Morgridge International Reading Center

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T he M o r g r idge I n te r nat i onal Rea di ng Cente r 1

Literacy is essential.The gift of reading is special. The Morgridge family has made a

generous contribution to the UCF College of Education so that

professionals in the college may teach this special gift to others.

John C. Hitt President, UCF

Literacy is not just the ability to read critically, but also to write, speak, listen, and think critically. Without these skills, your world would be a very different place. Imagine how many tasks, from

trivial to crucial, you complete every day that require these skills—that is what millions of people in America and abroad struggle with every day.

The Morgridge International Reading Center, will be housed at UCF’s College of Education—made possible in part by the generosity of John and Carrie Morgridge, philanthropists with a passion for supporting reading initiatives.

Join the Morgridges in helping the Center become a reality—your support is needed.

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Literacy is a global concern.

Americans do not face unique literacy problems. Literacy problems are shared worldwide, as many countries have struggled with how to address poverty and literacy, how to work with second-language learners and what works best for students with special needs. Sharing information with

communities from around the world can help people here in the U.S. and abroad.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< L I T E R A C Y F A C T S >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

• 42millionadultAmericanscan’tread

• IlliteracycostsAmericantaxpayersanestimated$20billionayear

• UNICEFestimatesthatonebillionchildrenandadults,approximately15percentoftheworld’spopulation,lackbasicliteracyskills

• Illiteracyhasbeenproventocausechildrentodropoutofschool

• Among215,000studentssurveyedfrom40countries,children’senjoyment,andappreciationforreadingisonthedecline

• 20percentofAmericanadultsarefunctionallyilliterateandreadbelowafifthgradelevel

• AccordingtotheInternationalReadingAssociation,worldwide,approximately500millionwomenareilliterate,makinguptwo-thirdsoftheadultpopu-lationthatcannotread

• 50percentofAmericanadultscan’treadaneighth-grade-levelbook

There is so much we could learn by looking across cultures and languages. I’m looking forward to your understanding of how children in all cultures come to be literate beings.

Carol Vukelich Professor, University of Delaware

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The Center aims to transform lives. It will bring people and ideas together

to solve real-world problems. Literacy will be advanced globally through communicating, collaborating, learning and researching with scholars and programs across the globe. The building and programs housed within will be designed to have a major impact on developing the literacy skills of children and adults.

The Center will also be a resource for those interested in the art and science of teaching and reading. The Center will collect and distribute the most successful reading strategies used internationally and facilitate on an international scale communication, collaboration, learning, and research efforts to improve literacy.

The Morgridge International Reading Center

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We get excited about teaching and education because UCF educators’ best practices show they understand the whole child and the whole process. It isn’t simply one program for one child, but many things together that make a difference. That’s why we all have to collaborate. We are thrilled about our investment in UCF.

Carrie and John Morgridge

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Help provide access to education.

From teachers to school administrators to parents and policymakers, the Center will allow access to information for those

interested in the education of children—online and in person. It will create opportunities to discover and share the most successful approaches and methods for helping children improve their reading skills.

The Center and its programs will be a collective effort among professional educators, research scholars, and other stakeholders interested in enhancing literacy and teaching children to read well through the use of proven research and best practices. The Center will be a place for connections between theory and practice, between research-based institutions and the classroom, and between strategies and the day-to-day activities of teachers.

T h E C E n T E R ’ S w o R k w I L L :

• Collectanddisseminateeducationalinformationbasedonresearch

• Houseacomprehensivecollectionofreadinginitiativesfromaroundtheglobe

• Serveasacommunicationhubforstakeholdersfromstates,countries,associations,organizations,foundationsandindividualscommittedtoreadingexcellence

• Provideopportunitiesforprofessionallearning

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The Center has great potential to help everyone—professionals, teachers, parents, lay people—to think differently about reading, to question reading practices and to find better ways to help children learn to read, especially those children who are failing to learn to read.

Timothy R. Blair Professor, University of Central Florida

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Provide a place to learn.

The center will have national and international reading galleries that will allow visitors to view

best practices in reading from across the globe. High-tech meeting rooms will allow interaction and provide the opportunity to address issues of shared interest.

Areas will be designed for research, and space will be provided for scholars in residence. The children’s literature gallery will provide visitors with nationally and internationally renowned books. Virtual classrooms will provide learners experience with helping children improve their reading. A major part of the Center will be a global communication room where virtual learning experiences will occur. Space for learning opportunities, including an international conference, summer institutes, seminars and collaborative institutes will also be provided.

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Under the leadership of President John Hitt and the guidance of Dean Sandra Robinson, we see a long relationship with UCF. We want to see our money spent wisely, and UCF does a great job of maximizing every penny.

Carrie and John MorgridgeYour donation will be remembered.

The center is in need of building and operational funds to achieve our goals. Several naming opportunities still exist.

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Your donation will be remembered.

This Center could make a real difference in the world. The Morgridge International Reading Center has the capacity to identify important issues, solve problems, and ultimately make a difference in literacy for adults and children.

Gay Su Pinnell Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University

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P h a s e I

Naming Opportunities.

The naming of the center resulted from a significant gift from the Morgridge Family Foundation. Other naming opportunities exist for facilities or to endow programs and the operational needs of the Center, including:

Global Communication Assembly $ 500,000

Atrium $ 400,000

International Reading Gallery $ 300,000

U.S. Reading Gallery $ 300,000

Children’s Literature Gallery $ 150,000

Global Conferencing $ 100,000

International Collaboration Rooms $ 40,000

Featured Arrivals $ 25,000

Director’s Office $ 10,000




Building $ 5.2 MM

Equipment and Technology $ 2.0 MM

Goal $ 7.2 MM

M o r g r I d g e C e n t e r P r o j e C t

P h a s e I ( P r o P o s e d )

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T he M o r g r idge I n te r nat i onal Rea di ng Cente r 15

P h a s e I I

e n d o W M e n t n e e d s

You are developing a unique place with a unique mission—a place rich in resources where teachers, researchers, scholars, and parents can meet and study, and a mission that reaches across continents and countries to address global literacy issues.

Sean Walmsley Professor, State University of New York at Albany

Literacy Assessment Suite $ 200,000

International Communication Lab $ 200,000

Global Education Lab $ 100,000

Early Literacy Research Lab $ 100,000

STEM Literacy Teaching Lab $ 100,000

Virtual Simulation Teaching Rooms $ 100,000

Global Conferencing $ 100,000

Virtual School Partnership Lab $ 50,000

Scholars in Residence Suite $ 50,000

Technology Collaboration Rooms $ 30,000

Program Endowment $ 2,000,000

Endowed Chair for the

Advancement of Literacy

$ 1,000,000

Endowed Children’s

Authors Symposium

$ 1,000,000





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The Morgridge International Reading Center can truly offer solutions, not merely detailed descriptions of the problems.

Don Deshler Professor, University of Kansas

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T he M o r g r idge I n te r nat i onal Rea di ng Cente r 17

We constantly engage stakeholders in enhancing

education. This unique gift will facilitate on an

international scale communication, collaboration,

and the coordination of efforts to improve literacy.

This is always our ultimate goal — to ensure that

everyone has the best opportunity to learn.

Sandra L. Robinson Dean, UCF College of Education

At UCF, we aim to change the future of literacy for the better. But such efforts are as high in cost as they are crucial to the children whose lives we seek to transform.

The Morgridge gift is the largest to UCF’s College of Education and one of the largest to a college of education in Florida. The gift is eligible to be matched by the State of Florida. But we still need your help to make the Center happen.

Please support the Center in its quest to advance literacy through communication, collaboration, learning and research by contacting us at 407-823-2140, or visit http://MIRC.ucf.edu.

Children need your help.

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