Mrs Doubtfire – A tale of Microsoft Office, Investment Banking and Tatties and Neeps

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  • 8/9/2019 Mrs Doubtfire A tale of Microsoft Office, Investment Banking and Tatties and Neeps


    Mrs Doubtfire A tale of Microsoft Office, Investment Banking and Tatties and Neeps


    Friday, February 03, 2006

    Mrs Doubtfire

    We have technical experts where I work at the bank. They train the desktop publisherswhen they first arrive in the business and later provide them with assistance when they

    are having difficulties with the software or technique under the often considerable

    pressure of production deadlines. Often enough, this is simply a matter of helping

    desktop publishers to work through difficult tasks systematically, but they are also

    frequently called upon to find solutions to the technical issues that arise from the day

    to day use of that modern marvel of software engineering -MicroSoft office suite.

    Almost all banks use this collection of computer programs for desktop publishing:

    Word for documents, Powerpoint for slides shows and diagrams, and Excel for the

    graphs that go in the documents - and sometimes other things, like timelines. And once

    in a while, bankers, who spend much of their waking hours doing unspeakable thingsto Excel spreadsheets, also decide to use Excel as a word processor. The reason for this

    I can only guess, but it may be because they lack the energy at 3:00 am to Alt-Tab into

    Word itself.

    Although the Office programs are not professional presentation applications with the

    strengths and refinements of Quark or PageMaker, and frankly are often just not up to

    the sort of complexity of pages banks demand of them, the Office files are easily

    interchangeable with just about anyone in the world doing business and they tend not

    to require specialist knowledge to adjust, so bankers can work on the document as well

    as DTP professionals.

    I have worked with Microsoft office for over 13 years now and Word for longer than

    that. These programs have in some ways improved and got more stable over time (ie

    they doesn't crash every two hours these days), but they still remain riddled with

    contradictions and intricacies that I would guess, from a software design point of view,

    have a lot to do with tacking band-aid solutions on top of old, already half baked

    programming dating back to the days when Bill Gates' still found it difficult to get


    For example, ever since Office 97, bullets will randomly disappear from Word

    documents or boogie left or right from the margin. In a job where bullet points are

    sprinkled through documents like wedding confetti, this can be a problem. The way

    things are going, it will still be a problem in Windows 3003 because Office XP made

    no difference that I could see. Or perhaps, in typical Microsoft fashion, they will

    finally fix the bullets, and stuff up something else that worked perfectly well for years

    and you had got used to depending upon. And undoubtedly this will be achieved by

    making it anticipate your needs, or adding a small annoying cartoon character that

    pops up every time you least want to see it and asking you what it can do for you.

    I await, but have never seen, the joyous reality of a bumper sticker depicting the

    Microsoft Office paperclip being dropped slowly, helpfully, and in a user friendly

    fashion, or at least friendly to my designs - into a vat of boiling oil. Although it hasvanished from recent versions of Office, the spirit of the little bastard is still in there

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    Mrs Doubtfire A tale of Microsoft Office, Investment Banking and Tatties and Neeps


    somewhere; you can just feel it.

    When these kinds of issues arise during the gallop for some impossible deadline - that

    is, courtesy Murphy's law, almost constantly - it can be the calm, smart thinking, or

    technical knowledge of one of these office heroes - the technical experts - that is thedifference between a sigh of relief and a disaster of biblical proportions, leading to the

    dust of bellicose unhappy bankers gathering on the horizon of your day.

    Needless to say these people are highly valued, much in demand and much respected.

    And their job can be, when it is busy, next to impossible, as their attention is split

    between helping footsoldiers like me meet bankers' deadlines, and helping the bankers

    themselves, who are out there, doing their level best to stuff up their own deadlines, by

    doing something funky and creative with the template of their documents while they

    attempt to make them look 'sexy'.

    I sometimes overhear the frantic calls from bankers who ring up for technical support,panting desperately about something strange going on in their document and a deadline

    looming like Armageddon's first cousin over their day. And often enough, something

    strange is indeed going on. When the techie opens the electronic file, there is that

    moment, that pause during which they shake their head in parental disbelieve. Once

    again they are faced with inter-dimensional nested financial tables like an Escher

    drawing sprouting from every corner of the page, other-worldly disembodied

    fragments of diagrams adrift in text boxes, or graphs where straight lines have become

    spiralling curves, as though an invisible black hole had appeared in the file and sucked

    the data mercilessly towards its inescapable digital maw. This smorgasbord of Twilight

    Zone delights, is what happens when an overtired banker tries to make a document

    look sexy in the small hours.

    These technical experts are all pretty smart, and all genuine characters, distinctive in

    their own ways, and some of the nicest people you are ever going to meet. Like the rest

    of us, they operate in shifts, so quite often if your shift overlaps theirs, you will get to

    have more than one around during a given working week.

    During the weekdays, for example, we are blessed by the formidable duo of Agent P

    and Comrade Spock, both born East of the former iron curtain, though the former in

    European realms and the latter closer to Moscow. Both speak the Russian mother

    tongue and use it to communicate for much of the day, intriguing conversations that

    start with

    "Nazdorovia smeitse, pie chart, da?"

    and usually end with:


    More often than not this is followed by rumbles of laughter from both operatives.

    About what, none of the rest of us can be certain, as our Russian is pretty basic. It

    could be something along the lines of

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    Mrs Doubtfire A tale of Microsoft Office, Investment Banking and Tatties and Neeps


    "Am observing repeat occurrence of banking individual fitting excessive pie charts

    into diminutive document area."

    "Yes, truthfully, this phenomena has been observed."

    What we do know is that there is nothing they cannot fix when you need them, and no

    lengths to which they are not prepared to go to help, assuming you can pull them away

    from yet another banker who has deleted half his document while trying to add a sexy

    bullet to the footer.

    Agent P, is a well educated, humourous woman with a penchant for one liners and a

    personality the size of Lake Michigan. She is always amused - amused by the demands

    of life, amused by the bankers and other examples of corporate intelligence, amused by

    how she manages to juggle small children at home with the grown up children with

    economics degrees who constantly ring her up desperate for help getting rid of the

    inter-dimensional phenomena appearing in their documents. It is just as well they findAgent P on the job, because nothing from any dimension I an aware of is capable of

    ruffling Agent P. I have never actually observed anything even approaching a worried

    expression on her face. She not only, by her own admission, sounds like an eastern

    European agent in a James Bond movie, she has all the cool of the agent that almost

    assassinates bond with a cocktail stick after her virtuoso cello performance in a Prague

    concert hall - and looks a bit like her too.

    Comrade Spock, is a dependable, likable gentleman with a dry wit, whose laser-beam

    like force of concentration and clarity of attention could bore holes in reinforced steel

    should he ever choose to move from Banking to the construction industry. Show him a

    difficult graph that you think is so frightening it is almost alive, regarding you withferocious multi-segmental pies for eyes and broken axis columns for teeth, and he will

    raise one eyebrow inquisitively before probing its intricacies with his built in tricorder

    and, within seconds, with a soft "Hm." will adjust and modulate until the desired result

    appears as if beamed in by transporter - and the beast is tamed.

    On the weekend there are different technical experts on hand. And of all the technical

    experts, though I love them all, my favourite is Mrs Doubtfire.

    Mrs Doubtfire was not named by me, but by some of her students. This nickname is

    nothing to do with Robin Williams in drag, but it harks from the essence of the Mrs

    Doubtfire character in the movie of the same name.

    They named her thus because of the nurturing energy she has, and well, the fact she is

    Scottish. Though she has lived south of the border for many years, she knows her

    tatties from her neeps, and woe betide you call a Scottish island part of England as I

    once did, rain clouds will sweep across what is without exception, an otherwise a

    radiant sky.

    Mrs Doubtfire is a woman who has seen the odd sunrise or two more than some, by

    which I mean she has grown up children. She does not fuss, but she does know how to

    mother. She looks after students like a hen looks after a line of chicks. She tirelesslywatches out for their little slips and slides, and is ever ready with a helping hand or a

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    Mrs Doubtfire A tale of Microsoft Office, Investment Banking and Tatties and Neeps


    kind word, and a patient few minutes to extricate them from whatever woes Bill Gates'

    dateless past or Mr and Lady banker's dateless present have presented them with.

    Nothing is ever too much for Mrs Doubtfire, her patience with the distress and needs

    of others is limitless. She makes you feel as though you are in the boat together and

    she made it, so why shouldn't you.

    Not that Mrs Doubtfire is a shrinking violet, she is the sort of self motivated character

    who makes you sit up and wonder what all the fuss is about in your life and why you

    are not doing more with it. She makes being in your 50s seem like the most delightful

    thing that ever happened to a person. She has enthusiasm for life, for learning, for the

    things that others enjoy as much as those things she enjoys herself. She smiles a great

    deal of the time as though she had a battery of golden egg laying geese in her

    backyard, yet she works hard, and everything she has, she has worked for.

    Mrs Doubtfire is not prim and proper either. She discusses her failings with

    mischievious glee and she has some creative theories about what needs to happen tobad apples, who once graced the corridors of one's life. Woe betide I ever become a

    bad apple.

    Mrs Doubtfire, is without a doubt one of my heroes. It is partly because of Mrs

    Doubtfire's example of making what she wanted of her own life, that I found myself

    able to believe after a period of being more than a little down, that I could do the same

    with mine. I almost certainly gave up smoking because of her and for that, and the

    many other times she has added a little touch of a smile to my day I am ever grateful to


    God Bless Mrs Doubtfire.