1 Newsletter of Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church ~ June, 2021 Newsletter of Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church ~ June, 2021 In this issue . . . Musician Tony Leon Dear Seniors . . . St. Charles Graduates Another Celebration of Independence New Members of St. Charles; también en español June Calendar Saints and Days; A Poem by mkj Parish Life Music This Side of Heaven – Tony Leon EYUEYUEYUE Tony Leon, though a freshman in college, is a mature and accomplished musician on both the piano and organ. He began his formal training at just four years old. “My mother told me I kept practicing no matter what.” His fam- ily’s parish is St. Francis of Assisi. His teacher was Nancy Matevier who is the organist at St. Francis. He attended Rosary School for grade school and Mount Saint Mary’s for high school. He is currently a freshman at Oklahoma City University, studying music and pharmacy. He said, “I took piano until the 8 th grade and then switched to organ.” He has studied with the organists at Christ the King and St. Francis of Assisi. His favorite style of music and composers are French and English; specifi- cally Cesar Franck and Louis Vierne. If Tony’s last name sounds familiar to some, he is the son of Joe and Giselle Leon and the great-nephew of Philip and Linda Leon and Marcy and Don Gray. Through them, he came to St. Charles to play at the 8 a.m. Mass every other weekend when there was an opening after Marianne Kokojan’s departure. He continues to share his talents with us at the 8 a.m. Mass, every other weekend. His time at St. Charles is the first time he has played for Masses though he has had years of experience in other venues. “It took awhile to get the hang of things,” he said. Tony feels his talent for music is a gift from God. He said, “Since God gave me this gift I think I should serve Him with this music. That’s why I like to play church mu- sic.” His future plans include being a pharmacist and then “side gigs playing at Masses on the weekends like I’m do- ing now.” Thank you, Tony, for sharing your God-given musical gifts with us. —Monica Knudsen “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”-Mk. 4:41 So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. —2 Cor. 5:17; 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Music This Side of Heaven – Tony Leon

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Newsletter of Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church ~ June, 2021Newsletter of Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church ~ June, 2021

In this issue . . .Musician Tony LeonDear Seniors . . .St. Charles GraduatesAnother Celebration of IndependenceNew Members of St. Charles; también en españolJune CalendarSaints and Days; A Poem by mkjParish Life

Music This Side of Heaven – Tony Leon


Tony Leon, though a freshman in college, is a matureand accomplished musician on both the piano and organ.He began his formal training at just four years old. “Mymother told me I kept practicing no matter what.” His fam-ily’s parish is St. Francis of Assisi.His teacher was Nancy Matevier who is the organist at

St. Francis. He attended Rosary School for grade schooland Mount Saint Mary’s for high school. He is currently afreshman at Oklahoma City University, studying musicand pharmacy.He said, “I took piano until the 8th grade and then

switched to organ.” He has studied with the organists atChrist the King and St. Francis of Assisi. His favorite styleof music and composers are French and English; specifi-cally Cesar Franck and Louis Vierne.If Tony’s last name sounds familiar to some, he is the

son of Joe and Giselle Leon and the great-nephew of Philipand Linda Leon and Marcy and Don Gray. Through them,he came to St. Charles to play at the 8 a.m. Mass everyother weekend when there was an opening after MarianneKokojan’s departure. He continues to share his talents withus at the 8 a.m. Mass, every other weekend.His time at St. Charles is the first time he has played for

Masses though he has had years of experience in othervenues. “It took awhile to get the hang of things,” he said.Tony feels his talent for music is a gift from God. He

said, “Since God gave me this gift I think I should serveHim with this music. That’s why I like to play church mu-sic.”His future plans include being a pharmacist and then

“side gigs playing at Masses on the weekends like I’m do-ing now.” Thank you, Tony, for sharing your God-givenmusical gifts with us.—Monica Knudsen

“Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”-Mk. 4:41

So whoever is in Christ is a new creation:the old things have passed away; behold,new things have come.

—2 Cor. 5:17; 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time



I want to start off by expressing how thankful andblessed I am to have been your youth minister through-out your high school journey. Since, working at St.Charles, I have met so many wonderful and creative stu-dents, all unique in their own way. You have blessed uswith your presence and left a mark in our parish commu-nity.I truly cherish all the great memories we created. I es-

pecially appreciate your joyous and optimistic attitudewhen you participated in planning our youth group activ-ities to make it more enjoyable and fun for everyone.You continuously made sure everyone was included andno one ever felt left out. You demonstrated a servingand giving heart when you happily volunteered at theDorothy Day Center for our holiday programs, as well asthe times you volunteered with Totus Tuus, and the Ok-lahoma Regional Food Bank. All these would not havebeen possible without your participation. I have greatlyadmired all the hard work and dedication you put intoour fundraisers to make our Steubenville trip possible.You never ceased to impress me. You all became leaderswithin our youth ministry. I can't wait to see all the greatthings you will accomplish in the future.However, it is always a bittersweet feeling seeing our

high school seniors graduate, as we can only hope andpray that you will all come back and continue to kindleyour faith as you go on to college or wherever you de-

cide to go. That is why I want to encourage you to not letgo of your faith as you move forward in life. The churchneeds you and all of your amazing talents and gifts. Youalso need the church. Following God is not always aneasy road. It can be bumpy and challenging at times, butknowing that you have a safe place where you can al-ways find a helping hand makes it a lot easier. I knowthat college or a job will be very important and time con-suming for you but do not let it take away time from be-ing with God and His church. Let Him be the center ofall you do.Before I end, I want to give a special shout out to

Lizett Velasco, Araceli Rojas, Isaac Lopez, Maria Velas-co, Veronica Trujillo and all the seniors who will orhave already graduated. You have made our youth min-istry exceptionally special.May God bless your path and make your dreams come

true. Know that you can always count on me and on yourparish community. I will continue praying for you sothat God is always by your side guiding your way. Bestof luck!Your youth minister and friend,Alejandra Godinez


Dear Youth Group High School Seniors,

6 What do you call an ugly dinosaur?

An eyesaur.

Dear Youth Group High School Seniors,

An Introduction fromMr. Gortner, Middle School Writing and Social Studies TeacherThe 8th grade class at St. Charles Borromeo is a truly special group of students. They have played an integral

role in the life of the school for the past several years. Some of them have attended St. Charles Borromeo as farback as preschool or kindergarten. This year I have been especially impressed by the graceful and mature way inwhich they have dealt with all of the challenges surrounding COVID-19.These students are role models in faith, academics, athletics, and more. Most importantly, they embody the

mission statement of our school. The eighth grade class is “empowered by gospel values”, they are “lifetimelearners,” and they are “Christ-like in Serving, Caring, and Becoming.” Their futures are bright. I am eager to seethe positive impact they make on our Church, our schools, and our community in the coming years!Thank you for all that you have done over the years to support this special group of students. Please keep them

in your prayers as they embark on the next chapter in their lives! We are blessed to have such a generous parishthat supports our church and school. As one student said, “I really couldn't be more grateful.”



Jackson ChaseBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolOne of my favorite memories while attending St.

Charles Borromeo was in third grade when we took aclass field trip to the Science Museum. I remember, pre-cisely, getting checked out, while all of my other class-mates had to return to the school to finish the day. Thatwas a very good day.Andre ChirinosBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolThe thing I will miss most about St. Charles is the

friends I made, and certain ones, who have stuck withme through school and know that I can count on them tomake me smile or laugh.Juan GuerreroBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolOne of my favorite memories at St. Charles is when I

went to the haunted house with my friends and they weregrabbing onto me and they fell, and I ditched them.Thank you for this school. I will miss this school a lot. Ihave lots of great memories here that I will never forget.Emily HernandezEmily is a great student and an even better person. She

was absent during the time the eighth graders wrote thisletter, so she was unable to contribute. She will bemissed next year!Micah KrauszBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolMy favorite memory was when I was in sixth grade

and ran for house captain, and earned the title of beingthe house captain for Baptist House in seventh grade. It

Farewell to our Eighth Grade Studentswas a tremendous accomplishment and achievement.Throughout the school, I have strived for leadership anddignity.Maisie KrodelBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolOne thing that I will definitely miss about Saint

Charles is all of my friends who are going to differentschools or who are still going to be here. I’m also goingto miss the really nice teachers who put up with my in-teresting behavior.Amy LeBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolMy favorite memories at St. Charles were at the Hal-

loween Carnival we used to do each year. I will definite-ly still come to the Annual Halloween Carnival even af-ter 8th grade. Not only was it a great night to have funand work at booths, but a pretty big fundraiser for theschool. I will miss the teachers, end of the school yeargames, and field trips. What I’ll miss the most about St.Charles are the friends I won’t see in high school, manyof which I have been attending school with since kinder-garten. If not for the parishioners, memories like theHalloween Carnival would not have been able to hap-pen.Cain MoralesCristo Rey Oklahoma City Catholic High SchoolWhat I will miss most about St.Charles is all the peo-

ple I met and made friends with. I went to this school mywhole life, from Kindergarten all the way to 8th grade. Itwill be hard and weird for me to get used to going to adifferent school and having new friends and teachers.

Farewell to our Eighth Grade Students

An Introduction fromMr. Gortner, Middle School Writing and Social Studies Teacher


Amber PerezMount St. Mary Catholic High SchoolI am going to miss Alexa, because even though I was

out of my mind and doing crazy things that no onewould do, she was there next to me ready to take thegood and bad. One time in P.E, I wrestled with a 7thgrader for a ball. He didn’t know that I took Jiu Jitsu. Ibent his arm and took the ball. After he got up Alexawent to him and said “ Oh did I forget to mention thatshe does Jiu Jitsu?”Lauren PotterBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolSt. Charles has been such an exceptional school. I’ve

made many special memories and created relationshipswith other students and teachers that I will remember forthe rest of my life. St. Charles has helped me grow infaith as well as education and I will sincerely miss theschool.Alejandra R.MCristo Rey Oklahoma City Catholic High SchoolMy favorite memory (from St. Charles) was probably

last year. It may sound silly, but going on a bus ride withmy classmates was fun. The thing I’ll miss the mostabout St. Charles is probably my classmates. SometimesI might get mad at them, but overall, I made some goodmemories.Ytzel RomoBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolThis school has been an important highlight in my life.

I’ve made so many memorable memories at this schoolsince kindergarten. The thing that I will miss the most isthe relationships I have formed with my classmates, stu-dents, and teachers.Alexa RuizBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolMy favorite memory is when we all went to Harn

Homestead as a class field trip. We were in fourth gradeat that time. We got to see old schools and many othercool things. I will also miss all of my classmates, yesAmber, you too. All of us have had so many funnymemories.Lucas StoneMount Saint Mary Catholic High SchoolI have had many amazing memories and made many

great friends while attending St. Charles Borroemo. Oneof my greatest memories of all my years here is just gen-erally everyday getting to see all of my friends as every-

one and all of the teachers are so nice and caring abouteveryone. This school has made such a big impact on mylife and on my faith.Goretty VelascoCristo Rey Oklahoma City Catholic High SchoolI really enjoyed St.Charles, and will greatly miss the

excitement of the last day, field day. This was when thewhole school came together, and did a series of activi-ties. Whichever team gets the most points, wins! It is al-ways a fun experience to end the year, and connect thewhole school, for one last day.Jorge VelascoCristo Rey Oklahoma City Catholic High SchoolOne thing I will miss from the St. Charles community

is the family-like feeling they give to everyone. No oneis left out here and I felt accepted the first year I camehere.Laura WhiteBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolOne of my favorite memories from St. Charles was go-

ing to Harn Homestead in fourth grade. I was inspired bythe way people used to live and wanted to understandmore about that time of history. I will miss spendingtime with my friends, but I will always remember thememories I made here.Rock YorkBishop McGuinness Catholic High SchoolMy favorite memory of St. Charles was in 6th grade;

the house tournaments we did. We just joined middleschool so it was really cool that we just joined straight into activities. Another favorite memory was on Fridayswhen our house used to sit together, and we would allcram into one table. It was really funny for me, a bigguy, to fit in the table. Thanks!


We welcome these adults and young people who unit-ed with the Church at the Easter Vigil and who spenttheir time learning about their faith, in person for theadults and online instead of in person for the youth, dur-ing this difficult pandemic year. Congratulations go toyou for your effort and commitment.Heberto Escobar works as a chemical store manager.

He is originally from Guatemala and finds the CatholicMass very beautiful and the entire group of instructors inRCIA very helpful. Following the things of God is im-portant to him as well as all that is contained in the HolyBible. He is looking forward to receiving the sacramentsand having his marriage blessed. He and his wife haveone son and two daughters. His sponsors are David andLorena Pacheco.Mirna Liliana Méndez Mazarigos is the assistant

manager at a small company. She and her husband havethree children. They are looking forward to receiving thesacraments and having their marriage blessed as well.She would like to continue in the path of the Lord andmotivate those who are not reached. She finds at St.Charles the origins of the truth of our Lord. Her sponsorsare David and Lorena Pacheco.Mariana López López is a student whose family has

shown her the beauty of having faith and knowing God.Her family is close and united and they are a team in ev-ery situation, good or bad. She is originally from Calvil-lo, Aguascalientes, Mexico. St. Charles is a united andcharitable church and she likes that about the parish. Shelikes to cook in her spare time and enjoys baking cakes.Her sponsor is Ariana López EscobedoIrma Aracely Ramirez is originally from Honduras.

Her love of God and the church attracted her to theCatholic faith. She has three beautiful daughters and iswaiting for her two older daughters to complete the pro-cess of immigration. When they are reunited they will behappy again in the name of God. She enjoys coming toMass at St. Charles, the church teachings, and looks for-ward to growth in faith and walking in the ways of God.Her sponsors are Lorena and David Pacheco.Elsy Cifuentes is a student. She is the oldest of five

siblings. She lives at home with her parents. She is origi-nally from Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. She says whatattracted her to the Catholic faith was to be able to knowmore about God and the importance of each sacrament inour lives as Catholics. She likes the friendliness of St.Charles. She comes from a large, close family. Her hob-SVSSDSSVS

Add Another Celebration ofIndependence to Your Summer

Perhaps last year amidst the wave of racial con-sciousness, you heard of Juneteenth for the first time.Friends from Texas told me they had always heard ofJuneteenth, a celebration of the freeing of those pre-viously enslaved. A little more research explainedwhy Texans may have had one up on Oklahomans(only in this case, of course) regarding the holiday.After the Civil War ended, Union troops began to

occupy formerly Confederate states and to enforcefederal law, namely the Emancipation Proclamation.June 19, 1865 is the day Union soldiers marchedthrough Galveston, Texas announcing and postingaround the cityThe people of Texas are informed that, in accor-

dance with a proclamation from the Executive of theUnited States, all slaves are free. This involves an ab-solute equality of personal rights and rights of prop-erty between former masters and slaves, and the con-nection heretofore existing between them becomesthat between employer and hired labor . . . (GeneralOrder No. 3).Two and a half years after President Lincoln signed

the Emancipation Proclamation (Sept. 22, 1862), peo-ple in Texas were learning about their freedom. (Itwill take the Thirteenth Amendment ratified later in1865 to constitutionally abolish slavery.) But as earlyas 1866, church communities in Texas began cele-brating June 19th—contracted, the date became June-teenth.The celebration marking the end of slavery gradu-

ally spread throughout the south. During the HarlemRenaissance of the 1920s, awareness of the signifi-cant day spread to northern African American com-munities. The Civil Rights movement brought a sec-ond resurgence of popularity.Church was the safe, logical, gathering place for

emancipated Black Americans, therefore Juneteenthcelebrations began there. Church is a natural gather-ing place to celebrate the inherent dignity of the hu-man person. It is fitting to stand in solidarity withspirit of Juneteenth that recognizes an end to the un-holy degradation that is slavery.—Kathy Judge

Add Another Celebration ofIndependence to Your Summer

WeWelcome These Adults and Young Peopleto our St. Charles Family!

WeWelcome These Adults and Young Peopleto our St. Charles Family!


Les damos la bienvenida a estos adultos y jóvenes quese unieron a la Iglesia en la Vigilia Pascual y quepasaron su tiempo aprendiendo sobre su fe, en personapara los adultos y en línea en lugar de en persona paralos jóvenes, durante este difícil año de pandemia.Felicidades por su esfuerzo y compromiso.Heberto Escobar trabaja como gerente de una tienda

de químicos. Él es originario de Guatemala y encuentrala Misa Católica muy hermosa y todo el grupo deinstructores de RICA muy servicial. Seguir las cosas deDios es importante para él, así como todo lo quecontiene la Santa Biblia. Espera recibir los sacramentosy que su matrimonio sea bendecido. Él y su esposatienen un hijo y dos hijas. Sus patrocinadores son Davidy Lorena Pacheco.Mirna Liliana Méndez Mazarigos es subdirectora de

una pequeña empresa. Ella y su esposo tienen tres hijos.Esperan con ansias recibir los sacramentos y tambiénque su matrimonio sea bendecido. Le gustaría continuaren el camino del Señor y motivar a los que no se lespuede alcanzar. Encuentra en la Iglesia de San Carlos losorígenes de la verdad de nuestro Señor. Suspatrocinadores son David y Lorena Pacheco.Mariana López López es una estudiante cuya familia

le ha mostrado la belleza de tener fe y conocer a Dios.Su familia es muy unida y son un equipo en cadasituación, buena o mala. Es originaria de Calvillo,Aguascalientes, México. San Carlos es una iglesia uniday caritativa y eso le gusta de la parroquia. Le gustacocinar en su tiempo libre y le gusta hornear pasteles. Sumadrina es Ariana López EscobedoIrma Aracely Ramirez es originaria de Honduras. Su

amor por Dios y la iglesia la atrajo a la fe católica. Tienetres hermosas hijas y está esperando que sus dos hijasmayores completen el proceso de inmigración. Cuandose reúnan, volverán a ser felices en el nombre de Dios.Le gusta asistir a Misa en St. Charles, las enseñanzas dela iglesia, y espera crecer en la fe y caminar en loscaminos de Dios. Sus patrocinadores son Lorena yDavid Pacheco.

receive the sacraments, and also enjoys hearing storiesabout God, singing and being close to God. Her sponsorsare Miguel Coti and Dilia Paxtor.*Denotes a minor.

¡Dimos la bienvenida a estos adultos y

jóvenes a nuestra familia de San Carlos en laPascua!

bies are spending time with her nephews, and exercising.Her sponsors are Abelino Caldero and Teresa Cifuentes.Jose Diego is a carpenter “like St. Joseph.” He is orig-

inally from Calvillo, Aguascalientes, Mexico. He enjoyshis work and found the RCIA classes and teachers his fa-vorite parts of being at St. Charles. He was attracted tothe Catholic faith in order to learn more about Our LordJesus. His hobby is fishing. His sponsor is Elvira Gonza-lez.Gabriela Reyes works as a waitress. She is blessed

with five children. Many family members, her grand-mother, mother and others in her family belong to theCatholic faith. Gabriela is originally from Ciudad Juarez,Mexico. Her sponsor is Teresa Garcia.Shelby Liliana Escobar Méndez was born in Los An-

geles, lived there until she was six and has lived in Okla-homa City ever since. She is a student who finds St.Charles parish welcoming, regardless of whether you arenew, visiting or part of the parish. When she saw herfriends who were interested she wanted to learn and be apart of the experience. Her family is involved in church,sports and music. She plays the violin for the school or-chestra, participates in track and cross country and is in-volved in Youth in Action, which is a group that helpsthe community.Jimmy* is a young student who likes the mosaic art at

the church. He was born in California but grew up inOklahoma City. He was attracted to the Catholic faithbecause he wants to grow closer to God. He and his sib-lings are all in orchestra. He plays the viola and recre-ational soccer.Brittney* is a young student who finds St. Charles

parish a welcoming place where she can grow closer toGod. She was born in California and is being raised inOklahoma City. She plays the viola, and plays volleyballfor sport.The sponsors for these three students are Benjamin

Reyes and Edilsa Reyes Escobar.Maria José* was born and raised in Oklahoma City.

She is a young student who says the Catholic faith offersher the opportunity to start over and has helped with notcommitting sins. She likes the celebrations of religiousholidays and her hobbies are painting, piano and ridinghorses. She has traveled with her family to Mexico tovisit her grandmother and Louisiana to visit her sister.Her sponsor is Cyndi Hernández.Ayelen* is a young student who was born and raised

in Oklahoma City. She says her family is loving and car-ing and they care about her education. She is excited to

¡Dimos la bienvenida a estos adultos yjóvenes a nuestra familia de San Carlos en la



6 Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish and he will spend a fortune

on gear he will only use twice a year.

6 What happened when the cast of ‘Friends’ werestuck out at sea in a life raft?They were fine because Lisa Kudrow.

Elsy Cifuentes es estudiante. Es la mayor de cincohermanos. Vive en casa con sus padres. Es originaria deQuetzaltenango, Guatemala. Dice que lo que la atrajo ala fe católica fue poder conocer más sobre Dios y laimportancia de cada sacramento en nuestras vidas comocatólicos. Le gusta la amabilidad de San Carlos.Proviene de una familia numerosa y unida. ¿Suspasatiempos son pasar tiempo con sus sobrinos, y hacerejercicio. Sus patrocinadores son Abelino Caldero yTeresa Cifuentes.José Diego es carpintero "como San José". Es

originario de Calvillo, Aguascalientes, México. Disfrutade su trabajo y encontró que las clases y los maestros deRICA son sus partes favoritas de estar en St. Charles. Sesintió atraído por la fe católica para aprender más sobreNuestro Señor Jesús. Su afición es la pesca. Supatrocinadora es Elvira González.Gabriela Reyes trabaja como mesera. Tiene la suerte

de tener cinco hijos. Muchos miembros de la familia, suabuela, su madre y otros miembros de su familiapertenecen a la fe católica. Gabriela es originaria deCiudad Juárez, México. Su madrina es Teresa García.Shelby Liliana Escobar Méndez nació en Los

Ángeles, vivió allí hasta los seis años y ha vivido enOklahoma City desde entonces. Ella es una estudianteque encontró acogedora la parroquia de St. Charles, sinimportar si eres nuevo, estás de visita o eres parte de laparroquia. Al ver que sus amigos estaban interesados, yparticipando en nuestra Fe, quiso aprender y ser parte dela experiencia. Su familia está involucrada en la iglesia,los deportes y la música. Le gusta tocar música,participar en pistas y cross country y está involucrada enYouth in Action, un grupo, que ayuda a la comunidad.Jimmy * es un joven estudiante al que le gusta el arte

del mosaico en la iglesia. Nació en California perocreció en Oklahoma City. Se sintió atraído por la fecatólica porque quiere acercarse más a Dios. Él y sushermanas participan en la orquesta de su escuela. Toca laviola y practica el fútbol recreativo.Brittney * es una joven estudiante que encuentra en la

parroquia de St. Charles un lugar acogedor donde puedeacercarse más a Dios. Nació en California y se crió enOklahoma City. Toca la viola y en los deportes le gustael voleibol.Los patrocinadores de estos tres estudiantes son

Benjamín Reyes y Edilsa Reyes Escobar.Maria José * nació y se crió en Oklahoma City. Es

una joven estudiante que dice que la fe católica le ofrecela oportunidad de empezar de nuevo y nos ayuda para no

cometer pecados. Le gustan las celebraciones de fiestasreligiosas. Sus aficiones son la pintura, el piano y montara caballo. Ha viajado con su familia a México paravisitar a su abuela y Louisiana para visitar a su hermana.Su patrocinadora es Cyndi Hernández.Ayelen * es una joven estudiante que nació y se crió

en Oklahoma City. Ella dice que su familia es cariñosa yamorosa y que se preocupan por su educación. Estáansiosa de recibir los sacramentos, y le gusta escucharhistorias sobre Dios, cantar y estar cerca de Dios. Suspatrocinadores son Miguel Coti y Dilia Paxtor.* Denota menor de edad.

6 My wife said to me this morning, “What wouldyou do if I won the lottery?”I said, “I’d take my half and leave you.”She said, “Great! I won $12 yesterday,here’s your $6. Stay in touch.”


St. Charles Borromeo—June 2021Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 3 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29


11 2 2 3 4

30 30 30

11 1

Confessions everySaturday at 3 pmAdoration every

Wednesdayat 11:00 am - 3:00 pm









May 2021S029162330







July 2021S0411182530

6:00 PMSocial MinistryBoard - Kastner


10:30 AM FoodBank Delivery

Father's Day

7;00 PM BaptismalSeminar Eng inmeeting Room C

7;00 PM BaptismalSeminar Eng inmeeting Room C

8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


5:30 PM Finance Board

7;00 PM ParishCouncli - Zoom

7:00 PM Talleresde Oración MtgRoom A/B

3:00 PM-7:00 PMSchool Office


6:30 PMPeace & Justice -


5:30 PMStewardship

Meeting - Zoom

Adoration11AM - 3PMWednesday

4:00 PM NewsletterMeeting-

Kastner Room

11:30 AMSenior Mass

11:30 AMSenior Mass

11:30 AMSenior Mass

11:30 AMSenior Mass

9:00 AM CatholicWorker Delivery

9:00 AM CatholicWorker Delivery

9:00 AM ClasePreBautismal enBeckman Hall

9:00 AM ClasePreBautismal enBeckman Hall

6:00 PM-8:00 PMFarewell toFr. Macario

11:00 AMBautismosEspañol

6:00 PMBaptismsEnglish

8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


8:00 AM-4:00 PMSchool Office


3:00 PM-7:00 PMSchool Office


3:00 PM-7:00 PMSchool Office


3:00 PM-7:00 PMSchool Office


3:00 PM-7:00 PMSchool Office


Corpus Christi; June 6

7:00 PM Talleresde Oración MtgRoom A/B

7:00 PM Talleresde Oración MtgRoom A/B

7:00 PM Talleresde Oración MtgRoom A/B

7:00 PM Talleresde Oración MtgRoom A/B


June Saints and Days

01 St. Justin, Martyr;Memorial02 [Ss. Marcellinus and Peter]03 St. Charles Lwanga and Companions;Memorial05 St. Boniface;Memorial06 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ; Solemnity09 [St. Ephrem]11 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; Solemnity12 The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary;Memorial13 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time14 Flag Day19 [St. Romuald]; Juneteenth20 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Fathar's Day21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga;Memorial22 [St. Paulinus of Nola; Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More]24 The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist; Solemnity27 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time28 St. Irenaeus;Memorial29 Saints Peter and Paul; Solemnity30 [The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church]

Summer 2021

Releaselike wings unfurling.Soar,

rising to see the curved worldbeyond the road we have been walking,outside the walls that, yes, we needed for warmth and health. Butthere’s a globe seen from dove’s perspectivewithout hard edgesalways touched somewhere by sunlight,always everywhere seeing the same shifts of moonlight.


6 Aladdin has been banned from the magic carpet race.

Apparently he’s been using performance enhancing rugs.

6 My wife blocked me on Facebook because I post too many bird puns.

Well, toucan play at that game.

6 I hate spelling errors.

You mix up two letters and your whole one liner is urined.

6 I tried to find a pun about carpentry.

But nothing wood work.

6 Two termites walk into a pub and ask,

“Is the bar tender here?”

6 Bigfoot is sometimes confused

with Sasquatch . . .

Yeti never complains.

6 What’s Irish and stays outside all year?

Patty O’Furniture.

HumilitasWe, your newsletter team, submit this issue with humility and thanks to God: Michael Carpenter, Alejandra

Godinez, Mr.Gortner and his 8th grade students, Kathy Judge, Monica Knudsen, Margaret Phipps,Special thanks to Carmen Santos-Heinen

print shop: Karen Flores, Jennifer Hernandez-Reyes

Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church5024 N.Grove, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73122

(405) 789-2595 ~ www.stcharlesokc.org


Baptisms-AprilEliana Luevano

Gabriela Garcia-JuarezArturo Segovia EscobarNorah Isabel MaciasSaul Saldivar Fragoza

Natalia Guerrero VelascoVictoria Morales

Ximena Belen HernandezKaitlyn Marina Miranda Martinez

New Parishioners-AprilHector Mejia and Marta Flores

Kristine LeYesenia SotoLeslia Deleon

Cornelio Sanchez and Amor VelascoRutilio and Fatima VelascoHerardo and Nilvia CalderonAlejandro and Maria Vara

Ramiro GarciaMiguel Lopez and Ana Escobar

Blanca NealMaria Esparza

Juan Lopez and Dulce Ruiz

Anniversaries-JuneJune Anniv.06th Brandon and Miriam Due 23rd09th Felix and Felecia Igbeka 20th10th Daniel and Marilee Talbot 26th16th Terry and Peggy Flinton 37th

Richard andCharlene Smith 31st23rd Santos and Geneva Guerra 55th24th Mike and Carol Bertels 32nd

Oscar and Maricela Hernandez 07th26th Rick and Diana Harris 28th30th Horacio and Gabriela Avila 21st

Parish LifeParish Life

Deaths-AprilLuetta Morrissey

Gerardo Escobar Garcia Jr.

Weddings-AprilAntonio Fernandez and Lizbeth Castaneda

Luis Guzman and Yvette Romo

The Most Holy Body and Blood of ChristJune 6

6 I had a hen who could count her own eggs.

She was a mathemachicken.