MSA National Conference 2013 Saturday 9 March 2013 Institute of Education, University of London MONTESSORI SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION The Inspired Child The union for education professionals Sponsored by the Montessori St Nicholas Charity

MSA Conference Brochure 2013

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National Conference held on the 9 March 2013

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MSA National Conference 2013Saturday 9 March 2013

Institute of Education, University of London




The union for education professionals

Sponsored by the Montessori St Nicholas Charity

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Welcome to the 2013 Montessori SchoolsAssociation conference. We were sopleased last year to have nearly 750delegates coming and it is again good to

see so many people.

The pace of change remains rapid with the revised EarlyYears Foundation Stage for England coming into effect lastterm and with the continuing review of qualifications. Weremain concerned about three and four year old funding,and these concerns are increasingly being shared by otherorganisations. It seems likely that the levels of two year oldfunding will mean that settings will have to budget carefullybefore accepting the funding. We were pleased to meetElizabeth Truss, the new Minister at the Department forEducation, in November. Her understanding of Montessorieducation has been extended by her two daughtersattending a Montessori pre-school. Barbara Isaacs, Anne-Marie True, Dawn Nasser and I received a positive welcomeand the Minister listened carefully to our concerns. Inparticular she noted our issues about the extent of themandatory requirements of the revised EYFS along withproblems about interpreting some of the wording. Shefollowed up our meeting with a positive letter whichacknowledged the range of experience amongst ourdelegation, as practitioners, proprietors of settings, trainersand inspectors.

That said, we were pleased to note that the outcome of theTickell Review of the EYFS gave increased emphasis toMontessori-type practices. This was greatly supported by themany Montessorians who responded to Tickell’s consultationand the other DfE consultations. In particularly the revisedEYFS’s emphasis on learning through play, with the adultbeing the facilitator, and the stress placed upon continuousassessment and recording of children’s progress bothsupport our practices. We have recently revised our guide tocompleting your Self Evaluation Form (SEF) and this is on thewebsite. We strongly urge people to complete a SEF – if youdon’t do so, you will still be expected to show evidence ofself-evaluation. However, it is not simply a matter oftransferring points from the old-style SEF by cutting andpasting. Care is needed to ensure that the issues relating toeach of the new Ofsted judgements are fully addressed, andwhilst much of the old information is, of course, still relevant,

A Welcome from Dr. Martin Bradley Chair of the MSA

it must be phrased in ways relevant to the new judgements.By making the SEF less prescriptive and more open-ended,Ofsted has placed more of a burden on providers to presentrelevant information. As with revisions to the independentschool regulations, the EYFS makes it clear that it is theprovider’s responsibility to ensure compliance.

We will continue to monitor Ofsted’s inspections ofMontessori preschools and primary schools. The success ratein receiving ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’ inspection outcomesremains well above the national average, andcongratulations to all of you for this significant achievement.We continue to keep in touch with Ofsted on developmentsin its work and to provide information about your inspectionexperiences. This two way process has been most useful inkeeping us up to date on inspection developments andproviding you with advice and information.

MEAB continues to thrive, with nearly 150 accreditedsettings both in the UK and abroad. The move to a two visitaccreditation, with time between the visits for settings toreview and modify their practice has been welcomed and itis to the credit of both the settings and the assessors thatthe emphasis on it being a shared process to support thedevelopment of good practice remains a hallmark of theMEAB scheme. The re-accreditation of settings which wefirst visited three years ago keeps everyone busy, but therehave been significant improvements in areas such as theextended work cycle and free flow activities. Again this formof self-review and development has been cited by manyinspectors as clear evidence of the quality of provision.

Last year Sarah Rowledge took on the role of primary schoolsrepresentative on the National Council. She is to be joined byEmma Gowers. The primary group had a most successfultwo day conference in September with inspirationalspeakers, and I was pleased to be able to go for one day. Wehave also acknowledged the important work of Montessorichildminders and now have a place on the Council for theirrepresentative, with Andrea Dalling attending our Januarymeeting. There will be a meeting for childminders at the endof today’s conference to plan the way forward.

Several members attended the Montessori Europeconference in Rome last October. We continue to try todevelop links with other Montessori organisations and lookforward to this year’s conference in Budapest. Several

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settings elsewhere in Europe expressed an interest in beingaccredited under the MEAB scheme and we are following uptheir contacts.

Following an increase in nominations for the Montessorianof the Year award, we have decided that to complement thataward’s recognition of long service to the Montessoricommunity we will inaugurate a Montessori Practitioner ofthe Year award from 2014. This will enable us to celebratethose people whose contribution is to work in the classroomproviding high quality education and care, and who do notwish to go into other areas such as management or training.Full details will be provided later this year.

We remain grateful to the St Nicholas Trustees for theircontinuing support. Their work in promoting the MontessoriManifesto, culminating in a well-attended reception at theHouse of Commons, continues to raise the profile ofMontessori work. Thanks are also due to the hard work andorganisational skills of Kristine Largo as our Communicationsand Marketing Manager. She has brought outstanding skillsto her post and we all benefit from her contribution. BarbaraIsaacs continues to promote the work of Montessori in aswide a way as possible, including in planning thisconference. Her revised guide to the EYFS in Montessorisettings is a ‘must have’ document which has been greatlyappreciated beyond Montessori settings. Its first edition,published early four years ago had to be reprinted severaltimes, with over 18,000 copies being distributed. Both localauthority staff and inspectors have commented on howusefully and clearly the guide sets out Montessori principlesand it is being used more widely as a training tool to supportthe EYFS principles.

Finally, thanks to you all for coming today. The presenteconomic situation has affected everyone working in earlyeducation, and at times morale in the sector has been badlyaffected. We will continue to support you, so please give usfeedback about your needs and concerns, so that we canboth try to address them where possible and also speak onyour behalf to the government and other agencies.

With best wishes,

Chief ExecutiveThe Montessori St Nicholas Charity

It is again a great pleasure for me to welcome you toyour annual conference and I do this on behalf of thestaff and trustees of the Montessori St Nicholas Charity.In 2003 when I took up this post, we commissioned a

survey of as many Montessori Heads as we could contact -there was no data base in those days. I wanted to know whatwere the top three things Montessorians across the UKwanted from the charity. There were of course far more thanthree but number one was better communication withother Montessorians. From that the planning for the MSAbegan and in 2005 it was launched with one region –Scotland (paradoxically as that is our weakest region today) –and 14 members.

Today seven years on we have over 3,500 members andtwelve regions representing over 650 schools – now I callthat a success. The trustees of the charity have continuouslybacked the MSA with funds each year and indeed the annualconferences. In 2006 we held our first conference with justover 50 delegates, in 2012 we welcomed nearly 750delegates – by the time you are reading this, look around youin the hall and see that we have the most excellent supportfor a conference that brings you all together. So to help theprocess go further, why not say hi to your neighbour, tellthem where you are from and maybe even exchange contactdetails? You have a wonderful national system for bettercommunication now so please use it, protect it and help itgrow. I hope you enjoy your conference and when you returnto your schools remember that you are a part of a close knitand well supported Montessori family.

Philip Bujak

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This year’s conference was inspired by Liz Buckler’sfour slender volumes which will be for sale duringthe conference. When Kathryn Solly (my travellingcompanion of over fifteen years, and respected

colleague retiring from her long tenure as the head of thelegendary Chelsea Open Air Nursery) showed them to me, Iwas immediately inspired. I sincerely hope that the delegatesat this year’s conference will return to their settings filledwith ideas and joyful thoughts of what they may want to trywith children in the weeks to come.

With Liz’s permission we have borrowed her title “TheInspired Child” for our conference. Our aim is to celebratethe uniqueness of children and their creative potential; wewill also explore practitioners’ engagement with childrenand how best to facilitate their spontaneous creativity. TheReggio Emilia model of early childhood educationdemonstrates the tremendous creative power which lieswithin the child and celebrates the diversity of humanimagination. We acknowledge that the human tendency forimagination, recognised by Montessori at the beginning ofthe 20th century, is not limited to the areas of arts and craftsbut spans all areas of learning.

Liz Buckler will share her experiences of nurturing thecreative thought in very young children in the openingpresentation of the conference – I trust you will find herchoice of resources inspirational and the children’s use ofthem fascinating. I would also like to draw the delegates’attention to the way in which Liz celebrates the children’sachievements in her documentation and in her publications.All her work reveals the unique talents which lie within thechild.

Martin Pace’s presentation will follow and examine what weunderstand today by children’s creative thinking and howthis is reflected in the practice of the Reflections Nursery inWorthing which he owns and manages. Martin will sharewith us two key projects implemented in the nursery thatcelebrate children’s divergent thinking and demonstrate thevalue of resources and working with artists. He is acommitted supporter of the Reggio Emilia approach andbelieves that children’s creativity is directly linked with theirconstruction of knowledge.

A Message from Conference OrganiserBarbara Isaacs

Following the celebration of the Montessorian of the Year,Kathryn Solly will draw the raffle prizes – book vouchersdonated by Essential Books, a newcomer to our conference,who are a very well established early years bookshop whoseowners Sheila and Duncan helped us to promote theconference beyond the Montessori community.

Jan Dubiel will open the afternoon programme with areminder of the importance of observation wheninterpreting children’s learning and its assessment. The linksmade with the EYFS will resonate with all high quality earlyyears practice. I am particularly looking forward to sharing inJan’s insights of children and their learning which he willpresent to us in a series of carefully selected photographs.

Responding to repeated requests from our delegates, wehave included a “Montessori voice” to this year’s programme.Montessori practitioners will present their stories ofnurturing children’s creativity. It has been our aim toexamine the creative potential of children from two toeleven years old by inviting Montessori teachers workingwith toddlers, nursery and primary age children to sharepictorial accounts of their work. This will be a fitting link forthe closing reflections on the day.

With the help of the MSA National Council, support from theMontessori St. Nicholas Charity and sponsorship from ourpreferred partners and exhibitors, we have created aconference which will inspire, challenge and lead Montessoripractice during the next year. We hope you will have anenjoyable and nurturing day amongst colleagues and friendswith gifts to take to the children.

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9.30 Coffee and Registration

10.15 Welcome and IntroductionMartin Bradley

Chair of the MSA National Council

10.45 The Inspired Child - A Creative JourneyLiz Buckler

Author of ‘The Inspired Child - a Creative Journey’ set of books

11:30 Questions and Answers

11.45 “I myself have all the other” – Children as Divergent ThinkersMartin Pace

Owner and Director, Reflections Nursery and Forest School

12.15 Presentation of Montessorian of the Year

12.30 Lunch break

13.45 Effective Observation and Assessment in the EYFSJan Dubiel

National Development Coordinator, Early Excellence

14.45 Questions and Answers

15.00 Reflections on creativity in Montessori settings presented by Montessori practitioners from Rose House, Winscombe,

Wivenhoe and Merrydays and Henley Montessori schools

15.45 Montessori Reflections on the Conference Presentations Barbara Isaacs

16.00 Closing remarksMartin Bradley, Chair of the MSA National Council



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Liz Buckler

Liz Buckler trained as aprimary school teacher andtaught for 10 years inEngland, Wales and NewZealand. This experienceconvinced her that in ourefforts to teach, both atschool and at home, we

often erode children’s natural desire to learn duringthe fundamental early stages of development. Shebegan to recognize that the child’s perception oftheir own success or failure in the early years setsup a pattern that affects them throughout theireducation.

For the past eight years she has worked withHerefordshire LA Early Years team. The title of hertalk is ‘The Inspired Child’. She will begin by sharingher interest in children and education based on thequote from her book “We all want education to berelevant, challenging and enjoyable… this approachalso makes it irresistible.” She will answerquestions on the essence of effective andrewarding learning, what we all need to be ‘goodlearners’, and what creativity means and doesn’tmean. Her talk will be an interpretation which hasgoverned all the work she does with children.

She will also talk about her personal journeyworking creatively with children from 2 years to 12years within the structure of the NationalCurriculum and with reference to Reggio Emiliaand Montessori. By presenting her ‘The InspiredChild’ books (this is where the title of theconference comes from) with a description of howand why they were written, she hopes her talk willgive the delegates ideas and resolutions to nourishtheir practice with renewed energy anddetermination to continue learning alongside thechildren with whom they work.



The Inspired Child

We all want education to be relevant, challengingand enjoyable. This approach can make itirresistible.

How do we give children a creative experience? Feelthe passion; model the joy; let go of the stress!

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Shadows can be caught, moved, picked up, hiddenand invented. They grow, shrink and suddenlydisappear. No wonder they are such a fascinationfor children.

Listen to them. Allow them time, space, enthusiasmand empathy.

Appropriate materials and equipment help childrenmeet the challenges they find along the way.

Encourage a relaxed, calm and happy atmosphere.A truly creative experience for Sam.

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How often do you allow yourself time for creative expression?

How often do we ask children open ended questions?

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In the Inspired Childapproach, childrenand adults share thecreative learningjourney.

Provide an environment that encourages curiosity and exploration.

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“I myself have all theother” – Children asDivergent ThinkersMartin Pace has worked in

the childcare and educationsector for 20 years. He isowner and director ofReflections Nursery andForest School, a 115 placesetting in Worthing (winnerof UK Nursery of the Year

2009/10, Worthing Business of the Year 2010/11and Southern Business of the Year 2011/12).

Martin has researched the pre-schools of ReggioEmilia on eight study tours since 2003 and iscurrently studying for an MA in Early ChildhoodStudies at the University of Roehampton whilstcompleting a Level 3 Forest Schools Practitioner; heleads the practice for Reflections’ Forest Schoolprogramme. He was co-founder and managingdirector of Dolphin Nurseries Ltd from 2000 to2004, a company which operated seven nurseriesaround London.

Martin is the author of Starting a Nursery – APractical Guide for Early Years Professionals,published by TSL Education, and is a contributor toNursery World conferences since 1996. He hasedited two books about children’s project workentitled Crocodile! and Light Everywhere!,published by Onreflection Publishing. BetweenJune 2007 and October 2010 Reflections Nurseriesraised £20,000 for the international charity, PlanUK, to build a pre-school in Ghana.

Martin’s talk entitled ‘“I myself have all the other” –Children as Divergent Thinkers’ will explore ‘Whatis Creativity?’ by proposing that children arenaturally divergent thinkers. He will discuss what isat stake if we fail to support this as educatorswhile making references to the pedagogy andlong-term project work of Reggio Emilia and ofReflections Nursery in supporting children’screativity. He will discuss the value of resources, ofartists working with children, and of creativity inthe construction of knowledge.



Martin Pace

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Jan Dubiel is the NationalDevelopment Co-ordinatorof Early Excellence. Hetrained as a teacherspecialising in Early Yearsand subsequently taughtacross the nursery, receptionand year 1 age ranges, as

well as leading and managing teams ofpractitioners in Bradford, Oxfordshire, Norfolk andYork.

As an Early Years Consultant for the City of York hetrained and supported practitioners in theimplementation of the Foundation Stage anddeveloped partnership working. Following this, hewas appointed as Early Years Adviser for theLondon Borough of Havering leading the EarlyYears team in developing effective practice andprovision. From 2005 to 2010 he worked for QCDAwith responsibility for the monitoring anddevelopment of the EYFS, and was ProgrammeLead for the EYFS Profile with nationalresponsibility for its implementation andmoderation.

The title of Jan’s talk is ‘Effective Observation andAssessment in the EYFS’, which will focus onestablishing the principles of effective, meaningfuland authentic assessments of children in the EYFS.He will align this with the requirements of therevised EYFS and use examples and case studies ofwhat this could look like in practice.

Effective Observation and Assessment in the EYFS



Jan Dubiel

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No way. The hundred is there.The childis made of one hundred.The child hasa hundred languagesa hundred handsa hundred thoughtsa hundred ways of thinkingof playing, of speakingA hundred, always a hundredways of listeningof marvelling, of loving,a hundred joysfor singing and understandinga hundred worldsto discovera hundred worldsto inventa hundred worldsto dream.The child hasa hundred languages(and a hundred hundred hundred more)but they steal ninety-nine.The school and the cultureseparate the head from the body.They tell the child:to think without handsto do without headto listen and not to speakto understand without joyto love and to marvelonly at Easter and Christmas.They tell the child:to discover the world already thereand of the hundred they steal ninety-nine.They tell the child:that work and playreality and fantasyscience and imaginationsky and earthreason and dreamare thingsthat do not belong together

And thus they tell the childthat the hundred is not there.The child says:No way. The hundred is there.

Loris Malaguzzi

Photo: Fiona Yaron-Field

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Thank you



Barnardo’s Big Toddle www.bigtoddle.co.uk

Barnardo’s is Montessori International’s official charity partner. Barnardo’s Big Toddle is a shortsponsored walk for toddlers that raises money for their vital under 5s projects. It is a great firstfundraiser that teaches the importance of helping others. This year’s Big Toddle has a NurseryRhymes and Fairytales theme and all registrants receive a free pack to make the most of the event.The Big Toddle raises around a million pounds for Barnardo’s children’s projects. These includeservices for children suffering from disabilities, living in poverty or overcoming a traumatic experiencelike domestic violence or loosing a parent. For more information visit the Barnardo’s stand.

dot2dot is one of the UK’s leading insurance providers for children’s day nurseries. dot2dot continuesto work closely with the Montessori community to ensure they deliver a quality product with serviceand benefits that will make the life of any childcare professional a little easier. Insurance can becomplicated but dot2dot take the time to ensure you fully understand what insurance you need.

We recommend you visit their stand today to obtain a free trial of their complimentary on-linemanagement toolkit Croner-i - the information available is amazing.

Bag2School, MSA’s ‘Fundraising Partner’, is the leading textile recycling company working withschools and nurseries across the UK and is delighted to be MSA’s ‘Fundraising Partner’. To date theyhave paid out over £15 million to schools throughout the UK who have taken part in their innovativefundraising scheme which as well as raising valuable funds also benefits the environment byencouraging reuse and recycling of textiles. Their service is completely free - visit their stand to findout how your nursery can benefit from the most inclusive and easiest solution possible tofundraising.

Voice is the union for education professionals and they speak up for everyone, from head teachersand Montessori practitioners to members of the support staff.

They believe that every professional in education, early years and childcare has a right to be heard,and that’s why they offer a service that can enrich your working life.

Their core values align closely with those of the Montessori movement, and they are the onlyMontessori-affiliated union in education. Because of their whole team approach to education, theyare in a unique position to enhance and support the reputation of the Montessori ethos.

Abbey Printers is the preferred printer for Montessori St. Nicholas Charity and offers all theMontessori Schools a 15% saving on all their current printing and marketing material costs.

They would be very happy to offer help and advice on how to best market and advertise your school -so see how they can help promote your school cost effectively.

Montessori St Nicholas would like to thank its partners for their continued support. These special relationships help toprovide tremendous benefits to the charity and its members.

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Have you registered for the

Barnardo’s Big Toddle yet? The Big Toddle is a fun-filled sponsored walk for under 5s that raises vital funds for the UK’s most vulnerable toddlers.

As Montessori International’s official charity partner we’re urging all Montessori Schools to take part and make this year a record success!

Find out more and register your place at


Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605







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Our core valuesThe strength of negotiation

Truly independent union

Supporting children, protecting ourselves

Every member is unique

Get the voice you deserve

Call our friendly team on

01332 378 008Visit our website atwww.voicetheunion.org.uk

Voice and Montessori

Together we cancreate a better, more productive and supportive working environment.

Add your voice to the only Montessori- affiliated union in educationVoice is the union for education professionals, and we speak up for everyone. From head teachers and Montessori practitioners to members of the support team, Voice offers you all of the support and advice you need throughout your career.

Bag2School – a clever way to think about fundraising

As MSA’s newest Fundraising Partner we recognize theimportant role fundraising has within the Montessoricommunity. Bag2Shool is the most inclusive form offundraising because it uses a resource everyone has in theirwardrobe – unwanted clothes and shoes.

As a nation we throw away over 1,000,000 tonnes of clothesa year into landfill and DEFRA class textiles as the fastestgrowing item entering the waste stream.

By organising a Bag2school collection, not only will yournursery benefit by earning money for clothes donated butalso the environment will benefit too.

Visit the Bag2School stand to see how your nursery canorganise a free textile collection.


01609 780222

email: [email protected]

MONTESSORIDon’t throw that funding away !

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Educational booksInternet and Conference bookseller







.essentialwwww. .ukeadingplus.cor

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MONTESSORIINTERNATIONALWould any of your parents like to readmore about Montessori in the UK?We are introducing a new offer for parents of £12.99 forfour issues of Montessori International, and all they need todo is contact Stephanie Ilo: [email protected] the word on.

Special Introductory offer

only £12.99for 4 issues

for parents

Montessori StNicholas has madeshopping easier forschools and parentsby adding popularMontessori books toits online shop.

Montessori Titles now available online include:

Bringing the Montessori approachTo Your Early Years Setting; Montessori: A Modern Approach; Montessori from the Start;The Secret of Childhood, The Absorbent Mind

Also available to buy: Magazine subscriptionsTickets for upcoming eventsCharity PublicationsMontessori DVD with Tana Ramsay





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Deliver Montessori ParentingClasses in your settingTrain to become Parenting Facilitatorin your Montessori nursery or schoolTraining comprises attendance at three training sessions to bedelivered at Montessori Centre International during the Autumn term2013 on Saturdays ( 10am – 4pm); 14 September, 12 October, 9November – attendance at all three sessions is essential.

The sessions will cover: Familiarisation with the scheme,overview of course materials, role of the facilitator, issuesrelating to working with parents and carers

Closer examination of the parenting programme and its sixcomponents: Being a parent, playing with children, helping childrenthrive and develop, exploring relationships, talking with children andparent and setting boundaries and nurturing independence

Encouraging dialogue with parents based on observation ofchildren, exploration of what Montessori education offers to childrenand their families, marketing of the parenting classes andadministration of this MSN licensed programme.

Cost of training: £150


If you are interested email Barbara Isaacs on [email protected] for registration form



This is an ideal opportunity for your team to get together beforethe beginning of the academic year and reflect on the recordkeeping and assessment in your setting and how you share themwith parents.

Special discount will be offered to groups of Montessoripractitioners from one setting - £60.00 for individual teammembers, £50 for up to three participants from one settingattending, £40 for four or more participants from one settingattending the seminar.

Following the success of training sessions on the revised EYFS inMontessori settings last August Barbara Isaacs will leadtraining on Following Children’s Progress in Montessori Settings.

Working within the context of the EYFS, this seminar willexplore evaluation of children’s learning during their time inyour Montessori setting. The seminar will examine workingwith parents towards the assessment of two year olds, as well asopportunities for tracking of children’s progress during theirtime in your nursery.

SEMINAR DATES: 28, 29, 30, August

2, 3 September

Duration 10am to


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TO ORDER THE BOOKTel: (+44) (0)20 7493 8300 or visit:


An invaluable guide for parentseverywhere� Ideal for parents from birth upwards

� Packed with advice on bringing out the best in children

� Takes a fresh look at family life

*Discounts available on bulk orders

The AuthorKathi Hughes attended Montessori schools in theUS, building a foundation for life. She trained as aMontessori teacher at Montessori CentreInternational & is a busy parent to three young children.

LearningAvailable now for just


plus p&p

Montessori providesparents with practical ways toenjoy and contribute to theirchild’s development.”Family and Parenting Institute

“Effective parenting makes aproven difference to family life and unlocks a child’s potential. Parenting UK

‘‘ ‘‘

TogetherWhat Montessori can offer your family


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MEAB Montessori Evaluation and Accreditation Board

It is with great pleasure that we promote the MEABaccreditation scheme, which continues to be generouslyfunded by the Montessori St Nicholas Charity andsupported by the Montessori community in the UK. As

illustrated by the chart and map, to date 145 Montessorischools and nurseries have been accredited; there arecurrently 36 re-accreditations and nine new accreditations inprogress. We are particularly proud of the fact that 99% ofthose settings due for re-accreditation have engaged in theprocess. The charity is committed to subsidising a further100 schools. To find out more visit our website(www.montessori.org.uk/msa/accreditation) or email PhilipDavies at [email protected].


MEAB Accredited SchoolsNumbers by Region

Region 1Scotland


Region 4North



Region 7Southwest& Wales


Region 6East



Region 9EasternEngland


Region 3Middlesex


Region 8Southeast a




Region 5West



Region 10London



Region 11East



Region 12Southeast b


MEAB accredited settings, be sure to put this date in yourdiary. The focus of this year’s conference will be on ActionResearch in Montessori settings. Montessorians are invitedto submit the abstract of their research for considerationby our panel. Please email the information to KristineLargo at [email protected] When selected youwill be able to present the research at the conference andyour findings will also be included in the autumn issue ofMontessori International.

We believe that it is an important new initiative; the aim isto showcase the level of action research currentlyundertaken in Montessori settings and to establish onlineresearch resources for the Montessori Community.

We would like to invite all Montessorians who havestudied in the past five years to share your findings withthe Montessori community, do not miss the opportunityto participate in this new initiative.

2nd Annual Conference for Leaders of Montessori Accredited SettingsInstitute of Education, London, Friday 14 June 2013


Region 11% Region 3


Region 48%

Region 58%

Region 61%

Region 77%

Region 810%

Region 913%

Region 1025%

Region 117%

Region 810%

MEAB Accredited Schools per region

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MCI Diploma

Tel: 020 7493 8300


� London


DISTANCE LEARNING� Register online

� Study at home


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New intake September 2013

Study at MCI East

New course starts September 2013

Email: [email protected] MONTESSORIE A S T

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National Chairman

Dr Martin Bradley

Contact through the MSAofficeEmail: [email protected]: 020 7828 7740

Region 1 – ScotlandArea covered: Scotland

Region 3 Chair – Rosie RobertsEmail: [email protected]: 020 8866 7653Deputy – Felicity FenemoreTel: 01280 848 626Area covered: Buckinghamshire, Middlesex,Oxfordshire

Region 4 – The NorthChair – Alison BarkerEmail: [email protected]: 01748 823 667Deputy – Sylwia ZywotkoTel: 07969 654 879Area covered:Cheshire, Co Durham, Cumbria, EastYorkshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire,Merseyside, North Lincolnshire, NorthYorkshire, Northumberland, South Yorkshire,West Yorkshire

Region 5/6 – The MidlandsChair – Raju SureliaEmail: [email protected]: 0121 709 1157Deputy – Janet MillarTel: 07850 990 444Area covered: Derbyshire, Herefordshire,Leicestershire, Lincolnshire,Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire,Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, WestMidlands, Worcestershire








3 9




Who’s Who in the MSA

The Montessori Schools Association (MSA) is a professional organisation that supports over 4000Montessori schools and teachers throughout the UK. The MSA provides information, advice,subsidised continued professional development training and networking opportunities to ourmembers. The MSA also works to raise the profile of Montessori education and issues affecting itwithin the government and with the public.

The UK is split into several regions each of which has Regional Chairman who organises meetingsand events for local members. If you live in the UK and are involved in Montessori, make sure youjoin this growing organisation for free at www.montessori.org.uk/msa

Region 7 – South West andWalesChair – Pauline Bamford Email: [email protected] Tel: 07702 083 348Deputy – Sandra HarrisEmail: [email protected] covered: Cornwall, Devon, Dorset,Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire, Wales

Region 8 – South EastChair – Fiona BrissendenTel: 01233 850 239Area covered: East Sussex,Kent, West Sussex

Region 9 – Eastern EnglandChair – Joahnne CousinsEmail: [email protected]: 01206 827 126Deputy – Sarah Rowledge Email: sarahrowledge@ absoluteangels.freeserve.co.uk Tel: 01376 562 000 Area covered: Befordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire

Region 10 – LondonChair – Georgina HoodEmail: [email protected]: 08456 43 44 41Deputy: Emma GowersEmail: [email protected] Tel: 020 7700 2445Area covered: London

Region 11 – East AngliaChair – Ruth PalmerEmail: [email protected]: 01449 721 602Deputy – Clare HarrisEmail: [email protected] Tel: 01553 766 409Area covered: Cambridgeshire , Norfolk,Suffolk

Region 12 – South East bChair – Shaunagh de BoinvilleEmail:[email protected]: 0118 981 5821Area covered: Berkshire , Surrey, Hampshire

MSA PrimaryChair – Sarah RowledgeEmail: [email protected] Tel: 01376 562 000

MSA Childminders NetworkIf you are a Montessorian registered orconsidering registering as a childminder,please join us for a meeting after the MSAconference. It will be held on the stage ofthe Logan Hall – main conference room.

Contact Sarah MooreEmail: [email protected] Tel: 0117 3739714 Jenny McArthurEmail: [email protected]: 01395 263868

MSA Office:Montessori Schools AssociationSuites 1 & 2 University House11-13 Lower Grosvenor PlaceLondon SW1W 0EXTel: 020 7828 7740

Kristine Largo – Schools Communicationand Marketing ManagerEmail: [email protected]

Philip Davies – MEAB AdministratorEmail: [email protected]

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3 years to complete

Montessori qualifications and where they can take you




Foundation Degreein Arts

Montessori Early YearsPractice


Montessori CentreInternational

Year 1

Montessori CentreInternational

Year 2(Level 5)

Early ChildhoodCourseStage 2

Practical and writtenexaminations

1 year (PT) 2 years (DL)

Early ChildhoodCourse

InternationalDiploma(Level 4)

ChildminderYou will need to dotraining with the

ChildmindingAssociation and

register with OFSTED


registration withOFSTED is required


(in State PrimarySchool)


UniversityEarly Childhood Studies

BA Honours

Early YearsProfessional Status

Work in a ChildrenCentre

Manage aNursery

Set-up ownMontessori


Qualified TeachingStatus

Work in a StatePrimary School

Masters DegreeWork in an

Independent School

1 year

1 year

2 years workexperience


Join VOICE, a

union whichwill support



(21/2 to 6 years oldchildren)

Keep a professional diarydocumenting your

practice and significantevents at work

Always bear inmind the

MCI Code of Professional


Follow aProfessional


Join MSAYour Professional


Continuous professionaldevelopment is an

essential element of yourprofessional life.

See MCI Training Directory publishedannually in August


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Montessori Schools Association, Suites One and Two, University House,11-13 Lower Grosvenor Place, London SW1W 0EX

Telephone: 44 (0)207 828 7740 Facsimile: 44 (0)207 793 9936


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