Mi VERNON SIGNAL I MT VERNON KY Mar 29 190 7 I 79 Cull up No 79 when you want to Communi- cate with SIGNAL 79 LOUISVILLE 3 NASHVILLE R R Co TIME TABLE 22E north 124 pm 24 north 340 a m 23 south 124 p rr 21 South 1220 a m TAS LANDRUM Agent Phone No 58 Entered at the Mt Vernon Ky Postoffice as secondclass mail matt- erPEItS011AL Ike Snodgrass is here for a few daysMrs Martha Lewis continues very sick Rev R B Mahoney was here this week Atty Elmer Evans of London was here yesterday- E Bullock the harness and bug ¬ gy man is in Louisville this week Lai weekw W M Bnllock is in Louisville buying goods for his Hansford storeAgent J A Landrum is able to resume his duties in the L N officeReasonably good sized crowds have been in attendance at court most all the week Elza Lan ford says he expects to leave forthe West at an early date to make his future home Hon B J Bethurum is acting Commonwealths Attorney J N Sharpnot being present Oscar Walfen of Somerset was here Sunday calling on one of Mt Vernonssociety bells Miss Frances Sparks is at home from the Conservatory of Music Cincinnati for a few days Capt M F Smith spent Satur ¬ day until Monday with his daub ¬ ter Miss Elizabeth at Loretto Mrs W J Sparks and daughter were in Louisville yesterday Mr Sparks was in St Louis Satur ¬ dayJames 1 White vas here Mon- day ¬ and Tuesday Mr White is in the real estate and insurance business Misses Ila Proctor aud Ann Brannaman were over from Wildie yesterday shopping and having dental work done Judge Alcorn Hon F F Bob bilt W McC Johnson and E V Puryear of Danville are the visit ing attorneys this week- J H Gallagher T P A of the Henderson Route was here yester ¬ day to fix up the tickets for E A Adams and Elza Langford to Okla homa Mesdames M C Miller Jr and C C Davis were called to Lexing- ton Tuesday on account of the J death of their uncle Rev E Snodgrass f- 4Conu Brown has returned from California where he has been so ¬ Mourning since last August Conn is very mucbly taken with the West but with all this he did not forget old M Vernon which he says is the best of all- LOCAL S Easter services at the Christian church Sunday Born to the wife of Wade Live say a fine boy baby Remember the Concert and read ing in the Fish opera house next Tuesday night The Skating Rink continues to draw big crowds and Mt Vernon Js rapidly developing some expert scooters OpENiNGThe ladies are invited to see my display of Spring and Summer Millinery Saturday March 30th 1907 MRS G S HIATT The Norton case will be called today There is speculation as to whether or not the case will go to trial however we get it that the defence will announce ready I will take in exchange for tomb stones and monuments any pro- duce that there is a market for in Mt Vernon at the highest price George Owens i 3 223t Mt Vernon i 4 OPENING Visit my opening of spring mil- linery tomorrowMRS CLEO BROWN GREAlOFFERThecinnati Post daily Human Life monthly Farm News monthly Spare Mo ¬ meats monthly and the MT VER ¬ NON SIGNAL weekly all oue year for only 2 60 This offer is only good for one week longer- UNIRECIWENTRD SNAKE STO ¬ RYJohn Bowles a farmer living near Dango post office says that he has a horse that was biten by a copperhead snake on the 29th of list January Who ever heard of snakes real snakes in the winter time John Bryant of Barboursville who came here about two weeks ago to visit the family of his rel atives B B Taylor of near Sparks Quarry was taken down with pneu ¬ monia soon after he arrived and died Sunday His remains were taken back to his home for burial LOsTBetweEn D N Williams dwelling and Mrs Sue Butners Masonic Pin with both the Royal Arch and Knight Templar Em ¬ blems with the appropriate letters for each The finder of the Pin will be rewarded by the return to Mrs Boulaware at Mrs Butners MRS LOU HaUL WARE Every little while we read in the paper thatsomeone has run a rusty nail in his foot or other portion of his body and lockjaw resulted therefiom and the patient died If every person was aware of a perfect remedy for s ch wound and would apply it the such re ¬ ports would cease T he remedy is simple always at hancr an be ap plied by anyonewhat L better it s infalible It issiinpH to smoke the wound or any wo nd that is bruised or inflammedlith a wool en cloth in the smoke will take the pain out of the worst case of inflamatton arrising from such a wound People ma sneer at this remedy as muchn they please but when they are Afflicted with such wound let then itMr Jas C Hayes of the East End announces this issue that he is a candidate for jailtr of Lincoln county subject to the action of the Democratic party Mr Hayes has a wtdeacquaintanceitvthe county having been prominent in farming and stocktrading circles for a num- ber ¬ of years He is a high toned geutleman an unswevering demo- crat and hs many friends who will be gratified should he be suc ¬ cessful in his aspirationsInterior JournalHere is hoping that our iriend and former Rockcastle citizen will laud the plum Many of the tru est and best officers Lincoln has ever bad were Rockcastle men as can truthfully be said of two of the present officers the jailer Mr Ike Herrin and the chief of police of Stanford Mr Robert Jones Tru er braver and better officers than they aae not to be found If Lin coIn honors Mr Hai es with the office to which he aspires and which we believe she will do the same high standard in the management of the county jail will be maintain ¬ ed in the future as it has in the past Rev Eugene Snodgrass 48 years of age died at his residence 425 East Sixth street yesterday after noon at 6 oclock after a protacted illness of consumption Nineteen years ago Mr Snod ¬ grass went to Japan as a mission ¬ ary under the auspices of the For ¬ eign Board of Missions of the Christian Church Later he severed his connectiou with the board and worked there independently Four years ago he returned to this county on account of ill health Rev Snodgrass reached home yesterday morning on the 833 Qneen Crescent train from Sabinel Texas where he went accompanied by his wife in November of last year Rev Snodgrass is survived by his wife and daughterLexington LeaderFor several years he had been a sufferer of lung trouble but nor until last fall while at the head of the puplic school at Brodhead did his illness become so serious having to give up his school on account of afflictionRev life was spent as an educator and a child of God Besides his wife and daughter he leaves an agtd mother who lives in this county and one brother Isaac Snodgrass of Wigwam Colorado all of whom were at his bedside when the end came r 1 1 j r 1 L t 10V I fJ y ao MfY4x 1 ° SdiYA6WLOViRr6i 1 9 GLa47Y O COY Ta + trif +i1fY ifY 7 f1 r 1 Q = = I I II II Ipart Star Brand shoes wear well because they are made from the best leather money can buv they are put together by experts in big specialty factories and these workmen watch every single detail which accounts for the absence of flaws in Star I Brand Shoes j Le Walk on Stars so can you y J Stars dont hurt your feet like ordinary shoes but fit and feel good from the start It f f Dont think this is a slash price sale for it isnt it is our Opening Sale on the seasons snappiest styles in Shoe I tdom and there are no cut prices We are listing our four leaders V j IPatriot Shoes I All the leading styles in the most pop ¬ ular leathers for men 350400 Society When you have tried these shoes and they have given you the satisfaction all Star Brand shoes always JI we know then you cannot help and say Star Shoes better These shoes ready for you to them III now Our most courteous attention is given every visitor We return your money and dont lock S w A G Koker will dedicate the church at Popular Grove 2nd Sunday in- x May Dinner on the ground His many friends at this place will be grieved to learn ot the death of Wm Weber formanY years a citizen of this town who diedat home at Chatanooga Friday and was buried Sunday For more than three years he had been a sufferer of Brights disease We join with other friends in extend- ing to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy CIRCUIT COURT Circuit Court commenced ¬ day account of the detention of regular Judge M L Jar vis Judge L F Johnson of Frank- fort ¬ is special Judge This is Judge Johnsons second court to at this place and he makes a splendid court before whom all attorneys are pleased to practice charge of Judge Johnson to Grand Jury was strong and im pressive presented in few words as possible to cover the various viola ¬ tions of law The following gentlemen were selected as Jurors GRAND JURY W H Sowder Sam Ward J L Thompson Henry Mink George Thompson J E Blackburn Geo Deatherage Alex Harrison J S Rowe Fletcher J E Bullock W R Dickerson PETIT JURY Martin S L Durham Sam Bryant Jarvis J Brown James Chaney T J Harper James Head Josh Ball Sheila Fuqua Solly Griffin JW Marler Willis Johnson L J Scott M G Mc Kinney Jesse Childress J H Rey- nolds ¬ Allen Burdette Joel Pitman I S Langford William Arnold Samuel Fields J W Mink W H Gentry and A J Norton The following cases were tried including yesterdays business George Capps breach of the peace 150 and cost Little John Mul ¬ lins John Carrier Nath McWhort er James Southard George Mc Cormic James Taylor Joe Smith Tom Mullins Bill Durham G L Wren Shermon Mink William Reece C Rector Pate McClure JohnBaker PerryDurham Hiram Mitchell and Alf Mink were each r Shoes Ladies who want the best of all things- in foot wear willstop here 300 of see Baand are are see new the Mr his On ths the the the Ed Andrew = = 150 Major Ball giving whisky to a minor 25 and cost Rufus Men efee tresspass acquitted W F Anderson for tearing down the Flat Rock chnrch building acquit ¬ ted This church had been abondoned as a chnrch aud ques ¬ tion involved was the question of who had the right to sell and who owned the building The case against Lowery dismissed Pryor Dalton for shooting at an ¬ other dismissed Nath Doan for presenting a pistol at George Fred ¬ ericks acquitted Higgie Baker for shooting at another without wounding fined 50 andcost James Dyer for striking hiS brother inlaw Dock Nicely giving one yearin the pen James Floyd the thief who stole Jonas Browns horse about two months ago plead guilty and was given two years in the pen Eugene Spires charged with murder the case continued nntil next court Graden Ball malicious cutting andwounding 25 and cost William Johnson the negro who broke into C D Sutton Bro store at Level Green one year in the pen Andy Mason malicious shooting continued Ed Owens gaming 20 and cost W J Sparks is getting in read ¬ mess to begin shipping the con- glomerate ¬ of sand and gravel which he has in endless quanities on a tract of land near NO5 tunnel about three miles north of Living ¬ ston Mr Sparks will erect a crusher for crushing this conglom ¬ erate which has been pronounced by experts to be the finest of ma ¬ terial for making all kinds of con ¬ crete Mr Sparks has ever reason to believe that he has found a nice fortune in this material and will spare neither time nor expense to give the matter a full test 4 LITINGSTOJS Mr and Mrs Joe Oliver are in Knoxville buying Spring goods John Stucky was out from Cov ington visiting George Sambrook The little children of Mr and Mrs Alvin Argenbright are quite sickMrs Sue Mullins and Miss Bertha Hicks have returned from = 1 66 Our FamilyuI Shoes A Shoe for every mem ¬ ber of your famil made f cross ghel I Mon hold ni ffin 1Mens 2001Misses r = Louisville where they have been ttending the expositionHoward t parkSVilleIhaving erator at on account ill health Miss Georgie McFerron is attend- ing the Louisville exposition Mrs Clara Hayes has rerurned from Cincinnati and is prepared to show the latest styles in Spring and Summer Millinery Dispatch ¬ er Preston and wife have moved into the house vacated by Howard BowersMr and Mrs Nelson Griffin and children of Pine Hill were visiting Mr and Mrs James Hall from Friday until Sunday ofI last weekEdith Bertha and mer Ray Mahaffey have the meas ¬ lesThe entertainment given last Friday evening by the Jubilee Minstrel Co was a grand success Miss McFerron is visiting her sisters Mr W J Childress and Miss Georgia McFerron John Mullins was in Mt Vernon on business thefirst of the week Mrs Cleo Howeli and Miss Bert Mullins have moved to Ma- rethurgMrs John Mullins is vis- iting Mrs Eugene Brown at Stan fordWill Owens is calling on a pretty oung widow of this place Mrs Mary Hagan has purchased the house aud lot on Maiu street belonging to Mrs Jesse C Roller of Louisville Consideration 1100 Mrs Bessie Browing and two sons have returned from a visit to Mrs Brownings mother at Crab OrchardMr J C Hocker was in Mt Vernon Thursday on business Mrs Lena Sparks returned from Hazel Patch Wednesday where she has been epending a few days with her husband Mrs Carrie Clutts returued to her home at Pitisburg Wednesday She was accompan ¬ ied bv her sister Miss Ruth Burton A interesting revival is be ¬ ing conducted by the well known State Evangelist Mr W J Cocke and great interest is being shown II Princton students presented a silver loving cup to exPresident Grover Cleveland in commemorat- ion of the passing of his seventieth birthday anniversary Mr Cleve ¬ land was much affected and in broken voice expressed his grati ¬ tude for the token > tj I p ShoeI shoe made of box calf the kind of leather that resists wet weather and stay nice soft pliable andI M ens 2 50- BoJysS175 and 225 m t some hut Rev The Vm Rose very r Col Henry G Shaw 65 Sears old a former newspaper man recen ly connected with the customs house in gan Francisco is dead Col Shaw was a vetern in the civil warThe Iroquois hotel in the Michi ¬ gan Soo was destrayed by fire causing a loss of 200000 It was one of the finest hotels in northern Michigan and did a large tourist business Knoxville Tenn by a majority r II of nearly 2000 votes decided that the saloons must go Six months time will be ollowed them to close President Roosevelt stated that so far from granting a pardon to former senator Bnrton of Kansas he would lenthen his term of im- prisonment ¬ if he could President James J Hill told a Minnesota legislative committee that he would be glad to have the government take the Great North ¬ ern railroad off his hands Respectmac1 w y it food that will not irritate or GIVE the performance of its natural functions and it will reciprocate in a way agreeable and comforting No single ingredient contributes so largely toward wholesome nourishing > agreeable food as Royal Baking PowderJ Royal Baking Powders active ingre ¬ dient Grape Cream of Tartar is the most healthful of the fruit products I This is why Royal Baking Powder I makes the food finer lighter more appe ¬ Itizingand antidyspeptic a friend to the good health 4c Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum i IThe use of alum and salts of alumina in food should be PROHIBITED The con ¬ 3 Z stant use of alum compounds exerts a deleterious effect upon the digestive organs and an irritation of the internal I organs after absorption J EDWARD S WOOD M D i i Professor of ChemistrySr Harvard Medical S booJBotto t g I i OYA1AKING POWDER CO NEW YQI t- Y

Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1907-03-29 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jr37f/data/0379.pdf · I Mi VERNON SIGNAL MT VERNON KY Mar 29 190 7 I 79youCull wantup Noto Communi-79

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Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1907-03-29 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jr37f/data/0379.pdf · I Mi VERNON SIGNAL MT VERNON KY Mar 29 190 7 I 79youCull wantup Noto Communi-79


I 79 Cull up No 79 whenyou want to Communi-cate with SIGNAL 79


TIME TABLE22E north 124 pm24 north 340 a m

23 south 124 p rr21 South 1220 a m

TAS LANDRUM AgentPhone No 58

Entered at the Mt Vernon Ky Postofficeas secondclass mail matt-


Ike Snodgrass is here for a few

daysMrsMartha Lewis continues

very sick

Rev R B Mahoney was here

this week

Atty Elmer Evans of Londonwas here yesterday-

E Bullock the harness and bug¬

gy man is in Louisville this weekLaiweekwW M Bnllock is in Louisville

buying goods for his Hansford

storeAgentJ A Landrum is able to

resume his duties in the L N

officeReasonablygood sized crowds

have been in attendance at courtmost all the week

Elza Lan ford says he expectsto leave forthe West at an early

date to make his future home

Hon B J Bethurum is actingCommonwealths Attorney J N

Sharpnot being presentOscar Walfen of Somerset

was here Sunday calling on one ofMt Vernonssociety bells

Miss Frances Sparks is at homefrom the Conservatory of MusicCincinnati for a few days

Capt M F Smith spent Satur ¬

day until Monday with his daub ¬

ter Miss Elizabeth at LorettoMrs W J Sparks and daughter

were in Louisville yesterday MrSparks was in St Louis Satur ¬

dayJames1 White vas here Mon-



and Tuesday Mr White is

in the real estate and insurancebusiness

Misses Ila Proctor aud AnnBrannaman were over from Wildieyesterday shopping and having

dental work done

Judge Alcorn Hon F F Bob

bilt W McC Johnson and E V

Puryear of Danville are the visiting attorneys this week-

J H Gallagher T P A of theHenderson Route was here yester ¬

day to fix up the tickets for E AAdams and Elza Langford to Oklahoma

Mesdames M C Miller Jr andC C Davis were called to Lexing-

ton Tuesday on account of the J

death of their uncle Rev ESnodgrass

f-4Conu Brown has returned fromCalifornia where he has been so ¬

Mourning since last August Connis very mucbly taken with theWest but with all this he did notforget old M Vernon which hesays is the best of all-



Easter services at the Christian

church Sunday

Born to the wife of Wade Livesay a fine boy baby

Remember the Concert and reading in the Fish opera house nextTuesday night

The Skating Rink continuesto draw big crowds and Mt Vernon

Js rapidly developing some expertscooters

OpENiNGThe ladies are invitedto see my display of Spring andSummer Millinery Saturday March

30th 1907 MRS G S HIATT

The Norton case will be called

today There is speculation as to

whether or not the case will go totrial however we get it that thedefence will announce ready

I will take in exchange for tombstones and monuments any pro-

duce that there is a market for inMt Vernon at the highest price

George Owensi

3 223t Mt Vernoni 4

OPENINGVisit my opening of spring mil-



GREAlOFFERThecinnatiPost daily Human Life monthlyFarm News monthly Spare Mo ¬

meats monthly and the MT VER¬

NON SIGNAL weekly all oue yearfor only 2 60 This offer is onlygood for one week longer-


RYJohn Bowles a farmer livingnear Dango post office says thathe has a horse that was biten bya copperhead snake on the 29th oflist January Who ever heard of

snakes real snakes in the wintertime

John Bryant of Barboursvillewho came here about two weeksago to visit the family of his relatives B B Taylor of near SparksQuarry was taken down with pneu ¬

monia soon after he arrived anddied Sunday His remains weretaken back to his home for burial

LOsTBetweEn D N Williamsdwelling and Mrs Sue ButnersMasonic Pin with both the RoyalArch and Knight Templar Em ¬

blems with the appropriate lettersfor each The finder of the Pinwill be rewarded by the return toMrs Boulaware at Mrs Butners


Every little while we read inthe paper thatsomeone has run a

rusty nail in his foot or otherportion of his body and lockjawresulted therefiom and the patientdied If every person was awareof a perfect remedy for s ch woundand would apply it the such re ¬

ports would cease The remedy issimple always at hancr an be applied by anyonewhat L better its infalible It issiinpH to smokethe wound or any wo nd that is

bruised or inflammedlith a wool

en cloth in the

smoke will take the pain out of theworst case of inflamatton arrisingfrom such a wound People masneer at this remedy as muchnthey please but when they areAfflicted with such wound let then


Jas C Hayes of the EastEnd announces this issue that heis a candidate for jailtr of Lincolncounty subject to the action of theDemocratic party Mr Hayes hasa wtdeacquaintanceitvthe countyhaving been prominent in farmingand stocktrading circles for a num-



of years He is a high tonedgeutleman an unswevering demo-

crat and hs many friends whowill be gratified should he be suc ¬

cessful in his aspirationsInteriorJournalHere

is hoping that our iriendand former Rockcastle citizen willlaud the plum Many of the truest and best officers Lincoln hasever bad were Rockcastle men ascan truthfully be said of two of thepresent officers the jailer Mr IkeHerrin and the chief of police ofStanford Mr Robert Jones Truer braver and better officers thanthey aae not to be found If LincoIn honors Mr Hai es with theoffice to which he aspires and whichwe believe she will do the samehigh standard in the managementof the county jail will be maintain ¬

ed in the future as it has in thepast

Rev Eugene Snodgrass 48 yearsof age died at his residence 425East Sixth street yesterday afternoon at 6 oclock after a protactedillness of consumption

Nineteen years ago Mr Snod ¬

grass went to Japan as a mission ¬

ary under the auspices of the For ¬

eign Board of Missions of theChristian Church

Later he severed his connectiouwith the board and worked thereindependently Four years ago hereturned to this county on accountof ill health Rev Snodgrassreached home yesterday morningon the 833 Qneen Crescent trainfrom Sabinel Texas where hewent accompanied by his wife inNovember of last year

Rev Snodgrass is survived by

his wife and daughterLexington

LeaderForseveral years he had been a

sufferer of lung trouble but noruntil last fall while at the head ofthe puplic school at Brodhead didhis illness become so serious havingto give up his school on account of

afflictionRevlife was spent

as an educator and a child of GodBesides his wife and daughter he

leaves an agtd mother who livesin this county and one brotherIsaac Snodgrass of WigwamColorado all of whom were at hisbedside when the end came


1 1 j r 1 L

t 10V I fJ y ao MfY4x 1 °SdiYA6WLOViRr6i 19 GLa47Y O COY Ta +trif +i1fY ifY 7 f1r1 Q

= = I I

II IIIpartStar Brand shoes wear well because they are made from the best leather money can buv they are put together by expertsin big specialty factories and these workmen watch every single detail which accounts for the absence of flaws in Star


Brand Shoes j

Le Walk on Stars so can youy

JStars dont hurt your feet like ordinaryshoes but fit and feel good from the start It f

f Dont think this is a slash price sale for it isnt it is our Opening Sale on the seasons snappiest styles in Shoe I

tdom and there are no cut prices We are listing our four leaders V jIPatriotShoesI All the leading

styles in the most pop¬

ular leathers for men



When you have tried these shoes and they have given you the satisfaction all Star Brand shoes alwaysJI we know then you cannot help and say Star Shoes better These shoes ready for you to them III

now Our most courteous attention is given every visitor We return your money and dont lock S


A G Koker will dedicatethe church at Popular Grove

2nd Sunday in-x

May Dinneron the ground

His many friends at this placewill be grieved to learn ot the deathof Wm Weber formanY yearsa citizen of this town who diedat

home at Chatanooga Fridayand was buried Sunday For morethan three years he had been asufferer of Brights disease Wejoin with other friends in extend-ing to the bereaved family ourdeepest sympathy

CIRCUIT COURTCircuit Court commenced ¬

day account of the detentionof regular Judge M L Jarvis Judge L F Johnson of Frank-fort


is special Judge This isJudge Johnsons second court to

at this place and he makesa splendid court before whom all

attorneys are pleased to practicecharge of Judge Johnson to

Grand Jury was strong and impressive presented in few words aspossible to cover the various viola ¬

tions of law The followinggentlemen were selected as Jurors

GRAND JURYW H Sowder Sam Ward J LThompson Henry Mink GeorgeThompson J E Blackburn GeoDeatherage Alex Harrison J SRowe Fletcher J E BullockW R Dickerson


Martin S L DurhamSam Bryant Jarvis J BrownJames Chaney T J Harper JamesHead Josh Ball Sheila FuquaSolly Griffin J W Marler WillisJohnson L J Scott M G McKinney Jesse Childress J H Rey-


Allen Burdette Joel PitmanI S Langford William ArnoldSamuel Fields J W Mink W HGentry and A J Norton

The following cases were triedincluding yesterdays businessGeorge Capps breach of the peace

150 and cost Little John Mul ¬

lins John Carrier Nath McWhorter James Southard George McCormic James Taylor Joe SmithTom Mullins Bill Durham G LWren Shermon Mink WilliamReece C Rector Pate McClureJohnBaker PerryDurham HiramMitchell and Alf Mink were each


ShoesLadies who want

the best of all things-

in foot wear willstophere


see Baand are are see










= =

150 Major Ball giving whisky toa minor 25 and cost Rufus Menefee tresspass acquitted W FAnderson for tearing down theFlat Rock chnrch building acquit¬

ted This church had beenabondoned as a chnrch aud ques ¬

tion involved was the question ofwho had the right to sell and whoowned the building The caseagainst Lowery dismissedPryor Dalton for shooting at an ¬

other dismissed Nath Doan forpresenting a pistol at George Fred ¬

ericks acquitted Higgie Bakerfor shooting at another withoutwounding fined 50 andcostJames Dyer for striking hiS brotherinlaw Dock Nicely giving oneyearin the pen James Floyd thethief who stole Jonas Brownshorse about two months ago pleadguilty and was given two years inthe pen Eugene Spires chargedwith murder the case continuednntil next court

Graden Ball malicious cuttingandwounding 25 and costWilliam Johnson the negro whobroke into C D Sutton Brostore at Level Green one year inthe pen Andy Mason maliciousshooting continued Ed Owensgaming 20 and cost

W J Sparks is getting in read ¬

mess to begin shipping the con-


of sand and gravel whichhe has in endless quanities on atract of land near NO5 tunnelabout three miles north of Living ¬

ston Mr Sparks will erect acrusher for crushing this conglom ¬

erate which has been pronouncedby experts to be the finest of ma ¬

terial for making all kinds of con ¬

crete Mr Sparks has ever reasonto believe that he has found a nicefortune in this material and willspare neither time nor expense togive the matter a full test


Mr and Mrs Joe Oliver are inKnoxville buying Spring goods

John Stucky was out from Cov

ington visiting George SambrookThe little children of Mr and

Mrs Alvin Argenbright are quitesickMrs Sue Mullins and MissBertha Hicks have returned from

=166 Our FamilyuI

ShoesA Shoe for every mem ¬

ber of your famil made



ghel I






r =Louisville where they have beenttending the expositionHoward t

parkSVilleIhavingerator at on accountill health

Miss Georgie McFerron is attend-ing the Louisville expositionMrs Clara Hayes has rerurnedfrom Cincinnati and is prepared toshow the latest styles in Springand Summer Millinery Dispatch ¬

er Preston and wife have movedinto the house vacated by HowardBowersMr and Mrs NelsonGriffin and children of Pine Hillwere visiting Mr and Mrs JamesHall from Friday until Sunday

ofIlast weekEdith Bertha andmer Ray Mahaffey have the meas ¬

lesThe entertainment given lastFriday evening by the JubileeMinstrel Co was a grand success

Miss McFerron is visitingher sisters Mr W J Childress andMiss Georgia McFerron JohnMullins was in Mt Vernon onbusiness thefirst of the week

Mrs Cleo Howeli and MissBert Mullins have moved to Ma-rethurgMrs John Mullins is vis-

iting Mrs Eugene Brown at StanfordWill Owens is calling on apretty oung widow of this place

Mrs Mary Hagan has purchasedthe house aud lot on Maiu streetbelonging to Mrs Jesse C Rollerof Louisville Consideration 1100

Mrs Bessie Browing and twosons have returned from a visit toMrs Brownings mother at CrabOrchardMr J C Hocker was inMt Vernon Thursday on business

Mrs Lena Sparks returned fromHazel Patch Wednesday where shehas been epending a few days withher husband Mrs Carrie Cluttsreturued to her home at PitisburgWednesday She was accompan ¬

ied bv her sister Miss Ruth BurtonA interesting revival is be¬

ing conducted by the well knownState Evangelist Mr W J Cockeand great interest is being shown


Princton students presented asilver loving cup to exPresidentGrover Cleveland in commemorat-ion of the passing of his seventiethbirthday anniversary Mr Cleve ¬

land was much affected and inbroken voice expressed his grati ¬

tude for the token >



p ShoeIshoe made of box calfthe kind of leather thatresists wet weather

and stay nice softpliable andIM ens 2 50-

BoJysS175 and 225 mt








r Col Henry G Shaw 65 Searsold a former newspaper man recenly connected with the customshouse in gan Francisco is deadCol Shaw was a vetern in the civil

warTheIroquois hotel in the Michi ¬

gan Soo was destrayed by firecausing a loss of 200000 It wasone of the finest hotels in northernMichigan and did a large touristbusiness

Knoxville Tenn by a majority r II

of nearly 2000 votes decided thatthe saloons must go Six monthstime will be ollowed them to close

President Roosevelt stated thatso far from granting a pardon toformer senator Bnrton of Kansashe would lenthen his term of im-


if he couldPresident James J Hill told a

Minnesota legislative committeethat he would be glad to have thegovernment take the Great North ¬

ern railroad off his hands



it food that will not irritate orGIVE the performance ofits naturalfunctions and it will reciprocate in a wayagreeable and comforting

No single ingredient contributes solargely toward wholesome nourishing >

agreeable food as Royal Baking PowderJRoyal Baking Powders active ingre ¬

dient Grape Cream of Tartar is themost healthful of the fruit products


This is why Royal Baking PowderI makes the food finer lighter more appe ¬

Itizingand antidyspeptic a friend to thegood health 4c

Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum i

IThe use of alum and salts of alumina infood should be PROHIBITED The con ¬ 3 Zstant use of alum compounds exerts adeleterious effect upon the digestiveorgans and an irritation of the internal

Iorgans after absorption

J EDWARD S WOOD M D ii Professor of ChemistrySr

Harvard Medical SbooJBotto tg I