Oil II! OV h 1 i or or now ut iv Ha- muli or »o not In 11- of ti- the >m, or» tiltl M> Hll- i M mmmt ,i • ii nHawinimmmn •i n i i mlf. H . TV r m . ' i T H i i ' t w>i> I'U II I.is II K n», A N M J»«,OI.JW*,TOIUI. PICK xi* uui ann DINUS. MNM, par annum, OAIV Wit . TKBMHt ' ATMS ami AK0U8 (lUiti^Sl* Jfctytr, payable In advance. A .LASand ARGUS (Stm-WltttTy-Throo Dollar,, p., annum, payable in **Wrrio*V'" ATLAS anil ARfJUS (Wj*«tT>-Oao IMhwpaw annum, payable in -vtviuico, : l TERM I ,) A i m i R n i t f N Q m SQUARE IN DAILY VOL. XXXIV. ,\mtm*mi 1 square I day,. « •gwaefca,, " 3 week*,. tW Mil aflliaja dhtonlh. .... «* 00 fi « «**a««J.... Tso g*tkJr*Jl>*,-.. t t<rM J month*,.,, IS 00 ty»*r, 30 00 0 I I 37 1 501 « l;»i 3 88 J^EW YORKJ3ENTRAL RR* 18*8. COKMKCnmj WITH rBAIN* 1858, FROM NEW YORK, BOSTON; AMI. *l,l, TUH .MKW KNillAnl.SI'ATm. 1 WINTER ARRANOEMENT. »7- Advertisement* inserted in ik.Wnm at si* rent* per line, each (useriton. ... , f 7 - All ii Ivtrliaoniwu will be inserted mini lixl.ld.ler., u,..«if* otherwise marked,. < , ; • Tim privilege of yearly *dvcrli«or» WUI bo .iricilycn. fines! 10 tlieir own Immediate IIIUUUM* ; ami all edverlsc- ratlin for, 'In- - benefit of other person*, at wall aa all mi. i.riuonwnUHel mmioiliaiely commntail u-dli thair mm buuit*M, and all uilvorUscmenl* in length or other <vi ae. I. .-yoi»l llioliuiit* engaged, wdl bo charged ai onr esiali. ;.»>•) rate*. . ,,, Transcieul tulvMtiavtiieni* must be paid lor is i**ma« No Ueporw, Roaoluooin, or PM*eedfcig* of- miy Society i r AMOetajiort, or Notice*-designed to call aiteniinii to any iniKjrof individual interest can bo itucrtort, tins*** paid IT as an advertisement, in ovftttars. J^jgLUSSjXi^ '•'••* i '•' A3L&MM SfHSK\ ., II ii 11 B A m IN PRESS, •M Until further notice, Passenger Trains will tun between Albany, Troy, Buffalo. Suspension Bridge, Niagara Fulls and intermediate Station*. u.s follows: WESTWARD- FROM ALBANY. No. I.—MAIL AND A C C O M M O D A T I O N — leaves Albany 7.00 A. At, >to|<a at Hehuueotaily 7.10, llofTu.ana s.10, Crones Villages 8.80, Ammonium HtM, Trilwa Hill 8So, Ponda 0.03, Vosts 0.10, Sprakers !) •>:>, I'nl. Bridge i) .'in, Fort Plain 9.38, St. Jobrwvlile 0.S3, East Creek 10.00, Little Falls 1018, Herkimer 10.30, llimi III la, Frankfort 10.48, and lltioa at II.IS, Whitesboro' ll.SM. Drukimy, 11.31, Homell.SS, OrceusCorners 13,08 P. M . Verona 13.10, (Imiiila 13.30, Waniptville 13.39, CIUIIHI.IIU la.Ill,Ciniiin'.ragii I'iM,cliiiienango 1.03, Kirk- villo I.I.i. Muidius 1,30, arriving at Syracuse at 1.40 P. M. (aiKl leave via Auburn Id md at 1.45, slopping at all stations arriving at Auburn 3.00 P. M , Cayuga 3.30, lleneva 4.15, t;anauilnigun at S. 13 P. M., arriving ut Rochester at 0.80 P. M;) dins aial leave via Direct Road at •i.iit P. AI., slop. bing ut all siulioiis. Warner's 3.05, Canton 3.13, Jordan 3*5, WeMtnorl 3.3.5, Port Hyriiii 3.45, Savannah 4.05, Clyde 4.!», Lyons 4.45, Newark S.00, Palmyra 0.80, Ma. ecilun 5.35, and Puirport at S.5S, arriving at Rochester at 6.3S P. M, leaving at 7.00 P, M. for lludalo, stopping at - iiuHulo at fo.ho J'^HARItlWiRAIMbOAD.^-On Monday, Decern- AjL^ANY; FRIDAY MORNING MARCH ii, uence Huuning as follows 11 l>«» dft, IWe, Tfa^naooi Pool of Maiden Lane,'by Boston~Ri£ Ferry Boat, at 74» A, M., WAY EXPttESS TRAIN, arriving in New YorkataP.M. ' , . • . 3.30 P. M., EXPRESS TRAIld, WITIIOVT CHMoa.or CARS, arriving in New York 9.30 P. M- LBAVK NEW YORK, Corner Twenty-sixth st. and Fourlji Avenue, at 10 A. M.. WAY EXPRESS TRAIN, arriving in Albu- •atS p. M. 3.30 P. M , EXPRESS THAIN, V .as, arriving in Albany at 0.1S P. M Passengers enn rely upou waiting IONS with Trains, *c., south of Ne Tickets Procaired and Bairaa*e Ch 3.30 P. M, EXPRESS TRAIN, WITHOUT CHANOK of CAM, arriving in Albany at 0.1.S P. M. Passengers can rely upon waking SURE CONNEC- TIONS with Trains, *c., south of New York. Tickets Procured and Baggage Checked at the Boston Railroad Office, corner Maiden Lauo und Dean street. .,, , u., ; WM,J.CAMPBEW<,Sup't. Albany, Decewlcr Isl, 1858- «c8 %mmm Carta; TOHN W. CONKLIN, Undpr •/ SHERIFF, Albany, Albany comity, N Y - OFFICE. 'Museum Budding, corner of Slate street and Broadway. jalldly 1869 mm* MMUm* B ICHARD LUDLOW, ATTORNEY AT LAWi HO. 301 ja3»dly SOVTH unii 8rmi«, , , "" Stair*. PHILADELPHIA. H UDSON It AI LROAl >... -TIIIIOIJI BY T A J W JOHMSOM A Co, IO. »3S aiaaatvaT s»«aia») I M A M W S AMWIUP-ST INT*> THE LAW OF 1 SLAVERY IN filK UNITKII 8TATKH OF AMKUKTA r M wbieh i* prefixed au HUloricai Skelefc of Slavery. By Thus It. R. Cobb, oftleorgia. Nearly rcluly. TtltVlR'H I.KADINOCASF.S ON THE r.AW RELAT- ING TO REAL PROPERTY, Conveyancing, and Ihe CmiAtruclUHt of Wills, wilh Nylea.by Owen AXsries Tudor, author of Leading Cases ill Equity Willi very full Notes referrmr to American Dei'lsinm, by Henry VVIiarton, M i l o r o f Hill and Trustee*. TUDOH'S LEABINO CASKS IN COMMERCIAL LAW, with American Notes, by Hon. J- I. C. Hare. HDHS' LKAPINU CASKS IN *H)MMKRCIAL LAW, Surety4)iip, : Ageaoy, Partnership .atal Insurance. Vol. j; nearly reauji. ,, IKY O N T H E SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF CON- TRACTS. Nearly really. iviCuUnrsH THM L'AW OF SORT*, ott ttmi SDSAL WRONGS. PEACHY ON MARRIAflK A.tir) OTHER FAMILY sl'.ri'LEMENTS, WHSTLAKK ON THE CONFLICT OF I-AWS. ;.:\<>1.ISH COMMON LAW REPORTS. Vol.,l» IIIHI.KSTON * NORMAN'S EXCIIEtjt'ER RE. PORTS. Vol.3. • , , , - .. i ,- i ; | • • K E f! E N T L Y P U H L I S II E W: I \HEX 10 J-asW^SM COMMON t»AW REPOR'I'S, a Vols. »o. \ Ki-nernl Index IO all the poims ileeided by the Colin* „l ql.KEN'S HF.NCII, COMMON PLEAS, und NISI rial's, from |Hl31o the picsenl lime, by Geo. W. BtdJIc uml Itulinrd C. McMurlne, tVirs. L - Tliougli uiiMlesity called au ' Indez In Hie English i', i,„, l„,w Hi iwrts, il»i»"ia'a»r*l»He« and tealilV rf Digest "i i V Common Law itssslf.' Stating prni-ipli•* us II docs, clearly ami entire, though brlelly, It will be, if possible, still iiairo valuable 10 those Him tin not rsMSsess ihc Reports." GEO. W. WOODWARD, Sup. fjt. Pa. THE >:NOLISH COMMON LAW REIIIRTS, ii m Vols, C'lintains, wilh tew exceptions, u full reprint a alt ibe all siulioiis, arriving at Batuvia at 8.35, and P. M., leaving Rociiestcr for Niagara Falls at 7.10 P. Al, snipping nl nil stations; llroek|o>rl SID, Albion H.1(1, Ale R f ) I ) \C *i iliua O.l).., Li.ck|H.il 0.50, arriving at Suspension llriilgo ul V V fV, P (< 1940, noil Niagara Fulls al 10.55 P. Mr - N". *^ACC«5MMO»ATION ft BMIGRAN1V-I.eave» Altiany al 11.00 A. At., slims alull stations, arriving at Uliea at I.Hi P. Al., Hume at 5.41. stopping at all atattoiui, arriv- ing at Syracuse at 8.00 !'• At., leaving via Auburn Road at 8.40, stopping at all stations, arriving In Rochester at 8.00 A. M, leaving for llnlliilo nl tl.00 A. M., and arriving there at 0.00 A. At- No.*.—NEW YORK EXPRESS—(Connecting with Atoruing 'rrain from New York)—Leaves Albany at 3.45 "' " Birl P. M., slops at Schenocnuly, \illle -nsesdecidod iu lite Courts u( KING'S sisl OI'KKN'S IIKNClt. COMMON PLEAS, and al N/81 PRIUS, from l»I3 to the present timeti »» > I'O • il i Price par volume, I In 43, containing two Eiigltnh viilumes. ,. ....... j.. « . . . • J- 'A-is- •- *? 50 1'iiie per Volume, 44 10 »1>, Coillalrtlng ode English volume, wilh noies awl references to American cases, by Hon. Oeorgo SltarawoiHl ..... *., ...... 3 60 THE NEW ENGLISH EXCIUStJUEB, BEPORTS Contain ell the cases Of common law i'l the COURT OP Exoilitgt'Ka ANO Kxeuittivicn CHAMSKR (Inli-reil by Ihe Coujtto bonrtwieij, anil as decided by Lord Lyislliursi, Ilarou Abiuger, Sir c rederick Pollock, Sir James Park, and other of ihe most eminent of the English Judges. They are reprinted iu full, tu best style, with American notes, by J. I. Clark Hare and II. U, Wallace, Es<n;s. 30 Vols at M 50 par Vol. THE LA W OF CARRIERS. Svo. 1857. »l 00. A Pruclieul Treaties on the Law of Carriers ol Goosls snil Passengers, by Land, Inland Navigation and in Skips, .villi an Appeiuiix of Statutes said Forms ol Pleadings, i,v Tln.mpsoii Cliilt)' ai»l L««{rio Tewple. Essjrs. i wul| ,,',|..o.is Notes referring to mat Ktilslrhllng AuKrlCUn l.uw ami Deoisions, by Ituvld W. Sellers, Esq. MAYNE ON DAMAGES. 8vo. 1857. H 50. A Treaiies ou the l#aw of Dnmngijs, u..ijt|»isili« HKW measure, the inOderin wdiicri trhfet ufe assessed Unit re- viewed, Set Olf, and ihe practice ofgrantiiig New Trials, the Law ol mil CompensauoA mslrr the Luials Clauses Act. ,• John 1>. Mayne, Eso. HILL ON TRUSTEES. New Fslitiou tu "(857. 8/* ooojiages. mm A Practical Treaiies on Ibe Law Relating lo Trusiees; heir Powers, Duties, Privileges, and Lmbilnies. By lames Hill, Esq., of Ihe Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. First Edition, edited by Francis J Troubat, Esq , of the Philadelphia Bar. Third American Edition, with very lull additional Nolo*, refBrrlng to the late English an* American Cases, by Henry Wurlim, Esq. IIYLES ON IIILLS AND NOTES New Billion. I«5i), »l 50. 1'iit. Text-BOOK AT HAKVABOLAWHCIIOOI. TUB UNIVKR- SITV or VI»OI*IA, tkc. A Treaiies on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Primus. lory Noles, Banker's Cosh Nolcs, ami Checks, fly John llmiittid Byles Fourth American from the Inst I .omUii Islnion, enlarged, with very full Noles referring to Ante- man Authorities, by Hun. Geo. Shurswood. AIMMS'S EtJUITV, tl!» pages. 1845. U 50 A.ldl- lioii.il Notsa, by Heury Wliarton, Es<| I'IIK TKXT.IUHIX AT llAavaau LAW SCHOOI, WILLIAMS »va Msav COLLWII!, cixcnsaATi LAW SCHOOL, UNI- VKRSITT OK VIRIIIXIA, Usnvaasiry or Misstssirri, Ac. The Doctrine of Ivquily, Inung a i.'oiinncuiiuy on the I »w as luliiiiiiislercd by IhoCotirlol Cbalttery By John vdnma, Jr., Esq. With eo|aivns Notes and References in American cases, by James II. I.uilb.w ktal iolrll M' Colliaa, Esqrs., uml Willi later English ami American Annotations, hy Henry Wharton, Esq. 'Itiirtl Auiorican Edition. .' . . " H.Av highly Adams's Doolriiw 01 Eqaaty is atipreci. and in North Carolina, is suaacieutly shown by the i"aet I list it has been prescribed by our Supremo Court, us a pin ui ihe coursu to Uu re,ail by students wh° inieud I" apply lor l i c « u « IO iWIHsliea rtt. »Kr hlgiWst judicial Inbu- nals. The noies have greatly imircivsed Ihe value ol the work to ihe American Lawyer. Wx. It BATILK. ' SMITH ON CONTRACW Ai»Mi««H Note*. IS30. • 3 50. - run I'nxr BOOK or nig Umvuasiry or VIROINIA, MM. sissiprii AC. i'lie. luiw of Coniracu, by John William Smith, Esq , author of .Smith's leading Cases. Foorlh American from the Secou.t IrOndoil ISdmon, by J. O-Malcolm— Wilh Noies und ReierciaiM lo English and Ainvtcau Cases, by William Henry Rawlo; aial will additional Notes awl Kererences «o racssnt Amolican Cases, by Hon. Geo. 81uirswuod. SMITHS LANDLORD AND TENANT. Amerioon Notes. J8S«. UtW, : The Law of Landlord and Tenant j being a Course ol i.ci tures delivered at the Law <^stitui»on, by Jphii Wilr ham Kntilli, (Author o/ lotVaslH* Casts.)' With Note* uml Ailihii.uis by Frederick' Plidlp Maude, ol the Inner Temple. With additional Note* referring to ami tllus- tratiug Ainericnn l*»w HI DeaisioiuH by t». P«»ibetn.i, Morris, Esip WILLIAMS'S (/AW OF PERSONAL PROPERTY I'rmciides of lhaUwof Pawonal Pr*pe«n Inteirrfed fur the use of Studenis iu Conveyancing. By Joshua Williams, of I jncola'a Inn, Auihor'of IVinciptcs of the IA» uflieal Property. Secotal American from the last Kngltth Elilion. With copious Noles illustrating Ame- rican Law, by llcnj. (L'rhatd awl S. Wclherill. WILLIAMS'S LAW OF REAL PRORERTY. SI 00. Principles o f i h o L a w of Real Property, Inietldail a** lirsi Uaik ll>r Studenla In Conwyaiiemsj: By Joahira Williams. Secoinl Amerioan Edition, wilh copious Notes sad References to American Cases, by William Henry Rawle, Author of Covenant*for'Hue*. , . . | I.KAD1NU CASKS IN IUW AND EQUITY, iu Three Series. FtasT Sxaias. -Smith's Laadiug Cases), with txkiiuoaal Notes, by Messrs. Uare and Wallace, a Yoto. til. SKCOXII SKKIKS AiiietnjBii Leading Cases, with elabo- rate and extensive Notes, by Messrs. Hale and Wal- lace. »Vole. »ll I'miii. SBRIXS. .-While and Tudar's Lnasliug Cases in Equiiy, with aihlliioual and capious Notes, oy Moasre. II,ne and Wallace. 3 Vols. *ll. OL/" Oeueral Catalogues of Law Books can he had upou applicmiiin, ami enclosing 7 cents for postage on them. MM O i l i i IMiS ,sj se9 MACmNERY kDWAY, ALBANY, N Y*-I have constantly on haiat all kinds of Machinists' Tools, i'..inisliugi.I' J-auina ami Hand Imthvs, Power and lluiiil I'l.mcs, Upright Drills. iMt «ud Ueai cetten, Coniiaiuiid Piini'M. Milling aisl Drilling Machines, Slotiug aial Par- ing Mii'loues, Chucking and lloiiug Machines, t'ai Wheel Borers, Crank Pin Borers, Driver Lathes, Power and Hand Presses, Punches, Shears, Fan, Blowers, Portable Forges, Stole Rests, Planer and Lathe Chucks, Trip Hammers, Leather Belling, Ac. ..if 1 have a large assortment of Machinery on huial, and ran furnish al short notice front the following celebrated Works: -The Lowell Machine Shop. Lawrence Machine Shopi cinremont Works, Worcester Machine Tool Com. l"iiiy, Springfield Tool Co., Putnam MechiM Co., New Haven Manufacturing Co., and other*. I have also all kinds of Machinery for working Wood, rem Fay A Co , Hack A Co , Ball A Ballard, and others, Also, steam Engine* and Boiler*, of any sure required. furnished si short notice ; while I hare iu store small Engines, boih Portable und Stationary. Also, Cotton anil Woollen Machinery, Shafting. Mill Oaarinr, Water Wheels, Casting*, Ac, ol ihe very best quality, turuished at short notice. My facilities are such thai I iian make a?«l alw... J! .S Mper,on 5* ''> •electing their ami always ih, tn*s4ufoWjuW k^i, .xnAprices. fc » 0. W. FAlRMAN, 3l8»o«dway. I'oiala, Palatine Bridge on signal, St. Johnavillc, Little Fulls, Herkimer oil signal, li'tica ut 0.35, Rome 7.00, Oneida 7.31, Cauustola on signal, Cbitieiiaiigo 8.00 P. AL, ami Syracuse atfi.ltff,via Auburn Komi ..I H. Ill P. Al., ami VIM Oiled Road ul 8.33, s|.>m.mg al Ionian, Poll ll> i on, Olyde, Lyons, Newark, Palmyra a.wt Ffttrport, arriving 111 Ilncheslcr ut 11.55 P. M., leaving for Bugiilo at 11.55 P. At., stopping nl Cold- Water, Bulavia al I.II) A Al , ami m living in lltillnh. ut !»„•» A. M.; Waving RochcSlcr for Niagara Falls at WOO M., slopping ul Hroukporl at II •»<' A . Af., Albion, Alcilimi, Loekporf at 11.33, Suspeusioil HrldgO at 3.00 A. AI., and Niagara Falls ut 3.10 A. M. No. 4.—UT1CA ACCOMMODATION—Irf»vo* Albiiny ul ii.(Si P, M, slopping ul ull sialions, und arrives at Uncii a| 10.15 P. M. No. 5—NEW YORK .MAIL--(Ci colnig with Aftor- lioon 'Prain from New York, and with Train from Boston) -Uataves Albany at II 'JO P. AL, slops ut Schenectady at 13.15 A. M., Fonila 1.17, t'ululiiic Bridge 1.4a, on signal, Bj. JnhiMvillo a.o.'), Liiilc Falls a AW, Ilcrknner on signal, Iflicn 3.15, Rome 3.47, Oneida 1.15. Chitlcnnugo 4.40, Sy- racuse 3.15, Clyde 6.36, Fuir|Kirl 7.18, urriviug ut Roches- tor ul s.ao, breakfast uml leave for ll.iualo at S.'I3 A. Al.. stopping ut Bergen 9.10, Byron, ftutnvla at 9.10, Corfu 10.10, Aldcn 10M, We.Kle 10.33, Town Line 10.40 mid Lancaster, arriving at III.Halo al 11..'JO A. M. i leave Rochester lor Niagaru Falls al S.40 A. M., stiipiuugut nil »ll)lions, Brockporl 0.«3 A. M , Albion ».*J, Medina 10.15, l^ickporl 10-55, arriving at Suspension Bridge ut II 45 A. Af., ami Niagara Falls al 14.00 noon. FROM TROY. IOJUVC Troy ul 0.45 A. M., conilccluig at Schenectady 7 50 A . M New York Express leaving Troy at a.30 P. ML comieeling nl Schenectady at 3.30. Aeconunodnlion leaving Troy ut 3.15 P. M, connecting with Utiea Aecom- uiOiluliou nl 0. 15 P. Al FROM UTICA. FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION—Leave* i;m« ul 7.00 A. AI , slopping al all stations, arriving at Sy racuso at III. lo A. Al FROM SYRACUSE. MAIL TRAIN—Via Direct Rood, leaves ul 7.U0 A. Al., slopping ut all stations, arriving al Rochester ul 11.05 A, All and iiuiiuli. at 4.10 P. M ACCOMMODA'I'ION THAIN-Via Auburn Roail ut 7.U10 A. M , stops at all sialions, arrives at Rochester al 13.00 M, BuUulo ul 4,10 P. AL, and Niagara Fall* al 4 00 P M. FROM CANANDAIOUA. Leavo Cauaiidaigua at 11.30 A. M , and 7.30P._ ftl.j stojv RIVER THROUGH TRAINS FOR NEW YORK. On mid after Wednesday, December aoth, 1848, Trains will rdn as foltbws, until further notice i Leave Albany, loot of Maiden Lane : 0.30 A. M. MAIL TR AIN—Stopping at Castleton, Scho. dock, Htuyvcsu.it, Coxsuckic, Slockporl, Hudson, Oak Hill, flcrmantown, Tlvoll, Barryiown, Rhineheok, Stttals- burg, Hyde Park, Poughkcepsfe, NeW Hamburgh, Fish, kill, Cold Spring, Garrisons, Peekskill, Sing Sing and Tarrytowii, arriving in New York at la (15 C M . 10.30 A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN—Stonpiug at Stuyve- innt, llutlson, Oak Hill, Geniinniowii, T(volT, Rhiuebeckt Hyde Park, poiigHkciipsie, New Hamburgh, Fishkill, Oarriwais, Peekskill. Sing Sing, and Tnrrytown, urriviug in New York at 4.05 c- M. 1.10 r. M. POUGHKEBPSIE WAY FREIGHT AND PASSKNUKK TRAIN—Stopning at all Stallons. 3.30 r. M., EXPRESS PASSKNOFa* TRAIN—Stop- ping at Coxsackie, Hudson, X'ivoli, Rhiuebeck, I'ough- kcopsic, New Hamburgh, Fishkill, Garrisons, Peekskill ami Tarrytowii, arriving In N e w York at 8.50 r. M. 5.40 T. M. EXPRKSMPASSENGKRTRA1N—Stopping ut Castlcion, Schcsluck, Siuyvosan|, Coxsackie, Stockport, Hudson, Oak Hill, Gcriiiantown, Tivoli, Rhiuebeck ,Slaats- biirgh, Poughkee|)Sle, Fishkill, Cold' Stirll.g, Peekskill, sing Sing and Yonkors. arriving in New York at 11.SO P.M. SUNDAY EVENING TRAINS leave ut 7.43 r. M., Faro Threu JXillars, urriviug in Now York u| (1.40 A. M. Trains for New York leavo Troy 15 minutes earlier. fry- Passenger Trains leavo New York fbr Albany nt 8.00 A. M. Express; 11.15 A. M .Mail; anil 3.15 r. M. Ex- press, and 4.30 P. M. Express. (TT- Passenger* for Now York will,' oil the urrivul of Iho Train al Albany, pass out of the Carson the Left Hand Side, which will Laud ilicui directly opposite the Hudson River Rlt. Ferry Boat and Ticko! Office. Tho Passenger Agent will be there lo rcccivo ihoir checks und check their buggago to all sialions mi the Hudson River It. R. O" Passengers and Baggage convoyed FREE OF EXPENSE, loand from the Hudson River and New H O B S & BENTON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS, ,«.v. dolO If VAI.ATIE, COLOMBIA CO. EllWIH HOKS. WAHHKN C. BKSTO.X. Z. & O. 17 HO'USB, G. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A T L A W I imWCSS 304 BIlOAllWAV, NEW Y O RK 0 I V Yf And iu Ihe OLD POST OVrtCK MUlLIIIKU, Corner of Seneca and Washington Streets. BUFFAIAN.Y. C7" All business submitted to them, at either of Ih* above Offices, in any of the City, Slate or United State* District Courts, will bo attended to wilh promptness* and fidelity. unit ly_ TAME S E E I DITC 0.? ^f _ " IMPORT*** BRANDIES, AVINE8, GINS, Ac, Nus. Ii AND 4 SCATK sriiKnr, ALBANY. 0-Supor.oi IRISH,SCOTCH and AIONONOAHELA WHISKIES. felO SCAR s. R i e m, HOUSE, SIGN & DECORATIVE PAINTER, 647 BROADWAY. HOUSE PAINTING, in all its branches, beautifully finished, and executed with neatness ami dispatch. SIGNS— Plain* Gobi, and iu Fancy Colors. Banners, transparencies, Emuuele.il Gilt laHtoring, Window Shade*, G E N E R A L INSURANCE AGENCY.-H. H. HAMILTON* SON, Orncx AW**, ALBAUT, If, Y. AND INLAND MARINE INSURANCE. Jiaf^r^^^^ sBTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD CT. S*p'iai ti,tmooo sorpiu , .... ,. ,. mjSSo E. 0. Hiri.Kv, i?fe»idenl. •is «• „ ' ».• „i. •>%•-A''.AWULASIHW, YicePros'i. 1 uos, K. BHAS, Secretary, HARTFORD FIRFi Ii Oapiial '. Surplus ., T.c. AILVN, Seoretary. WlJRANOK COMPANY, ..... *30X>,000 , 967,089 II HtiNTiMiToN, President' ' No. io,aie O, 11. Baggage , ., S.W|^ ping ill all siininn.su. riving nt Bnlriria at o.vni A. M., ami 10 15 P. M., IUKI ut Toimwunda at 0.SO P. M. FROM ROCHESTER TO SUSPENSION BRIDGK AND NIAGARA FALLS. New York Mail s.40 A. AI. Accommodation 1.9.15 P. M. Albany ami Suspcii. Hridgn Aueommodalion I III P. M. New York Express W.IKI M. FROAflstlCKPORT TO BUFFALO. Way Accoinimatalion 11.00 A, Al. , Way AcciuilluiKlalion 0.30 P. AI. EASTWARD--FROM BUFFALO. No. I.—BIIFFAIrO AND NEW YORK EXPRESS - Leaves Hull'alo al 5.30 A. M., "tops ut Balavia 0.55, Byron, Bergen, i:hiii'clivtllii and Chill, urriviug ut Rochester ut 8 OS, breakfast ami leave (via direct road) at 8.35 A. M., stopping ut Palmyra 0 49, Newurk 'J 38, Lyons 0.50, Clyde ID W, Port Byron 10.33, Jordan 10..50, arriving at Syra- cusu at 11.35 A.M., leaving, ut 11.35 A. M,, stopping at Cngtenungo 19 OS, Rome 1957, Ulica al 1.88 dine and leave at 1.38, Herkimer uu signal, Ltlllo Falls at 9.49, St. Johns- vdlc 3.01, Pal. Bridge on signal, Fonda HI 3.44, Schenec- uiilV at 4.45, arriving nt Albany at 5.30 P. M., connecting Willi Hudson River Express Train, urriviug in Now York at fl.90 P Al., mid lor Boston 7.45 A. AI. No. 9.—ALBANY AND BUFFALO ACCOMMODA- TION—Leaves Buflalo at 8.00 A. M., slopping ul Lan- caster H.93, Town Lino 8.JJ3, Wende 8.40, Aldeit 8.48, Corfu 0.00, Ibitavitt ut ».:«.), Byron 0.50, Bergen 10.05, Chiiiehvilln 10.15, Chili 10.95, Coldwoler 10.3.5, urriviug ul Rpehevler ul 10 50 A. M, Fairporl 11.96, Maccikm 11.44, Palmyra 11.55, Newark 19.15 P. AL, Lyon* 19.30, Clyde 19.55, Savannah 1.15, Purl Byron 1.33, Weedsporl 1.10, Jordan 1.50, Canton 9.03, Winners 9.10, arriving al Syra- cuse al 9.4.S, dine ami leave at 3 10, slopping at Manlius 3.35 1 , Kirkville 3.41, Chiitonuiigo 3.31, Caniwcraga 358, C*l|u*tOta 4.07, Wanipsville 4.13, Oneida 4.91, Verona 431, Greens Comers 4.11, Romo 4.59, Onskuny 5.11, Wiuleshoro .5 18, Ulicn 5.30, Frankfort 5.31, llion 0.00, llerkimer 0.1KI, Lilllo Falls 091, East Creek 0.49, St. Johlwville 11,50, Fort I'luin 7.W, Palaliue Brklgo 7.14, Sprikers 7 91, Yost* 7.98, Fonda 7.41, Tribes Hill 7 51, Amslerduiii 8.10, Crunesvillo 8.18, Uolliuiiu.sS.9S, Schcnec. lady 8.55, airivilig al Albany at 0.40 P. AI. NO. 3,—AIAIlr-Leaves Buflhlo at 3.00 P. Al, slops ul all stations and passes over Auburn Road lo Syracuse, ar. riving ut 11.15 P. M. NO 4.—NIGHT EXPRESS—Lcuvcs Huflato al 10.00 P Al , stopi al ll.li.via at 11.17, Cold Water ul 19.15 A. At, Rochester at 19.36 A. M., leuviug ut 19.4* A. MM slopping aiNewurkal 1*5 A.M., Foil Byron at 9.55 A M., arriving at Syracuse at >i.5&, A. Al., Chillc- nug* ul I 90, Ri.iue 5,90. Ulica 3.55 brcuklasr ami leave at 0.V0, stopping at Frankfort uml llion ou signal, Her- kimer 0.S4, l.itllu Falls 7.10, SI. Johnsvillo 7.34, Fori Plain 7,60) Pal. Brsigo 7.57, Fonda 8.94, Tribes Hill on signal, Amsterdam S.69, lloflmans on signal, Schenectady al 9.36, arriving at Albany al 10.99 A.M., connecting with Hud. son River RR. Express Train, arriving iu New York a 4.05 P. M., Rinl for Boston at 9.48 P, M. FROM BUFFALO TO IgJCKPORT. i.ve Riiil'.ihi ul II 15 A. AL, alid 430 P. M. M NIAGARA FALLS A SUSPENSION BRIDCR Ni>. 1-SUSPENSION BRIDOK A N D N E W YORK EXPRESS— Leuves Niagara Falls at 530 A. M, Sus aensJiUl Brnlge al 5.13, stopping at laX'kport 6.93, Mcdilll ni nl 7.15, Brockport 7.40, ppencerport 7.55, ar i|gui HiHihester at 8.90 A.M., Albany at 3.30 P. M, Slid New York at 11.90 P.M. Ni. 9.—SUSPENSION BRIDGE AND ALBANY AC COAjAIODATION- -Leaves Niagara Falls at 7.15, Sua pension Bridge 7.30, stopping at Pekin 7.50, l,6ckport 8.20, bcsnorl 8.35, Aluhllepurt 8.50, Medina 9.00, Kmnvlcsvillt 9.15; Albion 9.30, Alurray 9.45, Holloy 0.55, Brockporl Lea KROJ TMIRMAN'y A DEPOT, 318 BROAD 1} ,'f AIR FRUNACE. FOUR »i/,K8. lTns popular FUR.VACE has receullv 1^..., nei DICED IN HKIGHT and «li^lfclio1rRU R bf Ca.ii.ig the entire Radiating Surfhoe free from Join* f«ll^com|>lledwith*sTe*A»«TT. It can now be set in die requiremeuu of the ,.«., ,..•.. ...s.nance ro,,,,, ,„;,•, ully compiled with as T«*A»«TT. >-"iup*iue» ite'i.: 1, * urwu -" e "" < ' HOW used hflhe following citi K i*9fi!alfli ' "»; Wafler Mcrci.atii, : ' Or. V. a laa-kruw, Messrs. C. * D. Woodrull The Bank of Albany, "MTVA... Mr •loel R. Reed, Mr. Wiiliam VV«ud»ll rhese Furnacejhre fumUhcd ami rHilunin lb* inosi upprovetl ami skillful maimer, hy^ • ^ ' m * , BAILBY/A JOH^tAIslON, i SAlte A | W t * f o , Ih. CIJ,, V ( Albw J y . X.J t "»• 87 Souih Pearl »|res,t II RTAILtdB S u't* ; f " f , * • ««N')K«sl)N'S lORlAIILh. FUBNACh, winch has met with such Bui versal succeat Ul this city, -/"his is uudoublodiy the ksssi PorlaWe Furnace ever Introduced iu ibis niarkal Mr ->,. Taylor giop*, Air. Samuel Schuyler, Air. Thomas Schuyler, Air. John R. Vertuun, A GOOD FIT and ExcWnt RAMSAY'S, tg Btater •ireet.jg pcins.m Hrsl |.%jAlbion ftvingal Ri irx at it ISPEN! Leaves Niagara Falls at 7.15, Si: stopping at Pekin 7.50,1 .ockport 8-i port 8.50, Medina 0.00, Kliowlcsvil ...... . ,,.-, Murray 9.45, Holloy 9.55, Brockpc... Ill.lkt Aibiui's Basin 10.13, ami Socncerporl at 10.93, ar riyiitg at'Rochester at 10.30 A- M , and Albany al (MO P N». 3— MAIL ACCOMMODATION—Leaves Niugar* Falli at 9.15 P. AL, slops at all sialions- Brockport al 3.05: arriving at Rochester at S.54 P. M- N». 4.-N1GHT EXPRESS— Leave* Niagara Fall* ai 9,301*. M, Suspension Bridge at 10.00, slopping at Lock pint 10.10, Medina II.05, Albion 11.30 Brockport II 55, urriviug ul Rochester at 19 35 A. Al., Albany at 10.90 A M. aial New York at 4.03 P. M. Q£p- The above Trains connect at Rochester will Trains East and Wesl. A' LOCAL TRAIN WILL LKAVK TOSAWANDA fOR HA IAVII AND CAM AM UAIUCA AT 7.93 A. M, i FROAI 1)AT A VIA FOR CANANDAIOUA. Lenvc Balavia 7.90 and 4.30 P. M, arriving ul Cuiiar lUigannl 10 90 A . M . and 7.10 P . M . FROM ROCHESTER. A IXrCAL TRAIN will leave Rochester lor Syrucust. via Auburn Road, al 0 IS A . M . and 9.50 A. AI, slopping al al; stations, ami arriving at Syracuse at 11.15 A. AL ng wilh Express Train, arriving ufl 0.40 p. U. and 3.00 P. M , eonnectnii in Albany at 5.30 P. AI. an MAIL AND ACCOAIMODATION—Uaves Rocheslet (via Auburn Road) at II.00 P. Al., stopping at alt sialions, arriving at Syracuse at 11.15 .. At, coimm ling wilt iraini, arriving iu Albany at 10.90 A. M. MAIL TRAIN' Leave* Rochester ul 9;«) P. M , slopt at ul) sialions, arriving in Syracuse at 0.15 P. M. SYRACUSE AND ALBANY ACCOMAIODATION. Leave! Syracuse at 7.30 A. M., stopping at all station*, arriving In Utica at 10.00 A. Al., and in Albany at 9 ,'A' I FROM SCHENECTADY. Train* leave for Troy, ou arrival of train* from lb* West al9J6 A. M„ 1.46 P.M.,4.48P. M. BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALIJ8 ANDLEWISTON U|( A\i*ll. I.oAvo Buffnto 0.45 HIKI 0.00 A M., t,3«, IHO uml 5.W P M Lewiston to Ulllliilii ul 19..!K) A. At. .... 8uX«n*l»li Brii'gc ami Niagara Falls to BuJalo 8.4 A jyri ul'. M. mat 10.45 P. M. ff_f A. M,, yfffi CKAIATTTB BRANCH. I^ave Rocheeter S.«» A. M., and 150 P. AI. K!vIcikiirWI«».»*A M, and 4.00 P.M. : !?r*""T A-rnoA BRANOH. ij.iv« Balavia at 10.00 A. M.. mal 4.30 P. M. * AVtici^18.30 A. M, ami 3.00 P. M- :^T e A SUNDAY TRAINS. -••ght Express,) ut.. 10.00 P.M. v t S40A,M ut 9.1 J P. M, WATERTOWN, If CAPE VINCENT RAI1 U. York Oeiitrnl Ittailrotu) Hcpt»t« in Albany, (Checked mid Tickets procured «> (he Offlco, Kb? 13 Muiricn Iriine, corner ol" Dean street, uml ut theKaatAI- bai)y Station. O^PaMen^eW W.6 Cuulioited uaJLuft rurclwwing Tiekeln in Albiiny, KXCK1*T AT f i i k 6fir*,CE op TIIKCOW- PANV. Tickets not Trairtferrable. SMITH •UKIGOiS, Agent, Alhany, dffl A. F. SMI'HI, «up'i U, K.JtJt., N. Y. W ESTERN /JWLRQAD- For Boston, Providence, Newport, Worcester, Filchhurg, Concord, Is.well, Nashua, New London, SpriiiKlieid, Hartford, New Huveu, Norihnuiptou, Gren- tjehl, Brallleboro, Bellows Fulls, Kccito, Si. Johusbiiry, WINTER ARRANGEMENT—Commencing Monday, Dec. 0, 18S8—TWO DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, leave Depot, Muideu I.IIIIC, Albany, as follows : 7.45 A. M. WAY MAIL TRAIN, arrive in lloslon at 8.00 r. M. 9.45 r. M. WAY TRAIN to Springltold, and EXPRESS TRAIN from SpriiigBeld to Boston,arriving ut 11.30*. M. PRINCIPAL CONNECTIONS. At Chiiikniu, wilh Harlciu, and Hudson mid Boston Railroiuls. At State Line, with HousatontC Railroud. At Piiislleld, wilh Fiitsliiild and Nuiili Adams, mid Stockhridgc and 1'iiislield Roilrond*. Al Spriugrield, with Hnrtford and N e w Haven, and Connecticut River Railroads. Al Palmer, with New London, Palmer ami Williumun- lie, ami llclcliei town and Anuicrsi Railroad*. Al Worcester Junction, with Providence and Worces- ter, and Worcester and Nashua, and Norwich and Wor- cester Railroads. , At Worcester, with Boston und Worcester Railroad*. Trains leave Boston for Albany, at 8.00 A. M., arriving al 5.00 r. If. At 3 P. M. arriving at 11.00 r. M. Trains leave Springfield at 7 A. M., arrivo at Albany nt 11.15 A.M. » HENRY GRAY, Sttp'l, Springfield, Muss. THOS. L. GREENE, Agent, Albany, N. Y. Albany, December ' ' ROME & CAPE VINCENT RAIL ROAD.—WINTER ARRANGEMENT—On and alter Monday. November 29th, 1858, until further notice, Trains ou this Road will run as follows (Sunday* excepted): GOING NORTH. Leave Romo, No. 1 8.00 A. M., Alui. it a ».,. 8 . 1 0 A. M. Freight. « "1 " 3 ............ 7.1(lr.]«., Express. Connecting nt Wiilcrlowu Willi P.ilsilniu A Wiiloitowil Railway; ami at Ca|ic Vincent with Ferry Boat for King*, loll, C. W , and Grnnd Trunk Railway. RETURNING. I,eave Cane Vincent. 790 A. M , Express. " " •" ,. 7-96 A. M., Freight. " " 9.1)0 r-. M., Mail. Leave Wateitown ...8.30A. M-, Express. " " 9.95 A. M., Freight. •' " 3.45 P. (*., Mall. Coiiiiccling ul Rome wjlh New York Central Railway. no9D CARLOS DUCTON, Superinlenilont. '8. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMFANV.-SWNI.Y THROUGH LINE FOR CAUFORNIA AND OREGON, ivn AarmwiU ANDPANAMA.) NEW YORK, HAVANA, NEW ORLEANS, KINGS- TON AND ASPINWALL. The s|ileiulid licet of Sea Sicainur* bulougiug to Uu* Coiiipany conilnno lo run in couucclion with the sleumers of the Pauifio Mail Steamship Cumpitit)-, between Ihc pon* above tiaincil, currying the U. S. Mail. STRAM I'ACXKI* U. S. MAIL 8T«UMS»IP COMPANV. GEORGE LAW, 9500 tons, Capt. 0. V. Fox, U. S. N. ILLINOIS, 9500 " " Mckinsiry, U. S. N. EAIPIRE CITY, '9000" « 11. Winnie. CRESCENT CITY, 1800 >' " McGoWun GRANADA, 1000 " " (MM, PHILADELPHIA, l*H) " " Sf6henck. ELDORADO, 1000 " « Gray. Leaving Now York for Aspinwull (Navy Buy) direct, on the 5th ami 90lh of each mouth. Leaving New York for New Orleans, touching m Ha vniiii, on the al and I7ih of each month. Leaving New Orleans for Aspinwull, on Ihc a'lh and 90th of each month. Tho connection in the Pacific will be imtiutiiiiied by ihc following splendid STKAH PAC»»T» or PAtlrio MAft. STBAMSHIP CDMPANV. GOLDEN GATE, 9500 tons- I PANAMA, 1087 ton*. GOLDEN A0E, 3000 toi)». S0N0RA, 9500 " OREGON, 1099ton*. [CALIFORNIA, 1050 ." JOHN L. STEPHENS, 2500 toil*. The new steamship 1 COLUMBUS will: ply in connec- tion with the above steamers, between San Francisco wal poiis iu Oregon. Each passenger is allowed 930 pounds of personal bag gage flee, not exceeding iu measurement lo cubic feel. Freight will be taken to Aspinwall at 70 cent* per fool, ami from Panama to Sun Francisco ul tho rale of 9100 per ton. i' i . '. lira For freight or passage apply at the office of the Com- pany, 177 West, street, oiniicr of Warren, New York j hint lo JAMES R. JENIN0S, 79 Magazine slrcct, New Orlean*. ^nyls.- M.O.ROBERTS. P * ^ ^ T r u g 8 • • O AGS MANUFACTURER, No. 81 N. PEARL STREET, ALBANY. '" ' . ' FRANCK8' Improveil Self-adjusting Truss, AMomi- nid Supporters, Spinal Supporters, fbr Curvature of Spine and Projection of Shoulder Blade, Suspensory lluiiiluge..', Lace Stockings, Knee Caps, Instruments for How Legs, Knook Knees, weak Ankle*. Ac. FRANCKS' TRUSS retain* its proper placo in every position of the body, and during the inosi laborious em- ployment, mid this, wilh very slight [pressure, so »lighl us not to b* felt after a lew day* use j at the same time it will be found far more effectual in retaining und curing Hernia, than the cumbersome, painful mid useless Trusses of ihe day, so malty of which are vended by inexperien- ced persons, who know nothing of the application or the serious danger resulting from the use of nu instrument iinsiiitcilloUieea.se. , , J. F,, Iu hi* long; experience never failed to retain the worst cases of Hernia, solicit* a call from those who have found journey to New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, fruitless, rut he will guarantee to sail thorn effectually. Children Invariably cured, and lilted from a mould old. Mrs. FRANCKS will be 111 attendance to Wail upon I " MW 'REIPKBKN'CB'S 1 ; 1 ' ". !! J. Swinburne, M. I)., Albany,J. L. Babcock.AI.D., Albany, ., . .. FroirsBuiralo for Albany (Night Eipress,) at.. h* Machhiery % f * C j S w . 0,VIB8; 'AlbanyTpfo., 18W v.,...1IAKO, I General Superliitemleul, fiiia^hmMiM^ ERSON & KENNEDY, _ _ ORATE AND FKNDER MANUFAOTUHKRS ANDDEALERS IN Hot-Air Furnaces, Coijkuig Haiigea, laundry Ranges, Broiling Ovens, •• Coiilng Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Shovel* .uid Tongs, Fir4 Irons ami Slnnils, IIat'aj»4UItwk^t*i>ds, »|>JPV . ; Fonnfuiu* and Vases Ki'X AiasMIaUf* 0»; Farmers' Boiler, Cauldron Kettles, Till mid Sheet Iron Ware Coal Hods, Coal SiRers, Coal Sifter Tubs, A»h Pails, Dripping Puns, Cunt Shovels. UmbrefiaSlajai*, Sal tees, of the best mmiufaclitre. *X*V .*,teW^F^goAjOWAY,AlbW,NvY. i A IjlLrtU«ra dhildrera'" Fan- A. cy **J3*&$m M f t r U ) »o«lwy. |f,J. *,,. nni/UUUR.tH' »/.,* Peter P. StaatS, M. D, " Geo.Brown,IHl».iNewburg, i mlmm 11 » AV.AiM.Ctilben.M.D., " " Av. J,SkOioii, MiV., 'froy, «SfeTOAJ ii « Hiram Wotltyn*.«.», " tluackenbush, M. D , Albai.y. Allien Murch, M. P., Thuiiins Hun, AI. D , P. McNaugeton, M, D., S. H. Frceihan, M. D, U.OilMgelow.M. D, Thomas Smilh, Mi •>.. J. H. Arrnsby, McD, H. M. Paliie, M. ft.' Anio* Fowler, M; D., mylfdly i.V.P. •MYANT & STRATTON'S JLf MERCANTILE COUsKG%„ ii I.",.' ' 1AX!ATF:P-ALBAN Y, W V..MO «1<I « 8 Broadway. Bultalo, N. Y., ooruer Main and Seneca streets. Cleve. land, I), corner Superior ami Seneca street*. Chicago, 111, 48 Clark street. Detroit, M., 71 WowlWard rsvenue. DIREotoHSi AmOg.»B«B,%'. HenryWen*. Esq, RP.Marned,Flsrl.. , John £,. Sehoojcfaft/Estl'. Tn«ina*W. OIcoft,l5s(|. i. M. Awwoy,Esq.,•; John K. Oavil," Hon. I'lruslits Corning •' Oeo.'N.Briggv , ,, " Joel T, Heudley,; H " IAireuio Burrow*. ' IraHarriaT '.'T «' Vioior M.Rico, " Wefalle Seyuwtiiv: ....... r.. >•»•••.-^r All interested in ihia Deimrlmeiit of Education, so im. portent for the Merchant, Farmer and Mechanic, will please send for our Annual Ctilaloguo (of TO page*.) oon- ii.iniiig all the desired information, which will be fori wanlfd See of Oharge^s. ^ y l _ jn99 ^Albalty, BtuTalo,/Cleveland, Djetfoit A'qhicttgP O jl L! O I LM OIL!!! PEASE'S lMPRllVlsWl^OlNBANDSIONAI, Suiierior lo Sperm or any otherOTwhatever. gW wp ouly reliable Lahrieater, fh«vt 1* a topiitot 'Burnine; Oil, thai will keep bearing* c«vl, mid that win not (to™;-*- Practical tests have proved tin* IJil to he twenty-ICwW cent, n.oro duf»bte_ thwi Spcrnt Oil for every class, of Aiachluery and ftr^htriijng. ' f; "',:' ",..,.A,, II* nieril* are acknowledged Injiarlotte «»d « " £ " • « use on Railroads, Steamers nirl ftopellera, ill iu, > e 1 Shops, Cotton mtA WiicfleiLFwIorica, in Bay, Grist and Plaining Alills, Frlmit* Mded. Ae., *0,, aihl (n Ito case laf it failed to meet the approval of Ihe consumer*, m- gBeers and Machinist*, uroiiouiiae it ltu|wrifr for burmag, oheaiwr aiid, inOre durable (or lubricatiitg thW W « ' m °r miy other OH whalevcr. , , ia _. i. . •Jlie a Boieniiao American ami Waiiiilkoturor*' Jour- nal," after testing |hi* <Sl,pronr>tiiie«it sopcrtor » « n y other for lubricating. I -,,. . ;;:.' ,'i -: • ' :i f for sale only by the Ilivintor. : -, ,.^,r.,,tt.i' inn, f S F. 8. PlSASE, Manuiaoturer aial Writes*!* ', f . Deator In Oils, 01 Main »lr*«, .B"* 1 ?- . CTReUableorder.filled town **«>***&!)* 8Ute»orKuro|)*, mm* usiieu, nun oxcoiiieu WHO n SIGNS—Plain, Gold, ami -ailsparencies, Emiulelcil Gilt I*eltoriug, V :or Stores, and ull kinds of Fancy Painting. M. VAN SICKLER, COMAIISSION MERCANT VOR TUB 8ALK OP DOMESTIC GOODS, WOOL, POTATO STARCH AND MANUFACTURERS' ARTICLES. Agent for a vurioty of Woolens, Cloths, Cassinleros, Sulinels, Waddings, Bull*, Twines, Cliaundlcrs' Wick*, Am, Ac. Also, for Potato Starch, Satinet Wurps, Glue, Burlaps, Wool and Hop Sacking, Machine Cords, Belting, Lace Picker and Roller Leathers, Spool Tape, Comb Plale, Ac. NOS- 10, 19 ANO 14 MAICKN LAKK, Up Stairs, ALBANY, N. Y. ju9l QMYTH, MEIGS & YOUiNQ, k? COMAIISSION MERCHANTS, POK illl! SAI.K OP FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, Also, Agent* for the Boston, Providence and Philadel- phia Packet*, ami General Shiping Agont* for all kinds of Property destined by Railroad or Vessel, HPRINIiFIELI) FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. C*jJ*«d .....fMO.OOO Suiplu* ..... ,. 950,000 „„ j.,, EMU/SO FngkHAtr, President. Wkt. OfMrgkB, JR., Seoretary. P1KENIX INSURANCKJCOMPANY, HARTFORD, , , CONN. c «P''ut , »900,000 8«tpl u « ,.i .... 150JJO0 ' , _., . D L. LOOMIS, President. 5"I. KEUOOO, Secretary. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE . COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. CtM* Capital, „ „„.„„ ,8390,000 Surplus., .'. so.ooo CONNECT/OUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Accumulated Assets •3,000,000 '*-' JAuiis GOODWIK, President. O. R. PUKLC*, Secretary. AIASON K COOSWRLL, l'.xmniiiiug 1'hysicitin, Albany. rT7"For Policies in the abovo Companies, apply at tho OIBce, or letter, addressed to 8. B. HAMILTON A SON, Agents. .TOM. i LTON.J my92 pROSBY'S FIRE AND £SS VJ INSURANCE AGENCY. OFFICE »»t> FLOOR, STRONG'S BUILDING, No. 443 BROADWAY, A l 7 BA1V IV. Y. . HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL AgD SURPLVS, #973,000. UNITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. CATITAI., •10,000,000. WA"""' BREVOORT INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK CASH CAPITAL, •150,000. '* LAFAYETTE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. N E W YORK. ', CASH CAPITAL, •ISO^KJO. HAMPDEN FIRE INSIJRANCECOMPANY, 8PRINOFILD,MASS. ' CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, •995,000. MA88ASOIT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, SPRINGFIELliMASS. ' CASH CAPITAL, •150,000. UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. v.vr.r-is , CASH OartTAL AMP aURPLVS, C4JO,000. '.'. 8T-For Insurance or Renewal* in the above Cofppa Hies, apply to JAMES F. CROSBY, Again, iiu99 Office No, 9,9nd Floor, Strong's Rnililmg. vr gPKOIAIr NOTIOK •'•'••• Ji1*j(»i lit uVOBVYBMdr "' '!<> .'•• ' DRY GOODS! STE0NO BROTHERSftCO, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' ao aw. TT <s» 0 , 0 , am m» " NOS. 413 A 445 BROADWAY, AI^ANY, Have now in Store A LARGE, SELECT AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, adapted to the want* of the present Season, embracing every desirable article^ necessary to make the stock of the MrtrvhUrtV trorW|*ei» which thoy ofler to Ihe Irade al THE VERY UJWFliT PRICB8 for CASH or APPROVED CREDIT, ahdle which ihey pivfte Ihe exajniuation of CASH and C|XW» TIME BUYERS. ' *y< n r Purchasing otii Goods EXcLVSiVELY' t'OR CASlV we are prepared to offer Mdueemehu'to Merchant* «* sortni*; their STOCKS FOR WINTER, uusuipassed by ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE, besklee giving them, large »l*«k lo select froni. niiliciV < ~A : 1 a^ivr \r 'ivrSVtn T^^rrk «5^ ORDERS SOLICITED AND CAR<4TAIMJN W A LiBSTIN Y lJNbUHANCE CO. THEIRE*ECUTION. ^ • " ^ - - - - - 1 -CM- INCORPORATED IN 1811. ClIAHTK.t KXTKNUKD IK 1808 AND 1851. OFFICE 50 STATE STREET. .fefeffiff I. T. HMVTll. 40 AND 41 UlTAV STttKKT, AI.DANY, N. Y W. I). JIKIiiii. w O N, M. S. P R E S T COAIMISSION MERCHANT VOH IIIK 4ALK OP FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, Ac., 110 P1RR, ALBANY. Agent for Hartford Steam Puckcts und oilier Eastern vessel*. Personal attention given to the sole or purchase of Flour, Grains and Oencrul Produce ; also, to the for- warding of Properly in tiny direction. All orders will be promptly unit faithfully ejiecutod. op!9 W ATERMAN &BUELL, PRODUCE COAIMISSION MERCHANTS, MO. HO riKU, ALBANY. Their personal intention given to the sule, purchase and shipment of Flour, Grain, 1' ccd and Produce Generally. JRRKMIAU WATRRMAN. [0pl3 tf) HuNRT T. IIUKI.f,. A. DURANT & CO., COAIMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 110 I'IKU, ALBANY, N. Y. Thou personal attention given lo ihc purchase and sale of Flour, Grain. Feed, Ac. (p- Agenls for Stcuinei PARTIIENIA, for Hartford and Eastern and Soulheril Vessel*. E. A. DURANT, [JC18J E . P . DURANT. E. HOB 111 (I.I.I E It T READ (Late M. II. RKAII A SON, Albany,! UCE '"* "•• PRODUCE AND COMAIISSION MERCHANT, MII.WAUKIR, WIS. KT^Onlers for Purchases Solicited, end advances mode on Consignments. REFER. TO—M. II. Read A Son, Albany i Thomas Sohuyler. do ; J. G. White, Prc»'t Bank of the Capitol, do; J. Tweddle, l*res't Merchants' Bank, do ; Rawis A Seymour, New York; Knapp A Peck, do; H. Daw A Son, BtilTulo i J R . Bcnllcy A Co., do. »p9 HEO. M. GRIFFEN & CO., V^ GKNKRAL COMMISSION MKRCHANTS, ANl) A0KNT8 fOR VKMKKI-H TO AM* KA8TERN ANl) SOUTHERN TOUTS, Ul l'IKK, ALBANy, H. V-j l*ui'clui.sc:i ui.fl Sulci* of Flour, Ornin and Feed promptly u>id oareAllly nttciided to G. M. (ittii'rKN, [ap3J W. 1*. Oa.PfKK. II. RE AD & S O N , COMAIISSION MERCHANTS, VIIU TI1K 8A1.M OP FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. Advances made mi Consignment*. Personal attention to Side*. Ageni* for Vousels to Eastern Ports. Orders for Purchnses promptly executed. No. 118 Pier, Albany. MATTHKW II. RKAII. (mr'-Mll WM. II. RKAO. w." & RTCT BENTLEY, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE PACKETS, AND VESSELS FOR OTHER EASTERN AND SOUTHERN PORTS, Commission Dealer* in Flour, Grain, Heeds, Hops, and Country Produce generally. Nova Scotia Plaatcr on sale or purchased on unlets. LANSING'S BLOCK, M. C. i*;y T M E . i t * Mmtiifu Corner Ilftiuiltoi) »>l4 tiuwy tttrccts. AXBANV, N. Y. 7 It 0 D G E K S , faelurer ami Wholesale mid Retail Dealer in TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS AND SATCHELS, HO. 304 BROAUWAY, ALBANY. iXT* Twenty-rive per cent choaper than etui be bought elsewhere. _<Ct] feaS ! SIGNS!! SIGNS Hi PLAIN, FANCY AND GILDED, Iu every stylo ut NO. 0 CHURCH STRRKT, »Y JOHN HURDIS. mliSO N ORTH R I V E R ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS, Y03. 10 AND 17 QUAY ST8RBT, ALBAHY. JOHN PUNSHON A CO., Manufacture High and Low Prosure Engines, Boiler* Tanks, ami Machinery in General, Casting, Blacksmiih.iuj ami Pattorn Making. rxT" Steam Engines und Boilers Repaired with De*. patch. Oct ly TOHN KENNEDY, JR.,, O CARPENTER AND JOINER, No. 83 KLM si-aaar. Particular attention paid to remodelling buildings, putting , , . In store fronts, Ae,: •, '. 1 ; SAWING BY STEAM. Order* for Sawing promptly filled at the above place. 1 _;J«y..t;'? ...J , , |; ..,,;, ,o .;,);;..,,.'. , /,, ,.,'.. olj pETER SMITH'S SpJ^S/ COPPERSMITHS, JOMMMBUh SHEET-IRON AND VVIBE WORKERS, No. 16 BKAVP.R STRXIIT, ALBANY. Manufacturer* «4" ( LOCOMOTIVE FLUES, SMOKE PIPES, BREWERS' AND FORCE PUMPS, BRASS VALVE CQUPLLNG U ','f , • ' §CREWS,Ae,.A«.. : AlsOjOnnrtwUyonhmKVgiargria^rtmmttof, j consisting in part of the following 'articles! Water Clos.il*, for steamers uml dwelling*, Force Pump*, Bathing Tubs, Shower Baths, Wash Hosliins of yarlou* patteriw, Marble Slnb*, Plated Cocks, Bra** Coclw, Iron Sinlt*, Hose and Pipe*, Water Filter*. Sheet IMtt, Lead Pipe*, Ac, Ac. I ' r i ' It I '. ••: "• I :, ' Also,manufacturer*of . <_„ :,..,. f^lifiSrSpWllMW BOLTING AND SCREENING CLOTHS, ' COAL AND SAWSCEEENS, FLOUR SIEVES, toT Good workmen will be sent to any pari of the country lo lit up any of the above work. ; STEAM ENGINE WORR matte to order, of it] on tho shortest notice. ' • i: (fill. Agents for ASHCROFT'S tJELEllHATED BTEAf* GUAOES. . , _ II /-All work from this establishment warranted. I ROBERT C. SMITH [nii|4] , j PETER SA1ITII H E R M A N ANJD^ P R E N C S . - - \M 'I'he subscriber, « Grmluntoof o|ie of tho most lielc- ^^is*«**i * .. .. irjh*^rt*aa»JMi**serviccs :n the public as IipJtructor,eit)i9r of iudlviduid* or classes, 411 German mid French, on the most reawuable Ten Ho has Ihe honor to refer lo thu following gcnllcineu: Rev. Dr. WYOROIS - .n .;.• Hon. AMOS DKSN, LL. I). Albany, Oct. 1; 18ST. Hon. ProlVia«kt,j, , Mr.ADHliHHWO. ruylT' •!.::.. •• r,,/JnWliiitwlio»«i. TN..tJ U R A N G E . X. FIRfc, INLAND NAVIGATION, MARINE, AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY, OrriCK OVKR E x c ii A N ii K BANK, 448 BROADWAY, ALBANY, N. Y. NEW AMSTERDAM INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, »200,000. D. S. MANNKHS, President. W. II. DUSJINBURY, Secretary. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN' CAPITAL AND SURrLU*, »200,000. C. B. BOWBR*, President. C. C. WAITK, Secretary. STATE hRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW HA V EN, CONN. CAPITAL,*aoo.ooo. JOHN B. ROBKRTSON, President. O. FAUNHSM STKVBNS, Sccrctnry. ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COAIPANY, PROVI- DENCE, R. I. CAPITAL ANO SURPLUS, SSIII.IKIO. S. AIAUHAN, President. II. STKVKNI, Secretary. CONWAY FIRE INSURANCE COAIPANY, CON- WAY, MASS. CA*U CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S203,0IX). J. S. WUITNKY, President. D. C. Roo»R*, Secretary. COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COAIPANY, HARRISBURG.PA. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, •160,000. SIMON CAMMKIWN, President. S. S. CARHWR, Secretary, N. B. Applieiitloii for Marine Insurance received for, ml policies procured from the SUNMUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. ABSHTS, #1,V0V«. PACIFIC AIUTUAL INSURANCE COAIPANY, NEW YORK CITY, ASSRTS, 4734,0m 0. W.DOwi>. [roySoT WILLIAM DAVIS. T^ORfB AMERICAN FIRE .A.1 INBURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. 8TATEM8NT BUSINRS* PROM AUO: 1, '07, TO JUNE 1, '48. RECEIPTS. Premium* received on Policies issued to Juno III 934,103 18 Interest and dividends received from Invest- ments 3,949 W Total receipts «37,3S5 7 T PAYMENTS. Office Expense*, salaries, furniture, rent, taxes, Btatiouery, printing, agents' expenses, commissions, traveling expenses, A c , Ac 1113,483 V ' O Losses by Are in full, there being nO outstanding claim* 13,000 47 Told payments 86,348 70 Balance of receipt* ovor expenses and losses. 930,811 31 ASSETS—JUNK 1ST, 1838. Ohio Slrtto 6 per cent Stock. Missouri 6 " " Michigan 6 " N. York Slalo fi " Harlford 0 " Total Stale mid Cay Slocks and Bond* «30,000 00 Par Market Value Value Merchants A Manufacturer*' Bank Stock, Harlford »»,450 *l>,450 00 MercaiUile B'k Slock, Harlf'd 3,800 3,383 00 Oiiarler Oak, Exchange " Faiimjr* A Mochuuic* City, Bank Stock, Mm " Harlford " Phtriiiig " PlHOiiix I Continental, « Bank of Amur." Metropolitan I Merchants' I 4,730 8,700 8,40(1 8,800 " 5,100 New York. 3,000 " 8,600 " 6,000 " 3,000 « 8,600 10,700 10,700 00 3,400 8,118-1 00 4,013 50 3,094 00 8,400 00 3,180 00 5,100 DO 6,450 00 8,476 00 5,000 00 8,475 00 3,800 00 Total Hank Stocks ut present cash vuliio 800,7*1 50 Loan* secured by Mortgages, Bank Slocks, Ac, nil good. °. 18,068 60 Stock Notes payable 30 days after demand, . strongly endorsed and secured also by pledge of the Stock '. 105,000 00 Balance due the Company On book accounts.. 480 00 Cashou hand 6,083 11 Total Assets •333,803 11 Capital Stock, , .... •300,000 00 Surplus .,, ..... 33,893 11 »335,803 .1 none. Outstanding claims against the Company. JAMBS 0. Boutts, Pres't. J. A. WALLACE, Sco'y. E. BAIICOCK, Agent, 448 Broadway, jyl3 If '1 Over the Union Bank, Albany iSpw^ORTr^rajNiTY JLl INSURANCE COMPANY. ORGANIZED IN 1851. HlS-MIUAKIKKU AS A JOINT STOCK COMPANY, .1 .inc. 19lb, 1838, with a CASH CAPITAl. OF •150,000. 01R»0I0*s: JumenM. La*her, Peter O. Mclntyrc, Betii. F. Moseley, Joseph Blair, Alartin L. Culler, Ellsha Bentley, Weare C. Little, James H. Patterson Wm. O. Wait, Reuben Weslcot, Japie* I. Joiiusoii, John B. Burst, N. J. Johnson. JAMES LASHER, President ,, ' ' ' IIENJ. F. MOSELEY, ViccPresldenl. N.j jr. JOHNSON, secretary. oc3 TOEACBAl^MtJfUAL IN- JL stiRANCE COMPANY.-orgnnixed in Kiaii..- Charter oxleinled in 1838. Capital »3a0,000. ' Tliis "Id M 4 relmble Company eeaiinuea to insure against lo*» or damngo byfire,on thoMulual or Cash sys- tem on «» favorable terms us other sound Companies.— The saving to the mutual members of this Company, within m *I^Il?llSiI y "aIl*^ C<!W, * ° NB l "' NDR ^ I> TK 011 - '•Vpmt adjusied and paid promptly. For Policies in this Institution, apply at the Office of the Company, No. 60 State street, Albany. ' ' . ' :,- ,.t DIRKCTOR*. rrtuaOoijuj.g, JohnKuowcr, O.CottretTr B. F.Staais, ... H. Martin, Wm. McElroy*; . ^fns^ri^r 0 "' Pi'SAer, John F. Rathbtme, 3. A. Pott, Eli Perry, , Artotuus Fish, " ; ' : ] A. McClure. ' ERABTUS CORNING. President. wwrnrvm INE INSURANCE AGENCY, ITATtt BTlttlRT. ALBANY. braled Geiiiian Univenilief, hiivi ipiiiininiico with Ancient and which ho is an csniirimioeil Te to the iiiibliii as li|Sliiiclor,cilher of iu , III tier II uu i mid French, on the moat reaeonable Term* C ARRETING. Pi. The *ub»ori- Inns (iigiiin " nt lioiiiu " ul Nil. 488 BtiHulwuyi : eli as*ortet! *to«k W ftARPETiNdiOlL 'bWtK£e, Miimwix Hull) will continue to veil their present n»sorlci( stock of CARPETING, OIL 01<oTH, *e., during tlie Winter, ut GREATLY REDUCED PRI- CESniitwiilisiiimhiiit thinciiciit udvuiuii'. •ugoml*. '"< "^^^ TAYIAIR A WATERMAN, (CJ*"Tho Spring Trade will open with »u advance in lui-iici. '•.'. • i-it ; [iill .i - •'•! -' : "law;; npo ALL in wantQf a first rate .». article of Bool* or Shoe*, goto ' < RAMSEY'S, 94 Beaver tlrcei. fe88 jDlJ LONUON Attn LirmpooL, auth'd Capital... PARK, NOW York, Capital and Surplu* ..... BKKBMAN, New York, Capital und Surplu*, R»LI«P, New York, fluniiui and Surplus— MONTAUK, Now York, Capital unit Surplu*... 8iiN|CHow»,IitowYwk, Oap'l and Surplus. MKRCANTILK MUTOAI. MAHINK, Asauls ....... •173,000 •171,000 •850,000 &"./*• The aliove Coiupiiiiic* are of undoubted staudiiig and iliiiiuctor, having nil CASH Cnpiluls. . - M"p8H»^tpi|OK, •- M iifLiil"- Wule Agent at Albany. K>" Risk* igkep iu Commercial, Goodhue, Market, ||r(!»Yiinrl, New Amsterdam, Resolute, Fulton, Columbia, and several other*. ,n , ril«i»: iIJiiI >:i')<* ap88 ^RWiVN'S INS. C0UX- JL NY, yalTaireel, New York. •>•> CMiiiSBpiwi, ............ ;.««M,qoo "" " k ' ! F. T. LUQUHR. Pte*idoot. J. V. HARRIOTT, Secretary. „. \ ,•«„»,. Tho undersigned having been appeliitcd Agent of this «JW aiw w*UAasja»n Ootnriany for Ihe city aiid county of Albany, applications are lb be iu*do lo Min for renewal* , CROSBY, Iij»«rauo» Agent, IStrmigsBuitiiilig, "' mi •ml ''rt ". '.{'mm, SA*?T" "Si, otierntion, i 443Dr.Htdway. (JOMMERCIAL WSUttANCECOMFANY,' W AND AIWEMHl*. , Abcvmutatloii*, MJ500.IKKI. •'Men Vilrty-olght years In sitcccssfu - . sbliity Kundonbted. hxtra charge for eroesiug the AUonik). •••' i- •- _ ^BedowiueiiU lad Annuities Bold, and the bMsines* ol Ufa Insurance oonduoled In all il* branches. 1 ••: j. ISAAC VANDERPOEC Agent, deU 3m No. 89 Slate atreet. piRKCToas: llilllnoii I'liinpclly, John T. Cooper, eclrcr, Gerril Y. Lniisluir, Kufus II. King, Augustus James, Alarcu* T. Reynolus William C. Miller, Jacob II. Ten Eyek, OERRIT Y. STBPHRN GaoK*uxKCK, Secretary. Henry Bleeclr Peter MoNaugbtou, Lyman Chapiii, Franklin Townscni.. AN8ING, Vioe President, jatl ¥N THE MATI'ER of the AMUeatkai of H*»ry P. J- *"«*nd«'. William 0. rargorfeinab P. William* and Jew* O. Dann, for an order declaring the Reciprocity Hank insolvent, or In Imrssiaew dinger oiriusolvency, Ac In pursuance «rM order amde in the abeve cniitlcd proceedieg, by the HoooraNe B. F. Greene, a Justice of "fff&t. C ?""' 'fM»* th. Eighth Judicial Dis- (rlof, and Waring date Ihe *7lh day of September, one and the list and slslem.nl *r the persons who rune* the «r*t day WJanuary, one thousand eight humlied and My, werrMeeka«Merse4ih«saidRMiarrH!ity Bank; thenom- i*stl mneent of stock held hy each, and the re*ld*nc* ol each stockholder, so far a* the same could be ascertained, were referred lo the umlsrsigned wilh direction. t„ rue, after riving nolKie lo.ll ners.su c«u;erued, to apporlion Ut* deht* and liabiliiieaof Uia said Bank, contracted afUr ihe first day of January, one thousand eight hundred ami nfty. nod remaining uusaiitned among *uch stockhohlei, ratably in proportion lo the amount of stock held by ihem pevaratly, according lo th* principle* declared In an act of the legislature of the Stale of New York, entitled, " An mil In enforce the responsibility of stockholder* in certain banking corporation* and esaoriaiiou* as prescribed by ihc I^MSIilutieti, and to provide for the prompt payment of de- inand* aa-aiusi such eorporaltons aiid a**oriaiioni," passed April Of 1840. Aadalsd in ptrranance of an order made at a Special Term of th* H M M C o n n , held al iho Court II , in the city of Budiilo, in the coenly of Erie, on the four- Iccntudav ol 'February. ISM, hy Ihe Honorable Richard P. Marvin, lb* Juaiici- holiliug ike said Special Term, in wblell Term the reporl in detail of the apportionment of the debt* und liabilities of the said The Reciprocity Bank among Ihe stockholders of Ihe said Bank hy me heretofore made, was presented lo the said Justice, together wilh Ihe proof* taken on the hearing herein, and which said report BiKlaimuiiiiiiuuMil were thereupon by the said Justice re- ferred back to me for further proof* and examination*. Nolico \* hereby given lo the at.Kkhol.ler* of the said 'III* Reciprocity Bank, whose names unpeur on the said list, awl to the ether prisons hereinafter named,thai I l|«r<> been apnoiated by ike *wd B. F. Greene, Justice a* aforesaid, a* referee in this proceeding, und idat ihe said report and apporlknimenl have been referred back lo me aa aforesaid, aial thai I wilt proceed to the further exami- nation ihoieof. and Ike hearing of such further proofs as i«ny be csTorcd touching Ihe mailers so referred le me, «i my office, In the cliy pOfcutalo, ou ihe 10th day of Alarch, 18W, sit ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. The following i*a list of the persons to whom Una no lice 1* given ; Samuel Demiwoti, je<|uibaiiMicele,Elislia Camp, H.Cmapj Hiiehai'amp, Juno* Boyd, Jr., Join. J Hoy.l. Samuel Demusosi, JeduihanSlcel*. Elisha Camp, Ellsha Robert V. Boyd, George C. Sherman, Henry J>. Alexsii- ,1.. W1I1..H- ,1 UilllJT._ * X . ., V-.L_^' AAI11I-. y A LBANY LUNG 1NFIRMA C% RY~L. GRAVES, M. D.. ATTENDING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ROOMS 73 STATE STRKKT, UP STAIRS, ESTABLISHED Expressly for tho treatment of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh and Discuses of the Air Passage* and Chest, Rheumatism, Nervous Disease* of l o n g Standing, Female Weakness, Ac. Dr. 0. ha* made the ABOVK dis- cuses u speciality during the past fifteen year*; Inn made now and important ditooverios in their treatment, and solicit* the sick and nlflictcd to test hi* skill. His remedies are destitute of ull minerals, are pleasant tt> lako, eon do no harm, and have CURICI) aggravated ense* In thousands of instances. Can be found ul his rooms from 8 iu the morning until 0 in tho evening, ready for consultation, for which he charge* nothing ; ha* new and recently discovered instrument* to lesl the strength of the lungs, their diseased condition, Ac. Poison* who Hud it inconvenient to cull on Dr. O., can address him by letter, stilting their several coses—enclosing two three cent slumps when they will receive a letter of advice and the Doctor'* new treaties on tho abovo disease*, pre-, paid by mail. O - Disease* of Women and Children successfully tronled, with new mid liiipioved Remedies, Rooms retired und quiet Lndies can enll without the least rcslruinl. Address ull letter* to L. GRAVES. AI. D . *cl7 ly Long infirmary, Albany, N. Y Over Coatings mid Coating Goods in great variety. French anal German llroudchuhs, Uesl makes. Black uml Fancy Cassimeres and Vesting*. Tuilors' Trimmings ofthe best qualities. Dress Goods and Dress Trimming*. Bluok and Colored Velvet Ribbons. Shelf and Drawer Goods. Hosiery, A c , A c Merrimack und Cocheco Print*, Clinton and lainoaslai Gingham*, Woolen and Canton Flannels, Brown and Blenched Sheeting* and Shirting*, Balls of all qualitic*, Cotton Yam, Warp, Wick, Twine, Wadding, Ac. N. B.~The attention of Merchant Tailors and Clothiers ladirccted to our WOOLEN DEPARTMENT mid lo our stock of TAILORING GOODS generally. STRONG BROTHERS A CO., de7 No*. 443 and 443 Broadway, Albany. B ARHYDT & MORANGE'iS CKLKBBATKD I'HKMIUM UltAND ACTION i'l ANO FORTES. * WARE ROOMS. No.fiOO& 609 BROADWAY, AUJANY.N. Y. For the greater uccommtxlauou ul* i, U;iu\n uixl tho pub he generally, we Imvc lined up and made largo additions to our estuljlislimoiit, und ln-vo jiiit thrown open the new MUSICAL SAl*KiS ROOMS, for the exhibition of these well-known Pianos. With regard to the superior qualities of our Pianos, tout tho high appreciation in which they ure held ttiroughout the country, we can confidently state to customers pur- chasing at our establishment, that they are (il.AUAN- TKKD tho possession of an Instrument equal, if not •uperior, to any now made iu this Union. By the facilities combined in the two establishment* wo are now enabled to iill with promptness and satisfac- tion all orders with which we muy be favored, [O^Our InstrumeutH, ranging from 0,fli,6*,fll.f to 1\ OOTAVKS, IIAVK AM. THK RKAL fAlJPROVJi- MKNT8 OF THK DAY; ure constructed wilh entire METALiC FRAME, giving thorn STRKNOTK and DURA- BILITY, and enable them to stand the test of olimato. THK CASKS AUK OF THK RIOHKST ROSE- WOOD, highly polished \ iho styles various and elegant, and every Piano possesses in its exterior and interior a thorough and beautiful Immh l.\ VOLUMH, POWKR, SWKKTNKSS and BRILLIANCY OK TOKX, they are aoknowl- edged to bo UNR!VAI,I,ED. The greatest care is bestowed on our work mid in the selection of the very best materials; and every lustru mem from our Factory is WARRANTED** possess all the qualities of a good Piano. Particular attention paid to the selection of Instru ments for distant orders. Wholesale dealers will Hud ii to their advantage to givo us a call before purchasing elsewhere. K7*Constantly on bund a general assortment of MK- IJODJ'IONS, of the best makers, at prices varying froni $15 to 9900. O " Pianos exchanged, rented, tuned and repaired, an perfect satisfaction guaranteed. lt7*A Liberal Discount to Teachers and tho Trade. (Xy^Ordcrs by Mail will receive prompt attention. UARUYDTA. MORANGK, jc2l No*. 600 A 503 Broadway | G O L D MEDAL GRAND ANl) SQUARE PIANOS. STEINWAY A SONS, 81 WA1.KK11 STBMT, (NEAR HKOAI1WAV,) SEW YOKE, MANOfe-AOTURKll*, Were awarded ilia l-'ir*t premium wlu-rc ami wlienever llicy brniiglit their Piano l-'ortc* into coiniiciillon willi the best maker* of Boston, New York, I'liiluilt'lpliin and Baltimore. Kcciuvcd the iwo fir.sf piizr. Modal* at Ihc Mctropoliini Fair, Washington, IB55. The Kirst Premium (n Gold Alclal,) for Iho best Plans l-'orlo at tho Maryland institute, Baltimore, 183(1. 'Ilic Kirst Prize Medal for Die be»l Piano Porte al (lit Arncricun Institute, Crystal Pulaco, New York, 1S5«. Tho Pint Premium (a Gold Medal,) for the bc»t Grans' Piano al the Maryland Institute, Baltimore, 1S87. Tho I'ii'st Premium at the Stato Pair, Detroit, 1837. The Pirst Premium al tho Suto Fair, Bicbmoiid, 1857. Among the judge* were the first musical talont of the country, »uch a* w. Mason, Gottachalk, Wollcnliaupi. Ae. Grand aial Squnro Pianos CTmstrtictcd wilh the full Wooden and Iron Finnic combiiictt, are warranted for three year*. Price* moderate. J. 11. HIDLPY, 810 Broadwuy, Sole Agent for this Oily and vicinity. null 6m TTNITED STATES HOTEL, \J WASHINGTON, 1). C. Tho undersigned respectfully inform* hi* friend* and the publlo generally thai this ljotol has been greatly en- larged by the addition of iwcniyllvo large parlor* mid chamber*! al*o, many improvement* and alteration* bavf been made in the Hotel proper, which enable* him to assure all who make Hit* house their home, wlmst in the Metropolis, that it shall he second to uono for com- fort mid pleasure. lie hopes by strict uttonlion to Die wants of his guest* to merit a continuance of tho pa- Ironage so liberally bestowed upon hiin heretofore. Tins is Ihc only hotel which charges less than 92 SO per day. 1108 dly L- 0. SMITH, Proprietor T H E A HOTEL, INTERNATIONAL BIIOADWAY, Cor. of Franklin sireel, NEW YORK, Offer* inducement* to Merchants und Tourist* visiting New York, 1111*111 passed by any IIolcl iu the Metropolis. Tho following arc among the advantage* which il pos- sesses, uit'l which will be appreciated by all truvcler*. 1st A central location,couveiiient to placcsof business, us well us plucc* of untusetnent. ti.1. Scrupulously clean, well furnished, und well vcnii tated sleeping apartments. 3d. Large and superbly furnished silling room*, with a magnificent Ladies' Parlor, commanding un extensive view of Broadway. 4th. Being conducted oh the European plan, visitor* can live in the best etyle with tho greatest economy. 3th. It is connected with T A Y l M ' S CELEBRATED SALOONS, where visitors can have their meals, or, if they desire, they will bo furnished in their own rooms. 6th. The tare served in the Saloons and Hotel is ao. knowledgcd by epicures, to be vastly superior lo that of any other Hotel in the city, Wjlh all these advantages, the cost of living in the IN- TERNATIONAL, is much below that of any other first class Holcl. [fo!7 ImJ A. FREEMAN, Proprietor. 'WPE ! TYPE!! TYPE! Il- ia. PELOUZE, JR., having purchased too Albany Kialvkovbotskur '*> IM> Foundry, and thoroughly revised the Moulds, Matrix**, Ae., lie It now ready to supply TYPE and PRINTING MATBtU. AL8 of every variety; BOOK atal NBWS LETTER of hi* own manufacture, and FANCY TYPE from the New York or other Foundries; and, being himself a thorough «rqelf«iJ workman, feels confident of giving entire sail* fttolion. RKFKHKNCK*—Weed, Parsons A Co, Mmiscll A Row land, Comstock A Cassldy, lt>* Paper* inserting the above udvorti*emcnt conspic- uously vffll rooeivo credit for Ihe same, upon purchasing four ijrrje* the amount In Typo of mjr manufacture. leMtf E. PELOIIZE, JR., 75 Slate street. 1\TOTICE TO MERCHANT^ JLl OfiNERALLY.—The manufacturer «t Iho Iron King Saf« calls your altolltlniltM the following facts : - The Iron King ha* lieWl tented accidentally by Are. and always urtwed lf«e t« it* trust- Burglar* tried to pick the look*; bftl fulled. They are fico from dnmouess, and — Icuatai per eent. cheaper than any other Fire Proof. Tlieae Safe* have always takeiHbe firsi prlio when com- poting with JJavidsnii'* or other*. 'I'ho inventor bn» been JPALL CARPETING.- TATL0B & WATERMAN, IMPORTERS. , AND WUOI4MALK AND.MtT4.ll, DKAIEBS IK * CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, BUGS, *«%, &c, 182 BIIOADWAY, (Opp. Stanwix Hall,) orraa run SALR CARPET1NO— Royal Axmltislcr Carpets, Super Kktdorminster Cariieiiug, Extra if tidily Wilton Carpctnig, Tapestry Velvot Carpeting, Tapestry BrusscUCarpetiitg, Blgclow Brussels Car|ieting, Englisii Throe-Ply Carpeliiig, English Ingrain Carpeting, American Ingrain Carpeting, All qualities Slnir Carpeliiig OIL CLOTHS— Extra Heavy Sheet Oil Cloths, 12, «;i uml 24 feel wide Oil Cloths, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4 and 8-4 Oil Clollis, Siair Oil Clotlu. All width* Mahogany and Rosewood Furniture Cloth, While and Italian Marble Furniture Cloth, Bordered and Woolen Crumb Cloth*, Green add Crimson BILLIAI1D CLOTHS. DRUGGET— All width*, some very superior quality PIANO AND TAIil.E COVERS, Ttiflcd, Wilton, Velvet and Mosaic BUGS. Parlor, Hall and Door MATS Drugget, Linen and Oil Cloth STAIR COVERING. FINDINGS, THREAD, and idl other article* pertaining to the Trade. STAR HODS, Silvered mid Brass, of superior make ALL AT UNIFORMLY LOW PRICES. Wholesale cu*lomcr* supplied at inauufaclurer*' price* TAYI.OR A WATERMAN, oc8 482 Broadway, opposite Snutwix Hall. T OOKING GLASS WORKS, •JLJ BY STEAM' l'ACTORY-22 UNION STKEHT. SALES ROOM—26 MAIIIEN LANK A 486 BROADWAY Whore call be found o Large Slock of RICH, ORNAMENTAL AND PLAIN 3Vtxatitc>xti*a, FOR MANTELS, PIERS AND HALLS Al*.o, RICH OVAL GLASSES, FOR MANTELS AND PIERS. Klirror and Tablv lim< Kills WITH MARBLE SLABS. WHndow Cornice*, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES OF GILT ROSEWOOD, Ac, of Every Variety. I. O O K t N G (i r, A K S 15 IS , every kind euilablc for Ihc Iraile. IAWK1N0 GLASS PLATES, PICTURE AND WINDOW GLASS or Alt si/.i-'s, And on ns good terms a* any c«tab!i*luneni in the conn Iry. A* wo use *leain In inaiitifacturing, wo are enabled lo compete successfully for the trade. Artist Materials; TUBE COLORS, CANVAS STRETCHERS, WATER COLORS, CRAYONS, VARNISHES, OILS, AC., AC K7* Merchants and those who wl»h anything in our ino, are invited lo call nuil examino the atock and terms. JAMES BURTON A CO., JAMKS BURTON, CIIAR'IKB E, BURTON, JOHN PI.ADWKM.. 486 Broadway, uml 28 Maiden I*nc, Allnuiy. ot-28 TTNDER CLOTHING.- %J CARPENTER A KIRK Have just received a full supply of GENTLEMEN'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, adapted lo the pre. sept and coming Season, al their NEW STAND, oppo- site the Delavan House. C. A K. take pleasure in calling ihe aitcuiion of their friends to Ihe above, for Ihe reasons that Ihe article* arc low in price, A No. 1 iu quality, and formed to fit. The last mentioned quality very desirable for the comfort ttt the wearer. . - selH OOTS" AND "SHOES.-t^- dies and Gentlemen wishing a first rate article of TS OH SHOES, should call al RAMSEY'S BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, No, 22 BtiAVxa.«., where Ihey Will be supplied wilh an article which will mil only look well, but willfitwell, mid What is better, wear well. (CyAII orders promptly attended lo i every effort will be made to please, and no article will be palmed on cui- loiiu-.* that does not suit. ' No.fejBEAVER STREET, . Trainoript Building, a few door* above rrlrlOy Broadway, Albany. a practical Safe maker for the lust 17 ve*ra, in,, workedjn all the principal shops in New York pre to introducing tho business in Albany ill 184,8. Thnso in wont of is Safe that, is aitfe Will find it to their advantage loCaUatNo-SWaohiuigestreel, . , . , ^NvB.i-'AllihelatcM improvement* urouildcd lo the** . ,,/ixiJiAiv, re Mtnufaciurer. Safes, uml lite best of reference a* '"'iualily, Ac Iron t ; FRENCH AND ENGLISH ,. i. .», jVashionable Draper and Tailor, 1*0. 83 LIBERTY STREET, V '• O^tLJiiMBN'B^GARMENTS A BOYS' CLOTJUNu Make In tn.e Most Fashionable and NeateslSlyle. Mr. LUHRY Wvlng made extcn»i*o fmprovemenl* in his c»labli»liuieni, 1* wepared w.0 1 "^£'» 1 *««li*t«twr*with GOODS Op'fllE LATEST SVUM^^," Aial of Tint »XST oOAurr, which he will make (o order ' In iheinosl Fashionable *tyT».' * , ^ Mr. L. aa* Just relurned from New York with a large •UOcho ceseleelion of Good* for , ;', . ' ' SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR 07* Pleaae Call end Examine Hie Stock. i, >\ be (lad lo meet all bis old friends, and «s many new ones Mdesirelo patronize hiin. IIehu*iusteddcdtobi«Stook a full a«»oriiueni of FOREIGN OIXITHS, PRENCH. ENOWSH AND AMERIOAN CASSIMEBES^TSLUC Via.vKT.PLtJSHES AND PARIS W O ^ v W t r N O s ' , of Ihe Lateti Style*. ' In consequence of the great reduction of his etore ex. nenses, lhe*e will be sold a great doat cheaper than can be nrTorded m any otlter r*»poetablo esktUishuienl In this city. Hi* style and make are well known, aial beirur tin- ?, < ?J;i!.?S! , ""''* rvi * io, l' C * NNO T BUT GIVE BATlS- FACTION. _ . .^ *»l3«m | S AVIDSON'S SAFES.™With *iTl«,a J fi l ffiL* M *l Acil !V e ? fcfmanufaelurin/rlhe above l A i3PtfW' ««* «naWed to ofler some SEVENTY SIZES, which will be warranted in every respect nt- perior to any oflered to thepublio. The** SAFES have never failoil to protect their contenw when tested in ac- eidentalrVe*,. Alresaly W,0«0 have beeninaiiufactiued, and of that number 310. have been severely tried, Car ti- ncalo upon certificnic can be produced to tdsiain Iheir reputation. j , Price* will be made sallsfaetory to the purchaser. ifni. .. ~. .o.. i. MOB'DAVUMON. ! ^ttatiy, May HO, Mtt ^ ^ ^ ^tysi "AVE! YOUR^ OARPETS BY ' VWNG, HAREJNOTON'S CELBBRATEB CAR T WNINO—To POT U«D»» CAU-XT* A* A •owTrruiir. ro» STRAW, PAIKR, AC, Ae. Tin* Lining considered far superior to any article fiver used for the saving of Carpet* or Oil Cloth*. Il 1* peculiarly soft lo the Iread, Is a muffler of sound, aial enriches the Carpel Fin > I-KK C « NT. II also adds great- ly to the warmth of a room by preventing Ihe cold air A o n passing through th* seam* of Ihe floor. The ma- terial used in ihia Lining rendu* it a sure protection ngaiurf moth. BV .DIE*, CAM, AT TUX CARI-Et STORK AND S H FOR YOURSELVES. B y To be had ai any of the Principal Carpets Store*'in Ibe U. 8. Manufactured under the supervision of the Patentee *by the ••: •_ >. K;.Y CARPET LINING CO, (JvR. HARRINGTON, AJem,)448 Water street, N. Y. 0~ Harrington's Carpet Lining and Premium Cotton Baiting constantly manufacturing. All order* promptly altciuted to. txilS 8m Fair- Spring- of IWO ' aial Franklin I^ROOM*^ Scales vs \M W»<-B.aRW>H*mti la the ». you p»l Up intaj'XJttd, e«*l»«ir of B •trceis, one of yottr Four Tun Scales, roe is, v. At the same lime Fairbanks put tn my Yard, No. 173 Broadway, one of hi* Coal Scale* of the name eapecily. Since then, to the p«s*ut lime, both Seals* have been in Ul* llsriadsM of your nianufactare to other*, Uing nuiste that they will give perfect «aU*fMtior^"^^ YonrfTrBlr, JAMES SCHUYLER. Albany, October lOih, 1808. •• <.*Mt V*. \J, , ...lirOIIII', Uliir.i.i'^s, Willi. , II. I'mnj,, Win i and Mortimer Wilkie, Sands II. Fish, Chrislophei •ct y, June* P. White, Pascal P. Prati AlexaiKler llasui, Charles A,Guvan, Wm.Girvan,Cornelia llubbar.l, Grace Barrsiws, late Grace Doofiivie, t>yer N. Buriiltan., Win. McNeil, John Mliykor, Clllxrna IfcuiV, WI-I. ,....•. ,. i lOliiuh P. Williams, Jamr* Sv.rd, O. Hopkina Seeknis Harbor Hauk, Beciproelly Hank, George A. Haekett, !...,- nard Deiinisoii. Wait l*iwry, 'Pbotuas Waller, Jamea (1 P. Gardner, llussell Foraylh, Henry While, l-'rederiel. Hubbard, Wm. Gould, Anil y Gould and I>aviil I ...' • Anthony Gould, Jolili Gould. Charlas W. Smith, Joseph 11 Hailey. U. 8. Amiyi Jaine* Shield*, it.wwell «. .\Iearl.Mii., ItenrjaKeep, fleman Perry, Jolili Savage, laaiio llrayloo, John O. Mterliiisr, A «. Green, Sieiilien While, Henry P. Fr anklili, August us Ford, Alma II. Ford, William J. Ilae on. Hiiiim Ifolei.iuli, Pardon Flaile,Albert G. i: ni-, i !•.-.. n II. Earte, Danford N, Barney, T.motliy O. Grnunia, W. Hyde Clark, Jefferson Coanly Bank, Joseph B. HmigerrVril Hi.neon II. Ilrowu, George Camp, Charles P. Kirklan.1, John C. Wright, Jnliii Soon, Eliaal.elli Scon, Tlunna* Col- ling, W. C. CriurobJIIj J.amc* (loss, W ' Footo aial L. Avery, ,..., .... . . Cameron, ForluueC. While, George Gales, William Wal- cott, Charlolle P. Norri*, Sarah P, Wallou, Harriet L. Frost, North Western Iiisuranee Comiiauy, George W. RouiKts, Nathan Jewell. Charles R. Doolllllc, Frcdswirk A. Doollltle, JeruidiK Uoolilll*, Guanliau, W. J. Doolitilc, E.T. Tliroup Martin, Elixo William*, David Hunter, Ira C. Barber, Thomas II. Hubbard, Eraaiu* Roger*, Oliver Corwin, Orrin Follett, Josejd. E. Pollen, Wilfard Dodge James Wickharn, Holly Aim Tracy, Daniel W. Corwin Joel Mood, Woodruff L, Barnes, Trius Wkilnwre, Hiram Johnson, Mary Dodge, laiwry Barney, Roberl l,*usui.-, Jen ininh M. Caufielil, Aiuils A. Stone, Edward Sackett O. V. Braioard aial J. H. Fish, Trustees. Estate laf Mary A. SaiTord, Oliver Corwin A Co., Samuel Whilley, Henry. A Daiin, Edward M, |l,,ini, fleury W, Roger*, Jaine. boeter, Aaron 11. I'aieblii, George II. llalicos-k. Jacob B llorricl, William II. A. Smith. Jesso C. Daiin, EUlild*.- S J" ,: "'S k l v H n i' i H" 1 !* William II. Fargo, Jame* McKay. John II. IHiiton, Blootufield Uslier, Isaac Sey. moor, Pre«ldeiil We«loh««t«r t'o. Bank, Edwin C. Lilcli- fleld, Fklmund Kirby, Edward O, Dooiillle, John S. Boyd, executor of the laai will ami testament of John Scon, docemed. John 8. Boyd, executor of ihe la»l will aiid te*. lament of Ellxabeili Scott, deceased. William W . \ v » l hum, Jumor.aiKt John Wlckl.am, adminislralors, A c , nl Jumc* Wiekhain, deceased, David I. Boyd, Cl.arle. J . Wr fc « u '»!"'stralor, Ac, ol Wail l4.wry. decease.1, John K. Rathbone. executor of Ihe Iu«l will and te*umcui nl Russell Forsyih, deceased, Lucy McNeil, Lucy Mc- Neil, executrix of lb* lasi will and teaiamciil of William McNeil, deceased, Charles Dnoliule. Dated Miiibtli, Feb «, 184V. N. K- HALI, Referee. ' BOWXN A ROOKBS, All')* for Receiver, fe'JSdlmhltt TVTEW YORK STATE CA- Xl NALS.—REPAIRS OF THE CAYUGA AND SENECA CANAL—NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS -- In pursuance of Act, Chapter 105 of the Law* of 1M7, and of a Resolution of the Contracting Board, notice it hereby given, that Sealed Proposals will be received hi ' uialcrsigned al the Office of ihe Canal Commissioner, Ihe ill Ihe City 04 Syracuse, until Tuesday, ihe fill, of March next, nt fo o'clock a. in., for furnishing all Iho lualeriiila and performing all the work necessary to keep Iu good re pair and in good uavigalil* coiwlition, during such time in each year as Ihe.Canal Commissioners ahull direct, for the period of three years, from the 1st day of April, 185'j, ihe CAYUGA AND SENECA CANAL, Including Ithaca inlet, together with tne Feeders, lli-.-i.- * voirs, aiid other works connected therowiih. Schedule of property lo be transferred lo ihe Coui-ne- lo r»:— 3 axes, *2 IKI i 2 augers, (1 0b ; 9 pair tcakle block* • 18 00 ; S crow bur*. *.'i (HI; 1 capstan, •.') 00 : 4 ham. mil s and sledge*. 97 Oil; 1 ice breaker,»/ .'.n ; in oil can* and luge, MOO; 8 lamps, * 1 00; 2 lump fillers $0 28 | 1 lameiii, m> 1'<; 1 ladder, 001 4 pad locks *0 Vd j 1 picks, «.i 00; 4 pike poles, »2 tio ; I pile driver' •50 00 ; 4 pumps, Sl$ 00; 8 saws, «2 SO 11 acow, «53 (Ml; 18 ehovel*, •» 00 ; 1 grind slone, 81 j 4 »love», 816 00- 22 wheelbarrow*, 822 00 ; 2 wheel*forbarrow*, 80 50; 3 wrenches, 81 SO I 1 derrick, 8*M 00; 1 Iron screw, §3 00 2 pails, $0 62 i I spike waul, 81 00; I gin pole, 86 00 ; 1 chain, f 1 30 j 1 stick* pine limber 75 feet long for i. ..>,„. iniyilnin*, 818 7*i 10 pine |rlank(2016 feel h m.) lo dro.i in the groove* cut in above the head or upper gate* of Hi* lock* to iltut back wuter for repair*, fcaj 25. Totnt •306 12. "^ Every propo*al inn*t be accompanied by au affi-javti endorsed thereon, of each person uniting in such .,,.,.„,' sal, that he is not directly nor uidireclly uncreated In any oilier proposal for Die same work or materials, or a m part of the same; that he has no agreement or under aiiiuiluiK with any other person to l«come inlercaled is any other proposal or contract for th* *ame work or ma. Uriel* or any part thereof; uml that no oilier person ihsa such as shall be named in the proposal is iulorasled m the same, or ha* ally agreement or undemanding to become interested in any contract thai may be mad* in pursuanc* of such proposal. Every proposal shall be accompanied widi a bond lo tho people ol this Stale in the penally of iwenlv per cent of the gro*» amount ol the proposal, aial which bond shall bo «igucd by the parly making »uch pro|*>«aJ and two or more responsible auretics, which sureties , hail jnstiiy in «uin* equal to twice the amouui of such penalty; aial said lioud must be aceoui|»utied by the certificate of the 8uper»i«or of the town or ward, ami (he Coulily Clerk, oi the County Judge of the couniy iu which amid surely shall reside, or any two of them, a* to the re*im- siInlily of said sureties. The Board will hereafter require all bunds and pronn sals to be complete in every respect before being recen•- ed and opened by them, and all that are uul lints compleie will bo rejected; any alteration* or corrections must he noted before sigiimg. The persons to whom ihe work may be awarded will be required by the Contracting Board to give the bond f„r the payment of laborers'wage*, as required by chanter 378, of the laws of I860. ' Contracts or any micreat m ihc name shall not bo as signed lo any person or person* wilhoul Ihe written con. sent of ihc Canal Commissioner*. Tho Commissioner* will reserve 15 per cent of the amount of each relative monthly estimate of work done and material* delivered a* security to the Stale for the performance of the contract, and ai iho expiration of lln- third inonili of each year ihe 16 per cent thu* retained du. ring the previou* year, ahull be paid tolhe coutraclo! pro. vjding the provisions ol ihe contract ahull have been lull, complied with. Panics contracting lor the repair* of lb* Cayuga uml Seneca Canal, will be required to dredge al alliiirio* when required by the Commissioner in charge, for Ike improvement ofthe slack water uavigalion of said canal A Buflicicni force will Im required In all cases on the look* and elsewhere lo facilitate navigation and protect the public properly. In cine, the Board shall be of opinion llial the proposal* arc ill consequence of any combination or otherwise, ex- cessive and disadvantageous lo the State, ihey mayde- clitie all the »aid proposals, aial advertise anew for tho work or inkierial*. The person or persons to whom the contract may bo awarded Wdl be required to receive the boats, tool*, ma. tetiala and other Implements specified iu the foregoiiur Bcfiedules, und allow therefor the respective prices there- in named, the aggregate of the same to be paid iu twelve equal monthly payments. The person or persons to whom the work may be awarded, will be required to enter into contract for tho performance ol the work within ten days after the same •kail have been awarded lo him or them, upon the terms prescribed by the Gonii.it ling Board. No hid will be received Horn any person or persona whose contract for Canal repair* *hall have been declare.) abandoned by the Contracting Board on account of in- competency; nor shall any such person or persons be in. teresleil, directly or iiKllrecily, iu any contract for Cam. repairs ou the Canal* of Ihi* Stale. Proposal* will not lie received from any person or company now hoMina any conn net wilh the Slate for Canal repairs; nor will more than one coulract be awarded to any one permi or Company. TIMS name or names of the person or persons proposin* must be written out fit full, wilh their place of resiaence. The specifications and blank m<no*iiions. awl forms of Counsel and Bonds will be ready for •xamlnaiioa, at the places specified in Ibis notice, uu days previous to the time named for the letting, when all further iufiiiiiintiei. required by bidder* may be procured at 111* Oflice of the Canal Commissioner and Engineer above named. No rxorosAi. win, ix COK*IDIX*B i M > - - a *mcr coxroiMitr WITH THIS MOTICX. Dated Albany, Februa ry », 1858. JOHN M. JAYCOX, CHARLES 11. 8HERR1LL, HIRAM GARDNER, * Canal Commissioners. V.R.RIOHMOND, f *m \ N.S.l!SJt^;SiSor , '' ,w - CORPORATION NOTICE \J Clerk'* Oflaoe, CHyof Albany.—Th* following ap- porticrimenis have been returned to ih* Mayor, Aldermen, aitd Commonalty of ike City of Albany, .uul are now on *le In the OBee of Ih* Clerk of the ComtMon Council ihere- of, and will b* apjaroved and eonlrtwtd by aaid Coeaxaon Council, urdea* cause to the contrary be shown on or la- fore the IM day of April, 18r», to wit: An apportionment of Ihe expeuse of repairing pave- menu tn Arc* «lreet, Broadway, Beaver sireel, Baaaeit sueet, Broad street, Church street, Franklin street, Dela- ware street, Herkimer street, Hawk *treet, Hudsou streei, Jay street, f.ydiu* street, Norton »lr»et, Mulberry street Nueella street. South Pearl street, Quay street, Swan streei, Rensselaer street, Schoyter *treet, Stale street, Wdtel streei, William street, and Wesierlo street. An apporUoumeut of the expense of laying Drain in North Isuialng street, from the termiualioii of the Dram recently laid lo Montajerosry •treet. feiaaot TINDE1.AHANTV, Clerk of Ike Ommm Council. T EATHER AND FINDINGS. JkJt The subwriber eonlniue* lo keep on hand at bis LEATHER and FINDING STORK, 48 HasWon .tree), Albwiy, a superior eMorlmeot of Stock and Tool* for Boot aiai SrMMiv^ititvtsiWkrckaM whohule aial retail at tk* low**! prieee for cash or aparoved credit, IO Co>i» ••#». P*™""I"W «**••• WWcl* where. H«t" Bole and T Hkinaasall ofexoellem quality; 1 Bindi* w %'$~& Mm ^ ttn «radotk«re«i»jr depend en receiving article* of a goodqaajUy M f l M *3»»jta* if th«y were •8*) JARKD HOLT, 48 HtluMti . U u l . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

mtm*mi M mlf. Hfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Albany NY Argus/Albany NY Argus … · 3.30 P. M , EXPRESS THAIN V .as, arrivin g in Albany at 0.1S P. M Passengers enn rely upou waiting

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Page 1: mtm*mi M mlf. Hfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Albany NY Argus/Albany NY Argus … · 3.30 P. M , EXPRESS THAIN V .as, arrivin g in Albany at 0.1S P. M Passengers enn rely upou waiting

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F R O M N E W Y O R K , B O S T O N ; AMI. *l,l, TUH .MKW KNil lAnl .SI 'ATm.


» 7 - Advertisement* inserted in i k . W n m at s i* rent* per line, each (useriton. . . . ,

f 7 - All ii Ivtrliaoniwu will be inserted mini lixl.ld.ler., u,..«if* otherwise marked,. < , ; •

Tim privilege of yearly *dvcrli«or» WUI bo . i r i c i l y c n . fines! 10 tlieir own Immediate IIIUUUM* ; ami all edverlsc-ratlin for, 'In-- benefit of other person*, at wall aa all mi. i.riuonwnUHel mmioiliaiely commntail u-dli thair m m buuit*M, and all uilvorUscmenl* in length or other <vi ae. I. .-yoi»l llioliuiit* engaged, wdl bo charged ai onr esiali. ;.»>•) rate*. . ,,,

Transcieul tulvMtiavtiieni* must be paid lor i s i**ma« No Ueporw, Roaoluooin, or PM*eedfcig* of- miy Society

i r AMOetajiort, or Notice*-designed to call aiteniinii to any iniKjrof individual interest can bo itucrtort, tins*** paid I T as an advertisement, in ovftttars.

J^jgLUSSjXi^ '•'••* i '•' A3L&MM

SfHSK\ ., II ii 1 1



Until further notice, Passenger Trains will tun between Albany, Troy, Buffalo. Suspension Bridge, Niagara Fulls and intermediate Station*. u.s follows:


l e a v e s Albany 7.00 A. At, >to|<a at Hehuueotaily 7.10, llofTu.ana s.10, Crones Villages 8.80, Ammonium HtM, Trilwa Hill 8So, Ponda 0.03, Vosts 0.10, Sprakers !) •>:>, I'nl. Bridge i) .'in, Fort Plain 9.38, St. Jobrwvlile 0.S3, East Creek 10.00, Little Falls 1018, Herkimer 10.30, llimi III la, Frankfort 10.48, and lltioa at II.IS, Whitesboro' ll.SM. Drukimy, 11.31, Homell.SS, OrceusCorners 13,08 P. M . Verona 13.10, (Imiiila 13.30, Waniptville 13.39, CIUIIHI.IIU la.Ill,Ciniiin'.ragii I'iM,cliiiienango 1.03, Kirk-villo I.I.i. Muidius 1,30, arriving at Syracuse at 1.40 P. M. (aiKl leave via Auburn Id md at 1.45, slopping at all stations arriving at Auburn 3.00 P. M , Cayuga 3.30, lleneva 4.15, t;anauilnigun at S. 13 P. M., arriving ut Rochester at 0.80 P. M;) dins aial leave via Direct Road at •i.iit P. AI., slop. bing ut all siulioiis. Warner's 3.05, Canton 3.13, Jordan 3*5, WeMtnorl 3.3.5, Port Hyriiii 3.45, Savannah 4.05, Clyde 4.!», Lyons 4.45, Newark S.00, Palmyra 0.80, Ma. ecilun 5.35, and Puirport at S.5S, arriving at Rochester at 6.3S P. M, leaving at 7.00 P, M. for lludalo, stopping at

• - • • • iiuHulo at fo.ho

J'^HARItlWiRAIMbOAD.^-On Monday, Decern-


uence Huuning as follows 11 l>«» dft, IWe, Tfa^naooi

Pool of Maiden Lane,'by Boston~Ri£ Ferry Boat, at 74» A, M., WAY EXPttESS TRAIN, arriving in New

YorkataP.M. ' , . • . 3.30 P. M., EXPRESS TRAIld, WITIIOVT CHMoa.or

CARS, arriving in New York 9.30 P. M-LBAVK NEW YORK,

Corner Twenty-sixth st. and Fourlji Avenue, at 10 A. M.. WAY EXPRESS TRAIN, arriving in Albu-•atS p. M. 3.30 P. M , EXPRESS THAIN, V .as, arriving in Albany at 0.1S P. M Passengers enn rely upou waiting IONS with Trains, * c . , south of Ne Tickets Procaired and Bairaa*e Ch

3.30 P. M , EXPRESS TRAIN, WITHOUT CHANOK o f CAM, arriving in Albany at 0.1.S P. M.

Passengers can rely upon waking SURE CONNEC­TIONS with Trains, * c . , south of New York.

Tickets Procured and Baggage Checked at the Boston Railroad Office, corner Maiden Lauo und Dean street.

. , , , u., ; WM,J.CAMPBEW<,Sup't. Albany, Decewlcr Isl, 1858- «c8

%mmm Carta; TOHN W. CONKLIN, Undpr

• / SHERIFF, Albany, Albany comity, N Y -OFFICE. 'Museum Budding, corner of Slate street and

Broadway. jalldly

1869 mm*



HO. 301


SOVTH u n i i 8rmi«, , , "" Stair*.



BY T A J W JOHMSOM A C o , IO. »3S aiaaatvaT s»«aia») I M A M W S

AMWIUP-ST INT*> T H E LAW OF1 SLAVERY IN f i lK UNITKII 8TATKH OF AMKUKTA r M wbieh i* prefixed au HUloricai Skelefc of Slavery. By Thus It. R. Cobb, oftleorgia. Nearly rcluly.

TtltVlR'H I.KADINOCASF.S ON THE r.AW RELAT­ING TO REAL PROPERTY, Conveyancing, and Ihe CmiAtruclUHt of Wills, wilh Nylea.by Owen AXsries Tudor, author of Leading Cases ill Equity Willi very full Notes referrmr to American Dei'lsinm, by Henry VVIiarton, M i l o r o f Hill and Trustee*.

T U D O H ' S L E A B I N O C A S K S I N C O M M E R C I A L L A W , with American Notes , by Hon. J- I. C. Hare.

HDHS' L K A P I N U C A S K S I N *H)MMKRCIAL L A W , Surety4)i ip, :Ageaoy, Partnership .atal Insurance. Vol. j; nearly reauji. , ,

I K Y O N T H E S P E C I F I C P E R F O R M A N C E O F C O N -T R A C T S . Nearly really.

iviCuUnrsH THM L'AW OF SORT*, ott ttmi SDSAL WRONGS.



PORTS. Vol.3. • , , , - .. i ,- i ; | • • K E f! E N T L Y P U H L I S II E W:

I \ H E X 1 0 J-asW^SM COMMON t»AW REPOR'I'S, a Vols. »o.

\ Ki-nernl Index IO all the poims ileeided by the C o l i n * „l q l . K E N ' S HF.NCII, C O M M O N P L E A S , und N I S I r i a l ' s , from |Hl31o the picsenl l ime, by Geo. W . BtdJIc uml Itulinrd C. M c M u r l n e , t V i r s .

L- Tliougli uiiMlesity called au ' Indez In Hie Engl ish i', i,„, l „ , w Hi iwrts, i l»i»"ia'a»r*l»He« and teal i lV rf Digest "i i V Common L a w itssslf.' Stating prni-ipli•* us II docs, clearly ami entire, though brlelly, It wi l l be, i f possible, still iiairo valuable 10 those Him tin not rsMSsess ihc Reports ." G E O . W . W O O D W A R D , Sup. f j t . Pa.

THE >:NOLISH COMMON LAW REIIIRTS, ii m V o l s , C'lintains, wilh tew exceptions, u full reprint a alt ibe

all siulioiis, arriving at Batuvia at 8.35, and P. M., leaving Rociiestcr for Niagara Falls at 7.10 P. Al, snipping nl nil stations; llroek|o>rl SID, Albion H.1(1, Ale

R f ) I ) \C *i iliua O.l).., Li.ck|H.il 0.50, arriving at Suspension llriilgo ul +» V V fV, P ( < 1940, noil Niagara Fulls al 10.55 P. Mr • -

N". *^ACC«5MMO»ATION ft BMIGRAN1V-I.eave» Altiany al 11.00 A. At., slims alull stations, arriving at Uliea at I.Hi P. Al., Hume at 5.41. stopping at all atattoiui, arriv­ing at Syracuse at 8.00 !'• At., leaving via Auburn Road at 8.40, stopping at all stations, arriving In Rochester at 8.00 A. M, leaving for llnlliilo nl tl.00 A. M., and arriving there at 0.00 A. At-

No.*.—NEW YORK EXPRESS—(Connecting with Atoruing 'rrain from New York)—Leaves Albany at 3.45 "' " Birl P. M., slops at Schenocnuly,

\ i l l le

-nsesdecidod iu lite Courts u( K I N G ' S s i s l O I ' K K N ' S IIKNClt. C O M M O N P L E A S , and al N / 8 1 P R I U S , from l»I3 to the present timeti »» > I'O • il i Price par volume, I In 43, containing two Eiigltnh

viilumes. , . . . . . . . . j . . « . . . • J- 'A-is- •- *? 50 1'iiie per Volume, 44 10 »1>, Coillalrtlng ode English

volume, wilh noies awl references to American cases, by Hon. Oeorgo S l tarawoiHl . . . . . * . , . . . . . . 3 60 THE N E W ENGLISH EXCIUStJUEB, BEPORTS

Contain ell the cases Of common law i'l the COURT OP Exoilitgt'Ka ANO Kxeuittivicn CHAMSKR

(Inli-reil by Ihe Coujtto bonrtwieij , anil as decided by Lord Lyislliursi, Ilarou Abiuger, Sir c rederick Pollock, Sir James Park, and other of ihe most eminent of the English Judges.

They are reprinted iu full, tu best style, with American notes, by J. I. Clark Hare and II. U, Wallace, Es<n;s.

30 Vols at M 50 par Vol. THE LA W OF CARRIERS. Svo. 1857. » l 00. A Pruclieul Treaties on the Law of Carriers ol Goosls

snil Passengers, by Land, Inland Navigation and in Skips, .villi an Appeiuiix of Statutes said Forms ol Pleadings, i,v Tln.mpsoii Cliilt)' ai»l L««{rio Tewple. Essjrs. i wul| ,,',|..o.is Notes referring to mat Ktilslrhllng AuKrlCUn l.uw ami Deoisions, by Ituvld W . Sellers, Esq.

MAYNE ON DAMAGES. 8vo. 1857. H 50. A Treaiies ou the l#aw of Dnmngijs, u..ijt|»isili« HKW

measure, the inOderin wdiicri trhfet ufe assessed Unit re­viewed, Set Olf, and

ihe practice ofgrantiiig New Trials, the Law ol mil CompensauoA mslrr the Luials Clauses Act.

,• John 1>. Mayne, Eso. HILL ON TRUSTEES. N e w Fslitiou tu "(857. 8 / *

ooojiages. mm A Practical Treaiies on Ibe Law Relating lo Trusiees;

heir Powers, Duties, Privileges, and Lmbilnies. By lames Hill, Esq., of Ihe Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. First Edition, edited by Francis J Troubat, Esq , of the Philadelphia Bar. Third American Edition, with very lull additional Nolo*, refBrrlng to the late English an* American Cases, by Henry Wurl im, Esq.

IIYLES ON IIILLS AND NOTES New Billion. I«5i), » l 50.


A Treaiies on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Primus. lory Noles, Banker's Cosh Nolcs, ami Checks, fly John llmiittid Byles Fourth American from the Inst I .omUii Islnion, enlarged, with very full Noles referring to Ante-man Authorities, by Hun. Geo. Shurswood. AIMMS'S EtJUITV, tl!» pages. 1845. U 50 A.ldl-

lioii.il Notsa, by Heury Wliarton, Es<| I'IIK TKXT.IUHIX AT llAavaau LAW SCHOOI, WILLIAMS

»va Msav COLLWII!, cixcnsaATi L A W SCHOOL, UNI-VKRSITT OK VIRIIIXIA, Usnvaasiry or Misstssirri, Ac. The Doctrine of Ivquily, Inung a i.'oiinncuiiuy on the

I »w as luliiiiiiislercd by IhoCotirlol Cbalttery By John vdnma, Jr., Esq. With eo|aivns Notes and References in American cases, by James II. I.uilb.w ktal iolrll M' Colliaa, Esqrs., uml Willi later English ami American Annotations, hy Henry Wharton, Esq. 'Itiirtl Auiorican

Edition. . ' . . " H.Av highly Adams's Doolriiw 01 Eqaaty is atipreci.

and in North Carolina, is suaacieutly shown by the i"aet I list it has been prescribed by our Supremo Court, us a pin ui ihe coursu to Uu re,ail by students wh° inieud I" apply lor lic«u« IO iWIHsliea rtt. »Kr hlgiWst judicial Inbu-nals. The noies have greatly imircivsed Ihe value ol the work to ihe American Lawyer. Wx. It BATILK. ' SMITH ON C O N T R A C W Ai»Mi««H Note*. IS30.

• 3 50. -run I'nxr BOOK or nig Umvuasiry or VIROINIA, M M .

sissiprii AC. i'lie. luiw of Coniracu, by John William Smith, Esq ,

author of .Smith's leading Cases. Foorlh American from the Secou.t IrOndoil ISdmon, by J. O-Malcolm— Wilh Noies und ReierciaiM lo English and Ainvtcau Cases, by William Henry Rawlo; aial will additional Notes awl Kererences «o racssnt Amolican Cases, by Hon. Geo. 81uirswuod. SMITHS LANDLORD AND TENANT. Amerioon

Notes. J8S«. UtW, :

The Law of Landlord and Tenant j being a Course ol i.ci tures delivered at the Law < stitui»on, by Jphii Wilr ham Kntilli, (Author o/ lotVaslH* Casts.)' With Note* uml Ailihii.uis by Frederick' Plidlp Maude, ol the Inner Temple. With additional Note* referring to ami tllus-tratiug Ainericnn l*»w H I DeaisioiuH by t». P«»ibetn.i, Morris, Esip WILLIAMS'S (/AW OF PERSONAL PROPERTY

I'rmciides of l h a U w o f Pawonal Pr*pe«n Inteirrfed fur the use of Studenis iu Conveyancing. By Joshua Williams, of I jncola'a Inn, Auihor'of IVinciptcs of the I A » uflieal Property. Secotal American from the last Kngltth Elilion. With copious Noles illustrating Ame­rican Law, by llcnj. (L'rhatd awl S. Wclherill. WILLIAMS'S LAW OF REAL PRORERTY. SI 00.

Principles of ihoLaw of Real Property, Inietldail a** lirsi Uaik ll>r Studenla In Conwyaiiemsj: By Joahira Williams. Secoinl Amerioan Edition, wilh copious Notes sad References to American Cases, by William Henry Rawle, Author of Covenant* for 'Hue*. , . . | I.KAD1NU CASKS IN I U W A N D EQUITY, iu Three

Series. FtasT Sxaias. -Smith's Laadiug Cases), with txkiiuoaal

Notes, by Messrs. Uare and Wallace, a Yoto. t i l . SKCOXII SKKIKS AiiietnjBii Leading Cases, with elabo­

rate and extensive Notes, by Messrs. Hale and Wal-lace. »Vole. » l l

I'miii. SBRIXS. .-While and Tudar's Lnasliug Cases in Equiiy, with aihlliioual and capious Notes, oy Moasre. II,ne and Wallace. 3 Vols. * l l . OL/" Oeueral Catalogues of Law Books can he had upou

applicmiiin, ami enclosing 7 cents for postage on them. M M O i l i i IMiS ,sj se9


have constantly on haiat all kinds of Machinists' Tools, i'..inisliugi.I' J-auina ami Hand Imthvs, Power and lluiiil I'l.mcs, Upright Drills. iMt «ud Ueai ce t ten , Coniiaiuiid Piini'M. Milling aisl Drilling Machines, Slotiug aial Par­ing Mii'loues, Chucking and lloiiug Machines, t'ai Wheel Borers, Crank Pin Borers, Driver Lathes, Power and Hand Presses, Punches, Shears, Fan, Blowers, Portable Forges, Stole Rests, Planer and Lathe Chucks, Trip Hammers, Leather Belling, Ac. . . i f

1 have a large assortment of Machinery on huial, and ran furnish al short notice front the following celebrated Works: -The Lowell Machine Shop. Lawrence Machine Shopi cinremont Works, Worcester Machine Tool Com. l"iiiy, Springfield Tool Co., Putnam MechiM Co., New Haven Manufacturing Co., and other*.

I have also all kinds of Machinery for working Wood, rem Fay A Co , Hack A Co , Ball A Ballard, and others,

Also, steam Engine* and Boiler*, of any sure required. furnished si short notice ; while I hare iu store small Engines, boih Portable und Stationary. Also, Cotton anil Woollen Machinery, Shafting. Mill Oaarinr, Water Wheels, Casting*, A c , ol ihe very best quality, turuished

at short notice.

My facilities are such thai I iian make

a?«l alw... J! .SMper,on5* ''> •electing their ami always „ ih, tn*s4ufoWjuW k ^ i , .xnAprices.

fc» 0. W. FAlRMAN, 3l8»o«dway.

I'oiala, Palatine Bridge on signal, St. Johnavil lc , Little Fulls, Herkimer oil signal, li'tica ut 0.35, R o m e 7.00, Oneida 7.31, Cauustola on signal, Cbitieiiaiigo 8.00 P. AL, ami Syracuse at fi.ltff, v ia Auburn Komi ..I H. Ill P. Al., ami VIM O i l e d Road ul 8.33, s|.>m.mg al Ionian, Poll ll> i on, Olyde, Lyons, N e w a r k , Palmyra a.wt Ffttrport, arriving 111 Ilncheslcr ut 11.55 P. M., l eav ing for Bugiilo at 11.55 P. At., stopping nl Cold-Water, Bulavia a l I.II) A Al , ami m l iving in lltillnh. ut !»„•» A. M . ; Waving RochcSlcr for Niagara Fal ls at WOO M., slopping ul Hroukporl at II •»<' A. Af., Albion, Alcilimi, Loekporf at 11.33, Suspeusioil HrldgO at 3.00 A. AI., and Niagara Falls ut 3.10 A. M.

No. 4 .—UT1CA ACCOMMODATION—Irf»vo* Albiiny ul ii.(Si P , M, slopping ul ull s ial ions, und arrives at Uncii a | 10.15 P. M.

N o . 5 — N E W YORK .MAIL--(Ci colnig with Aftor-lioon 'Prain from N e w York, and with Train from Boston) - U a t a v e s Albany at II 'JO P. AL, slops ut Schenectady at 13.15 A. M., Fonila 1.17, t'ululiiic Bridge 1.4a, on signal, Bj. JnhiMvillo a.o.'), Lii i lc Falls a AW, I lcrknner on signal, Iflicn 3.15, R o m e 3.47, Oneida 1.15. Chitlcnnugo 4.40, S y ­racuse 3.15, Clyde 6.36, Fuir|Kirl 7.18, urriviug ut Roches -tor ul s.ao, breakfast uml l eave for ll.iualo at S.'I3 A. Al.. stopping ut B e r g e n 9.10, Byron, ftutnvla at 9.10, Corfu 10.10, Aldcn 1 0 M , We.Kle 10.33, T o w n Line 10.40 mid Lancaster , arr iv ing a t III.Halo al 11..'JO A. M. i l e a v e Rochester lor Niagaru Falls al S.40 A. M., stiipiuugut nil »ll)lions, Brockporl 0.«3 A . M , Albion ».*J, Medina 10.15, l^ickporl 10-55, arriving at Suspension Bridge ut II 45 A. Af., ami Niagara Falls al 14.00 noon.

F R O M T R O Y . IOJUVC Troy ul 0.45 A. M., coni lcc luig at Schenectady

7 50 A. M N e w York Express leaving Troy at a.30 P. ML comiee l ing nl Schenectady at 3.30. Aeconunodnlion leaving T r o y ut 3.15 P. M , connect ing with Utiea A e c o m -uiOiluliou nl 0. 15 P. Al


F R E I G H T A N D ACCOMMODATION—Leave* i;m« ul 7.00 A. AI , s lopping a l all stations, arriving at Sy racuso at III. lo A. Al

F R O M S Y R A C U S E . M A I L T R A I N — V i a Direct Rood, l eaves ul 7.U0 A. Al.,

s lopping ut all stations, arriving al Rochester ul 11.05 A, Al l and iiuiiuli. at 4.10 P. M

ACCOMMODA'I'ION T H A I N - V i a Auburn Roail ut 7.U10 A . M , stops at all s ial ions, arrives at Rochester al 13.00 M , BuUulo ul 4,10 P. AL, and Niagara Fall* al 4 00 P M.

F R O M C A N A N D A I O U A . Leavo Cauaiidaigua at 11.30 A. M , and 7.30P._ ftl.j stojv


YORK. On mid after Wednesday, December aoth, 1848, Trains

will rdn as foltbws, until further notice i Leave Albany, loot of Maiden Lane :

0.30 A. M. MAIL TR AIN—Stopping at Castleton, Scho. dock, Htuyvcsu.it, Coxsuckic, Slockporl, Hudson, Oak Hill, flcrmantown, Tlvoll, Barryiown, Rhineheok, Stttals-burg, Hyde Park, Poughkcepsfe, NeW Hamburgh, Fish, kill, Cold Spring, Garrisons, Peekskill, Sing Sing and Tarrytowii, arriving in N e w York at la (15 C M .

10.30 A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN—Stonpiug at Stuyve-innt, llutlson, Oak Hill, Geniinniowii, T(volT, Rhiuebeckt Hyde Park, poiigHkciipsie, New Hamburgh, Fishkill, Oarriwais, Peekskill. Sing Sing, and Tnrrytown, urriviug in N e w York at 4.05 c- M.


3.30r. M., EXPRESS PASSKNOFa* TRAIN—Stop­ping at Coxsackie, Hudson, X'ivoli, Rhiuebeck, I'ough-kcopsic, New Hamburgh, Fishkill, Garrisons, Peekskill ami Tarrytowii, arriving In New York at 8.50 r. M.

5.40 T. M. EXPRKSMPASSENGKRTRA1N—Stopping ut Castlcion, Schcsluck, Siuyvosan|, Coxsackie, Stockport, Hudson, Oak Hill, Gcriiiantown, Tivoli, Rhiuebeck ,Slaats-biirgh, Poughkee|)Sle, Fishkill, Cold' Stirll.g, Peekskill, s ing Sing and Yonkors. arriving in N e w York at 11.SO P.M.

SUNDAY EVENING TRAINS leave ut 7.43 r. M., Faro Threu JXillars, urriviug in Now York u| (1.40 A. M.

Trains for New York leavo Troy 15 minutes earlier. fry- Passenger Trains leavo N e w York fbr Albany nt

8.00 A. M. Express; 11.15 A. M .Mail; anil 3.15 r. M. Ex­press, and 4.30 P. M. Express.

(TT- Passenger* for Now York will,' oil the urrivul of Iho Train al Albany, pass out of the Carson the Left Hand Side, which will Laud ilicui directly opposite the Hudson River Rlt. Ferry Boat and Ticko! Office. Tho Passenger Agent will be there lo rcccivo ihoir checks und check their buggago to all sialions mi the Hudson River It. R.

O " Passengers and Baggage convoyed F R E E OF EXPENSE, loand from the Hudson River and N e w


, « . v . dolO If



imWCSS 304 BIlOAllWAV, N E W Y O RK 0 I V Yf


Corner of Seneca and Washington Streets. BUFFAIAN.Y.

C7" All business submitted to them, at either of Ih* above Offices, in any of the City, Slate or United State* District Courts, will bo attended to wilh promptness* and fidelity. unit ly_

T A M E S E E I D I T C 0 . ? ^f _ " IMPORT*** 0»

BRANDIES, AVINE8, GINS, A c , Nus. Ii AND 4 SCATK sriiKnr,




647 BROADWAY. HOUSE PAINTING, in all its branches, beautifully

finished, and executed with neatness ami dispatch. SIGNS— Plain* Gobi, and iu Fancy Colors. Banners,

transparencies, Emuuele.il Gilt laHtoring, Window Shade*,




S*p'iai ti,tmooo sorpiu ,....,. ,. mjSSo

E. 0. Hiri.Kv, i?fe»idenl. •is «• „' ».• „i.•>%• -A''.AWULASIHW, YicePros'i. 1 uos, K. BHAS, Secretary, HARTFORD FIRFi Ii

Oapiial '. Surplus . ,

T.c . AILVN, Seoretary.


.. . . .*30X>,000 , 967,089

II HtiNTiMiToN, President'

' No. io,aie




, ., S.W|^ ping ill all siininn.su. riving nt Bnlriria at o.vni A. M., ami 10 15 P. M., IUKI ut Toimwunda at 0.SO P. M.


New York Mail s.40 A. AI. Accommodation 1.9.15 P. M. Albany ami Suspcii. Hridgn Aueommodalion I III P. M. New York Express W.IKI M.

FROAflstlCKPORT TO BUFFALO. Way Accoinimatalion 11.00 A, Al.

, Way AcciuilluiKlalion 0.30 P. AI.


Leaves Hull'alo al 5.30 A. M., "tops ut Balavia 0.55, Byron, Bergen, i:hiii'clivtllii and Chill, urriviug ut Rochester ut 8 OS, breakfast ami leave (via direct road) at 8.35 A. M., stopping ut Palmyra 0 49, Newurk 'J 38, Lyons 0.50, Clyde ID W, Port Byron 10.33, Jordan 10..50, arriving at Syra-cusu at 11.35 A.M., leaving, ut 11.35 A. M,, stopping at Cngtenungo 19 OS, Rome 1957, Ulica al 1.88 dine and leave at 1.38, Herkimer uu signal, Ltlllo Falls at 9.49, St. Johns-vdlc 3.01, Pal. Bridge on signal, Fonda HI 3.44, Schenec-uiilV at 4.45, arriving nt Albany at 5.30 P. M., connecting Willi Hudson River Express Train, urriviug in Now York at fl.90 P Al., mid lor Boston 7.45 A. AI.

No. 9.—ALBANY AND BUFFALO ACCOMMODA­TION—Leaves Buflalo at 8.00 A. M., slopping ul Lan­caster H.93, Town Lino 8.JJ3, Wende 8.40, Aldeit 8.48, Corfu 0.00, Ibitavitt ut ».:«.), Byron 0.50, Bergen 10.05, Chiiiehvilln 10.15, Chili 10.95, Coldwoler 10.3.5, urriviug ul Rpehevler ul 10 50 A. M , Fairporl 11.96, Maccikm 11.44, Palmyra 11.55, Newark 19.15 P. AL, Lyon* 19.30, Clyde 19.55, Savannah 1.15, Purl Byron 1.33, Weedsporl 1.10, Jordan 1.50, Canton 9.03, Winners 9.10, arriving al Syra­cuse al 9.4.S, dine ami leave at 3 10, slopping at Manlius 3.351, Kirkville 3.41, Chiitonuiigo 3.31, Caniwcraga 358, C*l|u*tOta 4.07, Wanipsville 4.13, Oneida 4.91, Verona 431, Greens Comers 4.11, Romo 4.59, Onskuny 5.11, Wiuleshoro .5 18, Ulicn 5.30, Frankfort 5.31, llion 0.00, llerkimer 0.1KI, Lilllo Falls 091, East Creek 0.49, St. Johlwville 11,50, Fort I'luin 7.W, Palaliue Brklgo 7.14, Sprikers 7 91, Yost* 7.98, Fonda 7.41, Tribes Hill 7 51, Amslerduiii 8.10, Crunesvillo 8.18, Uolliuiiu.sS.9S, Schcnec. lady 8.55, airivilig al Albany at 0.40 P. AI.

NO. 3,—AIAIlr-Leaves Buflhlo at 3.00 P. Al, slops ul all stations and passes over Auburn Road lo Syracuse, ar. riving ut 11.15 P. M.

NO 4.—NIGHT EXPRESS—Lcuvcs Huflato al 10.00 P Al , stopi al ll.li.via at 11.17, Cold Water ul 19.15 A. At, Rochester at 19.36 A. M., leuviug ut 19.4* A. MM slopping aiNewurkal 1*5 A.M., Foil Byron at 9.55 A M., arriving at Syracuse at >i.5&, A. Al., Chillc-nug* ul I 90, Ri.iue 5,90. Ulica 3.55 brcuklasr ami leave at 0.V0, stopping at Frankfort uml llion ou signal, Her­kimer 0.S4, l.itllu Falls 7.10, SI. Johnsvillo 7.34, Fori Plain 7,60) Pal. Brsigo 7.57, Fonda 8.94, Tribes Hill on signal, Amsterdam S.69, lloflmans on signal, Schenectady al 9.36, arr iv ing at Albany al 10.99 A . M . , c o n n e c t i n g w i t h H u d . son River RR. Express Train, arriving iu New York a 4.05 P . M., Rinl for Boston at 9.48 P, M.

FROM B U F F A L O T O IgJCKPORT. i.ve Riiil'.ihi ul II 15 A. AL, alid 4 3 0 P . M. M N I A G A R A F A L L S A S U S P E N S I O N B R I D C R

Ni>. 1 - S U S P E N S I O N B R I D O K A N D N E W YORK EXPRESS— Leuves Niagara Falls at 530 A. M, Sus aensJiUl Brnlge al 5.13, stopping at laX'kport 6.93, Mcdilll

ni nl 7.15, Brockport 7.40, ppencerport 7.55, ar i|gui HiHihester at 8.90 A.M., Albany at 3.30 P. M,

Slid New York at 11.90 P.M. Ni. 9.—SUSPENSION BRIDGE AND ALBANY AC

COAjAIODATION- -Leaves Niagara Falls at 7.15, Sua pension Bridge 7.30, stopping at Pekin 7.50, l,6ckport 8.20, bcsnor l 8.35, Aluhllepurt 8.50, Medina 9.00, Kmnvlcsvil lt 9.15; Albion 9.30, Alurray 9.45, Hol loy 0.55, Brockporl



1} ,'f


lTns popular FUR.VACE has receullv 1^..., n e i DICED IN H K I G H T and « l i ^ l f c l i o 1 r R U R b f Ca.ii.ig the entire Radiating Surfhoe free from Join*


It can now be set in die requiremeuu of the , . « . , , . .• . . ...s.nance ro,,,,, ,„;,•, ully compiled with as T « * A » « T T . >-"iup*iue»

ite'i.: 1,*urwu-"e""<' HOW used hf lhe following citi

K i*9 f i !a l f l i ' "»; Wafler Mcrci.atii,:' Or. V. a laa-kruw, Messrs. C. * D. Woodrull The Bank of Albany,

"MTVA. . . M r •loel R . Reed, Mr. Wiil iam VV«ud»ll

rhese Furnace jhre fumUhcd ami rHilunin lb* inosi upprovetl ami skillful maimer, hy^ • ^ • 'm*,

B A I L B Y / A J O H ^ t A I s l O N , i SAlte A | W t * f o , Ih . CIJ,, V ( A l b w J y

. X.J t "»• 87 Souih Pearl »|res,t

II RTAILtdB ™ S u ' t * ; f " f , * • ««N' )K«s l )N 'S lORlAIILh. FUBNACh, winch has met with such Bui versal succeat Ul this city, -/"his is uudoublodiy the ksssi PorlaWe Furnace ever Introduced iu ibis niarkal

Mr ->,. Taylor giop*, Air. Samuel Schuyler, Air. Thomas Schuyler, Air. John R. Vertuun,

A GOOD FIT and ExcWnt RAMSAY'S, tg Btater •ireet.jg

pcins.m Hrsl |.%jAlbion ftvingal Ri

irx at i t ISPEN!

Leaves Niagara Falls at 7.15, Si: stopping at Pekin 7.50,1 .ockport 8-i port 8.50, Medina 0.00, Kliowlcsvil

. . . . . . .,,.-, Murray 9.45, Hol loy 9.55, Brockpc.. . Ill.lkt Aibiui's Basin 10.13, ami Socncerporl at 10.93, ar riyiitg at'Rochester at 10.30 A- M , and Albany al (MO P

N». 3— MAIL ACCOMMODATION—Leaves Niugar* Falli at 9.15 P. AL, slops at all sialions- • Brockport al 3.05: arriving at Rochester at S.54 P. M-

N». 4.-N1GHT EXPRESS— Leave* Niagara Fall* ai 9,301*. M, Suspension Bridge at 10.00, slopping at Lock pint 10.10, Medina II.05, Albion 11.30 Brockport II 55, urriviug ul Rochester at 19 35 A. Al., Albany at 10.90 A M. aial N e w York at 4.03 P. M.

Q£p- The above Trains connect at Rochester will Trains East and Wesl. A' LOCAL TRAIN WILL LKAVK TOSAWANDA fOR HA IAVII


Lenvc Balavia 7.90 and 4.30 P. M, arriving ul Cuiiar l U i g a n n l 10 90 A . M . and 7.10 P . M .

FROM ROCHESTER. A IXrCAL TRAIN will leave Rochester lor Syrucust.

v ia Auburn Road, al 0 IS A . M . and 9.50 A. AI , slopping al al; stations, ami arriving at Syracuse at 11.15 A. AL

ng wilh Express Train, arriving ufl 0.40 p. U.

and 3.00 P. M, eonnectnii in Albany at 5.30 P. AI. an

MAIL AND ACCOAIMODATION—Uaves Rocheslet (via Auburn Road) at II.00 P. Al., stopping at alt sialions, arriving at Syracuse at 11.15 . . At, coimm ling wilt iraini, arriving iu Albany at 10.90 A. M.

MAIL TRAIN' Leave* Rochester ul 9;«) P. M, slopt at ul) sialions, arriving in Syracuse at 0.15 P. M.

SYRACUSE AND ALBANY ACCOMAIODATION. Leave! Syracuse at 7.30 A. M., stopping at all station*,

arriving In Utica at 10.00 A. Al., and in Albany at 9 ,'A'

• I FROM SCHENECTADY. Train* leave for Troy, ou arrival of train* from lb*

W e s t a l 9 J 6 A. M„ 1.46 P.M.,4.48P. M.

BUFFALO, NIAGARA F A L I J 8 A N D L E W I S T O N U|( A\i*l l .

I.oAvo Buffnto 0.45 HIKI 0.00 A M., t,3«, IHO uml 5.W P M

Lewiston to Ulllliilii ul 19..!K) A. At. . . . . 8uX«n*l»li Brii'gc ami Niagara Falls to BuJalo 8.4

A jyri ul'. M. mat 10.45 P. M. ff_f A. M,, yfffi CKAIATTTB BRANCH.

I^ave Rocheeter S.«» A. M., and 150 P. AI. K!vIcikiirWI«».»*A M, and 4.00 P.M. :

!?r*""T A-rnoA BRANOH. i j . i v« Balavia at 10.00 A. M.. mal 4.30 P. M.

* AVtici^18.30 A. M, ami 3.00 P. M-: ^ T e A SUNDAY TRAINS.

-••ght Express,) ut.. 10.00 P.M. v t S 4 0 A , M ut 9.1 J P. M,



York Oeiitrnl Ittailrotu) Hcpt»t« in Albany, (Checked mid Ticket s procured «> (he Offlco, Kb? 13 Muiricn Iriine, corner ol" Dean street, uml ut t h e K a a t A I -bai)y Station.

O ^ P a M e n ^ e W W.6 Cuulioited uaJLuft rurclwwing Tiekeln in Albiiny, KXCK1*T AT f i ik 6fir*,CE op T I I K C O W -PANV. Tickets not Trairtferrable.

S M I T H •UKIGOiS, Agent , Alhany, dffl A. F. SMI'HI, «up'i U, K.JtJt., N. Y.

WESTERN / J W L R Q A D -For Boston, Providence, Newport, Worcester,

Filchhurg, Concord, Is.well, Nashua, New London, SpriiiKlieid, Hartford, New Huveu, Norihnuiptou, Gren-tjehl, Brallleboro, Bellows Fulls, Kccito, Si. Johusbiiry,

WINTER ARRANGEMENT—Commencing Monday, Dec. 0, 18S8—TWO DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, leave Depot, Muideu I.IIIIC, Albany, as follows :

7 .45 A. M. W A Y MAIL TRAIN, arrive in lloslon at 8.00 r. M.

9.45 r. M. WAY TRAIN to Springltold, and EXPRESS TRAIN from SpriiigBeld to Boston,arriving ut 11.30*. M.

PRINCIPAL CONNECTIONS. At Chiiikniu, wilh Harlciu, and Hudson mid Boston

Railroiuls. At State Line, with HousatontC Railroud. At Piiislleld, wilh Fiitsliiild and Nuiili Adams, mid

Stockhridgc and 1'iiislield Roilrond*. Al Spriugrield, with Hnrtford and New Haven, and

Connecticut River Railroads. Al Palmer, with New London, Palmer ami Williumun-

lie, ami llclcliei town and Anuicrsi Railroad*. Al Worcester Junction, with Providence and Worces­

ter, and Worcester and Nashua, and Norwich and Wor­cester Railroads. ,

At Worcester, with Boston und Worcester Railroad*. Trains leave Boston for Albany, at 8.00 A. M., arriving

al 5.00 r. If. At 3 P. M. arriving at 11.00 r. M. Trains leave Springfield at 7 A. M., arrivo at Albany nt

1 1 . 1 5 A . M . » HENRY GRAY, Sttp'l, Springfield, Muss. THOS. L. GREENE, Agent, Albany, N. Y.

Albany, December ' '


ARRANGEMENT—On and alter Monday. November 29th, 1858, until further notice, Trains ou this Road will run as follows (Sunday* excepted):

GOING NORTH. Leave Romo, No. 1 8 . 0 0 A. M., Alui.

• it a » . , . 8 . 1 0 A. M. Freight. « "1 " 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 1 ( l r . ] « . , Express.

Connecting nt Wiilcrlowu Willi P.ilsilniu A Wiiloitowil Railway; ami at Ca|ic Vincent with Ferry Boat for King*, loll, C. W , and Grnnd Trunk Railway.

RETURNING. I,eave Cane Vincent. 790 A. M , Express.

" " •" , . 7-96 A. M., Freight. " " 9.1)0 r-. M., Mail.

Leave Wateitown . . . 8 . 3 0 A . M-, Express. " " 9.95 A. M., Freight. •' " 3.45 P. (*., Mall.

Coiiiiccling ul Rome wjlh New York Central Railway. no9D CARLOS DUCTON, Superinlenilont.


CAUFORNIA AND OREGON, i v n A a r m w i U A N D P A N A M A . )


The s|ileiulid licet of Sea Sicainur* bulougiug to Uu* Coiiipany conilnno lo run in couucclion with the sleumers of the Pauifio Mail Steamship Cumpitit)-, between Ihc pon* above tiaincil, currying the U. S. Mail.

STRAM I'ACXKI* U. S. MAIL 8T«UMS»IP COMPANV. GEORGE LAW, 9500 tons, Capt. 0 . V. Fox, U. S. N. ILLINOIS, 9500 " " Mckinsiry, U. S. N. EAIPIRE CITY, '9000" « 11. Winnie. CRESCENT CITY, 1800 >' " McGoWun GRANADA, 1000 " " (MM, PHILADELPHIA, l*H) " " Sf6henck. ELDORADO, 1000 " « Gray.

Leaving Now York for Aspinwull (Navy Buy) direct, on the 5th ami 90lh of each mouth.

Leaving New York for New Orleans, touching m Ha vniiii, on the a l and I7ih of each month.

Leaving New Orleans for Aspinwull, on Ihc a'lh and 90th of each month.

Tho connection in the Pacific will be imtiutiiiiied by ihc following splendid STKAH PAC»»T» or PAtlrio MAft. STBAMSHIP CDMPANV. GOLDEN GATE, 9500 tons- I PANAMA, 1087 ton*. GOLDEN A 0 E , 3000 toi)». S 0 N 0 R A , 9500 " OREGON, 1099ton*. [CALIFORNIA, 1050 ."

JOHN L. STEPHENS, 2500 toil*. The new steamship1 COLUMBUS will: ply in connec­

tion with the above steamers, between San Francisco wal poiis iu Oregon.

Each passenger is allowed 930 pounds of personal bag gage flee, not exceeding iu measurement lo cubic feel. Freight will be taken to Aspinwall at 70 cent* per fool, ami from Panama to Sun Francisco ul tho rale of 9100 per ton. i' i . '. lira

For freight or passage apply at the office of the Com­pany, 177 West, street, oiniicr of Warren, New York j hint lo JAMES R. J E N I N 0 S , 79 Magazine slrcct, N e w Orlean*. ^ n y l s . - M.O.ROBERTS.

P * ^ ^ T r u g 8 • • O • A G S MANUFACTURER, No. 81 N. PEARL STREET, ALBANY. ' " ' . '

FRANCK8' Improveil Self-adjusting Truss, AMomi-nid Supporters, Spinal Supporters, fbr Curvature of Spine and Projection of Shoulder Blade, Suspensory lluiiiluge..', Lace Stockings, Knee Caps, Instruments for How Legs, Knook Knees, w e a k Ankle*. Ac.

FRANCKS' TRUSS retain* its proper placo in every position of the body, and during the inosi laborious em­ployment, mid this, wilh • very slight [pressure, so »lighl us not to b* felt after a l ew day* use j at the same time it will be found far more effectual in retaining und curing Hernia, than the cumbersome, painful mid useless Trusses of ihe day, so malty of which are vended by inexperien­ced persons, who know nothing o f the application or the serious danger resulting from the use of nu instrument iinsiiitcilloUieea.se. , ,

J. F,, Iu hi* long; experience never failed to retain the worst cases of Hernia, solicit* a call from those who have found • journey to New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, fruitless, rut he will guarantee to sail thorn effectually. Children Invariably cured, and lilted from a mould old.

Mrs. FRANCKS will be 111 attendance to Wail upon

I " M W 'REIPKBKN'CB'S1;1' " . ! !

J. Swinburne, M. I)., Albany,J. L. Babcock.AI.D., Albany,

., . .. FroirsBuiralo for Albany (Night Eipress,) at..

h * Machhiery % f * C j S w . 0,VIB8; 'AlbanyTpfo., 18W v . , . . . 1 I A K O , I General Superliitemleul,

fiiia^hmMiM^ ERSON & KENNEDY,


Hot-Air Furnaces, Coijkuig Haiigea, laundry Ranges, Broiling Ovens, •• Coiilng Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Shovel* .uid Tongs, • Fir4 Irons ami Slnnils,

IIat'aj»4UItwk^t*i>ds, »|>JPV . ;

Fonnfuiu* and Vases Ki'X AiasMIaUf* 0»;

Farmers' Boiler, Cauldron Kettles, Till mid Sheet Iron Ware Coal Hods, Coal SiRers, Coal Sifter Tubs, A»h Pails, Dripping Puns, Cunt Shovels.

UmbrefiaSlajai*, Sal tees,

of the best mmiufaclitre.

*X*V .*, teW^F^goAjOWAY, AlbW,NvY. i

A IjlLrtU«ra dhildrera'" Fan-A . cy **J3*&$m M f t r U ) »o«lwy.

| f ,J . *,,. n n i / U U U R . t H ' » / . , * Peter P. StaatS, M. D,

" Geo.Brown,IHl».iNewburg,

i mlmm 11 » AV.AiM.Ctilben.M.D., " " Av. J,SkOioii, MiV., 'froy,

« S f e T O A J ii « Hiram Wotltyn*.«.», "

tluackenbush, M. D, Albai.y.

Allien Murch, M. P., Thuiiins Hun, AI. D, P. McNaugeton, M, D., S. H. Frceihan, M. D, U.OilMgelow.M. D, Thomas Smilh, Mi •>.. J. H. Arrnsby, McD, H. M. Paliie, M. ft.' Anio* Fowler, M; D., mylfdly i . V . P .


1 A X ! A T F : P - A L B A N Y, W V..MO «1<I « 8 Broadway. Bultalo, N. Y., ooruer Main and Seneca streets. Cleve. land, I), corner Superior ami Seneca street*. Chicago, 111, 48 Clark street. Detroit, M., 71 WowlWard rsvenue.

DIREotoHSi AmOg.»B«B,%'. HenryWen*. Esq, RP.Marned,Flsrl.. , John £,. Sehoojcfaft/Estl'. Tn«ina*W. OIcoft,l5s(|. i. M. Awwoy,Esq., •; John K. Oavil,"

Hon. I'lruslits Corning •' Oeo. 'N.Briggv

, ,, " Joel T, Heudley,; H " IAireuio Burrow*.

' d « IraHarriaT '.'T «' Vioior M.Rico, " Wefalle Seyuwtiiv: . . . . . . . r.. >•»•••.-^r

All interested in ihia Deimrlmeiit of Education, so im. portent for the Merchant, Farmer and Mechanic, will please send for our Annual Ctilaloguo (of TO page*.) oon-ii.iniiig all the desired information, which will be fori wanlfd S e e of O h a r g e ^ s . ^ y l _

jn99 ^Albalty, BtuTalo,/Cleveland, Djetfoit A'qhicttgP


Suiierior lo Sperm or any other OT whatever. gW wp ouly reliable Lahrieater, fh«vt 1* a topiitot 'Burnine; Oil, thai will keep bearing* c«vl, mid that win not (to™;-*-Practical tests have proved tin* IJil to he twenty-ICwW cent, n.oro duf»bte_ thwi Spcrnt Oil for every class, of Aiachluery and ftr^htriijng. ' • f ; "',:' ",..,.A,,

II* nieril* are acknowledged Injiarlotte «»d « " £ " • « use on Railroads, Steamers nirl ftopellera, ill iW«u,>e

1 Shops, Cotton mtA WiicfleiLFwIorica, in Bay, Grist and Plaining Alills, Frlmit* Mded. Ae., *0,, aihl (n Ito case laf it failed to meet the approval of Ihe consumer*, m-gBeers and Machinist*, uroiiouiiae it ltu|wrifr for burmag, oheaiwr aiid, inOre durable (or lubricatiitg thW W«'m °r miy other OH whalevcr. , , i a _ . i. .

•Jlie a Boieniiao American ami Waiiiilkoturor*' Jour-nal," after testing |hi* <Sl,pronr>tiiie«it sopcrtor » « n y other for lubricating. I -,,. . ;;:.' ,'i -: • ' :i f for sale only by the Ilivintor. : - , ,.^,r.,,tt.i' inn,

f S F. 8. PlSASE, Manuiaoturer aial Writes*!* ', f . Deator In Oils, 01 Main »lr*«, .B"*1?- .

CTReUableorder.filled town **«>***&!)* 8Ute»orKuro|)*, mm*

usiieu, nun oxcoii ieu WHO n SIGNS—Pla in , Gold, ami

-ailsparencies, Emiulelcil Gilt I*eltoriug, V :or Stores, and ull kinds of F a n c y Painting.



AND MANUFACTURERS' ARTICLES. Agent for a vurioty of Woolens, Cloths, Cassinleros,

Sulinels, Waddings, Bull*, Twines, Cliaundlcrs' Wick*, Am, Ac.

Also, for Potato Starch, Satinet Wurps, Glue, Burlaps, Wool and Hop Sacking, Machine Cords, Belting, Lace Picker and Roller Leathers, Spool Tape, Comb Plale, Ac.

NOS- 10, 19 ANO 14 MAICKN LAKK, Up Stairs,

ALBANY, N. Y. ju9l


POK i l l l ! SAI.K OP F L O U R , G R A I N A N D P R O D U C E ,

Also, Agent* for the Boston, Providence and Philadel­phia Packet*, ami General Shiping Agont* for all kinds of Property destined by Railroad or Vessel,


C*jJ*«d .....fMO.OOO Suiplu*. . . . . , . 950,000

„ „ j . , , E M U / S O FngkHAtr, President. Wkt. OfMrgkB, JR. , Seoretary.

P1KENIX I N S U R A N C K J C O M P A N Y , HARTFORD, „ , , CONN. c «P' 'u t , »900,000 8«tplu« , . i . . . . 150JJO0 ' ,

_ . , „ . D L. LOOMIS, President. 5"I. KEUOOO, Secretary.


CtM* Capital, „ „ „ . „ „ ,8390,000 Surplus., .'. so.ooo


Accumulated Assets •3,000,000 '*-' JAuiis GOODWIK, President.

O. R. PUKLC*, Secretary. AIASON K COOSWRLL, l'.xmniiiiug 1'hysicitin, Albany.

rT7"For Policies in the abovo Companies, apply at tho OIBce, or letter, addressed to

8. B. HAMILTON A SON, Agents. .TOM. i LTON.J my92










CASH CAPITAL, •150 ,000 .


CASH OartTAL AMP aURPLVS, C4JO,000. '.'.

8T-For Insurance or Renewal* in the above Cofppa Hies, apply to

JAMES F. CROSBY, Again, iiu99 Office No, 9,9nd Floor, Strong's Rnililmg.

v r g P K O I A I r N O T I O K •'•'•••

• Ji1*j(»i lit uVOBVYBMdr "' '!<> .'•• '



' ao aw. TT <s» 0 , 0 , am m» " NOS. 413 A 445 BROADWAY, AI^ANY,

Have now in Store A LARGE, SELECT AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, adapted to the want* of the present Season, embracing every desirable article^ necessary to make the stock of the MrtrvhUrtV trorW|*ei» which thoy ofler to Ihe Irade al THE VERY UJWFliT PRICB8 for CASH or APPROVED CREDIT, ahdle which ihey pivfte Ihe exajniuation of CASH and C|XW» TIME BUYERS. ' *y< n r •

Purchasing otii Goods EXcLVSiVELY' t'OR CASlV we are prepared to offer Mdueemehu'to Merchant* «* sortni*; their STOCKS FOR WINTER, uusuipassed by ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE, besklee giving them, large »l*«k lo select froni. niiliciV <

~A : 1 a^ivr \r 'ivrSVtn T ^ ^ r r k «5^ ORDERS SOLICITED AND CAR<4TAIMJN W A LiBSTIN Y l J N b U H A N C E CO. THEIRE*ECUTION. ^ • " ^

- - - - - 1 •

-CM- I N C O R P O R A T E D I N 1 8 1 1 . ClIAHTK.t KXTKNUKD IK 1808 AND 1851.

O F F I C E 5 0 S T A T E S T R E E T .


I. T. HMVTll.


W. I). JIKIiiii.



110 P1RR, ALBANY. Agent for Hartford Steam Puckcts und oilier Eastern

vessel*. Personal attention given to the sole or purchase of Flour, Grains and Oencrul Produce ; also, to the for­warding of Properly in tiny direction. All orders will be promptly unit faithfully ejiecutod. op!9


MO. HO riKU, ALBANY. Their personal intention given to the sule, purchase and

shipment of Flour, Grain, 1' ccd and Produce Generally. JRRKMIAU W A T R R M A N . [ 0 p l 3 t f ) HuNRT T . IIUKI.f,.


NO. 110 I'IKU, ALBANY, N. Y. Thou personal attention g iven lo ihc purchase and sa le

of Flour, Grain. Feed, A c . ( p - Agen l s for Stcuinei P A R T I I E N I A , for Hartford

and Eastern and Soulheril Vessel*. E. A . DURANT, [JC18J E . P. DURANT.


H O B 1 1 1 (I.I.I

E I t T R E A D (Late M. II. RKAII A S O N , A l b a n y , ! UCE ' " * " • • P R O D U C E A N D COMAIISSION M E R C H A N T ,

MII.WAUKIR, WIS. KT^Onlers for Purchases Solicited, end advances mode

on Consignments. REFER. TO—M. II. Read A Son, Albany i Thomas

Sohuyler. do ; J. G. White, Prc»'t Bank of the Capitol, do; J. Tweddle, l*res't Merchants' Bank, do ; Rawis A Seymour, New York; Knapp A Peck, do; H. Daw A Son, BtilTulo i J R . Bcnllcy A Co., do. »p9



TOUTS, U l l'IKK, ALBANy, H. V-j

l*ui'clui.sc:i ui.fl Sulci* of Flour, Ornin and Feed promptly u>id oareAllly nttciided to

G. M. (ittii'rKN, [ap3J W . 1*. Oa.PfKK.



GENERALLY. Advances made mi Consignment*. Personal attention

to Side*. Ageni* for Vousels to Eastern Ports. Orders for Purchnses promptly executed. No. 118 Pier, Albany.





SOUTHERN PORTS, Commission Dealer* in Flour, Grain, Heeds, Hops, and

Country Produce generally. Nova Scotia Plaatcr on sale or purchased on unlets.





T M E . i t * Mmtiifu

Corner Ilftiuiltoi) »>l4 tiuwy tttrccts. AXBANV, N. Y.

7 It 0 D G E K S , faelurer ami Wholesale mid Retail Dealer in


HO. 304 BROAUWAY, ALBANY. iXT* Twenty-rive per cent choaper than etui be bought

elsewhere. _<Ct] feaS


Iu every stylo ut NO. 0 CHURCH STRRKT, »Y




Manufacture High and Low Prosure Engines, Boiler* Tanks, ami Machinery in General, Casting, Blacksmiih.iuj ami Pattorn Making.

rxT" Steam Engines und Boilers Repaired with De*. patch. Oct ly


No. 83 KLM si-aaar. Particular attention paid to remodelling buildings, putting

, , . In store fronts, Ae,: • , '. 1 ; SAWING BY STEAM.

Order* for Sawing promptly filled at the above place.1

_;J«y..t;'? ...J , , | ; . . , , ; , ,o .;,);;..,,.'. , / , , ,.,'.. o l j



Manufacturer* «4" (



' , ' f , • ' §CREWS,Ae,.A«.. : AlsOjOnnrtwUyonhmKVgiargria^rtmmttof, j

consisting in part of the following 'articles! Water Clos.il*, for steamers uml dwelling*, Force Pump*, Bathing Tubs, Shower Baths, Wash Hosliins of yarlou* patteriw, Marble Slnb*, Plated Cocks, Bra** Coclw, Iron Sinlt*, Hose and Pipe*, Water Filter*. Sheet IMtt, Lead Pipe*, Ac, Ac. I ' r i ' It I '. ••: "• I

: , ' Also,manufacturer*of . <_„ : , . . , . f^lifiSrSpWllMW BOLTING AND SCREENING CLOTHS,


Good workmen will be sent to any pari of the country lo lit up any of the above work. ;

STEAM ENGINE WORR matte to order, of it] on tho shortest notice. ' • i: (fill.


II /-All work from this establishment warranted. I ROBERT C. SMITH [nii|4] , j PETER SA1ITII

H E R M A N ANJD^ P R E N C S . - -\M 'I'he subscriber, « Grmluntoof o|ie of tho most lielc-

^ ^ i s * « * * i * .. . . irjh* rt*aa»JMi**serviccs

:n the public as IipJtructor,eit)i9r of iudlviduid* or classes, 411 German mid French, on the most reawuable Ten Ho has Ihe honor to refer lo thu following gcnllcineu:

Rev. Dr. WYOROIS-.n .;.• Hon. AMOS DKSN, LL. I).

Albany, Oct. 1; 18ST. Hon. ProlVia«kt,j, , Mr.ADHliHHWO.

ruylT' •!.::.. •• r,,/JnWliiitwlio»«i.


LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY, O r r i C K O V K R E x c ii A N ii K B A N K ,



CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, »200,000. D. S. MANNKHS, President.

W. II. DUSJINBURY, Secretary.


CAPITAL AND SURrLU*, »200,000. C. B. BOWBR*, President.

C. C. WAITK, Secretary.


CAPITAL,*aoo.ooo. JOHN B. ROBKRTSON, President.




II. STKVKNI, Secretary.



D. C. Roo»R*, Secretary.


CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, • 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 . SIMON CAMMKIWN, President.

S. S. CARHWR, Secretary,

N. B. Applieiitloii for Marine Insurance received for, ml policies procured from the


ABSHTS, # 1 , V 0 V « .


ASSRTS, 4734,0m

0. W . D O w i > . [roySoT WILLIAM DAVIS.




Premium* received on Policies issued to Juno III 934,103 18

Interest and dividends received from Invest­ments 3,949 W

Total receipts «37,3S5 7 T PAYMENTS.

Office Expense*, salaries, furniture, rent, taxes, Btatiouery, printing, agents ' expenses , commiss ions , traveling expenses, Ac, Ac 1113,483 V'O

Losses by Are in full, there being nO outstanding claim* 13,000 47

Told payments 86,348 70

Balance of receipt* ovor expenses and losses. 930,811 31 ASSETS—JUNK 1ST, 1838.

Ohio Slrtto 6 per cent Stock. Missouri 6 " " Michigan 6 " N. York Slalo fi " Harlford 0 "

Total Stale mid Cay Slocks and Bond* «30,000 00 Par Market

Value Value Merchants A Manufacturer*'

Bank Stock, Harlford »»,450 *l>,450 00 MercaiUile B'k Slock, Harlf'd 3,800 3,383 00 Oiiarler Oak, Exchange " Faiimjr* A Mochuuic* City, Bank Stock, Mm " Harlford " Phtriiiig " PlHOiiix I Cont inenta l , « Bank of Amur." Metropolitan I Merchants ' I

4,730 8,700 8,40(1 8,800

" 5,100 New York. 3,000

" 8,600 " 6,000 " 3,000 « 8,600

10,700 10,700 00 3,400 8,118-1 00

4,013 50 3,094 00 8,400 00 3,180 00 5,100 DO 6,450 00 8,476 00 5,000 00 8,475 00 3,800 00

Total Hank Stocks ut present cash vuliio 800,7*1 50 Loan* secured by Mortgages, Bank Slocks,

A c , nil good. °. 18,068 60 Stock Notes payable 30 days after demand, . strongly endorsed and secured also by pledge

of the Stock '. 105,000 00 Balance due the Company On book accounts.. 480 00 Cashou hand 6,083 11

Total Assets •333,803 11 Capital Stock, ,....•300,000 00 Surplus . , , . . . . . 33,893 11

»335,803 .1 none. Outstanding claims against the Company.

JAMBS 0. Boutts, Pres't. J. A. WALLACE, Sco'y. E . BAIICOCK, Agent ,

448 Broadway, jyl3 If '1 Over the Union Bank, Albany



.1 .inc. 19lb, 1838, with a CASH CAPITAl. OF •150,000.

01R»0I0*s : JumenM. La*her, Peter O. Mclntyrc, Betii. F. Moseley, Joseph Blair, Alartin L. Culler, Ellsha Bentley, Weare C. Little, James H. Patterson Wm. O. Wait, Reuben Weslcot, Japie* I. Joiiusoii, John B. Burst,

N. J. Johnson. JAMES LASHER, President

, , ' ' ' IIENJ. F. MOSELEY, ViccPresldenl. N.j jr. JOHNSON, secretary. oc3

TOEACBAl^MtJfUAL IN-JL stiRANCE COMPANY.-orgnnixed in Kiaii..-

Charter oxleinled in 1838. Capital »3a0,000. ' Tliis "Id M 4 relmble Company eeaiinuea to insure against lo*» or damngo by fire, on thoMulual or Cash sys­tem on «» favorable terms us other sound Companies.— The saving to the mutual members of this Company, within m*I^Il?llSiIy"aIl*^C<!W,* ° N B l " ' N D R ^ I > TK011-'•Vpmt adjusied and paid promptly.

For Policies in this Institution, apply at the Office of the Company, No. 60 State street, Albany.

' ' . ' :,- , . t DIRKCTOR*. rrtuaOoijuj.g, JohnKuowcr, O.CottretTr B. F.Staais,

. . . H. Martin, Wm. McElroy*; • . ^ f n s ^ r i ^ r 0 " ' P i ' S A e r , John F. Rathbtme, 3. A. Pott, Eli Perry, , Artotuus Fish,

" ; ' : ] A. McClure. ' ERABTUS CORNING. President.



braled Geiiiian Univenilief, hiivi ipiiiininiico with Ancient and which ho is an csniirimioeil Te to the iiiibliii as li|Sliiiclor,cilher of iu , III tier II uu i mid French, on the moat reaeonable Term*

C ARRETING. Pi. The *ub»ori-Inns (iigiiin " nt lioiiiu " ul Nil. 488 BtiHulwuyi

:eli as*ortet! *to«k W ftARPETiNdiOlL 'bWtK£e, Miimwix Hull) will continue to veil their present

n»sorlci( stock of CARPETING, OIL 01<oTH, *e., during tlie Winter, ut GREATLY REDUCED PRI­

CESniitwiilisiiimhiiit thinciiciit udvuiuii'. •ugoml*. '"< "^^^ TAYIAIR A WATERMAN,

(CJ*"Tho Spring Trade will open with »u advance in lui-iici. '•.'. • i-it ; [iill .i - •'•! -': "law;;

npo ALL in wantQf a first rate .». article of Bool* or Shoe*, goto ' <

RAMSEY'S, 94 Beaver tlrcei. fe88

jDlJ L O N U O N Attn L i r m p o o L , auth'd C a p i t a l . . . P A R K , N O W York, Capital and S u r p l u * . . . . . B K K B M A N , N e w York, Capital und Surplu*, R»LI«P, New York, fluniiui and Surplus— MONTAUK, Now York, Capital unit Surplu*... 8 i iN|CHow»,I i towYwk, Oap'l and Surplus. MKRCANTILK MUTOAI. MAHINK, A s a u l s . . . . . . .

•173,000 •171,000 •850,000

&"./*• The aliove Coiupiiiiic* are of undoubted staudiiig and iliiiiuctor, having nil CASH Cnpiluls. . -

M"p8H»^tpi|OK, •- M iifLiil"- Wule Agent at Albany.

K>" Risk* igkep iu Commercial, Goodhue, Market, ||r(!»Yiinrl, New Amsterdam, Resolute, Fulton, Columbia, and several other*. ,n , ril«i»: iIJiiI >:i')<* ap88

^RWiVN'S INS. C0UX-JL NY, yalTaireel, New York. •>•> CMiiiSBpiwi,.. . . . . . . . . . .; .««M,qoo "" "

k „ ' ! • F. T. LUQUHR. Pte*idoot. J. V. HARRIOTT, Secretary. „ . \ , • « „ » , . Tho undersigned having been appeliitcd Agent of this

«JW aiw w*UAasja»n Ootnriany for Ihe city aiid county of Albany, applications are lb be iu*do lo Min for renewal*

, CROSBY, Iij»«rauo» Agent, IStrmigsBuitiiilig, " ' mi

•ml ''rt ". '.{'mm, SA*?T"

" S i , otierntion,

i 443Dr.Htdway.

( JOMMERCIAL WSUttANCECOMFANY,' W A N D A I W E M H l * . , Abcvmutatloii*, MJ500.IKKI. •'Men Vilrty-olght years In sitcccssfu

- . sbliity Kundonbted. • hxtra charge for eroesiug the AUonik). • •• •' i- •- •

_ ^BedowiueiiU lad Annuities Bold, and the bMsines* ol Ufa Insurance oonduoled In all il* branches. 1 ••: j . ISAAC V A N D E R P O E C Agent,

deU 3m No. 89 Slate atreet.

piRKCToas: llilllnoii I'liinpclly,

John T. Cooper, eclrcr,

Gerril Y. Lniisluir, Kufus II. King, Augus tus James , Alarcu* T . Reynolus William C. Miller, Jacob II. Ten Eyek,

OERRIT Y. STBPHRN GaoK*uxKCK, Secretary.

Henry Bleeclr Peter MoNaugbtou, Lyman Chapiii, Franklin Townscni..

AN8ING, Vioe President, ja t l

¥ N THE MATI'ER of the AMUeatkai of H*»ry P. J- *"«*nd«' . William 0 . rargorfeinab P. William* and Jew* O. Dann, for an order declaring the Reciprocity Hank insolvent, or In Imrssiaew dinger oiriusolvency, Ac

In pursuance «r M order amde in the abeve cniitlcd proceedieg, by the HoooraNe B. F. Greene, a Justice of "fff&t. C ? " " ' 'fM»* >« th . Eighth Judicial Dis-(rlof, and Waring date Ihe *7lh day of September, one

and the list and slslem.nl *r the persons who rune* the «r*t day WJanuary, one thousand eight humlied and My, werrMeeka«Merse4ih«saidRMiarrH!ity Bank; thenom-i*stl mneent of stock held hy each, and the re*ld*nc* ol each stockholder, so far a* the same could be ascertained, were referred lo the umlsrsigned wilh direction. t„ rue, after riving nolKie l o . l l ners.su c«u;erued, to apporlion Ut* deht* and liabiliiieaof Uia said Bank, contracted afUr ihe first day of January, one thousand eight hundred ami nfty. nod remaining uusaiitned among *uch stockhohlei, ratably in proportion lo the amount of stock held by ihem pevaratly, according lo th* principle* declared In an act of the legislature of the Stale of New York, entitled, " An mil In enforce the responsibility of stockholder* in certain banking corporation* and esaoriaiiou* as prescribed by ihc I^MSIilutieti, and to provide for the prompt payment of de-inand* aa-aiusi such eorporaltons aiid a**oriaiioni," passed April Of 1840.

Aadalsd in ptrranance of an order made at a Special Term of th* H M M C o n n , held al iho Court II , in the city of Budiilo, in the coenly of Erie, on the four-Iccntudav ol 'February. ISM, hy Ihe Honorable Richard P. Marvin, lb* Juaiici- holiliug ike said Special Term, in wblell Term the reporl in detail of the apportionment of the debt* und liabilities of the said The Reciprocity Bank among Ihe stockholders of Ihe said Bank hy me heretofore made, was presented lo the said Justice, together wilh Ihe proof* taken on the hearing herein, and which said report BiKlaimuiiiiiiuuMil were thereupon by the said Justice re­ferred back to me for further proof* and examination*.

Nolico \* hereby given lo the at.Kkhol.ler* of the said 'III* Reciprocity Bank, whose names unpeur on the said list, awl to the ether prisons hereinafter named,thai I l|«r<> been apnoiated by ike *wd B. F. Greene, Justice a* aforesaid, a* referee in this proceeding, und idat ihe said report and apporlknimenl have been referred back lo me aa aforesaid, aial thai I wilt proceed to the further exami­nation ihoieof. and Ike hearing of such further proofs as i«ny be csTorcd touching Ihe mailers so referred le me, «i my office, In the cliy pOfcutalo, ou ihe 10th day of Alarch, 18W, sit ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day.

The following i*a list of the persons to whom Una no lice 1* given ;

Samuel Demiwoti, je<|uibaiiMicele,Elislia Camp, H.Cmapj Hiiehai'amp, Juno* Boyd, Jr., Join. J Hoy.l.

Samuel Demusosi, JeduihanSlcel*. Elisha Camp, Ellsha

Robert V. Boyd, George C. Sherman, Henry J>. Alexsii-, 1 . . W1I1..H- ,1 UilllJT._ * X . . , V - . L _ ^ ' AAI11I-. y

A LBANY L U N G 1 N F I R M A C% R Y ~ L . GRAVES, M. D..


E S T A B L I S H E D Expressly for tho treatment of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh and Discuses of the Air Passage* and Chest, Rheumatism, Nervous Disease* of l o n g Standing, Female Weakness, Ac. Dr. 0 . ha* made the ABOVK dis­cuses u speciality during the past fifteen year*; Inn made now and important ditooverios in their treatment, and solicit* the sick and nlflictcd to test hi* skill. His remedies are destitute of ull minerals, are pleasant tt> lako, eon do no harm, and have CURICI) aggravated ense* In thousands of instances. Can be found ul his rooms from 8 iu the morning until 0 in tho evening, ready for consultation, for which he charge* nothing ; ha* new and recently discovered instrument* to lesl the strength of the lungs, their diseased condition, Ac . Poison* who Hud it inconvenient to cull on Dr. O., can address him by letter, stilting their several coses—enclosing two three cent slumps when they will receive a letter of advice and the Doctor'* new treaties on tho abovo disease*, pre-, paid by mail. O - Disease* of Women and Children successfully tronled, with new mid liiipioved Remedies, Rooms retired und quiet Lndies can enll without the least rcslruinl. Address ull letter* to

L. GRAVES. AI. D . *cl7 ly Long infirmary, Albany, N. Y

Over Coatings mid Coating Goods in great variety. French anal German llroudchuhs, Uesl makes.

Black uml Fancy Cassimeres and Vesting*. Tuilors' Trimmings ofthe best qualities.

Dress Goods and Dress Trimming*. Bluok and Colored Velvet Ribbons.

Shelf and Drawer Goods. Hosiery, A c , A c

Merrimack und Cocheco Print*, Clinton and lainoaslai Gingham*, Woolen and Canton Flannels, Brown and

Blenched Sheeting* and Shirting*, Balls of all qualitic*, Cotton Yam, Warp, Wick, Twine,

Wadding, Ac. N. B .~The attention of Merchant Tailors and Clothiers

ladirccted to our WOOLEN DEPARTMENT mid lo our stock of TAILORING GOODS generally.

STRONG BROTHERS A CO., de7 No*. 443 and 443 Broadway, Albany.




For the greater uccommtxlauou ul* i, U;iu\n uixl tho pub he generally, we Imvc lined up and made largo additions to our estuljlislimoiit, und ln-vo jiiit thrown open the new

MUSICAL SAl*KiS ROOMS, for the exhibition of these well-known Pianos.

With regard to the superior qualities of our Pianos, tout tho high appreciation in which they ure held ttiroughout the country, we can confidently state to customers pur­chasing at our establishment, that they are (il.AUAN-TKKD tho possession of an Instrument equal, if not •uperior, to any now made iu this Union.

By the facilities combined in the two establishment* wo are now enabled to iill with promptness and satisfac­tion all orders with which we muy be favored,

[O^Our InstrumeutH, ranging from 0, fli, 6*, fll. f to 1\ OOTAVKS, IIAVK AM. THK RKAL fAlJPROVJi-MKNT8 OF THK DAY; ure constructed wilh entire METALiC FRAME, giving thorn STRKNOTK and DURA­BILITY, and enable them to stand the test of olimato.

THK CASKS AUK OF THK RIOHKST ROSE­WOOD, highly polished \ iho styles various and elegant, and every Piano possesses in its exterior and interior a thorough and beautiful Immh l.\ VOLUMH, POWKR, SWKKTNKSS and BRILLIANCY OK TOKX, they are aoknowl-edged to bo UNR!VAI,I,ED.

The greatest care is bestowed on our work mid in the selection of the very best materials; and every lustru mem from our Factory is WARRANTED** possess all the qualities of a good Piano.

Particular attention paid to the selection of Instru ments for distant orders. Wholesale dealers will Hud ii to their advantage to givo us a call before purchasing elsewhere.

K7*Constantly on bund a general assortment of MK-IJODJ'IONS, of the best makers, at prices varying froni $15 to 9900.

O " Pianos exchanged, rented, tuned and repaired, an perfect satisfaction guaranteed.

lt7*A Liberal Discount to Teachers and tho Trade. (Xy^Ordcrs by Mail will receive prompt attention.

UARUYDTA. MORANGK, jc2l No*. 600 A 503 Broadway |



MANOfe-AOTURKll*, W e r e awarded ilia l-'ir*t premium wlu-rc ami wl ienever

llicy brniiglit their Piano l-'ortc* into coiniicii l lon will i the best maker* o f Boston, N e w York, I'liiluilt'lpliin and Baltimore.

Kcciuvcd the i w o fir.sf piizr. Modal* at Ihc Mctropoli ini Fair, Washington , IB55.

T h e Kirst Premium (n Gold Alclal , ) for Iho best Plans l-'orlo at tho Maryland institute, Baltimore, 183(1.

'Il ic Kirst Pr ize Medal for Die be»l Piano Porte al (lit Arncricun Institute, Crystal Pulaco, N e w York, 1S5«.

Tho P i n t Premium (a Gold Medal,) for the bc»t Grans' P iano a l the Maryland Institute, Baltimore, 1S87.

T h o I'ii'st Premium at the Stato Pair, Detroit, 1837. The Pirst Premium al tho Suto Fair, Bicbmoiid, 1857. A m o n g the judge* w e r e the first musical talont o f the

country, »uch a* w . Mason, Gottachalk, Wollcnl iaupi . A e . Grand aial Squnro Pianos CTmstrtictcd w i l h the full W o o d e n and Iron F inn ic combiiictt, are warranted for three year*. Price* moderate.

J. 11. H I D L P Y , 810 Broadwuy, Sole Agent for this Oily and vicinity. null 6m

TTNITED STATES HOTEL, \ J WASHINGTON, 1). C. Tho undersigned respectfully inform* hi* friend* and

the publlo generally thai this ljotol has been greatly en­larged by the addition of iwcniyllvo large parlor* mid chamber*! al*o, many improvement* and alteration* bavf been made in the Hotel proper, which enable* him to assure all who make Hit* house their home, wlmst in the Metropolis, that it shall he second to uono for com­fort mid pleasure. lie hopes by strict uttonlion to Die wants of his guest* to merit a continuance of tho pa-Ironage so liberally bestowed upon hiin heretofore.

Tins is Ihc only hotel which charges less than 92 SO per day. 1108 dly L- 0. SMITH, Proprietor


INTERNATIONAL BIIOADWAY, Cor. of Franklin sireel,

NEW YORK, Offer* inducement* to Merchants und Tourist* visiting New York, 1111*111 passed by any IIolcl iu the Metropolis. Tho following arc among the advantage* which il pos­sesses, uit'l which will be appreciated by all truvcler*.

1st A central location,couveiiient to placcsof business, us well us plucc* of untusetnent.

ti.1. Scrupulously clean, well furnished, und well vcnii tated sleeping apartments.

3d. Large and superbly furnished silling room*, with a magnificent Ladies' Parlor, commanding un extensive view of Broadway.

4th. Being conducted oh the European plan, visitor* can live in the best etyle with tho greatest economy.

3th. It is connected with TAYlM'S CELEBRATED SALOONS,

where visitors can have their meals, or, if they desire, they will bo furnished in their own rooms.

6th. The tare served in the Saloons and Hotel is ao. knowledgcd by epicures, to be vastly superior lo that of any other Hotel in the city,

Wjlh all these advantages, the cost of living in the IN­TERNATIONAL, is much below that of any other first class Holcl. [fo!7 ImJ A. FREEMAN, Proprietor.

' W P E ! TYPE!! TYPE! Il­ia. PELOUZE, JR., having purchased too Albany

Kialvkovbotskur '*> IM> F o u n d r y , and thoroughly revised the Moulds, Matrix**, Ae., lie It now ready to supply TYPE and PRINTING MATBtU. AL8 of every variety; BOOK atal NBWS LETTER of hi* own manufacture, and FANCY TYPE from the New York or other Foundries; and, being himself a thorough «rqelf«iJ workman, feels confident of giving entire sail* fttolion.

RKFKHKNCK*—Weed, Parsons A Co, Mmiscll A Row land, Comstock A Cassldy,

lt>* Paper* inserting the above udvorti*emcnt conspic­uously vffll rooeivo credit for Ihe same, upon purchasing four ijrrje* the amount In Typo of mjr manufacture.

leMtf E. PELOIIZE, JR., 75 Slate street.

1\TOTICE TO MERCHANT^ J L l OfiNERALLY.—The manufacturer «t Iho Iron King Saf« calls your altolltlniltM the following facts : -The Iron King ha* lieWl tented accidentally by Are. and always urtwed lf«e t« it* trust- Burglar* tried to pick the look*; bftl fulled. They are fico from dnmouess, and — Icuatai per eent. cheaper than any other Fire Proof. Tlieae Safe* have always takeiHbe firsi prlio when com-poting with JJavidsnii'* or other*. 'I'ho inventor bn» been



CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, BUGS, *«%, &c, 182 BIIOADWAY, (Opp. Stanwix Hall,)

orraa run SALR CARPET1NO—

Royal Axmltislcr Carpets, Super Kktdorminster Cariieiiug,

Extra if tidily Wilton Carpctnig, Tapestry Velvot Carpeting,

Tapestry BrusscUCarpetiitg, Blgclow Brussels Car|ieting,

Englisii Throe-Ply Carpeliiig, English Ingrain Carpeting,

American Ingrain Carpeting, All qualities Slnir Carpeliiig

OIL CLOTHS— Extra Heavy Sheet Oil Cloths,

12, «;i uml 24 feel wide Oil Cloths, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4 and 8-4 Oil Clollis,

Siair Oil Clotlu. All width* Mahogany and Rosewood Furniture Cloth,

While and Italian Marble Furniture Cloth, Bordered and Woolen Crumb Cloth*,


All width*, some very superior quality PIANO AND TAIil.E COVERS,

Ttiflcd, Wilton, Velvet and Mosaic BUGS. Parlor, Hall and Door MATS

Drugget, Linen and Oil Cloth STAIR COVERING. FINDINGS, THREAD, and idl other article* pertaining to the Trade.

STAR HODS, Silvered mid Brass, of superior make ALL AT UNIFORMLY LOW PRICES.

Wholesale cu*lomcr* supplied at inauufaclurer*' price* TAYI.OR A WATERMAN,

oc8 482 Broadway, opposite Snutwix Hall.



SALES ROOM—26 MAIIIEN LANK A 486 BROADWAY Whore call be found o Large Slock of

R I C H , O R N A M E N T A L A N D P L A I N




Klirror a n d Tablv lim< Kil ls WITH MARBLE SLABS.


ROSEWOOD, Ac, of Every Variety.

I. O O K t N G (i r, A K S 15 IS , every kind euilablc for Ihc Iraile.


or Alt si/.i-'s, And on ns good terms a* any c«tab!i*luneni in the conn

Iry. A* wo use *leain In inaiitifacturing, wo are enabled lo compete successfully for the trade.


COLORS, CRAYONS, VARNISHES, OILS, AC., AC K7* Merchants and those who wl»h anything in our

ino, are invited lo call nuil examino the atock and terms. JAMES BURTON A CO.,

JAMKS B U R T O N , CIIAR'IKB E, B U R T O N , J O H N P I . A D W K M . .

486 Broadway, uml 28 Maiden I*nc, Allnuiy.



Have just received a full supply of GENTLEMEN'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, adapted lo the pre. sept and coming Season, al their NEW STAND, oppo­site the Delavan House.

C. A K. take pleasure in calling ihe aitcuiion of their friends to Ihe above, for Ihe reasons that Ihe article* arc low in price, A No. 1 iu quality, and formed to fit. The last mentioned quality very desirable for the comfort ttt the wearer. . - selH

OOTS" AND "SHOES.-t^-dies and Gentlemen wishing a first rate article of

TS OH SHOES, should call al RAMSEY'S BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, No, 22 BtiAVxa.«., where Ihey Will be supplied wilh an article which will mil only look well, but will fit well, mid What is better, wear well.

(CyAII orders promptly attended lo i every effort will be made to please, and no article will be palmed on cui-loiiu-.* that does not suit.

' No. fej BEAVER STREET, . Trainoript Building, a few door* above

rrlrlOy Broadway, Albany.

a practical Safe maker for the lust 17 ve*ra, in,, workedjn all the principal shops in N e w York pre to introducing tho business in Albany ill 184,8. Thnso in wont of is Safe that, is aitfe Will find it to their advantage loCaUatNo-SWaohiuigestreel, . , . , ^NvB.i-'AllihelatcM improvement* urouildcd lo the**

. ,,/ixiJiAiv, re Mtnufaciurer.

Safes, uml lite best of reference a* '"'iualily, Ac

Iron t


jVashionable Draper and Tailor, 1*0. 83 LIBERTY STREET, V '•

O^tLJiiMBN'B^GARMENTS A BOYS' CLOTJUNu Make In tn.e Most Fashionable and NeateslSlyle.

Mr. LUHRY Wvlng made extcn»i*o fmprovemenl* in his c»labli»liuieni, 1* wepared w.01"^£'»1*««li*t«twr*with

GOODS Op'fllE LATEST SVUM^^," Aial of Tint »XST oOAurr, which he will make (o order

' In iheinosl Fashionable *tyT».' * , ^ Mr. L. aa* Just relurned from New York with a large

•UOcho ceseleelion of Good* for , ;', . ' ' SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR

07* Pleaae Call end Examine Hie Stock. i, >\

be (lad lo meet all bis old friends, and «s many new ones Mdesirelo patronize hiin. IIehu*iusteddcdtobi«Stook a full a«»oriiueni of FOREIGN OIXITHS, PRENCH. ENOWSH AND AMERIOAN CASSIMEBES^TSLUC Via.vKT.PLtJSHES AND PARIS WO^vWtrNOs' , of Ihe Lateti Style*. '

In consequence of the great reduction of his etore ex. nenses, lhe*e will be sold a great doat cheaper than can be nrTorded m any otlter r*»poetablo esktUishuienl In this city. Hi* style and make are well known, aial beirur tin-?,<?J;i!.?S!,""''*rvi*io,l'C*NNOT BUT GIVE BATlS-FACTION. _ . . ^ *»l3«m

| S A VIDSON'S SAFES.™With *iTl«,aJfilffiL*M*lAcil!Ve? fcfmanufaelurin/rlhe above l A i 3 P t f W ' ««* «naWed to ofler some SEVENTY SIZES, which will be warranted in every respect nt-perior to any oflered to thepublio. The** SAFES have never failoil to protect their contenw when tested in ac-eidentalrVe*,. Alresaly W,0«0 have beeninaiiufactiued, and of that number 310. have been severely tried, Car ti-ncalo upon certificnic can be produced to tdsiain Iheir reputation. j ,

Price* will be made sallsfaetory to the purchaser. ifni. . . ~ . . o . . i . MOB'DAVUMON.

! ^ttatiy, May HO, M t t ^ ^ ^ ^tysi


ro» STRAW, PAIKR, A C , Ae. Tin* Lining i» considered far superior to any article

fiver used for the saving of Carpet* or Oil Cloth*. Il 1* peculiarly soft lo the Iread, Is a muffler of sound, aial enriches the Carpel F i n > I-KK C « NT. II also adds great­ly to the warmth of a room by preventing Ihe cold air A o n passing through th* seam* of Ihe floor. The ma­terial used in ihia Lining rendu* it a sure protection ngaiurf moth.


B y To be had ai any of the Principal Carpets Store*'in Ibe U. 8. Manufactured under the supervision of the Patentee *by the ••: •_ >. K;.Y CARPET LINING C O , (JvR. HARRINGTON, AJem,)448 Water street, N. Y.

0 ~ Harrington's Carpet Lining and Premium Cotton Baiting constantly manufacturing. All order* promptly altciuted to. txilS 8m

Fair-Spring- of IWO ' aial Franklin

I^ROOM*^ Scales vs \M W»<-B.aRW>H*mti la the ». you p»l Up in taj' XJttd, e«*l»«ir of B •trceis, one of yottr Four Tun Scales, roe is, v.

At the same lime Fairbanks put tn my Yard, No. 173 Broadway, one of hi* Coal Scale* of the name eapecily. Since then, to the p«s*ut lime, both Seals* have been in

Ul* llsriadsM of your nianufactare to other*, Uing nuiste that they will give perfect «aU*fMtior^"^^

YonrfTrBlr, JAMES SCHUYLER. Albany, October lOih, 1808. •• <.*Mt

V*. \J, , ...lirOIIII', Ul i ir . i . i '^s , Wi l l i . , II. I 'mnj, , W i n i and Mortimer W i l k i e , Sands II. Fish , Chrislophei •ct y, J u n e * P . W h i t e , Pascal P. Prati AlexaiKler

llasui, Charles A , G u v a n , W m . G i r v a n , C o r n e l i a l lubbar.l , Grace Barrsiws, la te Grace Doofiivie, t>yer N . Buriiltan., W i n . McNe i l , John Mliykor, Clllxrna IfcuiV, W I - I . ,....•. ,. i lOliiuh P. Wil l iams, Jamr* S v . r d , O. Hopkina Seekn i s Harbor Hauk, Bec iproe l ly Hank, George A. Haekett, !...,-nard Deiinisoii. W a i t l* iwry , 'Pbotuas W a l l e r , Jamea (1 P. Gardner, l lusse l l Foraylh, Henry W h i l e , l-'rederiel. Hubbard, W m . Gould, Anil y Gould and I>aviil I ...' • Anthony Gould, Jolili Gould. Charlas W . Smith, Joseph 11 Hailey. U. 8 . A m i y i Jaine* Shield*, i t .wwel l « . .\Iearl.Mii., ItenrjaKeep, f l e m a n Perry, Jolili S a v a g e , laaiio l lrayloo, John O. Mterliiisr, A «. Green, Sieiilien While, Henry P. Fr anklili, August us Ford, Alma II. Ford, Wi l l i am J. Ilae on. Hiiiim Ifolei.iuli, Pardon Flaile,Albert G. i: ni-, i !•.-.. n II. Earte, Danford N, Barney, T.motliy O. Grnunia, W. Hyde Clark, Jefferson Coanly Bank, Joseph B. HmigerrVril Hi.neon II. Ilrowu, George Camp, Charles P. Kirklan.1, John C. Wright, Jnliii Soon, Eliaal.elli Scon, Tlunna* Col­ling, W. C. CriurobJIIj J.amc* (loss, W ' Footo aial L. Avery, , . . . , . . . . . . Cameron, ForluueC. While, George Gales, William Wal-cott, Charlolle P. Norri*, Sarah P, Wallou, Harriet L. Frost, North Western Iiisuranee Comiiauy, George W. RouiKts, Nathan Jewell. Charles R. Doolllllc, Frcdswirk A. Doollltle, JeruidiK Uoolilll*, Guanliau, W. J. Doolitilc, E .T . Tliroup Martin, Elixo William*, David Hunter, Ira C. Barber, Thomas II. Hubbard, Eraaiu* Roger*, Oliver Corwin, Orrin Follett, Josejd. E. Pollen, Wilfard Dodge James Wickharn, Holly Aim Tracy, Daniel W. Corwin Joel Mood, Woodruff L, Barnes, Trius Wkilnwre, Hiram Johnson, Mary Dodge, laiwry Barney, Roberl l,*usui.-, Jen ininh M. Caufielil, Aiuils A. Stone, Edward Sackett O. V. Braioard aial J. H. Fish, Trustees. Estate laf Mary A. SaiTord, Oliver Corwin A Co., Samuel Whilley, Henry. A Daiin, Edward M, |l,,ini, fleury W, Roger*, Jaine. boeter, Aaron 11. I'aieblii, George II. llalicos-k. Jacob B llorricl, William II. A. Smith. Jesso C. Daiin, EUlild*.-S J" , :"'Skl vHni'i H " 1 ! * William II. Fargo, Jame* McKay. John II. IHiiton, Blootufield Uslier, Isaac Sey . moor, Pre«ldeiil We«loh««t«r t'o. Bank, Edwin C. Lilcli-fleld, Fklmund Kirby, Edward O, Dooiillle, John S. Boyd, executor of the laai will ami testament of John Scon, docemed. John 8. Boyd, executor of ihe la»l will aiid te*. lament of Ellxabeili Scott, deceased. William W . \ v » l hum, Jumor.aiKt John Wlckl.am, adminislralors, A c , nl Jumc* Wiekhain, deceased, David I. Boyd, Cl.arle. J . Wrfc «u'»!"'stralor, A c , ol Wail l4.wry. decease.1, John K. Rathbone. executor of Ihe Iu«l will and te*umcui nl Russell Forsyih, deceased, Lucy McNeil, Lucy Mc­Neil, executrix of lb* lasi will and teaiamciil of William McNeil, deceased, Charles Dnoliule. Dated Miiibtli, Feb « , 184V. N. K- HALI, Referee. '

BOWXN A ROOKBS, All')* for Receiver, fe'JSdlmhltt

TVTEW Y O R K S T A T E CA-X l NALS.—REPAIRS OF THE CAYUGA AND SENECA CANAL—NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS --In pursuance of Act, Chapter 105 of the Law* of 1M7, and of a Resolution of the Contracting Board, notice it hereby given, that Sealed Proposals will be received hi ' • uialcrsigned al the Office of ihe Canal Commissioner, Ihe

ill Ihe City 04 Syracuse, until Tuesday, ihe fill, of March next, nt fo o'clock a. in., for furnishing all Iho lualeriiila and performing all the work necessary to keep Iu good re pair and in good uavigalil* coiwlition, during such time in each year as Ihe.Canal Commissioners ahull direct, for the period of three years, from the 1st day of April, 185'j, ihe

CAYUGA AND SENECA CANAL, Including Ithaca inlet, together with tne Feeders, lli-.-i.- * voirs, aiid other works connected therowiih.

Schedule of property lo be transferred lo ihe Coui-ne-lo r»:—

3 axes, *2 IKI i 2 augers, ( 1 0b ; 9 pair tcakle block* • 18 00 ; S crow bur*. *.'i (HI; 1 capstan, •.') 00 : 4 ham. mil s and sledge*. 97 Oil; 1 ice breaker,»/ .'.n ; in oil can* and luge, MOO; 8 lamps, * 1 00; 2 lump fillers $0 28 | 1 lameiii, m> 1'<; 1 ladder, • 001 4 pad locks *0 Vdj 1 picks, «.i 00; 4 pike poles, »2 tio ; I pile driver' •50 00 ; 4 pumps, S l$ 00; 8 saws, «2 SO 11 acow, «53 (Ml; 18 ehovel*, • » 00 ; 1 grind slone, 81 • j 4 »love», 816 00-22 wheelbarrow*, 822 00 ; 2 wheel* for barrow*, 80 50; 3 wrenches, 81 SO I 1 derrick, 8*M 00; 1 Iron screw, §3 00 2 pails, $0 62 i I spike waul, 81 00; I gin pole, 86 00 ; 1 chain, f 1 30 j 1 stick* pine limber 75 feet long for i. ..>,„. iniyilnin*, 818 7*i 10 pine |rlank(2016 feel h m.) lo dro.i in the groove* cut in above the head or upper gate* of Hi* lock* to iltut back wuter for repair*, fcaj 25. Totnt •306 12. "^

Every propo*al inn*t be accompanied by au affi-javti endorsed thereon, of each person uniting in such .,,.,.„,' sal, that he is not directly nor uidireclly uncreated In any oilier proposal for Die same work or materials, or am part of the same; that he has no agreement or under aiiiuiluiK with any other person to l«come inlercaled is any other proposal or contract for th* *ame work or ma. Uriel* or any part thereof; uml that no oilier person ihsa such as shall be named in the proposal is iulorasled m the same, or ha* ally agreement or undemanding to become interested in any contract thai may be mad* in pursuanc* of such proposal.

Every proposal shall be accompanied widi a bond lo tho people ol this Stale in the penally of iwenlv per cent of the gro*» amount ol the proposal, aial which bond shall bo «igucd by the parly making »uch pro|*>«aJ and two or more responsible auretics, which sureties , hail jnstiiy in «uin* equal to twice the amouui of such penalty; aial said lioud must be aceoui|»utied by the certificate of the 8uper»i«or of the town or ward, ami (he Coulily Clerk, oi the County Judge of the couniy iu which amid surely shall reside, or any two of them, a* to the re*im-siInlily of said sureties.

The Board will hereafter require all bunds and pronn sals to be complete in every respect before being recen•-ed and opened by them, and all that are uul lints compleie will bo rejected; any alteration* or corrections must he noted before sigiimg.

The persons to whom ihe work may be awarded will be required by the Contracting Board to give the bond f„r the payment of laborers'wage*, as required by chanter 378, of the laws of I860. '

Contracts or any micreat m ihc name shall not bo as signed lo any person or person* wilhoul Ihe written con. sent of ihc Canal Commissioner*.

Tho Commissioner* will reserve 15 per cent of the amount of each relative monthly estimate of work done and material* delivered a* security to the Stale for the performance of the contract, and ai iho expiration of lln-third inonili of each year ihe 16 per cent thu* retained du. ring the previou* year, ahull be paid tolhe coutraclo! pro. vjding the provisions ol ihe contract ahull have been lull, complied with.

Panics contracting lor the repair* of lb* Cayuga uml Seneca Canal, will be required to dredge al alliiirio* when required by the Commissioner in charge, for Ike improvement ofthe slack water uavigalion of said canal

A Buflicicni force will Im required In all cases on the look* and elsewhere lo facilitate navigation and protect the public properly.

In cine, the Board shall be of opinion llial the proposal* arc ill consequence of any combination or otherwise, ex­cessive and disadvantageous lo the State, ihey mayde-clitie all the »aid proposals, aial advertise anew for tho work or inkierial*.

The person or persons to whom the contract may bo awarded Wdl be required to receive the boats, tool*, ma. tetiala and other Implements specified iu the foregoiiur Bcfiedules, und allow therefor the respective prices there-in named, the aggregate of the same to be paid iu twelve equal monthly payments.

T h e person or persons to whom the work may be awarded, will be required to enter into contract for tho performance ol the work within ten days after the same •kail have been awarded lo him or them, upon the terms prescribed by the Gonii.it ling Board.

No hid will be received Horn any person or persona whose contract for Canal repair* *hall have been declare.) abandoned by the Contracting Board on account of in-competency; nor shall any such person or persons be in. teresleil, directly or iiKllrecily, iu any contract for Cam. repairs ou the Canal* of Ihi* Stale. Proposal* will not lie received from any person or company now hoMina any conn net wilh the Slate for Canal repairs; nor will more than one coulract be awarded to any one permi or Company.

TIMS name or names of the person or persons proposin* must be written out fit full, wilh their place of resiaence.

The specifications and blank m<no*iiions. awl forms of Counsel and Bonds will be ready for •xamlnaiioa, at the places specified in Ibis notice, u u days previous to the time named for the letting, when all further iufiiiiiintiei. required by bidder* may be procured at 111* Oflice of the Canal Commissioner and Engineer above named.

No rxorosAi. w i n , i x COK*IDIX*B i M > - - a * m c r coxroiMitr WITH THIS MOTICX. Dated Albany, Februa ry » , 1858. JOHN M. JAYCOX,


Canal Commissioners. V.R.RIOHMOND,

f*m \ N.S.l!SJt^;SiSor,'',w-

CORPORATION NOTICE — \ J Clerk'* Oflaoe, CHyof Albany.—Th* following ap-porticrimenis have been returned to ih* Mayor, Aldermen, aitd Commonalty of ike City of Albany, .uul are now on *le In the OBee of Ih* Clerk of the ComtMon Council ihere-of, and will b* apjaroved and eonlrtwtd by aaid Coeaxaon Council, urdea* cause t o the contrary be shown on or la-fore the IM day of April, 18r», to wit:

An apportionment of Ihe expeuse of repairing pave-menu tn Arc* «lreet, Broadway, Beaver sireel, Baaaeit sueet, Broad street, Church street, Franklin street, Dela­ware street, Herkimer street, Hawk *treet, Hudsou streei, Jay street, f.ydiu* street, Norton »lr»et, Mulberry street Nueella street. South Pearl street, Quay street, Swan streei, Rensselaer street, Schoyter *treet, Stale street, Wdtel streei, William street, and Wesierlo street.

An apporUoumeut of the expense of laying Drain in North Isuialng street, from the termiualioii of the Dram recently laid lo Montajerosry •treet.

feiaaot TINDE1.AHANTV, Clerk of Ike Ommm Council.

T EATHER AND FINDINGS. JkJt The subwriber eonlniue* lo keep on hand at bis LEATHER and FINDING STORK, 48 HasWon .tree), Albwiy, a superior eMorlmeot of Stock and Tool* for Boot aiai SrMMiv^ititvtsiWkrckaM w h o h u l e aial retail at tk* low**! prieee for cash or aparoved credit,

IO Co>i» ••#». P*™""I"W «**••• WWcl* where. H«t" Bole and T Hkinaasall ofexoellem quality; 1 Bindi*

w %'$~&Mm^ttn «radotk«re«i»jr depend en receiving

article* of a goodqaajUy MflM *3»»jta* if th«y were

•8*) JARKD HOLT, 48 HtluMti .Uul .

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