Muslims who believe in the Messiah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani as Muslims who believe in the Messiah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani as Multiplying Tabligh Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media Wasim Malik Wasim Malik Media Communication Team Media Communication Team Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA

Multiplying Tabligh Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

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Multiplying Tabligh Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media. Wasim Malik Media Communication Team Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA. Islam & Media – In Perspective. Holy Prophet saw Letters to Caesar, Emperor of Persia, Kings of Ethiopia/Egypt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Multiplying Tabligh Efforts Thru Effective Use of


Wasim MalikWasim Malik

Media Communication Team Media Communication Team

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USAAhmadiyya Muslim Community, USA

Page 2: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Islam & Media – In Islam & Media – In PerspectivePerspective Holy Prophetsaw

Letters to Caesar, Emperor of Persia, Kings of Ethiopia/EgyptCaesar, Emperor of Persia, Kings of Ethiopia/Egypt Encouraged Muslim poets to write poets to write in defense of Islam to to

spread the message of Islamspread the message of Islam

Promised Messiahals

Sent regular Statements, Ishtaharaat/Advertisements , Letters Statements, Ishtaharaat/Advertisements , Letters to Newspapers, Leaflets/Flyers, etc.to Newspapers, Leaflets/Flyers, etc.

Widely covered by newspapersnewspapers within within and outsideoutside of IndiaIndia

Khulafaatul Masihaba

Exemplified Holy Prophetsaw and Promised Messiahals

Khalifatul Masih Vaba encouraged to reach out. Personal outreach. Letters to Heads of States Heads of States

Page 3: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Media Communication Team Media Communication Team USA USA GenesisGenesis

Unsuccessful Walkersville land parcel effort Nobody knew who we were We had not been reaching out Hesitation in getting in front of media/camera Respected Ameer sahib formed Media

Communication Team Mission given to the Media Communication


Page 4: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Role of USA Media TeamRole of USA Media Team

Make Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Ahmadiyya Muslim Community the Leading Leading Provider of Islamic ContentProvider of Islamic Content

Increase Public Awareness Public Awareness about and Name Recognition Name Recognition of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community throughout USA – Consistent MessageConsistent Message

Ensure Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is recognized as the True Voice of IslamTrue Voice of Islam

Develop Special Team Special Team with ExpertiseExpertise in getting MediaMedia to cover our events and build Relationship Relationship with MediaMedia in the USAUSA

Collaborate with Local chapters and National Amla members Media Interaction TrainingMedia Interaction Training Help Develop Uniformity of Message Develop Uniformity of Message in all external


Page 5: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Importance of Media OutreachImportance of Media Outreach Tabligh Team Tabligh Team and Media Team Media Team are complimentarycomplimentary partners

Tabligh Team: Tabligh Team: As Content Expert Content Expert develop appropriate material Media Team: ExpertiseMedia Team: Expertise in effective message delivery message delivery to greater

audience Effective Media Effective Media coverage leads to: Positive image of Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya

Muslim Community Muslim Community Positive image Positive image would lead to more receptive audience

Positive Image Dispels misconceptions about Islam misconceptions about Islam MediaMedia Ability to address far greater number far greater number

TV stations such as ABC, Fox, CBS, CNN and NBC each have >25 Million viewership

Top 25 Newspapers has readership of more than 10 million. Not including online

Remember Uniformity of Message ensures increased name recognition

Page 6: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

How Can Media Team Help?How Can Media Team Help? How to Leverage Media for TablighHow to Leverage Media for Tabligh

Organize events that are significant to your audience; make message relevant to people Engage with Media in timely fashion Know who to contact

Ways to Engage MediaWays to Engage Media Call media to arranged events Build relationship with media personalities such as local news anchors, etc. Put a larger emphasis on events where there is media presence. Don’t refer the reporter to a someone back in the office. If they walk away, chances are,

they’re gone for good. Make reporter’s job easy by following up

Training and Preparation to Engage with MediaTraining and Preparation to Engage with Media Regional Media training What to say/What not say; those who are not media trained should not be engaging

with media Non-verbal communication How and when to write media advisory

Page 7: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Why Use Media for Tabligh?Why Use Media for Tabligh?“Inventions of the modern age like post office, press, telegram,

trains etc. are there to serve mission of Islam-Ahmadiyyat” Promised Messiahals

No matter how actively you engage with external audience, you cannot reach out to the numbers that media can

If not active in media, you are neglecting a large audience that is easy to reach and presents many rewards

Interfaith & multicultural activities with Media involvement: Message reaches those who don’t normally venture out to these group settings. Helps establish confidence in those who may not have ever met you

Americans’ Complaint: “Muslims do not denounce terrorist “Muslims do not denounce terrorist activities” activities” 9/11 tragedy, recent attacks on the American embassies in the Middle East. Although we have denounced these attacks within our own community and

have organized efforts, such as our 9/11 Blood Drive. Making ourselves feel better.

Without reaching out to larger audience, we are merely patting ourselves on the back, we’re not actively addressing the concerns of Americans: ‘Muslims condone through inactivity’

Page 8: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

What You Can Do?What You Can Do?

Reach Out! Print MediaPrint Media Television & RadioTelevision & Radio Internet & Social MediaInternet & Social Media Organize Events (External Focus): Organize Events (External Focus): All events can be

supported by the Media Team inviting media, etc. Media Advisories: Media Advisories: M4P, MFL, Blood Donation Drives, Flyer

Distribution Campaigns, Walk-a-Thons, Eid, Ramadhan Iftaar Dinners, Seeratun Nabi Day, Interfaith Meetings, etc.

Page 9: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Reach Out - Reach Out - Print MediaPrint Media Letters to the Editor: All members should be encouraged to

write letters to the editor about local community issues or Islamic issues. They should all mention Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

and our tag line. Opinion-Editorials (op-eds): Encourage members to write

op-eds as individuals. Op-eds need work and all may not be able do this but should be encouraged.

Weekly columns Invite reporters to cover events: Eid, Ramadhan,

Seeratun Day, Interfaith Events, etc.

Can use Print Media for advertising space as well.

Page 10: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Reach Out - Reach Out - Television & Television & RadioRadio InterviewsInterviews Talk showsTalk shows Weekly radio showsWeekly radio shows Community Service ChannelsCommunity Service Channels DebatesDebates

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Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Reach Out Reach Out - - Internet & Social Internet & Social MediaMedia

Blogs Many stories are now covered on-line instead of print Patch ( local area internet news) YouTube Twitter (500,000,000 active users) Facebook ( 1,000,000,000 active users) Twitter & Facebook: not considered hard core media, but

most younger audience is getting their information via these channels

Page 12: Multiplying  Tabligh  Efforts Thru Effective Use of Media

Muslims who believe in the MessiahMirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadianias

Silly video and it’s wakeSilly video and it’s wake

There are Opportunities in Challenges

Hazur’s simple reach-out planFriday Sermon Oct 28, 2012

Organize Seeratun Nabi Days Print and distribute book “Life of Muhammad” extensively Proliferate Hadrat Masih Maud (als)’s perspective on the

Holy Prophet (saws) Prepare and print flyers Translate Hazur’s sermon into English and disseminate Translate other books on the character of the Holy Prophet

(saws) Exhibitions