More Money | PLC 2 Giveaway · makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as wealthy as you want

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Page 1: More Money | PLC 2 Giveaway · makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as wealthy as you want




Page 2: More Money | PLC 2 Giveaway · makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as wealthy as you want

MONEY BLOCKERS RELEASE THE INVISIBLE FORCES THAT PUSH MONEY AWAY In the last report, I shared what it takes to attract more money

into your life and how just having a vision for what you want

makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating

a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as

wealthy as you want to be.

In this report, I talk about money blockers – the things that

actually push money away from us and keep it from coming into

our lives.

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 1This house is my office. We call it the "Miracle Mansion" because of the miracles that manifested it.

Page 3: More Money | PLC 2 Giveaway · makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as wealthy as you want

As I mentioned in the last report, one of the

reasons I wanted more money in my life

was because I grew up poor and it seemed

that more money would solve my problems.

I constantly worried about money, and I felt

like once I had a certain amount I wouldn’t

worry about it anymore.

When I finally started making the kind of money I thought I

needed to make to stop worrying, I still worried. I then realized

that it wasn't about how much money was in my bank account

or how much money I was making. It had nothing to do with my

external circumstances. It was my own internal stuff.

I’d imagine…

"What if I lost my house?

What if I lost my car?

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 2

I realized my money issues were due to inner game stuff, not external circumstances.

Page 4: More Money | PLC 2 Giveaway · makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as wealthy as you want

What if I lost everything?”

What was the worst financial thing I could think of?

Even though I was imagining all of this, none of that stuff was

really what I was afraid of.

Money Blocker: Feeling Shame

It took a while, but eventually, I figured out that what I was really

afraid of was feeling shame. I was afraid that I would feel

ashamed just like I felt when I was a kid. I felt ashamed to be

poor. Often, I thought, "Oh, if I had more money, then people

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 3

Page 5: More Money | PLC 2 Giveaway · makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as wealthy as you want

would like me more." The shame was what I

was really running from and nothing to do

with how much money I was making.

When I let go of the fear of shame, I started

to manifest more money into my life because we tend to

manifest what we most want or what we most fear. There was a

part of me that thought, “I want to manifest more money so that

I can have the house, the cars, and the vacations that I want.” I

also just wanted to eliminate a lot of financial stress and

problems in my life and in the lives of people in my family. 

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 4

I realized that I was afraid of feeling shame.

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Once money started coming into my life

in a really big way, I ended up buying

brand new cars for my mom and my

mother-in-law in the same year.

I had all this energy going towards wanting

to attract more money, but I also had all

this energy secretly going towards a fear of

not having enough money and fear of people thinking that I

wasn't rich or successful or good enough because I was poor.

Fear energy will attract the things we don't want, so I had all this

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 5

I had energy towards attracting money, but I also had fear around attracting money.

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energy trying to attract the good stuff into my life, and then all of

this energy trying to attract the bad stuff in my life.

I was basically creating a watered down version where I was

making decent money, but not crazy good money. I wasn’t

manifesting the kind of money I wanted to make, but I wasn’t’

manifesting being homeless, or running out of money either. 

Once I let go of my fear of the shame, then all of that energy

was gone, and now all of my energy was on manifesting more


© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 6

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That's one example of a breakthrough of one of my money

blockers. I had others as well.

Money Blocker: Feeling it's Unfair to be Rich While Others Are Poor

I used to feel that it was unfair for me to get rich when other

people were poor. I judged people who were rich and well off. I

thought they were selfish, mean, or greedy.

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 7

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Find Your Money Blockers

What I’d like for you to do right now is take a look and see what

could be some of your money blockers.

Our fears and limiting beliefs don’t have to make sense. We may

know, “Wow, if I make a lot more money, yeah I’d pay more in

taxes, but that’s okay because I’m making so much more.” We

may know that logically, but if we don’t feel it emotionally, we

need to be able to clean that out.

Next, I share with you some stories of my clients in their own

words. They share the money blockers they released and what

that’s done for them.

Are you afraid of what people are going to think if you

were really rich? Y / N

Are you afraid that if you were rich, maybe you'd lose it

all? Y / N

Do you have any fear that if you were rich, that maybe

friends or family or people that you knew back in the

day would come crawling out of the woodwork and try

to reach out to you and try to get money from you?

Y / N

Or that you'd have to have all of these awkward

conversations and tell people no?Y / N

Or maybe tell people yes? Y / N

Are you afraid that if you made a lot more money you'd

have to give it all away to the IRS?Y / N

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 8

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© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 9

Hey, I'm Dr. Aziz and I am a coach and an author. Before I started working

with Christian, I was struggling with money, I had a lot of internal struggle

around money, a lot of fear, a lot of scarcity, a lot of, "Is this going to

continue? Can I keep this up? Is this all going to fall apart like a house of

cards?" So a lot of anxiety, even though I was getting some outer


Then, I started working with Christian. One of the first things that struck

me about him is how really confident he is -- really solid in himself. Not

kind of in a machismo, bravado sort of way. Just like a really open hearted,

like, "Yeah, I'm confident in myself." I noticed that and I was like, "I want


Through my work with him, I was able to release so much of the fear I had around money.

Through the tools that he teaches and the energetic work that he does, releasing so many

patterns of constriction and tightness.

When I first met Christian, my business had made $120,000 the year previously. After having

worked with him in his Mastermind program for a year, my income had almost tripled to

$315,000. The next year it went up to $465,000. Then this year it's going to be over half a


Now, in my business, if I notice myself getting constricted around money, having thoughts

like, "Am I going to get enough here? Is that going to fall apart?" I stop focusing on the

external, and what I need to manipulate or change, and say, "What's going on in me?" I have

made such a deep, profound shift working with Christian to be really centered and present in

my body. Then, from that place, having just a tremendous amount of courage. You work on

yourself and you can attract these really cool things into your life. Not just money, but more

ideal clients. More amazing and motivated clients who are excited and grateful to work with

me. It just keeps growing. The bigger I become, the more I attract. I'm forever grateful for

everything that I've learned and how I've grown working with him.

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© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 10

I'm Emunah Malinovitz and, wow, my life took me to lots of personal

growth opportunities. I've worked for amazing companies. I've watched

people around me make a lot of money. My life and personal growth

was healing on many levels, but money just never seemed to be quite

it. It was really frustrating. I mean, my relationships were improving,

my self-worth, who I was, all of these things, and yet I still felt like I

couldn't break through this money ceiling.

During one really significant moment, I got an opportunity to work with

Christian on stage and we healed really deep stuff around this fear of me

making money. Going BIG felt like I would die. Something shifted in that

moment, something popped open, and I was able to then say yes to myself in a way that was

bigger than I ever said, and make an investment monetarily that was bigger than I'd ever

made. It was scary and yet there was a part of me that knew that this was the path that I was

meant to be on.

This piece around my worth and being able to charge my value and have confidence in who I

am and the gifts that I'm here to bring and all of that started to change when I started to work

with Christian.

I started doing it with the support that I was getting by saying yes to this experience of

working with Christian and his team, doing the Instant Miracle.

Before I started working with Christian, I was making $2,000 per month coaching, which felt

great. I was making my own money, doing it on my own, I didn't have to work for anybody

else. I'm really grateful I invested in myself, that I trusted, that I took those leaps, that I listened

because it's paying off in big ways. I'm really grateful.

I've had a $5,000 client, then I had a $10,000 client, and then a $35,000 month. It feels like

just the very beginning. I feel like the road to abundance is huge and wide for me, and I'm

going to be a billionaire. I'm going to have an epic empire. For all the healing I've received, for

the love and support, and the vision of seeing me BIG, it's really, really huge. Thank you.

Page 12: More Money | PLC 2 Giveaway · makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as wealthy as you want

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 11

I grew up in a suburb of Chicago called Aurora, Illinois, not too far

from where Christian grew up. I did not grow up with a lot of means.

Nor did I really have a lot of options. When I was eight years old, I

was really close to my dad. I knew I could always count on him to

take me to the store and get the toy that I wanted. We would

spend a lot of time together, and almost every Saturday we would

spend a half day, if not a full day together.

One day, my dad came to me and said, "Son, I'm taking a second job

because I need to make more money for the family. That means we're

not going to be able to spend as much time together as we have in

the past."

He told me it would only be for a little while. One year turned into two, two turned into three,

and so on. He's actually worked a second job since that time. As a kid, I remember I resented

it, thinking my dad had left me and was too busy for me.

I vowed to not be like my dad, to be financially successful so that I wouldn't have to be taken

away from my family. I vowed that when I do have a wife and kids, I will be there for them for

every special moment.

I became obsessed. I remember reading the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, which opened my

eyes to the whole idea of, "Hey, I need to be a business owner and run a business that is

going to create income for me in a leveraged manner." It was through personal development,

and eventually finding Christian, that I was really able to get that it's not about how much

money I make. Really it's what I do with what I make, and, more importantly, it's my

relationship internally with money.

I met Christian through his Free Sessions That Sell program at a launch he did in 2014. It was

actually right at a time that I'd left my career in the Navy and had committed to figuring out

this business thing.

I didn't have a job lined up. I remember getting my last check, and I had less than $10,000

dollars sitting in my bank account. I got an email from Christian telling me about his program

that could help me get clients. It was 20% of all the money I had. I had no line of sight as to

where the next check was going to come from, and I was totally afraid. I went for it anyway.

Because of that program, I was able to get coaching clients at $2,000 initially. Over time, I was

able to get up to $40,000 coaching clients that would pay in full. It's been almost three years

since that point, and I now have a business that is on track to do two million dollars this year.

The lesson that I learned about all this is that success is inevitable as long as I'm willing to

continue to do the work on myself and continuing to do the work on my business. Thank

you, Christian, for your contribution to my life. If I hadn't found you in August of 2014, I know

I'd be okay but I don't think I'd be where I am today.

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© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 12

My relationship with money didn't actually start off all that bad. I

had a great family upbringing and anything I wanted to do I was

just able to do it. But, a little over a year ago I found myself in a

situation where I no longer had income, and I no longer had

resources. I thought it would just be that simple, to decide that

that's what I was going to do. At that moment, what I didn't

realize, was that I was so afraid that I wasn't able to do what I

needed to do to make that work.

I was introduced to Christian Mickelsen at the very moment that I

asked for something very specific. I went into it, I started learning

from Christian, and then I was introduced to this idea of healing your stuff. I

went to an event called Instant Miracle Experience, and there was so much energy in the

room that I slept better than I had ever slept before, and I felt like something was

happening. It was actually releasing and letting go. That's what really changed my life

and made it so this can be simple and easy and happen again and again.

Once I made that decision, I was able to generate $100,000 of revenue for the year in 34

days. Then, there was kind of a pause. It was almost a slip back. Then I got scared again,

because what if it stopped? What if all of it went away? What if I wasn't able to do these

things anymore? I just realized that I needed to keep doing what I had just done. That is,

take advantage of all of the support that I was being given. Take advantage of the Peace

Process, take advantage of the Instant Miracles. Take advantage of all these other very

powerful people that knew these same things much better than me who had been

involved in healing, had been involved in really believing in gratitude.

I am now on the verge of $300,000 dollars a year after the first 10 months of really

surrendering and practicing. My next goal is a million dollars, and who knows where it's

going to be after that. All I can do now, even though it's only been a short time, is just be

grateful. Grateful for everything that there is, and to realize how short life is and that

there is no need to be pushing myself so hard all of the time. That I have to appreciate

what I have. That life is short, and we can have whatever we want during this time.

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© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 13

When I met Christian Mickelsen I was a struggling singer/

songwriter. I had a full-time day job, but I had so many fears and

insecurities around making money with my passion for music.

Christian really helped me to step into my greatness around not

only my music and my message, but attracting abundance in

my life. He told me, "Tiamo, it's really time to leave your job." At

first I resisted, but we kept having these conversations and he

kept pushing me to the edge, but still, I resisted. The reason why I

kept resisting was that I was just frozen in fear that I was going to

leave the comfort and security of my job at the university and run

out of money.

But here's what happened. I faced my fear and I left my job anyway. I took the leap and

the great news is, I didn't go homeless and that first year after leaving my job to build my

business full time, I made more money than I did at my day job at the university. Over

time Christian then said, "Okay, Tiamo, I think it's time for you to help other struggling

music artists who are not monetizing and growing their business to inspire them and

teach them how to grow their business." He encouraged me to lead my first ever live

seminar, and that was a whole other level for me. I lead that seminar and had a lot of

success and because I had success with that one I thought I'd do another one a few

months later..

Then here's what happened. I ended up making more money at that seminar for music

artists in one weekend than I did the entire six years prior at the university I was working

at. I made $241,000 dollars in one weekend, which equaled six years at the university

where I used to work. That was a tremendous reinforcement that not only what I was

doing was working, but even bigger than that, what was working was my belief system

around money, was my value system that people would pay me that much. That people

pay you to express their gratitude for your gift that you give the world. Since then, I did

four other seminars. Each one of them has been multi six-figure seminars.

Christian was absolutely instrumental in the evolution of my prosperity mindset. Even

though I figured out how to continue growing my multi six-figure business every year, I

keep having conversations with Christian and seeking out his incredible guidance

because I know, to get to that next level, I have to keep working with Christian. Thank

you, Christian, so much for everything that you have done for me. I so appreciate you.

I'm so grateful for you. And reader, I'm so excited for you, if you choose to work with


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Could you relate to any of those stories?

Did any of their money blockers ring a chord for you?

Do you think you may have some of those?

Do you have any of these or other fears or worries about

money?" If so, list them all below. The more you can identify, the

more you'll be able to eliminate.

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 14

Page 16: More Money | PLC 2 Giveaway · makes it much more likely to happen. I also talked about creating a vision board and creating experiences that make you feel as wealthy as you want

Resolve Your Money Blockers

The next step would be to resolve them. You need a way of

working through those money blockers and getting them out of

your life for good.

In my upcoming program…

More Money: How to get More Money, Spend More, Save

More, Give More, and Live More Starting Right Now…

I’m going to work with you to help you release your biggest

money blockers and help you open up the floodgates, so that

more money can flow into your life in ever increasing amounts

day after day.

It's important to understand that all of our fears are fears of

feelings. Everything we think we're afraid of is actually our fear of

feeling a certain way.

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 15

All our fears are fears of feelings.

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Money Blocker: Needing To Know How

Another blocker is needing to know how. "How is the money

going to come?" "How" kills more dreams than just about

anything else.

One of the things that can stop us from having money is

needing to know how. How is the money going to get here?

How kills more dreams than just about anything else. Many

people think that if they don't know how to bring in the money,

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 16

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then they won't let themselves imagine

having it.

Let yourself imagine having all the money

that you want and know that there are

things blocking you.

In the first report, I shared the importance of having a big goal

around having more money and in this report, I shared the

importance of knowing what blocks you from having money. In

the next report, I'm going to share with you the road map to


I’m going to lay out the action plan for how to take yourself from

wherever you are financially now to making yourself rich. Maybe

to even making yourself a millionaire or multi-millionaire. So, get

ready for the Roadmap To Riches report next.

© Christian Mickelsen. All Rights Reserved. 17

Remember, you are infinitely powerful.

Let yourself imagine having all the money that you want.

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In our next video and report, I’ll be

sharing the “Roadmap to Riches.”

Join The Free, Live Training

The Multi-Million Dollar Money Mindset: The Thinking That Makes You Rich

Thursday, August 24, 2017

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