Mud Coastlines, Tidal Flats and Marshes If the coastal sediments are fine grained, a tidal flat or mud coastline is developed instead of a beach. Tidal flats are of such low slope that the sedimentation is dominated by the tides. Organism interaction with sediments and evaporitic influences may be intense in this environment. Extensive intertidal flats occur in macrotidal areas such as the Yellow Sea of Korea. In North America, similar tidal flats surround the Bay of Fundy and occur along the New England coast and the North Sea. Narrower but significant intertidal flats also occur in mesotidal areas and mud shorelines are common off the microtidal, low relief Louisiana shoreline. Mud deposition is typically in protected, low energy environments such as estuaries and lagoons that also have an influx of dominantly fine-grained sediments. However, mud deposition is not restricted to low-energy environments. Where there is an abundance of fine sediments, muddy deposits can persist even on coasts exposed to stronger wave action. Off the coast of Surinam (South America), muds are deposited in a wave energy environment normally associated with sand deposits (moderate wave power. The mud banks of Surinam resemble linear sand ridges on the shelf of the eastern United States in shape, oblique orientation to the coastline, and orientation with respect to dominant direction of transport processes. They are attached to the shoreline and commonly produce progradation of the coastline. Rine and Ginsburg, 1985 The Surinam coast is just one example in a growing list of relatively high energy, inter-deltaic mud coasts that include the chenier plains of Louisiana, the

Mud Coastlines

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Page 1: Mud Coastlines

Mud Coastlines, Tidal Flats and MarshesIf the coastal sediments are fine grained, a tidal flat or mud coastline is developed instead of a beach. Tidal flats are of such low slope that the sedimentation is dominated by the tides. Organism interaction with sediments and evaporitic influences may be intense in this environment. Extensive intertidal flats occur in macrotidal areas such as the Yellow Sea of Korea. In North America, similar tidal flats surround the Bay of Fundy and occur along the New England coast and the North Sea. Narrower but significant intertidal flats also occur in mesotidal areas and mud shorelines are common off the microtidal, low relief Louisiana shoreline. Mud deposition is typically in protected, low energy environments such as estuaries and lagoons that also have an influx of dominantly fine-grained sediments.

However, mud deposition is not restricted to low-energy environments. Where there is an abundance of fine sediments, muddy deposits can persist even on coasts exposed to stronger wave action. Off the coast of Surinam(South America), muds are deposited in a wave energy environment normally associated with sand deposits (moderate wave power. The mud banks of Surinam resemble linear sand ridges on the shelf of the eastern United States in shape, oblique orientation to the coastline, and orientation with respect to dominant direction of transport processes. They are attached to the shoreline and commonly produce progradation of the coastline. Rine and Ginsburg, 1985 The Surinam coast is just one example in a growing list of relatively high energy, inter-deltaic mud coasts that include the chenier plains of Louisiana, the Yellow Sea between China and Korea Alexander et al., 1991 and the Kerala coast of southwest India where the fine-grained sediments are in such abundance that mud deposition follows.

Tidal flats have three basic environments

subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal

. The subtidal zone is below low tide and seldom exposed subaerially. The sediments are a belt of muddy sediments seaward of the intertidal zone that are dominantly pelletized and burrowed. Tidal channels are a sub-environment cutting across the fine-grained subtidal deposits. These may be floored by coarser sand size sediments, and they migrate in a manner similar to fluvial systems leaving porous and permeable sands surrounded by relatively fine, impermeable tidal flat muds. Klein, 1985

The intertidal zone lies between normal low and high tides and is exposed once or twice daily. Coupling the modes of transport with duration of periods of submergence

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favors deposition of muds in the high tidal flats, interbedded mixed lithologies of mud and sand in the mid-flat zone, and sand in the low tidal flat zone. Beall, Jr., 1968 Suspension transport is dominant in the high intertidal flat zones and the sediments are fine grained silts and clays, which have bioturbation, mudcracks and silty current ripples. The middle part of the intertidal flat is covered for about half of the tidal cycle and the nearly equal periods of suspension and bedload transport generate thin, parallel layered beds of alternating sand and mud with a tendency to coarsen in a seaward direction. Scour and channel sand deposition can cut across the other features of the intertidal flat. Bedload transport and deposition dominate in the low tidal flat zone. Intertidal sand bodies in the lower tidal flat which are exposed at low tide are linear shoals or bars deposited by tidal currents.

The supratidal zone is above high tide and sediment deposits are exposed to subaerial conditions most of the time with flooding only during spring or storm tides. This zone is divided into vegetated and non-vegetated intertidal mud flats and sand bodies. Storm-driven supratidal sediment-charged water creates layers of sediment in a few hours. These storm layers are sandwiched between layers of organic carbon-rich algae, which proliferate between storms. The non-vegetated part of the supralittoral may have algal mat laminar structures (discussed in Chapter 3). The blue-green filamentous algae trap and bind fine-grained sediments in a supratidal algal mat . The layered sequence in the mats results from a sequence of trapping of an influx of sediment, growth of the algae above the surface, and another sequence of sediment trapping. Tidal exposure allows development of distinctive mud cracks and curled chips of sediment during the drying out process in this zone. Intraclasts of these chips are eroded and redeposited during storms.

The supralittoral flat may have a growth of marsh grass   or mangrove . The growth of vegetation is the final stage in filling depressions, embayments and other irregularities along coasts and in the leveling of marine delta plains. Filling or preservation of the marsh environment is a result of interaction between the relative sea level rise and rate of sedimentation. Allen, 1990

Spartina cord grass is the main component of a marsh. A high marsh and a low marsh classification can be based on plant successions, sediment accumulation and marsh expansion. Low marshes are younger, lower topographically and more subject to adjacent estuarine or marine conditions. High marshes are older, occupy a higher topographic condition, and are more influenced by terrestrial conditions. Most of the Atlantic-Gulf coast is comprised of lagoons, estuaries and deltas suitable for marsh development; but only 10-20 percent of the Pacific coast develops marshes.

Tides are the dominant physical process in both marsh and mangrove environments in the establishment, development, and maintenance of the system. They provide energy

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for the introduction and dispersal of sediments and for maintenance of the drainage network. Frey and Basan, 1985

Three major groups of salt marsh are recognized in North America based on the indigenous flora, climate, topography and tidal ranges:

Bay of Fundy and New England-Canada; Pacific; and Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastal plain

Most of the Atlantic-Gulf coast is comprised of lagoons, estuaries and deltas suitable for marsh development, but only 10-20 percent of the Pacific coast develops marshes.

Ecologic conditions in marshes grade from nearly marine to nearly terrestrial. The diversity of marine species is low relative to adjacent environments. Energy flow and nutrient budgets are the most important environmental factors that govern density and distribution of organisms in salt marshes. Unvegetated tidal flats or tidal stream banks occupy the zone between mean low water spring and the low marsh fringe.

The marsh substrates contain finer and more poorly sorted sediments than other tidal environment. The dominant grain size is silt to clay. In some marshes, fecal pellets are a significant part of the sediment. Biogenic skeletal material is present as carbonate shells and shell fragments which are a potentially important constituent of marsh sediments. The total biogenic production is usually low in a marsh, but local environments may have an abundance shell debris in both marsh and mangrove environments. Ashley and Zeff, 1988 Sediment trapping by grasses and flocculation of sediments by physio-chemical and biogenic processes are important in the retention of sediments within the marsh system. Friedman et al., 1992

Mangrove communities are the shoreline vegetation on low alluvial coasts of the tropics and subtropics. Mangroves grow from the subtidal zone up to the supratidal and into freshwater areas above the normal high tide. Although five species of mangrove are found in most environments, the two dominant are the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) and the black mangrove (Avicennia nitida). Red mangroves colonize the subtidal to lower supratidal environment. The black mangroves are found landward and above the band of red mangrove.

Mangroves play a major role in originating, maintaining and enlarging mud islands and in extending the coastline. The root system reduces water velocities and traps the sediment load. Sponges on the prop roots filter much of the suspended sediment from flood tide water. Mangrove swamps are a passive sedimentary environment offering

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some resistance to erosion but they are self-maintaining only if the area is protected from strong physical agitation and excessive influx of detrital sediments. Scholl, 1964

Because mangroves are tropical, the substrate is usually carbonate and the sediments associated with mangroves are carbonate muds and biogenic sands with finely divided woody plant debris. The heavy contribution of leaf material adds peat and organic debris to the sediments and layers of leaves more than 2 meters thick may be found. Letsch and Frey, 1980 Fossiliferous brownish black to reddish fibrous peat with fine-grained calcareous shell debris and quartz grains usually overlies bedrock in a transgressive mangrove sequence. Most of the shells are marine and brackish water molluscs, but fresh water shells may be brought into the marine mangrove areas from freshwater swamps.

Garis pantai lumpur, Flats Pasang Surut dan Rawa

Jika sedimen pesisir berbutir halus, garis pantai datar atau lumpur pasang surut dikembangkan bukan pantai. Flat pasang surut adalah lereng rendah sehingga sedimentasi didominasi oleh pasang surut. Organisme interaksi dengan sedimen dan pengaruh evaporitic mungkin intens dalam lingkungan ini. Flat intertidal yang luas terjadi di daerah macrotidal seperti Laut Kuning dari Korea. Di Amerika Utara, flat pasang surut serupa mengelilingi Teluk Fundy dan terjadi di sepanjang pantai New England dan Laut Utara. Sempit tapi flat intertidal yang signifikan juga terjadi di wilayah mesotidal dan garis pantai lumpur yang umum dari microtidal, relief rendah Louisiana pantai. Deposisi lumpur biasanya dalam lindung, lingkungan energi rendah seperti muara dan laguna yang juga memiliki masuknya dominan sedimen halus.

Namun, deposisi lumpur tidak terbatas pada lingkungan rendah energi. Dimana ada kelimpahan sedimen halus, deposito berlumpur dapat bertahan bahkan pada pantai terkena aksi gelombang kuat. Di lepas pantai Suriname (Amerika Selatan), lumpur yang diendapkan dalam lingkungan energi gelombang biasanya terkait dengan endapan pasir (kekuatan gelombang moderat. Bank-bank lumpur Suriname menyerupai pegunungan pasir linear di rak bagian timur Amerika Serikat dalam bentuk, orientasi miring ke pantai, dan orientasi sehubungan dengan arah dominan dari proses transportasi. Mereka melekat pada garis pantai dan umumnya menghasilkan progradation dari garis pantai. Rine dan Ginsburg, 1985 pantai Suriname adalah salah satu contoh dalam daftar pertumbuhan energi yang relatif tinggi, pantai lumpur antar-delta yang mencakup Chenier dataran Louisiana, Laut Kuning antara Cina dan Korea Alexander et al., 1991 dan pantai Kerala dari barat daya India di mana sedimen halus dalam kelimpahan sehingga deposisi lumpur berikut.

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Flat pasang surut memiliki tiga lingkungan dasar


intertidal, dan


. Zona subtidal di bawah surut dan jarang terkena subaerially. Sedimen adalah sabuk sedimen berlumpur ke arah laut dari zona intertidal yang dominan pelet dan membenamkan. Saluran pasang surut adalah pemotongan sub-lingkungan di deposito subtidal halus. Ini mungkin didasari oleh sedimen ukuran pasir kasar, dan mereka bermigrasi dalam cara yang mirip dengan sistem fluvial meninggalkan pasir berpori dan permeabel dikelilingi oleh relatif baik, kedap air pasang surut datar lumpur. Klein, 1985

Zona intertidal terletak antara pasang rendah dan tinggi normal dan terkena sekali atau dua kali sehari. Coupling moda transportasi dengan durasi periode perendaman nikmat pengendapan lumpur di flat pasang surut tinggi, interbedded satuan batuan campuran lumpur dan pasir di zona pertengahan datar, dan pasir di zona datar pasang surut rendah. Beall, Jr, 1968 transportasi Suspensi dominan di zona intertidal datar tinggi dan sedimen yang silts berbutir halus dan tanah liat, yang memiliki bioturbation, mudcracks dan riak berlumpur saat ini. Bagian tengah dari flat intertidal tertutup untuk sekitar setengah dari siklus pasang surut dan periode hampir sama suspensi dan transportasi bedload menghasilkan tipis, tempat tidur berlapis paralel bolak pasir dan lumpur dengan kecenderungan mengasarkan dalam arah ke laut. Gerusan dan deposisi pasir saluran dapat memotong fitur-fitur lain dari flat pasang surut. Transportasi Bedload dan deposisi mendominasi di zona datar pasang surut rendah. Badan pasir intertidal di flat pasang surut rendah yang terkena saat surut adalah beting linear atau bar disetorkan oleh arus pasang surut.

Zona supratidal berada di atas air pasang tinggi dan deposit sedimen yang terkena kondisi sub-aerial sebagian besar waktu dengan banjir hanya selama musim semi atau badai pasang. Zona ini dibagi menjadi bervegetasi dan non-bervegetasi lumpur intertidal dan badan pasir. Air supratidal badai-driven sedimen bermuatan menciptakan lapisan sedimen dalam beberapa jam. Lapisan-lapisan badai terjepit di antara lapisan ganggang yang kaya karbon organik, yang berkembang biak di antara badai. Non-bervegetasi bagian dari supralitoral mungkin memiliki alga tikar struktur laminar (dibahas dalam Bab 3). Biru-hijau filamen alga perangkap dan mengikat sedimen halus dalam tikar alga supratidal. The berlapis urutan dalam hasil tikar dari urutan menjebak masuknya sedimen, pertumbuhan ganggang di atas permukaan, dan lain urutan sedimen perangkap. Eksposur Tidal memungkinkan pengembangan retak lumpur khas dan meringkuk chip sedimen selama proses pengeringan di zona ini. Intraclasts chip ini terkikis dan redeposited selama badai.

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The supralitoral datar mungkin memiliki pertumbuhan rumput rawa atau mangrove. Pertumbuhan vegetasi adalah tahap akhir dalam mengisi depresi, embayments dan penyimpangan lainnya di sepanjang pantai dan di meratakan laut delta dataran. Mengisi atau pelestarian lingkungan rawa merupakan hasil interaksi antara kenaikan permukaan laut relatif dan laju sedimentasi. Allen, 1990

Rumput kabel Spartina merupakan komponen utama dari sebuah rawa. Sebuah rawa tinggi dan klasifikasi rawa rendah dapat didasarkan pada suksesi tanaman, akumulasi sedimen dan perluasan rawa. Rendah rawa lebih muda, lebih rendah topografi dan lebih tunduk pada muara yang berdekatan atau kondisi laut. Rawa tinggi lebih tua, menempati kondisi topografi yang lebih tinggi, dan lebih dipengaruhi oleh kondisi bumi. Sebagian besar pantai Atlantik-Teluk terdiri dari laguna, muara dan delta cocok untuk pengembangan rawa, tetapi hanya 10-20 persen dari pantai Pasifik mengembangkan rawa.

Tides adalah proses fisik yang dominan di kedua rawa bakau dan lingkungan dalam pembentukan, pengembangan, dan pemeliharaan sistem. Mereka menyediakan energi untuk pengenalan dan penyebaran sedimen dan pemeliharaan jaringan drainase. Frey dan Basan, 1985

Tiga kelompok utama rawa garam diakui di Amerika Utara berdasarkan flora asli, iklim, topografi dan rentang pasang surut:

Teluk Fundy dan New England-Kanada;

Pasifik, dan

Atlantik dan Teluk Meksiko pesisir dataran

Sebagian besar pantai Atlantik-Teluk terdiri dari laguna, muara dan delta cocok untuk pengembangan rawa, tetapi hanya 10-20 persen dari pantai Pasifik mengembangkan rawa.

Kondisi ekologis di rawa-rawa kelas dari hampir laut untuk hampir darat. Keragaman spesies laut relatif rendah untuk lingkungan yang berdekatan. Aliran energi dan anggaran gizi merupakan faktor lingkungan yang paling penting yang mengatur kepadatan dan distribusi organisme di rawa-rawa garam. Flat pasang surut daerah luas tanpa tanaman atau tepi sungai pasang surut menempati zona antara rata-rata mata air rendah dan rawa pinggiran rendah.

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Rawa substrat mengandung sedimen halus dan lebih buruk daripada diurutkan lingkungan pasang surut lainnya. Yang dominan adalah ukuran butir lumpur tanah liat. Dalam beberapa rawa-rawa, pelet kotoran adalah bagian penting dari sedimen. Bahan skeletal biogenik hadir sebagai kerang karbonat dan fragmen shell yang merupakan konstituen potensial penting dari sedimen rawa. Total produksi biogenik biasanya rendah di rawa, namun lingkungan lokal mungkin memiliki shell puing-puing kelimpahan di kedua rawa dan lingkungan mangrove. Ashley dan Zeff, 1988 Sedimen perangkap oleh rumput dan flokulasi sedimen oleh fisio-kimia dan proses biogenik penting dalam retensi sedimen dalam sistem rawa. Friedman et al., 1992

Masyarakat Mangrove adalah vegetasi pantai di pantai aluvial rendah daerah tropis dan subtropis. Mangrove tumbuh dari zona subtidal sampai ke daerah air tawar supratidal dan ke atas pasang normal. Meskipun lima jenis mangrove yang ditemukan di sebagian besar lingkungan, dua dominan adalah bakau merah (Rhizophora mangle) dan bakau hitam (Avicennia nitida). Red mangrove menjajah subtidal untuk menurunkan lingkungan supratidal. Bakau hitam ditemukan darat dan di atas band mangrove merah.

Mangrove memainkan peran utama dalam berasal, mempertahankan dan memperluas pulau lumpur dan dalam memperluas garis pantai. Sistem akar mengurangi kecepatan air dan perangkap beban sedimen. Spons pada akar prop menyaring banyak sedimen tersuspensi dari air banjir pasang. Rawa mangrove lingkungan sedimen pasif menawarkan beberapa perlawanan terhadap erosi tetapi mereka mempertahankan diri hanya jika daerah dilindungi dari agitasi fisik yang kuat dan masuknya berlebihan sedimen detrital. Scholl, 1964

Karena bakau tropis, substrat biasanya karbonat dan sedimen yang terkait dengan mangrove karbonat lumpur dan pasir biogenik dengan halus dibagi sisa-sisa tanaman berkayu. Kontribusi berat material daun menambahkan gambut dan puing-puing organik sedimen dan lapisan daun lebih dari 2 meter tebal dapat ditemukan. Letsch dan Frey, 1980 fossil hitam kecoklatan kemerahan gambut berserat dengan halus berkapur shell puing-puing dan biji-bijian kuarsa biasanya ignimbrit batuan dasar dalam urutan bakau transgresif. Sebagian besar kerang moluska air laut dan payau, tapi kerang air tawar dapat dibawa masuk ke kawasan mangrove laut dari rawa-rawa air tawar.