10/7/2015 Mrunal UPSC Topper Aman Samir Rank 245: Samastipur, IITR,ISRO http://mrunal.org/2015/08/upsctopperamansamir245samastipuriitisrogeography.html/print/ 1/18 Mrunal http://mrunal.org [Topper’s Interview] Aman Samir (AIR245/CSE2014) Samastipur, IITR, ISRO Scientist, Geography Optional Posted ByMrunalOn 05/08/2015 @ 8:30 am In motivation | 15 Comments 1. Candidate Profile 2. Education 3. Introduction 4. Electronic Vs Paper material 5. Tempo and style 6. Struggle of a Senior player 7. Working professional 8. Prelims (CSAT) General studies 9. Prelims (CSAT) Aptitude 10. Prelim accuracy 11. Mains: Compulsory language paper 12. Mains: Essay 13. General Studies (Mains) paper 1 14. General studies (Mains) paper 2 15. General studies (Mains) Paper 3 16. General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitude 17. GS4 Ethics case study answers in Mains 2014 18. Mains answerwriting? 19. Mains Optional: Geography 20. Before the interview 21. During the interview 22. CSE2014 Marksheet 23. Views on UPSC reforms 24. Insecurity about profile 25. Wisdom 26. Credit: Friends/family 27. BOGUS Marketing Propaganda Candidate Profile

Mrunal UPSC Topper Aman Samir Rank 245_ Samastipur, IIT-R,IsRO

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10/7/2015 Mrunal UPSC Topper Aman Samir Rank 245: Samastipur, IIT­R,ISRO

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­ Mrunal ­ http://mrunal.org ­

[Topper’s Interview] Aman Samir (AIR­245/CSE­2014)Samastipur, IIT­R, ISRO Scientist, Geography Optional

Posted ByMrunalOn 05/08/2015 @ 8:30 am In motivation | 15 Comments

1. Candidate Profile2. Education3. Introduction4. Electronic Vs Paper material5. Tempo and style6. Struggle of a Senior player7. Working professional8. Prelims (CSAT) General studies9. Prelims (CSAT) Aptitude10. Prelim accuracy11. Mains: Compulsory language paper12. Mains: Essay13. General Studies (Mains) paper 114. General studies (Mains) paper 215. General studies (Mains) Paper 316. General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitude17. GS4 Ethics case study answers in Mains 201418. Mains answer­writing?19. Mains Optional: Geography20. Before the interview21. During the interview22. CSE­2014 Marksheet23. Views on UPSC reforms24. Insecurity about profile25. Wisdom26. Credit: Friends/family27. BOGUS Marketing Propaganda

Candidate Profile

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Q. DetailsName Aman SamirRank in CSE­2014 245

Roll No. 094863Age 28 YearsTotal attemptsin CSE

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(including thisone)

3rd (Third)

OptionalSubject Geography

SchoolingMedium Hindi (Till 8th), English (9th Onwards)

College medium EnglishMedium chosenfor Mainsanswers


Medium chosenfor Interview English

Home town/city Dalsinghsarai, Samastipur, BiharWork­experience ifany

5+ Years; Reliance Industries Limited (Manager,1 Year 4 Months); ISRO(Scientist, ~4 Years)

Details of othercompetitiveexams,includingsuccess/failuresDetails ofcoaching, mocktests, postalmaterial forany competitiveexam (if used)

Since I was Preparing with Job, Proper coaching was not feasible for me.Basic guidelines about preparation strategy I got from Kerala State CivilServices Academy, Trivandrum. However, For Mains Preparation, I came toDelhi in August 2014 and Joined Synergy for Mains Test series but couldgive only 5 tests. Overall, My preparation was mostly by Self Study.



state cadrepreference(Top­5)



fill the details here% in class 10 84 (CBSE)% in class 12 79 (BIEC)

Graduation course and % B.Tech; 8.18/10

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Name of college, city, passingout year IIT Roorkee

Post­graduation NoneAny other professional courses NoneHobbies & Extracurricularachievements

Hindi Poem Writing, Teaching, Playing Crickets, Cooking(as Mentioned in DAF)


Q. Tell us something about yourself, your family, when and why did you enter in this field ofcompetitive exams?

Hello All, I belong to Gadobazidpur village in Samastipur District of Bihar. Did my schooling upto8th class from Govt middle school in my village in Hindi Medium and thereafter experimentedwith English Medium ( to challenge some that I can do well in English medium school alsoJ)school in nearby town Dalsinghsarai. I have done my graduation (B.tech) in Metallurgical andMaterials Engineering from IIT Roorkee. My Father is a retired school teacher and Mother is ahomemaker. We are 2 brothers and 3 Sisters.

Though, Preparation was in mind during last year of graduation but did materialize only in January2012 (At that time, I was working as Scientist in ISRO). I was having a good career as Scientist inISRO but I felt that I can contribute more to the society as IAS officer than being a Scientist. Thereason being my inclination to work with people, understand their problems and help them withbest of my ability rather than being engrossed in slightly one­dimensional work as a scientist(Having said this, I am in no way demeaning the contribution of scientists. It is just my personalbelief about myself only)

Electronic Vs Paper material

Q. In recent times, there is spur in electronic material­ blogs, sites, pdfs, RSS­feeds. Manyaspirants feel bogged down by this information overload. So, how much do you rely onelectronic material and how much on the paper material (Books, newspapers)? If possiblenarrate a typical day in your studylife. What is your style of preparation (e.g. I continuemaking notes no matter what I’m reading, I just read multiple times but don’t maintainnotes, I make mindmaps on computer …or xyz style)

I think UPSC is all about doing smart study and knowing your strength and weakness. Andelectronic materials do help. Sometimes internet help to read between the lines. However, Peopleneed to be judicious in selection of electronic materials as they may get confuse and lose theirprecious time.

I relied on standard paper material available. However, for my optional and GS, I browsed topicwise to get clarity and for my personality test I was regular visitor of Rajyasabha TV on Youtube.Besides that I browsed regularly PIB, IDSA. Even I used Facebook as newsfeed by liking variousnewspaper pages (but Facebook may be distractive to some!)

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Because of paucity of time, I have not made notes. I preferred underling, marking and writing inBook itself. However, I did note regularly the important topics of “The Hindu Newspaper” for GSpreparation which I did separately with the help of Internet. While reading Newspaper I wasconscious to utilize the relevant news or case studies in my answers. So I would advise people tomake use of newspapers to make their answer more relevant (I think writing current themes cangive you added advantage in optional also)

Tempo and style

Q. People know what books and syllabus points are to be prepared. But most of them lackconsistency in their preparation. So, how do you keep study momentum going on? How doyou fight against the mood swings and distractions?

To maintain momentum, the basic thing which I followed was never to skip Newspaper Reading.Barring few occasions, I was regular with Newspapers. Besides that, I used to write poems to fightagainst mood swings and distractions.

Struggle of a Senior player

Q1. How did you survive through this mental prison and what’re your words of wisdom toother senior players? If any specific inspirational incident(s), please share.

I was preparing with a job and hence there was very less anxiety or stress. I just did what I can withtime available. One advice I would like to give is that Civil Services Preparation is not the ultimatething in life and hence have a little care­free attitude towards outcome (Expectation do kill yourefficiency). So just give your best and try to reflect on: are you doing enough? If your method isnot working then think about it and make necessary corrections rather than venting frustrations ongod or luck. For senior players, I would advise them to meet the fresh aspirants, discuss with themto get required fresh air.

Q2. What went wrong in your previous attempt? What changes did you make in this currentattempt?

Attempt What went Wrong Correction done/required


Though I cleared prelims but couldnot clear mains because of lack ofpreparation. I could not finish half ofGeography syllabus and could readonly once fadia and fadia for Publicadministration. For General studies, Iprepared only from papers. (Even, Icould not complete history book byBipin Chandra). However, My markswere promising: Geography­211/600,Pub Ad­ 131/600 (butchering year J),GS~190/600 and Essay~87/200

I dropped Public administration as I had goodmarks in geography. I tried to complete thesyllabus of geography and GS by looking attopics. This gave me some coherence withtime available. However, Many weak linksstill remained: I could not complete geographySyllabus, World history not done, ethicssomehow managed and many topics of GSuntouched.

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With all missing Links, because ofanswer writing (I believe), I wascalled for interview. My MainsMarks were: Essay­120/250,Geography­181(72+109)/500,GS~295(61+62+85+87)/500. I thinkI wrote geography well but marks didnot reflect. One reason I couldanalyze was that I bluffed in ~2geographical perspective questions(in compulsory questions). Secondlyin GS, History remain my weak link(left 7 questions out of 25) and Icould not do justice to case studies inEthics. I did not prepare well forInterview thinking that UPSCinterview would be like any otherand hence reflected in marks(143/275; Kilemsungla mam Board)and missed the list

I revisited the Geography syllabus with moreemphasis on conceptual part and looking thethings from the point of view of geographer. Itried to create linkage between various topicswhile reading. I tried to focus on History but Isuppose history is not my cup of tea (I couldnot create enough interest). While answering, Itried to focus on quality rather than quantity.For CSE­2014 mains, I did not have muchwriting practice but 5 synergy test that I gave,I tried to innovate during test and never triedto complete the paper (My marks were in therange of 50­60 J). For Geography Test, I didnot like the Shabbir Sir way (First class andthen Test based on discussed questions) andgave only 2 test because I felt in these 2 test Iwas writing his language and methods (I amlittle particular about my original answers)


AIR­245; Not so good GS marks:337 (81+80+85+91). Reason being inGS­1, I again left 6 questions (15numbers could have been increased)and in GS­4, in many answers, Icould not provide enough contente.g. multidimensional analysis of acase, quoting philosopher etc. Myanswers were simple. AverageInterview Marks (168/275)

For the benefit of aspirants, I would to sharetakings from this attempt. I could not prepareGS thoroughly. Especially, in my view GS­4needs good amount of analysis in answers (Soprepare accordingly). While facing interview, Iforgot some words and because of that I feltlow which might have been noticed on myface. So even if you forget some words, Onecan go ahead confidently even by using Hindiwords.

Working professional

If you’re a working professional, share some tips on how to manage studies with job

It is always a challenge to manage time with Job. However, if one is strict with the schedule, even3­4 hours of time in weekdays can get you along in preparation and average time can be enhancedby devoting more time on weekends. My office bus used to take around 45 minutes to office and Ideveloped the habit of reading Newspaper in bus (though some pressure on eye J). In this way,with leisure time in office, I could finish my Newspaper. Other than that, doing Yoga afterreturning from Job also helped me to study till around 1am. Most importantly, if 2­3 workingprofessionals are preparing around you, load of preparation of topics can be shared.

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Prelims (CSAT) General studies

Topic strategy/booklist/commentHistory Ancient NCERTHistory Medieval NCERTHistory Modern (FreedomStruggle) NCERT+Spectrum

Culture and society NCERTPolity (theory + current) LaxmikanthEconomy (theory + current) NCERTScience (theory + current) NCERT+ Newspapers

Environment (theory + current) Environmetal Science 11&12 of CBSE+ InternetSearch+Newspapers

geography physical NCERT+ Cheong Leonggeography India NCERTgeography world NCERT old Editionother national/internationalcurrent affairs The Hindu

Schemes, Policy & Filler Stuff Govt Ministries Website

Q. Any observation / comments / tips about GS prelim 2014 paper?

Focus on elimination method. Many statements can be easily eliminated with logical thinking

Q. in GS­Prelims 2014, there was unusual questions from environment and agricultureportion. If you were to give the attempt again in 2015, what new strategy / books / sourceswould you focus?

I would try to focus on the basic concepts because many questions relating to environments arerelated to basic concepts. However, much time should not be wasted on unusual topics as prelimsshould be looked from the qualifying point of view and focusing on traditional topic can fetch youenough marks to clear prelims.

Q. Now that Aptitude paper has become qualifying, obvious more attention needs to be paidon the GS paper so apart from the books that you already have gone through, what elsewould you have tried for CSE­2015 (if you were going to appear)?

I would go for regular revision of whatever studied to minimize the negative marks

Prelims (CSAT) Aptitude

Topic strategy / booklistMaths R S Agarwal

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reasoning R S Agarwalcomprehension R S AgarwalDecision Making Discussion with friends

Q. Any observation / comments / tips about GS Aptitude 2014 paper.

One should focus on increasing the accuracy than attempting more than 80 questions. This isbecause, to get 100 marks, you need only 50 correct answers

Prelim accuracy

Q1. Did you attend any ‘mock tests’? do you think they’re necessary for success?

I did not attend mock tests. However, Mock tests may help you become regular with studies andmay help you cover syllabus. But it should be individual choice because less marks in mock testsmay lead to low confidence.

Q2. Approximate no. of attempted answers vs. correct answers. in CSAT­2014

I don’t remember exactly. But attempt in GS­1 was around 68 and In CSAT was around 64.

Q3. Your score in prelim (when UPSC uploads it please mail me your score)

GS­1 : 100CSAT : ~108

Mains: Compulsory language paper

Compulsory language paper Your preparation strategy / booklist?English paper Not Preparedyour regional language Not Prepared

Q2.other observations / tips / comments on the length / difficulty level of compulsorylanguage papers in CSE­2014

In both Compulsory paper, one should focus on Essay writing. Take your time, use appropriatewords to write good essay. Secondly, one should try to complete the paper.

Mains: Essay

Q1. How did you prepare for the essay paper?

I never prepared for essay writings. However, my poem writing and blogging helped me a lot inlooking for various dimensions and making thought synchronous.

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Q2. Which two essays did you write and What key points did you include in it?

1. Competition among Youth2. Tourism

General Studies (Mains) paper 1

Topic How did you prepare?culture NCERT + http://ccrtindia.gov.in/Indian history Spectrumworld history NCERT + Synergy Class notespost­independence India NCERTIndian society NCERTrole of women, poverty etc. Discussion with Friendsglobalization on Indian society NCERTcommunalism, regionalism, secularism NCERTworld geo physical NCERT old editionsresource distribution Not preparedfactors for industrial location Economic geography K Sidhharthaearthquake tsunami etc NCERTimpact on flora­fauna Savinder Singh

General studies (Mains) paper 2

Topic How Did You Prepare?Indian Constitution, devolution, dispute redressal etc. M Laxmikantcomparing Constitution with world M Laxmikantparliament, state Legislatures M Laxmikantexecutive­judiciary M Laxmikantministries departments Not preparedpressure group, informal asso. VisionIAS notesRepresentation of people’s act VisionIAS notesvarious bodies: Constitutional, statutory.. VisionIAS notesNGO, SHG etc VisionIAS noteswelfare schemes, bodies Govt Websites/ VisionIAS notessocial sector, health, edu, HRD Govt Websitesgovernance, transparency, accountability VisionIAS notese­governance Random articles

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role of civil service VisionIAS notesIndia & neighbors Newspapers/IDSAbilateral/global grouping Newspapers/IDSAeffect of foreign country policies on Indian interest Newspapers/IDSAdiaspora Newspapers/IDSAinternational bodies­ structure mandate Wikipedia

General studies (Mains) Paper 3

Topic How Did You Prepare?Indian economy, resource mobilization Newspapers/Random articlesinclusive growth Newspapers/Random articlesbudgeting IGNOU Notesmajor crops, irrigation Khullaragro produce – storage, marketing VisionIAS notese­technology for famers Random articlesfarm subsidies, MSP VisionIAS notesPDS, buffer, food security VisionIAS notestechnology mission Not preparedanimal rearing economics Internet searchfood processing Ministry websiteland reforms Majid Hussainliberalization Random articlesinfra Khullarinvestment models Not Preparedscience­tech day to day life Newsapers/Vision IASIndian achievements in sci­tech Newsapers/Vision IASawareness in IT, space, biotech, nano, IPR Newsapers/Vision IASenvironmental impact assessment Ministry WebsiteDisaster Management One article on PRSnon state actors, internal security TMH book on Securityinternal security – role of media, social networking site TMH book on Securitycyber security TMH book on Securitymoney laundering TMH book on Securityborder Management TMH book on Securityorganized crime, terrorism TMH book on Security

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security agencies­ structure mandate TMH book on Security

General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitude

Topic How Did You Prepare?

ethics and interface,family, society andall the hathodaatopics

My preparation was based on searching on Internet. For Example BBCchapters on Ethics, An approach to ethics by Dr. V Vivekanandan, IRSetc. For Few Topics, I did refer to materials by VisionIAS.

Besides Swami Vivekananda, I did not prepare on any other thinker

attitude, moralinfluence etc.civil service:integrity, impartiality,tolerance to weak etcemotionalintelligence, its use ingovernancemoral thinkers ofIndia and worldethics in pub.ad,accountability, laws,rules etc.corporate governanceprobity ingovernance, workculture

citizen charter, ethicscode, work cultureetc.challenges ofcorruptioncase studies on abovetopics

GS4 Ethics case study answers in Mains 2014

Q. in GS4 ethics papers, please give a sketchy overview of your case study answers:

case your approach/keypoints

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case1: your friend preparing UPSCcase2: Rameshwar the uptight UPSC topper.case3: no bribe no contract.case4: corrupt subordinates file bogus rape complaint against you.in the remaining bol­bachchan type questions (e.g. why ethics important,why probity difficult etc).

Mains answer­writing?

Please tell us how many marks worth attempt did you give? along with comments if any, in thefollowing cells:

Paper Best attempted Average quality namesake answer Total attemptGS1 190GS2 250GS3 250GS4 230Opt­P1 250Opt­P2 250

I tried to answer questions which I felt confident about. I tried to avoid bluffing. However, there isdifference between bluffing and logical assumption. I would certainly vouch for logicalassumption. I don’t understand the filler line or making up an answer. I believe your answer wouldbe then a repetition and you would be wasting your time. Many questions I have finished in about100 words. Despite leaving 6 questions, my GS­1 mark is 81. So for me anytime Quality matters.Quantity should not be irritating to examiners.

Q. How was your experience with the ‘fixed space’ answer sheet?

I write compactly. So no issue.

Q. Did you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs? Some players (who clearedmains and got interview call letter) were claiming that they wrote entire paper in bulletpoints, so it doesn’t matter….whether examiner is asking ‘examine, comment, discuss orxyz’….simply write in bullets and points.

It was both. For example, there was a question on marine pollution in geography. I wrote thisquestion in bullet points. Many person have raised this bullet vs paragraph debate and I think thisis overhyped. The only concern for me is that your answer should be easily readable andcomprehensible. People should know their strength i.e how they can express well? And a little bitof tweaking can be done to make answer more effective.

Q. Did you follow the “introduction­body­conclusion” format? because some mains­qualified

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candidates claim they simply wrote the points they could recall within the time, instead ofbothering with proper introduction and conclusion.

Not in all questions. But many questions demand critical analysis or examination, there I followedI­B­C format.

Q5. Did you use highlighters / sketchpens in your answers?

I highlighted some and in rush of writing forgot to highlight J

Q6. Did you draw any diagram in any paper? (e.g. in GS1 Geography)

Yes in Optional (Geography) only

Q7. If yes, Did you draw diagrams with pencil or pen?

Pen only

Q8. Did you use ruler to draw the lines in diagram? Or did you just make it by hand?

Made by hand

Q9. You wrote the answer in blue pen or black pen?

Black Pen (I wrote every exam in black only J)

(Mrunal – since readers keep mailing such queries, therefore I’m asking the topper to clear all theair haha.)

Mains Optional: Geography

Q. What’s your optional subject and why did you chose it and not something else?

Geography. Initially I wanted to take Physics but managing Physics with job was a tedious task.Since, Geography paper­1 is bit technical and geography have added advantage in GS­1, GS­3 andEssay. And I sincerely thank my friend Narendra Kumar Gangwar for bringing out positives ofGeography and for advising me to opt Geography

Q. If a new player wants to pick this subject, would you advice for it or against it? (e.g. everysenior player in Public Administration seems to be advising against pub.ad)

I would certainly advice for it.

Q. First the essential book/resource list. (Also mention which one is the “Base book” forcovering the theory? + Whatever comments you’ve for a particular book e.g. “my seniorssaid read xyz book but I found that ABC book was better”. “xyz topic not given properly inthis book, so prepare from xyz website or book…” OR and so on.)

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Readers can visit this (Because I would not like to repeat similar things. Only thing I would like toshare is I have not read from any teachers note. All my resources had been reference books (I buybook mindlessly J)


Q. How much of internet­research / current affairs is necessary for this optional? OR can onesimply rely on the books and be done with this subject?

Internet search can be done to get better clarity i.e with respect to getting better pictures, watchingvideos etc. For example, for understanding Coriolis force, one can watch videos or read wellexplained articles

Q. How many months did it take to finish the core optional syllabus?

~4 months would be sufficient but regular revision is required to finish the syllabus in short timeafter prelims.

Q. How many days/ weeks before the exam, you started answer writing practice?

Though I did not write much. However, best time would be after prelims result

Q. Do you maintain self­notes for revision of optional? In which format­ electronic or paper?

No self­notes. I marked in books only and revised directly from book

Q. Your observation about the difficultly level of 2014 mains vs previous papers. And whatprecautions / rectifications are necessary in the future strategy for given optional subject?

This year Geography Paper­1 was easier than that of last year but Paper­2 required more analysisthan last year

Before the interview

Q1. How did you prepare for the interview? – for college grad, hobbies, place of origin,current affairs at national and international level?

For each and every word mentioned in DAF, I tried to gather information and maintained a diary. Idiscussed DAF with my friends (Thanks to Rahul, Amit, Jwala). I was regular with 3 Newspapers(Hindu, IE and Mint) and In the last 10 days day, TOI was also in the list.

Q2. Did you attend any mock interviews by coaching classes? How were they similar /different than official interview? Do you believe it is necessary to attend such mockinterviews?

I attended few mocks. They are different from the official mocks in the sense that anxiety level ofcandidates and expectation of board members are different in official vs mock. However, I believeone should attend mock to know ones strength and weakness.

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Q3. Describe the formal­dress worn by you in interview.

Laced black shoe+ Light blue Shirt, Dark Blue Tie with Suit

During the interview

Q1. Who was the chairman of you interview board?

David R. Syiemlieh

Q2. How long was the interview?

35 mins

Q3. Why do you want to join civil service? Why don’t you continue in your graduation field?Social service can be done from private sector too. [Since I don’t know whether they ask youthis question or not. But if they had asked­ what will be your reply?]

I have given answer in introduction itself

Q4. Please narrate your entire interview­ what questions did they ask and what did you replyand other pleasant or uncomfortable experiences during the interview. (Earlier some toppersonly tell me their question but not their answer. I would appreciate if you give both Question+ your original answers)

My Interview was highly technical: Related to Space Science, Related to My work at ISRO, GPS,IRNSS, Cryogenic Engines, GSLV vs Other nation vehicles, Dark side of moon, Bionics,Nanomaterials and its medical applications, Efficiency of photovoltaic cell, Comparison of Solarthermal vs Photovoltaic, Artificial intelligence, Biomaterials etc. There is no use of writing myanswers as readers can google and find correct answers.

Q5. Was your interview on the expected lines of what you had prepared or did they ask youtotally unexpected questions? Was it a stress interview, did they ask any uncomfortablequestions? If yes, how did you handle it?

On expected lines barring few questions but they went far in technical sense. It was verycomfortable and interactive board.

Q6. Any side details about technicalities like “make sure you bring xyz document or do xyzthing, or you’ll face problem”?

Just follow the instructions. Even if you miss, UPSC give enough time

Q7. Any word of wisdom / observations about medical checkup?

During Interview Preparation phase, maintain a good BMI and health to avoid medicalreassessment.

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CSE­2014 Marksheet

Q1. Please attach both prelim and final marksheet. (when it comes)


GS 100CSAT 108

Final Marksheet:

Essay 133GS­1 81GS­2 80GS­3 85GS­4 91Geography 291 (135+156)Interview 168

Q2. After looking at the marksheet, suppose you had to prepare again next time, whatchanges will you make in your studies?

I would try to improve GS­1 and GS­4

Views on UPSC reforms

Q. Optional subjects should be removed altogether. The present stalemate is helping no­one,except coaching­owners, book publishers.

Yes, Optional subject should be removed.

Q. Your views on the decision to make CSAT paper 33% qualifying?

I think it is a step in backward direction. Better thing would have been introducing weight for GSand CSAT to have much needed balance (People from rural, art background do clear PO exams)

Q. Despite what UPSC has done in recent years, it has failed to curb the nuisance of Delhi’scoaching factories. In fact it’s increased under the new syllabus in 2014. Let’s face it, mostcandidates who gave Mains­2014 have relied on (authentic OR Xeroxed) coaching notesbecause there was hardly any time left to prepare so many topics in such short time. Thissystem work against an individual preparing from far­away area, without any financialresources, high­speed internet or contacts in Delhi.

I agree but with UPSC questions more oriented towards opinion and analysis, many disadvantages

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can be minimized. But I believe that many people join coaching for fear of losing race and that fearis going to benefit coaching factories always.

Q. Half­merger of IFoS with CSE is a bad move because it has raised the cutoffs for playerswho’re solely dedicated to IFoS only (and not to IAS/IPS). Adding salt to the wounds, manywho had applied for both jobs, cleared the prelims­ they did not even bother to appear in allthe papers of Mains­IFoS. (atleast that was the scene in 2013).

There should be change in this arrangement.

Q. UPSC should disclose official prelim answerkey and cutoffs, immediately after prelim isover, instead of postponing it till interview phase is over.


Q. UPSC should be conducted online like IBPS and CAT exam to shorten the duration ofexam.

Can be done.

Q. If you are made the UPSC chairman, what other reforms would you initiate for the civilservice exam?

I don’t know it is possible or not but it is a wish : Wish as UPSC chairman I could help set ethicspaper wherein the marks of a candidate and his ethical values are synchronous because this ethicsfilter is not working properly J

Insecurity about profile

Q. Many candidates prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear about ‘profileinsecurity’. I’m not from a big college, I’m not from English medium, and I don’t have work­experience. What if they ask some stressful questions in the interview about this? Did yousuffer from such insecurities? What is your message to these candidates?

UPSC is all about understanding the need of examination and executing your plans. And anybodycan do it. It is not a rocket science and People who qualify are mere ordinary creatures. So thereshould be no insecurities about anything.


Q. Through this struggle and success, what have your learned? What is the wisdom of lifeand competition? What is your message to the new aspirants?

Only advice I would like to give is that treat IAS or other jobs are made to make your lifeenjoyable, productive, enriching and satisfying. Don’t make IAS your life. Just do you best andenjoy the failure and success alike. I believe that any person doing his duty honestly is worth morethan a corrupt, insensitive, arrogant officers.

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Q. Many hardworking candidates have failed in Mains/Interview of CSE­2014. They’refeeling cynical, hopeless and depressed­ what is your message to them?

“The flame visible dead from here is not very far,

brother why are you sitting tired,destination is not far”

Credit: Friends/family

Q. Behind every topper are many people who stood by during those uncertain times whenhe/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people inyour case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

When success comes, it sparkles with happiness and joy. But if we remember the moments whenthis success was shaped, the happiness and joy becomes even sweeter. And there are many whowere there for me during my formative years to shape my success. The reason for my existence,my parents, need special mention because they have reacted without much emotion to my successand failures. Besides that my brother, my 3 sisters have always been there for me and taught me themeaning of word ‘Support’ even if you are not penniless. I would like to thank my dear and brother“ Kumar Rahasyam” who stood by me during my struggles and without whom my IIT dreamwould have been very difficult. Big Thank you to my friend “Arvind Kumar Verma” for sowingand nurturing the seed of civil services in my mind during my graduation days at IIT Roorkee.Thanks to “Narendra Kumar Gangwar”­We studied together, in fact strengthened IAS dreamtogether and thank you again for suggesting geography to me. Special thanks to my dear friend“Priya” for believing in me and standing beside me. Thank you “Amit”, “Jwala”, “Rahul” for yourcontinuous encouragement and having faith in me. Thankyou Abhishek (Your car really made myinterview experience comfortableJ). I Know I have missed many names…Big thanks to you all J

BOGUS Marketing Propaganda

Q. You are well aware of the sacred rule – the last question must be about self­marketing. So,Did you use Mrunal.org for your preparation and if yes, how did it help you? And you can evenreply “No”. I’ll still publish your answer without tempering.

I was not a regular reader and in fact, I got to know about mrunal.org very late and wish I couldhave known earlier. However, I have used Mrunal.org for my Environment related current affairsand I must say the explanation are lucid.

Article printed from Mrunal: http://mrunal.org

URL to article: http://mrunal.org/2015/08/upsc­topper­aman­samir­245­samastipur­iit­isro­geography.html

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