Mt Herbert Parish Magazine OctoberNovember 2018 DIAMOND HARBOUR GEBBIES VALLEY GOVERNORS BAY KAITUNA LITTLE RIVER PORT LEVY TEDDINGTON St Andrews Church of the Epiphany St Cuthberts St Kentigerns St Andrews St Pauls St Peters Mt Herbert Parish Striving to be a united, Christ-centered, community serving Parish PARISH OFFICE 85 Marine Drive, Diamond Harbour RD 1, Lyttelton 8971 Telephone: 03 329 4790 email: [email protected] WEBSITE mountherbertparish.wordpress.com I was recently rereading Paul’s letter to the Romans, taking in little morsels at a time so that I have a fresh and detailed view of this great epistle. At the very end of chapter 8 St Paul says, “For I am convinced that nei- ther death, nor life, nor an- gels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Je- sus our Lord.” I think this is one of the most powerful statements to come out the letters of the Bible. It reminds me and you that at the end of the day no matter where we are, no matter what we are and no matter who we are our beloved God loves us as seen in Jesus. Nothing in the known world or in any unknown world can keep God from loving us. Nothing we do will stop God lov- ing us. That is a great gift and joy. I was reminded of a time when I upgraded my broad- band to VDSL. In true Vodafone fashion things got mucked up and I had a period of about 36 hours with no internet access. When it was fixed the feeling of utter relief and the release of all my worry and stress was like a wave that washed over me and washed away my negativity. It was freeing. Now, at the time I had two jobs and a thousand things to do and think about so at times, for a few minutes, I could feel quite overwhelmed. Hence the loss of internet was probably more annoying than it should have been (what a first world problem!!). But I think this intensified the feeling of relief and joy when things started working again. I can imagine, and I certainly hope, that the wave of relief, joy and peace that floods over people when they truly know God is an all-loving, ever-loving God is the same as what I felt. In fact, it should be better! I ask you to do a lot of things in these little missals take risks, love your neighbour, be faithful stewards but always remember as you strive to serve the kingdom the best that you can that no matter what God loves you through it all no matter how much good you do or don’t do. God is love and nothing can stand between that love and us. On a completely different matter I’d like to take this opportunity to alert the parish to a change in our church officers. It was with much regret that I had to ask Jillian and Trevor Somerville to step down as my (the Vicar’s) warden. This has absolutely nothing to do with the ministry, personality or work ethic of the Somervilles. I unknowingly broke the rules in ap- pointing two people to the one role and was advised to make a change. I’m terribly sorry for the hurt this has caused the Somervilles and those around them. Reverting to the parish tradition of having the two wardens (Vicar’s and People’s) from different con- gregations in the parish Vivienne Jackson from Gov- ernors Bay is now the Vicar’s warden. Marion Lienert remains our People’s warden as elected by you. Rev Meg Harvey Vicar Rev Dr Meg Harvey Telephone: 0274065392 Email: [email protected]

Mt Herbert Parish Magazine October November 2018Oct 01, 2019  · Mt Herbert Parish Magazine October—November 2018 DIAMOND HARBOUR GEBBIES VALLEY GOVERNORS BAY KAITUNA LITTLE RIVER

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Mt Herbert Parish Magazine October—November 2018


St Andrews Church of the Epiphany St Cuthberts St Kentigerns St Andrews St Pauls St Peters

Mt Herbert Parish

Striving to be a united, Christ-centered, community – serving Parish

PARISH OFFICE 85 Marine Drive, Diamond Harbour RD 1, Lyttelton 8971 Telephone: 03 329 4790 email: [email protected]



I was recently rereading

Paul’s letter to the Romans,

taking in little morsels at a

time so that I have a fresh

and detailed view of this

great epistle. At the very end

of chapter 8 St Paul says,

“For I am convinced that nei-

ther death, nor life, nor an-

gels, nor rulers, nor things

present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height,

nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be

able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Je-

sus our Lord.”

I think this is one of the most powerful statements to

come out the letters of the Bible. It reminds me and

you that at the end of the day no matter where we

are, no matter what we are and no matter who we are

our beloved God loves us as seen in Jesus. Nothing in

the known world or in any unknown world can keep

God from loving us. Nothing we do will stop God lov-

ing us. That is a great gift and joy.

I was reminded of a time when I upgraded my broad-

band to VDSL. In true Vodafone fashion things got

mucked up and I had a period of about 36 hours with

no internet access. When it was fixed the feeling of

utter relief and the release of all my worry and stress

was like a wave that washed over me and washed

away my negativity. It was freeing.

Now, at the time I had two jobs and a thousand

things to do and think about so at times, for a few

minutes, I could feel quite overwhelmed. Hence the

loss of internet was probably more annoying than it

should have been (what a first world problem!!). But

I think this intensified the feeling of relief and joy

when things started working again.

I can imagine, and I certainly hope, that the wave of

relief, joy and peace that floods over people when

they truly know God is an all-loving, ever-loving God

is the same as what I felt. In fact, it should be better!

I ask you to do a lot of things in these little missals –

take risks, love your neighbour, be faithful stewards

– but always remember as you strive to serve the

kingdom the best that you can that no matter what

God loves you through it all no matter how much

good you do or don’t do. God is love and nothing can

stand between that love and us.

On a completely different matter I’d like to take this opportunity to alert the parish to a change in our church officers. It was with much regret that I had to ask Jillian and Trevor Somerville to step down as my (the Vicar’s) warden. This has absolutely nothing to do with the ministry, personality or work ethic of the Somervilles. I unknowingly broke the rules in ap-pointing two people to the one role and was advised

to make a change. I’m terribly sorry for the hurt this has caused the Somervilles and those around them. Reverting to the parish tradition of having the two wardens (Vicar’s and People’s) from different con-gregations in the parish Vivienne Jackson from Gov-ernors Bay is now the Vicar’s warden. Marion Lienert remains our People’s warden as elected by you.

Rev Meg Harvey

Vicar Rev Dr Meg Harvey Telephone: 0274065392 Email: [email protected]

Treasurers Report

We pray for all who are organising the Orton Bradley fair and ask that all the preparation will go smoothly and the day be accident free. Thank you that we have the opportunity to be involved.

We ask Your guidance and blessing on our final vestry meeting of the year in November. Looking back over the year we have so much to thank and praise You for; providing for our needs, blessing the many activities of the parish, and we trust You for the future, particularly praying that You will meet our financial needs for the coming months.

Heavenly Father, You have promised to hear when we pray in the name of Your Son. Therefore in confidence and trust we bring these prayers to You.

Dr.Vanessa spoke about her job with the Otago Medical School based in Christchurch on research with a focus on Genes. These two excellant speak-ers were very informative and much appreciated by about 70 women present.

Our thanks to all those present for a generous do-nation of $400 which was presented to this Research Foundation.

All those present appreciated a nice morning tea .

My thanks to Anne, Wendy, Helen, and Marga-ret, for their support in another successful Am Tea

Ruth Willis.. Convenor.

We praise you, our Creator God, for the beauty of Spring we marvell at day by day - Your new crea-tion in nature which reminds us of our new creation in You. Thank you for new beginnings.

As the busyness of December approaches, we pray that we will stay focused on Your wonderful gift to us in Jesus who came that we might have abundant life. We join in the Angels' song for 'Peace on earth and goodwill toward men'. We particularly pray for our Vicar, Meg, Anna and the many others as they organise and prepare for Advent. Bless them we ask

so that what they prepare may be used of You to bless many.

Thank vou for the many youth in our community who are enjoying DHYCT. Please keep them safe in

their fun times together.

As some in our parish community are preparing to move we pray you will guide their decisions and trav-els and bless them in their new homes. May the sale

of their houses go smoothly.

We ask that You will bless Margaret and John on their special wedding day that it will be a happy cele-bration of their love for each other.

Thank you that your healing power is evident in those in our parish who have had surgery recently and are recuperating well. We pray for healing for others who are unwell that they will be quickly re-

stored to full health and strength. Thank you that You are the God who heals us.

Womens Morning Tea

The “ Tickled Pink “ Community Womens Morning Tea at St. Andrews Church Hall was held on Satur-day 19th August 2018. Our Guest speakers were Carol King and Dr. Vanessa Lattimore on behalf of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation .

Carol with a group of 30 sponsored women, many of whom were survivors, recently “Walked the Wall” in China raising $150,000 for this foundation. Thanks to Carol for an inspiring talk with a well pre-sented photo show.

The Sunday School started the term looking at different encounters with God through prayer. Whether it

was Peter being challenged in prayer by food concerning his attitude to the non- Jews, Philip listening to

God whilst he prayed going out to meet the Ethiopian or the believers praying together for Peter when he

faced death in prison and then being surprised when God answered their prayers when Peter turned up

at the house they were in!

Always a good reminder that God calls us to get to know him today through the bible and prayer. The lat-

ter part of this term we have looked at the story of Joshua and have learnt the verse

"Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged because I the Lord your God am

with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.

Along with games such as spot the spy, wear tights on your head with a tennis ball in and knock over wa-

ter bottles, move lollies only using a straw etc. we have looked at how Joshua had to trust God when he

took on leadership of the Israelites after Moses - a hard act to follow. How Rahab had heard of the God of

the Israelites and wanted to follow Him and God not only saved her but she became part of Jesus' family

tree. How the Israelite priests had to step out in faith into the river Jordan, believing God's promise that

he would make it safe. Finally how Joshua and the Israelites had to learn that they needed to face their

problems God's way, as they faced the city of Jericho. I find it amazing that these stories, old as they are,

contain so much that can help us today.

God still asks us to look to Him to understand our worth and potential rather than compare ourselves to

others. He calls us to be part of His family and welcomes us with open arms. He asks us to believe and

step out in faith, and promises He will act. He urges us to bring our problems and challenges to Him and

not solve them our own ways but to follow Him. What a great privilege it is to be able to look at these sto-

ries again and be able to explore them through games, discussion, craft and food.

Sunday School Update

St Andrew’s, Little River @ 5pm

All are invited to come and join us 1st & 3rd Sundays each month for worship and fellowship.

What’s On in Little River


Meets every Tuesday at 10am. Locations vary, for details please call Ann Watson 741 2210


Meets in the St Andrews Little River

Church Lounge on Wed evenings

during term time.


Meets every Wed evening. Please call Mark & Rose Fitzgerald for details

Ph: 325 1176

Revival Clothing is open to the public every

Tuesday at 10:30am. We are ONLY taking clothing due to size/space limitations.

Further information please ring

Fiona 3290171

What’s On in Diamond Harbour

Volunteers Required Urgently

We are calling for volunteers to assist with Sunday morning set up & operation of the powerpoint on the laptop. It would be helpful if you could nominate a par-ticular Sunday you are able to assist. Please contact Roly

Volunteers Required

We are looking for volunteers to help with the crèche please contact Deborah Swaney We are looking for volunteers to do some gardening around the church grounds and outside the vicarage. Contact John

Orton Bradley Spring Fair

As mentioned earlier on in the magazine we will be having a stall at the Orton Bradley Spring Fair at Labour Weekend October 21st from 10am-4pm

We are looking for volunteers to man the stall during the fair, to bake some delicious goodies for our bake sale

and donate any plants, Bric-o-Brac etc as part of the White Elephant Stall

If you are able to help with your time, goods or baking and your name is not already on the sign up sheet then please ring or email Anna in the church office on 329 4790 or [email protected]

Giving Sunday

On Sunday Oct 28 at St Cuthbert's and St Andrew's Diamond Harbour we are holding our Giving Sunday. This is an opportunity to give a one off donation to contribute to the finances of the parish and also to review your regular giving.

28th October 2018

The parish is in a dire financial position and so we

encourage you to pray, reflect and attend the service to

learn and give. Giving days will follow in other congrega-

tions through November.

What’s On in Diamond Harbour?

BABY & TODDLERS GROUP 16th & 30th October

13th & 27th November

Fortnightly on a TUESDAY, a coffee and support group for parents and caregivers of babies and infants 0-36 months is held at the Diamond Harbour Church Hall. For more details, call Wendy Coles on329 4483. CITY SHOPPING VAN

3rd, 17th & 31st October 14th & 28th November The van does pick-ups from Diamond Harbour fortnightly on Wednesdays around 9:00am and drops people back home about 1:30pm. Bookings are essential as the van seats 8 people. A $10 donation towards fuel per trip is invited. To book a seat, please call Nicky ph:329 4341 or Wendy ph: 329 4483.



Meets Monday fortnightly in a warm and friendly home. Please call Margaret Somerville for details on ph:329 4713.

S e r v i c e R e a d i n g s f o r O c t o b e r — N o v e m b e r

We want to know what’s going on—

Please contact the Parish Office on ph:329 4790 or [email protected] with any news CUT OFF FOR THE DEC –JAN ISSUE IS 15th NOVEMBEER


The Prayer Chain is available to pray for you

personally or for any other prayer needs you may have.

The Prayer Chain is totally confidential

Phone Frances Thompson — 0273439322 or

Helen Wells— 3294394


Mon—Fri 8:15am in the Library at St Andrew’s, Diamond Harbour. This is to specifically pray for God’s presence in all our lives and His spirit to move in our Parish. All are welcome. If you are unable to join us, please pray wherever you are.


MUSIC 23rd October

6th & 20th November

This fun time is held fortnightly on TUESDAYS during term time alternating with the

Baby & Toddlers Group, at St. Andrews Community Church Hall. Come along at 10am to join in with the music and fun and then

for cuppa at 10:45am. All are welcome Contact Anna for details. Ph.3294790 or

[email protected]

All preschoolers welcome (Bring a parent tho’)

Wednesday Night Homegroup

We meet Wednesday nights at 7:30pm at a

home in Church Bay. We pray, read and

discuss the Bible and work out together

what it means to be followers of Christ. For

more information contact Karen Steedman

on 021895316

October 7th October 14th October 21st October 28th November 4th

Hebr 1:1-4,2:5-


Mark 10: 2-16

Hebr 4:12-16

Mark 10:17-31

Hebr 5: 1-10

Mark 10: 35-


Hebr 7: 23– 28

Mark 10: 46-52

Rev 21:1-6a

John 11:32-44

November 11th November 18th Nov 25th December 2nc

Hebr 9: 24-28

Mark 12: 38—


Heb 10: 11-14, 19


Mark 13: 1-8

Rev 1: 4b—8

John 18:33—


1 Thess 3: 9-13

Luke 21:25-36


DIAMOND HARBOUR St. Andrews, 85 Marine Drive, Diamond Harbour Sunday weekly at 10:30am The first Sunday of the month is in the form of either Methodist or Presbyterian to fulfill the 1996 Covenant The second & fourth are Anglican led services of the Eucharist in the style of prayerbook or Celtic Christianity The third Sundays are congregation led and a shared lunch follows Wednesday Quiet/Reflective Communion Service weekly at 9.00 a.m.

GEBBIES VALLEY Church of the Epiphany, Gebbies Pass Rd, Gebbies Valley 1st Sunday of the month at 9am

GOVERNORS BAY St. Cuthbert's, 8 Governors Bay Teddington Rd, Governors Bay Sunday weekly at 9am The first Sunday of the month is in the form of either Methodist or Presbyterian to fulfill the 1996 Covenant

KAITUNA VALLEY St. Kentigerns, Kaituna Valley Rd, Kaituna Please contact the office for information. Baptisms, weddings & funerals by arrangement.

LITTLE RIVER St. Andrews, Church Road, Little River We gather as a community of churches 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 5pm.

PORT LEVY St. Pauls, Port Levy Road, Port Levy Easter & Christmas, and for baptisms, weddings & funerals by arrangement.

TEDDINGTON St. Peters, Gebbie Pass Road, Teddington Third Sunday of the month at 9am.


PARISH OFFICE: ph: 329 4790 email: [email protected].

Vicar : Rev Dr Meg Harvey 0274065392

WARDENS: Marion Lienert ph: 329 4066

Vivienne Jackson: ph: 329 9903

PASTORAL CARE: Rev Dr Meg Harvey

Gebbies Valley: Karen Reid ph: 329 7923

Governors Bay Karen Stenhouse ph: 329 9055

Little River: Fiona Waghorn ph: 329 0171

CHURCH CONTACTS: Diamond Harbour:

Gebbies Valley: Karen Reid

Governors Bay: Gail Weaver, Vivienne Jackson.

Little River: Fiona Waghorn,

Teddington: Kelvin Duncan.

PARISH TREASURERS: Margaret Somerville, Russell Lienert

St. Andrews Church, Diamond Harbour will be open for people to

use for quiet prayer and reflection on Monday, Wednesday and

Fridays from 9am—4:30pm.