Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them, for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven… (Matthew 6:1) The season of Lent is upon us and I am beginning to hear conversation about what to give up, add, or change in our lives. For some, giving something up is centering. For others, this tradition has lost its meaning. For some, adding a spiritual practice adds depth to their life of faith. For others, add- ing a practice feels like piling more “to do’s” onto an already overflowing calendar. Jesus’ words remind us that it does not matter whether you choose to give some- thing up or to add something; there is no right or wrong. What does matter is the reason for our practice. Whether you are fasting from your phone in order to deepen your in-person relationships, donating food in order to care for those in need, adding a prayer practice in order to re-center your- self on Christ, whatever this journey holds for you, you do not travel it alone. The Israelites were transformed into a community as they wandered through the desert for 40 years, preparing for their en- try into the Promised Land. Jesus was transformed in the wilderness for 40 days as he overcame temptation and left the devil’s empty promises behind, preparing him for the ministry that lied ahead. In these 40 days of Lent, God is at work transforming and preparing you as well. Blessings to you this Lenten season, Pastor Dominique Transformation March 2020 Sharon Sharings Monthly Newsletter of Sharon Lutheran Church

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Beware of practicing your piety before others in

order to be seen by them, for then you have no

reward from your Father in heaven…

(Matthew 6:1)

The season of Lent is upon us and I am

beginning to hear conversation about what

to give up, add, or change in our lives. For

some, giving something up is centering. For

others, this tradition has lost its meaning.

For some, adding a spiritual practice adds

depth to their life of faith. For others, add-

ing a practice feels like piling more “to do’s”

onto an already overflowing calendar.

Jesus’ words remind us that it does not

matter whether you choose to give some-

thing up or to add something; there is no

right or wrong. What does matter is the

reason for our practice. Whether you are

fasting from your phone in order to deepen

your in-person relationships, donating food

in order to care for those in need, adding a

prayer practice in order to re-center your-

self on Christ, whatever this journey holds

for you, you do not travel it alone.

The Israelites were transformed into a

community as they wandered through the

desert for 40 years, preparing for their en-

try into the Promised Land. Jesus was

transformed in the wilderness for 40 days

as he overcame temptation and left the

devil’s empty promises behind, preparing

him for the ministry that lied ahead. In

these 40 days of Lent, God is at work

transforming and preparing you as well.

Blessings to you this Lenten season,

Pastor Dominique


March 2020

Sharon Sharings Monthly Newsletter of Sharon Lutheran Church

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During this Lenten season we are raising funds in

support of the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mis-

sion program in Madagascar. Bryce Bommersbach, a

Sharon member and son of Holly and Scott Bom-

mersbach, is currently serving the Malagasy church

in Madagascar. One of the primary objectives of the

program is the development of servant leaders who

are “more globally formed and globally informed.”

ELCA young adults have the opportunity to engage

in one or more of the many dynamic ministries of

the Malagasy Lutheran Church in a manner that will

allow them to wrestle with the realities of economic

justice in one of the poorest nations on earth, and

the complexities of social dynamics in a country

with significant but subtle ethnic diversity and deeply

rooted spiritual beliefs and practices.

Bryce said that supporting this program helps

raise church leaders and produce seminary students.

It allows young adults to see global, racial, gender

and socioeconomic privilege all through the lens of


Throughout the Lenten season we will learn

more about Madagascar and raise donations for the

ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program in

Madagascar. The Board of Church in Society will be

selling tubes of M&M’s in the narthex for $3. After

enjoying the candy children (and/or adults) are en-

couraged to keep the M&M tube and collect money

throughout the season of Lent to donate to the

Madagascar fund.

Board of Church in Society

Money for


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Faith Formation Giving Opportunities

What does this mean for you as a member of Sharon Lutheran Church? Well, we are joining

together with Lions to “Change Lives, One Pair At A Time”.

Used and abandoned eyeglasses that you no longer use may change another person’s life, so if you can Spare a Pair, Please Share! A collection box has been placed in the church narthex to accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses and plastic and metal frames. Children’s glasses are especially needed. These glasses will be channeled and prepared for mission use and be given to needy people at no charge. You could help a child to read, an adult to succeed in his job or a senior to be able to maintain their independence. Be the change you want to see in the world:

Spare a Pair and Show You Care!

Collection will be ongoing in the church entry.

Submitted by the Board of Church In Society.

Noisy Offering on Wednesday, March 25 and Sunday, March 29 goes to funding the March 2020 Love Feast.

Members of Sharon Lutheran Church will be serving lasagna, Italian bread, salad, and dessert for approximately 200 people on March 31st at Zion Methodist Church Love Feast.

The Love Feast is an evening of community fellowship that meets at Zion the last Tuesday of each month (except December) from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Many guests attending the meal live alone and often eat alone. The Love Feast gives them an opportunity to socialize and vis-it with others.


Executive Director Jon Green [email protected]

Assistant Ex. Director Heather Strandell [email protected]

Assistant Ex. Director Haley Wamstad [email protected]

Treasurer Traci LaDouceur [email protected]

Board of Church in Society Jeannie Sollom (Co-Dir) [email protected]

Board of Church in Society Kaye Carlson (Co-Dir) [email protected]

Board of Education Sara Peters (Co-Dir) [email protected]

Board of Evangelism Jim Schober (Co-Dir) [email protected]

Board of Evangelism Bonnie Nerby (Co-Dir) [email protected]

Board of Lay Ministry Kristine Sande [email protected]

Board of Parish Fellowship Emilie DeKrey [email protected]

Board of Property Craig Knudsvig [email protected]

Board of Public Relations Kirsten Carolin [email protected]

Board of Stewardship Steve Erlandson [email protected]

Board of Youth Carol Hagen [email protected]

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Faith Formation Learning Opportunities

Faith in


If you are inter-

ested in getting to-

gether and enjoying a movie followed by

good conversation, please contact Vicki

Lindberg. The Faith in Film group tries to

see a movie once a month on a Friday night

and meet at a local restaurant following the

movie for fellowship. If this sounds like

something you’d like to join in on, Vicki can

be reached at 701-757-0928 or email vlind-

[email protected].

“Welcome to Baptism” Orientation

If you are planning a baptism in your family, plan to come to a one-hour orientation called Welcome to Bap-tism” on Sunday, March 10, beginning at 2:30 p.m. in the church lounge. Please enter through door #1.

To register for the class, please call the church

office by Friday before the class at 772-3122; email the church office at [email protected]; or speak to one of the pastors.

Sponsors are welcome too in addition to parents. The class is designed to help answer questions about

baptism, including: · What is baptism? When should bap-tism occur? What is my role as a parent, sponsor, or fami-ly member of the baptized?

If you have any questions about this class, please speak to one of the pastors.


(Learning in Faith Together)

L.I.F.T. – Learning In Faith

Together – is an opportunity to

grow in faith with others as we

gather each Sunday morning

from 10:25 – 11:00 in the sanc-

tuary. We will conclude our

study of the 10 Commandments

and begin to look at the Lord’s Prayer and how we as

Lutherans understand and interpret it. Get your cof-

fee or water and come and join the conversation! The

schedule for March is:

March 1 The 7th Commandment You Shall Not


March 8 The 8th Commandment You Shall Not

Bear False Witness

March 15 The 9th and 10th Commandment You

Shall Not Covet

March 22 Introduction and 1st Petition of the

Lord’s Prayer

March 29 The Second Petition of the Lord’s


Wednesday Morning Bible Study

This weekly Bible Study, led by Deacon Jamie, delves into the Bible for study and discussion. The format for our study will include a look at the appointed scripture readings for the coming week. It will be an opportunity to become familiar with these texts before they are read in worship and to recognize the themes that are presented in our weekly lectionary readings. We may even raise insights that will weave their way into the sermon for the coming week!

Everyone is welcome to join in the study (even if you weren’t part of a Wednesday study before). The hour-long study begins at 9:45 AM each Wednesday in the South Hall. The coffee pot is always on and quite often snacks make their way into the room as well. Come and be renewed by our bib-lical study!

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If you have a smart phone just

download a qr reader to your

phone. Scan the code and it will

take you right to Sharon Luther-

an’s donations web page. Never

miss a donation opportunity again!

Please let us

know! If you or a member of your

family or someone you know

who is a member of Sharon is

in the hospital, please tell one

of the pastors or call the office

and let us know. Thank you!

2020 Lenten Worship Arms Wide Open

Lenten worship services are each Wednesday at 5:15 in the Sanctuary and 6:15 in Celebration Hall. Our theme

for this Lenten season is Arms Wide Open. On the cross,

Jesus’ arms were wide open to all people, forgiving, welcom-

ing and accepting them. In his ministry on earth, Jesus’ arms

were wide open to all kinds of people as well.

At the Wednesday evening worship services during Lent,

we will hear from members of our congregation who will

share their faith stories and talk about Jesus’ Arms Wide

Open. The schedule of speakers for our Lenten worship ser-

vice is:

March 4 – Steve Erlandson

March 11 – Jodi Boettner

March 18 – Mark Rios

March 25 – Lexi Larson

April 1 – Austin Clausen

Make Wednesday worship a part of your Lenten journey!

Registration is open at Red Willow Bible

Camp. Red Willow offers camp experiences for

students entering kindergarten through twelfth

grade. For those entering grades K-6, there are

opportunities to spend a single day at Seekers

Camp. Or, Taste of Camp allows students enter-

ing grades K-2 to invite a parent or other adult to

accompany them for three days and two nights at

camp. Other camps include Pathfinders (grades 2-

3), Holy Hoops (grades 4-8), Creation Camp

(grades 4-6), Wilderness Week (grades 8-12),

Leadership Week (grades 10-12), and Discovery

Camp (adults with disabilities, ages 18+).

Find out more at redwillowbiblecamp.org.

Scholarships are available.

Think Summer –

Think Bible Camp

Planning on giving towards

Sharon’s Capital Campaign?

Make sure you mark “Capital

Campaign” or “G.I.F.T.” on

your check!

The Centennial Service Tree is up in the narthex

and ready to be filled with your leaves of service!

You can record your volunteer hours on the forms

that can be found at the Next Steps table near the

Welcome Center. When you have completed 20

hours of service, put your name/family name on a

colored leaf to hang on the tree. Thank you for be-

ing God’s helpful hands in our church and communi-


Sharon Lutheran’s Centennial tree needs your leaves!

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Amount needed in Operating Revenue each month per approved 2019/2020 budget is $88,792

January Actual January Budget January Actual - YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual -

Revenue 2019/2020 2019/2020 Budget

Difference 2019/2020 2019/2020



Current Ministry

Gifts $76,310 $71,946 $4,364 $502,761 $550,930 $(48,170)

Loose/Misc. Of-

fering Gifts $1,620 $1,511 $109 $17,493 $19,488 $(1,995) Operating Fund

Memorial Gifts $ - $83 $(83) $- $83 $(583) Church School, Confirmation & VBS Registra-

tions $- $102 $(102) $10,850 $14,282 $ (3,432)


Gifts $2,431 $1,292 $1,139 $10,650 $9,042 $1,608

Other Gifts and

Donations $2,658 $2,375 $283 $19,684 $20,734 $(1,050)

2018/2019 Total $83,019 $77,309 $5,710 $561,438 $615,059 $(53,622)



Expenses $78,522 $81,420 $(2,898) $512,327 $553,562 $(41,235)

Mortgage Debt

Reduction $9,011 $9,011 $- $59,891 $59,891 $-

Total Expenses $87,533 $90,431 $(2,898) $572,218 $613,453 $(41,235)

Revenue Exceeding

Expenses $(4,514) $(13,122) $8,608 $(10,781) $1,606 $(12,387)

January Designated gifts received:

Undesignated Memorials $40

Fellowship Donations $380

Capital Campaign-GIFT $17,203

Northlands Family Shelter $50

Noisy Offering-Disaster Response-Local Farm Relief-School Lunch-es $584

Easter Flowers $100

Higher Ground Memorials $20

Health Ministries Donations $80

Wednesday Fellowship Meal $451

Church School Benevolences-St. Joseph's Social Care & Thrift Store $111

Total $19,020


In loving memory of:

Artha Travers, by Jeff & Kristi Larson, Daniel &

Yvonne Welsh, Jeanette Krogstad, Sue Kerr, Mark &

Sharla Thompson, Jim & Sherryl Weisenberger;

Eloise Robertson, by Daniel & Yvonne Welsh,

Larry Lovseth & Mary Askim-Lovseth;

Jim Smiley, by Jeanette Krogstad, Jim & Sherryl

Weisenberger, Sue Kerr, Kristi Anderson;

Marion Schnieweiz, by Ron & Darlyne Ness

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If you have ever considered joining a book group because you like to read and enjoy fun, lively discussions, please come join us in Celebra-tion Hall.

March 3: Where the Crawdads Sing by

Delia Owens

April 7: Educated: A Memoir by Tara


“An unforgettable memoir about a young girl,

who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist

family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cam-

bridge University. Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, Tara Westover was seven-

teen the first time she set foot in a classroom.

Her family was so isolated from mainstream soci-

ety that there was no one to ensure the children

received an education, and no one to intervene

when one of Tara’s older brothers became vio-

lent. When another brother got himself into col-

lege, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her

quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her

over oceans and across continents, to Harvard

and to Cambridge University. Only then would

she wonder if she’d traveled too far, if there was

still a way home.

May 5: If You Lived Here You’d Be

Home Now by Christopher Ingraham

In 2015, Washington Post data reporter

Christopher Ingraham wrote a sentence that

would change his life: “The absolute worst place

to live in America is (drumroll please)...Red Lake

County, Minn.” This statement was based on a

U.S. Department of Agriculture study that an-

chored his column. The report ranked more than

3,000 of America’s counties from ugliest to most

scenic. By the next morning, Ingraham had re-

ceived hundreds of

responses from an-

gry yet polite resi-

dents of Red Lake

County, including

one from a local

businessman inviting him to come visit the town

and see if for himself. If You Lived Here You’d Be

Home Now is about Ingraham’s life-altering trip

to Red Lake County—and his family’s eventual

decision to move there.

Ingraham and his family had been struggling to

make ends meet in the D.C. area and were run-

ning out of options. In 2015 alone, he spent 31.3

full calendar days commuting from his Maryland

home to his job in Washington D.C. Ingraham

was at a breaking point, frustrated by his long

commute and the scant amount of time it left

him to spend with his wife and twin two-year-old

sons. In his sobering, charming, and candid narra-

tive, Ingraham explains his decision to uproot his

life and move his family to Red Lake Falls, Minne-

sota, population 1,400, where he begins a chap-

ter of incredible life-style changes and important

life lessons.

In Red Lake Falls, Ingraham meets people for

whom politics are a passing conversation, not an

obsession, experiences the intensity and power

of small-town gossip, and unearths some truths

about small-town life that the coastal media usu-

ally miss. The brutal winters and futile quest to

find a decent cup of coffee are compensated by

the county’s warmth, humor, and hospitality, es-

pecially toward a journalist who had just dragged

their home through the dirt on the Internet.

Sharon Lutheran Church Book Group


Age Club Come join us for

Golden Age Club on the second

Friday of each month in South

Hall! We will meet on Friday,

March 13 beginning at 2:00 p.m.

Support Sharon Lutheran by eating at Texas Roadhouse

Where can you get a hand-cut steak and fall-off-the-bone ribs while raising money for Sharon Lutheran? At Texas Roadhouse! On Sundays to the end of 2020 (excluding holidays), bring your bulletin from Sharon Lutheran to the Grand Forks Texas Roadhouse location and 10% of your total bill (excluding tax and alcohol purchases) will be donated to Sharon Lutheran Church!

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March 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:00am

Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

10:25am L.I.F.T.

11:00 Church School 11:45 Peer Ministtry

3:30pm POLO (Parents of Little Ones)

3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive!

2 8:30am

Faithfully Fit 7:00pm Bible Bros

3 1:00pm New

Americans Sewing

5:15pm Board of Stewardship

5:30pm Centennial Committee

7:00 Sharon Book Group

4 8:30am Faithfully Fit 9:45 Bible Study

4:30pm Youth Choir

5:15pm Wednesday Fellowship Meal

5:15pm Faithful Families

5:15pm Lenten Worship-Sanctuary

6:15pm Lenten Worship-Celebration Hall

6:15pm Church School

7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

7:30pm ReNew


6:30pm Board of Church in Society

7:00pm God Talk on Tap– Half Brothers




7:00am Depart to Bemidji

For Ski Day

8 9:00am

Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

10:25am L.I.F.T.

11:00 Church School

1:00pm Welcome to Baptism class

3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive! 6:00 Bowling at Red

Ray Lanes 6:30 Communion Conversation #1

9 8:30am

Faithfully Fit

6:30pm Hannah Circle


9:00am Martha Circle

1:00pm New Americans Sewing


Youth/Education Team

6:00pm Board of Properties

11 8:30am Faithfully Fit 9:45 Bible Study

11:30am Executive Committee

4:30pm Youth Choir

5:15pm Wednesday Fellowship Meal

5:15pm Faithful Families

5:15pm Lenten Worship-Sanctuary

6:15pm Lenten Worship-Celebration Hall

6:15pm Church School

7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

7:15pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

7:30pm ReNew


9:30am Quilting

5:30pm Board of Fellowship


Board of Lay Ministry


2:00 Golden Age Club

Deadline for April

Newsletter Articles



9:00am Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

10:25am L.I.F.T.

11:00 Church School 3:30pm POLO

(Parents of Little Ones)

3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive!


8:30am Faithfully Fit

5:30pm Board of Public Relations


1:00pm New

Americans Sewing

1:00pm Mary Circle

1:30pm Rachel Circle

18 8:30am Faithfully Fit 9:45 Bible Study

4:30pm Youth Choir

5:15pm Wednesday Fellowship Meal

5:15pm Faithful Families

5:15pm Lenten Worship-Sanctuary

6:15pm Lenten Worship-Celebration Hall

6:15pm Church School

7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

7:30pm ReNew




22 9:00am

Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

11:00 Church School

10:25am L.I.F.T.

3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive! 6:30pm Communion

Conversation #2


8:30am Faithfully Fit


1:00pm New Americans Sewing

25 8:30am Faithfully Fit 9:45 Bible Study

11:30am Executive Committee

4:30pm Youth Choir

5:15pm Wednesday Fellowship Meal

5:15pm Board of Evangelism

5:15pm Faithful Families

5:15pm Lenten Worship-Sanctuary

6:15pm Lenten Worship-Celebration Hall

6:15pm Church School

7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

7:30pm ReNew



Assemble Parish Newsletter

5:30pm Parish

Planning Council



9:00am Quilting

Young Adults Unplugged Weekend

29 9:00am Sanctuary worship

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration worship

10:25am L.I.F.T. 11:00 Church School 3:45pm 3-4-5 Alive!

30 8:30am

Faithfully Fit



5:15pm Finance Committee

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Centennial keepsakes

are available for pur-

chase in the narthex beginning Sun-

day, March 15, and Wednesday,

March 18.These items include cof-

fee mugs, ornaments, and reusable

bags. Clothing items are also availa-

ble online at https://


Give us a “Like” on Facebook!

Go to: www.facebook.com/SharonLutheranGF This is a great way for us to connect, support, and en-courage one another! We can also highlight and share the many ministries of our church. Please share our page with others too!

We need

your help!

We are in

need of indi-

viduals to

serve as wor-

ship assistants

- communion


and clean-up,


readers, or ushers. We do have lists of inter-

ested individuals from My Ministry forms, but

those lists are currently insufficient to fill our

needs. Please consider signing up occasionally or

on a regular basis. The jobs are not difficult,

you can serve as a family or with a friend, and

we will train you or pair you with a "veteran

volunteer" if needed.


Assistants needed

The Sharon Lutheran

Church Rummage Sale

is coming soon!!! Mark your calendars for Friday, May 15 and

start saving your treasures to donate! Remember

to pack up your items by category. You will be

asked to take your items to the appropriate rooms

at the time of drop-off

May 10-14.

Watch for more in-

formation to follow in

upcoming newsletters

and bulletins!

Volunteers needed

at Love Feast

Members of Sharon Lutheran Church will be

serving lasagna, Italian bread, salad, and dessert

for approximately 200 people on March 31 at

Zion Methodist Church Love Feast. The Love

Feast is an evening of community fellowship that

meets at Zion the last Tuesday of each month

(except December) from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Many

guests attending the meal live alone and often eat

alone. The Love Feast gives them an opportunity

to socialize and visit with others.

We are looking for 20-25 people to help

serve the meal and clean up from 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 31, if you would like to volun-

teer please use the sign up sheets that will be

available in the Narthex or Signup Genius. Please

contact Jeannie Sollom at 701-772-8376 if you

have any questions.

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March 2020 News


Our 6th-9th grade Confirmation stu-

dents will be assisting in worship during the season of Lent, serv-ing as greeters, aco-lytes, readers, ushers, and communion servers. These students and their small group guides will be learning how to serve and how im-

portant it is to serve in this way. We give thanks for their presence with us!


Thank you for your support!

Youth Stock is a great way to invest in our youth! Sharon members love

this fundraiser because instead of buying a product, supporters invest in

changing lives. Your youth stock donation helps provide faith-centered

ministry opportunities focused on discipleship, learning together, growing

in faith, and transforming lives.

Did you know… Your investment helps provide transportation for retreats and events,

service opportunities, scholarships, adult leader training, and yearly

mission trips.

Furthermore, youth stock supplements 3rd-12th grade weekly minis-

try programs (3-4-5 Alive!, 4G, and Re:New) and Bible studies (Bible

Bros, Uniquely You), and ensures that all students can participate!

Because of your prayers, your listening ears, and your support of

Youth Stock, Faith Formation Ministries continue to thrive and grow.

Thank you!

The Faith Formation Staff

would like to once again

thank our Church School stu-

dents and High School youth

for assisting with Dinner

Church on February 5. The

service was such a bright spot

for our church, with the

younger students singing, and

the High School students leading worship. We have

been blessed with the oppor-

tunity and privilege to walk

alongside these students in

their faith journey, and watch

them grow, by living out their

baptism through their acts of

service and leadership. As I

said to open that service,

practice does not make per-

fect, and failure is always on

option. Our students can have

confidence that as a church

we do not expect them to be

perfect, and we always forgive

them, and help them when

they stumble. Thank you to

Sharon Lutheran for giving

them the space to try some-

thing new, being patient and

showing grace when needed,

and for your continues sup-

port of our Faith Formation


~Steve DeKrey

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MORE MARCH NEWS 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders...

During February and March,

our Church School offering

will be shared between Sha-

ron Lutheran ministries and

Feed My Starving Children

Mobile Pack. Feed My Starving Children (fmsc.org)

believes hope starts with food. As a Christian non-

profit, FMSC is dedicated to seeing every childe

whole in body and spirit. FMSC works with food

distribution partners that stay with communities

for the long haul, empowering them to move from

relief to development. A Mobile Pack event will be

held in Grand Forks this spring.

It’s time for 3-4-5 ALIVE!

A weekly program for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grad-

ers to gather together in community for Bible

learning fun through stories, games, food, and friends.

We meet on Sunday afternoons from 3:45-4:45 p.m.

in the “Living Room” (lower level youth room).

Join us and be part of 3-4-5 ALIVE! Friends are always welcome!

3-4-5 Alive! Will meet on March 1, 8,

15, 22 and 29.

Sharon Lutheran Youth Choir

Sharon Youth Choir is designed for students in

Kindergarten through 9th grade. We meet on Wednesdays in the choir room beginning at 4:30 p.m. (or

whenever you can make it), and we will finish just before 5:15 p.m. so that we can provide music leadership

for “Faithful Families.” Sharon Youth Choir will meet on March 4, 11, 18 and 25.

Fourth graders and

their families are

reading the Gospel

of Mark during the

season of Lent. If

you would like to

join them on this

journey, please ask

Dave Berger for a

reading schedule.

We will celebrate

this accomplish-

ment with all

fourth graders and

their families at all worship services

on Sunday, April

19th and Wednes-

day, April 22nd.

5th Grade Communion

Instruction and Conversations Sharon Lutheran Church is hosting two Com-

munion Conversations in March. These conversa-

tions are for fifth graders and their parents/

guardians as well as for anyone else of any age

who wishes to learn more about this sacrament.

Participants should plan to attend both sessions:

Sunday, March 8—6:30-8:00 p,m, in

Celebration Hall

Sunday, March 22—6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Sanc-


We will celebrate Holy Communion at all wor-

ship services on

Maundy Thursday, April 9.

Looking ahead….

VBS—Mark your


Sharon Lutheran Church

Vacation Bible School!

Monday, June 1—

Thursday, June 4 ~

6:15—8:15 p.m. each


Where in the World?

Global Trek 2020

Online registration will

begin on April 1.

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We have several volunteer opportunities and you are a perfect fit!


Middle School News

Confirmation Notes

During the season of Lent (February 26—

April 11), we ask 6th—9th grade Confirmation

students to attend Lenten worship each week

with a parent of trusted adult. Each student is

asked to serve in worship once during the Len-

ten season. Please check the worship assistant

schedule for the date and time you have been


Confirmation instruction will resume on

Wednesday, April 15.


4G is a weekly gathering of young people in grades 6-8 on Wednesdays from 8:15 - 9:00 p.m. in the youth room (lower level). We will play games, eat, and have fun. Bring your friends!!

4G will resume on Wednesday, April 15th

Our next meeting for student par-

ticipants and adult leaders will be

held on Sunday, March 5 from 11:45

a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the

Sanctuary at Sharon. Parents/guardians,

please join us for the first half of our

meeting as we go over details for our

Spring Dinner (Sunday, May 17) Watch

for more information on a March fel-

lowship event for all mid-

dle school mission trip

participants from Sharon

Lutheran Church and

Calvary Lutheran Church!

Wednesday Fellowship Meal 5:15—6:45 pm in South Hall

Wednesday is likely a pretty full

day for you and your family. Head

on over to South Hall for a home

cooked meal each week before

worship and other programming.

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High School News Re:New will continue to meet Wednesdays during the

season of Lent, March 4-April 1 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. We

will take these five weeks to work on practicing grati-

tude in our lives. We’ll be discussing how Lent is maybe

not about giving something up, but adopting a new prac-

tice to replace something in our lives that gets between God and

ourselves. If you haven’t ever attended Re:New, this is a perfect time

to join us.

Uniquely You high school girls’ Bible study!

Uniquely You continues in 2020 with the book, We Saved You a

Seat, by Lisa-Jo Baker. This study is open to high school girls grades 9

-12. The group has been meeting regularly at Caribou Coffee and it’s

never too late to join. Uniquely You is hosted by Emilie DeKrey and

Jasmine Hurley. Contact Emilie at 701-388-8355 or email emi-

[email protected] for dates and times.

BIBLE BROS high school guys’ Bible study! Bible Bros is a group for high school boys grades 9-12. We’ve finished up

with our book for the year, and are now looking at devotional stories in-

volving characters from some of our favorite movies and TV shows. If

you’re interested in hearing how characters from Star Wars, Lord of the

Rings, and other popular stories tie into scripture, you’re invited! There’s

always time to join us. In March, Bible Bros will meet on Monday the 2nd,

16th, and 30th at 7 p.m. Contact Steve DeKrey at 701-866-2239 or email

[email protected] for more details.

High School Mission

Trip Updates

Our High School mission trip

meeting for March will be on

Sunday, March 8 at 11:45 following wor-

ship. This will be a joint meeting with

Dave and the middle school students, to

begin discussing details of the Spring Din-

ner. If you are headed to Denver this July,

please make every effort for both students

and parents to attend.

10th Grade Mentor Event

Sunday, March 8th at 6:00 p.m.

at Red Ray Lanes

We’re going bowling! Join

Sharon Lutheran for our all ag-

es bowling night from 6—8

p.m. Everything is taken care of, all you

need to do is bring yourselves, and money

for snacks. Come on out and roll with your

mentors and family!

Calendar of

Upcoming Events

March 2, 16, 30 Bible Bros 7 p.m.

March 5 God Talk on Tap at Half Brothers 7 p.m.

March 7 All Ages Ski Trip to Buena Vista Ski

Area (Bemidji, MN)

March 8 High school and middle school mission

trip meeting at 11:45 a.m. in the


Sharon’s all ages bowling night at Red

Ray Lanes 6 p.m.;

Communion Conversation Session One

from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in Celebration Hall

March 10 Flix and Friends 7 p.m. in the TP

(upstairs youth room)

March 22 Communion Conversation Session Two

from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Mark the


Tuesday, March 10th

at 7 p.m., come join Ste-

ve and the high school-

ers in the TP for Flix and

Friends. Last month, we

watched “Lilo and

Stitch” and discussed

what Ohana means to

us, as well as the idea

that sometimes God puts unexpected people

in our lives to help us in ways we don’t al-

ways understand at first. If you want to

know what we’re watching this month, we’d

be happy to have you join us!

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New Parenting Group

POLO (Parents of Little Ones) 3:30—4:30 pm the first and third Sundays of each month

Next gathering: March 1 and 15

All parents of little ones birth through pre-

school age are welcome! This group is an op-

portunity to gather with other parents

whose lives are equally messy, joyful, difficult,

and full of transition. We will start with story

time as a group in the nursery and then

break off so parents can have some time to

connect with each other as little ones do

activities with childcare provided. Infants will

remain with their parents.

20’s & 30’s Ministry Sharon’s young adult ministry is done in partnership

with ELCA congregations in the Grand Forks area.

God Talk on Tap March 5th 7:00 p.m. at Half Brothers

Brewing Company

Grab some friends or come as you are—all

20’s/30’s are welcome! This is an opportunity to

meet people in a similar place in life, engage in real

conversations about faith and life, and of course

enjoy fellowship with food and beverages of your


Bible Study: Acts 7:00 p.m. March 19 at 917 Belmont Road

(Third Thursday of the month)

Dig into scripture in a comfortable home setting.

Whether this is your first time attending a Bible

Study or you have been studying the Bible for

years, this is for you. We are just starting the book

of Acts this month—a book about the adventures

of the early church. Contact Pastor Dominique

([email protected]) with questions.

Unplugged Retreat March 28-29, 2020

Location: Red Willow Bible Camp in

Binford, ND

This event is hosted by 20’s/30’s ministry and is an

opportunity to take a weekend to unplug from

work, parenting, technology, stress, worry—

whatever you need a break from—and join us at

Red Willow Bible Camp. We will spend the week-

end connecting with God and one another in wor-

ship, shared meals, and free time to explore the

outdoors or curl up next to the fireplace. All

20’s/30’s welcome! Please register by March 15 by

visiting sharonlutheran.org, and selecting “Register

Online” under “Quick Links.”

COLLEGE MINISTRY The following ministry opportunities are hosted by

Christus Rex Lutheran Center

(an ELCA campus ministry of UND)

Free Lunch Friday

Christus Rex serves a free lunch to students eve-

ry Friday from 12-1:00.

Thirsty for Justice: Social Justice Panel

5:00-6:00 the 4th Thursday of the month at

Christus Rex Lutheran Campus Center

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Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE

PAID Grand Forks, ND 58201

Permit No. 270

Sharon Lutheran Church 1720 S 20th St Grand Forks, ND 58201

Phone: 701-772-3122 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sharonlutheran.org

Pastor ........................................................ Lynn Ronsberg ([email protected])

Pastor ............................................. Dominique Buchholz ([email protected])

Deacon ........................................................... Jamie Travers ([email protected])

Administrative Assistant .................... Missy Thompson ([email protected]) Secretary .......................................................... Molly Mohn ([email protected]) Finance Manager ................................. Stephanie Leighton ([email protected])

Dir. Elementary, Middle School, Youth MusicDavid Berger ([email protected])

Director of Christian Education ................. Cheryl Nyhlen ([email protected])

Dir. High School Youth, Young Adults ........ Steve DeKrey ([email protected])

Education & Youth Assistant ........................ Heather Peters ([email protected])

Director of Music Ministries ..................... Roxanne Gessler ([email protected])

Ministry & Communications Coordinator .. Nicki Green ([email protected])

Organist .................................................................................... Sue Kerr & Carolyn Tunseth

Sanctuary Choir Director ..................................................................................... Jack Boyer

Custodian .............................................................................................................. Dan Kuzel

Office……………………………………………………………[email protected]

Sharon Lutheran Staff

Mailing Address Line 1 Mailing Address Line 2

Mailing Address Line 3

Mailing Address Line 4

Sunday Worship 9:00am Sanctuary

9:00 & 10:30am Celebration Hall

Wednesday Worship 6:15pm Celebration Hall

Church Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm