Research Article Multiphoton Tomographic Imaging: A Potential Optical Biopsy Tool for Detecting Gastrointestinal Inammation and Neoplasia Tomoki Makino 1,3 , Manu Jain 2,5 , David C. Montrose 1 , Amit Aggarwal 2 , Joshua Sterling 2 , Brian P. Bosworth 1 , Jeffrey W. Milsom 3 , Brian D. Robinson 4 , Maria M. Shevchuk 4 , Kathy Kawaguchi 4 , Ning Zhang 1 , Christopher M. Brown 7 , David R. Rivera 7 , Wendy O. Williams 8 , Chris Xu 7 , Andrew J. Dannenberg 1,6 , and Sushmita Mukherjee 2,6 Abstract Endoscopy is widely used to detect and remove premalignant lesions with the goal of preventing gastrointestinal (GI) cancers. Because current endoscopes do not provide cellular resolution, all suspicious lesions are biopsied and subjected to histologic evaluation. Technologies that facilitate directed biopsies should decrease both procedure-related morbidity and cost. Here we explore the use of multiphoton microscopy (MPM), an optical biopsy tool that relies on intrinsic tissue emissions, to evaluate pathology in both experimental and human GI specimens, using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained sections from these tissues for comparison. After evaluating the entire normal mouse GI tract, MPM was used to investigate disease progression in mouse models of colitis and colorectal carcinogenesis. MPM provided sufficient histologic detail to identify all relevant substructures in ex vivo normal GI tissue, visualize both acute and resolving stages of colitis, and show the progression of colorectal carcinogenesis. Next, ex vivo specimens from human subjects with celiac sprue, inflammatory bowel disease, and colorectal neoplasia were imaged by MPM. Finally, colonic mucosa in live anesthetized rats was imaged in vivo using a flexible endoscope prototype. In both animal models and human specimens, MPM images showed a striking similarity to the results of H&E staining, as shown by the 100% concordance achieved by the study pathologists’ diagnoses. In summary, MPM is a promising technique that accurately visualizes histology in fresh, unstained tissues. Our findings support the continued development of MPM as a technology to enhance the early detection of GI pathologies including premalignant lesions. Cancer Prev Res; 5(11); 1280–90. Ó2012 AACR. Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States with an esti- mated 140,000 new cases in 2011 (1). The use of colo- noscopy to identify and remove premalignant colorectal adenomas reduces the risk of developing CRC (2). For average-risk individuals, colonoscopic screening is recommended every 10 years, beginning at age 50 (3). In individuals with a family history of CRC, earlier screening is recommended (3). In addition, individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) for more than 8 years are at increased risk for developing CRC and sur- veillance colonoscopies including multiple random biop- sies are recommended every 1 to 2 years (4, 5). Upon discovering dysplasia in an IBD patient, colectomy is often advised to prevent potential life-threatening CRC (6). Other gastrointestinal (GI) diseases that increase the risk of malignancy include Barrett’s esophagus, chronic gastritis, and celiac sprue (7–9). Improved imaging meth- ods are needed for the early detection of premalignancy in both the upper and lower GI tract. Current endoscopes, even with adjuncts to white light, i.e., pre- or post-processing image modulation or chro- moendoscopy, do not provide cellular resolution that per- mit routine distinction between benign and dysplastic lesions. Consequently, the focus of endoscopic screening today is to biopsy or resect any suspicious lesions. The problems associated with such an approach include Authors' Afliations: Departments of 1 Medicine, 2 Biochemistry, 3 Surgery, 4 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 5 Urology; 6 Weill Cornell Cancer Center, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York; 7 School of Applied and Engineering Physics; and 8 Center for Animal Resources and Education, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Prevention Research Online (http://cancerprevres.aacrjournals.org/). T. Makino, M. Jain, and D.C. Montrose have contributed equally to the study. Corresponding Author: Sushmita Mukherjee, Department of Biochemis- try, Room E 019A, Weill Medical College of Cornell University 1300 York Ave, New York, NY 10065. Phone: 212-746-6495; Fax: 212-746-8875; E-mail: [email protected] doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-12-0132 Ó2012 American Association for Cancer Research. Cancer Prevention Research Cancer Prev Res; 5(11) November 2012 1280 Research. on January 24, 2020. © 2012 American Association for Cancer cancerpreventionresearch.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from Published OnlineFirst September 7, 2012; DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-12-0132

Multiphoton Tomographic Imaging: A Potential …...Research Article Multiphoton Tomographic Imaging: A Potential Optical Biopsy Tool for Detecting Gastrointestinal Inflammation and

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Research Article

Multiphoton Tomographic Imaging: A Potential OpticalBiopsy Tool for Detecting Gastrointestinal Inflammation andNeoplasia

Tomoki Makino1,3, Manu Jain2,5, David C. Montrose1, Amit Aggarwal2, Joshua Sterling2, Brian P. Bosworth1,Jeffrey W. Milsom3, Brian D. Robinson4, Maria M. Shevchuk4, Kathy Kawaguchi4, Ning Zhang1,Christopher M. Brown7, David R. Rivera7, Wendy O. Williams8, Chris Xu7, Andrew J. Dannenberg1,6, andSushmita Mukherjee2,6

AbstractEndoscopy is widely used to detect and remove premalignant lesions with the goal of preventing

gastrointestinal (GI) cancers. Because current endoscopes do not provide cellular resolution, all

suspicious lesions are biopsied and subjected to histologic evaluation. Technologies that facilitate

directed biopsies should decrease both procedure-related morbidity and cost. Here we explore the use of

multiphoton microscopy (MPM), an optical biopsy tool that relies on intrinsic tissue emissions, to

evaluate pathology in both experimental and human GI specimens, using hematoxylin and eosin

(H&E)-stained sections from these tissues for comparison. After evaluating the entire normal mouse GI

tract, MPM was used to investigate disease progression in mouse models of colitis and colorectal

carcinogenesis. MPM provided sufficient histologic detail to identify all relevant substructures in ex vivo

normal GI tissue, visualize both acute and resolving stages of colitis, and show the progression of

colorectal carcinogenesis. Next, ex vivo specimens from human subjects with celiac sprue, inflammatory

bowel disease, and colorectal neoplasia were imaged by MPM. Finally, colonic mucosa in live

anesthetized rats was imaged in vivo using a flexible endoscope prototype. In both animal models and

human specimens, MPM images showed a striking similarity to the results of H&E staining, as shown by

the 100% concordance achieved by the study pathologists’ diagnoses. In summary, MPM is a promising

technique that accurately visualizes histology in fresh, unstained tissues. Our findings support the

continued development of MPM as a technology to enhance the early detection of GI pathologies

including premalignant lesions. Cancer Prev Res; 5(11); 1280–90. �2012 AACR.

IntroductionColorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of

cancer-related deaths in the United States with an esti-mated 140,000 new cases in 2011 (1). The use of colo-noscopy to identify and remove premalignant colorectaladenomas reduces the risk of developing CRC (2). For

average-risk individuals, colonoscopic screening isrecommended every 10 years, beginning at age 50 (3).In individuals with a family history of CRC, earlierscreening is recommended (3). In addition, individualswith inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) for more than 8years are at increased risk for developing CRC and sur-veillance colonoscopies including multiple random biop-sies are recommended every 1 to 2 years (4, 5). Upondiscovering dysplasia in an IBD patient, colectomy isoften advised to prevent potential life-threatening CRC(6). Other gastrointestinal (GI) diseases that increase therisk of malignancy include Barrett’s esophagus, chronicgastritis, and celiac sprue (7–9). Improved imaging meth-ods are needed for the early detection of premalignancy inboth the upper and lower GI tract.

Current endoscopes, even with adjuncts to white light,i.e., pre- or post-processing image modulation or chro-moendoscopy, do not provide cellular resolution that per-mit routine distinction between benign and dysplasticlesions. Consequently, the focus of endoscopic screeningtoday is to biopsy or resect any suspicious lesions. Theproblems associated with such an approach include

Authors'Affiliations: Departments of 1Medicine, 2Biochemistry, 3Surgery,4Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 5Urology; 6Weill Cornell CancerCenter, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York;7School of Applied and Engineering Physics; and 8Center for AnimalResources and Education, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Note:Supplementary data for this article are available atCancer PreventionResearch Online (http://cancerprevres.aacrjournals.org/).

T. Makino, M. Jain, and D.C. Montrose have contributed equally to thestudy.

Corresponding Author: Sushmita Mukherjee, Department of Biochemis-try, Room E 019A, Weill Medical College of Cornell University 1300 YorkAve, New York, NY 10065. Phone: 212-746-6495; Fax: 212-746-8875;E-mail: [email protected]

doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-12-0132

�2012 American Association for Cancer Research.


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sampling error, removal of benign lesions, prolonged pro-cedure times, and multiple negative samples for pathologicinterpretation leading to additional cost. Therefore,improved early detection methods, which can facilitatetargeted biopsies are needed.Novel "optical biopsy" techniques, such as confocal

microendoscopy and optical coherence tomography(OCT), can provide high-resolution imaging in situ, buteach approach has significant limitations (10, 11). Here weexplore the use of multiphoton microscopy (MPM) as anext-generation optical biopsy tool. MPM relies on thesimultaneous absorption of 2 or 3 low-energy (near-infra-red) photons to cause a nonlinear excitation equivalent tothat createdby a single photonof bluer light. Excitationonlyoccurs where there is sufficient photon density, i.e., at thepoint of laser focus, providing intrinsic optical sectioning.Tissue penetration is greater than with standard confocalmicroscopy because absorption and scattering of the laserexcitation is reduced at near-infrared wavelengths (12, 13).Most importantly, by using 2-photon excitation in the 700to 800 nm range, MPM enables both in vivo and ex vivoimaging of fresh, unprocessed, and unstained tissue viaintrinsic tissue emissions, which includes both autofluor-escence and second harmonic generation (SHG) (12–14).MPM imaging, using intrinsic tissue emissions, is capable ofgenerating distinct optical signals from different tissuecomponents that enable imaging of animal (13, 15, 16)and human (17–22) tissues at submicron resolution in 3dimensions to a depth of up to 0.5mmbelow the specimensurface. These imaging parameters enable real-time detailedvisualization of cellular and subcellular changes thataccompany the development of disease.Recent studies of MPM in multiple organ sites including

the GI tract underscore the potential utility of this technol-ogy (18, 23–30). Although MPM has been previously usedto assess GI tissue architecture in both animal models andhumanbiopsies (18, 23–32),we posit that the current studyis the most comprehensive evaluation of MPM imaging ofthe GI tract, carried out in 4 phases: (i) generation of anMPM atlas of the entire normal mouse GI tract, includingthe hepatobiliary system and pancreas, (ii) imaging diseaseprogression in mouse models of colitis and colorectalneoplasia, (iii) visualization of human tissues from subjectswith celiac sprue, IBD, and colorectal neoplasia, and (iv)in vivo imaging of the normal rat colon.

Materials and MethodsProcurement of mouse tissues for generating thenormal GI atlasThe esophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, and colon

were harvested from 8-week-old C57BL6/J male mice (TheJackson Laboratory). All tissues were flushed with ice-coldPBS, cut open longitudinally and immediately imaged byMPM. Organs of the hepatobiliary system and pancreaswere harvested and immediately imaged. Following imag-ing, tissues were fixed in 10% formalin overnight thenparaffin embedded, sectioned, and stained with hematox-ylin and eosin (H&E).

Dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitisFor studies of acute inflammation, 8-week-old male

C57BL6/J mice were administered 2% dextran sodiumsulfate (DSS; MP Biochemical) dissolved in drinking waterfor 1, 3, or 7 days (n¼ 3/time point). For studies of chronicinflammation,micewere given 2%DSS for 7 days, followedby 7 or 14 days of plain drinkingwater (n¼ 3/time point). Aseparate control group of mice was given plain drinkingwater for the indicated experimental periods (n ¼ 2/timepoint). This experimental design is depicted in Supplemen-tary Fig. S1A. All mice weremaintained on 5053 rodent diet20 (PMI Nutrition, Inc.). At the end of the experimentalperiod, mice were sacrificed and colons harvested, flushedwith ice-cold PBS, cut open longitudinally, and immedi-ately imagedbyMPM. Following imaging, colonswere fixedin 10% formalin overnight then Swiss-rolled and paraffin-embedded, sectioned, and stained with H&E.

Azoxymethane-induced colorectal carcinogenesisMale A/J mice were placed on AIN93G purified diet

(Research Diets, Inc.) and given 6 weekly intraperitonealinjections of azoxymethane (AOM; 10 mg/kg; SigmaAldrich) or 0.9% saline beginning at 5 weeks of age. At 1,3, or 7weeks after the last injection,micewere sacrificed andcolons were harvested and treated as described above. Threemice from the AOM-injected group and 2 mice from thesaline-injected group were imaged at each time point. Theexperimental design is shown in Supplementary Fig. S1B.The animal studies were approved by the InstitutionalAnimal Care and Use Committee at Weill Cornell MedicalCollege.

Procurement and imaging of human samplesBiopsy specimens from subjects with celiac sprue,

Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and their respective nor-mal controlswere collected during endoscopy. Immediatelyafter biopsy, samples were placed in PBS on ice then imagedby MPM within 1 hour. Adenoma and adenocarcinomaspecimens were collected from patients who underwentcolectomy. After removal, colons were bisected in surgicalpathology then imaged by MPM within 1 hour. After MPMimaging, biopsy and colectomy specimens were formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, sectioned, and stained by H&E.Stained slides were evaluated by the attending pathologystaff at New York-PresbyterianHospital/Weill Cornell Med-ical College and reported using the World Health Organi-zation guidelines (33). The study was approved by theWeill Cornell Medical College Institutional Review Boardand all subjects provided written informed consent forparticipation.

MPMOlympus FluoView FV1000 MPE imaging system was

used for all MPM imaging, except the colectomy specimens,for which a home-built MPM system, described in detailpreviously (17), was used. Each specimen was placed at thecenter of a glass-bottomed 35-mmdish or a glass slide, withthe luminal surface facing up, hydrated with PBS, and

Multiphoton Tomographic Imaging of Gastrointestinal System

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overlaid with a coverslip. The whole dish was then placedunder the objective of the upright microscope for imaging.Specimens were imaged first at low magnification using a4 �/0.28NA dry objective, and then at high magnificationusing a 25 �/1.05NA or a 20 �/0.95NA water immersionobjective. Specimenswere excited using 780nm light fromatunable femtosecond pulsed Ti-Sapphire laser (Mai TaiDeepSee, Spectra-Physics, Newport Corporation). Threedistinct intrinsic tissue emission signalswere collected usingphotomultiplier tubes in nondescanned configuration: (i)SHG (360–400 nm, color coded red), a nonlinear scatteringsignal originating from tissue collagen, (ii) short wave-length autofluorescence (420–490 nm, color coded green),originating in part from reduced NADH and flavin adeninedinucleotide in cells, and elastin in the connective tissue,and (iii) long wavelength autofluorescence (550–650 nm,color coded blue), originating in part from lipofuscin inmacrophages, and from mucin and bile. The signals inindividual channels were collected as separate grayscaleimages, color-coded andmerged to produce the final image.Minor adjustments of brightness and color balance werecarried out using Adobe Photoshop CS4.

For in vivo imaging, a prototype assembled at CornellUniversity, Ithaca (34; Fig 6A) was used. Briefly, the deviceconsists of aminiaturized cantilever fiber raster scanner anda 0.8 numerical aperture gradient index (GRIN) lens, whichare packaged into waterproof stainless steel housing. Theentire rigid length of the prototype is 4 cm, with an outerdiameter of 3mm. Beyond this 4 cm rigid length, the rest ofthe device is flexible. The system is able to obtain rasterscanned 512� 512 pixel images, with a field of view of 115� 115 mm, at 4.1 frames per second. The lateral and axialresolutions are 0.8 and 10 mm, respectively, which arecomparable with the state-of-the-art commercial bench-topsystems. For in vivo imaging (35), we used adult maleSprague Dawley rats (Charles River Laboratories Interna-tional), because they are significantly larger, and thus moreappropriate for imaging with the human endoscope pro-totype as compared with mice. To conduct imaging, ratswere placed under isofluorane anesthesia and a laparotomywas conducted using a standard ventral midline abdominalapproach. The colon was exteriorized, a section was placedon a flat platform and a small incision was made to exposethe colonic mucosa and allow for the insertion of theendoscope. The colonic mucosa was visualized using fem-tosecond pulsed 800 nm light, and the endoscope wasfocused 20 to 30 mm below the mucosal surface (Fig. 6B–C). The resultant emission was collected in 2 photomulti-plier channels, one collecting SHG (�405 nm) and anothercollecting broadband autofluorescence (�405 nm). Imageswere acquired for several seconds at a time, and collected asmovies. One of the frames of the movie was later extracted,color-coded green, andminimally processed (adjustment ofbrightness and contrast, and Gaussian smoothing toremove single pixel noise). To compare the performanceof endoscopic imaging with that of the commercial bench-top Olympus FV1000MPE system, a section of colon wasexcised from an adult male Sprague Dawley rat after sacri-

fice, flushed with PBS, cut open longitudinally, and imagedusing the commercial system under comparable imagingparameters. This tissue was subsequently fixed in formalin,and processed for routine H&E histology, as describedabove.

Histopathologic analysisThe 3 study pathologists first reviewed H&E-stained

slides from the DSS and AOM models along with corre-sponding control tissues, to familiarize themselves withthe morphologic changes at various time points in thedisease. Subsequently, each pathologist was independent-ly shown representative MPM images of the same speci-mens in a blinded fashion. For the DSS model, eachpathologist scored the morphologic changes in the fol-lowing categories: (i) crypt architecture (normal, atro-phic, regenerative, or dysplastic), (ii) presence or absenceof inflammation, and (iii) ulceration (n ¼ 3 mice/group).On the basis of these morphologic changes, each imagewas assigned either to the acute or the resolving phase ofcolitis. For the AOM model, pathologists were asked toidentify the following lesions: (i) aberrant crypts, (ii)aberrant crypt foci (ACF), (iii) microadenoma, and (iv)adenoma (n ¼ 3 mice/group). They also noted the degreeof dysplasia (low or high) for each lesion.

For histopathologic analysis of human specimens, MPMimages of normal biopsies from the duodenum, terminalileum, and left colon were shown to 2 study pathologists.These locations were specifically chosen as controls for thediseased specimens, which came from these parts of the GItract. The pathologists were then shown MPM images fromthe suspected abnormal lesions in a blinded fashion, andasked to categorize them as lesions of malabsorption syn-drome (celiac sprue) or IBD. These results were then com-pared with the diagnosis given on H&E-stained sections bythe attending pathologists. The neoplastic lesions (adeno-mas and adenocarcinomas of the colon) were not includedin theblinded analysis ofMPM images because these imageswere generated from intact colectomy specimens and itcould not be confirmed that H&E-stained slides used forclinical diagnosis were prepared from precisely the samelocations as those imaged by MPM.

ResultsMPM generates images of the mouse GI tract that arecomparable to H&E-stained tissue

To determine whether MPM is useful for identifyingpathology in the GI tract, we first created an atlas ofthe entire normal mouse GI tract, visualized by both MPM,and concordant H&E staining. Beginning with theesophagus, Fig. 1A and B shows typicalmorphology includ-ing keratinized stratified squamous epithelium lining themucosa, aswell as collagenbundles and elastin fiberswithinthe submucosa. Next, the stomach was visualized showinggastric glands and connective tissue (Fig. 1C and D). Sup-plementary Fig. S2A–S2D shows images of the gastroesoph-ageal junction. The small intestine was next imaged includ-ing the duodenum and ileum, which showed villi lined by

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enterocytes with interspersed goblet cells (Fig. 1E–H).MPMimages of the ileum showed microvilli, which were onlyvisible by MPM (Fig. 1G, inset). Finally, we imagedthe cecum and proximal colon which showed surface epi-thelium and crypts lined by columnar and goblet cells (Fig.1I–L). Supplementary Fig. S2E–S2H shows images of theano-rectal junction. To complement these images of thetubular GI tract, the hepatobiliary system, including the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas were also imaged (Supplemen-tary Fig. S3).

MPMcanvisualize stagesofDSS-induced colonic injuryStudies were next undertaken to determine the utility of

MPM to visualize colonic injury at different stages of exper-imental colitis. Colons from untreated mice had intactsurface epithelium and normal appearing crypts (Fig. 2A–D). Neither MPM nor H&E revealed significant morpho-logic changes after 1 or 3 days of DSS exposure. However, inmice given 7 days of DSS, we observed morphologicchanges associated with acute colitis including focal ulcer-

ation, atrophic crypts in areas of dropout, edema, and aninflammatory cell infiltrate in the lamina propria (Fig. 2E–H). Supplementary video SV1 highlights the 3-dimensionalimaging capability of MPM, which allows for better appre-ciation of histology in various tissue planes. Next, wevisualized the resolving phase of colitis in mice adminis-tered DSS for 7 days followed by 7 days of plain drinkingwater (Fig. 2I–L). These images showed enlarged regener-ative crypts within the mucosa and increased mononuclearinflammatory infiltrate in the lamina propria (Fig. 2I–L).Similar effects were seen 14 days after stopping DSSexposure.

The progression of colorectal carcinogenesis can beobserved by MPM

To extend our preclinical studies of GI pathology, wenext imaged the progression of experimental colorectalneoplasia in AOM-administered mice. Colons fromsaline-administered control mice had normal appearingcrypt architecture and easily identifiable lymphoid





Figure 1. Comparative MPM and H&E image atlas of the normal mouse gastrointestinal tract. A and B, the esophagus was imaged showing keratinized,stratified squamous epithelium lining the mucosa (a) and collagen bundles (red in MPM) and elastin fibers (green in MPM) in the submucosa (b).Insets in the MPM image show keratin (blue) and squamous cells (green). C and D, the stomach was imaged showing gastric glands (green in MPM) and thesurrounding connective tissue (red inMPM). Insets show chief cells with basal nuclei (arrows) and large rounded parietal cells with central nuclei (arrowheads)lining a gastric gland. E and F, the duodenumwas imaged showing villi (arrows) with core consisting of connective tissue (red inMPM) andmononuclear cells(mixture of blue and green cells in MPM) and crypts (arrowheads). Insets show enterocytes lining the villi. G and H, the ileum was imaged showingshort and cylindrical villi (arrows) with the core consisting of connective tissue (red in MPM) and mononuclear cells (mixture of blue and green cells in MPM).Insets show enterocytes (green in MPM), microvilli (arrowhead in MPM), and connective tissue core (red in MPM). I and J, the cecum was imagedshowing surface epithelium (arrows) and crypts of Lieberk€uhn (arrowheads). Insets show columnar epithelium of surface mucosa. K and L, the proximalcolon was imaged showing surface epithelium (arrows) and crypts of Lieberk€uhn (arrowheads). Insets show surface epithelium and crypts lined bycolumnar epithelium and goblet cells (arrowheads). MPM total magnifications: A, C, E, G, I, K ¼ 300 �; insets ¼ 750 �. H&E total magnifications:B, D, F, H, J, L ¼ 200 �: insets ¼ 400 �.

Multiphoton Tomographic Imaging of Gastrointestinal System

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follicles (Fig. 3A–D). In contrast, in AOM-administeredmice, we observed ACF composed of hyperplastic and/ordysplastic crypts (Fig. 3E–H) as well as microadenomas, 1week after the last of 6 weekly injections. Three weeksafter the last AOM injection, a larger number of ACF withincreasing degrees of dysplasia and more frequent micro-adenomas were found (Fig. 3I–L). At the final time point(7 weeks following the last injection), in addition to theseearly lesions, we also found macroadenomas liningthe colonic mucosa with low- and high-grade dysplasia(Fig. 3M–P).

Human GI disease can be visualized with MPMWe next determined whether our examination of GI

pathology in mouse models could be translated to humandisease. Therefore, we first examined endoscopic biopsiesfrom small intestinal diseases that predispose to malignan-cy including celiac sprue and Crohn’s Disease. Duodenalbiopsies from healthy subjects showed normal histology byMPM and H&E with villi lined by enterocytes and gobletcells (Fig. 4A–D). In contrast, duodenal biopsies from a

celiac sprue subject revealed blunting of villi with flattenedmucosal surface and lamina propria with increased lym-phoplasmacytic infiltrate (Fig. 4E–H).

Next, we compared tissues from subjects with Crohn’sDisease versus healthy controls. Figure 4I–L shows MPMandH&E images taken from the terminal ileum of a healthysubject showing normal histology. The biopsy taken from asubject previously diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease howev-er, showed features of chronic active ileitis with blunted villiand focal ulcerations containing inflammatory cells (Fig.4M–P).

We extended our examination of human GI disease tovisualize abnormalities of the colon. Figure 5 shows imagesof endoscopic biopsies from the colons of a healthysubject showing normal-appearing crypts (Fig. 5A–D) ver-sus clinically diagnosed chronic active ulcerative colitis (Fig.5E–H). In the ulcerative colitis specimen, pseudopolypformation, distortion, and loss of crypts, and an inflamma-tory cell infiltrate are seen (Fig. 5E–H).

Finally, human colectomy specimens from subjects withcolorectal neoplasia were imaged. Figure 5I–L shows a





Figure 2. MPM and H&E images of DSS-induced colonic injury. A and B, a control mouse colon was imaged showing colonic mucosa with uniform,homogenous crypts. C andD, highmagnification images of panels A andB showcolumnar cells lining the surface epithelium (arrows), crypts (arrowheads andinsets), and connective tissue (red in MPM) of the lamina propria. E and F, the colon from a mouse exposed to DSS for 7 days is shown at lowmagnification with a region of nonulcerated colonic mucosa (a) and an ulcerated area with crypt loss and exposed connective tissue of the lamina propria (b).G and H, high magnification images of panels E and F show atrophic crypts (arrows and insets) in the nonulcerated area (a) and exposed laminapropria with inflammatory cells (arrowheads) in the ulcerated area (b). I and J, a colon from a mouse given DSS for 7 days followed by 7 days of plaindrinking water shows morphologic features of resolving colitis at low magnification including a region with aberrant crypts (a) and an area of crypt lossassociated with increased inflammatory cells and connective tissue (b). K and L, high magnification images show enlarged regenerative crypts(arrows and insets) from area "a" in panels I and J and an increased number of mononuclear inflammatory cells (arrowheads) and connective tissue(red in MPM). MPM total magnifications: A, E, I ¼ 48 �; C, G, K ¼ 300 �; insets ¼ 750 �. H&E total magnifications: B, F, J ¼ 40 �; D, H, L ¼ 200 �;insets ¼ 500 �.

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tubular adenoma with crowded glands lined by cells withelongated nuclei indicative of low-grade dysplasia. Figure5M–P shows a well differentiated adenocarcinoma withcomplex (back-to-back) arrangement of the tubular glandsand cytologic features of dysplasia. Taken together, theresults obtained in both experimental models and humansindicate that MPM can be used to visualize GI diseases thatpredispose to cancer.

MPM-generated images allow for accurate pathologicdiagnosesWe next determined whether images generated by MPM

alone could be used to identify and categorize GI diseases.

H&E-stained sections from the same specimens imaged byMPM were used to confirm diagnoses. For mouse studies,colonic inflammatory lesions frommice exposed to DSS (n¼ 3 mice/time point) were shown to 3 pathologists in ablinded fashion. Each viewer was able to identify normal,atrophic and regenerative crypts, and regions of ulcerationand inflammation with 100% concordance with H&E-stained slides, as well as with 100% inter-observer agree-ment. Neoplastic lesions of the colon from AOM-exposedmice (n¼ 3mice/time point) were shown to pathologists toidentify dysplastic crypts, ACF, microadenomas, andmacroadenomas in a blinded manner with 100% concor-dance. For both the DSS and AOM models, 3 pathologists






Figure3. Imagesof AOM-inducedcolonic neoplasia generatedbyMPMandH&E.A–D, colonicmucosa fromasaline-administered controlmouseat low (AandB) and high (C and D) magnifications showing uniformly spaced homogenous crypts and a lymphoid follicle (arrows). Insets in panels C and D show a normalcrypt at higher magnification. E and F, images of an ACF are shown (dotted circle) on a background of polymorphic crypts within the colon one weekfollowing the last AOM injection. G and H, high magnification images of panels E and F show a well-defined ACF surrounded by a band of thick connectivetissue (red in MPM). Insets show an ACF lined by cells with low-grade dysplasia defined by elongated and crowded nuclei. I and J, images show amicroadenoma 3 weeks following the last AOM injection (dotted circle), on a background of polymorphic appearing colonic mucosa. K and L, highmagnification images of panels I and J show closely packed aberrant cryptswith high-grade dysplasia defined by nuclear stratification and loss of goblet cells(insets) and little intervening connective tissue. M and N, images show a macroadenoma (arrows) 7 weeks following the last AOM injection. O and P, highmagnification images of panels M and N show fused glands within the macroadenoma (arrows) and surrounding areas containing aberrant crypts(arrowheads). Insets show cells with high-grade dysplasia lining the adenomatous glands. MPM total magnifications: A, E, I, M ¼ 48�; C, G, K, O ¼ 300�;insets ¼ 750�. H&E total magnifications: B, F, J, N ¼ 40�; D, H, L, P ¼ 200�; insets ¼ 400�.

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were shown one low-magnification image and 3 to 6 high-magnification images generated by MPM. The low-magni-fication imageswere tiles covering a relatively large area (10sof mm) in an effort to capture the heterogeneity of histo-logic features seen at various stages of disease. High-mag-nification images focused on structures of diagnosticimportance.

For human samples, MPM images from clinically diag-nosed subjects with Crohn’s disease (n ¼ 4), ulcerativecolitis (n ¼ 2), or celiac sprue (n ¼ 2) were examined bystudy pathologists. Images from IBD specimens (Crohn’sdisease or ulcerative colitis), were diagnosed as chronicactive ileitis or chronic active colitis and samples from spruecases were identified as such byMPM. These diagnoses were

identical to the final pathology report given by attendingpathologists basedonH&E-stained slides prepared from thesame specimens. As stated in the Methods section, neoplas-tic lesions from human samples were not included in theblinded analysis of MPM images as these images weregenerated from intact colectomy specimens and it couldnot be confirmed that H&E-stained slides used for clinicaldiagnosis were prepared from precisely the same locationsas those imaged by MPM.

Imaging of colonic mucosa in vivo using a flexible MPMendoscope

We next assessed our ability to translate the ex vivovisualization of the animal and human GI tracts to






Figure 4. Imaging of small intestinal lesions from human subjects byMPM andH&E. A and B, images of the normal duodenum from a control subject show villi(arrows) lining themucosal surface at lowmagnification. C andD, highmagnification imagesof panels A andBshowenterocytes (green inMPM) and scatteredgoblet cells (arrows) lining the villi. The core of the villus (a) shows mononuclear cells (mixture of blue and green cells in MPM), recognized mainly aslymphocytes by H&E. E and F, duodenal biopsy from a subject clinically diagnosed with celiac sprue shows flattened mucosal surface with villus shortening(arrows) and preserved crypts (arrowheads). G and H, high magnification images of panels E and F show the flattened mucosal surface lined bysimple columnar cells (arrows) and crypts with goblet cells (arrowheads). The lamina propria (a) has increased inflammatory cell infiltrate (mixture of blue andgreen cells in MPM), mainly identified as lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils by H&E. I–L, the normal terminal ileum from a control subject shows villi(arrows) at low (I and J) and high (K and L) magnifications. M–P, ileal biopsy from a subject with Crohn's disease showsmorphologic features of chronic activeileitis. Low-magnification images (M and N) show blunted villi (arrows), focal ulcerations (arrowheads), and inflammatory infiltrate (a). High-magnificationimages (O and P) show focal ulcerations (arrowheads) and inflammatory infiltrate (a; identified as neutrophils and lymphocytes by H&E). MPM totalmagnifications: A, E, I, M ¼ 48�; C, G, K, O ¼ 300�. H&E total magnifications: B, F, J, N ¼ 40�; D, H, L, P ¼ 200�.

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in vivo. To this end, we used a miniaturized MPMendoscope prototype assembled at Cornell University,Ithaca (34, 35; Fig 6A–C). Imaging of the exposed colonin a live rat using this device showed all significanthistologic features including crypts lined by enterocytesand goblet cells (Fig. 6D). To compare the imagingcapability of the prototype endoscope to the standardcommercial bench-top system, excised rat colon tissuewas also visualized using the bench-top microscope (Fig.6E). Both systems showed striking similarity in theirability to reveal histologic features (Fig. 6D and E).Standard H&E staining was also conducted on the sametissue (Fig. 6F).

DiscussionThe overall goal of this studywas to assess the potential of

MPM imaging for real-time, high-resolution contrast-freevisualization of both the normal GI tract and GI diseaseslinked to malignancy. To accomplish this, an MPM atlas ofimages of the entire normal mouse GI tract from theesophagus to the anus, including the organs of the hepa-tobiliary system and pancreas was generated. Next, mousemodels of experimental colitis and colorectal neoplasiawere imaged. MPM imaging was then used to visualizetissues from several diseases linked to GI malignancyincluding celiac sprue, IBD, and colonic neoplasia. MPMimages generated from tissues of both experimental models






Figure 5. Imaging of colonic lesions from human subjects byMPMandH&E. A–D, image of normal colonic mucosa from a control subject shows low (A and B)and high (C and D) magnification images of the surface epithelium (arrows) and crypts (arrowheads) with mononuclear cells in the lamina propria recognizedmainly as lymphocytes by H&E. E–H, distal colonic biopsy from a subject with ulcerative colitis shows morphological features of chronic activecolitis. Low-magnification images (E and F) show irregular mucosal surface due to ulceration/pseudopolyps (arrows), reduced numbers of crypts, andincreasedcellularity in the laminapropria (a). Thehigh-magnification images (GandH) showapseudopolyp linedby columnar epithelium (arrow)with completeloss of crypts and marked mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate in the lamina propria (a), identified as lymphocytes and plasma cells on H&E.I–L, images from a tubular adenoma show a smooth polypoid surface (arrows) with adenomatous glands (arrowheads) at low magnification in panels I and Jand high-magnification images in panels K and L show an adenomatous gland with low-grade dysplasia (arrows and insets). M–P, a well-differentiatedadenocarcinoma of the colon is shown at low magnification in panels M and N with complex (back-to-back) glandular arrangement and shown at highmagnification in panelsOandP revealing crowdedglands linedby dysplastic cells (insets).MPM totalmagnifications: A, E, I,M¼48�; C,G, K,O¼300�. H&Etotal magnifications: B, F, J, N ¼ 40�; D, H, L, P ¼ 200�.

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and human subjects recapitulated all essential aspects ofhistology found in H&E-stained sections. Finally, the fea-sibility of carrying out MPM imaging of the GI tract in vivowas established.

Previously, MPM imaging has been used to visualizethe normal and diseased mouse GI tract (23, 24, 29,30, 36). For example, DSS-induced colitis was imaged ingreen fluorescent protein transgenic mice (23, 24).Although these studies showed clear morphologicchanges in the colon as a result of DSS exposure, exog-enous fluorescence was used to visualize these changes.Importantly, our study shows the ability of MPM to useendogenous tissue emission signals alone to image sim-ilar pathologic changes. We posit that such imaging willbe easier to translate to a clinical setting for future real-time endoscopic evaluation of tissue. Two-photonmicroscopy has also been used to show the aberrantmorphology of a small intestinal polyp in APCMin/þ mice(30). Our study builds upon this work and uses MPM to

show the progression of morphologic changes duringcolorectal carcinogenesis. One potential implication isthat MPM-derived images may prove useful for determin-ing the ability of chemopreventive agents to inhibitcolorectal carcinogenesis.

After establishing the MPM signatures of colitis andcolorectal neoplasia in the mouse model, we investigatedwhether similar changes could be identified in humandisease. In each case, we found that MPM can reliablyidentify all relevant tissue substructures in the normal aswell as the diseased human GI tract. Rogart and collea-gues have used MPM to assess ex vivo specimens fromseveral parts of the normal human GI mucosa identifyingstructures such as epithelial cells, goblet cells, and inter-stitial fibers (18). In addition, human esophageal, gastric,and colon cancers have been previously investigated withMPM (18, 25, 26, 28, 30). To our knowledge, the currentstudy provides the first evidence that MPM can be used tovisualize and delineate morphologic changes associatedwith celiac sprue, Crohn’s ileitis, and ulcerative colitis.Importantly, pathologists were able to use MPM to accu-rately diagnose each of these diseases that predispose tomalignancy.

Confocal microendoscopy and OCT are 2 competingtechnologies for generating "optical biopsies" of diseasedtissue. Endoscopes equipped with confocal imaging capa-bilities have been shown to be useful for detecting neo-plastic changes in ulcerative colitis and Barrett’s esopha-gus (37, 38). In another recent human study involvingconfocal microendoscopy, dysplastic colonocytes wereshown to be preferentially labeled with a fluorescein-conjugated heptapeptide (39). However, in spite of thegreat promise, current clinical confocal systems sufferfrom several significant limitations including the needfor exogenous contrast administration, shallow depth ofimaging, and only being able to detect the exogenouslyadministered contrast agent. In vivo colonoscopic OCThas been used in clinical trials to distinguish betweencolonic polyps and normal mucosa and between ulcera-tive colitis and Crohn’s disease (40, 41). The advantage ofthis technology is deeper tissue penetration (up to 2 mm)relative to both confocal and MPM, allowing access to thesubmucosa. However, the lateral resolution of currentclinical systems (�10 m) is insufficient to obtain thecellular and subcellular resolution that is necessary todistinguish between benign lesions and early stage neo-plasms. Furthermore, unlike MPM, OCT does not gener-ate distinct signals from specific tissue components. Thus,MPM imaging may overcome some of the limitationsassociated with confocal microendoscopy and OCT.

There are potential real-time clinical applications forMPM technology in human disease. In fact, a commercialMPM system (DermaInspect, JenLab) is currently approvedin Europe for diagnosis of dermal neoplasms (42, 43).Furthermore, rigid microprobe objectives for use withbench-top MPM systems are commercially available buthave only been used to image tissues ex vivo (18). Nextgeneration technologies where MPM devices are





Figure 6. In vivo MPM imaging using a miniaturized endoscope. A,photograph of the flexible multiphoton endoscope (green dottedrectangle) used in this study on an optical table, held by an articulatingarm. B and C, infrared charge-coupled device (CCD) camera images ofthe endoscopewhile imaging the surgically exposed colonicmucosa of alive, anesthetized rat, at 2 � (B) and 10 � (C) magnifications. Theendoscope is outlined by green dotted rectangles and the rat colon isindicated by the arrows. D, image of the colonic mucosa of a living ratgenerated with the flexible MPM endoscope shown in A–C. Thisunaveraged single image frame shows a field of view of 115 mm� 115 mmwas acquired at 4.1 frames/s using 75 mW incident power at 800 nm. E,image of an ex vivo section of rat colon, acquired using the bench-topOlympus MPM system at identical dimensions and a comparable focaldepth as the endoscope. F, H&E-stained section of the same colonimaged by MPM in panel E. Colonic crypts indicated by "�", enterocytesindicated by arrows and goblet cells indicated by arrowheads.

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miniaturized for use in rigid and flexible endoscopes,including the prototype used in this study, are currentlyunder development in several laboratories (34, 44–50).Future uses for a rigid probe could include examination ofthe oral and vaginal mucosa and the anal/perianal regionto identify dysplastic changes and exclude malignantlesions. Rigid probes could also be useful for evaluatingsurgical margins. Flexible endoscopes (similar to the oneused in this study) could be used during colonoscopy andupper GI endoscopy to diagnose polyps and other sus-picious regions within the mucosa as benign or malig-nant, thereby potentially minimizing biopsies of benigntissues. It is likely that using this technology will save timeand reduce both patient morbidity and cost. Given thenecessarily small field-of-view of any high-resolutionoptical biopsy technique, we visualize their role in thenear future primarily as a means to confirm the identitiesof suspicious lesions found with low-resolution screeningtechniques, such as high-definition white light endosco-py, narrow band imaging, or chromoendoscopy. In sum-mary, our findings show the utility of MPM for imaginginflammatory and neoplastic lesions of the GI tract andsupport the continued development of MPM. Takentogether, MPM may enhance the identification of GIpathology in situ during an endoscopic or surgical pro-cedure, and thereby play a future role in preventing thedevelopment and progression of disease.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestNo potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.

Authors' ContributionsConception anddesign:T.Makino,D.C.Montrose, J.W.Milsom,C. Xu, A.J.Dannenberg, S. MukherjeeDevelopment of methodology: T. Makino, D.C. Montrose, J. Sterling, N.Zhang, C. Xu, S. MukherjeeAcquisitionofdata (provided animals, acquired andmanagedpatients,provided facilities, etc.): T. Makino, M. Jain, A. Aggarwal, J. Sterling, B.Bosworth, M.M. Shevchuk, C.M. Brown, D.R. Rivera, W.O. Williams, C. Xu,A.J. Dannenberg, S. MukherjeeAnalysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biosta-tistics, computational analysis): T. Makino, M. Jain, D.C. Montrose, J.Sterling, B.D. Robinson, M.M. Shevchuk, K. Kawaguchi, C.M. Brown, D.R.Rivera, S. MukherjeeWriting, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: T. Makino, M. Jain,D.C. Montrose, B. Bosworth, J.W. Milsom, B.D. Robinson, M.M. Shevchuk,K. Kawaguchi, C.M. Brown, D.R. Rivera, A.J. Dannenberg, S. MukherjeeAdministrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or orga-nizing data, constructing databases): T. Makino, M.M. ShevchukStudy supervision: M. Jain, C. Xu, A.J. Dannenberg, S. Mukherjee

AcknowledgmentsThe authors acknowledge Dr. Parul Shukla, GI surgeon, for many useful

discussions regarding the wider implications of MPM in surgical manage-ment of GI diseases, and Dr. Nicole Panarelli, GI pathologist, for review ofsome H&E slides which had ambiguous diagnoses.

Grant SupportThis project was supported by the New York Crohn’s Foundation (A.J.

Dannenberg), The Uehara Memorial Foundation (T. Makino), NIH T32CA062948 (D.C. Montrose), and NIH/NIBIB R01-EB006736 and NIH/NCIR01-CA133148 (C. Xu).

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by thepayment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby markedadvertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicatethis fact.

ReceivedMarch 26, 2012; revised July 26, 2012; accepted August 23, 2012;published OnlineFirst September 7, 2012.

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