MUSIC English Presentation

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  • 7/27/2019 MUSIC English Presentation




    MUHAMMAD IZAM (16DKM13F1127)

  • 7/27/2019 MUSIC English Presentation


    Music is an art form

    whose medium is sound and silence. Its

    common elements are pitch (which

    governs melody and harmony), rhythm (andits associated concepts tempo, meter,

    and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic

    qualities of timbre and texture. The word

    derives from Greek (mousike

    ; "art ofthe Muses)

  • 7/27/2019 MUSIC English Presentation


    Music is composed and performed for many purposes,

    ranging from aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial

    purposes, or as an entertainment product for the

    marketplace. Amateur musicians compose and perform

    music for their own pleasure, and they do not derive

    their income from music. Professional musicians areemployed by a range of institutions and organisations,

    including armed forces, churches and synagogues,

    symphony orchestras,broadcasting or film

    production companies, and music schools. Professionalmusicians sometimes work as freelancers, seeking

    contracts and engagements in a variety of settings.

  • 7/27/2019 MUSIC English Presentation


    "Composition" is often classed as the creation and recording of music viaa medium by which others can interpret it (i.e., paper or sound). Many

    cultures use at least part of the concept of preconceiving musicalmaterial, or composition, as held in western classical music. Even whenmusic is notated precisely, there are still many decisions that aperformer has to make. The process of a performer deciding how toperform music that has been previously composed and notated is termedinterpretation. Different performers' interpretations of the same musiccan vary widely. Composers and song writers who present their own

    music are interpreting, just as much as those who perform the music ofothers or folk music. The standard body of choices and techniquespresent at a given time and a given place is referred to as performancepractice, whereas interpretation is generally used to mean eitherindividual choices of a performer, or an aspect of music that is not clear,and therefore has a "standard" interpretation.

    Music can be composed for repeated performance or it can beimprovised: composed on the spot. The music can be performed entirelyfrom memory, from a written system of musical notation, or somecombination of both. Study of composition has traditionally beendominated by examination of methods and practice of Western classicalmusic, but the definition of composition is broad enough to includespontaneously improvised works like those of free jazz ,performers and

    African drummers such as the Ewe drummers.

  • 7/27/2019 MUSIC English Presentation


    Music therapy is an interpersonal process in which thetherapist uses music and all of its facetsphysical,emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritualto helpclients to improve or maintain their health. In someinstances, the client's needs are addressed directly throughmusic; in others they are addressed through the

    relationships that develop between the client andtherapist. Music therapy is used with individuals of all agesand with a variety of conditions, including: psychiatricdisorders, medical problems, physical handicaps, sensoryimpairments, developmental disabilities, substance abuse,communication disorders, interpersonal problems, andaging. It is also used to: improve learning, build self-esteem, reduce stress, support physical exercise, andfacilitate a host of other health-related activities.

    Music is a great way to reduce tension.

  • 7/27/2019 MUSIC English Presentation
