Multiplan begins preleasing in ParkShoppingCanoas

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  • 8/21/2019 Multiplan begins preleasing in ParkShoppingCanoas



    informs that it has begun preleasing stores in ParkShoppingCanoas, its 19th shopping center, located in the city of Canoas,

    state of Rio Grande do Sul.

    ParkShoppingCanoas will have in its first phase 48.0 thousand m in Gross Leasable Area (GLA), and an innovative

    architectural project and a great leisure and services area distributed among 258 stores. The development will offer a

    hypermarket, a skating rink, a gym, an indoor amusement park, five movie theaters stadium type, six gourmet restaurants with

    a veranda overlooking the municipal park Getlio Vargas, and a food court with 28 operations. Furthermore, the mall will have

    2,500 parking spots, of which approximately 1,000 will be covered. The development also offers the potential for future

    developments of mixed use projects.

    Multiplans interest in the shopping center will be of 80.0%, and the inauguration is scheduled for the second half of 2016. The

    companys stake in the projects development costs (CAPEX) will be of 94.7%.

    The area of influence of the shopping center is estimated at 545 thousand inhabitants, the city of Canoas and surrounding

    neighborhoods, of which 85% of the population falls under the A, B and C economic classes. When adding to the area of

    influence the cities in the Vale do Rio dos Sinos and the closest three Porto Alegre neighborhoods, this number increases to

    2.4 million inhabitants.

    Integrated to the greater metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Canoas is strategically located in an area that is the home of strong

    and dynamic industrial sector, with approximately 1.9 thousand companies, national and international. This industrial cluster

    houses among others a petrochemical processing plant, footwear industry, steel mills and steel manufacturers, and big

    logistics providers. The city has the third largest population in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and presents the second highest

    GDP , behind only that of the capital city, Porto Alegre.

    MULTIPLAN BEGINS PRELEASING IN PARKSHOPPINGCANOASMultiplans 19thShopping Center will have 48.0 thousand m in GLA, and 258 stores

    Armando dAlmeida Neto

    Vice President and IRO



    Disclaimer: Readers and investors should be aware that many factors may mean that our future results differ from the forward-looking statements in this

    document. The Company has no obligation to update said statements and images, which have been used simply to illustrate the concept. Forward-looking

    statements refer to future events which may or may not occur. Our future financial situation, operating results, market share and competitive positioning may

    differ substantially from those expressed or suggested by said forward-looking statements. Many factors and values that can establish these results are

    outside the companyscontrol or expectation. The reader/investor should not rely exclusively on the information contained herein to make investments.

    Artists renderingParkShoppingCanoas

    () Source: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE) and Gismarket Estudos de Mercado.

  • 8/21/2019 Multiplan begins preleasing in ParkShoppingCanoas



    Artists renderingParkShoppingCanoas

  • 8/21/2019 Multiplan begins preleasing in ParkShoppingCanoas


    RI MultiplanTel: (21) 3031-5200Fax: (21) 3031-5322

    Endereo:Av. das Amricas, 4.200Bloco 2 -Sala 501 DuplexBarra da Tijuca- Rio de JaneiroCEP: 22640-102

    Ema i l : r i @ m u l t i p l a n . c o m . b r W e b s i t e : w w w . m u l t i p l a n . c o m . b r / r i 3/3

    Artists renderingParkShoppingCanoas

    Disclaimer: Readers/investors should be aware that many factors may mean that our future results differ from the forward-looking statements in this

    document. The Company has no obligation to update said statements and images, which have been used simply to illustrate the concept. Forward-lookingstatements refer to future events which may or may not occur. Our future financial situation, operating results, market share and competitive positioning may

    differ substantially from those expressed or suggested by said forward-looking statements. Many factors and values that can establish these results are

    outside the companyscontrol or expectation. The reader/investor should not rely exclusively on the information contained herein to make investments.