TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMISSION ON ENTERPRISE, BUSINESS FACILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT EXPERT MEETING ON BEST PRACTICES AND POLICY OPTIONS IN THE PROMOTION OF SME-TNC LINKAGES GENEVA, 6-8 NOVEMBER 2006 PAPER SUBMITTED TO THE EXPERT MEETING* Growing trade in a competitive world How ITC helps stakeholders to design and implement strategies to improve SME income by developing business linkages to raise performance and diversify exports by: Christine Thompson Christine Thompson Mr. I. Sawyers ________________ * This paper is reproduced by the UNCTAD secretariat in the form and language in which it has been received.

Mr. I. Sawyers - unctad.orgunctad.org/Sections/dite_edb/docs/com3em28p016_en.pdfITC approach to SME trade development & diversification Identify opportunities, stakeholders & key issues

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Page 1: Mr. I. Sawyers - unctad.orgunctad.org/Sections/dite_edb/docs/com3em28p016_en.pdfITC approach to SME trade development & diversification Identify opportunities, stakeholders & key issues



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HHooww IITTCC hheellppss ssttaakkeehhoollddeerrss ttoo ddeessiiggnn aanndd iimmpplleemmeenntt ssttrraatteeggiieess ttoo iimmpprroovvee SSMMEE iinnccoommee bbyy ddeevveellooppiinngg bbuussiinneessss

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Christine Thompson Christine Thompson

MMrr.. II.. SSaawwyyeerrss

________________ * This paper is reproduced by the UNCTAD secretariat in the form and language in which it has been received.

Page 2: Mr. I. Sawyers - unctad.orgunctad.org/Sections/dite_edb/docs/com3em28p016_en.pdfITC approach to SME trade development & diversification Identify opportunities, stakeholders & key issues

GrowingGrowing tradetrade in a in a competitivecompetitive worldworld

How ITC helps stakeholders to design and implement strategies to improve SME income by

developing business linkages to raise performance and diversify exports

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Business linkages, improving the results of Business linkages, improving the results of SME development and diversificationSME development and diversification

• Use experienced exporters to increase scope anddepth of assistance available to SME’s so that theygain profitable and sustainable access to markets

• Increase SME value added per unit and/or marketshare in current markets by gaining access to TNC marketing skills and experience

• Find out what is needed and build capabilities to enter profitable new markets

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ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

Identify opportunities, stakeholders & keyissues

Diagnose sector value chains

Formulate strategy & action plans

Develop export readiness & business linkages

Promote products

Assess markets Build market options

Market surveys & Value chain diagnosis

Stakeholder and policy impact

Strategy & action plans

Capacity & competitiveness upgrading

Transactions enabled

Sustainable relationships developed

Working alongside the business community, trade & business support services and government agencies to deliver:

Development of business linkages

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Building linkages to implement trade strategies

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Some areas of support gained from linkages:Some areas of support gained from linkages:

• Identify market opportunities: ITC Market analysis tools, market & product development specialists in products and services sectors

• Empower sector stakeholders to design development strategies:SHAPE and Compete methodologies engage sector value chainstakeholders in strategy design and organisation of implementation

• Support policy-makers: Business for Development seminars andbenchmarking with other countries sector development policies

• Help to mobilise resources: ITC facilitation of strategyimplementation frameworks and business linkages with multiple partners

• Support stategy implementation with practical technicalassistance: direct counselling for enterprises, coaching and tradesupport institution development according to activities defined in sector and enterprise growth strategies

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ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

Identify opportunities, stakeholders & keyissues

Diagnose sector value chains

Formulate strategy & action plans

Develop export readiness & business linkages

Promote products

Assess markets Build market options

Market surveys & Value chain diagnosis

Stakeholder and policy impact

Strategy & action plans

Capacity & competitiveness upgrading

Transactions enabled

Sustainable relationships developed

Working alongside the business community, trade & business support services and government agencies to deliver:

Development of business linkages

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Develop export readiness with business linkages

• Bangladesh leather sector and Milan leather guild

• Sri Lanka / Rubber products

• Wool Garments / Uruguay

ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment& diversification& diversification

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Trade strategy design & implementation

Africa: Coffee / Meat / Cotton / Fresh fish / Vanilla / Dairy /Grains and beans / Hides & skins / Leather / Garments …

Asia: Eco Tourism / Spices / Rubber / Construction & Post tsunami reconstruction / Leather / Organic produce / Processed foods / Packaging

Latin America:

Bio Nutrition / Bio Cosmetics / Bio Pharmaceuticals / Wool, textiles & garments


ITC multi-sector & country experience permits a comparison of strategies, market approaches & performance against other countries

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Thank you



Page 11: Mr. I. Sawyers - unctad.orgunctad.org/Sections/dite_edb/docs/com3em28p016_en.pdfITC approach to SME trade development & diversification Identify opportunities, stakeholders & key issues

• Clearly articulate what people want to do, why, how, when and with whom

• Organise its implementation

• Realise sector potential and the true value added to products and services

Identify opportunities, stakeholders & keyissues

Diagnose sector value chains

Formulate strategy & action plans

Promote products

Assess markets Build market options

ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

Develop export readiness & business linkages

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What is diversification?What is diversification?

1. Vertical integration/diversification: expanding production or services up or down the current sector value chains

2. Horizontal diversification: moving into one or more industries or value chains related to the existing one and based on sharedknowledge, market experience or materials

3. Geographical diversification: Moving into new geographicalareas for the current market segments to overcome limited growthopportunities in current geographic markets

Plus a fourth form: As pursued by some former conglomerates

Un-related diversification: Opportunisitic acquisition of un-relatedindustries to strip assets or maximise investment return. Now goingout of fashion due to limited sustainability

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What ITC does for export growth, diversification What ITC does for export growth, diversification and building linkages:and building linkages:

• Help the business community to identify market opportunities for diversification, investment and greater value addition

• Empower sector stakeholders to design development strategieswith policy-makers to improve overall competitiveness

• Support policy-makers to make sensible decisions about upgradingthe business environment to achieve specific market objectives

• Help agencies to mobilise resources and build linkages to implement feasible policies and development strategies

• Support stategy implementation with practical technicalassistance: direct counselling for enterprises, coaching and tradesupport institution development

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Business services

Trade support & facilitation services

Competitive market space



Sector level market costs

Sector enabling environment

for enterprises

Competitiveness factors within the control of an


International value chain



Sector environment for enabling development:Sector environment for enabling development:

Consumers & Markets

Quality Standards


Supply Chain

Page 15: Mr. I. Sawyers - unctad.orgunctad.org/Sections/dite_edb/docs/com3em28p016_en.pdfITC approach to SME trade development & diversification Identify opportunities, stakeholders & key issues

Strategy design and implementationStrategy design and implementation

…Aligning trade support services for sustainable development

IDEAS & DiagnosisWhere are we now? How do weget to where we want to be?

What help do we need?Markets & development

visionWhere to go?

Whichproduct/service combinations?


StrategyHow to implement

the changes required to reach

our objectivesImplementation

Management & progressevaluation

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ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

Identify opportunities, stakeholders & key issues

• Stakeholders activities and impact of policies mapped

• National institutions and development agencies consulted and briefed

• Support, motivation for change, previous and current projects evaluated

• Expectations, timetable and resource requirements agreed

• Business community and government agencies ready to start

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Assess marketsBuild market options

• Diversification studied

• Markets assessed and options analysed

• Demand and competitors intelligence collected

• Investor, market and buyer requirements obtained

• Trade agreements, political, economic, fiscal, regulatory and social situation

ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

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Diagnose sector value chains

• Value chains mapped – linkages, weaknesses & opportunities identified

• Gaps in performance analysed, responses outlined

• Social and economic development factors illustrated

• Market options & objectives developed

• Areas for in-depth analysis and policy change identified

ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

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Formulate strategy and action plans

• Strategy options developed

• New market approaches and optimum value chains created

• Action / investment plans compiled and prioritised

• Resource needs and progress indicators determined

• Implementation organised and partners mobilised

ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

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Promote products

• Sellers coached at trade fairs and through market orientation tours

• Marketing skills and promotion materials developed

• Sellers matched with buyers

• Transactions facilitated through trade support institutions

• Business results monitored for sustainable growth

ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

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Promote products

• Sellers coached at trade fairs and through market orientation tours

• Marketing skills and promotion materials developed

• Sellers matched with buyers

• Transactions facilitated through trade support institutions

• Business results monitored for sustainable growth

ITC ITC approachapproach to SME to SME tradetrade developmentdevelopment & & diversificationdiversification

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ITC ITC strategystrategy design & design & implementationimplementation processprocess

Sector level

Develop market options

Define success factors

Evaluate & optimise value chain performance

Draft strategy & action plan

Working groups:

Validate information & data used

Contact potential implementing partners

Improve quality of solutions, explore options & scenarioswith ITC support

Implementation projects

Monitor progress& environment

Evaluate impact

Refine strategy

Formulate strategy

Prioritise activities & implementation plans

Finalise strategy

Establish implementation & linkages framework

Enterprises or communities define marketoptions & design value chains

Examine options & scenariosResearch solutions

Business/Community development:Training & counsellingInformation Business planningEnterprise matchmakingGroups of Enterprises or Communities

• Identify sector stakeholders & key issues

• Prepare & train for implementation

• Assess markets, business environment & options

Consultation: markets &


Workshop 1Diagnose the

sector Examine options

Workshop 2Finalise strategy & plan

implementation Implementation

Total 4 a 6 months

Develop & finalise elements of business cluster, linkages & community involvement

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: