OO OOOOOO OOO oO That hacking cough continues Because your system is exhausted and 0 your powers ofresistance weakened 0 Take Scoti Emtifofon 0 SItbuild up and strengthens your enhre system Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites 0- o 4 prepared that it is easy to take and easyto digest 40 ALL DRUGGISTS SOc AND 100 0 000O0OO0OO000OO000 S 1 WJ Bryan makes the Steel Trust the central figure in his monthly discussion of national af- fairs with Senator Beverage and shows that the profits of the trust are greater than the total amount pud out in wages He suggests revision of the tariff as the remedy and urges that the President should not confine his attentions to one trust only Finding thecorpse of a man in a trunkwhich was broken open by a police and which had been left as security for a board bill was the uupleasans experience of a New York landlady Monday The Cor ¬ oner gave it as his opinion that the man was alive when put into the trunk and that the lid was held down until he was asphyxiated This little pig went to market doesnt amuse tonight Babys not well whats the matter her dear little cheeks are so white Poor little tummy is aching naugh ¬ ty old pain go away Cascasweet mother must give her then shell bright as the day It is sold here by Chas C Davis druggist A Bilious Attack Symptoms Sour stomach nasty taste in mouth sick headache sallow complex ¬ I ion the world your enemy Caused Constipation inact- ive ¬ liver overflow of bile into the system Relief Treatment for two nights before retiring with DMON5h IV lm AND TONIC PELLETS One a night dont worry sleep well and Naturell do the rest Entire Treatment 25 Cta Sold by OHAS C DAVIS satisfiedSample i COt Tenn The strike situation in Santiago Cuba is serious Strikers are making open threats to burn prop erty and citizens are arming them ¬ selves GREAT BARGAIN For sale 198 acres land on waters of Roundst ne creek near slate tunnel No im ¬ provements and only such 1 timber as necessary to supply the necessary use on the land 40 acres ridge land and level Would make an ideal stock farm 297 L or 150 per acre takes the bound ary For further information ad ¬ dress R L McFerron Mt Ver non Ky or this office > FOR AGENTS AN OPPORTUNITY r THE OLD WORLD AND ITS WAYS1 BY WILLIA3I JENNINGS BRYAN INOW READY FOR SOLICITORS 576 Imperial Octavo Pages Over 200 Superb Engravings froni photographs ta¬ ken by Mr Bryan Recounts his trip around the woald and his visits to all nations The greatest book of travel ever written The people are waitingfor it The agents harvest OUTFIT FREE Send fifty cents to cov¬ er mailing and handling THE THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO St Louis Mo REDUCED RATES VIA 1 jueen Crescent Route ON THE J iirstand Third Tuesday ofeachmonWtmanyp ints f dtMrH i > Winter Tourist Tickets now on saiegood returning ttill May Jl 1907 For particulars write < HCKINGOPTALexi g 1 Judge Hargis of Breathitt was triumphantly acquitted yesterday of the murder of James Cockrell in the Fayette Circuit Court The jury was put but a few minutes and the verdict was greeted with lgeI ¬ ing hero might be and uncom plainingly stood for the drinks for the crowd immediately afterwards He has now been acquitted of any complicity whatever in the murder of Cockrill and Marcum and has only one more case against hiin that of causing the sudden end of Dr Cox I We are and have always been a loyal Domocrat and will always support the ticket but we have no hesitancy is sayiug we are heartily in favor of the acquital of Caleb Powers It is a travesty on justice to keep hi m cooped up guilty or innocent when he is accused of complicity exactly the same crime for which Hargis goes free when he is just as innocent as the feudal udgeRichmond Register A prompt pleasant good reme ¬ dy for coughs and coWs is Kenne ¬ dys Laxative Cough Syrup It is especially recommended for babies and children but good for every member of the family It ontains no opiates and does not constipate Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly as good as maple syrup Children like it Sold by Chas C Davis druggist AMON FOItNERVt OIL UTSSORESBUR1 RHEUMATISM 25 5 J KENTUCKY FAiR DATES The following are the dates fixed for holding the Kentucky Fairs for 1907 as far as reported Officers of lairs are requested to report to us any omissions or corrections of datesBRODHEAD S Aug 143 days Stanford Julv 173 days Henderson uIY23S days Lancaster JU243 days Madisonville July 30SdayS Danville July 13 days Georgetown Aug 64 days Fern Creek Aug 134 days Lawrenceburg Aug 204 days Shepherdsville Aug 204 days Ewing Aug 223 days Shelbyville Aug 274 days Hardenburg Aug 273dayS Elizabethtown Aug Z73 days Springfield Aug 284 days Paris Sept 3S days Lexington Sept 236 days WEEKLY COURIER i JOURNAL AN- DSICNAL Both one year for only V 15O The Presidential election is ap ¬ proaching Times have changed That is al1Mr Watterson is a Democrat and has always been a Democrat never a Republican Essential differences out of the way Democrats are getting together The CourierJournal is going to suppost the ticket And there you have it- Send your order orthis combi ¬ nation to us not to the Courier Journal The regulal price of the Weeekly CourierJournal alone is ia year FGilYS KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case pf Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine ¬ Take it at once Do not risk having firights Dis ¬ ease or Diabetes There is nothing gained by delay 50c and 100 BottU S REFUUkUBTITUTtSCHA The true solution of the marri- age and divorce question lies with the homes note than with the legi latures It is more a matter foi education and training than ol legislation The girl who e early education has been gained on the street whose selfishness has been arIents e an ¬ auce with the common duties of the home keeper is a standing can didate for the divorce court The young man who has grown up without responsibility who has grown up without responsibility r who has wasted his youth and pawned his manhood to idle and dissolute habits is another The minister who are asking the state to prevent divorce and repress marriage have their responsibility in these cases many of whom have been of their flock and under their spirit superviso The parents are mostly responsibe for the neg- ligence ¬ and mistaken kindness that unfits children jor the duties of life Good fathers usually train good husbands and gocd mothers usually produce good wives Like prohibition the question of marriageand divorce seems to rest upon the early training of the individual than with the law Educate not legislate is the motto for the reformer c14LE T 0 IA Bears the Signatureof A The Kind You HaYeAIways Bought A man whois in perfect health so he can do an honest days work when necessary has much for which he should be thankful Mr L C Rogers of Branchton Pa writes that he was not only unable to work but he couldut stoop oer to tie his shoes Six bottles of Foeys Kidney Cu e made a ntt man of him He says Sue cess to F leys Kidney Cure L Chas C Davis druggist YOUR LIVER is your best friend or your worst enemy Active its your friend Torpid its your enemy and its army is Constipation Biliousness Sick Headache etc JITKP1 AND TONIO PELLETS healthylivers I liver troubles Complete Treatment 25c Sole by CHAS C DAVIS ws x0HAauatSlIO ° W sittoi 1C o3 DlN NAOd ooi Trera q tjapiooji pun sqnj ajdnreg patjspBS yra 31 2pBq Cauora atio 333 pna Am better prepared than ever to test and fit the eves with glasses Have all the latest appliances for testing A fit guaranteed- Do all kinds of watchand clock repairing Make your old spec frames look like new Repair your gold and silver rings etc etc All kinds of machine needles and repairs kept Very truly S C FRANKLIN COUCHAND WITH Dr King s New Discovery FOR cONSUMPTION Surest and Quickest Cure for all THBOAT and LUNG TROUB LES or MONEY BACK n THE COUGH SYRUP For all Coujihs and assists In syoIsm bowels A certain relief Jot croup and whoopinzcoueh other cough cures are constipating especially those- containlngOplatee Kennedys Laxativ- eHoneyTarmoves bowels contains no Opiate KENNEDY II50C ORIGINAL LAXATIVE Tke RI Clover BlOl- tlGlDaH tH Honey Be TM7bottle rTadeuNetIIftL LAXATIVE HONEYmTAflATTHELABOKATOJtror L O DftWITT a CO OHIOAQO U L Jb o1dby CHAS Ci DAVIS II r It When the Hair Palls Then its time to act No time to study to read to exper- iment ¬ You want to save your hair and save it quickly too So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayers Hair Vigor It makes the scalp healthy The hair stays in It cannot do any ¬ thing else Its natures way The best kind of a testimonial U Sold for over sixty years o Made C yer Co olJ Mus Alto o uers SARSAPARILLAPILLS CHERRY PECTORAL THE MAGIC NO3 Wunber three is a wonderful mas cot for Geo H Parris of Cedar Grove Me according to a letter which reads After suffering much with liver and kidney trouble and becoming greatly discouraged 1 y the failure to fidd relief I tried Elecric Bitters aud as a result I am a well man today The first bottles relieved and three bottles compled the cure Guaranteed bst remedy for stomache liver and kidney troubles by Chas C Davis druggist Soc Officials in Washington are hope- ful that the proposed investigation of the Pullman Company will eventually result in cheaper rates Dont Neglect It It is a serious mistake to neglect a weak heart It is such a short step to chronic heart disease irregularity ¬ ¬ ing short breath palpita ¬ tion fluttering pain in chest or difficultyin lying on left side your heart strepgthening ¬ ¬ ter remed thanpr Miles Heart Cure Its strength ¬ ening influence is felt al ¬ most at once MilesHeart thlngI Tuedoctor himDr Itdid now and while there is occasionally a ItIs use of the medicine If I should get TakeDr I consider myself practically cured of my heart trouble- S H DITNNAM Livingston Texas byyour fallshe Miles Medical Co ElkhartInd Mount Vernon Monumental WORK I M anufa turer ofand I DEALER in Marbles and Granite Monuments ofaU of kinds Estimates furnished on application > GEORGE OWENS Mount Vernou Ky jrodhead Marble 1orkJi nRODHEADKY Granite and Marble Monuments and Tombstones manufactured by ALBRIGHT FRANCISCO Also Agents for Iron Fence- D BJ ALBRIGHT Manager = J a tiwart Iron I llhlill Fence Cheaj er than wood Will lest a Wetkn 1luthwsWed4 uk It LeIS- 11144wArINI4PM CINCINNATI O we IN ttit f OlkiS rtce Am fa MT Mte j ktfct IAwPdiuPtIe f OB Mi IOIUANDO I News was received here last week of the death of Mr Henry Doan of Laurel county Mr Doan was up in ninety years of age and died with the infirmities of I old age He has iiift y relatives in this county being a buother of Uncle George Doan an old and I honored citizen of Pine Hill and was a brotherinlaw to Mr Harri ¬ Y son Reams of Dudley He leaves 1 an aged wife and several children beside a host of relatives and i riend to mourn his death 1 James McGuire is very sick and j his recovery doubtfulMrs Flur ¬ ry Laswell has been very sick but is some Letter at presentMrs Bill Wood of Roundstone was vis ¬ iting at Brush Creek Tuesday Dr D B Southard was called in consultation with Dr Laswell Sun ¬ day to see the ten year old child of Dee Hines who has an abcess in the side They reported the case I improved to some extentA Sab ¬ bath School was organized at Mc News Chapel Sunday with Mr I A Chasteen as Superintendent The many friends of Miss Sallie Barnett who have been so anxious for her recovery will be glad to know that she is convalescent However she has been almost at deaths door Mr and Mrs George Reams were the welcome guests of Dn and Mrs Laswell SuudaMrs Bettie Anglin who has been very low of typhoid fever is convale- scentMiss ¬ Margie Childress was visiting Mrs Dora Bell and Miss Allie Laswell Sunday D ADPearl the sweet little infant of Marion and Lydia Bryant died ol scrofula May 28 The be- reaved parents have our heartfelt syupathy in this their greates sor ¬ row Though you should not w epdear friends for your lost dar- ling ¬ for such was Gods will and His willnot hours be done He has said ill His precious word Suffer little children to come unto Me for of such is the kingdom of heaven There is much consola ¬ tion in that one passage and ac- cording ¬ to that promise your own little Pearl is to day a bright shin ¬ ing rngeland waiting to welcou e you home Ive gone up to heaven dear mother No more will I fret and cry For up in this beautiful city Theres never a tear stained eye I am waiting now with Jesus And others gone before To meet you father arid mother Upon that shining Shore If you would meet me in heaven And forever with me be Put all your trust in Jesus And he will pilot thee C M L REMARKABLE RESCUE That truth ir stranger than fic ¬ tion has once more been demon ¬ strated in the little town of Fedora Tenn the residence of C V Pep ¬ per He writes I was in bed entirely disabled with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat Doctors failed to hely me and all hope had fled when I begun taking Dr Kings new discovery The in ¬ stant relief came The coughing soon eeased the bleeding diminish rapidly and in three weeks I was able to go to woik Guaranteed for cugsand colds soc and 100 at Chas C Davis drug store Trial bottle frees M L MYERS Dentist Mt Vernon Ky S FirstClass 1 Work I OFFICEAt residence on Old Main Stkuown as the C C Wil ¬ hams residence PHONE No 73 Will be in office at BRODHEAD from MONDAY NOON to TUES- DAY ¬ NOON each week CC Williams ATTORNEYATLAW MT VERNON KY 1WOFEICE On ard floor o The Bank MtVernbn on Church street Spectal attention given to collections PhoneN 80 S dC M Clf h Y Undertaker Emkin Complete 1Robes Orcieisby Rhone jUehl lP C J Stanford Ky iiriJiS AvfegetablePreparalionforAs sinulating iheFoodandBeguIa ling theStoinachs andBpwels of I NFAN r Hir Promotes DigestionCheerful ness and ne tContains J OpiumMojpltine nor Mineral 1 NOT NARCOTIC Jkape afOlttnrSAMUELPirCOER IiwvznALtJtiuuz BtAttleStdls Anise SNd rtd ClanJiid Sugar Jf dny pafion Vbrms Convuliois Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature oF NEW YORK Atb DOSES CilS EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER 5x ICASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have I Always Bought 1 Bears the- Signathre of JnS Use Ff Over Try Year- sCASTRIA 11 CrNTJfl WASTING STRENGTH Women who suffer from unnecessary disagreeable painful weakening female complaints will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills It acts directly upon all the delicate inflamed tissues purifying the blood throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular scanty profuse painful catamenia prolapse etc Also relieves headache backache dizziness cramps dragging pains nervousness irritability etc If you need advice write us a letter telling us all your symptoms send free advice in plain sealed envelope Address Ladies Advisory Dept The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN 100 BOTTLES I WROTE YOU for advice and by following It and taking Cardul my Female Troubles were cureiMrs R S Wallace UvacaAla J12 j THC COMPANY NCVI YORK COY l We will WUIE CARDUIc3 t J JONAS McKENZIE C i 1 Youcant afford to miss the old reliable St r- ei for your SPRING and SUMMER Dry Qoods Staple and Fancy Notions r We carry no shoddy secondhandauction sale goods only the best such as we can con scientiously recommend to our customers Call and see us when in need of anything inJ aour line Phone No 83 JONAS McKENZIE xS i x ff J METROPOLITAN THE BEST PLACE IN ROCKCASTLE TO BUY Dru Stationey Jigarp Tobcco painty 0J and Patent Medicine Diseases of Children A SpeciaFfg S C DAVIS Prop PHONENo 53 MAIN STREET MT VERNON KYF cccc3 QRAIStVILLE OWENS 1UNDERTAKER I ft II lot I COMPLETE LINE Coffins Caskets and Robes All Mail Telegraph or Tele phone Promptly Filled 1

Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1907-05-31 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt773n20dd7r/data/0416.pdfease or Diabetes There is nothing gained by delay 50c and 100 BottU S REFUUkUBTITUTtSCHA

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Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1907-05-31 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt773n20dd7r/data/0416.pdfease or Diabetes There is nothing gained by delay 50c and 100 BottU S REFUUkUBTITUTtSCHA

OO OOOOOO OOOoOThat hacking cough continuesBecause your system is exhausted and 0your powers ofresistance weakened 0Take Scoti Emtifofon 0

SItbuild up and strengthens your enhre system

Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites 0-o4 prepared that it is easy to take and easyto digest 40


1 WJ Bryan makes the Steel

Trust the central figure in hismonthly discussion of national af-

fairs with Senator Beverage andshows that the profits of the trustare greater than the total amountpud out in wages He suggestsrevision of the tariff as the remedyand urges that the President shouldnot confine his attentions to onetrust only

Finding thecorpse of a man in a

trunkwhich was broken open by apolice and which had been left assecurity for a board bill was theuupleasans experience of a NewYork landlady Monday The Cor ¬

oner gave it as his opinion that theman was alive when put into thetrunk and that the lid was helddown until he was asphyxiated

This little pig went to marketdoesnt amuse tonight

Babys not well whats the matterher dear little cheeks are sowhite

Poor little tummy is aching naugh ¬

ty old pain go awayCascasweet mother must give her

then shell bright as the dayIt is sold here by Chas C Davisdruggist

A BiliousAttack

Symptoms Sour stomachnasty taste in mouth sickheadache sallow complex ¬

I ion the world your enemyCaused Constipation inact-


liver overflow of bileinto the system

Relief Treatment for twonights before retiring with


One a night dont worry sleepwell and Naturell do the rest

Entire Treatment 25 CtaSold by OHAS C DAVIS

satisfiedSamplei COt Tenn

The strike situation in SantiagoCuba is serious Strikers aremaking open threats to burn property and citizens are arming them ¬


GREAT BARGAIN For sale 198

acres land on waters of Roundst necreek near slate tunnel No im ¬

provements and only such1 timber as necessary to supply the

necessary use on the land 40acres ridge land and level Wouldmake an ideal stock farm 297

L or 150 per acre takes the boundary For further information ad¬

dress R L McFerron Mt Vernon Ky or this office






576 Imperial Octavo Pages Over 200

Superb Engravings froni photographs ta¬

ken by Mr BryanRecounts his trip around the woald and

his visits to all nations The greatestbook of travel ever written The peopleare waitingfor it The agents harvestOUTFIT FREE Send fifty cents to cov¬

er mailing and handlingTHE THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO

St Louis Mo



1 jueen Crescent



J iirstand Third TuesdayofeachmonWtmanyp ints

f dtMrHi> Winter Tourist Tickets now on

saiegood returning ttill MayJl1907 For particulars write


Judge Hargis of Breathitt wastriumphantly acquitted yesterdayof the murder of James Cockrellin the Fayette Circuit Court Thejury was put but a few minutes andthe verdict was greeted withlgeI ¬

ing hero might be and uncomplainingly stood for the drinks forthe crowd immediately afterwardsHe has now been acquitted of anycomplicity whatever in the murderof Cockrill and Marcum and hasonly one more case against hiinthat of causing the sudden end ofDr Cox

I We are and have always been aloyal Domocrat and will alwayssupport the ticket but we have nohesitancy is sayiug we are heartilyin favor of the acquital of CalebPowers It is a travesty on justiceto keep hi m cooped up guilty orinnocent when he is accused ofcomplicity exactly the samecrime for which Hargis goes freewhen he is just as innocent as thefeudal udgeRichmond Register

A prompt pleasant good reme ¬

dy for coughs and coWs is Kenne¬

dys Laxative Cough Syrup It isespecially recommended for babiesand children but good for everymember of the family It ontainsno opiates and does not constipateContains honey and tar and tastesnearly as good as maple syrupChildren like it Sold by Chas CDavis druggist






The following are the dates fixedfor holding the Kentucky Fairs for1907 as far as reported Officersof lairs are requested to report tous any omissions or corrections of


Aug 143 daysStanford Julv 173 daysHenderson uIY23S daysLancaster JU243 daysMadisonville July 30SdaySDanville July 13 days

Georgetown Aug 64 daysFern Creek Aug 134 daysLawrenceburg Aug 204 daysShepherdsville Aug 204 daysEwing Aug 223 daysShelbyville Aug 274 daysHardenburg Aug 273daySElizabethtown Aug Z73 daysSpringfield Aug 284 daysParis Sept 3S daysLexington Sept 236 days



DSICNALBoth one year for only

V 15OThe Presidential election is ap ¬

proaching Times have changedThat is al1Mr Watterson is a

Democrat and has always been a

Democrat never a RepublicanEssential differences out of the wayDemocrats are getting togetherThe CourierJournal is going tosuppost the ticket And there youhave it-

Send your order orthis combi ¬

nation to us not to the CourierJournal The regulal price of theWeeekly CourierJournal alone is

i a year



of any case pf Kidney orBladder disease that is notbeyond the reach of medi-cine


Take it at once Donot riskhaving firights Dis ¬

ease or Diabetes There isnothing gained by delay50c and 100 BottU


The true solution of the marri-age and divorce question lies withthe homes note than with the legilatures It is more a matter foi

education and training than ollegislation The girl who e earlyeducation has been gained on thestreet whose selfishness has been

arIentse an ¬

auce with the common duties ofthe home keeper is a standing candidate for the divorce court Theyoung man who has grown upwithout responsibility who hasgrown up without responsibility r

who has wasted his youth andpawned his manhood to idle anddissolute habits is another Theminister who are asking the stateto prevent divorce and repressmarriage have their responsibilityin these cases many of whom havebeen of their flock and under theirspirit superviso The parentsare mostly responsibe for the neg-


and mistaken kindness thatunfits children jor the duties oflife Good fathers usually traingood husbands and gocd mothersusually produce good wivesLike prohibition the question ofmarriageand divorce seems to restupon the early training of theindividual than with the lawEducate not legislate is the mottofor the reformer

c14LE T0 IABears the


A The Kind You HaYeAIways Bought

A man whois in perfect healthso he can do an honest days workwhen necessary has much forwhich he should be thankful MrL C Rogers of Branchton Pawrites that he was not only unableto work but he couldut stoopoer to tie his shoes Six bottlesof Foeys Kidney Cu e made antt man of him He says Suecess to F leys Kidney Cure

L Chas C Davis druggist


is your best friend or your worstenemy Active its your friendTorpid its your enemy and itsarmy is Constipation BiliousnessSick Headache etc


healthylivers I

liver troublesComplete Treatment 25cSole by CHAS C DAVIS

ws x0HAauatSlIO °W sittoi 1Co3 DlN NAOdooi Trera q tjapiooji pun sqnj ajdnregpatjspBS yra 31 2pBq Cauora atio 333 pna

Am better prepared than ever totest and fit the eves with glassesHave all the latest appliances fortesting A fit guaranteed-

Do all kinds of watchand clockrepairing Make your old specframes look like new Repair yourgold and silver rings etc etc

All kinds of machine needles andrepairs kept

Very trulyS C FRANKLIN



Surest and Quickest Cure for allTHBOAT and LUNG TROUBLES or MONEY BACK



For all Coujihs and assists InsyoIsmbowels A certainrelief Jot croup andwhoopinzcoueh

othercough cures areconstipatingespecially those-containlngOplateeKennedys Laxativ-eHoneyTarmoves

bowels containsno Opiate




Tke RIClover BlOl-tlGlDaH tHHoney Be







r It

When theHair Palls

Then its time to act No timeto study to read to exper-iment


You want to save yourhair and save it quickly tooSo make up your mind thisvery minute that if your hairever comes out you will useAyers Hair Vigor It makesthe scalp healthy The hairstays in It cannot do any ¬

thing else Its natures wayThe best kind of a testimonialU Sold for over sixty years

oMade C yer Co olJ MusAlto o



THE MAGIC NO3Wunber three is a wonderful mas

cot for Geo H Parris of CedarGrove Me according to a letterwhich reads After sufferingmuch with liver and kidney troubleand becoming greatly discouraged1 y the failure to fidd relief I triedElecric Bitters aud as a result Iam a well man today The firstbottles relieved and three bottlescompled the cure Guaranteedbst remedy for stomache liverand kidney troubles by Chas CDavis druggist Soc

Officials in Washington are hope-ful that the proposed investigationof the Pullman Company willeventually result in cheaper rates

DontNeglect It

It is a serious mistaketo neglect a weak heart Itis such a short step tochronic heart disease

irregularity ¬


ing short breath palpita¬

tion fluttering pain inchest or difficultyin lyingon left side your heart

strepgthening ¬


ter remed thanpr MilesHeart Cure Its strength¬

ening influence is felt al¬

most at once

MilesHeartthlngITuedoctorhimDrItdidnow and while there is occasionally aItIsuse of the medicine If I should getTakeDrI consider myself practically cured ofmy heart trouble-S H DITNNAM Livingston TexasbyyourfallsheMiles Medical Co ElkhartInd

Mount Vernon Monumental


M anufa turer ofand I

DEALER in Marbles andGranite Monuments ofaU


kinds Estimates furnishedon application >


jrodhead Marble1orkJi

nRODHEADKYGranite and Marble Monuments

and Tombstones manufactured byALBRIGHT FRANCISCO

Also Agents for Iron Fence-



a tiwart

Iron I

llhlill FenceCheaj er than wood Will lest a Wetkn

1luthwsWed4 uk It LeIS-11144wArINI4PM

CINCINNATI Owe IN ttit f OlkiS rtce Am fa MT Mte j

ktfct IAwPdiuPtIe fOB Mi


News was received here lastweek of the death of Mr HenryDoan of Laurel county MrDoan was up in ninety years ofage and died with the infirmities of


old age He has iiift y relativesin this county being a buother ofUncle George Doan an old and

I honored citizen of Pine Hill andwas a brotherinlaw to Mr Harri ¬


son Reams of Dudley He leaves

1an aged wife and several childrenbeside a host of relatives and i

riend to mourn his death 1

James McGuire is very sick and j

his recovery doubtfulMrs Flur ¬

ry Laswell has been very sick butis some Letter at presentMrsBill Wood of Roundstone was vis ¬

iting at Brush Creek TuesdayDr D B Southard was called inconsultation with Dr Laswell Sun ¬

day to see the ten year old child ofDee Hines who has an abcess inthe side They reported the case I

improved to some extentA Sab ¬

bath School was organized at McNews Chapel Sunday with Mr IA Chasteen as Superintendent

The many friends of Miss SallieBarnett who have been so anxiousfor her recovery will be glad toknow that she is convalescentHowever she has been almost atdeaths door

Mr and Mrs George Reamswere the welcome guests of Dnand Mrs Laswell SuudaMrsBettie Anglin who has been verylow of typhoid fever is convale-scentMiss


Margie Childress wasvisiting Mrs Dora Bell and MissAllie Laswell Sunday

D ADPearl the sweet littleinfant of Marion and Lydia Bryantdied ol scrofula May 28 The be-

reaved parents have our heartfeltsyupathy in this their greates sor ¬

row Though you should notw epdear friends for your lost dar-ling


for such was Gods will andHis willnot hours be done

He has said ill His precious wordSuffer little children to come unto

Me for of such is the kingdom ofheaven There is much consola ¬

tion in that one passage and ac-


to that promise your ownlittle Pearl is to day a bright shin ¬

ing rngeland waiting to welcou eyou home

Ive gone up to heaven dear motherNo more will I fret and cryFor up in this beautiful cityTheres never a tear stained eye

I am waiting now with JesusAnd others gone beforeTo meet you father arid motherUpon that shining Shore

If you would meet me in heavenAnd forever with me bePut all your trust in JesusAnd he will pilot thee


REMARKABLE RESCUEThat truth ir stranger than fic ¬

tion has once more been demon ¬

strated in the little town of FedoraTenn the residence of C V Pep ¬

per He writes I was in bedentirely disabled with hemorrhagesof the lungs and throat Doctorsfailed to hely me and all hope hadfled when I begun taking DrKings new discovery The in ¬

stant relief came The coughingsoon eeased the bleeding diminishrapidly and in three weeks I wasable to go to woik Guaranteedfor cugsand colds soc and 100 atChas C Davis drug store Trialbottle frees

M L MYERSDentist

Mt Vernon KyS FirstClass 1

Work I

OFFICEAt residence on Old

Main Stkuown as the C C Wil ¬

hams residencePHONE No 73

Will be in office at BRODHEADfrom MONDAY NOON to TUES-DAY


NOON each week


1WOFEICE On ard floor oThe Bank MtVernbn on Churchstreet Spectal attention givento collections

PhoneN 80S

dC M Clf h Y


Complete 1RobesOrcieisby Rhone jUehl

lP C JStanford Ky


AvfegetablePreparalionforAssinulating iheFoodandBeguIaling theStoinachs andBpwels of

I NFAN r Hir

Promotes DigestionCheerfulness and ne tContains

J OpiumMojpltine nor Mineral1 NOT NARCOTIC

Jkape afOlttnrSAMUELPirCOER


BtAttleStdlsAnise SNd

rtdClanJiid SugarJfdny

pafionVbrms Convuliois Feverish

ness and Loss OF SLEEP

Facsimile Signature oF




ICASTORIAFor Infants and Children

The Kind You HaveI Always Bought

1 Bears the-




Ff Over

Try Year-




Women who suffer from unnecessary disagreeablepainful weakening female complaints will find thatWine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all

their ills It acts directly upon all the delicate inflamed

tissues purifying the blood throwing off the clogging

matter and relieving female disorders such as irregularscanty profuse painful catamenia prolapse etc

Also relieves headache backache dizzinesscramps dragging pains nervousness irritability etc

If you need advice write us a letter telling us all

your symptoms send free advice in plainsealed envelope Address Ladies Advisory Dept

The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn



for advice and by following It andtaking Cardul my Female Troubleswere cureiMrs R S WallaceUvacaAla J12



lWe will




Youcant afford to miss the old reliable St r-


for your SPRING and SUMMER

Dry Qoods Staple and Fancy Notions r

We carry no shoddy secondhandauctionsale goods only the best such as we can conscientiously recommend to our customers

Call and see us when in need of anything inJaour line Phone No 83




Dru Stationey Jigarp Tobcco

painty 0J and Patent Medicine

Diseases of Children A SpeciaFfg



ft IIlot


Coffins Caskets and Robes

All Mail Telegraph or Telephone Promptly
