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A graphic novel im working on

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Earth, is adorn with mountains, river, trees , animals and a

creation called man. This creation have sparse all over the

Earth. But a dark age has fall on the land and men became

divided . They greed to acquire power , land and wealth

have corrupted them. Pulling the string for men division are

the Fallen who proclaim that they are god and have become

entangle with men. The purpose of the Fallen or how they

got in Earth are yet to be known…

In the Desert region of the land , Caleb a small tribe leader

found himself hopeless to defend his tribe against the

Southern tribe.

Yes Simon

I know. It



there’s no

hope. Father the tribes of the

South are killing other

tribes and we are one of

the few left…

We might have

to run before

they get here.

Maybe we will

find others that

can help us.

The South

tribes kills those

who do not

obey their god .

Gather our

people and

prepare to

abandon the


I will father , but I

think we should

stay and fight.

Back in the village.