Morion, Tfcondifoga wm> Cr^wn Point loses - Sports on Page 9 o ...PI ••• mi i, im^mn .^.../•t.wwfc . ti^tauli^rjuaii^ . . ^ -jlfe.^,—,-,,„.,. ..I, IrtttW' Trophies will 6| awarded the a w B ^ ; . ; ^ M # t ' s ' Dance. attttdpsWeiPOga. .. , mm/ cm, mmJmi&Kt #;' Witiicoctoails at §$U>4W<$#Hy'' ?£>$&*>«.-*..-'.: •. }m*§$; , v ;'; Thd' Lampllghttgl ii?p' play muaic for cfcutcing afff&" the dinner. Reservations -slQuUf be £ made by Oct. 5 by calling v 585-6566. Dr. MUron Bennect ! X I* sree idem of the Club; PRICE: FIFTEEN CEW FS. ?! Hospital fij&xii'mry pfam Hall for Oe*. 14 DISCUSSING PLANS for die Hospital Auxiliary's beheflt dance, the Hardest Ball, setfor Saturday, Oct. 1,4, attheEMA Building, < ^ | are these members-of the dance committee of. the Auxiliary: * TessPoulin, co-chairmanfor-decorations;SueRattbun,publicity chairman; May Gibson, co-chairman for >tiie Ball and ticket _»,—chairman; Nancy Baker,* co-chairman for decorations; Karen _ __ Evans, co-chalrjman for ,,the Bill, and Mary Auman, president of die Auxiliary, *^ The planning session took place during: a meeting of the Auxiliary/ of die Moses-Ludington Hospital, Ticonderoga, in,die Hospital's Pavimon last Wedneaa^ evening (Sept. 27). The Sail will he a benefit to raise funds for special equipment for Hie Hospital. Tickets, at $7.50 each, including a buffet supper arafiftusie by the Lamplighters, are on sale at Bajfabun Jewelers,' Slate Bank of Albany and the Hospital's Hospitality Shop. Fire referendum tabled.Jor novy Action on a proposed referendum for the purchase of anew fire truck for die Ticonderoga Fire Department was tabled during A Vdlage Board meeting last Tuesday evening iSept. 26). William Gill bigs was re- elected to another one-year term president of the Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce during the group's SfpuTiiber meeting. Also re-elected 'n ^KVI-IM themselves for three-yeai term* as direc- tors were Allen Brown, Lil Kiehardson and Jim Williford. ' Alma Jooss, owner of the Sugar Bowl, was elected to fill one year of the unexpired term of Jack Turner, who hats resigned; ? she was given a round of ap- |%mse for her many attention- " getting window displays through- . Out the Summer and Fall. . :During the meeting, new mem- bers introduced were Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Kadner, who have ?purchased Thayer's Stationery and «3ift Shop. Mrs. Fred Toscan, ^ft^iijpan^^r^Been in the rumor stage for a year or so. former owner of Rainbow Motel, ^^^i^}^^^r±^^^S^, SSemT! teck as - asso - (ch.1 Ecology project nets century-old relic Amateur scuba diver Weston Cross Jr. of Melrose and Schroon Lake, N.Y., while diving near die Town Landing on Dock Street discovered a 900 lb. cast iron propeller. Cross, who has been diving for a number of years in local waters, combines his hobby with the task of routinely checking die waters near the Town Landing for debris and pos- sible relics. Labor Day proved to be his lucky day. The propellor has been identified as having belonged to "Effingham", the first wood- burning, steam-driven commercial freight and passenger boat to serve Schroon Lake. Built in 1870 by Waters of Whitehall for the Schroon Lake Steamship Company, the boat was named for its financier, Effingham Nichols, a summer resident of .the legendary Leland House at Schroon Lake. Phoco by A.J. Brown In askingfor"tabling of the. question*-- discussed at lengm by Trustees ottins?Village and members of the F # e Department -during a Village Board meeting of Sepv 12 — Mayor John 1)relmiller mldjne.%>ardtf)at Larry Gravelle, %vil%«jTjEUft8f and member of dfe StCQnderoga, Jgjtre Ifepsrnnent, Was; in Cpl- ii VT-*'t.l •1 s J\/|#'-; ; ."$'??• '•: •si—«• • » » * •,•!-•-^ *-n - «i. .'.. ,^^»»ident Gillings sum- (Mnw^i^tSe'^ra'all Village Fire Dejp'tment and offlciajls nfa|flzed the activities of the Sum- olr-^Vlpfee at^owB^ Me*6ana outlined some of the „_ w .^ «-*«. -*-. w •« , ..-*-. ~»-j. ,W$mM!^£0^^ 4t &*W^ Prompting wtfiter-aitf •H-V'-if - Chester, Vti, jtfswr *wntasrr tyi& r1?:e> C|0!^14jSry-Qraw!ym«" "* ariS; other member^"of the Village Cure (?omro$ttee,gettingf.feet?' and figures on aynew> truck; just purchased by the Cblchester Fire Deparonent. * , s tA ^ | Consideration of the referendum, which will bo designed to* : get the feeling of;tiie^1*!t)SSqS„<»f'tiie Wlbge alkmtlloati^r,% boM. ', for the purchase of 'ajn'ewiirje truck.— will be taken up again by? i ^titel^llhteeijBl^ajaM anl '-•= suggestions o f i l * : V u l i # ^ "' * "'"'" •* '' >$ 5 'TlieiJo«saUity of esmblishinga Fire District in the area — to cicumvent the apparent fewf between the Village and Town /Boards dyer ^cost and jurisdictions of fire service, also is in She diicuesicm stage by the firemehi Approximately ^D percent of the fire "calls answered by tine Ticonderoga Department are in tiie Town,'outside die Village, ^dthough the Village buys and maintains the fire protection apparatus; it has a contractual . arraingement with me Town for expenses incurred in making fire >calls" m* the Town, but die amount baa been.a point of variance M^gesp'of u^mree individual .j^f^wSnipySj^ that.make ujt"\ „;botfiresn die two local governing Board3. ThaSliyor and Trustesa the TjCdnderOga Fife D^pWtmettf'^ J^iffCTS :HOSe Company, *' '^'''^^'"WOIMM ma, Mnn<1b« Mnmlnh'Mt nrn^b imfaim anrl finiroa which .haM' a 'j^'l^llM^l^^^v^ 1 ^:'^ 0 ^ ^ 1^M*fe* deroga Hish rfefianco Hook atiti house on lower CJiamj ";alif';J^tlaiiCfe 'Ife^e^Mttfeny;^;' ldna;- ; - into dnefaple^^and -ife^entt^s^ifiejllri, Ticonderoga. ci the Village met Monday evonlng-tb work up facts and figures on fire and, police protection,.co-Jut to the Town Board during )t)bToffh. Board's preliminary, budget bearing, scheduled for an formal sea'pion at 7:30 p.m. Tnursday, Ocu 5, in me Civic m « stry considered ^•^^ti^-Vi^%^:^^^i,\l^ itt^vw1#^'^^&! r -|^\4iia^ed, "and 1 S JB telt ) Agreed to "have the Mayor oderoga area widi the offer of action being called for norjakeri. jdu.* ; i '•:me^;Ca#k1^>4olrice 1 mimity Bui|ding; He went on to 'explain"sign a proclamation designating sewer main ajf>jf^enuy ? ; flje week of Oct. 15-21 as "Na- . h 1 * ' s Glub. tiyfty. Easements have' ^^^ieT[tl?&m'pr6perty owners in orders to Complete the "50 miles of snowmobile trails.^ ' A comfiiittee to combine a Fall event wiflrja membership drive msjde the report .that they would v SOon have details to publish. Those on;diecommittee'ar^Allen Brown,' L,il Richardson and Jim V/iiliford. Tha sum of $100 was anonymously donated toward a ne,l7 bulletin board. There was sojne diflciission as to its sue, type and location, but It Is hoped tl§t it will be completed this '<? •jTbe secretary was asked to make up a file of businesses tint will be open in the winter, wfihi hours,grates etc. Each member.wq^ld men have a copy of this. information. i " . • • - t V/hite buttonn inscribed with words .'JBooster - Schroon ;e Chamber of Commerce" placed 3d several business spots. Townspeople hopefully . . ., *lp buy : and .wdar diese to show ^plSSed a commendation lei* tfiefr su^pdri. fbdlu: me VflJtage's sanitary |/ ^ ; : """" ;a]kiag toTrirstee Spring. Ouf|f|0 'Product Mix' all@cts About SO nefidle mdieflnisMns nroduUMi J o? meie'roii felDsr Ivfe, *4 A- been ABSut B0 people m die flnifining prodij^lf^ J c? m o t e ' r ^ i f jt^apaV w<*ldngatM(?£5il|J^ftu|KStfe -.r*::-* metfee;. me group met w major mama^cturlng firm a letter from | i l » ,«ecendLy4drmed Ticon- also brought' up twtt $ginj I Bdned,WouW I d C a ^ i ^ B m»isi^^m^^^'-M'^^i^'"J&e- for ; VMor4dc|t op^ratio^iuihedtd%fbj«^ dtf- ittffieei'."dt claims for personal ,otme d^pajper^miff^ ..... ••- t '™'-'••^- ••-*••'fc«*!i l #0&^^ " '"^o^Sch^^--#*^^'whd^ : 'isite--^ : '*- aleli&WyiSi^ifd that the Fire ^f? 3 . .&•'•$§?**£.. ^ yf 8 " rt-^i ^?i^ m its rolls for at meetings. non- #5^&uti4or^*olnalin^iefriufc? ;e- -ated- i#]Ql'«sk ; -ifii#'. : .m^M-'d^^&M^Wk^TM'^. ^•<~M ^--. ^_r-^ -t...rfr;AaiieJlcan Legion flajl 1 -'SWfe' •;••:';:,','• ••' '•liw^:.'' •afi«p|i--. , .a1niv dsafiS^'')Eg|f|i4 : |u^o;:.afiiffi ...; «;iPfe^Aa?,to##a : by;«Mr8,"' taflsSdtfr^-'^nroiii^^vte': ^^i^.^i-'lts^l^ddt Mi a. •-ItoaTst^df'w'es^lfeg^er-wao-fe Jryfnl to Erhs* ; M#trytotJia v ;ire¥i«a3; %i0% nj. jbs i i ? ^ asfcfe ^O^Caft git a £01 OkAprtt Pf«?3';-' -'.•' •'-'•.".,•'%•,- • iiV-/.^-,.J!fcl^^^^U3f^^7^ J a^fiB^•t^^- jpeeent ^is&k* 1 ',*.--;,.<•*}•' V •'.-• '• .•' : -"''--: '"^, -V-.-: H-^A----#y/&<^P^ '.••'•.'•- . ^o' st®2S'tdf:«Si pe'dontfe^: iva3^m^^^'''Tyas'te0 Sawi&y*^ ^on^cla^iveajc. referred to, "oiatiygrO]# f 'u^i«^ ,-" _ J ; - fe, .Vilrago'3' iiiaurahce ropre^ ^has-cJted'oaiaSBa.aiereste^' 1 ' -1^||C^%ftei|&o.#sasfe^,.oeotafive, •; >/.. . •''.;:•, • ' ^ ••;•; a fe^^of^iu^'a-wllilaiiOBp „ J 9 i » ' " »¥P8^ Vwa$a." ^tiejia>J^;. 'a^tg. Tfeo.: hfetea, Cawley opined ..#;*&» Sprfitf ^^niaife rifcr^Hce # , Bar. .Vil3|go, 'tfusiS'ffa: were' fi3?Bed" by' Sjttjtdett ^'attend ,&- worfe&sp da'ffiett#:Vufa^e law. Oct* Mj att Bli'-Say flexion In ; -;;and-'.emsloyBi6p,ii;' . : _,.,... way Jtountain. The Club is open to -all faculty and students ^ ., and hbnpfc#k,jp^u> hikes, trips, f^lls©a*av)ieirer project'^* om*if^rd^its. .^ s^«ttfrff!Av^ !: * '•• •-•- -••>.'. v:---. ••--Z--.-4-.- ••• ••• . The Adirondack Mountain Qub Z :•]?".'•?.: v- ; '- .. -at^lenelallsalsahasw S'lgreed jp> keep the Village's **e group td Join, in ^at organi- 'MgHftr|c1k1M-sit6^-.nfowfor 'i|atidn f f;#etivW«fe". * : ,'-. Wti#slD&- , p^B"Shase s of new tr?fl|^!i|f \ifi$Mffl&ovt,; • " .,' .^fGiftinusd- the'' study of fits' i|;'of ^gjpdenh^iiise'by El* rfctf-forv-/ar*d. from the Board's Sost # hteet&%< " K o reser- •vatites^^ fitaoflriaco''was tits CQffiltentj as .die . Vttlaso dr^littatiSetoiTrittea now. " : .*.}^to4tSS'.'tt>.ast tit? meidbard ot .fes Village Plaiipws Com- *' dia Joint Mom herd room at International Paper Company's Ticonderoga WBl are affected by layoffs involving the Putnam plans clinics lor immunizations immunizations clinics have been scheduled in Putnam for the second Tuesday of alternating months, starting in October, from 11 a.m. to 12 Noon in die Putnam Town Hall, according to a report from Dr. Thomas Cummins, Put- nam Town health officer. The first clinic will be Tues- day, Oct. 10; they are held in conjunction with the Washington County Public Health Service and are open to all residents of Washington County. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, Dr. Cummins stresses. Teacher contrscf bid supported The Moriah Teacher's Assn. fully supports the teaching faculty of ElizabethODwn-Lewis Central School and Keene Valley 0600*01 School, James P. Conley, presi- dent of die Moriah group said in a recent statement, "in their quest for a fair and equitable contract for dus present school year." dian "When we-gerJmore orders for rolls dian sheets," Plant Manager Charles Allen mid the Sentinel, *Sve don't need as many people in die finishing room." Tbe contrast in die sale of rolls versus sheets he referred to as "product mix." "Our mix may change," he said, "depending on what they (die sales depart- ment) sell." Consequendy, he added, me number of personnel ^ according > m$iM0!mk---, at any one tune." , ' -,-i^<-^' The sales ofrottsover shfee^^:^ has increased during die pa8'£li|v\ several weeks. Allen told J^ % ,^' Sentinel. ' ? iwjj!'. The growing use of the offse^f^# lithographic process in printing'^'t; in die last few years has tfr:*^: fected die sale of printing papers " :! '.V in rolls, he said: "We'regetting.'.'l ', many more orders for offset? *' rolls now." S#SSS:?*S£#3^^ Trash containers authorized mi "%e? ••'• "AT, 'i\ MZ\ Trash containers wfll be placed at spots along Montcalm St. _^ r in downtown Ticonderoga, according to a Chamber of Ckmumerce.»;i : ~ plan approved by me Village Board last Tuesday evening (Sept. 26). Q;: mt Fees for advertisements on die containers will be used to rent diem, Howard Radibun, Chamber vice president, told tbe Board, in making his pitch; die firm that will rent the containers,^, -J>- on a two-year contractual arrangement with die Village,,«c|U,||j|| ; maintain diem and replace diem. • ' ''•>', At least 10 containers will be placed at spots to be approved 5 / ' ' ' by the Village Board. A similar project was discontinued about '-.v.. a year ago, because die trash containers were used for illegal _<;>'; placing of garbage. Radibun told die Board mat the new containers' >; are "garbage proof," because of special style of construction. •:: ..%|^%;' Altfwugh die trash containers won't be put into place u n d l n e » ^ ^ Spring, Radibun told me Sentinel, he will be contacting merchants " and business people ~ and omer potential advertisers ~ this . weels and next to get men* messages and ideas for the containers. " ••- - .james. % Wx&mk •&,>.vui-jg© - atcdiaey, W%M to Botu^sbmit dje:-u?fp, -to 'ifetroit, aia-' uddM, ' % t .whits industry, |» invested ip' the. tast ;fdtt>v^-; ; any , ..|i:iv»tt' '-•jottummloj,' tffs j^tfcliter: pxfc' *1t -fi^t't 'had d lj^tan It all'' it*j^^l*;-»''aittdin^tcfito6doTsa .•^lttelcmga.»0ife village/*-o ,.feoattenSiKg^.. Bar Association. ;'-.-,•' " '." " v CflS^eacd-*n.ms new VMlaso % «e.al?a r«lerred'.» fe need '^m W Albany fast ^iday.". ,-.,, - . „ ., _.,.„ ,., \ ! ei^d , «:Wi^w^**'M:to,'^-V\'^ ^'-^ak't-^k'S^eeiHcauy •/,''.;'-. :,;,.y;v:;.'".:-...' " Itfeafc 1 ^''ws-.s!to.ma.l^ '•:•""'": -."'..,, ..' •-.'.' - ; '.' 'M'kftnt. &p^%l$ ipt'wM _&%,' S& /Blric^p''inate0ai;will;5o , * .* AaiiorigcJ th^.purchgae; «l . .._,,.,, ™„.,, „-. _^.„ Broiffiiller few Hill M *'aweU sfiapler nos^ wsinted out Mt jfte Vailago "fs u* anyddng U |ina|lo hi Viliage * a 6ow r^idytoimi&S'* tot a tew." 1SIttr4ock said tto-ifdold |fd$rara dlKtt>Cfederalltepart "lght''l^& < '&|v<>Umtna^.tal^i^'mofe 'expenjlve m%t& saf4 ,, .... _ ^._,_J— ^•^•JH^_.^J>.-. ip,,^ -tBua - source m: SEoeviilg ,'?*cj.ose*J .'olTUesdayV a«4". thfi ^P^irest's^pp^J-swlf^Gafallg, flffer ftoinauswydr'firto'slwwis' ' *. definite interest In- "#© jo»? fliunlQw '- .• . •' • .:••., ri "" .'.''•" ' * Mayar Joint B^elmHlw Ati^tl -dwt the Villas© "ought to'Ttave sofce sort of polled fo case tiie siniatlon comes up," It's a good ted rtew: point for^negotfatkinit.*' But thfi 3 me wh^re tihp \im ran*'out ,'*".- AcMo»2eagesJ a, lettsr,fi*dtii. S|8*H,©' ,ftll% 'Cldfig".3- 'haft^' ;.^ With, ifefereuca''tq ti.istewer witteirtdKft:<tiJJfl|frote#oIato.. p-oblent'o>j Cdss%y S^'-TroaKd $S9fl^,^3i>»-rci3# eSmWfsWflga Cawky- was asked if the location} «aw»t main JKSW die- comiiHnOT' inti»Village or Town, "Stow of Cnileoft to.Ae Tflfeg© o'J'IS--' inent orudugte and tirhan Ds- velopmeat}., ffiraugb feavins a fettUaiBS insttjetdr fijrt a certain leisgit # #^6* -M, 3Sku% the Sees ta,f^u|3r. 'tyins m io,..:#ifet Goimt;]]»' I'tfca flijIS-'mp TilKgo cj , „,„ ,.„,.«,„_ ... - r 5SQ»Jd whsrd we. -are'.' tofer sfe v of. , s^itfti|»i!aaig,.cfe». .',v,Bwtog;a^| r|sfe^^.®.tocm mm: -®m%- m tr© .sot, - Mfmm%mmmmsWm .ma^zmog SB* oi&sr'mimfeir ^f C^l^lfl^^Sfy: '^ '*' tlectsacdlsr d "short worls :;te^to&,** ttt'^d Words of.'BJaycr f»r ir$ is eanderogi. BucHiililfer. Jos '.fflo'.6e«r-attiVa- Vijieir^f -a-' ' ' ' fitcctfcgs' grd!Oi4' 'to a 1 KIVVANl^ PARK on Ssfeaylcr g^tistfpdardgai will he djj? sdead M .many, %Mt..*urt?^c»W . ftnf" hiffisSri-tfa' o| vflfee -ydttfi^iwr^ t$8&s v c».;' die ir-oirls M ntanfesrd o? fito Iafiipb CeiS •&.: ' T&oadferoga* /vrorR-: .cjfeire-. 'of.. 'Ad vafagd'-^w3 ' Totm of .-Tiso'a&pMsa -ana .mea-bed effipftfteat:. •- edntrflss^t; by. ,Is©al ,.fcfties3' w&Sp,, "Fydia; 8 .a.nvtspl 'mm:h-m ^«^08»J|gtf8e|a% :' work 'oa fficS'.Pa^lwaa.^leeeisa. fcy'afes&rtey,: Kitr/anla. - t e t e n a s t .p\?erna?,.- -esa -.Otear Schtfesgtfcgerj.'-!.prOj%?'t- "0&jirl83i5j- deveral htm^cfi Mfla .of Jul tt'^ro ddKvci^dffli^kvclcJL. : ,PMftS' ;toytixoPark' caBWdS 1 -tssro «je#&r" l a s f e t i •. cdarts" atW'-wiripJetion"-... ,. „ , r .,. ^^,.. '"if ttlj,; ®^adias3--i-?ialcf mp co|3inua|i^~.i6^pS ! . v ' w e i r -*£|3au*jf£e3 ^^c&.Mtp -KitlonV&iS' i(poos 4Bic *ii4m3iQtqg;<' 'titgei; t^.'egtoieat:.- 'toin'<3alfe, ajarufik-and;'. drtv^/,^.,Iforrfe- , Jr»; Mlm'^WSt '*»».''' .•tredM. atd a.-'•iQvero, 1W-a^&.*'<S)»yqa| ' I Q ' " Ttetslj*r,. a tpatfi m& a, 'driaer, Ifepcy THs|».'. ; . •ws^ .Xraago 4>t T&onSsromytsb tifitej^- a&8:' - pstecars,-, •Erato -Tcufic^d' and Plo|^, i I1t®aipB6Ss .... '' <%u^y- Hucstio, t^Payloalof; W ' E ^ d , „at". '%0&&tr atid.driver, .Gcoriia' BsSX&f.. fe$kr ;.ScfcsKr^tfcgiari a «uslj} to«T»'oi'',tleoMer#g%-. a ,fg?&k»i smA n sms&h 'iiaal^ W.'^ftviis 0 ,' ' • - w,' ' ' ' ' -' • • #*."

Morion, Tfcondifoga wm> Cr^wn Point loses Sports on Page 9nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1972-10-04/ed-1/seq-1.… · Morion, Tfcondifoga wm> Cr^wn Point loses - Sports

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Page 1: Morion, Tfcondifoga wm> Cr^wn Point loses Sports on Page 9nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1972-10-04/ed-1/seq-1.… · Morion, Tfcondifoga wm> Cr^wn Point loses - Sports

Morion, Tfcondifoga wm> Cr^wn Point loses - Sports on Page 9 o

...PI • •• mi i , im^mn .^.../•t.wwfc . ti^tauli^rjuaii^ . . ^ - j l fe .^,—,- , ,„ . , . ..I,


Trophies will 6 | awarded the a w B ^ ; . ; ^ M # t ' s ' Dance. attttdpsWeiPOga.

.. , mm/ cm, mmJmi&Kt #;' Witiicoctoails at §$U>4W<$#Hy'' ?£>$&*>«.-*..-'.: •. • }m*§$; , v

;'; Thd' Lampllghttgl ii?p' play muaic for cfcutcing afff&" the dinner. Reservations -slQuUf be

£ made by Oct. 5 by calling v 585-6566. Dr. MUron Bennect

!X I* sree idem of the Club;


Hospital fij&xii'mry pfam Hall for Oe*. 14 DISCUSSING PLANS for die Hospital Auxiliary's beheflt dance, the Hardest Ball, setfor Saturday, Oct. 1,4, attheEMA Building,

< ^ | are these members-of the dance committee of. the Auxiliary: * • TessPoulin, co-chairmanfor-decorations;SueRattbun,publicity

chairman; May Gibson, co-chairman for >tiie Ball and ticket _»,—chairman; Nancy Baker,* co-chairman for decorations; Karen _ __ Evans, co-chalrjman for ,,the Bi l l , and Mary Auman, president

of die Auxiliary, *^ The planning session took place during: a

meeting of the Auxiliary/ of die Moses-Ludington Hospital, Ticonderoga, in,die Hospital's Pavimon last Wedneaa^ evening (Sept. 27). The Sail will he a benefit to raise funds for special equipment for Hie Hospital. Tickets, at $7.50 each, including a buffet supper arafiftusie by the Lamplighters, are on sale at Bajfabun Jewelers,' Slate Bank of Albany and the Hospital's Hospitality Shop.

Fire referendum tabled.Jor novy Action on a proposed referendum for the purchase of anew

fire truck for die Ticonderoga Fire Department was tabled during A Vdlage Board meeting last Tuesday evening iSept. 26).

William Gill bigs was re­elected to another one-year term president of the Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce during the group's SfpuTiiber meeting. Also re-elected 'n ^KVI-IM themselves for three-yeai term* as direc­tors were Allen Brown, Lil Kiehardson and Jim Williford.

' Alma Jooss, owner of the Sugar Bowl, was elected to fill one year of the unexpired term of Jack Turner, who hats resigned;

? she was given a round of ap-|%mse for her many attention-

" getting window displays through-. Out the Summer and Fall.

. :During the meeting, new mem­bers introduced were Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Kadner, who have

?purchased Thayer's Stationery and «3ift Shop. Mrs. Fred Toscan,

^ f t ^ i i j p a n ^ ^ r ^ B e e n in the rumor stage for a year or so. former owner of Rainbow Motel,

^^^i^}^^^r±^^^S^, SSemT!teck as -asso-


Ecology project nets century-old relic Amateur scuba diver Weston Cross Jr.

of Melrose and Schroon Lake, N.Y., while diving near die Town Landing on Dock Street discovered a 900 lb. cast iron propeller.

Cross, who has been diving for a number of years in local waters, combines his hobby with the task of routinely checking die waters near the Town Landing for debris and pos­sible relics. Labor Day proved to be his lucky day.

The propellor has been identified as having belonged to "Effingham", the first wood-burning, steam-driven commercial freight and passenger boat to serve Schroon Lake. Built in 1870 by Waters of Whitehall for the Schroon Lake Steamship Company, the boat was named for its financier, Effingham Nichols, a summer resident of .the legendary Leland House at Schroon Lake.

Phoco by A.J. Brown

In asking for "tabling of the. question*-- discussed a t lengm by Trustees o t tins? Village and members of the F # e Department -during a Village Board meeting of Sepv 12 — Mayor John 1)relmiller mldjne.%>ardtf)at Larry Gravelle, %vil%«jTjEUft8f and member of dfe StCQnderoga, Jgjtre Ifepsrnnent, Was; in Cpl-

ii VT-* ' t . l


s J\/|#'-;;

."$'??• '•:

•si—«• • » » * •,•!-•- *-n - «i. .'.. ,^^»»ident Gillings sum-( M n w ^ i ^ t S e ' ^ r a ' a l l Village Fire Dejp'tment and offlciajls nfa|flzed the activities of the Sum-o lr -^Vlpfee at^owB^ Me*6ana outlined some of the

„ _ w . ^ « - * « . -*-. w •« , . . - * - . ~»-j. ,W$mM!^£0^^4t&*W^ Prompting wtfiter-aitf


- Chester, Vti, jtfswr *wntasrr tyi& r1?:e> C|0!^14jSry-Qraw!ym«" "* ariS; other member^"of the Village Cure (?omro$ttee,gettingf.feet?'

and figures on aynew> truck; just purchased by the Cblchester Fire Deparonent. * ,s tA

^ | Consideration of the referendum, which will bo designed to* : get the feeling of; tiie^ 1*!t)SSqS„<»f'tiie Wlbge alkmtlloati^r,% boM. ', for the purchase of 'ajn'ewiirje truck.— will be taken up again by? i ^titel^llhteeijBl^ajaM an l '-•= suggestions o f i l * : V u l i # ^ "' * "'"'" •* ''


5'TlieiJo«saUity of esmblishinga Fire District in the area — to cicumvent the apparent fewf between the Village and Town

/Boards dyer cost and jurisdictions of fire service, also is in She diicuesicm stage by the firemehi Approximately ^D percent of the fire "calls answered by tine Ticonderoga Department are in tiie Town,'outside die Village, ^dthough the Village buys and maintains the fire protection apparatus; i t has a contractual

. arraingement with me Town for expenses incurred in making fire >calls" m* the Town, but die amount baa been.a point of variance

M^gesp'of u ^ m r e e individual .j^f^wSnipySj^ that.make ujt"\ „;botfiresn die two local governing Board3. ThaSliyor and Trustesa t h e TjCdnderOga F i f e D ^ p W t m e t t f ' ^ J^iffCTS :HOSe Company , *' '^'''^^'"WOIMM m a , Mnn<1b« Mnmlnh'Mt nrn^b i m f a i m anrl finiroa

which .haM' a ' j ^ ' l ^ l l M ^ l ^ ^ ^ v ^ 1 ^ : ' ^ 0 ^ ^ 1^M*fe* deroga Hish rfefianco Hook atiti house on lower CJiamj

";alif';J tlaiiCfe 'Ife^e^Mttfeny;^;' ldna;-;-

into dnefaple^^and -ife^entt^s^ifiejl lri , Ticonderoga.

c i the Village met Monday evonlng-tb work up facts and figures on fire and, police protection,.co-Jut to the Town Board during )t)bToffh. Board's preliminary, budget bearing, scheduled for an

formal sea'pion at 7:30 p.m. Tnursday, Ocu 5, in me Civic

m « stry considered ^•^^ti^-Vi^%^:^^^i,\l^ i t t ^ v w 1 # ^ ' ^ ^ & ! r - | ^ \ 4 i i a ^ e d , "and 1SJB telt ) • Agreed to "have the Mayor

oderoga area widi the offer of action being called for nor jakeri. jdu.*; i

'•:me^;Ca#k1^>4olrice1 mimity Bui|ding;

He went on to 'explain"sign a proclamation designating sewer main ajf>jf^enuy?; flje week of Oct. 15-21 as "Na-

.h1*'s Glub.

tiyfty. Easements have' ^^^ieT[tl?&m'pr6perty owners in orders to Complete the "50 miles of snowmobile trails.^

' A comfiiittee to combine a Fall event wiflrja membership drive msjde the report .that they would

vSOon have details to publish. Those on;diecommittee'ar^Allen Brown,' L,il Richardson and Jim V/iiliford. Tha sum of $100 was anonymously donated toward a ne,l7 bulletin board. There was sojne diflciission as to its sue, type and location, but It Is hoped tl§t it will be completed this

'<? •jTbe secretary was asked to

make up a file of businesses tint will be open in the winter, wfihi hours,grates etc. Each member.wq^ld men have a copy of this. information.

i " . • • -

tV/hite buttonn inscribed with words .'JBooster - Schroon

;e Chamber of Commerce" placed 3 d several business

spots. Townspeople hopefully . . ., * l p buy:and .wdar diese to show

^plSSed a commendation lei* tfiefr su^pdri. fbdlu: me VflJtage's sanitary | / ^ ; : """" ;a]kiag toTrirstee Spring. O u f | f | 0

'Product Mix' all@cts About SO nefidle mdieflnisMns nroduUMi Jo? meie 'roi i felDsr

I v f e , *4


been ABSut B0 people m die flnifining prodij^lf^ Jc? mote'r^if jt apaV w<*ldngatM(?£5il|J^ftu|KStfe

-.r*::-* metfee;. me group met w major mama^cturlng firm

a letter from | i l » ,«ecendLy4drmed Ticon-

also brought' up twtt $ginj

I Bdned,WouW I d C a ^ i ^ B m » i s i ^ ^ m ^ ^ ^ ' - M ' ^ ^ i ^ ' " J & e - for ; VMor4dc|t o p ^ r a t i o ^ i u i h e d t d % f b j « ^ dtf- ittffieei'."dt claims for personal , o tme d^pajper^miff^

. . . . . • • - t ' ™ ' - ' • • ^ - • • - * • • ' f c « * ! i l # 0 & ^ ^

" '"^o^Sch^^--#*^^'whd^:'isite--^:'*-

alel i&WyiSi^ifd that the Fire ^ f ? 3 . .&•'•$§?**£.. ^ y f 8 "

rt-^i ^ ? i ^

m its rolls for at meetings.


#5^&uti4or^*olnalin^iefriufc? ;e- -ated- i#]Ql'«sk; - if i i#' . : .m^M-'d^^&M^Wk^TM'^. ^•<~M ^—--. ^_r-^ -t...— rfr; AaiieJlcan Legion flajl

1- 'SWfe' •;••:';:,','• ••'

'•liw^:.'' •afi«p|i--.,.a1niv dsafiS^'')Eg|f|i4:|u^o;:.afiiffi ...; «;iPfe^Aa?,to##a:by;«Mr8,"' taf lsSdtfr^- '^nroi i i^^vte ' : ^ ^ i ^ . ^ i - ' l t s ^ l ^ d d t M i a. •-ItoaTst^df'w'es^lfeg^er-wao-fe

Jryfnl to Erhs*; M # t r y to tJia v ;ire¥i«a3; %i0% nj. jbs i i ? ^ asfcfe ^O^Caft git a £01 OkAprtt Pf«?3';-' -'.•' •'-'•.".,•'%•,- • iiV-/.^-,.J!fcl^^^^U3f^^7^Ja^fiB^•t^^- jpeeent ^is&k*1',*.--;,.<•*}•' V •'.-• '• .•' :-"''--: ' "^ , -V-.-: H - ^ A - - - - # y / & < ^ P ^ '.••'•.'•-

. ^o' st®2S'tdf:«Si pe'dontfe^: iva3^m^^^'''Tyas'te0 Sawi&y* ^on^cla^iveajc. referred to, " o i a t i yg rO]# f ' u ^ i«^ ,-" _ J ; - fe, .Vilrago'3' iiiaurahce ropre^

^has-cJted'oaiaSBa.aiereste^'1' -1^||C^%ftei|&o.#sasfe^,.oeotafive, •; >/.. . •''.;:•, •' ^ ••;•; a fe^^of^iu^'a-wllilaiiOBp „ J 9 i » ' " »¥P8^ Vwa$a." tiejia>J^;. 'a^tg. Tfeo.:

hfetea, Cawley opined ..#;*&» Sprfitf ^ ^ n i a i f e rifcr^Hce #

, Bar. .Vil3|go, 'tfusiS'ffa: were' fi3?Bed" by' Sjttjtdett ^'attend ,&-worfe&sp da'ffiett#:Vufa^e law. Oct* Mj att Bli'-Say flexion In

;-;;and-'.emsloyBi6p,ii;' .: _,.,...

way Jtountain. The Club is open to -all faculty and students

^ ., and hbnpfc#k,jp^u> hikes, trips, f ^ l l s © a * a v ) i e i r e r projec t '^* om*i f^rd^i t s . . s^«ttfrff!Av^ ! : * '•• •-•- -••>.'. v:---. ••--Z--.-4-.- ••• ••• .

The Adirondack Mountain Qub Z :•]?".'•?.: v-;'- .. • -at^lene la l l sa l sahasw

S'lgreed jp> keep the Village's **e group td Join, in ^at organi-'MgHftr|c1k1M-sit6^-.nfowfor 'i|atidnff;#etivW«fe". *:,'-.

Wti#slD&- ,p^B"Shases of new tr?fl |^!i |f \ifi$Mffl&ovt,; • "

.,' .^fGiftinusd- the'' study of fits' i|;'of ^gjpdenh^iiise'by El*

rfctf-forv-/ar*d. from the Board's Sost # hteet&%< " K o reser-•vatites^^ fitaoflriaco''was tits CQffiltentj as .die . Vttlaso

• dr littatiSe to iTrittea now.

": .*.}^to4tSS'.'tt>.ast tit? meidbard ot .fes Village Plaiipws Com-

*' dia Joint Mom herd

room at International Paper Company's Ticonderoga WBl are affected by layoffs involving the

Putnam plans

clinics lor


immunizations clinics have been scheduled in Putnam for the second Tuesday of alternating months, starting in October, from 11 a.m. to 12 Noon in die Putnam Town Hall, according to a report from Dr. Thomas Cummins, Put­nam Town health officer.

The first clinic will be Tues­day, Oct. 10; they are held in conjunction with the Washington County Public Health Service and are open to all residents of Washington County.

Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, Dr. Cummins stresses.

Teacher contrscf

bid supported

The Moriah Teacher's Assn. fully supports the teaching faculty of ElizabethODwn-Lewis Central School and Keene Valley 0600*01 School, James P. Conley, presi­dent of die Moriah group said in a recent statement, "in their quest for a fair and equitable contract for dus present school year."


"When we-gerJmore orders for rolls dian sheets," Plant Manager Charles Allen mid the Sentinel, *Sve don't need as many people in die finishing room."

Tbe contrast in die sale of rolls versus sheets he referred to as "product mix." "Our mix may change," he said, "depending on what they (die sales depart­ment) sell." Consequendy, he added, me number of personnel

^ according > m$iM0!mk---, at any one tune." , ' -,-i^<-^'

The sales ofrottsover shfee^^:^ has increased during die pa8'£li|v\ several weeks. Allen told J^% ,^' Sentinel. '? iwjj! ' .

The growing use of the offse^f^# lithographic process in printing'^'t; in die last few years has tfr:*^: fected die sale of printing papers ":!'.V in rolls, he said: "We'regetting.'.'l ', many more orders for offset? *' rolls now."

S # S S S : ? * S £ # 3 ^ ^

Trash containers


mi "%e? ••'•



MZ\ Trash containers wfll be placed at spots along Montcalm St. _^r

in downtown Ticonderoga, according to a Chamber of Ckmumerce.»;i :~ plan approved by me Village Board last Tuesday evening (Sept. 26). Q;:

mt Fees for advertisements on die containers will be used to

rent diem, Howard Radibun, Chamber vice president, told tbe Board, in making his pitch; die firm that will rent the containers,^, -J>-on a two-year contractual arrangement with die Village,,«c|U,||j||;

maintain diem and replace diem. • ' ''•>',

At least 10 containers will be placed at spots to be approved 5 / ' ' ' by the Village Board. A similar project was discontinued about '-.v.. a year ago, because die trash containers were used for illegal _<;>'; placing of garbage. Radibun told die Board mat the new containers' > ; are "garbage proof," because of special style of construction. •::

..%|^%;' Altfwugh die trash containers won't be put into place u n d l n e » ^ ^

Spring, Radibun told me Sentinel, he will be contacting merchants " and business people ~ and omer potential advertisers ~ this . weels and next to get men* messages and ideas for the containers. " ••-

- .james. % Wx&mk •&,>.vui-jg© -atcdiaey, W%M to Botu^sbmit dje:-u?fp, -to 'ifetroit, aia-' uddM,

' % t .whits • industry, |» invested ip' the. tast ;fdtt>v^-;;any,..|i:iv»tt'

'-•jottummloj,' tffs j^tfcliter: pxfc'

*1t -fi^t't 'had d lj^tan It all'' it*j^^l*;-»''aittdin^tcfito6doTsa

.•^lttelcmga.»0ife village/*-o ,. feo attenSiKg^.. Bar Association. ;'-.-,•' " '." " v CflS^eacd-*n.ms new VMlaso

•% «e.al?a r«lerred'.» fe need '^m W Albany fast ^iday.". ,-.,, - . „ ., _.,.„ ,., \ ! e i ^ d , « : W i ^ w ^ * * ' M : t o , ' ^ - V \ ' ^

'- ak't- k'S^eeiHcauy •/,''.;'-. :,;,.y;v:;.'".:-...' " Itfeafc1^''ws-.s!to.ma.l^ '•:•""'": -."'..,, ..' •-.'.' -;'.' 'M'kftnt. &p^%l$ ipt'wM _&%,' S& /Blric^p''inate0ai;will;5o , * .* AaiiorigcJ th^.purchgae; «l

„ . . . _ , , . , , ™„.,, „ - . _ ^ . „ Broiffiiller few Hill M *'aweU sfiapler nos^ wsinted out Mt jfte Vailago "fs u* anyddng U |ina|lo hi Viliage * a6ow r^idy to imi&S'* tot a tew." 1SIttr4ock said tto-ifdold |fd$rara dlKtt>Cfederalltepart

"lght''l^&<'&|v<>Umtna^.tal^i^'mofe 'expenjlve m%t& saf4 ,,...._ ^ . _ , _ J — ^ • ^ • J H ^ _ . ^ J > . - . ip , ,^ -tBua - source m: SEoeviilg

,'?*cj.ose*J .'olTUesdayV a«4". thfi ^P^irest's^pp^J-swlf^Gafallg,

flffer ftoinauswydr'firto'slwwis' ' *. definite interest • In- "#© j o » ? fliunlQw '- .• . •' • .:••., ri "" .'.''•"

' * Mayar Joint B^elmHlw Ati^tl -dwt the Villas© "ought to'Ttave sofce sort of polled fo case tiie siniatlon comes up," It's a good

ted rtew:

point for^negotfatkinit.*' But thfi3 me wh^re tihp \im ran*'out

,'*".- AcMo»2eagesJ a, lettsr,fi*dtii. S|8*H,©' ,ftll% • 'Cldfig".3- 'haft^'

;. With, ifefereuca''tq ti.istewer witteirtdKft:<tiJJfl|frote#oIato.. p-oblent'o>j Cdss%y S^'-TroaKd $S9fl^,^3i>»-rci3# eSmWfsWflga Cawky- was asked if the location} «aw»t main JKSW die- comiiHnOT'

in ti» Village or Town, "Stow of Cnileoft to.Ae Tflfeg© o'J'IS--'

inent o r u d u g t e and tirhan Ds-velopmeat}., ffiraugb feavins a fettUaiBS insttjetdr fijrt a certain leisgit # #^6* -M, 3Sku% the

Sees t a , f ^ u | 3 r . 'tyins m io,..:#ifet Goimt;]]»' I'tfca flijIS-'mp TilKgo cj

, „,„ , .„ , .« ,„_ ... - r5SQ»Jd whsrd we. -are'.' tofer sfevof.,s itfti|»i!aaig,.cfe». .',v,Bwtog;a | r|sfe^^.®. to cm mm: -®m%- m t r© .sot, - Mfmm%mmmmsWm

.ma^zmog SB* oi&sr'mimfeir

^f C^l^lfl^^Sfy:

' '*' t lectsacdlsr d "short worls • :;te^to&,** ttt'^d Words of.'BJaycr


ir$ is


BucHiililfer. • Jos '.fflo'.6e«r-attiVa-Vijieir^f -a-' ' ' ' fitcctfcgs' grd!Oi4' 'to a1

• KIVVANl PARK on Ssfeaylcr g^tistfpdardgai will he djj? sdead M .many, %Mt..*urt?^c»W . ftnf" hiffisSri-tfa' o | vf l fee -ydttfi^iwr^ • t$8&svc».;' die ir-oirls M ntanfesrd o? fito Iafiipb CeiS •&.:

' T&oadferoga* /vrorR-: .cjfeire-. 'of.. 'Ad vafagd'-^w3 ' Totm of .-Tiso'a&pMsa -ana .mea-bed effipftfteat:. •- edntrflss^t; by. ,Is©al ,.fcfties3' w&Sp,, "Fydia; • 8 .a.nvtspl 'mm:h-m ^«^08»J|gtf8e|a% :' work 'oa fficS'.Pa^lwaa.^leeeisa. fcy'afes&rtey,: Kitr/anla. - t e t e n a s t .p\?erna?,.- -esa -.Otear Schtfesgtfcgerj.'-!.prOj%?'t- "0&jirl83i5j- deveral

• htm^cfi Mfla .of J u l tt'^ro ddKvci^dffli^kvclcJL. : ,PMftS' ;toy tixo Park' caBWdS1 -tssro «je#&r" l a s f e t i •.

cdarts" atW'-wiripJetion"-... ,. „ ,r .,. ^^,.. '"if ttlj,; ®^adias3--i-?ialcf mp co|3inua| i^~.i6^pS ! .v ' weir -*£|3au*jf£e3 c&.Mtp -KitlonV&iS'' i(poos 4Bic *ii4m3iQtqg;<'

'titgei; t ^ . ' eg to iea t : . - 'toin'<3alfe, ajarufik-and;'. drtv^/,^.,Iforrfe- ,Jr»; Mlm'^WSt '*»».''' .•tredM. atd a.-'•iQvero, 1W-a &.*'<S)»yqa| ' IQ'" Ttetslj*r,. a tpatfi m& a, 'driaer, Ifepcy THs|».'.;. •ws^ .Xraago 4>t T&onSsromytsb tifitej - a&8:' - pstecars,-, •Erato -Tcufic^d' and Plo| ,iI1t®aipB6Ss....'' <%u^y- Hucstio, t^Payloalof; W ' E ^ d , „at". '%0&&tr atid.driver, .Gcoriia' BsSX&f.. fe$kr ;.ScfcsKr tfcgiari a «uslj} to«T»'oi'',tleoMer#g%-. a ,fg?&k»i smA n sms&h 'iiaal^ W.'^ftviis0

, ' ' • - w,' ' ' ' ' -' • • # * . "