ELSIE WILDBLOOD BAFFLES ALL EFFORTS OF POLICE Detectives and Doctors Remain Mystl. fled by Actions and Statements of Girl Who Says She Committed a Dreadful Crime In Detroit responsible for that scandal and those who engineered the cotton leak at Washington have committed felonious aßsault on the honor and financial in- tegrity of the country. "Nothing has ever happened In this country to bo damage the standing of American financial projects abroad. The effect of the insurance exposures will be felt all over Europe, but the cotton scandal has caused the greatest comment In Germany, where many- thousands of marks have been lost in cotton speculation. "As soon as the news of the cotton leak came to Germany Investors could not Bay enough to express their con- tempt for a government department that allowed one branch of Its scientific work to be devoted to fleecing invest- ors. "From what I heard in Hamburg and Berlin I may say that our business projects will be viewed with the great- est suspicion in Europe for a long time to come. I felt at the time the foreign investors could not be blamed. Money Is not so plentiful in the European countries that investors will taka chances when once they become con- vinced they are playing in a game of marked cards." One of the city detectives went out to the Door of Hope yesterday morn- ing for the purpose of catching the mysterious Elsie Wlldblood off her guard and calling out some expression that would shed light on her claim of having committed a crime in Detroit. Ho said to her in a matter-of-fact way; "I have heard from Detroit, Miss Wildblood, and there is nothing against you there." ,, "O yes, there is; yes, there is! cried the young woman; but not a word did the detective gain in the way of ex- planation. The conversation seemed to start the girl into a series of fits of weeping, in apparent contrition. At dinner time she seemed to have gained her self-possession again, and was apparently in good heaith. Another medical examination willhe rr:ade, probably today, with a view to determining whether she is suffering f-om some sort of mental Illusions or not. She is a puzzle to the doctors as well as the detectives. BENEFIT PROVES A SUCCESS By Associated Press. BOSTON, Oct. 6.— With only one voice raised in opposition the Republicans of Massachusetts in state convention ! today declared for a revision of the I tariff. Contrary to expectations tho ; radical wing of the party, under the leadership of Eugene N. Foss of Boston, jtiki not offer a substitute for the pmnj 1 lln the platform relating to the tariff, I although in a speech to the delegates Mr. Foss declared that the revision of the tariff favored in the state platform was not sufficiently wide in its scope. Mr. Foss said, however, that he and his followers were encouraged at the con- cession made to them and that next year they would expect to have the convention accept their proposition in its entirety. The following ticket was nominated: Governor, Curtis Guild, jr., of Boston; lieutenant governor, Eben A. Draper, Hopedale; secretary of state, William M. Olin; treasurer and receiver general, Arthur B. Chapin, Holyoke; auditor. : Henry B. Turner, Maiden; attorney I general, Daniel Maloney, Greenfield. One of the surprises came when Gen. William F. Draper, former ambassador to Italy and a leading member of the Home Market club, opposed in a vigor- ous speech the adoption of the tariff revision plank or the platform. Gen. Draper said he would not offer any substitute plank for the reason that he knew there was no chance of his or any other substitute being accepted. Gen. Draper contended that tariff re- vision would be followed by financial and commercial depression and, speak- ing as a manufacturer, he could see no reason why there should be a revision. President Praised ao Peacemaker The platform presented by the com- mittee on resolutions was adopted with- out amendment and contained, in brief, an indorsement of the administration of President Roosevelt, especial mention being made of hts part in bringing about peace between Russia and Japan and of hts enforcement of the laws pre- venting corporations from oppressing the people; a resolution for the enact- ment by congress of a tariff provision which shall protect American markets against discrimination and secure to the United States the treatment accord- ed to the most favored nation In all for- eign markets; a resolution for the in- crease of the navy and the upbuilding of the American merchant marine and an indorsement of the administration of Former Governor John L. Bates. A feature of the day's proceedings was the address of Senator Henry Ca- bot Lodge. Senator Lodge took the plat- form In reply to Eugene N. Foss, who had advocated the free admission of coal, hides and raw materials. Mr. Foss severely scored the Massachusetts sen- ators nnd representatives in congress, charging that they wore not loyal tn the interests of Massachusetts. Senator Lodge in v parliamentary manner cenr.ured Mr. Foss for his stric- tures on the Massachusetts representa- tion .'it the capital and argued that "free raw material" was but another term for free trade and that their ad- mission would sound the death knell of reciprocity as well as nf protection. quake Sufferers Pleases a Large Audience The benefit concert for the earth- quake sufferers of Italy was given at Simpson auditorium last evening to an audience that nearly filled the spa- cious structure. Benedict Castruccio, Italian consular agent inthis city, who, with the assistance of representative local Italians and Americans, organized the concert, said that the proceeds would amount to $1000 or over. This amount will be forwarded to Ihily by telegraph at once for the re- lief'of the hundred thousand homeless people In Calabria, where 6000 people have also been killed by earthquake shocks. The following program was rendered: Address, Mayor Owen McAleer. ' The Star Spangled Banner." Royal Italian hymn: march, "Donatelli's Italian Band'! (Donatelli). Donatelli's band; Introduction of the third act "Lohen- grin" (Wagner), Frank H. Colby: aria, "Mini!" (Puccini); Miss Rita Green; "Valse de Concert" (Wleniawskl), Miss Frances Close; recitative nnd aria, "La Travlata" (Verdi), Miss Maude Reese bnvies; "Funeral March" (Chopin), "Pilgrim Chorus" (Verdi), "I Lom- btmii" Donatfilll's band. Intermission. "Mother and Poet," E. B. Browning; reading. Leo Cooper; "Una Furtiva Lacrima" (Donnizetti). Slgnor Dom- enlco Russo; "Concerto Op. 64" (Men- delssohn), Arnold Krau°s; "Vnrlazlo- nl" (Saint Saens-Ileethoven); Madam lo Hensel-Klen, Julius A. Jahn; overture, "Aroldo" (Verdi). Donatelli's band- "A Burst of Song" (Elleson), Mrs 'Philip Zobeleln; aria, Miss Rose Zobeleln; "Sextette from Lucia" (Don- nlzetti), Signor D. Barillotti, Caprone, Gallo, E. Barillotti, Nicodemo and Clnclone. Concert Given to Aid Italian Earth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lucretla A. Pyne to C. G. Wilkinson- Lots 10 and 11, block a, XV. C. B. Richard- son's sub »10 C. G. Wilkinson to Heman Jennings— Lots 10 and 11, block 2, XV. C. B. Rich- ardson's suhd ?10 Mary C. Hollingsworth, et al. to Armine L. Badger— Lot 1, block 5, L. A. Imp. Co.'s sub *1« Edward L. Holllngsworth to Armine U. Badger— Lot 4, block 6. same tract $10 James M. Yankle to T. 11. Jones— Lot 11, block A, Raabs' sub J1350 H. T. Coffin to Ruth Plumb Brewster— Part of lots 31, 32 and 33. Xl Monte Wal- nut place 119 Stewart M. Dawson to Sebastian Simon —Lot 13, block E. Sunset tract $10 Jesse N. Baker to Celia Smith—Lot 2. J. N. Baker add tract ..*lO Moses N. Avery to Harry Kelly and A. L. Wilson—Part lot 67, McDonald tract.. Jlo Robert Nlmmo to John C. Toy— Lot 1, block 7, South Woodlawn JW Dorothy Clegg to L. E. Jones-Lot 4. block B, J. H. Bryan's Flgueroa street subd * 10 I Margaret McClure Schank to Kutharins IC. Brown—Part of lots 26, H6 and part ! plot 27, block B, Sunset tract .•••••*lJ' T. G. & T. Co. to Tyler & Co.— Lot 46. West Adams and Western avenue tr..JlO Carl Wynn to Clarence W. Dougglaßs— Lots 118, 120 und 122, Conner's sub of Johahnsen tract W<< Same to Samuel W. Buell and Edward S. Raymond—Lot 203, Conner's sub of Johannsen tract W0 Mrs. Rosa Lippold to F. W. Wood- Lot 4, John R. Taylor's Vernon avenue Villa lotß ?lt W. H. Workman, et al. to B. McFall— Lot 20, block M, Workman Park tract. slo Inez Leota Reynolds to Thompson Aik- on—Lot 3. Peterson's sub of lot 6, Work- man & Hellman'B sub MO Newman Esslck to Alice Maude Deist— Lot 17. block 35, Eleotrlo Ry. Homestead association .............ilt Irvln R. Deist to W. A. Pratt-Lot 4. block 6, California Co-Op. Colony tract. Mo Elmer Vail to Frank 0. Platt Inv. Co.— Lot 66, Wostgate tract ................... «0 Frank C. Platt Inv. Co. to Emler Vail- Lot 86, Corson tract $10 Theodore C. Pearce to Frank C. Platt and Ida Grace Platt—Portion of block V, of sub. of J. H. Painter and B. F. Ball MO Paul A. Crinpen, et al. to P. Janes—Op- tion to purchase part of lots 5 and 8. block B, Moran tract .....M6,540 P. Janss to W. P. Jeffries— Option to purchase part lots 6 and 6, block B. Moran tract ..MO.OOO Frank W. Buchanan to George R. In— galls— Lot 46. S. Palmateer's sub $10 Warren Glllelen, et al. to William Sauls- bury—Lot 10. Bouton'a sub \u0084|..1..|..|..|510 Laura E. Roessler to G. C. Ward-Lots A and B, Peter W. Muller'B sub No. 1..M0 U. T. &R. Co. to Anna Dixon—Lot 13. Gus B. Hill's Vernon avenue tract M 0 Kdward O. Bctkyo and Amelia Bctkye BOSTON, Oct. fi.— Eugene N. Fons, a leader of tho reciprocity wing of the slate Republicun party, tonight issued a statement to the press in which he severely criticised the speech oC Sen- ator Henry Cabot Lodge at today's Republican state convention. In his statement Mr. Foss classed the speech as "a direct Insult to a majority of the Republican voters of the state." He declared that the speech of Senator Lodge would cost Curtis Guild, jr., the nominee for governor, thousands of votes. Senator Lodge Criticised By Associated Press. Dy Associated Presn. WASHINGTON. Oct. 6.— As an out- come of the discovery of the Schuylklll arsenal frauds, Secretary Taft today is- sued a sweeping order to insure that government supplies shall be kept up to sample; that irresponsible bidders shall be excluded from competition and that honest and competent inspection shall be made at every stage In the process of manufacture of goods fur- nished the government. Will Test Government Supplies ASSAULT ON OUR HONOR Rosenthal arrived In the city yes- terday from San Diego, where the police believe he went several day?, ago when he found that they were on his trail. Rosenthal is a Seattle man. according to identification card car- ried. When arrested the man was in the hallway of the hotel nnd had in hla hand a bunch of keys. Maurice Rosenthal was arrested last evening In a South Spring street hotel on suspicion that he is one of the daylight burglars who have been ope- rating in Los Angeles. Police Arrest P/lan Whom They Believe to Be a Clsver Daylight Robber THINK THEY HAVE A BURGLAR Disastrous Result of the Cotton and Life Insurance Scan. dais Special to Tho Herald. NEW YORK, Oct. 6. Hamilton Wright Mabie, one of the editors of Outlook, was In a sorry mood when interviewed concerning his. trip abroad. "It makes an honest American's cheeks flush with shame to stand by, as I did, and hear Germans or French- men of affairs sneer at 'American swindling,' " said Mr. Mable. "The worst of it Is that the facts are bad enough. Why, the men in the Kmiitahle Assurance society who are It must be apparent to any person therefore thnt the only prevention of baldness Is the destruction of the germ which act Is successfully acompllshed In one hundred per cent of cases by the applieatlon of Newbro's Herplclde. Dandruff Is caused by the same germ which causes baldness nnd can be pre- vented with the same remedy New- bro's Herpicide. Accept no substitute. "Destroy the causp, you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. A FACT I'IIOVEX If there is the slightest doubt in the minds of any thnt dandruff Korms do exist, their belief is completed by tho fart that n rabbit inoculated with the germs became bald In six weeks' time. ll.nl of Un Truth Should Convince Even the Mont Sken- Realty Slngn Co., at lot, owner; one-story brick building; $100. Third street, 2511 West— J. M.Poundston, at iot, owner; R. N. Lamberth Co., builder; one-story, six-room frame resi- dence; $2000. Thirty-fifth street, between McCltntock and Hough— A. H. Erode, 901 AVest Thirty- fifth, owner; F. A. Brode, builder; one- story frame residence; $1800. Twenty-eighth street, 737 AVest-S. E. Newlen, at lot, owner; Ross Bros., build- ers; addition to two-story frame resi- dence; $842. Thirty-second street, 743 East— M. A. Bills, at lot, owner and builder; one-story frame barn; $30. Twenty-seventh street, 1626 East— Ella G. Magoon, 1654 East Fortieth, owner and builder; one-story frame residence; $700. Thirty-seventh street, 476 East— Frank ,906 San Pedro, owner; F. Gulser, builder; one-story frame residence; $1200. Utah street, 659-689% South— T. Maseeda, 323 Temple, owner; K. Takenaka, builder; two-story frame building; $1000. Viscaino street, 220— P. B, Dougherty, at lot, owner; one-story frame residence; AVestlake avenue, 1311 South— R. Nash, owner and builder;' two-story, nlue-room frame .. residence ; $2800| 3, Bellevue Ave. tract •^.•••', 371 ' Lucia F. Johnson to Walter O. Clark- Lot 9, Clara Qllmor« tract $650 John C. Bailey to Mnry J. Bailey—Part lots 6 7 8 and 9. block A, AMerson & Sons' West Jeqarson Street tract $10 Oarrett Albert Barron to Mary .T. Bailey —Part lot in, block A, same tract $M Charles W. Lash to Godfreld Melln— Lots 34 and 3C, block 2, Central Park Front tract $10 Samuel W. Little to Charles R. Plckett- Lot 24 block 13 Brooklyn Heights Ganahl tract $400 T. G. & T. Co. to Forest W. Tavlor- Lot I) block 1 Winton & McLeod's Flgue- roa street tract $10 Minnie C. MUtlmore to Edwin H. Flan- ders and C. A. Flanders-Lot 8 Miltlmore tract $10 Clarence P. Hartjo and Sarah M. Hartje to George Wallace Walker— 11 block l Brooklyn Height* Uanahl tract $10 T. 1 & T. Co. to George w. Yarrow- Lots 10 and 11 block I> Huntington Park annex $Ub3 Golden Gate Syndicate to Augusta Weber-Lot 10 block 3 Shaw tract Daman & Mlllards sub *> James Campbell to John N. Hlght— Lol com at N W comer of lands con- veyed by sheriff of Los Angeles coun;y find recorded In 74-03] de^ds th N S9 deg Bl inin E 12.50 ch th S >i deg B B.78 chs etc '\u25a0-"\u25a0 Long Beach Home L. * W. Co, to WilliamH. Butters and B. II.Paul— Part Ro I.mm Cerrltoa S10 1 . Jane L. K. Dorsey to J. Frank BoWetl Receipt on purchase of part l. lucks A, B, | C and |i ilorsey trnct $'iO0i Minnie Slertd to Warner A. Sledd— Parl I lot i block 1 Old Clapp Or tract.. ..$100 1 Charli L. Fouler to Miss Nelll Pal- mer—Lot 'iZ bloch li Brooklyn Helghti nahl tract $10 Stephen A. Johnson to William S. John son—Lot a block i Wright's aub of Slaters c.f Charity tract $10 r>. K. Cashln to Clarh H. Bates Lol 12 block A and lol 20 block F Dayton Heights tract »0 W c. Hunt tn M. P, nth< rod! I. .1 10 block 8 Manhattan Beach U0 ChrlBtlan Bpi .lit to Fred A. Mansfield Afimt to conv lol 14 Bpechts' tract.. Maria S. Whlttier to i:. F, Fnllnr— Lol 31 block 2 Howes tract S9'W H. H. Mayberry ond Htrlce D. May- herry to Eugene C. Haskell and Eva .1. HasUell— Lots 19, 20 and 21 block 2 Btore- m:m tract $10 B. C. Naskell to H. H. Mnyherry—Lots 12 and 13 block 2 Stoneman tract. ...$10! Union Trust Co. of L. A. to Mary Me- '\u25a0 Lcnimn— Lot 5. Robert Marsh & Co.'H Country Club Terrace tract $1" J. D, NfiKh to P. A. E. Wilson—Portion of lot 3, bloi T>. H. B $10 James G. Scarborough: trustee, to A. J. : Forbn?— Lots 15 sir.d Hi, block K>, Fnsadpna Villa tract , $50: Idn Wileox Bn.verld<te to J. Clark Farns- worth—Part of lot 2. and all lot 3 and| par! lot I. block 4. Hollywood $10 i lOmniii I.. Stevens to <;. F. Voster— Lot \u25a0 •Ift. block 3. Kadeau Parh Villa tract..$10(l A. iv VV. nhnm to Pruclla B. Harden- jberg Lota 10 and II, block 5, Nadeau ParK Villa trad $10 Mary Heaney to Sidney \V. Kelsey— Lotl 11 and part lol 15, east portion of Jeffries trad $800 Biachen >Si Minor Co. to J. T. Walker- Lot 20, Peck's subdivision of block 28, Han Pf.!ro $10 c. L. lleartwell to Cora E. Ewing—Lot 26, block 53, Long Beach S10 Cade) Yribarne to E. Tlsnerat—Lots 16, 17 18 19 20, Tisnerat's tract $10 C, M. Allen tn Grace P. Warren—Part Bectlen 17. 1, S. R. Hi \V...\ 113.500 I Grace P. Warden to J. O. Prentice i Same as above $io ; Forrest W. Taylor to Willie P. Bentley —Lot 36, Calkins' Figucron street tr..$10 Charles VV. ('rail to Alice S. Danforth— Part lot 11, Johnson & Keeney Co.'s sub $101 i ri.imu.l .Sullivan to Frida T. Thomas- Lot t!. bloch 1, Robinson tract $10 i Edith Hammond to Will M. Douil— Lot 43, block I. Crescent Bay tract $10 Francis S. Hutchlns to Anna D. Vanc< Lot 13. Hutchtns tract $9f>0 E. W. Gunther and Hattle Pittlnger to Eva May Bowen— Lots 11 and 12, Moore & Wilson's subdivision of block 18, Rude- clnda tract $10 Francis A. Snnborn to Mary E. Basker- ville—Lot 11. block D, and part lot 10, block 1), of Miinz.-iiiltHHeights tract ..$10 William A. Johnstone and Alice Best Johnstone to It. I. Martin—Lot 49B. Snn Dimas $10 Caroline R. Mitchell, administratrix of estate of Caroline D. Mitchell, deceased, to William Peek— Part section 29 in pnr- tition map of Redondo Land Co $8000 i lllzabeth Hollenbeck, Frank R. Strong, George W. Dickinson and Annie T. Beeaeh to Joseph Sresovlch— Lot 33. block G, Strong & Dickinson's Salt I^ako R. R. tract $10 II. W. Gnrham to California & Nevada Lnnd Improvement. Co.—Part of Ro San Vicente y Santa Monica 510 J. H. McLeod to Laurestine U. Do Bolt —Lot 37, Calkins Figneroa St. tract ..$10 Sophia A. Wheeler to Gottfried Johnson Lol 20, Clay's subdivision of block in. San Pedro ,. $10 Amndifi B. de Gaffey to same -Parl lot 29, Clay's BubdivlBion of block 20, San Pedro "'i Franklin S. Whaley to Mnry Whaley Mnson Part lot n. R. 2, Temple & Gibson trnct Gift John R. Taylor to Tim Hartnetl ami PUen Hnrtnett— Lot IB, John R. Taylor's Vornon Avenue Villa lots $1050 ! Lo-.iis Her.rl .'iailliiril to Habino P. Down- Ins—Lot "'i. Pecks subdivision of block 48. San Pedro $10 ; State Bank of San Pedro to Henry C. Downing -Lot 7 and parl lot S, Peck's Fiuhdlvli of north \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 of block 4". Snn Pedro ••••_"••.• " BUILDING PERMITS 1 Superintendent Backus yesterday issued .' building permits as follows: , Alpine street. 419—Cannsln Spirltosanta. Sll Ciisteliir, owner; William Knickrehni, : builder; move one-story frame residence, ' $200. , A!U>y between Fifth and Sixth anil 'Spring and Main streets— F. J. Thomaa, ,710 Fay building, owner; J. Klstnsr, .builder, one-story brick building; $5.",0. 1 j Alleeandro street, 1703— T. H. Wilson, ; .Uiitf North Alvarado. owner and builder; one-story frame residence; $l."v. Brighton street, 301C— W. F. Hlnkley, ! 1275 West Thirty-eighth, owner; W. C. \u25a0 Holywell, builder; one-story, five-room | framn residence; $1540. 1 Belmont avenue. 103 North—George Gib- \u25a0 son. 313 North Main, owner; M. W. Topln, 1 builder; addition to one-story frame resl- donee; IflCO. ! Bridge street. 1523-F. J. Young, h59 'Summit, owner; one-story frame resl- ; I dence; $."00. 'i Bryan street, 2702-M. W. Stephens. 'owner; F. K. Phillips, builder; two-story. '\u25a0! t'lght-room frame residence; $3715. D^vey avenue, 1101— A. G. Scucidcr, lkO '. Dewey, owner and builder; raise one- story building; $2.">. Dewey avenue, 1325— Mrs. T. Hart, at lot. owner; H. L. Bernard, builder; founda- ! linn to one-story frame residence; $7.>. | Eagle street. 3!S(!—Rosa Langston, 3103 , Emmett, owner; P. J.Langston. build- er; one and one-half-story, seven-room frame residence; $1300. ', Evergreen avenue, SlO North—L. I!. Myers, at lot, owner; P. H. Tuttle, bulld- ) or; one-story, five-room frame residence; I Fifty-first slreet, CSS East— H. W. Happ- . morster, U7") East Fifty-fourth, owner; 'i C. Thompson, builder; one-story, five- room frame residence; $1200. , Fortieth street, 1;)24 West— F. J. Bentler, j owner and builder; one-story, five-room frame residence; $HOO. \u25a0 Forty-second street, 260 West— E. B. I Clay, 243 East Thirty-third, owner; C. H. ; Flosg, builder; one-story frame residence; i $1500. j Forty-sixth street, SS9 West— L. E. r Whitehead, 839 East Twentieth, owner; ' Pennlngton & Jewell, builders; one and ' one-half story, six-room frame residence; ) $1200. Hill street, 632 South-M. Castrucio. 235 ) North Spring, owner; move and alter one- . story frame residence; $300. i Juliet street, 2311— J. A. Lewis, 1006 Braly, j owner; XV. H. Jones, builder; two-story, ! seven-room frame residence; $2700. ") Kane street. 1752— Tina Brooking, 114 . South Flgueroa, owner; A. C. McCandleßs, builder; one-story, live-room frame rosl- ) dence; $1250. I Lake Shore avenue, 300 North— Maryar iLovejoy, at lot, owner; AY. M. Dodson, ) builder; one-story frame store building; Mission road, 6S9— J. J. Baker, at lot, ) owner and builder; addition to frame t building; $50. . ) Romeo street, . 2306—E11a M. Hammond, t Twenty-third and Romeo, owner; R. N. ) Lamberth Co., builder; one and one-half- 1 story, six-room frame residence; $2000. I Rich street, 1411-C. W. Price, 223 Hunt- ) ington building, owner; O. L. Seelyn & Son, builder; addition to two-story frame 1 IC St:-- Louis street, 315 North— Ella M. > Spencer, 1408 Vermont, owner; W. H. Glb- r son, builder; one-story, six-room frame - '^Seneca 'avenue. 353—Cribb & Slnclnlr, ) 30ti Wllcox, owner and builder; one-story, six-room frame residence; $1800. ; Spring street, 715 South— Los Angelea to Chelsea I. Wlkoff— Lot 138, Central avenue Home tract $525 Claude R. Nlckcrson to J. F. Thompson —Villa lots 6. 7, 8, 9, Burbank $1 Grace D. Thompson to Emtl Klrchner— Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, Villa lots, Burbank $10 Louise Clawson to Charles O. Nourso— Lots 22, 23. 24. Clawson Villa tract $10 Walter Holse to B. L. Qulnn— Lot 22, Westmont $1576 M. F. ODea to L.ma C. Brown and Lottie M. Bechaud— Lot 135, Wiesendan- ger's South End tract $1 Mabel Carpenter to C. G. Warner—LotH 3, 4 and 5, Session's add No. 2 $10 C. G. Warner to Mabel Carpenter— Lot 16, block 23, Whittier $10 A. R. Maines to T. I. & T. Co.—Lot 65 of sub of west portion of Lick tract.... slo H. H. Cotton to N. N. Wall-Portion of lot 18, Park Villa tract $10 L. H. Turner to Robert L. Reynolds- Lot 15, Ellis avenue tract $10 T. I, AT. Co. to Charles D. White— Lot 39, block B, Bowen He Chamberlin's Main and Flgueroa street tract $10 T. I. &T. Co. to W. A. Polklnghorn- Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, block B, same tract $10 Paul Hutchlnson and Alice E. Hutchln- son to George Fraser— Lot 28, Altadena map No. 3 $10 George Fraser to Emma J. Tarleton— Lot 28, same tract $10 Mary J. Duvall to G. C. Ward— Lots 00 and 61, Central avenue Home tract $10 George Wrlde and Emma 8. YVrldfi to Daniel Ehrnbeck— Lot 115, Mettlcr tr..slo Willowbrook Co. to John Fuirley, jr.— Lot 15, Willowbrook mi Jacob Birnbaum to F. O. Johnson— Lot 92, Josefa subdivision of fells Yin tr J.lO J. .1. Beokner to Frank W. Pholps— Part lot 31, Mills & Wicks subdivision of sec- lions 8 and 9 3 S 14 W $10 Frank W. Phelps to Alton F. Powers- Same property as nbove $10 Union Trust & Title. Co. to United In- vestment Co.—Lot commencing at south- west corner of b04.19 acres allotted to .1. G. Downey by decree in partition in capo No. 939, superior court; thence along west line of said J. f>. Downey MM.W-acn- tract; 10 chains to south line of land convoyed to John Murphy, etc $10 Kctibcn Ronsler and Klchard Duvall to G. C. Ward— Lot 171, WJcsendaiißer'* South End tract $10 Mary J. Duvall to sumo— Lois 1 and 2. South Pak Aye. Homo tract £10 T. I,& T. Co, to same— Lot 6, block A. Centrai Park tract $10 Wnlter Hose, to mime— Lot 7, block A. Central Park tract $10 William B. Fraekleton to same— Part lot E2, Central Aye. Home tract *10 i^manuol Lewis ir.V. Co. to M. J, Me- Mahun—Lots 3135 51 to 03 Inclusive. Lewis' Flgueroa St. tract 5«250 Mrs. Jennie Augusta Milthlan ''t al to John Wollenshlager— Lot •», block B, Shafor it I.nnterman subdivision of Mon- tague tract #1" John W. Hoff to Alton F. Powers— Part lot 31, ilil':s & Whksi srbilivUion of fac- tions 8 and 9, 3 S 11 W $10 11. T. & It. Co. to Tom Brown—Lot bi. Strong & Dickinson's Jt-ipic Aye. tract $10 Tom Hrown to Rudolph Lehman— Lot 82, Strong & Dic:klin<on'n Maple Aye. tract $10 IT. T. <fe R. Co. to Mary J, Duvall— Rp- comversion nf trust property O. Sa'anman to Rudolph Lehman— Lot 52, Strong ti. Dickinson's Maple Aye. tract * w Helen Maud Voigt to K. Jane Spencp— Lnl 12. block 5. Golden Hay tract $10 Iraae. Tlmmona to Alton F. Powers- Lots 27 and 2S, Mills& Wicks subdivision of itctiop.s Sum! 9. 3 S 11 W $10 Albert Fletcher Russell to John G. Lnil- ricic—Lot 2. block 9 West Adams Hts $10 Mary M. Jane Frontrers to Abbie Cripiia —Lot 12, block B, Central Beach tract ..»!() Lias ilansen to John K. Wilson—Lot 18 block B Beck tract 510 Luelmln A. Sullivan to Nellie Hill- Lot 17 Kays' tract ••$•''"•; B. Lombard, jr.. to Abble Trendwell Hull— Lat 4 and part lot 6 Lombard s sub *1 U Margaret A. Woddruff »o Leonora Ball —Lot 18 block 4 Electric Railway home- stead association tract $10 II B. Zeigler admr of estate of William H. Atkinson deed to Milton B. Irvine- Lots 2 and 4. block 20, Long 8each.... 53000 Gam M. Falrdeld to Francis W. Har- mon and Kmlly P. Harmon— Part block 19.i Maclay Ro Ex Mission of San Fer- nando •• •*"> J. A. Mnjonnlcr to Joseph Hughes- Receipt on contract of sale of lot 123 Boettcher tract $300 V. T. & R. Co. to Charles Mettlcr—Lot 141 Mettler tract M<l Arthur Veltch to Adam Leithead— Lot 23 block IB West Arlington Heights tract. slo Joseph F. Glass to Anna B. Spark^Part lot 2:> Hollywood Vista tract $1C Dai'id Lewis Burke et ul to Leland Preslou Black and Ida Mac Black—Ln(£ 7.> and 16 Burke Bros. Flgueroa street tract *•' A. H. Broeltump to Chris A. Jensen- Lots 12. 13 and 14 block A Thill Weber & Broekcamp tract 51' James B. Drumm to T. J. Dunkln antl Ada Dunkle—Agrnt. to cony part of lots ', and 8 block 83 Pomona SIOSO 1 Redonr.o Improvement Co. to D. \V. Burns—Lot 22 block 123 R«domlo (10 i L. A. Sclilnnorer to A. Mojonnler—Part i i lot 3 block « Lone Beach $I'M A. Mojimnler to G. L. Juonoil— Part lot 3 block 8 Long Beach *1Q Anna P. Sherman to Mrs. Ellz:i Kplso— \u25a0 Part lots 1 find 2 Marlis & Foils kii!>of \u25a0 hlook It E L A $IVJ'I i T. I. & T. f'o. to Thnnins McLaughlln— \u25a0 Lot B7 South Park Avonno Homo tract MO F. \V. Steams to Trusttn P, Dyer—Lot] ' 33 Mercantile tract Sl'l I Charles YV. Lash to i. P. WhttehoiiE( iLots 87 and RS Home Acrrs tract No. [ 2 <> H™ M. R. Loprz to Emilia Asevios— Lot 40,1 ; block 35, San Fernando $10 j Helen Lukens Jonos to \V. C. Bernard— Lot 7, Monte Alorada tract ?30f> Josephine M. Orton nnd P. A. Orion to Thomas O. Sanderson— Portion of lots J, X and L. block 131. Santa Monica flu The McCarthy Co. to J. I. Clements- Lots 5 and li, block D, City Boundary \u25a0 tract 51 : John Miller to Q. V. Smith-Lots 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, Block IS. Cook &Millers' nub $10 : Lewis Ciwynn to Thomas Blakwell—Lot " 13. block A, Sherman tract 510 F.mma M. Krikson to Archibald Mclii-l ; tosh-Lot 5, Wostgate *10: 1 Archibald Mclntosh to Olof F. Krikson—; : Lot 6. Micheners & Curtis sub $10 ! Davlrl R. Bell to Mrs. Rose ISell—Lot 18, | 1 Fourth street tracl , ?1U Lizzie Beers to O. E. Slcaggs— Lot !><\u25a0- ' ing In El Monte described as follows: Fronting lsO feet on Mission road oppo- site school house and extending back Jf,o feet *1« W. L. Wright ct al. to Frederick C. . Thomns— Part lot 11. block 81, Pomona.. slo ) 11. A. Wallace, Frank P. Plrey to Jo- - seph Wolf and Marie V. Hughes— Lota 1, . 2 5, C, block X, Orescent Heights traclfi)' ) M. J. Shaul to Klchard Ilietins— Lot 28,1 > Fourth street tract liiia) C. J. Walker to Rtchard Iligglns—Lot ) 17, Enstside tract $H' Linda Ballou und Nora Stevenson to A. ) G. Williamson—Lot 2, block 7, Rudeclnda , tract , $10 )' Abby Frink Blckel et al. to George X - Frink—Lots 23. 21, 25, block 150. O. F . (Jiffer. sub of Pomona; lots 1, 2, 3, 20, 21, 22. ) block 150. same subd $1175 i U. V. V. Brand to W. J. Wilton—Lots 1 J and 2, block 2, G. V. S. Brand's sub $150 Peter Werner to 11. L. Yon dor Kuhlcn j —Part interest in lot 12, sub of block W&. O. S 510 j E. B. Pierce to Paran P. Rice—Lot I, block M, Nadcau Orange tract $10 ) Guaranty Realty Co. to Emily C. Ken- dall—Lot 12, block 3, Walgrove tract $10 t Same to Emily C. Kendall— Lot 4, block 3 8, same tract $10 } K. W. Sprague to Mrs. C. M. Beach— t Lots 13 and 14, Harbor View sub of block \u25a0j 62, San Pedro $10 A. W. Ryan to W. H. Ryan—Agreement j to convey lot commencing at southeast - corner of tract of land conveyed to Eliza C Johnson by deed 52-192; thence north 57 l, degrees 5 minutes; west 39. 80 chains, to 1 San Gabriel river; thence S\V etc ....JS2SS f D. B. Smith to Edward H. Jackson— Lot 0 8, block B, Stanwood & Nash's subdl- - vision of Farm lot 182, American Colony tract 510 k Same to W. L. Cuthbert—Lot 6, block B, - same subdivision $10 0 T. G. & T. Co. to Albert B. Holson— - Lots 1 to 36 inclusive, A. H. Carey's West - Twenty-ninth Street tract $10 0 John Burns to Harry F. Brainerd—Lot - 3. block 11, Park tract $10 j Missouri H. Apple to A. B. Shoemake— li Lot 92, Clark &Bryan's Lone Star tract: , part lot 91, same tract ................... .sl9 0 B A. Forrester et al to Gertrude Boyd - —Part lots 17 and 15, block G, Nadeau 0 Orange tract •• •••$10 Ethel Burgess to Gertrude Boyd—Part 0 lots 17 and 16, block G, Nadeau Orange t tract $LQ Clara C. Carter to Lillian J. Lewis—Lot 0 67, Montrose tract $300 Mrs. L. E. Bacon to F. M. Wilbur—Lot i. IS, block E, Knoll Park tract ............M0 0 Joseph S. Howoll and Mattle J. Howoll 1 to Curtis C. Meader— Lots 13 and 14, block i7. Townsend & Robinson tract $10 0 Curtis C. Meader to Martin K. Hart- - man— Lots 13 and 14, block 7, Townsend & 0 Robinson's tract \u25a0 -.$lO E L. Wingnrd to M.Pike and Josephine 0 E. Pike-Lots 27 and 28, block SO. Long 0 Bank otHoilywopil'toVilißN'Mutpnay-. :, Lot 17, block 1, Hillcrest Terrace tract ?10 0 Rannells Land Co. to Leroy H. Hol- 9 brook— Agreement to convey lot 17, bloclt LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY ' MORNING, OCTOBER ?, 1905. TARIFF REFORM DECLARED FOR BAY STATE REPUBLICANS FAVOR REVISION Radical Wing Unexpectedly Accepts Plank Calling for Changes, but It Is Vigorously Opposed by "Stand.Patter" STILL CLAIMS SHE IS A DESPERATE CRIMINAL 9 Act. Illinois Central R. R.. 238 S. Spring. If you wiint to ko ennt, C. Hnydock, fWjMbjjr The largest niinfnrx* Col- WmMj Ictce In Los Angeles. Twelve i instructors. Largest school ; _," buildings and grounds. Beautiful surroundings. Preparatory department under special teachers Just Added. Investigate. 083-5-7 Went Seventh Street. P. nnoAVNsnrcnrjrcn. president. *T*fi^-__r**^*_^ > \rv^osANOEt£?^ FALIi TERM OPKNS SEPT. 11. Class and private Instruction In every department of music and language by best teachers. The value and Importance to children of our kindergarten work should be known to every parent. Phys- ical culture by foremost teacher. For catalogue, terms, eto., apply to Conserv- atory, 232 S. Hill st. LOUISEVANS. Mgr. im, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA -__<-' ' \u25a0AND GRAHAMSCHOOL OPSHORTHAND, «M3 Oltt.NOAV/T. LOt ANOELCi, CAL. The College of Fine Arts^ U. S. C. Is at Garvanza Painting, Designing. Illustrating, Pottery, Etc. W. _-. JUDSOK, Director. I Aak your banker nbout It. Cnll nnd Investigate. 212 I\>»t Third Street. EDUCATIONAL ASSAYING NIGHT~SCHOOL-NOW~7n session. WADE & WADE. 318 East First st. tw m ~m ijiTa^iuol JTSOTOwKfWJaj AXGEI.US VISTA. EjiWWJijalJal^aSSSr East front, ten- BjJiSlJM!ji!_3wHy room, colonial T_3^finTH[<R«F stylo residence, southwest.on high '\u25a0\u25a0?""• m ground, built by the day and no j pains spared to make it an ideal home; corner lot, 70x178; can be made 170x17S ) by adding in tho two ndjoinlns lots; good opportunity, and worth far more I money; owner obliged to sell. EDWIN AI.DF.HSO.V, 20l> I.niiglilln Illila. _ FOR SALE Business Property SA\ PEDRO STRRET CORNER. NEAR NINTH. $1000 BELOW THE MARKET. I INCOME 5% PER CENT ON PRICE. I $5500 HANDLES IT. 1 TWO COTTAGES AND STORE. J M. 1,. MpKEEVER, I 223 WEST SECOND STREET. (GROUND FLOOR.) FOR SALE- BUSINESS CORNER, A SNAP. Located where there will be big things doing. This corner will advance to a high figure within 3 days; get In on the ground floor. Fine store property, 70s .0; pries (6500. C. J. HEYLER CO., Bole agents. 810-12 Bryson Blk. Country Property v __________ AL-TADBNA! ALTADENA! If you want a small ranch or a suburban home or a handsome build- in pr site, buy a place at Altadena, the foothill section of Pasadena. Alta- dena prices are remarkably low com- pared with other localities and pre- sent a splendid opportunity for in- vestment. L. M. PRATT, 608 Laugh- lin Bldg. Altadena property a spe- cialty; FOR SALE— ORANGE GROVES, ALL kinds, all prices, in all sections. Now Is the time to buy, before owners re- serve the crop. I have some genuine bargains which show a splendid In- come and will get better every year. I am "Headquarters for Orange Groves" and can give you valuable advice on the subject. L.-M.PRATT, 608 Laughlin Bldg. Member L. A. Realty Board. INGLBWOOD POULTRY FAHM. Lots to Suit, 1150 and up. Water piped to each Ipt; easy terms; desirable location. Call for maps and price lists. THE REALTY TRUST CO., 129 South Broadway. 'A GREAT SNAPS Twenty-five acres, about twelve miles from Los Angeles; eighteen acres In lull-bearing vineyard, bal- ance apricots and prunes; good twelve-inch well. Price only $3500, terms, for a few days. COOPER .ft I'UDDEnACK, 31S South Broadway, Room 237. FOR SALE-U ACRES. S ACRES IN j Valencia oranges, 8 In soft shell wal- 1 nuts; all in bearing; house and barn; will net $1200 this year. Price $700^ per acre. A. H. GREGG & CO., 715-716 Bry- son block. Home 6421. FOR SALE—By SMITH & ASTON— Fine alfalfa land, close to Santa Ana, 10 acres, $3500; $1000 cash, balance terms to suit purchaser. SMITH a ASTON. 226 Laughlin bldg. FOR SALE-ALL KINDS OF STOCK ranches, large and small, with or without stock. COOPER &CUDDEBACK, Room 237. 218 South Broadway. ' •. * Miscellaneous FOR SALE 100,000 FEET OF GOOD NO. 3 REDWOOD BOARDS AND SHEETING, ONLY $14.00 PER THOU- SAND; 100,000 FEET NO. 2 SPRUCE BOARDS, $15.00 PER THOUSAND LOTS OF SHORT REDWOOD FENC- ING. $15.00. NO. 3 FLOORING, RUS- TIC AND CEILING, ONLY $22.50 PER THOUSAND. COME, SEE THIS STOCK AT OUR BIG. NEW YARD. TWENTIETH ANI> NATIONAL LUMBER COMPANY. FOR SALE—DOORS. JUST BOUGHT 3000 (off color), colonial pine. Will sell from $1 to $1.40. These are a snap. 2000 Oregon pine doors. $1.50. 5000 flno redwood doors, $1 to $1.40 Also a lot of windows very cheap. I NATIONAL LUMBER COMPANY, . Twentieth and Alameda Streets. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON Contagious Blood Poison more thot» oughly poisons the blood than any othet disease. Every part of the body is af- fected -when the virus becomes intrenched in the circulation; red eruptions break out on the skin, the mouth and throat ulcerate, glands in the neck and groins swell, the hair falls out, copper-colored splotches appear on the body, etc. I was afflicted, withblood poison, and the best doctors did me no Brood, thouffb I took their treatment faithfully. In fact I seemed to get worse all the while. I took almost every so-called blood rem- edy, but they did not seem to reach the disease, and had no effect whatever. I was disheartened, for itseemed that I would never be cured. At the advioe ol a friend I then took S. S. S. and began to improve. I continued the medicine, and ".SlS&tTK^'^-B. NEWMAN. So highly contagious is this disease that many a life has been ruined by a friendly hand shake or from using the toilet articles of one affected with the poison. To cure this hideous and hate- ful disease a constitutional remedy is re- quired. S. S. S. goes down to the very root of the trouble and forces out every particle of the virus from the blood and cures the disease permanently. S. S. S. is purely vegetable and drives out the trouble, rootand S^S_& iffflfiSfcl branch, and no Bjl""^ «£~^H sijjns of it are Na^jk ever seen again. l_*"*_r fejwaf Those whohave ~l^B^ been cured by PURELY VEGETABLE. S. S. S. can feel assured that none of the poison is left in the blood to transmit to innocent offspring. The en- tire body is built up and the blood made pure, rich and healthy by this great rem- edy. Book with instructions for home treatment and any medical advice desired will be given free of charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE- FURNISHINGS AT COST! Wo aro going to move. Door panels 30c, ruffled edge. Swiss curtains 40c pair, couch, covers $1.10, portieres JI.HO, I $3.00 Smyrna rugs $1.25, rockers $1.35. stands U.lO, box couches $2.50, G-foot ex- tension tables $5.00, (H-pleco dinner sets $4.60, sat knives and forks 75c set, U- PII-co toilet sets $1.75, 2 burner gas plato $1.10. See big display In Times for renxoval sale prices. .7. M. OVKUELiL, 1552 and liTi-1 S. Main st. FOR SALE—LET US FIGURE YOUR mill work. Wo havu the largest stock of dry lumber in the city, and I Cine new mill to work It with. Prices the lowest and work the best. NATIONAL LUMBER COMPANY. Twentieth and Alameda Streets. Branch Ninth and Maple avenue. KOK SALE-NEW AND SKCOKD-H.VNn bllliaid and pool tables. Bar llxtures o( all kinds; easy payments. Send for cat- alogue. THK HRUNSWICK-BALKE- COLLENDEU CO.. UU'O S. Hroadwav. Los Angeles FOR SALE—LATH! LATH!LATH! WE aro overstocked with them nnd are selling; fit cost. SSeo us for price. NATIONAL LUMBER COMPANY, Twentieth_and Alameda Streets._ FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate ____________ ~_ . $050 equity in a Pasadena lot; has two frontages. Both streets have sewer and are graded, sidnwalked and curbed. Sl3tis "gully In 7 lots South Hollywood (Colcgrovo). Either or both of above properties for a clear ranch or lor equity In a cottugo. WE N. HOLWAV. 211 Grant Bid* Home 1939. Main 4370. ' BEN WHITE Will Exchange your property; Immense bargains; ap- ply at once. Satisfaction and quick re- sults. Member Realty Board. 304-5 LSRY- KON BLOCK, 2d and Spring sts. MAXON WILL EXCHANGE YOUR property, any location. Large list to select from. MAXON REALTY CO., U4-UK Stlmson Wdg. LEGAL. NOTICES PROPOSAL^ FOR mJILDINcT^MA" I terlals, etc. U. S. Indian School, Yumu., Ariz., October 1, WO5. Sealed proposals 'indorsed "Proposals for Building Ma- . terials, etc.," and addressed to tho under- I signed at Yuma, Arizona, will be received at tho Fort Yuma school until 2 o'clock p. m. of October 31, 1805, for furnishing and delivering, as required during the fiscal year ending June 30, ]90(j, about «7,757 feet of lumber, 97,600 shingles, ti doors and windows, 10,000 lath, 2000 brick, 29 barrels cement, 1300 pounds Iron, 23U0 pounds nails, 3500 square feet corrugated Iron, 1 filler, capacity 20,000 gallons, 1 tank, capacity 20,000 gallons, etc., etc., a I fulllist and specifications being obtainable at the school. Bidders willslate in their ! bids the proposed price of each articlo to Ibo offered under contract. All articles so offered willbe subject to rigid inspee- i tion. The right is reserved In reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid, if deemed for the best Interests of the ser- vice. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon sonio United States depository or solvent na- tional bank, made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian^Affairs, for at least five per cent of tho amount of the proposals, which check or draft will be forfeited to tho United States in case any bidder or bidders receiving an award .shall fnll to execute promptly a catlsfac- tory contract in accordance with his bid; otherwise to be returned to tho bidder. Bids accompanied by caah in lieu of certi- fied check will not be considered. For further information apply to JOHN S. SPEAR, Superintendent. 3-5-7-10-12-14-17-19-21 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- celved at office of Treasurer Pacific Branch. N. 11. D. V. S., Soldiers' Home. Los Angeles County, Cal., until12 o'clock M., October 11. 1905, and then opened, for installing conduit, steam and hot water lines, etc., for additional- Barrack, in ac- cordance with instructions, plans and specifications, copies of which, withblank proposals and other Information, may bo had upon application to T. J. Cochrann, Treasurer. No Question About it "WIELAND'S" Is the BEST BEER- The Favorite Brew of the Great West. Gcrmania Malt Tonic a Specialty FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED Adloff & Hauerwaas SOLE AGENTS Depot and Bottling Works Jl2-118 Central Aye. m, CHICHESTKH-S ENGLISH _ Pennyroyal pills a -<rc*v Ori«lq«l and Only S.»li& t" 4( &$_ '" CIIIOIIKSTEK'S ENGLISH A'IU'WCSv UKl> »n.l Gold BtOllliboiti. i»l«l *£v -—~Xir« " lih \u25a0>'" ribbon. T«ko \u25a0* other. Keftll. 1"/ tfftluna. Koj of jour UngjUt. .r Mod 4«. In 1 C Jf nu •\u25a0 lor PartiemUra, Tentl—.nlaU Bf ud '• Relief for Ladlea." l«IMr, by ro. V P lara Mall. 1 0.000 T««llmonLli. Sold b> ii '/ oilDruigUU 4'klehc.ter ('hrmloal (10~ Kalln l.l< »•;«. Madliam B«aara, I'IIILA.. I>_. The Store That Save* You Money ...Factory Shoe Sale... NOW GOING ON Mammoth Shoe House 510 South Broadway $50.00 GASH The remaining lots in tho Erken- brecker Syndicate Santa Monica Tract willbe sold at $50 cash, bal- ance In small monthly payments. Call for particulars. TIIOS. J. HAMPTON CO., 110 South llronavrny. AM-HICAN tidJLO CO. BEN HUH CO. 0-ARA C. - 0. CO. MT. VKRNON CO. Ucmdauurton An at MOODY (8_ CO. SU-Itt Mjuon Op«» llou.o. otttt twrcfclni tn all sood mlnlnt \u25a0took*. private Ambulance * ambulance service, we have aecured th« most convenient and up-to-date vehloli manufactured. Personal attention. Prompt response to calls day or night, 'Phone 6* ORB & MINES COMPANY, GO TO C. F. A. LAST FOR Pure Wines. Whiskies and Liquors for Use During your summer outing and you will never purchase anywhere else. The price is regulated by the age and quality; satisfac- tion in both guaranteed. oMail orders given prompt and careful attention. Both Phones Main 38 129 131 North Main Street LOS ANGELES. CAL « 1 i f\—>^m n .lwm.*£ "The Success of the Student" School Opening ============= Every day this week an active enrollment day at the "GREATER WOODBURY." The largest September enrollment in Its history. ALL SCHOOLS ARE NOT ALIKE -WIK WOODBURT IS DIFFERENT. It not only TEACHES but INSPIRES- Klves every student an impetus that commands position and prestige. It pay* to Set into tha Woodbury "suoce«s current." BEGIN NOW-If ready. I HOME IMO. MAIN 2805. /^f^Z) // NIGHT SCHOOL Monday, Wednesday, Friday •^—7 From 7 to 9 o'riocK 800 SOUTH HILL \u25a0sTWItET JESSEMOORE I H. J. WOOLLACOTT, 124-126 North Spring Street M H Distributor \u25a0

MORNING, TARIFF REFORM DECLARED FORchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1905-10-07/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · ELSIE WILDBLOOD BAFFLES ALL EFFORTS OF POLICE Detectives and Doctors Remain

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Detectives and Doctors Remain Mystl.

fled by Actions and Statements ofGirl Who Says She Committed aDreadful Crime In Detroit

responsible for that scandal and thosewho engineered the cotton leak atWashington have committed feloniousaßsault on the honor and financial in-tegrity of the country.

"Nothing has ever happened In thiscountry to bo damage the standing ofAmerican financial projects abroad.The effect of the insurance exposureswillbe felt all over Europe, but thecotton scandal has caused the greatestcomment In Germany, where many-

thousands of marks have been lost incotton speculation.

"As soon as the news of the cotton

leak came to Germany Investors couldnot Bay enough to express their con-tempt for a government departmentthat allowed one branch of Itsscientificwork to be devoted to fleecing invest-ors.

"From what Iheard inHamburg andBerlin Imay say that our businessprojects willbe viewed with the great-est suspicion inEurope for a long timeto come. Ifelt at the time the foreign

investors could not be blamed. Money

Is not so plentiful in the European

countries that investors will takachances when once they become con-vinced they are playing in a gameof marked cards."

One of the city detectives went outto the Door of Hope yesterday morn-ing for the purpose of catching themysterious Elsie Wlldblood off herguard and calling out some expressionthat would shed light on her claim ofhaving committed a crime in Detroit.

Ho said to her in a matter-of-factway;"I have heard from Detroit, Miss

Wildblood,and there is nothing againstyou there." ,,

"O yes, there is; yes, there is! criedthe young woman; but not a word did

the detective gain in the way of ex-planation. The conversation seemed tostart the girl into a series of fits ofweeping, in apparent contrition.

At dinner time she seemed to havegained her self-possession again, and

was apparently ingood heaith.Another medical examination willhe

rr:ade, probably today, with a view todetermining whether she is suffering

f-om some sort of mental Illusions or

not. She is a puzzle to the doctors aswellas the detectives.


By Associated Press.BOSTON, Oct. 6.—With onlyone voice

raised in opposition the Republicansof Massachusetts in state convention!today declared for a revision of theItariff. Contrary to expectations tho;radical wing of the party, under theleadership of Eugene N. Foss of Boston,jtiki not offer a substitute for the pmnj1lln the platform relating to the tariff,Ialthough in a speech to the delegates

Mr. Foss declared that the revision ofthe tariff favored in the state platformwas not sufficiently wide in its scope.

Mr. Foss said, however, that he and hisfollowers were encouraged at the con-cession made to them and that nextyear they would expect to have the

convention accept their proposition inits entirety.

The following ticket was nominated:Governor, Curtis Guild, jr., of Boston;

lieutenant governor, Eben A. Draper,Hopedale; secretary of state, WilliamM. Olin; treasurer and receiver general,Arthur B. Chapin, Holyoke; auditor.:Henry B. Turner, Maiden; attorneyIgeneral, Daniel Maloney, Greenfield.

One of the surprises came when Gen.

William F. Draper, former ambassadorto Italy and a leading member of theHome Market club, opposed in a vigor-

ous speech the adoption of the tariffrevision plank or the platform. Gen.Draper said he would not offer anysubstitute plank for the reason thathe knew there was no chance of his orany other substitute being accepted.Gen. Draper contended that tariff re-vision would be followed by financialand commercial depression and, speak-ing as a manufacturer, he could see no

reason why there should be a revision.

President Praised ao PeacemakerThe platform presented by the com-

mittee on resolutions was adopted with-outamendment and contained, in brief,an indorsement of the administration ofPresident Roosevelt, especial mentionbeing made of hts part in bringingabout peace between Russia and Japanand of hts enforcement of the laws pre-venting corporations from oppressingthe people; a resolution for the enact-ment by congress of a tariff provisionwhich shall protect American marketsagainst discrimination and secure tothe United States the treatment accord-ed to the most favored nation Inallfor-eign markets; a resolution for the in-crease of the navy and the upbuildingof the American merchant marine andan indorsement of the administration ofFormer Governor John L. Bates.

A feature of the day's proceedingswas the address of Senator Henry Ca-bot Lodge. Senator Lodge took the plat-form In reply to Eugene N. Foss, whohad advocated the free admission ofcoal, hides and raw materials. Mr. Fossseverely scored the Massachusetts sen-ators nnd representatives in congress,charging that they wore not loyal tnthe interests of Massachusetts.

Senator Lodge in v parliamentarymanner cenr.ured Mr. Foss for his stric-tures on the Massachusetts representa-tion .'it the capital and argued that"free raw material" was but anotherterm for free trade and that their ad-mission would sound the death knellof reciprocity as well as nf protection.

quake Sufferers Pleases a

Large AudienceThe benefit concert for the earth-

quake sufferers of Italy was given atSimpson auditorium last evening to

an audience that nearly filled the spa-

cious structure. Benedict Castruccio,

Italian consular agent inthis city, who,

with the assistance of representativelocal Italians and Americans, organizedthe concert, said that the proceedswould amount to $1000 or over.

This amount will be forwarded toIhily by telegraph at once for the re-lief'of the hundred thousand homeless

people In Calabria, where 6000 peoplehave also been killed by earthquakeshocks.

The followingprogram was rendered:Address, Mayor Owen McAleer.


Star Spangled Banner." Royal Italianhymn: march, "Donatelli's ItalianBand'! (Donatelli). Donatelli's band;

Introduction of the third act "Lohen-grin" (Wagner), Frank H. Colby: aria,

"Mini!" (Puccini); Miss Rita Green;

"Valse de Concert" (Wleniawskl), MissFrances Close; recitative nnd aria, "La

Travlata" (Verdi), Miss Maude Reesebnvies; "Funeral March" (Chopin),"Pilgrim Chorus" (Verdi), "I Lom-btmii" Donatfilll's band. Intermission."Mother and Poet," E. B. Browning;

reading. Leo Cooper; "Una FurtivaLacrima" (Donnizetti). Slgnor Dom-

enlco Russo; "Concerto Op. 64" (Men-delssohn), Arnold Krau°s; "Vnrlazlo-nl" (Saint Saens-Ileethoven); Madam

lo Hensel-Klen, Julius A. Jahn;overture, "Aroldo" (Verdi). Donatelli'sband- "A Burst of Song" (Elleson),

Mrs 'Philip Zobeleln; aria, Miss Rose

Zobeleln; "Sextette from Lucia" (Don-nlzetti), Signor D. Barillotti, Caprone,Gallo, E. Barillotti, Nicodemo andClnclone.

Concert Given to Aid Italian Earth.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERSLucretla A. Pyne to C. G. Wilkinson-

Lots 10 and 11, block a, XV. C. B. Richard-son's sub »10

C. G. Wilkinson to Heman Jennings—Lots 10 and 11, block 2, XV. C. B. Rich-ardson's suhd ?10

Mary C. Hollingsworth, et al. to ArmineL. Badger— Lot 1, block 5, L. A. Imp.Co.'s sub *1«

Edward L. Holllngsworth to Armine U.Badger— Lot 4, block 6. same tract $10

James M. Yankle to T. 11. Jones— Lot 11,block A, Raabs' sub J1350

H. T. Coffin to Ruth Plumb Brewster—Part of lots 31, 32 and 33. Xl Monte Wal-nut place 119

Stewart M. Dawson to Sebastian Simon—Lot 13, block E. Sunset tract $10

Jesse N. Baker to Celia Smith—Lot 2.J. N. Baker add tract ..*lO

Moses N. Avery to Harry Kelly and A.L. Wilson—Part lot 67, McDonald tract.. Jlo

Robert Nlmmo to John C. Toy—Lot 1,block 7, South Woodlawn JW

Dorothy Clegg to L. E. Jones-Lot 4.block B, J. H. Bryan's Flgueroa streetsubd

*10I Margaret McClure Schank to KutharinsIC. Brown—Part of lots 26, H6 and part!plot 27, block B, Sunset tract .•••••*lJ'

T. G. & T. Co. to Tyler & Co.—Lot 46.West Adams and Western avenue tr..JlO

Carl Wynn to Clarence W. Dougglaßs—Lots 118, 120 und 122, Conner's sub ofJohahnsen tract W<<

Same to Samuel W. Buell and EdwardS. Raymond—Lot 203, Conner's sub ofJohannsen tract W0

Mrs. Rosa Lippold to F. W. Wood-Lot 4, John R. Taylor's Vernon avenueVilla lotß ?lt

W. H. Workman, et al. to B. McFall—Lot 20, block M, Workman Park tract. slo

Inez Leota Reynolds to Thompson Aik-on—Lot 3. Peterson's sub of lot 6, Work-man & Hellman'B sub MO

Newman Esslck to Alice Maude Deist—Lot 17. block 35, Eleotrlo Ry. Homesteadassociation .............ilt

Irvln R. Deist to W. A. Pratt-Lot 4.block 6, California Co-Op. Colony tract. Mo

Elmer Vail to Frank 0. Platt Inv. Co.—Lot 66, Wostgate tract ................... «0

Frank C. Platt Inv. Co. to Emler Vail-Lot 86, Corson tract $10

Theodore C. Pearce to Frank C. Plattand Ida Grace Platt—Portion of block V,of sub. of J. H.Painter and B. F. Ball MO

Paul A. Crinpen, et al. to P. Janes—Op-tion to purchase part of lots 5 and 8.block B, Moran tract .....M6,540

P. Janss to W. P. Jeffries— Option topurchase part lots 6and 6, block B. Morantract ..MO.OOO

Frank W. Buchanan to George R. In—galls— Lot 46. S. Palmateer's sub $10

Warren Glllelen, et al. to William Sauls-bury—Lot 10. Bouton'a sub \u0084|..1..|..|..|510

Laura E. Roessler to G. C. Ward-LotsA and B, Peter W. Muller'B sub No. 1..M0

U. T. &R. Co. to Anna Dixon—Lot 13.Gus B. Hill'sVernon avenue tract M0

Kdward O. Bctkyo and Amelia Bctkye

BOSTON, Oct. fi.—Eugene N. Fons,a leader of tho reciprocity wing of theslate Republicun party, tonight issueda statement to the press in which heseverely criticised the speech oC Sen-ator Henry Cabot Lodge at today'sRepublican state convention. In hisstatement Mr. Foss classed the speechas "a direct Insult to a majority of theRepublican voters of the state." Hedeclared that the speech of SenatorLodge would cost Curtis Guild, jr., thenominee for governor, thousands ofvotes.

Senator Lodge CriticisedBy Associated Press.

Dy Associated Presn.

WASHINGTON. Oct. 6.—As an out-come of the discovery of the Schuylklll

arsenal frauds, Secretary Taft today is-

sued a sweeping order to insure that

government supplies shall be kept up

to sample; that irresponsible bidders

shall be excluded from competition and

that honest and competent inspection

shall be made at every stage In the

process of manufacture of goods fur-

nished the government.

Will Test Government Supplies


Rosenthal arrived In the city yes-terday from San Diego, where thepolice believe he went several day?,ago when he found that they were onhis trail. Rosenthal is a Seattle man.according to identification card car-ried. When arrested the man was inthe hallway of the hotel nnd had inhla hand a bunch of keys.

Maurice Rosenthal was arrested lastevening In a South Spring street hotelon suspicion that he is one of thedaylight burglars who have been ope-rating in Los Angeles.

Police Arrest P/lan Whom They Believeto Be a Clsver Daylight



Disastrous Result of the Cotton andLife Insurance Scan.

daisSpecial to Tho Herald.

NEW YORK, Oct. 6.—

HamiltonWright Mabie, one of the editors ofOutlook, was In a sorry mood when

interviewed concerning his. trip abroad."It makes an honest American's

cheeks flush with shame to stand by,as Idid, and hear Germans or French-men of affairs sneer at 'Americanswindling,'

" said Mr. Mable."The worst of it Is that the facts are

bad enough. Why, the men in theKmiitahle Assurance society who are

It must be apparent to any persontherefore thnt the only prevention ofbaldness Is the destruction of the germ

which act Is successfully acompllshedIn one hundred per cent of cases bythe applieatlon of Newbro's Herplclde.

Dandruff Is caused by the same germwhich causes baldness nnd can be pre-vented with the same remedy


bro's Herpicide.Accept no substitute. "Destroy the

causp, you remove the effect."Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c

In stamps for sample to The HerpicideCo., Detroit, Mich.


If there is the slightest doubt in theminds of any thnt dandruff Korms doexist, their belief is completed bytho fart that n rabbit inoculated withthe germs became bald In six weeks'time.

ll.nlof Un TruthShould Convince Even the Mont Sken-

Realty Slngn Co., at lot, owner; one-storybrick building; $100.

Third street, 2511 West— J. M.Poundston,at iot, owner; R. N. Lamberth Co.,builder; one-story, six-room frame resi-dence; $2000.

Thirty-fifth street, between McCltntockand Hough— A. H.Erode, 901 AVest Thirty-fifth, owner; F. A. Brode, builder; one-story frame residence; $1800.

Twenty-eighth street, 737 AVest-S. E.Newlen, at lot, owner; Ross Bros., build-ers; addition to two-story frame resi-dence; $842.

Thirty-second street, 743 East— M. A.Bills, at lot, owner and builder; one-storyframe barn; $30.

Twenty-seventh street, 1626 East— EllaG. Magoon, 1654 East Fortieth, owner andbuilder; one-story frame residence; $700.

Thirty-seventh street, 476 East— Frank,906 San Pedro, owner; F. Gulser,builder; one-story frame residence; $1200.

Utah street, 659-689% South— T. Maseeda,323 Temple, owner; K. Takenaka, builder;two-story frame building; $1000.

Viscaino street, 220—P. B,Dougherty, atlot, owner; one-story frame residence;

AVestlake avenue, 1311 South— R. Nash,owner and builder;' two-story, nlue-roomframe ..residence ; $2800|

3, Bellevue Ave. tract •^.•••',371 'Lucia F. Johnson to Walter O. Clark-

Lot9, Clara Qllmor« tract $650John C. Bailey to Mnry J. Bailey—Part

lots 6 7 8 and 9. block A, AMerson &Sons' West Jeqarson Street tract $10

Oarrett Albert Barron to Mary .T. Bailey—Part lot in, block A, same tract


Charles W. Lash to Godfreld Melln—Lots 34 and 3C, block 2, Central Park Fronttract $10

Samuel W. Little to Charles R. Plckett-Lot 24 block 13 Brooklyn Heights Ganahltract $400

T. G. & T. Co. to Forest W. Tavlor-Lot I) block 1 Winton & McLeod's Flgue-roa street tract $10

Minnie C. MUtlmore to Edwin H. Flan-ders and C. A. Flanders-Lot 8 Miltlmoretract $10

Clarence P. Hartjo and Sarah M. Hartjeto George Wallace Walker— 11 block lBrooklyn Height* Uanahl tract $10

T. 1 & T. Co. to George w. Yarrow-Lots 10 and 11 block I> Huntington Parkannex $Ub3

Golden Gate Syndicate to AugustaWeber-Lot 10 block 3 Shaw tract Daman& Mlllards sub *>

James Campbell to John N. Hlght—Lol com at N W comer of lands con-veyed by sheriff of Los Angeles coun;yfind recorded In 74-03] de^ds th N S9 degBl inin E 12.50 ch th S >i deg B B.78 chsetc '\u25a0-"\u25a0

Long Beach Home L.* W. Co, to

WilliamH. Butters and B. II.Paul— PartRo I.mm Cerrltoa S10 1. Jane L. K.Dorsey to J. Frank BoWetlReceipt on purchase of part l.lucks A, B, |C and |iilorsey trnct $'iO0i

Minnie Slertd to Warner A. Sledd— Parl Ilot i block 1 Old Clapp Or tract.. ..$100 1

Charli L. Fouler to Miss Nelll Pal-mer—Lot 'iZ bloch li Brooklyn Helghti

nahl tract $10Stephen A. Johnson to William S. John

son—Lot a block i Wright's aub of Slatersc.f Charity tract $10

r>. K. Cashln to Clarh H. Bates Lol12 block A and lol 20 block F DaytonHeights tract »0

W c. Hunt tn M. P, nth< rod! I. .110 block 8 Manhattan Beach U0

ChrlBtlan Bpi .lit to Fred A. Mansfield—

Afimt to conv lol 14 Bpechts' tract..Maria S. Whlttier to i:. F, Fnllnr—

Lol 31 block 2 Howes tract S9'WH. H. Mayberry ond Htrlce D. May-

herry to Eugene C. Haskell and Eva .1.HasUell— Lots 19, 20 and 21 block 2 Btore-m:m tract $10

B. C. Naskell to H. H. Mnyherry—Lots12 and 13 block 2 Stoneman tract. ...$10!

Union Trust Co. of L. A. to Mary Me- '\u25a0Lcnimn— Lot 5. Robert Marsh & Co.'HCountry Club Terrace tract $1"

J. D, NfiKh to P. A. E. Wilson—Portionof lot 3, bloi T>. H. B $10

James G. Scarborough: trustee, to A. J.:Forbn?— Lots 15 sir.d Hi, block K>, Fnsadpna

Villa tract , $50:Idn Wileox Bn.verld<te to J. Clark Farns-

worth—Part of lot 2. and all lot 3 and|par! lot I. block 4. Hollywood $10i lOmniii I.. Stevens to <;. F. Voster— Lot

\u25a0 •Ift. block 3. Kadeau Parh Villa tract..$10(lA. iv VV. nhnm to Pruclla B. Harden-

jberg Lota 10 and II, block 5, Nadeau ParKVilla trad $10

Mary Heaney to Sidney \V. Kelsey— Lotl11 and part lol 15, east portion of Jeffriestrad $800

Biachen >Si Minor Co. to J. T. Walker-Lot 20, Peck's subdivision of block 28, HanPf.!ro $10

c. L. lleartwell to Cora E. Ewing—Lot26, block 53, Long Beach S10

Cade) Yribarne to E. Tlsnerat—Lots 16,17 18 19 20, Tisnerat's tract $10

C, M. Allen tn Grace P. Warren— PartBectlen 17. 1, S. R. Hi \V...\ 113.500

I Grace P. Warden to J. O. PrenticeiSame as above $io; Forrest W. Taylor to Willie P. Bentley

—Lot 36, Calkins' Figucron street tr..$10Charles VV. ('rail to Alice S. Danforth—

Part lot 11, Johnson & Keeney Co.'ssub $101i ri.imu.l .Sullivan to Frida T. Thomas-Lot t!. bloch 1, Robinson tract $10i

Edith Hammond to Will M. Douil—Lot43, block I. Crescent Bay tract $10

Francis S. Hutchlns to Anna D. Vanc<—

Lot 13. Hutchtns tract $9f>0E. W. Gunther and Hattle Pittlnger to

Eva May Bowen—Lots 11 and 12, Moore &Wilson's subdivision of block 18, Rude-clnda tract $10

Francis A. Snnborn to MaryE. Basker-ville—Lot 11. block D, and part lot 10,block 1), of Miinz.-iiiltHHeights tract ..$10

William A. Johnstone and Alice BestJohnstone to It. I. Martin—Lot 49B. SnnDimas $10

Caroline R. Mitchell, administratrix ofestate of Caroline D. Mitchell, deceased,to William Peek— Part section 29 in pnr-tition map of Redondo Land Co $8000illlzabeth Hollenbeck, Frank R. Strong,

George W. Dickinson and Annie T. Beeaehto Joseph Sresovlch— Lot 33. block G,Strong & Dickinson's Salt I^ako R. R.tract $10

II. W. Gnrham to California & NevadaLnnd Improvement. Co.—Part of Ro SanVicente y Santa Monica 510J. H. McLeod to Laurestine U. Do Bolt

—Lot 37, Calkins Figneroa St. tract ..$10Sophia A. Wheeler to Gottfried JohnsonLol 20, Clay's subdivision of block in.

San Pedro ,. $10Amndifi B. de Gaffey to same -Parl lot

29, Clay's BubdivlBion of block 20, SanPedro "'i

Franklin S. Whaley to Mnry WhaleyMnson Part lot n. R. 2, Temple & Gibsontrnct Gift

John R. Taylor to Tim Hartnetl amiPUen Hnrtnett— Lot IB, John R. Taylor'sVornon Avenue Villa lots $1050

! Lo-.iis Her.rl .'iailliirilto Habino P. Down-Ins—Lot "'i. Pecks subdivision of block48. San Pedro $10; State Bank of San Pedro to Henry C.Downing -Lot 7 and parl lot S, Peck'sFiuhdlvli of north \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 of block 4". SnnPedro ••••_"••.•


BUILDING PERMITS1 Superintendent Backus yesterday issued.' building permits as follows:, Alpine street. 419— Cannsln Spirltosanta.

Sll Ciisteliir, owner; William Knickrehni,: builder; move one-story frame residence,'

$200., A!U>y between Fifth and Sixth anil'Spring and Main streets— F. J. Thomaa,,710 Fay building, owner; J. Klstnsr,.builder, one-story brick building; $5.",0.

1 j Alleeandro street, 1703— T. H. Wilson,;.Uiitf North Alvarado. owner and builder;

one-story frame residence; $l."v.Brighton street, 301C— W. F. Hlnkley,

! 1275 West Thirty-eighth, owner; W. C.\u25a0 Holywell, builder; one-story, five-room| framn residence; $1540.1 Belmont avenue. 103 North—George Gib-

\u25a0 son. 313 North Main, owner; M. W. Topln,1 builder; addition to one-story frame resl-•

donee; IflCO.! Bridge street. 1523-F. J. Young, h59'Summit, owner; one-story frame resl-;Idence; $."00.'i Bryan street, 2702-M. W. Stephens.'owner; F. K. Phillips, builder; two-story.'\u25a0! t'lght-room frame residence; $3715.

D^vey avenue, 1101— A. G. Scucidcr, lkO'. Dewey, owner and builder; raise one-

story building; $2.">.Dewey avenue, 1325— Mrs. T. Hart, at lot.

owner; H. L. Bernard, builder; founda-!linn to one-story frame residence; $7.>.| Eagle street. 3!S(!—Rosa Langston, 3103, Emmett, owner; P. J.Langston. build-

er; one and one-half-story, seven-roomframe residence; $1300.

', Evergreen avenue, SlO North—L. I!.Myers, at lot, owner; P. H. Tuttle, bulld-

) or; one-story, five-room frame residence;

I Fifty-first slreet, CSS East— H. W. Happ-. morster, U7") East Fifty-fourth, owner;'i C. Thompson, builder; one-story, five-

room frame residence; $1200., Fortieth street, 1;)24 West— F. J. Bentler,

j owner and builder; one-story, five-roomframe residence; $HOO.

\u25a0 Forty-second street, 260 West— E. B.IClay, 243 East Thirty-third, owner; C. H.; Flosg, builder;one-story frame residence;i$1500.j Forty-sixth street, SS9 West— L. E.r Whitehead, 839 East Twentieth, owner;'

Pennlngton & Jewell, builders; one and' one-half story, six-room frame residence;) $1200.

Hill street, 632 South-M. Castrucio. 235) North Spring, owner; move and alter one-. story frame residence; $300.i Juliet street, 2311— J. A. Lewis, 1006 Braly,j owner; XV. H. Jones, builder; two-story,! seven-room frame residence; $2700.") Kane street. 1752— Tina Brooking, 114. South Flgueroa, owner; A. C. McCandleßs,• builder; one-story, live-room frame rosl-) dence; $1250.I Lake Shore avenue, 300 North—MaryariLovejoy, at lot, owner; AY. M. Dodson,) builder; one-story frame store building;

Mission road, 6S9— J. J. Baker, at lot,

) owner and builder; addition to framet building; $50. .) Romeo street, . 2306— E11a M. Hammond,t Twenty-third and Romeo, owner; R. N.) Lamberth Co., builder; one and one-half-1 story, six-room frame residence; $2000.I Rich street, 1411-C. W. Price, 223 Hunt-) ington building, owner; O. L. Seelyn &• Son, builder; addition to two-story frame


St:-- Louis street, 315 North—Ella M.> Spencer, 1408 Vermont, owner; W. H. Glb-r son, builder; one-story, six-room frame- '^Seneca 'avenue. 353— Cribb & Slnclnlr,) 30ti Wllcox, owner and builder; one-story,• six-room frame residence; $1800.; Spring street, 715 South—Los Angelea

to Chelsea I. Wlkoff—Lot 138, Centralavenue Home tract $525

Claude R. Nlckcrson to J. F. Thompson—Villa lots 6. 7, 8, 9, Burbank $1

Grace D. Thompson to Emtl Klrchner— •

Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, Villa lots, Burbank $10Louise Clawson to Charles O. Nourso—

Lots 22, 23. 24. Clawson Villa tract $10Walter Holse to B. L. Qulnn—Lot 22,

Westmont $1576M. F. ODea to L.ma C. Brown and

Lottie M. Bechaud— Lot 135, Wiesendan-ger's South End tract $1

Mabel Carpenter to C. G. Warner—LotH3, 4 and 5, Session's add No. 2 $10

C. G. Warner to Mabel Carpenter— Lot16, block 23, Whittier $10

A. R. Maines to T. I. & T. Co.—Lot 65of sub of west portion of Lick tract.... slo

H.H. Cotton to N. N. Wall-Portion oflot 18, Park Villa tract $10

L. H. Turner to Robert L. Reynolds-Lot 15, Ellis avenue tract $10

T. I, AT. Co. to Charles D. White—Lot 39, block B, Bowen He Chamberlin'sMain and Flgueroa street tract $10

T. I. &T. Co. to W. A. Polklnghorn-Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, block B, same tract $10

Paul Hutchlnson and Alice E. Hutchln-son to George Fraser— Lot 28, Altadenamap No. 3 $10

George Fraser to Emma J. Tarleton—Lot 28, same tract $10

Mary J. Duvall to G. C. Ward— Lots 00and 61, Central avenue Home tract $10

George Wrlde and Emma 8. YVrldfi toDaniel Ehrnbeck— Lot 115, Mettlcr tr..slo

Willowbrook Co. to John Fuirley, jr.—Lot 15, Willowbrook miJacob Birnbaum to F. O. Johnson— Lot92, Josefa subdivision of fells Yin tr J.lO

J. .1. Beokner to Frank W. Pholps— Partlot 31, Mills & Wicks subdivision of sec-lions 8 and 9 3 S 14 W $10

Frank W. Phelps to Alton F. Powers-Same property as nbove $10

Union Trust & Title. Co. to United In-vestment Co.—Lot commencing at south-west corner of b04.19 acres allotted to .1.G. Downey by decree in partition in capoNo. 939, superior court; thence along westline of said J. f>. Downey MM.W-acn- tract;

10 chains to south line of land convoyed toJohn Murphy, etc $10

Kctibcn Ronsler and Klchard Duvall toG. C. Ward— Lot 171, WJcsendaiißer'*South End tract $10

Mary J. Duvall to sumo—Lois 1 and 2.South Pak Aye. Homo tract £10

T. I,& T. Co, to same— Lot 6, block A.Centrai Park tract $10

Wnlter Hose, to mime— Lot 7, block A.Central Park tract $10

William B. Fraekleton to same— Part lotE2, Central Aye. Home tract *10

i^manuol Lewis ir.V. Co. to M. J, Me-Mahun—Lots 3135 51 to 03 Inclusive. Lewis'Flgueroa St. tract 5«250

Mrs. Jennie Augusta Milthlan ''t al toJohn Wollenshlager— Lot •», block B,Shafor it I.nnterman subdivision of Mon-tague tract #1"

John W. Hoff to Alton F. Powers— Partlot 31, ilil':s & Whksi srbilivUion of fac-tions 8 and 9, 3 S 11 W $10

11. T. & It. Co. to Tom Brown—Lot bi.Strong & Dickinson's Jt-ipic Aye. tract $10

Tom Hrown to Rudolph Lehman— Lot 82,Strong & Dic:klin<on'n Maple Aye. tract $10

IT. T. <fe R. Co. to Mary J, Duvall—Rp-

comversion nf trust propertyO. Sa'anman to Rudolph Lehman— Lot

52, Strong ti. Dickinson's Maple Aye.


Helen Maud Voigt to K. Jane Spencp—Lnl 12. block 5. Golden Hay tract $10

Iraae. Tlmmona to Alton F. Powers-Lots 27 and 2S, Mills& Wicks subdivisionof itctiop.s Sum! 9. 3 S 11 W $10

Albert Fletcher Russell to John G. Lnil-ricic—Lot 2. block 9 West Adams Hts $10

Mary M.Jane Frontrers to Abbie Cripiia—Lot 12, block B, Central Beach tract ..»!()

Lias ilansen to John K. Wilson—Lot18 block B Beck tract 510

Luelmln A. Sullivan to Nellie Hill-Lot 17 Kays' tract ••$•''"•;

B. Lombard, jr.. to Abble TrendwellHull—Lat 4 and part lot 6 Lombard ssub *1U

Margaret A. Woddruff »o Leonora Ball—Lot 18 block 4 Electric Railway home-stead association tract $10II B. Zeigler admr of estate of William

H. Atkinson deed to Milton B. Irvine-Lots 2and 4. block 20, Long 8each.... 53000

Gam M. Falrdeld to Francis W. Har-mon and Kmlly P. Harmon— Part block19.i Maclay Ro Ex Mission of San Fer-nando •••*">

J. A. Mnjonnlcr to Joseph Hughes-Receipt on contract of sale of lot 123Boettcher tract $300

V. T. & R. Co. to Charles Mettlcr—Lot141 Mettler tract M<l

Arthur Veltch to Adam Leithead— Lot 23block IB West Arlington Heights tract. slo

Joseph F. Glass to Anna B. Spark^Partlot 2:> Hollywood Vista tract $1C

Dai'id Lewis Burke et ul to LelandPreslou Black and Ida Mac Black—Ln(£

7.> and 16 Burke Bros. Flgueroa streettract *•'

A. H. Broeltump to Chris A. Jensen-Lots 12. 13 and 14 block A Thill Weber &Broekcamp tract 51'

James B. Drumm to T. J. Dunkln antlAda Dunkle—Agrnt. to cony part of lots ',

and 8 block 83 Pomona SIOSO1 Redonr.o Improvement Co. to D. \V.• Burns—Lot 22 block 123 R«domlo (10i L. A. Sclilnnorer to A. Mojonnler—Part iilot 3 block « Lone Beach $I'M

A. Mojimnler to G. L. Juonoil— Part lot• 3 block 8 Long Beach *1Q

Anna P. Sherman to Mrs. Ellz:i Kplso—\u25a0 Part lots 1 find 2 Marlis & Foils kii!>of\u25a0 hlook It E L A $IVJ'Ii T. I. & T. f'o. to Thnnins McLaughlln—

\u25a0 Lot B7 South Park Avonno Homo• tract MOF. \V. Steams to Trusttn P, Dyer—Lot]'

33 Mercantile tract Sl'lI Charles YV. Lash to i.P. WhttehoiiE(

—iLots 87 and RS Home Acrrs tract No.[ 2 <> H™

M. R. Loprz to Emilia Asevios— Lot 40,1; block 35, San Fernando $10 j

Helen Lukens Jonos to \V. C. Bernard—•Lot 7, Monte Alorada tract ?30f>

Josephine M. Orton nnd P. A. Orion toThomas O. Sanderson— Portion of lots J,

X and L.block 131. Santa Monica fluThe McCarthy Co. to J. I. Clements-

Lots 5 and li, block D, City Boundary\u25a0 tract 51: John Miller to Q. V. Smith-Lots 13, 21,

22, 23, 24, Block IS. Cook &Millers' nub $10: Lewis Ciwynn to Thomas Blakwell—Lot"

13. block A, Sherman tract 510F.mma M. Krikson to Archibald Mclii-l

; tosh-Lot 5, Wostgate *10:1 Archibald Mclntosh to Olof F. Krikson—;: Lot 6. Micheners & Curtis sub $10! DavlrlR. Bell to Mrs. Rose ISell—Lot 18, |1 Fourth street tracl , ?1U

Lizzie Beers to O. E. Slcaggs— Lot !><\u25a0-'ing In El Monte described as follows:Fronting lsO feet on Mission road oppo-site school house and extending back Jf,ofeet *1«

W. L. Wright ct al. to Frederick C.. Thomns— Part lot 11. block 81, Pomona.. slo) 11. A. Wallace, Frank P. Plrey to Jo-- seph Wolf and Marie V. Hughes— Lota 1,. 2 5, C, block X, Orescent Heights traclfi)') M.J. Shaul to Klchard Ilietins—Lot 28,1> Fourth street tract liiia)

C. J. Walker to Rtchard Iligglns—Lot) 17, Enstside tract $H'

Linda Ballou und Nora Stevenson to A.) G. Williamson—Lot 2, block 7, Rudeclnda, tract , $10)' Abby Frink Blckel et al. to George X-

Frink—Lots 23. 21, 25, block 150. O. F. (Jiffer. sub ofPomona; lots 1, 2, 3, 20, 21, 22.) block 150. same subd $1175i U. V. V. Brand to W. J. Wilton—Lots 1J and 2, block 2, G. V. S. Brand's sub $150

Peter Werner to 11. L. Yon dor Kuhlcnj —Part interest in lot 12, sub of block W&.

O. S 510j E. B. Pierce to Paran P. Rice—Lot I,

block M, Nadcau Orange tract $10) Guaranty Realty Co. to Emily C. Ken-

dall—Lot 12, block 3, Walgrove tract $10t Same to Emily C. Kendall— Lot 4, block3 8, same tract $10} K. W. Sprague to Mrs. C. M. Beach—t Lots 13 and 14, Harbor View sub of block\u25a0j 62, San Pedro $10

A. W. Ryan to W. H. Ryan—Agreementj to convey lot commencing at southeast-

corner of tract of land conveyed to ElizaC Johnson by deed 52-192; thence north 57l, degrees 5 minutes; west 39.80 chains, to1 San Gabriel river; thence S\V etc ....JS2SSf D. B. Smith toEdward H. Jackson— Lot0 8, block B, Stanwood & Nash's subdl--

vision of Farm lot 182, American Colonytract 510

k Same to W. L.Cuthbert—Lot 6, block B,-same subdivision $10

0 T. G. & T. Co. to Albert B. Holson—- Lots 1 to 36 inclusive, A. H.Carey's West-Twenty-ninth Street tract $10

0 John Burns to Harry F. Brainerd—Lot-3. block 11, Park tract $10

j Missouri H. Apple to A. B. Shoemake—li Lot 92, Clark &Bryan's Lone Star tract:, part lot 91, same tract ................... .sl90 B A. Forrester et al to Gertrude Boyd-

—Part lots 17 and 15, block G, Nadeau0 Orange tract •• •••$10

Ethel Burgess to Gertrude Boyd—Part0 lots 17 and 16, block G, Nadeau Oranget tract $LQ

Clara C. Carter toLillian J. Lewis—Lot0 67, Montrose tract $300

Mrs. L. E. Bacon to F. M. Wilbur—Loti. IS, block E, KnollPark tract ............M00 Joseph S. Howolland Mattle J. Howoll1 to Curtis C. Meader— Lots 13 and 14, blocki7. Townsend & Robinson tract $100 Curtis C. Meader to Martin K. Hart--

man—Lots 13 and 14, block 7, Townsend &0 Robinson's tract \u25a0 -.$lO

E L. Wingnrd to M.Pike and Josephine0 E. Pike-Lots 27 and 28, block SO. Long

0 Bank otHoilywopil'toVilißN'Mutpnay-.:, Lot 17, block 1, Hillcrest Terrace tract ?100 Rannells Land Co. to Leroy H. Hol-9 brook—Agreement to convey lot 17, bloclt




Radical Wing Unexpectedly Accepts

Plank Calling for Changes, but It

Is Vigorously Opposed by




Act. Illinois Central R. R.. 238 S. Spring.If you wiint to ko ennt, C. Hnydock,

fWjMbjjr The largest niinfnrx* Col-WmMj Ictce In Los Angeles. Twelve i

instructors. Largest school ;_," buildings and grounds.Beautiful surroundings. Preparatorydepartment under special teachers JustAdded. Investigate.

083-5-7 Went Seventh Street.P. nnoAVNsnrcnrjrcn. president.

*T*fi^-__r**^*_>̂\rv^osANOEt£?^FALIi TERM OPKNS SEPT. 11.

Class and private Instruction In everydepartment of music and language bybest teachers. The value and Importanceto children of our kindergarten workshould be known to every parent. Phys-ical culture by foremost teacher. Forcatalogue, terms, eto., apply to Conserv-atory, 232 S. Hillst. LOUISEVANS. Mgr.



The College of Fine Arts^U. S. C. Is at GarvanzaPainting, Designing. Illustrating,

Pottery, Etc.W. _-. JUDSOK, Director. I

Aak your banker nbout It. Cnll nndInvestigate. 212 I\>»t Third Street.


ASSAYING NIGHT~SCHOOL-NOW~7nsession. WADE & WADE. 318 EastFirst st.

twm ~m ijiTa^iuolJTSOTOwKfWJaj AXGEI.US VISTA.EjiWWJijalJal^aSSSr East front, ten-BjJiSlJM!ji!_3wHy room, colonial

T_3^finTH[<R«F stylo residence,southwest.on high

'\u25a0\u25a0?""• m ground, built bythe day and no j

pains spared to make itan ideal home;corner lot, 70x178; can be made 170x17S )by adding in tho two ndjoinlns lots;good opportunity, and worth far more Imoney; owner obliged to sell.EDWIN AI.DF.HSO.V, 20l>I.niiglillnIllila.


Business Property







A SNAP.Located where there willbe big things

doing. This corner will advance to ahigh figure within3 days; get In on the

ground floor. Fine store property, 70s.0; pries (6500.

C. J. HEYLER CO.,Bole agents. 810-12 Bryson Blk.

Country Property v__________AL-TADBNA!

ALTADENA!If you want a small ranch or a

suburban home or a handsome build-inpr site, buy a place at Altadena, thefoothill section of Pasadena. Alta-dena prices are remarkably low com-pared with other localities and pre-sent a splendid opportunity for in-vestment. L. M. PRATT, 608 Laugh-lin Bldg. Altadena property a spe-cialty;

FOR SALE—ORANGE GROVES, ALLkinds, allprices, in allsections. NowIs the time to buy, before owners re-serve the crop. Ihave some genuinebargains which show a splendid In-come and willget better every year.Iam "Headquarters for OrangeGroves" and can give you valuableadvice on the subject. L.-M.PRATT,608 Laughlin Bldg. Member L. A.Realty Board.


Lots to Suit,1150 and up.

Water piped to each Ipt; easy terms;desirable location. Call for maps andprice lists.

THE REALTY TRUST CO.,129 South Broadway.

'A GREAT SNAPSTwenty-five acres, about twelve

miles from Los Angeles; eighteenacres In lull-bearing vineyard, bal-ance apricots and prunes; goodtwelve-inch well. Price only $3500,terms, for a few days.

COOPER .ft I'UDDEnACK,31S South Broadway, Room 237.

FOR SALE-U ACRES. S ACRES INjValencia oranges, 8 In soft shell wal-1nuts; all in bearing; house and barn;will net $1200 this year. Price $700^ peracre. A. H. GREGG & CO., 715-716 Bry-son block. Home 6421.

FOR SALE—By SMITH & ASTON—Fine alfalfa land, close to Santa Ana,10 acres, $3500; $1000 cash, balance termsto suit purchaser.SMITH a ASTON. 226 Laughlin bldg.

FOR SALE-ALL KINDS OF STOCKranches, large and small, with orwithout stock.

COOPER &CUDDEBACK,Room 237. 218 South Broadway. '

•. * Miscellaneous





3000 (off color), colonial pine. Willsell from $1 to $1.40. These are asnap. 2000 Oregon pine doors. $1.50.5000 flno redwood doors, $1 to $1.40Also a lot of windows very cheap. INATIONALLUMBER COMPANY,. Twentieth and Alameda Streets.


Contagious Blood Poison more thot»oughly poisons the blood than any othetdisease. Every part of the body is af-fected -when the virusbecomes intrenchedin the circulation; red eruptions breakout on the skin, the mouth and throatulcerate, glands in the neck and groinsswell, the hair falls out, copper-coloredsplotches appear on the body, etc.

Iwas afflicted, withblood poison, andthe best doctors didme no Brood, thouffbItook their treatment faithfully. InfactIseemed to get worse allthe while.Itook almost every so-called bloodrem-edy, but they didnot seem to reach thedisease, and had no effect whatever. Iwas disheartened, for itseemed that Iwould never be cured. At the advioe ola friendIthen took S. S. S. and began toimprove. Icontinued the medicine, and


So highly contagious is this diseasethat many a life has been ruined by afriendly hand shake or from using thetoilet articles of one affected with thepoison. Tocure this hideous and hate-ful disease a constitutional remedy is re-quired. S. S. S. goes down to the veryroot of the trouble and forces out everyparticle of the virus from the blood andcures the disease permanently. S. S. S.is purely vegetable and drives out the

trouble, rootand

S^S_& iffflfiSfcl branch, and noBjl""^ «£~^H sijjns of it areNa^jk ever seen again.

l_*"*_r fejwaf Those whohave~l^B^ been cured by

PURELY VEGETABLE. S. S. S. can feelassured that

none of the poison is leftin the blood totransmit to innocent offspring. The en-tire body isbuilt up and the blood madepure, rich and healthy by this great rem-edy. Book with instructions for hometreatment and any medical advice desiredwillbe given free of charge.




FOR SALE-FURNISHINGS AT COST!Wo aro going to move. Door panels30c, ruffled edge. Swiss curtains 40cpair, couch, covers $1.10, portieres JI.HO,

I $3.00 Smyrna rugs $1.25, rockers $1.35.stands U.lO, box couches $2.50, G-foot ex-tension tables $5.00, (H-pleco dinner sets$4.60, sat knives and forks 75c set, U-PII-co toilet sets $1.75, 2 burner gas plato$1.10. See big display In Times forrenxoval sale prices. .7. M. OVKUELiL,1552 and liTi-1 S. Main st.

FOR SALE—LET US FIGURE YOURmill work. Wo havu the largeststock of dry lumber in the city,and

I Cine new mill to work It with. Pricesthe lowest and work the best.

NATIONAL LUMBER COMPANY.Twentieth and Alameda Streets.Branch Ninth and Maple avenue.

KOK SALE-NEW AND SKCOKD-H.VNnbllliaid and pool tables. Bar llxtures o(all kinds; easy payments. Send for cat-alogue. THK HRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDEU CO.. UU'O S. Hroadwav.Los Angeles

FOR SALE—LATH!LATH!LATH! WEaro overstocked with them nnd areselling; fitcost. SSeo us for price.NATIONAL LUMBER COMPANY,

Twentieth_and Alameda Streets._


Real Estate____________~_ .

$050 equity in a Pasadena lot; has twofrontages. Both streets have sewer andare graded, sidnwalked and curbed.

Sl3tis "gully In 7 lots South Hollywood(Colcgrovo).

Either or both of above properties fora clear ranch or lor equity In a cottugo.

WE N. HOLWAV.211 Grant Bid*

Home 1939. Main 4370.'

BEN WHITEWill Exchange

your property; Immense bargains; ap-ply at once. Satisfaction and quick re-sults. Member Realty Board. 304-5 LSRY-KON BLOCK, 2d and Spring sts.

MAXON WILL EXCHANGE YOURproperty, any location. Large list toselect from. MAXON REALTY CO.,U4-UK Stlmson Wdg.


I terlals, etc. U. S. Indian School, Yumu.,Ariz., October 1, WO5. Sealed proposals

'indorsed "Proposals for Building Ma-. terials, etc.," and addressed to tho under-Isigned at Yuma, Arizona, willbe receivedat tho Fort Yuma school until 2 o'clockp. m. of October 31, 1805, for furnishingand delivering, as required during thefiscal year ending June 30, ]90(j, about«7,757 feet of lumber, 97,600 shingles, tidoors and windows, 10,000 lath, 2000 brick,29 barrels cement, 1300 pounds Iron, 23U0pounds nails, 3500 square feet corrugatedIron, 1 filler, capacity 20,000 gallons, 1tank, capacity 20,000 gallons, etc., etc., a

Ifulllist and specifications being obtainableat the school. Bidders willslate in their!bids the proposed price of each articlo toIbo offered under contract. All articles• so offered willbe subject to rigid inspee-ition. The right is reserved In reject anyand all bids, or any part of any bid, ifdeemed for the best Interests of the ser-vice. Each bid must be accompanied bya certified check or draft upon sonioUnited States depository or solvent na-tional bank, made payable to the orderof the Commissioner of Indian^Affairs, forat least five per cent of tho amount ofthe proposals, which check or draft willbe forfeited to tho United States in caseany bidder or bidders receiving an award.shall fnllto execute promptly a catlsfac-tory contract in accordance with his bid;otherwise to be returned to tho bidder.Bids accompanied by caah in lieu of certi-fied check will not be considered. Forfurther information apply to JOHN S.SPEAR, Superintendent.


SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE-celved at office of Treasurer Pacific

Branch. N. 11. D. V. S., Soldiers' Home.Los Angeles County, Cal., until12 o'clockM.,October 11. 1905, and then opened, forinstalling conduit, steam and hot waterlines, etc., for additional- Barrack, in ac-cordance with instructions, plans andspecifications, copies of which, withblankproposals and other Information, may bohad upon application to T. J. Cochrann,Treasurer.

No Question About it

"WIELAND'S"Is the BEST BEER-The Favorite Brewof the Great West.

Gcrmania Malt Tonic a Specialty


Adloff & HauerwaasSOLE AGENTS

Depot and Bottling WorksJl2-118 Central Aye.


Pennyroyal pillsa -<rc*v Ori«lq«land OnlyS.»li&

t" 4( &$_ '" CIIIOIIKSTEK'S ENGLISHA'IU'WCSv >° UKl> »n.l Gold BtOllliboiti. i»l«l*£v -—~Xir«

"lih\u25a0>'" ribbon. T«ko \u25a0* other. Keftll.


tfftluna. Kojof jourUngjUt..r Mod4«. In1 C Jf nu•\u25a0 lor PartiemUra, Tentl—.nlaUl« Bf ud '•Relief forLadlea." *»l«IMr,byro.V P lara Mall.10.000 T««llmonLli.Sold b>

ii '/ oilDruigUU 4'klehc.ter ('hrmloal(10~

Kallnl.l<»•;«. Madliam B«aara, I'IIILA..I>_.

The Store That Save* You Money

...Factory Shoe Sale...NOW GOING ON

Mammoth Shoe House510 South Broadway

$50.00 GASHThe remaining lots in tho Erken-brecker Syndicate Santa MonicaTract willbe sold at $50 cash, bal-ance In small monthly payments.Call for particulars.

TIIOS. J. HAMPTON CO.,110 South llronavrny.



Ucmdauurton An at

MOODY(8_ CO.SU-Itt Mjuon Op«» llou.o.

W» otttt twrcfclni tn all sood mlnlnt\u25a0took*.

private Ambulance*ambulance service, we have aecured th«

most convenient and up-to-date vehlolimanufactured. Personal attention. Promptresponse to calls day or night, 'Phone 6*ORB &MINES COMPANY,



Pure Wines. Whiskiesand Liquors for Use

During your summer outingand you will never purchaseanywhere else.

The price is regulated bythe age and quality; satisfac-tion inboth guaranteed.

oMail orders given prompt

and careful attention.

Both Phones Main 38129 • 131 North Main Street


« 1 if\—>^mn.lwm.*£ "The Success ofthe Student"School Opening =============

Every day this week an active enrollment day at the "GREATER WOODBURY."The largest September enrollment in Its history. ALLSCHOOLS ARE NOT ALIKE-WIK WOODBURT IS DIFFERENT. It not only TEACHES but INSPIRES-Klves every student an impetus that commands position and prestige. It pay* toSet into tha Woodbury "suoce«s current." BEGIN NOW-If ready.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday •^—7From 7 to 9 o'riocK 800 SOUTH HILL\u25a0sTWItET


I H. J. WOOLLACOTT, 124-126 North Spring Street MH Distributor \u25a0