MST Inquiry Unit Plants and Animals By Maryam, Jonathan, and Arielle

MST Inquiry Unit Plants and Animals

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MST Inquiry Unit Plants and Animals. By Maryam, Jonathan, and Arielle. The Circle of Life lesson summary. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MST Inquiry UnitPlants and AnimalsBy Maryam, Jonathan, and Arielle

The Circle of Life lesson summary

In order to understand plants and how the air, water and sun are involved in plants manufacturing food, students will be given plants in order to assess what kinds of differences and variables are involved in growing plant species, and develop a draft to be used for Microsoft Excel. After watching an informative video they will then fill out a scavenger hunt sheet in order to understand the terms and processes involved in photosynthesis, then come together and share their findings on what they have learned.

Lesson Standards Blooms Taxonomy: Application, Analysis, and Knowledge

Garners Multiple intelligences: naturalistic, spatial, linguistic, interpersonal

NYC Science Scope & Sequence

Inquiry skills (2): Interpreting Data- Analyzing data that have been obtained and organized by determining apparent patterns or relationships in the data.

Creating models -Displaying information, using multisensory representations.

Process skills (2): xiii. Observe, analyze, and report observations of objects and events. xx. Compare and contrast organisms/objects/events in the living and physical environments

NCTM Math Skills

Process standards- Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.

Content Standards- sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects

ISTE Net Standards For Literate Students: List standard (s) Creativity and innovation 2(d) Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. Research and information fluency 3(b) Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.


Students are placed into groups of 3 (though if there is an even number of students in the class, 4 students per group) and assemble a K-W-L chart about plants, completing it after reading the text and watching an informative video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPqnYYI2Uq8

After watching it, each group will receive plants (each group receiving one species of plant out of seed plants, flowers, and herbs) and record its length, then finding out the other lengths of the same plant from other groups to make a data chart showing growth. A rough draft of their graph is made on graph paper and students use Microsoft Excel to put the graph in a program after a demonstration.

With the spreadsheet they just created they will design a line graph for a longitudinal representation displaying their results about growth.

Students will then fill out a web based scavenger hunt for more information.

Scavenger Hunt 1) What is the tallest plant that exists?

2) What is the smallest plant that exists?

3) Name three species of poisonous plants.

4) What is a definition for a carnivorous plant? Include one example of it as well.

5) List one product that comes from plants.

6) What is the definition of an invasive plant?

7) What kinds of plants live in the desert? List three.

8) What are three plants that live in the ocean?

9) What is the definition of a weed?

10) What is the definition of a parasitic plant and an example of one? 

KWL Chart


Know Want to know


Plants are living things

Plants need water to live

How do plants become big?

Where do plants come from?

Plants use chloroplasts to make sugar for food

Plants make their own food

Mathematical Charts

Plant growth levels


First Second Third

Stages of plant growth






Seed plant



First Second ThirdSeed Plan 4 6 7Flowers 3 5 7Herbs 3 5 8




Behavioral Objective 1KWL Chart

Student completed KWL chart in all three parts after reading text (100%)

Student completed 1 part of KWL after reading text (50%)

Student did not complete KWL at all (0%)

Behavioral Objective 2Excel Graph

Students assembled/correctly labeled graph using info they gathered (100%)

Student assembled graph using correct info but had minor errors(50%)

Student was unable to complete graph (0%)

Behavioral Objective 3Scavenger Hunt

Student filled out scavenger hunt correctly by putting all terms in proper place (100%)

Student completed at least 5 questions in proper place (50%)

Student was unable to complete scavenger hunt sheet(0%)

Competition For Resources Summary

In order for students to become familiar with identifying competition for resources they must be aware that in any biological community, there may be several things in short supply for the organisms.  We call these things resources, and the struggle to obtain them is competition. Students will be asked to fill out a KWL chart. Once that is complete, students will hear the story “Squirrel seeks Chipmunk” by David Sedaris. After the read aloud the students will finish the chart. Once that is complete they will fill out a Venn diagram in excel. Students will construct different types of creative graphs and then display them to their classmates.

Lesson Standards  Blooms’s Taxonomy: Application, Evaluation, Comprehension, and Knowledge

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence: Visual/spatial, logical/ mathematical

Children’s Literature- Squirrel seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris

NYC Science Scope & Sequence

Inquiry skills: Gathering and organizing data, creating models communication

Process skills: Classify and group objects

NCTM Math Skills

Process standards- Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships, formulate questions that can be addressed with data, display relevant data to answer them.

Content Standards- Multiplicative thinking, equivalence

ISTE Net Standards For Literate Students

List standard (s)- Creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, solve problems, use technology, research and information, evaluate.


Students will be handed a K-W-L chart and placed into groups. Working in a group can combine all of their knowledge together and it can help those who are struggling to fill out the chart.

Next the class will watch a video about competition and predation. While they are watching they are to write down notes.


After watching the clip the students will have a read aloud.

Next after the read aloud is complete the students will fill out the last section of the KWL chart and compete Venn diagram of squirrels and chipmunks.

Then, students will be shown a photo on a tumblr blog http://namibiawesome.tumblr.com/) to count how many animals of each species are present and create both a bar or pie chart out of it on Excel, showing them how much does each count for in percentages (5/11 = 45% rounded and 6/11 = 55%rounded)

KWL Chart

Know Want to know Learned

Squirrels and Chipmunks are similar animals because they are both mammals

How do animals have competition for resources?

How are squirrels and chipmunks different?

Competition is an interaction between species or an organism dealing with a lack of resource

Venn Diagram & Photo & Filamentality


*Burrowing mammals

*Both store foods

*Burrowing mammals

*Both store foods

Math Graphs

Zebra Antelope 6 5

African animals That Are Related



African animals that are related






Species 1 Species 2



Species 1 Species 2Antelope 5Zebra 6

Target Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Objective 1Differentiate between squirrels and chipmunks in Venn Diagram

Student gives very detailed venn diagram that differentiates the two and was labeled correctly(100%)

Student gave some details between squirrels and chipmunks but had some minor details missing(75%)

Student did not have enough details to complete diagram(0%)

Objective 2Complete KWL chart on Squirrels & chipmunks

Student completed KWL chart in all 3 parts after reading text(100%)

Student completed one or two parts of KWL chart(75%)

Student did not complete KWL chart at all(0%)

Objective 3Apply visual info to create a pie and a bar graph

Student counted correctly to make 2 graphs that showed information in the photo(100%)

Student had some errors in the completion of two graphs from photo(75%)

Students did not two graphs at all from photo(0%)