42 ............... Sunday, August 26, 2018 1SM Watch video of the band at: thescottishsun.co.uk NEW MUSIC By Jim Gellatly THE DUNTS WHERE: Glasgow. WHO: Rab Smith (vocals/guitar), Colin McGachy (guitar/vocals), David McFarlane (bass/vocals), Kyle McGhee (drums). FOR FANS OF: The Vaccines, Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines. JIM SAYS: The Dunts are another of Glasgow’s new breed of punk- fuelled indie rock ’n’ rollers burning up the scene. Along with bands such as Baby Strange, Rascalton, Lucia and The Ninth Wave they are part of a movement bursting onto the national stage. It was an incredible feeling waiting to leave the car park at the SEC in April after a Noel Gallagher gig when I heard The Dunts’ last single blasting across the UK airwaves. Birds And The Beez premiered on BBC Radio 1 and it was such a thrill to hear it — and a real sense of national pride. Colin, David and Kyle first got together for jamming sessions at high school. Colin then met singer Rab at a house party, and the rest is history. Last year’s debut EP Not Working Is Class got the ball rolling. Originally creating more of an indie sound they cranked it up a bit for the EP, with opening track Tommy a glorious blast of punk-fuelled rock. The infectious singles Coalition Of Chaos and Dimitri also nailed it. The follow-up EP is now ready to go, featuring Birds And The Beez plus the brilliant new single Witch Hunt. The song takes its inspiration from a punk pioneer, Sex Pistols and Public Image Ltd man John Lydon. Rab explained: “It’s about an interview John Lydon did where he said he’d like to make a documen- tary about some seedy and morally dubious individuals.” The upcoming EP is called Self Proclaimed Council Punk. I do often squirm when bands try to invent a new genre, but I love their approach. Rab told me: “We called ourselves Council Punk on our Twitter profile and loads of publica- tions started labelling us ‘Self Pro- claimed Council Punk’. It sort of made us feel like they were doubt- ing the legitimacy of the term, so we are taking it from them and giving it to . . . ourselves!” Brilliant! Already causing a stir wherever they play in Scotland, The Dunts are now making inroads south of the border and beyond. This weekend they are at the Reading and Leeds Festivals, and then Germany next month. Having recently packed out a tent at the Belladrum festival near Inverness, they have another big Scottish event before heading to Hamburg. On Friday they’ll be at Electric Fields in Dumfries & Galloway, headlined by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds. No doubt hordes of their fans will make it down, so it should almost be like a home- coming. Rab said: “It probably will feel like a home gig. A lot of places in Scotland feel like that now, so our fingers are crossed. We’re on quite early but it should still be sound.” They’ve also announced a Scottish headline tour for October. MORE: thedunts.co.uk lJim presents a weekly showcase of New Music on Amazing Radio Sundays 2-4pm. amazingradio.com jimgellatly.com IT’S 15 years after a virus almost wiped out humans – leaving many as zombies. But, this time, the parkour slash-em’-up is more about choices. You have Peace- keepers, Scavengers and Degen- erates. Each can change the game for good or bad. But, in a neat twist, there is NO right or wrong choices. If Techland can pull it off, this will be a super game. ACE developer Ralph Futlon reckons it was a no-brainer for the Forza fran- chise to hit Scotland — because the roads are just brilliant. Forza Horizon 4 gives racers the chance to charge through Edinburgh or take the more traditional road trips through Glen Coe and past the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Fulton, from Ayr, has been a major player in the new game, but the creative director insisted the change of scenery was NOT down to him. He said: “I don’t want anyone to think that it’s in the game because of me. We went through the same process as we have with every Horizon title in that we look at what we want to deliver to players in terms of driving and visuals and beauty of the scenery. “But, talking to other Scots, there is an enormous sense of pride. “It’s something the whole team felt was just right, but it’s not just Scotland. There are bits of Wales in there too. Britain was just the right place to set the game.” He added: “Horizon games have traditionally been set in places that you would go to for a dream holiday. “What we have learned over the course of this project is that what an incredible place Britain really is and how many interesting and beautiful locations there are as well as great driving roads, which Scotland has. For me, as someone who lived a long time there, grown up there — and I also worked in Edinburgh for a good couple of years — it’s a special thrill to see places that I know really well, and have driven, in a game. “My wife is from the West Highlands so driving through Glen Coe is a thing I have done many times. Driving past the Glenfinnan Viaduct is part of that and I get a real tingle every time I see it in the game. “Also, we have always had wildlife. It’s deer in this one — as well as sheep. There are moments when you’ll be driving along and your headlights will just pick up a stag as it gets startled and runs. That, for me, is a beautiful moment.” Fulton was not so happy to miss out Glasgow in the game, but admits the roads were just not up to scratch. He laughed: “You are trying to get me into trouble. “Glasgow is where my heart is but I don’t think I would ever say it’s more beautiful than Edinburgh . . . certainly aesthetically. “Glasgow has the famous grid system in the centre then the M8 just runs right through it. That is great for transport but not really so good for the sort of driving we do in Horizon. “But Edinburgh also has this ancient gothic beauty in the architecture and, because it’s built around the castle, it has great roads on the hill and the new town. There are some really interesting natural layouts. “You can race with others down Princes Street. We have the trams, but a lot of people said they TORQUE TALK . . . Stuart and Ralph IT wouldn’t be a big gaming show without some CoD news . . . and this year’s Gamescom was no different. Black Ops 4 was on show, but, unfortunately, it was only the multiplayer — NOT the new Battle Royal mode, Blackout. But what we got to see was a new map set in a futuristic weapons factory which has plenty of fast-flowing combat opportunities as well as choke points where teams can dig in and defend. We also got a taste of some of the specialists — including the gruff, bearded Scot, Torque, with his shield and razor-wire abilities. He’s ideal for objective game modes. CoD: Black Ops 4 Tomb Raider: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Dying Light 2 Battlefield V Rage 2 The Division 2 Control DICE have taken their shooter back to its roots with a Second World War fight. We played a level where we had to capture the streets of Rotterdam. This is a stunning-looking game, and the level of detail gets even better once things start going boom. There is a decent arsenal of weapons and the V2 rockets are game-changers. BETHSEDA and Avalanche Studios’ post-apocalyptic FPS is a blast from the first shot to the last. It’s pure ID software — think Doom and Wolfenstein. You’ll be pulling knee slides into rooms and taking out mutants with shotguns. Add in a solid vehicle combat system and a mix of backdrops and Rage 2 is shaping up to be one of the stand-out FPS games of the year. SWAP snow-covered New York for Washington, fast forward seven months — and go. The gameplay has changed — less places to hide and more emphasis on teamwork in the fights. We played an epic bat- tle against a well- armed enemy force. It was tough but you have a few tricks like an attack drone as well as each agent having special skills, which encourages teamwork. THE first multi-format game from Remedy in some years. The Oldest House — HQ of the Federal Bureau of Control — has been invaded by a force called the Hiss. New boss Jesse Feden has to save the day. It’s a neat mix of Twin Peaks and Annihila- tion as it treads the line between action and thriller. More action-focused than past Remedy titles, but Control could be a surprise hit. MUSIC & GAMES ALL eyes were on Cologne last week as the German city hosted Gamescom — the biggest gaming expo in Europe. More than 500,000 hungry gamers were chomping at the bit to see the latest titles and top tech. Our roads are a real Forza nature LARA’S back — searching for tombs and kicking ass. But this is a much darker tale than you might expect but she still takes the fight to the enemy. She is in Latin America hunting for a Mayan relic that could save the world. There is less combat than previ- ous outings. There is more puzzle-solving and action, but don’t let that put you off — it is without doubt great fun and we solved the hidden tomb puzzles. Get us. SHOW CHAT Cyberpunk 2077 was given an hour-long preview l New game from Supermassive Games Horizon 4, Shadow of the Tomb Raider Bundle and Fallout 76 will all get a Xbox One X Bundle 1SM Sunday, August 26, 2018 ............... 43 hoped we wouldn’t. It adds to the gameplay. If you drive over them you’ll feel them the same way if you drive over rail tracks in the open world. That’s the level of detail we go down in in the game.” The game’s poster car is the awesome McLaren Senna, right, which was on the stand at Games- com in Cologne. Fulton said: “McLaren have been dream partners. They have been so forthcoming about the Senna. It is a race car for the open road but its performance and downforce really make it stand out from a lot of other cars.” Fulton is already expecting community involve- ment from painters, tuners, photographers and racers. He said: “You can do your painting in more places than ever before, but I think the biggest thing in terms of creators in the game is that we have set up the campaign — Horizon Life as it’s called which is set up to celebrate what they do and reward them for that. “So if people download your liveries or like them, that will translate into progression in the game which will push you up the ladder and level you up. And the overall goal is to become a Horizon superstar. “That is where we take a step back and say ‘You can do it however you want. If racing is your thing, go race. If it’s drifting, go sideways . . . but if paint- ing is your thing then you can become a Horizon superstar just through paint- ing’. The same goes for tuners, photog- raphers and streamers. We are trying to be as open and flexible as we can.” START your engines and burn some rubber. The Gamescom fun fest gave us the chance to get hands-on with the new Forza Horizon 4 game. It was a demo build, but it was the perfect taster for a game that will be a massive seller when it comes out in October. It started with us getting behind the wheel of the powerhouse that is the McLaren Senna then ripping up a small part of the English countryside. The demo was just one race, but it was broken into the four seasons. We started in summer then worked through autumn, winter and spring — with all the weather changes you would expect. This brief test drive whets the appetite for the full game. We were drifting around country lanes and smashing through stone walls, dodging Fulton’s famous flocks of rogue sheep and trying not to lose the back end in the snow. They have kept that fun arcade vibe, while the season system ramps up the fun factor to 11. It all adds depth to the driving experience that puts a smile on your face. We also got a taste of what showcase events will be like. We went up against a team of moto crossers in a souped-up Ford Fiesta rally monster. It was all breakneck speed through a forest in a desperate bid to get the upper hand and avoid catastrophe over a number of huge jumps. And all the while fighting to stay upright on the mud trails. The demo may have been short but it was sweet. We were clamour- ing for more. If the full game keeps up this level then bring it on. October will be a looooong wait. Forza Horizon 4 Xbox One & PC Overkill’s: The Walking Dead CO-OP is the name of the game as you walk into the much-loved world of the Walking Dead. There is a very strong Left 4 Dead vibe at its core. You and three friends team up to do a number of first-person shooter missions while, basi- cally, trying to stay alive. The level we played saw us trying to find where a transmission had come from. We had to work our way through zombie- infested streets. You get two options — go as quietly as you can, with melee weapons so you don’t alert them, or charge in all guns blazing and kick the hornet’s nest. That sounds like fun unless you run out of ammo. It all boiled up to a tense 15-minute taster with puzzles to solve and severe bash-the-zombie sessions. But the face-off with other humans meant a subtle change in tactics. It makes you think. The game had been due out in November but word is it will be delayed until February. Super Smash Bros Ultimate BY far the biggest draw at Nintendo this year had to be the new Smash Bros. It is what it says on the tin — the Ultimate — because it is packed with goodies that the hardcore fans will lap up. It’s also a really easy to pick up and play fighter. It is sheer fun, especially with four players. You get to pick from a huge section of Smash fans’ favourites as well as a few new faces entering the fray. It’s also a neat touch to know you can use the classic Gamecube controller. A must-buy for all Switch owners. Dakar 18 Just Cause 4 Devil May Cry 5 Metro Exodus Assassin’s Creed Odyssey EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW RICO Rodriguez is back with a bag of new tricks. The huge open world is the same size as Just Cause 3, but it now has different levels of vertical gameplay from inside mines to mountain tops. But this is all about blowing stuff up — and there’s plenty of that. Then there’s the new extreme weather system with tornadoes, which ramps the fun up a level. THE public playing debut for the game. It is fast, frantic and stylish — a hack-and-slash feast. The combat felt fresh with a mix of swordplay and guns as well as a new robot hand. Add in a battle against a huge monster boss who gets tougher and tougher and you know you will have to stay on your toes to complete this one. IF you love offroad racing and sim racers then Dakar 18 will float your boat. The official game doesn’t hold your hand. You are in the iconic rally and have little else but the pace notes. There are five types of vehicles from rally cars to bikes and quads and even racing trucks. And the world is huge — racing the length of South America. WE played Metro in London a few months ago so seeing a new section in Cologne was a treat. We got a forest in the dead of night where a number of things went bump. You had to sneak into a camp with a variety of dangers. Stealth was the name of the game as you attack a pirate force looking to hijack the train the heroes are using to cross Russia. This will be a title to look out for. ANOTHER year another Creed. We are in 431BC. This builds on last year’s Origins. We tried a lengthy quest at the show — every- thing was powered up to the highest level. There was a neat twist because the rescue mission turned into a flight of fantasy as you go face-to- face with Medusa. Not your normal enemy. It looks and feels like a great addi- tion to the series. Razer Raiju Ultimate COOL cats want Razer. The firm was everywhere at the show. The the highlight was the Raiju Ultimate PS4 con- troller with wireless and wired connectivity, upgraded ergonomics and MASS cus- tomisation. A dedicated mobile app lets you play with more than 500 customized profiles to fit playstyles with gaming genres. The Chroma sys- tem lets you map the LED so it lights up when you want. Interchangeable thumbsticks, Mecha-Tactile action buttons. OMG. Turtle Beach Elite Atlas TURTLE Beach’s Elite Atlas headset could be the new benchmark for esports audio on PC. It has a sleek metal head- band, ProSpecs glasses- friendly design and blocks out external noise. Shut up! Pro-tuned 50mm Nano- clear speakers and the removable high-sensitivity mic with TruSpeak technol- ogy means great commu- nication with teammates. Oh, it is also good on the go thanks to its 3.5mm jack. Nvidia RTX 2070, RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti Check out the new graphic cards from Nvidia. The show had the firm’s latest productions — the RTX 2070, RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti. RTX refers to real-time ray tracing which is all about modelling light bounces between reflec- tive surfaces in games. It will start at £569 for the RTX 2070, £749 for the RTX 2080 and £1,099 for the RTX 2080 Ti. Razer Thresher for PS4 RAZER also had the Thresher for PS4 — solid audio and comfort as well as wired connec- tion and wirelessly via a 2.4 GHz connection. It has 16 hours’ bat- tery life, wireless range of up to 40ft, on-ear master and microphone controls and an unidi- rectional boom mic. Also compatible with PC, Nintendo Switch and other devices with a 3.5mm audio port. It was also a chance for the firms to do the business that will shape the future. Our gaming guru STUART CULLEN checked out what was hot for 2018 and chat- ted to Forza creative director Ralph Fulton . . . SPECIAL STREETWISE . . . Forza’s gone Scottish with Edinburgh setting LEGO fans are used to being the hero and saving the day, but Traveller’s Tale is set to flip that on it head. Lego DC Super-Villains gives you the chance to fill the boots of some of the best-known bad guys in the DC universe. We got some hands-on time with a special level just for the show. It lets you take control of a gang of five characters, including Lex Luther and Captain Cold, as they go in search of Gorilla Grodd. The gameplay was very much the standard Lego format — smash everything and collect studs while solving a few light puzzles along the way. But it all comes with Lego’s signature style of comedy. Winner. READ GAMING COLUMN PLUS ALL THE LATEST NEWS, REVIEWS AND PREVIEWS AT CODECMOMENTS.COM Lego DC Super-Villains called The Dark Picture Anthology l Xbox announce Forza l Playground show of the Halo mission in Forza Horizon 4

MUSIC & GAMES · 2018. 9. 3. · Colin McGachy (guitar/vocals), David McFarlane (bass/vocals), Kyle McGhee (drums). FOR FANS OF: The Vaccines, Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines

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  • 42 ............... Sunday, August 26, 2018 1SM

    Watch video of the bandat: thescottishsun.co.uk

    NEWMUSICBy Jim Gellatly

    THE DUNTSWHERE: Glasgow.WHO: Rab Smith (vocals/guitar),Colin McGachy (guitar/vocals),David McFarlane (bass/vocals),Kyle McGhee (drums).FOR FANS OF: The Vaccines,Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines.JIM SAYS: The Dunts are anotherof Glasgow’s new breed of punk-fuelled indie rock ’n’ rollers burningup the scene.

    Along with bands such as BabyStrange, Rascalton, Lucia and TheNinth Wave they are part of amovement bursting onto thenational stage.

    It was an incredible feelingwaiting to leave the car park at theSEC in April after a Noel Gallaghergig when I heard The Dunts’ lastsingle blasting across the UKairwaves.

    Birds And The Beez premieredon BBC Radio 1 and it was such athrill to hear it — and a real sense ofnational pride.

    Colin, David and Kyle first gottogether for jamming sessions athigh school. Colin then met singerRab at a house party, and the rest ishistory.

    Last year’s debut EP Not WorkingIs Class got the ball rolling.Originally creating more of an indiesound they cranked it up a bit forthe EP, with opening track Tommy aglorious blast of punk-fuelled rock.

    The infectious singles CoalitionOf Chaos and Dimitri also nailed it.

    The follow-up EP is now ready togo, featuring Birds And The Beezplus the brilliant new single WitchHunt. The song takes its inspirationfrom a punk pioneer, Sex Pistolsand Public Image Ltd man John

    Lydon. Rab explained: “It’s about aninterview John Lydon did where hesaid he’d like to make a documen-tary about some seedy and morallydubious individuals.”

    The upcoming EP is called SelfProclaimed Council Punk. I dooften squirm when bands try toinvent a new genre, but I love theirapproach. Rab told me: “We calledourselves Council Punk on ourTwitter profile and loads of publica-tions started labelling us ‘Self Pro-claimed Council Punk’. It sort ofmade us feel like they were doubt-ing the legitimacy of the term, so weare taking it from them and giving itto . . . ourselves!”

    Brilliant! Already causing a stirwherever they play in Scotland, TheDunts are now making inroadssouth of the border and beyond.

    This weekend they are at theReading and Leeds Festivals, andthen Germany next month. Havingrecently packed out a tent at theBelladrum festival near Inverness,they have another big Scottishevent before heading to Hamburg.

    On Friday they’ll be at ElectricFields in Dumfries & Galloway,headlined by Noel Gallagher’s HighFlying Birds. No doubt hordes oftheir fans will make it down, so itshould almost be like a home-coming. Rab said: “It probably willfeel like a home gig. A lot of placesin Scotland feel like that now, so ourfingers are crossed. We’re on quiteearly but it should still be sound.”

    They’ve also announced aScottish headline tour for October.MORE: thedunts.co.uklJim presents a weekly showcaseof New Music on Amazing RadioSundays 2-4pm.


    IT’S 15 years after a virus almostwiped out humans – leaving manyas zombies. But, this time, theparkour slash-em’-up is moreabout choices. You have Peace-keepers, Scavengers and Degen-erates. Each can change the gamefor good or bad. But, in a neat twist,there is NO right or wrong choices.

    If Techland can pull it off, this willbe a super game.

    ACE developer Ralph Futlon reckonsit was a no-brainer for the Forza fran-chise to hit Scotland — because theroads are just brilliant.

    Forza Horizon 4 gives racers thechance to charge through Edinburgh ortake the more traditional road tripsthrough Glen Coe and past theGlenfinnan Viaduct.

    Fulton, from Ayr, has been a major playerin the new game, but the creative directorinsisted the change of scenery was NOT downto him.

    He said: “I don’t want anyone to think thatit’s in the game because of me. We wentthrough the same process as we have withevery Horizon title in that we look at what wewant to deliver to players in terms of driving andvisuals and beauty of the scenery.

    “But, talking to other Scots, there is anenormous sense of pride.

    “It’s something the whole team felt was justright, but it’s not just Scotland. There are bits ofWales in there too. Britain was just the rightplace to set the game.”

    He added: “Horizon games have traditionallybeen set in places that you would go to for adream holiday.

    “What we have learned over the course of thisproject is that what an incredible place Britainreally is and how many interesting and beautifullocations there are as well as great driving roads,

    which Scotland has. For me, as someone wholived a long time there, grown up there — and Ialso worked in Edinburgh for a good couple ofyears — it’s a special thrill to see places that Iknow really well, and have driven, in a game.

    “My wife is from the West Highlands so drivingthrough Glen Coe is a thing I have done manytimes. Driving past the Glenfinnan Viaduct ispart of that and I get a real tingle every time Isee it in the game.

    “Also, we have always had wildlife. It’s deer inthis one — as well as sheep. There are momentswhen you’ll be driving along and your headlightswill just pick up a stag as it gets startled andruns. That, for me, is a beautiful moment.” Fulton

    was not so happy to miss out Glasgow in thegame, but admits the roads were just not up toscratch. He laughed: “You are trying to get meinto trouble.

    “Glasgow is where my heart is but I don’tthink I would ever say it’s more beautiful thanEdinburgh . . . certainly aesthetically.

    “Glasgow has the famous grid system in thecentre then the M8 just runs right through it.That is great for transport but not really so goodfor the sort of driving we do in Horizon.

    “But Edinburgh also has this ancient gothicbeauty in the architecture and, because it’s builtaround the castle, it has great roads on the hilland the new town. There are some reallyinteresting natural layouts.

    “You can race with others down Princes Street.We have the trams, but a lot of people said they

    TORQUE TALK . . . Stuart and Ralph

    IT wouldn’t be a big gamingshow without some CoDnews . . . and this year’sGamescom was no different.

    Black Ops 4 was on show,but, unfortunately, it was onlythe multiplayer — NOT the newBattle Royal mode, Blackout.

    But what we got to see was anew map set in a futuristicweapons factory which hasplenty of fast-flowing combat

    opportunities as well as chokepoints where teams can dig inand defend.

    We also got a taste of someof the specialists — includingthe gruff, bearded Scot,Torque, with his shield andrazor-wire abilities.

    He’s ideal for objective gamemodes.

    CoD: Black Ops 4

    Tomb Raider: Shadow of the Tomb Raider

    Dying Light 2 Battlefield V

    Rage 2The Division 2Control

    DICE have taken their shooterback to its roots with a SecondWorld War fight. We played a levelwhere we had to capture thestreets of Rotterdam.

    This is a stunning-looking game,and the level of detail gets evenbetter once things start goingboom. There is a decent arsenal ofweapons and the V2 rockets aregame-changers.

    BETHSEDA and AvalancheStudios’ post-apocalypticFPS is a blast from the firstshot to the last. It’s pure IDsoftware — think Doom andWolfenstein.

    You’ll be pulling knee slidesinto rooms and taking outmutants with shotguns.Add in a solid vehiclecombat system and amix of backdrops andRage 2 is shapingup to be one ofthe stand-outFPS games ofthe year.

    SWAP snow-covered NewYork for Washington, fastforward seven months — andgo. The gameplay haschanged — less places tohide and more emphasis onteamwork in the fights.

    We played an epic bat-tle against a well-armed enemy force.

    It was tough but youhave a few tricks likean attack drone aswell as eachagent havingspecial skills,which encouragesteamwork.

    THE first multi-format gamefrom Remedy in some years.

    The Oldest House — HQ ofthe Federal Bureau ofControl — has been invadedby a force called the Hiss.

    New boss Jesse Fedenhas to save the day.

    It’s a neat mix of TwinPeaks and Annihila-tion as it treads theline between actionand thriller. Moreaction-focused thanpast Remedy titles,but Controlcould be asurprise hit.

    MUSIC & GAMES ALL eyes were on Cologne last week as the German city hosted Gamescom — the biggest gaming expo in Europe. More than 500,000 hungry gamers were chomping at the bit to see the latest titles and top tech.

    Our roads are a real Forza nature

    LARA’S back — searching for tombsand kicking ass.

    But this is a much darker tale thanyou might expect but she still takesthe fight to the enemy.

    She is in Latin America hunting fora Mayan relic that could save theworld.

    There is less combat than previ-ous outings.

    There is more puzzle-solving andaction, but don’t let that put youoff — it is without doubt great funand we solved the hidden tombpuzzles.

    Get us.


    Cyberpunk 2077 was given an hour-long preview l New game from Supermassive Games called The Dark Picture Anthology l Xbox announce Forza

    Horizon 4, Shadow of the Tomb Raider Bundle and Fallout 76 will all get a Xbox One X Bundle l Playground show of the Halo mission in Forza Horizon 4

    1SM Sunday, August 26, 2018 ............... 43

    hoped we wouldn’t. It adds to the gameplay. Ifyou drive over them you’ll feel them the sameway if you drive over rail tracks in the openworld. That’s the level of detail we go down in inthe game.”

    The game’s poster car is the awesome McLarenSenna, right, which was on the stand at Games-com in Cologne. Fulton said: “McLaren have beendream partners. They have been so forthcomingabout the Senna. It is a race car for the openroad but its performance and downforce reallymake it stand out from a lot of other cars.”

    Fulton is already expecting community involve-ment from painters, tuners, photographers andracers. He said: “You can do your painting inmore places than ever before, but I think thebiggest thing in terms of creators in the game isthat we have set up the campaign — Horizon Life

    as it’s called — which is set up tocelebrate what they do and reward themfor that.

    “So if people download your liveries orlike them, that will translate intoprogression in the game which will pushyou up the ladder and level you up. Andthe overall goal is to become a Horizonsuperstar.

    “That is where we take a step backand say ‘You can do it however youwant. If racing is your thing, go race. Ifit’s drifting, go sideways . . . but if paint-ing is your thing then you can becomea Horizon superstar just through paint-ing’. The same goes for tuners, photog-raphers and streamers. We are trying tobe as open and flexible as we can.”

    START your engines and burn some rubber. The Gamescom fun fest gave us the chance to get hands-on with the new Forza Horizon 4 game.

    It was a demo build, but it was the perfect taster for a game that will be a massive seller when it comes out in October.

    It started with us getting behind the wheel ofthe powerhouse that is the McLaren Senna

    then ripping up a small part of the English countryside.

    The demo was just one race, but itwas broken into the fourseasons.

    We started in summer thenworked through autumn,winter and spring — with all theweather changes you would

    expect.This brief test drive whets the appetite for

    the full game. We were drifting around country lanes and smashing through stone walls, dodging Fulton’s famous flocks of rogue sheep and trying not to lose the back end in the snow.

    They have kept that fun arcade vibe, while the season system ramps up the fun factor to 11. It all adds depth to the driving experience that puts a smile on your face.

    We also got a taste of what showcase eventswill be like.

    We went up against a team of moto crossersin a souped-up Ford Fiesta

    rally monster.It was all breakneck

    speed through a forestin a desperate bid to getthe upper hand and avoidcatastrophe over anumber of huge jumps.And all the while fightingto stay upright on the mudtrails. The demo may havebeen short but it wassweet. We were clamour-ing for more. If the fullgame keeps up this levelthen bring it on.

    October will be alooooong wait.

    Forza Horizon 4Xbox One & PC

    Overkill’s: The Walking DeadCO-OP is the name of the game as you walk intothe much-loved world of the Walking Dead.There is a very strong Left 4 Dead vibe at itscore.

    You and three friends team up to do a numberof first-person shooter missions while, basi-cally, trying to stay alive.

    The level we played saw us trying to find wherea transmission had come from.

    We had to work our way through zombie-infested streets.

    You get two options — go as quietly as youcan, with melee weapons so you don’t alertthem, or charge in all guns blazing and kick thehornet’s nest. That sounds like fun unless yourun out of ammo.

    It all boiled up to a tense 15-minute taster withpuzzles to solve and severe bash-the-zombiesessions.

    But the face-off with other humans meant asubtle change in tactics. It makes you think.

    The game had been due out in November butword is it will be delayed until February.

    Super Smash Bros UltimateBY far the biggest draw at Nintendothis year had to be the new SmashBros.

    It is what it says on the tin — theUltimate — because it is packed withgoodies that the hardcore fans willlap up.

    It’s also a really easy to pick up andplay fighter. It is sheer fun, especiallywith four players. You get to pick froma huge section of Smash fans’favourites as well as a few new facesentering the fray.

    It’s also a neat touch to know youcan use the classic Gamecubecontroller. A must-buy for all Switchowners.

    Dakar 18Just Cause 4 Devil May Cry 5

    Metro ExodusAssassin’s Creed Odyssey


    RICO Rodriguez is back with a bagof new tricks. The huge open worldis the same size as Just Cause 3,but it now has different levels ofvertical gameplay from insidemines to mountain tops.

    But this is all about blowing stuffup — and there’s plenty of that.

    Then there’s the new extremeweather system with tornadoes,which ramps the fun up a level.

    THE public playing debut for thegame. It is fast, frantic and stylish— a hack-and-slash feast.

    The combat felt fresh with a mixof swordplay and guns as well as anew robot hand.

    Add in a battle against a hugemonster boss who gets tougherand tougher and you know you willhave to stay on your toes tocomplete this one.

    IF you love offroad racing and simracers then Dakar 18 will float yourboat. The official game doesn’thold your hand.

    You are in the iconic rally andhave little else but the pace notes.

    There are five types of vehiclesfrom rally cars to bikes and quadsand even racing trucks. And theworld is huge — racing the lengthof South America.

    WE played Metro in London afew months ago so seeing anew section in Cologne was atreat. We got a forest in thedead of night where anumber of things went bump.

    You had to sneak into acamp with a variety ofdangers. Stealth was thename of the game asyou attack a pirateforce looking tohijack the train theheroes are usingto cross Russia.

    This will be atitle to look outfor.

    ANOTHER year anotherCreed. We are in 431BC.

    This builds on last year’sOrigins. We tried a lengthyquest at the show — every-thing was powered up to thehighest level. There was aneat twist because the rescuemission turned into a flight offantasy as yougo face-to- facewith Medusa.Not your normalenemy. It looksand feels like agreat addi-tion to theseries.

    Razer RaijuUltimate

    COOL cats want Razer. Thefirm was everywhere at theshow. The the highlight wasthe Raiju Ultimate PS4 con-troller with wireless andwired connectivity, upgradedergonomics and MASS cus-tomisation.

    A dedicated mobile applets you play with more than500 customized profiles tofit playstyles with gaminggenres. The Chroma sys-tem lets you map the LEDso it lights up when youwant. Interchangeablethumbsticks, Mecha-Tactileaction buttons. OMG.

    Turtle Beach Elite Atlas

    TURTLE Beach’s Elite Atlasheadset could be the newbenchmark for esportsaudio on PC.

    It has a sleek metal head-band, ProSpecs glasses-friendly design andblocks out external noise.Shut up!

    Pro-tuned 50mm Nano-clear speakers and theremovable high-sensitivitymic with TruSpeak technol-ogy means great commu-nication with teammates.Oh, it is also good on thego thanks to its 3.5mmjack.

    Nvidia RTX 2070, RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti

    Check out the newgraphic cards fromNvidia.

    The show had thefirm’s latest productions— the RTX 2070, RTX2080 and RTX 2080 Ti.RTX refers to real-timeray tracing which is allabout modelling lightbounces between reflec-tive surfaces in games. Itwill start at £569 for theRTX 2070, £749 for theRTX 2080 and £1,099 forthe RTX 2080 Ti.

    Razer Thresher for PS4

    RAZER also had theThresher for PS4 —solid audio and comfortas well as wired connec-tion and wirelessly via a2.4 GHz connection.

    It has 16 hours’ bat-tery life, wireless rangeof up to 40ft, on-earmaster and microphonecontrols and an unidi-rectional boom mic.Also compatible withPC, Nintendo Switchand other devices with a3.5mm audio port.

    It was also a chance for the firms to do the business that will shape the future. Our gaming guru STUART CULLEN checked out what was hot for 2018 and chat-ted to Forza creative director Ralph Fulton . . . SPECIAL

    STREETWISE . . . Forza’s gone Scottish with Edinburgh setting

    Our roads are a real Forza nature

    LEGO fans are used to being thehero and saving the day, butTraveller’s Tale is set to flip thaton it head.

    Lego DC Super-Villains givesyou the chance to fill the boots ofsome of the best-known badguys in the DC universe.

    We got some hands-on timewith a special level just for theshow. It lets you take control ofa gang of five characters,

    including Lex Luther andCaptain Cold, as they go insearch of Gorilla Grodd.

    The gameplay was very muchthe standard Lego format —smash everything and collectstuds while solving a few lightpuzzles along the way. But it allcomes with Lego’s signaturestyle of comedy. Winner.


    Lego DC Super-Villains

    Cyberpunk 2077 was given a hour-long preview l New game from Supermassive Games called The Dark Picture Anthology l Xbox announce Forza

    Horizon 4, Shadow of the Tomb Raider Bundle and Fallout 76 will all get a Xbox One X Bundle l Playground show of the Halo mission in Forza Horizon 4