Monthly Factsheet October, 2020 Website www.QuantumAMC.com Toll Free Helpline 1800-22-3863 / 1800-209-3863 Email [email protected] SMS <QUANTUM> TO 9243-22-3863 CONTACT US https://www.facebook.com/QuantumAMC https://twitter.com/QuantumAMC https://www.linkedin.com/company/quantum-mutual-fund/ https://www.youtube.com/user/QuantumMF

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  • Monthly Factsheet October, 2020


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    Quantum’s View 03

    Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund - QLTEVF 9

    Quantum Tax Saving Fund - QTSF 14

    Quantum Equity Fund Of Funds - QEFOF 19

    Quantum India ESG Equity Fund - QESG 24

    Quantum Liquid Fund - QLF 30

    Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund - QDBF 35

    Quantum Gold Savings Fund - QGSF 40

    Quantum Multi Asset Fund Of Funds - QMAFOF 45

    Quantum Gold Fund - QGF 50

    Quantum Nifty ETF - QNIFTY 54

    Comparison Chart 58

    Scheme Features 59

    How To Read The Factsheet 63

    Statutory Details & Risk Factors 64

    Contact Us 64

  • Quantum’s View For October 2020

    Equity Outlook by Atul Kumar- Head - Equity

    S&P BSE Sensex increased by 4.3% on a total return basis in the month of October. It is down by just 2.8% year to date recovering most of its losses for the year despite the sharp sell-o� seen in the month of March 2020. S&P BSE Sensex performance was better than developed market indices such as Dow Jones, S&P 500, which gave negative returns during the month. It was also better than the MSCI Emerging Market Index which rose by 3.5% (like-to-like currency)

    Mid-cap and Small-cap indices underperformed the Sensex in October; with the BSE Midcap Index rising by just 1.4% and the BSE Small-cap Index rising by 0.2%. On a YTD basis, their performance is much better compared to the Sensex with the BSE Midcap index rising by 0.6% and the BSE Small Cap Index rising by 9.7%.

    Banking, IT and Real Estate were among the winning sectors for the month. Banking sector stocks have positively surprised in the Q2FY21 results with much better collection efficiency and Asset Quality relative to expectations. Healthcare, Auto, and Oil Gas stocks underperformed during the month.

    FIIs were net buyers in the month of October buying stocks worth USD 2.7 bn. In 10 months of 2020, FIIs have been net buyers of USD 6.7 bn. DIIs were large net sellers in the month, selling USD 2.4 bn worth of stock. Cumulatively they have bought USD 6.6 bn worth of stocks. Indian rupee depreciated 0.5% during the month.

    Rising Global Nervousness Internationally a rising wave of new covid cases remains the biggest concern for Equities as the US and Europe stare at record new cases and mull further lockdowns. The event risk of an upcoming US election has further raised risk aversion. However low-interest rates and loose monetary policy have so far been a big support for equity markets. With Central Banks in the mood of “Doing whatever it takes for as long as needed”, one can expect an extended period of low-interest rates elevating probabilities of mispricing risks. The US elections as we write this note looks to be a much tighter a�air than what experts predicted. Irrespective of whoever wins we do not believe US policy towards India is going to alter much, India continues to be perceived as a credible counterweight to China and we expect India will continue to be viewed favourably in the US view of the world.

    Market Performance at a Glance





    Banking, IT, Realty

    Healthcare, Auto, Oil & Gas

    Market Returns %*

    * On Total Return Basis

    ** Source-Bloomberg







    Past Performance may or may not be sustained in futureYTD- year to date | MTD- month to date


  • Source: Our World in Data | Past Performance may or may not sustained in future.

    India in a comfortable place Falling new Covid cases and continued easing of lockdown has meant India is in a much more comfortable place than its developed market peers. Indeed, economic data points to activity getting back to ~90% levels and in some cases even crossing 100% compared to pre-Covid levels. The festive season has started off on a mixed note with some sectors reporting robust sales while others advising caution.

    Chart1: Developed world staring at a second wave

    Table 1: Economic indicators suggest we are back to ~90%-100% of Pre Covid Levels

    Source: QAMC Research

    Consumption Indicators






    21.0% -19.6% 24.1% 0.2% 20.1% 11.3%

    -10.0% -66.0% -66.0% -48.3% 13.1% -45.0%

    65.0% -17.0% 17.5% -4.7% 22.5% 9.4%

    -28.0% 35.9% 2.7% 64.8% 60.1% 26.7%

    -1.0% -10.4% 5.4% -7.5% 2.9% 3.3%

    2 Wheeler Sales

    3 Wheeler Sales

    Passenger Car Sales

    Tractor Sales

    Petrol Consumption

    76.7%-12.0% -19.3% -12.2% -20.7% 13.2% -6.0%Diesel Consumption

    Production Indicators













    -7.8% -13.5% -14.2% -14.6% 16.2% -3.5%

    18.4% -16.5% 12.6% -6.3% 1.4% 0.9%

    4.0% 6.9% 1.4% 7.3% -6.0% -0.3%

    -3.7% -5.7% -2.2% 3.7% 7.5% 21.1%

    6.8% -2.3% -2.3% -2.7% 2.1% 3.7%

    17.8% -34.5% 6.3% -29.3% 17.2% -15.9%

    1.7% -4.6% -0.6% 3.9% 8.1% 15.5%

    4.9% -13.3% 0.3% -10.3% 3.7% -1.9%

    11.0% -7.2% 2.2% -3.4% 16.3% 9.7%

    -0.2% 5.6% -0.4% 5.6% 1.1% 5.8%

    -1.9% 0.8% -1.5% 0.5% -0.1% 0.0%

    1.6% 11.2% 0.7% 10.6% 0.9% 9.2%

    September 20 as a% ofFeb 20 (Pre covid Level)July 2020 Aug 2020 Sept 2020

    Industrial Activity - Transport

    Credit Indicators

    Cement Production

    Air Cargo

    Rail Freight tra�c

    Port Cargo

    Eway Bills Generated

    Bank Credit

    Bank credit to Industry

    Personal Loan

    Steel Production

    Fertilizer Production

    Coal Production

    Electricity Generation

    MoM YoY MoM YoY MoM YoY


  • QLTEVF saw a 4.0% appreciation in its NAV in the month of October. This compares to a 2.9% increase in its benchmark S&P BSE 200. Outperformance for the month was driven by holdings in IT and Cement stocks. Stocks in Financials and Consumer Discretionary underperformed relative to the Benchmark Cash in the scheme stood at approx. 10% in October. After a sharp run-up, the scheme trimmed its weight in an existing IT name.

    Despite rich valuations, we remain optimistic about Indian equities with a slightly longer-term view. In a relative world, Indian companies that are expected to grow much faster than their western peers will continue to look attractive for investors seeking growth. Fortunately, the major growth driver of the Indian economy is domestic consumption and GDP is less dependent on demand from the western world which may struggle in a post-Covid environment. Apart from a near term concern on extended valuations, we remain hopeful that the Indian Equities remain an attractive investment avenue for domestic as well as foreign investors and will continue to create wealth over long periods.

    Refer page no.13 for product label of Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund

    Data Source: Bloomberg

    Initial trends of Q2FY21 results have generally been positive with companies doing better than analyst expectations, which were fairly muted after Covid related lockdowns. The strong recovery numbers could have been influenced by pent up demand as well as inventory build-up, as companies gear up for the festive season. There is a risk that the demand resurgence may fade once both the variables are exhausted. Our research team continues to actively engage in channel checks as well as interact with company management to gauge the sustainability of the recovery. Given the impact on income due to the stringent lockdown, we remain slightly cautious about its sustainability.

    Valuations richThe current PE of the Sensex at ~31x trailing earnings is significantly higher than its long term average of ~20x. One of the factors for the substantial spike in the current PE is the sharp drop in Q1FY21 earnings driven by a severe lockdown. But even adjusted for that anomaly, the PE is significantly higher than its historical average. Even though overall market valuations are rich, given the concentration of the rally, we still find pockets of opportunity where valuations remain reasonable

    Source: Bloomberg | Past Performance may or may not sustained in future.

    Chart 2: Long term Trailing PE of Sensex


  • Debt Outlook by Pankaj Pathak - Fund Manager - Fixed Income

    October was another positive month for the Indian bonds. Bond yields across the curve came down by 10-20 basis points. The 10 year benchmark government bond yield declined by 14 basis points from 6.02% at September end to 5.88% in October.Short term money market yields also witnessed similar trend as longer maturity bonds. 3 months Treasury bill yield declined by 11 basis points during the month to close at 3.16%.

    The bond rally was once again triggered by the RBI. The RBI, in its bi-monthly monetary policy, was reasonably benign on the future inflation outlook and ready to look through the recent spike in headline CPI inflation. They kept the door open for future rate cuts.

    Going a step further the RBI announced to remain accommodative in the current year and also in the next year. The RBI also announced various measures to support the bond market. They doubled the size of weekly OMO purchases to Rs. 200 billion. They also announced to conduct OMOs in State Development Loans (SDL) for the first time.

    RBI’s measures are favorable for the bond markets. It seems that the RBI will continue to conduct OMO purchases of government bonds and SDLs on weekly basis to support the government’s borrowing program and keep bond yields low.

    At current levels, we see scope bond yields to go down in near term. However, we do not expect a secular bull run in the bond market and believe that the best of bond market rally is now behind us. We also need to be watchful of the inflation and fiscal risks over medium term.

    Given our above view on interest rates, in the Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund (QDBF) portfolio we continue to focus on tactical trading opportunities within a narrow range. Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund (QDBF) takes high interest risk from time to time, but avoids credit risks and invests only in Government Securities, treasury bills and top rated PSU bonds.

    We always advise investors to have a longer time frame if they invest in bond funds and should also note that the bond fund returns are not like fixed deposit and can be highly volatile or even negative in a shorter time frame.

    Quantum Liquid Fund (QLF) prioritizes safety and liquidity over returns and invests only in less than 91 day maturity instruments issued by Government Securities, treasury bills and top rated PSUs.

    We advise debt fund Investors to choose Safety (over Credit) and Liquidity over Returns while investing indebt funds.

    Refer page no. 34 & page no. 39 for product labels of Quantum Liquid Fund & Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund.

    Source –RBI, Bloomberg


  • Gold Outlook by Chirag Mehta - Senior Fund Manager - Alternative Investment

    Gold moved back and forth around $1900 levels for most of October before settling around $1880/ounce, 1.4% lower for the month. It was mainly reacting to the movements of the US dollar and US Treasury yields, caused by developments on the next round of fiscal stimulus in the United States and market anxiety leading up to the most important US presidential elections in recent history.

    Covid-19 refuses to back downOctober was gloomy as far as Covid -19 is concerned. US coronavirus cases have hit a record daily high as states struggle with a new wave of infections. Cases are rising in Europe too, where the UK, Italy, France and Germany have imposed new restrictions and lockdowns. Along with the setback of big drug companies pausing vaccine trials, the number of reinfection cases worldwide too has gone up. Current evidence shows that those who were reinfected su�ered a more severe illness the second time. This could result in further slowing down the pace of economic recovery.

    It’s becoming clear that normal life will continue to evade us and the world will be stuck in a cycle of lockdowns and openings till a successful Covid-19 vaccine is developed and distributed and the virus is defeated. Most vaccines, in the final stages of clinical trials, are expected to be publicly available only by mid-2021.

    Easy money policy to continueWe are already aware of how bad the economic e�ects of such lockdowns will be, with the global economy having fallen into a deep recession due to the Great Lockdown of 2020. It took 12 trillion dollars of fiscal stimulus and massive monetary easing by central banks to soften the economic e�ect of the lockdown. And in spite of that businesses have shut down and millions have lost their jobs. The IMF has now projected that the global economy will contract by 4.4% in 2020, but has warned that the climb will be long, uneven, uncertain and prone to setbacks. The second wave of the disease is expected to increase the financial fragility.

    As such, government relief measures and lower interest rates and quantitative easing by central banks are a must to get the economy through this health cum economic crisis for as long as it takes. With rates at zero and expansion of the monetary base without real lending, monetary policy becomes passive and can only work towards creating asset bubbles. Several Federal Reserve o�cials have called for more fiscal response as they realize that their tools have run low. Further fiscal policy response means huge amounts of money trickling down the real economy in the hands of people who would spend it, resulting in inflation. High inflation and low rates would lead to real interest rates moving further down driving savers in search of assets that help preserve purchasing power.

    Gold will continue to be a stable form of money with potential to store value in the middle of this global currency devaluation and will move up in these times of low interest rates. It will thus continue to be a preferred portfolio asset generating good risk adjusted returns for its holders for the near future.

    Signs of social unrestTo add to the world’s woes, anti-lockdown protests have started in some parts of Europe as people struggle with lost jobs and incomes and economic inequalities rise. This could just be the start of economic pain of the pandemic translating into social unrest. If such social tensions become more common, investors will choose to park their funds in gold.

    Gold ETFs add 1000 tons in 2020Gold moved up sharply by ~20% between April and July, reaching an all-time high in early August. When prices increase at such a fast pace, there is often a period of correction, like the one we are currently in. The metal’s prices have declined by ~8% over the last couple of months. But this pullback is likely short-term in nature. Because despite the weaker prices, investment demand via gold ETFs has continued to increase.

    As per the World Gold Council, global net inflows of 1,003 tons in 2020 have taken gold ETF AUM to an all-time high of 3,880 tons or US$ 235 billion as on 30th September 2020. This tells us that even though gold’s popularity seems to have temporarily gone down, its long-term value is intact. And it should be.


  • Outlook for gold remains positiveNothing has changed about the economic drivers that have pushed gold to all-time highs.

    The Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, we are in the middle of a deep global recession, central banks are injecting liquidity and purchasing assets, interest rates globally continue to stay low, government debts are going up, there is a threat of inflation, the dollar and other currencies continue to be devalued and geo-political tensions exist. As such, gold investors would do well tohave a long-term view and ignore the short-term movements in prices.

    Next week’s US Presidential elections and the fresh lockdowns across Europe have been impacting on risk sentiment and causing stock market volatility. This in turn has strengthened the dollar o� late. It has also pushed benchmark 10-year US Treasury yields to 4-month highs of 0.87%, a sharp increase from 0.65% levels that it has been at for months. Gold, which is priced in dollars tends to weaken when the currency strengthens. Rising yields increase the opportunity cost of holding gold, thus hurting the metal.

    But there’s no question that more stimulus is on the way for Americans no matter who wins the election. Thus, a long-term dollar strengthening trend seems unlikely. This is considering the large US fiscal deficit and its debasing e�ect on the dollar. In addition, more stimulus and spending will translate into higher inflation. Especially since the Federal Reserve has said that it will allow inflation to run higher before tightening monetary policy. This will mean negative real yields for longer. Gold will benefit from both these trends. Also, if the uncertainty increases on further COVID-19 scare or from a contested election in the US, gold will soon start attracting money despite any dollar strength.

    If you haven't already allocated 10% to 15% of your investment portfolio to gold yet, this Dhanteras could be a good time. Since purity is a concern when buying physical gold and since the purchase of gold bars and coins comes at a premium on account of markups and making charges, we suggest that investors choose the more price e�cient and pure Gold ETF route for investing.

    If you have completed your allocation, just sit tight and watch gold play a risk-reducing, return-enhancing role for your portfolio.

    Source: Bloomberg, World Gold Council

    Disclaimer, Statutory Details & Risk Factors:The views expressed here in this article / video are for general information and reading purpose only and do not onstitute any guidelines and recommendations onany course of action to be followed by the reader. Quantum AMC / Quantum Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing / ofering / communicating any indicative yield on investments made in the scheme(s). The views are not meant to serve as a professional guide / investment advice / intended to be an o�er or solicitation for thepurchase or sale of any financial product or instrument or mutual fund units for the reader. The article has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information,internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable. Whilst no action has been solicited based upon the information provided herein, due care has been taken to ensure that the facts are accurate and views given are fair and reasonable as on date. Readers of this article should rely on information/data arising out of their own investigations and advised to seek independent professional advice and arrive at an informed decision before making any investments.

    Risk Factors: Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.


  • 9

    *Cumulative Daily AuM /No of days in the month

    AUM `(In Crores) (as on October 31, 2020)

    Fund Manager

    Scheme Features

    Investment Objective : To achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in shares of companies that will typically be included in the S&P BSE 200 Index and are in a position to benefit from the anticipated growth and development of the Indian economy and its markets.

    Benchmark Index

    S&P BSE 200 - Total Return Index

    Investment Options

    Growth & Dividend (Dividend Option will in turn have two Facilities, Dividend Payout Facility and Dividend Re-investment Facility)

    Exit LoadFor complete details on Exit Load please refer page no.11

    Redemption ProceedsProcessed through RTGS/NEFT mode on T+3 basis from the date of transaction where the investor’s Bank details are available. Processed through cheque on T+3 basis from the date of transaction where the required Bank details of investor are not available.

    Minimum Application Amount (Under each Option)

    Purchase: `500/- and in multiples of `1/- thereafter. Additional Purchase: `500/- and in multiples of `1/- thereafter/ 50 units

    Total Expense Ratio (As on month end) TER specified are the actual expenses charged(i.e. e�ective rate) as at the end of the month.


    Direct Plan - Total TER = 1.29%(Base TER 1.15% (Inclusive of 0.79% Management Fees & 0.36% Other Expanses) + 0.14% GST (18% GST on 0.79% Management Fees))Regular Plan – Total TER = 1.79%(Base TER 1.65% (Inclusive of 0.79% Management Fees & 0.36% Other Expanses & 0.50% Distributor Commission) + 0.14% GST (18% GST on 0.79% Management Fees))

    Entry / Sales LoadNot Applicable

    Inception Date (Date of Allotment)

    March 13, 2006

    Declaration of Net Asset Value (NAV)Every Business Day

    Mr. Atul Kumar Work experience: 20 years. He has been managing this fund since November 15, 2006Mr. Nilesh ShettyWork experience: 16 years. He has been managing this fund since March 28, 2011

    RegularPlan( ` / Unit)

    NAV(as on October 30, 2020)

    Direct Plan(`/Unit)

    Regular Plan(`/Unit)

    Category of Scheme

    Value Fund


    The amount of Long Term Capital Gain in excess of Rs 1,00,000/- in a year will be taxable @ 10%.Tax on Short Term Capital Gains - 15%.

    QUANTUM LONG TERM EQUITY VALUE FUNDAn Open Ended Equity Scheme following a Value Investment Strategy

    Absolute AUM720.59

    Average AUM*734.47

    #The mentioned Tax Rates shall be increased by applicable surcharge, If any, Health and Education Cess @ 4% where ever as applicable. Equity oriented schemes will also attract Securities Transaction Tax (STT) @ 0.001% at the time of redemption and switch to other schemes.Stamp Duty applicable on Investors subscription unit transactions including Switch in as per the rate mentioned in the Amendments to Indian Stamp Act,1899TRANSACTION CHARGES: No Transaction Charges shall be deducted from the investment amount for applications received in the Regular Plan.

    October 2020

    Dividend Option

    Growth Option

    51.4400 50.7100

    51.0000 50.4200

  • 10

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in scheme returns calculation.Di�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on page 12 for GIPS related disclosure.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Regular plan launched on 1 April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.*with e�ect from February 01,2020 benchmark has been changed from S&P Sensex TRI to S&P BSE 200 TRI. As TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR S&P BSE 200 index PRI Value from March 13, 2006 to July 31, 2006 and TRI Value since August 1, 2006.

    Since Inception (01st Apr 2017)

    Oct 31, 2017 to Oct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 31, 2019 to Oct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    1.11 7.35 9.84 10,402 12,895 14,004

    -1.66 3.96 7.33 9,511 11,235 12,363

    -4.94 -0.17 -0.11 9,506 9,983 9,989

    Current Value ` 10,000 Investedat the beginning of a given period

    Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

    Performance of the Scheme

    S&P BSESensex TRI


    Scheme (`)

    S&P BSESensex TRI

    Returns (%)



    S&P BSE 200 TRI*

    Returns (%)

    Benchmark AdditionalBenchmark BenchmarkAdditionalBenchmark

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    (`) Period

    The Scheme is co-managed by Mr. Atul Kumar and Mr. Nilesh Shetty.Mr. Atul Kumar is managing the scheme since November 15, 2006Mr. Nilesh Shetty is managing the scheme since March 28, 2011For other Schemes Managed by Mr. Atul Kumar and Mr. Nilesh Shetty please see page no.13

    Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund Performance as on October 30, 2020

    Since Inception (13th Mar 2006)

    Oct 29, 2010 to Oct 30, 2020 (10 years)

    Oct 31, 2013 to Oc 30, 2020 (7 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 to Oct 30, 2020 (5 years)

    Oct 31, 2017 to Oct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 31, 2019 to Oct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    11.77 10.63 10.82 51,000 43,927 45,012

    8.04 8.29 8.56 21,684 22,193 22,755

    9.78 11.64 10.83 19,224 21,624 20,540

    6.02 8.99 9.62 13,396 15,386 15,834

    -1.31 3.96 7.33 9,612 11,235 12,363

    -4.48 -0.17 -0.11 9,552 9,983 9,989

    Current Value ` 10,000 Investedat the beginning of a given period

    Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

    Performance of the Scheme

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in scheme returns calculation.Di�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on page 12 for GIPS related disclosure.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).*with e�ect from February 01,2020 benchmark has been changed from S&P Sensex TRI to S&P BSE 200 TRI. As TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR S&P BSE 200 index PRI Value from March 13, 2006 to July 31, 2006 and TRI Value since August 1, 2006.

    S&P BSESensex TRI


    S&P BSE 200 TRI


    Scheme (`)

    S&P BSE Sensex TRI

    Returns (%)



    S&P BSE 200 TRI*

    Returns (%)

    Benchmark AdditionalBenchmark BenchmarkAdditionalBenchmark


    October 2020

    Key Statistics







    Brokerages & Commissions Details

    Brokerages on Investments for October 2020 ` 2,65,134.18

    Distributor commissions for October 2020 ` 1,01,326.96

    Portfolio Turnover Ratio (Last one year) 13.82%

  • Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration using applicable NAV on the SIP day (5th of every month). Return on SIP and Benchmark are annualized and compounded investment return for cash flows resulting out of uniform and regular monthly subscriptions as on 5th day of every month (in case 5th is a non-Business Day, then the next Business Day) and have been worked out using the Excel spreadsheet function known as XIRR. XIRR calculates the internal rate of return for series of cash flow. Assuming `10,000 invested every month on 5th day of every month (in case 5th is a non-Business Day, then the next Business Day), the 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years and since inception returns from SIP are annualized and compounded investment return computed on the assumption that SIP installments were received across the time periods from the start date of SIP from the end of the relevant period viz. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years and since Inception. *XIRR - XIRR calculates the internal rate of return to measure and compare the profitability of series of investments.With e�ect from February 01,2020 benchmark has been changed from S&P Sensex TRI to S&P BSE 200 TRI. As TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR S&P BSE 200 index PRI Value from March 13, 2006 to July 31, 2006 and TRI Value since August 1, 2006.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on Page 11 for GIPS related disclosure.Returns are net of total expenses#Benchmark Returns.@Additional Benchmark Returns.

    SIP Performance

    Industry Alloca�on (% of Net Assets) as on December 31, 2017

    Industry Allocation (% of Net Assets) as on October 31, 2020


    October 2020


    Exit Load:

    10% of units if redeemed or switched out during exit load period i.e. 730 days from the allotmentExit Load Period : 730 days from the date of allotment

    If units redeemed or switched out after 730 days from the date of allotment

    Remaining 90% of units in parts or full :(i) if redeemed or switched out on or before 365 days from the date of allotment(ii) if redeemed or switched out on or after 365 days but before 730 days from the date of allotment





    % of Exit Load

    Note: Redemptions / Switch outs of units will be done on First In First Out (FIFO) basis. The above mentioned Exit Load shall be equally applicable to the special products such as Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)/Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) and Switches etc. However, no load shall be charged for switching in between option / plan within the scheme.

    Total AmountInvested (`‘000)

    Mkt Value as onOct. 30, 20 (`‘000)

    S&P BSE 200 TRIReturns (XIRR*)# (%)

    S&P BSE Sensex TRIReturns (XIRR*)@ (%)

    Scheme Returns(XIRR*) (%)







    0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%


    Hotels/ Resorts andOther Recreational Activities

    Industrial ProductsAuto AncillariesFerrous Metals





    SIP Since Inception

    10 Years SIP

    7 Years SIP

    5 Years SIP

    3 Years SIP

    1 Year SIP

    1,750.00 3,949.59 10.45 10.30 10.30

    1,200.00 1,807.10 7.96 10.16 10.35

    840.00 998.81 4.89 8.64 9.34

    600.00 637.81 2.42 7.68 9.47

    360.00 358.94 -0.19 5.21 7.12

    120.00 129.10 14.72 15.40 15.15

  • 12

    Name of Instrument QuantityIndustry / Rating % toNet


    Yield toMaturity

    * Cash & Cash Equivalents

    GIPS Compliance

    EQUITY & EQUITY RELATED A) Listed /Awaiting listing on Stock Exchanges 1. Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited Finance 315,380 6,066.49 8.42% 2. Infosys Limited Software 532,129 5,643.76 7.83% 3. HDFC Bank Limited Banks 317,812 3,761.46 5.22% 4. Wipro Limited Software 1,100,628 3,749.84 5.20% 5. Ambuja Cements Limited Cement 1,303,439 3,385.03 4.70% 6. Mahindra & Mahindra Limited Auto 502,821 2,986.76 4.14% 7. ACC Limited Cement 174,934 2,884.66 4.00% 8. Hero MotoCorp Limited Auto 95,959 2,686.66 3.73% 9. Lupin Limited Pharmaceuticals 284,607 2,587.79 3.59% 10. Cipla Limited Pharmaceuticals 307,344 2,318.91 3.22% 11. ICICI Bank Limited Banks 567,075 2,226.34 3.09% 12. Bajaj Auto Limited Auto 73,552 2,123.37 2.95% 13. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Power 1,240,462 2,121.19 2.94% 14. NTPC Limited Power 2,301,738 2,016.32 2.80% 15. Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited Finance 277,834 1,926.64 2.67% 16. LIC Housing Finance Limited Finance 670,645 1,897.59 2.63% 17. Tata Steel Limited Ferrous Metals 452,879 1,859.29 2.58% 18. Tech Mahindra Limited Software 192,524 1,565.80 2.17% 19. State Bank of India Banks 810,555 1,533.98 2.13% 20. Tata Consultancy Services Limited Software 56,388 1,502.66 2.09% 21. Eicher Motors Limited Auto 71,904 1,499.63 2.08% 22. Exide Industries Limited Auto Ancillaries 934,293 1,485.99 2.06% 23. GAIL (India) Limited Gas 1,603,429 1,358.91 1.89% 24. Gujarat State Petronet Limited Gas 694,031 1,340.87 1.86% 25. Cummins India Limited Industrial Products 288,084 1,250.57 1.74% 26. The Indian Hotels Company Limited Hotels/ Resorts and Other 1,204,489 1,149.08 1.59% Recreational Activities 27. IndusInd Bank Limited Banks 156,611 917.27 1.27% 28. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited Oil 1,373,899 891.66 1.24% 29. PTC India Limited Power 316,026 148.53 0.21% 30. Tata Steel Limited - Partly Paid Share Ferrous Metals 24,999 15.86 0.02% B) Unlisted NIL NIL Total of all Equity 64,902.91 90.06% MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS A) Treasury Bills (T-Bill) 1. 364 Days Tbill (MD 17/12/2020) Sovereign 50,000 49.80 0.07% 3.13%Total of T-Bill 49.80 0.07% B) TREPS* 7,102.91 9.86%Total of Money Market Instruments 7,152.71 9.93% Net Receivable/(payable) 3.69 0.01% Grand Total 72,059.31 100.00%

    October 2020

    Portfolio as on October 31, 2020


    Quantum Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd. claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

    Indian Rupee (INR) is the currency used to express performance and other statistics.

    Using Price Return for a benchmark is allowed by SEBI where the Total Return index values are not available. This requirement is di�erent from GIPS Standards wherein the GIPS compliant �rms are required to provide benchmark returns in based on Total Return Index value only.




    MarketValue In


  • 13

    ^^ Note:Risk Free Rate assumed to be 3.48% (FBIL Overnight MIBOR for 30th October 2020) for calculating Sharpe Ratio.Standard Deviation, Sharpe Ratio & Beta are calculated on Annualised basis using 3 years history of monthly returns.Definitions Standard deviation measures historical volatility. A high standard deviation suggests high volatility, while lower standard deviation would refer to more stability.Beta is the tendency of a fund's returns to respond to market swings. A beta of 1 indicates that the fund price will move with the market. A beta of less than 1 means that the security will be less volatile than the market. A beta of greater than 1 indicates that the security's price will be more volatile than the market.Sharpe Ratio is used to characterise how well the return of an asset compensates the investor for the risk taken. The greater a portfolio's Sharpe ratio, the better its risk-adjusted performance has been.Portfolio Turnover Ratio is the percentage of a funds assets that have changed over the course of a year.

    *Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

    Name of the Scheme This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*Quantum Long TermEquity Value Fund(An Open Ended EquityScheme following aValue InvestmentStrategy)

    Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderately High Risk


    Product Labeling

    • Long term capital appreciation• Invests primarily in equity and equity related securities of companies in S&P BSE 200 index.

    October 2020





    Mr. Atul Kumar e�ective from December 23, 2008. Co-managingwith Mr. Sorbh Gupta e�ective from October 1, 2016.

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.#Benchmark returns.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Di�erent Plans shall have di�erent expense structure.Mr. Atul Kumar manages 2 schemes , Mr. Sorbh Gupta co-manages 1 scheme of the Quantum Mutual Fund.Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.


    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    October 31, 2019 toOctober 30, 2020 (1 year)

    October 31, 2017 toOctober 30, 2020 (3 years)

    October 30, 2015 toOctober 30, 2020 (5 years)

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)

    Quantum Tax Saving Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option -3.99 -0.17 -1.20 3.96 6.26 8.99

    Quantum Tax Saving Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option -4.47 -0.17 -1.56 3.96 NA NA



    Co-managing along with Mr. Chirag Mehta e�ective from July 11, 2012


    SchemeReturn (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme Return Calculation.# Indicates CRISIL Composite Bond Fund Index (40%) + S&P BSE SENSEX Total Return Index (40%) + Domestic price of Gold (20%). It is a customized index and it is rebalanced dailyReturns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Di�erent Plans shall have di�erent expense structure.Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund. Mr. Nilesh Shetty manages 2 schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund.Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.*With e�ect from 1st January 2020, the name of “Quantum Multi Asset Fund” has been changed to “Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds”.

    October 31, 2019 toOctober 30, 2020 (1 year)

    October 31, 2017 toOctober 30, 2020 (3 years)

    October 30, 2015 toOctober 30, 2020 (5 years)

    Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds - Direct Plan 8.27 11.78 6.89 11.13 8.43 10.75

    Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds - Regular Plan 7.99 11.78 6.69 11.13 NA NA

  • RegularPlan( ` / Unit)

    NAV(as on October 30, 2020)

    Direct Plan(`/Unit)

    Regular Plan(`/Unit)

    *Cumulative Daily AuM /No of days in the month

    AUM `(In Crores) (as on October 31, 2020)

    Benchmark Index

    S&P BSE 200 - Total Return Index

    Investment Options

    Growth & Dividend

    Scheme Features

    Investment Objective : To achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in shares of companies that will typically be included in the S&P BSE 200 Index and are in a position to benefit from the anticipated growth and development of the Indian

    economy and its markets.

    Exit LoadNil

    Redemption ProceedsProcessed through RTGS/NEFT mode on T+3 basis from the date of transaction where the investor’s Bank details are available.Processed through cheque on T+3 basis from the date of transaction where the required Bank details of investor are not available.


    Direct Plan - Total TER = 1.29%(Base TER 1.15% (Inclusive of 0.79% Management Fees & 0.36% Other Expanses) + 0.14% GST (18% GST on 0.79% Management Fees))Regular Plan - Total TER = 1.79%(Base TER 1.65% (Inclusive of 0.79% Management Fees & 0.36% Other Expanses & 0.50% Distributor Commission) + 0.14% GST (18% GST on 0.79% Management Fees))

    Entry / Sales LoadNot Applicable

    Minimum Application Amount (Under each Option)

    Purchase: `500/- and in multiples of `500/- thereafter. Additional Purchase: `500/- and in multiples of `500/- thereafter

    Inception Date (Date of Allotment)

    December 23, 2008

    Declaration of Net Asset Value (NAV)

    Every Business Day

    Fund Manager

    Mr. Atul KumarWork experience: 20 years. He has been managing this fund since December 23, 2008 Mr. Sorbh Gupta Work experience: 14 years. He has been managing this fund since October 1, 2016

    Dividend Option 50.7900 50.1900

    Growth Option 50.7900 50.1900

    Category of Scheme

    Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS)

    Lock-in Period

    3 years from the date of allotment of the respective Units


    The amount of Long Term Capital Gain in excess of ` 1,00,000/- in a year will be taxable @ 10%. Tax on Short Term Capital Gains - 15%.


    QUANTUM TAX SAVING FUNDAn Open Ended Equity Linked Saving Scheme with a Statutory Lock in

    of 3 years and Tax Benefit

    Absolute AUM70.87

    Average AUM*72.17

    #The mentioned Tax Rates shall be increased by applicable surcharge, If any, Health and Education Cess @ 4% where ever as applicable. Equity oriented schemes will also attract Securities Transaction Tax (STT) @ 0.001% at the time of redemption and switch to other schemes.Stamp Duty applicable on Investors subscription unit transactions including Switch in as per the rate mentioned in the Amendments to Indian Stamp Act,1899TRANSACTION CHARGES: No Transaction Charges shall be deducted from the investment amount for applications received in the Regular Plan.

    October 2020

    Total Expense Ratio (As on month end) TER specified are the actual expenses charged(i.e. e�ective rate) as at the end of the month.

  • Quantum Tax Saving Fund Performance as on October 30, 2020

    The Scheme is Co-Managed by Mr. Atul Kumar and Mr. Sorbh Gupta.Mr. Atul Kumar is managing the scheme since December 23, 2008Mr. Sorbh Gupta is managing the scheme since October 1, 2016For other Schemes Managed by Mr. Atul Kumar & Mr. Sorbh Gupta please see page no. 18

    Since Inception (23rd Dec 2008)

    Oct 29, 2010 to Oct 30, 2020 (10 years)

    Oct 31, 2013 to Oct 30, 2020 (7 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 to Oct 30, 2020 (5 years)

    Oct 31, 2017 to Oct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 31, 2019 to Oct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    14.68 14.57 14.19 50,790 50,230 48,287

    7.98 8.29 8.56 21,577 22,193 22,755

    9.87 11.64 10.83 19,326 21,624 20,540

    6.26 8.99 9.62 13,551 15,386 15,834

    -1.20 3.96 7.33 9,643 11,235 12,363

    -3.99 -0.17 -0.11 9,601 9,983 9,989

    Current Value ` 10,000 Investedat the beginning of a given period



    S&P BSE200 TRI*

    Returns (%)

    S&P BSESensex TRI

    Returns (%)

    Scheme (`)

    S&P BSE200 TRI


    S&P BSESensex TRI


    Quantum Tax Saving Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option

    Performance of the Scheme

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.Di�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on Page 17 for GIPS related disclosure.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).*with e�ect from February 01,2020 benchmark has been changed from S&P Sensex TRI to S&P BSE 200 TRI.


    Since Inception (01st Apr 2017)

    Oct 31, 2017 to Oct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 31, 2019 to Oct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    1.25 7.35 9.84 10,456 12,895 14,004

    -1.56 3.96 7.33 9,538 11,235 12,363

    -4.47 -0.17 -0.11 9,553 9,983 9,989

    Performance of the Scheme

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.Di�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on Page 17 for GIPS related disclosure.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.*with e�ect from February 01,2020 benchmark has been changed from S&P Sensex TRI to S&P BSE 200 TRI.

    Key Statistics Brokerages & Commissions Details







    Current Value ` 10,000 Investedat the beginning of a given period



    S&P BSE200 TRI*

    Returns (%)

    S&P BSESensex TRI

    Returns (%)

    Scheme (`)

    S&P BSE200 TRI


    S&P BSESensex TRI

    (`) Period


    Brokerages on Investments for October 2020 ` 24,125.33

    Distributor Commissions for October 2020 ` 11,787.43

    Portfolio Turnover Ratio (Last one year): 19.51%

    Quantum Tax Saving Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

    October 2020

    Benchmark AdditionalBenchmark BenchmarkAdditionalBenchmark

    Benchmark AdditionalBenchmark BenchmarkAdditionalBenchmark

  • Industry Alloca�on (% of Net Assets) as on December 31, 2017Industry Allocation (% of Net Assets) as on October 31, 2020


    October 2020

    Quantum Tax Saving Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option as on October 30, 2020

    SIP Performance

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Scheme performance has been calculated using applicable NAV on the SIP day (5th of every month). Return on SIP and Benchmark are annualized and compounded investment return for cash flows resulting out of uniform and regular monthly subscriptions as on 5th day of every month (in case 5th is a non-Business Day, then the next Business Day) and have been worked out using the Excel spreadsheet function known as XIRR. XIRR calculates the internal rate of return for series of cash flow. Assuming ̀ 10,000 invested every month on 5th day of every month (in case 5th is a non-Business Day, then the next Business Day), the 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years, and since inception returns from SIP are annualized and compounded investment return computed on the assumption that SIP installments were received across the time periods from the start date of SIP from the end of the relevant period viz. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years and since Inception. *XIRR - XIRR calculates the internal rate of return to measure and compare the profitability of series of investments.Returns are net of total expenses#Benchmark Returns.@Additional Benchmark Returns.

    Total AmountInvested (`‘000)

    Mkt Value as onOct. 30, 20 (`‘000)

    S&P BSE 200 TRIReturns (XIRR*)# (%)

    S&P BSE Sensex TRIReturns (XIRR*)@ (%)

    Scheme Returns(XIRR*) (%)

    SIP Since Inception10 Years SIP7 Years SIP5 Years SIP3 Years SIP1 Year SIP

    1,420.00 2,548.96 9.46 10.58 10.67 1,200.00 1,816.67 8.06 10.16 10.35 840.00 1,004.17 5.04 8.64 9.34 600.00 640.93 2.62 7.68 9.47 360.00 359.98 0.00 5.21 7.12 120.00 129.17 14.83 15.40 15.15














    0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%


    Hotels/ Resorts andOther Recreational Activities

    Industrial Products

    Auto Ancillaries

    Ferrous Metals









  • * Cash & Cash Equivalents


    October 2020

    Name of Instrument QuantityIndustryMarket

    Value InLakhs

    % to NetAssets

    EQUITY & EQUITY RELATED A) Listed /Awaiting listing on Stock Exchanges 1. Infosys Limited Software 52,557 557.42 7.87%2. Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited Finance 28,654 551.17 7.78%3. Wipro Limited Software 108,856 370.87 5.23%4. HDFC Bank Limited Banks 31,058 367.59 5.19%5. Ambuja Cements Limited Cement 124,840 324.21 4.57%6. ACC Limited Cement 18,749 309.17 4.36%7. Mahindra & Mahindra Limited Auto 47,825 284.08 4.01%8. Hero MotoCorp Limited Auto 9,579 268.19 3.78%9. Lupin Limited Pharmaceuticals 27,388 249.03 3.51%10. Cipla Limited Pharmaceuticals 30,254 228.27 3.22%11. ICICI Bank Limited Banks 55,685 218.62 3.08%12. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Power 122,111 208.81 2.95%13. Bajaj Auto Limited Auto 6,843 197.55 2.79%14. NTPC Limited Power 216,454 189.61 2.68%15. Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited Finance 26,860 186.26 2.63%16. LIC Housing Finance Limited Finance 63,945 180.93 2.55%17. Tata Steel Limited Ferrous Metals 43,603 179.01 2.53%18. Tech Mahindra Limited Software 18,951 154.13 2.17%19. Eicher Motors Limited Auto 7,030 146.62 2.07%20. Tata Consultancy Services Limited Software 5,387 143.56 2.03%21. State Bank of India Banks 73,399 138.91 1.96%22. GAIL (India) Limited Gas 163,157 138.28 1.95%23. Exide Industries Limited Auto Ancillaries 85,824 136.50 1.93%24. Gujarat State Petronet Limited Gas 69,285 133.86 1.89%25. Cummins India Limited Industrial Products 28,623 124.25 1.75%26. The Indian Hotels Company Limited Hotels/ Resorts and Other 117,668 112.26 1.58% Recreational Activities 27. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited Oil 153,943 99.91 1.41%28. IndusInd Bank Limited Banks 14,121 82.71 1.17%29. PTC India Limited Power 33,789 15.88 0.22%30. Tata Steel Limited - Partly Paid Share Ferrous Metals 1,717 1.09 0.02%B) Unlisted NIL NILTotal of all Equity 6,298.75 88.88%MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS A) TREPS* 792.32 11.18%Net Receivable/(payable) -4.11 -0.06%Grand Total 7,086.96 100.00%

    Portfolio as on October 31, 2020


    GIPS Compliance

    Quantum Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd. claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

    Indian Rupee (INR) is the currency used to express performance and other statistics.



  • ^^ Note:Risk Free Rate assumed to be 3.48% (FBIL Overnight MIBOR for 30th October 2020) for calculating Sharpe Ratio.Standard Deviation, Sharpe Ratio & Beta are calculated on Annualised basis using 3 years history of monthly returns.Definitions Standard deviation measures historical volatility. A high standard deviation suggests high volatility, while lower standard deviation would refer to more stability.Beta is the tendency of a fund's returns to respond to market swings. A beta of 1 indicates that the fund price will move with the market. A beta of less than 1 means that these security will be less volatile than the market. A beta of greater than 1 indicates that the security's price will be more volatile than the market. Sharpe Ratio is used to characterise how well the return of an asset compensates the investor for the risk taken. The greater a portfolio's Sharpe ratio, the better its risk-adjusted performance has been.Portfolio Turnover Ratio is the percentage of a funds assets that have changed over the course of a year.

    *Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

    Name of the Scheme This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*

    Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderately High Risk


    Product Labeling

    • Long term capital appreciation• Invests primarily in equity and equity related securities of companies in S&P BSE 200 index and to save tax u/s 80 C of the Income Tax Act. Investments in this product are subject to lock in period of 3 years.

    Quantum Tax Saving Fund

    (An Open Ended Equity

    Linked Saving Scheme with

    a Statutory Lock in of 3

    years and Tax Benefit)


    October 2020




    Mr. Atul Kumar e�ective from November 15, 2006.Co-managing with Mr. Nilesh Shetty e�ective from March 28, 2011


    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)

    Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option -4.48 -0.17 -1.31 3.96 6.02 8.99

    Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option -4.94 -0.17 -1.66 3.96 NA NA

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme Return Calculation.#Benchmark returns.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Di�erent Plans shall have di�erent expense structure.Mr. Atul Kumar & Mr. Nilesh Shetty manages 2 schemes of Quantum Mutual Fund.Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)

  • 19

    *Cumulative Daily AuM /No of days in the month

    AUM `(In Crores) (as on October 31, 2020)


    Absolute AUM49.28

    Average AUM*49.78

    Scheme Features

    Investment Objective: The investment objective of the scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in a portfolio of open-ended diversified equity schemes of mutual funds registered with SEBI. There can be no assurance of positive returns from following the stated investment strategy.


    Direct Plan - Total TER = 0.51 % (Base TER 0.48% (Inclusive of 0.15% Management Fees & 0.33% Other Expanses) + 0.03% GST (18% GST on 0.15% Management Fees))Regular Plan – Total TER = 0.75%(Base TER 0.72% (Inclusive of 0.15% Management Fees & 0.33% Other Expanses & 0.24% Distributor Commission) + 0.03% GST (18% GST on 0.15% Management Fees))

    Entry / Sales LoadNot Applicable

    Benchmark Index

    S&P BSE 200 TRI

    Exit LoadFor complete details on Exit Load please refer page no.22

    Investment Options

    Growth & Dividend (Dividend Option will in turn have two Facilities, Dividend Payout Facility and Dividend Re-investment Facility)

    Redemption ProceedsProcessed through RTGS/NEFT mode on T+3 basis from the date of transaction where the investor’s Bank details are available. Processed through cheque on T+3 basis from the date of transaction where the required Bank details of investor are not available.

    Minimum Application Amount (Under each Option)Purchase: `500/- and in multiples of `1/- thereaf-ter. Additional Purchase: `500/- and in multiples of `1/- thereafter/ 50 units

    Inception Date (Date of Allotment)

    July 20, 2009

    Declaration of Net Asset Value (NAV)

    Every Business Day

    Fund Manager

    Mr. Chirag MehtaWork experience: 15 years. He has been managing this fund since November 1, 2013

    Dividend Option

    Growth Option

    35.7220 35.5060

    35.7220 35.5050

    NAV(as on October 30, 2020)

    Direct Plan(`/Unit)

    Regular Plan(`/Unit)

    Category of Scheme

    Fund of Funds – Domestic

    Research ServicesQuantum Information Services Private Limited (QIS) which owns the website www.PersonalFN.com is the designated agency to provide a recommended list of diversified equity schemes to Quantum Equity Fund of Funds. The investments in diversified equity schemes is made by Quantum Equity Fund of Funds based on / from that recommended list of diversified equity schemes provide by QIS.

    QUANTUM EQUITY FUND OF FUNDSAn Open Ended Fund of Funds scheme Investing in Open Ended Diversified Equity Schemes of Mutual Fund

    October 2020

    Total Expense Ratio (As on month end) TER specified are the actual expenses charged(i.e. e�ective rate) as at the end of the month.

  • Quantum Equity Fund of Funds Performance as on October 30, 2020

    Mr. Chirag Mehta is the Fund Manager e�ective from November 01, 2013.For other Schemes Managed by Mr. Chirag Mehta please see page no.22, 23

    Brokerages & Commissions Details





    Since Inception (20th Jul 2009)

    Oct 29, 2010 to Oct 30, 2020 (10 years)

    Oct 31, 2013 to Oct 30, 2020 (7 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 to Oct 30, 2020 (5 years)

    Oct 31, 2017 to Oct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 31, 2019 to Oct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    11.94 10.55 10.40 35,722 31,037 30,558

    8.92 8.29 8.56 23,525 22,193 22,755

    13.05 11.64 10.83 23,604 21,624 20,540

    7.56 8.99 9.62 14,405 15,386 15,834

    1.26 3.96 7.33 10,383 11,235 12,363

    -1.82 -0.17 -0.11 9,818 9,983 9,989

    Quantum Equity Fund of Funds - Direct Plan - Growth Option

    Performance of the Scheme

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in scheme returns calculation.Di�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on Page 22 for GIPS related disclosure.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR)

    S&P BSESensex TRI


    S&P BSE 200 TRI


    Scheme (`)

    S&P BSESensex TRI

    Returns (%)



    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in scheme returns calculation.Di�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on Page 22 for GIPS related disclosure.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR)Regular plan launched on 1 April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.

    Since Inception (01st Apr 2017)

    Oct 31, 2017 to Oct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 31, 2019 to Oct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    4.69 7.35 9.84 11,787 12,895 14,004

    1.08 3.96 7.33 10,327 11,235 12,363

    -2.05 -0.17 -0.11 9,795 9,983 9,989

    Current Value `10,000 Investedat the beginning of a given period

    Quantum Equity Fund of Funds - Regular Plan - Growth Option

    Performance of the Scheme

    S&P BSESensex TRI


    Scheme (`)

    S&P BSESensex TRI

    Returns (%)



    S&P BSE 200 TRI

    Returns (%)

    S&P BSE 200 TRI

    Returns (%)

    S&P BSE 200 TRI



    Key Statistics



    Brokerages on Investments for October 2020 NIL

    Distributor Commissions for October 2020 ` 10,566.93

    Benchmark AdditionalBenchmark

    Current Value `10,000 Investedat the beginning of a given period

    Benchmark AdditionalBenchmark

    Benchmark AdditionalBenchmark BenchmarkAdditionalBenchmark

  • Name of Instrument QuantityMarket

    Value InLakhs

    % to NetAssets

    * Cash & Cash Equivalents

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration using applicable NAV on the SIP day (5th of every month). Return on SIP and Benchmark are annualized and compounded investment return for cash flows resulting out of uniform and regular monthly subscriptions as on 5th day of every month (in case 5th is a non-Business Day, then the next Business Day) and have been worked out using the Excel spreadsheet function known as XIRR. XIRR calculates the internal rate of return for series of cash flow. Assuming `10,000 invested every month on 5th day of every month (in case 5th is a non-Business Day, then the next Business Day), the 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years and since inception returns from SIP are annualized and compounded investment return computed on the assumption that SIP installments were received across the time periods from the start date of SIP from the end of the relevant period viz. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years and since Inception. *XIRR - XIRR calculates the internal rate of return to measure and compare the profitability of series of investments.Returns are net of total expenses#Benchmark Returns.@Additional Benchmark Returns.

    SIP Performance of Quantum Equity Fund of Funds - Direct Plan - Growth Option as on October 30, 2020

    SIP Performance

    MUTUAL FUND UNITS 1. Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option 1,274,600 718.71 14.59%2. Invesco India Growth Opportunities Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option 1,812,894 713.55 14.48%3. Kotak Standard Multicap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option 1,834,365 704.32 14.29%4. L&T Mid Cap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option 473,233 698.07 14.17%5. ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option 1,514,540 677.61 13.75%6. Axis Bluechip Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option 1,869,425 654.86 13.29%7. Invesco India Midcap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option 1,066,366 638.75 12.96%Total of Mutual Fund Units 4,805.87 97.53%MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS A) TREPS* 120.93 2.45%Net Receivable/(payable) 0.83 0.02%Grand Total 4,927.63 100.00%


    October 2020

    Portfolio as on October 31, 2020


    Total AmountInvested (`‘000)

    Mkt Value as onOct. 30, 20 (`‘000)

    S&P BSE 200 TRIReturns (XIRR*)# (%)

    S&P BSE SENSEX TRIReturns (XIRR*)@(%)

    Scheme Returns(XIRR*) (%)

    SIP Since Inception10 Years SIP7 Years SIP5 Years SIP3 Years SIP1 Year SIP

    1,350.00 2,466.54 10.27 9.99 10.18 1,200.00 2,039.63 10.25 10.16 10.35 840.00 1,104.13 7.71 8.64 9.34 600.00 689.67 5.54 7.68 9.47 360.00 377.11 3.06 5.21 7.12 120.00 127.39 11.91 15.40 15.15


    10% of units if redeemed or switched out on or before 365 days from the date of allotment

    If redeemed or switched out of units after 365 days from the date of allotment

    Remaining 90% of units if redeemed or switched out on or before 365 daysfrom the date allotment




    % of Exit Load

    Note: Redemptions / Switch outs of units will be done on First In First Out (FIFO) basis. The above mentioned Exit Load shall be equally applicable to the special products such as Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)/ Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) and Switches etc. However, no load shall be charged for switching in between option / plan within the scheme.

    Exit Load:

  • 22October 2020

    GIPS Compliance

    Quantum Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd. claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

    Indian Rupee (INR) is the currency used to express performance and other statistics.





    Co-managing along with Mr. Nilesh Shetty e�ective from July 11, 2012


    SchemeReturn (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme Return Calculation.# Indicates CRISIL Composite Bond Fund Index (40%) + S&P BSE SENSEX Total Return Index (40%) + Domestic price of Gold (20%). It is a customized index and it is rebalanced dailyReturns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Di�erent Plans shall have di�erent expense structure.Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund. Mr. Nilesh Shetty manages 2 schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund.Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.*With e�ect from 1st January 2020, the name of “Quantum Multi Asset Fund” has been changed to “Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds”.

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)

    Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds - Direct Plan 8.27 11.78 6.89 11.13 8.43 10.75

    Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds - Regular Plan 7.99 11.78 6.69 11.13 NA NA


    Mr. Chirag Mehta e�ective from July 12, 2019.Co-managing with Ms. Sneha Joshi e�ective from July 12, 2019


    SchemeReturn (%)


    Returns# (%)





    Return (%)Scheme

    Return (%)

    Quantum India ESG Equity Funds - Direct Plan 7.29 5.42 NA NA NA NA

    Quantum India ESG Equity Funds - Regular Plan 6.64 5.42 NA NA NA NA

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.Di�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 Schemes and Ms. Sneha Joshi 1 Schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund.Direct and Regular plan not yet completed 3 and 5 years period since its launch.# Benchmark Return

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)

  • ^^ Note:Risk Free Rate assumed to be 3.48% (FBIL Overnight MIBOR for 30th October 2020) for calculating Sharpe Ratio.Standard Deviation, Sharpe Ratio & Beta are calculated on Annualised basis using 3 years history of monthly returns.Definitions Standard deviation measures historical volatility. A high standard deviation suggests high volatility, while lower standard deviation would refer to more stability.Beta is the tendency of a fund's returns to respond to market swings. A beta of 1 indicates that the fund price will move with the market. A beta of less than 1 means that the security will be less volatile than the market. A beta of greater than 1 indicates that the security's price will be more volatile than the market.Sharpe Ratio is used to characterise how well the return of an asset compensates the investor for the risk taken. The greater a portfolio's Sharpe ratio, the better its risk-adjusted performance has been.

    #The mentioned Tax Rates shall be increased by applicable surcharge, If any, Health and Education Cess @ 4% where ever as applicable.Equity oriented schemes will also attract Securities Transaction Tax (STT) @ 0.001% at the time of redemption and switch to other schemes.The Schemes which are selected for investments in QEFOF based on QIS / PFN Research.Stamp Duty applicable on Investors subscription unit transactions including Switch in as per the rate mentioned in the Amendments to Indian Stamp Act,1899TRANSACTION CHARGES: No Transaction Charges shall be deducted from the investment amount for applications received in the Regular Plan.

    *Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

    Name of the Scheme This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*

    Quantum Equity Fundof Funds (An OpenEnded Fund of Funds scheme Investing in Open Ended DiversifiedEquity Schemes ofMutual Funds) Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderately High Risk


    Product Labeling

    • Long term capital appreciation• Investments in portfolio of open-ended diversified equity schemes of mutual funds registered with SEBI whose underlying investments are in equity and equity related securities of diversified companies.

    23October 2020

    Tax on Capital Gains#Resident Individuals

    & HUFFII’s / Overseas Financial


    Firm Non Resident IndiansIndian

    Companies Foreign Companies

    Short Term Maximum 30% 30% 30% Maximum 30% 30% 40%

    10% without Indexation (ontransfer of long term capitalassets being unlisted securities)

    20% withIndexation

    10% without Indexation (on transferof long term capital assets beingunlisted securities)

    20% with Indexation10% without Indexation20% with IndexationLong Term



    Mr. Chirag Mehta e�ective from May 1, 2009.Co-managing with Ms. Ghazal Jain e�ective from June 2, 2020


    Quantum Gold Fund 28.58 29.90 18.56 19.76 12.15 13.31

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.#Benchmark returns.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 Schemes and Ms. Ghazal Jain manages 2 Schemes of the Quantum Mutual FundThe Scheme being Exchange Traded Fund has one plan to invest through stock exchange and having a single expense structure.

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns#(%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns#(%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns#(%)


    Mr. Chirag Mehta e�ective from May 19, 2011.Co-managing with Ms. Ghazal Jain e�ective from June 2, 2020


    SchemeReturn (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns# (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns# (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns# (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    Quantum Gold Savings Fund - Direct Plan 29.57 29.90 18.74 19.76 12.37 13.31

    Quantum Gold Savings Fund - Regular Plan 29.41 29.90 18.60 19.76 NA NA

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.#Benchmark returns.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Di�erent Plans shall have di�erent expense structure.Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 Schemes and Ms. Ghazal Jain manages 2 Schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund.Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)

  • 24

    *Cumulative Daily AuM /No of days in the month

    AUM `(In Crores) (as on October 31, 2020)

    Fund Manager &Associate Fund Manager

    Scheme Features

    Investment Objective : To achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in share of companies that meet Quantum’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.

    Benchmark Index

    Nifty 100 ESG Total Return Index

    Investment Options


    Exit LoadFor complete details on Exit Load please refer page no.26

    Redemption ProceedsProcessed through RTGS/NEFT mode on T+3 basis from the date of transaction where the investor’s Bank details are available. Processed through cheque on T+3 basis from the date of transaction where the required Bank details of investor are not available.

    Minimum Application Amount (Under each Option)

    Purchase: `500/- and in multiples of `1/-thereafter. Additional Purchase: `500/- and in multiples of `1/- thereafter.

    Total Expense Ratio (As on month end) TER specified are the actual expenses charged(i.e. e�ective rate) as at the end of the month.


    Direct Plan - Total TER = 0.90%(Base TER 0.81% (Inclusive of 0.47% Management Fees & 0.34% Other Expanses) + 0.09% GST (18% GST on 0.47% Management Fees))Regular Plan – Total TER = 1.64%(Base TER 1.56% (Inclusive of 0.47% Management Fees & 0.34% Other Expanses & 0.75% Distributor Commission) + 0.08% GST (18% GST on 0.47% Management Fees))

    Entry / Sales LoadNot Applicable

    Inception Date (Date of Allotment)

    July 12, 2019

    Declaration of Net Asset Value (NAV)

    Every Business Day

    Mr. Chirag MehtaWork experience: 15 years.Ms. Sneha JoshiWork experience: 6 years.Both have been managing the fundsince July 12, 2019.

    RegularPlan( ` / Unit)Growth Option 11.3300 11.2500

    NAV(as on October 30, 2020)

    Direct Plan(`/Unit)

    Regular Plan(`/Unit)

    Category of Scheme

    Thematic Scheme


    The amount of Long Term Capital Gain in excess of Rs 1,00,000/- in a year will be taxable @ 10%. Tax on Short Term Capital Gains - 15%.

    QUANTUM INDIA ESG EQUITY FUND(An Open ended equity scheme investing in companies following

    Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) theme)

    #The mentioned Tax Rates shall be increased by applicable surcharge, If any, Health and Education Cess @ 4% where ever as applicable. Equity oriented schemes will also attractSecurities Transaction Tax (STT) @ 0.001% at the time of redemption and switch to other schemes.Stamp Duty applicable on Investors subscription unit transactions including Switch in as per the rate mentioned in the Amendments to Indian Stamp Act,1899TRANSACTION CHARGES: No Transaction Charges shall be deducted from the investment amount for applications received in the Regular Plan.

    October 2020

    Absolute AUM21.31

    Average AUM*20.95

  • 25

    October 2020

    Key Statistics





    Brokerages & Commissions Details

    Brokerages on Investments for October 2020 ` 8,160.00

    Distributor commissions for October 2020 ` 20,274.80

    Portfolio Turnover Ratio (Last one year): 17.83%

    Quantum India ESG Equity Fund Performance as on October 30, 2020

    The Scheme is co-managed by Mr.Chirag Mehta and Ms.Sneha JoshiFor other Schemes Managed by Mr. Chirag Mehta please see page no. page no.28, 29Mr Chirag Mehta and Ms.Sneha Joshi are Fund Managers e�ective from July 12, 2019.

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme returns calculation.Di�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on Page 27 for GIPS related disclosure.The Schemes has been in existence for more than 1 year but has not yet completed 3 and 5 years period. Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).

    Since Inception (12th Jul 2019)

    Oct 31, 2019 to Oct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    10.03 7.15 3.03 11,330 10,944 10,398

    7.29 5.42 -0.11 10,729 10,542 9,989

    Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@





    Returns (%)



    S&P BSE Sensex TRIReturns (%)

    S&P BSE SensexTRI Return


    Quantum India ESG Equity Fund - Direct Plan

    Performance of the Scheme


    Benchmark Benchmark

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme returns calculation.The Schemes has been in existence for more than 1 year but has not yet completed 3 and 5 years periodDi�erent Plans shall have a di�erent expense structure.Refer to the section “GIPS Compliance” on Page 27 for GIPS related disclosure.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).

    Since Inception (12th Jul 2019)

    Oct 31, 2019 to Oct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    9.43 7.15 3.03 11,250 10,944 10,398

    6.64 5.42 -0.11 10,664 10,542 9,989

    Value of investment of Rs. 10,000@





    Returns (%)



    S&P BSE Sensex TRIReturns (%)

    S&P BSE SensexTRI Return


    Quantum India ESG Equity Fund - Regular Plan

    Performance of the Scheme


    Benchmark Benchmark

  • 26

    October 2020

    Industry Allocation (% of Net Assets) as on October 31, 2020


    Exit Load:

    10% of units If redeemed or switched out on or before 365 days from the date of allotment

    If redeemed or switched out on or after 365 days from the date of allotment

    Remaining 90% of units if redeemed or switched out on or before 365 days from the date of allotment




    % of Exit Load

    Note: Redemptions / Switch outs of units will be done on First In First Out (FIFO) basis. The above mentioned load structure shall be equally applicable to the special facilities such as Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) / Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) and Switches etc. However, no load shall be charged for switching between option / plan within the Scheme.

    SIP Performance of Quantum India ESG Equity Fund - Direct Plan as on October 30, 2020

    SIP Performance

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.Load is not taken into consideration using applicable NAV on the SIP day (5th of every month). Return on SIP and Benchmark are annualized and compounded investment return for cash flows resulting out of uniform and regular monthly subscriptions as on 5th day of every month (in case 5th is a non-Business Day, then the next Business Day) and have been worked out using the Excel spreadsheet function known as XIRR. XIRR calculates the internal rate of return for series of cash flow. Assuming `10,000 invested every month on 5th day of every month (in case 5th is a non-Business Day, then the next Business Day), and since inception returns from SIP are annualized and compounded investment return computed on the assumption that SIP installments were received across the time periods from the start date of SIP Returns are net of total expenses$ Benchmark Return @ Additional Benchmark Return*XIRR - XIRR calculates the internal rate of return to measure and compare the profitability of series of investments.

    Total AmountInvested (`‘000)

    Mkt Value as onOct 30, 20 (`‘000)

    NIFTY 100 ESG totalreturn Index (XIRR*)$ (%)

    S&P BSE SensexTRI (XIRR*)@ (%)

    Scheme Returns(XIRR*) (%)

    SIP Since Inception1 Year SIP

    150.00 170.60 21.38 18.12 12.33 120.00 135.87 26.07 21.41 15.15





    0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20%

    Construc�onAuto Ancillaries

    Industrial Capital GoodsHealthcare Services


    Hotels/ Resorts andOther Recrea�onal Ac�vi�es

    Petroleum ProductsPes�cides

    Ferrous MetalsGas


    Telecom - ServicesConsumer Durables


    Consumer Non DurablesSo�ware

  • 27

    October 2020

    Name of Instrument QuantityIndustryMarket

    Value InLakhs

    % toNet


    * Cash & Cash Equivalents

    EQUITY & EQUITY RELATED A) Listed /Awaiting listing on Stock Exchanges 1. Tata Consultancy Services Limited Software 3,897 103.85 4.87%2. Infosys Limited Software 8,786 93.18 4.37%3. Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited Finance 4,579 88.08 4.13%4. HDFC Bank Limited Banks 7,185 85.04 3.99%5. Wipro Limited Software 22,142 75.44 3.54%6. Ambuja Cements Limited Cement 28,412 73.79 3.46%7. Marico Limited Consumer Non Durables 19,029 67.87 3.18%8. Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited Banks 4,343 67.20 3.15%9. Tata Communications Limited Telecom - Services 7,065 65.94 3.09%10. Shree Cement Limited Cement 285 61.83 2.90%11. Tata Consumer Products Limited Consumer Non Durables 12,030 59.29 2.78%12. Tata Chemicals Limited Chemicals 17,807 57.40 2.69%13. Tata Steel Limited Ferrous Metals 13,522 55.51 2.60%14. ACC Limited Cement 3,220 53.10 2.49%15. Hindustan Unilever Limited Consumer Non Durables 2,498 51.74 2.43%16. TVS Motor Company Limited Auto 10,831 49.34 2.31%17. Havells India Limited Consumer Durables 6,707 48.82 2.29%18. Maruti Suzuki India Limited Auto 673 46.88 2.20%19. Rallis India Limited Pesticides 18,895 46.80 2.20%20. Tata Motors Limited Auto 35,255 46.77 2.19%21. Tech Mahindra Limited Software 5,691 46.28 2.17%22. The Indian Hotels Company Limited Hotels/ Resorts and Other Recreational Activities 46,931 44.77 2.10%23. Nestle India Limited Consumer Non Durables 238 40.84 1.92%24. Syngene International Limited Pharmaceuticals 7,194 38.48 1.81%25. Hero MotoCorp Limited Auto 1,359 38.05 1.79%26. Gujarat Gas Limited Gas 11,617 34.46 1.62%27. Colgate Palmolive (India) Limited Consumer Non Durables 2,185 33.14 1.55%28. Mahindra & Mahindra Limited Auto 5,388 32.00 1.50%29. Axis Bank Limited Banks 6,408 31.56 1.48%30. Mahanagar Gas Limited Gas 3,804 31.00 1.45%31. Castrol India Limited Petroleum Products 26,789 30.54 1.43%32. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Power 17,861 30.54 1.43%33. HCL Technologies Limited Software 3,182 26.79 1.26%34. Dabur India Limited Consumer Non Durables 4,886 24.99 1.17%35. Bharti Airtel Limited Telecom - Services 5,694 24.70 1.16%36. Dr. Lal Path Labs Limited Healthcare Services 1,031 23.68 1.11%37. Vinati Organics Limited Chemicals 1,847 22.34 1.05%38. Thermax Limited Industrial Capital Goods 2,903 22.04 1.03%39. IndusInd Bank Limited Banks 3,504 20.52 0.96%40. Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Limited Consumer Durables 6,757 20.22 0.95%41. Voltas Limited Consumer Durables 2,844 20.07 0.94%42. Titan Company Limited Consumer Durables 1,591 18.55 0.87%43. MphasiS Limited Software 1,305 17.99 0.84%44. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Petroleum Products 4,404 15.61 0.73%45. Bosch Limited Auto Ancillaries 133 15.44 0.72%46. Info Edge (India) Limited Software 241 8.55 0.40%47. Hemisphere Properties India Limited Construction 3,103 2.10 0.10%B) Unlisted NIL NILTotal of all Equity 2,013.12 94.40%MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS A) TREPS* 118.30 5.55%Net Receivable/(payable) -0.02 0.05%Grand Total 2,131.40 100.00%

    Portfolio as on October 31, 2020


    GIPS Compliance

    Quantum Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd. claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

    Indian Rupee (INR) is the currency used to express performance and other statistics.



  • 28

    October 2020



    Co-managing along with Mr. Nilesh Shetty e�ective from July 11, 2012


    SchemeReturn (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    BenchmarkReturn# (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme Return Calculation.# Indicates CRISIL Composite Bond Fund Index (40%) + S&P BSE SENSEX Total Return Index (40%) + Domestic price of Gold (20%). It is a customized index and it is rebalanced dailyReturns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Di�erent Plans shall have di�erent expense structure.Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund. Mr. Nilesh Shetty manages 2 schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund.Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.*With e�ect from 1st January 2020, the name of “Quantum Multi Asset Fund” has been changed to “Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds”.

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)

    Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds - Direct Plan 8.27 11.78 6.89 11.13 8.43 10.75

    Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds - Regular Plan 7.99 11.78 6.69 11.13 NA NA



    E�ective from November 01, 2013


    SchemeReturn (%)

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)

    S&P BSE200 TRI

    Returns# (%)Scheme

    Return (%)Scheme

    Return (%)

    Quantum Equity Fund of Funds - Direct Plan - Growth Option -1.82 -0.17 1.26 3.96 7.56 8.99

    Quantum Equity Fund of Funds - Regular Plan - Growth Option -2.05 -0.17 1.08 3.96 NA NA

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Load is not taken into consideration in Scheme Return Calculation.#Benchmark returns.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Di�erent Plans shall have di�erent expense structure.Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund.Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)


    Mr. Chirag Mehta e�ective from May 1, 2009.Co-managing with Ms. Ghazal Jain e�ective from June 2, 2020


    Quantum Gold Fund 28.58 29.90 18.56 19.76 12.15 13.31

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.#Benchmark returns.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 Schemes and Ms. Ghazal Jain manages 2 Schemes of the Quantum Mutual FundThe Scheme being Exchange Traded Fund has one plan to invest through stock exchange and having a single expense structure.

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns#(%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns#(%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns#(%)

  • 29

    October 2020

    *Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

    Name of the Scheme This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*Quantum India ESGEquity Fund(An Open ended equityscheme investing incompanies followingEnvironment, Social andGovernance (ESG) theme)


    Product Labeling

    • Long term capital appreciation• Invests in shares of companies that meet Quantum'sEnvironment, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.

    Investors understand that their principal will be at High Risk


    Mr. Chirag Mehta e�ective from May 19, 2011.Co-managing with Ms. Ghazal Jain e�ective from June 2, 2020


    SchemeReturn (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns# (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns# (%)

    DomesticPrice of GoldReturns# (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    SchemeReturn (%)

    Quantum Gold Savings Fund - Direct Plan 29.57 29.90 18.74 19.76 12.37 13.31

    Quantum Gold Savings Fund - Regular Plan 29.41 29.90 18.60 19.76 NA NA

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.#Benchmark returns.Returns are net of total expenses and are calculated on the basis of Compounded Annualized Growth Rate (CAGR).Di�erent Plans shall have di�erent expense structure.Mr. Chirag Mehta manages 5 Schemes and Ms. Ghazal Jain manages 2 Schemes of the Quantum Mutual Fund.Regular plan launched on 1st April 2017 but not yet completed 5 years period since its launch.

    Oct 31, 2019 toOct 30, 2020 (1 year)

    Oct 31, 2017 toOct 30, 2020 (3 years)

    Oct 30, 2015 toOct 30, 2020 (5 years)


  • Daily Dividend Option

    Monthly Dividend Option

    Growth Option

    10.0062 10.0010

    10.0119 10.0092

    27.4424 27.3782

    NAV(as on October 31, 2020)

    Direct Plan(`/Unit)

    Regular Plan(`/Unit)

    *Cumulative Daily AuM /No of days in the month

    AUM `(In Crores)(as on October 31, 2020)

    Benchmark Index

    Crisil Liquid Fund Index

    Exit Load

    Inception Date (Date of Allotment)

    April 07, 2006

    Fund Manager

    Mr. Pankaj Pathak Work experience: 10 years. He has beenmanaging this fund since March 01, 2017

    Declaration of Net Asset Value (NAV)

    Every Business Day

    Investment Options

    Redemption Proceeds

    Processed through RTGS/NEFT mode on T+1 basis from the date of transaction where the investor’s Bank details are available.Processed through cheque on T+1 basis from the date of transaction where the required Bank details of investor are not available.

    Entry/ Sales Load

    Not Applicable

    Scheme Features

    Investment Objective : To provide optimal returns with low to moderate levels of risk and high liquidity through judicious invest-ments in money market and debt instruments.


    Direct Plan - Total TER = 0.15%(Base TER 0.14% (Inclusive of 0.07% Management Fees & 0.07% Other Expanses) + 0.01% GST (18% GST on 0.07% Management Fees))Regular Plan – Total TER = 0.25 %(Base TER 0.24% (Inclusive of 0.07% Management Fees & 0.07% Other Expanses & 0.10%