Monthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland Skiing holiday Monday the 1 st to Sunday the 7 th of March Summer Cottage I went to my last host families’ summer cottage on Monday and stayed until Wednesday. This is what I did - - Had my first real Finnish sauna - Went in a Sled behind a snow mobile, really fast - Started to build a snow motor bike out of snow, but I didn’t get to finish it - Went tobogganing - Went walking through the forest - Went downhill skiing for the first time for 40min - Ate sausage and pancakes cooked on an open fire with hot juice, YUM - Had fun! Downhill skiing and the Accident Wednesday my third host mum Pia and her son picked me up from the summer cottage and took me to Purnu the downhill skiing centre (which I was at briefly the day before). We got a skiing teacher for an hour, he was very funny. Then I went on to the slopes by myself … That was fine for the first few times and unlike the day before I only crashed three times as opposed to 13 times the day before. The second crash was very, very funny. I had been warned that the end of that particular run was very steep and I went yeah well it can’t be that bad. So as I went over the top of it quite fast I looked down at a near vertical drop and of course tried to brake. I ended up cart wheeling on skis for about 70 meters, creating a giant snow ball looking thing. My last host sisters (who were also skiing with us) thought it was unbelievably hilarious and laughed, A LOT! The third crash was the nearly fatal one! Buy this time I had almost mastered turning and I was going quite slow and turned just a little wide and I was on track to hit my host sister. But I didn’t want to do that so I swerved to miss her and lost control hit a patch of snow and fell over! It was the best, slowest crash I had done but I couldn’t get up! So after I screamed a bit at my sister to get the ski of my leg, I attempted to get up which didn’t work so well! This was the last run before lunch which was to be in a little hut half way down the ski slope. I got a snow mobile to the hut and we ate lunch for the next hour but throughout I was in a lot of pain so we trooped off to the Sysmä Hospital. At the hospital the doctor took off the make shift bandage me and my last host dad (vet) put on and poked and prodded my knee, to which I said ow a lot. Then I had an x-ray; nothing was broken. So he taped my knee up and gave me crutches and sent me away. But while I had been there I had to walk from the doctor’s room to the x-ray room and back. This I did not want to do, but did and on the way back as I was in the room my patella popped out, ow! But the doctor didn’t see and clearly didn’t understand when I tried to explain. My patella popped out again when I was on my way home via the pizza place!

Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

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Page 1: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Skiing holiday

Monday the 1st

to Sunday the 7th

of March

→ Summer Cottage

I went to my last host families’ summer cottage on Monday and stayed until Wednesday. This is

what I did -

− Had my first real Finnish sauna

− Went in a Sled behind a snow mobile, really fast

− Started to build a snow motor bike out of snow, but I didn’t get to finish it

− Went tobogganing

− Went walking through the forest

− Went downhill skiing for the first time for 40min

− Ate sausage and pancakes cooked on an open fire with hot juice, YUM

− Had fun!

→ Downhill skiing and the Accident

Wednesday my third host mum Pia and her son picked me up from the summer cottage and took

me to Purnu the downhill skiing centre (which I was at briefly the day before). We got a skiing

teacher for an hour, he was very funny. Then I went on to the slopes by myself …

That was fine for the first few times and unlike the day before I only crashed three times as

opposed to 13 times the day before. The second crash was very, very funny. I had been warned

that the end of that particular run was very steep and I went yeah well it can’t be that bad. So as I

went over the top of it quite fast I looked down at a near vertical drop and of course tried to brake.

I ended up cart wheeling on skis for about 70 meters, creating a giant snow ball looking thing. My

last host sisters (who were also skiing with us) thought it was unbelievably hilarious and laughed, A


The third crash was the nearly fatal one! Buy this time I had almost mastered turning and I was

going quite slow and turned just a little wide and I was on track to hit my host sister. But I didn’t

want to do that so I swerved to miss her and lost control hit a patch of snow and fell over! It was

the best, slowest crash I had done but I couldn’t get up! So after I screamed a bit at my sister to get

the ski of my leg, I attempted to get up which didn’t work so well! This was the last run before

lunch which was to be in a little hut half way down the ski slope. I got a snow mobile to the hut and

we ate lunch for the next hour but throughout I was in a lot of pain so we trooped off to the Sysmä


At the hospital the doctor took off the make shift bandage me and my last host dad (vet) put on

and poked and prodded my knee, to which I said ow a lot. Then I had an x-ray; nothing was broken.

So he taped my knee up and gave me crutches and sent me away. But while I had been there I had

to walk from the doctor’s room to the x-ray room and back. This I did not want to do, but did and

on the way back as I was in the room my patella popped out, ow! But the doctor didn’t see and

clearly didn’t understand when I tried to explain. My patella popped out again when I was on my

way home via the pizza place!

Page 2: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

→ Specialist in Lahti

My host mum was not happy about my knee (she is a physiotherapist) so she said that I had to go to

the knee specialist in Lahti (big town an hour away). I did not want to go but my host mum won the


The specialist gave me a proper brace with strict instructions to wear it for 6 weeks; I still have three

to go. He also prodded my knee, thought, and decided I needed an MRI, but suspected that I had

severed my medial ligament which is on the inside of my right knee.

This was all on Thursday and that particular Thursday I was supposed to have gone cross country

skiing, playing table tennis and badminton and I would have gone to an ice hockey match; I missed

out on the lot and was pretty grumpy about it.

→ Helsinki , Friday to Sunday

I did get to go to Helsinki sore knee and all. Helsinki is about 2 hours drive away. The hotel we stayed

at had a disabled suite, which was given to me so I had at least 1.5 times more room than any other

room and I had everything! Even though I didn’t want this room I have to admit it was a lot, lot


Friday afternoon we set out to explore the city! I did this in a wheelchair because at that stage I

couldn’t walk very far at all on my knee with crutches. Helsinki is an unbelievably pretty city with

classic style houses and cobbled streets which are very ugly when travelling in a wheelchair. We went

to the Helsinki museum and I self navigated my way through the various floors, in my wheel chair! On

the way to the museum we went past parliament house and out the front of it was an igloo fort thing

with a big sign on it which roughly translated to “our government is corrupt”.

On Saturday I went on a bus tour of Helsinki (by myself), it was a one and a half hour trip giving a

basic back ground to Helsinki and visiting the most famous places. I learnt almost nothing because of

the pain from my knee travelling in the bus. I did learn that Finland makes 60% of ice breaking ships

and Helsinki is the only city in the world where the big ships can sail right into the centre of town

(which they do)!

Saturday afternoon we met Heli’s sister because I was to spend the night with them (their daughter is

going on exchange) I had a very nice time there and we played the Finnish version of Scrabble, which

was really, really fun!

The Wheelchair experience- Well what I would say is the world is and looks unbelievably different

from a wheelchair and you notice very different things. I would hate to be in a wheelchair

permanently and it would be so difficult for anyone in a wheelchair in Helsinki or any other cold

place! For several reasons among which are the snow and ice clumps make it very difficult.

→ Sysmä theatre

On Sunday night I went to the Sysmä picture theatre which is just around the corner from my house.

There I saw the movie Up in The Air, with George Clooney. The Theatre was just a biggish screen and

some chairs, but I loved it a lot. Not many people go to the theatre where there were just ten people

including me and the people I came with!

Page 3: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Back to school

Monday the 8th

to Friday the 12th


� First day on crutches, result: far too many stairs at my school

� I had my first Finnish course in Lahti; it was fine except for the 2 hour wait before the class started!


� Had my sport class changed to music, was so upset! But it turned out to be pretty good.


� Had first three periods off, don’t even know why the teacher just said the class wasn’t on, yes!

� Saw the road surface for the first time in Finland!! (Previously it had been covered in a lot of snow)

� Went to MRI scan in Lahti

I had my MRI, I had to take off everything metal and lay completely still inside a big round thing. I

never want to do that again! And I wasn’t going to get my results back until the following

Wednesday because my doctor only worked two days a week.


� Had an impromptu cooking class, made chips and everybody loved them, me included. One girl said

while I was chopping the potatoes, I quote ‘I have never seen potatoes look like that before’!


� Again timetable was changed so that I didn’t have sport, but no one told me and then it was

changed to English. Thus giving me five periods of English which was all my classes for that day. I

protested so now I have art, a vast improvement.

� Missed home a tinny, tinny little bit, for the first time.

Saturday the 13th

to Sunday the 14th


� I went and stayed over the night with Anniina (my host sister). We went to a Floorball match in

Sysmä. It was a very important match to see who would make it to the final! Sysmä kicked butt and

it was awesome! Floorball is an awesome game to watch and play!


� Watched a lot of Muumi’s (a Finnish animated cartoon, where Muumi’s are a hippo like creature

and really cute!) with my host sister, I love them a lot.

Monday the 15th

to Friday the 19th

Page 4: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland


� Conducted an Australian cooking class, we had bacon and eggs on toast with pancakes! Yum!

Except the cooking class didn’t have a toaster! I couldn’t believe it! We had to toast it is a PAN!

Because no ovens have grills here!

� Finnish course in Lahti; it goes for 2.5 hours which I think is a little long. I met up with another

exchange student (she is from N.S.W near the A.C.T border) before the course that night.


� Saw my first grass/moss in Finland! Couldn’t believe it!!

� Started to see the massive cracks in roads, because it is so cold here the soil freezes under the

roads and it causes the concrete, asphalt, etc. To crack. (The biggest crack I have seen so far was

35cm deep!!)


� Got my MRI results

The results of my MRI scan were… thankfully I have torn my medial ligament (not ruptured it) this

means that if I look after my knee I probably won’t need an operation.


� The rest of the school had a skiing trip and I couldn’t go! So instead I went to the primary school for

their first period and taught English! Then I trooped of to my host mums and I was supposed to be

viewing what she does for a living (physiotherapy) but her first patient cancelled, so instead we

figured out what my knee is capable of. The results were very good. Then Heli had another

appointment and I got to see all the things she has to do in her job. After that we went out for

lunch and came back just in time for me to teach the last period of English for the day!


� Relaxed, except Friday is cleaning day!

� Also heard a lot of funny stories about what had happened to all the people skiing the day before!

The best I think was… there is only one lift to the top of the runs but there are 5 runs; the site of

the lift and towers is quite separate from the ski runs. One girl went to a lot of trouble to make her

way down the slope under the lift! Another kid forgot to put his skis on; he went up on the lift to

the top of the mountain before he worked out that he didn’t have skis!

Saturday the 20th

to Sunday the 21st


� I went to Lahti and saw Alice in wonderland in 3D and went to a Viking restaurant where everything

was in a traditional Viking style. So we had heavy hand moulded cups and there were furs

everywhere and you could even wear a plastic Viking hat, which I took advantage of.


� Went for drive around Sysmä and looked at very, pretty summer cottages.

Page 5: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Monday the 22nd

to Friday the 26th


� Had my Finnish course in Lahti again, and figured out that when I leave in the morning It will be 14

hours before I get home again,If I am lucky!


� Went to Anniina’s place and made stick things out of willow, feathers and tissue paper; this was for



� Went to a Rotary meeting and organised to go on a fishing trip on Saturday.


� Had an awesome cooking class, the whole class worked on one massive buffet tea thing, we had

sandwich cake (like a layered sponge cake but with bread and stuff you put on a sandwich), a Greek

salad, Pasties with rice, egg and capsicum as the filling (I made those), Homemade sugar coated jam

filled biscuits and my favourite a white chocolate cake/moose thing. It was all very yummy!


� I saw a squirrel - it was so cute and little and it has a funny run. I was so excited for a good few

hours, everyone thought I was crazy! I saw it on the way to school and I just stood there watching it

for so long that I ended up being 7 min. late for school But it was worth it.

� Went to “Hesburger” for the first time!! (the Finnish version of McDonald’s, which they have as


Saturday the 27th

to Sunday the 28th


� Fishing Competition

Saturday morning I packed a bag of food and hot drinks and trooped off with my fishing gear to the

lake, where I had entered a fishing competition. We had to register before 10.30am for an 11 o

clock start. The competition was for 2 hours and the heaviest fish would win in each category. The

size of the fish wasn’t so important. As I am still slightly handicapped (only very slightly) I got a little

help and didn’t have to drill my own holes. I had three holes and I rotated around them but the first

hole was the best! I caught three fish, my first fish was in with a chance at the smallest fish award

(approx. 3 cm long), my second fish was slightly longer at around 4 cm but it was a lot fatter and my

last fish was a fat fish around 10 cm. And guess what I came first in my division. There were 18 in

the men’s comp., 4 in the ladies comp and 2 in the youngsters comp. My competitor was a 5 year

old boy who in fact caught a lot more fish than I did but he had his mum and his dad to help. So I

got first because I am a pro ice fisher. The whole day was a lot of fun, I got a medal for coming 1st

and then a won a bottle of alcohol in a raffle which I gave back so it could be re drawn and last I got

given a bag full of different styles of ice fishing hooks.

� Floorball Match, 315 spectators (impressive for a small town)

Page 6: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

The Floorball match was the final and it was between a Helsinki team and the Sysmä team. The

match was a nasty one and there was lot of pushing and shoving and dodgy calls. Sysmä ended up

losing, but you could plainly see they were the better team but they played nicely and that was why

they lost. It was really good and I love Floorball.


� Today was Palm Sunday and on Palm Sunday in Finland the little kids get dressed up as witches and

go around to people’s houses and wave a brightly decorated willow twig (Tuesday) and sing a song

which means something like I wish you a good year, a stick for you, a treat for me. So you get given

chocolates and if they don’t have chocolate they give you something else like money.

This is actually a mixture of traditions. In one part of Finland the kids used to make the twigs and

sing the song and in another part they kids dressed up as witches and caused havoc and that night

there would be a massive bonfire and they would burn the witches (fake ones). This is all to bring a

good New Year kind of thing. Recently they have combined the two traditions. It is similar to

Halloween in America but you do it during the day time.

So guess what I did today? I dressed up as a very, very fat witch (looked hilarious, I used many a

pillow/jumper and at one stage had to get in car which was difficult) and me and my host sister

Anniina (she was a very, very tall witch) went around to people’s houses with our sticks and sang

the song and got a lot of chocolate and about 13 Euros each.

We met some other kids on the way and there was one girl who was really, really scared of me! The

best reaction I got was when my host mum Heli opened the door and just laughed and laughed and

laughed for so long. I also got my picture taken 3 times on my rounds and scared the crap out of a

cat (the first cat I have seen while being here, I miss my cats).

Things to look forward to:

� 2nd

– 5th

April, Easter and Easter holiday; I have the Friday and Monday off from school and on the

Saturday and Sunday I am going to be Jyvaskyla.

� 10th

April , sports day thing between the shire councils in this area and we are playing archery this


� 14th

April, I am supposed to give my rotary presentation in Finnish to the rotary club!

� 17th

– 18th

April, district conference

� 29th

of April, doctor’s appointment, final decision!

� 2nd

may, I am moving!

� 6th

– 9th

of May, St Petersburg trip!

� 6th


June, Eurotour!

� 1st -4

th July, Drag Racing!


Page 7: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

• My knee is healing well. I only need crutches for long distances and I am slow up and down stairs.

But I am pretty much crutch free, yes!!!

• I am eating some of my many eggs

• My term ends soon, so this week I have less classes because my oldest class start their exams and

then the following week my second eldest class has their exams so I get a new timetable! I got to

choose my classes but I couldn’t choose so I wrote a small list and then wrote I don’t mind what

you give me. So we will see what I get.

• There is still a lot of snow around but everyday more melts and you can see the difference. There

was also a lot of ice this month because the snow would melt and freeze and so on, wasn’t so good

for my knee.

• The days are getting a lot warmer and you can see dirt and things in some places!

I wasn’t happy with the old layout so I changed it and because photos don’t work so well I will send them in

a different email (I will label them so you know what they correspond to).

I think that is about it,

Lots of Love,


Page 8: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 9: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 10: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 11: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 12: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 13: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 14: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 15: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 16: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 17: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 18: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 19: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 20: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 21: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 22: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 23: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 24: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 25: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 26: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 27: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland

Page 28: Monthly Report, MarchMonthly Report March - 2010 Written by Stephenie Kelley Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland → Specialist in Lahti My host mum was not happy about my knee

Monthly Report

March - 2010

Written by

Stephenie Kelley

Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Finland