MUN LESSON 1 st TERM SYLLABUS Week Objectives Links Week 1&2(16- 27 September 2013) Ss will have an insight upon what UN&MUN is and the objectives of the organization. *Brainstorming *Guessing background knowledge of the students by question-answer technique. --What is UN&MUN? -UN&MUN history -Presentation of the MUN Club http:// www.modelunprague.com/ index.php? option=com_content&view=art icle&id=98&Itemid=163 HW: Guiding students to study the overall info about the UN Organisation via the links below: http://news.bbc.co.uk/ cbbcnews/hi/ newsid_1720000/ newsid_1721800/1721851.stm http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=paktq41Jyfc Week 3(30 September 4October2013) Ss will learn the 6 main principals of UN following forming groups of 2 or 3 to search for each organ using ipad. *Brainstorming *Skimming& Scanning *Reading for gist *Presentation of the committees one of which is to be presented by one of the delegates in the classroom. http://www.un.org/en/ mainbodies/ Week 4(07-11 October 2013): Ss will watch sample videos in the class (sequences of 6 main organs, Model United Nations Overview, Mock Sessions, Do’s and Dont’s etc.) http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=268ROcmJjLU http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=aBh_RaX0gvs http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=i9Rwhw-L2iU

MUN first term syllabus outline (Beykent College)

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Week Objectives Links Week 1&2(16-27

September 2013) Ss will have an insight upon what

UN&MUN is and the objectives of the organization.


*Guessing background knowledge of the students by question-answer technique.

--What is UN&MUN?-UN&MUN history-Presentation of the MUN Club


HW: Guiding students to study the overall info about the UN Organisation via the links below:



Week 3(30 September


Ss will learn the 6 main principals of UN following forming groups of 2 or 3 to search for each organ using ipad.

*Brainstorming*Skimming& Scanning *Reading for gist*Presentation of the committees one of which is to be presented by one of the delegates in the classroom.


Week 4(07-11 October 2013):

Ss will watch sample videos in the class (sequences of 6 main organs, Model United Nations Overview, Mock Sessions, Do’s and Dont’s etc.)

*Warm-up: Asking Questions about what to expect from the videos to be watched.

*While-listening: Notetaking upon the video Do’s and Don’t’s(Writing what to do and what not to do during the MUN conferences.)




Week 5(21-25 October 2013)

Ss will learn the members of UN and they will discuss upon their memberships( Standing members to be highly focused)

*Gripping the countries by looking at the flags, spotting the member


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countries on the map.Week 6(28 October-1

November 2013) Ss will learn that UN alliance

values parallel to IB learner profile:

*Brainstorming & sharing international values (corresponding to IB learner profile) -what common values could UN and IB learner profile have?

listing IGO’s and NGO’s( IGO’s and NGO’s can be found in the MUN Booklet)

Week 7(4-8November 2013)

Ss will be shown sample session videos , demonstrated the members-participants.

Ss will practice the roll-call, motions on the floor and opening speeches

* Practising the roll call with the placards given to the students

“How to make an opening speech? “ to be taught (Sample

opening speeches on MUN Booklet)

*Parliamentary procedure video will be shown.

Roll-call video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRBZ0qomi2E

A sample session overview:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYu9mJz6S3I&list=PLdGq-tVIqVRbqIaFI-jclLAbwz1IimjYu

An entertaining video to be presented by the end of the lesson:Model UN Style:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZHqtqpaSzY&list=PLdGq-tVIqVRbqIaFI-jclLAbwz1IimjYu


Week 8(11-15 November 2013)

Ss will learn the MUN vocabulary (can be found in the MUN vocabulary)(Question&Answer)

*Watching a sample session video in the sequel highlighting the words they have heard..


Alternative video: http://speakerslist.tumblr.com/post/29707817255/check-out-the-mock-model-united-nations-movie-the

Week 9 (18-22 November 2013)

Ss will practice a mock session, priorly they will watch a mock session on the link.

*Topics will be given by the teacher.



Week 10(25-29 November 2013

Useful Expressions Worksheet will be introduced to the ss.

Pronunciation+ Quiz (Useful expressions can be found in the MUN Booklet)

Week 11 (02-06 December 2013)

Ss will keep on learning the useful Expressions following vocabulary activity. (Useful expressions can be found in the MUN Booklet)

Week 12: (09-13 December 2013)

Ss will make a research on Selected Agencies/ NGO. (NATO-UNESCO-UNICEF etc.) and they will give information


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about each in the classroom environment.

*The teacher provides the students with the foreknowledge of the selected NGO’s and divides the students into groups of four to make them make researches on ipad.

Week 13(16-20 December 2013)

Ss will write an opening speech.*Via the link the students will read fast the info and by the help of the sample speeches they are going to write their own sample speech in the classroom.(Opening speech samples and persuasive speech info can be found in the booklet.)


Week 14(23-28 December 2013)

Ss will conduct a research upon the most devastating global issues (Book Creator activity)

*5 topics to be tackled by the students.

Week 15&16(30 December 2013 10 – January 2014)

Ss will offer solutions to selected global problems.

2 phased activity a)writing individual solutions for the selected global problemb) Writing solutions for the selected problems from a country’s point of view.