sr*>s?«»,;sf I M fcftCv ?U 4->- £ r *• * £ *w <? £ <5 " -* «- i*K» A--' "Tt *\, r t 11 «. * * - * * » ^ t**i-i ^»J ^ •H. •&• * ^X <"•"• *S K" •a "% * £ ^Jt : ^f^ *t-£-.J V*- « JW-J *tf. - i js^*s IS? 5 -*- t H "* V.*. v ' I, - a *^ J Vi Johufia^iJriB^&^'feHMr Esky on LieWla&SfyS&S- i M i T o ^ f e e / A. lo^ria^ft^hc^'iof Ctdtivatins^Mtftoea. on stars saEfl3gWHi3-«" p*a *• « 3 * * .4, a * Si ut-,wjnterjjcicmplo-iv*e4.oana ^worked .fine «.£*« -<c* &ia?yartl> stretches by single? -fta> row liries. Along these lixi&a a half "mi- nnifiigf say aK'l^iS^tSkriiite, Wfle^josi- ted in small ieSpy^PBfe. land Sf then.] placed in;;«iTCiyTthiidifiiAow^ •Three plows«wi6rfc after .e&ch •6tfier ! f > fovtf u wo- men, hWnl^'e&h x Me4^^ n i*^^ J ? n< ? , place the set^-'«n4-Slfequal-n»miber, aimi- 14*1? t»fi^^"carrf ihe'nauiTrfr'ftdm the yif^W^p'rea'a' it above. " * ™ r ft'gxi *nca, i of the @Qrafi- 7? «. tgk''i" 1. Amsrioatti ,-r 2. #»£? n»i ta ?^w^WKBffiisai -war the OrSedof & « f P n » o f an s Sec-! ikgu$ ©D<^fip#W!ati«KP^a|aa^the tenle ; if apportion: o£theAjjjerican Union, and! Che a,ssus&«!,;th S ^an^^ugftce^d^y-; a l n ^ t f f o f i h V 8 t a t i < i h o inifentfofa'br ef- eflectofigehichftsliatt be^to endanger the pTgrpetH%sfflfethea^iiton.-. . •::••.-.x- 4. iTo^eV!fturkirintetf^re , ncein-our / legi3- now joffer largest itock of l^tiQn^and no .jptosoription. of .pejsona on acconfit'of religioiis opinions. V % -H? I ; , Hostility to the asaumptiens of Papa] j Some,, ihrough tlie .Bishops, -Pjelatis, Priests or Ministers of th? Roman Catho- lic OfuKch.^s Bnti-R&pjibltcan. injpr^^- -woric-pMceeas-WKn-great.u.f- <. rr »~ ~~ P le «** dangerous to the liberties of the petition; ^iLKout a weekUeforeifief l^itsi peopleV .,.;•;./..: ^ i<? are, expected to come to-the aurfacQ, .the 3 6 - Through reform mjhe Natnraliza- »• - - r -- • " J - ~Lr=.t...1 „rfj . 'e,^oB^aV.fi|rie»tpck? ••-i~ t ^^S^J?™^!^ fe#»¥ ,n ! S O G A » S wero parWlSBed'beftre tbb list rise, sneT we ore prepaid-to; glve^ot <^K»craKi^lUnV «Oiii»tock of | %&%%$3&& j\^- ~a »* ^ •n-0 hantawlllbo sotlsfiM'that'iriVain ri«.thero --% l^^Btfttefigli om^oiaoSiistoJb __ _, -.l««tprotfBlff»itoeie^mff2booifinjBte- toedtdbo'ta-reM^ettftdBS-i^l'- .•.'•"•' •' •' - r-'itefejsa8...& ••'MOEGM " Wa is weB harr,o|jed--\5 | h^Woo3ens atfd ki&s all'JsarfacjB,weeds, J!jielsu^iequent | workings-c.opgiafcJ in horgejioeing, band- h^ing t and I eajttiip^-#."<. --• >*•• •-* la bat climate,, plowing and dunging *tn &e, wintefcia pafc/s^-ithe^.uestion. The eamp object ha^eTBr^inaybe aitabed^% plowing^ nnder^ "diessing manure in ifce - &H, I'he'ianH can be •' cross-plowed and worked.-iiue early in, the. spring-" «qual}y weUrr^aM'Vr^ is, the .best point in the pro- cess. The^ complete decomposition oi the manure, and its thorough internrixturt.- with*the soil, cannot be to. ltighly recorji- roended for potatoe^uhure. The advan- tage of covering the-seta with rpanure, in this dry)- hot climate, is somewhat doubt- ful. Coarse, unfermented dung would do more hitnn thari good on sandy land fn ^ dty season. Good compost,fenthej other hnnd, migjithelp to keep the soil moist, | ceive no extentjon from such repeal •u.^,A^, t i m U i n , t.l.n nknts with aDDro-1 J&solved, That in the organizati' tion Laws of the Eet|eral Government, 7 Tijs.enactment.cif lawafoc the protec- tion of the purity of the Ballot Box by tne State. . 8. JW and h'heJal- institutions for .the education, of all. classes of'lhe peo^le^syi^i the Bible aa a Text Book in our Gommon Schools.' .. ""~- 1 ' SESffeBAI. RBSOLTOIONS. B&olvedi, That 'the. National Adminis- tration, by its general course of official conduct), together with an attempt to-de- ^troy, the repose, harmpny aijd. fraternal relations of t|ie country in the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and- the- enconmge- ment of aggressions'-upon the sc>TCreigi)ry of the •Territerial inhabitants of Kansas, Jeseireeshand. shouia receive the united-con- demnation of the American people, and that the institution of Slavery should te- WaterSfi 20th, 1855. i,H.Y. SO-tf >MAW»IJ»»'AND. , JPAEEEt> EQPB, •$fl^-VmBb?W?t&ISg'fA1lta iesort- 'meat^^nljr'W^'SiiBlfilbz fo the tfidK''jPurchai!ri 1 ^llFplctee r cill'earlT - a P3»*mTE,'. bssides furnishing the plants, with a PP ro "3 priate food" iii a proper condition for direct 1 assimilation. 1^ {nenananiire must bej used,- let it- be weft^composted, or at least 9 thoroughly decomposed. ^ But it seems to be the opinion of mbst cultivators, that manure applied directly to potatoes increases their fia^Uity to dis- ease;'while : it .is" certain, that unless the knd be in good cbndifion, a^ieagre yield only will be obtained; It BUbuld be the •abject of t h e potatoe grower, therefore, to make the land rich at least a year pre vi ous to planting. To do this, we must first ascertain what manorial substances are most required by the pbtafo'e. Those chemista who think the composition of the ash of a- plaSit" a correct indication of its manuriaj require-; ter, "protect and defend them meats, tell us thatj as half the ash ^ of po-| Resolved, That the interests of of the American Ordei the institution of In voluntary Servitude was, and now is, re- garded as local and not national in its character, and is a subject for the totera tion'^f aj$ffeferii!e ; of opinion by_«the ^i; iens of the Northern ani Southern States, and, as such, has.no rightful place .in the Platform, of the National American party.. , ../ '. srATB" feEsoi,rmoif& As the Commercial, the Common School and the Internal Improvement systems of the State are its greatest "pride and glory, and have made her <what she emphatically is, the Empire State, therefore, Resolved, That the American party will always regard it as its highest duty to fos ; WHITE & MORGAN, - ><JW>Bteip S t r e e t } "''- " . _ ,. CfQDKNSBBEG-J&JS. Y, -/OBlpEinV.W Jfca"SS!»de ,ot Northcin How York and.,panada,mpoa favorable terms, the lfollnnrin',7 *rHnlM> . .„, Hyson Stln, Twankay, Gnn- udw<Iarrragci^'grfoiigl Spnchon& Nimyong.. ., » .ColMcfe^QIA ^oyerffiieifi. J*xm,. WMte.4a.Ta, Bio, St Bofli^pgo.... ,('i-,- j - - - '• S«Jft«fB>T^te.« OrJeaiMt -MMcovaiJo, f o r t o Blco, Orttshed,iEoirflcr«a, Colfeo OrSphod, Jo. hogsheads and barTel3.-.^f,'rt-,' ^-- i • • y -;(..-.«, Syin»i.^-'Stowart'» Steaio' Eeflned, New: York, eotlafcX.. .,.:.' *.•!•" - ' ToOBaCCOS.—Honey Saw, Aromatic Chewing and SxnoaIRK '' . • -; . . So^ja.-TrCOJiaite'a.J'ny'a, Winchester's, Merrll\ Qard- ner^s, ^fuwer HfJl, Falo and Brown, Stowo'a Gheinieal ErasiTOf-JP-Upama & fhomnaon's Oonipound.. fUinulob.r-^Spcrin. Adamantine, Stcarine, Moold. r i s H l ^ C o a m ^ c t e W a n ' d Hprrlnav \Ttf^e^^orlS?^8.room». Fails, Tuba, Wash- -. JrBUGUBST NEW S T l f t E S R I C £ E tfRESS GOOlJS. R106 ^^Hgli^f - s . •<.gna&mn;M®8GmB, - ... ORGANDIES, BAB&IGES, PEIHTBD JACX)HBTTB, LAW N S , PKI^TEr) Olr^ALLIEa 1 ; BEBGGE »Et,Al?rES»i - PEENOH PEIHTO, GINCrrXAMS, . DE BEGES, MODSLIN DE LAINES,' CALICOES, BorraET Aiy» CAP TKIMIIECVGS, »BiE^'*iil3)pBf ajctjp^. PBOiJTit'4 "3B _ OAS.EJONJWANJOi Waiid PaY»r,] Chinese V ejn rlaMtae. ?! (par, Eose pin'" ~ hjneso VoroiUllon, " . and Ben Thin Qhie^ S, Amlrlcan Yermfllfon* '^^»l ow,'Martab OreeO; at wBolesflVcr that defy competition. Call and sec "" "'!''"'' PKOUTY * KUSBQE, Street Ogdenabarga, H. T. 1-tf ' FordE ?EjpQKI.Ylf •«Ti7TaiTE fcEAJO.-O TOH3 Vf WHITE tEAD.' 1^,™ rAn S TONS PHIL PUEE WHTTJEI LKAD. "^By PEOOTY&EINDGE, 1-tf , Drng^ata and Anpthecarlea, Ford Street ,a—a- 1 -ryT-m-v^K-r-••• ;• i=—="•>• .1- , j . Importer and ae!ia-1liBV»ir.wiIoV or HATiarfiWEIs GEASB,'PAfN5CSj^ )I * B ' *"• , J OIXS! OII-SI ' -g rfc BARBELS B. WHALE OIL-S BBL8 J.M Solar Oil—0 BbU. Machinery OB, Jnst received andforsaloby , PBQP^Y A BINDOK. BCSHES.-PAtNT 1 BEtrSHES, WHrTE- Wash Brashes, Varnish Btttshes, WoO and Paste. Brushes, Artist Brashes, and Tube" Paints, tept constantly on hand andfbr aalaby PK0T7TY &. ='•»"««> 1-tf •• ' Druggists. TO ABTISTS, HTISTS' BRUSHES, AETISTS' TTJBE - - - - —„i - %BOOTY "&"BIKDCrE,' Palnjs,,Poppy and Nut <)l and full assortment constantly ^ 1-tf Canraaa, \inB* a large «fb? P ILOItKNCE WHITE AUD FLORENCE '" Paris. i* V^3aii"wUto K^nch^o^grbund hi olL Greon, PariTWhitvWhiting, Putty, etc. - Call and Bee us BtaVMinPACTirjBEKS OF MISS'S 'mmiBtmhU Safesj ^Baiik ITattltei < <i -sxivifl V> =i%E||t*?|!P-« i •'••• >a ' -"1 i T r a K S i t anfl Cast Iron, formtng nn lm»3ri*ra8 any otnef S i of four eminent qualitiea,nqt found IB reslsUbla t o all cutttag tools. eat cannot withdraw the bard aauaeaoi uie^ucuufu^-wtbe-case^th elteel ' 8d. .Itjis-aBoUd Casement, without Boltsc* Joints, and when exposed ttf a Are Is perfectly Alr-Tigbt; aerofore Utffliingean bnni-wlthin, neiatercan waha 1 ftom wlthont iWi»i*;Pimne«UB.—Sfrrch, Bice, Spices, Pickles, Soda, <;reain_Tartar, boards.- -r : ' Catsups,[Pepper Saoce, Salorati Pipe's, d.i<!l> Qln, WJ^i Mngerf-jYeasrPowrtprs, Mttstar4 Blacking, Matches, Pipes, Tivine; WloEiife&c. «»rs.—<ihlb Wblsksy and Hlghwlnca, Brandy, F B E K C I I A l « l > EKOtTSH^KAFES, LACES, EHBP.OIDEErES, Kn>eLOVE8, SE'VvTNQ SUA GLOVES ANT> StrrlB,'" - CLOTHS AND' CASSQIEEES,-. IE1SH. LINEHS; AMD LtpnaH GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. SUMMER GOODS ' ifff L tdf KINDS, •• ' CAKPEHHeS, » largo Aasortment at reduced Erlwaj., . t- • ' •• liS'ijiA'niAXTiNtis, an widths. OIL CXOTSIS, New PaUorm, from 8 feet to 18 fe*t wide. O-^lonsburgh, May 9th, 1S54. a-tS FI/17ID. -g rk BARRELS BUBNISS FlCID-jrjBT 1U ™^^™ i <$$£ vr . & . zmDQ K- fi . CA33PUEAJ3. B Y BARREL otfcALI.ON-AT $BOUTY & BINDGEU and- Beltfe^mEWf'AmMftaa ™i;..J .\\ ,.£x fi,Sis orfa nilcea as^61)uunaa*froni ASHLEY.- proTed,«reditf ^jy) •,"ana Becoine like other Safes, but will remain Vmaiaebrtt^. Thoyaro rooaewitb or without the .FIEE-PEOOF— the-IitterfWBanl: VauKa. •UMidliSE'S BASK E^OCBCS, Aremdmlrably-aaapted to the Safe,,being Drffl andPow- WProotroffi' retuVbte againsf the ! . < # Pick pr Force, anuffli8B^aisely:iiseo^yiBante|hroughouttne toJon. i»~-frbe3e-£ares na^e Tecelved ,tl>e Eajnst JPrj" •B©4E^.ELLai^ «flJAffION3Bl^ '•• - AND BIHDEC,' BIAS EE3IOVEB ! «o. 8, EAGLfe BLOCSJFordi Stteet—TOhereMwin bepleasefl to Bee bis oliand pew customers SnaSrJeaaV '• -,•- ' <:•»-'? ' "Sa^jntt Jnst. retened * Hew York, with aUew and Valuable Assomneht ^if^ ' BOOKS jAmSTAflONERSV Among wnichmayba found the standanl wodtapftJio day, lnaluding , . . . . ' EtiSTOKT, FICTIOIV* P&BSPBV, BELLE.S-i,ET'JCBJBS, p , ,.,j. andWeral' Eng&n-EalttdnS of me' ntost iropnlar works- These works are bound in every variety of style." ' He will also mrnteh any wofkln the catalogues pf principal Pnbianlng gonses, atgubHsher'a gijces. 4^^ STATIOBTEBt. niSiito OTeif ttll otSier Safies now i n u s e 1 when p*at1nJcoix(Jaatfi)nl>\az:+r3Jew York State Fair, | AmeilciintnsBtn{e,New York, Jfranjtlin Institute, Phila- aelpfilal MatyiaAa-nQisHtaiei Baltimore, and Crystal j B E L t l t IBELfiS;? BELLS I itorlea, Plantations, j^astantljygi, A«1M1M>7^^FO^ F OB. :CI«JK Boats, Factorlei. assortment keptcpnstantis WJt"»»v»^y/>K~ T^^=^^» at their old establiShmtaf'iind 1 enTaigi*'Founar^, x iwnid]j 1 NOl'lCE. THE tlSJB IN BEING SICK? iedicltl utwovery" can b e t ' ' PHODTY 4. EtNDGE, Druggists and -Apothecaries, Ford Street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. TT —"Kennodys Medlijd Ptacovery" can be had of 500 ttAEI.ONS BOIM:D LINSEED OIL— ..received and for sale by \ PEOUTY & EINDGE, ERS EOF, SAEE A CHOJCE :of'PATlQI.Y tatoes is potash, such as unleached ashes should' be. 1 uSed. We know, however, from ihe most conclusive experiments, j that this deduction from chemical analysis is erroneous, as applied to wheat and tur- nips ; and therefore we can ha,ve no confi- dertce in it'-when applied to potatoes or any other plant In fact so far.-as we can judge from the experiments recorded, and from the opinion of ernerience<}' Jarmers, manures rich in ammonia, rather than those abounding in potash, have the great- est effect in increasing the growth of po- tatoes. Rich ammoniacal hog manure Pe- ruvian guano, &c, every one knows, have a great effect on potatoes. There can be no doubt that their action is maislvjiue to the ammonia they contain; for wlrte th^ former coptains a large quantity of potash and all other constituents of plants in, ad- dition to ammonia, the latter c'orltains'com-- paratively nothing-else but ammonia and phosphate of lime does little good on po- tatoes, and therefore the effects of guano must .he attributed to the ammonia it sup plies^to'the potato plant. If, theBj. a, large crop of potatoes is re- quired, tee soil mustlje rich in ammonia; and fortunately there is no natural way of doing' this without supplying to the soil all those inorganic elements which are in- dispensable to the growth of all plants. Potatoes and w heat are the same in their leaning manorial requirements The previous drops, "and treatment of the soil best adapted for the production of wheat, are also best adapted for:th& production ot a large crop of potatoes, with, this impor- tant difference: r?or wheat the soil mu=t be compact; for potatoes, they are objec- tionable, as lending' to increase the potato disease.' '^ Of' all plants cultivated in thisconntry, riorielSfe. so good to precede wheat as red clover. None enriches the soil so muck for potatoes, But a tough-ckwe^ sod, turned over immediately before planting, pre- \LT.ts, to a greater or less degree, ^hat thorough after-working of the soil, with the horse and^haifci-hoe, which is essential tp^th^.prg&ifc^tt.of v a "good §rqp,flf ^0^ > tbea^" T0 get the enriching advantages of the.'cloy^r t , .sgjfj, without the mwbfck, should fe the aim of tha ,poiatoe*giower. ' How can this be best accomplished?-Wfl? •ome of onrse^jgrJe|lce^|far^ers answer the question. ~ *. - A s will be" seen froffil^tgbjet e^ra^ the ithgllsn- plant-potato^.Mpb rows/aboai two aad.a , |tdf i f&|t jtp^jn|^5Btte&jo|r^« tween'tbej'sVts. -A larger crop unquestiofii this great State imperatively demand a change of rulers ;1 that if >we would see her inter- nal improvements completed we should expel from office the partizans now in con- trol of it, who, instead of letting the Sec- tions of the -Canals to be kept in repair by contract, at a saving of $800,000 a year, as they may, and by law are authorized to do, continue in place a horde of officials to absorb its revennesfor private emolu- ment, for electioneering purposes, and to perpetuate their unholy psssession oi power. The following is a list Of members iol the Committee oh Platform : HOW uriBan&F rorto racovana wi lisjl—MaekoreLiOod Fish, Si Pr«nyj»ion»—Pork, Lard, ] Wooden Ware—.Brooms Dist No. t—Brooks, " " 2.—Northup, » « a—Wnlston» " » 4.—Freeman, " ." 6.—Stevens, " u 6.—Tgmpkini, " •' T.—Stanton, •• " &—BnrnelL Stuart, Bullock. Sanders, CaldweU, Van Gormen, Westbrook, HolbrookV ' Eussell, Corey, ^, Leslie, Curtis, 8f Grannis, Crooks/^ Backus, Peck^ 5? Scrogga. By order oftboStato Council J. W. ffiBXEE, President H. PiSRitisTOH, Secretary. SWtal gtttilistnitttt. PILL3,, J l?n? ajsi <iae^larly iutcessful reaajy for the 1 ea,sflfail Bilvjiit diseases 1 — CostivBacSs, Indi- wjrfOiS; :JW?d3l«;; i Brpjsy, Rt.cBme!i3m, Fevers, i=ar, uttraoii,iTerroassess, UritabiH-^lnflauwnn- ion». Headache, PiinsJ.n fee^.-caj^SidCj^ack,, £ad 13S5S,' F e m 2 s CmrrpEiihts-, Sc~ &cT Indctd, 7crr few arp f3je,di£,eaj|e4in wbicb. a> Pprgative^I «U - •Jne isjnot more! erilessyequit^dj anfl.itrfncJt*Bick. oesB anjt suffering^might bo prevented, if a harm- less buTfcfiectjial Cathartic wore more freer/ used". So person-can .feal wall : wjiilefa «ostiv©. J^bJtJ of body'prevails'f Desiaes H soon generates 1 serious and often fatal diseases, which might ljave.been avoideci by; th§Bmaty,aaS jjidj^iJuS tfsj o£a good pgr^ibfeiS •* trne^pj!^Cojds,jp^verjsh^ynjptoms, and Si ^T, STEELE, AABoW NEW BUILDING. FOED STEEET, I COpposite-iaglo HaU.) N , OSDEilSBUBGH, N. Y^ OfT'OFE Atsorrment GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS, ^ e a k r — y p n o g jHysorii BTSOD Skin, Twankay, Impe- rial* G.nhpo\Tder,.OolQ:jg,.aDd English BreakLost. Suslir!*—Iiioa^ Qmhed, Pomlerod, Coffee Crushed, Now Oileanv&c.'. j ,j... Xoqacvo— Sobh Anderson *fc Co. 1 * Fin© Cat Chaw- ing, Spqniah Smokiqgk. (PQT6 heaS, and vmriota kinds of too commoo bnuffls. Oolfeer-Old Government Java, Mocha, EIo, && Soap^-Foy'a, SEOW^B Chemical Erosive, Thompaon^ Compoond, and varioaa-Faiic/ Soaps. Canilloifr—Spernv Adamantine, WKX and T&Uow. Oil-tTSpqnni Whale, tt& Syrpip^—Otewartd Extra mud common, Molattea Now OjlpanSf Porto Rlavand .West India, " ~" ' Salmon. Hams, Fioar, <fcc. . Ware—Brooms, Palla, Tnba, Bail Boxes, Mop Htodlei, ts<v «tc AJLSOj—A FULIi ASSORTMENT OF jt^FaWCF 6R00ERIES, «S8 Such a^Sptces, of all kihds ground and whole, Mustard, Yeast jPowder, Cocoa, Chocolate, Broma, Bago, Pearl BarloyJ. Com Starch, Farina, Vermicelli, Macaroni, Soda, Cream ^'artar. Ginger, Flavoring Extracts, Pickles, Sar- dines, Qatsapa, Pepper Sauce, «feo, &c The ^bovo asBortment, with a variety of other articles not mentioned, 1B now offered to the public, iTEBV tOW F0K CASJII and to kQsiy yourselves of that fact, please call and judge for youxselYea. Goods dellverod In all parts of the village free of aT. STEEJLK Oeddnaburgh, March 1,1856; 1-tf , ^KTCTC^ERIES. { FLAGG & WHEELER, I«Q. 4, Allen's B r i c t c B l o c h , Watcr-SU, OQDmSBVWUB. N. Y, l W J A V B NOW IN STORE AND OFFEE I J U L !to tbe trade at Northern Now Tork and Canada, the following articles:— ^ - j, " : SWGilKS; 1 —Porto-Bico, Now Orleans, Mnscovado. CrusBwl,'' Powdered. Granulated Coffee Crushed, in bogstfeods or barrels. S t aflHPSi—Stewarta Steam - Beflned, Hew-Tork, Golden, in hocsbeads or barrels. Also Sugor-HonM and Nawr-OrlcanSMolasses, TEil|S.—Old Hyson, Hyson SkJn,Youngr Hyson, Twan- kay,,lmperlal, tlolong, and Souchong. COJr J |:fc.li,—Old Government Java,Mocha, Elo, La- quai^-, and a quantity ofgronnd. - — J -.ew>.—Dabney Harris, Seldons, natural leat ,Bt«warta, and Jobn- Anderson^a Solace and Am- .—Colgate's Toilet, Fay's Jib. t, and Pale, North Ican^ Sg>w6*s Cbemical, and Thompson^ Con> OI,ES.— Mold, Patent Sperm, Adamantine, and Hydraulic 1 Pressed. OJ a..—Winter Bleached Whale, Sperm, Olive, and Patentr ff**s><*.—Salmon, Cod, Mackerel, Wbite-flsh, and Sal- mon; Trouk !HI»l , »'t,t.A?rEOT T S . — O e o a Sholls, Chocolate, Sagdj Farina, Bice, SaleratuS, Soda, Crvom Tartar, Enp- jfeharustard.Qtri5trv Pfcklei., Catsup, Pcppersauce, Pl- menV.Tebper, Brbotns, PoVlatTuhSi-Twiiie, ic^&e.'- . Floor,. Cora Heal, and Oat Meal, constantly, an hand, and in faefcajmosterery thing in ihe Proviiion ani} (Jrooery lino. Wo are constantly jKceivinR IromJaarkelfresb additions to our Stock, which wo will sell all a Vfiry small advance far OASii Our S-ujars, SyrupkauoVMolaasea/.were purchased before tho rise.snd we oH now pSaring tbem-at bargains. «a.S5aV*"ri|estrode ore respectfully Invited to give us a call, and examine our stock before purcliasing elsewhere. j FLAGS &TVIIEELEB, " -— 1 . ' N a 4, Allen's Brtpk Block, Wnt^-Strcet Ogdansbursli, January l»Ui. ISofii - «Ttf ^ PAPER IJANOINGS —Jus opened, the larjrest assort- ment, and of the best styles, in- cluding some choice patterns of Gilt and White, Fronch manu- faeture, and of our' own Itnportation. Tho assortment comprises, a variety of over 100 different patterrs. with BORDERS to match. J.ft.GUEST. April 3rd, 18&5. 6-tf 500 DruggLsut and Apothecaries. GALtOW RAW LrNSKED OIL- CPBIN« RIBBONS-A Api Spring Styles. pril80:iSSi CHOICE LOT OF J. H. OUE8T. 8-tf T HBE.1B LACES AND EDGING—Some now patterns of very fine real Valenolonnes and Plait Laces. J. U. GCEST. April 8th, 1855. 6-tf Just received and for Half by PKOITY A BINDOK D F.7IAR AMU FLOBKSCE VAKStSM A larj^e supply just received, aitd ready to be Rold to the flo>t man that oalt ^ PEOUTY 4.,EINDGE. f AVAiV FIVE BAJtBELo JUST RECEIVED 1-y [1-tf] PBOUTT * EINDGE Ty<>. 1 FUKJVII'CBE VAKSISU- X^ Three Banvl^ just received by PROl'TJP- &. EINDGE, 1-tf Drucgists and" Apothecaries. . and Safes, of.ov<n-ymaU,, —.j.^^. —„ . . Jewelers ouen"haye v iibrin8arance on their Safes or contents, having perfect confidence* In their security. . J B a n l i . V a u l t s , D o o r s and Frames, of any^eJte, -made on the Bame pfbiciple, to order. . A ttojprjty of BANKS in the State and City of New YbrfthaVe adopted* these SAFES during the past year; •besides ailing a large amount of Bank Orders from the South'and West ' As an evidence of the public estimation of them, it is only necessary to say, tbat QVER THBEE HONDBED BANKS either have theul as a full protector to their valuables, or in their vaults, a few of which we name, and to whioh we respectfully refer parties wishing Real Security. References: American Exchange. Corn Exchange, Bank of America, St Nicholas and National Bank, New York City. All tbe Banks in the City of Troy, N. Y. Rochester City Bonk, and Bank of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank. Albany, N. Y. Bonk of Attica, and Formers' and Mechanics' Bank, Buttalo, N. Y. Mecbante£ Bank, and Bank of'Syracuse. Syracuse, N. Y. lul ' """ *--,i* ''-.-r— , A (,k,. n j»rT,, u ™rf.hr i Philadelphia B;uik, Funncr*' and Mechanics' Bank, and same weight and they alsofurnish to, orderCnwKs of mv- BaDk ^ Konl , Am , rf Plmac ,,, pllta . Pennsylvania, number if Bells, or key and can p f e r to.several of ttefr B k of BurH ut ,. u., rllnff1 , m. VenoonL ' make throtntfout the States and ? n ^ Thel- Han«- | ^ ^ L _ira. ,. n Korwlch 0)nnecrlcnt lugs, compriktaK manv recent o^dvoauabUetogvrove.rriep t^ . ^ g^, |t . ( ., Ham,»hire. constat of Cast.Iron VctajVrtUi^movableMma,and«h.ch , Bonk „,. Vmn,„„, vnev»land, and Branch of State may bo turned upon tbe Bell; ftprlhg aeons on the (.lap- Rank, i Akron i >.!, , ner,prolongingthe«>und; ironVnmoi: ToilingHammer; ,. Staw feik of 1\ i-., jn. Milwaukee. LunterpoL; S ^ s ^ ^ ^ b j ^ ^ h ^ . ^ )f , . ^ ,,__,„. Iiaieigh. In this department, he Is prepared to-meet the wants o the Public His Stock of Papers is not excelled in JSorth orn J?ew York. i Portfolios, Drawing Paper, Pencils, Pens,. Inkstands, ^Chessboards, Stamps, Blank Books, Ac, and other articles pertaining to the Stationery depart- ment, are "kept in abundance. PICTURES. Pictures and Mouldings, are kept in great Variety, and Pictures framed to order. BOOK-BENDrnG. The only Bindery north of Vf atertown, is carried on by e, who employs *uooe but the best workmen, and JL F t BULLA ED'S FDRNTTURE WABE-ROOaE^ 1 HaW,&rWt^SBMbic,TFoEi>-STEEEi,<iw STAIES.) fUME Subscriber, who has been f l l S - l o n g a Sresldent of Ogdensbureb, lapd-is fimjiiiar -wiln the tastesot its clt- _'Jjen% would say to diem, tbat he is now _ teaa-TBoston and New-York, * General Assortment oS Faauionable Furniture, among wmctHhay-be found -' ¥ ^ ^ an ^'?*^» & WalBBtSofas, of ereryi variety Booking and Arm-Chairs,—Mahogany and Walnut • Marble-top, Center, Bancy and Siue-Xables. MabosanyattdBlack^Wahmt Corner Wliat-Nots and BoofeSnelSes, of tne latest styles. 'Mahogany and Black Walnnt Center, and Card- Tubies. - Quartette, Sofa, and Nest Tablea. Habo^ny and Black Walnut 'Parlor C n n i r s ot va- rions styles. r Mahogany French B e d s t e a d s : Cottage and com- mon Bedsteads: together wife a choice assortment uf l 4 > o l £ $ n f r j G t a s s e s , with Gilt and Mahogany frames. A choice lot of best English Hair Matresses,' and a good supply' of Cane-seafc Booking, Dining, ana Parlor Chairs. H. F. M. manufactures and keeps always on hand a good supply or Bureaus, Kook-Cases, Dining and Tea l ' a b l e s . Light and Wash s t a n d s , together with the whole catalogue uf articles usually found In the best filled Furniture Ware-rooms. UlTOERTAiaarG^EPARTBrEMT, m tp^e*eieXnc?oflelr ,, Ben S , they have Jost received -January, 1954r-the JWBST PREBmnB—A Sil-rer OTednl I of ibS iv-bffiiba'i'A&.-m jJew!TEori,.-over all Wbers, sovTr^TfoTtbirCountrv and Europe being in coinpe- dtlo^and^-hlchis the fSth Medal, besides many Diplo- mit Oiafnas beebawarded them. They have patterns ™ a ™ keep pn hand. Bells or a variety of tones of the U. ,«.KM »md thev also furnish to order Cnmys of any doesliis work in superior style. Binding and Ruling done to order, and on tbe lowest terms. music &c He has also on hand, a large and choice assortment oi Sheet Music. Also, an assortment of Pianos, Melodeons, *kc. which he wiil sell or rent Ogdansburgh, April 20th, 1855.- Anossortmeut of Fisk's Patent JJJetalic A ir- lipbt Burial Case*. Al«>—Sfthogany. Bia/-k Walnut, Cherry and Butternut<;ofif i n s ajvvays on hand and trimnted. Orders from the country supplied at a mo- ment's notice. A HEAKSK and personal attendance to order. 1-tf Ogdensborgb, March 1st. 1S55. 9-tf THXEY & BMP. LITERARY EMPORIUM £ STORE. FREN0^-& STE\^ip, WHOllBSALB 4JfD RETAIL DRtJGGISTS. Bilious derealinielfiiJ Tne^aB^temlto^becomc or produce the deep,.seated anoVfQgmidable distempers which, load ft&,bear3es all overAto'lanoi, Hence a R ^ l e ^ g p f e ^ of t^S^im|ojtM$*to. the public health, and this Pill baa been perfected TOtto consummate, skill to meet that demand, AT; esteaaive tral of its jnrtuea, by Kijiiejana^Plofes- sors, aiid'.Piticiita\tna8iibown<Te«telti.'surpa£sin}; any thing hitherto Jmown of an* medicine. Cnri na.T8^^"-*~ '""*** , ** ;B, -"" - •'" '•'"-" '<• stantiiiM' ,„.-- ' Jaom^ait^Md^M aeauejnen, to v •Ho^eU't^KerTor these Jaets, are;,* , 4 TSE PEDDLER'S EXCHANGE, Established In 1845. BRONXERS~& KRAFT H AVF. Jl'ST RECEIVED THEIR FULL ASSORTMENT of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Their varieties ot DRY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, JEWELRY, CAKPETINOS and LOOKINO-GLASSES, la (ar more extensive than it ever was before. Althougb all kindajrf goods have advanced, they were able to purchase their goods for l 4 N S i s o that they can sell them from 1 6 to 8 0 PER CENT. XESS than any Other bpuse in Northern New York. LADLES DRESS GOODS. This department consists In port of Fren oh aod English Merinos, Bombarinesj Paramettas, Alpaccos. Silk and Cotton Warps, Poplinvall wool-DeLalnes, Monsllne De- Loines, Haw Silk Plaids, Scotch do.. Black Silks, Fancy do^ French Lancaster do., •Glasgow do.. Silk and Cotton Velvets, Plain and Fancy Wool Plaids, Scotch d a , and various novelties of the season. PRINTS—Wehave a well selected stock or Merrimack, Manchester, Cocbcco^ Sprague j Phillip Allen's Bay State, and Conestogo Prints, cheaper than ever. FLANNELS—Red, yollow, blue, plain and twilled, a full st-tckof all grades. CLOTHS—Our Cloth Department consists of Fronch Cloths, German do^ English da, .American do,, of every grade and color. Black and Fancy Casslmeres and Doe- skins, Tweeds. Kentucky .leans ana Satlnetsof ovcry grade and color. Sheep's Gray Cloths and Casslmeres. BLANKETS—A full assortment of Blankets and Coun- terpanes. Wo have also on hand a large, gtock of Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, Bleached SheetJngBandShirtlngs, Ticks, Ointon Flannels, Denims, Drills and Jeans, Shirt- ing Stripes, <kc~ <5sc. * VESTINGS—Black Sattn, Farmor'sSntIn,&e, Hosiery, Gloves, Comforters, Hoods, Sleeves, Scarfi, Orivntsand Handkerchiefs, 4,eootce assortment. 4 YANKEE NOTIONS' and FANCY GOODS—Oombs, Buttons* Brushes, Suspenders, Plus, Needles, Perfumery, Threads, Mirrors, Sewing Silks, &c, a complete assortment SHAWLS— Brocha Shawls, Bay Stale do. Black Silk do^ Merino da, Mnstin DeLaine and Printed da, of ad kinds. RIBBONS—A splendid variety of Bonnet and Cap, Satin, Laffeptand'Velvet Rtbbon&of all widthsnnd quali- tiea, and'a' great variety of other Millinery articles. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES—Capjuid Cape La- ces, both plain and Bgureo, EdglWS. I""?? 11 "^^Qqltara. Caffs, SleevcSf ChCBrisetts! Veils, ErnbroMered Handker- chiefs of all prieea. iiuinm^ntotiOT«rtleles1)efore enn-_ be"ng"gTveii.' "Old Befis taken ui exchange. | e^morcy Bank. Lafayette. Indiana. 1 Surveyors' Instruments of all descrittt" 118 . 1 wajMCJuE SAM," IV". v. Custom-House. ; made and kept on hand. ' ' \ Being in Immediate connection with the principal routes 1 ^g~ Samples of these Safes constantly on hand and for 1 In all directions, either Ball-mad. Canal or River, orders M1 nt y,^ -^ a g b o e ^ otion sloie of ; can be executed with despatch^vhich either personaUy or ALLENDORPH, by communication, aro respectfully solicited. ' CHARLES ASHLEY, Agent For A. MENEELY"8 SONS. TILLEY & BROTHER r G7*?*» AB8.E constantly receiving from New- s^^g^Tork and Boston, all the new and popular Publications of the day. Their facilities for ettiUiilntr, at any early day. all the pop- ular ap'I Nt-% I>«.M>ks pabliAh«d. an- tinc-ijuallwi Their Htix'k. nn luiuti *'.iinipnsf.-t niftnv n«-w ,ai»l valuable Workft. aui'HiL* uitii-li. \\>- ofi'cr The following-: MTNTKAL AKKirA." by B a w d Taylor. l -tANl> (»1 TlfK S.AUACENS." by Bayard Tay'-»-. TIJI-'-two ^ork-i. I'r.>ni tbe pen of tim grcttU'&t modem travflt-r of tht- a*:., should find a p!aft- in every Ijb'-.-r)-. Tbf. ait* tin b.-st Owkxt'f tr<iT"( tsiaiiL - "THE-OlIlNXKlX KXi'KDITIO.V j n t^arcb of Stu JOHN i* K.oku.v" i»v Uod'-r Kaiiu. -I.1KK OK HOUACK CKKKLY." br ParUm. •-AL ntBU-GKAPHY UF 1*. T BAltXL'M," written by b1ip<"-!f- * -MY t'Ol'KTSIIlP AND ITS CON&EyCENCES," PEBHAM'S —GRBAT— MATRIMONIAL AND $300,000 FOURTH ENTERPRISE. _^y O FFERING unparalleled chances fpr botii Bacbe- lorsand Ladies to unite themstives io Wedlock and fortune, bbares o i s l y %\ rarti. or eleven for %\(\ each of which will admit Four persons to Perham'.-* < »pera House. 6(13. Uroadway, New York, or m hi* other enter- tainments in \ariouf. parts of the omtttry. sn^ W1u entitle th« bolder to OHO sliare or interest ia the fotlowinc 300,000 GIFTS A vp" V \ -. •iih $M,000 No. 28 Ford Street, Ogdcnsburgh, N. Y. July 1,1S55. EBTPIRE WORKS, ftraslier Tails, S.Y. I - SlarbLe ifartoru. CS? I W , AT^^V^JSS^SSSS.\1NJGBL M. IRWIN I HOES, &c from Best Refined Cost StecL DR. EDWARDS' VEGETABLE TOMO BITTERS, FOB, THE PERMANENT CUBE OF Jaundice, I>yspcp»in, C'ostivcness, I,o»a o f A p p e t i t e . I . i v e r C o m p l a i n t , Heart Burn, Indigestion, Fever and Ague, a n d a l l cases ot General Debility. nriWIS TONIC IS EQl'ALLY EFFECTIVE IN curing all IServouK * o u i p l a i n t a , lnvigor- the N e r v e * , strengthening tho Moniach- anc" restoring the debilitated, weakened, and prostrated Con atlnc Oie N e r v e S , strengthening the sttoniach. and restoring the debilitated, weakened, and prostrated C o n * slitution to perfcct^health. It bos also proved an in- valuable remedy in Fentale Weaknesses.- These R i t t e r t i have been sold for many years In NEW ENGLAND, riving satisfaction to thousands whohaye The; sy are now offered to the YORK, and the Proprietors bolleve confidently that no tried them. ilo of NEW medicine for the above C o m p l a i n t s " has ever been in their reach equal to D r . Edwards' Ton- i c H i t t e r * . JMce, 85 cents per Bottle. For sale by FRENCH A STEVENS, Proprietors, ,, Druggists and Chemists. Ogdensbnrgh, N. Y., And our Agents Hunt Ai-Laws, Potsdam, ! Taylor &Buck,Brasber Fans R. D. Burditt, Canton, j J. Hall Chatoaugny. A. Ransom, Masseno, A. C. Taylor, Henvelton, F. T. Heath, Malone, |0. Stevens, North Bangof S. O. Case, Brasher Mffls, | A. Ross & Co., Madrid. , Ogdensbnrgh, March 20th, 1855. B-tf Tlie Subscribeni havinz devoted many years to thp per- I fectlnc of this branch of business, are enabled tcf offer j their Goods to the Public with Ibo mpat perfect confl- donco. 1 All articles bearing our stamp are made with (Treat 1 care, and aro excelled by none in finish and durability. I Orders addressed to us, or to our Agent, * CHASUUES ASHLKI, ^jiHABDWARE MERCHANT, at Ogdensbnrgh, will receive prompt attention. , F. Ic T. EV TAYLOR. April 18th, 1855. T-tf r 8TOVESr HE UIVIJEKSIGIVEB BAY- Til __ ing completud his arrangements for the fell and winter 8T0Y3 TRADE, Is prepared to offer o large variety of Patterns. The assort- ment embraces many now and beaatiftd designs In Parlor Stoves, together with the various im- provements in tho arrangements of Cook Stoves. CHARLES ASHLEY. Ogdensbnrgh, Sept 6th, 1855. 28tf WATROUS, T~~T 'Si^riiMm^ -TT^r-n- B&i^w:%mmo%®KM BAST A. ixmmemsx vast~m±itvt*uEA, The Greatest Medical Discovery OF THE ACE ! MB. KENNEDY of Eoxbnry, Massnehn- '6otts, has discovered in due of our common pasture _weods, a remedy that earns every <-&$&8BS ! a& - *.-JK.> «i Q y°P hnndrcd t._., ce^t In.. JIJJVJDL cases, ^both tbandc^nnmora.) ^"^^ItRno^crs und. "nover-iidlod, ex- cept in.- t$?P Ca *c s i l^poui manuor mmaors.) Ho h&a now m^^acsalon over two hondroa certiSoates of its volar oil within twenty mfios of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a Naralne Sore Mouth. One to three bottles wfll euro the worst Jtind oi Pimples on the Faoo. Two to throe bottles will clear the system of, Bib*. Two bottles are wammted to euro the worst Conlcer In the Month and.&bmiach. Three to live bottles are warranted to cure all Htunar in the Eyes.-- Two bottles are warranted to carp Kanning p of the Gars and Blotches among Jha Ttair. j&na r wartantod to QIJ \vtU dure $S§rV IMPOBTEE &. DEALEEf IN KVEBY DE8CBTPTI01C OJT I Eng'lisSkf G e r m a n and Axuerican HARDWARE, Opdrnsbttrph, N. If., H A V I N G DEVOTED THE LAST FIVE YEARS ^to ljv» perfocttng of our ftrrantrements for the pur- chase of every article in our line of businessfromthe English, American and German Factories, we an* pre- pared to fill orders on as favorable terms as any Jobbing House in the Atlantic Cities. known ** Marriageable Gemi«*m»n " ^ r .•pertv in his own ri^hu \aiLu-(i at . inrirtii, Yunnc and Marriaseabte I-atiy, HI:'I pmperty in her own ri^hu valued at 25,GttO 11 1 1 " '-c •lnderstuod, that if tin z> ntieinar al»ivc named Is apr-'^ti''!'' "1 to a.n uninarric<i lady, or UJ** !a<lv named to ar. untimrrn-il j> iitleinari. and tin jianip> i»n inttrvifw are inutua* -. mr - .. *'.\-\ SLAI! t-<- unite.] iit iln iioml^of w ed- lock at the C V STAL PALACK NEW VOKK.as.sxm after tbe app u '» T riu*nt lake-- ]nar<- a> sliall be cuiut'ni.nt to all partiiM .i.c'rned. Mioukl the Iiidy or irentienian nami'din tin- ' -t of Gifl>faU l" tb<- pt.rtiMi, ,,f i.artie> ai- rt-iidy marri***1. or to a person of their ov, n M'X, or a minor, , or t" »pen«uii for whom they would ba^c n natural rtrpug- nancv. llien the said trenileman '•hail foriVit to tbf person Christmas , to whom be is apportioned, a Farm valued at ^lo.ftoo— ) UTU ' an( ^ ^ e ' at *^ i:!1 ^ or ''^ e cirfun!-ui!:c.-> shall forfeit f5.l>00 ., taii - "™ho j j n Oash in consideration of thi-ir rtn.-i.-e '"r>>n, the claims u-riTv vir>njjj AITI-V » v T I> ^ _, ^ a «., ' a - ; ' - fmm sU * h ap|>ornrtnm, nL t-ir, should the person "THE VIEGIN QUEE>, by J. tredericfc Smith, an- ; or ,„.. r3l), is to wb<»m the above, or either ,.f them, mar bo thorof -\Vomauand her Mjstori' " * red Vernon," "Min- j ^portioned, "prefer." they shall receive, i ^WaPrnPTurn-iP^ AA o TA ^ apportionment the forfeit namod ab. "A l EAE OF THE WAii, by Adam G. De Gurow- ^ release. by lletiry Wykoif. •* IDA MAY," by Marv Langdon. "1UT1I HAIX," by Vannv fern. ~ : "TOM CUOSBLE AND His FRIENDS,* 1 by Sanmel ' Lover, aulbt-r of Handy Andy, .V-. This work is t>aitl u> \ exwjli ai.j of Lover's previous pr .Mictions. It is full of \ ecuuine wit and humor. -TilE SEVEN POOR TR; AVELEK3," 5ti>ry. bv Charles Dickens. •AVTLLION." by. tho Author of "Olive," lieu of the consideration of «ICEl TOOk THE PKEiaUM^AT^ THE World's Fair in London and Now Tort, sale at rnanufaoturer'a prices. A Ogdensburgh, N. Y. •V7ATEOUS, Agent 1-tf tines for Veils, bills. Pocket Hand kerchfefe, Twist, Bralib, Fringed Gimp's and o\-ery variety of Trimmings for La- dles' Dres'ieft. .fcc-jfcc. "N, B^^ParticnS^,kt&otiol^ hw oeen paid tooay 0AS- PET DEl^AETHENT this fcll Wo We reeel.«l a beaodfuLassurtmont of Ingrain, TlircQPly, Tapestry^ and BrufflehrCarputipg, Dmgjr6^ ^trtnod nnd^ffc7urecl stair Wd'KaJFCttrp^RnAErtg!L*h1wdAnierican ftoorl>il Cloths, of the latest styles; also. Window Shades, both Oil and Paper, together with alarpe variety of Paper Hanpingn ana Looking Glasses, all of which will bo sold cheaper than the citcapest CARPETS! CARPETS 1 ir..JS^-n»vlng contracted last Spring for ou» FaU sup- ply of CSu-petfl. we are able to offer them at the' same loir Quro.oorrupt and rnnnlngulcers vlruWfou of the Skin. Tiyo t inted t>» cure the worst case of our to r s& bottles are ing ulcers. One bottle ties are warranted t h r e e 1)011165 are warranted to cure the most deft- prices, they, wero then sold for. 1 sar 3 roT - IrSr^nnctical Chemist of-tabt | a< > OTEIt qomPtAINT, ^kc. " - - ^-—' ~ -Vsjlc-wfecft. Ford-st., Jfi, to whim all orders Bhoula . . . .. .. ...„„._. ., .„aMChemls^J^*-'^Jifes|Ic-BIOcft. Fbrd-s't., rH«^Mpi%;ther«lisJMigu&lieil SUr- || Ocrdensbargh, N. Jfi,towh5m all orders Bhoulc Icji&fr*' *. ..,».. " t be addressed. None genmno^unless the label on each hot DOCT. A. JL jedlintheh8Sa-JVtiUne:io£-H.-8. HUMPHEET. Portof Boston auaGeologtet for t t e S ^ e ^ # ^ B ? ^ aachusetts. ivrtth&raM^^WeipStffi^i^lpymahVthoSaWeaS IRA L. MOOBB, M. D - an enanentjSntetaiamd . « t ^ l « ^ o ¥ a S a ^ o e e a p ^ M e a " h i a « a Timely many yei a much * WiB Kd&e of offi%ffit Pdtetora sionB Be planter} as. ei United States Marine HoipitSi, at Chelsea, JIass. , Did apace parmit, jwej^Ddiljwve muny hundred B«neh names, frqjfii s3l f pwta where the Pills have ' been iwedsis£t."e5id€ncea*cil more convincing than the certificatea of these eminent pnbliB men it shown in tlieVSfioeWuf on trial- . i These pais, the rerflt of Bng investigation ami [•sttt% *r»^ersa ,, id Ifiti'v'iDlte as the best anu" JBic%e»salte4-riMftoB^^]^uaWfl^f<!*f , - „,„. .. ,„.. .. ..,_ . ..... .oplnioa ofyburZanffiorea,. Iregirtlfmtheyerr^estmeaiclijo I over meffith, for th'o^^aseWoPvim^hnTOrinSael j It cnreimeloPaYf attack OTCnpliBA lo«'*unimer in Og- aenibpiak^itttt-thevpr8^eMc*iin*Jhatttr^ . I.tov t S l & *3aite;<Ktl. it tp .my ftlondj, andoWsya ivrt&aiog^^lne«e«WTB^thpUt»^l8JioXitwim'mj^ i On* of theercathcaiittea of t ^ ^ n t b e j e a # ( tbafiltBbel jjKeparedjgthout spjua^^o^nofeoa^t jffeeSj are 1 tthemjelves *Tegeti' S«aT(SHes> ^mrnm ^mm&bM'^iwm'n piantea ItKjp. ^T-l. ^Tft. «-.«»t »..«*. am. ipgp ptorlid€ f§w4lafl lie- fioMigs'ra tMs TOaa% t *$kWM^^ i - t^*qB;0h* flyob- i -iof acn» .safemaftff »Mit», XfiurS-Erqly.' !•?-.•*"- ^ "'•' - ^."•a^KSEIiT." •. i er.jVr.^1-^. -^-.-*» *•?*.. .-g^a.-r^ --.^ «5 ^ 1TOtoto5eertWthat : ITnlT«;ie*n *Jthln •«!*•• KM 12 mcmtlissevflraltlmoseevoray^ibMkcUvrfth.DIajThccaand Dyaontery: an u-'StotioUmc^ared that Cholora'Woaldaet ltt,teorfel^a-.p1jtstejXClle|^;«;henf»a^ .otfth^vanJigMproSpSottMAalm^Sto^ ®i<a#itS^»5i»pb^^ia«g^^^to(». 'Selfeafo «<to6Wle3gft,lts Trtrfubi formWadlygl M - btirbly 0Tn^dl,sffl*'»nIc5(3Ph»yeftoVs&ftrr'timabeen 1 ^onat:itor.hirtJ*»tfffrfnpe»l?MlB^^ ^UtU^^-Kas^nee.Bj^.byj-myriDjlde^te^ laubttancee'mrJloj-edareTeftbehind; the> IfeSaeni tne eflecti «hould prove as they nayi &r6r l««iiiingtiie soil, Stc. V-iT ..._. . owteaad-4^4tip| ••wi&^\iet$t#f^^ of tbe w^v'widjjplwtri and grata __ «i^t'r|fBbtjg^ t A «toifc aa& iadA'^iai© 1 «»trrilv w 8 ' % f | ^ l » t k * «wnil?'— all inen, imd all T*« »W<l0fep«tent toJj^djfe .o» - - ' - 1, "~«0«Bio'&J!ta r 4ni; ; «S»fc faehXftsrmnge-; of nif/ssfri .- fv ^, . 1iIEU.!NEKS ire wonldsay, this Is tho only f ur.ee where you can find a full assortment of everything nttaMimnery Bno. We have HOIVft-K'a'fV^ON- NET KIBBOSi SHA-FES, 8Afl?IS. LnTK-CTElKO and FLOEENOE, Silk, blank and colored, BUS Velvoht, irWwarajBiBtl'Boies.&a ' ,.* •. : -. . ... ;/'.. Bj^s^Ea%^tatAxx r Peadlert Exchange, Ko. 8-El^leBlbclt, Ford-stieet Ogd^hni^;S^tni^r , 10,lS56. , ' 2^-tf. ^ktwfltsu EGONOEnr is WEALTH. •' TXTEL- SAVE - YOr)B» KIStfcTlT t lUjunrXoxtrB^ja^&ssafwm.,80, Navr TOES. Pom)du%,<&c.r confenu AUy'A.")ir^o Amountol fnet and wearand: tear of clcjthlng la iaveiV and 'riot on<j-lislf the &motmtfbHab*lTO<jtltred tirab'UiS wa«1ffig™ofaniinlIy; - ' - " - — --«--'^clotne/nn? -Tb&'tBndencyoftliesoSoapelstoiortcn.t roffioye'the'dlrtr hytfielrnsffffio haiaS aVo fdade rnbblng,^^bl«»ba* to^ three, hot ~*" ig-Wonu. Two or three "bottles we warranted to cure the most deft- perate case of Uhouinatisio. Three tb four bottles are warranted to euro SaluRhemn. Five to oigbt bottles will cure the worst case of Scrufluo»r - - r A heneflt is always experienced from- the first bottle, and a perfect cure Is warranted whon the above ouantit) Is token. '* ' ^ ' Ueader, Ipedilled over a thousand bottles of this In tV vicinity or Boston. 1 know the effects of It In every casr So sure as water will cxdnirui.-»h fire, so sure will this euro Humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another. after atrial*. it> olwovs speaks for ItseHJ There ore two thlnpsLabotlt this herb ; <hatipp<jariom«->urprlring—flrsi. that it crows In oar pastures, in, some places quite plenti- ful, anAyetslts, yalne ibas never bcen^known TOtll I db- coveredlt 8 |j-i|sto)»ud,;JbaVJt should axaajti-i. kinds - lnflraerto'g!<e!some»iacn-of the eoadejj rise and great popularity of the discovery, 1 wlil state that" in April, 1858,1.veddled It^sud j)ol4-»boiit nix botties»^ay. In A. WATROUS, UlfPOEXEE ANJ) DEALER In llardware. Iron and Steel, Stoves .Tin and Sheet-Iron, keep constant- ly employed the most experienced workmen for Roofing, making Have Troughs, and every other description of Tin and Copper Work. Bole Agents In Korthern Now York for the s^le of 8. C. Herrings SaJamajde&Safes^ for Uggg!es,"Nou£se, Ma^pn npany, _ ... Machine* and Hand-Tools; jDavis .& CVeHoreerPowers. i'urtieft purcliasing quantities, are particularly tnvited-to examine our "Wholesale Department, as possessing equal facilities with 2Je w York and Botfon, foi: rjurchasing.— Vfe pledge ourselves not to be undersold in ttxbsd cities. April,-! ery, I ^Idlol uV.,aod noliV*bont nix bottle; \ I sola over atbousand bottles a if pni,- , - . Some-of th» Wholesale Druggists, -who have been In business twenty and thirty years, say nothing In the an- nals of Patent Medicines was evpr^Ukej It, -sThere is a utiiersal praise of It from all quarters. In my own practice 1 alwaya^ept ^.strictly;for Hu- mors : butsince Its Introduction as a general F a w y Med- icine, great and wonderful |VhJue%b»ve been found In it that I never suspected. Several cases of Epilep^o JTJa^ d^eas»»whlch was al- ways considered incurable; hasbeen cared by a few bot- tles. O, ,w^latra•J'' 0 ^ ! 3'tl lf . 1 ^ , lr^J){? 0 y e f* floc * lla, to "" cases of tharTtwfmTnilady: there are bnt few Who have soon mom^fati'ha 1 ) I WP~*» *£AL>1' 14, *f <,i I Wdw 1 of several ciSes 6f Dropst, all ofttem aged people, cnrcAAjMt. ,Foi. th^-varipus diseases of the Liver, Slck-flead&che; VySJtepsla, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain In the 8ide,Di»ease Q/,t)ie Spine, and particularly in Diseases of thoTttdoeys, J&, this discovery has done more goodthaawyvMcdlclne ever known. NochaftgVm"aiet4ternoeossary; eat the best yon can "Or&wfiolis'rbE'Pss.—Adnlta, ono table-spoonful per day. Cbjldrepjovor eight years, desert-spoonful; children frbm'nvoto eight years, tea-spoonfuL As no direction can ba; nppllcaWe; to'^all cgnsmuttoDS,^tiiJ;o iilfSclont to operate on the bowels twfee a day. Mr. Korncdy gives, personal «tljend»DjM In bad coses of Scrofula. ' w. Manufactured by Donald Kennedy}-Hot jSO'Wsiten- 8treet. Eosbury, Msssacbusetts. Price (fU Omreiuu. AoEtrrs.—H. H. Hay,porl»na,pUJiIne,E. H. Eolllns, qoropri New IlamrBhtrflia^BalehjMon, ROT- idenco, EibleIsland, Messrs. nTuHarry fclljlet, Hartford, STETEKS, 'Wholesale Agents. 8-tC Anrn s, lsca. u . aeh of fli# Soap! fcTtlMflutat «%#Wf5^«o^^-|>rae^^l»lo: lof laadanuih, tiirnktag^aatmlihtstbp myeitrehis juHfthmn&i* bottle nf the "BsIntbtS^theft^llijag "" "fc^^i?*h^iM|9^^h|d^ bsen.yoiiiil^elbrty |41>*' lD«}d>r^Mf«t«»,TWel£ji^b«t M£B}&&* -*'- 1 '-' r, ffia:ft^m#^D^S}r;-Iaprd«.ip-b.tT«^ ^Bpca#.'Vias.«a , Mawj ^sis?n!SMUn-Ot; ^W^^#^?Ii«TCt4itea ; aWngls:' lediate relfet. 4 f f i d ) t B l e a » ^ t ^ » K ' a 3 w h l l » ; « most FEl Pastor-^h^Jfalb^SfaltJS^aeor^-^ur^ ETr,pBiiJBB06i; B5-r7Ji,.eanton FalfelllWTHi'rettEE.He.rraon: IjTs WBmhW^olix; J}. i y j l t W K T , WadoSngtoU. )leachWan'd^&ttA®uSS T ffle, r moS^licate fabric. -^4otdiof,tbj»so..Soansi0.np^mnre^ianUl^ lh|cons^entomn"thooldnjet^ofbsnd^bMog^ ,avoided; «nd.«!h»t;bejn^i^»frffliji6li*!ia.w}th, ahtm- |mensesayingis»u»msae^ ~- .^_>. . By applylng.lt •oCarpots..ltwinTemtrr»;aBSrea«e and spoa of.A^^|iTWm'IssM^Dri!ifinsn> color or trtth perftebssftQr. .-fiction Goods, Ertets'^if any color that will &n>4n water ilontvwben washed with these )«pt»codrdlnItatiWolre«U^ will not change~bn^ a& firm, and 8ii colors rendoTea more permanent, For reniorlng'GteiW ffooj Floors, < or from -ifny articlo ,^^T*s^^1sWpern*ttW"o1r SbapVleaving ls«^^a^re1|>from^aMMxWri .33i«ittt«li»1oitor ^^^i^c^0i^^0^,.iuaitle. tft;the»e ^bit^p^ : s^*^j^|^i^K}$i^r«. sxm#li#»BhfttJu^M«'«^fIoW^ or oter nijjhH tnti): vrlUi a comnwn-Mwil-rnhuteg and »x)drta»liig,they-wUlB»rJtr&e0yek<m5,n«toeonly cold pMNPTfattr^ , ^T-v.^ ^~. '-^' .... .^'-<,. ^._- >.»-... .- --. mep^ : r^cal»riy : tftltirul6lSviu?o»S J-V;,,- t. J. S. CK>UL,0, AaArtiteUfcr coSw xaxf be mde Writ** «**»«** **i>mn dMa^-. riwHifefe"' |HJft«*.<*«|« 8i^miwaBRW«t -^••dMaehlnery,*^. .-» », vnv.'jsjuWl'y jit M y w 1 * ' > m '"~ nawbi« islvit* ,., „JW«IM| ms&s&aii "I***! -fW -^-.-T . ^f^li^ rz.'. 'ei'.- BOOTS & SHOES, :'< >.:•:.: 1 115ft*..fi''"%t3- It i w r *rej»r»a to o*rt»M* eWMner* tmi the pttpHc. s T«rri»ri» «i«*oHiI><»hen»lv» rt>4 of BOOTSJW* «HOia dfrtet friwr tk» be«nlamnV- ar»,e»n««lm««t»«s»o»ti Ogdeasbargh, X s « h l f l4i. t* i ' TO 13HI TRAWt -«>- *. in*iji«» AsaAXOMaTonviQlB • M tfatrwim ••rsiiimn A New and Elegant-Stock of BOOTS *mSHOES. '*'. 'r*u«i^l^tf^^ ,^,._ Udlts^E>tt.Ko1u^&(^>1c ; ;f' ; - *' •'•>'' ••;'. 'M^e/yoftt^Wrtsiip^pt, .' '•;••" '''•}'' - -> .";' 'r^t8a^^et(,'EJa¥iV:4it*^v-^' 1 :' - tadlCJ' Silk UiU»gp»twvtiirO*a|f^«bsi»t«», -,' •u^tfot^fa^tm'Mi*- -'-••- '«*u.t*'rrtwt2mifcw*M C.bt»'P«t OT tLe«tl«Wal»*««>pt* ... . 11-WMR fyMMn*. rWfw*» SABK,T S A B D W A B E . •; mrow oPtoNiNG—A FdL'AssbBTjjEirr J.\l ofovery description of Sbetf Hardware, direct from the English, German and Ameri«in,Fnt. , tories, consisting of Locks, Latches. Knobs, Door rland^ Join- ers-' Too.^ and a variety of House Trimming and Carpen- ter's Tools, Saws, Hammers, Axes, &c~, &c. Parties fa- voring us.wttb a call, cannot but be convinced of oursu- perlor,JaciliUe» for purchasing. . -A. WATEOUS. 1-tf 1 Eagle'Block. ItoItefl«sL OSDENSBDEQH TO. A R B L E F A C T 0 L R Y T HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD BESPECTFfLLT I inform the Citizens of Ogdensbnrgh and tlie sur- rounding villages and Country, that he has taken and es- tablished the MARBLE BUSINESS I L L I XS BRANCHES, AT 13TB OLD AUD WELL ESTABLISHED WOttKB OF N. WHITNEY, and is now receiving and will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of The Finest and Best Quality of VERMONT MARBLE, such as HEAD-STONES of all Sizes, T O M B S , TABLETS, PALMI-TABLES AITD MCLLEBS, ic, .fee ALSO, Obcllalts, Spires^ and Iflonninents, From his long experience in the bnspiess, and being himself a Practical workman in the Art and Science of Sculpturing and Engraving, and also with EXPERIENCED 'WOEKMEN direct from the Marble Quarries in Vermont, together with the FACILITIES he possesses of obtaining the BEST OF MARBLE OH THE SHORTEST NOTICE, vAJfD MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TEEMS. He natters himself tbat he can give tbe most perfect sat- isfaction to all who may apply to nlm for any article in hi? line. Tlie prindpai manufactory of the subscriber is lo- cated in OGDENSBrRGH. oppuslte the Washington Ho- tel. A Branch 'Shop of the business is also located in PRESCOTT, Main-Street, a little below Northrup's Ho- tel, formerly Kept by J. S. Gihnan, where customers can be supplied at all times, at Ogdensbnrgh prices, and Duties free. HENRT HURT), Esq.., of Keraptvtlle, Is Agent hi Canada. HBGfi K> IRWIST. ski. ^ | The above comprise a few of oar latest arrival. Any . Book not on hand, procured at n week's notice, at tbe pub- lisher's prices. A share of public patronaj^e is solicited* No. 80, Mechanic's Block, ly Ford-Street, Ogdem-burgh, N. Y. Clotjjmg <£mjounm, £tJ I WEft YOUNG. SPRING HAS COME AGAIN! N A T I R K HEAS THROWN off her robes of winter and is be- ginning to assume her attire so be-aurJ- fnllv adapted to the genial season, and if (jentieinen are desirous to imitate her example, they will find all the requisites for doing so at 3 6 I-'orci-Street, where one of the Proprietors having just returned from market is now opening the mast CHOICK &. KLEGANT assortment of (xoods for Gentlemen's wear, adapted to the present and coming seaw>n, that has ever been exhibited in Ogdens- bnrgh. Having been early in market, be bad favora- ble opportunities of making his selections from the FULL STOCKS of Importers, securing thereby advantages very obvious, as he can now SHOW np to his friends, GOODS that, in point of texture and "styles," are the **CEEAM OF TIIE MARKET.** For Gentlemen'? full dress, he offers B l a c k Broad- cloths from the best Manufacturer's of Germany, France and England; French and German l i o e s k i n s , and fine C a s s i m e r e s in Black, a splen- did article; Grenadine, Florence Cord., Riocade and S a t i n V e s t Ingres* in all colors, I from tlie "Blackness of Darkness, to the Whiteness of tlie driven Snow." For PROMENADE or BCSUTESS Strrra, we have Blue, Brown. Dahlia, Olive, Mulberry, Claret, Greon, Drab, and Mixed Broadcloths, of all grades. Gentlemen, if yon want a pair of FAKCX French Cassi- more JPittitu, step into No, 86, and if wo cannot show yon a more beantl&il assortment ;Qf j^aacjr Eroiichi Cash- meres, then yon liave ever before seen In this u ^tmau,' n we will not ask you to purchase, * «- EN"G"LISn and AMERICAN" CASBIMERES, Black and Fancy, of all grades; Union Satinets, Tweeds, Cash- merets,!and all kinds of THIN GOODS for SUMMESWEAR; White,'Buff, Figured, Striped and CheckedsMarsoilles Testings, of every quality. In addition to tho above, wo hav*» tho "SDTEABS" of Mtt. W. W. LITTLE, which, in tho naDds of their WKM- Ur, seem to have the power i>f the " Musician's Wand" in converting the above beautiful fabrics into the most Fashionable and tastefully fitting COATS, VESTS, antf PANTS of every stylo. We will also sell Goods in amount to suit purchasere; by the case, piece,"7ard, or, pattern. All kinds of Tailors' Trimmings, Who Retail. We particularly invite those In want of i Splendid Country Seat near the city of New York, valued at , " $25,000 1 Farm in Waido county, Mainet containing 144 acres, valued at 10.000 1 Farm in Illinois 3.0u0 1 Lotof lOOacresoftimber land inVermont, near Railroad, valued at 4,000 1 Farm in New Hampshire, valued at 2,000 1 Cottage Hoase and Lot, in Newton, Mass. 1.500 1 Lot of land in town of Sha^Mgh, Maine, containing 27 acres, valued at . 1,000 ' 6 Lots of Land in Dedham, Mass., valued at $500 each, a,000 8 Lots of Land in the city of Lawrenc\Masa. valued at $500 each, 1,500 2 Lots of Land i n the town of Pavonia. N. J., opposite Philadelphia val'd. $4itU each. BOO The celebrated Trotting Mare, " Lady of the Lake," who can trot In harness a iniie in 2.40, valued at 1,500 1 Mirror of l * American Scenery." one of tbe most successful and printable Eibibi- tions in the country, valued at 20.000 The original Dipramic Exhibition of the " Burning of Mciscow." 5,000 1 Set of Dissolving Views, with apparatus complete for exhibition, valued at 5,000 100 Lotsof Jewelry (rings, chains, drc'. valued 2,500 5.000 6.000 250 , 200 200 tings, Wholesale or Ogdensbyigh, September 27th, 183& Sl-5m. OOtMW® &.CO. GOODNO & CO'S PHILBJ :' ti- '" iJint.-.. . J Ao(.-i -•• • - •..• • . . . . . . . H AVING SrjReHASBD OF SUSSES. L. a .^jorrJSj&OosithBir stock ot Drugs, Medlolne3,Fat!- cy Articles «;a, wodldjulnouncetothecitirciB of Ogdens- burghand vicinity, thatJierwUl carry outhe Aprrthe" cairy H l l s i n e s K l n a l P l t s branebca at tho old Stand, coraerot.Fprdautt'KaoeuKStreets. - •'- .... • Myt«lrangemcnt5arosndi, ttatlihaUbocoMtantb/ro. celvloj:afre3h:Bupp!y;of;Goad6froin Novf. T«rK'Clry. and will keep.constanUyon'hand a well selected' stock*of BrOilO© X)BrU<3rB .'miiji.iqi.vBs, usually found in aflrstctel Store. ITavinefta'stho past five yeara been connected with Moa5nKJBnsJiten>>ftl»k4eVCo.,, (JSaw-JTo^fe) and having laid pwUenlar atteononto ffie JBfefflfane and Fjescpptlqn usmess, bo will give bis personal attention toaUpre^crJp- Ogdensbnrgb, May Mtb, 18& , 18-tf '^qfrijpXjiH T HIS iSfb TOFfSfWE #W£fo, THAT 1 1haWlhIs%f calne^#¥p>eb;(on)njlii^,«bai ill •' lUnBittie^araiOJi%oiaiMIang standing diseases, canfloeoljy tnaiiorlnpe?Eo%Tf7hen«- InB deacriDtton ot tbS^Ife^s i<fljr^*^^ to *4 WM* *P* ply to mob T mul or otherwise, at fronHugConcord Square,freeofyiargo. Those oodSiltSig me by .mail 1n:reg»rd to healUj, WU pleaeo sand their trM age aadblrth place. I woald take tils bppbrtunl^'t**^ turn my thaukafor tbe liberal patronage tb»t baebcep ei- tenaaiSp^iinasaill ^eijflwotip merit o continuance of the same. Oh tbe 8ith of Ous month 1 SnaV'cbntuiue tbottgh:stite-in»yTecW'lt;'^l-nevo^Sfta*'MbefiP : S hW^and.1n«loic«t,.*¥wTlO'may.patroi.i»o.tW« y?bM wlB B » a b 5 i a ^ r i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * < ^ ^ ^ „-J!1 .!!•* v 7 y ^jrfr?jSyt" ^^.1 jTi'iffjaiLijc\Aw-^TJ•t'fltftfWJ--^1*^A?^^s^lrAifeh'^- lBfeiffiaU-mresTitne w MJ t ^ U i l s a i d i c a i * yffll girnStai curee In an caaeii^H6t». <• I^u»'.there.irevafeeaios SBmlry grave, «siny]ett«r» and cerUfle»tesjrilii«(fe« In tbla •oSrprlae.-each-person will-rooeivea-i > reeent;-a3 Sify'Weel^^Wno^jn^^of^i »ed5cto^ »»lb «»b*Wcnn^rectiwli»eW©»eea , _.-, ^_ „, _.. ,_,_ d^^h.wl^o«iig^.iMnU«^e-PrS-^JwSj CO. •tf *^t}3a^ WW. M STAGES, B e t w e e n - I t t a s s e n a Springs <fc ' V i l l a g r c and Potsdam Station. terA.VfNG -COtaE INT© ressesslbn of tbe S t e e t i n e from ilnssena Springs and Tillage to . PparianvStation, I take this prothod 0ttendejJng,nTy."thanl»it»th8 public fnr-their^astfavors and hope to receive a continuance.. . Tb? Stages jvUlies.ve. Masseno at half past Elgbt Select } A. M, arrtvluK at the Station in time to dine before tbe arrival ot the Moil Train from the East Leave Potsdam Station Immediately on tho arrival of the 2 o'clock Train from Ogdensbmeb, giving travelers, the quickest and eaaestEofttetdthe Springs. • - j3f r-assengere TOIU he convoyed to tbe Station to meetanytMU'dtslrea, on tho shortest nptice. lrAW3«t, Hassena Springs, Aug. 8,1855. 28-tf Proprietor. be'^toWbnW^KJ M UDoonSSsat ^ « l » irCT*fto».»b. mm*^frii$^mm>m aid having roade very Uifgepur<A»a«ta«plKdib.-iiro>iHt inform bis friends and ivrtner tuitamera alul tha eotatua- *l(yrV*ttwnOoo<{» *t«lowi^jcei^iuiyj^ftt^i^w eM oMtMtw* aM «hot» «t> Mi f««i. 0|ii*i»iii.mf >•'*•' w^v EjtOX-STBHST, JfEAE THE OoEQVEB jOI>','BiaTS*rEKET, . r. (pPPpsrrsJins ACUJEMV,) OG»JEKSJSi;UGH, M. Ti, A No. ONE! livery will bo kept"by the above Com- i s k , panyv-wheio good Horses. Oirrlages, and careful and atteutree drivers may be obtained at all nonraof tho day and night. V BSy*Eersons, leaving their names at the St Lawrence Hotel, or at the Office of the Stable, will be waited upon at the shortest notice.—Persons^cau also betakento and from ttsRaMoadJTJgpot, and"Steam BoatLand!ngs/py the Si larvvrehce Coach.---l?are, Twen^-flve' cents" each passenger. Ogdensburgh, MJrch 8th, 1885. READY-MADE CL0THINQ To call and examine ourstock in this line, as we havebyfer a larger assortment to select from, than can he found in any other Clotbinc House in Ogdonsburgh, all of which, aro of our own Manufacture, cut in the roost approved styles, and warranted WELL MADE. This Stock consists in part of FIHB DRAB OVERCOATS FOE SPETNG WEAK, ! Dress FriH-k, Hunting, and Sack Coats, madefrom Broad- ; cloths of all colors; Cassimores. Unions, Cashmerets, Ertninets, Tweeds, Jeans, Buck, Drills, Marseilles, Lin- en, Cottonades, *fca &c Pants and "fests «f every description, j Sail.-!a. Labors' , and others, who wish for CHEAP i CLOTHTNtx, will eivo us a call, as we have onlia'id "STACKS AND PILES" of the very articles yon want, and will sell them to you at prices so low, as to defy com- petition. We can scU you a WHOLE STJIT for TWO DOLLARS, and from that; up to EESPECTABLE PRICES. In Farnislfiing' Goods* it is sufficient to say, that in Variety and Richness, Elegance and JNovelty of Style, this department •very iai* exceeds any thing-of'the kind ever before exhibited in Northern New Tors. Btsibber a n d O H CBotl*ing> of oil kinds, nt Manufacturers' Prlc«i XyisnfeK* of dff kinds, varying in .pricefromTen Shillings to Thirty Dollars; Carpet, Leather, and EnbpoxJ Bngs, Umbrellas, •&c,'&e. * ! > ra 'l DEALERS In CLOTHING, throughout St Lawrence County, are assured that we can sell them^froni TEH JO T WESX? per cent less, than they can bay ia-'New YdrK or Boston, and also give them Clothing very much «»,. perior ia point^f workmanship. •* •.. WM. & YOOTG. v ^^"Becolleot the place, 35 Ford-streat, MechanIc T s Row. Ogdenshnrgh, April 2,185U G-tf- at $25 each, 10 splendid Rosewood Pianos, $500 each 20 " " " 800 each 1 Melodeon Organ, suitable for a church j Meiodetm, Melodeons. $100 each 1 Marine time-piece, ^a wonderful piece of niechanism,) l^ 1 1 set Dioptric Paintings, valued at b.iwy 1 Panorama of a **Tour in the East," 20.W0 100 Orders for Hats on "Genin," the celebra- ted "New York Hatier. $4 each 400 8T Clocks, worth from $5 to $25 each, averag- ing in value $* each 696 5 Macnincent Gold Watches. $3o" ta?h 1.500 30 4. » •• lrui carh l.nuO j 0u '• " •' ,Vt eacb 5.i»00 ino " Silver " 2A eju-h 2.MW 100 " » " 15 each 1.500 5.000 Gold Pencils, valued at $3 each 15.0(in X0,000 Finger Rings, valued 3t $1 each 10,000 2S4.8S7 Engravings and Pieces of Popular Music, 38,000 rSboTce of either) «275,106 The distribution or apportionment uf the above named Gifts wilt in no case be deferred beyond tbe First day of Itla^j 1 8 5 6 } and will be had s<K>ner, provided the Tickets are all sold, due notice »>f which will be given—at which time the Shareholders will meet together at some suitable place, hereafter to be designated, and select a Committee of three person? fojm their own body, under whose supervision the property may be-disposed of In such manner as said shareholders may direct. All orders for Tickets by mail, should be registered and addressed to JOS. PERHAM, 66? Broadway, BT, Y. Correspondents will -please write distinctly their name, residence. County and State, to prevent errors. Or, if convenient, enclose an envelope, with their directions on it in full"—In which such tickets as they may order will be returned. #£- AGFA T TS WANTED in (fvery city, town and village in tfas-Jlnited States and Canadas, to obtain subseriptiona, for Tickets, to whom liberal com- missions will be-rfveh, m 1 every facilfcyin'the way of Show-bills, Circulars, ere., will be afforded to make'tho business a paying one_io those disposed to enter Into it with spirit AppIicanfeTor agencies will apply or address as above. [25-8mJ C »SH p * r 9*23*,0&K-* EMI, PISE, _ Tamarack attdCedal-Tiiriber; atsoTorfln? and Tam- arack Crooks, Masts, Spars; &e, i c, delivered at the Og- densburghMaHne Itallway Company s Ship Tina. For W 8 l»?naHty and size, call on the Superlnten- Ship Yara,<>r at the office of E. B. Allen 4 . . WALTER K ALLEH, Sec>. information,as to df^'nt the"'' Sons. 41-tf TA^E. HiaSHlE., W P f ? 1 ! * * ? ! WgE.iTJSLW^A, has been TT in the babtfof s^nanSerunr mv nronertv kut.il.. of it without my«iusent. that I shall prosecute all property from her, .. contracting after'lnis Madrid, ifovemberaoth, 1855. ny prop lttce' ond^dhi- __Jeby given te "all those who have purchased my and that I will pay no debts of her s date. JOHK D. MILLER. """ .^..4VSw CSSEIX A COlS-'EXPttfifeR IS NOW nlhgreguTar between OH3JEB8BTJBOH and ITOWH. 'I^ves<)gdensoiu^Taesuaya,Thurs- Leaves Watertoivn Honuays, Ved- UJT3E'? BtXlE-OTOEEi Ha * "' " BW3SE1$.*C0. Sebtehl'b»V10th1-lSoai>'- " W-tf J«( >!fc^ ffftk '** Fainting. talrairfiooniroseT^ate* i l e a t - s h o p , Isajbejja StfeetiMo'pte'aiis Tmeaioa5ttt'ai ""——jp to execute all orders prl«mgUiBJfribUot3iafch|;%|ir^arg HarWe^Paw^Haajgiag, &e, -..;=. /.••<;»-» Fia^s^ E.%aEEEBY||^,¥EitfiIi«tE ' ktoir. Beiu^'A.»vefiPrtE".his,tln)e. ,vlfc*thicy.JBSO| .-„•••.- -'•-- .•-•••jlt^gjH^^gi ^m •'8T"*a?... XT- 'Jt»renoTi,^ S.,Y.>.««i;JeiuM .^fflejaao^ta C%tatflm|Jsit,H. MZ JeSerson C«. IKV.XSiUJear - - " ' • * M - —~ J *-tf*.Jiv £ «ildresisTnr.at'mlsofui.„ . _ jM %& JPEMj kUBmiorSfKKE «i»«ofTB0& Fawrett,) »har» ABBAM PI^ATT. ANOTHER GLORIOUS VICTORY! __ STETJ6SLE DS EUE0PE IS EIVETIH^ Qie attention of the clvtUzed world, and while'auajre: speculating as to the probable victor, here in Ogdensburgh where we are mutually acquainted, no one for a moment doubts tbe result A15KAM PLATT, Will Conqnerl For where elsetethe Stott) ofiJeWTorK canOlotBingfor the present Season be obtained so Cmsipf CLOTHING FOE THE MILLIOHI Comfort, Beauty, and Economy OOJIBIHEDi t The Public are cordially invited to compare our Stock of Goods, Ready-Hade and Hade tb Order, with any, or ah, similar stores in Ogdensburgh, eltheraa to quality, quantity or price. The best stock of OVERCOATS, COA^rsf SAJJT3 AND VES/TS, EXPRESSLY FOB THE S&ASoW ASH) AX& TBS ST. OSXXBAB of a Gentleman's Wardrobe, oanbepprctused there ebeap- er than at any other Store tn thq State. And as ibr/rario- ^•.s^le, and excellence of -wartuianshlft tme tdkt vHB secure the patronage of the most fastidious. Alsa—every deseripfion of " . ' Furnishing Ctooa«),Truii<ka,d:c PAHEHT8, tntsia.the place .to bring your sons, tha atooltof goods which.we are" malting up Into IS INDEteD KEAT&TIFtrt! \ ^^* T Come.FarmerevarerohamTadeanieieen^ ° , Mechanics stop yontciai; .. -,. <^i: Go, la^er, send that bBenthotne, '- ' .'•' And bny of AsiiU Purr, It's dear as day, TOiiseev. : Tlrat B6 Wle e?ifi.Jiaw*oI>>bat, '.- "7 e«oa.K«l»U CLOl-HINO ^^smCD/t Ita^' yerB'%wTJuB4ing,) Ogaensbur^Hr? VAKOA. CLOTHING EMPORIUM fehaiw m«f to***> ««pm«»«i 3la6>ana « n * t 2^^feS^^* K »>- f allonljr toSeeng^ooi •S'^^^So i t to Mt CBSA-PS* dwnilw ^HSAfi I -SSSe- -who want to buy, to «Jt f$n>»aibe elsawiitre, kt,t)n; Ogdeasburgh Olotauig-Store! [•^SB^-'JUS^-MBseua «aAittrs BLOCSC * « jp«rjiL,js«peet» Osdnmufenririu* y. •«:», wiieredoy tsau.&v}'tollysalUfl both «a to quality »j>« CtOTHIJiG FOR THE WIttlONI if, A.fenowreoergltig, nls Sprlftitfttw*, taA H »ohslsja pf the 3SEWT3ST STVt^««U.lis»»»»»rt»»t utmen kind of €iotfcUMt,«u»* en^Fmiikiri Br*^»*B* »i:'A-#*SAT-J|iD|8'itt' lUnTembertaeriace, . . Arar.ll'* ftrfcalteTBlix*, ** VarA-mu, - r - - mmam, -—-*• " iMfl-rea LA1LP FOR SALE ! F OB SAX.15, A T#K«en[ CAKCET. LAMP. Has.beennsedbutUttle.and'vrillbeaold (cheap. EnqnireatihisOffice. " (&u>»)Sbn|g|, Jtan. JOth, 1S56. M-tt BRICHS FOR SALEf, Ogaensbnrgh, Harch 22nd l^; 1 * : * * BRICK! BRICK!! BRICK!!! >d3mxu aeaiGE -is < NOW :P£EEAKED TO _ ';jbt'Bric*El2A .™ »*„. caro iVJEEST_MA13EBIAL, «vd with . _ offertph5^cu\tomersjmd.the,publloa Nplendia *ofoW'BiSc&pnadfet^aj3eo». with exfl» hm anaiabor,,orthe' ffi,,, °""™'™"— s - noWtoJpte^the* ^_ The "snbacriber ui'cpnnleS burned. Is theses* eser c0n it file K31n>e has Bnyerswouia dpweU.toe&a&d seehe^w pSrer blsewherefj I»#*T»W- *^*. '•siraff-'Fp CantonBt, ^ea^n^^w^i^^ ,ffe 200,OOOBR10E FORSAtE^ npHE spBscai^E M. fully Inform the public, great care and attention, of tbe &111 sell at a » losvest price posslMe, eMa«6t terms. Enquire onthe premises formerly occupied, by E. B.AHen*8ons. 'WABEEN H.-VJSDO^C Betrveltop Eoad, near the new Oernotery. OgdeKibargh, July 5th, 1S55. , Tf-Sirp. JROCTOB & W06D, Wool and Brodnce Commission Iffer- ' . cnatit*» - Ho. S <SW Wkaap, BOBTOS. ' For tha sale of.Woot feonrj ISatter,-Cheese, Ashe*. Starch, Beans, frato, jBaas^eeos!1n^R^to«r^ Prodhee, tot WnlcbcaWi flaaal* -*BW~—"~ glven^^^^ M^^^P^SIo^k^^sto^^^ito: sXdUHnds of Countty " win he made, and to '1t-fi h«lnr*!Q>owJeag»Bf ier, wheretjboBtii > S S a t S f e V S o'»ii Vui't'T 1 SS-Bw S0LPEP»'8 BOITNTX LAHDS. a gninBBtJBsciaBEBaitfvjife thft »Ja5«Aet s <Congr &1T iftstnanoxt rtirti i aant^Mi HI Opieiobargtt, March », i«s£ aBKWAiJ JPhfteSOtJEBS aerly ** Ia*eU»*««H •»-, I^o, Gl Clranite lllock, F*r4 Street* Iftere *»wBH>» I**!* te*e#^8 y> oW eojiommi and friends, aedas many new ones as.tnay Javor Wnj with* eatt HeiKpseonrtaritlyoohand aW*r»l (UsertiiJ .m&e- .•%& ^:

ms&s&aii w^vnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88099995/1856-04-10/ed...acconfit'of religioiis opinions. V % -H? I ; , Hostility to the asaumptiens of Papa] j Some,, ihrough tlie .Bishops,

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Page 1: ms&s&aii w^vnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88099995/1856-04-10/ed...acconfit'of religioiis opinions. V % -H? I ; , Hostility to the asaumptiens of Papa] j Some,, ihrough tlie .Bishops,



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J o h u f i a ^ i J r i B ^ & ^ ' f e H M r E s k y on

L i e W l a & S f y S & S - i M i T o ^ f e e / A.

lo^ria^ft^hc^'iof Ctdtivatins^Mtftoea. on

stars saEfl3gWHi3-«" p*a *• « 3 * * .4, a * S i

ut-,wjnterjjcicmplo-iv*e4.oana ^worked .fine

«.£*« -<c* &ia?yartl> stretches by single? -fta> row liries. Along these lixi&a a half "mi-nnifiigf say aK' l^ iS^tSkr i i i te , Wfle^josi-ted i n small ieSpy^PBfe . land Sf then.]

placed in;;«iTCiyTthiidifiiAow^ •Three plows«wi6rfc after .e&ch •6tfier!f>fovtfu wo­men, h W n l ^ ' e & h x M e 4 ^ ^ n i * ^ ^ J ? n < ? ,

place the set^-'«n4-Slfequal-n»miber, aimi-14*1? t»f i^^"carr f ihe'nauiTrfr'ftdm the y i f ^ W ^ p ' r e a ' a ' it above. " * ™ r ft'gxi


i of the @Qrafi-7? «. t g k ' ' i "

1. Amsrioatti ,-r 2 . #»£? n»i

ta?^w^WKBffiisai -war the OrSedof & « f P n » o f ansSec-! ikgu$ ©D<^fip#W!ati«KP^a|aa^the tenle ; if apport ion: o£theAjjjerican Union, and! Che a,ssus&«! ,;thS ^ a n ^ ^ u g f t c e ^ d ^ y - ;

a l n ^ t f f o f i h V 8 t a t i < i h o inifentfofa'br ef-eflectofigehichftsliatt be^to endanger the pTgrpetH%sfflfethea^iiton.-. . •::••.-.x-

4. iTo^eV!fturkirintetf^re,ncein-our/legi3-

W » now joffer largest i tock of

l^tiQn^and no .jptosoription. of .pejsona on acconfit'of religioiis opinions. V % -H? I ; , Hostility to the asaumptiens of Papa] j Some,, ihrough tlie .Bishops, -Pjelatis, Priests or Ministers of th? Roman Catho­lic OfuKch.^s Bnti-R&pjibltcan. in jp r^^-

-woric-pMceeas-WKn-great.u.f-<.rr»~ ~~ „ P l e «** dangerous to the liberties of the petition; ^iLKout a weekUeforeifief l ^ i t s i peopleV . , . ; • ; . / . . : ^ i<? are, expected to come to-the aurfacQ, .the 3 6- T h r o u g h reform m j h e Natnraliza-»• - - r -- • " J - ~Lr=.t...1 „rfj

. ' e , ^ o B ^ a V . f i | r i e » t p c k ? ••- i~ t ^ ^ S ^ J ? ™ ^ ! ^ fe#»¥,n!

S O G A » S wero parWlSBed'beftre tbb list rise, sneT we ore prepaid-to; glve^ot <^K»craKi^lUnV «Oiii»tock of |

%&%%$3&& j \ ^ - ~a »* ^ •n -0 hantawlllbo sotlsfiM'that'iriVain ri«.thero - - % l^^Btf t te f ig l i om^oiaoSi i s toJb

_ _ _ , - . l««tprotfBlff»itoeie^mff2booifinjBte-toedtdbo'ta-reM^ettftdBS-i^l'- • .•.'•"•' •' •'

- r-'itefejsa8...& • • ' M O E G M " •

W a is weB harr,o|jed--\5 |h^Woo3ens atfd ki&s all'JsarfacjB,weeds, J!jielsu^iequent | workings-c.opgiafcJ in horgejioeing, band-h^ing tand Ieaj t t i ip^-#."<. - - • >*•• • - *

l a bat climate,, plowing and dunging *tn &e, wintefcia pafc/s^-ithe^.uestion. The eamp object ha^eTBr^inaybe a i t a b e d ^ % plowing^ nnde r^ "diessing manure i n ifce

- &H, I'he'ianH can be •' cross-plowed and worked.-iiue early in, the. spring-" «qual}y weUrr^aM'Vr^ is, the .best point in the pro­cess. The^ complete decomposition oi the manure, and its thorough internrixturt.-with*the soil, cannot be to. ltighly recorji-roended for potatoe^uhure. The advan­tage of covering the-seta with rpanure, in this dry)- hot climate, is somewhat doubt­ful. Coarse, unfermented dung would do more hitnn thari good on sandy land fn ^

dty season. Good compost, fen thej other hnnd, migjithelp to keep the soil moist, | ceive no extentjon from such repeal •u.^,A^, t i m U i n , t.l.n nknts with aDDro-1 J&solved, Tha t in the organizati'

tion Laws of the Eet|eral Government, 7 • Tijs.enactment.cif lawafoc the protec­

tion of the purity of the Ballot Box by tne State. • .

8. J W and h'heJal- institutions for .the education, of all. classes of'lhe peo^le^syi^i the Bible aa a Text Book in our Gommon Schools.' .. ""~- 1 '

SESf feBAI . R B S O L T O I O N S .

B&olvedi, That ' the. National Adminis­tration, by its general course of official conduct), together with an attempt to-de-^troy, the repose, harmpny aijd. fraternal relations of t|ie country in the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and- the- enconmge-ment of aggressions'-upon the sc>TCreigi)ry of the •Territerial inhabitants of Kansas, Jeseireeshand. shouia receive the united-con­demnation of the American people, and that the institution of Slavery should te-

WaterSfi 20th, 1855.

i ,H.Y. SO-tf

>MAW»IJ»»'AND. ,JPAEEEt> EQPB, •$fl^-VmBb?W?t&ISg'fA1lta iesort-' m e a t ^ ^ n l j r ' W ^ ' S i i B l f i l b z f o the tfidK''jPurchai!ri1^llFplcteercill'earlT

- a P3»*mTE,'. •

bssides furnishing the plants, with aPP r o"3 priate food" iii a proper condition for direct 1 assimilation. 1^ {nenananiire must be j used,- let it- be weft^composted, or at least 9 thoroughly decomposed. ^

B u t it seems to be the opinion of mbst cultivators, that manure applied directly to potatoes increases their fia^Uity to dis­ease ; 'whi le :it .is" certain, that unless the k n d be in good cbndifion, a^ieagre yield only will be obtained; I t BUbuld be the •abject of the potatoe grower, therefore, to make the land rich a t least a year pre vi ous to planting.

To do this, we must first ascertain what manorial substances are most required by the pbtafo'e. Those chemista who think the composition of the ash of a- plaSit" a correct indication of i t s manuriaj require-; ter, "protect and defend them meats, tell us thatj as half the ash ^ of po- | Resolved, That the interests of

of the American Ordei the institution of In voluntary Servitude was, and now is, re­garded as local and not national in its character, and is a subject for the totera tion'^f aj$ffeferii!e;of opinion by_«the i ; iens of the Northern a n i Southern States, and, as such, h a s . n o rightful place .in the Platform, of the National American party.. , . . /

• ' . srATB" feEsoi,rmoif& A s the Commercial, the Common School

and the Internal Improvement systems of the State are its greatest "pride and glory, and have made her <what she emphatically is, the Empire State, therefore,

Resolved, That the American party will always regard it as its highest duty to fos;

WHITE & MORGAN, - • ><JW>Bteip S t r e e t } "''- "

. _ , . CfQDKNSBBEG-J&JS. Y , - / O B l p E i n V . W Jfca"SS!»de ,o t Northcin H o w York and.,panada,mpoa favorable terms, the lfollnnrin',7 *rHnlM>

. .„ , Hyson Stln, Twankay, Gnn-udw<Iarrragci^'grfoiiglSpnchon& Nimyong.. ., »

.ColMcfe^QIA ^oyerffiieifi. J*xm,. WMte.4a.Ta, Bio, S t Bofli^pgo.... , ( ' i - , - j - - - '•

S«Jft«fB>T^te.« OrJeaiMt -MMcovaiJo, f o r t o Blco, Orttshed,iEoirflcr«a, Colfeo OrSphod, Jo. hogsheads and barTel3.-.^f,'rt-,' ^-- i • • y - ; ( . . - . « ,

Sy in» i .^ - 'S towart '» Steaio' Eeflned, New: York, e o t l a f c X . . .,.:.' * . • ! • " - '

ToOBaCCOS.—Honey Saw, Aromatic Chewing and SxnoaIRK '' . • -; . .

So^ja.-TrCOJiaite'a.J'ny'a, Winchester's, Merrll\ Qard-ner^s, ^fuwer HfJl, Falo and Brown, Stowo'a Gheinieal ErasiTOf-JP-Upama & fhomnaon's Oonipound..

fUinulob.r-^Spcrin. Adamantine, Stcarine, Moold. r i s H l ^ C o a m ^ c t e W a n ' d Hprrlnav

\ T t f ^ e ^ ^ o r l S ? ^ 8 . r o o m » . Fails, Tuba, Wash-

-. J r B U G U B S T

N E W S T l f t E S R I C £ E tfRESS G O O l J S .

R106 ^ H g l i ^ f - s — . •<.gna&mn;M®8GmB, - ...



L A W N S ,

PKI^TEr) Olr^ALLIEa 1 ; B E B G G E » E t , A l ? r E S » i -




CALICOES, B o r r a E T Aiy» CAP T K I M I I E C V G S ,

»BiE^ '* i i l3)pBf ajctjp^.


Waiid PaY»r,] Chinese V ejn

r laMtae. ? ! (par, Eose pin'" ~

hjneso VoroiUllon, "

. and Ben Thin Qhie^

S, Amlrlcan Yermfllfon*

' »l ow,'Martab OreeO; at wBolesflVcr that defy competition. Call and sec "" "'!''"''

PKOUTY * KUSBQE, Street Ogdenabarga, H. T . 1-tf ' FordE

?EjpQKI.Ylf • « T i 7 T a i T E fcEAJO.-O TOH3 V f WHITE t E A D . ' 1 ^ , ™ r„An


" ^ B y P E O O T Y & E I N D G E , 1-tf , Drng^ata and Anpthecarlea, Ford Street

,a—a- 1 -ryT-m-v^K-r-••• ;• i=—="•>• .1- , j

. Importer and ae!ia-1l iBV»ir.wiIoV o r

HATiarfiWEIs GEASB,'PAfN5CSj )I*B' *"• ,


O I X S ! O I I - S I ' -g r f c B A R B E L S B. WHALE O I L - S BBL8 J . M Solar Oil—0 BbU. Machinery OB, Jnst received

andforsaloby , PBQP^Y A BINDOK.

B C S H E S . - P A t N T 1 BEtrSHES, WHrTE-Wash Brashes, Varnish Btttshes, WoO and Paste.

Brushes, Artist Brashes, and Tube" Paints, tept constantly on hand andfbr aalaby PK0T7TY &. ='•»"««>

1-tf •• ' Druggists.

T O A B T I S T S , H T I S T S ' B R U S H E S , AETISTS' TTJBE - - - - —„i — -


Palnjs,,Poppy and Nut <)l and full assortment constantly ^


Canraaa, \ i n B *

a large «fb?P

I L O I t K N C E W H I T E AUD FLORENCE '" Paris. i * V ^ 3 a i i " w U t o K^nch^o^grbund hi olL

Greon, PariTWhitvWhiting, Putty, etc. - Call and Bee us


'mmiBtmhU Safesj ^Baiik ITattltei < <i -sxivifl V> =i%E||t*?|!P-« i •'••• >a ' -"1

i T r a K S i t anfl Cast Iron, formtng nn lm»3ri*ra8

any otnef S

i of four eminent qualitiea,nqt found IB

reslsUbla t o all cutttag tools. eat cannot withdraw the bard

aauaeaoi uie^ucuufu^-wtbe-case^th elteel ' 8d. .Itjis-aBoUd Casement, without Boltsc* Joints, and

when exposed ttf a Are Is perfectly Alr-Tigbt; aerofore Utffliingean bnni-wlthin, neiatercan waha1 ftom wlthont

iWi»i*;Pimne«UB.—Sfrrch, Bice, Spices, Pickles, Soda, <;reain_Tartar,

boards.- -r:'

Catsups,[Pepper Saoce, Salorati

Pipe's, d.i<!l>

Qln, WJ i

Mngerf-jYeasrPowrtprs, Mttstar4 Blacking, Matches, Pipes, Tivine; WloEiife&c.

«»rs.—<ihlb Wblsksy and Hlghwlnca, Brandy,

F B E K C I I A l « l > E K O t T S H ^ K A F E S ,




SUMMER GOODS ' ifffLtdf KINDS, •• '

C A K P E H H e S , » largo Aasortment at reduced Erlwaj., • . t- • ' ••

liS'ijiA'niAXTiNtis, an widths. O I L C X O T S I S , New PaUorm, from 8 feet to 18

fe*t wide.

O-^lonsburgh, May 9th, 1S54. a-tS

F I / 1 7 I D . -g r k B A R R E L S B U B N I S S F l C I D - j r j B T

1 U ™^^™i<$$£vr.&.zmDQK-fi. C A 3 3 P U E A J 3 .

BY B A R R E L o t f c A L I . O N - A T $BOUTY & BINDGEU


B e l t f e ^ m E W f ' A m M f t a a

™ i ; . . J . \ \ ,.£x fi,Sis orfa nilcea as^61)uunaa*froni

ASHLEY.-proTed,«reditf ^ jy )

•,"ana Becoine like other Safes, but will remain Vmaiaebrtt^.

Thoyaro rooaewitb or without the .FIEE-PEOOF— the-IitterfWBanl: VauKa.

• U M i d l i S E ' S B A S K E^OCBCS, Aremdmlrably-aaapted to the Safe,,being Drffl andPow-WProotroffi' retuVbte againsf the ! . < # Pick pr Force, anuffli8B^aisely:iiseo^yiBante|hroughouttne toJon.

i»~-frbe3e-£ares na^e Tecelved ,tl>e Eajnst J P r j "

•B©4E^ .ELLa i^ «flJAffION3Bl^ '•• - A N D B I H D E C , '

B I A S E E 3 I O V E B !

« o . 8, EAGLfe BLOCSJFordi Stteet—TOhereMwin bepleasefl to Bee bis ol iand pew customers SnaSrJeaaV '• -,•- ' <:•»-'? ' "Sa^jntt Jnst. retened * —

Hew York, with a U e w and Valuable Assomneht if '

BOOKS jAmSTAflONERSV Among wnichmayba found the standanl wodtapftJio day, lnaluding , . „ . . . '

E t i S T O K T , F I C T I O I V * P & B S P B V , B E L L E . S - i , E T ' J C B J B S , p , , . , j .

andWeral ' Eng&n-EalttdnS of me' ntost iropnlar works-These works are bound in every variety of style." '

He will also mrnteh any wofkln the catalogues pf principal Pnbianlng gonses, atgubHsher'a gijces. 4 ^ ^


n i S i i t o OTeif ttll o t S i e r S a f i e s n o w i n u s e 1 when p*at1nJcoix(Jaatfi)nl>\az:+r3Jew York State Fair, | AmeilciintnsBtn{e,New York, Jfranjtlin Institute, Phila-aelpfilal MatyiaAa-nQisHtaiei Baltimore, and Crystal j

B E L t l t IBELfiS;? BELLS I itorlea, Plantations, j^astantljygi,


FO B . : C I « J K Boats, Factorlei.

assortment keptcpnstant is WJt"»»v»^y/>K~ T ^ ^ = ^ ^ » at their old establiShmtaf'iind1 enTaigi*'Founar^,xiwnid]j

1 N O l ' l C E . T H E tlSJB IN BEING SICK?

iedicltl utwovery" can bet ' ' PHODTY 4. EtNDGE,

Druggists and -Apothecaries, Ford Street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.

T T —"Kennodys Medlijd Ptacovery" can be had of


..received and for sale by \ PEOUTY & EINDGE,

E R S E O F , S A E E A C H O J C E :of'PATlQI.Y

tatoes is potash, such as unleached ashes should' be.1 uSed. W e know, however, from ihe most conclusive experiments, j that this deduction from chemical analysis is erroneous, as applied to wheat and tur­nips ; and therefore we can ha,ve no confi-dertce in it'-when applied to potatoes or any other plant In fact so far.-as we can judge from the experiments recorded, and from the opinion of ernerience<}' Jarmers, manures rich i n ammonia, rather than those abounding in potash, have the great­est effect in increasing the growth of po­tatoes. Rich ammoniacal hog manure Pe­ruvian guano, &c , every one knows, have a great effect on potatoes. There can be no doubt that their action is maislvjiue to the ammonia they contain; for wlrte th^ former coptains a large quantity of potash and all other constituents of plants in, ad­dition to ammonia, the latter c'orltains'com--paratively nothing-else but ammonia and phosphate of lime does little good on po­tatoes, and therefore the effects of guano must .he attributed to the ammonia it s u p plies^to'the potato plant.

If, theBj. a, large crop of potatoes is re­quired, t ee soil mustl je rich in ammonia; and fortunately there is no natural way of doing' this without supplying to the soil all those inorganic elements which are in­dispensable to the growth of all plants.

Potatoes and w heat are the same in their leaning manorial requirements The previous drops, "and treatment of the soil best adapted for the production of wheat, are also best adapted for:th& production ot a large crop of potatoes, with, this impor­tant difference: r?or wheat the soil mu=t be compact; for potatoes, they are objec­tionable, as lending' to increase the potato

disease.' '^ Of' all plants cultivated in thisconntry,

riorielSfe. so good to precede wheat as red clover. None enriches the soil so muck for potatoes, B u t a tough-ckwe^ sod, turned over immediately before planting, pre-\LT.ts, to a greater or less degree, ^hat thorough after-working of the soil, with the horse and^haifci-hoe, which is essential tp^th^.prg&ifc^tt.of va "good §rqp,flf ^ 0 ^

> tbea^" T 0 get the enriching advantages of the. 'cloy^r t , .sgjfj, without t h e m w b f c k , should fe the aim of tha ,poiatoe*giower.

' H o w can this be best accomplished?-Wfl? •ome of onrse^jgrJe|lce^|far^ers answer the question. ~ *. -

A s will be" seen froffil^tgbjet e ^ r a ^ the ithgllsn- plant-potato^.Mpb rows/aboai two aad.a,|tdfif&|t jtp^jn|^5Btte&jo|r^« tween'tbej'sVts. -A larger crop unquestiofii

this great State imperatively demand a change of rulers ;1 that if >we would see her inter­nal improvements completed we should expel from office the partizans now in con­trol of it, who, instead of letting the Sec­tions of the -Canals to be kept in repair by contract, at a saving of $800,000 a year, as they may, and by law are authorized to do, continue in place a horde of officials to absorb its revennesfor private emolu­ment, for electioneering purposes, and to perpetuate their unholy psssession oi power.

The following is a list Of members iol the Committee oh Platform :

HOW uriBan&F rorto racovana wi lisjl—MaekoreLiOod Fish, Si Pr«nyj» ion»—Pork , Lard, ] W o o d e n Ware—.Brooms

Dist No. t—Brooks, " " 2.—Northup, » « a—Wnlston» " » 4.—Freeman, " . " 6.—Stevens, " u 6.—Tgmpkini, " •' T.—Stanton, •• " &—BnrnelL

Stuart, Bullock. Sanders, CaldweU, Van Gormen, Westbrook, HolbrookV ' Eussell, Corey, ^, Leslie, Curtis, 8f Grannis, Crooks/^ Backus, Peck^ 5 ? Scrogga.

By order oftboStato Council J. W. ffiBXEE, President

H. PiSRitisTOH, Secretary.

SWtal gtttilistnitttt.

PILL3,, J l ? n ? ajsi <iae^larly iutcessful r e a a j y for the 1 ea , s flf ail Bilvjiit diseases1— CostivBacSs, Indi-wjrfOiS; :JW?d3l«;;i Brpjsy , Rt.cBme!i3m, Fevers, i=ar, uttraoii , iTerroassess, UritabiH-^lnflauwnn-ion». Headache, PiinsJ.n fee^.-caj^SidCj^ack,, £ad 13S5S,' F e m 2 s CmrrpEiihts-, S c ~ &cT Indctd, 7crr few arp f3je,di£,eaj|e4in wbicb. a> Pprgative^I «U -•Jne isjnot more! er i lessyequit^dj anfl.itrfncJt*Bick. oesB anjt suffering^might bo prevented, if a harm­less buTfcfiectjial Cathartic wore more freer/ used". S o person-can .feal wall : wjiilefa «ostiv©. J^bJtJ of body'prevails'f Desiaes H soon generates1 serious and often fatal diseases, which might ljave.been avoideci by; th§Bmaty,aaS jjidj^iJuS tfsj o £ a good pgr^ibfeiS

•* trne^pj!^Cojds,jp^verjsh^ynjptoms, and


I COpposite-iaglo HaU.)


O f T ' O F E Atsorrment

GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS, ^eakr—ypnog jHysorii BTSOD Skin, Twankay, Impe­

rial* G.nhpo\Tder,.OolQ:jg,.aDd English BreakLost. Suslir!*—Iiioa^ Qmhed, Pomlerod, Coffee Crushed,

Now Oileanv&c.'. j ,j... X o q a c v o — S o b h Anderson *fc Co.1* Fin© Cat Chaw­

ing, Spqniah Smokiqgk.(PQT6 heaS, and vmriota kinds of too commoo bnuffls.

O o l f e e r - O l d Government Java, Mocha, EIo, && Soap^-Foy'a, SEOW^B Chemical Erosive, Thompaon^

Compoond, and varioaa-Faiic/ Soaps. Canilloifr—Spernv Adamantine, WKX and T&Uow. Oil-tTSpqnni Whale, tt& Syrpip^—Otewartd Extra mud common, Molattea

Now OjlpanSf Porto Rlavand .West India, " ~" ' Salmon.

„ Hams, Fioar, <fcc. . Ware—Brooms, Palla, Tnba, Bail Boxes,

Mop Htodlei, ts<v «tc AJLSOj—A FULIi ASSORTMENT OF

jt^FaWCF 6R00ERIES, «S8 Such a^Sptces, of all kihds ground and whole, Mustard, Yeast jPowder, Cocoa, Chocolate, Broma, Bago, Pearl BarloyJ. Com Starch, Farina, Vermicelli, Macaroni, Soda, Cream 'artar. Ginger, Flavoring Extracts, Pickles, Sar­dines, Qatsapa, Pepper Sauce, «feo, &c

The ^bovo asBortment, with a variety of other articles not mentioned, 1B now offered to the public,

i T E B V t O W F 0 K C A S J I I and to kQsiy yourselves of that fact, please call and judge for youxselYea.

Goods dellverod In all parts of the village free of a T . STEEJLK

Oeddnaburgh, March 1,1856; 1-tf ,

^ K T C T C ^ E R I E S . • { FLAGG & WHEELER, I « Q . 4 , A l l e n ' s B r i c t c B l o c h , Watcr-SU,


l W J A V B NOW IN STORE AND OFFEE I J U L !to tbe trade at Northern Now Tork and

Canada, the following articles:— ^ - j, " :

SWGilKS;1—Porto-Bico, Now Orleans, Mnscovado. CrusBwl,'' Powdered. Granulated Coffee Crushed, in bogstfeods or barrels.

S t aflHPSi—Stewarta Steam - Beflned, Hew-Tork, Golden, in hocsbeads or barrels. Also Sugor-HonM and Nawr-OrlcanSMolasses,

TEi l |S .—Old Hyson, Hyson SkJn,Youngr Hyson, Twan-kay,,lmperlal, tlolong, and Souchong.

COJrJ|:fc.li,—Old Government Java,Mocha, Elo, La-quai^-, and a quantity ofgronnd. - — J - . e w > . — D a b n e y Harris, Seldons, natural leat

,Bt«warta, and Jobn- Anderson^a Solace and Am-

.—Colgate's Toilet, Fay's Jib. t , and Pale, North Ican^ Sg>w6*s Cbemical, and Thompson^ Con>

O I , E S . — Mold, Patent Sperm, Adamantine, and Hydraulic1 Pressed.

OJ a..—Winter Bleached Whale, Sperm, Olive, and Patentr

ff**s><*.—Salmon, Cod, Mackerel, Wbite-flsh, and Sal­mon; Trouk

! H I » l , » ' t , t . A ? r E O T T S . — O e o a Sholls, Chocolate, Sagdj Farina, Bice, SaleratuS, Soda, Crvom Tartar, Enp-jfeharustard.Qtri5trv Pfcklei., Catsup, Pcppersauce, Pl-menV.Tebper, Brbotns, PoVlatTuhSi-Twiiie, i c ^ & e . ' -

. Floor,. Cora Heal, and Oat Meal, constantly, an hand, and in faefcajmosterery thing in ihe Proviiion ani} (Jrooery lino. Wo are constantly jKceivinR IromJaarkelfresb additions to our Stock, which wo will sell all a Vfiry small advance far OASi i Our S-ujars, SyrupkauoVMolaasea/.were purchased before tho rise.snd we oH now pSaring tbem-at bargains. «a.S5aV*"ri|estrode ore respectfully Invited to give us a call, and examine our stock before purcliasing elsewhere.

j FLAGS &TVIIEELEB, " - — 1 . ' N a 4, Allen's Brtpk Block, Wnt^-Strcet

Ogdansbursli, January l»Ui. ISofii • - «Ttf

^ PAPER IJANOINGS —Jus opened, the larjrest assort­ment, and of the best styles, in­cluding some choice patterns of Gilt and White, Fronch manu-

faeture, and of our' o w n Itnportation. Tho assortment comprises, a variety of over 100 different patterrs. with B O R D E R S to match. J. ft. G U E S T .

April 3rd, 18&5. 6-tf

5 0 0 DruggLsut and Apothecaries.


C P B I N « R I B B O N S - A

Api Spring Styles.




TH B E . 1 B L A C E S AND EDGING—Some now patterns of very fine real Valenolonnes and

Plait Laces. J. U. GCEST. April 8th, 1855. 6-tf

Just received and for Half by PKOITY A BINDOK

DF . 7 I A R A M U F L O B K S C E V A K S t S M A larj e supply just received, aitd ready to be Rold to

the flo>t man that oa l t ^ PEOUTY 4.,EINDGE.


T y < > . 1 F U K J V I I ' C B E V A K S I S U -X ^ Three Banvl^ just received by

PROl'TJP- &. EINDGE, 1-tf Drucgists and" Apothecaries. .

and Safes, of.ov<n-ymaU,, — . j . ^ ^ . — „ . .

Jewelers ouen"haye viibrin8arance on their Safes or contents, having perfect confidence* In their security.

. J B a n l i . V a u l t s , D o o r s a n d F r a m e s , of any^eJte, -made on the Bame pfbiciple, to order. . A ttojprjty of BANKS in the State and City of New YbrfthaVe adopted* these SAFES during the past year; •besides ailing a large amount of Bank Orders from the South'and W e s t ' As an evidence of the public estimation of them, it is only necessary to say, tbat

QVER THBEE HONDBED B A N K S either have theul as a full protector to their valuables, or in their vaults, a few of which we name, and to whioh we respectfully refer parties wishing Real Security.

R e f e r e n c e s : American Exchange. Corn Exchange, Bank of America,

S t Nicholas and National Bank, New York City. All tbe Banks in the City of Troy, N. Y. Rochester City Bonk, and Bank of Rochester, Rochester,

New York. Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank. Albany, N. Y. Bonk of Attica, and Formers' and Mechanics' Bank,

Buttalo, N. Y. Mecbante£ Bank, and Bank of'Syracuse. Syracuse, N. Y.

l u l ' """ *--,i* ' ' - . - r — , A ( , k , . n j » r T , , u ™ r f . h r i Philadelphia B;uik, Funncr*' and Mechanics' Bank, and same weight and they alsofurnish to, orderCnwKs of mv- B a D k ^ K o n l , A m , rf P l m a c , , , p l l t a . Pennsylvania, number i f Bells, or key and can p f e r to.several of ttefr B k o f B u r H „ u t , . u . ,r l l n f f 1 ,m . VenoonL ' make throtntfout the States and ? n ^ Thel- Han«- | ^ ^ L _ira. ,. n K o r w l c h 0 ) n n e c r l c n t

lugs, compriktaK manv recent o^dvoauabUetogvrove.rriep t^ . ^ g ^ , | t . ( . , H am,»h ire . constat of Cast.Iron VctajVrtUi^movableMma,and«h.ch , B o n k „,. Vmn,„„, vnev»land, and Branch of State may bo turned upon tbe Bell; ftprlhg aeons on the (.lap- Rank, i Akron i >.!, , ner,prolongingthe«>und; ironVnmoi: ToilingHammer; , . S t a w feik of 1\ i-., jn . Milwaukee. L u n t e r p o L ; S ^ s ^ ^ ^ b j ^ ^ h ^ . • „ ^ )f , . ^ , , _ _ , „ .


In this department, he Is prepared to-meet the wants o the Public His Stock of Papers is not excelled in JSorth orn J?ew York. • i

Portfolios, Drawing Paper, Pencils, Pens,. Inkstands, ^Chessboards, Stamps, Blank Books, A c , and other

articles pertaining to the Stationery depart­ment, are "kept in abundance.

P I C T U R E S . Pictures and Mouldings, are kept in great Variety, and

Pictures framed to order. BOOK-BENDrnG.

The only Bindery north of Vf atertown, is carried on by e, who employs *uooe but the best workmen, and


HaW,&rWt^SBMbic,TFoEi>-STEEEi,<iw STAIES.)

f U M E Subscriber, who has been f l l S - l o n g a Sresldent of Ogdensbureb, lapd-is fimjiiiar -wiln the tastesot its clt-

_'Jjen% would say to diem, tbat he is now _ teaa-TBoston and New-York, * G e n e r a l

A s s o r t m e n t o S F a a u i o n a b l e F u r n i t u r e , among wmctHhay-be found -' ¥ ^ ^ a n ^ ' ? * ^ » & W a l B B t S o f a s , of ereryi variety

Booking and Arm-Chairs,—Mahogany and Walnut • Marble-top, Center, Bancy and S i u e - X a b l e s .

MabosanyattdBlack^Wahmt Corner W l i a t - N o t s and BoofeSnelSes, of tne latest styles.

'Mahogany and Black Walnnt Center, and C a r d -T u b i e s . -

Quartette, Sofa, and Nest Tablea. Habo^ny and Black Walnut 'Parlor C n n i r s ot va-

rions styles. r Mahogany French B e d s t e a d s : Cottage and com­

mon Bedsteads: together wife a choice assortment uf l 4 > o l £ $ n f r j G t a s s e s , with Gilt and Mahogany frames. A choice lot of best English Hair Matresses,' and a good supply' of Cane-seafc Booking, Dining, ana Parlor Chairs.

H. F. M. manufactures and keeps always on hand a good supply or B u r e a u s , K o o k - C a s e s , Dining and Tea l ' a b l e s . Light and Wash s t a n d s , together with the whole catalogue uf articles usually found In the best filled Furniture Ware-rooms.


m t p ^ e * e i e X n c ? o f l e l r , , B e n S , they have Jost received -January, 1954r-the

J W B S T P R E B m n B — A S i l - r e r OTednl I

of ibS iv-bf f i iba ' i 'A&.-m jJew!TEori,.-over all Wbers, sovTr^TfoTtbirCountrv and Europe being in coinpe-dtlo^and^-hlchis the fSth Medal, besides many Diplo-m i t Oiafnas beebawarded them. They have patterns ™ a ™ keep pn hand. Bells or a variety of tones of the

U. , « . K M »md thev also furnish to order Cnmys of any

doesliis work in superior style. Binding and Ruling done to order, and on tbe lowest


music &c He has also on hand, a large and choice assortment oi

Sheet Music. Also, an assortment of Pianos, Melodeons, *kc. which he wiil sell or rent

Ogdansburgh, April 20th, 1855.-

Anossortmeut of F i s k ' s P a t e n t J J J e t a l i c A i r -l i p b t B u r i a l C a s e * . Al«>—Sfthogany. Bia/-k Walnut, Cherry and Butternut<;ofif i n s ajvvays on hand and trimnted. Orders from the country supplied at a mo­ment's notice. A HEAKSK and personal attendance to order.

1-tf Ogdensborgb, March 1st. 1S55.





D R t J G G I S T S .

Bilious d e r e a l i n i e l f i i J Tne^aB^temlto^becomc or produce the deep,.seated anoVfQgmidable distempers which, load ft&,bear3es all overAto'lanoi, H e n c e a R ^ l e ^ g p f e ^ of t ^ S ^ i m | o j t M $ * t o . the public health, and this Pi l l baa been perfected TOtto consummate, ski l l t o meet t h a t demand, AT; esteaaive t r a l of i t s jnrtuea, by Kij i i e jana^Plofes -sors, aiid'.Piticiita\tna8iibown<Te«telti.'surpa£sin}; any thing hitherto Jmown of an* medicine. Cnri n a . T 8 ^ ^ " - * ~ ' " " * * * , * * ; B , - " " - •'" '•'"-" '<•

stantiiiM' , „ . - -

' Jaom^ait^Md^M aeauejnen, to v •Ho^eU't^KerTor these Jaets, are;,* , 4 „

T S E PEDDLER'S EXCHANGE, E s t a b l i s h e d I n 1 8 4 5 .



FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Their varieties o t


CAKPETINOS and LOOKINO-GLASSES, la (ar more extensive than it ever was before.

Althougb all kindajrf goods have advanced, they were able to purchase their goods for l 4 N S i so that they can sell them from 1 6 to 8 0 PER CENT. X E S S than any Other bpuse in Northern N e w York.

LADLES DRESS GOODS. This department consists In port of Fren oh aod English

Merinos, Bombarinesj Paramettas, Alpaccos. Silk and Cotton Warps, Poplinvall wool-DeLalnes, Monsllne De-Loines, Haw Silk Plaids, Scotch do.. Black Silks, Fancy do^ French Lancaster do., •Glasgow do.. Silk and Cotton Velvets, Plain and Fancy Wool Plaids, Scotch d a , and various novelties of the season.

PRINTS—Wehave a well selected stock or Merrimack, Manchester, Cocbcco^ Sprague j Phillip Allen's Bay State, and Conestogo Prints, cheaper than ever.

FLANNELS—Red, yollow, blue, plain and twilled, a full st-tckof all grades.

CLOTHS—Our Cloth Department consists of Fronch Cloths, German do^ English da, .American do,, of every grade and color. Black and Fancy Casslmeres and Doe­skins, Tweeds. Kentucky .leans ana Satlnetsof ovcry grade and color. Sheep's Gray Cloths and Casslmeres.

BLANKETS—A full assortment of Blankets and Coun­terpanes. Wo have also on hand a large, gtock of Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, Bleached SheetJngBandShirtlngs, Ticks, Ointon Flannels, Denims, Drills and Jeans, Shirt­ing Stripes, <kc~ <5sc. *

VESTINGS—Black Sattn, Farmor'sSntIn,&e, Hosiery, Gloves, Comforters, Hoods, Sleeves, Scarfi, Orivntsand Handkerchiefs, 4,eootce assortment. 4

YANKEE NOTIONS' and FANCY GOODS—Oombs, Buttons* Brushes, Suspenders, Plus, Needles, Perfumery, Threads, Mirrors, Sewing Silks, &c, a complete assortment

SHAWLS— Brocha Shawls, Bay Stale do. Black Silk do^ Merino da, Mnstin DeLaine and Printed da , of ad kinds.

RIBBONS—A splendid variety of Bonnet and Cap, Satin, Laffeptand'Velvet Rtbbon&of all widthsnnd quali-tiea, and'a' great variety of other Millinery articles.

LACES AND EMBROIDERIES—Capjuid Cape La­ces, both plain and Bgureo, EdglWS. I""??11"^^Qqltara. Caffs, SleevcSf ChCBrisetts! Veils, ErnbroMered Handker­chiefs of all prieea. iiuinm^ntotiOT«rtleles1)efore enn-_

be"ng"gTveii.' "Old Befis taken ui exchange. | e^morcy Bank. Lafayette. Indiana. 1 S u r v e y o r s ' I n s t r u m e n t s of all descrittt"118. 1 wajMCJuE S A M , " IV". v . C u s t o m - H o u s e . ;

made and kept on hand. ' ' \ Being in Immediate connection with the principal routes 1 ^g~ Samples of these Safes constantly on hand and for 1

In all directions, either Ball-mad. Canal or River, orders M 1 n t y,^ - a g b o e ^ o t i o n s l o i e of ; can be executed with despatch^vhich either personaUy or ALLENDORPH, by communication, aro respectfully solicited. '


TILLEY & BROTHER rG7*?*» AB8.E constantly receiving from New-s^^g^Tork and Boston, all the new and popular

Publications of the day. Their facilities for ettiUiilntr, at any early day. all the pop­

ular ap'I Nt-% I>«.M>ks pabliAh«d. an- tinc-ijuallwi Their Htix'k. nn luiuti *'.iinipnsf.-t niftnv n«-w ,ai»l valuable Workft. aui'HiL* uitii-li. \\>- ofi'cr The following-:

M T N T K A L AKKirA." by B a w d Taylor. l - tANl> (»1 TlfK S.AUACENS." by Bayard Tay'-»-.

TIJI-'-two ^ork-i. I'r.>ni tbe pen of tim grcttU'&t modem travflt-r of tht- a*:., should find a p!aft- in every Ijb'-.-r)-. Tbf. ait* tin b.-st Owkxt'f tr<iT"( tsiaiiL - "THE-OlIlNXKlX KXi'KDITIO.V j n t^arcb of Stu JOHN i* K.oku.v" i»v Uod'-r Kaiiu.

-I.1KK OK HOUACK CKKKLY." br ParUm. •-AL ntBU-GKAPHY UF 1*. T BAltXL'M," written

by b1ip<"-!f- * -MY t'Ol'KTSIIlP AND ITS CON&EyCENCES,"




OF F E R I N G unparalleled chances fpr botii Bacbe-lorsand Ladies to unite themstives io Wedlock and

fortune, bbares o i s l y %\ r a r t i . or eleven for %\(\ each of which will admit Four persons to Perham'.-* < »pera House. 6(13. Uroadway, New York, or m hi* other enter­tainments in \ariouf. parts of the omtttry. sn^ W1u entitle th« bolder to OHO sliare or interest ia the fotlowinc

300,000 GIFTS A v p "


\ -.

•iih $M,000

No. 28 Ford Street, Ogdcnsburgh, N . Y.

July 1,1S55.

EBTPIRE WORKS, ftraslier T a i l s , S.Y.

I -

SlarbLe ifartoru. CS?


I HOES, & c from Best Refined Cost StecL


FOB, THE PERMANENT CUBE OF J a u n d i c e , I > y s p c p » i n , C ' o s t i v c n e s s , I , o » a

o f A p p e t i t e . I . i v e r C o m p l a i n t , H e a r t B u r n , I n d i g e s t i o n , F e v e r a n d

A g u e , a n d a l l c a s e s o t G e n e r a l D e b i l i t y .

n r i W I S T O N I C IS EQl'ALLY EFFECTIVE IN curing all I S e r v o u K * o u i p l a i n t a , lnvigor-the N e r v e * , strengthening tho M o n i a c h - anc"

restoring the debilitated, weakened, and prostrated C o n atlnc Oie N e r v e S , strengthening the s t t o n i a c h . and restoring the debilitated, weakened, and prostrated C o n * s l i t u t i o n to perfcct^health. It bos also proved an in­valuable remedy in F e n t a l e W e a k n e s s e s . -These R i t t e r t i have been sold for many years In NEW ENGLAND, riving satisfaction to thousands whohaye

The; sy are now offered to the YORK, and the Proprietors bolleve confidently that no tried them. ilo of NEW

m e d i c i n e for the above C o m p l a i n t s " has ever been in their reach equal to D r . E d w a r d s ' T o n ­i c H i t t e r * .

JMce, 85 cents per Bottle. For sale by FRENCH A STEVENS, Proprietors,

,, Druggists and Chemists. Ogdensbnrgh, N. Y., And our Agents

Hunt Ai-Laws, Potsdam, ! Taylor &Buck,Brasber Fans R. D. Burditt, Canton, j J. Hall Chatoaugny. A. Ransom, Masseno, A. C. Taylor, Henvelton, F. T. Heath, Malone, | 0 . Stevens, North Bangof S. O. Case, Brasher Mffls, | A. Ross & Co., Madrid. ,

Ogdensbnrgh, March 20th, 1855. B-tf

Tlie Subscribeni havinz devoted many years to thp per- I fectlnc of this branch of business, are enabled tcf offer j their Goods to the Public with Ibo mpat perfect confl-donco. 1

All articles bearing our stamp are made with (Treat 1 care, and aro excelled by none in finish and durability. I

Orders addressed to us, or to our Agent, * C H A S U U E S A S H L K I ,

^jiHABDWARE MERCHANT, at Ogdensbnrgh, will receive prompt attention.

, F. Ic T. EV TAYLOR. April 18th, 1855. T-tf

r8TOVESr H E U I V I J E K S I G I V E B B A Y -Til __ ing completud his arrangements for the

fell and winter 8 T 0 Y 3 T R A D E , Is prepared to offer o large variety of Patterns. T h e assort­ment embraces many now and beaatiftd designs In Parlor Stoves, together with the various im­

provements in tho arrangements of Cook Stoves.

CHARLES ASHLEY. Ogdensbnrgh, S e p t 6th, 1855. 28tf

W A T R O U S ,

T~~T 'Si^riiMm^


B&i^w:%mmo%®KM BAST A. ixmmemsx vast~m±itvt*uEA,

The Greatest Medical Discovery O F T H E A C E !

MB. KENNEDY of Eoxbnry, Massnehn-'6otts, has discovered in due of our common pasture _weods, a remedy that earns every

<-&$&8BS!a& - *.-JK.> «iQy°P hnndrcd t._.,

ce^t In.. JIJJVJDL cases, ^both tbandc^nnmora.)

^ " ^ ^ I t R n o ^ c r s und. "nover-iidlod, ex­

cept in.- t$?P Ca*csi l poui manuor mmaors.) Ho h&a now m ^ ^ a c s a l o n over two hondroa certiSoates of its volar oil within twenty mfios of Boston.

Two bottles are warranted to cure a Naralne Sore Mouth. One to three bottles wfll euro the worst Jtind oi Pimples on the Faoo. Two to throe bottles will clear the system of, Bib*. Two bottles are wammted to euro the worst Conlcer In the Month and.&bmiach. Three to live bottles are warranted to cure all Htunar in the Eyes.--Two bottles are warranted to carp Kanningpof the Gars and Blotches among Jha Ttair. j&na r wartantod to QIJ \vtU dure $S§rV


E n g ' l i s S k f G e r m a n a n d A x u e r i c a n

H A R D W A R E , Opdrnsbttrph, N. If.,

HA V I N G DEVOTED THE LAST FIVE YEARS ^to ljv» perfocttng of our ftrrantrements for the pur­

chase of every article in our line of business from the English, American and German Factories, we an* pre­pared to fill orders on as favorable terms as any Jobbing House in the Atlantic Cities.

known ** Marriageable Gemi«*m»n " ^ r .•pertv in his own ri^hu \aiLu-(i at . inrirtii, Yunnc and Marriaseabte I-atiy,

HI: ' I pmperty in her own ri^hu valued at 25,GttO 11 11" '-c •lnderstuod, that if tin z> ntieinar al»ivc named

Is apr-'^ti''!'' "1 to a.n uninarric<i lady, or UJ** !a<lv named to ar. untimrrn-il j> iitleinari. and tin jianip> i»n inttrvifw are inutua* -. mr - .. *'.\-\ SLAI! t-<- unite.] iit iln iioml^of w ed-lock at the C V S T A L P A L A C K N E W VOKK.as .sxm after tbe app u '»T riu*nt lake-- ]nar<- a> sliall be cuiut'ni.nt to all partiiM .i.c'rned. Mioukl the Iiidy or irentienian nami'din tin- ' -t of Gifl>faU l" tb<- pt.rtiMi, ,,f i.artie> ai-rt-iidy marri***1. or to a person of their ov, n M'X, or a minor,

, or t" »pen«uii for whom they would ba^c n natural rtrpug-• nancv. llien the said trenileman '•hail foriVit to tbf person

Christmas , to whom be is apportioned, a Farm valued at ^lo.ftoo— ) U T U ' an(^ e 'at*^ i:!1^or ''^e cirfun!-ui!:c.-> shall forfeit f5.l>00

., taii- "™ho j j n Oash in consideration of thi-ir rtn.-i.-e '"r>>n, the claims u-riTv vir>njjj A I T I - V » v T I> ^ _, a «., ' a- ; ' - f m m sU*h ap|>ornrtnm, nL t-ir, should the person " T H E V I E G I N Q U E E > , by J. tredericfc Smith, an- ; o r ,„..r3l), is to wb<»m the above, or either ,.f them, mar bo

thorof -\Vomauand her Mjstori' " * red Vernon," "Min- j portioned, "prefer." they shall receive, i ^ W a P r n P T u r n - i P ^ AA o TA ^ apportionment the forfeit namod ab.

"A l EAE OF THE WAii, by Adam G. De Gurow- ^ release.

by lletiry Wykoif. •* IDA MAY," by Marv Langdon. "1UT1I HAIX," by Vannv fern. ~ : "TOM CUOSBLE AND His FRIENDS,*1 by Sanmel '

Lover, aulbt-r of Handy Andy, .V-. This work is t>aitl u> \ exwjli ai.j of Lover's previous pr .Mictions. It is full of \ ecuuine wit and humor.

- T i l E SEVEN POOR TR; AVELEK3," 5ti>ry. bv Charles Dickens.

• A V T L L I O N . " by. tho Author of "Olive,"

lieu of the consideration of

« I C E l TOOk THE PKEiaUM^AT^ THE World's Fair in London and Now Tort,

sale at rnanufaoturer'a prices. A

Ogdensburgh, N. Y. •V7ATEOUS, Agent


tines for Veils, bills. Pocket Hand kerchfefe, Twist, Bralib, Fringed Gimp's and o\-ery variety of Trimmings for La­dles' Dres'ieft. .fcc-jfcc. "N, B^^ParticnS^,kt&otiol^ h w oeen paid tooay 0 A S -

PET DEl^AETHENT this fcll Wo W e reeel.«l a beaodfuLassurtmont of Ingrain, TlircQPly, Tapestry^ and BrufflehrCarputipg, Dmgjr6^ ^trtnod nnd^ffc7urecl stair Wd'KaJFCttrp^RnAErtg!L*h1wdAnierican ftoorl>il Cloths, of the latest styles; also. Window Shades, both Oil and Paper, together with alarpe variety of Paper Hanpingn ana Looking Glasses, all of which will bo sold cheaper than the citcapest

CARPETS! CARPETS 1 ir . .JS^-n»vlng contracted last Spring for ou» FaU sup­

ply of CSu-petfl. w e are able to offer them at the' same loir

Quro.oorrupt and rnnnlngulcers v lruWfou of the Skin. T i y o t inted t>» cure the worst case of

our to rs& bottles are ing ulcers. One bottle

ties are warranted „ three 1)011165 are warranted to cure the most deft-

prices, they, wero then sold for. 1 sar3roT -

I r S r ^ n n c t i c a l Chemist of-tabt |a <>

OTEIt q o m P t A I N T , ^kc.

" - - ^ - — ' ~ - V s j l c - w f e c f t . F o r d - s t . , J f i , t o whim all orders Bhoula

. . . . . .. . . .„„._. . , . „ a M C h e m l s ^ J ^ * - ' ^ J i f e s | I c - B I O c f t . F b r d - s ' t . , rH«^Mpi%;ther«lisJMigu&lieil SUr- || O c r d e n s b a r g h , N . J f i , t o w h 5 m all orders Bhoulc Icji&fr*' *. ™ . . , » . . " • t be addressed. None genmno^unless the label on each hot

D O C T . A. JL jedlintheh8Sa-JVtiUne:io£-H.-8. HUMPHEET. Portof B o s t o n auaGeologtet for t t e S ^ e ^ # ^ B ? ^

aachusetts. i v r t t h & r a M ^ ^ W e i p S t f f i ^ i ^ l p y m a h V t h o S a W e a S I R A L . M O O B B , M. D - an e n a n e n t j S n t e t a i a m d . « t ^ l « ^ o ¥ a S a ^ o e e a p ^ M e a " h i a « a Timely

many yei a much *

WiB Kd&e of offi%ffit

Pdtetora sionB Be planter} as. ei

United States Marine HoipitSi , a t Chelsea, JIass . , D i d apace parmit, jwej^Ddiljwve muny hundred B«neh names, frqjfii s3 l f pwta where t h e Pi l l s have ' been iwedsis£t."e5id€ncea*cil more convincing than

the certificatea of these eminent pnbliB m e n it shown in t l ieVSfioeWuf on trial- .

i These p a i s , the rerf l t o f B n g investigation ami [•sttt% * r » ^ e r s a , , i d Ifiti'v'iDlte a s the best anu"

J B i c % e » s a l t e 4 - r i M f t o B ^ ^ ] ^ u a W f l ^ f < ! * f

, - „ , „ . .. , „ . . .. . . ,_ . ..... .oplnioa ofyburZanffiorea,. Ireg ir t l fmtheyerr^estmeaic l i jo I over m e f f i t h , for th'o^^aseWoPvim^hnTOrinSael

j I t cnreimeloPaYf attack OTCnpliBA lo«'*unimer in Og-aenibpiak^itttt-thevpr8^eMc*iin*Jhatttr^

. I . t o v t S l & *3aite;<Ktl . i t tp .my ftlondj, andoWsya ivrt&aiog^^lne«e«WTB^thpUt»^l8J ioXi twim'mj^ i On* of theercathcaiittea of t ^ ^ n t b e j e a # ( tbafiltBbel jjKeparedjgthout spjua^^o^nofeoa^t jffeeSj are 1

tthemjelves *Tegeti'


^mrnm ^mm&bM'^iwm'n

piantea ItKjp. ^ T - l . ^ T f t . «-.«»t ». .«*. am. ipgp

ptorlid€ f§w4lafl lie-

fioMigs'ra tMs TOaa%t *$kWM^^i-


flyob-i- iof acn»

. safemaftff » M i t » , XfiurS-Erqly.' ! • ? - . • * " - ^ "'•' - ^."•a^KSEIiT."

•. i '« er.jVr.^1-^. - -.-*» *•?*.. .-g^a.-r^ --.^ «5 ^ 1TOtoto5eertWthat :ITnlT«;ie*n *Jthln •«!*•• KM 12

mcmtlissevflraltlmoseevoray^ibMkcUvrfth.DIajThccaand Dyaontery: an u-'StotioUmc^ared that Cholora'Woaldaet ltt,teorfel^a-.p1jtstejXClle|^;«;henf»a^ . o t f t h ^ v a n J i g M p r o S p S o t t M A a l m ^ S t o ^ ® i < a # i t S ^ » 5 i » p b ^ ^ i a « g ^ ^ ^ t o ( » . 'Selfeafo «<to6Wle3gft,lts Trtrfubi formWadlygl M -

btirbly 0Tn^dl,sffl*'»nIc5(3Ph»ye ftoVs&ftrr'tima been 1 ^onat:itor.hirtJ*»tfffrfnpe»l?MlB^^ ^UtU^^-Kas^nee.Bj^.byj-myriDjlde^te^

laubttancee'mrJloj-edareTeftbehind; the>

IfeSaeni tne eflecti «hould prove as they nayi


l««iiiingtiie soil, Stc.


..._. . owteaad-4^4tip| ••wi&^\iet$t#f^^ of tbe

w^v'widjjplwtri and grata __

«i^t ' r | fBbtjg^ tA «toifc aa& iadA'^iai©1

«»trrilv w 8 ' % f | ^ l » t k * «wnil?'—

all inen, imd all T*« »W<l0fep«tent toJj^djfe .o»

- - ' - •1,"~«0«Bio'&J!tar4ni;;

«S»fc faehXftsrmnge-; o f nif/ssfri .- fv

^, . „ 1iIEU.!NEKS ire wonldsay, this Is tho only

fur.ee where you can find a full assortment of everything nttaMimnery Bno. We have HOIVft-K'a'fV^ON-

NET KIBBOSi SHA-FES, 8Afl?IS. LnTK-CTElKO and FLOEENOE, Silk, blank and colored, BUS Velvoht, irWwarajBiBtl'Boies.&a ' , .* — •. : -. .

... ;/'.. Bj^s^Ea%^tatAxxr Peadlert Exchange, Ko. 8-El^leBlbclt, Ford-stieet

O g d ^ h n i ^ ; S ^ t n i ^ r , 1 0 , l S 5 6 . , ' 2^-tf.

^ktwfltsu EGONOEnr i s W E A L T H . •'


lUjunrXoxtrB^ ja^&ssafwm.,80, Navr T O E S .

Pom)du%,<&c.r confenu AUy'A.")ir^o Amountol fnet and wear and: tear of clcjthlng la iaveiV and 'riot on<j-lislf the &motmtfbHab*lTO<jtltred tirab'UiS wa«1ffig™ofaniinlIy;

- ' - " - — - - « - - ' ^ c l o t n e / n n ? -Tb&'tBndencyoftliesoSoapelstoiortcn.t roffioye'the'dlrtr hytfielrnsffffio haiaS aVo fdade

r n b b l n g , ^ ^ b l « » b a *

to^ three, hot ~*" ig-Wonu.

Two or three "bottles we warranted to cure the most deft-perate case of Uhouinatisio. Three tb four bottles are warranted to euro SaluRhemn. Five to oigbt bottles will cure the worst case of Scrufluo»r - - r

A heneflt is always experienced from- the first bottle, and a perfect cure Is warranted whon the above ouantit) Is token. '* ' ' Ueader, Ipedil led over a thousand bottles of this In t V vicinity or Boston. 1 know the effects of It In every casr So sure as water will cxdnirui.-»h fire, so sure will this euro Humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another. after atrial*. it> olwovs speaks for ItseHJ There ore two thlnpsLabotlt this herb;<hatipp<jariom«->urprlring—flrsi. that it crows In oar pastures, in, some places quite plenti­ful, anAyetslts, yalne ibas never bcen^known TOtll I db-covered l t 8 | j - i | s to)»ud,;JbaVJt should axaajti-i. kinds

- lnflraerto'g!<e!some»iacn-of the eoadejj rise and great popularity of the discovery, 1 wlil state that" in April, 1858,1.veddled It^sud j)ol4-»boiit nix b o t t i e s » ^ a y . In


In llardware. Iron and Steel, Stoves .Tin and Sheet-Iron, keep constant­l y employed the most experienced

workmen for Roofing, making Have Troughs, and every other description of Tin and Copper Work.

Bole Agents In Korthern Now York for the s^le of 8. C. Herrings SaJamajde&Safes^ for Uggg!es,"Nou£se, Ma^pn

npany, _ ... Machine* and Hand-Tools; jDavis .& CVeHoreerPowers.

i'urtieft purcliasing quantities, are particularly tnvited-to examine our "Wholesale Department, as possessing equal facilities with 2Jew York and Botfon, foi: rjurchasing.— Vfe pledge ourselves not to be undersold in ttxbsd cities.


ery, I ^Idlol uV.,aod noliV*bont nix bottle;

\ I sola over atbousand bottles a if pni,- , - . Some-of th» Wholesale Druggists, -who have been In

business twenty and thirty years, say nothing In the an­nals of Patent Medicines was evpr^Ukej It, -sThere is a utiiersal praise of It from all quarters.

In my own practice 1 alwaya^ept ^.strictly;for Hu­mors : butsince Its Introduction as a general F a w y Med­icine, great and wonderful |VhJue%b»ve been found In it that I never suspected.

Several cases of Epilep^o JTJa^ d^eas»»whlch was al­ways considered incurable; hasbeen cared by a few bot­tles. O, ,w^latra•J''0^!3'tllf.1^,lr^J){?0yef*floc*lla, to "" cases of tharTtwfmTnilady: there are bnt few Who have soon mom^fati'ha1) I WP~*» *£AL>1' 14, * f <,i •

I Wdw1 of several ciSes 6f Dropst, all ofttem aged people, cnrcAAjMt. ,Foi. th^-varipus diseases of the Liver, Slck-flead&che; VySJtepsla, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain In the 8ide,Di»ease Q/,t)ie Spine, and particularly in Diseases of thoTttdoeys, J&, this discovery has done more goodthaawyvMcdlclne ever known.

NochaftgVm"aiet4ternoeossary; eat the best yon can

"Or&wfiolis'rbE'Pss.—Adnlta, ono table-spoonful per day. Cbjldrepjovor eight years, desert-spoonful; children frbm'nvoto eight years, tea-spoonfuL As no direction can ba; nppllcaWe; to' all cgnsmuttoDS,^tiiJ;o iilfSclont to operate on the bowels twfee a day.

Mr. Korncdy gives, personal «tljend»DjM In bad coses of Scrofula. ' w .

Manufactured by Donald Kennedy}-Hot jSO'Wsiten-8treet. Eosbury, Msssacbusetts. Price (fU

Omreiuu. AoEtrrs.—H. H. Hay,porl»na,pUJiIne,E. H. Eolllns, qoropri New IlamrBhtrflia^BalehjMon, R O T -idenco, EibleIsland, Messrs. nTuHarry fclljlet, Hartford,

S T E T E K S , 'Wholesale Agents.

8-tC Anrn s, lsca. u

. aeh of fli# Soap!

fcTtlMflutat «%#Wf5^«o^^-|>rae^^l»lo: l o f laadanuih, tiirnktag^aatmlihtstbp myeitrehis

juHfthmn&i* bottle nf the " B s I n t b t S ^ t h e f t ^ l l i j a g

"" " f c ^ ^ i ? * h ^ i M | 9 ^ ^ h | d ^ bsen.yoiiiil^elbrty |41>*'

l D «}d>r^Mf«t«» ,TWel£j i^b«tM£B}&&* -*'-1'-'

r, ffia:ft^m#^D^S}r;-Iaprd«.ip-b.tT«^

^Bpca#.'Vias.«a,Mawj ^sis?n!SMUn-Ot; ^ W ^ ^ # ^ ? I i « T C t 4 i t e a ; aWngls:'

lediate relfet. 4 f f i d ) t B l e a » ^ t ^ » K ' a 3 w h l l » ; « most



E T r , p B i i J B B 0 6 i ;

B5-r7Ji,.eanton F a l f e l l l W T H i ' r e t t E E . H e . r r a o n : I j T s W B m h W ^ o l i x ; J}. i y j l t W K T , WadoSngtoU.

) l e a c h W a n ' d ^ & t t A ® u S S T f f l e , r m o S ^ l i c a t e fabric. -^4otdiof,tbj»so..Soansi0.np^mnre^ianUl^

l h | c o n s ^ e n t o m n " t h o o l d n j e t ^ o f b s n d ^ b M o g ^

,avoided; «nd.«!h»t;bejn^i^»frffliji6li*!ia.w}th, ahtm-|mensesayingis»u»msae^ ~ - .^_>.

. By applylng.lt •oCarpots..ltwinTemtrr»;aBSrea«e and spoa o f . A ^ ^ | i T W m ' I s s M ^ D r i ! i f i n s n > color or

trtth perftebssftQr. .-fiction Goods, Ertets'^if any color that will &n>4n water i lontvwben washed with these

)«pt»codrdlnItatiWolre«U^ will not change~bn^ a& firm, and 8 i i colors rendoTea more permanent, For reniorlng'GteiW ffooj Floors, < or from -ifny articlo

, ^ ^ T * s ^ ^ 1 s W p e r n * t t W " o 1 r SbapVleaving ls«^^a^re1|>from^aMMxWri .33i«ittt«li»1oitor

^^^i^c^0i^^0^,.iuaitle. tft;the»e

^ b i t ^ p ^ : s ^ * ^ j ^ | ^ i ^ K } $ i ^ r « .

s x m # l i # » B h f t t J u ^ M « ' « ^ f I o W ^ or oter nijjhH tnti): vrlUi a comnwn-Mwil-rnhuteg and »x)drta»liig,they-wUlB»rJtr&e0yek<m5,n«toeonly cold

pMNPTfattr^ , ^T-v.^ ~. '-^'. . . . . '-<,. — ._- >.»-... . - --.

mep^:r^cal»riy:tftltirul6lSviu?o»S J-V;,,- t.

J . S. CK>UL,0,

AaArtiteUfcr coSw xaxf be mde

Writ** «**»«** **i>mn dMa -. riwHifefe"'


8i^miwaBRW«t -^••dMaehlnery,*^.

.-» », vnv. 'jsjuWl'y jit M y w 1 * ' > m'"~


islvit* , . , „ J W « I M | ms&s&aii

"I*** ! -fW - ^ - . - T . ^f^li^

• rz.'. 'ei' .- BOOTS & SHOES, :'< >.:•:.: 1 115ft*. .f i ' '"%t3-

It i w r *rej»r»a to o * r t » M * eWMner* tmi the pttpHc. s T«rri»ri» «i«*oHiI><»hen»lv» rt>4 of B O O T S J W * « H O i a dfrtet friwr tk» be«nlamnV-


Ogdeasbargh, X s « h l f l 4 i . t* i

' TO 13HI TRAWt • -«>- *. in*iji«» AsaAXOMaTonviQlB • M tfatrwim ••rsiiimn

A New and Elegant-Stock of BOOTS *mSHOES.

'*'. ' r * u « i ^ l ^ t f ^ ^

,^,._ U d l t s ^ E > t t . K o 1 u ^ & ( ^ > 1 c ; ; f ' ; - *' •'•>''

••;'. • 'M e/yoftt Wrtsiip pt, .' '•;••" '''•}'' - ->

. " ; ' ' r ^ t 8 a ^ ^ e t ( , ' E J a ¥ i V : 4 i t * ^ v - ^ ' 1

:' - tadlCJ' Silk UiU»gp»twvti irO*a|f^«bsi»t«»,

-,' •u^tfot^fa^tm'Mi*- -'-••-

'«*u.t*'rrtwt2mifcw*M C.bt»'P«tOTtLe«tl«Wal»*««>pt*

... „ . 1 1 - W M R


r W f w * »

• SABK,T S A B D W A B E . •;

mrow oPtoNiNG—A FdL'AssbBTjjEirr J . \ l ofovery description of S b e t f H a r d w a r e , direct from the English, German and Ameri«in,Fnt.,tories, consisting of Locks, Latches. Knobs, Door r l a n d ^ Join­ers-' Too.^ and a variety of House Trimming and Carpen­ter's Tools, Saws, Hammers, Axes, &c~, &c. Parties fa­voring us.wttb a call, cannot but be convinced of oursu-perlor,JaciliUe» for purchasing.

• . -A. WATEOUS. 1-tf 1 Eagle'Block.




TH E SUBSCRIBER WOULD BESPECTFfLLT I inform the Citizens of Ogdensbnrgh and tlie sur­

rounding villages and Country, that he has taken and es­tablished the



N. WHITNEY, and is now receiving and will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of

T h e F i n e s t a n d B e s t Q u a l i t y o f

VERMONT MARBLE, such as H E A D - S T O N E S of all Sizes, T O M B S ,


ALSO, O b c l l a l t s , S p i r e s ^ a n d I f l o n n i n e n t s ,

From his long experience in the bnspiess, and being himself a Practical workman in the Art and Science of

Sculpturing and Engraving, and also with E X P E R I E N C E D 'WOEKMEN direct from the Marble Quarries in Vermont, together with the F A C I L I T I E S he possesses of obtaining the



He natters himself tbat he can give tbe most perfect sat­isfaction to all who may apply to nlm for any article in hi? line. Tlie prindpai manufactory of the subscriber is lo­cated in O G D E N S B r R G H . oppuslte the Washington Ho­tel. A Branch 'Shop of the business is also located in PRESCOTT, Main-Street, a little below Northrup's Ho­tel, formerly Kept by J. S. Gihnan, where customers can be supplied at all times, at Ogdensbnrgh prices, and Duties free.

H E N R T HURT), Esq.., of Keraptvtlle, Is Agent hi Canada.


ski. ^ | The above comprise a few of oar latest arrival. Any .

Book not on hand, procured at n week's notice, at tbe pub­lisher's prices. A share of public patronaj^e is solicited*

No. 80, Mechanic's Block, l y Ford-Street, Ogdem-burgh, N. Y.

Clotjjmg <£mjounm, £tJ I W E f t YOUNG.


NA T I R K HEAS T H R O W N off her robes of winter and is be­

ginning to assume her attire so be-aurJ-fnllv adapted to the genial season, and if (jentieinen are desirous to imitate her example, they will find all the requisites for doing so at 3 6 I - ' o r c i - S t r e e t , where one of the Proprietors having just returned from market is now opening the mast CHOICK &. KLEGANT assortment of ( x o o d s f o r G e n t l e m e n ' s w e a r , adapted to the present and

coming seaw>n, that has ever been exhibited in Ogdens­bnrgh. Having been early in market, be bad favora­ble opportunities of making his selections from the FULL STOCKS of Importers, securing thereby advantages very obvious, as he can now SHOW np to his friends, GOODS that, in point of texture and "styles," are the **CEEAM OF TIIE MARKET.**

For Gentlemen'? full dress, he offers B l a c k B r o a d ­c l o t h s from the best Manufacturer's of Germany, France and England; F r e n c h a n d G e r m a n l i o e s k i n s , and fine C a s s i m e r e s in Black, a splen­did article; G r e n a d i n e , F l o r e n c e C o r d . , R i o c a d e a n d S a t i n V e s t Ingres* in all colors,

I from tlie "Blackness of Darkness, to the Whiteness of tlie driven Snow." For PROMENADE or BCSUTESS Strrra, we have Blue, Brown. Dahlia, Olive, Mulberry, Claret, Greon, Drab, and Mixed Broadcloths, of all grades.

Gentlemen, if yon want a pair of FAKCX French Cassi-more JPi t t i tu , step into No, 86, and if wo cannot show yon a more beantl&il assortment ;Qf j^aacjr Eroiichi Cash­meres, then yon liave ever before seen In this u^tmau,'n

we will not ask you to purchase, * «-EN"G"LISn and AMERICAN" CASBIMERES, Black

and Fancy, of all grades; Union Satinets, Tweeds, Cash-merets,!and all kinds of THIN GOODS for SUMMESWEAR; White,'Buff, Figured, Striped and CheckedsMarsoilles Testings, of every quality.

In addition to tho above, wo hav*» tho "SDTEABS" of Mtt. W. W. LITTLE, which, in tho naDds of their WKM-Ur, seem to have the power i>f the " Musician's Wand" in converting the above beautiful fabrics into the most Fashionable and tastefully fitting COATS, VESTS, antf PANTS of every stylo. We will also sell Goods in amount to suit purchasere; by the case, piece,"7ard, or, pattern. All kinds of Tailors' Trimmings, Who Retail.

We particularly invite those In want of

i Splendid Country Seat near the city of New York, valued at , " $25,000

1 Farm in Waido county, Mainet containing 144 acres, valued at 10.000

1 Farm in Illinois 3.0u0 1 Lotof lOOacresoftimber land inVermont,

near Railroad, valued at 4,000 1 Farm in New Hampshire, valued at 2,000 1 Cottage Hoase and Lot, in Newton, Mass. 1.500 1 Lot of land in town of Sha^Mgh, Maine,

containing 27 acres, valued at . 1,000 ' 6 Lots of Land in Dedham, Mass., valued at

$500 each, a,000 8 Lots of Land in the city of Lawrenc\Masa.

valued at $500 each, 1,500 2 Lots of Land i n the town of Pavonia. N. J.,

opposite Philadelphia val'd. $4itU each. BOO The celebrated Trotting Mare, " Lady of the

Lake," who can trot In harness a iniie in 2.40, valued at 1,500

1 Mirror of l* American Scenery." one of tbe most successful and printable Eibibi -tions in the country, valued at 20.000

The original Dipramic Exhibition of the " Burning of Mciscow." 5,000

1 Set of Dissolving Views, with apparatus complete for exhibition, valued at 5,000

100 Lotsof Jewelry (rings, chains, drc'. valued

2,500 5.000 6.000

250 , 200 200

tings, Wholesale or

Ogdensbyigh, September 27th, 183& Sl-5m.



• :' ti- '" i J i n t . - . . . J A o ( . - i -•• • - •..• • . . . . . . .

HA V I N G SrjReHASBD OF SUSSES. L. a .^jorrJSj&OosithBir stock ot Drugs, Medlolne3,Fat!-

cy Articles «;a, wodldjulnouncetothecitirciB of Ogdens-burghand vicinity, thatJierwUl carry outhe A p r r t h e " cairy H l l s i n e s K l n a l P l t s branebca at tho old Stand, coraerot.Fprdautt'KaoeuKStreets. - • ' - . . . . • Myt«lrangemcnt5arosndi, ttatl ihaUbocoMtantb/ro. celvloj:afre3h:Bupp!y;of;Goad6froin Novf. T«rK'Clry. and will keep.constanUyon'hand a well selected' stock*of

BrOilO© X)BrU<3rB .'miiji.iqi.vBs,

usually found in a f lrs tc te l Store. • ITavinefta'stho past five yeara been connected with

Moa5nKJBnsJiten>>ftl»k4eVCo.,, (JSaw-JTo fe) and having laid pwUenlar atteononto ffie JBfefflfane and Fjescpptlqn

usmess, bo will give bis personal attention toaUpre^crJp-

Ogdensbnrgb, May Mtb, 1 8 & , 18-tf

' ^ q f r i j p X j i H THIS iSfb TOFfSfWE #W£fo, THAT 1

1haWlhIs%f ca lne^#¥p>eb;(on)nj l i i^ ,«bai i l l •' lUnBittie^araiOJi%oiaiMIang

standing diseases, canfloeoljy tnaiiorlnpe?Eo%Tf7hen«-InB deacriDtton ot tbS^Ife^s i < f l j r ^ * ^ ^ to *4 WM* *P* ply to m o b T m u l or otherwise, at

fronHugConcord Square,freeofyiargo. Those oodSiltSig me by .mail 1n:reg»rd to healUj, WU pleaeo sand their trM age aadblrth place. I woald take t i l s bppbrtunl^'t**^ turn m y thaukafor tbe liberal patronage tb»t baebcep e i -t e n a a i S p ^ i i n a s a i l l ^eijflwotip merit o continuance of the same. Oh tbe 8ith of Ous month 1 SnaV'cbntuiue

tbottgh:stite-in»yTecW'lt;'^l-nevo^Sfta*'MbefiP :S hW^and.1n«loic«t,.*¥wTlO'may.patroi.i»o.tW« y?bM wlB B » a b 5 i a ^ r i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * < ^ ^ ^

„-J!1 .!!•* v7y ^jrfr?jSyt" ^^.1 jTi'iffjaiLijc\Aw-^TJ•t'fltftfWJ--^1*^A?^^s^lrAifeh'^-

lBfeiffiaU-mresTitne w M J t ^ U i l s a i d i c a i * yffll girnStai curee In an c a a e i i ^ H 6 t » . <• I^u»' . there. irevafeeaios

S B m l r y grave, «siny]ett«r» and cerUfle»tesjrilii«(fe« In tbla •oSrprlae.-each-person will-rooeivea-i>reeent;-a3

S i f y ' W e e l ^ ^ W n o ^ j n ^ ^ o f ^ i »ed5cto^ » » l b

« » b * W c n n ^ r e c t i w l i » e W © » e e a , _ . - , ^_ „ , _.. ,_,_

d ^ ^ h . w l ^ o « i i g ^ . i M n U « ^ e - P r S - ^ J w S j

CO. •tf

* t}3a^WW. M STAGES, B e t w e e n - I t t a s s e n a S p r i n g s <fc ' V i l l a g r c

a n d P o t s d a m S t a t i o n . terA.VfNG - C O t a E I N T © ressesslbn of tbe S t e e t ine from ilnssena Springs and Tillage to

. PparianvStation, I take this prothod 0ttendejJng,nTy."thanl»it»th8 public fnr-their^astfavors and hope to receive a continuance.. .

Tb? Stages jvUlies.ve. Masseno at half past Elgbt Select

} A. M , arrtvluK at the Station in time to dine before tbe arrival ot the Moil Train from the East Leave Potsdam Station Immediately on tho arrival of the 2 o'clock Train from Ogdensbmeb, giving travelers, the quickest and eaaestEofttetdthe Springs. • -

j3f r-assengere TOIU he convoyed to tbe Station to meetanytMU'dtslrea, on tho shortest nptice.

lrAW3«t, Hassena Springs, Aug. 8,1855. 28-tf Proprietor.

be '^ toWbnW^KJ M UDoonSSsat

^ « l » i rCT*f to» .»b .


a i d having roade very Uifgepur<A»a«ta«plKdib.-iiro>iHt inform bis friends and ivrtner tuitamera alul tha eotatua-

*l(yrV*ttwnOoo<{» *t«lowi^jcei^iuiyj^ftt^i^w

eM oMtMtw* aM «hot» «t> Mi f««i.

0|ii*i»iii.mf >•'*•' w^v


O G » J E K S J S i ; U G H , M. Ti ,

A N o . O N E ! l ivery will bo kept"by the above Com-i s k , panyv-wheio good Horses. Oirrlages, and careful and atteutree drivers may be obtained at all nonraof tho day and night. V

BSy*Eersons, leaving their names at the S t Lawrence Hotel, or at the Office of the Stable, will be waited upon at the shortest notice.—Persons^cau also betakento and from ttsRaMoadJTJgpot, and"Steam BoatLand!ngs/py the S i larvvrehce Coach.---l?are, Twen^-flve' cents" each passenger.

Ogdensburgh, MJrch 8th, 1885.

READY-MADE CL0THINQ To call and examine ourstock in this line, as we havebyfer a larger assortment to select from, than can h e found in any other Clotbinc House in Ogdonsburgh, all of which, aro of our own Manufacture, cut in the roost approved styles, and warranted W E L L M A D E . This Stock consists in part of


! Dress FriH-k, Hunting, and Sack Coats, madefrom Broad-; cloths of all colors; Cassimores. Unions, Cashmerets,

Ertninets, Tweeds, Jeans, Buck, Drills, Marseilles, Lin­en, Cottonades, *fca &c P a n t s a n d " f e s t s «f every description,

j Sail.-!a. Labors' , and others, who wish for CHEAP i CLOTHTNtx, will eivo us a call, as we have onlia'id

"STACKS AND PILES" of the very articles yon want, and will sell them to you at prices so low, as to defy com­petition. We can scU you a WHOLE STJIT for TWO DOLLARS, and from that; up to EESPECTABLE PRICES.

In F a r n i s l f i i n g ' G o o d s * it is sufficient to say, that in Variety and Richness, Elegance and JNovelty o f Style, this department •very iai* exceeds any thing-of'the kind ever before exhibited in Northern New Tors.

B t s i b b e r a n d O H C B o t l * i n g > of oil kinds, nt Manufacturers' Prlc«i

XyisnfeK* of dff kinds, varying in .price from Ten Shillings to Thirty Dollars; Carpet, Leather, and EnbpoxJ Bngs, Umbrellas, •&c,'&e. * ! >ra'l

DEALERS In CLOTHING, throughout S t Lawrence County, are assured that we can sell them^froni TEH JO T WESX? per cent less, than they can bay ia-'New YdrK or Boston, and also give them Clothing very much «»,. perior ia point^f workmanship. • •* •..

WM. & YOOTG. v

^^"Beco l l eo t the place, 35 Ford-streat, MechanIcTs Row.

Ogdenshnrgh, April 2,185U G-tf-

at $25 each, 10 splendid Rosewood Pianos, $500 each 20 " " " 800 each

1 Melodeon Organ, suitable for a church j Meiodetm,

Melodeons. $100 each 1 Marine time-piece, a wonderful piece of

niechanism,) l^ 1

1 set Dioptric Paintings, valued at b.iwy 1 Panorama of a **Tour in the East," 20.W0

100 Orders for Hats on "Genin," the celebra­ted "New York Hatier. $4 each 400

8T Clocks, worth from $5 to $25 each, averag­ing in value $* each 696

5 Macnincent Gold Watches. $3o" ta?h 1.500 3 0 4. » •• lrui carh l.nuO

j 0 u '• " •' ,Vt eacb 5.i»00 ino " Silver " 2A eju-h 2.MW 100 " » " 15 each 1.500

5.000 Gold Pencils, valued at $3 each 15.0(in X0,000 Finger Rings, valued 3t $1 each 10,000

2S4.8S7 Engravings and Pieces of Popular Music, 38,000 rSboTce of either)

«275,106 The distribution or apportionment uf the above named

Gifts wilt in no case be deferred beyond tbe F i r s t d a y o f I t l a ^ j 1 8 5 6 } and will be had s<K>ner, provided the Tickets are all sold, due notice »>f which will be given—at which time the Shareholders will meet together at some suitable place, hereafter to be designated, and select a Committee of three person? fojm their own body, under whose supervision the property may be-disposed of In such manner as said shareholders may direct. All orders for Tickets by mail, should be registered and addressed to

JOS. PERHAM, 66? Broadway, BT, Y. Correspondents will -please write distinctly their name,

residence. County and State, to prevent errors. Or, if convenient, enclose an envelope, wi th their directions on it in full"—In which such tickets as they may order will be returned.

# £ - AGFATTS W A N T E D in (fvery city, town and village in tfas-Jlnited States and Canadas, to obtain subseriptiona, for Tickets, t o w h o m liberal com­missions will be-rfveh, m 1 every faci l fcyin'the way of Show-bills, Circulars, ere., will be afforded to make'tho business a paying one_io those disposed t o enter Into it with spirit AppIicanfeTor agencies will apply or address as above. [25-8mJ

C » S H p*r9*23*,0&K-* E M I , P I S E , _ Tamarack attdCedal-Tiiriber; atsoTorfln? and Tam­

arack Crooks, Masts, Spars; &e, i c , delivered at the Og-densburghMaHne Itallway Company s Ship Tina. For

W 8 l»?naHty and size, call on the Superlnten-Ship Yara,<>r at the office of E. B. Allen 4


information,as to df^'nt t h e " ' ' Sons.


TA^E. HiaSHlE., W P f ? 1 ! * * ? ! W g E . i T J S L W ^ A , has been

T T in the babtfof s^nanSerunr mv nronertv kut.il.. of it without my«iusent.

that I shall prosecute all property from her, .. contracting after'lnis

Madrid, ifovemberaoth, 1855.

ny prop lttce'

ond^dhi-__Jeby given

te "all those who have purchased my and that I will pay no debts of her s date. JOHK D. MILLER.

""" . ^ . . 4 V S w

C S S E I X A C O l S - ' E X P t t f i f e R I S N O W nlhgreguTar between OH3JEB8BTJBOH and ITOWH. 'I^ves<)gdensoiu^Taesuaya,Thurs-

Leaves Watertoivn Honuays, V e d -UJT3E'? BtXlE-OTOEEi H a

* "' " B W 3 S E 1 $ . * C 0 . Sebtehl'b»V10th1-lSoai>'- " W-t f

J « ( >!fc^ ffftk ' * *

Fainting. talrairfiooniroseT^ate*

i l e a t - s h o p , Isajbejja StfeetiMo'pte'aiis Tmeaioa5ttt'ai

— ""——jp to execute all orders &£ prl«mgUiBJfribUot3iafch|;%|ir^arg

HarWe^Paw^Haajgiag, &e, -..;=. /.••<;»-»

Fia^s^ E . % a E E E B Y | | ^ , ¥ E i t f i I i « t E ' ktoir. • Beiu^'A.»vefiPrtE".his,tln)e.

,vlfc*thicy.JBSO| . - „ • • • . - - ' • - -. • - • • • j l t ^ g j H ^ ^ g i

^m •'8T"*a?...

XT- 'Jt»renoTi,^ S.,Y.>.««i;JeiuM .^fflejaao^ta


MZ JeSerson C«. IKV.XSiUJear - - " ' • * M -—~J*-tf*.Jiv£«ildresisTnr.at'mlsofui.„ . _

jM %& JPEMj k U B m i o r S f K K E

« i » « o f T B 0 & Fawrett,) »har»


_ _ STETJ6SLE DS EUE0PE IS EIVETIH^ Qie attention of the clvtUzed world, and while'auajre:

speculating as to the probable victor, here in Ogdensburgh where we are mutually acquainted, no one for a moment doubts tbe result

A 1 5 K A M P L A T T , W i l l C o n q n e r l For where else te the Stott) ofiJeWTorK canOlotBingfor the present Season be obtained so Cmsipf


Comfort , B e a u t y , a n d E c o n o m y OOJIBIHEDi t

The Public are cordially invited t o compare our Stock o f Goods,

Ready-Hade and Hade tb Order, with any, or ah, similar stores in Ogdensburgh, eltheraa to quality, quantity or price. The best stock of

OVERCOATS, COA^rsf SAJJT3 AND VES/TS, EXPRESSLY FOB THE S&ASoW ASH) AX& TBS ST. OSXXBAB of a Gentleman's Wardrobe, oanbepprctused there ebeap-er than at any other Store tn thq State. And as ibr/rario-^• . s^ le , and excellence of -wartuianshlft tme tdkt vHB secure the patronage of the most fastidious.

Alsa—every deseripfion o f " . '

F u r n i s h i n g C t o o a « ) , T r u i i < k a , d : c PAHEHT8, tntsia.the place .to bring your sons, tha

atooltof goods which.we are" malting up Into

IS INDEteD KEAT&TIFtrt! \ ^ ^ * T

Come.FarmerevarerohamTadeanie ieen^ ° , Mechanics stop y o n t c i a i ; .. -,. < ^ i : Go, l a ^ e r , send that bBenthotne, ' - ' .'•'

And bny of A s i i U P u r r ,

It's dear as day, TOiiseev. : Tlrat B6 Wle e?ifi.Jiaw*oI>>bat,

'.- "7

e«oa.K«l»U CLOl-HINO ^^smCD/t I t a ^ ' yerB'%wTJuB4ing,) O g a e n s b u r ^ H r ?


fehaiw m«f to***> ««pm«»«i 3la6>ana « n * t 2 ^ ^ f e S ^ ^ * K » > -

f allonljr toSeeng^ooi • S ' ^ ^ ^ S o i t to Mt CBSA-PS* d w n i l w ^ H S A f i I

-SSSe- -who want to buy, to « J t f $ n > » a i b e elsawiitre, kt,t)n;

Ogdeasburgh Olotauig-Store! [•^SB^-'JUS^-MBseua «aAittrs BLOCSC

* « jp«rjiL,js«peet» Osdnmufenririu* y . •«:», wiieredoy tsau.&v}' tolly salUfl both «a to quality »j>«

C t O T H I J i G F O R T H E W I t t l O N I if, A. fenow reoergltig, nls Sprlftitfttw*, taA H »ohslsja

pf the 3SEWT3ST STVt^««U.lis»»»»»rt»»t utmen kind of €iotfcUMt,«u»* e n ^ F m i i k i r i

B r * ^ » * B * »i: 'A-#*SAT-J|iD|8'itt ' lUnTembertaeriace, . .

A r a r . l l ' * ftrfcalteTBlix*, ** VarA-mu,

-r- - mmam, -—-*• " iMfl-rea


FO B SAX.15 , A T # K « e n [ C A K C E T . L A M P . Has.beennsedbutUttle.and'vrillbeaold

(cheap. EnqnireatihisOffice. " (&u>»)Sbn|g|, Jtan. JOth, 1S56. M-tt


Ogaensbnrgh, Harch 22nd l^;1

• * : * *

BRICK! BRICK!! BRICK!!! > d 3 m x u aeaiGE -is < NOW :P£EEAKED TO

_ ' ; jbt 'Bric*El2A .™ » * „ . caro iVJEEST_MA13EBIAL, «vd with •

. _ offertph5^cu\tomersjmd.the,publloa N p l e n d i a * o f o W ' B i S c & p n a d f e t ^ a j 3 e o » . with exf l» hm a n a i a b o r , , o r t h e ' f f i , , , ° " " ™ ' ™ " — s -noWtoJpte^the* ^_

The "snbacriber ui 'cpnnleS burned. Is theses* eser c0n

it file K31n>e has

Bnyerswouia dpweU.toe&a&d s e e h e ^ w pSrer blsewherefj I » # * T » W - * ^ * . ' • s i r a f f - ' F p

CantonBt, ^ e a ^ n ^ ^ w ^ i ^ ^ ,ffe

200,OOOBR10E FORSAtE^ npHE spBscai^E M. fully Inform the public,

great care and attention, of tbe &111 sell at a » losvest price posslMe, eMa«6t terms. Enquire onthe premises formerly occupied, by E . B . A H e n * 8 o n s . 'WABEEN H . - V J S D O ^ C

Betrveltop Eoad, near the new Oernotery. OgdeKibargh, July 5th, 1S55. , Tf-Sirp.

JROCTOB & W 0 6 D , W o o l a n d B r o d n c e C o m m i s s i o n Iffer-

' . cnatit*» -Ho. S <SW Wkaap, BOBTOS. '

For tha sale of .Woot feonrj ISatter,-Cheese, Ashe*. Starch, Beans, frato, j B a a s ^ e e o s ! 1 n ^ R ^ t o « r ^

Prodhee, tot WnlcbcaWi flaaal* - * B W ~ — " ~ g l v e n ^ ^ ^ ^


sXdUHnds of Countty " win he made, and to


h«lnr*!Q>owJeag»Bf ier, wheretjboBtii > S S a t S f e V S

o'»ii Vui't'T1 SS-Bw


a gninBBtJBsciaBEBaitfvjife

thft • »Ja5«Aet s<Congr&s«1T

i ft stnanoxt rtirti i aant^Mi HI

Opieiobargtt, March » , i « s £


aerly ** Ia*eU»*««H •»-, I^o, Gl Clranite l l l o c k , F * r 4 Street*

Iftere *»wBH>» I**!* te*e#^8 y> oW eojiommi and friends, aedas many new ones as.tnay Javor Wnj with* eatt HeiKpseonrtaritlyoohand aW*r»l (UsertiiJ


