, but for the claim that hens could

lay so many eggs. In 1910, the average pullet laid 103 eggs a year.

In 1910 Biddy spent a lot of time outside because no one knew what vitamin D was, which meant there were no artificial vitamin D supplements. Biddy stopped laying in the fall because Grandma didn’t have artificial lighting in the chicken house, so when the natural light fell below fourteen hours a day, Biddy

stopped laying until spring.Despite the harsher con-

ditions, Grandma’s Biddy put a great deal less stress on her body, and when mag-gots and other favorite foods were less available in the winter, Biddy semi-starved. The Biddy of today, kept in a lighted coop, and expected to lay as much as an egg per day on a diet of backyard grass and scratch, supple-mented by the few insects she will find in the typical suburban back yard, starves far more rapidly. Grandma’s Biddy, if brought back to our time by our intrepid lo-

cavore time traveler, would not lay an egg a day, no matter how much light or how much high-quality feed was offered to her – because Biddy lived in the early 20th century, before a researcher forever changed both poul-try and the poultry industry.

In the first decade of the 20th century there was a consensus among poultry researchers that egg laying was of very limited herita-bility, if it was inheritable at all. The idea of a 300-egg hen was considered impos-sible at worst, and if such a bird were ever to live, she

would be a very rare fluke of nature. At Oregon Agricul-tural College (now Oregon State University), Professor James Dryden disagreed with this consensus and performed a series of breed-ing experiments. His results so profoundly changed the hen that the university was able to build a number of campus buildings entirely funded by the sale of OAC poultry breeding stock – and resulted in his being the only poultry man in the National Agricultural Hall of Fame.

Next: Lady MacDuff and Oregona change the world.

Not your grandma’s chickenContinued from Page 4


“#SFGiants family & Bay Area lost a true gentleman this morning when HOF broadcaster Lon Simmons passed away at age 91”@SFGiantsOn Sunday, the legendary radio broadcaster Lon Simmons died. He was the iconic voice for both the San Francisco Giants and the 49ers.


Upcoming home games

Monitor Sports Guy’s Player of the Week

When asked if there were any positives that came from the loss, Fan pointed out the early lead and Rygg’s effectiveness during the game: “She has been a spark-plug for the offense all season and she played well again to-day.”

Rygg and Saavendra’s hits in the first inning were the only hits that CSM’s ace Lauren Berria-tua allowed in the game. She had seven strikeouts and pitched a complete game. Her .30 ERA is the lowest in the state.

The Lady Renegades

were coached without Head Coach Donna Ru-nyon who has been away from the team the past week because of a family emergency according to Fan.

Fan said that she should be back soon.

Despite the loss, Ohlone seems to be locked in sec-ond place with their 9-4 division record. The third-place Foothill squad (6-6 division record) would need Ohlone to lose the rest of the season and win the rest of the season to move up.

The Lady Renegades play today, 3 p.m., against Foothill at the Softball Field.

Ohlone falls 11-1Continued from Page 8


I have chosen baseball’s Brock Pradere for this week’s Player of the Week.

The speedy center fielder had a productive week de-spite the offense’s struggles against Gavilan’s pitching on Saturday.

He drew three walks and scored Ohlone’s only run in the 2-1 loss against Gavilan.

On Tuesday, he had two hits – including a double – one run and a steal in the 8-4 win against West Valley.

Season Totals H R RBI HR AVG OBP SBBrock Pradere 34 28 6 1 .298 .416 21

He has 21 steals this sea-son, which is second in the entire CCCAA.

Brock Pradere


Today, 3 p.m. vs. Foothill College, Softball Field, Fre-mont campus.

Saturday, 10 a.m. vs. Napa Valley College, 2 p.m. vs. Merced College, Softball Field, Fremont campus.

Tuesday, 3 p.m. vs. Mis-sion College, Softball Field, Fremont campus.


Saturday, noon vs. Hart-nell College, Renegade Field, Fremont campus.

Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. vs. Skyline College, Rene-gade Field, Fremont cam-pus.

April 21, 2:30 p.m. vs. De Anza College, Renegade Field, Fremont campus.

hit. In 15 relief appearances this season, he has pitched 35 innings, compiling a 4-1 record and two saves. He also has an impressive 1.54 ERA.

With seven games remain-ing – all division games – this season, the Renegades are in good shape – first place in the Coast Pacific division.

“We don’t even really look at the standings,” Curran said. “We don’t pay attention to that stuff. It isn’t important to us. We’ll see where every-thing will work out at the end of the season.”

He added: “We don’t really look ahead. We just go one day at a time. Quite honestly,

I couldn’t tell you who we’re playing after our game to-morrow (Thursday).”

Ohlone plays at Gavilan today. The last time they played was Saturday. It was a 15-inning marathon that Ohlone lost 2-1.

Every game remaining is an important division game and today’s game against Gavilan is even more so, be-cause a win can put the Gil-roy team in a second-place tie with Skyline, one game behind Ohlone.

“The guys know what they need to do,” Curran said. “They need to show up every day and they need to come and work and be ready to compete every single day.”

Continued from Page 8

Baseball wins 8-4


Ronnie Reed winds up for a pitch against Gavilan on Saturday.


The real MVP

Warriors’ star Stephen Curry is the NBA’s Most Valuable Player this season.

I know most people in the Bay Area agree with me, but I’ve heard way too many people on various media outlets make other choices.

Here’s how I see it: 1. Cur-ry, 2. James Harden, 3. Rus-sell Westbrook.

Harden has been the popular choice over Curry and I strongly disagree with everyone who believes that.

Statistically, Harden has played the most minutes this season, he leads the league in points-per-game and is in the top five in a number of other categories.

My problem with Hard-en is that his offensive num-bers are more quantity than quality – leads the league in shot attempts and is sec-ond in shots missed.

His numbers on offense are inflated due to his lack of effort on defense. He makes up for his infamously hor-rible defense by scoring more.

Harden is having a phe-nomenal season and has carried the Houston Rock-ets all season, and they are the second seed in the West.

Statistically, Curry is right on par with Harden. He leads the league in 3-point-ers made, he’s sixth in points-per-game and is also in the top five in other cat-egories.

He’s the best player on the best team. On top of that, he’s so good that he hasn’t played in 16 fourth quarters!

Curry’s Warriors have a better supporting cast than Harden’s Rockets and one can argue that with-out Harden, the Rockets wouldn’t be the second seed.

I know this is a stretch, but for the people who say Harden is doing more with less think about this: Mi-chael Jordan won MVPs with a great supporting cast.

Curry has led the War-riors to a historic season. They lead the league in both offense and defense rating . They have 63 wins with four games left in the season – any more wins would put them in the top-5 wins in a season all-time.

The beauty about MVP voting is the different per-spectives of their decision-making.

It will be a close vote, and I’m looking forward to see-ing the results of the voting at the end of the season.




The College of San Ma-teo softball’s dominance this season continued against Ohlone Saturday, winning in convincing fashion, 11-1.

This was a disappointing loss for Ohlone who was fac-ing the top-ranked school in the state and a Coast North division rival.

“We really wanted to rise up to the occasion,” said As-sistant Coach Kylie Fan fol-lowing the loss. “We definitely want to see them again.”

CSM left the Ohlone game undefeated, and after putting up a football-like 31-0 score

against San Francisco City Tuesday, are now at 33-0.

The Bulldogs played well in all facets of the game Satur-day, but they were slow out of the gates and Ohlone took an early first inning 1-0 lead.

“We had a lot of energy af-

College of San Mateo breezes past RenegadesOhlone makes things interesting with early run, but the Bulldogs win easily, 11-1.

ter we scored in the first in-ning,” said Fan.

Heather Rygg led off the in-ning with a single and hustled to second base after a bob-bled ball in the outfield. She advanced to third base off a wild-pitch and scored after a



Ohlone catcher Heather Rygg reaches for a pop up March 12.

Coast North W L PCT CON

San Mateo 33 0 1.00 14-0

Ohlone 20 13 .606 9-4

Foothill 16 15 .516 7-6

Chabot 6 25 .194 2-11

De Anza 3 29 .094 1-10

S.F. 3 16 .158 0-9

single by McKayla Saavendra.Oceana Orndoff made

the start on the mound and escaped the first inning un-scathed – the only inning CSM wouldn’t score.

Continued on Page 7


Ohlone catcher Billy Damon shows the ball to the umpire after an attempted tag at home against Gavilan College on Saturday.

Renegades end two-game losing skidFour-team playoff raceOhlone’s batters

each had a hit, combining for 17 in Tuesday’s win

Coast North CON GB W L GROhlone 11-6 -- 22 7 7Skyline 10-7 1 17 11 7Gavilan 9-8 2 17 11 7Cabrillo 8-9 3 15 14 7


The Renegades’ offense shined in an 8-4 victory against West Valley College on Tuesday.

The team had a lowly .163 batting average the past two losses. On Tuesday, the once-slumping offense erupted with 17 hits.

“I think our guys did a good job bouncing back after a couple tough losses,” said Head Coach Mark Curran.

“Our hitters did a good job hitting the ball up the mid-dle.”

“They played loose and they played hard. Good things will happen when your guys are playing loose and hard and doing all they can to execute.”

First baseman Joey Torres had a team-high three hits.

Seven of the nine batters had multiple hits. Third baseman Pablo Artero had a team-leading two RBIs; Torres, Isa-iah Maddela, Justin Chase, Isaiah Bond and Jeff Ancog had one RBI each.

“Obviously when you bang out 17 hits, you know there’s going to be an effect there,” Curran said. “I think our

guys felt good about their ap-proaches, and as a coaching staff we were pleased with what they did.”

Despite the outburst on of-fense, Curran doesn’t want his players to get too far ahead of themselves: “We try and keep our hitters on an even keel. We don’t want them to get too excited when we do really well and not too down when we don’t do so well.”

Elias Bedolla struggled against the West Valley hitters, allowing three runs – only pitching 2.2 innings.

Josh Calmerin replaced Bedolla and pitched 6.1 score-less innings, only allowing one

Continued on Page 7