Example Guardmouse A character in Mouse Guard has a variety of descriptions and abilities attached to him. Detailed below is a sample character: Sadie Sadie is a well-regarded patrol guard from Port Sumac. Gwendolyn trusts her with independent and difficult missions. Age: 26 Parents: Thane & Ilsa Home: Port Sumac Senior: Quinn the Cook Fur Color: Brown Mentor: Leith Rank: Patrol Guard Enemy: Shane the Trader Cloak: Plum Friend: Bonnie the Innkeeper Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating Nature 5 Resources 2 Will 4 Circles 3 Health 4 Belief: A guardmouse needs to be able to think with her head and act with her heart. Goal: I will discover why Conrad’s communications from Calogero have stopped. Instinct: Never delay when on a mission. Skills: Weather Watcher 4, Survivalist 4, Fighter 3, Pathfinder 3, Scout 2, Haggler 2, Boatcrafter 2, Cook 2, Persuader 2, Coast-wise 3, Star-wise 2, Herb-wise 2 Traits: Clever (1), Tough (1) Gear: Sling, stones, a pair of well-balanced knives

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� � � � � � � � � � �Example Guardmouse

A character in Mouse Guard has a variety of

descriptions and abilities attached to him.

Detailed below is a sample character:

SadieSadie is a well-regarded patrol guard from Port

Sumac. Gwendolyn trusts her with independent

and difficult missions.

Age: 26 Parents: Thane & Ilsa

Home: Port Sumac Senior: Quinn the Cook

Fur Color: Brown Mentor: Leith

Rank: Patrol Guard Enemy: Shane the Trader

Cloak: Plum Friend: Bonnie the Innkeeper

Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating

Nature � � � � � � 5 Resources 2

Will 4 Circles 3

Health 4

Belief: A guardmouse needs to be able to think with her head and act with her heart.

Goal: I will discover why Conrad’s communications from Calogero have stopped.

Instinct: Never delay when on a mission.

Skills: Weather Watcher 4, Survivalist 4, Fighter 3, Pathfinder 3, Scout 2, Haggler 2, Boatcrafter 2, Cook 2, Persuader 2, Coast-wise 3, Star-wise 2, Herb-wise 2

Tr aits: Clever (1), Tough (1)

Gear: Sling, stones, a pair of well-balanced knives

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We’re going to review all of the elements of a

Mouse Guard character point by point: Name,

Age, Fur Color, Home, Parents, Senior Artisan,

Friend, Enemy, Mentor, Guard Rank, Cloak

Color, Belief, Instinct, Goal, Nature, Will, Health,

Resources, Circles, Skills, Wises, Gear, Traits,

Conditions and Rewards.

Each entry provides the description for that facet

of the character and the basic mechanics for

using it in the game.

Follow along with a character sheet as we go

through this section together.


� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � ! � � " # � � � � " � � � �$ # � � � % � � � # � �& ' � ( # ) # � � & � " � � * �+ ' � � * , � � - � . � � � / �( ) # � - ( # ) # � � 0 1 2 3One point alllows you to reroll

any 6s as new dice4 3 5 6 7 8 1Add one die per point spent

or tap Nature 9 : ; < < =Skill Rating Advancement Skill Rating Advancement

fighterP:F: orator


healerP:F: deceiver


hunterP:F: persuader




pathfinder P:F:






weather watcherP:F:










> ? ; < ; @ ; A =Raw Abilities Rating Advancement Special Abilities Rating Advancement

nature B % # ' � � C P:F: resources


willP:F: circles



D 7 8 E F 2 F 7 8 6Healthy

Hungry/Thirsty- 1 to disposition to any confl ict.

Angry (Ob 2 Will)- 1 to disposition for any confl ict that uses Will as its base.

Tired (Ob 3 Health)-1 to disposition for all confl icts.

Injured (Ob 4 Health)- 1D to skills, Nature, Will and Health (but not recovery).

Sick (Ob 4 Will)- 1D to skills, Nature, Will and Health (but not recovery).

trait name trait level beneificial uses checks

1 +1D per session2 +1D per roll3 Reroll failed dice

Used this session— May be used on each roll.Used this session

1 +1D per session2 +1D per roll3 Reroll failed dice

Used this session— May be used on each roll.Used this session

1 +1D per session2 +1D per roll3 Reroll failed dice

Used this session— May be used on each roll.Used this session

1 +1D per session2 +1D per roll3 Reroll failed dice

Used this session— May be used on each roll.Used this session

1 +1D per session2 +1D per roll3 Reroll failed dice

Used this session— May be used on each roll.Used this session

When testing, roll the number of dice listed with your ability or skill.Independent Tests: The player must roll 4s or better (“successes”) equal to the obstacle.

Versus Tests: The player must generate more successes than his opponent.

I Am Wise: You may add +1D by incorporating one of your related wises.

Teamwork: Help from another player adds +1D

basic dice


G 1 5 8 F 8 H D I 3 J K 61: -1D to your ind. or vs. test

2: +2D to opponent’s vs. test

2: Break versus test tie in

opponent’s favorL M 3 8 E F 8 H D I 3 J K 61: One test during Players’ Turn

2: Recovery check during

GM’s Turn

3: Charge: temporarily elevate

trait for remainder of session

2/4: Recharge trait

Mouse Nature can be used for, escaping, climbing, hiding and foraging.Acting with your Nature: Use Nature in place of any relevant skill.

Acting against Nature: Use Nature in place of any ability or skill, if test is failed, Nature is

taxed by the margin of failure.

Tapping Nature: You may spend a persona point to add your Nature rank to any roll

aside from Resources and Circles. If outside of your Nature, the ability is automatically

taxed by 1. If the roll is failed, Nature is taxed by margin of failure.

nature rules

P= Pass; successful tests

l f l d

Advancement requires: Passed tests equal to the skill rank and failed tests equal to on

l h h k k ll l k

N � ) " � O+ # � )P � � � " � Q �( # � � � Q � �+ � � �R � � " � �Playing a

Belief earns

a fate point


a Goal earns a

persona point

Playing an

Instinct earns

a fate point



Port Sumac


Patrol Guard


Thane & Ilsa

Quinn the Cook


Bonnie the Innkeeper

Shane the Trader

A guardmouse needs to be able to think with her head and act with her heart.

I will discover why Conrad’s communications from Calogero have stopped.

Never delay when on a mission.

Sling, stones, a pair of well-balanced knives








5 5





Haggler 2

Coast-wise 3

Star-wise 2

Herb-wise 2






Cook 2

Boatcrafter 2

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� � � � � � � � � � �Name

Each character has a unique name, whether it’s

a player’s character or one controlled by the GM.

Mice in the Territories tend to have Old English-

sounding names: Lieam, Saxon, Kenzie, Sadie,

Celanawe, Gwendolyn, Rand and Roibin.

AgeMice can enter the Guard as a tenderpaw as

early as age 14. They can be officially inducted

into the Guard at age 18. Most guardmice retire

before the age of 60.

Sadie is 26. Still young in overall terms, but she’s no longer a spry, young tenderpaw.

Fur ColorThere are five fur colors prominent in the

Territories: brown, blonde, gray, black and red.

Brown is most common, followed by blonde and

gray. Black is uncommon and red is rare.

Sadie’s fur is a nice shade of light brown.

HomeEach city in the Territories has a unique feel.

Though they are all part of the culture of the

Territories, there are local variations on tradition,

craft and trade. Each guardmouse has ties to

the town in which he was born. These ties are

among the factors that shape who he is.

There are eight cities and towns in the Territories

that produce most of the Guard: Lockhaven,

Sprucetuck, Barkstone, Ivydale, Copperwood,

Port Sumac, Shaleburrow and Elmoss. These

settlements and others are discussed in the

Territories chapter of this book.

Sadie was born in Port Sumac.

ParentsOnce inducted into the Guard, a mouse does not

get a chance to visit home very often. However,

family is very important to the mice of the

Territories. Guardmice will attempt to use their

patrols as excuses to visit their families during

the holidays. Some guardmice even request

winter quarters in their home cities so they can

spend part of the year with their parents.

In addition to providing guidance and support, a

mouse’s parents give him his trade. Nearly every

mouse in the Territories takes up his mother’s

or father’s work. Though the Guard have more

pressing duties, many bring their skills with

them when they join and use them to benefit the

Guard overall.

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Sadie’s parents are Thane and Ilsa. Her dad, Thane, is a boatcrafter. Her mom, Ilsa, works at a tavern.

Parents During PlayDuring play, if you’re in your home

city, you may call on your parents for

aid. You may sleep at their home and

eat at their table. Parents will try to provide their

sons and daughters in the Guard with supplies

as well.

Senior ArtisanA young mouse seeking to join the Guard applies

in either spring or fall. He meets with the guard

captain in charge of new recruits and is welcomed

into Lockhaven. Raw recruits are distributed

among the various tradesmice in Lockhaven

to act as assistants, laborers and apprentices.

For their first two seasons of service, they are

apprenticed to these artisans.

These tradesmice serve the material needs of the

Guard. They provide them with weapons, armor,

food and other sundry supplies. They are vital to

the survival of Lockhaven and the Territories.

Often, but not always, a mouse is placed with a

senior artisan whose trade is similar to his own.

In this case, he doesn’t have to be trained from

the ground up; he can aid them with his own

knowledge. Sometimes, Lockhaven and the Guard

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� � � � � � � � � � �have needs that overtake such considerations.

In times of war, drought, famine or other trials,

mice are placed where they are needed most—as

laborers, foragers or harvesters.

Sadie trained under Quinn the Cook when she first came to Lockhaven.

Senior Artisans During PlayA guardmouse’s senior artisan will

provide his former charge with aid

whenever the guardmouse is in Lockhaven if he

is able. Senior Artisans can provide him with

supplies relevant to his trade, basic sundries like

food and water, and perhaps a loan.

Friend or AllyEach character has a friend or ally

whom he may call on for aid. You tell

the GM and the other players about

your friend’s personality and his position—if

he’s in the Guard or not, where he lives, what his

trade is. Thereafter, your friend may be found in

this location in play.

Once play begins, the GM controls the friend

characters for the players.

Sadie’s best friend is Bonnie. She’s the owner of the Rustkettle Tavern in Darkwater. They were childhood friends.

Friend characters, if asked, will always

try to help. They’ll offer whatever they

can—time, resources, advice.

Enemy or RivalEach character also has an enemy or rival. This is

a character whom they know either from before

their time in the Guard, or another guardmouse

with whom they are not on the best of terms.

You may tell the GM and the other

players about your enemy’s personality

and his position in a similar fashion to

the rules for friends.

A trader out of Wolfepointe named Shane considers Sadie his enemy. They had some bad dealings a few years back.

Once play begins, the GM controls the

enemy characters for the players. He may

have them appear in the story at his discretion.

An enemy character will only help you if it serves

his own self-interest—only if it makes him look

better than you do in the end.

MentorAfter his apprenticeship, the recruit is granted

the provisional rank of tenderpaw and assigned

a guardmouse as a mentor. His mentor slowly

introduces the tenderpaw to patrolling and other

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Guard duties. The tenderpaw’s job is to do the

labor and grunt work so the more experienced

Guard’s paws and mind are free for facing the

dangers they encounter. After a few seasons

under the tutelage of the mentor, the mentor will

recommend the tenderpaw recruit to Gwendolyn

for promotion to guardmouse rank.

It is the mentor’s role to train the recruit as he

sees fit. Some mentors may have more rigorous

training methods or requirements than others.

Some may focus on different aspects of Guard

life—some may emphasize Weather Watching

as one of the most important ways to stay free of

danger, while others may focus on fighting and

some stress scouting and pathfinding.

Patrol guard Leith mentored Sadie when she was a tenderpaw. He taught her how to survive in the wild in nearly any condition.

Mentor During PlayDuring play, you may call on your

mentor for aid. Mentors are busy

guardmice with their own duties and

missions, but most mentors will do what they

can to aid their former students.

Most mentors, unless stationed at Lockhaven,

can be found wandering the Territories, rarely

in the same place twice. You may tell the GM

and the other players about your mentor’s

personality. Each player may state if he is on

favorable or unfavorable terms with his mentor

so the GM has a guideline to follow in play. You

may also tell the GM where your mentor is most

likely to be found in the Territories: patrolling

the Scent Border, doing the mail run to Elmoss,

on station at Calogero, etc. That’s the first place

you’ll find your mentor.

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� � � � � � � � � � �Once play begins, the GM controls the mentor

characters for the players. The student’s

relationship with his mentor will grow and

change. The mentor will watch his student’s

progress and judge whether he learned the

lessons set before him during training.

Mentors will freely give advice, but they

will only actively help their student if the

student’s life is threatened or the fate of a city or

the Territories themselves are at stake. A mentor

will never undertake his student’s duties for him.

The student must prove his worth to the Guard!

Guard RankThere are five ranks within the Mouse Guard:

tenderpaw, guardmouse, patrol guard, patrol

leader and guard captain.

Tenderpaws are fresh recruits. Guardmice are

the foot soldiers of the Guard. Patrol guard are

veteran guardmice responsible for complicated

or independent missions. Patrol leaders are

patrol guard who have demonstrated that they

can think independently and guide other mice.

Guard captains are powerful mice appointed to

the highest rank in the Guard due to their long-

standing commitment and exemplary service.

Sadie is a high-ranking and well-regarded patrol guard. She’s been in the Guard for a number of years and has steadily advanced in

rank. Gwendolyn trusts her with independent and difficult missions.

Cloak ColorA guardmouse’s cloak is granted to him after

he has completed his apprenticeship under his

mentor. It is presented at his formal induction

ceremony by his mentor. The mentor always

chooses the color for his graduating apprentice.

The color represents how the mentor views his

former student’s disposition and personality.

BeliefA Belief is an ethical or moral statement that

encompasses how the character views his world.

It is also a way for the player to explore part of

the Mouse Guard world.

In the very first issue of the comic, Kenzie tells

Lieam his Belief, taken from one of the Guard’s

mottoes: “It matters not what you fight, but

what you fight for.” This statement informs all

of Kenzie’s decisions. He is fighting for a higher

purpose—not glory or personal success—but

for the honor of the Guard and the safety of the


Sadie : A guardmouse needs to be able to think with her head and act with her heart.

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You write a Belief for your character.

Beliefs should speak to some higher

purpose. They shouldn’t be goals you

can accomplish; they’re ideals you live up to.

Playing your character’s Belief is one

way to get rewarded in the game. If

you’re not playing your character’s

Belief, and subsequently not getting rewarded,

you should change it. Beliefs can be changed at

the beginning or end of a session. Writing a

Belief and earning rewards is detailed in It’s

What We Fight For.

GoalEach character has a Goal—a task, mission or

vow that he is trying to complete.

I will discover why Conrad’s communications from Calogero have stopped.

That’s Sadie’s Goal for her first mission. A Goal

can be accomplished in one session of play. This

means that most Goals change every session.

You write a new Goal for the session based on

the mission handed down from the GM for this

session and based on the developments in the

previous session.

Accomplishing your Goal earns a

reward. You want to be rewarded at

the end of every session, so make sure

you accomplish what you set out to do!

Writing a Goal and earning rewards is detailed

in It’s What We Fight For.

InstinctAn Instinct in this game is a habit or reaction.

It’s something that the character always does. If

someone were describing your character, they’d

probably mention this about him.

Never delay when on a mission.

If you play your character’s Instinct—

if you act out the trigger and condition

written there—then you are rewarded.

Instincts are also discussed in this chapter and

in It’s What We Fight For.

Inherent AbilitiesA Mouse Guard character has five inherent

abilities—Nature, Will, Health, Resources and

Circles. All mice share these same five abilities.

NatureNature stands for the mouse’s natural qualities

and tendencies. It represents what he was born

to do, what helps him survive in the wild and

cruel world.

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[ \ ] ^ _ ` a ] b ` c d eThe Nature ability is unique among all the

other abilities. While it has a rating like other

abilities and skills, it also notes the animal to

which it belongs and includes three or four


For Mouse Guard characters, it’s always Nature (Mouse).

For a snake it is “Nature (Snake);” for a weasel it is “Nature (Weasel).”

Nature is rated from 0 to 7. The higher your

Nature rank, the more mouse-like you are. The

lower your rank, the more “human” you are.

For mice, there are four aspects that

follow: Escaping, Climbing, Hiding, Foraging.

These describe the situations in which you can

use your Nature without penalty. If you use your

Nature in situations outside of escaping,

climbing, hiding and foraging, you risk losing a

bit of it.

Sadie uses her Nature to escape from Calogero after being trapped inside by crabs.

Nature is one of the most important parts of this

game. See the Nature section in the Abilities and

Skills chapter for all the juicy details.

WillThe Will ability represents how men-

tally resilient, sociable and adaptable

your mouse is.

Will is rated from 1 to 6. It is tested when

you’re resisting another character who is

trying to convince you of something.

Sadie has a Will of 4. She’s well-rounded and tough, but she’s not as adaptable or experienced as, say, Kenzie.

Will is also used to overcome the mental trials of

life on the road, like anger and illness.

In addition, it is used to break ties in tests

requiring mental strength or insight. See the

Resolution chapter for the rules on ties and

breaking them.

HealthHealth represents your mouse’s

physical strength and well-being.

Younger mice tend to be healthier than

the oldfurs.

The Health ability is rated from 1 to 6. It is

most frequently tested when trying to resist the

physical trials of life on the road—fatigue and


Sadie’s Health is 4. She’s solid and in good shape. However, she’s not a tenderpaw anymore. So she can’ t recover from all the bumps and scrapes as fast as a younger mouse like Lieam.

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Health is used for any physical test that

doesn’t fall under Nature or a skill—

running for a long distance to deliver a message,

for example.

It is also used to break ties for tests requiring

physical exertion. Again, see the Resolution

chapter for the rules on ties and breaking them.

ResourcesThe Resources ability represents what material

resources your character can produce. It can be

a measure of resourcefulness or wealth. You get

to decide. Either way, your rating in Resources

allows you to get stuff for your character.

Resources ratings range from 1 to 10.

If you pass a Resources test, you acquire

the item you were looking for. If a

Resources test is failed, the standard failure rules

apply or the GM may apply a special condition.

See the Resources section in the Abilities and

Skills chapter for details.

After the battle at Lockhaven, Sadie uses her Resources to outfit herself with a new leafboat, new paddles and new survivalist gear.

CirclesThe Circles ability determines how well-

connected your character is. It is rated from 1 to

10. When you want to find someone in a town,

you test your Circles.

When returning to Lockhaven after discovering the nature of the conspiracy, Sadie uses her Circles to make sure Rand is on duty when she arrives.

When Circles is used, new characters or

those from the guardmouse’s past are

introduced into the game.

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[ \ ] ^ _ ` a ] b ` c d eTesting Circles

When testing Circles, describe who

you’re looking for. What’s the mouse’s

job? What’s his attitude? If you pass your

Circles test, your character meets the mouse

you were looking for. If you fail, the GM can

use the standard failure rules or use a special

twist called the Enmity Clause. See the Circles

section in the Abilities and Skills chapter for


SkillsSkills represent your guardmouse’s training

and experience. Skills are very important to

the game. During play, you’ll test your skills

more than anything else. There are 34 skills

in the game: Administrator, Apiarist, Archivist,

Armorer, Baker, Boatcrafter, Brewer, Carpenter,

Cartographer, Cook, Deceiver, Fighter, Glazier,

Haggler, Harvester, Healer, Hunter, Insectrist,

Instructor, Laborer, Loremouse, Militarist, Miller,

Orator, Pathfinder, Persuader, Potter, Scientist,

Scout, Smith, Stonemason, Survivalist, Weather

Watcher and Weaver.

Your character can start with as many as

twelve skills. The most you can ever have

is 24.

Skills are so important they have their own

chapter. Each skill has an individual entry in the

Abilities and Skills chapter at the back of the book.

Sadie makes a Boatcrafter test to quickly reach the Calogero outpost.

WisesThere is a subset of skills called wises. Wises

reflect bits of specialized knowledge that each

guardmouse accumulates throughout his life.

Lockhaven-wise, Weasel-wise, Rain-wise, etc.

On her way up to Calogero, Sadie uses her Coast-wise to find a route that will allow her to approach undetected.

In play, wises are tested and advance just

like skills. Wises can be used in three

ways: You can test to elicit information about a

hidden fact from the GM. You can test to bring

in a new fact about something in the game that’s

relevant to your wise’s area. Or you can use a

wise to augment a skill test.

Numbers and RatingsThe number next to your character’s abilities

and skills—Nature 3, Resources 4, Fighter 5, for

example—indicates how many dice to roll when

that ability is called upon. We call this a rating.

In general, a rating of 1 is bad. 2 is barely

skilled. 3 is decent. 4 is good. 5 is excellent. 6 is


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Sadie has a Weather Watcher 4 and a Survivalist 4, but her Persuader and Scout are only 2. She’s used to running long missions that involve a lot of waiting.

TraitsTraits are quirks and special qualities possessed

by your character. There are 50 traits to choose

from: Bigpaw, Bitter, Bodyguard, Bold, Brave,

Calm, Clever, Compassionate, Cunning, Curious,

Deep Ear, Defender, Determined, Driven, Early

Riser, Extrovert, Fat, Fearful, Fearless, Fiery,

Generous, Graceful, Guard’s Oath, Innocent,

Jaded, Leader, Longtail, Lost, Natural Bearings,

Nimble, Nocturnal, Oldfur, Quick-Witted,

Quiet, Scarred, Sharp-Eyed, Sharptooth, Short,

Skeptical, Skinny, Stoic, Stubborn, Suspicious,

Tall, Thoughtful, Tough, Weather Sense, Wise,

Wolf’s Snout and Young.

Traits help your mouse, but they also trip him

up and get in his way. They help us roleplay—

they give us guidelines about the character’s

personality. How would a compassionate mouse

behave under pressure? What does being fearless

really mean?

Sadie is Tough. No matter what happens, she never gives up. She’s also Clever. She always has an idea for a smart solution or interesting ploy.

Traits are super important to the game—possibly

the most important part. Not because they’re

powerful (they’re not), but because of the way

they influence the decisions you make in play.

Like skills, traits have their own chapter in

the back of the book. Each trait has its own

description. The chapter also describes how to

use your traits in play, and how to gain and lose


The influence of traits in play is discussed in The

Mission and Resolution chapters.

ContactsUse the Contacts area of the character sheet to

note characters you’ve found using your Circles

ability. Be sure to write down if they are friendly

or an enemy.

You get +1D to your Circles tests when

bringing a friendly contact back into the


GearGuardmice are self-sufficient. As a group, they’re

excellent survivalists, foragers and pathfinders.

They don’t need a lot of gear to get by in the


Sadie uses her Boatcrafter skill to make boats and paddles to aid her in her journeys.

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[ \ ] ^ _ ` a ] b ` c d eSometimes a useful item can come in

handy and help your guardmouse

overcome an obstacle in his way. Gear that’s

relevant to a problem adds +1D to your roll or

gives benefits according to the special conflict

rules described in the Resolution chapter.

Sadie’s paddles give her +1D when she’s piloting her leaf boats.

Weapon of ChoiceLife on the road is dangerous. Mice are prey to

many animals. And they aren’t natural fighters —

they aren’t equipped with the muscles, claws

and fangs of a predator. Thus, your weapon is

one piece of vital gear. There are 10 weapons

common to the Guard: shield, knife, sword, axe,

staff, hook and line, spear, halberd, sling and

bow. You get to pick one for your mouse!

Sadie’s weapons of choice are her well-balanced knives.

Can Only Carry So MuchMice are small. They can only carry so

much. You are limited in what you can

carry by the space in the Gear section on your

character sheet. If you run out of space, you

have to get rid of something.

You can’t use the space in Contacts, Traits or

Conditions. Any gear written in those areas is

considered dropped and unavailable.

ConditionsLife on the road is hard. If a mouse isn’t careful,

it’ll grind him down. In the game, we represent

the toll of the patrols and missions on your

mouse with conditions.

There are six conditions: Healthy, Hungry and

Thirsty, Angry, Tired, Injured and Sick.

Obviously, being Healthy is the optimal condition.

During the course of play, your character will be

made Hungry, Angry or Tired. He also might be

Injured or fall Sick. Once any other condition is

earned, your character is no longer Healthy. You

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may return to being Healthy by recovering from

your conditions. Recovery is described in The


You may accumulate multiple conditions. You

may be Hungry and Tired or Angry and Sick or

even Thirsty, Angry, Tired, Injured and Sick!

The Hungry and Thirsty, Tired and Angry

conditions affect your mouse during

tense, important situations called conflicts. They

don’t affect every roll.

After she witnesses the death of Conrad, Sadie is upset. This falls under the Angry condition. She doesn’ t blame anyone for her friend’s death. She’s simply upset at the cruelty of nature.

Being Injured and Sick affects every roll,

except Health and Will rolls to recover

from conditions.

RewardsAt the end of each session, each player can earn

rewards. You earn them based on the way you play

your character—his Belief, Goal and Instinct—

and how you stand up in the face of danger.

There are two types of reward points: fate and


FateFate points represent luck and good fortune

smiling down on your character.

Fate points are spent after a roll in which

some of your dice came up 6s. If you

choose to spend a fate point, count the number

of 6s you rolled. Pick up one new die for each 6.

Roll those dice and add any successes to the

total from the first roll. If you roll more 6s in the

second roll, keep going! Pick up another die for

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[ \ ] ^ _ ` a ] b ` c d eeach new 6 and roll again. Keep rolling new dice

until you don’t roll any more 6s. Count up all the

successes you rolled.

PersonaPersona points represent a special reserve of

inner strength that your character has built up

over the course of his trials in the Guard.

Persona points are spent before you roll.

These points can do two things. Each

point spent can add +1D to your roll. Add the

bonus dice to your total before you roll and then

roll like normal. You may spend up to three

persona points to add bonus dice at once.

Alternately, persona points can be used to tap

your Nature ability.

Tapping Nature

By spending a persona point, the player

may add his Nature ability rating to any

ability or skill test.

If the test is within his Nature and successful,

then the Nature ability rating remains


If the test is against his Nature and successful,

Nature is temporarily reduced by 1.

If the test is failed, whether it was with or

against Nature, Nature is temporarily reduced

by the margin of failure.

Sadie tapped her Nature to outwit and outrun the crabs that attacked her and Conrad at Calogero.

See the Abilities and Skills chapter for a detailed

look at the Nature ability.

Earning RewardsEarning rewards is done by playing your Belief,

accomplishing your Goal and using your Instinct.

This process is described in the It’s What We

Fight For chapter.

Kenzie, Saxon and Lieam

Here are the other three members of Sadie’s

patrol. They’ll be used in examples throughout

the book, so glance them over. Also, you may

play the game using any of these examples as

your character.

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KenzieKenzie is a patient and calm patrol leader. As

a veteran of the Weasel War, he’s seen many

adventures and hardships in his tenure in the

Guard. Kenzie is loyal and devoted to his best

friend, Saxon. Though they are of different

temperaments, Kenzie always consults his friend

before taking action.

Age: 31 Parents: Ailfrid & Laurel

Home: Willowroot Senior: Fabron the Assistant Weaponsmith of Lockhaven

Fur Color: Gray Mentor: Odell (deceased)

Rank: Patrol Leader Enemy: Katlynn the Archivist

Cloak: Royal Blue Friend: Jasper the Storyteller

Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating

Nature l m n o p q r 5 Resources 5

Will 5 Circles 4

Health 4

Belief: It’s not what you fight, but what you fight for.

Goal: I must find evidence that will determine if the grain peddler is a traitor or not.

Instinct: Always consult Saxon when trouble arises.

Skills: Persuader 5, Fighter 3, Healer 2, Instructor 2 , Survivalist 4, Weather Watcher 2, Archivist 2, Smith 2, Path-wise 2, Duck-wise 2, Escort-wise 2, Patrol leader-wise 2

Tr aits: Calm (1), Tall (1), Leader (1)

Gear: Staff, map and orders from Gwendolyn

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u v w x y z { w | z } ~ �SaxonSaxon is a fiery and stubborn mouse, famous

in the Guard for his skill in battle. Although he

has enough experience to be promoted to patrol

leader, Saxon passed up the opportunity in order

to remain in his friend Kenzie’s patrol.

Age: 28 Parents: Gill & Anne

Home: Flintrust Senior: Briar the Textile Master of Lockhaven

Fur Color: Brown Mentor: Loukas (deceased)

Rank: Patrol Guard Enemy: Roarke the Smith

Cloak: Red Friend: Samuel the Printer

Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating

Nature l m n o p q r 3 Resources 3

Will 4 Circles 3

Health 4

Belief: The best solution is always found at the point of my sword.

Goal: I will protect Kenzie and Lieam on this mission.

Instinct: Always draw my sword at the first sign of trouble.

Skills: Fighter 6, Pathfinder 5, Survivalist 2, Carpenter 2, Weaver 3, Deceiver 2, Weasel-wise 3, Darkheather-wise 2

Traits: Short (1), Fearless (1)

Gear: Sword and a belt

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LieamLieam is a young guardmouse who proved

himself a determined fighter during the defense

of Ferndale in the Weasel War two years ago.

Based on his service in the brutal fighting,

Saxon and Kenzie took him under their care

as a tenderpaw. He was quickly promoted to

guardmouse and given a dusty green cloak to

represent his ever-renewing spirit.

Age: 19 Parents: Jeph & Jann*

Home: Ferndale Senior: None! †

Fur Color: Red Mentors: Saxon & Kenzie

Rank: Guardmouse Enemy: Nicoll the Brewer

Cloak: Dusty Green Friend: Maya the Merchant

Raw Abilities Rating Special Abilities Rating

Nature l m n o p q r 4 Resources 2

Will 3 Circles 3

Health 5

Belief: A guardmouse never gives up no matter the danger.

Goal: I will show Kenzie and Saxon that I am a valuable member of the patrol.

Instinct: If there’s work to be done, always offer help.

Skills: Fighter 3, Pathfinder 3, Scout 5, Harvester 3, Laborer 2, Persuader 2, Harvest-wise 2, Hidey-hole-wise 2, Scent Border-wise 2

Tr aits: Determined (1), Defender (1)

Gear: Broadsword, whetstone

* Lieam’s parents are deceased.

† Lieam was inducted into the Guard under special circumstances in

the Winter War. He never apprenticed with an artisan in Lockhaven,

but he’s always willing to help anymouse who asks.