Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013





    $1.00$1.00Includes tax

    Number 23Volume 107

    June 6, 2013Coyote

    Local 4-H participates in Jones County Youth in Action DayThe Jones County Youth In

    Action Day was held at the ParishTech Center in Murdo, SD on May31, 2013.

    Fourteen 4-Hers talked theirway through public presentationsincluding Demonstrations, PublicSpeaking and Illustrated Talks.Demonstrations allow the presen-ter to show an accurate step-by-step process of actions that resultin a finished product.

    Receiving ribbons in this cate-gory were Sr. Kathlene Boyle with

    a blue ribbon demonstration onHow to Make Slush. Receiving aTop Purple ribbon in the Jr. divi-sion was Austin Olson with Mak-ing Your Own Sports Drinks. Inthe Beginner division, WyattOlson received the Top Purpleaward for Loom Bead. OtherPurple ribbon beginners wereMesa Roghair for a demonstrationon How to Make Kool Aid andSeth Schoon of Mellette County forhis demonstration on How toGather, Clean and Sort Eggs.Blue ribbon winners were DylanFuoss who showed us how to makea Wood Picture, Madelyn Host forher demonstration on Glow in theDark Fairies, and AnnaleeRoghairs demonstration onSmoothies.

    Illustrated Talks show howsomething is accomplished using acombination of speaking about thesubject and using visual aids. Jr.Jacob Birkeland explained 4-H

    Archery Divisions to the audienceand received a Top Purple ribbonfor his effort while Matthew Birke-land illustrated The Parts of aBow and earned a Top Purple inthe Beginner Division.

    4-Hers entering the PublicSpeaking Contest were Jr. MollyDowling with an oral history ofJohnny Cash. For her efforts shereceived the Top Purple award. Jr.Jake Dowling was awarded a pur-ple ribbon for his speech andpower-point about TasmanianDevils and Beginner Ty Fuoss,dressing the part, told aboutJames Scotty Philip and how hesaved the buffalo which earned Tya blue ribbon.

    Throughout the day, a Con-sumer Decision Making contestwas held in which youth wereasked to rank possible purchases

    and be able to give reasons as towhy they placed their purchasesthe way they did. The classes

    judged were Flash Drives, Laun-dry Detergent, Toothpaste, Sav-ings Accounts and Digital Cam-eras. The results of this contestwill be available in an upcomingpaper.

    Following a short lunch break,4-Hers fired up their ovens, stoves

    and grills for the Iron Chef Compe-tition. Sr. Kathlene Boyle madeStreamlined Chimichangas.

    Those in the Jr. 4-H divisionwere Jacob Birkeland who grilledSteak Kabobs, Morgan Feddersenwho made Crescent BBQ Squares,and Austin Olson who preparedGrandma Sues Porcupine Balls.

    Beginner 4-H members cookingwere Matthew Birkeland with his

    Lean Hamburger Tacos, Ty Fuosswho baked a Taco Braid, andWyatt Olson with Uncle Chad'sChip Dip. All seven cooks werepresented with blue ribbons forthe afternoons work.

    The Iron Chef Competitionallows aspiring chefs 75 minutesto prepare a dish using a specialingredient chosen by the 4-H Par-ents and Leaders Association. The

    contestants are judged on theirknowledge of nutrition, personalgrooming, skill in measuring, foodpreparation technique, taste andeye appeal. The special ingredientused this year was beef and had tobe used in each dish prepared. Thebeef used was purchased with agrant through the South DakotaBeef Council. Watch for more beefpromotion at Achievement Days.

    Iron Chef Competitors Pictured from left to right - Matthew Birkeland, Ty Fuoss, Jacob Birkeland, Kathlene Boyle, Morgan Feddersen, Wyatt Olson and AustinOlson. Photos continued on page 5.

    Courtesy photos

    Madelyn Host Molly DowlingIron Chef Kathlene Boyle measuring an ingredient for herStreamlined Chimichanga dish.

    Archery tournament provides lifetime memories for family

    A sixth grade student fromMurdo represented South Dakotaat the National Archery in theSchools Program (NASP) Tourna-ment in Louisville, Kentucky.

    After winning the top award inhis division at the South DakotaNASP Tournament, Jacob Birke-land had the honor of representingthe state at the national NASPtournament. The national tourna-ment was held on May 10-12.

    It was an overwhelming expe-rience with all the people there,Birkeland said. I started archeryso I could learn how to shoot a bow

    and go deer hunting and now Imshooting with 10,000 other kids ina national tournament.

    NASP is sponsored by theGame, Fish and Parks Depart-ment.

    Game, Fish & Parks congratu-lates Jacob on his outstanding per-formance at the national NASPtournament, Jason Kool, GFPNASP Coordinator, said. Jacobexemplifies the type of youngambassador for our state thateveryone can be proud of.

    When asked about his future in

    archery, Jacob said I want to con-tinue to participate in state,national and maybe even theworld tournament and I still cantwait to go deer hunting!

    The national tournament was afamily affair for the Birkelands.Jacobs mother, father and brotheralso traveled to Louisville to watchhim compete. We made memoriesto last a lifetime, said Jacobsfather, Jeff. It was a great learn-ing experience for the kids and agreat little vacation for mom anddad.

    Jacob competed at the highestlevel at the Louisville tournament.With approximately 10,000archers competing in the nationalevent, Jacob finished in the topthree percent of all age divisionswith a score of 282 out of 300. Inthe elementary division, Jacobplaced 25th and 18th among all

    sixth graders.More information on NASP can

    be found on the web at

    NASP Tournament

    Jones County archer Jacob Birkelandrepresented South Dakota in the National Archery in SchoolsProgram Tournament.

    Highest level competi-

    tion Jacob Birkeland con-centrates on his target at theNational Archery in theSchools Program Tournament.

    Jones County Caring andSharing to host fundraising walk

    Registration space available inyouth Jackrabbit Nurse Camp

    The South Dakota State Uni-versity College of Nursing invitesmiddle and high school students todiscover career options for helpingothers at the Jackrabbits NurseCamp at the West River Campusin Rapid City or at a designatedlocation in Sturgis.

    Registration space is still avail-able. To register, call BarbaraOgaard at 605-394-5390 or 1-888-819-1725.

    Camps are divided according toage and take place in June andJuly.

    Students, age 11 to 13, can

    attend the middle school nursingcamp from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.,Tuesday and Wednesday, June 18

    and 19 in Sturgis, or Thursdayand Friday, June 20 and 21, orTuesday and Wednesday, July 9and 10 both in Rapid City.

    Young people, ages 14 to 18, canparticipate in a Rapid City HighSchool nursing camp from 8 noon, Monday through Thurs-day, June 10 to 13, and 8 a.m. to 2p.m., Friday, June 14.

    The camps will offer hands-onexperience in nursing using life-like simulation models. Partici-pants can also talk to health-careproviders to learn more aboutopportunities in the nursing pro-

    fession.For more information, call

    Ogaard or email her [email protected].

    Jones County Caring and Shar-ing will once again be hosting awalk to raise funds to help JonesCounty residents with the costs ofmedical expenses incurred due to acancer diagnosis.

    The walk will be Saturday, June15 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at thefootball field in Murdo. Handmadequilts will be raffled at the eventalso to help with fundraisingefforts.

    Thanks to the generosity of

    local businesses, individuals,memorials to loved ones and the

    Jones County Community Foun-dation, Caring and Sharing hasbeen able to contribute $10,000 todate to help victims of all types ofcancer.

    Caring and Sharing is a cancersupport group that helps cancervictims in Jones County. Thisfundraiser will be to provide fund-ing specifically for travel, food andlodging for victims in treatment.

    Pledge sheets may be picked upfrom Pastor Greenseth or Pastor

    Hazen. All funds raised will stayin Jones County.

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013


    Jones County News Murdo Coyote June 6, 2013 Page 2

    Murdo Coyote Murdo, SD

    P.O. Box 465Murdo, SD 57559-0465Phone: (605) 669-2271

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    SUBSCRIPTION RATES:Local $34.00 + Tax

    Local subscriptions include the towns and ruralroutes of Murdo, Draper, Vivian, Presho, WhiteRiver, Okaton, Belvidere, Kadoka and Midland

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    Local Newsby Jody Lebeda 669-2526 [email protected]

    On Saturday June 1, Trace,Karen and Terry Dowling attend-ed the memorial services forcousin Kay (Gallimore) McGintyin Hill City. She was the daughterof Dorothy (Dowling) Gallimore.

    Luke and Sawyer Dowling arethe proud parents of the early

    arrival of a baby girl born on June3 in Pierre. Her name is EmryJean and weighed six pounds andis 18-1/2 inches long. Grandpar-ents sharing in the joy are Bernieand Chloe Stulken of Selby andTrace and Karen Dowling of Drap-er. Congratulations to all!

    We wanted moisture and wehave been getting it. The countryis so nice and green now.

    Nelva and Janet Louder spentlast Tuesday in Pierre. Janet hada therapy session and then toParkwood for coffee and visitswith Mona Sharp, Ken Halligan,

    Arlyne Brown and Lillian Sev-eryn. Lillians son, Dan, was alsothere to visit with her.

    Following the Memorial Dayservice and dinner, Alice Horsleyvisited Bonne Dowling and girls,Sophie and Maggie.

    Slight mixup in last weeks

    news: Ray and Shirley Vik were atMargaret and Greg Rankinswhen Roger Vik and daughterPatti were there. It ended up inthe wrong Rankin gathering.

    Esther Magnuson and KathieMason spent last Friday in RapidCity. Kathie kept an appointmentand I guess there was a littleshopping. Im sure there musthave been a little eating, too.

    On Sunday at the Magnusonfarm, there seemed to be a crowdthere working cattle. Terri Pelleand Heather Whitney brought infood for the group, plus helpedwith the cattle.

    Margie Boyle left for LaCrosse,Wis., on May 21. She spent theweek with daughter Brenda andJames Murray, Sam and Ben.While there she helped grandsonSam celebrate his fourth birthdaywith a party that included his lit-

    tle friends; his grandpa, GaryBoyle of Gillette, Wyo.; and otherrelatives. Margie enjoyed her timespoiling those grandsons andreturned home on May 29.

    Lila Mae Christian left afterchurch on May 19 for Valpraiso,Neb., where she met daughter Patof Rapid City at the home of Codyand Shanna Potters. Pat hadspent a few days there. Fromthere, the two went onto Lindsey,Okla., for the graduation of grand-daughter/niece Kaylyn Ricke fromhigh school on May 23. A party forher was held on Saturdayevening. Kaylyn is the daughter ofDelores and Kevin. Lila Mae andPat traveled through where theMoore tornado went hard tobelieve the damage. Theyreturned home on Memorial Day.

    Karen Authier, Pierre, spentSunday with Mom MargaretRankin and brother Greg.

    Casey and Gavin Miller visitedGrandma Janet and GrandpaNelva Louder Saturday afternoon.Gavin will be playing his first t-ball game on Monday.

    Following church Sunday, Pas-tor and Jane Hazen, Rosa Lee

    Styles, Margie Boyle, Alice Hors-ley, Lila Mae Christian, and Nelvaand Janet Louder had dinnertogether at a cafe in Murdo.

    The Kadoka rest home broughtDwight Louder to the dentist inMurdo on Thursday. Dorothy andDarin met him there for a visit.

    Nelva and Janet Louder spentMonday in Pierre. They stoppedin and had visits with Lillian Sev-eryn and Arlyne Brown. Clint andBev Roberts were also there visit-ing. They also got in a chat withKen Halligan.

    Donna Kinsley, Beth, Graceand Josie Mertens attended bap-tismal services for Camden Erik-son, son of Chris and Alicia Erik-son, on Sunday, June 2.

    Ray and Janice Pike headed forthe hills on Tuesday of last week.They spent the days camping andkept a couple of appointments.The highlight of the week wasattending the Cressy reunion onSaturday. It was held at the homeof Robin (Cressy) and Todd Eddynear Johnson Siding. Approxi-mately 60 people enjoyed apotluck supper and a time of rem-iniscing. Some you may know that

    were there were: Jr. and LeoneCressy; their daughter, Donnaand Tim Hoard; Bob Rankin;Gene and Carol Cressy; PattyCressy; Kathy and Lonny Roth;Jake Cressy, daughter and friend.

    A good time was had. The Pikesreturned home on Sunday.

    Kayla Hoag and girls Sydneyand Alexis of Aberdeen arrived atKim and Tony Schmidts home onMonday to spent a few days sothat grandpa and grandma canspoil the girls.

    As I was gone all day on Mon-day, I missed many of you thisweek. If you have news, give me acall at 669-2696, email the Coyoteat [email protected] or call theCoyote office at 669-2271.

    Exercise room noticeIn order to improve the securi-

    ty of the high school building,beginning on May 28 all fitnessfacilities will be accessible witha key card only. If you do notcurrently have a card, you maystop at the High School Office tosign a waiver and purchase acard for $15.

    Insurance purposes requireall users of the fitness facilitiessign a Policy Waiver andRelease. All existing key cardshave already been deactivated.In order to reactivate your card,you will need to stop at the HighSchool Office and sign therelease form. There will be noadditional charge for existingcard holders and you do notneed to bring your card in toreactivate it, you simply need tosign the waiver.

    Call the high school at 669-2258 with any questions or toverify our summer hours.

    Open AA meetingsThursdays 8:00 p.m. at the

    East Commons. Call 530-0371or 280-7642.

    Al-AnonFor AlAnon meetings call

    669-2596 for time and place.

    J.C. School BoardThe Jones County School Dis-

    trict #37-3 will hold theirmonthly meeting Monday, June10 at 8 p.m. at the high schoollibrary. The public is encouragedto attend.

    Caring and SharingThe Caring and Sharing can-

    cer support group will meet onMonday, June 10 at 7 p.m. at theMessiah Lutheran Church. Any-one whose life has been touchedby cancer is welcome to partici-pate.

    Farmers MarketThe Farmers Market will be

    held next week, June 11 from 5-7 p.m. at the open lot north ofthe Senior Citizen Center onmain street.

    Soil Health WorkshopOn June 17 from 6:00 p.m. to

    8:00 p.m. a soil health workshopwill be held at the Dan ParishTechnology Center (behind theMurdo Auditorium). Demonstra-tion of rain simulator and a visitto the Nix Ranch will round outthe workshop. More details willbe in the Murdo Coyote nextweek.

    Trading Pages LibraryThe Trading Pages Library at

    the Murdo Coyote is open Mon-day through Wednesday from 9a.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursday asopen. There are many new booksavailable. Stop in and check oneout.

    To have your NON-PROFITmeeting listed here, pleasesubmit them by calling 669-2271 or emailing to [email protected]. We will runyour event notice the twoissues prior to your event atno charge. PLEASE KEEP INMIND, if you charge for anevent, we must charge youfor an ad!

    Coyote News Briefs

    East Side Newsby Janet Louder 669-2696

    The following was received fromWalt Anderson: Just a follow-upnote to let you know that Mom(Marge Anderson) has a new roomnumber at the Philip NursingHome. Her new address is now:Marjorie Anderson, Philip HealthServices, Inc., Room 124B - Nurs-

    ing Home, PO Box 790, Philip,S.D. 57567. Mother can still bereached by phone at (605) 859-2251. Mother has really appreciat-ed the cards, phone calls, and per-sonal visits, and she wants to leteveryone know how she appreci-ates each and every one of you foryour caring spirits and for takingthe time to remember her. She isdoing quite well on her recovery,but it will be some time before thebroken arm allows her to start toregain her earlier independence.Well be sure to update you on hercondition as time goes on.

    Teresa Palmer went to Midlandon Friday spending the night withher sister, Christine Niedan. Sat-urday morning, they attended the100th anniversary of the LutheranChurch in Midland. Following aprogram and potluck, they visitedwith other family members.

    On Sunday afternoon, TeresaPalmer and Christine Niedanwent to Philip to attend the recep-tion for Pastor Kathy Chesney.They enjoyed visiting with Kathy,

    along with Margie Peters andJackie Fosheim who were in atten-dance. Also noted there were sev-eral friends of Kathys from WhiteRiver.

    Helen McMillan and Carrie Lol-ley went to Huron on Wednesdayand Thursday to see a dance

    recital in which Carla and ChrisHrubys children were partici-pants.

    Julia Broeacher had companyon Saturday; Kristian and JosiahEllendorf from Tea stopped for avisit on their way to the BlackHills. Julia enjoyed getting to seeher great-great grandkids, Truettand Reese.

    Jim Kinsley and his son,Christopher, are spending somedays here helping with odd jobs forJean and Kip Kinsley.

    Diana and Scotty Gibson fromMiller stopped in at the home ofTom and Jody Lebeda on Friday.They were on their way to RapidCity to spend the weekend.

    Marci and Renee Farmer cameto spend a couple of days visitinggrandma and grandpa for a day ortwo.

    I have been extra busy with my

    company and the bedding plantsso news this week is very short.God willing I will do better nextweek.

    May Mednansky, age 91 ofWhite River, S.D., died Thursday,May 30, 2013, at the Maryhouse inPierre.

    Juanita May Shouldis Med-nansky was born to Charles andMary A. (Atkins) Shouldis, Decem-ber 12, 1921, in Mellette County.

    May married Clarence Mednan-sky in Valentine, Neb., September16, 1940. Three children were bornto this union: Audrey (Ed) Bur-nette, Pierre, Rodney (Oleta) Med-nansky and Janice Ellis, WhiteRiver. From there the family grewto include grandchildren, Angela(David) Aud, Great Mills, Md.,Guy (Michele) Burnette, Califor-nia, Md., Sonya (Josh) Feaster,Tucson, Ariz., Justin (Dena) Med-nansky, Richard Mednansky andDuane Mednansky, White River,Chad (Margarita) Ellis, Mexico,and Tricia Shedeed, Otter Tail,Minn.; great-grandchildren, Joey,

    Brandy, Bailey, Sage, Taylor,Sharissa, Ashton, Logan, Justin,Kade, Alexandra, Michelle,Nathan, Lauren, Kaise, Adam,Matthew, James and Alana; andproud to have Nova Maylynn asher great-great-granddaughter.

    May barely answered to beingcalled Juanita but loved beingcalled Mom, Grandma, GrandmaGreat, Aunt or Auntie May. Maysometimes spelled with an e,sometimes with a y, just to keepus on our toes. When asked aboutdoing something here lately, hercome back would be, Well, ImONLY 91! She loved her familyand friends, going to the grand-kids programs, concerts andgames. She loved seeing the sunand moon rise and set, workingwith the livestock, admiring thebirds and flowers and all thatnature provided.

    May was a sweet, hardworking,quiet country girl. She worked sideby side with Clarence on the farm/ranch as well as maintaining thehouse and preparing the greatestmeals. The farm was a vacationspot to many nieces and nephewsgrowing up and later to her grand-children. Moving from home totown was a big adjustment forboth May and Clarence.

    After moving to town, sheenjoyed bird watching and neigh-bor watching! She knew whatevery bird was and what every

    neighbor was doing. She was look-ing forward to sitting on her newdeck this summer and had plansfor flowers she would be able toenjoy as she soaked up the sun-shine. May loved playing canasta,solitaire, embroidering and cro-cheting. May embroidered towelsthat are raffled off at the Mednan-sky family reunion and has themready for this year!

    May was an active and proudmember of the Cottonwood Ladies

    Aide and so enjoyed her monthlyouting. She often took a quarterrather than a dime for lunch thebig spender she was! May came

    home full of news and reported onwhat lunch consisted of and, ofcourse, wasn't really hungry forsupper that night.

    May fought a courageous battlebut was overcome by kidney andcongestive heart failure. She wasone tough, brave woman to theend!

    May was preceded in death byher husband, Clarence, her par-ents and her brothers and sisters,as well as many special Shouldisand Mednansky in-laws.

    Services were held Tuesday,June 4, at the White River Com-munity Events Center with PastorCraig Marshall officiating.

    Music was provided by LindaBlom with special music by great-grandson, Sage Mednansky.

    Guest book attendants wereBarb Susie Ketel and MichelleWhitted. Ushers were CharlesPete Shouldis and Bill Sinclair.Pallbearers were Justin, Richardand Duane Mednansky, BruceBoyd, Kevin Kusick and DaleBobby Wooden Knife. Honorarypallbearers were the CottonwoodLadies Aide members and all ofMays family and friends.

    Interment was in the WhiteRiver Cemetery.

    A memorial has been estab-lished.

    Arrangements were with theRush Funeral Home of Philip.

    Her online guestbook is avail-able at

    May Mednansky________________________________


    West Side [email protected]

    Henry and Elaine Roghair, Meland Clarice Roghair and JessieLynn all drove to Midland Sundayevening to hear Larry and GloriaLundstrom in concert at the citypark. The music was great, themessage inspiring and the humor

    fun. Old timers will rememberwhen the Lundstroms performedas a big family around the coun-try. We were sad to learn thatLowell and Connie Lundstrom aredeceased, but rejoice that they arenow part of heavens band.

    The Murdo Coyote is online at

    Check it out today!

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    we take credit cards. Call 669-2271 with

    your card information, or send your

    check with the ad to

    Murdo Coyote, Box 465, Murdo, SD 57559

    Thank you!

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013


    Church and Community Murdo Coyote June 6, 2013 Page 3

    Catholic Church of St. Martin502 E. Second St., Murdo, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski

    Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.

    St. Anthonys Catholic ChurchDraper, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski

    Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

    Draper United Methodist ChurchPastor Rick Hazen

    Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.

    Murdo United Methodist ChurchPastor Rick Hazen Corner of E. 2nd and Jefferson Ave.

    Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. and Fellowship Time Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.United Methodist Women: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m. ALL WELCOME!

    Okaton Evangelical Free ChurchOkaton I90 Exit 183 Pastor Gary McCubbin 6058372233 (Kadoka)

    Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. (CT) Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (CT)

    Messiah Lutheran Church308 Cedar, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth

    Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 a.m.Thursday 9:30 a.m. Midweek: Wednesday 3:15 p.m.

    St. Pauls Lutheran ChurchDraper, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth

    Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 9 a.m.

    Community Bible Church

    410 Washington, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Alvin Gwin 6692600Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

    Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.


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    Imitatorsby Pastor John Fredericksen

    A few weeks ago, when our grandson was about 27 months old, we noticed him doing something incredibly cute. He had put on his daddys flip-flops(a size 12) and was proudly walking around the room with a big smile on his face. He has become a great, natural imitator of what he hears us say and seesus doing. This got me to thinking that even we adults usually imitate someone.

    Once Israel was in their promised land, the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; that wealso may be like all the nations (I Sam. 8:19-20). This was an unwise decision on the part of Israel. God had been governing them through a series ofjudges who represented the Lord. These judges certainly were not perfect, but this had been Gods design. Jehovahs response to their virtual demand toSamuel to give them a king was, they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them (I Sam. 8:7).

    This pattern of imitating the world later worsened. They rejected His [the Lords] statutes, and His covenantand became vain, and went after the hea-then that were round about them, concerning whom the Lord had charged them, that they should not do like them (II Kings 17:15). Throughout the OldTestament, Gods people frequently became too close and familiar with the lost people around them. In the case of Lot, he first pitched his tent toward Sodombut before long he was living within the city and had completely lost his testimony. In other instances, Israel made treaties with the heathen nations, beganto intermarry with them, and in short order began to worship their false gods. They were imitating the wrong things and the wrong people.

    This same danger is still entrapping many believers in our day. Far too often, we are unduly influenced by the way the lost in our society talk, dress,think, and by what they embrace as acceptable, even when these things are clearly displeasing to the Lord. We believers are too often caught in the trap ofbeing overly occupied with sports, recreation, leisure time, and hobbies to the neglect of spiritual things and the Lords local work. The Lord has somethingfar better in mind for us, and someone far better to imitate.

    The Lord tells us in Romans 12:2: Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is thatgood, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. As believers, our lives are to be so transformed that there is a marked difference between us and the unsaved.Our standard ought not to be what the world is doing, or what the latest fad dictates. Our standard should be what would please and honor the Lord. Thereis no virtue in being weird, strange, or odd. These things do not enhance our testimony or effectiveness as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nonethe-

    less, we believers should be different from the world in many ways.Believers do have someone they should be imitating. We should mark them [godly believers] which w alk so as ye have us for an ensample (Phil. 3:17).

    Godly, knowledgeable Christians who followed Paul as he followed Christ and are fervent in their walk with Christ are the ones we should imitate.

    Two minutes with the bible

    Jones County Weather

    5-29 77.0 56.4 .785-30 72.0 55.4 .095-31 72.2 51.1 .296-1 55.4 46.7 .726-2 63.1 44.9 T6-3 69.0 51.8 0

    Date High Low Prec.

    For God so LOVED the worldthat He gave His One and only Sonthat whoever believes in Him shallnot perish but have eternal life.John 3:16

    Mary's mother was called over toa sick neighbor. Since her motherwas not through washing dishes,Mary decided to finish the dishesas a surprise. May did not knowexactly how it happened, but crashwent one of her mother's best dish-es!

    By the time, Mary finished thedishes, she had decided that shewould not say anything to hermother. Maybe mother won'tnotice! she thought.The rest of the day, Mary did notfeel like eating. She did not enjoyplaying with her friends. At nightshe could not sleep.

    Finally she went downstairs toher mother who was doing dishes,and she cried as though her heartwould break. Her mother let hercry. Her loving mother was waitingfor one thing --- for her daughter totell the truth.

    Mother, I can't sleep, sobbedMary. I have to tell you something.

    Today when I washed the dishes, Ibroke a plate from the good set.Will you forgive me?

    How glad Mary's mother was asshe hugged her little girl! Ofcourse, I will, she said. You're abrave little girl to come to tell me.It wasn't easy to tell mother youhad broken the plate. But now, howgood we both feel that you cameand told me. Next time come rightaway. When you tell mother you'resorry and ask for forgiveness,everything is right again. Now let

    us go to God for His forgiveness too,and then you can go to bed andsleep well.

    It is like that at church...we sinduring the week, we come to

    church to confess our sins and haveour sins forgiven.Mary's heart was glad when her

    mom forgave her after she con-fessed her sin. God too forgives uswhen we come to Him and confessour sins,,,and it is also somethingwe should do..when we sin againstpeople. We should go to them andask for forgiveness...and prayerful-ly they will forgive us.

    And then when we come up to theLORD'S Table and eat and drinkHis Body and Blood for the forgive-ness of our happy weshould be that we are forgiven.

    Many times I have heard peoplesay why is the Pastor so happydoing communion....and I will tellthem it is for forgiveness of sinsand we should be happy that Godhas forgiven us and we shouldrejoice....and as we leave theLORD'S Table we should be smil-ing and rejoice in what a lovingGod and Savior that we have...

    For God so LOVED the worldthat He have His One and only Sonthat whoever believes in Him haseternal life. And that indeed issomething to rejoice about.

    We pray...Dear Father, how oftenwe have sinned. Help us to trulyconfess our sins to you and to ourneighbor that we have sinnedagainst, and enable to be trulyhappy, be rejoiceful in the forgive-ness that comes through JesusChrist our Savior. In His name wepray. Amen.

    Prayby Pastor Ray Greenseth,Messiah/St. Paul Lutheran Churches

    The Forgiveness that SavesChamber Yard of the Week... The home of Curt and FayeChambliss at 404 E Third St. in Murdo was chosen as the firstweeks winner for the Murdo Area Chamber of Commerce Yardof the Week. They will receive $25 in Murdo Bucks.

    ~Photo by Lonna Jackson

    Lutheran VBS The first Vacation Bible School of the summer was hosted May 28-30 by theMessiah Lutheran Church. Many students attended for three days of learning and fun.

    Courtesy photo

    Pre-disastermitigation plan

    Please join us for an informa-tional presentation about JonesCountys Pre-Disaster MitigationPlan at the Jones County Sports-mens Club Wednesday June 19,2013 at 7:00 p.m. CT.

    We do not currently have a haz-ard mitigation plan, which by def-

    inition is a plan to lessen or elimi-nate the effects of disasters on peo-ple and property. Our County hasentered into agreement withNorthern Tier Consulting LLC todevelop a Pre-Disaster MitigationPlan that will work with Countyand City Governments, the JonesCounty School, Businesses,Churches and Citizens to completeall aspects of hazard identifica-tion.

    The Multi-Hazard MitigationPlan is a comprehensive resourcedocument that serves many pur-poses, including: enhancing publicawareness and understanding,creating a decision tool for man-agement, promoting compliancewith State and Federal programrequirements, enhancing localpolicies for hazard mitigationcapability, and providing inter-

    jurisdicti onal coordinat ion. The

    Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of2000 requires all local govern-ments to create such a disasterplan in order to qualify for fundingin the future.

    If you have questions, pleasecontact the Jones County Office ofEmergency Management at 669-7101.

    At the Murdo Coyote there is no chargefor obituaries, engagementsor wedding announcements!

    Call us at 669-2271 for details.

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013


    Rural Murdo Coyote June 6, 2013 Page 4

    Never give up on

    Winter Wheat?

    Never is an extreme term, and

    certainly should be reserved for

    extreme situations. Although win-

    ter wheat is a tough crop andknown for surprising growers and

    agronomists with its resilience,

    there are times when abandoning

    fields are justified.

    In the spring of 2013 there was a

    great deal of lost sleep over the

    decisions to keep winter wheat

    fields, destroy them and plant

    another crop, or interseed a forage

    crop to add to the volume of live-

    stock feed hoped for at harvest. In

    the end, there were many cases of

    all three decisions arrived at.

    Many of the decisions were heavi-

    ly influenced by crop insurance

    adjustments, which provided


    There is still uncertainty as to

    how the fields remaining intact

    will turn out at harvest, but the

    recent moisture has produced dra-

    matic improvement in their

    appearance and condition. At the

    time many fields were adjusted,

    the main concerns were plant den-

    sity, the uncertainty as to whether

    the plants vernalized, and the

    lateness of development.

    Plant density is very closelyrelated to yield, and being some-

    what compensated for as cool,

    moist conditions have promoted

    tillering. Tillering cannot compen-

    sate for large areas with no plants,

    but the worst of those fields were

    the ones abandoned. Even the win-

    ter wheat that didnt germinate or

    emerge until spring is now begin-

    ning to joint in south-central

    South Dakota, which would not

    occur if it didnt vernalize. There

    may be plants that did not vernal-

    ize, which should be easy to see in

    the near future, if not already as

    they will not elongate and produce

    nodes or heads. The remaining

    concern is the lateness of develop-

    ment and maturity. Yields and test

    weight will depend heavily on tem-

    peratures and soil moisture as the

    crop is flowering and completing

    grain fill. Scouting and properly

    managing weeds, insects and dis-

    eases according to IPM principles

    will be an important factor that

    growers have some control over.

    For information on managing

    this years wheat crop or future

    crops, consider attending theupcoming SDSU Extension

    Wheat Walks:

    June 11 at 9:30 a.m. CDT

    .Agland Coop, 2 miles south and

    3 miles west of Delmont, SD, or 5

    miles south and 6 miles east of

    Armour, SD. Sponsored by Agland


    June 11 at 2:30 p.m. CDT Jor-

    gensen Farm, from Winner, SD,

    8.5 miles north on N County Road,

    2.5 miles west, 4 miles north and

    0.5 miles west. Also 1 mile east, 1

    mile north and 0.5 miles west of

    the Ideal, SD Post Office. Spon-

    sored by Winner Seed, Simplot

    Soil Builders and Country Pride


    June 12 at 9:30 a.m. CDT

    Dakota Lakes Research Farm, 17

    miles east of Pierre on SD Hwy

    #34, sponsored by AgriPro Wheat.

    June 12 at 2:30 p.m. CDT

    Robbenolt Farm, from the junction

    of SD Hwy 83 and 212, 5 miles

    west of Gettysburg, SD, go 1 mile

    south on 305th Ave. Sponsored by

    Northern Plains Coop.

    SDSU Extension AgronomyState and Field Specialists will

    provide expertise in plant patholo-

    gy, weed control, entomology, soil

    fertility and agronomic informa-

    tion. For more information, visit or call 842-1267.


    6/11/2013 Wheat Walks, Del-

    mont and Winner, SD

    6/12/2013 Wheat Walks, Dako-

    ta Lakes Research Farm and Get-

    tysburg, SD

    6/25-26/2013 Oahe Farm &

    Ranch Show, Oahe Speedway, 13

    miles north of Pierre, SD

    6/27/2013 Dakota Lakes

    Research Farm Tour, 4:00 pm, 17

    miles east of Pierre, SD

    6/27-28/2013 IPM Field School,

    Dakota Lakes Research Farm, 17

    miles east of Pierre, SD

    Extension News Bob Fanning (605) 842-1267

    will incorrectly include thesecrops for which the new plan ofinsurance is available. These let-ters will come from our KansasCity office this year and notdirectly from the county office. Soif you are a producer that just

    mails a check for coverage, youmay want to give us a call to see ifyour fees will change for 2014.Interested producers should con-tact a crop insurance agent forfurther information. A list ofagents can be found on the RMAwebsite at:


    May 20-June 14: CRP Generalsign-upJuly 15: 2012 ACRE ProductionJuly 15: 2012 NAP ProductionJuly 15: Final 2013 Acreagereporting deadline

    August 2: DCP sign-up endsNovember 15: 2013 NAP Produc-tionNovember 15: 2014 Acreagereporting deadline on perennialgrasses and winter wheat

    Feel free to call the office if youever have questions on any of ourprograms 605-669-2404 Ext. 2.

    45TH GENERAL SIGN-UPFOR CRP ENDS JUNE 14The U.S. Department of Agri-

    culture (USDA) is conducting afour-week general sign-up for theConservation Reserve Program(CRP) which ends on June 14.

    Additional sign-ups for continuousCRP programs-such as HighlyErodible Land Initiative and Ini-tiative to Restore Grasslands, Wet-lands and Wildlife-started May 13.


    RMA has added a new AnnualForage policy called the RainfallIndex Annual Forage plan ofinsurance. This offers protectionat the CAT level for annuallyplanted crops used for feed or fod-der under the Rainfall and Vegeta-tion Index Plan of Insurance BasicProvisions, and will be availablefor the 2014 crop year sales forproducers in SD, as well as KS,NE, ND, OK, and TX.

    Crops that will be affected areall small grains for haying andgrazing (ie: wheat, oats, hay mil-

    let, triticale) and any annuallyplanted forage intended for hayingor grazing such as sweetsorghum/cane, oats/peas, peas, etc.Since RMA is offering CATlevel coverage for crops grownunder this policy for 2014, NAPcoverage will NOT be availablein these states.

    Deadlines for coverage for thesecrops for the 2014 crop year are asfollows:

    July 15, 2013 final dateto insure fall seededcrops.December 15, 2013 final date to insure springseeded crops.

    Unfortunately, your NAP con-tinuous coverage letter for 2014

    Jones County FSA News David Klingberg

    gardeners when I was young.

    Grandma was very good at it, and

    Mom was okay although I dont

    think she enjoyed it much. I

    helped with some of the weeding

    and the picking of such things as

    peas, beans and cucumbers. After

    a while, I became the main gar-

    dener in the family except for corn

    and potatoes which were Dads

    favorites. My main problem at

    first was getting carried away and

    planting such a huge garden that

    I couldnt properly tend it all.Sometimes it also produced more

    stuff than we needed or could

    freeze, can, or give away. When

    those nifty seed catalogs come in

    the dead of winter, it looks so easy,

    and you decide youd like to try

    this, and that and some of those.

    The first rule of gardening, then,

    is to avoid getting carried away.

    Only plant what you have the

    time and energy to tend and not

    more than you can reasonably

    use. I came to that conclusion the

    hard way and only through expe-


    When it comes to watering, I did

    come up with a system that

    worked pretty well for me. I woulddrag out the old two-row corn lis-

    ter and hitch it to the little Ford

    tractor. I made deep lister rows

    going slightly downhill, and plant-

    ed in the bottom of the rows.

    Then I could run water down the

    rows instead of sprinkling the

    whole garden. This worked best if

    I used some mulch as well to keep

    the water from evaporating right

    away in the hot days of July. My

    main problem here was my father

    who had learned in planting field

    corn in the early years that corn

    should be hilled up. If he got in

    the garden, he tended to not only

    fill in my lister rows but hill them

    up as well. This made watering

    extremely difficult because water

    runs off hills and doesnt do the

    plants there much good. As a

    result, I encouraged Dad to raisehis corn and potatoes in a differ-

    ent place than I gardened so he

    wouldnt start hilling all my stuff.

    Then, after experimenting with

    everything from huckleberries to

    kohlrabies, it finally occurred to

    me that what I most needed to

    grow were those things that taste

    much better home raised than

    purchased. Tomatoes and cucum-

    bers, as you probably know, are

    ever so much better home raised.

    Melons may fit in that category

    too, but I dont hunger for those as

    much as I do for tomatoes and

    cucumbers. On the other hand,

    my taste buds are not sufficiently

    sophisticated to tell much differ-

    ence between onions and potatoes

    raised or purchased. There is one

    exception to that in those little

    early potatoes you scratch around

    and pull out before theyre com-

    pletely mature. Those are tasty.

    One other rule I started to follow

    was to plant nothing that was a

    complete bug magnet. This espe-

    cially applies to potatoes and any

    member of the cabbage family.

    Dad didnt seem to mind strolling

    down a row of spuds, picking off

    the potato bugs, and throwingthem in a coffee can he carried

    that had a little gas in the bottom.

    I didnt have quite enough

    patience for that. Cabbage worms

    are harder to pick off so insecti-

    cide is the usual recourse there. I

    dont like insecticides so my cab-

    bage, broccoli, cauliflower and the

    like come to me by way of the gro-

    cery store. They probably have to

    use insecticide to grow them too,

    but I just wash them really well

    when I get them.

    Well, as often has happened to

    me in my life, once Ive experi-

    mented with something to the

    enth degree and worn myself out

    with it, I somewhat lose interest

    and go on to other things. Thats

    sort of the way it is for me with

    gardening. As a result, my efforts

    this year only involve two pottedtomato plants and a few pots of

    cucumbers. They say gardening is

    good for the soul, so I hope those

    few plants will sufficiently nour-

    ish that part of me. If not, I can

    always expand next year. Even

    then, however, I probably wont

    get carried away. I think in this

    case Im better off following

    another favorite rule of mine

    which is, Keep it simple, Stupid.

    Not a bad idea when it comes to

    gardening in good old South

    Dakota where the odds are some-

    what stacked against us and dis-

    aster can be just around the cor-

    ner. Yet we still keep right on try-

    ing. Why is that?

    Gardening is an iffy proposition

    here in western South Dakota.

    We never have quite enough rain

    so watering, except in highly

    unusual years, is required. We

    also have strong winds, hail,

    plagues of grasshoppers, hot tem-

    peratures, and various wild crit-

    ters that like vegetables. If you do

    insist on gardening and actually

    raise something, you have over-

    come the odds and can be proud of


    Like many of you, I rather liketo play in the dirt and have done

    quite a bit of it over the years. I

    started out helping my mom and

    grandmother who were the main

    Lookin Around Syd Iwan

    Calculating the success

    of an A.I. programKnowing the difference between

    conception rate and pregnancyrate has a big impact on cattle pro-ducers bottom line says, KalynWaters, SDSU Extension Cow/CalfField Specialist.

    When producers sit down tofigure out if they will use astraight Time AI (TAI) synchro-nization protocol (for example the7-day CO-Synch+CIDR) or includeheat detection (for example theSelect Synch), or to calculate thesuccess of their breeding season atits conclusion, this difference iskey, Waters said.

    Waters says there are three keycalculations cattle producersshould take into account: synchro-nization rate percent or the per-

    centage of females detected inestrus compared to the total num-ber of cattle synchronized; concep-tion rate percent or the percentageof pregnant females compared tothe number of females inseminat-ed; and pregnancy rate percent orthe percentage of pregnantfemales compared to the totalnumber synchronized.

    Many people will just look atthe overall pregnancy rate, howev-er when evaluating the amount oflabor and resources to the numberof pregnancies achieved, all factorsshould be included. Using concep-tion rates as an indicator of theoverall success can be misleading.Conception rate does not take intoaccount the number of femalesthat were not inseminated.

    Waters shares the followingexample:

    Herd A, 100 head of cattle were

    synchronized for breeding usingthe Select Synch protocol, 50 of

    them were detected in heat andinseminated, resulting in 70 per-cent of those females becomingpregnant. And, in Herd B, 100head were also synchronized usingthe 7-day CO-Synch + CIDR andbred, however this herd was bredwith a straight TAI that resultedin 55 percent of the femalesbecoming pregnant.

    In using Herd A and Herd B asan example, at first look, it seemsas though Herd A had the mostsuccessful AI breeding season, butoften times producers fail to takeinto account the number offemales that are not bred if TAI isnot used into their overall evalua-tion, Waters said.

    She adds that in this case, while

    Herd A had much higher concep-tion rates, the 50-head that werenot inseminated were not takeninto account.

    Thus, taking all factors intoaccount, and evaluating these twoherds based on pregnancy rates,which include all females, showsthat actually Herd B had greater

    AI success than Herd A, she said.Waters said taking all three fac-

    tors into consideration will helpproducers best manage theirbreeding season. In addition whenchoosing an AI protocol for theirherd, producers need to considerthe females that will not beexposed to AI breeding if TAI is notutilized.

    For more information,, contact your localSDSU Extension Cow/Calf FieldSpecialist or contact Waters at theSDSU Extension Regional Center

    in Winner (605) 842-1267. A listingof all SDSU Extension Field Spe-cialists can be found at

    Selected Interest Rates forJune 2013

    Commodity Loans 1.125 percentFarm Operating Loans Direct1.250 percentFarm Ownership Loans Direct3.375 percentFarm Ownership Loans DirectDown Payment, BeginningFarmer or Rancher 1.500 percentFarm Storage Facility Loans 7 Yr 1.250 percentFarm Storage Facility Loans 10 Yr 1.750 percentFarm Storage Facility Loans 12 Yr 2.000 percent

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013


    School & Sports Murdo Coyote June 6, 2013 Page 5

    Parts of a bow Matthew Birkeland speaks to the crowdabout the parts of a bow.

    Cutting peppers Jacob Birkeland preparing peppers for aKabob while judge Patterson and Dylan Fuoss inspect his work.

    Public Presentation participants Back row left toright: Kathlene Boyle, Jake Dowling, Austin Olson, Wyatt Olson,Molly Dowling. Front Row: Ty Fuoss, Matthew Birkeland, DylanFuoss, Matthew Birkeland and Seth Schoon. Not Pictured -Madelyn Host, Annalee Roghair and Mesa Roghair.

    Recipe Austin Olson discusses his recipe with judges AndreaKlein and Katherine Patterson.

    Taco Braid Ty Fuoss showing his technique to judge Klein.

    Concentrating Annalee Roghair concentrates as she putshoney into the smoothie mix for her demonstration.

    Kool-Aid Mesa Roghair is all business as she prepares Kool-Aid for the crowd.

    Egg Preparation Seth Schoon presents a cleaned egg tothe judge.

    Jones County Youth in Action Day continued from page 1

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013


    Statewide News Murdo Coyote June 6, 2013 Page 6The Clinical View

    Dr. P.E. Hoffsten


    Last weeks column had to dowith stress management and somebasic considerations. It was notedby a Dr. Herman Witte in his

    interviews with various patientsthat certain patterns of speechrepeatedly were used by individu-als undergoing stress relatedcounseling. He noted that therewas a basic irrational self talk thatwas it upsets me. It was pointedout that another researcher, Dr.Edward Deci hypothesized thatthe two basic drivers for humanbehavior were self determinationand self satisfaction with result ofthe choice the person made. Dr.Witte pointed out that if, it upsetsme is something that the personsays to themselves, then it isdeciding how you will respond.

    Whenever it occurs you getupset. As such you have lost con-trol of your self determinationwhich is so basic for your healthybehavior. The important recogni-tion to make is that it is notupsetting you. You are upsetting

    yourself. Once you recognize this,you can choose not to be upset andrespond in a different healthiermanner.

    Dr. Witte then listed six moresayings that people used to gener-ate their own stress. The first ofthese he called general irrationalself talk number one. It has varia-tions such as:

    1. He should not do that.2. People should not act that

    way.3. This type of thing cannot be

    tolerated4. Things must go according to

    my demands/expectatios.5. This goes against societies

    normsDr. Witte noted that people who

    had adverse stress responses fre-quently used these quotes both intheir spoken language and quietlyinternally to themselves. He calledthese quotes demandedness lan-guage. Note the sequence thatoccurs. Specifically, he shouldntdo that implies that whateverit/that is, something must bedone to change it/that. Dr. Witte

    became interested in why peoplewould say, he shouldnt do that.The justifications that patientsresponded with included:

    1. I dont act that way.2. Their actions go against soci-

    eties norms.3. They never acted this way

    before.4. Theyre acting that way

    upsets me.Note that in response to the jus-

    tifications offered it should benoted that there are a number ofirrationalities:

    1. Who appointed me to set thestandards of behavior. I have myvalues and rules but others alsohave their own values and rules.

    2. Not everyone okays societiesnorms (which society?)

    3. Peoples actions may change.4. Please keep in mind they

    dont upset you, you upset your-self.

    Dr. Witte then reviewed withhis patients the effects of generalirrational self talk number one(they shouldnt do that). Specifical-ly:

    1. This self talk generators afear of failure. If they shouldnt dothat, something must bedone to change what they havedone. But that may not be possi-ble and fear is generated regard-ing what will happen if it cannotbe undone.

    2. This self talk requires anexpenditure of effort to changethings that might not be change-able.

    3. Often this self talk will gener-ate a need for revenge and retribu-tion. This is an extremely destruc-tive response.

    4. A demanding attitudetowards others regarding whatthey should or shouldnt do gener-ates rebellion within the other per-son. Specifically recognize that byyou telling them what they shouldor should not do, you are takingaway their self-determination.

    Dr. Witte then offered construc-tive responses one can use insteadof they shouldnt do that. Specif-ically:

    1. I wish (would prefer) thatpeople not behave like that. Note

    the internal response a person hasto the use of this saying instead ofsaying they shouldnt do that.Wishing somebody wouldnt dosomething is not demanding asstating that they should not do

    that.2. It is unfortunate, irritating,

    inconvenient that this has hap-pened but I can adjust and toleratethe event.

    3. Societies rules are desirableand when followed tend todecrease the conflict within thegroup but there will always beexceptions to the rule and peoplewho break the rules. It is probablymore beneficial to me to try tounderstand and resolve differ-ences, than to be come vengefuland punitive.

    4. Life does not owe me, changeand undesirable events areinevitable. Dr. Witte generated alist of eight words that have ademandedness connotation. Heversed patients on using a secondgroup of eight words that removedthe demandedness context.

    Demand language

    1. Must2. Should3. Ought to4. Have to5. Need to6. Got to7. Supposed to8. Will

    Hoped for language1. Want2. Desire3. Prefer4. Wish5. Like6. Might/could7. Hope8. Would be nice if

    Note that the second column ofwords removes the demandednessattitude towards the other personand allows them to meet yourhopes if they would choose to.

    In summary, General IrrationalSelf Talk number one is aboutdemandedness and how you thinkto yourself and address others.Normal human behavior is toresist others demands and conflictis generated using this languagepattern.



    Health Dental Vision Disability Life Insurance Vacation Leave Sick Leave Paid Holidays Retirement Plan

    Certified Medical Assistant, LPN or RN

    Mellette County Health Clinic in White River, S.D., an office of HorizonHealth Care, Inc., is seeking applicants for a full time Certified MedicalAssistant, LPN or RN to work in a busy health care setting.

    Ideal candidates must be a certified Medical Assistant or be a licensedLPN or RN in the State of South Dakota. Excellent patient care andnursing skills is a must. Experience with Electronic Health Recordswould be very beneficial. If you are a positive team player and enjoyworking in a busy health care environment, this position is for you.

    Job Descriptions are available upon request @ [email protected]

    Pioneer Auto Show's 2013 Murdoin May a Community Event

    Murdo in May, is an annualevent held in the small town ofMurdo, located just off of inter-state 90 between Rapid City andChamberlain, SD.

    The event consisting of a swap

    meet, car show, car auction andantique auction, attracts thou-sands every year, and this yearwas no exception. With an estimat-ed 2,500 in attendance, and evenmore registered for the newlyoffered online auction, the entiretown gets involved in the excite-ment and festivities. The eventthis year was held May 10, 11 and12th.

    Kicking off the weekend was theswap meet at Pioneer Auto Showin the west lot on Friday. This wasa free event that set the fun tonefor the weekend, and ran throughSunday, May 12. Crafts wereabundant from the entire regionincluding Sioux Falls, Iowa and allof South Dakota.

    The car show on Main Streetwas sponsored by the Murdo

    Chamber of Commerce. There was50s music for all to hear, and deli-cious food was provided by theTurner Youth Group. All of thecars and tractors made it a greatride.

    The antique car auction, whichtook place on Saturday, May 11,was operated by Vanderbrink Auc-tions out of Hardwick, MN. Therewere approximately 200 on-sitebidders registered, along with anadditional 157 online registrationsfor bidding. Some highlight salesof the auction were:

    1946 Dodge Truck Restored -$4,000 sold to online bidder

    1932 Ford Custom Streetrod -$11,500 sold to onsite bidder

    1968 AMC AMX Coupe -$16,000 sold to onsite bidder

    1963 R Code Galaxie - $21,000sold to onsite bidder

    1962 Chevrolet Corvette Road-ster - $34,000 sold to onsite bidder

    Dave Geisler Sr., owner of thePioneer Auto Museum said, Oneof the highlights for me was to see

    the entire community participateand get involved. The event mayhave originated at Pioneer AutoShow, but over the years it hasreally become a celebration of theentire town many returning cus-

    tomers and old friends makinggood memories.

    The mega antique and collecta-ble auction on the final day, run byEckert Auctions of South Dakota,was also quite successful. Hotitems this year were collectables ofCoca Cola, Hamms Beer, and JohnDeere. Check out some of Pioneer

    Autos vintage items from theirgift shop at /v intage-antiques-c-93.html.

    Overall, Murdo in May is anexciting annual event that contin-ues to grow and expand each year.Next year is sure to bring morehidden treasures along with funtimes and involvement of thoseattending and the entire commu-nity.

    Article submitted by RobertSharp and Associates.

    Run-off election forSDHSAA board of directors

    The votes have been tabulatedfor the Division II position on theSDHSAA Board of Directors. AllSDHSAA member schools wereentitled to vote in the election. TheDivision II Representative posi-tion is to be filled by anathletic/activities director from aDivision II school. The Division IIschools were those schools with a

    2012-2013 average daily member-ship of 683.426, Yankton HighSchool, to Crow Creek High Schoolwith an average daily membershipof 193.086.

    The Division II position electiondid not produce any candidatewith a majority of the votes cast. Arunoff election for this positionwill be conducted between Mr.Clay Anderson of Belle Fourcheand Mr. Dan Whalen of Pierre.The votes have also been tabulatedfor the Large School Group Board

    of Education position on theSDHSAA Board of Directors. AllSDHSAA member schools wereentitled to vote in the election. TheLarge School Group Board of Edu-cation position is to be filled by aschool board member from a schoolwith a 2012-2013 average dailymembership of 1,579.756, SiouxFalls Roosevelt High School, to

    Harrisburg High School with anaverage daily membership of477.070.

    The Large School Group Boardof Education position election didnot produce any candidate with amajority of the votes cast. A runoffelection for this position will beconducted between Mr. JamesHansen of Rapid City and Mr.Mike Miller of Aberdeen.

    Ballots have been forwarded toall SDHSAA member schools withballots to be postmarked no laterthan Monday, July 8, 2013.

    An all-of-the-above approachby Rep. Kristi Noem

    The price of a gallon of gas nearmy home in rural Hamlin Countyis well over $4.00. In a state likeSouth Dakota, where familiesoften drive long distances to ballgames or into town for church orgroceries, rising gas prices canhave a significant impact on afamilys or businesss bottom line.

    Our country needs a plan forenergy independence that not onlyworks to lower energy costs, butboosts our domestic economy andcreates jobs here at home. I contin-ue to support and advocate for anall-of-the-above American energypolicy. Through encouraging inno-vation and continuing to supportrenewable fuels, like ethanol andother biofuels, we can take stepstowards a more secure, stable andreliable energy supply.

    In the House of Representa-tives, we are looking at legislativeoptions to help families and busi-

    nesses combat the pain at thepump. Recently, the House passedH.R. 3, the Northern Route

    Approval Act, with bipartisan sup-port. This bill removes the need fora presidential permit and immedi-ately authorizes the constructionof the northern route of the Key-stone XL pipeline. Although this isonly one small piece of the puzzle,increasing North American energyproduction and sustaining ourdomestic refining industry areessential for energy independence.

    There are numerous reasonswhy gas prices fluctuate, but bad,ineffective or a lack of federal poli-cies shouldnt be one of them. Imhopeful that Congress will contin-ue to consider legislation that willwork to open up more federal landfor energy development, which willincrease our domestic energy sup-ply and reduce our dependence onunstable sources of oil.

    Our country is full of untappedresources including natural gas.The Potential Gas Committeerecently released the results of itslatest assessment of our nationsnatural gas reserves. Because ofinnovative new technologies, thisyears assessment has risen 22.1percent since 2010, the highestevaluation in the 48-year history

    of the committee. In the WillistonBasin in North Dakota, oil esti-mates have doubled and naturalgas resources have tripled. Howev-er, in order to take full advantageof this natural resource, we needto ensure that policies are in placewhich will eliminate burdensomeregulations and unnecessary redtape.

    The House Energy & CommerceCommittee is currently consider-ing the Energy Consumers Relief

    Act, which would require the Envi-ronmental Protection Agency(EPA) to submit a report to Con-gress detailing costs, energy price,and job impacts before finalizingany energy-related regulation thatcosts more than $1 billion. Whilethis bill is still in committee, itwould provide for greater trans-parency at the EPA and protectconsumers from higher energycosts.

    All options should be on thetable to ensure that American fam-ilies are not forced to put evenmore of their hard-earned dollarstoward filling their tanks. I hopeyoull share your thoughts with meabout how we can lower energycosts by contacting one of myoffices. Contact information is list-ed below.

    Doing our part toprevent wildland fires

    by Sen. John ThuneLiving in South Dakota, we

    know that the elements of naturecan be our greatest friend and alsoour gravest enemy. On farms andranches across the state it is notuncommon to see controlled burnsin pastures. In these summermonths, many of us enjoy roastingmarshmallows and hotdogs overan open campfire, and lightingfireworks around the Fourth ofJuly. Yet it takes just a smallincrease in the wind from the

    wrong direction, an extra-dry sea-son, or careless eye on the camp-fire for small fires to spread quick-ly out-of-control.

    On the western side of the statewe have become especially con-cerned about fire season with thespread of the pine beetle epidemicin the Black Hills. Trees infestedby pine beetles are especially sus-ceptible to fires, which can movequickly putting life and propertyin danger. Earlier this year, in aneffort to help combat forest fires, Isent a letter to Chief of the U.S.Forest Service, Tom Tidwell,encouraging the agency to consid-er the use of the Air Forces soon-to-be retired C-27J aircraft to fightwildland fires in the Rocky Moun-tain Region. Not only would theaircraft help provide the ForestService with the tools needed tofight wildland fires, but the opera-tion of these aircraft could alsoprovide multiple benefits to oureconomy if stationed at Ellsworth

    Air Force Base. I have also intro-duced legislation to cut red tapeand prioritize pine beetle treat-ments within the U.S. Forest Serv-ice.

    Equipping the brave men andwomen who fight our wildlandfires with the best possible tools is

    just one important part of firesafety and prevention. Each of usmust do our part to ensure that wehelp preserve and protect some ofour countrys greatest nationaltreasures and the lives and per-sonal property of our neighbors.

    ALL types!Brent Peters



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  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013


    Public Notices Murdo Coyote June 6, 2013 Page 7Unofficial Record ofProceedings of theMurdo City Council

    Regular MeetingMay 6, 2013

    The Murdo City council met in regularsession on Monday, May 6, 2013. MayorGeisler called the meeting to order at7:34 p.m. Members answering roll callwere: Wayne Esmay, Joe Connot, JayDrayer, Matt Kinsley, Arnie Waddell,

    Mike Jost and Mayor Geisler. Also pres-ent: Karlee Barnes (The Murdo Coyote),Ray Erikson, Jerry Hatheway, and KrystiBarnes. All motions were unanimousunless otherwise stated.

    The agenda for the meeting wasreviewed and approved on a motion byEsmay, seconded by Waddell. The min-utes for the March meetings werereviewed and approved on a motion byEsmay, seconded by Waddell. Buildingand teardown permits were reviewedand approved as follows on a motion byEsmay, seconded by Waddell. B OReilly basement and addition on house; MKinsley sprinkler system; L Tollakson house removal and double wide mobilehome; D Grace remodel building toapartment and business; T Van Dam building house.

    The public area was opened at this timeand Dana Foreman from Kadrmas Leeand Jackson engineers was available topresent the preliminary design and costestimate for the pending 4th Street/Jack-

    son Ave project. He went over plans andestimates with council in detail. Councildiscussed the application for the Com-munity Access Grant at this time alsoand a motion was made by Waddell, sec-onded by Drayer to pass Resolution#2013 24.

    Resolution # 2013-24City of MurdoJackson Avenue &

    4th Street Improvement Project

    WHEREAS, the City of Murdohas identified the need toundertake street improve-ments to Jackson Avenue &4th Street; and

    WHEREAS, the City of Murdoagrees to provide a 40% localmatch for street constructioncosts, plus pay all engineeringand administrative costs asso-ciated with said project; and

    WHEREAS, the City of Murdowill secure the required right-

    of-way for the construction ofthe project; and

    WHEREAS, the City of Murdoagrees to maintain the streetfor its useful life;

    THEREFORE BE ITRESOLVED, that the City ofMurdo Council duly authorizesDavid M. Geisler, City ofMurdo Mayor to sign and sub-mit a SDDOT CommunityAccess Road Grant applica-tion, requesting 60% of the eli-gible construction costs forsaid project up to $200,000 ofgrant funds.

    Adopted and effective this 6thday of May, 2013.

    Mr. Foreman discussed the park trailgrant with council and the agreement forthat at this time and a motion to approvethe agreement to design that with Kadr-mas Lee & Jackson was made by Con-

    not, seconded by Jost.

    Mr. Foreman presented the approval ofthe Environmental Assessment for theairport runway design and a motion wasmade by Drayer, seconded by Waddell toapprove this.

    Vouchers were reviewed for the monthand approved as follows on a motion byConnot, seconded by Waddell:

    GENERAL: Payroll 2,550.49, Payrolltaxes 481.54; Retirement 309.84;The Murdo Coyote (publishing) 310.78;FNB (travel/supply/postage) 497.75;Wellmark (insurance) 800.85; GoldenWest (phone) 106.49; Servall (mats)57.17; Farmers Union (fuel) 51.10; Har-mon Law (legal fees) 670.00; BanyonData (computer support) 1,590.00;Corkys (supplies) 9.99; Fidelity Agency(bond) 744.49; Gary Snow (asbestosinsp) 978.00; Petty Cash (postage/sup-ply) 30.16.

    PUBLIC SAFETY: Jones County (law

    enf contract) 1,600.00; West Central(electricity) 280.13.

    PUBLIC WORKS: Payroll 2,417.44;Payroll taxes 824.20; Retirement 367.47; Golden West (phone) 53.24;Wellmark (insurance) 800.85; HeartlandWaste (garbage) 3,468.00; Dept of Rev-enue (sales tax) 268.77; WR/LJ (waterairport) 40.00; Corkys (supplies) 257.23;Farmers Union (gas) 1,961.37; WestCentral Elec (electricity) 2,578.71;Kadrmas Lee and Jackson (engineering)13,466.32; Pioneer Country Mart (fuel)307.81; FNB (conference) 97.30.

    PARKS & RECREATION: Golden West(phone) 38.63; West Central Elec (elec-tricity) 107.96; Krysti Barnes (reimb sup-plies) 300.00; Sungold (car show tro-phies) 433.50.

    SPECIAL REVENUE: Brett Nix (indpark) 689.43; West Central Elec (elec-tricity) 744.00.

    WATER: Payroll 3,020.81; Payroll

    taxes 911.44; Retirement 427.88;Golden West (phone) 53.24; WR/LJ(water/tower) 3,675.25; Corkys (sup-plies) 110.85; FNB (supplies) 172.18;West Central Elec (electricity) 807.48;HD Supply (supplies) 143.07; BanyonData (computer support) 795.00; Corkys(supplies) 110.95; SDWWA (conf fee)65.00.

    WASTEWATER: SD One Call (locates)5.55; Corky (supplies) 4.98.

    Sheriff Weber could not be present atthis time but his written report was pre-sented. Council at this time reviewedinformation regarding a COPS grant andasked Barnes to visit with the CountyCommissioners at their meeting the fol-lowing day. They also reviewed a letterbeing sent to the state regarding lawenforcement.

    Hatheway presented the street report.He discussed a request for a longer cul-vert. Council did not feel this requestwould be a good option for drainage but

    recommended they be talked to aboutcurb and gutter instead. Hatheway dis-cussed the dump hours and a sign andthe key. He informed council that thebeacon was stolen from one dump truckand that his street meeting was can-celled in April and moved until later inMay. Council discussed selling the oldcat at the dump. A motion to approve thereport was made by Connot, secondedby Waddell.

    Erikson gave the water report for themonth. He discussed a complaint con-cerning rental rates and the rental agree-ment was reviewed. As the individualwas not aware of the rates at the time ofrental, council decided to lower the billbut keep the rates as they are. Councilinstructed employees to make sure theagreement is reviewed and signedbefore items are rented.

    Erikson discussed work at the pumphouse, the swimming pool and the park.He informed council about new lawsregarding sewer backups also. A motion

    to approve the report was made by Dray-er, seconded by Waddell.

    Barnes presented the finance report atthis time. She reviewed with council thepool manager salary as was set at theprevious meeting and that the per hourrate was lower than previous and councilagreed that the rate was incorrect andwill be set at $1,450 per month. Barnesasked that the June meeting be movedto Wednesday, June 5, 2013 instead ofon the Monday as she will be gone to afamily wedding and council agreed. Shediscussed the possibility of the Citysending a newsletter out periodically andshowed some samples of other towns. Amotion to approve the report was madeby Connot, seconded by Drayer.

    OLD BUSINESS: The ordinance regard-ing trailer homes in the city was reviewedonce again and first reading was given tothe ordinance. The assessment of costsregarding the Ingalls property demolitionwas discussed and a letter from the Cityattorney on step towards this was

    reviewed and council chose how they feltwas best to handle this.

    NEW BUSINESS: A letter of support forthe railroad was reviewed and agreed tosend. A deed notice for the industrialpark was reviewed. This notice will helpin future transfer requirements for theproperty and a motion was made byDrayer, seconded by Waddell to author-ize the Mayor to execute this documentand it to be filed.

    Council agreed to advertise for biddingon the haying of the North Dam area anda letter regarding chickens in City limitswas reviewed and will be addressed infuture meetings. Being no further busi-ness, council adjourned at 10:23 p.m.

    Krysti Barnes,City Finance Officer

    Published June 6, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $93.57.

    Game, Fish and Parks file error sendswrong license drawing message

    Approximately 2,000 applicantsfor a South Dakota bighorn sheephunting license were incorrectlynotified that they had drawn alicense.

    An incorrect computer file wasdownloaded resulting in licenseapplicants who provided an e-mailaddress being notified that theyhad been drawn for a 2013Bighorn Sheep license. Before theerror was discovered, e-mails werealready in the process of beingsent.

    The error was detected about

    half-way through the notificationprocess and within 30 minutes acorrected e-mail was sent notifyingapplicants that they had been

    unsuccessful.There were no errors in the

    draw process itself and there is noneed for a re-drawing. Two licens-es were issued, and they will becontacted by phone confirmingtheir success in the drawing. Nounsuccessful applicant wascharged the actual license fee.

    We know the high regard thathunters hold for these licenses,and we apologize for the erroneousnotification that was sent, ShonEide, license office supervisor forthe Game, Fish and Parks Depart-

    ment said.At the same time, we want allapplicants to know that this wasnot a security breach within the

    license system, Eide added. Anincorrect file was downloaded aspart of the message process withinthe secure system. All personalinformation is safe.

    Eide said all protocols for e-mailnotifications will be examined tosafeguard against future errors.

    Anyone with questions or in needof further assistance may contactthe GFP call center at 605-223-7660.

    S.D. 4-H Character educationconference cancelled

    This is to inform participantsand potential participants that theSouth Dakota 4-H Character Edu-cation Conference scheduled forJune 13 and 14 in Sioux Falls has

    been cancelled. For questions, con-tact Karelyn Farrand, SDSUExtension Character EducationField Specialist at [email protected] or call 605-626-2870.

    Murdo NutritionProgram Menu

    June 10Chicken & NoodlesPeasColeslawBreadPineapple Tidbits

    June 11Roast BeefMashed Potatoes & GravyGreen BeansDinner RollApplesauce

    June 12Hamburger on a Bun w/ Lettuce

    & OnionPotato WedgesPerfection Gelatin SaladPeaches

    June 13Oven Fried Chicken

    Mashed Potatoes & GravyHarvard BeetsBreadMelon

    June 14Pork Chops in Celery SauceBaked Sweet PotatoesGreen BeansBreadPears

    Summer job tax informationSummer jobs offer students theopportunity to make money andlearn some important life lessonsabout the working world, includ-ing taxes.

    As a new employee, students fillout a Form W-4, Employees With-holding Allowance Certificate, sotheir employer withholds the rightamount of taxes from regular pay,bonuses, commissions, and vaca-tion allowances.

    Tips are taxable income so youneed to keep a daily log to recordthem. If you receive $20 or more intips in any one month from anyone job, you must report the totaltips to your employer or report theincome on your tax return.

    Self-employment income, fromjobs like baby-sitting and lawnmowing, are subject to income tax.If your net earnings from self-employment are $400 or more, youhave to pay self-employment taxand file Schedule SE.

    While students may not earnenough money from summer jobsto owe income tax, they will proba-bly have to pay Social Security andMedicare taxes. Your employerusually withholds these taxes fromyour paycheck, but if youre self-employed, you may have to payself-employment taxes.

    If you had more than one jobyou should make sure all youremployers are withholding an ade-quate amount of taxes to coveryour total income tax liability. You

    can see if your withholding is cor-rect using the Withholding Calcu-lator on

    Whether youre required to filea return next year will depend onthe type and the amount of yourgross income, filing status, age,and whether someone is eligible toclaim you as a dependent.

    Visit, the official IRSwebsite, for more informationabout income tax withholding andemployment taxes.

    J.C. Sheriffs ReportThe Sheriffs report is printed

    as received by Jones County Sher-iffs Office. It may or may not con-tain every call received by thedepartment.Sheriff and Deputy calls:May 19

    Sheriff Weber responded to areport of a calf out along I-90,westbound, mm176. The ownerwas contacted and the calf was

    put back in.May 20

    Deputy Sylva responded to a911 call that was found to havecame from a vacant lot inMurdo with no phone service.May 22

    Sheriff Weber responded to areport of a car parked on the sideof US Hwy 83, southbound,mm58, with an adult male andfemale passed out in the frontseat with small children in theback seat. Prior to the sheriff'sarrival, another vehicle hadstopped and picked up the femaledriver and the children. Contactwas made with an intoxicatedmale passenger in the passengerseat. The subject was transportedto White River by a Mellette Co.Deputy and the car was towed tothe Sheriff's Office in Murdo.

    Sheriff Weber responded to two

    separate reports of a calf outalong I-90, mm175 and 176.The owner was contacted to putthe calves back in.

    Sheriff Weber responded to I-90, mm 185 and 186, both eastand west bound to a report of afront wheel coming off a west-bound vehicle and striking avehicle that was traveling east-bound. There were no injuries andthe westbound vehicle was towedto Murdo.

    Sheriff Weber responded to areport of a motorist needingassistance on I-90, near the192 exit at Murdo. The vehiclewas not located.

    Sheriff Weber transported atransient from Murdo to theCoffee Cup in Vivian, and wasturned over to a Lyman Co.Deputy.May 23

    Deputy Sylva investigated somesmall baggies that contained awhite substance that was found atthe Super 8 in Murdo. The bag-gies contained cocaine, andthere were no leads to who theybelonged to.

    Deputy Sylva responded to areport of a motorist brandish-ing a firearm at anothermotorist eastbound on I-90,mm191. The subject was stoppedby the SD Highway Patrol nearPresho.

    Deputy Sylva responded to areport of a female hitch hikeron I-90, westbound, mm 210.The subject refused a ride andwas left to continue hitch hiking,but was later transported to theJackson Co. line and turned overto a Jackson Co. Deputy byDeputy Sylva due to safety con-cerns after it got dark.

    Deputy Sylva transported a

    transient from the JacksonCo. line to the Mellette Co. linewhere he was turned over to aMellette Co. Deputy.May 24

    Deputy Sylva transported atransient from Murdo to theLyman Co. line and turned overto a Lyman Co. Deputy.

    Deputy Sylva responded to areport of a motorist assist on I-90,

    westbound, mm 206. The femaledriver was found to have anactive Pennington Co. war-rant. She was arrested and trans-ported west and was turned overto a Pennington Co. Deputy. Thevehicle was towed to the Sheriff'sOffice.

    Deputy Sylva responded to a911 hangup in Murdo. Unableto locate anyone with any prob-lems.

    Deputy Sylva transported atransient from Murdo to theMellette Co. line and he wasturned over to a Mellette Co.Deputy.May 25

    Deputy Sylva gave churchfund assistance to a motoristthat was stranded in Murdo.May 26

    Deputy Sylva responded to afamily dispute in Murdo. The

    problem was resolved.Deputy Sylva and Sheriff Weber

    responded to a motorcycle acci-dent involving one motorcyclewith two riders on I-90, east-bound, mm 182. One subject wastransported to St. Marys by theJones Co. Ambulance with non lifethreatening injuries. The motor-cycle was towed to Murdo.May 27

    Deputy Sylva booked in andreleased a subject that hadbeen arrested by the SD High-way Patrol for Driving Underthe Influence.

    Deputy Sylva checked onareas of the county hit by heavyrains, winds and hail.May 28

    Deputy Sylva responded to areport of a dead calf on theroadway on US Highway 83,mm 61. The calf was removed.

    May 31Sheriff Weber responded to amotorist assist on I-90, west-bound, mm197 to a car that hadlost its front wheel. The vehiclewas towed away.

    Sheriff Weber transported atransient from Murdo to theLyman Co. line and was turnedover to Lyman Co. Deputy.

    Sheriff Weber reregistered asex offender that is living inJones Co.

    Sheriff Weber responded to areport of a car parked on theside of I-90, eastbound, mm175, and a person walking east-bound. No vehicle or person waslocated.

    Sheriff Weber responded toreport of a vehicle and trailerbroke down along I-90, west-bound, mm 195. The vehicle wastowed to Murdo.

    Nutbuster Grill & Loungehas bought out the Busted Nut

    Restaurant in Draper, SD

    Nutbuster Grill & Loungewill reopen on June 1, 2013

    Monday thru Saturday

    5 p.m. 10 p.m.Thank you

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 6, 2013


    Coyote Classifieds Murdo Coyote June 6, 2013 Page 8


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    THE DUPREE SCHOOL DIS-TRICT is seeking applications fora HS Math Instructor (w/wo HeadBoys BB Coach); Base Pay -$34,150 plus signing bonus. Con-tact Supt. Lenk at Dupree School(605) 365-5138.

    IROQUOIS SCHOOL HASOPENINGS for Science Teacher,PT Preschool Teacher, Head BoysBasketball Coach & Head GirlsBasketball Coach. Send Resume

    To: Iroquois School, Mark Samp-son, AD, PO Box 98, Iroquois, SD57353.

    SISSETON SCHOOL DIS-TRICT Openings: SPED K-12 (2Positions), SPED Early Child-hood. Contact: Dr. StephenSchulte, Supt. 516 8th Ave. W. Sis-seton, SD 57262. (605)698-7613.Positions open until filled. EOE.

    THE CITY OF FREEMAN, SDis seeking applications for the

    position of City Administrator.Minimum qualifications requiredare a graduate from an accreditedcollege or university with a publicadministration background andtwo (2) years of progressivelyresponsible professional manage-ment position in a similar or larg-er sized municipal environment,or any equivalent combination ofexperience, education and train-ing, which provides the desiredknowledge, skills and abilities.Full benefit package and salaryDOQ. Please send resume and let-ter of application to Lisa Edel-man, Finance Officer, PO Box 178,Freeman, SD 57029. Deadline forapplications is June 28, 2013.

    HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA-TOR CAREER! 3 Week Hands-On Training School. Bulldozers,Backhoes, Excavators. National

    Certifications. Lifetime Job Place-ment Assistance. VA Benefits Eli-gible! 1-866-362-6497.

    BUILDING TRADESINSTRUCTOR opening for 9th 12th grade program in NorthwestSouth Dakota. Competitive wage,excellent benefits, car provided.For more information contact CrisOwens, Northwest Area Schools,605-466-2206 or [email protected].

    ALEXANDER, ND, SCHOOLDISTRICT is seeking 1 elemen-tary teacher, 1 Pre-School teacher,and a Title 1 Teacher. Send a let-ter of application and resume withreferences: Alexander PublicSchool, Lynn Sims, PO Box 66,

    Alexander, ND 58831, or [email protected]. EOE.

    THE ROAD TO THE RIGHTCAREER - STARTS HERE!Statewide construction jobs,

    $12.00 - $18.00 OR MORE. Noexperience necessary. Applyonline #con-structionjobspaybetter.

    COUNSELORS: SPEARFISH& RAPID CITY. OutpatientCounselor, Family/Child Coun-selor, Crisis Services Counselor.Details/Apply: BMSCares.ORG.

    DOUGLAS COUNTY COMMIS-SION is taking applications forfull- time Douglas County High-

    way Superintendent. Must havevalid Class A Drivers License.Experience in road/bridge con-struction/maintenance. For appli-cation contact: Douglas County

    Auditor (605) 724-2423.

    SMART SALES AND LEASEseeks business account manager.Work online from home.Hourly/salary based on experi-ence. Some evenings, weekends.Degree/management experiencepreferred. [email protected].

    CUSTER REGIONAL HOSPI-TAL has full time OccupationalTherapist, RN and LPN or Med-ical Assistant opportunities avail-able. We are located in the beauti-ful southern Black Hills of SD -

    just a short distance from MountRushmore, Wind Cave National

    Park, Custer State Park, JewelCave National Park and manyother outdoor attractions. Call605-673-2229 ext. 110 for moreinformation or go to to apply. EOE.

    THE ROAD TO THE RIGHTCAREER - STARTS HERE!Statewide construction jobs,$12.00 - $18.00 OR MORE. Noexperience necessary. Applyonline #con-structionjobspaybetter.


    2004 CASE IH JX100 with 5ft.Tigger mower. SER/AGJX10-

    AB132358 11,000 hrs. $22,000firm. Can be seen at Kennebechighway shop. 605-869-2261 or605-280-5478.

    LONGBRANCH IN PIERRE,SD. We have lowered the price &will consider contract for deed.Call Russell Spaid 605-280-1067.


    DAKOTA LOG HOME Buildersrepresenting Golden Eagle LogHomes, building in eastern, cen-tral, northwestern South & NorthDakota. Scott Connell, 605-530-2672, Craig Connell, 605-264-5650,


    ADVERTISE IN NEWSPA-PERS statewide for only $150.00.

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    owner operators, freight fromMidwest up to 48 states, homeregularly, newer equipment,Health, 401K, call Randy, A&AExpress, 800-658-3549.


    WANTED: HUNTING LAND forPheasant, quality Mule Deer 170class+, Whitetail Deer 150 class+and Merrium Turkey. Call 605-448-8064.

    Deadline is Tuesdays at 10 a.m.

    Call: 669-2271


    CLASSIFIED RATE: $5.00 minimum for up to 20 words.10 per word afterinitial 20. Each name and initial must be counted as one word.

    CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for up to 20words.10 per word after initial 20. Each name and initial must be countedas one word.

    NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.

    DISPLAY AD RATE: $5.20 per column inch.

    PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate, advertised in this newspaper issubject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal toadvertise any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, ornational origin, or any intention to make any such preference, limitation, ordiscrimination.

    This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estatewhich is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellingsadvertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

    Help WantedOFFICE POSITION: The posi-tion requires the ability to effec-tively coordinate availableresources and prioritize multipleprojects and meet deadlines, com-municate with others, both orallyand in writing, and maintain accu-rate records. Working knowledge

    of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlookand PowerPoint is required alongwith excellent mathematical skillsand ability to read and write legaldescriptions. Duties will includelifting, sorting, cataloging and fil-ing of documents, and other gener-al office duties as required. Mustbe able to learn and use propri-etary software. Must have or beable to obtain a valid South Dako-ta drivers license. Position will belocated at Murdo, S.D. An applica-tion form may be completed onlineat or sent to SteveReed, CEO, West Central ElectricCooperative, P.O. Box 17, Murdo,S.D. 57559. Email [email protected] EOE. Applications willbe accepted until position is filled.


    WantedLOOKING FOR PRAIRIE DOGTOWNS to lease and deer huntingground. Every hunter that touchesyour property is FULLY insured,liability, and we carry extra fireinsurance. Contact Brett at 605-669-3440. M22-2tc

    NoticeTO YOU: WHOE