MU Club Olympics Master Plan Ashley McClintic, Glynnis King, Megan Stouder and Jacob Sweet

MU Club Olympics master plan TWO

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MU Club OlympicsMaster Plan

Ashley McClintic, Glynnis King, Megan Stouder and Jacob Sweet


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The Manchester University Club Olympics were held on the university mall in the middle of campus between the academic buildings. This event was a participant driven event in which Manchester University Clubs were to sign up in teams of 8 to 10 players to participate in a series of field day games for an overall winning club to be crowned. As a management staff we decided the objectives of our event was to promote competition between clubs and to help promote the importance of our clubs on campus. With the execution of these objectives the overall value of leaving a legacy will be met. By creating a fun event for students to participate in we hope to have created a competition among clubs to be carried out annually throughout the years.

Marketing efforts

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Our goal was to create a campus wide club event that increased cohesion among the cluband created a legacy that will live on for many years. With this goal in mind we knew a large variety of marketing strategies should be used in order to create the “campus wide” event we were looking for. Some examples were putting up flyers in most of the buildings on campus and sending out emails to each of the club presidents to hopefully pass the word on to their clubs and get them to join our Olympics. We also posted the dates of our event on our Facebook and Twitter and reminded people the day of the event so they would hopefully come out and support. We had a total of three clubs and we were hoping for more, but the competition was great. We had the Accounting and Business Club, the athletic Training Club and Spartan Sport Management Club. The push for more teams next year would be wise and also using some more marketing tips.


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Our main sponsors was Chartwells, as they supplied our snacks for the event. Things like, apples, oranges, pretzels and bottled water. We also used both a website for our T-shirt design and trophy design. We then used Dinn Bros as our trophy design company and then CustomInk for our T-shirts. If I was organizing this event again, I would probably do more with the sponsors and use them to promote our event better.


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We used the Student Budget Board and my own money for all of the expenses. We ordered a 12 in trophy for only $6.75. We bought 10 shirts and they were relatively cheap. The winning team’s 10 members each got a t-shirt and then the team got the trophy. The rest of the expenses like rope, food items, pantyhose etc. We also used trashcans and sports items from the PERC.


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For our event we had communicated to the university clubs in many different ways. First we had sent out emails to all the clubs presidents to let them know what type of event we were putting on and have them forward the email to the member of their club. We also used social media as a tool to let people know what was going on, like the start date etc. We also used the flyers I made and put them up in the buildings. I wish I had done more for the dorms to let people know.

Risk Management

When it came down to the Risk Management aspect of the Manchester University Club Olympics the plan ended up going as smooth as possible. The members of the respective teams competing filled out an injury waiver before the competition began. Nobody ended up hurt after the dust had settled on the event. Our last day for clubs to sign up was May

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7th at 5:00 pm. Our event started at 3:30pm on May 8th on the university mall. It was absolutely a beautiful day. Could not have asked for a better day. We had plenty of snacks and water for the participants and then the numbers to campus safety, maintenance and health services incase of an emergency. Overall none of the risk management plans were needed to be used as the event went by without incident.

Event Operation Efforts

As a group we met up quite a few times to talk about the event and what needs to be done. We each had our duties and we communicated mostly through email and everyone was very good at getting back to me with the information they were suppose to find. Everyone gathered the materials they were suppose to. Each game did not take more than 10 minutes. We started out by having people give us their forms they had to fill out,

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which is what I sent to the presidents in advance. If anyone had not signed it we had more forms. The tables arrived on time and the golf-cart we used was from MAC. At the end of the event we added up all of the points and crowned a winner and gave them their t-shirts and the trophy. After that we cleaned up the area and the event came to a close. There are things that I would have done different, but overall good for the first time heading something like this.

List of games1. Gubby Bunny (Marshmallows)2. Egg toss (Eggs)3. Facts game (25 facts)4. Pile up (Shower curtains)5. Hula hoop passing line (Hula hoops)6. 3 legged race (String)7. Pantyhose game (Pantyhose)8. Tug-a-war (Rope)9. Water pong (Trashcans)10. Parallel parking a golf cart (Golf cart)


The competition was very close, but at the end the Athletic Training Club took the “W” and walked away with the trophy for the second year in a row. We created this event to create unity and cohesiveness among clubs on the campus. We also wanted

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to create a lasting legacy for the event. In order to do this, we need to continue to communicate the event to have more clubs participate and improve it with our suggestions. We also would like to see Spartan Sport Management involved and run the event for years to come. I wish I would have thought more into a couple of the games and would have done more to get more clubs involved. The communication aspect could have been better, but I also think the club presidents need to team up with us and get their club to participate. This event can be a big thing on campus, but we have to continue to strive higher to make it that. Maybe do more with Chartwells or create something campus wide that is going to get people excited for this event.

Manchester University Club Olympics

Assumption of Risk, Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement

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In consideration of, (“Participant”), being permitted to participate in the 2013 MU Club Olympics related events and activities, the undersigned agrees that I, (or if under 18, we, as the parent and/or legal guardian of the Participant,) and on behalf of my (our) heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, agree not to sue and hereby release, waive discharge, hold harmless, indemnify and promise to defend Manchester University, the members of its Board of Trustees, its officers, employees and agents from any causes of action, claims or demands of any kind and nature whatsoever including, but not limited to, claims for negligence or any other form of action for which a release may be legally given (including attorneys’ fees and costs) which may arise by, or in connection with, Participant’s participation in any activities related to the Event, including travel indecent thereto.

I/we understand that the risk of serious injury from event activities does exist, including the potential for permanent disability and/or death. I/we understand and fully acknowledge that Participant’s participation in these activities is solely at my own risk and I/we assume full responsibility. I/we hereby further declare that Participant has had a recent physical exam and is physically able to participate in all Event activities.

In the case of an emergency, I/we authorize the Event staff to obtain whatever medical treatment s/he deems necessary for Participant’s welfare. I/we further understand and agree that I/we will be financially responsible for all charges and fees incurred in the rendering of said emergency treatment.

By my signature below, I/we certify: that I/we have carefully read all of the provisions of this document; that I/we fully understand their significance; that I/we am voluntarily signing this release; and, that I/we intend to be fully bound by its express terms.

Date: , 20__

Participant’s Signature (Parent/Guardian if under 18):

Print Name of Parent/Guardian if under 18:

Complete other side

Emergency Information Please Print

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Participant’s Last Name First Name Social Security Number Birth Date

Home Address City State zip code

If Participant under 18, Parents/Guardians Printed Names

Home Phone # If under 18, Parent’s Phone # Emergency Cell Phone #

Emergency Contact Person Relationship Phone #

Family Physician Address Phone #

Health Insurance Company Name Group & Policy Numbers

Health Insurance Company Phone # Policy Holder

With my signature below I verify that the information above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Participant’s Signature (Parent/Guardian if under 18) Date

Complete other side

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